Sorting 2d arrays

2009-10-15 Thread Tony Bentley

I have an app currently that needs a list sorted alphabetically with 
alpha-numeric chars. I am using a query and then narrowing the results into an 
array and then creating two lists for an autosuggest. Imagine searching by an 
alphanumeric ID (not SQL ID) and also by the description:

1234ii -- apple
1234i -- banana
123x -- orange
orange -- 123x
banana -- 1234i
apple -- 1234ii

Then once the sorting is completed, I need to grab the unique ID (incremental 
SQL ID) from the original array again and then use that to update the database. 

Currently I am building the array, sorting with quickSort2D(), building the 
list and then to grab the SQL ID from the array again I use a function that 
loops through the array to match ID  ' -- '  text or vice versa. This takes 
about 20 seconds to build. Also, this is something that will change per page 
refresh so storing anything in memory is pretty much nil.

Any thoughts on simplifying the process? Anyone have experience with speeding 
up array processes? 

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RE: Sorting 2d arrays

2009-10-15 Thread Dave Phillips


Probably a ton of ways to do this.  Would this get you what you want?:

(note:  the below would be for oracle, you need + instead of || for Sql
server - not sure about what db you're using)

cfquery datasource=whatever name=qMySuggestions
select sql_id,
alphanumeric_id || description as auto_suggest_descr
from mytable
select sql_id,
description || alphanumeric_id as auto_suggest_descr
from mytable
order by augo_suggest_descr

Now you should have a query with the results in the order you want them with
the original sql_id also there.  Now instead of looping through an array to
do a match, you simply do a query of query:

cfquery name=qFindMatch dbtype=query
SELECT sql_id FROM qMySuggestions
WHERE (put your condition here to find a match)

qFindMatch.sql_id is the record you want.

Dave Phillips

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Re: Sorting 2d arrays

2009-10-15 Thread Tony Bentley

Okay I figured it was going to be a query based solution. Turns out there is a 
table in SQL Server that lists all chars in ASCII so I can sort based on that 
table's numeric values and then return two columns to output. Pretty RAD.

here's the t-sql to generate it.
set nocount on
declare @integers table ([Number] INT)
declare @i int
declare @char varchar(255)
set @i = 1
while @i  128
insert into @integers values (@i)
set @i = @i + 1

declare char_test cursor for
select [Number] from @integers
open char_test
fetch next from char_test into @char

while @@fetch_status = 0
print 'char #' + @char + ' = ' + char(@char)
fetch next from char_test into @char
close char_test
deallocate char_test

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Re: Sorting 2d arrays

2009-10-15 Thread Tony Bentley

Sorry, forgot to mention that the query above just returns the ASCII chars. 
Then I use a different query to classify the first char:
SET @ErrorNum = 1

[Name]  VARCHAR(255),
[_] VARCHAR(255),
[_] VARCHAR(255),
[SortOrder] TINYINT)
SELECT  a.[Id],
CASE WHEN ISNULL(a.[Number], '') = '' THEN '' ELSE a.[Number] END,
CASE WHEN ISNULL(a.[Number], '') = '' THEN a.[Name] ELSE a.[Name] + ' -- ' + 
a.[Number] END,
CASE WHEN ISNULL(a.[Number], '') = '' THEN '' ELSE a.[Number] + ' -- ' + 
a.[Name] END,
WHEN ASCII(LEFT(a.[Name], 1)) BETWEEN 0 AND 47 THEN 1 -- symbols ordered first
WHEN ASCII(LEFT(a.[Name], 1)) BETWEEN 48 AND 57 THEN 2 -- numbers ordered second
WHEN ASCII(LEFT(a.[Name], 1)) BETWEEN 58 AND 64 THEN 1 -- symbols ordered first
WHEN ASCII(LEFT(a.[Name], 1)) BETWEEN 65 AND 90 THEN 3 -- letters ordered third
WHEN ASCII(LEFT(a.[Name], 1)) BETWEEN 91 AND 96 THEN 1 -- symbols ordered first
WHEN ASCII(LEFT(a.[Name], 1)) BETWEEN 97 AND 122 THEN 3 -- letters ordered third
FROM[dbo].[] AS a
WHERE   a.[Name]  'All s'

There is more but you get the idea.

Talk about rabbit and tortoise! 

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Sorting 2D Arrays

2000-08-28 Thread Jeremy Allen

Just to spawn a little discussion here.

The issue of sorting 2D Array's has come up and
been discussed quite a bit here so I will give
my feedback on the issue. 

This weekend I experimented and tinkered a bit
and came up with a few different ways of doing

The 'brute force' way I came up with was to use
Three custom tags already in existence.

Since a 2D Array models a Query rather closely

Query has Rows, and Columns

2d Array has Rows and Cols

[Row1][Col1] = Name
[Row1][Col2] = Address
[Row1][Col3] = DOB
[Row1][Col4] = Phone
[Row2][Col1] = Name
[Row2][Col2] = Address
[Row2][Col3] = DOB
[Row2][Col4] = Phone

Since there is no direct way to handle an array
via the CFX API (That I am aware of...)

You can transform your 2D array into a query,
given that you are *sure* your array has the
columns equal each time.. CF does not enforce
your arrays to have the same 'columns' per 
row since they are dynamic arrays. This 
leaves it to the programmer to ensure the
data is ont he up and up, otherwise there
would be no sane method for sorting a 
2d array.

Now with the array as a Query there is already 
a tag CFX_QuerySort qhich implements Quicksort
which is going to be extremely fast.

I implemented a quicksort and on my machine
PIII 500 with 512MB of ram it sorted 
32,000 random 8 character strings (all lower case)  

In 170 milliseconds or.. Less than 1/5 of a second

So the sorting is going to be the least of the 

So available was everything needed to sort a 
2D Array. 

There are two Custom tags written by Nate Weiss
(Which I more or less wrote and then discovered
the tags *ugh*) which are caled ArrayToQuery 
and QueryToArray. 

So my idea was to write a wrapper tag that calls
a C++ Sorting routine and returns the data. 

My concerns in doing this were the fact that
the data is being transformed like this

Array --- Query --- Sort Query --- Array

So there is the assocaited over head of
Three data transformations from Array to Query back
to Array.  Working with large amounts of data
that can amount to a lot of data swapping. Again
the overhead of the actual sorting is probably
the least of the processing time/overhead in
this process because quicksort does a very 
minimum of data moving.

I think there is a better way so here is what I 
want some discussion on :))

The trouble in implementing Quicksort in 
ColdFusion is that in C/C++ you are really
just moving the pointers around and you access
the entire data set via pointers to that data
(in most cases) as this makes sorting ultra

There are only crude ways to achieve the effect
of pointers in CF so that pretty much locks out
implementing Quicksort in CF (or any really
effecient sorting in CF)

Another problem is the fact that CF is a Typeless
language meaning a variable *can* be anything at
any given time. So when something such as a 
comparison occurs

foo LT bar 

The interpreter has to know what kind of variable
it is somewhere or it has to track its type
or "guess" the type any time you do anything
typeish specific with it such as a struct operation
for example. Which all leads to more overhead
which makes writing your own sorting routines in
CF less and less attractive.

So my question is.. does anyone have a better 
idea for sorting a 2D array? 

The only place I truly see this leading is to 
avoid using Structs and Arrays that need to
be sorted when possible. 

Jeremy Allen
[Insert Quarter]

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