Re: Special Characters (Unicode?)

2005-11-07 Thread Mike Rogan
>>>I have a Filemaker Pro database table that needs to be imported to 
>SQL Server
>Was your Filemaker database on a Mac or under Windows?
>If it was on a Mac, you may have a Mac to Windows conversion problem.
>Also, re your pages under CF 5 or CFMX?
>REUSE CODE! Use custom tags;
>(Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

The DB was originally on Windows.  

Apparently, Filemaker uses a "vertical tab character" to represent carriage 
returns within a field.  When expoerting from FM to CSV, these characters are 
converted to an "ASCII 11" character.

If I try the following on a CF page, the "ASCII 11" characters are replaced 
with line breaks (which is what they should be):


I guess I will replace all "ASCII 11" characters in the DB with 's.  These 
charcaters are causing most of the problems.  

The others are things like "TM" and apostrophe charcters that FM uses.  I will 
look for the ASCII representations of these and do a separate find and replace 
to handle.

Unless anyone has a better idea... :)


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Re: Special Characters (Unicode?)

2005-11-06 Thread Mike Rogan
>Mike Rogan wrote:
>> 1.> Export data from FMP in CSV format, then import to SQL Server
>and how are you defining the sql server columns holding the text 
>imported from that "infernal database"?

The SQL Server columns are defined as ntext, but I have also tried nvarchar.

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Special Characters (Unicode?)

2005-11-04 Thread Mike Rogan
Hey everyone!

I have a Filemaker Pro database table that needs to be imported to SQL
Server (product data for online store).  In order to do this, I tried
two approaches.

1.> Export data from FMP in CSV format, then import to SQL Server
2.> Set up ODBC connection to FMP, then import to SQL Server

Both are successful - in that they import the data without "errors".
The problem is that some columns in the original FMP data contain many
"special characters" (Unicode?), such as bullets, carriage returns, TM
symbols, etc.

Using the first approach, these characters are preserved in the
database after completing the import, but are then displayed on pages
as either bizarre symbols or the letter "N", depending on the machine
accessing the page (see example below).

Using the second approach (ODBC), the characters are removed
completely during the import.

Is there any way that I can preserve/convert the characters for
output?  It will be a *ton* of work for my client if I use the second
approach and they have to manually insert carriage returns, TM's, etc.
for thousands of products.

Sample HTML output using approach 1 (note the "N's"):

Six Feet Underground2. Big Shot Dead3. Know What I Mean?4. What’s Wrong 
With You (featuring Lady Tigra)5. A Strong Woman6. Rough Enough7. What’s 
The Meaning?8. Gotta Stay Strong9. Home Of The Brave10. Player’s Theme11. 
Burn In Hell12. Break What?13. Along In The Graveyard14. Barking Up The 
Wrong Tree15. I Understand That


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RE: Invalid precision value

2005-06-01 Thread Mike Rogan
>> I am receiving the following CF error:
>I don't have an answer for the question you asked, but I think you're asking
>the wrong question.
>First, instead of having a column which contains a comma-delimited list,
>you'd probably be better off with a lookup table with those values instead,
>and an intersection table between your table and the lookup table. Your
>database doesn't appear to be in third normal form, and it should be.
>Second, instead of doing a bunch of LIKE searches to find values within
>database columns, you'd probably be better off using full-text indexing.
>Searching for a string in the middle of a larger string using LIKE is very
>expensive, since your database can't use indexes for such a search.
>Fortunately, CF comes with Verity, which is ideal for these sorts of
>searches. Of course, if you redesign the database properly you can avoid
>this kind of search in this specific case, but you may run into future cases
>where full-text indexing is the better approach.
>Finally, you might try using the Access with Unicode driver instead. This
>driver uses ADODB instead of ODBC, I think, so it may not suffer from the
>same limitations. To see if it's an ODBC limitation, you could try running
>the query from an ODBC client directly (like MS Query) rather than from CF.
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized 
>instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta, 
>Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location. 
>Visit for more information!


Thanks for your feedback. Changing the driver to Access with Unicode returned 
the same error, although running the query outsdie CF is successful.


I removed the "0 = 0" portion as it is no longer needed.  Thanks for pointing 
that out.  The error reamins, however.  Could you describe the SQL I can use to 
perform the query another way?


I agree that the database structure should be modified.  Unfortunatley, I 
inherited the design and the DB is being used by another application.  Changing 
the architecture would have a definite impact in other areas.  I will look into 
the possibility of using Verity.

Thanks to both of you for your replies.


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Invalid precision value

2005-05-27 Thread Mike Rogan
I am receiving the following CF error:

Error Executing Database Query.  
[Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft 
Access Driver]Invalid precision value  

If I try to run the query directly from MS Access, using the same SQL, I 
receive no error and the results are returned properly.

Any ideas on this one?

The SQL is:

WHERE targetCoStage LIKE '%Start-up%' 
AND targetCoStage LIKE '%Development%' 
AND targetCoStage LIKE '%Early Stage%' 
AND targetCoStage LIKE '%Late Stage%' 
AND targetCoStage LIKE '%Middle Stage%'
AND UpdateStatus = 'Updated' 
AND 0 = 0 

The query above will run successfully in CF as long as I have no more than four 
"AND" clauses.  Once I add a fifth, no matter what the clause is, CF chokes, 
but Access is fine.

The "targetCoStage" column contains a comma delimited values, e.g.:

"Start-up,Growth,Development,Early Stage"


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Re: Multiple (n) Entries on a Form...How to Handle?

2004-08-03 Thread Mike Rogan
Thanks, Doug and Matt!

I will be placing the employment history section of the application on its own page, with "add another" and "continue" buttons.

In terms of the hidden value being used to increment the form fields when "add another", is that the best way, or should I do it as follows?

Initial value:

Future values:


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Re: Multiple (n) Entries on a Form...How to Handle?

2004-08-02 Thread Mike Rogan
Thanks, Doug.  I'd like to stay away from too much JS code in this application (clients may lack support), so I would favor working on the server side.

I like the idea of asking the client how many employers they have had, but that may be beyond the level of thinking of some of the users of this particular app :(

I would ideally like to have just one set of fields visible and then have a button labeled "enter another employer" and one labled "finished entering employers".  If the user clicks the first button, the form field names would be incremented by n+1.  The processing of the insert query/loop would be similar to what you provided.

"n" would be initialized to 1 by default, get incremented for each entry after the "enter more" button is pressed, and then looped over on the insert...

Would this work like what you have described or am I missing something here?  The only thing that I am leaving out is that all form fieds, once validated, are being stored in session variables so that all inserts occur at one time once the multi-page app is completed.  So, the first loop would need to set the session variables dynamically, based on the value of n.

Thanks again, 
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Multiple (n) Entries on a Form...How to Handle?

2004-08-02 Thread Mike Rogan
I have an employment application form in CF.  One section of the form is called "Employment History". 

In this section, the user needs to have the ability to enter "n" number of previous employers with corresponding details, not a predefined number of employer.  The details section is as follows:

Employment History

Employer 1:

Employer Name: txt_emp_name
Employer Phone: txt_emp_phone
Start Date: txt_emp_start_date
End Date: txt_emp_end_date

Employer 2:

Employer Name: txt_emp_name
Employer Phone: txt_emp_phone
Start Date: txt_emp_start_date
End Date: txt_emp_end_date

etc, etc.

Employer "n":

Employer Name: txt_emp_name
Employer Phone: txt_emp_phone
Start Date: txt_emp_start_date
End Date: txt_emp_end_date

How can I set up this section to allow the input of "n" number of employers by the user as well as the processing of these dynamic fields on submit (cfquery insert to db). 

I am looking for insights into this issue (form page and processing page).

My code for the relevant section of the form is as follows:

 Employer: (Present or most recent)

 Phone #:
 Job Title:
 Name and title of supervisor: 

No. supervised by you:
 Date Employed: 

 Starting Salary 

  value="" size="2" maxlength="2" />
 Ending Salary 
  value="" size="2" maxlength="2" />

Date Separated: 

Full time for: Years Months 


 Part time for: Years Months   


If part-time, number of hrs. worked per week:
 Reason for leaving


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