End of an era

2013-02-04 Thread Adrian Cesana

Reply from bytes=32 time=21ms TTL=119
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

I shut down a very faithful
NT 4
Oriellys Website Pro
Cold Fusion 4.01
MS SQL 7.0

server today..its been amazingly rock solid and moving large amounts of data 
without a glitch for many years now.  It went over 16 months without a single 
reboot, pretty amazing for Windows server.

This box is from before the cftalk era when ColdFusion was supported on the 
WSPRO list and Denny used to field many of the questions, then Tak at 
smokescreen.org ran the list during the WSP breakup. Dinowitz then seemed to 
spring up out of no where and here we are...Those were fun days.  I still have 
the T-shirt that came with Dennys WSP, never worn.  

Its good to see some of the original group still here fielding questions.

Cheers to you all!


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CFFILE and spaces in file name (Not Upload)

2013-01-15 Thread Adrian Cesana

I am cleaning up an older site that has grown a bit out of control with all 
images being dumped into a single directory.  Almost all the filenames have a 
space in them.

I am trying to use CFFILE action=move to clean things up but apparently 
CFFILE does not like the spaces in the file names.  Any clever ways around this?

As I type this I am thinking I could use CF to write a CMD script and then just 
run it in good old DOS prompt since its a one time thing.  I would rather not 
do this as I plan to update a DB field as the script process's so I know where 
I am when it times out..

ManCF has come so far since the Bob Denny days, but then the simplest 
things choke it.



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processing within modal window

2012-12-12 Thread Adrian Cesana

I have a summary type page and I would like to drill down into detail of a 
record using a modal window.

What is the preferred method not to reload the summary page but open the modal 
window that possibly cfincludes another template that I pass a few parameters 

The way I see it now modal windows are just hidden and all the processing is 
done upon the first load of the page.  I need to do some processing within the 
loaded page almost like an old school popup.

Will this be an AJAX thing? 


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2002-10-23 Thread Adrian Cesana
Can multiple connects to the same object within a single template cause any
problems?  I use try/catch to determine if the object is already created,
then connect as needed, but in a particular template I may be connecting
more than once to the same object depending on a few variables.  Should I
test for this and only connect a single time or is multiple connects within
a single template ok?

Im trying to isolate a problem that I believe is related to this COM


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pulling 3 numerics from an alphanumeric string

2002-10-09 Thread Adrian Cesana

I need to pull the left most 3 numeric digits from an alphanumeric string,
anyone have a good method of doing this?.  The string could also have other
character in it like #$,' etc...

I was thinking this possibly could be done with LEFT() and REREPLACE()...


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RE: Custom Tags and CFX

2002-10-07 Thread Adrian Cesana

So is there a separate list for 4.x questions now or did the whole list
upgrade? :O

-Original Message-
From: Adrian Cesana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 11:25 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Custom Tags and CFX

Does the 4.01 engine handle Custom Tags and CFX in the same manner as far as
thread handling goes?  From my understanding a CFX would be a third party
request that CF passes off too, if there is no response back from that
request the processing thread is lost until the server is restarted.  Are
Custom Tags handled in the same manner or basically just used like an

Do newer CF versions offer better performance/error debugging, such as the
logging of the template that the current thread/s are processing? or better
yet the piece of code that is being processed?


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Custom Tags and CFX

2002-10-03 Thread Adrian Cesana

Does the 4.01 engine handle Custom Tags and CFX in the same manner as far as
thread handling goes?  From my understanding a CFX would be a third party
request that CF passes off too, if there is no response back from that
request the processing thread is lost until the server is restarted.  Are
Custom Tags handled in the same manner or basically just used like an

Do newer CF versions offer better performance/error debugging, such as the
logging of the template that the current thread/s are processing? or better
yet the piece of code that is being processed?


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CF sniffer

2002-08-29 Thread Adrian Cesana

In CF 4.01 is there anyway to see what templates the engine is processing.?

I have a situation where CF starts queuing requests and is stuck processing
the max requests (3), it never finishes and the requests keep queuing until
I restart CF.  Based on all the logs it does not appear to be any particular
template, there is basically no DB access at that time and the CPU is
practically idle.  I cant figure out what the heck the thing is doing or
waiting on.


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Server Settings

2002-08-15 Thread Adrian Cesana

Ive been trying to isolate some CF lockups that we have been receiving since
I rolled out a new application.  The new app uses CFOBJECT to call a custom
COM which I believe is the culprit.  Im curious on the following settings:

Limit simultaneous requests: 5
Ive always had this set to 5 and seemed to work well prior to the new app
being rolled out.

Restart at 10 unresponsive requests:
I guess this is actually defaulting to 5.  It appears my COM is stalling
(based on server.log).  Usually when the unresponsive thread count reaches
2-3 I need to manually stop and restart CF, then all is ok.  Sometimes I see
that CF restarts itself (Unresponsive thread threshold reached.  Restarting
Service).  When CF restarts itself it appears to be transparent as I dont
receive the Server is busy blah blah message as when I manually stop/start
CF, is this true?.  Until I can resolve my COM problem is it recommended to
set the unresponsive requests to say 2, what would a recommended setting for
this be.?

Additionally, if I receive the A request exceeded the timeout. The
unresponsive thread count is up to 1. message, do I now only have 4
possible threads to process under or is the stalled thread released?

When I receive the A request exceeded the timeout. The unresponsive thread
count is up to 1. message, this it is not logged in the application.log and
I dont receive an error, it just appears to be a runaway task.  If this is
the case would it be useless to wrap the process in a CFTRY/CATCH module?

This all running on CF4.01


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address validation

2002-07-24 Thread Adrian Cesana

Anyone interfacing CF with a CASS certified address validation package?
Looking for some feedback on products and experiences.


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must be a better method

2002-05-24 Thread Adrian Cesana

Im generating a summary report but the current method Im using could result
in up to 100 queries or more...so this is what Im trying to achieve.

Basically dealing with two fields, Carrier and Date.  The user selects a
date range, I need a count all the records for each day within the range
grouping by the Carrier.  Currently I create a list of Carrier's then loop
thru, within the loop I CFQUERY and get counts for each carrier for that
single day (inner loop), well this results in tons of queriesand could
potentially be really slow depending on the date range although I limit to
31 days.

Output needs to look like this:

carr1   n   n   n
carr2   n   n   n
carr3   n   n   n
carr4   n   n   n

Any recommendations on how to speed this up with perhaps a single query? and
if thats possible how would I CFOUTPUT to get the above results.


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RE: must be a better method

2002-05-24 Thread Adrian Cesana

Thanks, this seems to be working well although the output format isnt really
what I wanted but I can work around that.  The other issue I have now using
this method is the grouping is also including the times from the date field,
I only want to group on the mmdd portion.  I know I need to use DatePart
but cant seem to get it to work with the GROUP BY.  Any tips

This is basically the query Im using...

SELECT carrier,mydate,count(mydate) AS totals FROM mytable
WHERE mydate BETWEEN '05/1/2002 00:00' AND '05/15/2002 23:59'
GOUP BY carrier,mydate ORDER BY carrier,mydate


-Original Message-
From: Jeffry Houser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 1:06 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: must be a better method

At 12:47 PM 5/24/2002 -0700, you wrote:
Im generating a summary report but the current method Im using could result
in up to 100 queries or more...so this is what Im trying to achieve.

Basically dealing with two fields, Carrier and Date.  The user selects a
date range, I need a count all the records for each day within the range
grouping by the Carrier.

  I'm not sure if you want:

   A single count for the specified date range.  So, if the range is June
1st through July 1st, you will get 1 count per carrier.


   A count for each day in the specified range.  So if the range is June
1st through July 1st, you will get 30 counts per character.

This might take some experimentation, but.. something along the lines of:

  SELECT Count(CarrierTable.DateField) as DateCount, Carrier, DateField
  FROM CarrierTable
  WHERE DateField BETWEEN StartDate and EndDate
  GROUP BY CarrierTable.Carrier, DateField

Something like this (off the top of my head ) should give you the output
you need:

cfoutput query=MyQuery group=Carrier




  But this could potentially cause problems matching up carriers with date
columns if it is possible that a single carrier will have no entries on a

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unload dll

2002-05-23 Thread Adrian Cesana

Is there any method of unloading a dll that was loaded with CFOBJECT without
stopping and starting CF?

CF 4.01
NT 4 SP6


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RE: Here is a strange one...

2002-05-14 Thread Adrian Cesana

Its a possible work around but try running it with AT, if it works just use
CFEXECUTE to schedule the job in AT.  There must be some specific advanced
permissions that are required.


-Original Message-
From: Neil H. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

I wrote a bat that simply deletes the files in c:\temp directory.  I even
use the proper flag for quiet mode so it doesn't ask are you sure?  I run it
on the command line and it works.  I run it in cfexecute and it doesn't seem
to work.  The CF Application server does have permissions because I login to
the machine as that user its running as and run the bat.

Any ideas?


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RE: Time Issue

2002-03-25 Thread Adrian Cesana

I think CFMAIL forces the time zone based on the server time.  Perhaps your
email server is set with a different time zone than your server.  Check your
mail headers, should give you a clue


- Original Message -
From: Jochem van Dieten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 3:50 PM
Subject: Re: Time Issue

  When I send an email through the mail server through POP account - the
 time is correct - when I send it via cfmail - it is wrong. Any other

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2002-03-12 Thread Adrian Cesana

Is this variable available is CF 4.01 ?  I want to use CF_HTML2PDF2 but it
looks like it needs CFEXECUTE and ThisTag.GeneratedContent (possibly more).
I may be able to modify to use CFX_ConsoleCommand instead of CFEXECUTE.
Unfortunately I only have 4.01 available


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slooow query using JOIN

2002-03-06 Thread Adrian Cesana

This queries performance is acceptable (about 1 second) when run like this:

SELECT a.f1,a.f2,b.ff1,b.ff2 FROM table1 a LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 b ON a.id
= b.id AND b.ff3 = 'T'
WHERE a.mydate BETWEEN '3/4/2002' AND '3/6/2002' AND b.ff4 = 'somevalue'

It is terrible (60 seconds) when run like this:
SELECT a.f1,a.f2,b.ff1,b.ff2 FROM table1 a LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 b ON a.id
= b.id AND b.ff3 = 'T'
WHERE b.mydate BETWEEN '3/4/2002' AND '3/6/2002' AND b.ff4 = 'somevalue'

I need the date range to come from the b.maydate.  The field is indexed. If
I run another query directy on table2 b without a JOIN and using b.mydate
for some daterange it is quite fast.  Any idea how to speed this up?


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2002-02-14 Thread Adrian Cesana

Im trying to change a query value using QuerySetCell, it appears to be
working (no error) but when I CFOUTPUT I dont see the new result...Initially
I was using it in the same CFOUTPUT block that my test used but then thought
it needs to be in a different CFOUTPUT block prior, tried that didnt work.
Turned CACHEDWITHIN off still nothing.  This is basically what I am doing.

cfoutput query=myquery
cfif trim(myCol) IS 
QuerySetCell(myquery, myCol, 0 currentrow)

The QuerySetCell get processed but the 0 does not get set.  Any ideas on
how to properly use this?


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QuerySetCell: resolved

2002-02-14 Thread Adrian Cesana

Initially I used cfset temp = QuerySetCell(myquery, myCol, 0
currentrow) in the same CFOUTPUT block, which didnt work.  I then changed
to QuerySetCell(myquery, myCol, 0 currentrow) whioch didnt work.  I
then slit to 2 blocks, didnt work.  I finally changed the initial block to
use cfset temp = QuerySetCell(myquery, myCol, 0 currentrow).


-Original Message-
From: Adrian Cesana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Im trying to change a query value using QuerySetCell, it appears to be
working (no error) but when I CFOUTPUT I dont see the new result...Initially
I was using it in the same CFOUTPUT block that my test used but then thought
it needs to be in a different CFOUTPUT block prior, tried that didnt work.
Turned CACHEDWITHIN off still nothing.  This is basically what I am doing.

cfoutput query=myquery
cfif trim(myCol) IS 
QuerySetCell(myquery, myCol, 0 currentrow)

The QuerySetCell get processed but the 0 does not get set.  Any ideas on
how to properly use this?


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RE: QuerySetCell

2002-02-14 Thread Adrian Cesana

My bad, I do have the comma, missed it in my mail example.  Initially I
tried it with the CFSET, but had it all in a single CFOUTPUT block,  Im
assuming that was the problem.  Using QuerySetCell(myquery, myCol, 0,
currentrow) did  not error and did NOT get sent to the browser, it appeared
to get processed by CF...maybe ive had too much coffee already...


OK, PLEASE tell me that you haven't got currentrow in there without a
comma, if so, then that's your problem

Also, why has it got  and  around it? Since it's a set command, it
should be
cfset QuerySetCell(myquery, myCol, 0, currentrow)

Anything with just  and  around it, but not cf will be sent to the

Try that, see how it goes

Philip Arnold
Technical Director
Certified ColdFusion Developer
ASP Multimedia Limited
T: +44 (0)20 8680 1133
F: +44 (0)20 8686 7911

An ISO9001 registered company.

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager.

 -Original Message-
 From: Adrian Cesana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 14 February 2002 17:54
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: QuerySetCell


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A-Z 0-9 form validation

2002-02-14 Thread Adrian Cesana

Anyone have a good snippet of code to do A-Z 0-9 form validation server
side?  Im trying to roll my own but its starting to get ugly


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RE: A-Z 0-9 form validation

2002-02-14 Thread Adrian Cesana

Only want to allow A-Z or 0-9 character/digits in the form input.  Anything
else I want to return a message back to the user to fix the input.  I have
tons of other server side validation happening so I want to keep it on the
server side, rather than using JS.

Still running 4.01

-Original Message-
From: Bryan Stevenson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

can you elaborate on A-Z and 0-9?

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RE: A-Z 0-9 form validation

2002-02-14 Thread Adrian Cesana

Since its an INSERT is seems like this should not happen, I could see this
happening with an UPDATE.  In any case without reviewing your code you may
want to CFLOCK the INSERT EMAIL process.  If its a heavy usage site I would
look further into why this is happening and code around it rather than using


-Original Message-
From: Jim Mixon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 11:31 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: A-Z 0-9 form validation

Hi list . . .

just a little help please . . .

I have a form that collects data, inserts a new record and send out a
confirmation email to the submitter . . and CC's me with form info also . .

It seems that when two or more people submit the form at the same time,
their session or data overlap some way . . for the sake of argument, the
first form data is stored and the process completes correctly . . .the
second form data is lost and the second submittor receives the first
submittor's info in the confirmation emails . . .

any way to insure the entire process is handled exclusively and prevent any
type of apparent overlapping???

thanks a million in advance . . .

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RE: A-Z 0-9 form validation

2002-02-14 Thread Adrian Cesana

Excellent!, thanks all.  I need to read up on ReFind.


-Original Message-
From: Jim McAtee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Probably something more along the lines of:
cfif Refind(^[A-Za-z0-9]+$, FORM.field) EQ 0
   !--- didn't match, send them back ---

- Original Message - 
From: Steve Oliver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ok, in that case in your action page you could do something like:
 cfif refind(A-Za-z0-9,FORM.field) EQ 0
!--- didn't match, send them back ---
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RE: JRUN and CF on the same machine?

2002-02-13 Thread Adrian Cesana

Is it a full blown JRUN install that comes with CF5? or only specific
functions some higher up chose for us?


-Original Message-
From: Brunt, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Yes CF5.0 does have JRun installation for the cfgraphing capabilities.
Pervious to CF5.0 I have installed JRun on the same dev machine as CF with
no issues.  The only thing to watch is the port number(s) assigned to the
JRun Server(s)(check that all ports are unique) when installing with CF5.0.

Mike Brunt
Sempra Energy
Dedicated Windows 2000 Server
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numberformat for SQL ?

2002-02-12 Thread Adrian Cesana

Does SQL have something like the CF numberformat ?  I need to export a large
amount of data to a text file, one of the fields is numeric and I need to
left zero fill 5 digits.  In CF I would just do this:

numbefromat(myfield, 0)

I could use CFFILE but its a huge amount of data and it usually ends up
killing the server and I would rather not do it in chunks.


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Duplicate record in another table with CF

2002-02-06 Thread Adrian Cesana

I have 2 tables with the same structure, I need to duplicate (INSERT) a
record from table1 to table2 using CF.  Only way I know of would be to
SELECT * then write an INSERT that contained every field.  These tables have
almost 200 fields, is there some better method of doing this?

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RE: Bug in CF 5.0 communicating with COM objects

2002-02-06 Thread Adrian Cesana

Dont your try to connect first, then create...? or maybe Im not
understanding try/catch


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Try this instead.

cfobject type=COM name=server.interkomobject
cfobject type=COM name=server.interkomobject

I think there is a better example in Ben's books.

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RE: Duplicate record in another table with CF

2002-02-06 Thread Adrian Cesana

Its SQL7.  The duplication occurs when a certain condition is met in the
application logic.  I guess I could put that logic into a trigger as well.
Ive never used triggers, wouldn't I still have to write some SQL code to do

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Is this SQl 2000, then why not use a trigger?

-Original Message-
From: Adrian Cesana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
I have 2 tables with the same structure, I need to duplicate (INSERT) a
record from table1 to table2 using CF.  Only way I know of would be to
SELECT * then write an INSERT that contained every field.  These tables
almost 200 fields, is there some better method of doing this?


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RE: Roadblock!! file permissions

2002-02-06 Thread Adrian Cesana

Maybe try to CFFILE COPY, to a temp area, is successful display the image,
if not dontThe you can CFFILE DELETE to clean up the temp.


-Original Message-
From: Ray Bujarski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 1:59 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Roadblock!! file permissions

I am trying to display a image of employees belonging to a director.
Some of the images exists, some of them don't, some of the images exist
without read permissions due to the employee not wanting their picture
How can test the permissions of this file?  FileExist(/photo/11.jpg)
returns true for those without read permissions.
I tried reading the file via cffile, but that doesn't work because it will
just terminate processing.
I tried to jimmy rig the reading by cftry where I set a variable in the
catch. Doesn't work.
I tried to use cfexecute with the ls command (unix os) but it can't
recognize the ls command

Ray Bujarski
858-636-9900 pgr

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UPS Maxicode

2002-01-30 Thread Adrian Cesana

Anyone know of anything CF based for generating the UPS maxicode?

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2002-01-29 Thread Adrian Cesana

I have a template that updates a few records then a backend process grabs
the information and also performs an update.  The backend process usually
takes between 5-20 seconds.  Whats the best method of pausing?  I want to
pause for 5 seconds issue a message and then after 5 seconds run query to
see if the backend process completed, if NO issue another message, pause
again for 5 etc..  Ill do this up to 30 seconds if no response than I will
end the pause/loop and issue a message.

I was thinking about just running a cfloop but I am told this will pin my
CPU at 100%.  There is a CFX_sleep I see, anyone use this? is it production

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SmServAz.exe SmServAuth.exe

2001-12-11 Thread Adrian Cesana


What are these programs for?
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RE: Stupid cfexecute

2001-12-06 Thread Adrian Cesana

One way around this would be to use the cfExecute to schedule an AT job
(look into the SOON.EXE to make this easier) which could process a CMD or
BAT script that does the RMTCMD.


-Original Message-
From: Robert Everland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 10:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Stupid cfexecute

I just tried it without a timeout value and it goes through but the program
doesn't work. I have tried calling it through cmd.exe and it does not return
more than 2000 characters. It just doesn't seem to work with CF 5. Rmtcmd
sends a remote command to the AS/400 for processing.

Robert Everland III
Dixon Ticonderoga
Web Developer Extraordinaire
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Repost - Query Question

2001-11-29 Thread Adrian Cesana

I think this was lost in the Why aren't there more CF progs out there
post, so Ill try again.

I almost have this query doing what I need.  I want to select ONLY the MOST
recent MyDetail.Entry_Date and MyDetail.Entry_Comment.  Whats happening now
is I get a SINGLE most recent MyDetail.Entry_Date (good) but MULTIPLE
MyDetail.Entry_Comment 's (bad).  Any suggestions or maybe an easier way to
do this?

SELECT a.Customer_Name,b.Entry_comments,c.MaxEntry_Date
FROM MyMaster a LEFT OUTER JOIN MyDetail b ON  a.id = b.MyMaster_ID
LEFT JOIN (SELECT MyMaster_ID,MAX(Entry_Date) AS MaxEntry_Date FROM MyDetail
GROUP BY MyMaster_ID) AS c ON b.MyMaster_ID = c.MyMaster_ID AND b.Entry_Date
= c.MaxEntry_Date
WHERE blah
ORDER BY  blah

Here is the original Query, which works fine, it pulls all the Detail
records for each Master:

SELECT a.Customer_Name,b.Entry_Date,b.Entry_comments
FROM MyMaster a LEFT OUTER JOIN MyDetail b ON  a.id = b.MyMaster_ID  WHERE
blah ORDER BY  blah


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OT Query Question

2001-11-27 Thread Adrian Cesana

I almost have this query doing what I need.  I want to select the most
recent MyDetail.Entry_Date and MyDetail.Entry_Comment.  Whats happening now
is I get a single most recent MyDetail.Entry_Date (good) but multiple
MyDetail.Entry_Comment 's (bad).  Any suggestions or maybe an easier way to
do this?

SELECT a.Customer_Name,b.Entry_comments,c.MaxEntry_Date
FROM MyMaster a LEFT OUTER JOIN MyDetail b ON  a.id = b.MyMaster_ID
LEFT JOIN (SELECT MyMaster_ID,MAX(Entry_Date) AS MaxEntry_Date FROM MyDetail
GROUP BY MyMaster_ID) AS c ON b.MyMaster_ID = c.MyMaster_ID AND b.Entry_Date
= c.MaxEntry_Date
WHERE blah
ORDER BY  blah

Here is the original Query, which works fine, it pulls all the Detail
records for each Master:

SELECT a.Customer_Name,b.Entry_Date,b.Entry_comments
FROM MyMaster a LEFT OUTER JOIN MyDetail b ON  a.id = b.MyMaster_ID  WHERE
blah ORDER BY  blah


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RE: SELECT MAX(ID), Access SQL Server - confused!

2001-11-26 Thread Adrian Cesana

Hey that is some good info, Ive always locked the queries when doing that
(luckily not high traffic site), this leads me to another query Ive been
putting on the back burner.

Here is the working query, shortened for the example:

SELECT a.SalesMan,a.CustomerName,b.Entry_Comments,b.Entry_Date
FROM MyMaster a LEFT OUTER JOIN MyDetail b ON a.id = b.id WHERE blah ORDER
BY blah

This works fine and I get all my detail reocrds for each master.  Now I need
to be able to select only a single most recent b.Entry_Date.  MAX(b.Entry_D)
requires I group the entire query.  Whats a good way to accomlish this?

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2001-11-14 Thread Adrian Cesana

Ive been checking out the WORD info at cfcomet.com, pretty cool stuff, I
have a few questions.

1) Where can I find examples of additional functionality, such as using
different fonts,bold,underline etc., replacing text and or just general
formatting options.  Inserting an image would be nice as well.  I have a
template, I just need to modify the Address and a From Name.  I guess I
could build the entire DOC per request.

2) Are there any security concerns with having WORD2K on my server?


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dial thru browser

2001-11-13 Thread Adrian Cesana

On an intranet application Im building I would like to be able to have the
user select a phone number than click dial.  All our phones are on POTS
lines and all our PC's have modems.  I would like to connect our phones to
our modems so they can do the dialing.  This would be similar to the
dialer.exe in 98 or 2k except thru the browser.

How the heck can I do this?
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RE: Comparing Records - Deleting Duplicates

2001-09-17 Thread Adrian Cesana

Write a SELECT to pull these duplicates and ONLY the duplicates.  Once you
are satisfied you are ONLY selecting the dups then change the query to a
DELETE.  Do yourself a favor a make a backup first.


-Original Message-
From: cf kaizen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 9:30 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Comparing Records - Deleting Duplicates

I've got a table that has several records where key
fields are duplicate and I need to remove the
duplicate row (note the entire row is not duplicate).
What I know I have to do is run a query on the
recordset, sort by the fields in question, and compare
two records at a time. If the second record is a
duplicate, get rid of it, and continue (loop). I know
that there is a way to move forward one record from
the one selected, which would allow me to compare the
key fields and remove the second one if necessary, but
not sure how to go about it. Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance,


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RE: Loading extremely large files via CFFILE

2001-09-17 Thread Adrian Cesana

You might want to go to the Developer Exchange and Search on Author: Nate
Weiss. He wrote some nice CFX's that allow reading from files, they may be
more robust than CFFILE.  I think they were called something like
CFX_CSVtoQUERY and CFX_ReadFile, there are several others.


From: Matt Lewis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 10:07 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Loading extremely large files via CFFILE

Hi All.

I'm trying to load an extremely load file via CFFILE.  This file is the
content file from the Open Directory Project.

I've already built the script which imports the file, loads into a set
structures, and then strips out the URLs and inserts into a database.
script has been tested with a subset of the entire RDF file.

However, when I try to run this script with the entire file
820Megs in size), I get a memory error.  I've resorted to splitting the
file into smaller segments, but each file is taking a huge amount of
to load (I've resorted to splitting the file into 10Meg segments).

Can others give me an idea of how they have managed extremely large
that need to be loaded into a database via CFFILE?  The file format is
complex to simply write a SQL import script.


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sending string to lpt1 on client

2001-09-07 Thread Adrian Cesana

I remember some posts a while back about talking to devices on the client
side.  Someone wrote something that could be used with CF, I think it was to
communicate with a scale.  Anyone remember anything about this?  I need to
send a print string to the client LPT1 port...any recommendations?

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OT: DB design suggestion

2001-08-28 Thread Adrian Cesana

I need to build a singles database...After pondering a while it seems a
single (no pun intended) table would be simplest to deal with, or would it
be better to split the user information from the user details, looking for
suggestions.  The basic info I need would be (im sure I missed a few


Thanks! Adrian

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RE: JRun Mailing List??

2001-08-22 Thread Adrian Cesana


-Original Message-
From: Rich Tretola [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Does anyone know of a JRun mailing list?

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another encryption question

2001-07-23 Thread Adrian Cesana

I need to change my DB (MSSQL7) stored passwords so they are encrypted in
the DB.  What are some of the more industrial strength methods of doing


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HTML image

2001-07-21 Thread Adrian Cesana

Anyone know of any tools available to convert HTML to a gif or jpg?

I am currently creating a UPS shipping label with barcodes and maxi code
etcall html based.  I need to convert this to a gif or jpg so I can
print it in portrait mode but having the label rotated 90deg.

I guess an alternative would be to generate the HTML but rotated 90deg? is
that possible?

Thanks! Adrian

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RE: HTML image

2001-07-21 Thread Adrian Cesana

thanks but I need to integrate the process into an application so its
somewhat seamless.  I cant ask the end user to take a print screen, crop the
image, then print.  It needs to just come up on a page ready to
print.thats my challenge.


-Original Message-
From: Robert Grody [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 12:52 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: HTML  image

It's easy.  Load the HTML in a browser and take a screen capture using a
tool like Snagit.


Bob Grody

 -Original Message-
 From: Adrian Cesana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 3:39 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: HTML  image

 Anyone know of any tools available to convert HTML to a gif or jpg?

 I am currently creating a UPS shipping label with barcodes and maxi code
 etcall html based.  I need to convert this to a gif or jpg so I can
 print it in portrait mode but having the label rotated 90deg.

 I guess an alternative would be to generate the HTML but rotated 90deg? is
 that possible?

 Thanks! Adrian

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RE: HTML image

2001-07-21 Thread Adrian Cesana

hey this looks very interesting and great for documentation, however I need
something I can integrate into an application so the end user is just
presented with a page ready to print.  Maybe I can cut the HTML portion out
and just create an image...? but I have no idea where to start.


-Original Message-
From: Michael Lugassy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 1:48 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: HTML  image

Adrian -

Check out http://www.html2jpg.com
I recently checked ver 2.1 and had great success!


- Original Message -
From: Adrian Cesana [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 9:38 PM
Subject: HTML  image

 Anyone know of any tools available to convert HTML to a gif or jpg?

 I am currently creating a UPS shipping label with barcodes and maxi code
 etcall html based.  I need to convert this to a gif or jpg so I can
 print it in portrait mode but having the label rotated 90deg.

 I guess an alternative would be to generate the HTML but rotated 90deg? is
 that possible?

 Thanks! Adrian

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2001-06-29 Thread Adrian Cesana

Anyone using this tag?

If so what do you use for the output variable?  Looks like it would be
OUTDATE, but I get a numeric result.

cf_addbusinessDays indate=0628/2001 days=-5

gives me:

cfoutput#outdate#/cfoutput  = 37063

Im must be doing something wrong?


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serving jsp

2001-05-29 Thread Adrian Cesana

I am running WebsitePro and CF 4.01 and need to serve some JSP pages.  What
do I need to do this.  I have the JSP being served thru Tomcat currently but
need to integrate it into out production website (SSL) which uses the above
configuration. Is there some method that I can pull the page from Tomcat
thru my WSP/CF server?

TIA Adrian

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2001-04-26 Thread Adrian Cesana

Thanks Joeseph and Brian, Im really close nowwhats happening is the
SubQuery is returning more than 1 row which wont work.  If I put a
MAX(Date1) it works but I get incorrect results.  I get the MAX date for ALL
the REFNO instead of just the single set.  Any ideas how to get around that?
I should have included a better data example prior, I modified it below.

1   123 04/25/2001
2   123 null
3   123 null
4   222 04/26/2001
5   222 null
6   222 null
7   333 04/27/2001
8   333 null

So basically I want Null DATE1 for REFNO = 123 to be 04/25/2001 AND the Null
DATE1 for REFNO = 222 to be 04/26/2001.

I have several thousands of records like this and would like to do it in a
single pass, in fact Ill need to run this thing daily.

Im trying this now but get multiple results from the SubQuery:

UPDATE mytable
 FROM   mytable

-Original Message-
From: Bryan Love [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

If there are many fields you'll need this instead:

UPDATE mytable m
 FROM   mytable t

I'm not sure if you can alias a table in an UPDATE statement, but I think
you can

Bryan Love ACP

-Original Message-
From: Cruz, Joseph [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

UPDATE mytable
 FROM   mytable
 ANDID = 1)

That should do it for you.  As long as the subquery returns only one row,
this will work.


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2001-04-26 Thread Adrian Cesana

This is the syntax that worked, apparently you cannot set (SQL7)
an alias within the UPDATE clause

UPDATE mytable
SET Date1 =
(SELECT max(T2.Date1)
  FROM mytable T2
  WHERE T2.RefNo = mytable.RefNo AND T2.Date1 IS NOT NULL)

Thanks to all...

-Original Message-
From: Braver, Ben [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]


Try qualifying DATE1 with the table, like m.DATE1 or t.DATE1


-Original Message-
From: Adrian Cesana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

doh!, actually I tried that initially but receive a Syntax error, so I
removed them thinking they were not needed.  Im running SQL7 and testing the
code in ISQL.  I have the syntax exactly like shown below but receive an

Not sure what to try next.

-Original Message-
From: Andy Ewings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

The reason you are getting multiple records in the subquery is cos you've
removed the table aliases that Brian suggeted.  Put them in and you should
be ok if the rest of your data is in the same pattern as the sample dat ayou
posted.  i.e.

UPDATE mytable m
 FROM   mytable t
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RE: crystal

2001-04-26 Thread Adrian Cesana

There is an undocumented attribute for CFREPORT, it is named TYPE and you
should set it to Microsoft when using CR8.  I havnt tried personally but
Ive heard it works.


-Original Message-
From: Jones, Becky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

will the cfreport tag not work with reports created in crystal reports 8.0?

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2001-04-26 Thread Adrian Cesana

doh!, actually I tried that initially but receive a Syntax error, so I
removed them thinking they were not needed.  Im running SQL7 and testing the
code in ISQL.  I have the syntax exactly like shown below but receive an

Not sure what to try next.

-Original Message-
From: Andy Ewings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

The reason you are getting multiple records in the subquery is cos you've
removed the table aliases that Brian suggeted.  Put them in and you should
be ok if the rest of your data is in the same pattern as the sample dat ayou
posted.  i.e.

UPDATE mytable m
 FROM   mytable t

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2001-04-25 Thread Adrian Cesana

I have kind of a strange update I need to run and cant figure out how to
write the thing properly, I think Im making it more difficult than it is,
maybe not.

Here is what the data basically looks like

1   123 04/25/2001
2   123 null
3   123 null

I need to update the NULL DATE1 fields with the VALUE of DATE1 where NOT

I guess it would be something like this but what value do I use for the SET?
Can I use a sub query perhaps, how?



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RE: cookies not being set

2001-04-16 Thread Adrian Cesana

You cant use CFCOOKIE AND CFLOCATION on the same page, you may want to
change your CFLOCATION's to a META redirect.


-Original Message-
From: Mike Sprague [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

I have a login page that checks my db to validate user info and if valid
uses cflocation to redirect to the appropriate page.  I need cookies to work
because people with AOL have been having problems keeing the session
variables alive.  My code is below, any help would be greatly appreciated.



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RE: Viewing PDFs

2001-04-12 Thread Adrian Cesana

It seems to have cured ALL instances of this problem for me

Basically I use this to redirect instead of the CFLOCATION now:
meta http-equiv="refresh"


-Original Message-
From: Bruce Holm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Did this work well for you in all situations?
Can you share that piece of code?
We resorted to using javascript to open a window and redirect that way.  It
is not too satisfactory since it performs differently.  I'd like to have it
open in the same window as the page they link from.


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RE: Viewing PDFs

2001-04-12 Thread Adrian Cesana

In my app using the back button in the PDF takes them back to the requesting
page (im using 2 templates), so this works ok for me.  Just guessing but it
sounds like you have the template calling itself which normally should be
fine...but perhaps this is the cause of what your describingMaybe
another workaround is a link from within the PDF, Im pretty sure you can do


-Original Message-
From: Bruce Holm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 2:09 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Viewing PDFs

Thanks, Adrian!
How do you allow users to use the Back button to get "out" of the PDF doc?
It seems to just redirect you back into the PDF.  How did you get around


- Original Message -----
From: "Adrian Cesana" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 11:38 AM
Subject: RE: Viewing PDFs

 It seems to have cured ALL instances of this problem for me

 Basically I use this to redirect instead of the CFLOCATION now:
 meta http-equiv="refresh"

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Progress: update numeric SubString?

2001-04-11 Thread Adrian Cesana

I created another test table and it works finesoo now I just need to
figure out why the Numeric fields in my production table is different than
the Numeric in my test table

Thanks for all the help/suggestions..


-Original Message-
From: Caulfield, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

I've actually run the query successfully from 4.5 and 5.0b1 -- I'm thinking
we might be in bug territory.

Rename the column from switch to something else, in case there is some CF
confusion regarding switch-case (i.e. a bug in 4.01). I know that sounds
implausible, but I can't replicate the error here with later versions, and
I'm out of ideas.

And I would also run Dave's example, (SELECT LEFT(123456,3) + '1' +
right(123456, len(123456) -4) as test) to see if the problem is specific to
your table, or if it's the syntax that's bombing.


Michael Caulfield

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RE: How to get Julian Date

2001-04-11 Thread Adrian Cesana

cfset JulianDate = "#numberformat(dayofyear(Now()), 000)#"

This should do it,

-Original Message-
From: Paul Sizemore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

How would I get the julian date for today, besides using the CF_Julian tag?


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RE: Viewing PDFs

2001-04-11 Thread Adrian Cesana

I just went thru the same thing, I had to change my CFLOCATION's to a meta


-Original Message-
From: Bruce Holm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:27 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Viewing PDFs

I'm new to this list so if this has been beat to death already, please

For viewing a .pdf file, we store the URL in a db table.  When someone
clicks on the document url to view the file, it hits the db table, retrieves
the PDF's real URL and then CFLOCATIONs to that path.  It works most of the
time but for some strange reason, on IE5.0 it's flakey.  Sometimes it just
launches Acrobat Reader (of the full version) and just displays an empty
Acrobat Reader window.

It obviously recognizes that it is a PDF but not sure why the content is not
displayed.  It also typically fails to display after the following sequence
pretty consistently...

Click on PDF link to view doc
Read Db table to get access permission and URL to PDF
Permission requires user login...display login page
Login successful...cflocate to the URL
Acrobat launches (if not already) but displays empty contents in window

If I now go back around (view the list of PDFs, click on the same one, no
login required this time because I'm already logged in, cflocate to the PDF)
it works fine this time.
But if I log out, then go through the above sequence, it fails every
time...only on IE5.0.  IE5.5 works.  Netscape 4.7 works.

Any ideas on this one

Bruce Holm - Web Programmer
Lattice Semiconductor Corp.
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RE: SQL Server database restore

2001-04-10 Thread Adrian Cesana

Look at the DBCC DETACH and DBCC ATTACH in the BOL, this is a nice clean
method of moving an SQL7+ DB...


-Original Message-
From: sebastian palmigiani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 10:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SQL Server database restore

I did my development in windows 98 with SQL Server. I have now windows 2000,
with a clean install.

How do I get the SQL Server database which I have backed up from the
win98/SQL Server set up into the new win2000/SQL Server set up?

I have put the backed up database in the SQL Backup folder but  SQL Server
does not see it. I have looked at using Data Transformation Services but
none of the options seem to give me a way of accessing the backed up SQL
Server database.

I know there is an easy solution to this but I don't know it. Can anyone
help me on this?

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RE: Printing, page breaks, and heading info

2001-04-09 Thread Adrian Cesana

I have battled the same before in a similar application, using the
STYLE=page-break does work but not within a table it seems. IMHO its also
very kludgy for these type of apps.  If you cant get it working correctly
you may want to look into writing a pdf for these documents.


-Original Message-
From: Terri Stocke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Hey all,

I have a shipping and receiving application that allows employees to
generate a shipping request via the web. The shipping dept. would like that
form to be printed out by the user, but they want one of two things when
this happens:

1) Either only allow the maximum number of items that will print on one
page, and prompt the user to fill out a second form for additional items; OR

2) Automatically have the app insert a break between the item in the last
row of the table and the next table row on the next page, but ALSO make sure
that the shipping address and other info is ALSO printed on each subsequent


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RE: update numeric SubString?

2001-04-09 Thread Adrian Cesana

Anyone have any idea as to why this would result in a NULL when run thru
CF but when executed thru T-SQL works ok???

UPDATE mytable SET
switch =  left(switch, 3) + '1' + right(switch , len(switch) -4)
WHERE po = 236107

DB: SQL7 (switch = numeric field)
CF: 4.01


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RE: update numeric SubString?

2001-04-08 Thread Adrian Cesana

Actually I did try it that way first (without the single quotes), i guess
pasted my final attempts.  Im not sure how else to code it...This is so
perfect for what I need to do...perhaps I could call a StoredProc since it
does work in T-SQL

Thanks for all the suggestions so far!

-Original Message-
From: Michael Caulfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 7:11 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: update numeric SubString?

I would do it this way:

UPDATE mytable SET
switch =  left(switch, 3) + '1' + right(switch , len(switch) -4)
WHERE po = 236107

In other words drop the single quotes from everything except the number
you're swapping, otherwise, what you'll end up with is a string that
literally concatenates your functions into the string (e.g. switch will
equal "left(switch, 3)1right(switch , len(switch) -4)").

I'm not sure why it would give you null though -- it really should bomb.

-----Original Message-
From: Adrian Cesana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 7:12 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: update numeric SubString?

hmmm, I think I have the syntax correct , here is what Ive tried:

UPDATE mytable SET
switch =  'left(switch, 3)' + '1' + 'right(switch , len(switch) -4)'
WHERE po = '236107'

I also tried this which gives me the same results, NULL.

UPDATE mytable SET
switch = CAST( left( cast(switch AS varchar(11)) , 3) + '1' + right(
cast(switch AS varchar(11)) , len( cast(switch AS varchar(11)) ) -4) AS
WHERE po = '236107'

CF: 4.01

Perhaps its ODBC driver related..wierdness

-Original Message-
From: Michael Caulfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 5:27 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: update numeric SubString?

Actually I just tried it from CF on a test table, and it's working fine (i'm
using CF5 Beta 1, but I don't think that matters). Maybe there was a slight
difference in your syntax? Here's the cf query

cfquery datasource="dubliners" name="qry" username="sbloom"
USE pubs
SET col =left(col,3)
+ '0'
+ right(col, len(col) - 4)

pubs is the database, tbl is the table, and col is the column. Zero can of
course be replaced with any digit.

Hope it works --- feel free to post a more complete version of your code if
it doesn't.
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RE: update numeric SubString?

2001-04-07 Thread Adrian Cesana

This works perfectly in T-SQL but in CF it makes the field NULL, Ive tried
a few different formatting options but they all err out.  Any ideas on how
to make CF happy with this?



-Original Message-
From: Michael Caulfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

assuming all rows are at least 4 places long:

update tbl
SET col =left(col,3)
+ '0'
+ right(col, len(col) - 4)

In SQL 2000 I can do this without any explicit conversion of types, I don't
know if you'd have to cast it to a string and back to a number in another
system or not.

If some entries have less than 4 places, just add a

WHERE col  999

to it.


Michael Caulfield

-Original Message-
From: Adrian Cesana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 7:27 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: update numeric SubString?

If I have a numeric field that is '999', is there any way to just
update the forth number, something like this although I know it does not

UPDATE blah SET SubString(Switch, 4,1) = '1' WHERE blah

I need to do this to several records and will not know the entire value of
the Field prior to updating.  I know I can do this thru a loop but it gets
really ugly when your dealing with several thousands of records.

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RE: update numeric SubString?

2001-04-07 Thread Adrian Cesana

hmmm, I think I have the syntax correct , here is what Ive tried:

UPDATE mytable SET
switch =  'left(switch, 3)' + '1' + 'right(switch , len(switch) -4)'
WHERE po = '236107'

I also tried this which gives me the same results, NULL.

UPDATE mytable SET
switch = CAST( left( cast(switch AS varchar(11)) , 3) + '1' + right(
cast(switch AS varchar(11)) , len( cast(switch AS varchar(11)) ) -4) AS
WHERE po = '236107'

CF: 4.01

Perhaps its ODBC driver related..wierdness

-Original Message-
From: Michael Caulfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 5:27 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: update numeric SubString?

Actually I just tried it from CF on a test table, and it's working fine (i'm
using CF5 Beta 1, but I don't think that matters). Maybe there was a slight
difference in your syntax? Here's the cf query

cfquery datasource="dubliners" name="qry" username="sbloom"
USE pubs
SET col =left(col,3)
+ '0'
+ right(col, len(col) - 4)

pubs is the database, tbl is the table, and col is the column. Zero can of
course be replaced with any digit.

Hope it works --- feel free to post a more complete version of your code if
it doesn't.

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RE: import 100 users into NT 4.0?

2001-04-06 Thread Adrian Cesana

Not sure if you can do this in your enviro but Ive brought up new servers as
BDC, then sync to the PDC for account info.  Then promote your BDC to a PDC.

Another method would be to use the addusers.exe, do a search in MSKB on
this, its a Resource Kit program.

Hope it helps,

-Original Message-
From: Chad Gray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 9:35 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: import 100 users into NT 4.0?

Is there any way to import 100 users into NT 4.0 rather then hand type them

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update numeric SubString?

2001-04-06 Thread Adrian Cesana

If I have a numeric field that is '999', is there any way to just
update the forth number, something like this although I know it does not

UPDATE blah SET SubString(Switch, 4,1) = '1' WHERE blah

I need to do this to several records and will not know the entire value of
the Field prior to updating.  I know I can do this thru a loop but it gets
really ugly when your dealing with several thousands of records.


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RE: How to uncache a querry?

2001-04-04 Thread Adrian Cesana

If you run the EXACT query with a "CACHEDWITHIN="CreateTimeSpan(0,0,0,0) it
will be cleared I believe.


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next/previous with CFGRID?

2001-03-26 Thread Adrian Cesana

Anyway to do a next / previous using CFGRID ? I know there is a MAXROWS but
no STARTROWS available so Im not sure how to do it...


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RE: Form Fields cleared on Back

2001-03-15 Thread Adrian Cesana

Im starting to realize thisfortunately the problem has been back
burnered for a day or two, so it gives me time to figure out the best method
for re-designing this sucker.

Thanks again to ALL for the great input.


-Original Message-
From: Philip Arnold - ASP [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Late input on this, but... DON'T!

Having a "Back" to the form is the ugliest form of validation and also the

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Form Fields cleared on Back

2001-03-13 Thread Adrian Cesana

Im going nuts trying to figure this one out, I have a form with about 110
fields (ya i know), there is lots of server side validation, if an input
error occurs I CFABORT and give the user a JavaScript back button to go back
an correct the input.  On some users PC the form gets cleared on other PC's
it does not.  I also use some of the CF built in validation (_required) so
the user has to use the browser back button, same thing happens on some of
these peoples browsers.  Of coarse it does not happen on mine.  I setup a
few test forms for the problems users and it things work ok.  These users
are all using IE 5.x, any one else have such problems, could it be the large
number of INPUT fields? any browser settings? registry settings? Voodoo
dances? anything?


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RE: Form Fields cleared on Back

2001-03-13 Thread Adrian Cesana

Thanks all, some excellent idea's.  I was hoping there was some hidden
buffer size entry I could tweak but it looks like Im going to have to store
the input and repopulate using one of the methods suggested, at least that
way it will work 100%.

Thanks again,Adrian

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2001-03-09 Thread Adrian Cesana

Can you EXPIRE a cookie and SET it again from the same page?


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query help

2001-02-28 Thread Adrian Cesana

(second post, i didnt see it make it back)

This query works fine but I need to select about 10-15 more columns from the
Master (m) table. The only way I can seem to get that to work is if I also
group on all the columns but this totally kills the query speed and Im not
sure I am even getting correct results in that case.

Basically this selects 2 columns from the Master table and SUM's the
QtyShipped from the Detail table for each record in the master.  How can I
select more columns from Master without grouping?

SELECT m.po,m.statcomm,sum(d.qtyshipped) AS TotalQty
FROM pos m,posd d
WHERE m.shipdate  BETWEEN '02/25/2001' AND '02/25/2001'
m.po = d.po
GROUP BY m.po,m.statcomm


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need some query help

2001-02-27 Thread Adrian Cesana

This query works fine but I need to select about 10-15 more columns from the
Master (m) table. The only way I can seem to get that to work is if I also
group on all the columns but this totally kills the query speed and Im not
sure I am even getting correct results in that case.

Basically this selects 2 columns from the Master table and SUM's the
QtyShipped from the Detail table for each record in the master.  How can I
select more columns from Master without grouping?

SELECT m.po,m.statcomm,sum(d.qtyshipped) AS TotalQty
FROM pos m,posd d
WHERE m.shipdate  BETWEEN '02/25/2001' AND '02/25/2001'
m.po = d.po
GROUP BY m.po,m.statcomm


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Query Confusion

2001-02-14 Thread Adrian Cesana

I need some help with an update query.  I have a table with 2 fields defined
as a Primary Key, we managed to get a several thousand recs loaded with only
one of the fields having a value and the other a blank, I need to populate
the field that is blank with the value of the other field.  Here is an

F1 F2 (2 fields that make up the primary key)
01 01
03 03
05 05

I want to update all the F2 with the F1 data but only where the F1 would be
unique (02 and 04).  Ive been playing with a few different SELECTS just so I
can see my results prior to updating but cant seem to get it working.  I
realize this will still leave me with some blanks in F2 but the data will be
purged in a couple of months after testing is completed and I wont have this
problem then.  I also realize that the compound key is a waste if the F1 and
F2 are equal but they wont be after the purge etc...


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OT SQl7 and multi Proc

2001-02-12 Thread Adrian Cesana

Cannot seem to find this answer anywhereDoes MSSQL7 Standard support
multi processors?

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OT SQL disk layout

2001-02-11 Thread Adrian Cesana

So much knowledge in here I figure I would shoot this one.  Looking for some
opinions on disk layout for a new SQL box Im building.  This is what I am

2x9GB Raid1 for OS and Apps.
2x18GB Raid1 for Tran Logs
6x18GB Raid5 for DB Files (1 hot spare)

Controller Will be a Mylex Extreme RAID 1164 with 64mb cache.

We have man random hits as well has lots of writing going on so Ive been not
too sure about the RAID5 since there will be a write penalty but Im thinking
that enabling the write cache will help this problem.  The alternative is
RAID10 but that tacks on a few extra k of an already stretched budget.

I could also ditch the mirror for the OS/Apps and build a partition off the
RAID5, any opinions on that?


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separate box for CF

2001-02-08 Thread Adrian Cesana

Im getting ready to upgrade our servers and am wondering if I should be
running CF on a dedicated box, whats a good way to gauge this?


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RE: multiple queries tie up web server

2001-02-05 Thread Adrian Cesana

7500 Queries? holly molly batman.  Ok, just guessing but it sounds like
your generating a report to meHere is what I would look at:

1) Apache (not familiar with Apache) must have some limit being set to the
number of concurrent process's, and it it not queuing them or they are
timing out, perhaps increase this setting.

2) Change the template so it calls another process (Schedule or batch)
execute's the monster template in batch mode (no webserver involved), which
writes the output to a static file or emails it to the user.  Then the user
can check the static file after a few minutes or wait for an email.  There
is a nice tag CF_FileWriteText that you can wrap around your code that
nicely output's your html or whatever you need to output.

Hope it helps...


-Original Message-
From: Ricq Pattay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

I have a CF page that contains approx 7500 queries against an Oracle
database via an Apache web server. Of course this page takes a while to load
(3 minutes or so), but my user is ok with that because she does so only a
handful of times per day.

What is not ok is that, while this page is loading, all other users of any
CF app on that web server cannot access any page -- they will receive
Apache's "server is too busy to handle request" error message. Any ideas on
how to work around this? Reducing the number of queries from 7500 isn't
really an option, unfortunately.

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RE: Broswer Back clears Form

2001-02-02 Thread Adrian Cesana

Yep, they are all SSL pages but a different form same browser also SSL does
save the FORM input.

Wierd stuff...

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Hait [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Just a guess but are you using secure pages for these forms? If
so, IE by design sometimes does not cache the form contents
when the user clicks the back button. Supposedly this is for
security purposes.


 In a form I am using some client side validation as well as server
 side, when the user submits a populated form and the server side
 validation finds an error (in this case using the CF
 formname_required method), then user then clicks the back button the
 form is cleared of the user input.  Its only happening in a specific
 template.  Any ideas why this occurs or what to look for?


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Broswer Back clears Form

2001-02-01 Thread Adrian Cesana

In a form I am using some client side validation as well as server side,
when the user submits a populated form and the server side validation finds
an error (in this case using the CF formname_required method), then user
then clicks the back button the form is cleared of the user input.  Its only
happening in a specific template.  Any ideas why this occurs or what to look


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skipping INPUT when tabbing

2001-01-16 Thread Adrian Cesana

Reposting, didn't seem to make it thru the first round...

Within an INPUT tag Im using a onFocus="this.blur()" so the user cannot
change the input, its being calculated by JavaScript.  The problem is the
user need to be able to tab beyond this field, tabbing halts when it hits
this field.  Ya I know big deal, but it is with my customer.  Ive tried
DISABLED and it works great but then the tag does not pass the value so i
cant use that.  Is there some method to bypass this INPUT when tabbing.
Ive tried TABINDEX but cant seem to get it working properly, part of the
problem is the columns that are being totaled are dynamically created so
there could be one or several.  Basically I need to bypass this sucker when
tabbing, any thoughts?  can CFINPUT help me here?


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RE: skipping INPUT when tabbing

2001-01-16 Thread Adrian Cesana

Perfect, thank you responders!


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OT: Life of a developer

2001-01-16 Thread Adrian Cesana

Someone sent a link out several weeks ago that described what a developer
goes thru but used building a house as the example.  I cant seem to find it
anymore and really need to forward this to one of our project leaders who
has no clue.

Please respond directly to minimize list impact.

Thanks and apologies for OT.

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2001-01-12 Thread Adrian Cesana

I have 2 blocks of numbers, the first block contains 9 digits the second 8
digits where the last digit in each block needs to be a MOD 7 check digit.

I need to use these numbers in my Primary Key when adding new records, I can
easily get the MAX number + 1 but no idea how to get the last MOD 7 check
digit.  I see some tags for MOD 10 but cant find any info on MOD 7.  Any


Block 1 (x = MOD 7 check digit)

Block 2 (x = MOD 7 check digit)


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2001-01-12 Thread Adrian Cesana

Just answering my on question...this did the trick...

cfset mod7 = 1546 mod 7

-Original Message-
From: Adrian Cesana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

I have 2 blocks of numbers, the first block contains 9 digits the second 8
digits where the last digit in each block needs to be a MOD 7 check digit.

I need to use these numbers in my Primary Key when adding new records, I can
easily get the MAX number + 1 but no idea how to get the last MOD 7 check
digit.  I see some tags for MOD 10 but cant find any info on MOD 7.  Any


Block 1 (x = MOD 7 check digit)

Block 2 (x = MOD 7 check digit)


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Julian Date

2001-01-03 Thread Adrian Cesana

Why does dateformat(Now(), "Y") result in 1, (running today), isnt this the
Julian Date function?


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RE: Julian Date

2001-01-03 Thread Adrian Cesana

Yep your sure correct about that, I looked up the formatting info in Bens
CF4.0 Book Page 879, says it should be "Day Of Year" I guess thats incorrect
or was changed in 4.01.  Now looking in the CFML refrence I see "Y" is a
single digit for year, which makes more sense.  I guess I need
"DayOfYear(date)" function.


-Original Message-
From: Billy Cravens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Essentially does the same thing.  The reason why it returns 1 is your
date mask; all your outputting in that instance is one digit of the
year; "" will return "2001".
Billy Cravens

Adrian Cesana wrote:
 Why does dateformat(Now(), "Y") result in 1, (running today), isnt this
 Julian Date function?


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2000-12-19 Thread Adrian Cesana

I need to select multiple fields from the master, here would be a better

SELECT m.pon,m.podate,m.carrier,SUM(d.qty) AS TotalPoQty

FROMmaster m,
detail d

m.podate BETWEEN 12/15/2000 AND 12/30/2000 AND
m.pon = d.pon

GROUP BY m.pon

This I know doesnt work and I get the same type of ODBC error.  Is this
something that needs to be done in a Sub-Query?


-Original Message-
crap. of course i forgot that part.
you should/can group by them.  it will select all the ponumbers in master.
what do you mean by "select multiple items from master as well"?
chris olive, cio

-Original Message-
The problem with this is ODBC says m.ponumber is invalid in the select list
because it is not part of the aggregate functionI guess I could use
GROUP BY but I really need to select multiple items from the master as

-Original Message-
are you sure you want sum?  or just a count of the entries in detail that
are for PO number?
m.ponumber, sum(whatever field you are summing) as thecount
master m,
detail d
m.ponumber = d.ponumber

if you DON'T want sum, replace it with count(d.ponumber).

chris olive, cio

-Original Message-
Im joining a master and detail table, the relationship is a PO Number.  The
Detail table contains quantities that I need the SUM of for each instance of
the matching PO in the Master table.

I know how to do the JOIN but how do I get the SUM portion, can this be done
within the JOIN query?

Master Table

Detail Table
A123456 2
A123456 5
A123456 6
B123456 8

Output needs to look like this:
A123456 13
B123456  8


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2000-12-19 Thread Adrian Cesana

Ok, this is working.  I thought that if I GROUPed on all those fields I
would end up NOT getting ALL the master records but after testing it appears
to be working ok.  In my summary report I will be dumping out about 15
fields from the master table, it seems like alot of fields to be GROUPing
on, is this not a good thing to do? I guess it also depends on the data..


-Original Message-
From: Christopher Olive, CIO [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

no, you can group by all those fields.

this will give you a list of all ponumbers, their dates, the carrier, and
the quantity shipped for each combination of these three.

chris olive, cio

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floating heading

2000-12-19 Thread Adrian Cesana

I have several pages that dump out summary reports in a table, I place the
headings on top and every x amount of rows based on what the user
selects..This seems to work well when your scrolling thru a few hundred

One of our larger customers does not like this and wants "floating heading",
I thought about using frames but that could get ugly.  Ive seen some
JavaScript that floats things usually on the side of a page and thought that
may be usable.  Also thought about CFGRID, how does it handle several
hundred records and can I config it so it will do next nn type of thing?

If there are some browser specific features I can probably lay the law down
on whats supported.

Looking for ideas on this.

Thank you,Adrian

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2000-12-18 Thread Adrian Cesana

Im joining a master and detail table, the relationship is a PO Number.  The
Detail table contains quantities that I need the SUM of for each instance of
the matching PO in the Master table.

I know how to do the JOIN but how do I get the SUM portion, can this be done
within the JOIN query?

Master Table

Detail Table
A123456 2
A123456 5
A123456 6
B123456 8

Output needs to look like this:
A123456 13
B123456  8


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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2000-12-18 Thread Adrian Cesana

The problem with this is ODBC says m.ponumber is invalid in the select list
because it is not part of the aggregate functionI guess I could use
GROUP BY but I really need to select multiple items from the master as


-Original Message-
From: Christopher Olive, CIO [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 5:36 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: JOIN and SUM

are you sure you want sum?  or just a count of the entries in detail that
are for PO number?


m.ponumber, sum(whatever field you are summing) as thecount
master m,
detail d
m.ponumber = d.ponumber

if you DON'T want sum, replace it with count(d.ponumber).

chris olive, cio
cresco technologies

-Original Message-
From: Adrian Cesana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 8:23 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: JOIN and SUM

Im joining a master and detail table, the relationship is a PO Number.  The
Detail table contains quantities that I need the SUM of for each instance of
the matching PO in the Master table.

I know how to do the JOIN but how do I get the SUM portion, can this be done
within the JOIN query?

Master Table

Detail Table
A123456 2
A123456 5
A123456 6
B123456 8

Output needs to look like this:
A123456 13
B123456  8

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: ColdFusion to make bar codes

2000-12-11 Thread Adrian Cesana

It sounds like you want to roll your own code on this but I just wanted to
let you know in case you were not aware, there are a few barcode Custom Tags
available.  Ive used two different ones and they both work excellent.  The
two Ive used both use images, one of the tags even lets you display the BC


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: OT: Mac images won't open on a PC

2000-12-11 Thread Adrian Cesana

If the problem end up being because the disk is MAC formatted then there is
a great product from DataViz.com for this type of thing.  They have a few
products that can help you with opening MAC formatted disks etc...MAC Opener
will do it or the more expensive Conversions Plus can do it and more.

Hope it helps...Adrian

At 12:00 PM 12/11/00 -0500, you wrote:
This is so off topic, but I've failed everywhere else on this one!

I'm working with a designer who gave me images as .gif files. Many of them
won't open with anything on my PC. It's not a file naming thing, just won't
open?? Photoshop won't open them, browser can't view them.

I've worked with lots of other Mac users w/ no problems.

Any idea on what's going on here??

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ver 4, 0, 1, 0 upgrade to 4.5 ?

2000-12-07 Thread Adrian Cesana

I am running CF ver 4, 0, 1, 0 and all is well.  I dont really currently
have a need   for any features in 4.5 that I am aware of and all is running
well.  Is there any reason I should upgrade to 4.5 ? Is it any faster?


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: Automatic repair and compact

2000-12-06 Thread Adrian Cesana

To use the "batch" method you will need to HAVE Access installed on the
server.  The CF_EXECUTE/CFX_ConsoleCommand just allows you to execute the
batch file.

Depending on your envirnoment you may have neither of these available to you
as well.


-Original Message-
From: monika kon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 7:46 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Automatic repair and compact

I don't have DAO installed.I was going to install
Access on my server.Can you please guide me how to use
to install Access.
Thanks in advance
--- Adrian Cesana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 An alternate method if you dont have DAO/ADO
 available is to CF_EXECUTE (or
 CFX_CONSOLECOMMAND) a batch file with this in it:

 d:\path_to_msaccess\msaccess e:\data\mydata.mdb
 d:\path_to_msaccess\msaccess e:\data\mydata.mdb

 You could also easily schedule this as well using
 AT.  I think in Access
 2000 the compact also does the repair as well.
 There are other command line
 options as well like /exlu (I think thats it) that
 opens in Exclusive mode
 etc...Do a search in Access help on "Command Line"
 for more.

 Hope it helps,

 -Original Message-
 From: pan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 From: "monika kon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Automatic repair and compact

  Hi everyone,
  Is it possible to compact and repair Access
  every day automatically through Coldfusion

 Acc97 DAO 3.5
 Acc2k DAO 3.6

 DAO needs to be on the server - there are ADO
 calls, but DAO seems better to me.

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