Re: (admin) Re: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

2000-04-05 Thread Tim Lieberman

Products can't be under NDA - only people who signed NDAs can be under
NDAs.  Products are incapable of signing contracts.

Also, I have signed no such contract.  Therefore it ought to be legal for
me to talk about such a product whenever I want.  Perhaps the original
poster was under NDA, but that should hardly affect the rest of the list
population.  If Macromedia has a problem, they'll have to take it up with
whomever violated said NDA.

my 2c


At 09:56 PM 00/04/05 -0400, you wrote:
Please note that this product is still under NDA from what I know and those
who are beta testing it should not be speaking about it on the list.
Anything that is under NDA should NEVER be posted to the list. The last
thing we all need is a company coming down on us for 'breaking' NDA.
 That being said, let me say that any 'press releases' like this should have
a header on the subject line announcing themselves as such.

 WTF? What's going on here? Using a listserv to SPAM the entire CF
 and under the weak guise of a query into the viability of HomeSite? This
 quite lame. I hope that Mike does not allow this to continue.


 -Original Message-
 From: WorldNet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 8:54 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

 HomeSite is the best and most popular development tool around *but* is
 extremely vulnerable to the fact that developers can no longer afford to
 *not* also use a layout-page-code generator in conjunction with HomeSite
 ***as a total replacement*** to be 100% productive.

 It seems Macromedia has not been as asleep at the wheel and I wonder what
 the near future will bring...Consider this announcement from Macromedia...

 Macromedia announces code name UltraDev at Internet World today.

 What is UltraDev?
 Designed specifically for application development, UltraDev is a brand
 new product based on the Dreamweaver core architecture. UltraDev is
 the first solution to support ASP, JSP and CFML within a single design

 Once UltraDev ships it will allow you to:

 1. Create professional web applications
 UltraDev provides everything you need to build, manage, and deploy
 dynamic, database-driven Web applications.

 2. Maintain total control over code
 UltraDev is the only product with visual and source editing for total
 control over source code.

 3. Connect easily to databases
 Quickly connect existing, static web pages to any ODBC, JDBC, or ADO
 database including Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server and
 Microsoft Access.

 4. View server-side data in the workspace
 Save time and avoid repetitive tasks by viewing, testing, and editing
 live data returned from the application server in your workspace.

 5. Build for industry-standard servers
 UltraDev is the only solution that lets you build ASP, JSP, and Cold
 Fusion sites in one single design environment. Build sites for robust
 industry servers like Microsoft IIS, Allaire Cold Fusion, IBM
 Websphere, BEA WebLogic, and Netscape Enterprise Server.

 6. Create robust enterprise-ready Web applications
 Through extensibility, UltraDev integrates with other leading servers,
 Web applications and e-commerce solutions.

  UltraDev is NOT a replacement to Dreamweaver, it's a new standalone
 product built on the Dreamweaver core architecture.

 UltraDev IS the replacement to Drumbeat.  Macromedia is not planning
 to rev Drumbeat.

 UltraDev is expected to ship in June.

 What is the difference between Dreamweaver and UltraDev?
 Dreamweaver is a visual design solution for creating HTML web sites.
 While Dreamweaver is open to integrating with leading web application
 servers, it is not engineered for visually creating web applications.
 UltraDev was built specifically for creating dynamic Web applications
 using technologies like ASP, JSP, and CFML.

 What is the price of UltraDev?
 Macromedia has not yet announced pricing for UltraDev. However, it
 will be priced competitively with other Web application development

 I am a Macromedia customer and I currently develop Web applications.
 Will I be able to purchase UltraDev for a special price?
 Yes, but you must register your Macromedia product to qualify for any
 special offer.

 Is UltraDev an add-on to Dreamweaver?
 No, it is a new stand-alone product that is designed to meet the
 specific needs of Web application developers.

 Does UltraDev replace Drumbeat?
 Yes. When UltraDev ships it will replace Drumbeat as Macromedia's
 solution for Web application development.

 Will there be an upgrade path from Drumbeat to UltraDev?
 Yes, registered users of Drumbeat will be offered an upgrade at a very
 competitive price.

 Will you continue to support Drumbeat?
 Yes, we will continue to provide Drumbeat technical support through
 the end of the year.

 Does this mean you won't be updating Drumbeat?
 Correct, UltraDev replaces Drumbeat as the Macromedia solution for

RE: (admin) Re: Is HomeSite Soon To Be History?

2000-04-05 Thread Ken Wilson

Actually, all that info is now on the public site:

 Please note that this product is still under NDA from what I know 

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