Re: Framework choices

2006-10-24 Thread Michael Traher
This blog post and particularly the quote may go some way  to help you

On 10/24/06, Peter Minter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello All,

 My company and I are moving a large enterprise level application from a
 largely convention-less set of code from many developers to one that is
 easier to scale up.  The goal of scaling is to add other applications that
 use much of the same code base on the same server so that if changes need to
 be made across all the application they can be made in one place.

 Frameworks seem like a logical choice here.  But I am not sure which of
 the major three are appropriate if any.  Any advice The Style of code
 re-use that I am looking for seems to be absent from the documentation code
 re-use seems to be limited to single application or copying the code out to
 multiple applications and maintaing it separatly which would not be an
 acceptable solution.  OO-programming shouldn't be that big of a deal for
 developpers here to pick up, most of us are Java trained.

 I am looking to be pointed inthe right direction for information or sample
 sites(with code) for Mach-II,Model-Glue and Fusebox (tutorials also

 As far as ORM is concerned the site has a largely well structed set of
 storedprocedures in the backend rather than just simple tables are any of
 the ORM tools (Reactor,ObjectBreeze,Transfer) able to handle stored
 procedures. Or is it the case that since we already have this structure I am
 stuck writing the DataAccess layer from scratch.
 Are there any ORM's whose Gateways do not return queries but Arrays of
 objects so that the view isn't tied directly to the data layer?  Seems like
 separation of concerns is largely undermined when form fields must have the
 same name as column names fro mthe db in order for autowireups to work.

 I realize this is a huge post any help would be awesome though.



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Re: Framework choices

2006-10-24 Thread Peter Minter
Thank you but, It doesn't really help as the questions were somewhat more 
specific then whether the frameworks are best for OO or not.

I was specifically wondering if ANY of the frameworks support code re-use in 
the form that I mentioned in the orginal post.  i.e. can I write the model and 
views for one system and keep them in one location accessile to several 
applications that mayuse parts or all of it's functionality.

ALso not mentioned in my original post but occurring to me here is that the 
site is largely dynamic in that the same code needs to serve different content 
for different sites that use the same backend.  All the dynamic information for 
the content are retreived from a database through stored procedures. So these 
procedures would need to be executed on all pages with dirreent arguments.

Anoter point worth noting is that there are several templates used in the 
system.  Differnt templates are chosen based onthe member.  Is there any 
framework that would more easily support this .

All the points mentioned above seem impossible to implement in Model-Glue 
(without destroying the performance of the site).  IF this is not the case can 
someone set me straight? Otherwise could someone recommend another framework.  
Or better yet give me the difinitive that I need to be rolling my own.

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Re: Framework choices

2006-10-24 Thread Barney Boisvert
You're always going to roll some of your own framework for all by the
simplest sites.  The trick is to roll as little of your own as
possible.  I've found Fusebox to be very flexible, and use it on most
of my projects.  If you need a full-app framework for a simple app,
it'll work, but if you just need a really lightweight request
processing framework, it'll get the job done as well.

All of the major frameworks will allow you to reuse the model in
multiple applications, even from apps with different frameworks.
You'll need a bit of glue code in some cases (e.g., a M-G controller
implementation to interface between broadcast events and service
method invocations).  Reusing views is a bit nastier, as M-G uses a
data bus (the view state) to pass data to the views, so if you want to
use a M-G view in a FB app, for example, you'll have to synthesize the
view state object.

Fusebox is going to be your best bet for dynamically selecting a
templated at runtime.  I don't believe M-G or M-II support dynamic
view templates, but you can probably fake it in either one.  Fusebox
just uses something very close to a CFINCLUDE tag, so you can pass a
dynamic template attribute value.

I might sound biased (and I am), but it's not because I'm a zealot.
I've used Fusebox for a lot of years now, in various incarnations, and
while it's not everything M-II or M-G are, it's very flexible, so you
can use it for a wide array of different applications.  The downside
is that you'll likely have to build some of your own framework code
for complex applications, but unless the needs are exactly what M-II
or M-G provides out of the box, chances are good that starting from
ground level will be easier and better than trying to customize the
framework to your specific application.


On 10/24/06, Peter Minter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you but, It doesn't really help as the questions were somewhat more 
 specific then whether the frameworks are best for OO or not.

 I was specifically wondering if ANY of the frameworks support code re-use in 
 the form that I mentioned in the orginal post.  i.e. can I write the model 
 and views for one system and keep them in one location accessile to several 
 applications that mayuse parts or all of it's functionality.

 ALso not mentioned in my original post but occurring to me here is that the 
 site is largely dynamic in that the same code needs to serve different 
 content for different sites that use the same backend.  All the dynamic 
 information for the content are retreived from a database through stored 
 procedures. So these procedures would need to be executed on all pages with 
 dirreent arguments.

 Anoter point worth noting is that there are several templates used in the 
 system.  Differnt templates are chosen based onthe member.  Is there any 
 framework that would more easily support this .

 All the points mentioned above seem impossible to implement in Model-Glue 
 (without destroying the performance of the site).  IF this is not the case 
 can someone set me straight? Otherwise could someone recommend another 
 framework.  Or better yet give me the difinitive that I need to be rolling my 

Barney Boisvert

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RE: Framework choices

2006-10-24 Thread Richard Kroll
 I was specifically wondering if ANY of the frameworks support code
 in the form that I mentioned in the orginal post.  i.e. can I write
 model and views for one system and keep them in one location accessile
 several applications that mayuse parts or all of it's functionality.

IMO it's always a good idea to keep your model separated from the
framework you choose to use.  I use Mach-II for most of my development
(so I am a bit biased).  When designing an application, I create my
model completely detached from the framework.  Once the model is built I
then create the event listeners that draw upon my model.  This allows me
to use the model in different applications if necessary, as well as it
keeps my model framework agnostic.

In mach-ii you can create layered views, which will allow you to create
component-like views.  This allows me to reuse certain view portions
around the application.  This depends heavily on how you design your

 Also not mentioned in my original post but occurring to me here is
 the site is largely dynamic in that the same code needs to serve
 content for different sites that use the same backend.  All the
 information for the content are retreived from a database through
 procedures. So these procedures would need to be executed on all pages
 with dirreent arguments.

Is each 'site' all part of one application?  It seems as though you
could have the listener determine which arguments to pass to your stored
procedure depending on parameters passed in an event object.

 All the points mentioned above seem impossible to implement in
 (without destroying the performance of the site).  IF this is not the
 can someone set me straight? Otherwise could someone recommend another
 framework.  Or better yet give me the difinitive that I need to be
 my own.

I've only worked with MG to a small degree, but from my experiments many
of the core concepts are the same between MG and MII so most (if not
all) of what you are attempting should be possible.


Rich Kroll

Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting,
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Re: Framework choices

2006-10-24 Thread Josh Nathanson
I like to use a combination of FuseBox for procedural flow and CFC's for 
CRUD operations.  When you talk about code re-use, to me that is framework 
independent...CFC's are a great way to accomplish that no matter what 
framework you're using.

I haven't tried MG but folks on the list seem to like it.

-- Josh

- Original Message - 
From: Richard Kroll [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 2:41 PM
Subject: RE: Framework choices

 I was specifically wondering if ANY of the frameworks support code
 in the form that I mentioned in the orginal post.  i.e. can I write
 model and views for one system and keep them in one location accessile
 several applications that mayuse parts or all of it's functionality.

 IMO it's always a good idea to keep your model separated from the
 framework you choose to use.  I use Mach-II for most of my development
 (so I am a bit biased).  When designing an application, I create my
 model completely detached from the framework.  Once the model is built I
 then create the event listeners that draw upon my model.  This allows me
 to use the model in different applications if necessary, as well as it
 keeps my model framework agnostic.

 In mach-ii you can create layered views, which will allow you to create
 component-like views.  This allows me to reuse certain view portions
 around the application.  This depends heavily on how you design your

 Also not mentioned in my original post but occurring to me here is
 the site is largely dynamic in that the same code needs to serve
 content for different sites that use the same backend.  All the
 information for the content are retreived from a database through
 procedures. So these procedures would need to be executed on all pages
 with dirreent arguments.

 Is each 'site' all part of one application?  It seems as though you
 could have the listener determine which arguments to pass to your stored
 procedure depending on parameters passed in an event object.

 All the points mentioned above seem impossible to implement in
 (without destroying the performance of the site).  IF this is not the
 can someone set me straight? Otherwise could someone recommend another
 framework.  Or better yet give me the difinitive that I need to be
 my own.

 I've only worked with MG to a small degree, but from my experiments many
 of the core concepts are the same between MG and MII so most (if not
 all) of what you are attempting should be possible.


 Rich Kroll


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Re: Framework choices

2006-10-24 Thread Denny Valliant
I've been doing just what you're talking about.  Home grown app, might
as well have been several different developers, even though it was all
just me... anywhaze...

What I had before was basically a mapped path that contained all my
CFCs/functions, and I'd access that from the various sites.  I see
what you mean, it seems (at first) like MG (dunno, but I guess FB and
MII are similar) is geared for a single app; and at least for me, I
needed more of a multi-app approach.  Like, to hell with even copying
a model from project to project, or whatever.  Bad enough using config
files (I'm more of a set everything you need when you call it vs.
have a different config for each place you use it type-o guy),
although, I am sorta getting ColdSpring, so... well, it's all about
the config files, I reckon.

Anyways, I've found that even with Model Glue, it's actually quite
easy to set things up so you only have one place to go to make
improvements to many places.  I've settled on actionpacks... now,
I've got views in my actionpacks, which is a no-no, I reckon, from a
purist point of view.  But I'm not 100% sold on the whole MVC idea,
even, so I say screw it.

I'll let you (or, this list, over time, probably) know how it goes...
the actionpack that I'm working on now is a people actionpack.
I've got people in almost every one of my apps, and most of the info
is the same... so I figured I'd start there.  In each of my apps, I
now have a single line that adds all the people functions I normally
use... it's pretty awesome, actually...  (my learning, more so than
adding functionality with a single line ;)

There are also mixins, which I've only mentally explored, and that
on the surface.  I'll probably start using them to accomplish some of
the things you're asking about...

And then there's the low-tech, pretty freaking awesome as well
solution to many copies of the same thing: svn:externals.  They are
similar to sym links, sorta.  CVS has something akin, I guess,
probably others... you ARE using some form of source versioning,
right?  That's a must, no matter what framework you run with.

But long and short, I think they'll all do what you seem to be
wanting... ORMs and stored procedures, well, I'm not sure how useful
that combination is... I mean, a stored procedure is already sorta
code-ish, vs. SQL-ish, I reckon.  But I'm just a dude wandering 'round
this vast world of options... the more I know, the less I know... like
heroes... every answer, is another question...  or something like
that.  Yeah.

Anyone want to chime in about stored procedures and reactor?  If I end
up using it in one of my projects that uses them, I'll holler, if I
remember, and let everyone know how it goes...

now back to my not-really-an-action-pack actionpack... =]

On 10/24/06, Peter Minter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello All,

 My company and I are moving a large enterprise level application from a 

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