Re: CF (VMWare ESX Server Vs Physical Hardware)?
Running anything in VM on the whole will be unsupported. Certainly ColdFusion will not be officially supported in it. We have several ESX environments / networks which host ColdFusion and they all run fine The best thing I can see about VM is licensing, you theoretically would only need to buy one ColdFusion license (depending on box) and you could deloy it across large numbers of VMs whereas a physical machine would require more. In all reality, unsupported aside, you should see no difference in the way ColdFusion runs or presents itself. "This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business, Registered in England, Number 678540. It contains information which is confidential and may also be privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910. The opinions expressed within this communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions." Visit our website at -Original Message- From: James Blaha To: CF-Talk Sent: Sat Mar 24 19:30:28 2007 Subject: CF (VMWare ESX Server Vs Physical Hardware)? All, VMWare ESX Server Vs Physical Hardware? This past week I was asked if IâEUR(tm)d like to move a perfectly working CF MX Enterprise environment running dual CPUâEUR(tm)s to a Huge VMWare ESX Server virtual server environment. Does anyone have any recommendations virtual verse physical hardware or past/current experiences they can share? I emailed Adobe to see if they even support CF in a virtual environment I havenâEUR(tm)t heard back yet. Regards, Jim Blaha ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 Experience Flex 2 & MX7 integration & create powerful cross-platform RIAs Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe:
OT: FastTrack to ColdFusion MX 6 Powerpoint Slides
Hi, maybe a macromedia certified coldfusion instructor is reading this. I am also a macromedia certified instructor for ftcf and acfd and I need the old ftcf600 Powerpoint slides for a class on monday. (The ftcf600 course is the first one using dreamweaver instead of studio.) It would be nice if anybody could send me the zip file with the 11 units. Thanks Martin ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 Experience Flex 2 & MX7 integration & create powerful cross-platform RIAs Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe:
CF (VMWare ESX Server Vs Physical Hardware)?
All, VMWare ESX Server Vs Physical Hardware? This past week I was asked if Iâd like to move a perfectly working CF MX Enterprise environment running dual CPUâs to a Huge VMWare ESX Server virtual server environment. Does anyone have any recommendations virtual verse physical hardware or past/current experiences they can share? I emailed Adobe to see if they even support CF in a virtual environment I havenât heard back yet. Regards, Jim Blaha ~| Macromedia ColdFusion MX7 Upgrade to MX7 & experience time-saving features, more productivity. Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe:
Re: More questions on Multiple Instances
Dave Watts wrote: >> >> Is there a way that my code can access what instance in a >> cluster it is running on? > > We used to do that too, but we found that unmaintainable when deploying on other servers then JRun. So what we came up with is to place a properties file in each instance that has the name of the instance, whether a build-in webserver is active and the IP and port of the webserver (usefull for instance specific scheduled tasks). In the root of the J2EE server we place another properties file with the name of the server and anything else we might want to know. Then in the onApplicationStart of the application we read those properties files into memory using Paul Hastings RB cfcs and use them from there. Jochem ~| Create robust enterprise, web RIAs. Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2 Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe:
Trying to run this but it keeps on failing.I got the right permissions because I can run this fine in SQL Query Analyzer. BULK INSERT stgContacts FROM 'C:\CFusionMX\wwwroot\ileaflet\clients\1\contacts.txt' WITH (FIELDTERMINATOR = '|') ~| Create robust enterprise, web RIAs. Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2 Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe:
That did it!, thanks! I figured it was something dumb. - Original Message - From: "Christopher Jordan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "CF-Talk" Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 5:09 PM Subject: Re: POST > Matt, > > I'm guessing that you're running this on a windows machine. So I have > questions: > > 1. Are the services started? > 2. Are you using the correct port in your local url? > (i.e. http://localhost:8080/myapp/index.cfm) > > I'm guessing that the url is your problem. Be sure to use port 8080 as > I've used it above. Tell us if that doesn't help. > > Also you may want to join the BlueDragon mailing list. I'm a member > there too, and it's pretty active. > > Hope that helps, > Chris > > Matt Wendig wrote: > > Hi, > > > > I am looking for help getting started using CF on my home computer. I downloaded Blue Dragon and I have dreamweaver. I know the code from a part time job but I don't know how to configure it all to actually read my code. My pages are simply displaying the code right now. I do have the obdc done for my db. > > > > > > > > > > ~| ColdFusion MX7 and Flex 2 Build sales & marketing dashboard RIAâs for your business. Upgrade now Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe:
Re: Java Resources
Hello Robert, Two sites I recommend to be helpful are javaworld ( and suns developer website ( They have some good learning tutorials. From what I remembered the tutorials will even walk you through JDBC and creating GUI Windows App through Swing. The message board is also not too bad people will help you out when your stuck. On another note, once you start coding make sure their API is bookmarked in your browser. It will be your best link. They document their framework classes very well. Regards, John > Hey guys, > > Well today has been my first day of getting my head around Java, I'm > looking to expand my programming knowledge and Java seemed to be the > natural progression, considering i've got a demmand for event gateways > comming up soon, I thought it made sense. > > To be honest I'm finding it reasonably simple to take on board, the > general syntax isnt that different from that of cfscript, and the > general OOP principles i already know for CF can be applied. > > But i'm looking for a decent resource to learn Java online, tutorials, > articles, examples and that kind of thing. I've already placed an > order for the 'head first' book which should arive early next week, > but i'm looking for somthing to chew over the weekend, even if its > just the basics on building an application, working with arrays and > structures, i've also seen other new types of data structures talked > about called 'vectors' and things like that. > > If anyone has anything to reccomend i'd love to hear it, > > Cheers buds, > Rob ~| Create Web Applications With ColdFusion MX7 & Flex 2. Build powerful, scalable RIAs. Free Trial Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe:
Re: Java Resources might be a good start. Suns website also has some good links that are helpful. Plus, there message board is helpful. Regards, John > Hey guys, > > Well today has been my first day of getting my head around Java, I'm > looking to expand my programming knowledge and Java seemed to be the > natural progression, considering i've got a demmand for event gateways > comming up soon, I thought it made sense. > > To be honest I'm finding it reasonably simple to take on board, the > general syntax isnt that different from that of cfscript, and the > general OOP principles i already know for CF can be applied. > > But i'm looking for a decent resource to learn Java online, tutorials, > articles, examples and that kind of thing. I've already placed an > order for the 'head first' book which should arive early next week, > but i'm looking for somthing to chew over the weekend, even if its > just the basics on building an application, working with arrays and > structures, i've also seen other new types of data structures talked > about called 'vectors' and things like that. > > If anyone has anything to reccomend i'd love to hear it, > > Cheers buds, > Rob ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 Experience Flex 2 & MX7 integration & create powerful cross-platform RIAs Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe:
Re: CFC DAO/Bean Generator
Just FYI, the Illudium Generator will generate code to work with Transfer including the Transfer XML configuration file. -- Brian Rinaldi blog - ColdFusion Open Source List- Boston CFUG - Adobe Community Expert - CFDJ Editorial Board - ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 Experience Flex 2 & MX7 integration & create powerful cross-platform RIAs Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe:
Re: Just a question/discussion point RE: Web services..
Basically, if you want your webservice to be consumed over the web by other technologies then your return needs to be a string (but that string can be anything - XML Encoded String (not a ColdFusion XML object) Array etc). "This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business, Registered in England, Number 678540. It contains information which is confidential and may also be privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910. The opinions expressed within this communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions." Visit our website at -Original Message- From: Jeff Small To: CF-Talk Sent: Fri Mar 23 16:03:44 2007 Subject: Re: Just a question/discussion point RE: Web services.. > If I recall correctly, it's actually discussed directly within the CF > documentation. But basically, it boils down to creating CFC instances to > replace structures. For example, if you wanted to have information about a > person in a structure, you would instead define and use a CFC to represent > that information. Your CFC would have nothing but CFPROPERTY tags, which > would essentially be used to provide named properties that would > correspond > to your structure keys; something like this: > > > > > Man, I've re-read that three times now, and I'm just NOT following it. I'm so sorry Dave, but isn't the CFC the webservice? So you'd call for instance, "getPerson()" but that's not a method? > Then, within your web service, instead of returning a structure (or an > array > of structures), you'd return a Person object (or an array of Person > objects). But would an "object" be a cross platform "object" simply because I said it was? Who defines what a "person object" is? Is a "person object" the same in PHP as it is in CF as it is in .Net? Again, I apologize, but there seems to be something here that I'm just missing. This all stems from a web service that I'm trying to access that's just not returning ANYTHING that resembles the results I'm expecting. So I decided to just try and write my own "web service" that could be invoked remotely and return live data. I got that working really easily, but then realized that I was just returning CF "objects" (structs, arrays, query objects) that were fine in CF, but would be worthless to anyone else. That's when I started to realize that maybe there's a problem with the form of the data that this web service was returning, and I started down this road... I just haven't had an opportunity to work with WSDL and web services or XML very much, so I'm just in WAY unfamiliar territory... ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 The most significant release in over 10 years. Upgrade & see new features. Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe:
Re: Hah? BlogCFC / BlogCFM
On 3/23/07, Neil wrote: > Ahh! Blog 22! Don't sweat it. I've forked both of them into each other. I'm calling it BlogCF MC. I'd bust a rap, but my rhyming skills ain't too beefy. ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 Experience Flex 2 & MX7 integration & create powerful cross-platform RIAs Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe:
Re: You think you know OOP.. but you don't
On 3/23/07, Dean L wrote: > back to the same form (controller)? Even if you are using a framework, > your requests are typically routed back through a single page. Someone > else had made a similar statement regarding self-posting forms and I'm > just don't understand where that is coming from. I think that at the core, there is nothing wrong with posting to a page, but that sorta lends itself to actually putting business logic in the display... FWIW, I don't think there is anything wrong with "self-posting" forms, so long as you've got stuff organized good- which, heck, could just be using includes-- that's how I used to do it. Was easy to find stuff... Not that my code is organized... :-) It's all about the abstraction, I reckon. I like that word. heh. ~| ColdFusion MX7 and Flex 2 Build sales & marketing dashboard RIAâs for your business. Upgrade now Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe:
Re: Web Server Configuration Tool
On 3/23/07, Andy A wrote: > You don't ... you simply need wsconfig.jar I'm pretty sure the wsconfig.jar has a -gui option, that'll bring up a nice interface. And I wonder... with apache httpd, you can just extract the .so and paste in a jrun conf section off the net... I bet there's a similar way with IIS... extract the DLL, tell IIS where to send stuff... check the jrun.xml file for the right ports to use... Eh... :-) ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 The most significant release in over 10 years. Upgrade & see new features. Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe:
Re: More questions on Multiple Instances
Have you modified the necessary XML configs to actually allow it to session replicate? "This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business, Registered in England, Number 678540. It contains information which is confidential and may also be privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910. The opinions expressed within this communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions." Visit our website at -Original Message- From: Brad Wood To: CF-Talk Sent: Fri Mar 23 22:12:22 2007 Subject: More questions on Multiple Instances Ok, so far I am really enjoying Enterprise. I finally got a cluster running on my test server, with a single IIS site pointing to it and I've got SeeFusion installed in each instance so I can see which instance in the cluster is handling my requests. It is pretty cool. Two questions though (there will be more, I'm sure): I am sharing sessions and I am getting the serialization error on an XML document stored in session. Of ALL things, an XML document should be serializable. The XML is created like this: MyPrefXML = XmlNew(); MyPrefXML.xmlRoot = XmlElemNew(MyPrefXML,"UserPref"); Etc... And then set into session like this: Do XML documents not share nicely in the session of a cluster? Is there a workaround? I guess could always just tostring() before I stored (hello-there is your serialization) and then xmlparse it again when I needed to use it. The second question is: Is there a way that my code can access what instance in a cluster it is running on? Right now I have 2 test instances in a cluster and that cluster is bound to a single IIS site which uses a single code base. I want a page which would output: "I was processed by instance 1" or something like that. Is that possible? ~Brad ~| Create robust enterprise, web RIAs. Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2 Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe:
Targetting an instance
Following on in the multiple instance thread How are people targetting specific instances? For example, if I have created an instance and I want that instance to only do calls to page1.cfm, and pageX.cfm all goto the other instances. Same idea would apply to CFC calls where I would want to target it's execution to a specific instance. Possible? "This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business, Registered in England, Number 678540. It contains information which is confidential and may also be privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910. The opinions expressed within this communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions." Visit our website at ~| Macromedia ColdFusion MX7 Upgrade to MX7 & experience time-saving features, more productivity. Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe:
Re: viviotech vps, non-admin linux newbie, rambling questions
Great responses guys, thanks so much. I was also thinking another 256mb would be good if running mysql off it. I never really use webmail anyway except if on holidays. If anyone has anything to add... ~| ColdFusion MX7 by Adobe® Dyncamically transform webcontent into Adobe PDF with new ColdFusion MX7. Free Trial. Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe:
RE: Scorpio - What to do until then?
Rick, >Thanks for the clarification... it good to know I can do that >even with 4.5... and reset=""... doesn't appear I can do that. >The only attributes I the 4.0 WACK are file, type, and deletefile. > >How necessary is the reset=true attribute? Is there a workaround? The only thing the reset="true" does is clear the output stream. I use that to reduce whitespace output. You could control output just as easily with the setting. However, you should be able to just take the "reset" attribute out and run things as-is. -Dan ~| ColdFusion MX7 and Flex 2 Build sales & marketing dashboard RIAâs for your business. Upgrade now Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe:
RE: More questions on Multiple Instances
> xmlparse it again when I needed to use it. > That's all you have to do. Ok, I guess that's do-able. I gotta' say, I am a little disappointed that CF can't figure out how to serialize XML by itself. I mean, when XML graduated from high school it was voted "most likely to be serialized". Of ALL things I would have expected that to be a shoe-in! I guess Adobe just wants to keep us on our toes or something. > Is there a way that my code can access what instance in a > cluster it is running on? B7BC F2D895B3EC4A Dude, you rock. If you were here I would give you some kind of platonic hug or something. Thanks! ~Brad ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 The most significant release in over 10 years. Upgrade & see new features. Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: