RE: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-06-28 Thread Stephen Kingston
Here is some code that I use to create an RTF, attach it to an email, mail it 
to client...(from a form, recordset whatever on the server).

!---   Step 1. Read the RTF file into a variable
Step 2. merge the form data into it
Step 3. write the file to the filesystem then email it

!--- Step 12. Read the RTF file into a variable ---
cfset ThisFolder = GetDirectoryFromPath(GetCurrentTemplatePath())
cfset TemplatePath = ThisFolder  THCU_Consultation_Planning_Form.rtf
cfset PDFTemplatePath = ThisFolder  THCU_Consultation_Planning_Form.pdf

cffile action=read

!--- replace placeholder text with form content ---
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %request_dt%, 
DateFormat(rs_Plan.request_dt, dd mmm ))
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %parentID_fk%, 
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %firstname%, 
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %lastname%, 
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %organization%, 
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %email%,
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %time_frame%, 
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %num_participants%, 
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %request_description%, 
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %outcomes%, new_outcomes)
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %desired_outcomes%, 
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %other_outcome%, 
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %client1%, rs_Plan.client1)
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %client2%, rs_Plan.client2)
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %client3%, rs_Plan.client3)
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %client4%, rs_Plan.client4)
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %client_contribution%, 
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, 
%client_contribution_other%, rs_Plan.client_contribution_other)
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %notes%, rs_Plan.notes)
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %submitdate%, 
DateFormat(CreateODBCDate(Now()), dd mmm ))
cfset RTF = Replace(RTF, %consultant%, 

!--- Step 3. Write file out to file system ---
cfset NewTemplatePath = ThisFolder  THCU_Consultation_Planning_Form-  
rs_Plan.plan_ID  .rtf
cffile action=write

  Unfortunately I am still looking for answers for this one. 
  From: Doug Allan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Fri 03/06/2005 21:15
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)
  This is a response to the original post by Andy McShane http://www.
 Does anyone think the CF Report Builder could be used to accomplish 
 this. I read a tutorial on the macromedia site where the report 
 builder was used to print avery address labels http://www.macromedia.
 There wasn't a clear mention of a mail-merge but it sounded feasible. 
 Anybody have any thoughts? Thanks 

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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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RE: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-06-06 Thread Andy Mcshane
Unfortunately I am still looking for answers for this one. I am playing with a 
couple of suggestions using RTF  XML but these both have way too much overhead 
in terms of maintenance for my site (potentially 1000's of documents that would 
all have to be manually edited!). The search continues. 

From: Doug Allan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 03/06/2005 21:15
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

This is a response to the original post by Andy McShane

 I saw your post a couple of days ago and found it very interesting. I
 may have to do something similar. I was wondering if you found a
 solution that worked for you. I read all the other posts but haven't
 tried anything yet. The request is fairly new so I'm researching
 different ways to get the job done.


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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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RE: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-06-06 Thread Doug Allan
 Unfortunately I am still looking for answers for this one. 
 From: Doug Allan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Fri 03/06/2005 21:15
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)
 This is a response to the original post by Andy McShane http://www.

Does anyone think the CF Report Builder could be used to accomplish this. I 
read a tutorial on the macromedia site where the report builder was used to 
print avery address labels 

There wasn't a clear mention of a mail-merge but it sounded feasible. Anybody 
have any thoughts? Thanks 

Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
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RE: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-04 Thread Eric Dawson
a potential command line option - triggered by CF, but only watched not 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [ 9:39:34 AM ]

Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2

Set objFSO = CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject)
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(C:\Scripts\Text.txt, ForReading)

strText = objFile.ReadAll
strNewText = Replace(strText, Jim , James )

Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(C:\Scripts\Text.txt, ForWriting)
objFile.WriteLine strNewText

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [ 9:48:58 AM ]

From: Andy Mcshane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2005 10:48:04 +0100

I did something like this some time ago, I created the word document, put 
place holders in for my data, saved it as an rtf file. I then had to copy 
the RTF text into a .cfm page, process my place holders to put my text in 
and then save the RTF text back out to another file. This worked well. This 
was fine when I could control content of the document. Where this 
requirement now differs is that I want the user to create their own RTF 
documents and then upload them to our web server into a template directory.

Let me run this idea by you, If I provide the user with a list of 
pre-defined merge field codes, i.e. the coldfusion code that maps to a 
required peice of data in the database, so that they can create their very 
own RTF documents, let them upload the document to the template directory on 
the server, I could then read the RTF file line by line to replace the merge 
fields with data and write out completed letters to another file. Does 
anybody see any problems with this idea? Are text file read  writes much of 
an overhead for the server? I envisage that anywhere between 1 - 300+ 
letters may need to be produced at any one time.

you could generate RTF files on the files.

add mailmerge fields to a word document - save as RTF and us CF to
generate RTF and make available for download.

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RE: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-04 Thread Brad Roberts
It would be great if you could point to an online data source in Word.

Tell Word that your CSV file is at  Everyone
would have a copy of the Word file.  Then just schedule CF to update your

Maybe some VBScript or .NET?  Anyone know if that's possible?


-Original Message-
From: Andy Mcshane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 5:48 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

I did something like this some time ago, I created the word document, put
place holders in for my data, saved it as an rtf file. I then had to copy
the RTF text into a .cfm page, process my place holders to put my text in
and then save the RTF text back out to another file. This worked well. This
was fine when I could control content of the document. Where this
requirement now differs is that I want the user to create their own RTF
documents and then upload them to our web server into a template directory. 
Let me run this idea by you, If I provide the user with a list of
pre-defined merge field codes, i.e. the coldfusion code that maps to a
required peice of data in the database, so that they can create their very
own RTF documents, let them upload the document to the template directory on
the server, I could then read the RTF file line by line to replace the merge
fields with data and write out completed letters to another file. Does
anybody see any problems with this idea? Are text file read  writes much of
an overhead for the server? I envisage that anywhere between 1 - 300+
letters may need to be produced at any one time.

you could generate RTF files on the files.

add mailmerge fields to a word document - save as RTF and us CF to
generate RTF and make available for download.

Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
Ticket application

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Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-04 Thread Rebecca Wells
When I use CF to create mail merge type form letters, I first set up my 
format characters as a block of variables, like this:

!--- Generic formatting variables. ---
cfset crlf = #chr(13)##chr(10)# !--- carriage return, line-feed ---
cfset cr = #chr(13)# !--- carriage return ---
cfset lf = #chr(10)# !--- line-feed ---
cfset tab = #chr(9)# !--- tab ---
cfset dblquote = #chr(34)# !--- double-quote ---
cfset pgbrk = #chr(12)# !--- page break ---
cfset topmargin = #lf##lf##lf##lf##lf##lf##lf# !--- page break ---

cfset ResidentLtrs = 

Then I just loop over the query with the data for the variables and build a 
variable with the letter text, like this:

cfset ResidentLtrs = ResidentLtrs  #topmargin#  
#DateFormat(qAnnexLookup.Anx_Date,  d, )#  #crlf#  #lf#  New City 
Resident  #crlf#  #oldstAddr#  #crlf#  Renton, WA
#qOwnerPIDs.ZipCode#  #crlf#  #lf#  SUBJECT:#qAnnexLookup.Name#   
ADDRESS CHANGES  #crlf#  #lf#  Because of the recent annexation of your 
property at   #oldstAddr#   to the City of Renton, the address must be 
changed to correspond with the City's address system. The new address is:  
#crlf#  #lf#  #tab#  #tab#  #tab#  #newStAddr#  #crlf#  #lf#  In an 
endeavor to assist you through this transition, I have notified the local 
Postal Authority and the utility companies, as well as the attached list of 
other potential agencies. When you submit the enclosed card to the Post Office 
you will receive an information packet to assist in this notification.  
#crlf#  #lf#  Please post your new address numbers within 30 days and at a 
minimum size of 4  #dblquote#   (four inches).  #crlf#  #lf#  If you 
have further questions, please contact me at (123) 456-7890.  #crlf#  
Welcome to the City of Renton!  #crlf#  #lf#  Sincerely,  #crlf#  #lf# 
 #lf#  #lf#  Joe Schmoe  #crlf#  Development Services Representative  
#crlf#  Development Services Department  #crlf#  #pgbrk#

After the loop, use cffile to write the variable contents to a file with a 
.doc file extension, then provide a link on the following display page for 
the user to download the file. It's not perfect; the user may need to set the 
font and tab stops for the document. But even so, it sure is a time saver for 
the users and it is pretty easy to do from a programming standpoint!

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RE: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-04 Thread Dave Watts
 Then I just loop over the query with the data for the 
 variables and build a variable with the letter text, like this:
 cfset ResidentLtrs = ResidentLtrs  #topmargin#  ...

I think it's worth pointing out that if you're going to concatenate strings,
you don't need to wrap pound signs around your CF expressions. If you want
to embed those expressions within existing strings, then you need the pound

cfset mystr = var1  var2
cfset mystr = #var1##var2#

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized 
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta, 
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location. 
Visit for more information!

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RE: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-04 Thread Calvin Ward
I've always found pound signs make it hard for me to read stuff so I find
myself organizing my code in such a way as to avoid them where reasonable.

Nice solution Rebecca.

- Calvin

-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 5:28 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

 Then I just loop over the query with the data for the 
 variables and build a variable with the letter text, like this:
 cfset ResidentLtrs = ResidentLtrs  #topmargin#  ...

I think it's worth pointing out that if you're going to concatenate strings,
you don't need to wrap pound signs around your CF expressions. If you want
to embed those expressions within existing strings, then you need the pound

cfset mystr = var1  var2
cfset mystr = #var1##var2#

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized 
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta, 
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location. 
Visit for more information!

Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
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Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-04 Thread Rebecca Wells
Thanks. And thanks for the reminder, guys, re: the pound signs. Sometimes when 
I'm in a rush, I just slip into old habits just to meet some deadline. I'm sure 
we all have moments when we look back on code we've written in the past and 
groan. There are probably developers somewhere who inherited some of my early 
applications (circa 1997-2001, if any of them are even still around) that 
*hate* me. I know what that's like, because now I get to maintain code written 
by my predesessors. 

I've always found pound signs make it hard for me to read stuff so I find
myself organizing my code in such a way as to avoid them where reasonable.

Nice solution Rebecca.

- Calvin

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Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-04 Thread Jared Rypka-Hauer - CMG, LLC

I agree that RTF (or, possibly PDF, but that presents its own
challenges) is probably the way to go.

Rick, you're going to want to take your query, or whatever format your
source data is in and just loop over it (this could produce several
nested loops - don't be afraid to just do it) to produce one
instance of your RTF document per interation of your outermost loop.

Instance in this case could just mean a final line break so the
whole mail merge ends up in one document. It could also mean a
distinct file... that's going to be up to you. You could create a
whole temp folder full of files for them to download (via checkboxes,

There's a bajillion ways to do it... but if they're used to Word, I
think you're on the right track.

Here's what looked like a handy link full of working, runnable
examples of generating RTF text from within CF:

And remember, Google is your friend!


On Apr 4, 2005 5:43 PM, Rebecca Wells [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks. And thanks for the reminder, guys, re: the pound signs. Sometimes 
 when I'm in a rush, I just slip into old habits just to meet some deadline. 
 I'm sure we all have moments when we look back on code we've written in the 
 past and groan. There are probably developers somewhere who inherited some of 
 my early applications (circa 1997-2001, if any of them are even still around) 
 that *hate* me. I know what that's like, because now I get to maintain code 
 written by my predesessors.
 I've always found pound signs make it hard for me to read stuff so I find
 myself organizing my code in such a way as to avoid them where reasonable.
 Nice solution Rebecca.
 - Calvin

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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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RE: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-03 Thread Andy Mcshane
I did something like this some time ago, I created the word document, put place 
holders in for my data, saved it as an rtf file. I then had to copy the RTF 
text into a .cfm page, process my place holders to put my text in and then save 
the RTF text back out to another file. This worked well. This was fine when I 
could control content of the document. Where this requirement now differs is 
that I want the user to create their own RTF documents and then upload them to 
our web server into a template directory. 
Let me run this idea by you, If I provide the user with a list of pre-defined 
merge field codes, i.e. the coldfusion code that maps to a required peice of 
data in the database, so that they can create their very own RTF documents, let 
them upload the document to the template directory on the server, I could then 
read the RTF file line by line to replace the merge fields with data and write 
out completed letters to another file. Does anybody see any problems with this 
idea? Are text file read  writes much of an overhead for the server? I 
envisage that anywhere between 1 - 300+ letters may need to be produced at any 
one time.

you could generate RTF files on the files.

add mailmerge fields to a word document - save as RTF and us CF to
generate RTF and make available for download.

Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
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Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-02 Thread Mark Drew
I know this isnt a LOT of help, but a while back I did some stuff like
this using ASP.

Basicaly in ASP you can create a server object (like an instance of MS
Word) and then run commands against it. How that translates to CF I
dont know.

If it cant be done with CF have a look at ASP and CF could trigger an
ASP page to do the merge and then pick up the results

Mark Drew

On Apr 2, 2005 9:02 AM, Andy Mcshane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok guy's, here's something that has been playing on mind now for far too long 
 and I need to try to come up with a definitive answer of either yes it can be 
 done or no it can't. Here's what I have been asked to do;
 We have a web based product that a number of our clients use to store 
 information specific to them. From time to time they want to be able to use 
 that information to produce letters. The way that this is currently done is 
 that they download the information that they require in a comma seperated 
 file and then use Microsoft Word to perform a mail merge using the CSV as a 
 data source, with me so far?
 What I need to know is if it is possible, and if so how, to be able to carry 
 out this same type of mail merge on line and then have the choice of printing 
 or downloading the completed word documents as a file, i.e. is it possible to 
 run the same mail nmerge process on the web server? If so can anyone point me 
 to a source of info for this? Alternatively would anyone know of any other 
 way to acheive this whole letter/mail merge process efficiently?
 Any advice greatly apreciated,

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RE: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-02 Thread James Holmes
A COM object may be able to do the same work directly in CF. 

-Original Message-
From: Mark Drew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, 2 April 2005 5:50 
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

I know this isnt a LOT of help, but a while back I did some stuff like this
using ASP.

Basicaly in ASP you can create a server object (like an instance of MS
Word) and then run commands against it. How that translates to CF I dont

If it cant be done with CF have a look at ASP and CF could trigger an ASP
page to do the merge and then pick up the results

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Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-02 Thread Mark Drew
Thats what I meant :) 

Early saturday morning with hangover... cant seem to get words out


On Apr 2, 2005 11:01 AM, James Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A COM object may be able to do the same work directly in CF.
 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Drew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, 2 April 2005 5:50
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)
 I know this isnt a LOT of help, but a while back I did some stuff like this
 using ASP.
 Basicaly in ASP you can create a server object (like an instance of MS
 Word) and then run commands against it. How that translates to CF I dont
 If it cant be done with CF have a look at ASP and CF could trigger an ASP
 page to do the merge and then pick up the results

Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support 
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Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-02 Thread Mark Drew
See this page how to convert a word document to html (as an example)

Always remember that you have to have Word installed on the server
(obvious I know)


On Apr 2, 2005 11:01 AM, James Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A COM object may be able to do the same work directly in CF.
 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Drew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, 2 April 2005 5:50
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)
 I know this isnt a LOT of help, but a while back I did some stuff like this
 using ASP.
 Basicaly in ASP you can create a server object (like an instance of MS
 Word) and then run commands against it. How that translates to CF I dont
 If it cant be done with CF have a look at ASP and CF could trigger an ASP
 page to do the merge and then pick up the results

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-02 Thread Andy Mcshane
Thanks, this looks interesting. This would be ideal if all of the word document 
formatting was converted also, i.e. page breaks, header, footer, etc. I could 
then run m y mailmerge against the HTML page and print that off! Maybe wishful 

Would you be able to point me any resource that demonstrates how to do a word 
mail merge using ASP? Is it actually possible to execute an ASP page from 
Coldfusion? I would simply need to be able to pass a document template and 
datasource to word, do a mail merge and then save the result to a file that the 
user could download and print themselves as word documents, this would be 

You can tell it is a Saturday, plenty time to come up with these wish lists!

 See this page how to convert a word document to html (as an example)
 Always remember that you have to have Word installed on the server
 (obvious I know)
 On Apr 2, 2005 11:01 AM, James Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 au wrote:
  A COM object may be able to do the same work directly in CF.
  -Original Message-
  From: Mark Drew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, 2 April 2005 5:50
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)
  I know this isnt a LOT of help, but a while back I did some stuff 
 like this
  using ASP.
  Basicaly in ASP you can create a server object (like an instance of 
  Word) and then run commands against it. How that translates to CF I 
  If it cant be done with CF have a look at ASP and CF could trigger 
 an ASP
  page to do the merge and then pick up the results

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-02 Thread Mark Drew
Its not quite like that... the example I posted showed creating a new
serverside word com object that you can then manipulate.

What the process would be (and you have to find the methods, I cant
find them at the moment) create a word object, make that object open
your mailmerge template, tell the word object to get some data, merge
and save the merge as a file on the server, then return that file.

MSDN is a good source for these methods

I hope that helps a bit!


Mark Drew

On Apr 2, 2005 11:15 AM, Andy Mcshane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks, this looks interesting. This would be ideal if all of the word 
 document formatting was converted also, i.e. page breaks, header, footer, 
 etc. I could then run m y mailmerge against the HTML page and print that off! 
 Maybe wishful thinking!.
 Would you be able to point me any resource that demonstrates how to do a word 
 mail merge using ASP? Is it actually possible to execute an ASP page from 
 Coldfusion? I would simply need to be able to pass a document template and 
 datasource to word, do a mail merge and then save the result to a file that 
 the user could download and print themselves as word documents, this would be 
 You can tell it is a Saturday, plenty time to come up with these wish lists!
  See this page how to convert a word document to html (as an example)
  Always remember that you have to have Word installed on the server
  (obvious I know)
  On Apr 2, 2005 11:01 AM, James Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  au wrote:
   A COM object may be able to do the same work directly in CF.
   -Original Message-
   From: Mark Drew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Saturday, 2 April 2005 5:50
   To: CF-Talk
   Subject: Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)
   I know this isnt a LOT of help, but a while back I did some stuff
  like this
   using ASP.
   Basicaly in ASP you can create a server object (like an instance of
   Word) and then run commands against it. How that translates to CF I
   If it cant be done with CF have a look at ASP and CF could trigger
  an ASP
   page to do the merge and then pick up the results

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Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-02 Thread Al Musella, DPM
   I do this all of the time with straight HTML..  Use style sheets to 
format the pages nicely and to display the letterhead part, and just use 
cold fusion to insert the variables at the right place.  Make sure they set 
the browser to not print a header or footer.  I have a button on a page 
that whn clicked pops up this new window with just the mail merged pages.. 
you can use javascript to print it then close it, or let them do it 
manually.  (I do this because the mail merged pages don't have your 
navigation bars)

  To get a little fancier, you can also use pdf.. search for dynamic pdf.

At 03:02 AM 4/2/2005, you wrote:
Ok guy's, here's something that has been playing on mind now for far too 
long and I need to try to come up with a definitive answer of either yes 
it can be done or no it can't. Here's what I have been asked to do;

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RE: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-02 Thread Rick Faircloth
Hi, Al...

Would you explain a little more about how you
cause the mail merge to execute?  I'm still using
CF what you're doing possible with that?

I've created printable forms using CSS and CF variables,
but only as single documents, not as multiple printouts
from a mail merge...


-Original Message-
From: Al Musella, DPM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 10:19 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

   I do this all of the time with straight HTML..  Use style sheets to
format the pages nicely and to display the letterhead part, and just use
cold fusion to insert the variables at the right place.  Make sure they set
the browser to not print a header or footer.  I have a button on a page
that whn clicked pops up this new window with just the mail merged pages..
you can use javascript to print it then close it, or let them do it
manually.  (I do this because the mail merged pages don't have your
navigation bars)

  To get a little fancier, you can also use pdf.. search for dynamic pdf.

At 03:02 AM 4/2/2005, you wrote:
Ok guy's, here's something that has been playing on mind now for far too
long and I need to try to come up with a definitive answer of either yes
it can be done or no it can't. Here's what I have been asked to do;

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RE: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-02 Thread Al Musella, DPM
I am actually using 4.5.2 on my server as well!  (It is a small non-profit 
brain cancer organization - and they can't afford to upgrade:)

As I see it, your problem is creating multiple pages.  There are a few 
approaches. The nicest is to use CSS to force a page break after each page, 
but when I did this, I had to deal with older browsers, so I cheated by 
just using [br] tag to get to the next page. I have a setup page that you 
use to determine how many lines are printed on your printer, and save that 
number in a cookie.  Then as I loop through each record I set a line 
counter to see how many lines are used (for example, if there is no address 
line 2, I don't leave an empty space).. then after the content, I figure 
out how many  [br] tags are needed to get to the next line.  Works 
remarkably well.
   The only problems: you have to have the user set the header and footer 
in their browser to blanks, and it only works for 1 font size.. if they set 
their browser to a bigger or smaller font, they have to figure out how many 
lines per page again

At 10:45 AM 4/2/2005, you wrote:
Hi, Al...

Would you explain a little more about how you
cause the mail merge to execute?  I'm still using
CF what you're doing possible with that?

I've created printable forms using CSS and CF variables,
but only as single documents, not as multiple printouts
from a mail merge...


-Original Message-
From: Al Musella, DPM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 10:19 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

I do this all of the time with straight HTML..  Use style sheets to
format the pages nicely and to display the letterhead part, and just use
cold fusion to insert the variables at the right place.  Make sure they set
the browser to not print a header or footer.  I have a button on a page
that whn clicked pops up this new window with just the mail merged pages..
you can use javascript to print it then close it, or let them do it
manually.  (I do this because the mail merged pages don't have your
navigation bars)

   To get a little fancier, you can also use pdf.. search for dynamic pdf.

At 03:02 AM 4/2/2005, you wrote:
 Ok guy's, here's something that has been playing on mind now for far too
 long and I need to try to come up with a definitive answer of either yes
 it can be done or no it can't. Here's what I have been asked to do;

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-02 Thread Eric Dawson
you could generate RTF files on the files.

add mailmerge fields to a word document - save as RTF and us CF to
generate RTF and make available for download.

- Original Message - 
From: Andy Mcshane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 2:02 AM
Subject: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

 Ok guy's, here's something that has been playing on mind now for far too
long and I need to try to come up with a definitive answer of either yes it
can be done or no it can't. Here's what I have been asked to do;

 We have a web based product that a number of our clients use to store
information specific to them. From time to time they want to be able to use
that information to produce letters. The way that this is currently done is
that they download the information that they require in a comma seperated
file and then use Microsoft Word to perform a mail merge using the CSV as a
data source, with me so far?

 What I need to know is if it is possible, and if so how, to be able to
carry out this same type of mail merge on line and then have the choice of
printing or downloading the completed word documents as a file, i.e. is it
possible to run the same mail nmerge process on the web server? If so can
anyone point me to a source of info for this? Alternatively would anyone
know of any other way to acheive this whole letter/mail merge process

 Any advice greatly apreciated,


Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support 
efficiency by 100%

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RE: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-02 Thread Rick Faircloth
Hi, Eric...

Can you provide more detail on how CF
would generate the RTF?


-Original Message-
From: Eric Dawson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 6:57 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

you could generate RTF files on the files.

add mailmerge fields to a word document - save as RTF and us CF to
generate RTF and make available for download.

- Original Message -
From: Andy Mcshane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 2:02 AM
Subject: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

 Ok guy's, here's something that has been playing on mind now for far too
long and I need to try to come up with a definitive answer of either yes it
can be done or no it can't. Here's what I have been asked to do;

 We have a web based product that a number of our clients use to store
information specific to them. From time to time they want to be able to use
that information to produce letters. The way that this is currently done is
that they download the information that they require in a comma seperated
file and then use Microsoft Word to perform a mail merge using the CSV as a
data source, with me so far?

 What I need to know is if it is possible, and if so how, to be able to
carry out this same type of mail merge on line and then have the choice of
printing or downloading the completed word documents as a file, i.e. is it
possible to run the same mail nmerge process on the web server? If so can
anyone point me to a source of info for this? Alternatively would anyone
know of any other way to acheive this whole letter/mail merge process

 Any advice greatly apreciated,

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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RE: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

2005-04-02 Thread Rick Faircloth
Hi, Al...

Thanks for the explanation.
How do you code a page break in CSS?


-Original Message-
From: Al Musella, DPM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 4:53 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

I am actually using 4.5.2 on my server as well!  (It is a small non-profit
brain cancer organization - and they can't afford to upgrade:)

As I see it, your problem is creating multiple pages.  There are a few
approaches. The nicest is to use CSS to force a page break after each page,
but when I did this, I had to deal with older browsers, so I cheated by
just using [br] tag to get to the next page. I have a setup page that you
use to determine how many lines are printed on your printer, and save that
number in a cookie.  Then as I loop through each record I set a line
counter to see how many lines are used (for example, if there is no address
line 2, I don't leave an empty space).. then after the content, I figure
out how many  [br] tags are needed to get to the next line.  Works
remarkably well.
   The only problems: you have to have the user set the header and footer
in their browser to blanks, and it only works for 1 font size.. if they set
their browser to a bigger or smaller font, they have to figure out how many
lines per page again

At 10:45 AM 4/2/2005, you wrote:
Hi, Al...

Would you explain a little more about how you
cause the mail merge to execute?  I'm still using
CF what you're doing possible with that?

I've created printable forms using CSS and CF variables,
but only as single documents, not as multiple printouts
from a mail merge...


-Original Message-
From: Al Musella, DPM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 10:19 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Web Based Mail Merge? (not email!)

I do this all of the time with straight HTML..  Use style sheets to
format the pages nicely and to display the letterhead part, and just use
cold fusion to insert the variables at the right place.  Make sure they set
the browser to not print a header or footer.  I have a button on a page
that whn clicked pops up this new window with just the mail merged pages..
you can use javascript to print it then close it, or let them do it
manually.  (I do this because the mail merged pages don't have your
navigation bars)

   To get a little fancier, you can also use pdf.. search for dynamic pdf.

At 03:02 AM 4/2/2005, you wrote:
 Ok guy's, here's something that has been playing on mind now for far too
 long and I need to try to come up with a definitive answer of either yes
 it can be done or no it can't. Here's what I have been asked to do;

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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