sql2k vs mySQL vs postgresql (for win2k)

2003-03-17 Thread dan martin
How do you folks handle the access relationships when changing to mySQL? From the 
manual it looks like the equivalent functionality is covered using foreign key 
constraints. Is this right?

The foreign key constraints require that both sides of the relationship have the 
foreign key be the first record of the table. How do you do this when one table has 
relationships with multiple tables? Only one foreign key can be the first, so it 
sounds like each table can only have one foreign key constraint. Is this right?

Thanks for your help.
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RE: sql2k vs mySQL vs postgresql (for win2k)

2003-03-17 Thread Barney Boisvert
MySQL does NOT enforce foriegn key relationships, at least with MyISAM
tables, which are the default.  Other tables types might be different.

Relationships are used by Access to make the query constructor work more
easily, but are pretty irrelevant to actual use of the DB.  They do provide
an index on that column, which is important, so make sure you do that
manually with MySQL:

create table person (
   personID int not null auto_increment primary key,
   name varchar(50),

create table car (
   carID int not null auto_increment primary key,
   personID int not null,
   make varchar(50),
   foreign key fk_person references person(personID),
   key k_personID (personID)

The foreign key line in the 'car' table will be ignored by MySQL.  The line
below it will construct an index on the personID column to facilitate fast
searching.  Note that I didn't use the first column as the foreign key.

The biggest thing that FKs provide (in my experience) is the ability to
easily do cascading deletes (deleting a person automaticlaly deletes all
his/her cars).  That type of thing will have to be done manually with MySQL,
while SQL Server (and perhaps Access) can be configured to do that for you.


 -Original Message-
 From: dan martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 8:50 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: sql2k vs mySQL vs postgresql (for win2k)

 How do you folks handle the access relationships when changing to
 mySQL? From the manual it looks like the equivalent functionality
 is covered using foreign key constraints. Is this right?

 The foreign key constraints require that both sides of the
 relationship have the foreign key be the first record of the
 table. How do you do this when one table has relationships with
 multiple tables? Only one foreign key can be the first, so it
 sounds like each table can only have one foreign key constraint.
 Is this right?

 Thanks for your help.
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sql2k vs mySQL vs postgresql (for win2k)

2003-03-13 Thread dan martin
Thanks guys. This is great information. I am excited to try it out.
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Re: sql2k vs mySQL vs postgresql (for win2k)

2003-03-13 Thread John Paul Ashenfelter

I'll add a few comments as well, focusing on MySQL. I've transitioned a
number of clients from Access to MySQL, and more than one from MS SQL Server
to MySQL for parts of their infrastructure. MySQL is fast, especially for
reads (e.g. decision support systems, datawarehousing), but it's missing a
ton of features higher-end dbs have. Most of those features are getting
addressed in 4.1, but some (stored procs, views) have to wait until version
5.0 of MySQL or later. Of course Access is missing a ton of features too, so
no big loss in moving from one to the other. I've used CF4.5 and 5
extensively w/ MySQL -- no production experience with it on CFMX yet.

I've used the free version of AccessDUMP, the scripts at the MySQL site, and
even Microsoft's DTS in SQL Server to convert Access databases to MySQL.
I've had the most problems converting boolean fields (0/-1 in Access,
tinyint in MySQL) and some poorly formatted date fields when using the
automatic tools, but nothing too challenging to overcome. But only trivial
databases have converted perfectly.

The simply aren't a lot of SQL functions in Access, so that helps the
transition, though Access does support subselects and MySQL won't for a
couple more weeks (4.1 is likely going to be released at the developer's
conference). You can often rewrite subselects as self- or outer-joins
though, so there's always alternatives. If you use UNIONs, you're stuck
since MySQL doesn't support them until 5.0, though as I write this, I can't
recall if Access supports them either... MySQL also has a LOT of date data
types when compared to Access, so you might want to adjust some of the date
data types so your application can take advantage of them.

I've generally found that my conversion process involves a test conversion,
some data comparison of key fields (particularly boolean and date
datatypes), and then a little scripting of the Access database to get the
data in a better format for the conversion (DTS is pretty adept at this sort
of thing -- nothing like using SQL Server tools to convert Access to MySQL!)

It's also worth a sweep through the SQL code, since Access is pretty
forgiving about date comparisons and MySQL is stricter -- I've found code
that was pretty abysmal to start with that worked in Access but broke in
MySQL. Forced the developers to fix code that was crappy to start with.

As far as macroscopic issues go, MS-SQL has many more tuning options,
extensive replication options, stronger supporting services (scheduling,
etc), clustering, etc. Most folks don't need any of that and the crucial
services (e.g. scheduling) can be provided through other tools (Windows
scheduling, PHP, CF itself, etc) or have some basic support in MySQL. MySQL
is IMHO as fast or faster for most folks in this regime (moving from Access
to something else) I really like it for DSS, less thrilled for OLTP apps if
usage is *truly* large, though plenty of folks do use MySQL that way. And of
course you can't beat the price!


John Paul Ashenfelter
- Original Message -
From: dan martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 9:31 PM
Subject: sql2k vs mySQL vs postgresql (for win2k)


 I am currently using ms access with a growing 20mb database that I need to
upgrade. My initial plan was to migrate over to SQL 2000 because that seems
to be the most painless (except for price). I am wondering if it would make
more sense to migrate to an open source db: mySQL or postgresql. I am
running win2k with cf5 and would like to keep the db on the same server.

 Does anyone have experience or comparison information between the 3
choices running on win2k? How much work is it to port access to mysql or
postgresql? For sql2k the upgrade tool does most of the work for you. Are
there obvious benefits performance or feature wise between the choices?

 Any info would be appreciated.

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Re: sql2k vs mySQL vs postgresql (for win2k)

2003-03-12 Thread Chris Montgomery
Howdy Dan,

Sunday, March 9, 2003, 8:31:54 PM, dan martin wrote:

 ... I am wondering if it would make more sense to migrate to an open
 source db: mySQL or postgresql. I am running win2k with cf5 and would
 like to keep the db on the same server.

One thing you didn't mention was your environment - will this be only
for development, or for production, or both? If production, will this be
on your own server(s), or third-party shared hosting?

 Does anyone have experience or comparison information between the 3
 choices running on win2k? How much work is it to port access to mysql
 or postgresql? For sql2k the upgrade tool does most of the work for
 you. Are there obvious benefits performance or feature wise between
 the choices?

I'm a newbie myself to MySQL (v. 3.23.54 on Win2k) and am still learning
my way around. With MyODBC I've found it's pretty easy to get Access to
talk to MySQL, so it should be fairly easy to import your Access db to
MySQL (I've pulled MySQL tables into Access, just as a test, but haven't
gone the other way around...yet). There are several free front-end tools
that I've been playing with that you might find worth checking out. They
have varying capacities for export/import:

- DBTools/DBManager:
- MySQL Control Center:
- MySQL-Front:
(this tool is no longer being developed, but it still works well and can
be downloaded at this URL)
- SQLYog:
- eSQLManager:

...and here's a commercial tool (I haven't used this, but you might
be interested anyway):
- Navicat:

MySQL should be releasing version 4.1 real soon (no hard date announced
on this yet, but what I've picked up from the MySql list, it would
appear to be coming very soon). Version 4.1 will support sub-selects.
Here's an article covering it:
Might be worth the wait.

Just for grins, here's a few more MySQL related links that may be of
interest to you:
- PHP  MySQL Tips and Tutorials:
- MySQL articles on Database Journal:
- Oh, my--MySQL!:
- MySQL articles:
- Migrating from Microsoft Access to MySQL:
- A collection of Articles about MySQL:
- and of course, the big kahuna, MySQL Reference Manual:

A couple more comparisons:
-  PostgreSQL vs. MySQL:
-  MySQL vs. PostgreSQL:

Hope you get something useful out of all the above.

Chris Montgomery
Airtight Web Services   http://www.airtightweb.com
Web Development, Web Project Management, Software Sales

Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?forumid=4
FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq
This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by CFHosting.com. The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


RE: sql2k vs mySQL vs postgresql (for win2k)

2003-03-12 Thread Matt Robertson
Answer to the original question: yes it makes sense to ditch Access.

I moved from Access to mySQL maybe two years ago and never looked back.
The only compatibility issues I faced related to problems with cfinsert
and cfupdate, which I used extensively at the time.  I have since
reformed my slacker ways and write real SQL.

When I write stuff that has to work on both mySQL and Access, most of
what I do is fix() numeric variable output.  Access has an annoying
habit of outputting a numeric value of 123 as 123.0 which can be
trouble under some circumstances.  Not much else that I can think of
offhand... In other words, its Access that's the problem child in the
equation, so if you're used to working with it you should be nothing but
happy with mySQL, on balance.

FYI I have a server running CF 4.5 and mySQL 4.0.x with about 40
small/medium, heavily db-driven CF domains on it.  mySQL eats around
15mb of RAM, never coughs or hiccups.  That wasn't the case when I was
using Access on the same box.

Got another one running CFMX and mysql 4.0.x and it runs just dandy as

 Matt Robertson   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 MSB Designs, Inc.  http://mysecretbase.com
  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  
 Site Design and ColdFusion Developer Tools

-Original Message-
From: Chris Montgomery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 8:21 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: sql2k vs mySQL vs postgresql (for win2k)

Howdy Dan,

Sunday, March 9, 2003, 8:31:54 PM, dan martin wrote:

 ... I am wondering if it would make more sense to migrate to an open
 source db: mySQL or postgresql. I am running win2k with cf5 and would
 like to keep the db on the same server.

One thing you didn't mention was your environment - will this be only
for development, or for production, or both? If production, will this be
on your own server(s), or third-party shared hosting?

 Does anyone have experience or comparison information between the 3
 choices running on win2k? How much work is it to port access to mysql
 or postgresql? For sql2k the upgrade tool does most of the work for
 you. Are there obvious benefits performance or feature wise between
 the choices?

I'm a newbie myself to MySQL (v. 3.23.54 on Win2k) and am still learning
my way around. With MyODBC I've found it's pretty easy to get Access to
talk to MySQL, so it should be fairly easy to import your Access db to
MySQL (I've pulled MySQL tables into Access, just as a test, but haven't
gone the other way around...yet). There are several free front-end tools
that I've been playing with that you might find worth checking out. They
have varying capacities for export/import:

- DBTools/DBManager:
- MySQL Control Center:
- MySQL-Front:
(this tool is no longer being developed, but it still works well and can
be downloaded at this URL)
- SQLYog:
- eSQLManager:

...and here's a commercial tool (I haven't used this, but you might
be interested anyway):
- Navicat:

MySQL should be releasing version 4.1 real soon (no hard date announced
on this yet, but what I've picked up from the MySql list, it would
appear to be coming very soon). Version 4.1 will support sub-selects.
Here's an article covering it:
Might be worth the wait.

Just for grins, here's a few more MySQL related links that may be of
interest to you:
- PHP  MySQL Tips and Tutorials:
- MySQL articles on Database Journal:
- Oh, my--MySQL!:
- MySQL articles:
- Migrating from Microsoft Access to MySQL:
- A collection of Articles about MySQL:
- and of course, the big kahuna, MySQL Reference Manual:

A couple more comparisons:
-  PostgreSQL vs. MySQL:
-  MySQL vs. PostgreSQL:

Hope you get something useful out of all the above.

Chris Montgomery
Airtight Web Services   http://www.airtightweb.com
Web Development, Web Project Management, Software Sales

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Re: sql2k vs mySQL vs postgresql (for win2k)

2003-03-10 Thread Jochem van Dieten
dan martin wrote:
 I am currently using ms access with a growing 20mb database that I need to upgrade. 
 My initial plan was to migrate over to SQL 2000 because that seems to be the most 
 painless (except for price). I am wondering if it would make more sense to migrate 
 to an open source db: mySQL or postgresql. I am running win2k with cf5 and would 
 like to keep the db on the same server.
 Does anyone have experience or comparison information between the 3 choices running 
 on win2k? How much work is it to port access to mysql or postgresql?

Access to PostgreSQL is very little work. Make sure you read the chapter 
on datatypes and you are set to go. After you have converted your data 
you need to look over your queries. PostgreSQL supports more 
join/subquery constructs as Access, so that is no problem. But you might 
need to rewrite some of your queries because functions like Year() and 
DatePart() are not present in PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL uses the standard 
Extract() for that (writing your own Year() and DatePart() functions is 
With MySQL data conversion is similar, but rewriting your queries is a 
little bit the other way around. Subqueries are not supported so you 
would need to rewrite them, but there are more functions that behave the 
same betweeen Access and MySQL.

But don't forget that query syntax between Access and MS SQL Server 
requires some changes too.

 Are there obvious benefits performance or feature wise between the choices?

Featurewise MS SQL Server has advantages over PostgreSQL, which in turn 
has many advantages over MySQL.
I don't think performance matters much for such a small database, except 
in some rare scenario's. For example, if you disable connection pooling, 
PostgreSQL will take a much heavier performance hit (it uses one process 
for each connection). Or if you have some extremely long running 
requests MS SQL Server will only have limited CALs left to serve other 

The biggest disadvantage of PostgreSQL, and the one reason I not 
outright recommending it, is that all the native versions for Windows 
are still in Beta. You can run a Cygwin version, but it has implications 
for performance and there might be compatibilities issues if you run 
other Cygwin applications. I am happily running the beta for a few 
months now, but that is development only.

BTW, one database you didn't mention was Firebird. I hear it is almost 
as capable as PostgreSQL and it does have a native Windows version. 
Unfortunately, I have spent too little time working with it to say more.


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Re: sql2k vs mySQL vs postgresql (for win2k)

2003-03-10 Thread Peter Mayer

mysql has a very good performance but if you need certain features like 
views or subselect this database is out of the game. Postgresql fullfills 

almost all standard criterias for a real database engine but it is a 
little bit more complex. Running Postgresql on Windows isn't that funny.

Some more hints:



Best regards,


Orginale Nachricht
Von: dan martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Betreff: sql2k vs mySQL vs postgresql (for win2k)
Datum/Zeit: Montag, 10. März 2003 03:39:36 

 I am currently using ms access with a growing 20mb database that I need 

 upgrade. My initial plan was to migrate over to SQL 2000 because that 
seems to 
 be the most painless (except for price). I am wondering if it would make 

 sense to migrate to an open source db: mySQL or postgresql. I am running 

 with cf5 and would like to keep the db on the same server.
 Does anyone have experience or comparison information between the 3 
 running on win2k? How much work is it to port access to mysql or 
 For sql2k the upgrade tool does most of the work for you. Are there 
 benefits performance or feature wise between the choices?
 Any info would be appreciated.
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Re: sql2k vs mySQL vs postgresql (for win2k)

2003-03-10 Thread Paul Hastings
 BTW, one database you didn't mention was Firebird. I hear it is almost
 as capable as PostgreSQL and it does have a native Windows version.

firebird's not quite as standard as postgreSQL (it offers many ANSI
SQL-92 features), has some syntax differences from sql server/access. it
has some nice features like UDFs, identity-like values before INSERTs, 64
bit IO, both odbc  jdbc drivers (and for those you into this sort of thing
there's a .NET provider in beta now),  and of course transactions, sub
queries, stored procedures, etc.. its got a fairly active user community.
firebird's unicode support is kind of iffy which to me is important.

 Unfortunately, I have spent too little time working with it to say more.

i've played around with it a bit but never in production.

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Re: sql2k vs mySQL vs postgresql (for win2k)

2003-03-10 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Peter Mayer wrote:
 mysql has a very good performance but if you need certain features like 
 views or subselect this database is out of the game. Postgresql fullfills 
 almost all standard criterias for a real database engine but it is a 
 little bit more complex. Running Postgresql on Windows isn't that funny.
 Some more hints:

Last modified: 14 May 2001. And even then it claimed to be outdated 

http://www.geocities.com/mailsoftware42/db/dbs.html is more up to date.


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sql2k vs mySQL vs postgresql (for win2k)

2003-03-10 Thread dan martin
Thanks very much for the information. It looks like it is definitely worth more 
investigation. Both alternatives to sql2k look very promising for my purposes.
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sql2k vs mySQL vs postgresql (for win2k)

2003-03-09 Thread dan martin

I am currently using ms access with a growing 20mb database that I need to upgrade. My 
initial plan was to migrate over to SQL 2000 because that seems to be the most 
painless (except for price). I am wondering if it would make more sense to migrate to 
an open source db: mySQL or postgresql. I am running win2k with cf5 and would like to 
keep the db on the same server.

Does anyone have experience or comparison information between the 3 choices running on 
win2k? How much work is it to port access to mysql or postgresql? For sql2k the 
upgrade tool does most of the work for you. Are there obvious benefits performance or 
feature wise between the choices?

Any info would be appreciated.

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