Re: one for the SQL gurus

2007-09-23 Thread Janet MacKay
I tried this and it didn't work... ?

Didn't work how (error, wrong results..)? Ignoring any typos/syntax errors in 
the psuedo code, the two statements should return the same results as far as I 
can see.


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Re: Instantiating all objects within Application.cfm

2007-09-23 Thread James Holmes
Heh, I've never tried that - I knew that the unnamed application scope
allowed for integration with servlets, but I've never actually dumped

On 9/23/07, Sean Corfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 9/22/07, James Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So was I - as long as I know the application name, a CFAPPLICATION tag
  anywhere on the machine can make any CF code part of your application.
  There is no folder restriction on this and no way to prevent it.

 Just set your application name to the empty string and you can see
 *everyone's* application scopes by dumping yours. That's just how the
 underlying Java Servlet context works

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Re: one for the SQL gurus

2007-09-23 Thread Kris Jones
What version of CF? Was the list attribute to cfqueryparam available in 6, 6.1?


 I tried this and it didn't work... ?

 Didn't work how (error, wrong results..)? Ignoring any typos/syntax errors in 
 the psuedo code, the two statements should return the same results as far as 
 I can see.

Get the answers you are looking for on the ColdFusion Labs
Forum direct from active programmers and developers.


SOT: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Rick Faircloth
Good morning, all.


I hope Michael doesn't mind, but I need some advice on a CF topic

that does come up from time to time but isn't directly code-related.

(Well actually it is, because depending on the direction I go with hosting,

I may have to re-write a lot of code.)


Anyway. After hosting my own sites with CF 4.5 for the last 8 years or so,

I'm ready to outsource the hosting and move up to CF 8!  (I know you'll be

so proud, Will.)


The choice is between shared hosting for $30 per month or a VPS for $70 per


The $30 is cheaper, but I can't use host headers as I've done for virtual
sites and

have to use cfswitch depending on the domain to route the visitor to the

folder. I do get my client's domain in the address bar, but with a path
that's a

little odd. e.g.

Not a real big deal, but different. 


I can also have only one MySQL database. unlimited datasources, but only one

 (I didn't know there was a difference. the company

said datasources means type of connections. that differentiation doesn't
make sense

to me.).  And that means I'll have to consolidate all my databases (about
20) into one

and rename all the tables to append the clients domain or something to
differentiate tables,

such as hfumc_calendar, taylorscreek_calendar, etc.  Quite a pain. and if I
ever want to separate

the databases again, I have to recode all the sites for different table


The VPS is a little over twice the cost.  But I get full control over the
machine (CF 8, Win 2003 Server)

1 GB RAM. specs on either side are acceptable.  I can install MySQL and have
as many

databases as I like, so I can my code the same.


I just wonder if there are any more gotcha's that I haven't considered
with shared hosting

as opposed to VPS hosting.  The first two I ran into were the lack of
virtual domains and databases

with the shared hosting.


Any thoughts or insights on the choice?


Thanks for your input.




PS - Just think. I my write my first CFC soon!  :o)



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around the world in government.  Find out how and where now


RE: urgent help required - using a users selection to select specific data

2007-09-23 Thread Bobby Hartsfield
Lol! Please let us know that you have not been staked Toby!

Sincerely worried,
The Community

Bobby Hartsfield

-Original Message-
From: Greg Morphis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2007 9:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: urgent help required - using a users selection to select
specific data

reminds me of

On 9/22/07, Adkins, Randy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One issue, is your probably getting an error from: 
 FORM.TIMEDATE_PERIOD does not exist.
 Unless the form is being submitted from a previous form.

 Are you submitting the form right back to itself?

 If not, then why do you need the CFIF statement in the OPTIONs

 If so, add a form parameter at the top of the page:
 cfparam name=form.timedate_period default=

 -Original Message-
 From: Toby King [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2007 10:27 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: urgent help required - using a users selection to select 
 specific data

 Hi there

 I'm really stuck on this issue - have been trying to work it out for 
 several hours so would really appreciate some input as to what I need 
 to do.

 I have displayed on screen an option where a user can select a month 
 of a year to select specific data.

 form action=avgHours.cfm method=post name=form1 tr 
 class=printhide td align=center bGraph Comparison Month/b 
 select name=timedate_period onChange=document.form1.submit()
 cfloop query=CHECK_Periods
 option value=#timedate_id# cfif form.timedate_period eq 
 )# /cfloop /select input type=submit value=Generate Report
 tr class=printhidetdnbsp;/td/tr


Get the answers you are looking for on the ColdFusion Labs
Forum direct from active programmers and developers.


Re: MS SQL 2005 vs CFMX 7.02Ent

2007-09-23 Thread Ben Mueller

I'm struggling against the very same thing at present.  Did you ever figure out 
the problem?

 Ok, we recently switched to running MS SQL 2005 servers in an 
 Active/Passive cluster on Win2003 (64Bit).  While we were testing we 
 had no issues with DB access. After migrating most of our databases to 
 the SQL 2005 Cluster we are not getting the same error a few times a 
 day that crashes our whole CFMX application (which is running behind a 
 load balancer across three CFMX servers.
 The error we see is this: (note: az_tar is a valid name of a DB)
 Message: Error Executing Database Query.
 Detail: [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Cannot open 
 database az_tar requested by the login. The login failed.
 Date: 09/05/2007
 Time: 06:16:08
 The login permissions are set right and have not changed from the 
 previous server to this server cluster. Also, the logins work most of 
 the day without an issue then all of a sudden for reasons unknown to 
 us this error pops up across most or all the databases on this server.
 We found a MS JDBC driver (Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver 1.1) 
 that they state In its continued commitment to interoperability, 
 Microsoft provides a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver for use 
 with SQL Server 2005.  
 My questions are:
 Has anyone see this issue before?
 And if so, what was the problem/solution?
 Has anyone tried this MS JDBC Driver and what were your results?
 Thank You,
 Wil Genovese

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College Football

2007-09-23 Thread Rick Root
You know, there were very few games I was interested in yesterday.
Primarily, of course, I was interested in the Michigan-Penn State
game.  Nice to see Michigan get another win, improve their record to
2-2, and keep their hopes alive for a big ten championship.

Michigan goes to Northwestern then comes back home to Eastern
Michigan, both of which should be easy wins (but hopefully Michigan
won't take either lightly).  The Purdue game will be the next big
test.  Purdue is averaging 48.5 points a game, with an average margin
of victory of 4 touchdowns!

Michigan's quarterback looked awesome.. Ryan Mallet scored a rushing
TD from 10 yards out, and made some great plays under pressure... he
made a couple of mistakes but that's still to be expected for a true
freshman.  But he's gonna be a hell of a quarterback long term.. 6'7,
250 pounds with a cannon of an arm.  I think he might end up a #1
draft pick some day.

And damn, I love seeing Notre Dame struggle.  I was saddened to see
them finally score an offensive touchdown this weekend against the
Spartans.  Notre Dame is 0-4 for the first time in its history.  Yay!

Rick Root
Check out CFMBB, BlogCFM, ImageCFC, ImapCFC, CFFM, and more at

Get involved in the latest ColdFusion discussions, product
development sharing, and articles on the Adobe Labs wiki.


Re: College Football

2007-09-23 Thread Rick Root

On 9/23/07, Rick Root [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You know, there were very few games I was interested in yesterday.
 Primarily, of course, I was interested in the Michigan-Penn State
 game.  Nice to see Michigan get another win, improve their record to
 2-2, and keep their hopes alive for a big ten championship.

 Michigan goes to Northwestern then comes back home to Eastern
 Michigan, both of which should be easy wins (but hopefully Michigan
 won't take either lightly).  The Purdue game will be the next big
 test.  Purdue is averaging 48.5 points a game, with an average margin
 of victory of 4 touchdowns!

 Michigan's quarterback looked awesome.. Ryan Mallet scored a rushing
 TD from 10 yards out, and made some great plays under pressure... he
 made a couple of mistakes but that's still to be expected for a true
 freshman.  But he's gonna be a hell of a quarterback long term.. 6'7,
 250 pounds with a cannon of an arm.  I think he might end up a #1
 draft pick some day.

 And damn, I love seeing Notre Dame struggle.  I was saddened to see
 them finally score an offensive touchdown this weekend against the
 Spartans.  Notre Dame is 0-4 for the first time in its history.  Yay!

 Rick Root
 Check out CFMBB, BlogCFM, ImageCFC, ImapCFC, CFFM, and more at

Rick Root
Check out CFMBB, BlogCFM, ImageCFC, ImapCFC, CFFM, and more at

Download the latest ColdFusion 8 utilities including Report Builder,
plug-ins for Eclipse and Dreamweaver updates.


Problem connecting CF8 to SQL2005 developer edition via JDBC

2007-09-23 Thread Ben Mueller
Hi all,

I'm attempting to configure a development environment with IIS, CFMX8 and SQL 
Server 2005 developer edition, all running on top of XP SP2.  The process just 
to get to this point has been painful enough, but now I've hit a bug that I 
cannot seem to get around.  I was hoping somebody else may have already run 
into this.

When I attempt to connect to SQL Server via the CF administrator, I get the 
following error message:

Connection verification failed for data source: trumpDBtest
java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Cannot 
open database {my database} requested by the login. The login failed.
The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC 
Driver][SQLServer]Cannot open database {my database} requested by the login. 
The login failed.

I'm not much of a DBA, and it's the first time I've ever worked with SQL Server 
2005, but here's what I've managed to work through:

1.  I figured out that SQL Server 2005 needs to be running in Mixed Mode 
Authentication instead of Windows Authentication Mode.

2.  By default, SQL Server 2005 disabled connections to it via Named Pipes and 
TCP/IP.  I enabled both (though, I think I only really needed to enable TCP/IP).

3.  I attempted to use a MS JDBC driver instead of the CF JDBC driver, but 
ended up with pretty much the same error message.  I followed directions at the 
following URL, modifying from 2005 Express to 2005 where necessary:

4.  I downloaded the latest version of Java (1.4.2_15), and pointed CFMX8 to it 
instead of the JVM that comes with CFMX8.

5.  I set up a login account in SQL Server 2005 that I then invoke from the cf 
administrator (I called it cfuser).  I set the default database on that SQL 
user to be the DB I wanted, and I unchecked enforce password policy.

It certainly appears I'm actually getting to SQL Server 2005 from Cold Fusion, 
and that the failure is happening once I've made the initial connection.  I 
read someplace that somebody with a similar problem was forced to set up an 
ODBC connection, but a) I don't really know how to do that, and b) it certainly 
seems like I should just be able to use the built-in JDBC drivers, dammit.  (-;

Any guidance is greatly appreciated.


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Re: Forums?

2007-09-23 Thread Rick Root
On 9/20/07, Raymond Camden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Come on Rick - we can do that (add mailing list/newsgroup). How hard
 can it be? ;)

I've had at least one request for such functionality, but I figure the
time required would probably be more than I have available.

I'd rather be watching The Fairly Odd Parents with my 5 year old daughter :)

Rick Root
Check out CFMBB, BlogCFM, ImageCFC, ImapCFC, CFFM, and more at

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around the world in government.  Find out how and where now


Re: Problem connecting CF8 to SQL2005 developer edition via JDBC

2007-09-23 Thread Ben Mueller
Okay, after all that, I just answered my own question.

I had created a SQL user, and set the default database on that SQL user to be 
the one I wanted.  However, I had *not* specifically added that user to the 
list of users on that database.  I don't recall needing to do that in SQL 
Server 2000--I thought that setting a default database was enough.  So, perhaps 
this is new to SQL 2005, or perhaps I just don't recall doing that in SQL 2000.

Anyway, I hope that helps somebody. 

ColdFusion is delivering applications solutions at at top companies 
around the world in government.  Find out how and where now


Re: MS SQL 2005 vs CFMX 7.02Ent

2007-09-23 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Ben Mueller wrote:
 I'm struggling against the very same thing at present.  Did you ever figure 
 out the problem?

I have only seen the problem when there was a bad setup of the network 
drivers / teaming / IGMP snooping on the database and the network switch 
and requests ended up on the passive node instead of the active one. You 
might want to check the logfiles on the database server to see which 
server is sending the error.


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Re: one for the SQL gurus

2007-09-23 Thread Janet MacKay
 What version of CF? Was the list attribute to cfqueryparam available 
 in 6, 6.1?

I haven't tried it but the documentation says its available in 6/6.1

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RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Rick Faircloth
Any thoughts on this one?

-Original Message-
From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 10:22 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SOT: Shared Hosting vs VPS

Good morning, all.


I hope Michael doesn't mind, but I need some advice on a CF topic

that does come up from time to time but isn't directly code-related.

(Well actually it is, because depending on the direction I go with hosting,

I may have to re-write a lot of code.)


Anyway. After hosting my own sites with CF 4.5 for the last 8 years or so,

I'm ready to outsource the hosting and move up to CF 8!  (I know you'll be

so proud, Will.)


The choice is between shared hosting for $30 per month or a VPS for $70 per


The $30 is cheaper, but I can't use host headers as I've done for virtual
sites and

have to use cfswitch depending on the domain to route the visitor to the

folder. I do get my client's domain in the address bar, but with a path
that's a

little odd. e.g.

Not a real big deal, but different. 


I can also have only one MySQL database. unlimited datasources, but only one

 (I didn't know there was a difference. the company

said datasources means type of connections. that differentiation doesn't
make sense

to me.).  And that means I'll have to consolidate all my databases (about
20) into one

and rename all the tables to append the clients domain or something to
differentiate tables,

such as hfumc_calendar, taylorscreek_calendar, etc.  Quite a pain. and if I
ever want to separate

the databases again, I have to recode all the sites for different table


The VPS is a little over twice the cost.  But I get full control over the
machine (CF 8, Win 2003 Server)

1 GB RAM. specs on either side are acceptable.  I can install MySQL and have
as many

databases as I like, so I can my code the same.


I just wonder if there are any more gotcha's that I haven't considered
with shared hosting

as opposed to VPS hosting.  The first two I ran into were the lack of
virtual domains and databases

with the shared hosting.


Any thoughts or insights on the choice?


Thanks for your input.




PS - Just think. I my write my first CFC soon!  :o)



Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade to ColdFusion 8 and integrate with Adobe Flex


RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread John Mason
The $30 deal seems silly. Why only one database?

I personally don't like the VPS options that several of the other hosting
companies are now offering as being even remotely reasonable. Here goes my
rant on VPS... 

At $70 per month, they have to be cutting a lot of corners to make that
economical. For example, CF Standard costs $1300, it would take over 18
months just to recoup the cost of CF? With server/bandwidth/resources
included over 2 years. Either the resources they give you would be seriously
limited and/or they have to be overloading the servers to make this
profitable. Putting way too many VPSs on one server. Several people here
have noted the bad performance from VPS.

One other point, is most hosters will give you complete control (basically
terminal service access) to the box. Do you really want this? You might be a
good programmer, but are you also a solid system administrator? Do you
really want to carry that load as well? Then think, others have the same
access to their servers. Now you have even higher security concerns to deal
with in relation to that. If they have firewalls protecting you from the
outside. Do they also have firewalls protecting you from other VPSs? If
their control panel can't handle most server setup functions then frankly it
should. Then ask yourself, if your  VPS does go down. Who has to do the
rebuild. Do they simply provide a fresh VPS instance and leave you to set
everything back up? There's a lot to consider when they offer you enough
rope to hang yourself with. 

I'm not going to sale you on FusionLink here. If you like, I can address you
on our options off list. I just want to point out VPS might not be as good
of a deal as it seems.

John Mason
770.337.8363 - ColdFusion and Flex hosting
Now offering ColdFusion 8 Enterprise hosting
FREE Subversion hosting

Get involved in the latest ColdFusion discussions, product
development sharing, and articles on the Adobe Labs wiki.


Re: MS SQL 2005 vs CFMX 7.02Ent

2007-09-23 Thread Ben Mueller
I don't know if it's specifically relevant or not to this thread, but I solved 
my issue.  As I described in a different thread on the subject, I had created a 
SQL user and had declared a specific database as the default database in SQL 
Server 2005.  However, I needed to specifically add that user to the database 
as well.  So it was a two-step process:  1) create user account (and, 
optionally, assign default database); 2) specifically add that user to any 
database you wish to access from CF.  Maybe everybody already knew that, but i 
don't remember needing the second step in SQL Server 2000.  Hope it helps 

Check out the new features and enhancements in the
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Re: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Jochem van Dieten
John Mason wrote:
 The $30 deal seems silly. Why only one database?

To prevent you from hosting multiple sites on it.

 At $70 per month, they have to be cutting a lot of corners to make that
 economical. For example, CF Standard costs $1300, it would take over 18
 months just to recoup the cost of CF?

With 4 Virtual servers on one Physical server, a 20% discount because 
they buy wholesale they recoup CF in 4 months.

 One other point, is most hosters will give you complete control (basically
 terminal service access) to the box. Do you really want this? You might be a
 good programmer, but are you also a solid system administrator? Do you
 really want to carry that load as well? Then think, others have the same
 access to their servers. Now you have even higher security concerns to deal
 with in relation to that.

Others having access to *their* VPS does not add to the security 
concerns of *your* VPS.

 Then ask yourself, if your  VPS does go down. Who has to do the
 rebuild. Do they simply provide a fresh VPS instance and leave you to set
 everything back up?

And how hard is that?


ColdFusion is delivering applications solutions at at top companies 
around the world in government.  Find out how and where now


RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Rick Faircloth
 To prevent you from hosting multiple sites on it.

Well, the interesting thing about that is that they know
that's what I'm doing and have helped me get everything set up
the way their system works.  They even had the control panel
set up where I can add additional domains for the email accounts
for other websites.

With that in mind, the reason for a single database is still
unclear.  Perhaps that's the way they make additional money off
of multiple websites, if they need databases.  Strange...


-Original Message-
From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 2:44 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Shared Hosting vs VPS

John Mason wrote:
 The $30 deal seems silly. Why only one database?

To prevent you from hosting multiple sites on it.

 At $70 per month, they have to be cutting a lot of corners to make that
 economical. For example, CF Standard costs $1300, it would take over 18
 months just to recoup the cost of CF?

With 4 Virtual servers on one Physical server, a 20% discount because 
they buy wholesale they recoup CF in 4 months.

 One other point, is most hosters will give you complete control (basically
 terminal service access) to the box. Do you really want this? You might be
 good programmer, but are you also a solid system administrator? Do you
 really want to carry that load as well? Then think, others have the same
 access to their servers. Now you have even higher security concerns to
 with in relation to that.

Others having access to *their* VPS does not add to the security 
concerns of *your* VPS.

 Then ask yourself, if your  VPS does go down. Who has to do the
 rebuild. Do they simply provide a fresh VPS instance and leave you to set
 everything back up?

And how hard is that?


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RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Rick Faircloth
Thanks for the feedback, John, it's much appreciated.

I had the same thoughts about the cost aspect. I wondered
if they're getting a good deal from Adobe to make it feasible
or if it just ultimately paid off quickly enough.

The control panel you mentioned is either Plesk or
Haven't used either... And the access to the VPS is via Remote Desktop,
which I don't see any problem with.

The servers for the VPS also run on Raid 5 arrays, which is good in case
of hard drive failure.  I've been running mine on Raid for backup and
uptime, as well.

And yes, one of the things I was concerned about was being able to
quickly get up to speed on administering CF 8 and having only administered
CF 4.5 for about 8 years, and also Win 2003 Server after having only used
Win 2000 Server.  But I would imagine the basic functions that I get into
would be very similar.

Also, the VPS company reassured me that I wouldn't be responsible for the
basic maintenance of either Win 2003 Server or CF 8, since those are
what come with the package.  Other software I choose to install, I would
need to handle... that would basically just be MySQL, which is no problem,
since I've been using it for years.

Another aspect of the VPS I like is being able to install particular
or tags that I need.  For instance, I've been using CFX_JPG from Efflare for
years and most of my sites use it.  Granted, the tags in CF8 can probably
handle my needs now, but almost all of my current sites are coded for
and I would either likely have to do without it on a shared host and recode
all the sites that use it to work without it.

It's just hard making the transition from running my own hardware and
to the limitations of outsourced hosting, either shared or VPS.  But at
with VPS I have much more control over the system, even rebooting it, which
I don't have with shared hosting environment.


-Original Message-
From: John Mason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 2:04 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

The $30 deal seems silly. Why only one database?

I personally don't like the VPS options that several of the other hosting
companies are now offering as being even remotely reasonable. Here goes my
rant on VPS... 

At $70 per month, they have to be cutting a lot of corners to make that
economical. For example, CF Standard costs $1300, it would take over 18
months just to recoup the cost of CF? With server/bandwidth/resources
included over 2 years. Either the resources they give you would be seriously
limited and/or they have to be overloading the servers to make this
profitable. Putting way too many VPSs on one server. Several people here
have noted the bad performance from VPS.

One other point, is most hosters will give you complete control (basically
terminal service access) to the box. Do you really want this? You might be a
good programmer, but are you also a solid system administrator? Do you
really want to carry that load as well? Then think, others have the same
access to their servers. Now you have even higher security concerns to deal
with in relation to that. If they have firewalls protecting you from the
outside. Do they also have firewalls protecting you from other VPSs? If
their control panel can't handle most server setup functions then frankly it
should. Then ask yourself, if your  VPS does go down. Who has to do the
rebuild. Do they simply provide a fresh VPS instance and leave you to set
everything back up? There's a lot to consider when they offer you enough
rope to hang yourself with. 

I'm not going to sale you on FusionLink here. If you like, I can address you
on our options off list. I just want to point out VPS might not be as good
of a deal as it seems.

John Mason
770.337.8363 - ColdFusion and Flex hosting
Now offering ColdFusion 8 Enterprise hosting
FREE Subversion hosting

Download the latest ColdFusion 8 utilities including Report Builder,
plug-ins for Eclipse and Dreamweaver updates.


Re: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Rick Faircloth wrote:
 Also, the VPS company reassured me that I wouldn't be responsible for the
 basic maintenance of either Win 2003 Server or CF 8, since those are
 what come with the package.

But how about the advanced maintenance? And how about your advanced 
maintenance conflicting with their basic maintenance? The first thing I 
do when I get administrative privileges on a VPS is kicking the hoster 
out ...


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RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Rick Faircloth
By kicking the hoster out, do you mean, basically,
removing their control panel?


-Original Message-
From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 3:21 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Shared Hosting vs VPS

Rick Faircloth wrote:
 Also, the VPS company reassured me that I wouldn't be responsible for the
 basic maintenance of either Win 2003 Server or CF 8, since those are
 what come with the package.

But how about the advanced maintenance? And how about your advanced 
maintenance conflicting with their basic maintenance? The first thing I 
do when I get administrative privileges on a VPS is kicking the hoster 
out ...


Get the answers you are looking for on the ColdFusion Labs
Forum direct from active programmers and developers.


RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread John Mason
Others having access to *their* VPS does not add to the security 
concerns of *your* VPS.

I can't agree with that. There several things to be consider here. How the
network is setup, etc. But to say there's no impact is clearly wrong.

 Then ask yourself, if your  VPS does go down. Who has to do the
 rebuild. Do they simply provide a fresh VPS instance and leave you to set
 everything back up?

And how hard is that?

For you maybe not, I would think you have enough experience to be your own
sys admin, but others don't have the skills you have. That's the point.


Get the answers you are looking for on the ColdFusion Labs
Forum direct from active programmers and developers.


RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread John Mason
That's the critical question with this stuff. Where exactly is the line
drawn and who has responsibility for what? The line is this case is pretty
fuzzy unless you kick them completely off the VPS.


-Original Message-
From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 3:21 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Shared Hosting vs VPS

Rick Faircloth wrote:
 Also, the VPS company reassured me that I wouldn't be responsible for 
 the basic maintenance of either Win 2003 Server or CF 8, since those 
 are what come with the package.

But how about the advanced maintenance? And how about your advanced
maintenance conflicting with their basic maintenance? The first thing I do
when I get administrative privileges on a VPS is kicking the hoster out ...


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Re: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread jonese
If i'm not mistaken the cost of CF is per 2 physical cpu's, so if you have a
dual processor system  you spend $1300 then say you throw 4 VPS systems on
that box.This means that each VPS is responsible for $325 ( $1300 / 4 ) of
the cost of ColdFusion Standard OR $1875 For CF ENT. Span each of these over
4 months and you've got $81.25 a month for Standard and $468.75 for ENT.
After the first 4 months it's profit minus other costs.

AND treating it like a shared hosting environment, after you've got the
license paid off then the next VPS on the box will be $0 CF cost. I know
some hosting companies that are planning major VMware roll outs and see this
as a very viable alternative to new boxes.

I personally would go with the $70 VPS IF you have some sys admin experience
or know you'll get good support from the company or other resources. I'm a
control freak though and hate shared hosting.


On 9/23/07, John Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The $30 deal seems silly. Why only one database?

 I personally don't like the VPS options that several of the other hosting
 companies are now offering as being even remotely reasonable. Here goes my
 rant on VPS...

 At $70 per month, they have to be cutting a lot of corners to make that
 economical. For example, CF Standard costs $1300, it would take over 18
 months just to recoup the cost of CF? With server/bandwidth/resources
 included over 2 years. Either the resources they give you would be
 limited and/or they have to be overloading the servers to make this
 profitable. Putting way too many VPSs on one server. Several people here
 have noted the bad performance from VPS.

 One other point, is most hosters will give you complete control (basically
 terminal service access) to the box. Do you really want this? You might be
 good programmer, but are you also a solid system administrator? Do you
 really want to carry that load as well? Then think, others have the same
 access to their servers. Now you have even higher security concerns to
 with in relation to that. If they have firewalls protecting you from the
 outside. Do they also have firewalls protecting you from other VPSs? If
 their control panel can't handle most server setup functions then frankly
 should. Then ask yourself, if your  VPS does go down. Who has to do the
 rebuild. Do they simply provide a fresh VPS instance and leave you to set
 everything back up? There's a lot to consider when they offer you enough
 rope to hang yourself with.

 I'm not going to sale you on FusionLink here. If you like, I can address
 on our options off list. I just want to point out VPS might not be as good
 of a deal as it seems.

 John Mason
 770.337.8363 - ColdFusion and Flex hosting
 Now offering ColdFusion 8 Enterprise hosting
 FREE Subversion hosting


Check out the new features and enhancements in the
latest product release - download the What's New PDF now


Re: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Jochem van Dieten
John Mason wrote:
 Others having access to *their* VPS does not add to the security 
 concerns of *your* VPS.
 I can't agree with that. There several things to be consider here. How the
 network is setup, etc. But to say there's no impact is clearly wrong.

Regardless of how the network is set up, the strategy for protecting 
your VPS is very easy and the same: my VPS vs. the rest of the evil 
world. It doesn't matter if you are directly on the internet, behind a 
firewall or NAT with port forwarding or whatever, you are behind 
somebody else so you don't trust them.

 Then ask yourself, if your  VPS does go down. Who has to do the
 rebuild. Do they simply provide a fresh VPS instance and leave you to set
 everything back up?
 And how hard is that?
 For you maybe not, I would think you have enough experience to be your own
 sys admin, but others don't have the skills you have. That's the point.

How long has Rick been running his own server?


Get involved in the latest ColdFusion discussions, product
development sharing, and articles on the Adobe Labs wiki.


RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Dave Watts
 By kicking the hoster out, do you mean, basically, removing 
 their control panel?

I would assume he means removing or disabling all administrative access to
his server.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
Visit for more information!

Check out the new features and enhancements in the
latest product release - download the What's New PDF now


Re: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Rick Faircloth wrote:
 By kicking the hoster out, do you mean, basically,
 removing their control panel?

Removing all of their logins at every level. That won't ensure that they 
will not be able to get at your VPS (just snapshot the VPS and hack the 
duplicate), but it will put a big barrier in front of them accesing your 
running copy.


Get the answers you are looking for on the ColdFusion Labs
Forum direct from active programmers and developers.


RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Dave Watts
  Others having access to *their* VPS does not add to the 
  security concerns of *your* VPS.
 I can't agree with that. There several things to be consider 
 here. How the network is setup, etc. But to say there's no 
 impact is clearly wrong.

Jochem wrote that there's no impact with regard to security, and he's
clearly right by any meaningful measurement. Having administrative access to
one isolated server doesn't gain you any access to a separate isolated
server, whether the two servers are physical or virtual.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
Visit for more information!

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade to ColdFusion 8 and integrate with Adobe Flex


RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Rick Faircloth
 How long has Rick been running his own server?

About 8 years, now... Win 2000 Server / CF 4.5

I'm sure the setup could be improved, however, I've
been able to successfully host my sites, administer
the databases, administer CF, run Win 2000 Server,
run the network, make an occasional helpful comment
on CF-Talk, and keep my clients happy with their sites
and hosting.

With that in mind, I feel like I should be able to
administer Win 2003 Server and CF 8.

What do you think?


-Original Message-
From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 3:50 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Shared Hosting vs VPS

John Mason wrote:
 Others having access to *their* VPS does not add to the security 
 concerns of *your* VPS.
 I can't agree with that. There several things to be consider here. How the
 network is setup, etc. But to say there's no impact is clearly wrong.

Regardless of how the network is set up, the strategy for protecting 
your VPS is very easy and the same: my VPS vs. the rest of the evil 
world. It doesn't matter if you are directly on the internet, behind a 
firewall or NAT with port forwarding or whatever, you are behind 
somebody else so you don't trust them.

 Then ask yourself, if your  VPS does go down. Who has to do the
 rebuild. Do they simply provide a fresh VPS instance and leave you to
 everything back up?
 And how hard is that?
 For you maybe not, I would think you have enough experience to be your own
 sys admin, but others don't have the skills you have. That's the point.

How long has Rick been running his own server?


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Re: Not getting emails

2007-09-23 Thread Steve Good
nobody knows?

Anyone know who I should send an email to if I have not received any of 
the emails from the list since 9/6/07?

I've already tried to unsubscribe and then subscribe again, but that 
didn't change anything.


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RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread John Mason
Naturally you wouldn't have access to another isolated box but no impact?
None? That's amazing.

So I could have a VPS box inside (for example, TJ Maxx's network) and the
theory is there would be no impact or security concerns for either party?
Maybe I'm missing something your saying here, but that doesn't seem right.


-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 3:57 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

  Others having access to *their* VPS does not add to the security 
  concerns of *your* VPS.
 I can't agree with that. There several things to be consider here. How 
 the network is setup, etc. But to say there's no impact is clearly 

Jochem wrote that there's no impact with regard to security, and he's
clearly right by any meaningful measurement. Having administrative access to
one isolated server doesn't gain you any access to a separate isolated
server, whether the two servers are physical or virtual.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized instruction
at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta, Chicago, Baltimore,
Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
Visit for more information!

ColdFusion is delivering applications solutions at at top companies 
around the world in government.  Find out how and where now


Re: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Jochem van Dieten
John Mason wrote:
 Naturally you wouldn't have access to another isolated box but no impact?
 None? That's amazing.
 So I could have a VPS box inside (for example, TJ Maxx's network) and the
 theory is there would be no impact or security concerns for either party?

It may impact their security, but not yours. In either case you run your 
VPS in a network which you must assume is hostile.


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Re: Not getting emails

2007-09-23 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Steve Good wrote:
 Anyone know who I should send an email to if I have not received any of 
 the emails from the list since 9/6/07?

Since everybody else receives your email you are still properly 
subscribed and the problem is most likely on your end. I would suggest 
starting with the email administrator of


Download the latest ColdFusion 8 utilities including Report Builder,
plug-ins for Eclipse and Dreamweaver updates.


RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Dave Watts
Others having access to *their* VPS does not add to the 
security concerns of *your* VPS.
   I can't agree with that. There several things to be consider 
   here. How the network is setup, etc. But to say there's no 
   impact is clearly wrong.
  Jochem wrote that there's no impact with regard to security, 
  and he's clearly right by any meaningful measurement. Having 
  administrative access to one isolated server doesn't gain you 
  any access to a separate isolated server, whether the two 
  servers are physical or virtual.
 Naturally you wouldn't have access to another isolated box 
 but no impact? None? That's amazing.

Yes, you're missing something. We're talking about two isolated servers on a
network assumed to be hostile. My having administrative rights on the first
server has nothing to do with the security of the second server.

 So I could have a VPS box inside (for example, TJ Maxx's 
 network) and the theory is there would be no impact or 
 security concerns for either party? Maybe I'm missing 
 something your saying here, but that doesn't seem right.

That's a bad analogy. If TJ Maxx provided a hosting service, and we were
both customers, their granting me administrative access on my server would
have no effect on the security of your server.

You are aware that hosting companies provide administrative access to
dedicated servers all the time, right? In your opinion, is this a bad thing?

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
Visit for more information!

Check out the new features and enhancements in the
latest product release - download the What's New PDF now


Re: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Jim Wright
On 9/23/07, Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The choice is between shared hosting for $30 per month or a VPS for $70 per

Rick, If you don't mind my asking, where are you getting a Win2003/CF8
VPS for $70/month?  That seems pretty low to me.

Enterprise web applications, build robust, secure 
scalable apps today - Try it now ColdFusion Today
ColdFusion 8 beta - Build next generation apps


Re: Instantiating all objects within Application.cfm

2007-09-23 Thread Brian Kotek
Wow, I had no idea that was the case. So basically, never, ever host
anything sensitive on a shared server.

On 9/22/07, Sean Corfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 9/22/07, James Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So was I - as long as I know the application name, a CFAPPLICATION tag
  anywhere on the machine can make any CF code part of your application.
  There is no folder restriction on this and no way to prevent it.

 Just set your application name to the empty string and you can see
 *everyone's* application scopes by dumping yours. That's just how the
 underlying Java Servlet context works.
 Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
 An Architect's View --

 If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
 -- Margaret Atwood


Get the answers you are looking for on the ColdFusion Labs
Forum direct from active programmers and developers.


Re: Not getting emails

2007-09-23 Thread Steve Good
Steve Good wrote:
 Anyone know who I should send an email to if I have not received any of 
 the emails from the list since 9/6/07?

Since everybody else receives your email you are still properly 
subscribed and the problem is most likely on your end. I would suggest 
starting with the email administrator of


I'm the admin for the domain.   So I know that  I should still be getting 
messages.  I'll just keep going to the website for updates.  thanks for the 
reply though.


Download the latest ColdFusion 8 utilities including Report Builder,
plug-ins for Eclipse and Dreamweaver updates.


RE: Instantiating all objects within Application.cfm

2007-09-23 Thread Dave Watts
 Wow, I had no idea that was the case. So basically, never, 
 ever host anything sensitive on a shared server.

That has always been the case.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
Visit for more information!

Enterprise web applications, build robust, secure 
scalable apps today - Try it now ColdFusion Today
ColdFusion 8 beta - Build next generation apps


RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Rick Faircloth
Right off Michael's's site... and ad

The page says $79.99, which is still fine, but when I talked
to them, I got a discount code which brings the price down
to $69.99 per month.

- CF 8
- MS 2003 Enterprise OS
- MS II6
- MS .NET 2.x
- 5 Static IPs
- 10 GB HD Space
- 250 GB Monthly Transfer
- Remote Desktop Admin
- Virtuozzo Power Panel
- Nightly Backups
- Add, remove, configure your own software
- SmarterTools stats service for 5 sites - Shared
- 50 POP3 email accounts each up to 5 domains free / unlimited
  SMTP aliases - Smartermail Enterprise Shared
- Unlimited site hosting

Sound good?


-Original Message-
From: Jim Wright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 4:42 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Shared Hosting vs VPS

On 9/23/07, Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The choice is between shared hosting for $30 per month or a VPS for $70

Rick, If you don't mind my asking, where are you getting a Win2003/CF8
VPS for $70/month?  That seems pretty low to me.

Check out the new features and enhancements in the
latest product release - download the What's New PDF now


RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread John Mason
Not necessarily, but you have to ask yourself if you have the knowledge and
experience to properly 'isolate' your VPS for now and in the future. Which
I'm not seeing people do. They look at VPS as a deal and leave the decision
to that. Then also if you are doing this for a client of yours. Do they
understand the responsibilities for the developer and hoster? If the VPS has
issues, who do they call? When the developer leaves the picture, who assumes
responsibility? There's a lot to consider. The main point is that each
choice does indeed have an impact and issues that need to be laid out

John Mason

-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 4:42 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

Others having access to *their* VPS does not add to the security 
concerns of *your* VPS.
   I can't agree with that. There several things to be consider here. 
   How the network is setup, etc. But to say there's no impact is 
   clearly wrong.
  Jochem wrote that there's no impact with regard to security, and 
  he's clearly right by any meaningful measurement. Having 
  administrative access to one isolated server doesn't gain you any 
  access to a separate isolated server, whether the two servers are 
  physical or virtual.
 Naturally you wouldn't have access to another isolated box but no 
 impact? None? That's amazing.

Yes, you're missing something. We're talking about two isolated servers on a
network assumed to be hostile. My having administrative rights on the first
server has nothing to do with the security of the second server.

 So I could have a VPS box inside (for example, TJ Maxx's
 network) and the theory is there would be no impact or security 
 concerns for either party? Maybe I'm missing something your saying 
 here, but that doesn't seem right.

That's a bad analogy. If TJ Maxx provided a hosting service, and we were
both customers, their granting me administrative access on my server would
have no effect on the security of your server.

You are aware that hosting companies provide administrative access to
dedicated servers all the time, right? In your opinion, is this a bad thing?

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized instruction
at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta, Chicago, Baltimore,
Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
Visit for more information!

ColdFusion is delivering applications solutions at at top companies 
around the world in government.  Find out how and where now


RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Eric Roberts
Ahphosting ( hosts houseoffusion) is pretty
good.  They charge 70 / month and offer CF8 VPS on Win2003.  I belive the
HOF site has a link to their VPS offer...


-Original Message-
From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 2:11 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

Thanks for the feedback, John, it's much appreciated.

I had the same thoughts about the cost aspect. I wondered
if they're getting a good deal from Adobe to make it feasible
or if it just ultimately paid off quickly enough.

The control panel you mentioned is either Plesk or
Haven't used either... And the access to the VPS is via Remote Desktop,
which I don't see any problem with.

The servers for the VPS also run on Raid 5 arrays, which is good in case
of hard drive failure.  I've been running mine on Raid for backup and
uptime, as well.

And yes, one of the things I was concerned about was being able to
quickly get up to speed on administering CF 8 and having only administered
CF 4.5 for about 8 years, and also Win 2003 Server after having only used
Win 2000 Server.  But I would imagine the basic functions that I get into
would be very similar.

Also, the VPS company reassured me that I wouldn't be responsible for the
basic maintenance of either Win 2003 Server or CF 8, since those are
what come with the package.  Other software I choose to install, I would
need to handle... that would basically just be MySQL, which is no problem,
since I've been using it for years.

Another aspect of the VPS I like is being able to install particular
or tags that I need.  For instance, I've been using CFX_JPG from Efflare for
years and most of my sites use it.  Granted, the tags in CF8 can probably
handle my needs now, but almost all of my current sites are coded for
and I would either likely have to do without it on a shared host and recode
all the sites that use it to work without it.

It's just hard making the transition from running my own hardware and
to the limitations of outsourced hosting, either shared or VPS.  But at
with VPS I have much more control over the system, even rebooting it, which
I don't have with shared hosting environment.


-Original Message-
From: John Mason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 2:04 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

The $30 deal seems silly. Why only one database?

I personally don't like the VPS options that several of the other hosting
companies are now offering as being even remotely reasonable. Here goes my
rant on VPS... 

At $70 per month, they have to be cutting a lot of corners to make that
economical. For example, CF Standard costs $1300, it would take over 18
months just to recoup the cost of CF? With server/bandwidth/resources
included over 2 years. Either the resources they give you would be seriously
limited and/or they have to be overloading the servers to make this
profitable. Putting way too many VPSs on one server. Several people here
have noted the bad performance from VPS.

One other point, is most hosters will give you complete control (basically
terminal service access) to the box. Do you really want this? You might be a
good programmer, but are you also a solid system administrator? Do you
really want to carry that load as well? Then think, others have the same
access to their servers. Now you have even higher security concerns to deal
with in relation to that. If they have firewalls protecting you from the
outside. Do they also have firewalls protecting you from other VPSs? If
their control panel can't handle most server setup functions then frankly it
should. Then ask yourself, if your  VPS does go down. Who has to do the
rebuild. Do they simply provide a fresh VPS instance and leave you to set
everything back up? There's a lot to consider when they offer you enough
rope to hang yourself with. 

I'm not going to sale you on FusionLink here. If you like, I can address you
on our options off list. I just want to point out VPS might not be as good
of a deal as it seems.

John Mason
770.337.8363 - ColdFusion and Flex hosting
Now offering ColdFusion 8 Enterprise hosting
FREE Subversion hosting

Get involved in the latest ColdFusion discussions, product
development sharing, and articles on the Adobe Labs wiki.


Re: SOT: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Sean Corfield
On 9/23/07, Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just wonder if there are any more gotcha's that I haven't considered
 with shared hosting

Your application scope is accessible to anyone else on the same server
instance which could be an issue if you put any sensitive data into
application scope.

Your sites may become unavailable due to someone else's bad code on
your server taking down the whole instance.

Depending on the hosting company, if someone guesses your datasource
name, they have full access to your database (depends on whether the
hosting company puts passwords in datasources or not and whether they
correctly use sandbox security - assuming they're running enterprise,
of course).

Since you have several client sites, I would expect the cost of the
VPS to be miniscule in comparison to the ongoing income from
maintaining those sites?
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

Get involved in the latest ColdFusion discussions, product
development sharing, and articles on the Adobe Labs wiki.


RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Rick Faircloth
You're right on, Eric... they're actually the ones I've been writing
about this whole time...


-Original Message-
From: Eric Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 7:22 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

Ahphosting ( hosts houseoffusion) is pretty
good.  They charge 70 / month and offer CF8 VPS on Win2003.  I belive the
HOF site has a link to their VPS offer...


-Original Message-
From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 2:11 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

Thanks for the feedback, John, it's much appreciated.

I had the same thoughts about the cost aspect. I wondered
if they're getting a good deal from Adobe to make it feasible
or if it just ultimately paid off quickly enough.

The control panel you mentioned is either Plesk or
Haven't used either... And the access to the VPS is via Remote Desktop,
which I don't see any problem with.

The servers for the VPS also run on Raid 5 arrays, which is good in case
of hard drive failure.  I've been running mine on Raid for backup and
uptime, as well.

And yes, one of the things I was concerned about was being able to
quickly get up to speed on administering CF 8 and having only administered
CF 4.5 for about 8 years, and also Win 2003 Server after having only used
Win 2000 Server.  But I would imagine the basic functions that I get into
would be very similar.

Also, the VPS company reassured me that I wouldn't be responsible for the
basic maintenance of either Win 2003 Server or CF 8, since those are
what come with the package.  Other software I choose to install, I would
need to handle... that would basically just be MySQL, which is no problem,
since I've been using it for years.

Another aspect of the VPS I like is being able to install particular
or tags that I need.  For instance, I've been using CFX_JPG from Efflare for
years and most of my sites use it.  Granted, the tags in CF8 can probably
handle my needs now, but almost all of my current sites are coded for
and I would either likely have to do without it on a shared host and recode
all the sites that use it to work without it.

It's just hard making the transition from running my own hardware and
to the limitations of outsourced hosting, either shared or VPS.  But at
with VPS I have much more control over the system, even rebooting it, which
I don't have with shared hosting environment.


-Original Message-
From: John Mason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 2:04 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

The $30 deal seems silly. Why only one database?

I personally don't like the VPS options that several of the other hosting
companies are now offering as being even remotely reasonable. Here goes my
rant on VPS... 

At $70 per month, they have to be cutting a lot of corners to make that
economical. For example, CF Standard costs $1300, it would take over 18
months just to recoup the cost of CF? With server/bandwidth/resources
included over 2 years. Either the resources they give you would be seriously
limited and/or they have to be overloading the servers to make this
profitable. Putting way too many VPSs on one server. Several people here
have noted the bad performance from VPS.

One other point, is most hosters will give you complete control (basically
terminal service access) to the box. Do you really want this? You might be a
good programmer, but are you also a solid system administrator? Do you
really want to carry that load as well? Then think, others have the same
access to their servers. Now you have even higher security concerns to deal
with in relation to that. If they have firewalls protecting you from the
outside. Do they also have firewalls protecting you from other VPSs? If
their control panel can't handle most server setup functions then frankly it
should. Then ask yourself, if your  VPS does go down. Who has to do the
rebuild. Do they simply provide a fresh VPS instance and leave you to set
everything back up? There's a lot to consider when they offer you enough
rope to hang yourself with. 

I'm not going to sale you on FusionLink here. If you like, I can address you
on our options off list. I just want to point out VPS might not be as good
of a deal as it seems.

John Mason
770.337.8363 - ColdFusion and Flex hosting
Now offering ColdFusion 8 Enterprise hosting
FREE Subversion hosting

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade to ColdFusion 8 and integrate with Adobe Flex


Re: Simple .NET Class

2007-09-23 Thread Antony Sideropoulos
Hi Dale

Check the error.log in the DotNetService installation folder - there may be
more detail in there to assist with trouble-shooting.


On 9/22/07, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes same server.

 cfobject action=create name=test class=CfTest
 assembly=Test.dll /

 I put the Test.dll in the Assembly cache after it didn't work locally even
 with full path.

 This is as simple as I could make it. I tried it with namespace also.

 But both ways get the same error.

public class CfTest

public CfTest()

public int testMethod()
int c;
c = 2;
return c;


 Dale Fraser

 -Original Message-
 From: Antony Sideropoulos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, 22 September 2007 11:13 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Simple .NET Class

 I'm not sure - I'm using local system on my pc and it eventually worked

 Your dll is on the same server as CF isn't it? Is it a local drive or

 On 9/22/07, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  All CF services are running as Local System
  Should they be something else? Administrator?
  Dale Fraser
  -Original Message-
  From: Antony Sideropoulos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, 21 September 2007 11:04 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: Simple .NET Class
  Are you able to connect to standard Windows dlls?
  eg, can you run this snippet:
  cfobject type=.NET name=test class=System.Environment
  cfdump var=#test#
  cfdump var=#test.Get_Version().ToString()# !--- 2.0.50727.1318 on
  Sp2 for me; 2.0.50727.312 on vista for me ---
  also, what account are your CF services running under? permissions okay?
  On 9/21/07, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Having same problem on multiple computers.
   We must be missing something really obvious I think.
   It seems not many people have tried this.
   Dale Fraser
   -Original Message-
   From: Davide Campo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Friday, 21 September 2007 1:45 AM
   To: CF-Talk
   Subject: Re: Simple .NET Class
   - i haven't .NET stuff installed (what is it?)
   - i have only .net 2.0 installed
   - i tried to stop cf .net service, delete  paste dll, restart cf .net
   execute the sample again --- guess what? NOTHING, same error
   only one word: help!
   tnk u all


Get the answers you are looking for on the ColdFusion Labs
Forum direct from active programmers and developers.


RE: SOT: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Rick Faircloth
Hi, Sean...

Yes, the cost is not an issue.  I've just never used shared hosting
or a VPS and I'm just trying to clearly understand the issues.

Seems like VPS is a better way to go, based on the responses.

I don't have much concern for being able to handle the setup and
maintenance of the system, since I'll still be running my server
until I'm comfortable with the new one and all my code is running
properly on CF 8.

The two big things I've snagged on with shared hosting is the inability
to use CFX_JPG on a shared environment... that's going to cause me to
have to rewrite a lot of code.

Also, at least with CrystalTech, I apparently can have only *one* database,
so I've to combine all my databases into one and rename every table.
Now, that's a pain... and if I ever want to separate the databases, I've
got to go through the process of breaking up the database and renaming
all the tables again.

I still don't get that part from CrystalTech.  Their features list has
Datasources/DSNs   Unlimited
Database Connections   Unlimited
MySQL 5   800MB (with my plan)

Now for the support people to tell me that I can have only one database
and that the unlimited part refers to the type of connections doesn't
make any sense to me.  If that were the case, then why are
Datasources/DSN's (which I would think would refer to databases) be
listed separately from Database Connections?  And, at least in a query,
a datasource is typically a database for me.

The support person must be correct, however, because I only asked when I
to add my second database and the control panel warned that additional
databases would incur additional charges per month.  I would have thought
the support person was wrong, if the system hadn't first warned me.

I emailed support at that point, and sure enough, support said every
database was $5 per month.  I think that's a little nuts.  Maybe I'm missing


-Original Message-
From: Sean Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 7:38 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SOT: Shared Hosting vs VPS

On 9/23/07, Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just wonder if there are any more gotcha's that I haven't considered
 with shared hosting

Your application scope is accessible to anyone else on the same server
instance which could be an issue if you put any sensitive data into
application scope.

Your sites may become unavailable due to someone else's bad code on
your server taking down the whole instance.

Depending on the hosting company, if someone guesses your datasource
name, they have full access to your database (depends on whether the
hosting company puts passwords in datasources or not and whether they
correctly use sandbox security - assuming they're running enterprise,
of course).

Since you have several client sites, I would expect the cost of the
VPS to be miniscule in comparison to the ongoing income from
maintaining those sites?
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

Enterprise web applications, build robust, secure 
scalable apps today - Try it now ColdFusion Today
ColdFusion 8 beta - Build next generation apps


RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Dave Watts
 Not necessarily, but you have to ask yourself if 
 you have the knowledge and experience to 
 properly 'isolate' your VPS for now and in the 

All of which is completely irrelevant to the original statement about security 
made by Jochem.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software 

Download the latest ColdFusion 8 utilities including Report Builder,
plug-ins for Eclipse and Dreamweaver updates.


RE: Simple .NET Class

2007-09-23 Thread Dale Fraser
A search on the server found no error.log

Dale Fraser

-Original Message-
From: Antony Sideropoulos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, 24 September 2007 10:02 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Simple .NET Class

Hi Dale

Check the error.log in the DotNetService installation folder - there may be
more detail in there to assist with trouble-shooting.


On 9/22/07, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes same server.

 cfobject action=create name=test class=CfTest
 assembly=Test.dll /

 I put the Test.dll in the Assembly cache after it didn't work locally even
 with full path.

 This is as simple as I could make it. I tried it with namespace also.

 But both ways get the same error.

public class CfTest

public CfTest()

public int testMethod()
int c;
c = 2;
return c;


 Dale Fraser

 -Original Message-
 From: Antony Sideropoulos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, 22 September 2007 11:13 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Simple .NET Class

 I'm not sure - I'm using local system on my pc and it eventually worked

 Your dll is on the same server as CF isn't it? Is it a local drive or

 On 9/22/07, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  All CF services are running as Local System
  Should they be something else? Administrator?
  Dale Fraser
  -Original Message-
  From: Antony Sideropoulos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, 21 September 2007 11:04 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: Simple .NET Class
  Are you able to connect to standard Windows dlls?
  eg, can you run this snippet:
  cfobject type=.NET name=test class=System.Environment
  cfdump var=#test#
  cfdump var=#test.Get_Version().ToString()# !--- 2.0.50727.1318 on
  Sp2 for me; 2.0.50727.312 on vista for me ---
  also, what account are your CF services running under? permissions okay?
  On 9/21/07, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Having same problem on multiple computers.
   We must be missing something really obvious I think.
   It seems not many people have tried this.
   Dale Fraser
   -Original Message-
   From: Davide Campo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Friday, 21 September 2007 1:45 AM
   To: CF-Talk
   Subject: Re: Simple .NET Class
   - i haven't .NET stuff installed (what is it?)
   - i have only .net 2.0 installed
   - i tried to stop cf .net service, delete  paste dll, restart cf .net
   execute the sample again --- guess what? NOTHING, same error
   only one word: help!
   tnk u all


ColdFusion is delivering applications solutions at at top companies 
around the world in government.  Find out how and where now


Re: Numberformat and cfgrid

2007-09-23 Thread Steve Sequenzia
 Ray Camden has blogged about column rendring, maybe you check that out.
 On 9/21/07, Steve Sequenzia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I just need to add commas to a grid column that are displaying 
 numbers. I think I need to use numberformat but I am not sure how to 
 use it.
  Any help would be great.

Download the latest ColdFusion 8 utilities including Report Builder,
plug-ins for Eclipse and Dreamweaver updates.



2007-09-23 Thread Dale Fraser
Following on from the Simple .NET example. It just doesn't work.


I've cooked it so many ways, others are having the same problem.


So can some people please try this to see how many people have this problem.


The example was found here.


C# Code here


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;


namespace MathExample


public class MathClass


public static int Add(int a, int b)


return (a + b);





CF Code here


cfobject name=math class=MathExample.MathClass
assembly=#expandPath('.\MathClass.dll')# /

cfdump var=#test# /


DLL available at in case you can't
compile C# code.


I (and others) get the exception





The assembly that contains the class must be provided to the assembly


Class MathExample.MathClass not found in the specified assembly list. 


And in my dotnet.log


Error,jrpp-1914,09/24/07,10:57:24,,Error in retrieving the
referenced assembly

Error,jrpp-1914,09/24/07,10:57:26,,Aborting proxy generation as no
classes were found in dependent class list. This might mean that the class
MathExample.MathClass was not present in the assembly


So someone needs to be able to answer as to why this is happening?



Dale Fraser


Get involved in the latest ColdFusion discussions, product
development sharing, and articles on the Adobe Labs wiki.


Re: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread James Holmes
This only applies to CF Enterprise. CF8 Standard has en extra cost per
VPS of 2 CPUs.

On 9/24/07, jonese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If i'm not mistaken the cost of CF is per 2 physical cpu's, so if you have a
 dual processor system  you spend $1300 then say you throw 4 VPS systems on
 that box.This means that each VPS is responsible for $325 ( $1300 / 4 ) of
 the cost of ColdFusion Standard OR $1875 For CF ENT. Span each of these over
 4 months and you've got $81.25 a month for Standard and $468.75 for ENT.
 After the first 4 months it's profit minus other costs.

 AND treating it like a shared hosting environment, after you've got the
 license paid off then the next VPS on the box will be $0 CF cost. I know
 some hosting companies that are planning major VMware roll outs and see this
 as a very viable alternative to new boxes.

 I personally would go with the $70 VPS IF you have some sys admin experience
 or know you'll get good support from the company or other resources. I'm a
 control freak though and hate shared hosting.


 On 9/23/07, John Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The $30 deal seems silly. Why only one database?
  I personally don't like the VPS options that several of the other hosting
  companies are now offering as being even remotely reasonable. Here goes my
  rant on VPS...
  At $70 per month, they have to be cutting a lot of corners to make that
  economical. For example, CF Standard costs $1300, it would take over 18
  months just to recoup the cost of CF? With server/bandwidth/resources
  included over 2 years. Either the resources they give you would be
  limited and/or they have to be overloading the servers to make this
  profitable. Putting way too many VPSs on one server. Several people here
  have noted the bad performance from VPS.
  One other point, is most hosters will give you complete control (basically
  terminal service access) to the box. Do you really want this? You might be
  good programmer, but are you also a solid system administrator? Do you
  really want to carry that load as well? Then think, others have the same
  access to their servers. Now you have even higher security concerns to
  with in relation to that. If they have firewalls protecting you from the
  outside. Do they also have firewalls protecting you from other VPSs? If
  their control panel can't handle most server setup functions then frankly
  should. Then ask yourself, if your  VPS does go down. Who has to do the
  rebuild. Do they simply provide a fresh VPS instance and leave you to set
  everything back up? There's a lot to consider when they offer you enough
  rope to hang yourself with.
  I'm not going to sale you on FusionLink here. If you like, I can address
  on our options off list. I just want to point out VPS might not be as good
  of a deal as it seems.
  John Mason
  770.337.8363 - ColdFusion and Flex hosting
  Now offering ColdFusion 8 Enterprise hosting
  FREE Subversion hosting


ColdFusion 8 - Build next generation apps
today, with easy PDF and Ajax features - download now


RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread John Mason
Actually no, there way too many assumptions being made to make that
statement. I thought I made that fairly clear. 


-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 8:20 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

 Not necessarily, but you have to ask yourself if you have the 
 knowledge and experience to properly 'isolate' your VPS for now and in 
 the future.

All of which is completely irrelevant to the original statement about
security made by Jochem.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software 

Enterprise web applications, build robust, secure 
scalable apps today - Try it now ColdFusion Today
ColdFusion 8 beta - Build next generation apps


Creating a Power Point Presentation

2007-09-23 Thread Dale Fraser
Anyone know of a way to get ColdFusion to generate a PowerPoint
presentation, it needs to be editable.


Was looking for a HTML - PPT or PDF - PPT type option or a server based API



Dale Fraser


ColdFusion 8 - Build next generation apps
today, with easy PDF and Ajax features - download now


RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Dave Watts
 Actually no, there way too many assumptions 
 being made to make that statement. I thought 
 I made that fairly clear.

No, you haven't. Your assertion alone is insufficient.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software 

Check out the new features and enhancements in the
latest product release - download the What's New PDF now


RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Dave Watts
-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CF-Talk
Sent: 23 Sep 07 21:32
Subject: RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

  Actually no, there way too many assumptions 
  being made to make that statement. I thought 
  I made that fairly clear.

 No, you haven't. Your assertion alone is 

Rereading my response, I realize it may have been  a bit terse. But again, how 
is this any different from dedicated hosting?

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Enterprise web applications, build robust, secure 
scalable apps today - Try it now ColdFusion Today
ColdFusion 8 beta - Build next generation apps


Re: CF8 amp; .NET HELP!!!

2007-09-23 Thread Vince Bonfanti
I downloaded your DLL and ran it successfully on BlueDragon.NET, including the 

cfoutput#math.Add( 2, 2 )#/cfoutput

This at least tells you that your DLL is built properly, and the problem's 
somewhere else.

Vince Bonfanti
New Atlanta Communications, LLC

Following on from the Simple .NET example. It just doesn't work.


I've cooked it so many ways, others are having the same problem.


So can some people please try this to see how many people have this problem.


The example was found here.


C# Code here


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;


namespace MathExample


public class MathClass


public static int Add(int a, int b)


return (a + b);





CF Code here


cfobject name=math class=MathExample.MathClass
assembly=#expandPath('.\MathClass.dll')# /

cfdump var=#test# /


DLL available at in case you can't
compile C# code.


I (and others) get the exception





The assembly that contains the class must be provided to the assembly


Class MathExample.MathClass not found in the specified assembly list. 


And in my dotnet.log


Error,jrpp-1914,09/24/07,10:57:24,,Error in retrieving the
referenced assembly

Error,jrpp-1914,09/24/07,10:57:26,,Aborting proxy generation as no
classes were found in dependent class list. This might mean that the class
MathExample.MathClass was not present in the assembly


So someone needs to be able to answer as to why this is happening?



Dale Fraser 

Get involved in the latest ColdFusion discussions, product
development sharing, and articles on the Adobe Labs wiki.


RE: CF8 amp; .NET HELP!!!

2007-09-23 Thread Dale Fraser
Thanks Vince.

The problem lies in calling a DLL, and you are right it's not my DLL that's
the problem, just any DLL.

This generates the same error, be interested if others try this and see if
it works, it doesn't even require you to install a dll

cfobject type=.Net name=myObj
cfdump var=#myObj#

Dale Fraser

-Original Message-
From: Vince Bonfanti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, 24 September 2007 12:55 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CF8 amp; .NET HELP!!!

I downloaded your DLL and ran it successfully on BlueDragon.NET, including
the following:

cfoutput#math.Add( 2, 2 )#/cfoutput

This at least tells you that your DLL is built properly, and the problem's
somewhere else.

Vince Bonfanti
New Atlanta Communications, LLC

Following on from the Simple .NET example. It just doesn't work.


I've cooked it so many ways, others are having the same problem.


So can some people please try this to see how many people have this


The example was found here.


C# Code here


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;


namespace MathExample


public class MathClass


public static int Add(int a, int b)


return (a + b);





CF Code here


cfobject name=math class=MathExample.MathClass
assembly=#expandPath('.\MathClass.dll')# /

cfdump var=#test# /


DLL available at in case you can't
compile C# code.


I (and others) get the exception





The assembly that contains the class must be provided to the assembly


Class MathExample.MathClass not found in the specified assembly list. 


And in my dotnet.log


Error,jrpp-1914,09/24/07,10:57:24,,Error in retrieving the
referenced assembly

Error,jrpp-1914,09/24/07,10:57:26,,Aborting proxy generation as no
classes were found in dependent class list. This might mean that the class
MathExample.MathClass was not present in the assembly


So someone needs to be able to answer as to why this is happening?



Dale Fraser 

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade to ColdFusion 8 and integrate with Adobe Flex


String validation HELP!!!!

2007-09-23 Thread Kenny Kinds
I'm writing code to verify if a string that is entered complies with certain 

The criteria are

the first four characters must have at least one alphanumeric character and one 
numeric character and the last 4 digits must have the same.

Also, the string cannot have two repeating alphanumeric or numeric characters. 
ex. 'AA'

I've written the first part, but i'm having trouble with the repeating 

Can anyone point me in the right direction on how I can accomplish this?


ColdFusion is delivering applications solutions at at top companies 
around the world in government.  Find out how and where now


RE: Creating a Power Point Presentation

2007-09-23 Thread Todd Mathews

We just went throught this same scenario. Take a look at Aspose.Slides.

It's a little painful to get running the first time but works extremely well
once you get everything figured out.


 -Original Message-
 From: Dale Fraser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 8:31 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Creating a Power Point Presentation
 Anyone know of a way to get ColdFusion to generate a 
 PowerPoint presentation, it needs to be editable.
 Was looking for a HTML - PPT or PDF - PPT type option or a 
 server based API etc.
 Dale Fraser

Download the latest ColdFusion 8 utilities including Report Builder,
plug-ins for Eclipse and Dreamweaver updates.


RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread John Mason
No problem, it's late..

There wouldn't be a difference in those two if you provide both with TS

I think we're in agreement more than not here. It may be a finer point on
the TS access, where I think giving people TS access when they don't really
need it. They may also not fully understand the responsibilities they are
accepting when they do. I didn't like the original statement because it seem
too far reaching. Though I do think you should think of any network to be
hostile, regardless of the situation. More access points with the full range
of services that TS provides than less would naturally, in my mind, mean a
more hostile network than not. For example, hosting your VPS at TJ Maxx
would be in a less secure environment than at NSA. But you should always
assume that you're in the weaker of the two.


-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 9:54 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CF-Talk
Sent: 23 Sep 07 21:32
Subject: RE: Shared Hosting vs VPS

  Actually no, there way too many assumptions being made to make that 
  statement. I thought I made that fairly clear.

 No, you haven't. Your assertion alone is insufficient.

Rereading my response, I realize it may have been  a bit terse. But again,
how is this any different from dedicated hosting?

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Check out the new features and enhancements in the
latest product release - download the What's New PDF now


Re: SOT: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Sean Corfield
On 9/23/07, Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now for the support people to tell me that I can have only one database
 and that the unlimited part refers to the type of connections doesn't
 make any sense to me.  If that were the case, then why are
 Datasources/DSN's (which I would think would refer to databases) be
 listed separately from Database Connections?  And, at least in a query,
 a datasource is typically a database for me.

The unlimited data sources - in the CF Admin - can all refer to a
single database. The unlimited database connections (again, in the
CF Admin) just means they don't cap concurrent connections between CF
and MySQL arbitrarily.

You can ensure that different data sources using different credentials
only have access to their own tables (within the single database) but,
frankly, that's a lot of work for very little benefit in my opinion.

I run multiple databases on my localhost setup to avoid name conflicts
so I would definitely find it very restrictive to host multiple sites
on a single database! Again, I'd lean toward the VPS in this case.
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

ColdFusion is delivering applications solutions at at top companies 
around the world in government.  Find out how and where now


Re: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Dave l
i have 3 vps boxes and they are by far and away better than shared hosting, no 
if's and's or but's about it.

However, coldfusion 8 doesnt seem to run real good on cfm8 vps's. I just got a 
new cfm8 one and its been real high with recourses compared to cfmx7. 

That wasn't working out so well so I just got a nice dedicated cfm8 box at HMS 
and thats the shit!!! It's windows(gag  puke) and that sucks but oh well. 
Aside from that the difference in how the sites function is really noticeable.

If security is an issue then think about linux, unless it has Dave Watts magic 
version of a secure windows then that will always be an issue.

You might not be able to afford it but if you can go that route, if you have 8 
years worth of sites then you should be able to have them pay for it (unless 
you're Will in which case in 8 years he might only have 3 clients total). I am 
charging $30 to host on the ded box which I think is fairly good.

Rick... I never thought I'd see the day that you would move past 4.5;)~
next up we'll get ya moved up to windows 98!!!

Check out the new features and enhancements in the
latest product release - download the What's New PDF now


Re: SOT: Shared Hosting vs VPS

2007-09-23 Thread Dave l
first off crystal tech is a joke. unless you want that ever elusive mysql 
sql server 2000 custom install which they seem to have. They are better than 
when steve owned it but every client i get that is there and i gotta call their 
support is a complete waste of time, you might as well call mother theresa at 
least that way you can at least prayer for a correct answer.

second, some of your image tags might be cause for concern, when i moved 
everyone to cf8 all my imagecfc pages barfed but replacing them took about 20 
seconds each so it wasnt so bad. And you probably don't have may java 
interfering tags on 4.5.

Also a vps server lets you have more db's, well if you use say mysql.. you can 
just install it and make all you want but of course it would be better to spend 
another $30 a month on a dedicated db vps.

And buying a copy of cf8 wouldnt hurt either, you can get it in the price but 
it only takes a year of renting it to be on par with what you can buy it for, 
i am about ready to do that myself.

Hi, Sean...

Yes, the cost is not an issue.  I've just never used shared hosting
or a VPS and I'm just trying to clearly understand the issues.

Seems like VPS is a better way to go, based on the responses.

I don't have much concern for being able to handle the setup and
maintenance of the system, since I'll still be running my server
until I'm comfortable with the new one and all my code is running
properly on CF 8.

The two big things I've snagged on with shared hosting is the inability
to use CFX_JPG on a shared environment... that's going to cause me to
have to rewrite a lot of code.

Also, at least with CrystalTech, I apparently can have only *one* database,
so I've to combine all my databases into one and rename every table.
Now, that's a pain... and if I ever want to separate the databases, I've
got to go through the process of breaking up the database and renaming
all the tables again.

I still don't get that part from CrystalTech.  Their features list has
Datasources/DSNs   Unlimited
Database Connections   Unlimited
MySQL 5   800MB (with my plan)

Now for the support people to tell me that I can have only one database
and that the unlimited part refers to the type of connections doesn't
make any sense to me.  If that were the case, then why are
Datasources/DSN's (which I would think would refer to databases) be
listed separately from Database Connections?  And, at least in a query,
a datasource is typically a database for me.

The support person must be correct, however, because I only asked when I
to add my second database and the control panel warned that additional
databases would incur additional charges per month.  I would have thought
the support person was wrong, if the system hadn't first warned me.

I emailed support at that point, and sure enough, support said every
database was $5 per month.  I think that's a little nuts.  Maybe I'm missing


 I just wonder if there are any more gotcha's that I haven't considered
 with shared hosting

Your application scope is accessible to anyone else on the same server
instance which could be an issue if you put any sensitive data into
application scope.

Your sites may become unavailable due to someone else's bad code on
your server taking down the whole instance.

Depending on the hosting company, if someone guesses your datasource
name, they have full access to your database (depends on whether the
hosting company puts passwords in datasources or not and whether they
correctly use sandbox security - assuming they're running enterprise,
of course).

Since you have several client sites, I would expect the cost of the
VPS to be miniscule in comparison to the ongoing income from
maintaining those sites?
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View -- 

Get the answers you are looking for on the ColdFusion Labs
Forum direct from active programmers and developers.
