Re: Query of Queries Problem with JDBC

2007-01-24 Thread Jerky San Pedro
Hello Jochem,

The error I am getting is that ColdFusion MX gets an error executing Query of 

Well, here's my testing code:

FROMstatscountries a
SELECT  isocode
WHERE   isocode LIKE '%A%'
) b
ON  a.isocode = b.isocode
WHERE   a.isocode LIKE '%U%'

WHERE   isocode LIKE '%U%'



Then, the error I get when I execute it is:

Error Occurred While Processing Request
Error Executing Database Query.
The error occurred in /var/www/html/circus/index.cfm: line 14

12 : 
13 : 
14 : 
15 : SELECT * 
16 : FROM   qryName

SQLSELECT * FROM qryName WHERE isocode LIKE '%U%'

at coldfusion.sql.JdbcImpl.getConnection(
at coldfusion.sql.JdbcImpl.getConnection(
at coldfusion.sql.SqlImpl.execute(
at coldfusion.tagext.sql.QueryTag.doEndTag(
at cfindex2ecfm1734096888.runPage(/var/www/html/circus/index.cfm:14)
at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(
at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag(
at coldfusion.filter.CfincludeFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(
at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke(
at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext(

The problem shoots randomly after the CFMX server starts. Sometimes it occurs 
in a fluid succession, sometimes it seems fixed but would get crappy after one 

I've also tried dropping in the JDBC drivers at those directories, then restart 
the server, but I still get the error. As for using a 7.4 JDBC to access an 8.1 
database, it gets an error on some encoding, particularly on trailing spaces, 
which I don't get when I use an 8.1 JDBC.

On using PostgreSQL 8.2 with CFMX, I haven't tried it, and I am not sure if the 
RPMs would install properly on my FC4. If I remember it right, I think I have 
tried installing 8.2 and the RPMs went searching for some .so# that I don't 

Does CFMX really use JDBC2? I thought JVM 1.4 uses JDBC3. Isn't the JVM that 
comes with ColdFusion version 1.4? So shouldn't I use JDBC3 (although JDBC2 
works, anyway).

Anyways, thanks for the advices, and I'll see 8.2.

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Re: Query of Queries Problem with JDBC

2007-01-23 Thread Jerky San Pedro
Thanks, then. I guess I'd better stick to 7.4 and MX for the mean time.

>> 2. Has anyone encountered this? What did you do?
>I haven't encountered this. But there are a couple of things I would
>First, have you considered upgrading to CFMX 7.0.2?
>Second, have you considered upgrading the JVM? You should be able to upgrade
>to a later 1.4.2 JVM.
>> 3. How will you know what JDBC driver is suitable for you? I 
>> thought CFMX comes with its own JDK, which is version 1.4, 
>> thus JDBC3. How come JDBC2 works well, or does it really?
>CFMX does come with its own JVM, which for CFMX 6.1 is 1.4.2 base or
>1.4.2_05, I forget which. The CF Administrator will tell you what JVM
>version you're using.
>Newer JVMs should still be able to run JDBC2 applications, I think.
>And, as for which JDBC driver is suitable, that's really up in the air. If
>you can use the JDBC drivers that come with CF, well, most people just do
>that. That obviously won't work with PostgreSQL, so you use whatever works
>for you. I've seen all sorts of different JDBC drivers used with CF, and
>there's typically no one "best answer" to this question. I've seen some odd
>cases where the ODBC bridge provides better performance than the type 4 JDBC
>drivers, and frankly that's just crazy to me.
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
>instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
>Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
>Visit for more information!

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Query of Queries Problem with JDBC

2007-01-23 Thread Jerky San Pedro
This might be a long post, but I got a real question here after I explain my 
case and my problem well.

I am getting a Query of Query error in CFMX 6.1 when I used a JDBC driver for 
PostgreSQL 8.1. I thought it had something to do with 1.) OS, 2.) JDBC driver, 
3.) My install, or 4.) My installer. My OS is FC4, and I just can't do any 
Query of Queries (which is a bad thing because the CFMX debugger uses it, and 
some module of my webapp's, use it too). In short, in this setup Query of 
Queries was impossible. I couldn't find anything helpful from Adobe or anywhere 
from the web. 

Someone recommended to restart the CFMX server to fix this problem. But that 
was just bad. A restart may fix or ruin the function of QofQ What if my server 
restarted on its own after handling too many requests and I got the QofQ errors 
in Production. That would cause headaches.

So I tried testing to see where the problem lies. 

I tested CFMX 6.1 in two setups:

One is an FC4 server
The other is a RHEL4 server

In FC4, I installed PostgreSQL 8.1 and connected CFMX using the recommended 
JDBC3 and JDBC2, each in alternate trials. Both trials issued a query of 
queries (QofQ) error, which I heard of is inherent in FC4. With that, I removed 
PostgreSQL 8.1 and downgraded to 7.4 and used the recommended JDBC for 7.4. It 
worked fine. I don't get any QofQ errors.

In RHEL4, I installed PostgreSQL 7.4 first. It worked fine. No QofQ errors. I 
wasn't able to fully install PostgreSQL version 8.1 for RHEL4. Thus I tried 
something else: I removed the JDBC JVM mapping for 7.4 in CFMX administrator 
and installed an 8.1 JDBC2 JVM mapping. I connected to a remote PostgreSQL 8.1 
database. It worked. No errors. QofQ OK. Problem is my database is remote, 
which is a different scenario from my FC4's setup. My problem at this point is 

I setup my FC4's CFMX to connect to the same remote database using a JDBC2 
Driver for 8.1 (same procedure as I did in RHEL4). I got the QofQ errors. I 
tried using the JDBC3 Driver for 7.4 to connect to the remote 8.1 database. It 
connected. I got no QofQ error. Restart after Restart after Restart.

But since the best scenario is sticking to PostgreSQL 7.4, I might just stick 
to it.

Now here are my short questions:

1. If I am using simple queries available, would my using a 7.4 JDBC driver to 
connect to an 8.1 database cause any problems?
2. Has anyone encountered this? What did you do?
3. How will you know what JDBC driver is suitable for you? I thought CFMX comes 
with its own JDK, which is version 1.4, thus JDBC3. How come JDBC2 works well, 
or does it really?

Hope someone can help, and how my posting of this problem would help someone, 

Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 
Experience Flex 2 & MX7 integration & create powerful cross-platform RIAs 


Re: CFMX 6.1 and FC5?

2006-09-19 Thread Jerky San Pedro
Thanks, Tom and Steven.

Steven, it is really so.5 that my CFMX 6.1 is looking for. I've read the tip on 
checking which rpm provides which on some other forum, and the libs I need 
comes from the openssl package. The openssql-9.7f which comes with FC4 has the 
so.5 libs, the openssl that comes with FC5 does not have the so.5, it has so.6 
and so.4 but no so.5s whatsoever. FC5 does not have the openssl-9.7f.

Does anyone here have successfully ran CFMX 6.1 on FC5? I am inferring that 
CFMX 7 can install on FC5, but not CFMX 6.1, the same way that a Postgres 
installer for FC4 won't install on FC5. I read from somewhere that I need to 
make an so.5 link that points to some other so's. I haven't tried, though. I am 
not very familiar with the library files.

Thanks anyways.

>Please confirm the name of the missing library.  I believe it may be
> not .5.  
>Using the rpm command it can be determined which package should have
>installed a file.  Try rpm --query --redhatprovides  (ref 1).
>On a RHEL4 system, /lib/ is installed by the glibc-2.3.4
>package, same as CentOS.  
>I don't have my FC5 installation in front of me, but I believe it has a
>newer glibc version.  Checking Fedora package list I see it has 2.4-11
>(ref 2), and it does appear that 2.4-11 should have installed
>(ref 3).   You may want to confirm the missing library name, confirm the
>package which should have installed the library, and then install that
>On the topic of distributions, if you must run a distro which is
>unsupported by Red Hat and unsupported by ColdFusion, then I would
>recommend CentOS rather than Fedora.  Even Red Hat will tell you this.
>CentOS is a legal clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux so Cent shares the
>same stability, reliability, and security as RHEL (ref 4).  Fedora on
>the other hand is a bleeding edge distribution with the most bells and
>whistles and features which have not necessarily been tested to the
>extent that RHEL is tested.  Since ColdFusion is supported for use on
>RHEL4, while you cannot open a support ticket with Adobe for support of
>CF on Cent, you can assume that CF will install and run the same,
>whereas results with Fedora will be in question.
>For the last 2 months I have been using ColdFusion MX 7 on CentOS (among
>other OSes), and have been very satisfied.
>-Steven Erat
>Adobe ColdFusion QA
>> What do you think? Have I left out anything in the installation?

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CFMX 6.1 and FC5?

2006-09-19 Thread Jerky San Pedro
Has anyone tried installing ColdFusion MX 6.1 on FC5? I tried installing one, 
and got past the installation procedures, but when I tried running CFMX 6.1, I 
got troubles already. It was looking for a certain (or was it and, both found on FC4.

I am thinking now that installing MX 6.1 on FC5 is just not possible. But since 
Fedora has been all about "freedom" and "infinity", I presume I just need to 
tweak the libso files found in my /lib directory. 

What do you think? Have I left out anything in the installation?

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Re: ColdFusion and the Pre-packed JDK Problems

2006-09-10 Thread Jerky San Pedro
>Jerky San Pedro wrote:
>> Thanks, Jochem. I am aware of that, and that's why it stumps me. Thing 
>> is, the error encounters come in random. Sometimes, when I restart the 
>> CFServer I get the error. Sometimes, I don't. Sometimes, I get it 8 
>> restarts in a row: like today. And that troubles me, because that 
>> should not happen to a production machine, in case.
>Which error? You still haven't told us what the error message is.

This error:

Error Executing Database Query. 
  The error occurred in /opt/coldfusionmx/wwwroot/WEB-INF/debug/classic.cfm: 
line 234
Called from /opt/coldfusionmx/wwwroot/WEB-INF/debug/classic.cfm: line 232
Called from /opt/coldfusionmx/wwwroot/WEB-INF/debug/classic.cfm: line 10
Called from /opt/coldfusionmx/wwwroot/WEB-INF/debug/classic.cfm: line 1
Called from /opt/coldfusionmx/wwwroot/WEB-INF/debug/classic.cfm: line 234
Called from /opt/coldfusionmx/wwwroot/WEB-INF/debug/classic.cfm: line 232
Called from /opt/coldfusionmx/wwwroot/WEB-INF/debug/classic.cfm: line 10
Called from /opt/coldfusionmx/wwwroot/WEB-INF/debug/classic.cfm: line 1
232 : 
233 :   
234 :   
235 :   SELECT (endTime - startTime) AS executionTime
236 :   FROM qEvents

I got it when I turned on the debugger, and when I am doing a QofQ. But it is 
an intermittent error, and now I don't encounter it.

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Re: ColdFusion and the Pre-packed JDK Problems

2006-09-08 Thread Jerky San Pedro
Thanks, Jochem. I am aware of that, and that's why it stumps me. Thing is, the 
error encounters come in random. Sometimes, when I restart the CFServer I get 
the error. Sometimes, I don't. Sometimes, I get it 8 restarts in a row: like 
today. And that troubles me, because that should not happen to a production 
machine, in case.

I read somewhere from here (Houseoffusion) that it has to do with the JVM path 
you define in the CFAdmin, that you have to tweak the config files themselves 
(well, that was the suggestion for CFMX 7, not for MX6.1).

For clarity, here's what I did: I defined the JDBC drivers in the JVM 
classpath. I get errors time and again when I restart the CFServer. At this 
point, I get errors. To try to solve this, I removed the classpath definition 
from the CFAdmin and placed them on the runtime library folder (where all the 
other jar files are). And, oh, yeah, after I removed the classpath, I added all 
the JDBC drivers for PostgreSQL that I can find suitable for my install 
(8.1.4). Funny, now it works flawlessly, and I've restarted my CFserver 5 times 
already (and I haven't even needed to cross my fingers). But I don't wanna take 
my chances, though.

Anyways, thanks.

> Jerky San Pedro wrote:
> > ColdFusion MX 6.1 comes with a bundled JDK of its own, right? Now 
> does 
> > that JDK bypass the JDK already installed with your OS when it 
> > executes your .jar files? I just wanna be sure, in case my 
> assumption 
> > is wrong (though it appears logical enough that the OS JDK is 
> > bypassed).
> > 
> > I'm asking because I get intermittent errors executing query of 
> > queries when I restart my CF server. I am thinking that maybe it has 
> > something to do with the JDBC I am using, because I don't think it 
> > should really issue any error if I am using the right JDBC, or is 
> > ColdFusion screwy like that when working with JDBCs and PostgreSQL?
> JDBC is not involved when doing a Q0fQ (it is only involved in the 
> step before where you do the normal query). Maybe you should start 
> with the begin and explain in which circumstances you get which 
> error?

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Re: CF5 Download

2006-09-08 Thread Jerky San Pedro
I also have CF-5 installers for Linux and Windows prepared for backup purposes. 
I don't know if I can mail it to you, it's a huge chunk. Also, I'm not very 
sure about the EULA of CF5. If I am right, it will only install if you have a 
serial number, so I don't think there's no developer mode to it. But just email 
me, and I'll try and send the stuff to you...

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ColdFusion and the Pre-packed JDK Problems

2006-09-07 Thread Jerky San Pedro
ColdFusion MX 6.1 comes with a bundled JDK of its own, right? Now does that JDK 
bypass the JDK already installed with your OS when it executes your .jar files? 
I just wanna be sure, in case my assumption is wrong (though it appears logical 
enough that the OS JDK is bypassed).

I'm asking because I get intermittent errors executing query of queries when I 
restart my CF server. I am thinking that maybe it has something to do with the 
JDBC I am using, because I don't think it should really issue any error if I am 
using the right JDBC, or is ColdFusion screwy like that when working with JDBCs 
and PostgreSQL?

Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting,
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Re: Installation Warning

2006-08-16 Thread Jerky San Pedro
Thanks. It's just freaky when you know you installed something and you can't 
find it. But anyways, thanks.

> It applies to FC4 too.
> On 16/08/06, Jerky San Pedro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I tried installing CFMX 6.1 on my FC4, and I got issued a warning 
> that a C++ compatibility used for custom tags, webserver connectors, 
> and verity search. I installed the two compat-libstdc++ in my FC4 cd, 
> and even after I installed them, ColdFusion Installer still says that 
> it can't find them. What seems to be the problem here?
> >
> > I tried proceeding before, I managed to run ColdFusion fine, but I 
> got problems with the debugging template when I turned on the 
> debugging. Now, I am afraid that the same scenario will occur if I 
> proceed. Can anyone help me with this, or is this a natural thing with 
> Fedora.
> >
> > 

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Installation Warning

2006-08-16 Thread Jerky San Pedro
I tried installing CFMX 6.1 on my FC4, and I got issued a warning that a C++ 
compatibility used for custom tags, webserver connectors, and verity search. I 
installed the two compat-libstdc++ in my FC4 cd, and even after I installed 
them, ColdFusion Installer still says that it can't find them. What seems to be 
the problem here?

I tried proceeding before, I managed to run ColdFusion fine, but I got problems 
with the debugging template when I turned on the debugging. Now, I am afraid 
that the same scenario will occur if I proceed. Can anyone help me with this, 
or is this a natural thing with Fedora.

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Re: Fedora vs. RedHat

2006-08-11 Thread Jerky San Pedro
I am not yet gonna move to CentOS. I am trying Fedora on for size. I got the 
disappointment of a lifetime with my RHAS 2.1. I bet it was all easy when you 
have all RPMs at your fingertips. Any warnings on Fedora and CFMX going 

I just have one question, why shouldn't people try and run things on Windows 
Server if they have the money to spare. You can always substitute Apache and 
you wouldn't worry about IIS. Installation is a lot easier on Windows.

>Tom Chiverton wrote:
>>>Anything that is certified for RHEL will work on CentOS.
>> But won't be supported :-)
>By RedHat... ;)
>Warm regards,
>Jordan Michaels
>Vivio Technologies
>Blue Dragon Alliance Member

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Fedora vs. RedHat

2006-08-08 Thread Jerky San Pedro
We are upgrading our server from RedHat 7.3 to Fedora 4 or 5 or to Red Hat 9.0. 
We are also upgrading from ColdFusion 5 to ColdFusion MX 6.1. From what I've 
read, it seems that support for Red Hat 9.0 has been dropped 2 years ago. 

This is my first time to install CF on a Linux Server, and I am actually 
dependent on documents and Red Hat seems like a safe choice since information 
from Adobe's site is readily available. Whereas for Fedora, the nearest 
documentation I can get is the one Adobe made for CFMX 7. I am not even sure 
that it's gonna work for MX 6.1, but thing is, I am tempted to use Fedora 5! 
Because I know Fedora is better than Red Hat. But somehow, I feel like my Linux 
disability would have to stop me.

Any advices on a feasible plan of action? Red Hat or Fedora? Any places where I 
can see facts? Any help?

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