Solved: Help with NAT and DSN setups in CF Admin

2005-04-05 Thread Alex Sherwood
Looks like applying SQL Server SP3 did the trick. It was installed 
previously, but the SQL Server was *re*installed, and the SP was not 

MDAC *before* the SP was installed showed 2.8 - which is most current at 
the time. Perhaps something else in the SP fixed a connection error?!

Oh well, Thanks again Dave.


Our IIS 6/CF server is on a 10 dot network, and mapped to 
an external IP via our firewall appliance.

When trying to set up a DSN to our MS SQL Server, I keep 
getting a connection refused error message. I am using the 
server name (UNC
name) and the correct username/password. The SQL server is 
across the 'net on another network. The CF/Web server's 
public IP has open access through the firewall into the 
network where the SQL server is kept.

What's strange, is that I created a system datasource in the 
ODBC control panel applet, and I connect to the SQL server 
just fine. I then used the CF Admin to create an ODBC socket 
DSN to connect to the local DSN on the web server.

Any ideas on why I can connect to the remote SQL server via a 
Microsoft local system DSN, but not directly to the SQL box 
from CF Admin using the stock SQL server drivers?

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RE: Solved: Help with NAT and DSN setups in CF Admin

2005-04-05 Thread Dave Watts
 Looks like applying SQL Server SP3 did the trick. It was 
 installed previously, but the SQL Server was *re*installed, 
 and the SP was not applied.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. That fixes a lot of problems, such as
using named instances.

 MDAC *before* the SP was installed showed 2.8 - which is most 
 current at the time. Perhaps something else in the SP fixed a 
 connection error?!

MDAC doesn't really have anything to do with SQL Server itself, as far as I
can tell. While SQL Server requires a certain MDAC version level to accept
ODBC or OLEDB connections, the version of MDAC on your SQL Server doesn't
affect connections from other machines. In any case, when you select
Microsoft SQL Server within CF Administrator, that uses a pure Java JDBC
driver which also doesn't use MDAC, as far as I can tell.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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