Has anyone done anything with UPS XML API?

2006-11-06 Thread nathan stanford
Has anyone done anything with UPS XML API?

I am looking for hints or help building code connecting to the UPS XML API.

Nathan Stanford

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OT: Smarter.com and IE

2003-07-25 Thread Nathan Stanford
Anyone else have this problem?

I have had my IE Browser start opening the Search on the left... and it
brings up smarter.com.  I can not seem to get it to quit.  When I go places
it will randomly pop up.  Not just when searching.  I can click on a page
and it will pop up.  then it will not for a while.  I have Ad-Aware and it
cleaned my system but does not fine this one.

I will give these points and a grade of A to the person who helps me remove
this from my browser.

I do have the google toolbar, Yahoo toolbar installed.  I have Microsoft IE
Browser 6.0 and Win XP.

Not sure what else you need to know to find out what to do to this but hope
this is enough.

I have used spyware, ad-aware, Browser Hijack Blaster, BHODemon, and
MSConfig to remove smarter.com but no luck.


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Has anyone heard of Blue Dragon?

2002-08-19 Thread Nathan Stanford

What is this and how good is it?

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ColdFusion and related topics. http://www.fusionauthority.com/signup.cfm
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MX on Unix?

2002-08-19 Thread Nathan Stanford

Who all is running MX on Unix?
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RE: ColdFusion MX and Session Variables (Bug)

2002-07-25 Thread Nathan Stanford

 -Original Message-
 From: Jon Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 4:19 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: ColdFusion MX and Session Variables
 What about that session.dealer_id?

Yes when adding Testing Variables the out put stayed the same.

 Is it staying consistent? What
 about the actual data? Is there some other query somewhere writing
 data that is affecting the price and or quantity variables, which I
 assume are coming from the qry_checkoutcart query, but I'm not sure,
 because they aren't scoped...hint hint :)

They are not scoped because there is a AS400 Query and they can not be
scoped because there is no resultset coming back from the AS400.  Price is
not coming from qry_checkoutcart but I guess I could go scope quantity.  We
have tried several drivers with ColdFusion MX on a Solaris 7 with Apache
1.3.26 Web Server.  When we tried the same thing on the NT it seemed to be
fine.  We even created a test page outside the application to verify it was
not linked to any other page.

Who out there is working on a Solaris 7 with ColdFusion and Apache?

Testing Code Below

cfset request.cartquantity=0
cfset request.carttotal=0

cfquery name=qry_checkoutcart datasource=#request.dsnSQL#
WHERE   OreckDealer_id  = #session.dealer_id#   

cfif qry_checkoutcart.recordcount eq 0


cfset counter=0
cfoutput query=qry_checkoutcart

!--- removed AS400 Query here to get the PRICE ---

  cfset price = price*100
  cfset subtotal=#price#*#qry_checkoutcart.quantity#  
cfset request.carttotal=#request.carttotal#+#subtotal#

#price# X #quantity# = #subtotal#br

a href=index.cfm?fuseaction=checkout
img src=/oreckdealer/images/icons/dealer_cart.gif border=0
alt=View Cart

  #session.cartquantity# Items #dollarformat(session.carttotal)# Total



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NEW (ColdFusion MX or ColdFusion 4.5) and Session Variables (Bug)

2002-07-25 Thread Nathan Stanford

Ok Ok...
Tested on 
ColdFusion MX on a Solaris 7 with Apache 1.3.26 Web Server
ColdFusion 4.5 on Windows NT with IIS Web Server

Both when hitting refresh after the page is already running the
session.cartquantity becomes inaccurate at a different rate... if I hit
refresh a short time the error is small if I hit refresh a longer time into
the code the error is greater.  The Loop was put in to simulate the slow
speed of the page while connected to the AS400.

What should I test next??

I am all ears?  well as much as I can be... 

I even put some locks around where I am setting the session variables to

It looks like it is not rerunning the page from the top when I hit refresh.

-- Code -- 

cfapplication  name=test 
sessiontimeout=#CreateTimeSpan(0, 3, 0,

cfif IsDefined( Cookie.CFID ) AND IsDefined( Cookie.CFTOKEN )
  cfset localCFID = Cookie.CFID
  cfset localCFTOKEN = Cookie.CFTOKEN
  cfcookie name=CFID value=#localCFID#
  cfcookie name=CFTOKEN value=#localCFTOKEN#

cfset request.dsnSQL =XXX 
cfset request.dsnAS400 =
cfset session.dealer_id=X

  cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type = Exclusive
cfset session.cartquantity=0

  cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type = Exclusive
cfset session.carttotal=0

cfoutputBefore Everything:br

cfquery name=qry_checkoutcart datasource=#request.dsnSQL#
WHERE   OreckDealer_id  = #session.dealer_id#   

cfquery name=qry_checkoutcart1 datasource=#request.dsnSQL#
select sum(quantity)  As CartTotal
WHERE   OreckDealer_id  = #session.dealer_id#   

cfif qry_checkoutcart.recordcount eq 0


cfset counter=0
cfoutputBefore Query:br

cfoutput query=qry_checkoutcart
In Query:

cfset y=1
cfloop index=x from=1 to=1
cfset y=x*y

Quantity 1:#quantity# 
!--- Good To Here ---

!--- Bad here ---
  cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type = Exclusive
cfset session.cartquantity=#session.cartquantity#+#quantity#
Session.CartQuantity:#session.cartquantity#  Quantity 2:#quantity#brbr


a href=index.cfm?fuseaction=checkoutimg
src=/oreckdealer/images/icons/dealer_cart.gif border=0 alt=View
Cart/a #session.cartquantity# Items #dollarformat(session.carttotal)#


 -Original Message-
 From: Stacy Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 8:51 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: ColdFusion MX and Session Variables (Bug)
 We are and have been using session scope heavily. I can't say 
 I've seen this
 problem yet...will let you know...we're about to QA our first 
 MX project.
 -Original Message-
 From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 8:56 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: ColdFusion MX and Session Variables (Bug)
  -Original Message-
  From: Jon Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 4:19 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: ColdFusion MX and Session Variables
  What about that session.dealer_id?
 Yes when adding Testing Variables the out put stayed the same.
  Is it staying consistent? What
  about the actual data? Is there some other query somewhere writing
  data that is affecting the price and or quantity variables, which I
  assume are coming from the qry_checkoutcart query, but I'm not sure,
  because they aren't scoped...hint hint :)
 They are not scoped because there is a AS400 Query and they can not be
 scoped because there is no resultset coming back from the 
 AS400.  Price is
 not coming from qry_checkoutcart but I guess I could go scope 
 quantity.  We
 have tried several drivers with ColdFusion MX on a Solaris 7 
 with Apache
 1.3.26 Web Server.  When we tried the same thing on the NT it 
 seemed to be
 fine.  We even created a test page outside the application to 
 verify it was
 not linked to any other page.
 Who out there is working on a Solaris 7 with ColdFusion and Apache?
 Testing Code Below
 cfset request.cartquantity=0
 cfset request.carttotal=0
 cfquery name=qry_checkoutcart datasource=#request.dsnSQL#
   SELECT  *
   WHERE   OreckDealer_id  = #session.dealer_id#   
 cfif qry_checkoutcart.recordcount eq 0
 cfset counter=0
 cfoutput query=qry_checkoutcart

RE: NEW (ColdFusion MX or ColdFusion 4.5) and Session Variables ( Bug)

2002-07-25 Thread Nathan Stanford

Well... in one way I think it is ran from the top due to the setting it to
zero and yet when it gets to the output of the area marked bad the number is
ok if I hit the page once but if I hit refresh while it is loading then the
number is incorrect.

Code at bottom of page with LOCKS around ALL SESSION output and cfsets...

I give this is the strangest thing I have ever heard or saw.

Remember Now tested on both
ColdFusion MX on a Solaris 7 with Apache 1.3.26 Web Server
ColdFusion 4.5 on Windows NT with IIS Web Server

 Based on the description and the code I see nothing out of 
 the ordinary, 
 and nothing that won't be solved by adding more locks. Why would you 
 think the page is not run from the top?

cfapplication  name=test 
sessiontimeout=#CreateTimeSpan(0, 3, 0,

cfif IsDefined( Cookie.CFID ) AND IsDefined( Cookie.CFTOKEN )
  cfset localCFID = Cookie.CFID
  cfset localCFTOKEN = Cookie.CFTOKEN
  cfcookie name=CFID value=#localCFID#
  cfcookie name=CFTOKEN value=#localCFTOKEN#

cfset request.dsnSQL =XX 
cfset request.dsnAS400 =XXX

cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type = Exclusive
  cfset session.dealer_id=

cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type = Exclusive
  cfset session.cartquantity=0

cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type = Exclusive
cfset session.carttotal=0

cfoutputBefore Everything:br

cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type=READONLY
cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type=READONLY

cfquery name=qry_checkoutcart datasource=#request.dsnSQL#
WHERE   OreckDealer_id  = cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION

cfquery name=qry_checkoutcart1 datasource=#request.dsnSQL#
select sum(quantity)  As CartTotal
WHERE   OreckDealer_id  = cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION

cfif qry_checkoutcart.recordcount neq 0
  cfset counter=0
  cfoutputBefore Query:br
  cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type=READONLY
  cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type=READONLY

  cfoutput query=qry_checkoutcart
Before AS400:br
cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type=READONLY
cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type=READONLY

!--- Loop to slow page down. ---
cfset y=1
cfloop index=x from=1 to=1
cfset y=x*y

Quantity 1:#qry_checkoutcart.quantity# 

cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type = Exclusive

cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type=READONLY
  Session.CartQuantity:#session.cartquantity#  Quantity   

a href=index.cfm?fuseaction=checkoutimg
src=/oreckdealer/images/icons/dealer_cart.gif border=0 alt=View
cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type=READONLY
  #session.cartquantity# Items 
cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type=READONLY
  #dollarformat(session.carttotal)# Total   

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ColdFusion and related topics. http://www.fusionauthority.com/signup.cfm
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RE: NEW (ColdFusion MX or ColdFusion 4.5) and Session Variables ( Bug)

2002-07-25 Thread Nathan Stanford

 -Original Message-
 From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 9:54 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: NEW (ColdFusion MX or ColdFusion 4.5) and 
 Session Variables
 ( Bug)
 Nathan Stanford wrote:
  Well... in one way I think it is ran from the top due to 
 the setting it to
  zero and yet when it gets to the output of the area marked 
 bad the number is
  ok if I hit the page once but if I hit refresh while it is 
 loading then the
  number is incorrect.
  Code at bottom of page with LOCKS around ALL SESSION output 
 and cfsets...
  I give this is the strangest thing I have ever heard or saw.
  Remember Now tested on both
  ColdFusion MX on a Solaris 7 with Apache 1.3.26 Web Server
  ColdFusion 4.5 on Windows NT with IIS Web Server
 Some edits for readability. Look for the markers Point 1 
 and Point 2.
 !--- Initializing session ---
   sessiontimeout=#CreateTimeSpan(0, 3, 0, 0)#
 cfif IsDefined( Cookie.CFID ) AND IsDefined( Cookie.CFTOKEN )
cfset localCFID = Cookie.CFID
cfset localCFTOKEN = Cookie.CFTOKEN
cfcookie name=CFID value=#localCFID#
cfcookie name=CFTOKEN value=#localCFTOKEN#
 cfset request.dsnSQL =XX
 cfset request.dsnAS400 =XXX
 cfquery name=qry_checkoutcart datasource=#request.dsnSQL#
   SELECT  *
   WHERE   OreckDealer_id  = ##
 cfquery name=qry_checkoutcart1 datasource=#request.dsnSQL#
   select sum(quantity)  As CartTotal
   WHERE   OreckDealer_id  = ##
 cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type = Exclusive
cfset session.dealer_id=
cfset session.cartquantity=0
cfset session.carttotal=0
 !--- Point 1 ---
 cfoutputBefore Everything:br
cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type=READONLY
 cfif qry_checkoutcart.recordcount neq 0
cfset counter=0
cfoutput query=qry_checkoutcart
  Before AS400:br
  cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type=READONLY
  cflock timeout = 60 scope = SESSION type = Exclusive
!--- Point 2 ---
 We have 2 instances of this template running at the same time. At the 
 time the first instance reaches Point 1, the second instance reaches 
 Point 2 and grabs the lock to update the value. Will the 
 first instance 
 display 0 for session.cartquantity or not?

Yes at Point 1 it is always Zero...

You also do not have the loop to slow it down... it only happens when the
page has not fully processed.

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RE: NEW (ColdFusion MX or ColdFusion 4.5) and Session Variables ( Bug)

2002-07-25 Thread Nathan Stanford

 -Original Message-
 From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 10:20 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: NEW (ColdFusion MX or ColdFusion 4.5) and 
 Session Variables
 ( Bug)
 Nathan Stanford wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 9:54 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: NEW (ColdFusion MX or ColdFusion 4.5) and 
 Session Variables
 ( Bug)
 We have 2 instances of this template running at the same 
 time. At the 
 time the first instance reaches Point 1, the second 
 instance reaches 
 Point 2 and grabs the lock to update the value. Will the 
 first instance 
 display 0 for session.cartquantity or not?
  Yes at Point 1 it is always Zero...
 But it can be changed by the other instance. Let's make a 
 little timeline:
 Instance 1, first submit:Instance 2, refresh:
 1  init cfapplication
 2  set session vars to 0
3  init cfapplication
 4  do queries
5  set session vars to 0
 6  display session vars
7  do queries
 8  update session vars by 1
9  display session vars
 10 loop
11 update session vars by 1
 12  display session vars
13 loop
 14 update session vars by 1
15 display session vars
 16 exit
17 update session vars by 1
18 loop
 0  1
 2  3

Only problem is the output looks more like this
Hit Refresh Fast:
 0  0
 2  5

Hit Refresh Slow:
 0  0
 2  57

 At point 9, the outputted value will not be the 0 that is set 
 at point 
 5, but it will be the 0 that is set at point 5 + the 1 that 
 was added at 
 point 8 by the other template. Just like the session vars 
 displayed at 
 point 12 have been modified by the update at point 11.
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Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=lists

ColdFusion MX and Session Variables

2002-07-24 Thread Nathan Stanford

ColdFusion MX and Session Variables...

ColdFusion MX on a Solaris 7 with Apache 1.3.26 Web Server

When I use Session Variables and set a total price to 527 the Session
variable would change Randomly too 1052 or 827 and other such numbers.

I took the exact same code and made them all Request Variables and it did
not change at all.

Why is this happening?  Is this a know bug.

Code Below

cfset request.cartquantity=0
cfset request.carttotal=0

cfquery name=qry_checkoutcart datasource=#request.dsnSQL#
WHERE   OreckDealer_id  = #session.dealer_id#   

cfif qry_checkoutcart.recordcount eq 0


cfset counter=0
cfoutput query=qry_checkoutcart

!--- removed AS400 Query here to get the price ---

  cfset price = price*100
  cfset subtotal=#price#*#quantity#  
cfset request.carttotal=#request.carttotal#+#subtotal#
  cfset request.cartquantity=#request.cartquantity#+#quantity#

a href=index.cfm?fuseaction=checkout
img src=/oreckdealer/images/icons/dealer_cart.gif border=0
alt=View Cart
  #request.cartquantity# Items #dollarformat(request.carttotal)# Total


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RE: ColdFusion MX and Session Variables

2002-07-24 Thread Nathan Stanford

That is not the answer Next?

 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Eugene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 3:18 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: ColdFusion MX and Session Variables
 Check your session locks...
 - Original Message -
 From: Nathan Stanford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 4:10 PM
 Subject: ColdFusion MX and Session Variables
  ColdFusion MX and Session Variables...
  ColdFusion MX on a Solaris 7 with Apache 1.3.26 Web Server
  When I use Session Variables and set a total price to 527 
 the Session
  variable would change Randomly too 1052 or 827 and other 
 such numbers.
  I took the exact same code and made them all Request 
 Variables and it did
  not change at all.
  Why is this happening?  Is this a know bug.
  Code Below
  cfset request.cartquantity=0
  cfset request.carttotal=0
  cfquery name=qry_checkoutcart datasource=#request.dsnSQL#
  FROM OreckDealerCart
  WHERE OreckDealer_id = #session.dealer_id#
  cfif qry_checkoutcart.recordcount eq 0
  cfset counter=0
  cfoutput query=qry_checkoutcart
  !--- removed AS400 Query here to get the price ---
cfset price = price*100
cfset subtotal=#price#*#quantity#
  cfset request.carttotal=#request.carttotal#+#subtotal#
cfset request.cartquantity=#request.cartquantity#+#quantity#
  a href=index.cfm?fuseaction=checkout
  img src=/oreckdealer/images/icons/dealer_cart.gif border=0
  alt=View Cart
#request.cartquantity# Items 
 #dollarformat(request.carttotal)# Total
Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in 
ColdFusion and related topics. http://www.fusionauthority.com/signup.cfm
FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq
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Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=lists

RE: RE: ColdFusion MX and Session Variables

2002-07-24 Thread Nathan Stanford

just as the code below says except change it to Session from request same

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 3:30 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: RE: ColdFusion MX and Session Variables
 Are you setting the session variable back to zero before you put 
 another value in there?
 - Original Message -
 From: Nathan Stanford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 2:21 pm
 Subject: RE: ColdFusion MX and Session Variables
  That is not the answer Next?
   -Original Message-
   From: Joe Eugene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 3:18 PM
   To: CF-Talk
   Subject: Re: ColdFusion MX and Session Variables
   Check your session locks...
   - Original Message -
   From: Nathan Stanford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 4:10 PM
   Subject: ColdFusion MX and Session Variables
ColdFusion MX and Session Variables...
ColdFusion MX on a Solaris 7 with Apache 1.3.26 Web Server
When I use Session Variables and set a total price to 527 
   the Session
variable would change Randomly too 1052 or 827 and other 
   such numbers.
I took the exact same code and made them all Request 
   Variables and it did
not change at all.
Why is this happening?  Is this a know bug.
Code Below

cfset request.cartquantity=0
cfset request.carttotal=0
cfquery name=qry_checkoutcart datasource=#request.dsnSQL#
FROM OreckDealerCart
WHERE OreckDealer_id = #session.dealer_id#
cfif qry_checkoutcart.recordcount eq 0
cfset counter=0
cfoutput query=qry_checkoutcart
!--- removed AS400 Query here to get the price ---
  cfset price = price*100
  cfset subtotal=#price#*#quantity#
cfset request.carttotal=#request.carttotal#+#subtotal#

img src=/oreckdealer/images/icons/dealer_cart.gif border=0
alt=View Cart
  #request.cartquantity# Items 
   #dollarformat(request.carttotal)# Total

Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more 
resources for the community. http://www.fusionauthority.com/ads.cfm
FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq
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Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=lists

ColdFusion MX and the Third Party JDBC Driver.

2002-06-25 Thread Nathan Stanford

ColdFusion MX and the Third Party JDBC Driver.

Can someone help me with getting the JDBC Driver setup on ColdFusion MX?  I
have tested it with the Java Application that comes with it to test the
driver and it works fine there.  However when I try to setup the datasource
ColdFusion MX does not see the driver.

The Driver:
hit400 driver class 4 

JDBC URL string:

The Error I get:
Connection verification failed for data source: hitjdbc400
[]java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver available for hitjdbc400, please
check the driver setting in jrun-resources.xml, error: 4
The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver available
for hitjdbc400, please check the driver setting in jrun-resources.xml,
error: 4

Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in 
ColdFusion and related topics. http://www.fusionauthority.com/signup.cfm
FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=lists

RE: ColdFusion MX and the Third Party JDBC Driver.

2002-06-25 Thread Nathan Stanford

So am I to think no one is using JDBC for CF MX?

 -Original Message-
 From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 8:05 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: ColdFusion MX and the Third Party JDBC Driver.
 ColdFusion MX and the Third Party JDBC Driver.
 Can someone help me with getting the JDBC Driver setup on 
 ColdFusion MX?  I
 have tested it with the Java Application that comes with it 
 to test the
 driver and it works fine there.  However when I try to setup 
 the datasource
 ColdFusion MX does not see the driver.
 The Driver:
 hit400 driver class 4 
 JDBC URL string:
 The Error I get:
 Connection verification failed for data source: hitjdbc400
 []java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver available for 
 hitjdbc400, please
 check the driver setting in jrun-resources.xml, error: 4
 The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable 
 driver available
 for hitjdbc400, please check the driver setting in jrun-resources.xml,
 error: 4
This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by CFHosting.com. The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.
FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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AS400 Driver to Unix and or NT Resource Problem

2002-05-10 Thread Nathan Stanford

Does anyone have ColdFusion on Unix connected to the AS400 doing Major SQL
or Stored Procedures?

or NT?

with one connection we are using 26% or the resources on the AS400 from
Unix, DB2 driver, Unix, Merant Driver, and NT, Client Access Driver.

Can someone help give me a clue as to what the answer is to fix this or...
tell me it can not be done?

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by CFHosting.com. The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.
FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=lists

RE: How Do I Flip A Table?

2002-05-10 Thread Nathan Stanford

So what was the solution that actually worked?


 -Original Message-
 From: Dave Babbitt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 9:33 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: How Do I Flip A Table?
 Hi Guys!
 How do I turn a CFQUERY record set that CFDUMPs like this:
 table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 bgcolor=#ee
 tr bgcolor=#ee 
  td valign=topDIVISION/td
  td valign=topPROGRAM_NAME/td
 tr td valign=top bgcolor=#ff Team /td td 
 bgcolor=#ff Bear Street
 /td /tr tr td valign=top bgcolor=#ff Team /td td
 valign=top bgcolor=#ff
 Clipboard Solutions /td /tr tr td valign=top 
 Team /td td valign=top
 bgcolor=#ff Emerson Associates /td /tr tr td 
 bgcolor=#ff Team /td
 td valign=top bgcolor=#ff Lake Avenue /td /tr tr td
 valign=top bgcolor=#ff
 Team /td td valign=top bgcolor=#ff Smithfield 
 road /td /tr
 tr td valign=top bgcolor=#ff
 Cambridge Health Alliance /td td valign=top 
 bgcolor=#ff The Beck
 Ward /td /tr tr td
 valign=top bgcolor=#ff North East /td td valign=top
 bgcolor=#ff The Oliver Street
 House /td /tr
 into something like this:
 TR ALIGN=center
  TD COLSPAN=1Cambridge Health Alliance/TD
  TD COLSPAN=1North East/TD
  TD COLSPAN=1Bear Street/TD
  TD COLSPAN=1Clipboard Solutions/TD
  TD COLSPAN=1Emerson Associates/TD
  TD COLSPAN=1Lake Avenue/TD
  TD COLSPAN=1Smithfield road/TD
  TD COLSPAN=1The Beck Ward/TD
  TD COLSPAN=1The Oliver Street House/TD
 I left the COLSPANs in there as a possible help to solving the general
 problem. I suspect there is a more eloquent solution than 
 performing two or
 three subqueries, though. :-)
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AS400 does anyone use it? RE: AS400 Driver to Unix and or NT Re source Problem

2002-05-10 Thread Nathan Stanford

AS400 does anyone use it?   

 -Original Message-
 From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 10:39 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: AS400 Driver to Unix and or NT Resource Problem
 Does anyone have ColdFusion on Unix connected to the AS400 
 doing Major SQL
 or Stored Procedures?
 or NT?
 with one connection we are using 26% or the resources on the 
 AS400 from
 Unix, DB2 driver, Unix, Merant Driver, and NT, Client Access Driver.
 Can someone help give me a clue as to what the answer is to 
 fix this or...
 tell me it can not be done?
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RE: Macromedia Folks: What are you thinking?

2002-05-07 Thread Nathan Stanford

Ok Ok

Neil why do you say this is a BAD PRACTICE?

Everyone else remember this is NEIL'S Opinion...  Bad Practices are not
written in stone.  Although some of them could be.

I have used FTP/RDS with other users No not to the LIVE BOX... 

Local Machine   - Type here
Development Server  - Develop here
Test Server - Test here
Live Server - Roll Live here

I have my opinion about a lot of things that some ColdFusion Guru's say is
Bible and I happen to disagree.  Just because someone writes a book does not
mean they are 100% correct.  So let's keep it to a low roar.

Lastly Team Macromedia Members are NOT EMPLOYEES of Macromedia.  His views
may not be the views of ALL Team Macromedia Members.  His views may not be
the views of Macromedia.  However before you whack him on the head for a
statement he believes to be true.  Ask him what he meant by it.  Email
sometimes comes across more harshly then it should.  As I heard someone
mention he may have meant LIVE boxes.  Guess what even if he meant what you
thought he meant we are all HUMAN and have our opinions.  Sometimes there is
a GRAY area where the person is neither right or wrong.  

The thing I sometimes think is wrong is the way we crucify our partner
developers.  We all have opinions and sometimes we change them.  Whether he
is right or wrong I want to say Macromedia is listening if we are
professional about our response to problems then it will do us more benefit
then some of the responses I have saw here.  Be angry if you must but
respond after you have counted to ten.

Thanks for the fun,
Keep Smiling, and Keep Coding,
Nathan Stanford

 As for the opening files via FTP/RDS, I still think that it is bad
 practice, working directly onto/off a server is not good, especially
 files which requite complex parsing, which could be corrupted and lead
 to zero-length.  If you are working on 200+ sites, you need to share the
 load :-)  people make mistakes, especially overworked ones - DW helps.
 Neil Clark
 Team Macromedia
 Announcing Macromedia MX!! 
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RE: Macromedia Folks: What are you thinking?

2002-05-07 Thread Nathan Stanford

My question for you Chris is can you Quote where Christine has said anything
like... Get used to it?  If your going to throw in an accusations please
give a quoted example or two?


 On top of that, in this thread alone, your replies have been more like
 used to it

-Original Message-
From: Chris Stoner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 10:30 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Macromedia Folks: What are you thinking?


I won't try to talk for everyone here however, as a developer who spends
more time in code then in the look and feel part of a web page, I an see why
everyone is getting a little rude here.  We as Cold Fusion developers have
enjoyed a relationship with Allaire that made us feel as if we were
extremely valued, because we were. We were the primary (or at least
influencers to the primary) source of revenue for allaire. Now, Allaire is
no more.  Macromedia has come in and apparently shifted that view.  No
longer are the coders paramount but rather the desktop publishers/graphic
artist types.  Now you (Macromedia) drop our favorite tool, replace it with
something that is more geared to the WSYIWYG-S editor types and we are left
in the cold.

On top of that, in this thread alone, your replies have been more like get
used to it rather then let us see what we can do to fix this situation.
We are not used to that.  Hell, if I were to imply that to my customers, I
would be fired.  Which brings me to my point.  It appears at first glance
that the old group of developers are no longer your customer, we are just
leftovers.  You are hitting people in their sense of security even if it is
only perception and saying or doing nothing to make us feel different.

We are discussing details on an IDE, which by itself is somewhat benign, but
if you look at the overall attitude (and perceived direction) of Macromedia,
you should be able to easily see why we are getting a bit worried and/or
frustrated with the situation.

  C H R I S  S T O N E R

  time warner cable
  tampa bay division

-Original Message-
From: Christine Lawson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 10:15 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Macromedia Folks: What are you thinking?

Hi Everyone,
I know Mike Chambers and Nathan Stanford already pointed this out, but Neil
is not a Macromedia employee. He's a Team Macromedia member, but not an
employee, and his views are his own - not Macromedia's. Anyhow, I've been
using CF Studio for a long time, I'm also one of the CF'ers Vernon spoke to
yesterday and we went through the differences between CF Studio and
Dreamweaver MX. I know a number of people on this list from the Allaire days
and I (and everyone else at Macromedia) value *all* of your feedback. I know
Vernon already pointed out the wishform, and yup, I'm going to point it out
again :) http://www.macromedia.com/support/email/wishform?6213=6 PLEASE post
your feedback, it really can help develop future versions of our products...
However, I'm also going to go through each and every one of these messages
and make my own summary of your wants/needs/opinions so your feedback is
organized and clear. If I find something that can be done in Dreamweaver,
I'll be sure to post with the steps. In the meantime I have one request:
please, please, please, can we be polite when we post? I know the majority
of people have been but Michael Dinowitz has been nice enough to host this
list for us - we're all in the same boat here let's please respect one
another's opinions.

I hope this helps, now I'm on to organizing your feedback...

Christine Lawson
Macromedia Technical Support

-Original Message-
From: Mark A. Kruger - CFG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 9:01 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Macromedia Folks: What are you thinking?

*** you wrote *
OK so now we're being told by MM what is and is NOT good practice, dont seem
right to me lol
we should be able to access files directly with RDS/FTp
of course mistakes happen but you'll have people making mistakes with this
style of doing it too.
Did you get alot of people yelling at MM saying OHHH because i was able to
access files directly with RDS i fubared my whole site
and i'm going to sue MM?? No they said damnit i goofed and fixed it.

Somewhat ironic as well - considering the amount of time I have to take on a
regular basis hand editing DW files so they conform to our coding
standards - sometimes I can't believe all the crap DW puts in the files my
content people save to the site. But (sigh), I guess I'm just a careless RDS
users (LOL).

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RE: Application Var Sharing

2002-05-06 Thread Nathan Stanford

Question Why?  Why would you do this?

Explain and maybe we can give a better answer as to what would be best to


-Original Message-
From: Jim Curran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 2:47 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Application Var Sharing


Is there any way to share application variables between different

- j

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FW: CF DB Driver Info from Macromedia/Allaire

2002-02-21 Thread Nathan Stanford

Can someone tell me how to get this fixed? or at least when it will be

We are trying to get result sets back form a stored procedure back form and
AS400 machine to a Unix Box?

Can anyone help?

  -Original Message-
 I just got an interesting reply to my posts at the Macromedia/Allaire
 developer forums. This indicates that there probably IS a driver issue.
 Let's hope that there really is a fix for this issue ASAP:
 February 20, 2002 10:56 AM (NEW!) 
 I believe this is a problem with the SQL Server ODBC driver from Merant.
 ColdFusion sets up a signal handler for SIGPIPE to handle the cases where
 the communication socket is closed. It seems that the SQL Server driver
 resets this signal handler back to the default, which is process
 (i.e. abort). Needless to say, we aren't very happy about this either.
 You should contact technical support as they are working closely with
 on getting a fix for this issue ASAP. They know it is critical for
 customers like yourself. I am sorry I can't provide you with a pointer to
 the fix.
 Tom Jordahl
 Macromedia Development 
Dedicated Windows 2000 Server
  PIII 800 / 256 MB RAM / 40 GB HD / 20 GB MO/XFER
  Instant Activation · $99/Month · Free Setup
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AS400 RPG Stored Procedures and ColdFusion

2001-12-13 Thread Nathan Stanford

I am do not know AS400 so I am working with a co-employee who does.  However
he has made a stored procedure on the AS400 that is producing a result set.
However when I call it I get Zero Results back.  Does anyone who does both
AS400 and ColdFusion that could help me with a very simple bit of code for
both that will call a stored procedure and then get back a result set?

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RE: AS400 RPG Stored Procedures and ColdFusion

2001-12-13 Thread Nathan Stanford

Is there anyone out there that has a clue on what to do with this?

-Original Message-
From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 7:47 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: AS400 RPG Stored Procedures and ColdFusion

I am do not know AS400 so I am working with a co-employee who does.  However
he has made a stored procedure on the AS400 that is producing a result set.
However when I call it I get Zero Results back.  Does anyone who does both
AS400 and ColdFusion that could help me with a very simple bit of code for
both that will call a stored procedure and then get back a result set?


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RE: OT(apologies)

2001-12-13 Thread Nathan Stanford

My turn to reply...

Most of the people on this list... on cf-talk, on my list at cftipsplus
(sorry had to say it.), and other cf places go to work in the REAL WORLD
each and every day...

you do not have to look very far to find a list of sites... 

my email @nsnd.com (nsnd.com cf site)
I am sure if you look at the sites of most of us you will see tons of REAL
sites that use CF...

Users of CF that I personally know of(either on the intranet or internet):

American Airlines 
GTE (now verizon)
JC Penny
Square One

I am sure you can find plenty more.

-Original Message-
From: Moneymaker, Jon S CONT (WPNSTA Yorktown)
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 11:37 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT(apologies)

Ok, I have lurked on this list for some time now and remember some time ago
a brief flurry of activity about who uses CF in the real world.
I seem to recall a list somewhere or an article someone wrote about some of
the big companies who use CF
I was asked this question the other day and could only come up with a
couple(I choked actually).

any help would be appreciated.

Ya'll (guess what part of the country I am in) are great

Jon S. Moneymaker
Network Administrator

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Quick Question (J-Run)

2001-12-10 Thread Nathan Stanford

Is Macromedia going to make it where you can have J-Run Studio installed
with ColdFusion Studio and them not interfere with each other?

I would like to play with J-Run some more so I can learn more about it.

Nathan Stanford
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RE: Page Expired Show stopper..

2001-12-10 Thread Nathan Stanford

What type of validation are you doing?  Maybe you could do the validation
before leaving the page at all.

-Original Message-
From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 9:07 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Page Expired Show stopper..

Hey all!

I am doing some validation, where you go from a data entry page, to an
action page.

If it fails validation, I am popping a window informing them of the
error, and then using a Javascript History(-1) thing to send the user
back to the data entry page.

Now..when it goes back to the data entry page..it is showing Page has
Expired :-\
I want it to just..go back..and show what was there before.


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RE: Expriing a session (Solution)

2001-12-03 Thread Nathan Stanford

Here are the two things you can do to clear a session and clear a session
when the browser closes.

cflock timeout=30 name=logOut

This will clear the users session.

2. right after the code you use to start the application you should put the
below code...

!--- This causes the session to expire when the browser is closed. ---
cfif IsDefined( Cookie.CFID ) AND IsDefined( Cookie.CFTOKEN )
  cfset localCFID = Cookie.CFID
  cfset localCFTOKEN = Cookie.CFTOKEN
  cfcookie name=CFID value=#localCFID#
  cfcookie name=CFTOKEN value=#localCFTOKEN#

Nathan Stanford

-Original Message-
From: Tangorre, Michael T. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 12:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Expriing a session

Hi everyone.
I am having no luck expiring a users session. Here is what I am attemnpting:
User logs in.. All is fine, a session variable is set to loggedin. When
the user clicks log out I call a template that sets the value of the
session var to loggedout and then redirect them to a new page. The problem
is that if they hit the browsers back button they can still get to the page
they were viewing when they logged on. I have tried using cflocation to send
them to the enw page and I even check for the value of the sesison var
before displaying the page that is protected via the login...

Any ideas?

Michael T. Tangorre

Resident Assistant - Brick
Web Applications Developer
A.U. Webteam Slave  :-)
AIM: CrazyFlash4

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AS400 Stored Procedure without using CFSTOREDPROC?

2001-10-25 Thread Nathan Stanford


The above stored proc works against the AS400.  How can I do the same thing
but without using the cfstoredproc tag?

cfquery name=test datasource=ork

What would I put here?


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RE: AS400 Stored Procedure without using CFSTOREDPROC? - Anyone?

2001-10-25 Thread Nathan Stanford

Can you not do it any other way?

-Original Message-
From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 7:59 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: AS400 Stored Procedure without using CFSTOREDPROC?


The above stored proc works against the AS400.  How can I do the same thing
but without using the cfstoredproc tag?

cfquery name=test datasource=ork

What would I put here?



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2001-07-03 Thread Nathan Stanford

I seem to have a problem where verity breaks a lot on my site...

Has anyone had this problem and what did they find could I be doing that
might be causing this?


Nathan Stanford

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Verity Problems

2001-06-16 Thread Nathan Stanford

I have a verity search for my site and it keeps breaking?  Does anyone know
what I can do...

I have deleted the collection added the collection and even once I get it
working... it only works for a short time and then breaks again.

Any suggestions... or does anyone have a better Search connecting to a


Nathan Stanford
C. F. Concepts, Inc.

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RE: ClickBank

2001-06-11 Thread Nathan Stanford

I have now integrated ColdFusionMonthly.com to ClickBank it is very easy...
but there instructions need a little help.

Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

 -Original Message-
 From: Alii Design [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2001 5:16 PM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  ClickBank
 Does anyone have any experience with integrating Clickbank into a CF app?
 I haven't seen any examples or tags in the dev gallery.
 -Original Message-
 From: Aaron Rouse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2001 4:46 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: CFTree form submittal
 How can a form be submitted via JavaScript when there is a CFTree in that
 form and you are selecting nothing from that CFTree?  I simple
 document.frm.submit(); does not work with Netscape, when you get to the
 posting screen you get a Error resolving parameter TREE.

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RE: New CF site

2001-06-04 Thread Nathan Stanford

Strictly ONLINE so you can search it but you CAN Print it.

Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

 -Original Message-
 From: Alii Design [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 10:24 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  RE: New CF site
 Is this a magazine or strictly an online information site?
 -Original Message-
 From: Dylan Bromby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 11:13 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: New CF site
 that's ok. i think most of us figured that one out on our own. :)
 -Original Message-
 From: Clint Tredway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 8:06 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: New CF site
 I apologize... I mispelled the url...
 this is the correct one..
 -- Original Message --
 From: Jeffry Houser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2001 11:00:28 -0700
Works better if you try:
 www.coldfusionmonthly.com   (I.E. the URL below is missing a letter)
 At 10:26 AM 06/04/2001 -0400, you wrote:
 I just came across a new cf site called, www.coldfuionmonthly.com. I
 tlooks like it may be pretty useful.
 Anyway, I just thought that some people may want to check it out.
 Clint Tredway

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RE: CF vs Perl

2001-05-17 Thread Nathan Stanford

In my opinion CF is fine for most of these things... Perl does a great in
text searching...

Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 2:11 PM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  CF vs Perl
 Hi all. I'm curious what the difference is, resource-wise, between CF 
 and Perl for doing stuff like writing to a database, sending out 
 simple forms, etc. Does CF use much more of the server's resources? 
 Or is it comparable?
 Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations
 ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development

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RE: Who's a good merchant these days?

2001-05-08 Thread Nathan Stanford

Hi Eric... I mean Erica opps that was Erik nope Erika  whew... That was

My first name gets Nathen or Mason

My last name gets Standford or Stafford

I tell them my last name is Stanford just like the College sometimes this

Erika  :)

Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

 -Original Message-
 From: Erika L Walker [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 10:28 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  OT: Who's a good merchant these days?
 Hi all,
 I have to recomend a couple of good credit card processing companies to a
 new client.
 Other than iBill, CyberCash and Authorize.net, are there any others worth
 taking a look at, easy to integrate and have no problems?
 Look for fellow programmer references.
 Thank you.
 ReplaceNoCase(Erica, c, k, ALL)*
 *A thanks to Dylan, for being the ever observant CF programmer!!
 Once in a while it really hits people that they don't have to experience
 the world in the way they have been told to. - Alan Keightley

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: ASP NumberFormat

2001-05-08 Thread Nathan Stanford

Your treading on THIN ICE mentioning that COMPETITOR...   grin

Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

 -Original Message-
 From: Bernd VanSkiver [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 10:23 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  OT: ASP NumberFormat
 Sorry about bringing ASP in to the list but am having
 troubles finding the solution and was hoping someone
 here might know the answer.  I am needing a way to
 format a number in ASP similar to the CF function
 NumberFormat()  Is there a function or something in
 ASP for this?  I'm not sure if ASP even has built in
 support for this.  I am programming the ASP in
 Bernd VanSkiver
 ColdFusion Developer
 ICQ UIN: 916324

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RE: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!

2001-05-04 Thread Nathan Stanford

I hope that is correct and my reason for worry is no more.  I also know that
MM reads this list and wanted them to know how important it is to us as

Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

 -Original Message-
 From: Stephen Collins [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 9:05 PM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  RE: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!
 Interestingly, I can give a definitive answer on the subject...
 Adam Berrey, Macromedia VP of Application Server Business (ex-Allaire, and
 apparently Allaire employee #10 in 1996) has been visiting Australia this
 week and I took the opportunity to discuss with him a number of issues
 relating to the future of CF and Spectra (which I can discuss offline if
 anyone's interested).
 One announcement he did make was that very soon, UltraDev and CF Studio
 would be packaged in the one box (NOT the one app) and sold as a bundle at
 around the price of UD alone (kind of like the UD/Fireworks bundle).  This
 announcement would appear to refer to just such a bundling.  The products
 would remain available standalone for those not interested in the bundle.
 Adam was VERY vehement about the fact that Macromedia UNDERSTANDS THE
 SEPARATION between designer (not me, nor most of us on the list I imagine)
 and coder (me, and you) and would continue to allow that separation to
 exist, even if UD and Studio eventually became the one product - which has
 not yet been decided.
 Rest easy.
 As for my $0.02, I use UD4 several times a week for layout work, as it
 happily sucks up my CF code and doesn't break it.  It's a great tool.
 said, Studio remains my tool of choice for cutting CF code.
 Steve Collins

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!

2001-05-03 Thread Nathan Stanford

Read This:

Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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RE: question using IIf

2001-05-01 Thread Nathan Stanford

I personally don't think there is anything wrong using iif...

 bgcolor = #IIf(CurrentRow Mod 2, DE('ff'), DE('dd'))#
 class= #IIf(CurrentRow Mod 2, DE('altcolor1'), DE('altcolor2'))#
 I use both of these... the Class allows me to set the color in the Style

Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

 -Original Message-
 From: David Baskin [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 11:55 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  question using IIf
 I've been told that we should never use IIF and i just took that on blind
 faith. I've seen everyone using it for their changing table row background
 colors though so now i'm wondering if i've been told something in error.
 anyone shed any light on this? thanks in advance.
  tr bgcolor=#iif(qName.CurrentRow MOD 2, DE('ff'), DE('e8e8e8'))#

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: question using IIf

2001-05-01 Thread Nathan Stanford

I was posting this before I got the other replies from other people
answering the quesiton.  So I was not aware of your answer or anyone else's
answer.  I takes so long for  a post to occur.  So I was not pointing my
fingers at anyone.

Sorry, If I offended you or anyone else.  It was not intended too.

Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

 -Original Message-
 From: Bryan Batchelder [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 2:31 PM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  RE: question using IIf
 No one said there wa anything 'wrong' with IIF, just that it is slower
 other ways of doing things (read: I still use it occaisonally)...which is
 pretty undeniable when you run a benchmark comparing them.  I would supply
 values, but I did the benchmarking nearly 2 years ago.  No time to do it
 Bryan Batchelder
 Web Application Developer
 ConnectWise, Inc.
 Phone: 813-935-7100 x 425
  -Original Message-
  From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 2:04 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: question using IIf
  I personally don't think there is anything wrong using iif...
   bgcolor = #IIf(CurrentRow Mod 2, DE('ff'), DE('dd'))#
   class= #IIf(CurrentRow Mod 2, DE('altcolor1'), 
   I use both of these... the Class allows me to set the color 
  in the Style
  Nathan Stanford
  Senior Programmer/Analyst
   -Original Message-
   From: David Baskin [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 11:55 AM
   To:   CF-Talk
   Subject:  question using IIf
   I've been told that we should never use IIF and i just took 
  that on blind
   faith. I've seen everyone using it for their changing table 
  row background
   colors though so now i'm wondering if i've been told 
  something in error.
   anyone shed any light on this? thanks in advance.
tr bgcolor=#iif(qName.CurrentRow MOD 2, DE('ff'), 

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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RE: Hosting Service Provider Edition Eliminated

2001-04-30 Thread Nathan Stanford

Can we see this Hosting Service Provider Edition Eliminated Message?  or did
I miss a previous post about this?

Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 7:56 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  Hosting Service Provider Edition Eliminated
 I've been sitting in on this list for a few months now, and
 the hoo-hah about CF5 licensing issues has been the
 first thread to really draw me in.
 I began learning ColdFusion just over a year ago when I
 was employed as a journalist on a website where we
 were twiddling our thumbs pre-launch and our CF guy
 was slaving under untold pressure. I learnt enough in
 a week to be of use to him. Impressed by this (I *never*
 envisioned myself becoming involved in server-side
 technologies), I decided to delve further into CF.
 I now feel confident building relatively secure, fully
 functional backend site adminstration systems in CF,
 integrated with frontend output.
 Most of my 'bread and butter' now comes from corporate
 clients wanting CF sites built or tweaked; but more
 importantly to me, I'm able to offer the power of this
 technology to a number of smaller companies and
 charities at rates that make CF hosting costs feasible.
 The shallow learning curve of CF makes the extra cost
 of hosting a viable option for these smaller organisations -
 Reading the recent thread about CF5 horrified me.
 Suddenly all the investment I'd made in learning more
 advanced CF seemed like a waste, and several projects
 that are very important to me (as well as a lot of business)
 seemed about to fly out the window.
 It was encouraging, then, as someone enthusiastically
 entering into the CF developer community at the very
 time the Allaire/Macromedia merger is occurring, to see
 a (relatively) prompt, positive response from MM
 regarding the reactions on developers mailing lists.
 Of course I think it would be great if CF was free. I
 wouldn't have to rely on limited developer hosting
 accounts for development purposes, and money would
 be saved all-round. But yeah, I can't see MM going
 for this. It might pay off if they went for it, but it'd
 be a risk.
 On the other hand, it's good they realised they were
 shooting themselves in the foot by pricing the small-
 to-middle customers out in favour of ASP or PHP. I
 really think that CF's shallow learning curve makes
 this market as important as enterprise customers.
 Being UK-based is a major factor for me. As bandwidth
 as so much more expensive outside the US, the extra
 cost of a non-free server-side technology is much
 more of an issue. Any drastic hiking of the price will
 filter down through from ISP's to developers, and
 back to CF, harming its chances of becoming a
 reasonable alternative to ASP or PHP.
 There's a middle way between a free CF Server and
 one that only big clients can afford. I hope MM are
 finding it now and follow it through.
 I feel committed to CF now, and this licensing scare
 was the first thing to make me question this. I'm
 hanging in now, as MM's positive response bodes well
 for the MM-CF developer relationship. I just wanted
 to let everyone know that I'm one CF newbie who
 is anxious to see CF flourish for all, not just those with
 money to burn.
 - Gyrus
 work: http://www.tengai.co.uk/steve/
 play: http://www.norlonto.net

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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Boy do I feel stupid

2001-04-30 Thread Nathan Stanford

I have been out to Jury Duty and I am not done yet so I did not see the post
you don't need to send me an email I found it.


Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

 -Original Message-
 From: Erika L Walker [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2001 6:55 PM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  RE: Hosting Service Provider Edition Eliminated
 Many, many thanks on listening to the community's feedback!!!
 (even though, I kept out of the discussion, I followed along on every post
 from three different lists!)
 It shows a lot of us that you really are listening and taking our
 highly. I am astounded and pleased with your rapid response to the issues
 hand. It's been a long time since small companies and individuals have had
 any impact on what the Big Boys do.
 And, speaking for myself, I feel a lot better in moving forward with
 continuing to offer ColdFusion as our technology of choice. Especially
 one particular international client we just talked into buying CF
 Enterprise, a month ago.
 ** sweating bullets is an understatement of how I felt this weekend **
 Again! Many thanks Macromedia!!!
 Erika L. Walker
 Instant Messenger Access
 AIM: WebErika5  |  Yahoo: WebErika  |  MSN: WebErika
 Erika L. Walker, VP, RUWebby, LLC
 973-626-2412 Mobile | 973-244-9120 Office
 153 Rutgers Lane, Parsippany, NJ 07054
 Website Design/Programming
 Database Integration
 Macromedia Consulting Partner - ColdFusion
 AskMe.com Expert: WebErika
 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Whatcott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2001 6:56 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Hosting Service Provider Edition Eliminated
 Based on valued feedback from the community, we have changed our licensing
 plans for shared server hosting with ColdFusion Server 5.  Here's what you
 need to know:
 1.We do not plan to offer a Hosting Service Provider Edition of
 ColdFusion Server 5 at this time
 2.We plan to license the Professional and Enterprise editions of
 ColdFusion Server 5 in a way that allows you to provide shared server
 hosting services
 3.We plan to introduce the Professional and Enterprise editions of
 ColdFusion Server 5 with the same pricing as the 4.5 release
 The broad availability of high quality, affordable ColdFusion hosting
 services is important to the continued growth and success of the
 community.  We recognize the role of our partners in making this happen,
 we encourage partners who offer hosting services to participate our
 partner programs, including the Hosting Certification Program.  Your
 involvement will help us better meet your needs in the future.
 One of the most exciting things about the ColdFusion Server 5 release is
 that it was conceived based on suggestions and feedback from the
 developer community.   We rely on your continued involvement.  Keep it
 If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding the
 business, including licensing and pricing issues, feel free to email me
 anytime.  And as you start using ColdFusion Server 5 in the months ahead,
 sure to send your ideas for new features and functionality to
 Jeff Whatcott
 Director, ColdFusion Product Marketing / Macromedia
 Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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2001-04-26 Thread Nathan Stanford

Has anyone created any Great Vtm file or Great Wizards for ColdFusion

Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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CF Jobs and Projects

2001-04-25 Thread Nathan Stanford

Are there any CF Jobs or Projects that you know about ...

Please message me OFF the LIST at



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IP Address

2001-04-10 Thread Nathan Stanford

I need to figure out who is at a particular IP address not the exact person
but if I have a range of 5 or 6 addresses I would like to know who is
viewing my website.

At least what company...


Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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RE: IP Address

2001-04-10 Thread Nathan Stanford

Just wondering who this is? 

Yes, I have heard of WHOIS.. 

Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

 -Original Message-
 From: Douglas Knudsen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 7:44 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  Re: IP Address
 ever heard of whois?  www.networksolutions.com is one such place to do
 a lookup.
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] AT INTERNET on 04/10/2001 08:34 AM
 Subject:  IP Address
 I need to figure out who is at a particular IP address not the exact
 but if I have a range of 5 or 6 addresses I would like to know who is
 viewing my website.
 At least what company...
 Nathan Stanford
 Senior Programmer/Analyst

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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RE: IP Address

2001-04-10 Thread Nathan Stanford

They just have ISP accounts through NBTel

Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Dawson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 10:24 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  RE: IP Address
 Computer names 
One Brunswick Square
Saint John, NB E2L 4K2
Netblock: -
Maintainer: NBTL
 I am going to test all IPs for www, and search for the computer names on 
 altavista. combinations like +cmcneil +creid +"dave woodard"
 From: Nathan Stanford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: IP Address
 Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 08:36:32 -0500
 Just wondering who this is?
 Yes, I have heard of WHOIS..
 Nathan Stanford
 Senior Programmer/Analyst
   -Original Message-
   From:  Douglas Knudsen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent:  Tuesday, April 10, 2001 7:44 AM
   Subject:   Re: IP Address
   ever heard of whois?  www.networksolutions.com is one such place to do
   a lookup.
   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] AT INTERNET on 04/10/2001 08:34 AM
   Subject:  IP Address
   I need to figure out who is at a particular IP address not the exact
   but if I have a range of 5 or 6 addresses I would like to know who is
   viewing my website.
   At least what company...
   Nathan Stanford
   Senior Programmer/Analyst

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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RE: Displaying yes/no field dynamically in checkboxes

2001-04-03 Thread Nathan Stanford

Here is one way you can do one.  I will let you do the rest.

cfif #cabinVCR# eq 1
input type="checkbox" name="cabinVCR" checked
input type="checkbox" name="cabinVCR"

Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

 -Original Message-
 From: P@tty Ayers [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 9:45 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  Displaying yes/no field dynamically in checkboxes
 I would much appreciate any help with a problem I'm stuck on.
 I'm writing a page that will allow my client to edit a record. I've got it
 so that the page queries the table and inserts the values from the record
 specified by the numeric variable passed to it. The numeric fields, text
 fields and memo fields appear, but I can't figure out how to make the
 checkboxes display a check when the yes/no field is "yes".
 Here's my code (below), such as it currently is. UltraDev wrote some of it
 and I wrote the rest. The first few yes/no fields are "cabinHottub",
 "cabinJettedtub", "cabinFireplace" and "cabinPets".
 I would be grateful for any help; thanks very much in advance.
 P@tty Ayers
 cfinclude template="Connections/connAsheville.cfm"
 cfparam name="cabintoedit" default="0"
 cfparam name="rsEdit__varcabintoedit" default="#cabintoedit#"
 cfquery name="rsEdit" datasource=#MM_connAsheville_DSN#
 username=#MM_connAsheville_USERNAME# password=#MM_connAsheville_PASSWORD#
 SELECT * FROM cabinQuery WHERE cabinID = #rsEdit__varcabintoedit#
 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
  titleEdit a Record Page/title
 body bgcolor="#FF"
 cfoutput query = "rsEdit"
 form name="add_form" method="post" action="editsuccess.cfm"
 input type="hidden" name="cabinID" value="#cabinID#"
   table width="90%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
 align="center" bordercolor="##CC"
   tdCabin Name:/td
 input type="text" name="cabinName" maxlength="50"
   tdLocation (City):/td
 input type="text" name="cabinCity" maxlength="50"
   tdDistance from Asheville:/td
 input type="text" name="cabinDistance" maxlength="3" size="3"
   tdNumber of Bedrooms:/td
 input type="text" name="cabinBedrooms" maxlength="2" size="2"
   tdNumber of Bathrooms:/td
 input type="text" name="cabinBathrooms" maxlength="2" size="2"
 input type="text" name="cabinSleeps" maxlength="2" size="2"
   tdHot tub:/td
 input type="checkbox" name="cabinHottub" value="#cabinHottub#"
   tdJetted tub:/td
 input type="checkbox" name="cabinJettedtub"
 input type="checkbox" name="cabinFireplace"
 input type="checkbox" name="cabinPets" value="#cabinPets#"
   tdNightly Rate:/td
   td $
 input type="text" name="cabinNightly" size="4" maxlength="4"
   tdWeekly Rate:/td
   td $
 input type="text" name="cabinWeekly" size="4" maxlength="4"
   tdBedroom 1:/td
 input type="text" name="cabinBedroom1" maxlength="50"
   tdBedroom 2:/td
 input type="text" name="cabinBedroom2" maxlength="50"
   tdBedroom 3:/td
 input type="text

RE: session variable storage

2001-03-27 Thread Nathan Stanford

Client Variables in a Database.

1. Registry growth is not good for the machine.
2. Multiple Servers and Load Balancing can be achieved.

Nathan Stanford
President/CEO, C.F. Concepts, Inc.

 -Original Message-
 From: Steven Dworman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 9:46 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  session variable storage
 registry or database?
 which is better and why?

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icq, aol, icm

2001-03-27 Thread Nathan Stanford

My IT Network guy says that Instant Messenger creates a Security Hole?   Is
this true?


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: icq, aol, icm

2001-03-27 Thread Nathan Stanford

Sorry , for starting this thread... I have heard enough... I asked because I
felt like minded people would know the answer..

Let's let this be the last no need to send anymore if you want to send more
send it to my email


 -Original Message-
 From: Jennifer [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 1:16 PM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  Re: icq, aol, icm
 At 01:06 PM 3/27/2001 -0600, you wrote:
 My IT Network guy says that Instant Messenger creates a Security Hole?
 this true?
 Probably. I know that ICQ has some security issues. For file transfers and
 such it selects a different port for each connection and that creates some
 serious firewall issues. I'm not sure exactly how AIM chooses ports but it
 would surprise me if it doesn't create security holes.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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RE: Allaire Developers Conference?

2001-03-26 Thread Nathan Stanford


 -Original Message-
 From: Sicular, Alexander [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001 6:28 PM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  RE: Allaire Developers Conference?
 orlando. it's on the site.
 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Mansel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001 6:18 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Allaire Developers Conference?
 Is there going to be a third annual developers conference now?  If anyone
 has any links on it, could you please send those to me?

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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pdf merging?

2001-03-23 Thread Nathan Stanford

I know how to create a dynamic pdf however how do you merge several pdf's
into the same document so the user can print the documents just once?  


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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Online Computer Training?

2001-03-20 Thread Nathan Stanford

What do you consider the best Online Computer Training?

Nathan Stanford

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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RE: Date/Time Nightmare

2001-03-19 Thread Nathan Stanford

I know you have an answer but I thought someone would have suggested 

!--- CF_CalcWeek v1.0 was written by Cory Aiken of CF_WebApps

 All Rights Reserved

This is freeware, and NO warranties are expressed or implied.

Code is PUBLIC DOMAIN, free to use and modify as desired.  Neither
the Author,
nor Allaire Corp., or any other agencies or companies or families or
friends or pets affiliated with the Author or Allaire Corp., are
for any use or misuse of this code, nor are they liable for any Bad
Stuff that
may happen by one using it. No technical support will be provided
by the Author or Allaire Corp.


This tag calculates the date of the starting day and ending day 
of the week based on a date you pass.  You can set any day of the
as the starting day and the same with the ending day based on each
ordinal number. (eg. Sunday =1, Monday =2) If you set the beginning
of the week later than the ending day then the end day is advanced
one week.  
(For example: If I set the start of a week to be Friday and the end
of the 
week to be Monday then the Monday returned will be the following
Monday, not 
a date earlier than the start.) Also if the start day is later than
the end 
day and the date to be checked does not fall between the two ordinal
days, the 
values returned will be for the next "week period."  Default
BeginDay and EndDay
is Sunday (1) and Saturday (7).

USE: To call this tag


Values Returned: #StartWeek# and #EndWeek#
CheckDate is Required, BeginDay and EndDay are optional.
Cold Fusion date functions should be used to correctly display these values
CFPARAM NAME="Attributes.BeginDay" DEFAULT="1"
CFPARAM NAME="Attributes.EndDay" DEFAULT="7"

Custom Tag:
!--- CF_CalcWeek v1.0 was written by Cory Aiken of CF_WebApps

 All Rights Reserved

This is freeware, and NO warranties are expressed or implied.

Code is PUBLIC DOMAIN, free to use and modify as desired.  Neither
the Author,
nor Allaire Corp., or any other agencies or companies or families or
friends or pets affiliated with the Author or Allaire Corp., are
for any use or misuse of this code, nor are they liable for any Bad
Stuff that
may happen by one using it. No technical support will be provided
by the Author or Allaire Corp.


This tag calculates the date of the starting day and ending day 
of the week based on a date you pass.  You can set any day of the
as the starting day and the same with the ending day based on each
ordinal number. (eg. Sunday =1, Monday =2) If you set the beginning
of the week later than the ending day then the end day is advanced
one week.  
(For example: If I set the start of a week to be Friday and the end
of the 
week to be Monday then the Monday returned will be the following
Monday, not 
a date earlier than the start.) Also if the start day is later than
the end 
day and the date to be checked does not fall between the two ordinal
days, the 
values returned will be for the next "week period."  Default
BeginDay and EndDay
is Sunday (1) and Saturday (7).

USE: To call this tag


Values Returned: #StartWeek# and #EndWeek#
CheckDate is Required, BeginDay and EndDay are optional.
Cold Fusion date functions should be used to correctly display these values
CFPARAM NAME="Attributes.BeginDay" DEFAULT="1"
CFPARAM NAME="Attributes.EndDay" DEFAULT="7"

CFIF #Attributes.CheckDate# NEQ ""

!--- Determine what day (ordinal number) of the week is submitted
CFSET DayOrdinal = #DayofWeek(Attributes.CheckDate)#
!--- Set the StartWeek and EndWeek variables based on DayOrdinal
CFIF #Attributes.BeginDay# GT #Attributes.EndDay#
cfif #DayofWeek(Attributes.CheckDate)# LTE
CFSET Attributes.BeginDay = #Attributes.BeginDay#
cfset Attributes.EndDay = #Attributes.EndDay# - 7
cfset Attributes.EndDay = #Attributes.EndDay# + 7

CFSET Caller.StartWeek = ((#Attributes.CheckDate#) -
CFSET Caller.EndWeek = ((#Attributes.CheckDate#) +
!--- Enter any failure messages/events here ---
You must enter a date 

RE: Virus alert... Eric Hoffman?

2001-03-19 Thread Nathan Stanford

I have noticed anytime you have anything in an email with registry paths it
thinks there is a virus.. just being safe I guess.

 -Original Message-
 From: Aidan Whitehall [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 4:34 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  Virus alert... Eric Hoffman?
 Just got this when posting "RE: PWS not starting at boot up". Since
 receiving the e-mail, I've just upgraded the anti-virus software from
 7.0 to Norton 7.5... it didn't alert me to the presence of any virii.
 know if this is a false alarm or genuine.
 And, yes, the e-mail ends "To obtain detailed information about wh".
 no more after that.
 --[This is an automatically generated email notification.]--
 V I R U S   A L E R T !
 You recently sent a message containing a known virus.
 The message was sent on 3/19/01 5:00:04 AM.
 The subject of the message was: 
 "RE: PWS not starting at boot up"
 The message was sent to the following recipient(s):
 One or more of the recipients listed is a Small Dog Design client.  As a
 result, their copy of the message has been quarantined in a special
 confinement area and can only be released by their system administrator. 
 This message is only meant to serve as a notification that your message
 not delivered to all of the designated recipients.  No action is required
 your part. Please note, however, that the detection of a virus in a
 you sent may be an indication that your computer system has already been
 compromised by a virus.  
 To obtain detailed information about wh
 Aidan Whitehall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Netshopper UK Ltd
 Advanced Web Solutions  Services
 Telephone +44 (01744) 648650
 Fax +44 (01744) 648651

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RE: Virus alert... Eric Hoffman?

2001-03-19 Thread Nathan Stanford

I noticed it when I was warned after sending out my Free ColdFusion e-zine
the weekend before last.  I told how to get your CF Admin password back if
you needed too.  Several people's email server warned me that my email may
have had a virus.

Nathan Stanford

 -Original Message-
 From: Aidan Whitehall [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 8:33 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  RE: Virus alert... Eric Hoffman?
  I have noticed anytime you have anything in an email with 
  registry paths it
  thinks there is a virus.. just being safe I guess.
 Ahhh... I see. Thanks for the info.
 I panicked a bit when I saw it :-)
 Aidan Whitehall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Netshopper UK Ltd
 Advanced Web Solutions  Services
 Telephone +44 (01744) 648650
 Fax +44 (01744) 648651

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RE: CF Books

2001-03-19 Thread Nathan Stanford

Julie there are several books and there are several websites 

Check out www.cftipsplus.com as one resource it is a Free Weekly e-zine.

We have over 3100 members now.

 -Original Message-
 From: Julie Clegg [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 10:06 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  CF Books
 Can anyone recommend a good CF developers book...we will be building a new
 application using CF 4.5 and I need something that will be a good
 book for a new CF developer!

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RE: Date/Time Nightmare

2001-03-19 Thread Nathan Stanford

This is now the 23 email copy I have received of this.  Can someone tell me
is it my Companies email server, cf-talk, or Yvette's email server... please
someone stop it...


 -Original Message-
 From: Yvette Ingram [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 4:16 PM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  Re: Date/Time Nightmare
 Thanks.  That adds 3/25/01 to the list.  I just want the current week from
 3/18/01 to 3/24/01.  I know it's probably simple to get this, but at the
 moment I'm not seeing it.
 {ts '2001-03-18 17:13:08'}
 {ts '2001-03-19 17:13:08'}
 {ts '2001-03-20 17:13:08'}
 {ts '2001-03-21 17:13:08'}
 {ts '2001-03-22 17:13:08'}
 {ts '2001-03-23 17:13:08'}
 {ts '2001-03-24 17:13:08'}
 {ts '2001-03-25 17:13:08'}
 Yvette Ingram
 Brainbench Certified ColdFusion 4.5 Programmer
 Email: ingramrecruiting@erols or
 ICQ:  21200397
 - Original Message -
 From: "Jim McAtee" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 4:52 PM
 Subject: Re: Date/Time Nightmare
  cfloop index="ii" from="0" to="6"
  - Original Message -
  From: "Yvette Ingram" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 2:50 PM
  Subject: Date/Time Nightmare
   I "REALLY" need help on this.
   Here's the problem:
   The Code:
   cfset startweek_dt = #Now()#
cfloop index="ii" from="1" to="6"
cfset startweek_dt = DateAdd('d',1, startweek_dt)
   Produces this:
   {ts '2001-03-19 16:39:43'}
   {ts '2001-03-20 16:39:43'}
   {ts '2001-03-21 16:39:43'}
   {ts '2001-03-22 16:39:43'}
   {ts '2001-03-23 16:39:43'}
   {ts '2001-03-24 16:39:43'}
   I can't get 3/18/01 through 3/24/01 passed correct through the select
   Can I or how do accomplish this.
   Yvette Ingram
   Brainbench Certified ColdFusion 4.5 Programmer
   Email: ingramrecruiting@erols or
   ICQ:  21200397

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You should hire this guy!!

2001-03-16 Thread Nathan Stanford

 employment wanted.jpg 

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RE: Formatting CFQUERY Results in a Table

2001-03-16 Thread Nathan Stanford

This can be found on my website in Issue 1

I. ColdFusion Code: Output Text in 2,3,4,... Rows 
You can just modify the number 4 after the MOD 
and change the yourquery to whatever you query name 
is and of course the var to your own var. 

cfoutput query="yourquery" 
cfif yourquery.CurrentRow MOD 4 IS 0 
/tr tr 

 -Original Message-
 From: James Birchler [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 1:27 PM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  Formatting CFQUERY Results in a Table
 Hi Gang -
 I'm building an employee directory, and am adding a page that displays all
 employee photos so that if you don't know someone's name, you can find it
 recognizing their face. My query pulls an image url and fname/lastname
 a database.
 I'm trying to format the output in table rows, with each row containing 4
 table cells (each with one photo displayed).
 How do I let CF know when to create another table row? So far I can make
 really long row, or one really long column!
 Is the answer on the SQL side (using LIMIT or COUNT) or on the CF side, or
 both? Any suggestions much appreciated.

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RE: Using javascript to create an Undo - the return

2001-03-14 Thread Nathan Stanford

The amount of code to do this would not be an easy task.  It is possible but
this is a JavaScript Program.  If you pay a JavaScript Expert they can do
this but I doubt you will get it a affordable cost.

My Opinion,
FREE ColdFusion Tips Weekly e-zine

 -Original Message-
 From: James Maltby [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 7:37 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  Using javascript to create an Undo - the return
 Hi - posted this recently but still no resolution:
 Have a cf forum we have written, with javascript "Word" like buttons that
 output html for b, i and u in the input textarea - would like to
 include an "undo" function with acts like ctrl+Z from the keyboard - in
 it will remove either the last piece of text written, or the inputted
 b/b (etc) tags - any suggestions?

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Project Management Poll

2001-03-14 Thread Nathan Stanford

Project Management
Don't Use- 0
In House Custom System - 3
MS Project  - 1

If you want other categories let me know.


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Clear Held Memory?

2001-03-14 Thread Nathan Stanford

I seem to remember a set of keys you can press to release some memory in CF
Studio is this true? and what are these keys?


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Custom Tag

2001-03-14 Thread Nathan Stanford

When in a custom tag how can you reference the query that is located in the
callers page...


cfquery name="xxx" datasource="qry_y"
select a,b,c
from y

cf_MyTag query="xxx"


How can I look at all of the items in the query 'xxx'?


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RE: Custom Tag

2001-03-14 Thread Nathan Stanford

I tried Caller.xxx and it didn't find it I will have to test it again...
Maybe I had some other problem... because I thought it would be that simple
as well.  


 -Original Message-
 From: Philip Arnold - ASP [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 11:47 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  RE: Custom Tag
  When in a custom tag how can you reference the query that is
  located in the
  callers page...
  cfquery name="xxx" datasource="qry_y"
  select a,b,c
  from y
  cf_MyTag query="xxx"
  How can I look at all of the items in the query 'xxx'?
 You're going to kick yourself as to how simple this is;
 Philip Arnold
 Certified ColdFusion Developer
 ASP Multimedia Limited
 T: +44 (0)20 8680 1133
 "Websites for the real world"
 This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
 intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
 are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
 the system manager.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: Project Mgmt for CF development?

2001-03-13 Thread Nathan Stanford

Some one who has access to a Polling System... if you would I would like
to see how many people use a project mgmt system and which ones... 

HOWEVER   Let's not all respond to the list... in fact if you want 

Respond to me and I will add up the responses.

Subject: Project Mgmt System Poll

After I get 100+ responses I will send out a results...  or if the responses
quit coming in.

 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Gombala [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 7:52 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  Re: Project Mgmt for CF development?
 You also have to remember that this information is vital in planning a
 production schedule for a company.  Just imagine what it would be like to
 schedule 5 projects between 7 developers over a period of 2 months without
 any idea how long it takes for the developers to complete something.  It
 lets team leads and/or Directors schedule projects based off of historical
 data.  All in all the more you keep track or your time the more you forget
 you are doing it the future, and the data that you are collecting is
 invaluable to a Web Application Development company.  Especially for
 budgeting, bidding, and scheduling.
 just my .02
 Jeff Gombala
 - Original Message -
 From: "Andy Ewings" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 6:11 AM
 Subject: RE: Project Mgmt for CF development?
  You're not missing the boat at all!  Exactly what we've done.  Our
  Intranet/extranet contains a timesheet and a scheduler.  Project
  within the company create and manage projects using the scheduler by
  specifying start date and deadline of projects.  The scheduler then
  calculates the deadlines for various stages of the project (Outline,
  Development, etc)  Tasks can then be assigned in each stage to
  staff.  Each staff member fills in a timesheet at the end of the weeek.
  combination of these 2 components allows us to produce stats telling us
  much time we are spending on projects compared with how much time we
  allocated for them.  Also how well deadlines get met and it also helps
  manage people's workload.  All this was written in house using CF.  We
  that something like MS Project was too restrictive and needed something
  tailored to the way we operate.
  Andrew Ewings
  Project Manager
  Thoughtbubble Ltd
  United Kingdom
  Tel: +44 (0) 20 7387 8890
  New Zealand
  Tel: +64 (0) 9 488 9131
  The information in this email and in any attachments is confidential and
  intended solely for the attention and use of the named addressee(s). Any
  views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not
  necessarily represent those of Thoughtbubble. This information may be
  subject to legal, professional or other privilege and further
  of it is strictly prohibited without our authority. If you are not the
  intended recipient, you are not authorised to disclose, copy,
  retain this message. Please notify us on +44 (0)207 387 8890.
  -Original Message-
  From: BORKMAN Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 13 March 2001 05:17
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: Project Mgmt for CF development?
  Yeah, we did that here, and next month we are rolling out an application
  that lets people send electronic letters to each other.  You should see
  Very impressive considering our core business is building roads.
  All in all, I'd recommend your philosophy as a great approach to problem
  -Original Message-
  From: Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 10:55 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: Project Mgmt for CF development?
  Why not just write and in house program that will do all of what you
  and then alot more?
  Or am I missing the boat here?
  This e-mail and any attachment to it is intended only to be read or used
  the named addressee.  It is confidential and may contain legally
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  disclose, copy or use any part of this e-mail if you are not the
  recipient.  The RTA is not responsible for any unauthorised alterations
  this e-mail or attachment to it.


CF Studio 4.5.2 Memory Leak?

2001-03-13 Thread Nathan Stanford

CF Studio 4.5.2 Memory Leak?

My question is my fellow employees and I seem to be having lots of problems
with memory when we have CF Studio 4.5.2 open.   Even if we boot up a
machine and don't do anything more then open CF Studio 4.5.2 and leave the
machine open all day it will lock up before the day is out.  

Has anyone else had this problem?   

Is Allaire addressing this problem?

Is the a fix for this problem?


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RE: CF Studio 4.5.2 Memory Leak?

2001-03-13 Thread Nathan Stanford

If you do a search on Allaire's own ColdFusion Forum's in the CF Studio area
you get 32 notes about this problem.  April 1999 is the first request about
the problem and the fact that using projects increases the problem.  A
Allaire Employee said that the project deployment increases the memory
usage.   There were some comments that it is not a Leak just a Memory Hog.
When CF Studio tends to take more memory then PhotoShop then I think this
needs fixed.


P.S. I will see Ben tonight at the DFWCFUG Meeting. 

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael S. Kimmett [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 10:54 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  Re: CF Studio 4.5.2 Memory Leak?
 When I have Studio and Server running all day I also have my system lock
 This has become quite annoying especially at the end of a long day.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Nathan Stanford" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 9:49 AM
 Subject: CF Studio 4.5.2 Memory Leak?
  CF Studio 4.5.2 Memory Leak?
  My question is my fellow employees and I seem to be having lots of
  with memory when we have CF Studio 4.5.2 open.   Even if we boot up a
  machine and don't do anything more then open CF Studio 4.5.2 and leave
  machine open all day it will lock up before the day is out.
  Has anyone else had this problem?
  Is Allaire addressing this problem?
  Is the a fix for this problem?

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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Another Note RE: CF Studio 4.5.2 Memory Leak?

2001-03-13 Thread Nathan Stanford

Not to keep this going but I have observed one other problem.

when you deploy a project and it scrolls through line by line the speed at
which it deploys changes if you drag the results window away from the bottom
of CF Studio  

An example I did was to minimize the window to one line of text and it took
10 sec  then I almost maxed out the window and it to 1min and 1 sec  Then I
minimized it to where you could not see the text and it took 9 sec?

What is up with this?


 -Original Message-
 From: Daniel Lancelot [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 12:25 PM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  RE: CF Studio 4.5.2 Memory Leak?
 -Original Message-
  CFSTUIDO 4.5.2 is not the most stable app in the world, and is
  very easy to
  crash (try closing a window with JS in the internal browser - and watch
  those error messages!!!)
 I'm sorry, but "Well DUH!" - how are you meant to close a window that's
 built in to the system?
 Of course I'd not expect it to work - but I would expect it to gracefully
 inform you, instead of crashing quite so dramatically - I laughed reading
 the error messages you get...
 I'd expect it to popup something like "You really are a thick T*** - do
 really expect to be able to do that within studio"
 Just a little bit more  basic exception handling would be nice..
  Also - since upgrading to IE 5.5, memory usage seems to have gone
  the roof... oten using over 50MB within a few hours of booting...
 We've had to dump IE5.5 from most of our machines as it's so hungry -
 combine that with WindowsMe and you've got a REAL winner...
 I'm on NT4 with 128mb at work - and generally it takes about 1.5 days
 between reboots...
 I'm on 2000 at home with IE5 and 384Mb, and generally the only  time I
 to reboot is when I install / uninstall some old S/W - my system is often
 for weeks at a time...
 I was going to upgrade to IE5.5 at home - but I think I might give it a
 I really dont like win9x (ME inc) at all...
 Had to install single user CF Server and PWS on a 98 laptop for a client
 yesterday - should have taken max 1/2 hour - but due to win98 crashing at
 99.9% of the way through installing CF, in total I installed it 4 times
 removed it 3 times).
 Add to that, as soon as the machine tried to restart, it fatally locked up
 and no task manager to kill the problem tasks - had to powerdown and
 (scandisk found an error on the disk at least once on reboot...)
 If I had my own way - all the machines would have 2k on them... although I
 might have a job on my laptop (cyrix 586 120 with 16Mb ram and a 750Mb
 *** Standard Joke time ***
 The only way you could call Studio 4.5.2 stable is if you put a horse in
 Not bad :)

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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RE: Cold Fusion vs. Ihtml

2001-02-09 Thread Nathan Stanford

Can you get the people who swear that CF is inferior to tell you what is bad
about CF and what is good about ihtml?

Kind of a Pros and Cons 

then we can tell you what is accurate and what is not accurate.

 -Original Message-
 From: Jaye Morris [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 7:25 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  Cold Fusion vs. Ihtml
 This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
 Content-Type: text/plain;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 I work in a shop that uses Ihtml.  People there swear that CF is =
 inferior to
 Ihtml.  IS that any data that shows how CF out performs Ihtml or =
 the advantages of CF over Ihtml?  I would very much appreciate the
 Jaye Morris,  Interactive Developer, Motion Graphics Design
 Paradox, Humor, and Change - Go Wireless!
 Content-Type: text/html;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
 META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
 META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2403.0" name=3DGENERATOR
 BODY bgColor=3D#ff
 DIVFONT face=3DVerdana color=3D#ff size=3D2STRONGI work in a =
 shop that uses=20
 Ihtml.nbsp; People there swear that CF is inferior toBRIhtml.nbsp; =
 IS that=20
 any data that shows how CF out performs Ihtml or expressesBRthe =
 advantages of=20
 CF over Ihtml?nbsp; I would very much appreciate=20
 DIVSTRONGFONT face=3DVerdana color=3D#80 size=3D2Jaye =
 Interactive Developer, Motion Graphics DesignBRA=20
 Humor, and Change - Go=20
 Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
 Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=lists

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CF and VSS

2001-02-09 Thread Nathan Stanford

ColdFusion Developer Web Server

Check out the files to a working directory

Test and Check back in 

Is there a way to make VSS when you check it in copy it to wwwroot from the
working directory?

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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OT: JavaScript Submit

2001-02-02 Thread Nathan Stanford

I am trying to remember how to post a form to different urls depending on
which button is clicked on.

Can someone help?

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ColdFusion and Domino

2001-01-30 Thread Nathan Stanford

Who has used ColdFusion and Domino?

If I were to move the files from a IIS to Domino what would need changing?

What would the problems be?


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RE: Allaire on a Mac?

2001-01-23 Thread Nathan Stanford

Does someone still use Mac's?


 -Original Message-
 From: Randy Zeitman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 7:58 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  Allaire on a Mac?
 Anyone have any insight as to whether Allaire's apps will soon run on 
 Macintosh as a result of the merger with Macromedia?
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OT: JSP - JRun Install Failure

2001-01-23 Thread Nathan Stanford

 I am trying to get this setup.  After installing when it wants to setup the
Connection to the External Server which I assume is my PWS Server.  I am
using this for learning on my local machine.  I assume you would have it
listen to port 80 but that simple stops my PWS from working completely.
What can I do to fix this?  I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but now
jrun.dll is locked, I tried rebooting into dos mode and then deleting the
dll that seem to have worked only now I can not get into the setup of server
connector.   So I uninstalled and reinstalled it seemed to work but when I
used the connector once again I was in the above pickle.   What am I doing
wrong?  Am I understanding or not asking the right questions?   HELP?


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OT: Window 95 Log?

2001-01-17 Thread Nathan Stanford

What Log file will tell me if someone has logged into a windows 95 computer?

What other then a cmos password can protect a windows?

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Cf and Crystal Reports

2001-01-17 Thread Nathan Stanford

Is there a way to secure a crystal report.  In other words if you have a
crystal report I would like to make it where it needs a userid and password
to get into the MS SQL database but not give away the userid and password to
anyone who downloads the report or copies the report to there machine.


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2001-01-09 Thread Nathan Stanford

I am told by my fellow developer that you can not use custom tags and
includes in a page that is using SSL?

Is this true?

Nathan Stanford
Free CF weekly e-zine

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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2001-01-09 Thread Nathan Stanford

Do you also use cfincludes in the ssl page?

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 9:26 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  RE: SSL
 Not true.  We are currently using 4-5 custom tags in templates that
 everything from
 the header to the footer.
 -Original Message-
 From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 10:23 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: SSL
 I am told by my fellow developer that you can not use custom tags and
 includes in a page that is using SSL?
 Is this true?
 Nathan Stanford
 Free CF weekly e-zine

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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2001-01-09 Thread Nathan Stanford

That is the ammunition I needed.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 9:43 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  RE: SSL
 Yes we use cfincludes.  The other posts tell the whole story:  CF
 the HTML content to send to the browser, leaving the web server with the
 task of dealing with SSL.
 -Original Message-
 From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 10:36 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: SSL
 Do you also use cfincludes in the ssl page?
  -Original Message-
  From:   Kurt Ward [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Tuesday, January 09, 2001 9:26 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject:RE: SSL
  Not true.  We are currently using 4-5 custom tags in templates that
  everything from
  the header to the footer.
  -Original Message-
  From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 10:23 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: SSL
  I am told by my fellow developer that you can not use custom tags and
  includes in a page that is using SSL?
  Is this true?
  Nathan Stanford
  Free CF weekly e-zine

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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Visual Source Safe

2001-01-08 Thread Nathan Stanford

Has anyone used Visual Source Safe with ColdFusion and multiple programmers?

Nathan Stanford
Free CF e-zine

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Re: Security and SQL

2000-11-13 Thread Nathan Stanford

You can also convert your URL LINK to FORM LINKS then you can test in the receiving 
page to see that the #http_referer# is coming from the Page you want it to.

this is a start.


-- Original Message --
From: "Kevin Schmidt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 12:41:31 -0600

I pass a few values through URL variable that I use in where clauses in my
SQL.  I want to prevent someone from passing malicious SQL through that
value.  What are my options??

Kevin Schmidt
Internet Services Director
PWB Integrated Marketing and Communications
Office: 734.995.5000
Mobile: 734.649.4843

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Nathan Stanford
Mr. ColdFusion
Coldfusion Tips Plus e-ZINE
To Subscribe send a blank email to:
or visit http://www.cftipsplus.com/

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RE: Complicated Search.

2000-11-12 Thread Nathan Stanford

Is anyone reading my posts?

-Original Message-
From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 11:26 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Complicated Search.

I have several drop downs in a search and with multiple choices the user can

If the user returns 10 or more hits on their search, I want to be able to
create a page 1, 2, 3 kind of like a prev and next button situation.

I already know how to do this normally but the problem is if the query has
multiple form fields with multiple choices. I also want the data to return
in random order and not be repeated in other pages.

How can I do this?

What if more then 1000 hits are made?


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RE: how do you create new DB tables and Columns with CF

2000-11-12 Thread Nathan Stanford

Yes, this is possible...

Create a table
cfset newtable="John"
cfset datasource="johnsdsn"

cfquery name="Test" datasource="#datasource#"
CREATE TABLE[#newtable#]
[InvoiceNum] text,
[InvoiceName] text,
[Date] text,
[InvoiceTax] text,
[InoviceType] text,

You can do Drop Table, as well as Alter Table look at other SQL websites to
learn about each of them.


-Original Message-
From: Jesse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2000 3:22 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: how do you create new DB tables and Columns with CF

say I had a access database with one table in it, and I wanted to dynamiclly
create new tables within that DB based on user input. and once the new
tables are created how can I create the columns in that table based on user

Is this even possible?

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Complicated Search.

2000-11-11 Thread Nathan Stanford

I have several drop downs in a search and with multiple choices the user can

If the user returns 10 or more hits on their search, I want to be able to
create a page 1, 2, 3 kind of like a prev and next button situation.

I already know how to do this normally but the problem is if the query has
multiple form fields with multiple choices. I also want the data to return
in random order and not be repeated in other pages.

How can I do this?

What if more then 1000 hits are made?


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RE: Best Practices

2000-11-10 Thread Nathan Stanford

you could check and see if the query exists before rerunning it.

cfif not isdefined("phonelist")
cfquery name="phonelist" datasource="myDSN" cachedwithin="CreateTimeSpan(0,
3, 0, 0)"
select * 
from phonelist

 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Connolly [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 8:02 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  RE: Best Practices
 On point two, I wouldn't put queries in the application.cfm unless you
 it to execute everytime to access ANY cf template.
 Also, if this is the case, does the content of the query change frequently
 throughout the application?
 If not, it would be best to cache the query to avoid unecessary execution
 every page.
  -Original Message-
  From:   David Clay [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   10 November 2000 13:49
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject:Best Practices
  This is a MIME message. If you are reading this text, you may want to 
  consider changing to a mail reader or gateway that understands how to 
  properly handle MIME multipart messages.
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
  Content-Disposition: inline
  I am looking for the bast practices on the following questions:
  1) Is it best to have 1 large database with many tables or vise versa.
  2) Is it best to set  queries in the application.cfm or in the page it =
  self, knowing this is a reoccurring query.
  Thank you for your time.
  Dave Clay
  Internet Facilitator
  Trus Joist, A Weyerhaeuser Business
  5995 Greenwood Plaza Blvd, Suite 100
  Greenwood Village, CO 80111
  Content-Type: text/plain
  Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="David Clay.vcf"
  FN:Clay, David
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 are confidential and solely for the use of the intended recipient.  If you
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 Sapphire Technologies Ltd
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RE: Best Practices

2000-11-10 Thread Nathan Stanford

ColdFusion 5.0 

Query a Query!!!
Your own User Functions!!!

Java Engine Coming... Code Named Neo!! (Faster then C++ Engine currently
being used.)

 -Original Message-
 From: Aidan Whitehall [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 8:59 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  RE: Best Practices
  I would also take a semi-Fusebox approach to this and write 
  the query in its
  own page and just include that page as needed.  That way, you 
  only need to
  go to one place to change the query ;)
 And if it's a query that is run often enough and almost never changes (ie
 GetCountries), as well as putting it in it's own file, cache the pants off
 it too.
 CFQUERY DATASOURCE="#request.DataSource#"
 etc, etc

 BTW, Dave Watts (bows in an Easterly direction) said that CACHEDWITHIN
 queries only use the cached recordset when the SQL statements are
 *identical*; even a bit of whitespace in a different place is enough to
 ColdFusion hit the database again.
 Therefore, if you CFINCLUDE the query in it's own file, you make sure that
 there is only ever one version of that query; ergo, no problems.
 Aidan Whitehall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Netshopper UK Ltd
 Advanced Web Solutions  Services
 Telephone +44 (01744) 648650
 Fax +44 (01744) 648651
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RE: Conference

2000-11-03 Thread Nathan Stanford

Here is a list of what is available:

They will give you a class schedule with you sign in on Sunday or Monday.


 -Original Message-
 From: Howie Hamlin [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 8:25 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  OT: Conference
 Maybe a stupid question - does anyone know if the curriculum chosen for
 conference will be handed out at the registration or, if not, where we can
 get a copy on line?
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Map Program of US

2000-11-02 Thread Nathan Stanford

Does anyone know of a FREE or Cheap Map Program for the web where you can
color in the states with different colors depending on a search.  Like
precentages with different colors from the search. 

Thanks alot,

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RE: Map Program of US

2000-11-02 Thread Nathan Stanford

Does no one know of a web map program other then cfx_map ??

 -Original Message-
 From: Nathan Stanford [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 9:12 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  Map Program of US
 Does anyone know of a FREE or Cheap Map Program for the web where you can
 color in the states with different colors depending on a search.  Like
 precentages with different colors from the search. 
 Thanks alot,
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RE: conference info

2000-10-31 Thread Nathan Stanford





Sorry CF_Underground is FULL the fire marshall will only allow us the number
we already have signed up.

 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Schmidt [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 9:35 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  ot:  conference info
 I am headed to the developers conference on Saturday and have noticed in
 various posts things like CF_Underground and CF_Scale and CF_Beer.
 got more info on these. Location? Time? Date? Etc
 Kevin Schmidt
 Internet Services Director
 PWB Integrated Marketing and Communications
 Office: 734.995.5000
 Mobile: 734.649.4843
 Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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Netscape left and top margin?

2000-10-31 Thread Nathan Stanford

body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0"

What is the options for netscape left and top?

I used to know but I can not remember.

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RE: conference info

2000-10-31 Thread Nathan Stanford

I believe that they sent out a comfirmation... I know that I recieved one.
I also recieved tickets in the mail.  Of course I was the first sign up
after the database opened. :) grin

I hope to meet some of you.  I am from http://www.cftipsplus.com

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Ihrig [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 9:34 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  RE: conference info
 yes but who is signed up?
 was there a comfirmation?
  -Original Message-
  From:   Nathan Stanford [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Tuesday, October 31, 2000 9:50 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject:RE: conference info
  Sorry CF_Underground is FULL the fire marshall will only allow us the
  we already have signed up.
   -Original Message-
   From: Kevin Schmidt [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 9:35 AM
   To:   CF-Talk
   Subject:  ot:  conference info
   I am headed to the developers conference on Saturday and have noticed
   various posts things like CF_Underground and CF_Scale and CF_Beer.
   got more info on these. Location? Time? Date? Etc
   Kevin Schmidt
   Internet Services Director
   PWB Integrated Marketing and Communications
   Office: 734.995.5000
   Mobile: 734.649.4843
   Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
   Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=lists or
   a message with 'unsubscribe' in the body to
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RE: Netscape left and top margin?

2000-10-31 Thread Nathan Stanford

Cameron Childress
Neil Clark

Why am I still getting a white space at the top in Netscape?

body bgcolor="#ff" LEFTMARGIN=0 TOPMARGIN=0 marginweight=0
TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
  TR valign="top"
  IMG alt="The Gainsco Companies" src ="/gainsco/GainscoLogo.gif"

 -Original Message-
 From: Neil Clark [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 9:32 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  RE: Netscape left and top margin?
 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0
 ! ---
 Neil Clark
 Senior Web Applications Engineer
 mcb digital
 Tel. +44 (0)20 8941 3232
 Tel. +44 (0)20 8408 8131 [Direct]
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RE: Netscape left and top margin?

2000-10-31 Thread Nathan Stanford

Sorry, I should have guessed that was it.


 -Original Message-
 From: Rees, Mark (TWIi London) [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 10:58 AM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  RE: Netscape left and top margin?
 try marginHeight instead of marginweight
 -Original Message-
 From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 4:04 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Netscape left and top margin?
 Cameron Childress
 Neil Clark
 Why am I still getting a white space at the top in Netscape?
 body bgcolor="#ff" LEFTMARGIN=0 TOPMARGIN=0 marginweight=0
 TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
   TR valign="top"
   IMG alt="The Gainsco Companies" src ="/gainsco/GainscoLogo.gif"
  -Original Message-
  From:   Neil Clark [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Tuesday, October 31, 2000 9:32 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject:RE: Netscape left and top margin?
  marginheight=0 marginwidth=0
  ! ---
  Neil Clark
  Senior Web Applications Engineer
  mcb digital
  Tel. +44 (0)20 8941 3232
  Tel. +44 (0)20 8408 8131 [Direct]
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RE: Old Question CF Hosting

2000-10-31 Thread Nathan Stanford

I have been fairly impressed with intermedia.net

 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Schmidt [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 1:14 PM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  Old Question CF Hosting
 Who's the best under $100 a month.
 Kevin Schmidt
 Internet Services Director
 PWB Integrated Marketing and Communications
 Office: 734.995.5000
 Mobile: 734.649.4843
 Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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RE: CD-ROM based apps

2000-10-31 Thread Nathan Stanford

Depending on how dynamic your demo is you might convert it with adobe pdf or
simple load the single server edition of CF it works on one machine.  I am
not sure what the language is in the legalese.

 -Original Message-
 From: Erikk - cftalk [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 2:17 PM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  Re: CD-ROM based apps
 You could try converting the dynamic pages into static pages.  I'm not
 exactly how this is done but I know it is possible.  Or try using
 like Macromedia Director which is specifically designed for CD-ROM
 Erikk Ross
 - Original Message -
 From: "Shawn Regan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 1:12 PM
 Subject: CD-ROM based apps
  This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not
  this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
  Content-Type: text/plain;
  Has anyone done any CD-ROM based applications? I need to give access to
  small catalog of products, which needs to be searched by part number,
  product, etc.. Has anyone done anything like this, what did you use to
  the database on the CD? how did you display the info HTML, VB app?
  Shawn Regan
  Content-Type: text/html;
  !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
  META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
  TITLECD-ROM based apps/TITLE
  META content="MSHTML 5.50.4207.2601" name=GENERATOR/HEAD
  DIVFONT face=Tahoma size=2BR/FONTnbsp;/DIV
  PFONT size=2Has anyone done any CD-ROM based applications? I need to
  access to a small catalog of products, which needs to be searched by
  number, product, etc.. Has anyone done anything like this, what did you
 use to
  read the database on the CD? how did you display the info HTML, VB
  PFONT size=2Shawn Regan/FONT /P/BODY/HTML
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RE: Power of 3

2000-10-30 Thread Nathan Stanford

I think this is fixed now... :)

titleFind out if the power of 3/title
body bgcolor="#ff"
div align="center"Find out if the power of x/div
form action="test.cfm" method="post"
table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
trtdPower of: /tdtdinput type="text" name="power" size="3"
trtdTest Value: /tdtdinput type="text" name="TestVar"
size="3" maxlength="10"/td/tr
trtd align="center" colspan="2"input type="submit" value=" OK

cfif isdefined("power")
cfset return="No"
cfloop from="1" to="500" index="x"
cfset Testresult=(form.Testvar^(1/x))
cfif (form.Testvar^(1/x)) eq #power#
cfset return="Yes"
Cfif x gt form.Testvarcfbreak/cfif

 -Original Message-
 From: Dan G. Switzer, II [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 4:04 PM
 To:   CF-Talk
 Subject:  RE: Power of 3
 I think you're a little off in your interpretation.
 3 ^ 3 = 27 ( 3 x 3 = 9, 9 x 3 = 27)
 27 ^ (1/3) = 3
 - Dan
 -Original Message-
 From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 4:17 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Power of 3
 According to Coldfusion when you test this is what is output
 cfset x = 9 ^ (1/3)
 9 ^ (1/3) = #x#br
 9 ^ (1/3) = 2.08008382305
 3 x 3 = 9
 Nathan Stanford ColdFusion Tips Plus
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.cftipsplus.com
  -Original Message-
  From: Bob Silverberg [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 2:30 PM
  To:   CF-Talk
  Subject:  RE: Power of 3
  I don't believe that a cubed root would solve his problem, but it's easy
  do one in CF.  Just remember (from your high school math days) that the
  cubed root of a number is the same as that number raised to 1/3.
  In CF - number cubed: cfset x = number ^ 3
- cube root of number cfset x = number ^ (1/3)
  It's just that simple,
  -Original Message-
  From: lsellers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: October 27, 2000 2:20 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: Power of 3
Anyone have an idea on how to check to see if a value is a power of
   Umm. Take it's cubed root? See if the fraction is other than 0?
  Notcing a few posts go by today, I thought I'd expand by saying that
  you know the upper limit to these number then the best thing to do is as
  others have suggested and precompute them all (for n=1 to upperx; x=n^3;
  next; ).
  Put the precomputed numbers in a list. Just do a lookup and match into
  If you have no idea beforehand what the upper limit will be you'll have
  do a cube root in cf. I've never tried that. Not sure if you can. Um
  sec oh yea, Tom Numaker has a tag. CFX_Functions. I think it does
  Maybe not. Seeing exponents, but no roots.
  Oh well. Perhaps you could use a bit of algebra and get the same effect
  the exp function though. ;-)
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Limit the output of words to 300 chars

2000-10-29 Thread Nathan Stanford

How can I Limit the output of words to 300 chars but don't cut off a word in
the middle?


P.S. I know I should know but I don't have time to find it can someone help

see you all at the Conf in DC!!

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