2005-09-12 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
I love it when that happens. :)

> Thanks.  And the most beautiful thing about this is that
> this is it looks
> like I am already doing the basic version of this.

> Andy

> -Original Message-
> From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 9:31 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: XML, XSD, XSL

> MVC = Model-View-Controller

> It's the most popular way of thinking about software
> design for
> maximum code-reuse.

> Wikipedia actually isn't a bad place to start for this:


>> MVC?  And can you point me to some starter locations?

>> -Original Message-
>> From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

>> Heh... sorry. :) You sound pretty sharp from this end.
>> Give it some
>> time, read some articles on general MVC, you'll figure it
>> out. :)

>>> Sir,
>>> You are WAY over my head.  Try to keep to 3 letter words
>>> and 4 word paragraphs, please!

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework

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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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2005-09-12 Thread Andy
Thanks.  And the most beautiful thing about this is that this is it looks
like I am already doing the basic version of this.


-Original Message-
From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 9:31 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: XML, XSD, XSL

MVC = Model-View-Controller

It's the most popular way of thinking about software design for
maximum code-reuse.

Wikipedia actually isn't a bad place to start for this:

> MVC?  And can you point me to some starter locations?

> -Original Message-
> From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Heh... sorry. :) You sound pretty sharp from this end.
> Give it some
> time, read some articles on general MVC, you'll figure it
> out. :)

>> Sir,
>> You are WAY over my head.  Try to keep to 3 letter words
>> and 4 word paragraphs, please!

> ~~

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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2005-09-12 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
MVC = Model-View-Controller

It's the most popular way of thinking about software design for
maximum code-reuse.

Wikipedia actually isn't a bad place to start for this:

> MVC?  And can you point me to some starter locations?

> -Original Message-
> From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Heh... sorry. :) You sound pretty sharp from this end.
> Give it some
> time, read some articles on general MVC, you'll figure it
> out. :)

>> Sir,
>> You are WAY over my head.  Try to keep to 3 letter words
>> and 4 word paragraphs, please!

> ~~

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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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2005-09-12 Thread Andy
MVC?  And can you point me to some starter locations?

-Original Message-
From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Heh... sorry. :) You sound pretty sharp from this end. Give it some
time, read some articles on general MVC, you'll figure it out. :)

> Sir,
> You are WAY over my head.  Try to keep to 3 letter words
> and 4 word paragraphs, please!

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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2005-09-11 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Heh... sorry. :) You sound pretty sharp from this end. Give it some
time, read some articles on general MVC, you'll figure it out. :)

> Sir,
> You are WAY over my head.  Try to keep to 3 letter words
> and 4 word paragraphs, please!

> -Original Message-
> From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

>> First, I think that your apps are way more sophisticated
>> then mine.  All I have is a very basic controller (I am
>> using Application.cfc in this role),

> Mmmm... I'm thinking that might be a misinterpretation of
> what's
> generally meant by "controller" when people talk about
> MVC... I've
> always heard it described as a "traffic cop" which manages
> the
> relationship between the domain model and the view. You
> certainly
> could use the Application.cfc to instantiate your
> listeners and pass
> data from the form/url to them, in which case it would be
> a
> controller, but I'd be surprised if that's the case (and
> it's not how
> I would write it). All of this just sort of FYI mind you.

s. isaac dealey 954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework

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2005-09-11 Thread Andy
You are WAY over my head.  Try to keep to 3 letter words and 4 word
paragraphs, please!

-Original Message-
From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> First, I think that your apps are way more sophisticated
> then mine.  All I have is a very basic controller (I am
> using Application.cfc in this role),

Mmmm... I'm thinking that might be a misinterpretation of what's
generally meant by "controller" when people talk about MVC... I've
always heard it described as a "traffic cop" which manages the
relationship between the domain model and the view. You certainly
could use the Application.cfc to instantiate your listeners and pass
data from the form/url to them, in which case it would be a
controller, but I'd be surprised if that's the case (and it's not how
I would write it). All of this just sort of FYI mind you.

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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2005-09-10 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> First, I think that your apps are way more sophisticated
> then mine.  All I have is a very basic controller (I am
> using Application.cfc in this role),

Mmmm... I'm thinking that might be a misinterpretation of what's
generally meant by "controller" when people talk about MVC... I've
always heard it described as a "traffic cop" which manages the
relationship between the domain model and the view. You certainly
could use the Application.cfc to instantiate your listeners and pass
data from the form/url to them, in which case it would be a
controller, but I'd be surprised if that's the case (and it's not how
I would write it). All of this just sort of FYI mind you.

> a presentation layer and BusinessObjects (basic cfc's
> like Invoice, Order, Customer, Address, Person).  I don't
> have a factory (although I could since I don't know what
> the heck it is).

> So my use of xml in my app is passing between
> Presentation Layer and 1 business object, sometimes
> a couple objects.

Okay, this is more clear and makes more sense to me now. :) I guess I
have a tendency to forget that most CF apps really aren't very large
or complicated (sophistication and complexity don't necessarily go
hand in hand). :)

> Once in an object, I sometimes pass a node of XML to
> another function, but sometimes just 1 or two values
> directly.

My RuleManagers do this internally... From the view, only the
RuleManager is ever referenced directly -- you create a RuleManager
and then you can optionally choose to load/unload a context and a set
of criteria types (by name/classpath) although by default the criteria
types can interrogate the context to determine their own
applicability. From there on you use the UI to allow users to manage
their rules and you call RuleManager.ruleApplies() to determine the
applicability of an individual rules, but you never reference the
criteria objects directly. Within the RuleManager, the criteria type
CFC's (which share a common interface) will send and receive XML nodes
(as a node or as text) to perform the tasks of making changes to the
rule-set and testing the applicability of individual criteria (within
each rule). The only time XML is passed in or out of the RuleManager
is when you instantiate it (and load up a rule-set) or when you pull
the text of the XML to save it to file or database. I realise this
seems like an advert :) just trying to give some context for
comparison really.

>> 2.  I can easily maintain before and after pictures
>> of an object at the client and do not have to create
>> session variables to do so.

> Why would you want them at the client?

> Is that really a big issue for online shoppers? I figured
> if they
> didn't complete the checkout they probably weren't that
> interested in
> the first place.

> AO:  First, I am mostly a B-B site, albeit very small B to
> very small B.
> And failed completion is not always related to
> abandonment.  I've been
> interrupted while placing an order and by the time I got
> back, I've timed
> out.  So I need some mechanism for maintaining state.  I
> like to let buyers
> know when they've made a change, so I need both current
> and past.  This also
> gives me an unwind feature, even after committing the
> transaction.

Okay that makes more sense... I was thinking about retail transactions
where the person's casually considering a t-shirt or somesuch. And the
"unwind" is also something I build into the Members onTap plugin, and
also used XML as part of that undo/redo process, although in that case
the choice of XML was intended to allow many different, as yet unknown
plugins take advantage of that system, without knowing what data they
might want to store.

>> 3.  Now that I've found out that I can validate
>> against the schema, I don't have to maintain basic
>> validation rules at both the UI and
>> Business Object level.

> Even without that, I'd probably still only validate
> at the UI.

> AO:  How does the UI know what to validate?
> Do you add Metadata to all of your attributes that
> has size and type features?  In which case, you are
> created a schema, you've just rolled your own.

Well I have the ability to do it that way just by adding special
attributes to my forms, and yes that is a sort of schema... but
primarily I just pull metadata from the database and tell the form
which table a particular form is designed to manage... In the next day
or so this url ought to work:

That will be the new home of the Power onTap Captivate presentation...
I mention it only because the latter half of the presentation
demonstrates the tools used to generate that form validation. Oddly
enough, they do actually use xml to accomplish their task:

That's the short-short version (just the number of fields -- those are
actually complete input elements and that's a complete form), but the
tap:dbtable attribute at the top


2005-09-09 Thread Andy
First, I think that your apps are way more sophisticated then mine.  All I
have is a very basic controller (I am using Application.cfc in this role), a
presentation layer and BusinessObjects (basic cfc's like Invoice, Order,
Customer, Address, Person).  I don't have a factory (although I could since
I don't know what the heck it is).  So my use of xml in my app is passing
between Presentation Layer and 1 business object, sometimes a couple
objects.  Once in an object, I sometimes pass a node of XML to another
function, but sometimes just 1 or two values directly.

Rest of comments below...

-Original Message-
From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

>   1.  Data for a particular object is "bundled" nicely
> together in a way that is very readable

I just thought I'd point out that the syntax
can often (although not always) be identical (re: very readable).

AO:  Yup.

> 2.  I can easily maintain before and after pictures
> of an object at the client and do not have to create
> session variables to do so.

Why would you want them at the client?

Is that really a big issue for online shoppers? I figured if they
didn't complete the checkout they probably weren't that interested in
the first place.

AO:  First, I am mostly a B-B site, albeit very small B to very small B.
And failed completion is not always related to abandonment.  I've been
interrupted while placing an order and by the time I got back, I've timed
out.  So I need some mechanism for maintaining state.  I like to let buyers
know when they've made a change, so I need both current and past.  This also
gives me an unwind feature, even after committing the transaction.

> 3.  Now that I've found out that I can validate
> against the schema, I don't have to maintain basic
> validation rules at both the UI and
> Business Object level.

Even without that, I'd probably still only validate at the UI.

AO:  How does the UI know what to validate?  Do you add Metadata to all of
your attributes that has size and type features?  In which case, you are
created a schema, you've just rolled your own.

> 6.  I am starting to like the way using xmlSpy
> to create schemas and xml helps me think through
> how I am organizing, validating and representing
> objects

I just write the xml out by hand... Not that xmlSpy is bad, but it's
not a big seller for me -- I find the interface actually gets in the
way more than it's an aid.

AO:  I am new, so I may stop using xmlSpy for this real soon!

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2005-09-09 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> I just don't see how using XML internally in an app is
> extra work compared
> to using individual attributes or another structure
> format.  And I don't
> understand where there is any appreciable overhead.  Of
> course, my ignorance
> could very well be bliss!

> Advantages that I see:

>   1.  Data for a particular object is "bundled" nicely
> together in a way that is very readable

brief note: the following is not xml ... it's CF custom tags


...x content...
...y content...
...z content...

True you can't perform an XML transformation on tags in-line in a cf
template, but you can't put  statements directly in an XML
template either (which is easier to code than an xml transromation),
and you could parse these tags and perform a transformation on them or
otherwise output this "xml" to a cf template to be executed. There are
pros and cons to either, I just thought I'd point out that the syntax
can often (although not always) be identical (re: very readable).

> 2.  I can easily maintain before and after pictures
> of an object at the client and do not have to create
> session variables to do so.

Why would you want them at the client?

> This way I can also maintain cart info across expired
> sessions without loading the client up with cookies
> or saving User data

Is that really a big issue for online shoppers? I figured if they
didn't complete the checkout they probably weren't that interested in
the first place.

> 3.  Now that I've found out that I can validate
> against the schema, I don't have to maintain basic
> validation rules at both the UI and
> Business Object level.

Umm... neither do I ... I validate at the UI. Which is mostly
automated from my db meta-data, so I rarely futz with form
validation... I mean... I can, but I rarely need to. Even without
that, I'd probably still only validate at the UI.

> Question that I am working through is how
> to translate xmlValidate error responses to user
> friendly messages at the UI layer

I'd expect that to be tough.

> 4.  I can create an object once and easily include
> in other objects(e.g. Address in an Invoice).
> Of course I could also do this using includes...

I get the same thing from structures and arrays.

> 5.  I can create XML test files and quickly and
> easily run regression test on all code

Mmmm... okay... I never found that particularly time consuming...

> 6.  I am starting to like the way using xmlSpy
> to create schemas and xml helps me think through
> how I am organizing, validating and representing
> objects

I just write the xml out by hand... Not that xmlSpy is bad, but it's
not a big seller for me -- I find the interface actually gets in the
way more than it's an aid.

I use a fair amount of XML in my apps recently actually, but I don't
generally pass it around between components... I have a RuleManager
facade which provides an interface for end-users to manage their
business logic, which internally manages an xml packet and then store
that xml packet somewhere...

Maybe I'm just imagining from your description that you're using it in
a really different way than I am when you're really not... For some
reason I'd just envisioned tons of XML passing back and forth between
marginally related components, as opposed to say a facade which
manages its internal data as an XML packet for the sake of

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework

Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
Ticket application

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2005-09-09 Thread Andy
I just don't see how using XML internally in an app is extra work compared
to using individual attributes or another structure format.  And I don't
understand where there is any appreciable overhead.  Of course, my ignorance
could very well be bliss!

Advantages that I see:

1.  Data for a particular object is "bundled" nicely together in a
way that is very readable
2.  I can easily maintain before and after pictures of an object at
the client and do not have to create session variables to do so.  This way I
can also maintain cart info across expired sessions without loading the
client up with cookies or saving User data
3.  Now that I've found out that I can validate against the schema,
I don't have to maintain basic validation rules at both the UI and Business
Object level.  Question that I am working through is how to translate
xmlValidate error responses to user friendly messages at the UI layer
4.  I can create an object once and easily include in other
objects(e.g. Address in an Invoice).  Of course I could also do this using
5.  I can create XML test files and quickly and easily run
regression test on all code
6.  I am starting to like the way using xmlSpy to create schemas and
xml helps me think through how I am organizing, validating and representing

-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Ok, I've made the decision to use XML as the format to pass 
> data between objects in my application. This approach seems 
> to have lots of advantages as opposed to using lists of 
> parameters or structures. My question now is how and why 
> use XSD's and XSL.  

What exactly are these advantages? 

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2005-09-08 Thread Anthony Prato
> > 2.XSD's don't seem to provide much benefit in a stand-alone
> > application besides helping create test data via tools like xmlSpy.  I
> > don't
> > even see how in ColdFusion you can validate an XML using an associated
> > XSD.
> > And it doesn't look like XSL documents are based off of an XSD, so you
> > still
> > have to validate if field lengths, etc using code.  Am I missing something
> > here?
> Nope... XSDs are far from a panacea... they check structure and dialect.
> Dat's it.
> CF 7 can validate an XSD and previous versions can do with outside help (COM
> or Java).

This is incorrect. you can validate a number of things with a proper
XSD. Beyond the actual document struction validation XSD supports many
native data types. You can define your own and use them within your
document. You can validate on ranges and numeric values. It supports
enumerations, and most importantly you can validate on REGEX patterns.

Check out w3schools for a good intro on creating XSD files. (then as
has been said use xml validate)  But just to warn you, the results
aren't always pretty :) Also FYI coldfusion use XERCES from for the validation.


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2005-09-08 Thread Massimo Foti
> You can find plenty of discussions on this topic over the web (especially
> mailing list). Like this one:

The main point is here:

Massimo Foti
Tools for ColdFusion and Dreamweaver developers:

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
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2005-09-08 Thread Massimo Foti
> > but since inside a XSLT template you can mix
> > them with any, arbitrary, well-formed
> > XML code, you can't validate it.
> That's untrue. Typically the XSL tags in an XSL document are prefixed
> with the XSL namespace (which is one of the few namespaces which has a
> default uri) -- that being the case,  is validated
> against the schema for the the xsl namespace, whereas other tags in
> the document may be unvalidated or validated against any other schema
> or DTD based on their respective namespace URI's.

The XSLT 1.0 specs don't include a XSD, only a DTD:

You can find plenty of discussions on this topic over the web (especially on
mailing list). Like this one:

Massimo Foti
Tools for ColdFusion and Dreamweaver developers:

Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
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2005-09-08 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> but since inside a XSLT template you can mix
> them with any, arbitrary, well-formed
> XML code, you can't validate it.

That's untrue. Typically the XSL tags in an XSL document are prefixed
with the XSL namespace (which is one of the few namespaces which has a
default uri) -- that being the case,  is validated
against the schema for the the xsl namespace, whereas other tags in
the document may be unvalidated or validated against any other schema
or DTD based on their respective namespace URI's. In all likelyhood
the schema for XSL uses a lot of "any-tag" references, although I have
seen the XSLT engine provided with CF6/7 spit back the error
"xsl:template is not allowed at this position in the document" or the
like, and offhand I'm not certain how they would make that work with
XSD if the containing tag has "any-tag" declared for its children. Of
course, the attributes would be validated against the URI for each tag
without any problems. Hence you get errors that say "namespace 'blah'
is uneclared" or somesuch if you omit an alternate namespace from an
XSL sheet that contains tags using that namespace and then try to
perform a transformation.

It seems strange to me that a doctype would not allow specification of
an XSD instead of a DTD -- I don't understand why that would be the
case, it doesn't make any sense to me... Though iirc I think CF7 also
automatically validates against namespace URI's if they resolve to
valid DTD's/XSD's now that think about it.

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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2005-09-08 Thread Massimo Foti
> > With CF7 it validates if you put the path to the XSD
> > in a doctype before you parse it.
> I don't think you can specify an XML Schema within a DOCTYPE declaration -
> those only allow DTDs.


> > XSL is validated against the XSD/DTD for XSL. (Offhand I don't know
> > which they use -- I'm hoping they have an XSD, but then I don't know
> > how they would get around the problem of having only any, choose and
> > sequence as their options for the types of children for a node, since
> > you XSL allows child nodes in any order afaik.)
> XSL is validated against the XSL Schema.

There is no schema or DTD for XSLT, there can't be any. A XSLT template
can't be validated.
XSLT allows a finite set of tags and attributes, but since inside a XSLT
template you can mix them with any, arbitrary, well-formed XML code, you
can't validate it.

You can find a few DTD or XSD for XSLT, but their main practical purpose is
to "suggest" XSLT syntax to XML authoring tools.

Massimo Foti
Tools for ColdFusion and Dreamweaver developers:

Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
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2005-09-08 Thread Dave Watts
> With CF7 it validates if you put the path to the XSD 
> in a doctype before you parse it.

I don't think you can specify an XML Schema within a DOCTYPE declaration -
those only allow DTDs.

> XSL is validated against the XSD/DTD for XSL. (Offhand I don't know
> which they use -- I'm hoping they have an XSD, but then I don't know
> how they would get around the problem of having only any, choose and
> sequence as their options for the types of children for a node, since
> you XSL allows child nodes in any order afaik.)

XSL is validated against the XSL Schema.

> you could then use XSL to transform that calendar format for an
> export to a standard calendar dialect like iCal for instance (which
> I'm not certain actually is XML since I haven't looked into it, but
> that's what I'd heard).

iCalendar isn't XML. It's plaintext, though, and you can use hCalendar to
represent iCalendar documents as XHTML:

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized 
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta, 
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location. 
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Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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2005-09-08 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> Ok, I've made the decision to use XML as the format to
> pass data between
> objects in my application.  This approach seems to have
> lots of advantages
> as opposed to using lists of parameters or structures.  My
> question now is
> how and why use XSD's and XSL.

> 1.Is there a better list to post this to?
> 2.XSD's don't seem to provide much benefit in a
> stand-alone application besides helping create test
> data via tools like xmlSpy.

The Blogs onTap sample application uses a lot of XSL for "skinning"
different blogs so you can change the layout and the look and feel of
the blog (beyond what's available with CSS) by editing a reasonably
simple XHTML packet with a handfull of custom XML tags for the blog. I
don't generally use XML to pass data to and from internal components
as it's extra overhead with no significant advantage as far as I'm
concerned. There are exceptions -- I have a generic logging tool in
the Members onTap plugin which also provides undo/redo functionality
for applications, which uses XML to store request data (form/url
variables). I use XML in that case to make the tool more extensible,
so there's a minimum of code necessary to write the undo/redo
components. I also use XML to store the data for the RuleManager
components used by both the logging tools in Members onTap and in the
blog - in which case the RuleManager component is a facade for
managing those rules and all the XML is used internally by the
RuleManager.cfc and a collection of RuleCriteria cfc's designed
specifically for managing that packet. The packet is only exported
from the component for storage -- all other use/implementation of the
packet is internal.

> I don't even see how in ColdFusion you can validate
> an XML using an associated XSD.

With CF7 it validates if you put the path to the XSD in a doctype
before you parse it.

> And it doesn't look like XSL documents are based off
> of an XSD, so you still have to validate if field
> lengths, etc using code.  Am I missing something
> here?

XSL is validated against the XSD/DTD for XSL. (Offhand I don't know
which they use -- I'm hoping they have an XSD, but then I don't know
how they would get around the problem of having only any, choose and
sequence as their options for the types of children for a node, since
you XSL allows child nodes in any order afaik.) The document on either
side of an XSL transformation (before or after being transformed) is
validated separately against any applicable DTD/XSD for that document
(which is where you'd get any string-length validation, etc).

> 3.Lastly, since the XSL doesn't use data off of the XSD,
> it appears to be just a different, not necessarily better,
> mechanism for displaying data.

Not just for display, but I believe that's mostly what it's used for.
It's also used in some cases for converting one XML dialect to another
dialect, for instance, if you had your own internal XML dialect for
expressing the data in a calendar because it solves some problems for
you, you could then use XSL to transform that calendar format for an
export to a standard calendar dialect like iCal for instance (which
I'm not certain actually is XML since I haven't looked into it, but
that's what I'd heard).

> I am not sure of the value for me to learn this at this
> point in time and I see no value in converting screens
> from CF/HTML to XSL/HTML.  Again, am I missing something
> here?  What type of situations cry out for XSL vs. CF/HTML?

Skinning. :) and RuleManagers...

But yeah, if you don't have a specific reason for it you don't really
need it...

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2005-09-07 Thread Jim Davis
> -Original Message-
> From: Andy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 11:57 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: XML, XSD, XSL
> Ok, I've made the decision to use XML as the format to pass data between
> objects in my application.  This approach seems to have lots of advantages
> as opposed to using lists of parameters or structures.  My question now is
> how and why use XSD's and XSL.

Within an application?  This sounds odd... why not just pass objects?

In my option XML is really only a good option where you're forced into a
text-only mechanism (like HTTP).  Other than that keeping things native is
nearly always the way to go.

> 1.Is there a better list to post this to?

Probably. ;^)

> 2.XSD's don't seem to provide much benefit in a stand-alone
> application besides helping create test data via tools like xmlSpy.  I
> don't
> even see how in ColdFusion you can validate an XML using an associated
> XSD.
> And it doesn't look like XSL documents are based off of an XSD, so you
> still
> have to validate if field lengths, etc using code.  Am I missing something
> here?

Nope... XSDs are far from a panacea... they check structure and dialect.
Dat's it.

CF 7 can validate an XSD and previous versions can do with outside help (COM
or Java).

> 3.Lastly, since the XSL doesn't use data off of the XSD, it appears to
> be just a different, not necessarily better, mechanism for displaying
> data.

Well - for formatting and displaying data.  That's it, nothing more.

> I am not sure of the value for me to learn this at this point in time and
> I
> see no value in converting screens from CF/HTML to XSL/HTML.  Again, am I
> missing something here?  What type of situations cry out for XSL vs.

The interesting promise of XSL is to send plain XML data to the browser and
have the XSL applied there - you send plain data and you get pretty pages.:
a complete separation of data and presentation.

The plain data is SO VERY MUCH easier for automated systems to deal with
(the promise of the semantic web) and the pretty pages are only of use to
humans so why not have them generated in the browser?

Of course it hasn't really worked out that way (yet?)

Personally I don't see much value for XSL on the server-side for the exact
reasons already mentioned: 1) Why pass XML within an application in the
first place?  And 2) why not just format it in the old fashioned way?

Jim Davis

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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2005-09-07 Thread Dave Watts
> Ok, I've made the decision to use XML as the format to pass 
> data between objects in my application. This approach seems 
> to have lots of advantages as opposed to using lists of 
> parameters or structures. My question now is how and why 
> use XSD's and XSL.  

What exactly are these advantages? I can't see any advantages for using XML
to transport data within an application. If you want to transport data from
one application to another, then XML provides advantages, but otherwise
you're making more work for yourself.

> 2.XSD's don't seem to provide much benefit in a stand-alone
> application besides helping create test data via tools like 
> xmlSpy. 

I agree; if you're not passing data around between applications, you
probably don't need DTDs or schemas. Of course, I don't think XML is
especially useful at all in those cases either, as I mentioned above.

> I don't even see how in ColdFusion you can validate an XML
> using an associated XSD.

CFMX 7 provides the XmlValidate function for this.

> And it doesn't look like XSL documents are based off of an 
> XSD, so you still have to validate if field lengths, etc 
> using code. Am I missing something here?

I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, exactly. XSL documents follow
the XSL schema - that defines all the different elements and attributes you
can use within an XSL stylesheet. By itself, this won't help you with data
validation, but then again that's not what XSL is for - it's for formatting
and transforming XML documents.

> 3.Lastly, since the XSL doesn't use data off of the XSD, 
> it appears to be just a different, not necessarily better, 
> mechanism for displaying data. I am not sure of the value 
> for me to learn this at this point in time and I see no 
> value in converting screens from CF/HTML to XSL/HTML.  
> Again, am I missing something here? What type of situations 
> cry out for XSL vs. CF/HTML?

If you already have a bunch of XML documents, it may be easier (and will
almost certainly be more efficient) to write XSL stylesheets and
transformations than to write CFML programs to read one XML language, then
write something else. But if your data isn't already in XML, it's usually
kind of silly to generate XML then use XSL to transform it to something else
when you could just write what you want in the first place with CF.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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