jar launcher crashes randomly

2005-06-12 Thread stylo stylo
No one has ever heard of this?

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RE: how to post

2005-06-12 Thread stylo stylo
Obviously the form should not even appear if you are not signed in and not 
permitted to post, but rather the sign in/register info and links.

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Re: jar launcher crashes randomly

2005-06-12 Thread Aaron DC
It really depends on the trajectory you are planning and the type of
condiment in the jar. Here in Australia we use Vegemite jars, although the
Nutella jar is also popular.

The majority of jar launcher crashes occur when the release mechanism is
triggered but the jar is too firmly (or not firmly enough) attached to the
device. The key is to make sure the lid is tight, and the bottom of the jar
is wiped clean of all and any stickiness. A loose lid can lead to
instability as the jar approaches escape velocity, causing havoc with the
jar launcher's jar release mechanism. Sticky jar bottoms cause a similar
problem. Having the correct density of condiment (eg Vegemite or Nutella)
also play a major part in successful launches, where as the jams (jelly) and
other toppings tend to be either too light or too dense, causing misfires
and consequent launcher crashes.

A secondary problem occurs when the jar launcher trajectory is too
ambitious: any launch really needs to be between 27.5 and 67.5 degrees to
the horizon, or the force vectors at the moment of release tend to reach a
level of dissonanace that leads to a dirty jar release and subsequent
launcher crash.

Make sure you have the jar launcher tripod firmly locked into position on a
firm, stable surface; have a fresh jar of suitably dense condiment, with the
lid screwed on firmly and bottom surface wiped perfectly clean; remember to
keep the trajectory angle reasonable and you should be fine.

Good luck!

- Original Message -
From: stylo stylo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CF-Talk cf-talk@houseoffusion.com
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2005 5:14 PM
Subject: jar launcher crashes randomly

 No one has ever heard of this?

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Re: best way to invoke a cfc

2005-06-12 Thread Jared Rypka-Hauer - CMG, LLC
Hey Dave,

Just a quick note to clarify... the end result of any call to a CFC is an 
instance of an object.

Whether you're using cfinvoke, cfobject, or createObject(), you're still 
creating an instance of an object that can be used to store data and execute 

The difference is how that object works. Some objects are stateless (i.e. 
they don't store data and they generally have a minimal lifespan), and 
others are stateful (i.e. they do store data and they're the kind of object 
you'd keep in the application or session scope). If you have something like 
math.cfc, and it has a method called addition(), it might work like this:

cfset num1 = 10
cfset num2 = 11
cfinvoke component=math method=addition number1=#num1# 
number2=#num2 returnvariable=added /

Internally, addition has this to say:
cffunction name=addition
cfargument name=number1 type=numeric /
cfargument name=number2 type=numeric /
cfreturn arguments.number1+arguments.number2 /

That's a method where CFMX would create the object, do the calculation, 
return the data, and then destroy the object... but internally CFMX still 
has an instance of math.cfc.

That process is less efficient under load because of the need to read the 
file and operate on it before executing the method in question, so often we 
put instances of things in the application scope and session scope... but, 
functionally, it's still doing the same thing. Even if it's in the 
application scope on a shared server, unless there's confidential data (bad, 
bad idea) or a danger that just reading the info might cause, it's not a bad 
thing really.

The CFINVOKE tag above is functionally exactly the same as this:
cfset added=createObject{component,math).addition(num1,num2)

For any practical purpose, that is identical to cfinvoke (except it's 
shorter hehe). Because the variable named added ends up containing 
whatever addition() returns, it's a numeric value. You don't end up with a 
live instance of an object unless your cfreturn / returns an object... 
like this:

cfreturn this /
cfreturn createObject(component,someOtherObject).init(num1,num2)

You just need to be careful what you expose by caching... and do everything 
you can to get a dedicated server. ;)


On 6/11/05, dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 well I was thinking that on a shared server it probably wouldn't be a real 
 good idea to create an object out of it (just in case they take that way for 
 security) and the dreamweaver one doesn't add it correctly, was just curious 
 what ppl are using, since I see quite a lot of diff techniques.
 ~Dave the disruptor~
 A criminal is a person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient 
 capital to form a corporation.
 From: James Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 10:55 PM
 To: CF-Talk cf-talk@houseoffusion.com
 Subject: RE: best way to invoke a cfc
 On a shared server, it's important to ensure that a unique name is used.
 If you have a mapping or a custom tag path, putting a unique directory
 name in the calling path and then using the dotted notation (e.g.
 myuniquename.somecfc) helps. If not, you have to rely on the default
 searching mechanism and hope it gets the right one, so prefacing the CFC
 filename with your account name may help (e.g.
 As for DreamWeaver, you could cache the cfc in the application scope, if
 that's appropriate, so that it is only instantiated once when you change
 it (but then when you do change it you have to manually delete it from
 the application scope again). Of course this has implications on a
 shared server when the code goes live, in that anyone on that server has
 access to your application scope if they want it.
 -Original Message-
 From: dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, 12 June 2005 8:19
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: best way to invoke a cfc
 is see a lot of ppl on here using different ways to invoke a cfc, any
 best practices? (on a shared server)
 the one thing i am really tired of is having the files on a local dev
 puter and having the cfc's to be called with the live settings and dw
 choking for a few minutes while it looks for component (while in code
 view), anyway around that that's practical?

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Re: CFC's and limiting DB queries

2005-06-12 Thread Ben Mueller
You can search the cf-talk reposting on google groups for that post.

On Jun 11, 2005, at 10:08 PM, Will Tomlinson wrote:

 Does someone have the link to the previous thread where Sean  
 explained this? I can't find it and was paying scant attention when  
 it was first posted. Would come in handy for me.



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CF on shared hosting

2005-06-12 Thread Anthony Crawford
Hi I am wondering if there are any resources on the net that describe best 
practices or FAQ's wrt building apps that are hosted on shared accounts. thanks

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Re: Help with COM

2005-06-12 Thread Dan O'Keefe
Don't think so - I have coded a cybersource interface before and that
is from my code.

Are you setting properties in the COM object to submit for CC
verification? Is this your object call?

cfobject  action=create type=com class=Cybersource.ICS.3 


On 6/11/05, Bud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks Dan. I think you may have another tag in mind.
 Error: Failed attempting to find SETVALUE property/method on the object
 I think you have to use their SetValue method:
 cfset oRequest.SetValue(billTo_firstName, Jane)
 On 6/11/05, Bud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi all. I'm trying to use a COM object to connect to CyberSource
   payment gateway. I'm converting their ASP script sample. Here is my
   problem. I'm trying to set a value within the object (oRequest). The
   ASP command for this is as follows.
   oRequest.Value(billTo_firstName) = Jane
   If I try to use this within cfscript or if I use cfset as follows:
   cfset oRequest.Value(billTo_firstName) = Jane  I get the
 following error:
   Illegal left hand side of assignment near line 50, column 7. Left
   hand side cannot be a function call.
   I've tried everything in my power to get the property set. Nothing
   works. Any clues?
   Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations, Inc.
   Web Based Solutions / eCommerce Development  Hosting
   http://www.twcreations.com/ - http://www.cf-ezcart.com/
   Toll Free: 877.207.6397 - Local  Int'l Phone/Fax: 386.789.0968

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RE: CF on shared hosting

2005-06-12 Thread James Holmes
If no-one comes up with any existing resources I'd be happy to collect
the info and blog it. I've been going on about shared host security for
a while and many of the people on this list have had various experiences
with shared hosting.

Some basic ideas that come to mind as being worth discussion (i.e. I'm
not claiming they are cast in stone as best practices but they make
sense to me) are:

- Shared CF should be done on CF Enterprise; security is near impossible
on shared CF standard
- All accounts need to be sandboxed for file access
- For security, sandboxing should disable CFOBJECT/Createobject() (to
prevent Java objects being instantiated)
- JSP should not be allowed to run on the CF server (for security
- Server accounts (FTP, SSH) need to be set up such that people can't
read others' files via directory browsing
- Either datasource usernames and passwords should be in the code and
not saved in the CF Admin or all datasources should be sandboxed
- Application scope data should contain no vital info as everyone one
the sever has access to your application scope if they can determine the
application name (which should be hard to predict and unique
- Tags and CFCs in custom tag paths and mappings should have a
server-wide unique name and should have a unique directory name in the
calling path in the case of CFCs

I demonstrated the results possible when some of the above are missing


-Original Message-
From: Anthony Crawford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, 12 June 2005 10:39 
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF on shared hosting

Hi I am wondering if there are any resources on the net that describe
best practices or FAQ's wrt building apps that are hosted on shared
accounts. thanks

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Re: CFC's and limiting DB queries

2005-06-12 Thread Johnny Le
I asked the question so here it is 

My concern is that sometimes we get too much or too little information from the 
database and end up making too many trips to the database.


We end up writing too many queries to get the right amount of information we 
need.  Sometimes I find myself writing too many similar queries or even the 
exact same one without knowing it.  Since the database processes faster than 
Coldfusion, we would want the database to do most of the processing.  So we end 
up with hundreds of queries for every condition we need - bad.

It doesn't seem to have an easy answer.  So we have to find the balance when to 
do what and it is not easy to find that balance either.

OO is great for processing one record.  It makes update so easy.  But when 
multiple records involve, it is such a headache.


 Does someone have the link to the previous thread where Sean explained 
 this? I can't find it and was paying scant attention when it was first 
 posted. Would come in handy for me. 

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input type=image doesn't work in IE?

2005-06-12 Thread Will Tomlinson
I have a form baffling me here. I'm using an image for a submit button. IT 
works in FF, not not IE. 

 cfinput name=submit type=image src=images/button_checkout.jpg 

If you click that and dump the results, it's just an empty string in IE. 

If I use this it works fine in both. 

cfinput name=submit type=submit value=checkout

Anyone have any ideas on what I'm doin' wrong here?


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RE: input type=image doesn't work in IE?

2005-06-12 Thread Tim Laureska
Have you tried just input name=submit instead of
cfinput name=submit type=submit value=checkout

-Original Message-
From: Will Tomlinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2005 3:51 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: input type=image doesn't work in IE? 

I have a form baffling me here. I'm using an image for a submit button.
IT works in FF, not not IE. 

 cfinput name=submit type=image src=images/button_checkout.jpg

If you click that and dump the results, it's just an empty string in IE.

If I use this it works fine in both. 

cfinput name=submit type=submit value=checkout

Anyone have any ideas on what I'm doin' wrong here?


Logware (www.logware.us): a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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RE: input type=image doesn't work in IE?

2005-06-12 Thread Will Tomlinson
Have you tried just input name=submit instead of
cfinput name=submit type=submit value=checkout

  Tim,  yes I tried that and it doesn't work. This is irritating!  :)


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RE: input type=image doesn't work in IE?

2005-06-12 Thread Jim Davis
I'm not sure if this is your problem, but when you use an image submit in IE
(not sure about firefox) you actually get two variables returned:
buttonname.x and buttonname.y - representing the x/y coordinates of the
actual click.

It's not often useful (but sometimes VERY useful) but is something you have
to code for.

Also you might not want to use the name submit as the name of the element
since this a reserved word.  It'll probably work, but it's generally
considered good practice (in other words I doubt it has anything to do with
your problems).

Jim Davis

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Re: input type=image doesn't work in IE?

2005-06-12 Thread Will Tomlinson
Thanks for your help guys. dave the disruptured gave me a good option that 
worked. Just use a linked image to move them to the page. duhhh!

Thanks again!


Logware (www.logware.us): a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
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Re: best way to invoke a cfc

2005-06-12 Thread dave
Thanks Jared,

 the reason I asked is I am back to working on a friends site that I haven't 
messed with for awhile and I was creating the cfc objects in the 
Application.cfm with cfobject name=getNewestListings 

 and I was thinking that if at some point the host disables cfobject then I 
would be f*cked, it works well but maybe I should be changing this one now.

~Dave the disruptor~
A criminal is a person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient capital 
to form a corporation. 

From: Jared Rypka-Hauer - CMG, LLC [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2005 6:43 AM
To: CF-Talk cf-talk@houseoffusion.com
Subject: Re: best way to invoke a cfc 

Hey Dave,

Just a quick note to clarify... the end result of any call to a CFC is an 
instance of an object.

Whether you're using cfinvoke, cfobject, or createObject(), you're still 
creating an instance of an object that can be used to store data and execute 

The difference is how that object works. Some objects are stateless (i.e. 
they don't store data and they generally have a minimal lifespan), and 
others are stateful (i.e. they do store data and they're the kind of object 
you'd keep in the application or session scope). If you have something like 
math.cfc, and it has a method called addition(), it might work like this:

number2=#num2 returnvariable=added /

Internally, addition has this to say:

That's a method where CFMX would create the object, do the calculation, 
return the data, and then destroy the object... but internally CFMX still 
has an instance of math.cfc.

That process is less efficient under load because of the need to read the 
file and operate on it before executing the method in question, so often we 
put instances of things in the application scope and session scope... but, 
functionally, it's still doing the same thing. Even if it's in the 
application scope on a shared server, unless there's confidential data (bad, 
bad idea) or a danger that just reading the info might cause, it's not a bad 
thing really.

The CFINVOKE tag above is functionally exactly the same as this:

For any practical purpose, that is identical to cfinvoke (except it's 
shorter hehe). Because the variable named added ends up containing 
whatever addition() returns, it's a numeric value. You don't end up with a 
live instance of an object unless your  returns an object... 
like this:


You just need to be careful what you expose by caching... and do everything 
you can to get a dedicated server. ;)


On 6/11/05, dave  wrote:
 well I was thinking that on a shared server it probably wouldn't be a real 
 good idea to create an object out of it (just in case they take that way for 
 security) and the dreamweaver one doesn't add it correctly, was just curious 
 what ppl are using, since I see quite a lot of diff techniques.
 ~Dave the disruptor~
 A criminal is a person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient 
 capital to form a corporation.
 From: James Holmes 
 Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 10:55 PM
 To: CF-Talk 
 Subject: RE: best way to invoke a cfc
 On a shared server, it's important to ensure that a unique name is used.
 If you have a mapping or a custom tag path, putting a unique directory
 name in the calling path and then using the dotted notation (e.g.
 myuniquename.somecfc) helps. If not, you have to rely on the default
 searching mechanism and hope it gets the right one, so prefacing the CFC
 filename with your account name may help (e.g.
 As for DreamWeaver, you could cache the cfc in the application scope, if
 that's appropriate, so that it is only instantiated once when you change
 it (but then when you do change it you have to manually delete it from
 the application scope again). Of course this has implications on a
 shared server when the code goes live, in that anyone on that server has
 access to your application scope if they want it.
 -Original Message-
 From: dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, 12 June 2005 8:19
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: best way to invoke a cfc
 is see a lot of ppl on here using different ways to invoke a cfc, any
 best practices? (on a shared server)
 the one thing i am really tired of is having the files on a local dev
 puter and having the cfc's to be called with the live settings and dw
 choking for a few minutes while it looks for component (while in code
 view), anyway around that that's practical?

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Ticket application


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RE: cfchart not working on new server

2005-06-12 Thread Matthew Walker
Hi Jared,

Thanks for the help.

Yes, they're being created correctly. I can clear the server's
c:\cfusionmx7\charting\cache folder, visit this page
http://www.christchurchnz.net/chart.cfm then download and view the generated
chart in a browser. So they're definitely being generated and they're not
some weird non-browser-compatible format.

There's nothing in the CF logs -- but that's probably right as CF thinks
it's all working; it doesn't know the browser's never retrieving the image,
or at least it doesn't know why the browser's never retrieving it. 

There are entries in the IIS logs. They look like this: 

2005-06-13 00:00:37 W3SVC1171077089 CCM GET /chart.cfm - 80 - HTTP/1.1
Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322) -
200 0 0 16710 1146


s-sitename  W3SVC1171077089
s-computername  CCM
cs-method   GET
cs-uri-stem /chart.cfm
s-port  80
cs-username -
cs-version  HTTP/1.1
cs(Referer) -
sc-status   200
sc-win32-status 0

So that looks OK to me. I note sc-bytes says 16710, while the file size is
18577 bytes. Don't know if that is meaningful. I don't actually know what
these figures are, but I'm guessing sc-bytes is the amount of data sent from
the server and cs-bytes is the amount sent from the client. 

Curiously, if I do as you say and visit the address image:
ages/100010.JPG then I get garbage that looks like it could be a jpg. But if
I download it, graphics software won't open the file. I'm wondering if it's
getting truncated. 

If I try uploading the image I've downloaded earlier from the
c:\cfusionmx7\charting\cache folder, then I get the following in the log
2005-06-13 00:21:52 W3SVC1171077089 CCM GET /15.jpg - 80
- HTTP/1.1
Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322) -
200 0 0 1 1147

Which has what I'd think is an appropriate number for sc-bytes (i.e.
slightly bigger than the file size rather than slightly smaller). That's
about all I can figure out though. 

-Original Message-
From: Jared Rypka-Hauer - CMG, LLC [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, 11 June 2005 3:38 p.m.
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: cfchart not working on new server

Matthew, you said these image files were being created correctly, right? Do 
they look like they should even if they're not being sent back to the 
browser? Have you checked (or had the host check) windows and CF error logs?

There should be something. If the issue was the result of a headless Win 
install, chances are that the graphing subsystem would fail during CFMX 
bootstrap... that's how it works on Linux, and also the primary cause of 
CFCHART issues on linux. People fail to understand that CFMX needs the basic

X libraries to get cfchart to work.

If you do a view source after hitting a page that's got a CFChart in it, you

should see some URL information that's used to transfer the images/movies 
from the Chart servlet to the browser... trying hitting that URL alone and 
seeing what error message you get. Go from there, paying particular 
attention to paths, virtual or otherwise, that are missing or incorrect.

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RE: Source control PLUS Deployment control...

2005-06-12 Thread Chip temm
Hi Russ,

   Does Homesite+/CFStudio have any CVS support (especially for subversion?).
   We're planning to move to SVN from developing from ftp, but wondering how to
   set the whole thing up. 

Bunch of ways to do this with Homesite.  The easiest I know of is to use 
TortoiseSVN.  From Homesite, all of the Tortoise right-click menus will be 
available in the directory browsing pane (but NOT in the file browser below 
it).  When you change a file and want to update your server version, right 
click its parent directory and COMMIT.  Simple.  If you want to use Homesite's 
Project-thingy with its source control integration, you will have to install 
something like Jalinidi Igloo which emulates SourceSafe's API (called SCC).  
Hasn't been worth it for me. SO, that's the client side

   We have a development server, where all the changes are made and tested by
   editing the files directly through ftp and testing them through the web
   browser.  When they're ready, we ftp them over to the production server and
   use Araxis Merge to compare the changes with the old files and merge them
   (just for safety, and also certain files only get parts of them deployed,
   such as the cfc files which contain all the DAO logic). 
   How can we make this type of set up work with SVN?  I mean if we retrieve a
   file from CVS through Homesite+ or CFEClipse, how do we save the file to the
   dev server so that we can test it, and then when we're done, how do we
   deploy the changes to production?   Is this even possible? 
The environment
Here's the thing: you need to think about source control a bit differently than 
you thought about the FTP method you setup.  Ideally, you would have a souce 
control server, a staging server (you call that dev server above), a production 
server and your local development machine. 

You develop on a local standalone CF server- you should be able to test 
anything here (except load) that you can test on your staging server. When you 
are happy with a certain file (or directory), you commit it to your SVN 
repository.  On the SVN machine there is no web server, cf server, whatever- it 
is just a place to keep track of your changes and make sure that if everything 
else blows up you keep your job. 

Deploying to staging
When you want to deploy the code to staging (to demo for a client, beta test, 
whatever) you go to the staging box and use tortoise (or a shell script call to 
cvsnt) to UPDATE (or if this is the first deployment CHECKOUT) the code from 
the SVN box.  If you are strict, you will include in  your staging deployment 
process a step to encrypt your CF code.  This keeps you honest and doesn't 
allow you to make code changes on staging (from where you would likely forget 
to commit them).  In fact, you should really do a CHECKOUT RELEASE (this is 
TortoiseCVS terminology- may be different on SVN) which ensures that your fresh 
files are not COMMITable from their new home.

Deploying to production
Same as deploying to staging.  You don't move a thing from staging.  You don't 
have to.  All of your changes are in SVN right?  If your deployment to staging 
worked and all other environment variables are the same, your deployment to 
production will be as simple as pie.

Using CF Enterprise to help
You could alternately create a CAR on Staging when you are ready to deploy and 
push that to Production.  This is an additional insurance that the deployment 
is a success as the CAR wraps up all the CF server settings nicely for you: 
when you restore the CAR on the target, CF is setup exactly as it was on the 
source server.

Saving money
If you don't have an extra server for the source control, no prob.  Use your 
staging box- but do NOT put your SVN repository in the webroot.  The key is to 
keep source control separate from the normal running location of your apps.

Scripting it all
You could setup all of this to run as batch files in windows or linux.  The 
staging process could be scheduled.  You could trigger the running of the 
staging deployment by calling a CF page with a CFExecute that runs the batch 
file.  If you are extra crafty you might use a nifty new CF Gateway to watch 
for some file system chage or listen for a ping from somewhere to tell it to 
run and get the latest release

You're on the right path- it is less complicated than it sounds!
Chip Temm

Logware (www.logware.us): a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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Re: jar launcher crashes randomly

2005-06-12 Thread stylo stylo
Hmmm. But I always eat cereal for breakfast, so that can't be it.

Anyone else?


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RE: best way to invoke a cfc

2005-06-12 Thread James Holmes
If the host does disable cfobject, you can get the same effect by using
cfinvoke on a special method in the CFC that returns THIS. That way you
get the instantiated component once, rather than having one
instantiation for every cfinvoke call. 

-Original Message-
From: dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, 13 June 2005 5:23 
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: best way to invoke a cfc

Thanks Jared,

 the reason I asked is I am back to working on a friends site that I
haven't messed with for awhile and I was creating the cfc objects in the
Application.cfm with cfobject name=getNewestListings

 and I was thinking that if at some point the host disables cfobject
then I would be f*cked, it works well but maybe I should be changing
this one now.

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Re: Source control PLUS Deployment control...

2005-06-12 Thread John Paul Ashenfelter
I'm jumping into this SCC/deployment discussion pretty late, but
wanted to echo the votes for Subversion for source control. On the
client side, TortoiseSVN on the Windows client side is excellent and
Subclipse is there for Eclipse users.

(I haven't seen any Mac users chime in about how it works for them on
Dreamweaver, but my Mac friends tell me Subversion repositories can be
mounted pretty easily on OS X since it's all Web_DAV under the hood --
that's probably even easier than dealing with Tortoise for simple

And the latest Subversion (1.2) added reserved checkout functionality,
which is the model Visual SourceSafe (among others) uses -- files are
locked until the user checks them back in. This is in addition to the
base functionality of Subversion, which follows the model used by CVS
and other SCC that allows anyone to check out any files and focuses on
merging to resolve changes.

 Scripting it all
 You could setup all of this to run as batch files in windows or linux.  The 
 staging process could be scheduled.  You could trigger the running of the 
 staging deployment by calling a CF page with a CFExecute that runs the batch 
 file.  If you are extra crafty you might use a nifty new CF Gateway to watch 
 for some file system chage or listen for a ping from somewhere to tell it to 
 run and get the latest release

I'm pretty suprised no one's mentioned Ant and the many, many tools
around it for the deployment side of things. Regardless of the SCC
system, Ant is a nobrainer for automating deployment, especially if
you need to do things like reset databases, run test or acceptance
suites, or any other of the additional quality control steps as part
of an automated deployment process. Plug in CruiseControl and you've
got a pretty robust system for deploying for test, stage, and

As an aside, I'll be talking about these tools at CF-United in the
Open Source Java Tools session and they are certainly topics that can
come up at the BOF.

John Paul Ashenfelter
(blog) http://www.ashenfelter.com

Logware (www.logware.us): a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: jar launcher crashes randomly

2005-06-12 Thread Nathan Strutz
stylo stylo wrote:
 Anyone else?

Ya, we get this all the time, once or twice a day maybe. Haven't figured 
out what it means. We submitted it to MM as par of a different problem 
in a trouble ticket, but didn't get any response on it. Seems to happen 
only on our W2k3 servers, but I'm not 100% sure, as now all our web 
servers are 2k3 (so, basically, it happens on all the busy servers).

No clue though, really.

-nathan strutz

Logware (www.logware.us): a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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