Regex Help

2002-10-22 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,

A bit unfamiliar with anything somewhat tricky using regular
expressions. So any help with this would be very much appreciated.

I have a set of text that I would like to replace with another set.

I have a string of text example:


Abc 123 Easy


I need to not only replace the "Abc 123 Easy" text, but also replace
both the beginning "---Test---" and the ending "---Test--" but nothing
prior to the beginning and nothing after the ending "---Test---"

Thanks again all,

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 

"We create websites that make you a hero."

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CFDev's ActivSpell

2002-10-22 Thread Chris Alvarado
Using ActivSpell for a site I built a while back.

Client complained that they would run spell check on word with
capitalized value in it and that the value that the incorrect word was
replaced with no longer had that letter as uppercase.

Unless I am missing some attribute for the tag, is there some way to get
around this?

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 

"We create websites that make you a hero."

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RE: SOT:Java?

2002-10-24 Thread Chris Alvarado
Heya fellow Chris...=)

Well I would like to get a good foundation in Java (for backend
development) but then would also like to get into the more display tier
level of Java dev (JSP) etc.

Thanks for the recommendsI will surely take a look at these books
and the editor.

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 

"We create websites that make you a hero."

-Original Message-
From: Chris Montgomery [mailto:lists@;] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 11:07 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SOT:Java?

Howdy Chris,

Wednesday, October 23, 2002, 9:39:52 AM, Chris Alvarado wrote:

CA> Does anyone have any good book reccomendations to get me started 
CA> down that path? I have some basic OOP experience, but none with 
CA> Java, so any help would be awesome.

Are you talking about just starting out with Java? If so, I recently
purchased these two ( has a package deal on them right now):

Beginning Java 2 SDK 1.4 Edition (Ivor Horton)

Beginning Java Objects: From Concepts to Code (Jacquie Barker)

I haven't had a chance to look at the Barker's book yet, but Horton's is
a pretty good intro to Java. Hal Helms recommended Barker's book as a
good starting point to learn about OOP in one of his recent newsletters.

CA> Also, any preferred Development Environments / Editors?

Based on a recommendation in Horton's book, I've started messing around
with JCreator ( ). It's a nice Java IDE and
pretty easy for beginners to pick up. The light edition is free, too.
Also, UltraEdit works pretty good and has a tool you can configure to
compile java files.

Chris Montgomerymonty @

Airtight Web Services
Web Development, Web Project Management, Software Sales

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

RE: Contribute and Studio Observation

2002-11-12 Thread Chris Alvarado
Unless i am missing something here, 

Contribute is meant to work along the lines of FrontPage correct?

A user edits a page is some kind of WYSIWYG editor and then is able to
publish the page to the server. Thus, this really is really meant for
sites where content is static?

In which case is this really a very valuable business app? I know that
VERY few of are websites are completely static. I can see where this
would be great for small businesses and information-centric websites,
but as true 'content management' why would you even be interested in
this software?

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 

"We create websites that make you a hero."

-Original Message-
From: Sean A Corfield [mailto:sean@;] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 3:48 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Contribute and Studio Observation

On Monday, Nov 11, 2002, at 11:20 US/Pacific, Park, Simon wrote:
> I'm looking through the online documentation of Contribute because it 
> may be
> a solution for a particular client of ours. One specific question that

> I
> haven't seen answered is whether there is built-in publishing from a 
> staging
> or development server to a production server, particularly through a
> firewall. Perhaps someone from Macromedia or who has seen the 
> demonstration
> can answer this. Thanks.

Contribute is intended to allow non-technical users to edit websites 
directly. When we canvassed users about workflow, most of them either 
didn't use any or had something very informal. Contribute follows that 
majority model: you can either publish directly back to the website or 
you can email a draft for review (built-in to Contribute). Publishing 
from a development / staging server to the production server is 
effectively out of scope for Contribute. If you have such an 
environment, you would presumably have a managed process for pushing 
web content out to production. In such a scenario, you would have 
Contribute users edit / publish directly to the development (or 
staging) web server and then use your existing process to publish to 

Sean A Corfield -- Director, Architecture
Web Technology Group -- Macromedia, Inc.
tel: (415) 252-2287 -- cell: (415) 717-8473
aim: seancorfield --
An Architect's View --

Introducing Macromedia Contribute. Web publishing for everyone.
Learn more at

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2002-11-21 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,

Currently working on a cold fusion component to work with the FedEX API
for one or our clients and I was curious to know if anyone knows of any
good sites that focus on working with COM using CF?

I am aware of cfcomet, im just looking for general dos / donts and tips,
for stuff as simple as calling a server object etc.

I have worked a decent amount with COM in ASP, but not much with CF

Thanks for any help,

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 

"We create websites that make you a hero."

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


2002-11-21 Thread Chris Alvarado
Im not using FedEX's Java API because 

1) We are not using CFMX as of yet and 2) because my knowledge of Java
is extremely limited unfortunately

I do plan on getting more into Java dev as soon as things slow up a
little around here. I would definitely love to delve into the language.

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 

"We create websites that make you a hero."

-Original Message-
From: Adrocknaphobia Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 10:11 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF + COM


I haven't found much on the topics of CF and COM outside of cfComet. I
agree though, cfComet is pretty scarce on helpful information if you
aren't working with Office or PDF.

I do know that the general sentiment is NOT to use COM in CFMX.
Functionally I've gotten a number of COM objects to work, but they fail
stress tests.

I tried a few things to stabilize the system. First was to limit the
objects use to 1 process. Basically creating the poor man's lock by
setting a SERVER variable to monitor the objects use, and conditional
code based on that variable. Of course, it's horridly slow on a
multi-user system, since everyone has to take turns.

After that, I just said screw it. I wrote some .NET services to surround
the COM objects, and calling the services from CFMX. It takes a little
longer to run its methods and get data back, but it's much more stable
with multiple users.

Right now, I'm trying to plow through a book on JNI (Java Native
Interface) which may be the solution.

Why aren't you using FedEx's Java API? You shouldn't run into any
problems there.

Adam Wayne Lehman
Web Systems Developer
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Distance Education Division

-Original Message-
From: Chris Alvarado [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 10:29 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF + COM

Hello all,

Currently working on a cold fusion component to work with the FedEX API
for one or our clients and I was curious to know if anyone knows of any
good sites that focus on working with COM using CF?

I am aware of cfcomet, im just looking for general dos / donts and tips,
for stuff as simple as calling a server object etc.

I have worked a decent amount with COM in ASP, but not much with CF

Thanks for any help,

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 

"We create websites that make you a hero."

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resources for the community.

RE: Easy Timeout Question

2002-11-21 Thread Chris Alvarado
Just append the requesttimeout variable to the end of whatever URL you
are calling, it wont necessarily apply to any specific include etc, it
will just apply to the entire block of code being called, thus the
entire page will be given more time to load.

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 

"We create websites that make you a hero."

-Original Message-
From: Eric Hoffman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 11:19 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Easy Timeout Question

We have some includes in a page that run real long...and it times out in
the middle of sending all the stuff...can we add the request timeout
variable to an include like that, or what is the best way to handle
that?  Thanks!


Eric J Hoffman
DataStream Connexion
Delivering Creative Data Solutions 

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


2002-11-21 Thread Chris Alvarado
Actually that sounds somewhat feasible, however I thought the XML API
was geared specifically towards tracking shipments not scheduling and
pricing them?

If it can do it all like the ShipAPI, then I think the XML API is the
way to go.

Anyone know?

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 

"We create websites that make you a hero."

-Original Message-
From: jon hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 3:21 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CF + COM

Why not use their new XML API? The ShipAPI stuff is really nasty imho.


Thursday, November 21, 2002, 11:59:32 AM, you wrote:
CA> Im not using FedEX's Java API because 

CA> 1) We are not using CFMX as of yet and 2) because my knowledge of
CA> is extremely limited unfortunately

CA> I do plan on getting more into Java dev as soon as things slow up a
CA> little around here. I would definitely love to delve into the

Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more 
resources for the community.

Linkpoint Payment Processing

2002-11-22 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,

I am currently involved in a website redesign / dev and the site
currently uses Linkpoint to do the CC processing. Does anyone out there
have any experience with this software?

Good? Bad?

I'm trying to figure out if I need to recommend some new CC processing
package (such as Verisign's Payflow, which everyone seems to like).

Thanks for any help,

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 

"We create websites that make you a hero."

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

RE: Payment Gateways? (Was: OPINIONS: PayFlow Pro and CF Integration?)

2002-11-22 Thread Chris Alvarado
H here is a post I took from the bugtraq group on Google about


== Some Background ==
LinkPoint is the name of the API that Card Service International
(one of the biggest online merchant account providers) uses for
communication between a merchant's servers and their credit-card

The LinkPoint client API communicates with the credit-card gateway
using an SSL-based protocol.  Authentication and encryption is
facilitated with x509 digital certificates (the same ones that https

You must provide the client with two pieces of information for it to
authenticate to the gateway server.  The first is what CSI calls
"Store Name" -- it's actually a six digit number.  The second is the
path to the certificate file they send you.

== The Problem ==
Although I have not discovered a technical (code) security problem,
believe there is a serious procedural security problem in they way
CSI initially sets up accounts.

When you are approved for a CSI merchant account (or even when you
are approved for a test account), CSI sends you two emails.  One of
the emails has the subject "Welcome to LinkPoint API" (the other is
unimportant).  This email contains two pieces of information: 

The gateway server's hostname
Your "Store Name" (the six digit number)

Plus, they attach your certificate AND _private key_ to the bottom
the message.  The idea is that you copy and paste the cert + private
key into a file for the client API to use when it connects.

I don't think I need to spell out the problem any further for
on this list.  Basically, they are sending all of the information
need authenticate as a merchant through plain, unencrypted, email.

You would need a few more things to exploit this potential security
hole.  Namely, you would need the CSI API and some knowledge of how
to use it.  This appears to be an attempt at security through

Also, you would obviously need a way to get the plain email
(sniffing, etc)

Notes: * The digital certificates do not have a passphrase.
   * The LinkPoint API documentation is publicly available at:

== Card Service's Response ==
My attempt to contact CSI lead to a phone call from the
"Lead Senior Tech" in the "API Support" department of CSI. 

Since I did not type this email while I was on the phone, all of the
quoted comments bellow are from memory and probably aren't exact.
They are, however, pretty close to what was said.

I spoke with this person for about ten minutes and was not satisfied
with his response.  This person's basic theme was "It's never
before and there are security precautions on the back-end".  

I explained to him that using the information in their email, I
pose as the merchant -- and after a while, he reluctantly agreed.  I
then asked him to clarify how that isn't a serious security problem,
and he quickly responded with something along the lines of "lets say
you can pose as the merchant, what are you going to do?".  I
by saying "I'd start posting refunds to my card" and he said "the
refund option has to be enabled per merchant".  Next, I told him I
could charge cards.  His response to this was that "well, then you
be giving money to the merchant".

I suggested to him that if I was a malicious user, I could charge
random cards with random amounts to the merchant's account.  His
response: "our backend would detect that".  I asked for
and realized that the security he is talking about is their "Fraud
Protection" system.  From my knowledge (and I've used the CSI API in
several projects) and according the the API documentation available
online, this system just blocks an end-user from attempting to
credit cards if they've had repeated failures.  The key here is that
it uses the _end user's_ (the person submitting a credit card to the
merchants site -- the web browser) IP.  This IP is sent to the
server from the client API.  It's very simple to write a program
charges a whole bunch of cards and makes the API think each one came
from a different IP (especially since the IP is just one of the
in the struct you pass to the client API).  Obviously, the Fraud
Protection provided by the gateway server is not meant to prevent a
fraudulent merchant -- it is made to prevent fraudulent customers
fooling legitimate merchants.  In this scenario, you _would be_ the
merchant and therefore not subject to fraud checks.

At this point, I had given up.  I have a hard time understanding how
it's "not a security problem"

E-Commerce, and Variations

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,

Wanted to pick your brains on some DB related stuff.

Currently working on an E-Commerce site and deal with product variations
(size / color - which relates to price) and was curious to know if
anyone has any suggestions on table structure to best handle this, or
know of any good sites with reference.

Logically what takes place is a certain size + color combination
constitutes the "configuration" of the product they are purchasing, as
well as determines the price.

Just trying to get the relationship to make sense.

Thanks all,

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 

"We create websites that make you a hero."

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


2003-02-04 Thread Chris Alvarado
In MS SQL server there is a system table called "sysobjects" for each
database. This contains an entry for each table in that database.

To get a list of all the user tables (the tables you built) you would
use a query like this.

FROM sysobjects
WHERE xtype = 'u'

Once you have a list of the tables you can loop over the names of the
tables and get a list of the columns in a table by doing


I know its sloppy (but you get the idea im sure) but wanted to respond
real quick before I ran off to a meeting. 

Hope this helps

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc.
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716
fax: 281.807.4384

"We create websites that make you a hero."

-Original Message-
From: Rebecca Joy Sherman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 2:07 PM
To: CF-Talk

Help!  I need to get the tables in a datasource and then the fields in a
Basically I would love to have something like Nates Two-select box with 
tables and fields.
Can you please help?

Joy ;-*

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Google - Link Popularity in Multi Site hosting environment

2003-02-12 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,

I'm sure some of you have experienced something similar to this.

We have sites that we build and host. With Google, the more sites that
link to you, and the stronger the rating those sites have, the higher
rating you will have. I need a way to dynamically include a link to our
site in every site in our hosting environment. I know there is a way to
append document footers thru IIS to EACH site, but that has 2 problems.
1) you have to do it for every new site 2) I need a way to have some
kind of processing logic on the page that's included, whether it be ASP
or what have you. Since you cant force CF to execute in an IIS included
footer that rules any conditional logic out.

Hope this makes sense. Thanks all


This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


RE: The New Macromedia Website(ODBC)

2003-03-07 Thread Chris Alvarado
I agree with Mr Watts here completely.

The people that are being /SO/ very critical, I have a few questions for

1) Are you willing to claim that your applications are 100% without

2) Are you willing to STOP using software that contains errors? (better
say no, or might want to uninstall any of the following - MS Office, MS
Windows, MS everything. . . Bye bye computer =)

Also, how active are you in helping get rid of these bugs?

When windows prompts you to report an error do you send it to them? Or
do you just click cancel?

People are always talking about how Macromedia should foster a Community
environment for their apps. I see them making real effort but instead of
helping them get to the bottom of these issues, all I see is the usual
piss and moan for the most part.

I would be very interested to see how large the CF Bug DB (reported by
users) is. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it wasn't very

If it weren't for Macromedia (and companies like them) we would not have
many of the cool things we do. Practical always? No. But a good start
towards a keen idea? Usually very much so.

Think back a bit to the bloated performance nightmare Java applets with
their flashy ripple water effects etc. What once was a language used for
clunky front end eye candy and "bells and whistles", was replanned,
reworked and reimplemented as one of the most robust server side
languages in use (imo).

It all has to start somewhere. In the end I would rather see Macromedia
take a few swings at developing cool tools for use to build cool things
with before getting it right, over seeing a company like M$ take a few
swings then stamping it out because it doesn't fit the M@ "model"
(whatever the hell that is anymore).


Sorry bout the rant folks, I know I very rarely chime in. This is just a
subject that jabs me the wrong way sometimes.


Kudos to Macromedia. With time and dedication /WE/ (that's right WE)
will get it right...=)


-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 3:39 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: The New Macromedia Website(ODBC)

> Am just bringing up issues here...FOR the General GOOD 

It's one thing to say, hey, there's a problem and it should be fixed if
possible. It's another thing to say that the product shouldn't have been
released because of it.

> IF the Community/MM thinks a CFMX BUG is trivial, i can play 
> along with that.

Most bugs aren't trivial to the people who run into them, I suppose.
is asking you to "play along" with anything. But that doesn't mean your
goals will be well served by your actions.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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ColdFusion and related topics.


SOT: QA / Testing - Use Case Scenarios?

2003-03-10 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,

Hoping to get some opinions etc here.

I am trying to rationalize to the powers that be that some form of Use
Case Scenarios would greatly improves quality of work. Does anyone out
there have any good examples / definitions of solid testing plans / use
case scenarios? I realize that for each project this can change, but I
am really interested in finding some good documentation or some type of
testing / use case methodology. I thought I remember that testing / qa
was part of FLiP but I cannot seem to find much out there about FLiP,
can anyone point me towards that as well?

Thanks all,

All help is much appreciated.


This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


CFMX + Windows Server 2003

2003-06-06 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,
quick question,
has anyone had any issues with CFMX + Windows Server 2003?
We are about to upgrade and Id like to get some feedback.
Stability? Performance?
Thanks all,

[ application developer ] 
4 Guys Interactive, Inc.   
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
fax: 281.807.4384 

"We create websites that make you a hero." 



Host with the leader in ColdFusion hosting. 
Voted #1 ColdFusion host by CF Developers. 
Offering shared and dedicated hosting options.


RE: CFMX + Windows Server 2003

2003-06-06 Thread Chris Alvarado
Do you happen to know any of the issues or is there somewhere that they
are documented?

I am aware of RedSky, I am playing with the beta atm.

Thanks a million,

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc.
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716
fax: 281.807.4384

"We create websites that make you a hero."

> -Original Message-
> From: Doug White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 11:45 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: CFMX + Windows Server 2003
> Yes there are issues, but there are hacks to make it work.  
> MM is working on a
> maintenance upgrade, currently codenamed "Red Shy" which is 
> addressing all these
> issues.
> ==
> Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
> For CF hosting solutions
> ISP rated:
> ==
> If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Chris Alvarado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 11:10 AM
> Subject: CFMX + Windows Server 2003
> | Hello all,
> |
> | quick question,
> |
> | has anyone had any issues with CFMX + Windows Server 2003?
> |
> | We are about to upgrade and Id like to get some feedback.
> |
> | Stability? Performance?
> |
> | Thanks all,
> |
> |
> | -chris.alvarado
> | [ application developer ]
> | 4 Guys Interactive, Inc.
> | <>
> | phone: 281.807.4344 x1716
> | fax: 281.807.4384
> |
> | "We create websites that make you a hero."
> |
> |
> |
> | 

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SOT: Syndicated News Content

2003-06-10 Thread Chris Alvarado
Sorry for the off topic post all.
Any recommendations for XML News services for news? Preferabley ones
that will allow the specification of the types of news.
Thanks all,

[ application developer ] 
4 Guys Interactive, Inc.   
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
fax: 281.807.4384 

"We create websites that make you a hero." 



Host with the leader in ColdFusion hosting. 
Voted #1 ColdFusion host by CF Developers. 
Offering shared and dedicated hosting options.


XMLParse() problem

2003-06-13 Thread Chris Alvarado
I am submitting an HTTP Get command to grab some XML data.
the following data is returned (very simple).


However, when i try to run xmlParse(cfhttp.filecontent)
I get the following error.
"XML declaration may only begin entities."
any ideas?
Thanks for any and all help,

[ application developer ] 
4 Guys Interactive, Inc.   
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
fax: 281.807.4384 

"We create websites that make you a hero." 



Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more 
resources for the community.


SOT: Web Server Load Testing

2003-06-13 Thread Chris Alvarado
Can anyone recommend a utility (preferably free) that one can use to
load test a web server?
Basically simulate http requests?
I remember one a long time ago developed by SGI I think called WebStone.
also anything that helps test performance of CF on one server versus
another would be nice.
Thanks all,

[ application developer ] 
4 Guys Interactive, Inc.   
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
fax: 281.807.4384 

"We create websites that make you a hero." 



Host with the leader in ColdFusion hosting. 
Voted #1 ColdFusion host by CF Developers. 
Offering shared and dedicated hosting options.


SOT: Migrating DSNs from one server to another

2003-06-25 Thread Chris Alvarado
we have built a new primary production box. I want to get all of the
DSNs from the old one to the new one but without having to create them
all manually. I thought there was some way to import registry keys or
maybe even a utility to do this.
Can anyone suggest anything?
Thanks all,

[ application developer ] 
4 Guys Interactive, Inc.   
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
fax: 281.807.4384 

"We create websites that make you a hero." 



This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


UDF to Parse URL

2003-07-02 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,
I am looking for a UDF that will parse the domain name (and hostname)
from a URL string.
I found the GetHostFromURL() function on CFLib. The function seems to
work pretty well, it even strips port numbers etc. The problem with that
function is that it will strip anything before the first "." if there is
anything. So, is returned as .
However I need the hostname as well. I would modify the existing
function, however I am not too keen on RegEx atm.
the UDF can be found here
OR if anyone knows of something better, Im open to suggestions.
and while on the topic can anyone point me at some good RegEx reference
for CF? I really need to brush up in that area.
Thanks all,

[ application developer ] 
4 Guys Interactive, Inc.   
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
fax: 281.807.4384 

"We create websites that make you a hero." 



This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


RE: UDF to Parse URL

2003-07-02 Thread Chris Alvarado
Because im actually trying to parse the referer.

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc.
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716
fax: 281.807.4384

"We create websites that make you a hero."

> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Townend [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 9:43 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: UDF to Parse URL
> Why not just use
> -Original Message-
> From: Chris Alvarado [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 2, 2003 15:37
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: UDF to Parse URL
> Hello all,
> I am looking for a UDF that will parse the domain name (and 
> hostname) from a
> URL string.
> I found the GetHostFromURL() function on CFLib. The function 
> seems to work
> pretty well, it even strips port numbers etc. The problem 
> with that function
> is that it will strip anything before the first "." if there 
> is anything.
> So, is returned as . 
> However I need
> the hostname as well. I would modify the existing function, 
> however I am not
> too keen on RegEx atm.
> the UDF can be found here
> OR if anyone knows of something better, Im open to suggestions.
> and while on the topic can anyone point me at some good RegEx 
> reference for
> CF? I really need to brush up in that area.
> Thanks all,
> -chris.alvarado 
> [ application developer ] 
> 4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 
> <>  
> phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
> fax: 281.807.4384 
> "We create websites that make you a hero." 

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RE: Using cfoutput in Emails

2002-12-09 Thread Chris Alvarado
Just surround your variable with #'s

subject="this is the subject : #variable#"

Being that the subject attribute is part if a CF tag the variable will
be evaluated by CF (assuming the variable exists of course).

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 

"We create websites that make you a hero."

-Original Message-
From: Clark, Aimee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 9:59 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Using cfoutput in Emails

I have used cfmail for quite some time, but I had a quick question. Is
possible to display parameters in the subject line? For instance if I
the subject line to be:

Departure-IS Notification: Bugs Bunny, PHX, 12/14/02

Now, the first part after notification is just something that I type,
everything after that would be like

Can I do this?

Thank you,

Aimee Clark 
Web Developer 
Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP 

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ColdFusion and related topics.

RE: CFC Question

2002-12-31 Thread Chris Alvarado
If it is just a structure with 1 'iteration'

You can treat the keys like a list.

#x# (would be the keyName)
#evaluate(x)# would be the value of the key

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 

"We create websites that make you a hero."

-Original Message-
From: Cutter (CF_Talk) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 2:42 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFC Question

I know that this has been asked, but I can't find it in the archives

I have created a CFC with a function getTitle. The function has a return

type of struct. After calling the function through CFInvoke, how do I 
loop through the struct to display my data? There doesn't appear to be a

lot of information on this at MM...


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OT: ASP Message Boards / Forums

2003-01-06 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,

I know ASP is a bit off topic on this list but I figured I would ask
since many people here are also familiar with ASP.

A client of ours is looking for a forum solution built in ASP. I am
looking for some recommendations ranging from the most simpler / free to
the most complex feature rich and expensive forums I can find.

URLs would be really helpful so I can do some research on my end.

Thanks a million all,

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 

"We create websites that make you a hero."

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Verity Error

2003-01-09 Thread Chris Alvarado

I have a Verity issue. I am trying to remove a file from a verity
collection and when I try this I get the following error, and due to the
complete lack of documentation on CF + Varity I am stumped.

Anyone want to take a stab?

Error # -33 [ffdf] VdkCollectionSubmit

Thanks all,

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 

"We create websites that make you a hero."

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ColdFusion and related topics.


OT: Dynamic DNS

2003-01-10 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,

Sort of an off-topic post I guess, so sorry for that.

However this is the most responsive / helpful list I'm on so here it

I have a domain name for myself that my company hosts the DNS for. I am
looking for a dynamic DNS solution that will allow me to actually host
the site on my cable access where my IP address may change etc.

Here is the kicker,

I have a router / firewall attached to my cable modem that also has a
built in switch. That way I can have like 4 machines using my cable
connection. The IP addresses for each machine as such are NATed and thus
I have the firewall set to forward all port 80 request (http) to my
machines NATed address, this works fine except that as far as I can tell
all of the Dynamic DNS services out there set the IP address to send
your domain requests to are of the MACHINE running their software,
whereas the IP address on my network would actually belong to my cable

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks all,

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 

"We create websites that make you a hero."

Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more 
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RE: Macromedia TechNote on Database Performance

2003-01-16 Thread Chris Alvarado
No but you can do this,

FROM someTable

Make sense?

[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc.
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716
fax: 281.807.4384

"We create websites that make you a hero."

-Original Message-
From: Joshua Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 5:39 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Macromedia TechNote on Database Performance

But that doesn't work when you do:


I can get it to generate the query, just not call it ... It's moot point
though, I was an idiot in my thinking that the query name had something
to do with the cache :)

It's actually the QUERY and not the NAME that the cache is based on -


Joshua Miller
Head Programmer / IT Manager
Garrison Enterprises Inc.
(704) 569-9044 ext. 254

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-Original Message-
From: paul smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 6:02 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Macromedia TechNote on Database Performance


best,  paul

At 05:04 PM 1/16/03 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm having luck just changing some queries to Stored Proceedures ... 
>I'd like to use caching, but I can't figure out a way to specify 
>dynamic query names.

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Forum packages?

2004-01-06 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,

I just wanted to get some suggestions on nice forum packages built in
CF. I know about Fusetalk but I am needing a forum system for a personal
site and I'm just not wanting to shell out $300 for forums. I love the
features in fusetalk but i just cant justify the cost. Ive looked at
most / all of the free forums and none of them are as clean or feature
rich as I would like it to be so Im perfectly willing to pay for a nice
system, just not 300 bones.

Thanks all for your suggestions,

[ application developer ] 
4 Guys Interactive, Inc.   
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
fax: 281.807.4384
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Need some Flash MX Book recommendations

2004-02-05 Thread Chris Alvarado
Sorry for the Crosspost


Hello all,

I'm starting a project that will require some pretty heavy DB interation
from Flash as well as some of the more advanced stuff in FlashMX
(remoting, pushing content etc). I need books that assume you know
little to no Flash. Ive been programming Cold Fusion for nearly 7 years
now so i think it's safe to say that i have a fairly strong grasp on
that side of things.

any and all help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks all,

[ application developer ] 
4 Guys Interactive, Inc.   
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
fax: 281.807.4384
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Re: Oracle Stored Procedure and

2001-12-13 Thread Chris Alvarado

 has a maxrows attribute

hope this helps,

[application developer - 4 Guys Interactive]

>From: Troy Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Oracle Stored Procedure and 
>Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 14:22:34 -0500
>Is it possible to pass a parameter into an Oracle Stored Procedure to
>limit the record set that is returned but the procedure?  If I remove
>the "IN" Parameter from the Oracle Stored Procedure, it works fine.  But
>I do not want all the records.  I just want a return a set of records.
>I appears that it is not possible to supply additional values to
> when trying to retrieve a record set.
>I have the  tag defined as follows:
>   procedure="Portfolio.Get_Branch"
>   datasource="#Application.DSN#"
>   dbtype="#Application.DSNDBType#">
>   value="34" null="No">
>   variable="p_Branch" null="Yes">
>Here is the definitions in my Oracle Package Header and Body:
>***In the Header:***
>Type Blank_CurType Is Ref Cursor;
>Procedure Get_Branch
>p_ObjPK in Number,
>p_Branch out Blank_CurType
>  );
>***In the Body:***
>   Procedure Get_Branch
> (
>p_ObjPK in Number,
> p_Branch out Blank_CurType
>  )
>  Is
>  Begin
>Open p_Branch For Select * from cobj;
>-- I want to do this:  Open p_Branch For Select * from cobj where
>objpk = p_objpk;
>  End Get_Branch;
>I hope that I have explained it well enough.
>Troy Simpson | North Carolina State University
>NCSU Libraries | Campus Box 7111 | Raleigh | North Carolina
>ph.919.515.3855 | fax.919.513.3330
>It is better to be hated for what you are
>than to be loved for what you are not.
>   -- Andre Gide
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RE: Is there a way to run a server side executable through CF?

2001-02-06 Thread Chris Alvarado

you could use  to execute a server-side executable.

[developer] - VerticalNet

-Original Message-
From: Paul Begovich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 2:35 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Is there a way to run a server side executable through CF?

We have created several scripts written for NT Server that perform various
server side tasks.  What we want to do is execute these scripts using the CF
scheduler.  Is there a way to run a server side executable through CF?

- Paul
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Testing Software

2001-02-07 Thread Chris Alvarado

I needs some reccomendatins on software for testing Cold Fusion enabled
sites. The company that makes WinRunner develops products that seem like
they might work. I am just curious to know if anyone has any good
recomendations. The mor automated the software, the better.


[developer] - VerticalNet

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RE: Getting Access to HARPOON

2001-02-08 Thread Chris Alvarado

any major problems with Harpoon beta?

Also I remember seeing a breif explanation as to what it is but can anyone
direct me to some more detailed info on it? Specifically what is it? What
can it do? etc

[developer] - VerticalNet

-Original Message-
From: Steve Drucker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 9:21 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Getting Access to HARPOON

If you have not been able to access the Harpoon beta through, try the following URL instead:

Steve Drucker
Fig Leaf Software
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at



2001-02-12 Thread Chris Alvarado

Doing some research on Clustering within a Cold Fusion environment and I
came accross the ClusterCATS product. I have read about it before and it
seems that it would suit our needs well. The only thing I cannot seem to
find is, WHERE CAN I GET IT?

Anyone help me out here?


[developer] - VerticalNet

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RE: ClusterCATS

2001-02-12 Thread Chris Alvarado

is it an additional install? or is it automatically installed with CF Server
Ent? The reason I ask is we have the CF Server Enterprise Upgrade. I looked
thrugh the install CD and cannot find any reference to an install for
ClusterCATS. The only thing I see referring to ClusterCATS is in the CF
Documentation on the CD.


-Original Message-
From: Steve Drucker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 9:15 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ClusterCATS

It's bundled as a component of CF Enterprise.


-Original Message-
From: Chris Alvarado [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 10:07 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: ClusterCATS

Doing some research on Clustering within a Cold Fusion environment and I
came accross the ClusterCATS product. I have read about it before and it
seems that it would suit our needs well. The only thing I cannot seem to
find is, WHERE CAN I GET IT?

Anyone help me out here?


[developer] - VerticalNet

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RE: Unlocking Access database under CF 4.5

2001-02-12 Thread Chris Alvarado

One thing to remember. When creating an ODBC connection to an Access DB
through the CF Administrator, UNcheck the 'Maintain Database Connections'
checkbox (you may have to click the 'CF Settings' button to expand the
page). I have had problems with this locking the connection to the DB in the
past, especially if the user stops the processing of the pade in

[developer] - VerticalNet

-Original Message-
From: Aidan Whitehall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 10:25 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Unlocking Access database under CF 4.5

> I have checked the CF archives looking for unlocking an 
> access database.  I
> found that issuing an invalid query against the datasource 
> will release the
> lock.  I have tried this under my current ISP, but no go.  Is 
> there anything
> different under CF4.5?

There have been a few times when running the bogus query didn't work, but I
just left it an hour or so, ran it again and the lockfile was deleted.

Don't think the fact that they're running 4.5 will make any difference (but
correct me people if that's wrong).

Aidan Whitehall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Netshopper UK Ltd
Advanced Web Solutions & Services
Telephone +44 (01744) 648650
Fax +44 (01744) 648651
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Form validation without alert boxes

2001-02-12 Thread Chris Alvarado

as far as the server side goes here is what I do.

Process all of the stuff


on the page that submitted the form.


Let me know if you have any questions.

[developer] - VerticalNet

-Original Message-
From: James Birchler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 11:45 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Form validation without alert boxes

1. Client side: Could someone please show me an example of doing client-side
form validation that doesn't use the alertbox method? It would be nice if
next to the input field the user would simply see red text explaining their
input error.

2. Server side: How about server-side validation using CFFORM with the same
kind of output--is there an easy way to re-display the original form fields
with error messages where applicable and keeping/displaying the form entries
the user has properly entered?

I just need a solid starting point for these problems.

Many thanks,

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Dave's Burning Rant (WAS: virus comments)

2001-02-13 Thread Chris Alvarado

haha'at minimum and adequate computer user'.

I have been doing development for 4 years (which may pale in comparison to
some, but in that time I have seen a lot).

A lot of the developers I have worked with in the past could barely install
software on their machin without messing something up. As a whole most of
the developers Ive known have been very careless.

I do fnd that some of the best developers are the ones that have done it
all, System Administration, Networking, as well as Development.

I think its all comes from having to have served many purposes in the past.
Developer, Sales Person, and at times Admin, Network Architect. Diversity
leads to enlightenment=P

My point in all of this was to point out that sometimes its the developers
that are the BIGGEST offenders and not just the end user or Sales/Marketing
people down the hall.

[developer] - VerticalNet

-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 5:47 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Dave's Burning Rant (WAS: virus comments)

> > Anyone dumb enough to open attachments like this deserve 
> > everything they get...
> I think that¹s a bit harsh considering that the ultimate 
> source of the error is the software developer that refuses 
> to stop producing software with these moronic security 
> holes in it.

I feel compelled to respond to this.

Admittedly, the openness and interrelatedness of Microsoft Office, Outlook,
IE, and WSH make it easy to write relatively powerful viruses, the ultimate
responsibility for safe computer use, like safe driving and safe sex, lies
with the one behind the wheel. Microsoft, and sysadmins everywhere, can
minimize virus problems with better software design, stronger security,
better email filters, etc., but in the end, just like with computer
security, computer virus protection boils down to common sense at the
end-user level.

How many people have received legitimate messages from someone they know
(but aren't already in a relationship with) saying "I love you"? Are we all
that desperate for love, that we'll just double-click blindly for it? How
many people regularly receive salacious pictures of female tennis stars from
their coworkers? If you want to look at that kind of stuff, the internet is
filled to the brim with it - more free hardcore porn than you could ever
look at. (Although personally, I feel that porn technology kind of peaked
with VHS/DVD.) Why is it that we can expect adults to understand manual
transmissions and 401K plans, but can't expect them to be smart enough to
know, "Hey, this email I just got from Joe down the hall looks like it was
written by a third-grader, and has a dirty picture attached. Maybe this is a
virus, like the last thing I got from a coworker like this. Maybe I
shouldn't double-click on the attachment."

Microsoft software does what it always does - it tends toward openness at
the expense of security. Guess what - that's what people want on their
desktops. As someone who's done a bit of sysadmin work, I can tell you they
don't want security. They want to be able to do whatever they want. The cost
of that power is end-user responsibility.

This goes even further for the people on this list. This is a developer
list. We write network applications, which tie together very expensive web
servers used by millions of people to even more expensive database servers.
We use the same technology that makes these viruses work. Being a good
developer means knowing how software works. Being a good developer means
being, at minimum, an adequate computer user!

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


OT: JavaScript?

2001-02-13 Thread Chris Alvarado

Does anyone have a good javascript that will allow you to type ina startDate
and endDate and it will calculate the number of days inbetween and populate
a 3rd form field on the fly?

any help would be appreciated.

[developer] - VerticalNet

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RE: JavaScript?

2001-02-13 Thread Chris Alvarado

the reason I wanted it to be Java Script is so that I might then populate a
3rd form field on the fly with the difference.


-Original Message-
From: Saidi; Marwan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 2:04 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: JavaScript?

Does it need to be javascript? Can you use a custom tag? If so, Nate Weiss
has a tag on DevExchange, check this out: (I have not used it, but it sounds
like it may do what you wish...)

Does anyone have a good javascript that will allow you to type ina startDate
and endDate and it will calculate the number of days inbetween and populate
a 3rd form field on the fly?

any help would be appreciated.

[developer] - VerticalNet
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Custom Tags for CF Logs

2001-02-14 Thread Chris Alvarado

Any recommendations on tags for viewing th CF Logs?

I downloaded Ben Forta's CFX tag but it seems that the latest version was
only meant for version 3 of CF...=P

I like the way this tag works though, returns results as query results thus
I can manipulate them myself. 

Can anyone recommend something similar?

[developer] - VerticalNet

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RE: can anyone help?

2001-02-15 Thread Chris Alvarado

on line 98 you need to specify the Variable you are using the comparisn
operator on.

in other words

this is wrong:

this is correct

[developer] - VerticalNet

-Original Message-
From: Jay Patton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 11:40 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: can anyone help?

Hello all,

Im getting an error that i cant figure out here... everything looks fine to
me but maybe someone else can see something. here is the error..

Error Diagnostic Information
Just in time compilation error 

Invalid parser construct found on line 98 at position 30. ColdFusion was
looking at the following text:

Invalid expression format. The usual cause is an error in the expression
The last successfully parsed CFML construct was a CFIF tag occupying
document position (98:2) to (98:6).


  SELECT * FROM SubCats 
  WHERE TopCatID = #URL.CategoryID# 



!! this is line 98!! 











Any help would be much appreciated.

Jay Patton
Web Design / Application Design
Web Pro USA
406.549.3337 ext. 203
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Randomized Passwords

2001-02-16 Thread Chris Alvarado

you could use the RandRange function which will return a random integer
between 2 specified integers


 - NOTE: number must me less
than 100,000,000

[developer] - VerticalNet

-Original Message-
From: Andrew@home [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 9:05 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Randomized Passwords

Hello All:

Does any one of you CF experts out there (as I am a real newbie)
know how to create a random password string, for 8 characters?

Is there a tag out there to use? Is there a simple, known, CFRANDOM
function or something? I would imagine this has been done before.

Thanks All!


Andrew Richardson
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: modules, loops and variables....

2001-02-16 Thread Chris Alvarado

use the Evaluate() function, that should return the VALUES.

also there is an easier way to get all of the form fields passed tha the
method you are using.

Form.Fieldnames will retun all of the form field names passed as a list.
Then loop that list and evaluate the names.

[developer] - VerticalNet

-Original Message-
From: Ethan Rosch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 9:22 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: modules, loops and variables

hi all...

quick question as I delve into the world of modules and loops...

I am trying to build a module that will in turn loop over the attributes
sent to it, which are form fields..this module will take whatever form
fields are sent to it and then get there values and act via a loop.

my problem is how to get the formfelds to parse to their values in the
module loop and not their names.

here's a sample code of the idea:


for this example let's say that

firstformfield's user inputed value = Red
secondformfield's user inputed value = blue

now the module



what I want is :


what I get is:


any idea's would be greatly appreciated...I'm beating myself up and now I
come to you.


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


retrieving list of tables in a databse

2001-02-23 Thread Chris Alvarado

Is there a way to recieve a list of table in a specified Database?

 know I rememeber reading something about this a while back but cannot


[developer] - VerticalNet

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RE: Templates BLANK

2001-03-08 Thread Chris Alvarado

Ive had problems like this when using RDS to develop remotely. Supposedly
shile saving files through RDS CFStudio has been known to write an empty
buffer and thus and empty template. I had heard that this was fixed in
Studio 4.5.1 tho, so That may not be your problem.

[developer] - VerticalNet

-Original Message-
From: Adkins, Randy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 8:37 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Templates BLANK

Has anyone ever experienced a problem where CF Templates
go BLANK? We are experiencing it when running a template
at times runs fine, then one day the template is a 0 byte file.

The templates are NOT ones that would be automatically
written via CFFILE or anything. 

Also has anyone heard that CF Server needs Full Permissions
on all the template under NTFS?

Is there a permissions issue when running CF Server 4.01?

I am not sure when they will finally update to 4.5.1 but I have
to deal with what I have.

I have not heard that before. 

Thanks in advance.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


OT: freelance board

2001-03-23 Thread Chris Alvarado

a while back someone posted a link to a site where you can go to bid on
public contracts for development etc.

Happen to remember the URL?


[developer] - VerticalNet

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general question about security and documents

2001-07-03 Thread Chris Alvarado

I have an application that uses standard security through session variables 

If a user navigates to a portion of the application where a document is 
attached (word, excel, etc) and they have the correct permissions then they 
will see a link that will allow them to view the file.

this is all fairly normal


technically if they knew the direct path to the file they could merely type 
in the path into their browser and in a sense bypass all of the security 
measures built into the application.

has anyone come across this issue?

I work for a company that is very concerned about security as im sure many 
of you do. Many of these documents contain sensitive information that 
should be view by authorized users.

Thanks for any and all help,


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


cold fusion and asp

2001-07-03 Thread Chris Alvarado


i have this application that is built partly in Cold Fusion and partly in 
ASP. Since there is session based security it is necessary to create a 
session on both the ASP side and the Cold Fusion side.

Has anyone found a good way of sharing data back and forth between Cold 
Fusion sessions and ASP sessions?

currently i am working on building some wddx modules to handle the 
interaction but i was wondering if there is any way to directly "interface" 
with an ASP session from Cold Fusion?

thanks any help,


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Word Document Generation

2001-07-09 Thread Chris Alvarado

I have an application that needs to generate Word Documents and basically 
open them on the fly. Currently I am using CFCONTENT to do this, however I 
have run into a small problem. I need to be able to use a defined Word 
TEMPLATE.  The template contains a footer and whatnot that needs to be 
contained in the document. Is there a good reference somewhere for using 
CFCONTENT, or is there another way to do this?

thanks for the help,


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


? about CF and Sybase

2001-07-10 Thread Chris Alvarado

I am trying to get CF to use the Sybase native drivers and whenever CF 
tries to verify the connection to the Sybase server it fails.

here is what i have in the CF administrator in case maybe im overlooking 
something or im doing something wrong.

Data Source Name: abc123
Description: description
Server: (is that how it should be to specify a port 
number? or should i use a comma?)
Default Database: DefaultDB

the rest is pretty self just curious to know if i have 
entered in the Server correctly?

thanks for any help


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: OT: php info

2001-07-13 Thread Chris Alvarado

is the best place to start

At 11:21 AM 7/13/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>Anyone have a good place to go to get information on learning php?
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: Stopping/Starting/Restarting services.

2001-12-30 Thread Chris Alvarado

Yes as a matter of fact,

look up the  tag.

[application developer]
4|Guys Interactive, Inc

>From: "Bill Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Stopping/Starting/Restarting services.
>Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2001 14:04:58 -0500
>I know about the net commands, but is there a way to call a .bat from CF?
>Probably something small I've missed as I've never needed it before.
>- Original Message -
>From: "David Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2001 1:58 PM
>Subject: Re: Stopping/Starting/Restarting services.
> > create a batch file that uses the net stop and net start commands for 
> > cf service.
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Bill Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "CF-Talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2001 8:54 AM
> > Subject: Stopping/Starting/Restarting services.
> >
> >
> > > Anyone have an easy way to have CF stop/start/restart NT services?  I
> > > one CFX tag in the Allaire tag gallery, but it isn't available for
> > download.
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> > > -Bill
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
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RE: death of coldfusion

2001-12-31 Thread Chris Alvarado


new (no) IMPROVED (YES!)

I am not saying that CF is not a phenomenal application, I have seen it come 
a LONG way (Ive been working with CF since v. 1.5)

However, the need for more "enterprise" level (what does that even mean 
anymore) solutions, demands more reliability and speed.

The promise of compiled, easily transportable code has always been high on 
my wishlist for CF.

IMO, Neo will be a huge step in the right direction, as well as give some of 
the 'big boys' a run for their money, and I will be behind the other 
developers and Macromedia all the way.

[application developer]
4|Guys Interactive, Inc

>From: "jon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: death of coldfusion
>Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2001 23:03:00 -0500
>Out of curiousity, what's the rush for NEO?
>Does everything always have to be NEW AND IMPROVED?
>(see Perl, for instance, which seems to evolve very slowly)
>   -- jon
>-Original Message-
>From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2001 4:29 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: Re: death of coldfusion
>Ben Forta wrote:
> >
> > I also think that part of the frustration expressed on the Forums is
> > frustration at the current economic situation in general.
>And frustration with Macromedia in partcular :)
>Why is there no information on Neo? Sure there was something presented
>at the DevCon, but creating a Neo resource center with mailinglist and
>not presenting any news easily raises the impression that nothing is
>happening. It could be announced on the mailinglist that some alpha
>release was shipped to selected partners (if you read very carefully
>through all the 200+ messages you will find some indications of this on
>the forums), but instead there is silence.
>Imagine you are visiting your college buddies during the holiday season.
>They all have nice stories about .NET and J2EE, and all we have is some
>quotes about a product that some have seen but nobody has touched.
>Nobody likes to have to listen to the success stories of others.
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flash remoting books

2004-04-12 Thread Chris Alvarado
Sorry for the crosspost all . . .


I need some book recommendations for flash remoting. I have a large
project I am starting that is done in flash that needs to have
integrated security (as in different roles can see different things),
and do some pretty heavy DB interaction. I have very little flash
experience so a book that takes that in mind would be great. Ideally id
like to pick up one or 2 books that are meant for experienced CF

Thanks everyone,


[ application developer ]

4 Guys Interactive, Inc.

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SOT: Flash Remoting vs Web Services vs XML

2004-04-13 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,

I am starting a new project that will require some fairly heavy Flash /
CF integration including but not limited to: visual display of data
stored in a database, insertion of data into a database supplied in
Flash forms, a complete security model that requires not only
authentication but user level access restrictions (role based model). I
just ready the article on Macromedia DevNet about the various options
for developing RIAs (Remoting, Web Services, XML) and am having a bit of
a hard time deciding which route to pursue. Are there any RIA specific
mailing lists etc that anyone can recommend. Additionally can anyone
here point me in the right direction? I am a complete rookie when it
comes to Flash but have nearly 7years of CF experience so the CF
concepts are easy to grasp for me, im just sort of a bit inundated with
the Flash portion. If anyone has any suggestions on where to get started
they would be greatly appreciated. I picked up "Macromedia Flash MX
Profession 2004 for Server Geeks" and it seems like an excellent book,
but if anyone has any other suggestions that would fit well within the
project described above I would really appreciate it.

Thanks everyone,

Looking forward to seeing any feedback.


[ application developer ]

4 Guys Interactive, Inc.

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RE: SOT: Flash Remoting vs Web Services vs XML

2004-04-13 Thread Chris Alvarado
I don't really know much about Flex other than the few articles I have
read and the little bit of sample code I have seen. The problems I have
with going the Flex route are as follows:

1) this project is extremely time sensitive.

- thus the web service route seems more feasible. I already know how to
program a web service using CF (CFCs) and consuming a web service with
Flash is supposed to be pretty straight forward. Learning Flex (the way
I take it) and integrating CF would be quite a bit more time consuming
than simply using AS to handle data returned by CF.

2) the interfaces that the design team has come up with for this project
are VERY detailed and do have quite a bit of animation

I guess the biggest challenge at the moment is making these decisions.
At the moment the choice seems pretty simple as I stated above. Web
Services + Flash, as I already know how to develop Web Services so all
that would be needed it so learn how to consume said web services with
Flash. However, the last thing I want to do is head down the wrong path.
Id like to explore all the options out there and I agree, Flex seems
like a very viable option if this application had been designed to
harness it from the get go.


[ application developer ]

4 Guys Interactive, Inc.

281.807.4344 x1716


From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 3:06 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SOT: Flash Remoting vs Web Services vs XML

Have you considered Flex (or as I like to call it FlexFlash)

In my very limited experience Flex programming of RIAs is much easier 
than Flash programming unless you are into heavy animation, visual 
effects, etc.

You can get all you need for development with the Flex evaluation CD.

Then you can install flex to run in conjunction with CFMX -- which is 
the best of both worlds (server-side power and client-side RIA)

The big barrier may be the price of Flex but I understand that this 
may be negotiable.

Your timeframe may also be a consideration -- there have been hints 
that the next release of CFMX (BlackGuard, BlackHart, BlackMagic, 
BlackBeauty, BlackStone, whatever) will include Flex capabilities.

The way it  (current CFMX Flex) appears to work is this:

1) You create CF templates with imbedded (or included) Flex source 
containing special XML (MXXML) and ActionScript (similar to 

The CF template gets compiled to Java Byte code

The Flash portion of the template gets compiled to a SWF

Both are served to the requestor;

Here are the headers for a very simple CFMX Flex program (a Menu Tree)

"GET /cfusion/flex/CFFlexTree.cfm HTTP/1.1" 200 1753
"GET /cfusion/flex/CFFlexTree.cfm HTTP/1.1" 200 1753
"GET /cfusion/flex-internal?action="" HTTP/1.1" 200 1244
"GET /cfusion/flex-internal?action="" HTTP/1.1" 200 1244
"GET /cfusion/flex-internal/history/history.html HTTP/1.1" 200 1257
"GET /cfusion/flex-internal/history/history.html HTTP/1.1" 200 1257
"GET /cfusion/Flex/244813253.mxml.swf HTTP/1.1" 200 116528
"GET /cfusion/Flex/244813253.mxml.swf HTTP/1.1" 200 116528
"GET /cfusion/flex-internal?action="" HTTP/1.1" 200 2656
"GET /cfusion/flex-internal?action="" HTTP/1.1" 200 2656

It appears as if there are separate requests generated for:

1) the cf template
2) flex js
3) flex history
4) a swf containing the Flex portion of the CF template (mxml.swf)
5) a generic swf

This is quite a fewf connections for a simple program, but I am told 
that as complexity increases, there should be fewer connections than 
with a typical html page.

FlexFlash and Flash remoting tend to change the way you program -- not 
always for the better

1) rather then populate the initial page with initial data as with 
CF/HTML it is cleaner to do the following with FR:
  --download the RIA client
  --the client, when loaded, makes the request for initial data.
2) from a programming standpoint it is easy to ignore the overhead of 
exchanging large XML packets between host and client
3) if you give a lot of capability to the client (updating records on 
the client with out contacting the host) you can add orders of 
magnitude of complexity to the host (lockouts, deadlocks, 
synchronization) and to the RIA client -- what happens if the browser 
crashes after you've made 20 minutes of updates?
4) Multiple browser windows with a Flash RIA clients, each consume 
client resources even when inactive. They compete with each other and 
other desktop apps.

So, everything you've learned with CF still applies -- Flash can 
improve the UI, and the UE (User Experience)  --

but, better to be a little skeptical



On Apr 13, 2004, at 12:06 PM, Chris Alvarado wrote:)
> Hello all,
>  I am starting a new project that will require some fairly heavy Flash

> /
>  CF integration including but not 

CFC Problem

2004-04-15 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,

I am having a serious problem with my CFCs in our server environment and
was wondering if anyone can shed some light on this for me.

Our server environment is set up to be a shared hosting environment for
quite a few clients per server.

The servers have essentially 2 partitions. The install Drive for apps
etc (C:\) which is where Cold Fusion is INSTALLED.

The other partition (E:\) is for storing all our sites etc. The IIS
webroot is at E:\data\published\wwwroot\ and CF is instructed of this
location at install time and works just fine. To get to our CF
administrator we simply go to Then we have
actual separate "web sites" setup in IIS to handle other domains. This
all seems pretty straight forward to me.

However, whenever I try to navigate TO a cfc in a browser to see it's
makeup in the CFCExplorer like im supposed to be able to, I get this
message. . . 

File not found: /CFIDE/componentutils/cfcexplorer.cfc 

Furthermore the remoting project I am currently working on is throwing
errors in this environment, I get this error:

 Remoting Error -


Service threw an exception during method invocation: No service named
venue.chapter08 is known to Flash Remoting MX.


I am sure this is related to the same problem.

Just for grins I setup CF and IIS on my local machine all with default
paths etc and am able to get remoting and the CFC browser to work
correctly. However, the way the site is setup on my machine is a bit
different. All I did was setup the site as a virtual directory so
technically it lives at the same virtual path as the CF Admin and all
the CF Utils (such as the CFC Explorer).

But, I refuse to believe that there isn't some way around this for
shared hosting environments.

If anyone can shed some light on this that would be greatly appreciated.
I have been wracking my brain trying to get this issue solved to no
avail. Someone else out there must have had similar experiences and im
hoping will be able to give me the easy answer =)

Thanks everyone,


[ application developer ]

4 Guys Interactive, Inc.

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Application vs Request scope

2004-04-22 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,

I've been doing CF development for quite some time and as such im fairly
set on the way I do things. However I just had a debate with another
developer regarding which scope was proper for setting application wide
variable (such as DSN names, file paths etc) in regards to locking /
efficiency etc.

What is everyone's preference and why?

I typically use the application scope with proper locking during
declaration. . . 

Is that the "correct" way or is request scope the preferred method and

Thanks everyone,


[ application developer ]

4 Guys Interactive, Inc.

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RE: Application vs Request scope

2004-04-22 Thread Chris Alvarado
Can you please describe a race condition to me?

I know what it means conceptually, basically when you have one thing
that needs to happen before another an not simultaneously, but I cant
really think of an instance where this would be the case.

Thanks again,


[ application developer ]

4 Guys Interactive, Inc.

281.807.4344 x1716


From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 3:57 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Application vs Request scope

> Are all shared scope reads safe to no lock now?  I thought it 
> was only session var reads that were completely safe.

In CFMX, everything is completely safe to use without any locking.  You
ever need to lock for race conditions. 

> Another thing I use a lot of is a cached db query.

This can generally be accomplished better by the DB (if your DB supports
I use MySQL which does, I don't know about others), or by some kind of
intelligent cache.  For simple stuff cachedWithin works well, but when
need more control than a simple delay, an encapsulated CFC (or better
yet, a
general purpose cache) stored in the application scope is usually a
way to go, IMHO.

Best of all would be an encapsulated persistance mechanism, because then
can cache with INSANE aggresiveness, because that single interface has
updates passing through it, which means you know exactly when you have
flush, and you never flush when it's not needed.


> -Original Message-
> From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 1:48 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Application vs Request scope
> I use request scope.  Declaration is short and simple.  No 
> resource drain noticeable.
> Another thing I use a lot of is a cached db query.  I'll have 
> a table with a structure that has a bunch o' fields.  One 
> record per site, typically.  Even the biggest settings tables 
> have no more than 1/2 dozen records, so the query is fast.  
> Cache it for say 10 seconds and you have the ability to 
> update the db in almost real time while at the same time 
> saving yourself a lot of locks, or req var resets.  If no 
> updates, then cache it for 10 hours or something equally 
> palatable.  YMMV.
> --
> ---
>  Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  MSB Designs, Inc.
> ---
> --

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Flash Remoting / UI Component problem

2004-04-23 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,

Getting deeper into my remoting project here and a little stumped with
some component issues.

Anyone here at least fairly familiar with Flash Remoting that wouldn't
mind answering some questions off list?

Thanks for any and all help,


[ application developer ]

4 Guys Interactive, Inc.

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search engine safe URLs

2004-07-06 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,

I have an app that calls pages dynamically via switching statements and
url variables similar to early fusebox applications.

Something like:

however, most search engines will only index the index.cfm page sine the
remainder of the url is "dynamic".

I remember seeing some good way around thing a while back but seem to
have lost track of those resources.

Any suggestions?

Thanks everyone,


[ application developer ]

4 Guys Interactive, Inc.

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CFC Problem

2003-09-11 Thread Chris Alvarado
I have built this CFC to invoke the Verisign Payflow Pro tag and I am
getting a strange error.
Error Occurred While Processing Request 

For input string: "" 

The error occurred in
line 31

29 :trxtype = "#trxtype#"

30 :tender = "#tender#"

31 :partner = "#partner#"

32 :user = "#user#"

33 :pwd = "#pwd#"
the variable "partner" is defined, and a value is specified. I am
assuming that is what this error means (that it cant evaluate the
variable or something of the like) since the actual error message is
very non-descript.
anyone have any ideas?

[ application developer ] 
4 Guys Interactive, Inc.   
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
fax: 281.807.4384



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RE: CFC Problem

2003-09-11 Thread Chris Alvarado

Here is the code for the method causing the problem

AND here is the call,

Fairly straight forward unless im missing something. 

Thanks for the help!

[ application developer ] 
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
fax: 281.807.4384

> -Original Message-
> From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 12:40 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: CFC Problem
> Can you show us both the call and the code to processPayment? 
> (I mean th
> emethod in question).
> ==
> ==
> ===
> Raymond Camden, ColdFusion Jedi Master for Mindseye, Inc
> (
> Member of Team Macromedia 
> (
> Blog :
> Yahoo IM : morpheus
> "My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Chris Alvarado [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 11:09 AM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: CFC Problem
> > 
> > 
> > I have built this CFC to invoke the Verisign Payflow Pro tag 
> > and I am getting a strange error.
> >  
> > Error Occurred While Processing Request 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > For input string: "" 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > The error occurred in
> > E:\Data\Published\wwwroot\developmentmx\verisignCFC\processPay
> > ment.cfc:
> > line 31
> > 
> > 
> > 29 :trxtype = "#trxtype#"
> > 
> > 30 :tender = "#tender#"
> > 
> > 31 :partner = "#partner#"
> > 
> > 32 :user = "#user#"
> > 
> > 33 :pwd = "#pwd#"
> >  
> > the variable "partner" is defined, and a value is specified. 
> > I am assuming that is what this error means (that it cant 
> > evaluate the variable or something of the like) since the 
> > actual error message is very non-descript.
> >  
> > anyone have any ideas?
> >  
> > 
> > -chris.alvarado 
> > [ application developer ] 
> > 4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 
> > <>  
> > phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
> > fax: 281.807.4384
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

RE: CFC Problem

2003-09-11 Thread Chris Alvarado
Did that, everything is coming through as expected.

Is there a limit to the number of arguments you can have for a given

Maybe the exceptions portion of the debugging would help:


14:46:37.037 - java.lang.NumberFormatException - in
E:\Data\Published\wwwroot\developmentmx\verisignCFC\processPayment.cfc :
line 31
For input string: ""

Im stumped myself.

Thanks for any and all help,

[ application developer ] 
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
fax: 281.807.4384

> -Original Message-
> From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 2:13 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: CFC Problem
> You have a lot of arguments there - you may want to try debugging.
> Before calling the cfx, output each value, and make sure it 
> is what you
> think it is. Ie
> parter was passed as #arguments.partner#
> I'd also add arguments. before the use of arguments - to be anal and
> 100% safe.
> ==
> ==
> ===
> Raymond Camden, ColdFusion Jedi Master for Mindseye, Inc
> (
> Member of Team Macromedia 
> (
> Email: 
> Blog :
> Yahoo IM : morpheus
> "My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Chris Alvarado [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 1:03 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: RE: CFC Problem
> > 
> > 
> > Absolutely,
> > 
> > Here is the code for the method causing the problem
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  > output="true" returntype="query" hint="Process Credit Card 
> > (charge) using verisign.">
> > 

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RE: CFC Problem

2003-09-11 Thread Chris Alvarado

Thanks for your help.

I ended up calling the component a different way and it works. Im not
sure if I stumbled on a bug or if I was doing something incorrectly.

What I ended up doing was creating the object like normal:

Then using cfinvoke to call the method. 

I think maybe what was happening is that calling the method as
obj.method(args) didn't like receiving empty values as "" or something
along those lines.

Thanks again for your help,

[ application developer ] 
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. 
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
fax: 281.807.4384

> -Original Message-
> From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 3:09 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: CFC Problem
> Nope, there shouldn't be a limit. Line 31 was the partner line in the
> cfx call, right? If you ONLY output the args and comment out the cfx
> call, does the method call work?
> ==
> ==
> ===
> Raymond Camden, ColdFusion Jedi Master for Mindseye, Inc
> (
> Member of Team Macromedia 
> (
> Email: 
> Blog :
> Yahoo IM : morpheus
> "My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Chris Alvarado [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 1:54 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: RE: CFC Problem
> > 
> > 
> > Did that, everything is coming through as expected.
> > 
> > Is there a limit to the number of arguments you can have for 
> > a given method?
> > 
> > Maybe the exceptions portion of the debugging would help:
> > 

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SOT: Overseas payment gateway

2003-10-03 Thread Chris Alvarado
I normally use verisign as a payment gateway, but we have a new client
with a NON-US merchant account (swedish actually) and need to find a
reliable CF-Friendly overseas gateway.

can anyone recommend one, and a website with info if possible?

Thanks all,

[ application developer ] 
4 Guys Interactive, Inc. <;>  
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
fax: 281.807.4384

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RE: HTML help

2003-11-17 Thread Chris Alvarado

this guy did some really slick stuff with JS / DHTML.

it's basically a library of tools for displaying highly customizable

you can change all of the colors, borders, fonts, as well as include
images etc since the attribute that passes in the content for the layer
takes HTML.

check it out.

[ application developer ] 
4 Guys Interactive, Inc.   
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
fax: 281.807.4384

-Original Message-
From: Dwayne Cole [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 2:39 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: HTML  help

Currently I'm using the "title" attribute to show a message that suggest
what's behind a link. Some times the message contains as many as 100
words.  The problem i'm having is that the text is only visible for
about 5 seconds.  I need for it to remain visible until the mouse roles
away. Any suggestions?

Dwayne Cole, MS in MIS, MBA
Florida A&M University
Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer

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RE: Somewhat OT: sending formatted faxes

2004-10-26 Thread Chris Alvarado
Check out HYPERLINK ""


They do a really good job with email to fax. . . you can send the fax content in the 
body of the email or as attachments. Works with a wide variety of document types as 
well and is relatively inexpensive.





-Original Message-
From: James Sullivan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 9:51 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Somewhat OT: sending formatted faxes


We want the ability to send dynamically-created faxes to our clients featuring 
text-formatting, images, etc.


Obviously, CF can dynamically create documents in a variety of formats (HTML, but also 
Word Docs, PDFs, etc using custom tags).  The problem is finding a way to send these 
documents, with all the formatting preserved, via fax.  Our mail server has an 
email-to-fax feature, but it seems to be very limited in what it can send as far as 
content goes: just text and a few basic attachments (bmp, txt, etc).


Does anyone know of a solution that would allow us to send a dynamically-created faxes 
with text formatting, images, table layouts, etc.



Jim Sullivan 


New Media Publishing, Inc. 

(631) 863-0170  ext. 54 


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OT: Flashcoders list hosted by Figleaf

2005-02-18 Thread Chris Alvarado
Anyone on this list?


I haven’t seen any messages in a few days and cant seem to get to the listserv 
site, anyone know what’s going on?


Sorry for the way off topic post, but I figured someone on this list may also 
be on that list and have some information about what is going on.


I use the flashcoders list a lot for reference etc so im just curious as to 
what happened.





[ application developer ]

4 Guys Interactive, Inc


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CFC from within another

2005-05-06 Thread Chris Alvarado
Im getting an error that says 

Context validation error for tag cffunction. 
The start tag must have a matching end tag. An explicit end tag can be provided 
by adding . If the body of the tag is empty you can use the 
shortcut .

I have a CFC and within that CFC I make a call to another, is this not 

The call is very simple . . . 


[ application developer ]
4 Guys Interactive, Inc

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SOT: CFMX 6.1 download?

2005-05-09 Thread Chris Alvarado
Can anyone point me to where I can get the CFMX 6.1 server install?


We have 6.0 on CD and I know we can install the updates for  6.1 but we have 
had problems with that before thus id rather just download the 6.1 package.





[ application developer ]

4 Guys Interactive, Inc


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SOT: Books

2005-05-13 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,


Couldn’t really think of a better place to ask this question.


I have a friend who is a designer but is interested in beginning to learn CF.


He is pretty quick at picking up new concepts etc and of course I can help him 
quite a bit.


However, it has been so long since I looked into beginner level CF / SQL books 
that I don’t even know where to start him.


Can anyone recommend some good beginner CF and MS SQL books?


Does the CF WACK contain this kind of information?


It’s important to highlight the fact that he doesn’t really have any previous 
knowledge of web DEVELOPMENT, so something that is meant for true beginners is 


Thanks everyone!



[ application developer ]

4 Guys Interactive, Inc


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Problem with CFC Explorer

2003-08-26 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,
having some problems with the CFCExplorer in a shared hosting
the root mapping for the development site on our server is something
the url to the administrator on the box is mapped to
both of the hostnames are not the same and thus when i try to go to a
CFC through the browser and it redirects, the cfcexplorer.cfc file
cannot find my cfc.
we host a large number of our clients in a shared environment and thus
this will always be the case. i realize that what is happening is that
the cfcexplorer cannot find the specified CFC it ITS mapped path so it
throws an error.
is there a workaround for this?
thanks all,

[ application developer ] 
4 Guys Interactive, Inc.   
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
fax: 281.807.4384 

"We create websites that make you a hero." 



This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

CFC Explorer Problem

2003-08-26 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,
Sorry if anyone gets this twice. I didnt see it come accross the list so
i am resending it.
having some problems with the CFCExplorer in a shared hosting
the root mapping for the development site on our server is something
the url to the administrator on the box is mapped to
both of the hostnames are not the same and thus when i try to go to a
CFC through the browser and it redirects, the cfcexplorer.cfc file
cannot find my cfc.
we host a large number of our clients in a shared environment and thus
this will always be the case. i realize that what is happening is that
the cfcexplorer cannot find the specified CFC it ITS mapped path so it
throws an error.
is there a workaround for this?
thanks all,

[ application developer ] 
4 Guys Interactive, Inc.   
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
fax: 281.807.4384 

"We create websites that make you a hero." 



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2003-09-02 Thread Chris Alvarado
Hello all,
I have a project that requires the conversion of HTML files to PDF. I
see a couple on the Dev Exchange, but it is not clear if these can take
an actual file on the server and convert to a PDF file stored on the
server. I see a few that say they convert any dynamic page into PDF, but
that would leave me without an actual hard file on the server.
Thanks all,

[ application developer ] 
4 Guys Interactive, Inc.   
phone: 281.807.4344 x1716 
fax: 281.807.4384



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