RE: DHTML recursion problem

2004-07-29 Thread Micha Schopman
Just a word of advice, place the entire business logic of recursion in a
stored procedure. What you do know, is make numerous calls to the
database server, which is by far, more slower and cpu intensive than
putting the job at SQL Server.

tSQL gives you enough functions and possibilities to get recursive

This means, you only call the database once, and then you get a nice
result set back ready to use.

Micha Schopman
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Re: DHTML recursion problem

2004-07-29 Thread Metzy Martinez
It's extremely fustrating. I'm trying to convert JAVA code into coldFusion and i tried to go with CFTREE but there is a problem with it ColdFusion 5 server. I tried to implement the recursive tree function found in the o'reilly ColdFusion 5 book. that of course is using CFtree.

thanks for your help :)
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DHTML recursion problem

2004-07-28 Thread Metzy Martinez

I'm trying to create windows explorer style directory structure. And I'm some issues. My folder end up nesting inside of themselves.

Here is my code its a custom tag that calls itself when it finds children


cfif isdefined(attributes.parentItemIdx)
	cfset parentItemId=#attributes.parentItemIdx#

	cfset parentItemId = 0

cfquery name=get_parents
		path_name = '#parentItemId#'

cfloop query=get_parents
 cfif get_parents.recordcount gt 0
		div id=#get_parents.participant_assess_actn_doc_id# class='FolderOff' >
		div id=#get_parents.participant_assess_actn_doc_id# class='FolderOff' >
	img src='' border='0' id='folder#get_parents.participant_assess_actn_doc_id#'
	span id='texthtml#get_parents.participant_assess_actn_doc_id#' value='#get_parents.participant_assess_actn_doc_id#'#file_name#/span
	cfquery name=get_children
			path_name = '#get_parents.participant_assess_actn_doc_id#'

	cfif get_children.recordcount gt 0
	 	span class='branch' id='branch#get_parents.participant_assess_actn_doc_id#'
	cfif #get_parents.participant_assess_actn_doc_id#EQ #parentItemId#
		cfmodule template=JMenuBuilder.cfmqass_data_source=d018_reacs_qass parentItemIdx= #get_parents.participant_assess_actn_doc_id#

Thanks in advance for any help :)
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Re: DHTML recursion problem

2004-07-28 Thread stylo stylo
I don't know, but it's a nasty way to do it. 

First of all, you don't need to call every function in the onclick (lowercase, not camelCase). Just send the needed var to a function and go from there.

Secondly, you should not even have cf put onclick inline; just have a class on the nec. menu items, then use js to add the onclick via a getElementsByClassName script. The images can also be background images associated with a class.

See here for some ideas:

I understand, however, if you are stuck with a script that's not yours :-(
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