get windows logon name

2005-04-21 Thread Stavros Tekes
Hi all,
I am trying to find a way to get the users name that he used to login to 
I want to create an application that gets personalized according to the person 
that is using it. To do that I need to have the login name he used to logon 
windows. (I do not want to bother him with re-entering his credentials once 
again for just my app).

I have read about the CGI.auth_user but I am not sure this is the sollution. 
Will the user have to re-enter his credentials to access my application? (I 
realize that for CGI.auth_user to work the web server needs to supports user 
authentication but do I need to build a custom script for authentication or is 
it take automatically from the operating system, like a Single Sign On feature 
- which is what I am trying to do)

Thanks in advance


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Re: Using Application.cfc has decreased performance

2005-02-10 Thread Stavros Tekes
I do not have either debugging enabled or report execution times. Both are off 
but the delay is there.

Furthermore, on the followup that Micha did, I have the impression that on MX7, 
one can have either Application.cfc or Application.cfm. If both are present 
only Application.cfc is used. Isnt that right? I tried a small test and this is 
the conclusion I came at. 

If this is the case, then this delay is something unexplained and although the 
events logic is cool and useful, I will probably stick to the good old 


>Followup, I don't find it odd that performance has degraded. Remember
>that application.cfc get's called on each request made, and on each
>request it has to evaluate both functions.
>So where it used to call 
>Application.cfm -> index.cfm
>It does, on each request
>Application.cfm -> onRequestStart -> onRequest -> index.cfm
>Micha Schopman
>Software Engineer
>Modern Media, Databankweg 12 M, 3821 AL  Amersfoort
>Tel 033-4535377, Fax 033-4535388
>KvK Amersfoort 39081679, Rabo
>Modern Media, Making You Interact Smarter. Onze oplossingen verbeteren
>de interactie met uw doelgroep. 
>Wilt u meer omzet, lagere kosten of een beter service niveau? Voor meer
>informatie zie 

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Using Application.cfc has decreased performance

2005-02-10 Thread Stavros Tekes
Hi All,

I have replaced Application.cfm in an old application of mine with 

The events set there are OnRequestStart (checking to see if user has logged in 
and initializes variables in the request scope) and onRequest (that cfincludes 
a page according to a URL parameter).

I noticed a performance delay on the new version of the application. some pages 
need almost twice the time to load than they did before.

Has anyone observed anything similar?

Thanks in advance,


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Session is Invalid

2005-02-08 Thread Stavros Tekes
Hi all,
I have read the msgs on this forums regarding session invalid errors on CF. 

I also have done what MM proposes on the issue (at but I 
keep getting this message. I have set the J2EE session timeout to be 60 minutes 
and the CF session variables to 30. Despite that, the error keeps appearing. 

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Possible problem of CFQUERY and ntext fields

2005-01-13 Thread Stavros Tekes
Thanks Joe!

This was the sollution to the problem!


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Possible problem of CFQUERY and ntext fields

2005-01-13 Thread Stavros Tekes
Hi all!

I am using CF MX 6.1 for an app I have developed which uses a database in SQL 
server 2000. 

One of the tables contains a field of ntext type. Although the size of this 
field is supposed to be huge, I noticed that there are some possible 
limitations on CF.

The whole issue popped up, when I tried to insert a very big string in that 
field (45536 character long). Although cfquery executed the UPDATE clause with 
no exceptions, when I tried to retrieve a record (using cfquery again), I only 
managed to get the first 32000 characters. 

I run the update SQL string on the SQL Query Analyzer, and then when I tried to 
retrieve the field from CF (using CFQuery again) it resulted in the same 32000 
characters. Obviously it is a problem of CFQUERY when retrieving big strings 
from ntext fields.

Does anyone know if such a limitation exist or the continuous hours I have 
spent on it have made me not think straight?


Stavros Tekes

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Re: Build JAVA request and response scopes in CF

2004-07-05 Thread Stavros Tekes
Thanks Kola, that worked fine!
Didnt know GetPageContext() supported all the methods and properties in CF like it does in Java
Thanks for the help!
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Build JAVA request and response scopes in CF

2004-07-05 Thread Stavros Tekes
Hi all,   I am building an application in CF that uses a Java API (I do not have the source for the API)  The problem I am facing, is that I can't call some of the API functions which use the request and response scope as parameteres ( for example a function existing in a SERVLET which is declared as : protected void FunctionName(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) ).   This is done cause there is not something (to my knowledge of course) in CF that can represent the request and response scope the way Java does and for that, the function is not recognized and called properly. I tried to use Javacast() but I didnt know how to build the CFRequest and CFResponse variables   Is there any solution to this problem? Maybe someone has faced the same problem in the past and built a wrapper function that takes the URL and SESSION scope of CF and form it the way JAVA builds its request scope.   Any help will be significant to me as I seem to be running out of ideas SCARY!Cheers!Stavros

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Re: Java-CF MX 6.1 (Enterprise edition) integration

2004-06-21 Thread Stavros Tekes
Thanks Kola,
I am interested in using some jar files (tag libraries) but I will also need to call some funciton stored in class files (directly from cfscript).
My main concern is drawbacks that might be caused when trying to integrate java function in CF.
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Java-CF MX 6.1 (Enterprise edition) integration

2004-06-20 Thread Stavros Tekes
Hi all! I would like to ask whether anyone has faced any problems by importing java files into CF MX 6.1 (using CFIMPORT) and calling functions from the java file.We are trying to develop an application based on an existing java api, but I would like to know beforehand, whether there might be any problems I believe the other possibility would be to use CFX tags through cold fusion, but I think this is a totally different way to approach things and it demands a wider java knowledge.Any help will be appeciated, as it will help us on deciding how to procceedThanks!Stavros 

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Binding of the DataSet component with a Combobox in flash MX 2004

2004-01-20 Thread Stavros Tekes
Hi All,

I'm using Flash Remote to recieve a query from a Colfusion Component.
This query contains both data and label columns that will populate comboboxes that I use in my Flash front end
I'm using Flash MX2004 and V2 comboboxes so I can't use dataglue.bindformatstring 

I know that I can go the old fashioned way and turn the query (as returned from the ColdFusion component) into an array and then populate the combos one by one. This is a simple proccess but I would like to skip that and use the datasets component instead as it offers more flexibility and control over the data fetched by remoting. 

So I did use a dataset and I populate it by setting its dataprovider to point to my query (myDataSet.setDataProvider(result))

The problem I have is on how to bind the DataSet component with a Combobox so that both the labels and data arrays (of the Combobox component) get populated from the equivalent columns of my DataSet. 

All I managed to do (by trial and error) is bind the dataProvider arrays of the two objects, which got the combo populated but afterwards I couldn't retrieve it's information neither from it's data array nor the labels one. 

This whole think is becoming a nightmare as it goes on for the last two days and Macromedia seems not to have documented the whole issue enough (generally Remoting is not that extensively documented as it should be, on the MX 2004 version of flash)

Any help will be highly appreciated as I believe I run on a dead end

Thanks in advance

Tekes Stavros
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Programmatic Modification of System Locale in Windows 2000

2003-10-21 Thread Stavros Tekes
Hi all,

    I have CFMX installed on a Windows 2000 system having English as a default locale. I found out that I have to change the default locale to Greek in order for some of my pages to appear properly. 

    As I cant access the control panel of the server (that the website is hosted), I am trying to find a way to do it programmatically. 

    Is there a way to accomplish changing the default system locale programmatically through ColfFusion or Java?

Thanks in Advance

Stavros Tekes

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Re:CF Problem with Langauges (??)

2003-10-14 Thread Stavros Tekes
Hi Ryan,
Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately, I've gone through the Macromedia Website lots of times trying to look for an answer regarding I18N,Verity and ColdFusion but nothing seems to work on my host. Maybe it is something totally different, e.g. the OS's locale settings.

Thanks for the willigness to help!

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Re:CF Problem with Langauges (??)

2003-10-14 Thread Stavros Tekes
Thanks Mauricio for the tip, but no database is involved in this. 
Only verity's CFSEARCH and I am really not certain whether the problem is in CFSEARCH, or CF encoding, or JVM Encoding or even on the host computers locale settings.

But thanks for the Tip, it will come in handy definately!

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CF Problem with Langauges (??)

2003-10-13 Thread Stavros Tekes
Hi all!

    Lately I have changed my Cold Fusion host to one abroad (outside

Greece). Eversince I am trying to make Greek appear propertly on my pages.

    Although I have managed to make most pages appear ok in Greek, I still

haven't managed to do the same with pages that use the CFSearch tag.

Although my host has installed the European/Asian Language Pack, replaced

their cfxneo.dll (under c:\cfusionMX\lib\) with the double byted cfxneo from

the MM website and restarted all their Cold Fusion services, I still can't

retrieve search results in Greek properly.

    I hardcoded the search term (which is in Greek) on cfsearch tag in order

to be sure that the encoding does not get lost after the FORM posting takes

place but still nothing was retrieved. The same web page on my server here,

runs great (I used the same verity collection, by replacing the files that

verity created for my collection on the host computer with the ones it

created on my server, just to be sure that it is not a cfindex fault).

    The cfm page that uses CFSEARCH also uses these encoding lines at its




    (iso-8859-7 is for Greek encoding)

    The Greek characters are all represented by question marks (??

?? ???  ... etc) which I believe means that character

information has been lost. I also noticed that when I changed cfcontent to

 Greek again didn't come out

right, but instead of question marks, different characters were returned (Ie

?aneanaoYo oui ni?i ... etc). That seemed more promising.

    I realise that both cftags should be pointing at the same encoding

values, cause one determines the output encoding while the other sets the

encoding of the data which forms the page content. Furthermore we changed

their default Java Encoding to Greek as well, but that still didn;t do any

good. (all of the above were tested by using null as a search string since

Greek words returned no results on my host)

    After everything I have tried I can't come to the conclusion whether it

is a verity problem or not. The only problems I get are on the pages that

use the Cfsearch tag and only on my host. Everything works great on my


    I run out of ideas! Don;t know what to try next, so if anyone can help,

will be a life saviour to me!

Thanks in advance,


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CF MX 6.1 localization issue

2003-10-09 Thread Stavros Tekes
Hi all!

I have built a CFMX  application with  Greek and English content .

 The application uses Verity (the bundled version)to support searching  among the web pages.

The problem I have is with the ISP that  hosts my application, where the  cfsearch tag returns Greek characters incorrectly . All pages in the application are utf8 encoded.

The same application works fine on my web server. I am using CF MX 6.1, IIS

on a Windows 2000 Server that uses Greek as its regional setting.

I am not sure about the regional settings used in the host's computer, but

they are also using CF MX 6.1 and Windows 2000 server with IIS.

On both computers the Verity Asian/European Language pack is installed and

the cfxneo.dll has been changed to support double-byte characters !

Because I found out that the verity bundled version does not support unicode characters, I changed all pages encoding to the Greek locale and although it again works perfect on our system, it still doesnt work on our host. 

What is wrong with the hosting server? What must we change to support Greek properly?

Any help will be highly appreciated

Stavros Tekes

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Diplay Search Results using smaller Queries

2003-07-03 Thread Stavros Tekes
Hi all,

I have been replacing all the Repeat Region behaviours we are using on our Forms (the 
app is in CF) so that we will provide numbers linking to seperate result pages 
(exactly the way Google does) instead of the arrows that DW uses. 

The problem is that we do not want to run the SQL query that fetches all records in 
every result page, but instead run a much smaller query (in each page) that returns 
only the specific records that need to be displayed. 


Which do you think is the best way to do this?

Any help will be highly appreciated


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Resize Flash stage dynamically

2003-06-03 Thread Stavros Tekes
Thanks Mike, 
That scalemode fixed my problem.
I should have though of that, but thats why online communities exist...

Thanks again for the help


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Resize Flash stage dynamically

2003-06-02 Thread Stavros Tekes
Josh, I too have tried to dynamically set the values in the  and  tags 
but I noticed that what I got as a result was a scaling of the original movie. 
I want the scaling ratio to remain at 100% and decrease the movies height only. 
That way the contents will be show clearly and only the movie's height will be resized 
to fit just the records that my database query returned.

Any ideas on that?

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Resize Flash stage dynamically

2003-06-02 Thread Stavros Tekes
Hi all,

I built a movie that contains data coming from a database.

I tried to resize the movie according to the data contained in it but

didn't find a way to do it.

Any ideas?



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