Author: george.karpenkov
Date: Thu Sep 21 18:41:16 2017
New Revision: 313949

[Analyzer] Refactor analyzer testing scripts.

 - Exporting needed function for future reuse.
 - Idiomatic python: using with `file as f` instead of `try/finally`.
 - Fixing some indentation issues.
 - No need to reinvent python `multiprocessing.getCPUCount()`
 - Removing a function parameter which is always the same under all invocations.
 - Adding some docstrings.

Differential Revision:


Modified: cfe/trunk/utils/analyzer/
--- cfe/trunk/utils/analyzer/ (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/utils/analyzer/ Thu Sep 21 18:41:16 2017
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ Usage:
 import os
 import plistlib
-import CmpRuns
 # Information about analysis run:
 # path - the analysis output directory

Modified: cfe/trunk/utils/analyzer/
--- cfe/trunk/utils/analyzer/ (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/utils/analyzer/ Thu Sep 21 18:41:16 2017
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def addNewProject(ID, BuildMode) :
     # Build the project.
-    SATestBuild.testProject(ID, BuildMode, IsReferenceBuild=True, Dir=Dir)
+    SATestBuild.testProject(ID, BuildMode, IsReferenceBuild=True)
     # Add the project ID to the project map.
     ProjectMapPath = os.path.join(CurDir, SATestBuild.ProjectMapFile)

Modified: cfe/trunk/utils/analyzer/
--- cfe/trunk/utils/analyzer/ (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/utils/analyzer/ Thu Sep 21 18:41:16 2017
@@ -53,30 +53,12 @@ import time
 import plistlib
 import argparse
 from subprocess import check_call, check_output, CalledProcessError
+import multiprocessing
 # Helper functions.
-def detectCPUs():
-    """
-    Detects the number of CPUs on a system. Cribbed from pp.
-    """
-    # Linux, Unix and MacOS:
-    if hasattr(os, "sysconf"):
-        if os.sysconf_names.has_key("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN"):
-            # Linux & Unix:
-            ncpus = os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
-            if isinstance(ncpus, int) and ncpus > 0:
-                return ncpus
-        else: # OSX:
-            return int(capture(['sysctl', '-n', 'hw.ncpu']))
-    # Windows:
-    if os.environ.has_key("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"):
-        ncpus = int(os.environ["NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"])
-        if ncpus > 0:
-            return ncpus
-    return 1 # Default
 def which(command, paths = None):
    """which(command, [paths]) - Look up the given command in the paths string
@@ -151,7 +133,7 @@ if not Clang:
 # Number of jobs.
-Jobs = int(math.ceil(detectCPUs() * 0.75))
+Jobs = int(math.ceil(multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 0.75))
 # Project map stores info about all the "registered" projects.
 ProjectMapFile = "projectMap.csv"
@@ -306,7 +288,7 @@ def runScanBuild(Dir, SBOutputDir, PBuil
             # to speed up analysis.  xcodebuild will
             # automatically use the maximum number of cores.
             if (Command.startswith("make ") or Command == "make") and \
-                "-j" not in Command:
+                    "-j" not in Command:
                 Command += " -j%d" % Jobs
             SBCommand = SBPrefix + Command
             if Verbose == 1:
@@ -430,11 +412,8 @@ def buildProject(Dir, SBOutputDir, Proje
     assert(not os.path.exists(SBOutputDir))
     os.makedirs(os.path.join(SBOutputDir, LogFolderName))
-    # Open the log file.
-    PBuildLogFile = open(BuildLogPath, "wb+")
     # Build and analyze the project.
-    try:
+    with open(BuildLogPath, "wb+") as PBuildLogFile:
         if (ProjectBuildMode == 1):
             downloadAndPatch(Dir, PBuildLogFile)
             runCleanupScript(Dir, PBuildLogFile)
@@ -442,31 +421,32 @@ def buildProject(Dir, SBOutputDir, Proje
             runAnalyzePreprocessed(Dir, SBOutputDir, ProjectBuildMode)
-        if IsReferenceBuild :
+        if IsReferenceBuild:
             runCleanupScript(Dir, PBuildLogFile)
-            # Make the absolute paths relative in the reference results.
-            for (DirPath, Dirnames, Filenames) in os.walk(SBOutputDir):
-                for F in Filenames:
-                    if (not F.endswith('plist')):
-                        continue
-                    Plist = os.path.join(DirPath, F)
-                    Data = plistlib.readPlist(Plist)
-                    PathPrefix = Dir
-                    if (ProjectBuildMode == 1):
-                        PathPrefix = os.path.join(Dir, PatchedSourceDirName)
-                    Paths = [SourceFile[len(PathPrefix)+1:]\
-                              if SourceFile.startswith(PathPrefix)\
-                              else SourceFile for SourceFile in Data['files']]
-                    Data['files'] = Paths
-                    plistlib.writePlist(Data, Plist)
-    finally:
-        PBuildLogFile.close()
+            normalizeReferenceResults(Dir, SBOutputDir, ProjectBuildMode)
     print "Build complete (time: %.2f). See the log for more details: %s" % \
            ((time.time()-TBegin), BuildLogPath)
+def normalizeReferenceResults(Dir, SBOutputDir, ProjectBuildMode):
+    """
+    Make the absolute paths relative in the reference results.
+    """
+    for (DirPath, Dirnames, Filenames) in os.walk(SBOutputDir):
+        for F in Filenames:
+            if (not F.endswith('plist')):
+                continue
+            Plist = os.path.join(DirPath, F)
+            Data = plistlib.readPlist(Plist)
+            PathPrefix = Dir
+            if (ProjectBuildMode == 1):
+                PathPrefix = os.path.join(Dir, PatchedSourceDirName)
+            Paths = [SourceFile[len(PathPrefix)+1:]\
+                      if SourceFile.startswith(PathPrefix)\
+                      else SourceFile for SourceFile in Data['files']]
+            Data['files'] = Paths
+            plistlib.writePlist(Data, Plist)
 # A plist file is created for each call to the analyzer(each source file).
 # We are only interested on the once that have bug reports, so delete the rest.
 def CleanUpEmptyPlists(SBOutputDir):
@@ -498,8 +478,7 @@ def checkBuild(SBOutputDir):
     if (Verbose > 0):
         print "  Creating the failures summary file %s" % (SummaryPath,)
-    SummaryLog = open(SummaryPath, "w+")
-    try:
+    with open(SummaryPath, "w+") as SummaryLog:
         SummaryLog.write("Total of %d failures discovered.\n" % (TotalFailed,))
         if TotalFailed > NumOfFailuresInSummary:
             SummaryLog.write("See the first %d below.\n"
@@ -513,13 +492,8 @@ def checkBuild(SBOutputDir):
             Idx += 1
             SummaryLog.write("\n-- Error #%d -----------\n" % (Idx,));
-            FailLogI = open(FailLogPathI, "r");
-            try:
+            with open(FailLogPathI, "r") as FailLogI:
                 shutil.copyfileobj(FailLogI, SummaryLog);
-            finally:
-                FailLogI.close()
-    finally:
-        SummaryLog.close()
     print "Error: analysis failed. See ", SummaryPath
@@ -608,10 +582,14 @@ def cleanupReferenceResults(SBOutputDir)
     # Remove the log file. It leaks absolute path names.
-def updateSVN(Mode, ProjectsMap):
+def updateSVN(Mode, PMapFile):
+    """
+    svn delete or svn add (depending on `Mode`) all folders defined in the file
+    handler `PMapFile`.
+    Commit the result to SVN.
+    """
-        for I in csv.reader(ProjectsMap):
+        for I in iterateOverProjects(PMapFile):
             ProjName = I[0]
             Path = os.path.join(ProjName, getSBOutputDirName(True))
@@ -637,13 +615,12 @@ def updateSVN(Mode, ProjectsMap):
         print "Error: SVN update failed."
-def testProject(ID, ProjectBuildMode, IsReferenceBuild=False, Dir=None, 
Strictness = 0):
+def testProject(ID, ProjectBuildMode, IsReferenceBuild=False, Strictness = 0):
     print " \n\n--- Building project %s" % (ID,)
     TBegin = time.time()
-    if Dir is None :
-        Dir = getProjectDir(ID)
+    Dir = getProjectDir(ID)
     if Verbose == 1:
         print "  Build directory: %s." % (Dir,)
@@ -655,32 +632,52 @@ def testProject(ID, ProjectBuildMode, Is
-    if IsReferenceBuild == False:
-        runCmpResults(Dir, Strictness)
-    else:
+    if IsReferenceBuild:
+    else:
+        runCmpResults(Dir, Strictness)
     print "Completed tests for project %s (time: %.2f)." % \
           (ID, (time.time()-TBegin))
 def isCommentCSVLine(Entries):
-  # Treat CSV lines starting with a '#' as a comment.
-  return len(Entries) > 0 and Entries[0].startswith("#")
+    # Treat CSV lines starting with a '#' as a comment.
+    return len(Entries) > 0 and Entries[0].startswith("#")
-def testAll(IsReferenceBuild = False, UpdateSVN = False, Strictness = 0):
-    PMapFile = open(getProjectMapPath(), "rb")
+def projectFileHandler():
+    return open(getProjectMapPath(), "rb")
+def iterateOverProjects(PMapFile):
+    """
+    Iterate over all projects defined in the project file handler `PMapFile`
+    from the start.
+    """
-        # Validate the input.
         for I in csv.reader(PMapFile):
             if (isCommentCSVLine(I)):
-            if (len(I) != 2) :
-                print "Error: Rows in the ProjectMapFile should have 3 
-                raise Exception()
-            if (not ((I[1] == "0") | (I[1] == "1") | (I[1] == "2"))):
-                print "Error: Second entry in the ProjectMapFile should be 0" \
-                      " (single file), 1 (project), or 2(single file c++11)."
-                raise Exception()
+            yield I
+    except:
+        print "Error occurred. Premature termination."
+        raise
+def validateProjectFile(PMapFile):
+    """
+    Validate project file.
+    """
+    for I in iterateOverProjects(PMapFile):
+        if (len(I) != 2) :
+            print "Error: Rows in the ProjectMapFile should have 2 entries."
+            raise Exception()
+        if (not ((I[1] == "0") | (I[1] == "1") | (I[1] == "2"))):
+            print "Error: Second entry in the ProjectMapFile should be 0" \
+                    " (single file), 1 (project), or 2(single file c++11)."
+            raise Exception()
+def testAll(IsReferenceBuild = False, UpdateSVN = False, Strictness = 0):
+    with projectFileHandler() as PMapFile:
+        validateProjectFile(PMapFile)
         # When we are regenerating the reference results, we might need to
         # update svn. Remove reference results from SVN.
@@ -689,22 +686,13 @@ def testAll(IsReferenceBuild = False, Up
             updateSVN("delete",  PMapFile);
         # Test the projects.
-        for I in csv.reader(PMapFile):
-            if isCommentCSVLine(I):
-              continue;
-            testProject(I[0], int(I[1]), IsReferenceBuild, None, Strictness)
+        for (ProjName, ProjBuildMode) in iterateOverProjects(PMapFile):
+            testProject(ProjName, int(ProjBuildMode), IsReferenceBuild, 
-        # Add reference results to SVN.
+        # Re-add reference results to SVN.
         if UpdateSVN == True:
             updateSVN("add",  PMapFile);
-    except:
-        print "Error occurred. Premature termination."
-        raise
-    finally:
-        PMapFile.close()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     # Parse command line arguments.
     Parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Test the Clang Static 

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