Re: cf7 sql server integrated security

2005-09-17 Thread Alin Sinpalean
>Not to say anything bad about jTDS, but I recently tried these drivers for a
>site that was using the latest DataDirect drivers. The jTDS drivers seemed
>to reduce memory utilization overall, but under load they failed outright.
>So I'd recommend that, for any database drivers you want to try, you may
>want to ensure that they'll work well for your site under the load that you
>expect to encounter.


I'm a jTDS developer and I would be really interested in knowing what went 
wrong with jTDS in your testing and fixing it. I and a lot of other people have 
been using jTDS under heavy loads without any issues so this must be something 
none of us has bumped into yet.

Please submit a bug report on SourceForge or (if you no longer have the 
details) at least a post in our forums letting us know what went wrong.

Alin Sinpalean,
The jTDS Project.

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Re: Upgrading and datasources

2005-02-27 Thread Alin Sinpalean
>Previous versions of the MS JDBC driver were licensed from DataDirect, but
>it's my understanding that the current one is not based on any DataDirect
>code. As for stability, I've seen results all over the place, with the
>DataDirect driver sometimes being more stable than the new MS one,
>sometimes being less stable.


I don't know what MS JDBC driver version you are taking about. If it's SP3, 
then I'm afraid you're wrong. Just look at their changelog (it's somewhere in 
the bundle or on their site) and at the packaging. The difference between 
successive versions of the MS driver is 10 to 20 (minor) bugfixes. As about 
packaging, the DataDirect comes in three jars -- base, util and sqlserver -- 
and the Microsoft one comes in the same three jars -- msbase, msutil and 
mssqlserver. Also, the difference between the DataDirect and the MS Driver and 
DataSource class names is com.datadirect.whatever as opposed to

Ask the people at DataDirect why their driver is better than the MS one and 
they'll indicate that the MS driver is based on an old and unstable 2.x version 
of their driver. And I think 20 bugfixes every two years are not going to help 
stability too much. As a comparison, jTDS usually has about 10-30 bug fixes 
every new release, which is montly; and this only includes bugs that make it 
into SourceForge, a lot are discovered and fixed by developers.

>I've heard a few people say good things about jTDS, but I don't have any
>experience with it myself. I'll have to check it out.

I'm obviously not going to tell you it's the best (that's relative, anyway) but 
you should definitely try it out.

The jTDS Project.

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Re: Upgrading and datasources

2005-02-27 Thread Alin Sinpalean
>Dave Watts wrote:
>> I wasn't aware of all that. In the case of Windows authentication using a
>> native SSO library, do you have to run CFMX as the specific Windows user
>> against which you want to perform authentication?
>apparently not. just add the domain property to the jdbc url along 
>w/domain user & password and bob's your uncle.


Both of you are right. There are two ways in which Windows authentication can 
be used from jTDS: either (i) though a native SSO library (in which case you 
don't have to provide a user and password, the credentials of the logged in 
Windows user or of the user as which the application is run) or (ii) by 
providing the user name and password along with the domain when requesting the 
connection. Option (ii) is especially useful when running on a non-Windows 
platform or when trying to avoid native libraries (which, as you can see from 
my previous post can take down the application if something goes wrong).

The jTDS Project.

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Re: Upgrading and datasources

2005-02-26 Thread Alin Sinpalean
>While all that may be true, we were talking about the DataDirect Connect
>driver shipped with CFMX, not the MS driver.

Sorry, I'm not very famililar (if at all) with CF. It's just that the 
DataDirect driver is the parent of _a lot_ of the JDBC drivers out there 
(including the MS, BEA and IBM ones) and I was a bit confused by earlier posts 
I've seen on CF forums. And although the DataDirect driver is (I have to admit) 
the most stable and tested SQL Server drivers it's definitely not the fastest 
(and also, some of its offspring, such as the MS driver, is based on older much 
more unstable versions).

>> You could, however use jTDS: it works both over TCP/IP and 
>> named pipes and supports three types of authentication 
>> (SQL Server, Windows authentication providing a user name 
>> and password and Windows authentication using a native 
>> Single Sign On library). 
>I wasn't aware of all that. In the case of Windows authentication using a
>native SSO library, do you have to run CFMX as the specific Windows user
>against which you want to perform authentication?

To be totally honest, I don't know for sure. I'm an almost 100% Java programmer 
and I use Linux most of the time. But if you ask this question on the jTDS 
forums you will definitely get an answer. And a warning: we have just 
discovered a bug in the SSO library, which being native can crash and take down 
the whole JVM; we have a patch submitted and we're working on it but we do not 
recommend using SSO in production yet.

>> jTDS is also more stable and a faster than the MS driver.
>Have you performed benchmarks to this effect? Can you share the benchmark
>results and the steps you went through to perform your tests? How does it
>compare to DataDirect and JTurbo?

We have performed a lot of benchmarks, but major vendors such as DataDirect and 
JNetDirect (not sure about NewAtlanta) do not allow publishing of benchmark 
results produced using their drivers. I think it's quite obvious why. There are 
a couple of links to benchmarks provided by some commercial vendors on the jTDS 
homepage ( ) and some older benchmark results also 
on the jTDS site ( ). Running the 
benchmarks is really straightforward and both come with pretty detailed READMEs.

The jTDS Project.

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Re: Upgrading and datasources

2005-02-23 Thread Alin Sinpalean
>> Has anyone performed an upgrade to CFMX 7 from CF 5 and had 
>> issues with the datasources not working properly?
>> CFMX7 doesn't seem to translate port numbers for SQL Server 
>> properly (especially if they are set to dynamically determine 
>> in the ODBC console) and none of the passwords seem to work!
>In my experience, you typically have to reconfigure SQL Server datasources
>when upgrading CF 5 to CFMX. There are several differences between CFMX and
>previous versions when it comes to SQL Server. If you use the SQL Server
>JDBC driver, you can't use anything other than TCP/IP to connect, and you
>can't use Windows authentication within SQL Server - you need to use native
>SQL logins ("untrusted connections"). If you need to use other network
>protocols or Windows authentication, you will need to use an ODBC datasource
>instead, and choose "ODBC Socket" within the CF Administrator.

Dave, Calvin,

Indeed the MS driver only supports TCP/IP as a communication protocol and SQL 
Server authentication. You could, however use jTDS: it works both over TCP/IP 
and named pipes and supports three types of authentication (SQL Server, Windows 
authentication providing a user name and password and Windows authentication 
using a native Single Sign On library).

jTDS is also more stable and a faster than the MS driver.

Disclaimer: I am a jTDS developer.

The jTDS Project.

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2005-01-26 Thread Alin Sinpalean
> Give me an example of exactly what I should do and I will do it. 

I don't know how this should look in CFML but I will give you the equivalent 
Java code; I think it won't be hard for you to figure out what I mean. Here 

Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("Select * From Users");
// This is where you stopped processing. In any real world application
// some processing on the selected data should follow. Also, selecting
// a single INT field might not be totally relevant.

// Now do the processing
String res = rs.getString("userId") + rs.getString("userName")
+ rs.getTimestamp("lastLogin") + ...;

> The reason I didn't do anything other than a select was that my view 
> was that ColdFusion then has the result set so there would be no more 
> use from the SQL server. I do everything in stored procedures, how are 
> the results when using the driver for that?

The idea is that ColdFusion has indeed the ResultSet but it doesn't do anything 
with it. It simply calls ResultSet.close(). Now different drivers might choose 
to drop the remaining data in different ways; jTDS processes it completely 
(which is not necessarily the best idea, but as I said it should not be a 
problem in real world applications, which don't just select a huge amount of 
data to ignore it).


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2005-01-26 Thread Alin Sinpalean
> If you saw my code you saw that the only thing I was doing was a 
> select statement to the SQL server. The reason the second test was so 
> fast was because I left caching on, so that I would get a more real 
> world result. 

Ok, I see.

> As I said earlier, I have no reason not to use JTDS, as a matter of 
> fact if they were faster I would be more than willing to use them 
> instead of Microsoft's drivers. As it stands now though, I have not 
> been able to justify their use . Even though the tests on your website 
> show the drivers being faster, it was done in a very specific manner, 
> I need the drivers to work in a ColdFusion enviroment and if they 
> aren't faster in ColdFusion then they are no use to me.

The tests on the jTDS site (published by a commercial JDBC driver vendor) do 
just the same: they run a query 100 or 1000 times.

> I ask anyone else to run the same test I did. A loop that runs 100 
> times is by no means breaking a site, and in my opinion there is no 
> real reason to bog a server down by running it for hours at a time. 
> Real world users should be reading from the database significantly 
> more than they should be doing anything else.

I agree with you. However, what I was trying to say was that you were just 
executing the query and not processing the results. That is not a real world 
usage, is it? Your testing demonstrates that the Microsoft and DataDirect 
drivers are faster at dropping data than jTDS. Do some basic processing of the 
results (like concatenating them in a string or something, without displaying) 
and you should have something closer to real world usage.


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2005-01-25 Thread Alin Sinpalean

I am a jTDS developer and I can tell you (and you may choose to 
believe me or not) that jTDS is definitely faster than the MS driver. 
I'm not familiar with CF but from what I can tell you are doing no 
processing of the results returned by the query, so the test is a bit 
irrelevant. You should go through all the results and read each 

Also, the difference between the first and the second run times for 
the MS driver (it's about a third faster in the second run) makes me 
think there's something wrong with the test (again, since I'm a Java, 
not CF programmer I can't say exactly what).


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