Re: setting info in an application

2006-09-13 Thread daniel kessler
 I have a directory without an application file where there is 

Why not just write out to a 'includethistext.txt' file on the protected
form's action, ideally outside the webroot, but if all you need is
protection you can do it in the protected directory.

Then on the unprotected form, read that file in using CFFILE from the
location that you know you wrote it out to and then display it on the
unprotected form.

That way, if the application goes down, when it comes back up, it still
has the file to read from.

I feel I'm missing something in your explanation though.

No, I don't think that you're missing anything.  I was thinking of includes and 
application variables and hadn't used cfFile in quite a while so I didn't think 
of it.
Is there any reason why I shouldn't just write out a .cfm so that I can easily 
include it and that can designate multiple variables instead of 1 piece of 
text.  I find it talking over the project that there's probably 3 pieces of 

thank you.


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RE: setting info in an application

2006-09-13 Thread COLLIE David
 No, I don't think that you're missing anything.  I was 
 thinking of includes and application variables and hadn't 
 used cfFile in quite a while so I didn't think of it.
 Is there any reason why I shouldn't just write out a .cfm so 
 that I can easily include it and that can designate multiple 
 variables instead of 1 piece of text.  I find it talking over 
 the project that there's probably 3 pieces of text.

I just used a *.txt without much though other than it was mentioned that
it was to hold text.

There would be no problem writing out to a *.cfm file and setting
variables to be used in the unprotected form via cfinclude.

Once caveat is that if you write out to a *.cfm, then CF will interpret
that and you may have to ensure strict security to ensure that no
malicious CFML code can ever enter that file.


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Re: setting info in an application

2006-09-13 Thread daniel kessler
Once caveat is that if you write out to a *.cfm, then CF will interpret
that and you may have to ensure strict security to ensure that no
malicious CFML code can ever enter that file.

Yeah that was a fear of mine.  I have the directory protected but I suppose all 
protections can be worked-around.

Thank you for your help.


Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting,
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RE: setting info in an application

2006-09-12 Thread COLLIE David
  I have a directory without an application file where there is 
 a form to register for an event.  I have a directory within 
 that that has an application file and that's set up to keep 
 out people that aren't logged in because it contains all the 
 reports or other interactions with the database.
 I want to put a form in the protected area that will set a 
 line of text on the unprotected registration form.  The way 
 that I see to do that is to create an application file in the 
 above directory which houses the registration form, then set 
 an application variable which is read into the form.  I'm 
 doing this so that the user doesn't need  

Why not just write out to a 'includethistext.txt' file on the protected
form's action, ideally outside the webroot, but if all you need is
protection you can do it in the protected directory.

Then on the unprotected form, read that file in using CFFILE from the
location that you know you wrote it out to and then display it on the
unprotected form.

That way, if the application goes down, when it comes back up, it still
has the file to read from.

I feel I'm missing something in your explanation though.

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