RE: Memory Usage Question (HEAPDUMP Included)

2010-12-08 Thread Brook Davies

One again my memory usage was steady at 20%, something happened and now its
up and down from 15% to 90% and back down within minutes. Here is a screen
shot of the memory graph in seeFusion. GC seems to be doing its job, but
this does not seem normal or does it!?

So I did a heapdump and analyzed it in MAT for eclipse:

When I took the dump memory on the server was reported at 90% by seefusion.
The JVM has 1 gig allocated to it. The dump doesn't show near that much
memory in use, so maybe a GC ran right before I took the dump, I'm not sure.
Does anyone see anything that stands out in these reports? Should there be
that many jdbc.base.preparedStatement items?

On another note, its pretty cool that you can see whats stored in the
application scope and its memory usage. This screenshot shows the
structs/arrays/strings that are application scoped:


-Original Message-
From: Mack [] 
Sent: December-06-10 4:07 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Memory Usage Question

 I wish I could see WHAT was taking up the ram, i.e a specific array, cfc
 instances, etc etc

It can be done but it's not easy. Basically you need to do a heap dump
of the CF process (you can do that without shutting down the server)
and then analyze the heap dump using MAT for Eclipse. MAT can tell you
what are the objects on the heap, etc.


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Re: Memory Usage Question (HEAPDUMP Included)

2010-12-08 Thread Mack

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 6:09 PM, Brook Davies wrote:

 One again my memory usage was steady at 20%, something happened and now its
 up and down from 15% to 90% and back down within minutes. Here is a screen
 shot of the memory graph in seeFusion. GC seems to be doing its job, but
 this does not seem normal or does it!?

Considering that the number of requests is not increasing this
shouldn't happen (unless requests after 7:00am retrieve much more
records from the database for example)

 So I did a heapdump and analyzed it in MAT for eclipse:

 When I took the dump memory on the server was reported at 90% by seefusion.
 The JVM has 1 gig allocated to it. The dump doesn't show near that much
 memory in use, so maybe a GC ran right before I took the dump, I'm not sure.

Your total memory seems low in the screenshot (aprox 200M) so I
suspect that you took the heap-dump right after a gc.

 Does anyone see anything that stands out in these reports? Should there be
 that many jdbc.base.preparedStatement items?

In my experience 2775 is not that big for the number of PreparedStatements.


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Re: Memory Usage Question

2010-12-06 Thread Mack

 I wish I could see WHAT was taking up the ram, i.e a specific array, cfc
 instances, etc etc

It can be done but it's not easy. Basically you need to do a heap dump
of the CF process (you can do that without shutting down the server)
and then analyze the heap dump using MAT for Eclipse. MAT can tell you
what are the objects on the heap, etc.


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Re: Memory Usage Question

2010-12-06 Thread Mack

 Java byte code - that is what is going to be in memory. I expect a CFC etc 
 would relate to a particular Java object however while I can dump what is in 
 RAM have not learned how to understand the output and join a CFM to an object.

I might be wrong but I don't think you can dump the permanent JVM
space so you don't have access to the actual bytecode. I think you can
use jmap -permstat to see what classes are loaded and that might give
you an idea of what CFC are loaded, etc

I wish I could see WHAT was taking up the ram, i.e a specific array, cfc
instances, etc etc

 I think JVM logging or even Java Dev Kit programs like Jconsole and Jvisualvm 
 will perhaps show which Java memory buffer (New/Tenure/Perm) is being 
 consumed. CF monitor will probably help you see what CFM CFC etc is running. 
 So once you know which buffer is being consumed perhaps you can allocate more 
 to that until your able to short out which CFM etc is taking the RAM.

Jvisualm is a good suggestion and gives you some of insight into the JVM.


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Re: Memory Usage Question

2010-12-05 Thread Carl Meyer

Java byte code - that is what is going to be in memory. I expect a CFC etc 
would relate to a particular Java object however while I can dump what is in 
RAM have not learned how to understand the output and join a CFM to an object. 
I wish I could see WHAT was taking up the ram, i.e a specific array, cfc
instances, etc etc

I think JVM logging or even Java Dev Kit programs like Jconsole and Jvisualvm 
will perhaps show which Java memory buffer (New/Tenure/Perm) is being consumed. 
CF monitor will probably help you see what CFM CFC etc is running. So once you 
know which buffer is being consumed perhaps you can allocate more to that until 
your able to short out which CFM etc is taking the RAM.

Previously you mention SeeFusion. I have no recent SeeFusion experience to 
comment very much, perhaps you can check the buffers make JVM memory changes to 
cope and check what CFM CFC is running. 

Regards, Carl.

It would be good to know what CF version and edition and what Java is CF using?

Regards, Carl.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Memory Usage Question

2010-12-04 Thread Nathan Strutz


At first glance, I'd say you need a consultant like Charlie Arehart ( to see why your application is performing like
this. Usually, there is a way to fix the offending memory hole. If you think
you can do it, hire Charlie for an hour or so and he will give you some
pointers. If your staff doesn't have the talent he can probably fix it
completely. There are some alternatives to that plan including hiring Adobe
support, or find and hire another expert. Some names that come to mind with
deep server experience are Mike Brunt  Steven Erat.

Ok, back to your problem.

1. Windows task manager reports used memory by default, not allocated
memory. Turn on the Virtual Memory Size column in task manager and you
should see the full amount.

2. I don't really know about SeeFusion and what it reports on. Maybe ask
them about it?

3. It sounds like the request is still running even though the browser
request has ended.

I think overall what you need to do is fix the offending code. You have a
memory leak. It's not ColdFusion, it's not the server, it's your CFML. I
would guess that the client storage / array looping operation is a pretty
hairy one. Move your client storage into actual database tables and columns
and turn off client variables. Think about how you may be able to pre or
post-process some of the long-running operations. Run them on a different
server. If you have a lot of database operations, cut them down. If you have
a lot of components, cut them down.

Oh, and good luck.

nathan strutz
[] []

On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 10:51 AM, Brook Davies wrote:


 I have a question about a memory usage pattern that I am trying to figure
 out. I am using seefusion to watch our server and this is what I am seeing:

 1.   We have two webservers and a loadbalancer with equal distribution
 and sticky sessions enabled

 2.   Memory usage will be constant around 20%-30% in use throughout the

 3.   When I check the taskManager on the machine I see jrun using only
 300-400 megs.

 4.   The arguments to the JVM are  -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m
 -XX:MaxPermSize=384m -XX:+UseParallelGC

 5.   The app uses client variable storage with a MSSQL database backend

 6.   The client variable data per client (in some edge cases) can grow
 to be very large

 What I am seeing is a specific customer comes along and  uses our app  and
 they have some very large strings of data stored in the client scope and
 invoke some operations that do a lot of array processing on large arrays.
 These requests are big and slow. We see a big spike in the memory usage. It
 continues to grow and grow.  Then the client appears to disconnect and
 the website (in fact, we verified by banning their IP to test). But the
 memory never gets released. The task manager now reports jrun up at over 1
 gig of memory.

 We have a script that runs every 30 seconds that checks memory usage and
 does a full GC when less than 100 megs of memory remain. Prior to
 implementing that script, we were seeing some out of memory errors.

 While watching seefusion we can see the memory creep up to 90%+, and then
 10% when the GC script runs.  But it immediately begins to climb again. And
 this process repeats. The traffic on this server is no different than our
 other server which sits  at 19% memory usage.  Now, if we restart CF, the
 problem goes away, and memory usage stays at under 20%.

 My questions are:

 1.   I understand that setting -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m should immediately
 allocate that amount of ram to the JVM. So why does the taskManager report
 the memory usage at 300 megs (prior to the event)?

 2.   If a bunch of requests cause memory usage to spike and then those
 requests die off, should seefusion show memory usage at 90% because thats
 whats allocated to the JVM and now 'claimed'? So would that be a normal
 operating condition?

 3.   What would cause the memory to immediately climb back up after a
 full GC after 'something' happened but not climb after the service is

 Thanks for your insights guys!



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Re: Memory Usage Question

2010-12-04 Thread Carl Meyer

Hi Brook,
You do not say what Cf version and JVm is in use eg CF8.01 Java 1.6.0_04

1.   I understand that setting -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m should immediately 
allocate that amount of ram to the JVM. So why does the taskManager report 
the memory usage at 300 megs (prior to the event)?
Is TASKMAN showing memory committed size? 
Setting initial size to same as maximum should likely take more memory 
initially at start-up. Perhaps enable JVM logging and check the log file for 
memory use (reply  if you need more details on how). 
Is this Server or Enterprise. If Enterprise are you able to run CF Monitor and 
see the RAM use?

 3.   What would cause the memory to immediately climb back up after a 
 full GC after 'something' happened but not climb after the service is 
A CFM is sill running and Java objects are getting committed in to memory. CF 
Monitor might assist.

HTH,  Carl. 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

RE: Memory Usage Question

2010-12-04 Thread Brook Davies

I wish I could see WHAT was taking up the ram, i.e a specific array, cfc
instances, etc etc


-Original Message-
From: Carl Meyer [] 
Sent: December-04-10 1:00 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Memory Usage Question

Hi Brook,
You do not say what Cf version and JVm is in use eg CF8.01 Java 1.6.0_04

1.   I understand that setting -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m should immediately
allocate that amount of ram to the JVM. So why does the taskManager report
the memory usage at 300 megs (prior to the event)?
Is TASKMAN showing memory committed size? 
Setting initial size to same as maximum should likely take more memory
initially at start-up. Perhaps enable JVM logging and check the log file for
memory use (reply  if you need more details on how). 
Is this Server or Enterprise. If Enterprise are you able to run CF Monitor
and see the RAM use?

 3.   What would cause the memory to immediately climb back up after a
full GC after 'something' happened but not climb after the service is
A CFM is sill running and Java objects are getting committed in to memory.
CF Monitor might assist.

HTH,  Carl. 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Memory Usage Question

2010-12-03 Thread Brook Davies



I have a question about a memory usage pattern that I am trying to figure
out. I am using seefusion to watch our server and this is what I am seeing:


1.   We have two webservers and a loadbalancer with equal distribution
and sticky sessions enabled

2.   Memory usage will be constant around 20%-30% in use throughout the

3.   When I check the taskManager on the machine I see jrun using only
300-400 megs. 

4.   The arguments to the JVM are  -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m
-XX:MaxPermSize=384m -XX:+UseParallelGC

5.   The app uses client variable storage with a MSSQL database backend

6.   The client variable data per client (in some edge cases) can grow
to be very large 


What I am seeing is a specific customer comes along and  uses our app  and
they have some very large strings of data stored in the client scope and
invoke some operations that do a lot of array processing on large arrays.
These requests are big and slow. We see a big spike in the memory usage. It
continues to grow and grow.  Then the client appears to disconnect and leave
the website (in fact, we verified by banning their IP to test). But the
memory never gets released. The task manager now reports jrun up at over 1
gig of memory.  


We have a script that runs every 30 seconds that checks memory usage and
does a full GC when less than 100 megs of memory remain. Prior to
implementing that script, we were seeing some out of memory errors.  


While watching seefusion we can see the memory creep up to 90%+, and then to
10% when the GC script runs.  But it immediately begins to climb again. And
this process repeats. The traffic on this server is no different than our
other server which sits  at 19% memory usage.  Now, if we restart CF, the
problem goes away, and memory usage stays at under 20%.


My questions are:


1.   I understand that setting -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m should immediately
allocate that amount of ram to the JVM. So why does the taskManager report
the memory usage at 300 megs (prior to the event)?

2.   If a bunch of requests cause memory usage to spike and then those
requests die off, should seefusion show memory usage at 90% because thats
whats allocated to the JVM and now 'claimed'? So would that be a normal
operating condition?

3.   What would cause the memory to immediately climb back up after a
full GC after 'something' happened but not climb after the service is


Thanks for your insights guys!



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