Re: Mach-II Beginner questions

2006-09-26 Thread Matt Woodward
> Hello -
> I've been a CF developer for years, but I'm having trouble taking the 
> reigns over for a site built in the Mach-II framework. I could build 
> what I've been asked to build in Fusebox in 5 minutes, but can't get 
> Mach-II to listen.
> Before I launch into my question, is there anyone out there that uses 
> this methodology? I'm having a hard time finding decent resources.
> Thanks for your time.

Here are some resources: (search on Mach-II; I have some articles, 
captivate videos, etc. but some of them got corrupted when I moved to a new 
server so I'll have to re-upload them)

There's also a list on Topica and I'm happy to answer any specific questions 
you might have.


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Re: Mach-II Beginner questions

2006-09-26 Thread Matt Woodward
> Hello -
> I've been a CF developer for years, but I'm having trouble taking the 
> reigns over for a site built in the Mach-II framework. I could build 
> what I've been asked to build in Fusebox in 5 minutes, but can't get 
> Mach-II to listen.
> Before I launch into my question, is there anyone out there that uses 
> this methodology? I'm having a hard time finding decent resources.
> Thanks for your time.

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BoardFusion UI Preview Available

2006-04-26 Thread Matt Woodward
A UI preview for BoardFusion, an open source message board application for 
ColdFusion, is now available. The BoardFusion team would very much appreciate 
your feedback to make sure we're on the right track with the application! We 
created a simple comment system that appears at the bottom of each page on the 

Visit the BoardFusion News Page ( or the 
BoardFusion Project Wiki 
( for more information.

Thanks in advance for your comments.

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Re: A very specific ""message board/forum"" question...

2006-02-21 Thread Matt Woodward
>Last I heard, someone on the list was working on a direct Open Source
>port of phpbb to CF. I believe it was being called cfmbb or cfbb or
>something like that. Not sure what the status is or if it's being
>continued, but it was an idea at one point.

A group of folks and I have picked up in spirit where cfopenbb left off and are 
working on BoardFusion:

BoardFusion is not be a port of phpbb but is being built from the ground up to 
match feature-for-feature the more popular bulletin board applications in PHP 
and other languages.  It will be released open source under the Apache 2.0 
license and we're hoping to have something available for people to begin 
playing with around CFUnited time.

If you're interested in getting involved with the project please feel free to 
email me and we'll see how you could fit in with the team we have in place.

Matt Woodward

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Re: cfopenbb

2005-08-26 Thread Matt Woodward
>Any updates on this effort? The initial buzz seems to have died down.

We're working--if you'd like to see things move faster, feel free to volunteer 
to help!

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Re: Open Lazlo vs. Flex

2005-08-03 Thread Matt Woodward
>OK...I'm still missing the bigger picture
>As I said already...the Lazlo demo leads me to belive it's only for UI 
>coding (although there is talk of databut via XML only).

Flex and Laszlo are both presentation servers, so yes, they only deal with the 
front end and presentation of data.

>So does Lazlo (and Flex) have an equivalent of:
>-database interaction (CFQUERY)
>-conditional logic (CFIF/CFCASE)

No, and yes. ;-)  Database interaction is done through another technology such 
as CF, for example.  Laszlo and Flex don't talk directly to the 
database--that's not their job.  Using ActionScript in Flex you can of course 
do all sorts of logic on the scripting side.  I *believe* Flex uses JavaScript 
as its scripting language, so whatever you can do in JS would apply to Laszlo.

>Or perhaps even simplercan either of these do what CF can do (i.e. build 
>an entire application) or are they more for the interface side of things and 
>then levergae J2EE or CF for the "rest" of the app?

Depends on what your app needs to do.  You CAN build entire apps in Flex or 
Laszlo, but without a database behind them, I'm not sure how useful they'd be.


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Re: import from MySQL to MS SQL

2005-05-05 Thread Matt Woodward
>I'm not sure ODBC drivers exist for MySQL.  Although I work with both 
>platforms, I've never had a need to connect a SQL Server database to a MySQL 

As others have suggested, by far the simplest way to do this is to download the 
ODBC drivers from the MySQL web site.  Install those on your WIndows box (you 
don't even have to have MySQL installed on the box you're using to facilitate 
the transfer), set up an system ODBC datasource that points to the MySQL 
database, and then fire up Enterprise Manager and use DTS.

I just did this exact this on a database last night.  Couple of things to note:
1. Double-check the field lengths for varchar datatypes.  Mine all came out 
wacky on the SQL Server side, so just check them before you run the DTS job.

2. At least when I did this, SQL Server does not retain the primary keys as 
defined in MySQL, so you just have to go in and define those after you run the 
DTS (at least that's what I did).

Other than those two minor issues I had no troubles!


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OT: Connecting Flex with Databases

2005-04-29 Thread Matt Woodward
> RemoteObject is used to directly call a compiled Java class that sits 
> on
> the same server as Flex.  It's very powerful because you're not using 
> web
> services as at, it's actually a binary protocol called AMF and it's
> supposedly a good deal faster than web service calls as well.  However 
> it
> natuarlly imposes a lot of limitations and it's basically worthless if 
> all
> you do is write ColdFusion.

Actually this isn't correct--you can use CFCs as remote objects as well, and as 
Steven points out you get a nice performance boost since it's using AMF.


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OT: Connecting Flex with Databases

2005-04-29 Thread Matt Woodward
>I have been playing with flex, and one thing that is missing from my
>brain is how I can connect it to a database. I presume most of the
>data connection stuff is done via XML and JSP? is this correct? We
>cant use our CFC's?
>Are there any examples out there? I have been working through the
>tutorials but the JSP files just output XML .. and I needed to know
>how to actually connect to a DB

You can absolutely use CFCs, either as web services or as remote objects.  I'm 
doing my presentation on using Flex with CF from Powered by Detroit as a 
Macromedia Tech Wednesday in two weeks:

I also covered this topic in CFDJ:

Hope that helps!


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New Verity Search on CFMX 7

2005-04-26 Thread Matt Woodward
>Also does anybody know of any tutorials etc on using the new version of
>verity on CFMX 7 on the www ? apart from the official Macromedia

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Just a quick question (Lotus Notes)

2005-04-25 Thread Matt Woodward
>Have any of you ever tied into a Lotus Notes system, and if so, what were 
>your experiences? Are there any sites that any of you know of that might 
>point someone in the direction for doing this? I admit, I have no experience 
>with the Lotus Notes system, so I'm kind of a "fish out of water" if you 
>know what I mean.

This is one way to do it:

Just be aware that Lotus Notes is *not* a relational database, so what you get 
back when you start working with it may throw you for a bit.  I'm going to be 
hitting this hard probably next quarter as we move our intranet out of Notes 
and into a CF/SQL Server setup, so I don't have a lot more details at this 
point.  I did get connected using the Notes SQL package through CF though.


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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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Re: macromedia and Adobe?!

2005-04-19 Thread Matt Woodward
>I agree when you are talking about RIA for the desktop, but even then,
>where do you draw the line between a RIA or a common Windows
>application? I believe there is too much going about the term RIA. Can
>we call a P2P application a RIA since it has internet connectivity? Or
>can we only call it a RIA when technologies like Flex, XAML come in
>place. What defines a RIA? Internet connectivity? Used technologies?
>Amount of interactivity? Type of application?

That was my point I suppose--the line is getting so blurred that the 
distinctions become a bit irrelevant.  If I had to make a distinction I'd say 
it really falls to the delivery and update mechanism.  With a browser-based app 
you (potentially) get a new version of the app every time you open the browser. 
 With a desktop app you have to explicitly download the new version and install 
it.  Tools like Sash, Rebol, and Central put this process somewhere 
in-between--you get notified a new version is available, hit update and you're 
done.  This is what's so interesting to me about this space right now, the fact 
that it's being defined while we watch.  Whatever comes out of it it's going to 
change the way we think about these traditional distinctions in my opinion.


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Re: macromedia and Adobe?!

2005-04-19 Thread Matt Woodward
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but there is no need to compete with Microsoft.

Since you asked I'll go ahead and correct you, at least from my perspective 
which is based on what I've heard, seen, and where I see things going. ;-)

>Both companies haven't really got competing products sold as so, and
>while I see it mentioned a lot, Avalon is not a foundation for RIA

Sure it is if you think outside the browser, which is where this is all going.  
It's called a Rich Internet Application, not a Rich Browser Application.  An 
internet application doesn't necessarily need to run inside a browser.  At this 
point even with Flex the browser is pretty irrelevant except as a delivery 
mechanism.  MS's idea with this (and I've heard them talk about it in person a 
few times) is to have a Flex-like experience that's integrated into the OS, but 
that can be distributed like an internet app.  From what I understand their 
concept is very similar to IBM's now-abandoned Sash, which is most certainly an 
internet app but has nothing to do with a browser. 

> Avalon is merely the new surrounding framework for graphics
>(vectorized), and XAML would be the MXML for WinForms, not the web. XAML
>introduces a new way of building Windows applications by using the XML
>format XAML (which is actually a direct translation of Avalon function
>calls) so people, just like Flex, design the interface of their
>application with XML but purely for pure Windows applications. 

But it's an internet-enabled Windows application, which is why I think you're a 
bit off the mark with some of your assumptions.  This space is still being 
defined right now and there will be a whole new class of RIAs that won't run in 
a traditional web browser.  There's absolutely going to be competition between 
all they players, and as usual MS is going to be late to the party, which is 
why Macromedia and Adobe need to pounce on the opportunity they have right now. 
 We're already seeing non-browser-based internet apps (albeit a bit poorly 
implemented in my mind) with Central, and from what I've seen and heard MS 
wants to take that notion one step further and have native OS integration with 
these types of applications.

This is also precisely what Macromedia has said they'd like to see happen with 
Flash as well--the ability to build internet apps that run on the desktop.  The 
only difference is the Flash-based apps would be cross-platform, which is where 
Macromedia and Adobe would have a distinct advantage over Microsoft.


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Re: Google Suggest-like functionality with CF

2005-03-21 Thread Matt Woodward
>It looks like this does most of the Javascript side of things for you - I
>haven't looked at it beyond playing with the demos, but it seems pretty

Couple of other URLs to check out: ("suggest"-like stuff over on the right)

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Re: Ajax

2005-03-18 Thread Matt Woodward
>The media exposure it gets is a new step. Blogs have been around for
>year too. It only needed that media attention for becoming what it is

Agreed on that point.  As with anything it takes a large, high-profile project 
or two for something to get widespread attention.  I just was getting caught up 
on this thread and much of it had the tone of "I for one welcome our new AJAX 
overlords!" so I had a bit of a "Huh?" reaction.  If it takes Google and Amazon 
doing it to get people aware of it and start utilizing the capabilities in 
their own apps where it makes sense to do so, then I'm all for it.

There's a good Q&A at the bottom of this page that I think clears up some of 
the confusion that's been going through this thread:


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Re: Ajax

2005-03-18 Thread Matt Woodward
>I hope a lot of people will do Ajax, I think it is an amazing new step
>in the web. But I only warn people, not too make promises too quickly,
>because many people underestimate the complexity. 

New step?  This stuff's been around for a long time.  Google just decided to go 
nuts with it.  The technology's not new, but building applications of this 
scale with it is.

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Re: CFMX Development Speed

2005-02-25 Thread Matt Woodward
>In the past there were comparisons on the web about speed of development
>comparisons between such languages. How much avg(time and money) it took
>to develop specific applications when using either one of the languages.
>I'd like some gunpowder against management in their locale, that means
>money, time, cost. They are specifically interested in comparisons
>regarding lower development times.
>Someone happens to have facts on paper/references, instead of the usual

I watched an "app server shootout" video on the other day and the 
Burton Group mentioned research they had just done that showed as much as a 5X 
productivity increase when using a "P" language (PHP, Python, Perl) over Java.  
Granted this stuff is pretty tough to nail down because there are so many 
variables, but I assume they wouldn't publish a study like this if it was 
completely baseless.

Unfortunately I couldn't find the report on their web site; it might be a 
"member's only" thing.


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Re: CF7 won't run under IIS, wont install - business almost shut down for 2 days now.

2005-02-25 Thread Matt Woodward
>Until Macromedia pro-actively starts marketing on ColdFusion in other
>countries and put some of their Flash/Contribute resources to the dark
>side these issues continue and resources stay limited. That starts with
>a larger announcement on the MM landing page, not some itsy bitsy tiny
>CF box ;) 

CFMX 7 was in (may still be in) that top banner area on many of the non-US 
Macromedia sites.


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Re: Good article DWMX. Phewww...I'm not so crazy after all

2005-02-20 Thread Matt Woodward
>And I still desperately want a checkbox in the preferences which
>allows me to _completely_ disable the design view, which MM seems to
>be _completely_ disinterested in offering me. DW is so closely tied to
>the design view that I find it frequently open in spite of never
>opening it myself -- I think just switching between working templates
>frequently activates "split" mode. (So I take it back, this is my big
>complaint -- the previous is my big wish.)

I'd add this to the wish list if you haven't already; they just added this very 
feature to Flex Builder, and since Flex Builder is built on top of Dreamweaver, 
I bet it would be pretty trivial to add this to DW.  I haven't seen the 
behavior you're talking about personally, and I'm not sure it's so crucial to 
disable design view as it was in Flex Builder for performance reasons, but if 
it's something a lot of people want I bet they could add it incredibly easily.


Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: Using Verity Collections Generated on Different Server

2005-02-19 Thread Matt Woodward
> I suppose I didn't ask the obvious question first, which is are Verity 
> collections created on CF 5 going to be compatible with CFMX 6.1 
> (which is what I'm testing this on now) or CFMX 7 (which is what we'll 
> be upgrading to very shortly)?  The directory structures look 
> identical between collections created on CF 5 and CFMX 6.1, but are 
> the inner workings of these collections the same?

Apparently the answer to this question is "yes"--it turns out that I can 
successfully query some of the collections that were delivered to me, but not 
others (and of course the two I'm most needing to use are ones that don't 
work!), so I'm just going to have follow up with the person who generates them 
and see what's going on.  If there's some "gotcha" to report related to all of 
this I'll be sure and pass it along.


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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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Re: Using Verity Collections Generated on Different Server

2005-02-19 Thread Matt Woodward
> The admin UI that shows existing collection paths and requests new 
> collection paths is a little inconsistent, and that's probably why the 
> second collection was created under the folder where you wanted it to 
> go.  Next time, use "/full/path/to/verity/collections" at the full 
> path, and use "myCollection" as the collection name; this will create 
> the collection in the right place.  Once the collection is defined you 
> can overwrite the files it creates with the ones from the other server... 
> this should work just fine. (I'm not sure if the CF or verity service 
> has to be stopped before the copy...)

Thanks Mark, your explanation made perfect sense but unfortunately didn't solve 
the issue.  I've tried several collections (there are 10 total) and several 
different scenarios, but none of them seems to want to actually return any 
results no matter what I try.

I suppose I didn't ask the obvious question first, which is are Verity 
collections created on CF 5 going to be compatible with CFMX 6.1 (which is what 
I'm testing this on now) or CFMX 7 (which is what we'll be upgrading to very 
shortly)?  The directory structures look identical between collections created 
on CF 5 and CFMX 6.1, but are the inner workings of these collections the same?


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Re: Using Verity Collections Generated on Different Server

2005-02-19 Thread Matt Woodward
>I am not sure you can, but CF 7 now has the ability to run Verity on a
>totally separate server.

I'll look into that--the issue is that the app from which I'm getting these 
Verity collections (a large knowledge management application) is running on CF 
5 and they have no plans to upgrade those servers.  (I'm on CFMX 6.1 on this 
particular server right now but we already got our CFMX 7 upgrade.)

I'm pretty sure on their end they do this very thing, meaning generate the 
collections on one server and just move them to other servers for clustering 
purposes, but I'll have to get more details on this point and see how they have 
things configured.  Time to copy a couple of them, mess with things, and see 
what works and what doesn't.


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Re: Using Verity Collections Generated on Different Server

2005-02-19 Thread Matt Woodward
> I think it needs to point to the specific collection. Thats off the
> top of my head, but I currently have a  cluster which reads from a
> single shared collection and it works. You may need to re-index the
> collection after both servers are pointing to it.
> try: /full/path/to/verity/collections/myCollection

Thanks, I'll give that a shot again.  When I first tried that it seemed to 
create another directory structure underneath the collection with the 
collection name again.  So if I did 
/full/path/to/verity/collections/myCollection/ and hit create, it would create 
the directory /full/path/to/verity/collections/myCollection/myCollection

I'll mess with that some more though.  I thought about reindexing or refreshing 
things but I didn't want to destroy any of the collections and have to move 
them again.  I'll probably just duplicate one with a different name so I can 
break things as I experiment.

Thanks for the suggestions,

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Using Verity Collections Generated on Different Server

2005-02-18 Thread Matt Woodward
Here's something I've never had to deal with before but I bet some others of 
you have.  On one of my applications I'm wanting to use Verity collections that 
are created on a different physical CF server, so we've copied the collection 
directories from the server on which the Verity collections were generated to 
my server.

My question is how do I add these collections to the CF administrator and get 
it to work correctly?  I tried creating a new collection in the CF 
administrator, gave it the same name as the directory of the collection, and 
pointed it to CF's "collections" directory (e.g. if the collection is named 
"myCollection" there's a directory under verity/collections called 
"myCollection", and I'm pointing the path when I create the collection to 

So far so good but when I run a search on the collection I get no results even 
when I'm trying to pull everything back.  The collection directories are 
600-700 MB so I know there's "stuff" in there, which is why I'm thinking I'm 
missing how you integrate a collection that was generated elsewhere into a 
different CF server.

Let me know if this doesn't make sense, and thanks for any thoughts you may 
have on this.


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Re: Any sites using the new Flash foms?

2005-02-16 Thread Matt Woodward
>I see flash forms, and that is just a personal view of it; as a tool
>providing developers who are unexperienced with domscripting, with quick
>results but against the price of consistency, and usability.

You truly are missing the point of Flash forms, and I still think you're 
insulting a whole lot of people by implying that Flash forms are only useful to 
people who can't figure out Javascript.  Give me a break!  I'm interested in 
Flash forms because of the tremendous possibilities they offer, not because I 
don't know Javascript.  Dismissing Flash forms as an easy way out of learning 
Javascript (or using pre-built libraries) is just downright silly.  I also 
don't see why you pay the price of consistency and *especially* usability with 
Flash forms, but that's an argument for another day I suppose.

Have you polled any of your users about Flash forms?  The people at my company 
whom I've shown Flash forms to have all been universally floored by them from a 
usability standpoint, and these are non-technical people, which remember is 
going to be the vast majority of your user base in most cases.  If it makes the 
life of the non-technical person easier and simplifies form entry processes, 
particularly complex of lengthy ones, then it's a good thing to have in the 
toolbox when you need it.


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Re: Any sites using the new Flash foms?

2005-02-15 Thread Matt Woodward
>But why? ... there isn't a single person who provided good arguments for
>the use of Flash forms :) 

There actually have been a couple of good arguments--perhaps you don't agree 
with them, and you wouldn't choose to use them (no matter what, it sounds 
like), but there have been a couple of very good examples.  Ray's mention of 
replacing a four-step process with a single Flash form is pretty compelling IMO.

>Why would I take all that time, to refactor flash forms, when you can
>achieve the same, and even more with html forms :) I am really
>interested in what situations would require flash forms.

More with HTML forms?  Specific examples please.  I might agree that there is 
much in the Flash forms that you *can* achieve with Javascript, etc. but the 
issue at that point is the amount of work involved and whether or not the end 
result is as nice for the user as Flash forms can be in the right hands.

>And it is not that Flash forms are "bad", it is a direct answer from my
>own perspective on "why don't you see much flash forms". Or more "why I
>don't use Flash forms" :)

Why don't you see much use of Flash forms?  CFMX 7 just came out last week!  
Think that might have something to do with it?

>This also hasn't got much to do with CFMX 7, because Flash forms were on
>the market earlier. :) So It must have something to do, with the need
>for them, and I think there is no real need, there is only technology
>push. :)

Well, if by "on the market earlier" you mean "this could be done with the Flash 
IDE," then sure, that's correct.  The point here is you can do the same thing 
(actually better things) with simple CFML tags.  I've built Flash forms in the 
Flash IDE and it's incredibly cumbersome compared to this new process, and is 
actually far more akin to Flex than to Flash components in functionality.  I 
think now that it's simpler we'll start seeing more of them, particularly after 
CFMX 7 has been out for more than a week.

I'm not trying to convince you that Flash forms will replace your HTML forms, 
and neither is Macromedia.  Use Flash forms when it makes sense to do so, and 
don't when it doesn't.  I just think a lot of people on here on being extremely 
dismissive without really understanding how they can (and will!) be used 


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Re: Any sites using the new Flash foms?

2005-02-14 Thread Matt Woodward
> Thanks, Matt.
> I agree with you that a 4-field form is not something to worry about 
> (but that was just an example of how EVEN a small form was quite slow).

Well sure, but this is really almost an "economy of scale" issue.  You pay for 
the initial hit whether you have four fields or forty fields.  If you're doing 
a multi-step process and you can make the user's experience a lot better, the 
initial hit is a lot more worth it.

I'm not trying to nitpick everyone's comments--the Flash forms aren't perfect, 
but they're a huge leap forward in a lot of ways for many situations, and as 
someone else pointed out, no FLA editing required.  They're also quite new.  
Now that they're on the streets I think we'll see the dust start to settle and 
everyone will get a clearer picture of where it makes sense to use them and 
where it doesn't.


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Re: Any sites using the new Flash foms?

2005-02-14 Thread Matt Woodward
> In my testing, a simple form with, say, 4 text inputs plus a submit 
> button will take quite a bit to load (when it loads - it often 
> requires a page refresh).

A simple form with only four fields isn't a particularly compelling candidate 
to replace with a Flash form, and even Macromedia will tell you that Flash 
forms should not be used to replace every form.  Where you have multi-step 
processes and complex data entry is where Flash forms start to shine, and as 
Ray pointed out, the initial hit is worth it because the user experience is so 
much more solid and easy to use and you can do a lot more with validation, 
feedback, etc.

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Re: Migrate Lotus Notes Apps to Coldfusion

2005-02-04 Thread Matt Woodward
>our group maybe getting the fun challange of migrating about 50-80
>Lotus/Domino apps to Coldfusion. I was curious if anyone has done this
>and/or if anyone had any pointers or suggestions on wherre to start.
>Right now we have an ODBC connection and are able to read some data
>but we're concerned about datamigration and also getting a non-odbc
>driver to work on MX.
>Adam H

We're at the same point you are with this very thing at my company Adam--we're 
using the Notes SQL driver (which isn't especially pretty since Notes isn't 
relational), and we're getting some data back but it's a bit weird.  Lots of 
issues to work through.

This is going to be more or less my life over the next few months so as I work 
through this I'll definitely share my pain.  If you come up with any good 
tidbits of knowledge please share them!


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2004-12-12 Thread Matt Woodward
> I saw someone asking if someone could prove .NET is faster, .. haven't 
> you seen any benchmarks? My diff algorithm (using levensthein) is 
> about 1000x faster in .NET and the CF code has been finetuned into 
> it's most optimal form. CF ofcourse has it's plusses or else I would 
> not use it, but CF cannot match .NET performance, neither can PHP, ASP, 
> or even pure Java. Only C++ and C are quicker, people are even 
> creating 3D games in C#.

I just want to point out that you simply cannot ever say "technology X is 
faster than technology Y" without a ton of disclaimers attached.  There are 
numerous cases in which Java is faster than C, so if you still have the "Java 
is horrendously slow" notion from 1998, it's time to update your thinking:

Speed is so relative and of such little importance in the overall scheme of 
making technology decisions that it certainly wouldn't be a deciding factor 
unless you have very specific needs.  If the one particular thing you're doing 
is the core of your application and a particular technology is 10X as fast at 
this one thing, then sure, use that technology.  Otherwise performance is 
pretty much a wash between the major web development technologies.

Also, in terms of the technology and how it works, there isn't a single 
technical aspect that would give .NET a speed advantage over J2EE other than 
the fact that .NET doesn't have to worry about platform independence.  From an 
architectural standpoint the two platforms are remarkably similar  I would 
suspect that even in cases where there are speed advantages (if there are any, 
and if they're even worth worrying about) they would be so negligible as to be 
immaterial to the discussion unless you're talking about building desktop 
applications, which isn't the focus of this forum.

I guess my point is that saying one technology is faster than another is a 
pretty ridiculous statement without providing a clear context, and there are so 
many variables involved (hardware, the code itself, etc., etc., etc.) that it's 
pretty impossible to ever have a straight-across comparison.  You can write a 
web app in either CF or .NET that will perform extremely well if you know what 
you're doing.  One does not provide a clear speed advantage over the other in 
any absolute terms.

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Re: Installing CFMX on Mac OS X (root user?)

2004-12-02 Thread Matt Woodward
>> If you can't successfully run the jar command chances are you're probably 
>> not in the right directory, and if you aren't giving it path information 
>> to the file the jar command probably just can't find the file you're 
>> trying to unjar.
>Okay, so if I'm in, say, "Applications/Jrun4/servers/default/CFIDE" and the 
>war file is in "Powerbook/Applications" (remember, I expanded the war files 
>to this directory that the jar file created because I typed the path in 
>wrong) I need to give the path in the jar command that points to the rds.war 
>file in that "applications" folder?

Yes, if I understand what you're saying this is correct.  Just remember that to 
start at the root you have to have a / at the beginning of your path, otherwise 
it'll start drilling down from your current directory.  So if your war file is 
in /Powerbook/Applications (remember Unix is case-sensitive as well, so 
/PowerBook/Applications and /Powerbook/Applications are NOT the same thing 
...), then you would just have to point to that directory with your jar command.

>I can do that? I can just delete the folders that the jar file created and 
>just start over? How do I correctly tell the jar file where to install the 
>war files?

Yes, you can delete what you have and start over.  Not sure I get what you mean 
about telling the jar file where to install the war files--you designate this 
during the installation process.  In the end it doesn't matter where your war 
files are as long as you know where they are so you can point to the right 
place when you're doing the extraction, but if you want to follow the 
directions to the letter, it's probably a lot easier if you tell the installer 
to create the war files in the exact same place as in the instructions.


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Re: Installing CFMX on Mac OS X (root user?)

2004-12-02 Thread Matt Woodward
If you can't successfully run the jar command chances are you're probably not 
in the right directory, and if you aren't giving it path information to the 
file the jar command probably just can't find the file you're trying to unjar.

I wrote up some instructions for the EAR deployment here that may help a bit:

The WAR deployment is a lot easier, however, so I'd go with that installation 
type if I were you.  I just thought maybe those instructions would give you 
some insight about the command line stuff.  I've been meaning to write up some 
annotated WAR deployment instructions but I haven't had time yet.

I think since it sounds like you may have stuff in the wrong place, etc. you 
might just want to delete the files you've expanded and start over, following 
the directions very, very carefully.  They really do work.  I'll post again if 
I get a chance to do some annotated WAR instructions because this really is a 
much simpler procedure than the EAR deployment.


Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - CFDynamics

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Re: Installing CFMX on Mac OS X (root user?)

2004-12-01 Thread Matt Woodward
Sean's post is correct--while I've always just double-clicked the JAR file for 
the initial "install" (see below for the reason behind the quotes around this 
word) and it's worked fine for me, beyond this first step you absolutely have 
to use the terminal to complete the installation correctly.

As for the "install," this is a point of confusion for a lot of folks I've 
helped install CF on the Mac.  The installation process does not install CF, it 
merely creates the files that you subsequently deploy on JRun.  Maybe that's 
already clear to you but that seems to be a real sticking point for people who 
are used to running a Windows installer and being done with it.  Be patient 
with the instructions, go through them very carefully and do exactly what they 
say, and it'll work.

Lastly, no need to panic--you didn't screw up your machine.  That's one of the 
beauties of the J2EE deployment.  This isn't a case where a botched 
installation screws up your registry, etc.; worst case you have to delete some 
files and try again.  Your machine's just fine!


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Re: Installing CFMX on Mac OS X (root user?)

2004-12-01 Thread Matt Woodward
>I've got Jrun up and running, and I've got the CFMX jar file, and I can 
>double click the jar file fine, it starts up the installer perfectly, 
>but I step thru three steps or so, and it says I can't install it 
>because I'm not root user.

As long as you're an admin user you can just ignore that error and continue the 
installation.  I'm not sure why that error occurs but I've installed CF 
numerous times on various Macs and if you ignore that and continue the install 
works without a hitch.


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Re: Slightly OT: Name top 5 CF developers you know one way or another

2004-10-05 Thread Matt Woodward
I knew I'd forget someone:
9. Simon Horwith
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Re: Slightly OT: Name top 5 CF developers you know one way or another

2004-10-05 Thread Matt Woodward
I'll have to list several as well, in no particular order:
1. Sean Corfield
2. Hal Helms
3. Ray Camden
4. Nate Weiss
5. Isaac Dealey
6. Ben Forta
7. Rob Brooks-Bilson
8. Arman Danesh

I'm sure I'll think of others right after I post this ...
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Re: cfmx stopped working after installing XP SP2 - any ideas?

2004-09-09 Thread Matt Woodward
> I recently installed XP service pack 2, and now coldfusion doesnt seem 
> to work anymore. Any ideas how to fix this?
> Thanks
> Steve 

Did you try this?
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Re: Learning Java for a CF Developer - a possible solution?

2004-07-07 Thread Matt Woodward
I did nothing but Java for a few years, so sometimes it's a bit hard for me to have a fresh perspective, but I got O'Reilly's book "Head First Java" a few weeks ago and from what I've seen it's an excellent way to get into Java.  It's actually fun to read (believe it or not) and I think will give CFers who are more used to procedural coding a very firm grounding in OO concepts as well as the Java language in particular.  "Thinking in Java" is also great (and free online), but depending on the experience level of the individual it might be a bit too much too quickly.  I definitely recommend it as a second or third Java book though.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that O'Reilly book out as a suggestion.

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2004-07-07 Thread Matt Woodward
>hehehe. is a collaborative software development environment
>designed to facilitate the development of open source software for
>ColdFusion site build with PHP tools it's hard to believe

This is addressed on the site (and has been discussed here previously as well)--essentially they wanted to get something up and running and this was the quickest way to do it.  They are in the process of rebuilding this all in CF, so if anyone has the bandwidth to help, sign up.
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Re: white-space - is this a big issue?

2004-07-03 Thread Matt Woodward
>Mach-ii applications probably ought to have an application.cfm to hold
>the required cfapplication tag.

Definitely ought to, and what you can do with Mach-II is put multiple applications all under one umbrella by giving them the same application name in each Application.cfm file.  This allows for breaking extremely large applications down into multiple sub-applications that each operate independently but can share things as needed.  I'm definitely exploring this possibility for because we now have 6 or so small applications running various things on there, and I'm adding more all the time as I convert and rework old applications to put them into Mach-II.

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Re: Security with CFCs

2004-06-29 Thread Matt Woodward
>My current thinking is that there are many functions specific to application
>security - things like authenticating, adding/editing/removing groups, etc.
>I've started putting them into a "DP_Security.cfc" which will be loaded as a
>property of the DP_Application.cfc (I could have put them inside it, but it
>was already getting a little long).

This isn't a bad way to do things depending on your particular situation.  If you have to do things like checking roles and other security-related stuff pretty frequently, using a single CFC for all that functionality might fit the bill.  Particularly if you're doing something like putting a user CFC in your session, having another CFC that contains all your security related methods and having that interact with the user CFC in your session can work quite well.  Since you said you didn't want to get too deep into design patterns, etc. I'll leave out the discussion of how you'd probably *really* want to do the interaction between the security CFC and the session user CFC ...

>If a populated user's component means you've logged in, what should indicate
>no log in?  An empty component?  A component that hasn't been inited or no
>users component at all?

There are any number of ways to handle this.  In a recent project I used a session facade pattern for my user, and in essence this does end up creating an empty user object in the session scope if you check something like user.getEmail() and there is no object present.  Depending on how you implement things you might have to do an IsDefined() on your user CFC *and* check for the existence of data like a user's role id or whatever.

>Should the security system, when authenticating, return the user object or
>just the UserKey and let the user object populate itself?

There are numerous design patterns to help with all of this as well, but basically if you're talking about the log in process itself, what I would do it check for a valid login, get data back about that user, populate your user object, and put that in your session.  Personally I'd have the security CFC (or however you implement this) either return a populated user object to the caller or just handle all the steps above itself.

>In the end I want to easily say "isLoggedIn()" or "isAdmin()" or
>"isEntitled()" - preferably from the session-based user component.  But at
>the same time it seems odd to me that a single set of DB tables has multiple
>components operating on them.

You might need to elaborate on this a bit.  If by "from the session-based user component" you literally mean that the user CFC would have methods in it like isEntitled(), I wouldn't do that.  I'd have my security CFC interact with the session user object (preferably via a facacde).  In my mind the user CFC should just have information about the user, and you would do authentication, etc. via another CFC whose only job is to do those sorts of things.

Hope that helps--feel free to follow up with me on any of this.  I'm always very glad to see people using CFCs and OO more!

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Re: Blackstone @ CF-FUN '04

2004-06-28 Thread Matt Woodward
>On Jun 28, 2004, at 6:58 PM, Rick Root wrote:
>Spoke too soon -- I was originally talking about non-browser-based GUIs.
>Is there a standalone Flash UI.
>Maybe there should be???
>Rich Desktop Interface Applications

You never know--something like this might be in the works.  I've heard rumblings at least ...
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Re: Blackstone @ CF-FUN '04

2004-06-28 Thread Matt Woodward
>So, CF programs can be run without a browser.
>Now, if you don't need a browser, why do you need a web server?

The point I got from this (and as Ben Forta said, this is one of those things that two weeks from now I'll think "HOLY COW!" and have a perfect example of how cool this is going to be) was not that the goal was to eliminate the browser, but rather to open up all the other possibilities that are either difficult or impossible to do in CF today.  I'm sure we'll be writing web applications that run in a browser or Flash or whatever new technology comes out next for a long time to come, but these gateways will allow us to talk to anything any time using any protocol, without kludging things together or always being stuck with the http way of doing things.

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Re: CFFUN 04 - He3

2004-06-27 Thread Matt Woodward
>Hey CFFUN attendees, how does He3 look?

Looks very cool, particularly if you do Mach-II development.  Some nice functionality there.  I'm definitely looking forward to checking it out more thoroughly when I get back.

Second comment: COME TO CFUN NEXT YEAR!  Great, great, great conference!

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Re: Books on Flash...

2004-06-24 Thread Matt Woodward
>Try this one:

I wholeheartedly second this recommendation--great book for programmers who want to get into Flash for building RIAs.  It avoids the typical animation stuff that many programmers don't care so much about and gets right at building data-driven applications with Flash.

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Re: DateDiff Weirdness

2004-06-22 Thread Matt Woodward
>dateDiff measures the number of whole days different. The date you create
>with createDate() is midnight, which is probably just a few hours away?
>Try setting today as createDate(year(now()), month(now()), day(now()))

Perfect--exactly what I needed to know!  Thanks!

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DateDiff Weirdness

2004-06-22 Thread Matt Woodward
I'm seeing some weird behavior with DateDiff that I hope someone can shed some light on.  I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding on my part but it just doesn't do what I suspect that it should do.

Today is 6/22/2004, so if you're reading this on a different day, assume that Now() is 6/22/2004.

Example 1: When I run this example, I would think that it would give me a value of 1, but diff turns out to be 0.
date1 = CreateDate(2004, 6, 23);
date2 = Now();
diff = DateDiff("D", date2, date1);

Example 2: Given that the above example gives me a value of 0, I decided to check to see what comparing the current date to itself would give (but again using CreateDate to create one of the dates).
date1 = CreateDate(2004, 6, 22);
date2 = Now();
diff = DateDiff("D", date2, date1);

Again diff is 0.  I guess this is my confusion--how can comparing the date to itself AND the date to tomorrow BOTH give me a value of 0?

Example 3: To make sure it wasn't the CreateDate() function that was doing something weird, I did the following, and it STILL gives me a value of 0:
date3 = DateAdd("D", 1, Now());
date4 = Now();
diff2 = DateDiff("D", date4, date3);

Example 4:  Now for the total weirdness.  When I put a couple of examples together, one AFFECTS the other.  In the first round, diff = 0 and diff2 = 1:
date1 = CreateDate(2004, 6, 22);
date2 = Now();
diff = DateDiff("D", date2, date1);

WriteOutput("diff = " & diff & "");

date3 = DateAdd("D", 1, Now());
date4 = Now();
diff2 = DateDiff("D", date4, date3);

WriteOutput("diff2 = " & diff2 & "");

But when I chnage it to this:
date1 = CreateDate(2004, 6, 23);
date2 = Now();
diff = DateDiff("D", date2, date1);

WriteOutput("diff = " & diff & "");

date3 = DateAdd("D", 1, Now());
date4 = Now();
diff2 = DateDiff("D", date4, date3);

WriteOutput("diff2 = " & diff2 & "");

BOTH diff and diff2 = 0.  I've tried this on both CFMX 6.1 on Windows 2003 as well as BlueDragon on Mac OS X and I see the same behavior.

Again, I'm sure I'm just having a fundamental misunderstanding of DateDiff since I've never had to mess with it much, so any enlightment on this will be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Patch Error - CF Won't Start

2004-06-22 Thread Matt Woodward
Argh--never mind.  I was using the Websphere file.  You'd think since this is the third server I'm patching I'd have it down by now! ;-)

Thanks again for pointing out the jvm.config file, that at least helped me avoid a reinstall!


> Problem now is that apparently this server is unpatchable.  I fixed 
> the jvm.config file and CF starts fine WITHOUT Macromedia's new 
> arguments in there, but with them in there, the server won't start 
> even if I do the update in the correct order.  Anyone else had this 
> problem with this particular patch?
> Matt
> > Found one in CFusionMX/runtime/bin.  Replaced the updated file with 
> > the .bak file and that did the trick.  Thanks!
> > 
> > Matt
> > 
> > > Weird--I don't see a jvm.config file in my install root/bin.  This 
> > is 
> > > CFMX 6.1 standalone (not JRun instance).  I'll poke around and see 
> > if 
> > > I can find that file in any other CFMX directory.
> > > 
> > > Thanks,
> > > Matt
> > > 
> > > >Your jvm.config file should be located under in a bin/ folder of 
> > > your
> > > >CFMX installation root. you can edit it and remove the changes 
> you
> > > >made and then attempt to restart CFMX that way.
> > > >
> > > >BTW are you running CFMX as a standalone or as a JRUN instance?
> > > >
> > > >Cheers
> > > >G
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Re: Patch Error - CF Won't Start

2004-06-22 Thread Matt Woodward
Problem now is that apparently this server is unpatchable.  I fixed the jvm.config file and CF starts fine WITHOUT Macromedia's new arguments in there, but with them in there, the server won't start even if I do the update in the correct order.  Anyone else had this problem with this particular patch?


> Found one in CFusionMX/runtime/bin.  Replaced the updated file with 
> the .bak file and that did the trick.  Thanks!
> Matt
> > Weird--I don't see a jvm.config file in my install root/bin.  This 
> is 
> > CFMX 6.1 standalone (not JRun instance).  I'll poke around and see 
> if 
> > I can find that file in any other CFMX directory.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Matt
> > 
> > >Your jvm.config file should be located under in a bin/ folder of 
> > your
> > >CFMX installation root. you can edit it and remove the changes you
> > >made and then attempt to restart CFMX that way.
> > >
> > >BTW are you running CFMX as a standalone or as a JRUN instance?
> > >
> > >Cheers
> > >G
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Re: Patch Error - CF Won't Start

2004-06-22 Thread Matt Woodward
Found one in CFusionMX/runtime/bin.  Replaced the updated file with the .bak file and that did the trick.  Thanks!


> Weird--I don't see a jvm.config file in my install root/bin.  This is 
> CFMX 6.1 standalone (not JRun instance).  I'll poke around and see if 
> I can find that file in any other CFMX directory.
> Thanks,
> Matt
> >Your jvm.config file should be located under in a bin/ folder of 
> your
> >CFMX installation root. you can edit it and remove the changes you
> >made and then attempt to restart CFMX that way.
> >
> >BTW are you running CFMX as a standalone or as a JRUN instance?
> >
> >Cheers
> >G
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Re: Patch Error - CF Won't Start

2004-06-22 Thread Matt Woodward
Weird--I don't see a jvm.config file in my install root/bin.  This is CFMX 6.1 standalone (not JRun instance).  I'll poke around and see if I can find that file in any other CFMX directory.


>Your jvm.config file should be located under in a bin/ folder of your
>CFMX installation root. you can edit it and remove the changes you
>made and then attempt to restart CFMX that way.
>BTW are you running CFMX as a standalone or as a JRUN instance?
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Patch Error - CF Won't Start

2004-06-22 Thread Matt Woodward
My mom always told me to follow directions, but of course I never listened, and now it's biting me in the butt.  I was applying this patch to one of our servers this morning:

Unfortunately rather than do things in the prescribed order, I stopped CF, updated the crimson.jar file, restarted CF, made the JVM setting changes, and then attempted to restart CF but CF won't start.  I rebooted the server and still no luck.  I still had the old crimson.jar file on another server so I replaced it on this server, but CF still won't start.

Is there a way to get rid of the JVM settings I added without having CF running (meaning I can't get to the administrator)?  I just didn't know if that stuff was stored in a config or xml file of some sort that could be edited directly.  If not I can reinstall CF but I'd like to avoid that if possible.

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