Access & Coldfusion MX6.1 problems...sites keep dying

2004-02-23 Thread Will Blackie
Please Help

My companies live hosting server was recently upgraded to Coldfusion MX6.1 .. and the latest MDAC / Jet Drivers have been updated also.   The problem is that all coldfusion sites on the server using access db's stop working every 2 days or so (more often if traffic is high).. the only way to get it running again is to restart the whole server.

Has anyone had this problem and managed to fix it?  I've run this hot-fix: and it made no difference.  We're re-installed MDAC 2.8, re-applied the latest security patch and re-installed JET several times... the only thing that has not been re-installed is the MX 6.1 updater.

The error message the sites throw is this: "Error Executing Database Query.Timed out trying to establish connection The specific sequence of files included or processed is:"

Thanks in advance.
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Access & Coldfusion MX6.1 problems...sites keep dying

2004-03-01 Thread Will Blackie
Thanks for the responses that have been posted with regard to this problem a
few of us are experiencing.  Just to recap for anyone new looking at this
post that might be helpful I have a windows 200 server running CFMX 6.1 that
keeps crashing - the sites running an access database are unable to get a
connection to their db's ("Error Executing Database Query.Timed out trying
to establish connection The specific sequence of files included or processed
is:") other sites running SQL Server continue on fine, we even have a
site or 2 built in ASP that use access databases and they continue to work
perfectly.  The only way to rescue the server seems to be a full restart.

I've tried changing over a few of my sites to use the access unicode driver
but i suspect that without changing them all i may not see any dramatic
improvement - the server is still crashing pretty regularly.  We ran the
server via the command prompt so that the output to be piped to a text file
for analysis, the following is the message it gives right before the server
needs to be restarted.

# HotSpot Virtual Machine Error, Internal Error
# Please report this error at
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (1.4.2-b28 mixed mode)
# Error ID: 53414645504F494E540E4350500159
# Problematic Thread: prio=5 tid=0x3841e410 nid=0xfdc runnable
Heap at VM Abort:
PSYoungGen total 43264K, used 28288K [0x1001, 0x138f, 0x138f)
eden space 28288K, 100% used [0x1001,0x11bb,0x11bb)
from space 14976K, 0% used [0x12a5,0x12a5,0x138f)
to space 14976K, 0% used [0x11bb,0x11bb,0x12a5)
PSOldGen total 466048K, used 466048K [0x138f, 0x3001, 0x3001)
object space 466048K, 100% used [0x138f,0x3001,0x3001)
PSPermGen total 30720K, used 30600K [0x3001, 0x31e1, 0x3801)
object space 30720K, 99% used [0x3001,0x31df2150,0x31e1)

We've reported it as instructed but I was hoping that someone might be able
to shed some light on this from a Coldfusion perspective rather than just
the JVM.

Thanks again,
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CFMX JRun Servlets - Help!

2003-11-16 Thread Will Blackie
I'm attempting to setup a credit card gateway (Worldpay - select pro, java)
which requires some servlets to operate.  Basically I'm having trouble
setting them up to run on the version of JRun that comes with CFMX, can
anyone offer a basic tutorial on what/how i have to configure on the server
to achieve this.  I'm running CFMX 6.1 on a Windows 2000 Server if that
helps.  I don't really want to install another servlet server such as tomcat
etc.. since I already have JRun and have heard of others managing to
configure it for similar purposes.

Thanks in advance.


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CFMX JRun Servlets - Help!

2003-11-17 Thread Will Blackie
I am running enterprise.

The problem is i really don't know how to setup the servlets, the help supplied by the gateway company (worldpay) mentions how to setup for JRun 4 but they talk about 2 files that don't even exist on my instal of cfmx - &

I probably just need help with the basic configuration of the files related to JRun because i don't have the JRun admin obviously.  I've seen on the JRun docos on that i should be adding some attributes to web.xml and perhaps a few other config files that JRun uses.

This is what i think i need to get it working:

- Where do i put the servlets (.class) files, can i put them anywhere as long as i specify in the mappings?
- What do i have to map, what files, what are the entries i have to add etc...
- How do i then access the servlets via the web?

Thanks again.


Subject: CFMX JRun Servlets - Help!
From: Ryan Sabir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 14:54:58 +1100

Heya Will,

Are you running Enterprise or Standard? Unless you are running
Enterprise, then you can't use the included JRUN server to serve
anything but Cold Fusion templates... or thats what I understand

What problem are you having, are they license violation errors?


Monday, November 17, 2003, 2:48:24 PM, you wrote:

WB> I'm attempting to setup a credit card gateway (Worldpay - select pro, java)
WB> which requires some servlets to operate.  Basically I'm having trouble
WB> setting them up to run on the version of JRun that comes with CFMX, can
WB> anyone offer a basic tutorial on what/how i have to configure on the server
WB> to achieve this.  I'm running CFMX 6.1 on a Windows 2000 Server if that
WB> helps.  I don't really want to install another servlet server such as tomcat
WB> etc.. since I already have JRun and have heard of others managing to
WB> configure it for similar purposes.

WB> Thanks in advance.

WB> Will


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