Re: [CF-Talk] RE: Ben Forta, I call on thee (was: What is Fusebox) -- Reply to Dave Watts.

2000-09-20 Thread Sean Renet

  that you post (e.g.., "If you can afford SQL Server, you can
  afford its own box").

Can you even believe that I am still harping on this?

 In all honesty - today. This morning. I was reviewing a Fusebox
 to fix some problems within that application. I'm familiar with the basic
 tenets of Fusebox, if for no other reason than I run into it a decent
 in my line of work

I meant the ongoing documentation and implementation, not a fusebox app.  A
fusebox app from last year would have those display header and footer
templates I disdain and a bunch of other stuff that has been improved

 one group is just more honest than the other.

You client is only as honest as your attorney makes them :-P

 What I would take issue with is the idea that Fusebox is especially
 well-suited to n-tier applications, or especially well-suited to complex
 client interfaces. That's simply not the focus of Fusebox. Again, this
 a criticism of Fusebox - I'm not saying Fusebox is "bad". What I am saying
 is that it's not necessarily the best approach for everything, and that
 using Fusebox isn't going to be a panacea for developing complex web

Actually, its n-tier capabilities is one reason I use it.  You are basically
just plugging applications and their subapplications into each other.

 Admittedly, the above example could benefit from a better naming scheme in
 either case. Nevertheless, Fusebox in this case just provides an extra
 of abstraction, which doesn't benefit me.

No, you would still have to look at your frameset and then look at the pages
it calls so where is the abstraction?.  The benefit is that the fusebox way
you write 3 lines of code in app_globals or application.cfm to lock all of
the templates down and you can dynamically change the frame by just changing
the fuseaction. As well, at a glance I could figure out what goes in those
frames and when.

 So's the material on the Fusebox site - at least the presentations.
 Steve Nelson's paper, and something in French. And that's about it. Quoth
 Steve Nelson, 18 September:

Unfortunately the techniques on the fusebox site are not completely up to
date, but the docs do explain the frame work.  I am pretty sure Steve, Gabe,
Hale, Nat et al are pretty busy with their real jobs and its probably hard
for them to take a month or two off and update the site.  Most of this
information flows pretty redundantly on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list
and Hal writes about it in CFDJ.   However I don't find myself to be an
extraordinary super programmer, and I figured most of it out after reading
the fusebox docs and combing them with the CF DOCS.

 I'm not going to spend too much time researching something that we're not
 going to use, after I've already done the initial research. I stand by my
 claim that it's not for everybody (which is a pretty weak claim, after

 I initially researched CF 3.0. Decided there wasn't anything there that I
couldn't do in the languages I was using. When 4.0 came out last year, I
changed my mind and now use Coldfusion primarily.  I think all recurring
methods or languages are worth investigation, but then I have that kind of
time on my hands.

I agree that if fusebox doesn't work for your application, use what does.
However I have yet to find a application that I could not or did not want to
code using its methods.

Sean Renet

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RE: [CF-Talk] RE: Ben Forta, I call on thee (was: What is Fusebox) -- Reply to Dave Watts.

2000-09-20 Thread Dave Watts

 A question I've had about Fusebox and security/stability. In 
 some enterprise sites I've dealt with I've found it a good 
 practice not to pass variables along the URL if possible. It 
 becomes very easy for someone to "break" the app by altering 
 URLs - something they actually have access to, as opposed to 
 FORM variables, (or session  client vars, etc.). If fuseactions 
 are passed through the URL, doesn't this lead to the same

This isn't really an issue for two reasons.

1. As long as the script is filtering input correctly, and providing default
options, passing the wrong attributes won't make any difference.

2. More importantly, it's not the case that the user can't tamper with form
variables, or anything else that is passed from the browser (cookies, CGI
parameters). It's very easy to tamper with hidden form variables - the user
can simply save the HTML file locally, modify the form values to be what
they want them to be, add the complete URL for the form action so that it
goes to the action page on the server, load the page in their browser, and
submit away. For cookies and CGI parameters, a little scripting is helpful,
but that's no protection from a malicious and minimally knowledgeable user.
Any data coming from the browser is subject to tampering.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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Re: [CF-Talk] RE: Ben Forta, I call on thee (was: What is Fusebox) -- Reply to Dave Watts.

2000-09-19 Thread Sean Renet


You know, I think you guys at Figleaf set the standard for what client
interface should be and your applications are certainly the goal of
programmers everywhere.  I also like the thought process behind what you
guys do.  And I can't imagine there is anyone that does not appreciate all
the help and advice you give to our community.  However, I sometimes have
issue with things that you post (e.g.., "If you can afford SQL Server, you
can afford its own box").  I have to take issue with statements you made
regarding fusebox.  First of all let me state that I believe it to be "A"
methodology, not "The" methodology.  I think every developer and development
team must make their own methodology decisions.  That said, I think you need
to take a bit more time looking into fusebox before you make broad stroke
conversation about it. When was the last time you took a look?

For instance:

"We partition application logic between the application server
(CF), the database, the client, and potentially object tiers between the
application server and the database. Fusebox doesn't address how to manage
that complexity, so it doesn't work for us from that approach."

Wherein I do not do adult sites anymore, I have built high end, secure,
multi-tiered, object based internet/intranet  fusebox applications for the
adult web industry.  Three of which had a great deal of the business logic
in EJB's. One of which is being transformed into Broadvision using basically
the same methodology.

(for anyone reading this that is thinking "well that is fine for porn sites,
I build real sites", I now build high end financial web applications (money
managers, insurance companies et al) and I have yet to build one of those
that pushes the envelope of interface, traffic and security like porn does


"We provide complex client interfaces, using frames, JavaScript, Dynamic
and Flash. It's not uncommon for our applications to have one frame
dynamically generating the contents of another. Fusebox, with its header and
footer files, is spectacularly unsuited to this."

First of all "header and footer files" are a technique, not a standard.  I
actually disdain this technique, instead I use a tag.

cfinclude template="dsp_someteplate.cfm"

cfparam name="caller.title" default="Sean's Example"
cfswitch expression="#thistag.executionmode#"
 cfcase value="start"
  meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
style type="text/css"

 body {  font-family: arial, verdana, helvetica; color: #434343;
text-decoration: none; font=11;}
 td {  font-family: arial, verdana, helvetica; color: #434343;
text-decoration: none; font=11;}
 td.msg {  font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica; color: #327e98;
text-decoration: none; font=14;}
 th {  font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica; color: #737373;
text-decoration: bold; font=11;}
 a {  font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica; color: #330099;
text-decoration: underline; cursor: hand; font=11;}
 a:hover {  font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica; color: #DE8C12;
text-decoration: underline; cursor: hand; font=11;}
 p { font-family: arial, verdana, helvetica; color: #434343;
text-decoration: none; font=11;}


  body bgcolor="ff" topmargin="0" leftmargin="5" marginheight="0"
marginwidth="0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginheight="0"

 cfcase value="end"

Any dynamic or sub application JavaScript, dhtl et al would go in a switch
where I have the stylesheet or you could just simply use a switch to path to
js or css files, all of which is determined by the fusaction. This way,
there is only one template that someone has to look at to adjust any
javascript or header and footer info site wide.

Secondly, fusebox totally supports dynamic frames

cfinclude template="app_locals.cfm"
CFSWITCH EXPRESSION="#attributes.fuseaction#"
CFCASE VALUE="sidenav"
  cfinclude template="dsp_nav_side.cfm"
 CFCASE VALUE="clientlogin"
  cfinclude template="dsp_login.cfm"
  frame name="side"
marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" border="0"
  frame name="main"
marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="auto" frameborder="no"

And if your frameset is dynamic, then you would just have different
fuseactions to build those framesets and have

"In summary, for us, it would make our applications more complex than they
have to be, and provide little or no benefit."

No, what it 

RE: [CF-Talk] RE: Ben Forta, I call on thee (was: What is Fusebox) -- Reply to Dave Watts.

2000-09-19 Thread Jeremy Allen


Naughty naughty!!! G

I wouldn't criticize the porn industry from a technological perspective;
they're always on the leading edge of technology. I know why I bought my
first VCR. I wish I'd started with porn sites instead of real-estate sites -
one group is just more honest than the other.

What I would take issue with is the idea that Fusebox is especially
well-suited to n-tier applications, or especially well-suited to complex
client interfaces. That's simply not the focus of Fusebox. Again, this isn't
a criticism of Fusebox - I'm not saying Fusebox is "bad". What I am saying
is that it's not necessarily the best approach for everything, and that
using Fusebox isn't going to be a panacea for developing complex web


what would be easier for me to understand:

a) using Fusebox
1. index.cfm?fuseaction=left_nav
2. index.cfm?fuseaction=main
3. index.cfm?fuseaction=cmd_frame
4. index.cfm?fuseaction=data_frame
5. index.cfm?fuseaction=socket_frame

I encountered the exact same scenario my main frameset had
a frame to display people in a 'chat room' the left nav,
the main frame is the main data display frame
the command frame is where you type in stuff to send to
the room, the 'socket frame' is the one that actually
grabs the data and rewrites the main frame and the
data frame could be one that submits the data in a
flciker free fashion.. That like perfectly illustrates
what I did to the point where you said what I was
trying to say :)

I encountered the same situation where I had two UUID's to be
passed to each and it was not pretty using URL parameters for
loading up the frames with these values. It does work but It
just felt klunky. Not wrong necesarilly or anything but klunky.
If I had more time *cough cough cam cough cough* I would
probably have not used Fusebox at all :p

My conclusion after that application was gimme a real
socket any day and ill be much happier :))

Jeremy Allen

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RE: [CF-Talk] RE: Ben Forta, I call on thee (was: What is Fusebox) -- Reply to Dave Watts.

2000-09-19 Thread Cameron Childress

 as opposed to FORM variables, (or session  client vars, etc.).  If
 fuseactions are passed through the URL, doesn't this lead to the same

Not really, as you should always have a CFDEFAULTCASE specified for such


Cameron Childress
ElliptIQ Inc.

 -Original Message-
 From: Evan Lavidor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 10:15 PM
 Subject: [CF-Talk] RE: Ben Forta, I call on thee (was: What is Fusebox)
 -- Reply to Dave Watts.

 From Dave Watts' message:
  a) using Fusebox
  1. index.cfm?fuseaction=left_nav
  2. index.cfm?fuseaction=main
  3. index.cfm?fuseaction=cmd_frame
  4. index.cfm?fuseaction=data_frame
  5. index.cfm?fuseaction=socket_frame

 A question I've had about Fusebox and security/stability.  In some
 enterprise sites I've dealt with I've found it a good practice not to pass
 variables along the URL if possible.  It becomes very easy for someone to
 "break" the app by altering URLs - something they actually have access to,
 as opposed to FORM variables, (or session  client vars, etc.).  If
 fuseactions are passed through the URL, doesn't this lead to the same


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_talk or send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
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RE: [CF-Talk] RE: Ben Forta, I call on thee (was: What is Fusebox) -- Reply to Dave Watts.

2000-09-19 Thread Jeremy Allen

If someone wants to produce erroneous results with your site they can
as long as it only affects that user it is fine. Thats what the
default fuseaction is for to catch any fuseactions not listed and
handle them gracefully.. Modifying URL parameters if you code properly
is not a problem since you should always do data integrity checking
and bounds checking to ensure your data is safe.

Jeremy Allen

-Original Message-
From: Evan Lavidor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 10:15 PM
Subject: [CF-Talk] RE: Ben Forta, I call on thee (was: What is Fusebox)
-- Reply to Dave Watts.

From Dave Watts' message:
 a) using Fusebox
 1. index.cfm?fuseaction=left_nav
 2. index.cfm?fuseaction=main
 3. index.cfm?fuseaction=cmd_frame
 4. index.cfm?fuseaction=data_frame
 5. index.cfm?fuseaction=socket_frame

A question I've had about Fusebox and security/stability.  In some
enterprise sites I've dealt with I've found it a good practice not to pass
variables along the URL if possible.  It becomes very easy for someone to
"break" the app by altering URLs - something they actually have access to,
as opposed to FORM variables, (or session  client vars, etc.).  If
fuseactions are passed through the URL, doesn't this lead to the same


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To Unsubscribe visit or send a 
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

RE: [CF-Talk] RE: Ben Forta, I call on thee (was: What is Fusebox) -- Reply to Dave Watts.

2000-09-19 Thread Mark Warrick

The fuseactions are simply switches and are irrelevant to obvious security measures 
that should be taken regardless of the development platform or coding methodology.  If 
the application is poorly written, it won't matter whether it's in the fusebox style 
or not.


Mark Warrick
Phone: (714) 547-5386 Fax: (801) 730-7289
Personal Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Personal URL: 
Business Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Business URL:
ICQ: 346566

 -Original Message-
 From: Evan Lavidor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 7:15 PM
 Subject: [CF-Talk] RE: Ben Forta, I call on thee (was: What is Fusebox)
 -- Reply to Dave Watts.
 From Dave Watts' message:
  a) using Fusebox
  1. index.cfm?fuseaction=left_nav
  2. index.cfm?fuseaction=main
  3. index.cfm?fuseaction=cmd_frame
  4. index.cfm?fuseaction=data_frame
  5. index.cfm?fuseaction=socket_frame
 A question I've had about Fusebox and security/stability.  In some
 enterprise sites I've dealt with I've found it a good practice not to pass
 variables along the URL if possible.  It becomes very easy for someone to
 "break" the app by altering URLs - something they actually have access to,
 as opposed to FORM variables, (or session  client vars, etc.).  If
 fuseactions are passed through the URL, doesn't this lead to the same
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_talk or send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the 

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