Re: web service image upload issue

2011-06-06 Thread Will Blake

  I am noticing you are using fileRead to read the file into memory and then 
convert it to base 64 and then to binary.  Why not use cffile action=readbinary 
to avoid jumping through all the hoops to start?  Plus I am thinking that it is 
likely that using fileread to start and cffile to write might cause some issue. 
 I have no resource that I can point to that says it will cause a problem, but 
I would just stick with one or the other.


> I am working on a remote call cfc that will allow remote user to 
> upload an image file. Should be pretty straight forward but I am 
> finding that the image being saved is not quite right and therefore 
> NFG.
> The remote call from my test cfm page is as follows...
>  returnvariable="results"   
> webservice="http://localdemo/billclix/billclix04.cfc?wsdl";>   
>name="buildID" value="PetersTestPage01">name="email" value="">value="pass123">   value="#binaryData#">
> My simplified code on the cfc page is as follows...
>  returntype="string" >
>  default="">

>output="#ToBinary( ToBase64( arguments.imageToUpload ))#" 
> nameconflict="OVERWRITE" />
> Image Upload Done
> As I said the saved image is NFG, when I open the image file in 
> notepad and compare it to the original the source is 99.9% identical 
> does anyone have any thoughts on why it is not 100% identical? 

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Re: Can anyone decode this?

2011-05-17 Thread Will Blake

I know this is a few days old, but just curious the OP says this attack was 
caught by some custom code.  Will cfqueryparam not protect input sufficiently 
enough to disrupt this kind of attack?  Should additional measures be used?


>Good work... except don't respond and include the actual URL -  or if you do
>find a way to disable it. It will show up in email readers as a link and (in
>this case) it will end up published on the HOF archive page for this thread.
>We don't want to give this malicious site any additional traffic :)
>Mark A. Kruger, MCSE, CFG
>(402) 408-3733 ext 105

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Re: CF Query to WDDX to Javascript. Possible?

2010-07-20 Thread Will Blake

   Agreed.  We do have CF 9 we just have not installed it yet.  I am not 100% 
sure what is taking so long to get it done, but that is a decision that much 
higher up in the food chain than I am. 

I'll check out and see what I can find.  Thanks for the info.


>> OK, first not sure why there are two threads going about this question
>Probably something about the HOF email/BB interface splitting it up.
>> I currently on CF 6.1 so I (should?) be able to get a JSON response, I will
>> take a look at that route.  I do not have a lot of experience doing this type
>> of thing so I am pretty sure there is a better way to go than I am currently
>> going, and if JSON is it I am open to it.
>If possible, I would seriously considering moving up to the current
>version of CF (CF9).  If that's not possible, you're going to continue
>running into problems with functionality that you'd really REALLY love
>to have, but you don't.  Often the cost of upgrade is cheaper than
>whatever hourly rate you apply to recreating features that are
>included in CF9 for you right out of the box.
>Having said that I don't think JSON formatted output from CFCs was
>introduced till CF8.
>However, JSON is just another way to format output.  You can easily
>build your own JSON strings from objects.  If you search you
>might even find some stuff there that works with CF6.1.  Again though,
>the time you will spend trying top rebuild features that are "just
>there" in CF9 can be high.
>Cameron Childress
>Sumo Consulting Inc
>cell:  678.637.5072
>aim:   cameroncf

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Re: CF Query to WDDX to Javascript. Possible?

2010-07-20 Thread Will Blake

OK, first not sure why there are two threads going about this question...  
Anyway, to address some of the comments:

I currently on CF 6.1 so I (should?) be able to get a JSON response, I will 
take a look at that route.  I do not have a lot of experience doing this type 
of thing so I am pretty sure there is a better way to go than I am currently 
going, and if JSON is it I am open to it.

>> No, WDDX is XML, not Javascript; it always has been.
>The WDDX SDK actually shipped with a fairly robust (for the time) set
>of JS libraries for manipulating WDDX data via JavaScript.
>Looks like the official home(s) for the WDDX SDK (, then
> went away some times ago, but you can still find the
>original docs hosted elsewhere via google (ie:
>  There is also some JS
>documentation in the official CF docs at (do a search).
>However, I would echo the suggestion that you look into JSON and some
>of the JSON parsers for better forward compatibility.  WDDX had it's
>day in the sun, and it's still valid and useful, but JSON is going to
>take you farther with more available tools and a brighter future.
>Cameron Childress
>Sumo Consulting Inc
>cell:  678.637.5072
>aim:   cameroncf

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Re: CF Query to WDDX to Javascript. Possible?

2010-07-20 Thread Will Blake

> It's been a long time since I've done this so this may not be useful, 
> but isn't the returned packet a Javascript array?  At least it was 
> when I used to use cfwddx, so it was just a matter of normal array 
> manipulation. 

Thanks for the response!  You would think so, but from my experience I cannot 
get at the data the same way I would with a normal array. For example: 
"response.SCNDRY_TXT[1]" returns undefined when I try to 'alert' the value, 
where response is the name of the total data set, and SCNDRY_TXT is the field 

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CF Query to WDDX to Javascript. Possible?

2010-07-20 Thread Will Blake

Hello all,
   I have a select menu that I need to be dynamically populated with the 
results of a db query.  I am using jQuery/ajax to pass a value to search for in 
the database.  This all seems to work fine except what is returned is a WDDX 
packet and I cannot figure out how to take the data that is returned and put it 
in the dynamic select menu.

I know CF has a de-serializier but, as this is done at run time on the client 
machine I do not see how that would help.  I know jQuery/JS you can use the 
eval() function to parse the wddx packet, but the data that comes out looks the 
same as the data going in. How do I navigate the wddx packet?  I have tried 
what would make sense (i.e. data.fieldName.value)but what JavaScript shows me 
is blank or undefined.


Here is a copy of the packet:


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Re: CFLOOP inside a CFQuery

2009-06-09 Thread Will Blake

WOW! Thanks for all the feedback!  One question about CFQUERYPARAM, I use this 
when I accept anything that is available to the general public, but is it 
necessary to use this when the form is only accessible via username/password?

Is there ever a reason not to use CFQUERYPARAM?

Thanks everyone!

>You don't need evaluate for dynamically created form variables, in almost
>all cases the struct syntax #form['type'&idx]# will suffice and is more
>efficient. For this particular scenario, evaluate is an unnecessary overhead
>and should be avoided.
>   INSERT INTO tbl_ballotOrder (
>   type,
>   number,
>   issue
>   ) VALUES (
>   cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" />,
>   cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" />,
>   cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" />
>   )
>May I also point out the use of CFQUERYPARAM. It's basic principles; unless
>you've got a damn fine reason not to, always use cfqueryparam. Protect
>yourself from SQL injection attacks, make your life easier.
>No offence intended, but Will I urge you to ignore the 'evaluate' based
>I agree with NK pay attention to the evaluate function.  It works like a
>charm for dynamically created form variables.  I use it often. :)
>Ryan LeTulle

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Re: CFLOOP inside a CFQuery[RESOLVED]

2009-06-09 Thread Will Blake

>Check the following link might help...

Thank you!  I was thinking I had to do something like this to get it to work.  
I just did not know exactly what it was I needed to do so searching for it was 

Thanks again!


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CFLOOP inside a CFQuery

2009-06-09 Thread Will Blake

Hello all,
   I have a dynamically generated form that I need to figure out how to get the 
data from that form in to our database. Here is the way it works.  First the 
client types in the number of machines they have and the form generates the 
correct number of rows so that the info about each machine is located on a 
separate row. That all works well until they hit submit (or will hit submit if 
I figure out the next part).  How do I create a cfquery that has the correct 
number of values so that each machines data is stored correctly?

For example I will have row one with lets say three fields (Type, number, 
issue).  Lets say a client has a problem with 10 machines.  The form now has 10 
rows with 3 columns in each.  Each field in row one is named type1, number1, 
issue1 and row two is type2, number2, issue2, etc..  The number next to the 
name is placed there by putting the index of the loop in the name field.  So 
this is where I was going to use a CFLOOP inside a CFquery to create field 
names dynamically.  I can get it to repeate the information correctly, however 
the problem is the index of the loop does not seem to get attached to the form 
value I am putting into the database.

I am doing something like:

INSERT into tbl_ballotOrder (type, number, issue)
Values (

'#FORM.type##LoopCount#', '#FORM.number##LoopCount#', '#FORM.issue##LoopCount#'


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Re: CFFTP connection problems

2009-02-24 Thread Will Blake

>Ah... Your problem could be networking. On our network (for example) we have
>both "internal" and "external" IP addresses running through cisco pix. We
>have to run an "internal" DNS server to dole out interal IP addresses for
>the reason you describe below. A web server could not (for example) connect
>to it's "external" address through the same pix. To troubleshoot this, RDP
>to the server and then ping the address (the host you are using ...
> etc) and see what IP is returned. Check with your
>networking folks on how the server is set up. You will have to log on to the
>server desktop to be able to troubleshoot effectively. Nothing you do from
>your workstation to the server will give you sufficient information.
>Mark A. Kruger, CFG, MCSE
>(402) 408-3733 ext 105
>I can telnet from my computer (client) to the coldfusion webserver if I type
>"telnet 21".  Typing 21 I get a connection
>refused error.  Just to make sure we are all clear.  The coldfusion server
>is our webserver.  So when I test the cfftp action="open" technically it is
>trying to open an ftp connection to the same server it is on, which I can
>see that would be a problem.
>If not using ftp, how would I move a file from my computer to the coldfusion

Mark (and everyone else),
   Thanks for the help but I figured it out.  My problem with my CFFTP was 
because of a networking problem.  I was connecting to the wrong IP address... 
duh!  Anyway after all that work trying to figure it out, I found out that what 
I really needed to use was a simple CFFILE tag.  Yes I know this allows anyone 
to upload to the server, but access to this feature of the application is 
behind user authentication.

Anyway, I really appreciate all the help and suggestions.

Thanks again.


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Re: CFFTP connection problems

2009-02-23 Thread Will Blake

>Can you telnet from the coldfusion to the remote host?
>telnet 21
>If you get something like this:
>Escape character is '^]'.
>220 (vsFTPd 2.0.1)
>Then there is nothing blocking communication to the remote FTP server.  That
>way, you can remove that from the list of problems, and check your CFFTP

I can telnet from my computer (client) to the coldfusion webserver if I type 
"telnet 21".  Typing 21 I get a connection 
refused error.  Just to make sure we are all clear.  The coldfusion server is 
our webserver.  So when I test the cfftp action="open" technically it is trying 
to open an ftp connection to the same server it is on, which I can see that 
would be a problem.

If not using ftp, how would I move a file from my computer to the coldfusion 

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Re: CFFTP connection problems

2009-02-23 Thread Will Blake

> Hello All,
> I am sure this is something simple, but I am attempting to use CFFTP 
> to put a file on our web server.  I can access this web server using 
> any FTP software I want (i.e. Core FTP) but when I try to connect 
> using CFFTP I get an error stating the connection has timed out.  To 
> be exact: "Error: Connection timed out: connect.
> Verify your connection attributes: username, password, server, port, 
> connection, proxyServer, secure (as applicable). "
> Figuring it was something that I was doing wrong I went to adobe and 
> used their FTP test code (basically it connects, reports status, 
> disconnects, etc..).  Same error.
> Something is blocking the CFFTP but I am not sure what or how.  I know 
> the server has a firewall protecting it, but ftp is allowed to pass 
> through.  Other ideas?  Server options that I might have turned off or 
> coldfusion admin options I need to turn on? 

UPDATE:  I have been able to use CFFTP to connect to  Here is 
the file that I used:

Did the connection close successfully? 

So the question is now, what is stopping my FTP connection to webserver?  
Again, using FTP software it works, but using CFFTP it does not.  

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CFFTP connection problems

2009-02-23 Thread Will Blake

Hello All,
   I am sure this is something simple, but I am attempting to use CFFTP to put 
a file on our web server.  I can access this web server using any FTP software 
I want (i.e. Core FTP) but when I try to connect using CFFTP I get an error 
stating the connection has timed out.  To be exact: "Error: Connection timed 
out: connect.

Verify your connection attributes: username, password, server, port, 
connection, proxyServer, secure (as applicable). "

Figuring it was something that I was doing wrong I went to adobe and used their 
FTP test code (basically it connects, reports status, disconnects, etc..).  
Same error.

Something is blocking the CFFTP but I am not sure what or how.  I know the 
server has a firewall protecting it, but ftp is allowed to pass through.  Other 
ideas?  Server options that I might have turned off or coldfusion admin options 
I need to turn on? 

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