الدورة التدريبية التسويق فى ظل الأزمات وركود الأسواق مقر الإنعقاد : تونس خلال الفترة من 21 الى 25 مايو 2017 م

2017-03-30 Thread sara dar
*الدار العربية للتنمية الإدارية*

*بالتعاون مع الإتحاد الدولى لمؤسسات التنمية البشرية*

*الدورة التدريبية *

*التسويق فى ظل الأزمات وركود الأسواق*

*مقر الإنعقاد :  تونس *

*خلال الفترة من 21 الى 25 مايو  2017 م*

*الأزمات الاقتصادية المحلية والعالمية من أخطر المؤثرات الخارجية على
المشروعات الاقتصادية ، حيث يسود الركود ويقل الشراء وتنخفض المبيعات ويتراكم
المخزون ، ويصبح مجرد استمرار المشروع تحدياً ضخماً ونجاحاً يحسب لأصحاب
المشروعات والقائمين عليها**.*

*إن الأزمات والركود الاقتصادي الذي يتبعها يعد بمثابة حقل ألغام لا يدري عنها
أحد شيئاً حتى من زرعوها مما يزيد من صعوبة مواجهتها .. لذا ينبغي التعامل
معها بحذر شديد ، حتى لا تنفجر الألغام وتطيح بالمشروع** .*

*مستهدفين في ذلك:*

*مدراء* *ونواب* *مدراء* *التسويق* *والمبيعات* *ورؤساء* *الأقسام* *في*
*المنظمات* *الهادفة* *وغير* *الهادفة* *للربح**.** وكافة* *المنظمات*
*الحكومية* *وشبه* *الحكومية* *وقطاع الأعمال* *والقطاع* *الخاص**.*

*والدار العربية  يسرها دعوتكم للمساهمة والمشاركة في أعمال الفاعليات من خلال
تجربة مميزة أو بالحضور والمناقشة، كذلك ترشيح من ترون من كوادر مؤسستكم
الموقرة وتمنح الدار العربية مقعدا خامس مجانا في حال ترشيح سيادتكم اربع
افراد من مؤسستكم الموقرة.*

*تأكيد المشاركة*

*يتم إرسال خطاب المشاركة الرسمى او تعبئة النموذج المرفق موضح بة أسماء
المرشحين – مناصبهم الإدارية -  اسم النشاط – طريقة سداد رسوم المشاركة ( كاش
اول أيام التدريب او بتحويل بنكى قبل بدء النشاط)وصورة من تذكرة الطيران **علماً
بأن رسوم الاشتراك 1400دولار أمريكى* *للفرد*

*علي فاكس رقم *0020237800573 او0020235866323 *اوعلي *

*بريدي الإلكتروني**saragw...@gmail.com* 

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الدورة التدريبية التسويق فى ظل الأزمات وركود الأسواق مقر الإنعقاد : تونس خلال الفترة من 21 الى 25 مايو 2017 م

2017-03-30 Thread sara ALARABIA
*الدار العربية للتنمية الإدارية*

*بالتعاون مع الإتحاد الدولى لمؤسسات التنمية البشرية*

*الدورة التدريبية *

*التسويق فى ظل الأزمات وركود الأسواق*

*مقر الإنعقاد :  تونس *

*خلال الفترة من 21 الى 25 مايو  2017 م*

*الأزمات الاقتصادية المحلية والعالمية من أخطر المؤثرات الخارجية على
المشروعات الاقتصادية ، حيث يسود الركود ويقل الشراء وتنخفض المبيعات ويتراكم
المخزون ، ويصبح مجرد استمرار المشروع تحدياً ضخماً ونجاحاً يحسب لأصحاب
المشروعات والقائمين عليها**.*

*إن الأزمات والركود الاقتصادي الذي يتبعها يعد بمثابة حقل ألغام لا يدري عنها
أحد شيئاً حتى من زرعوها مما يزيد من صعوبة مواجهتها .. لذا ينبغي التعامل
معها بحذر شديد ، حتى لا تنفجر الألغام وتطيح بالمشروع** .*

*مستهدفين في ذلك:*

*مدراء* *ونواب* *مدراء* *التسويق* *والمبيعات* *ورؤساء* *الأقسام* *في*
*المنظمات* *الهادفة* *وغير* *الهادفة* *للربح**.** وكافة* *المنظمات*
*الحكومية* *وشبه* *الحكومية* *وقطاع الأعمال* *والقطاع* *الخاص**.*

*والدار العربية  يسرها دعوتكم للمساهمة والمشاركة في أعمال الفاعليات من خلال
تجربة مميزة أو بالحضور والمناقشة، كذلك ترشيح من ترون من كوادر مؤسستكم
الموقرة وتمنح الدار العربية مقعدا خامس مجانا في حال ترشيح سيادتكم اربع
افراد من مؤسستكم الموقرة.*

*تأكيد المشاركة*

*يتم إرسال خطاب المشاركة الرسمى او تعبئة النموذج المرفق موضح بة أسماء
المرشحين – مناصبهم الإدارية -  اسم النشاط – طريقة سداد رسوم المشاركة ( كاش
اول أيام التدريب او بتحويل بنكى قبل بدء النشاط)وصورة من تذكرة الطيران **علماً
بأن رسوم الاشتراك 1400دولار أمريكى* *للفرد*

*علي فاكس رقم *0020237800573 او0020235866323 *اوعلي *

*بريدي الإلكتروني**saragw...@gmail.com* 

*الدورة التدريبية **التسويق فى ظل الأزمات وركود الأسواق** مقر الإنعقاد :
تونس **خلال الفترة من 21 الى 25 مايو  2017 م*

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الدورة التدريبية التسويق فى ظل الأزمات وركود الأسواق مقر الإنعقاد : تونس خلال الفترة من 21 الى 25 مايو 2017 م

2017-03-30 Thread sara arab
*الدار العربية للتنمية الإدارية*

*بالتعاون مع الإتحاد الدولى لمؤسسات التنمية البشرية*

*الدورة التدريبية *

*التسويق فى ظل الأزمات وركود الأسواق*

*مقر الإنعقاد :  تونس *

*خلال الفترة من 21 الى 25 مايو  2017 م*

*الأزمات الاقتصادية المحلية والعالمية من أخطر المؤثرات الخارجية على
المشروعات الاقتصادية ، حيث يسود الركود ويقل الشراء وتنخفض المبيعات ويتراكم
المخزون ، ويصبح مجرد استمرار المشروع تحدياً ضخماً ونجاحاً يحسب لأصحاب
المشروعات والقائمين عليها**.*

*إن الأزمات والركود الاقتصادي الذي يتبعها يعد بمثابة حقل ألغام لا يدري عنها
أحد شيئاً حتى من زرعوها مما يزيد من صعوبة مواجهتها .. لذا ينبغي التعامل
معها بحذر شديد ، حتى لا تنفجر الألغام وتطيح بالمشروع** .*

*مستهدفين في ذلك:*

*مدراء* *ونواب* *مدراء* *التسويق* *والمبيعات* *ورؤساء* *الأقسام* *في*
*المنظمات* *الهادفة* *وغير* *الهادفة* *للربح**.** وكافة* *المنظمات*
*الحكومية* *وشبه* *الحكومية* *وقطاع الأعمال* *والقطاع* *الخاص**.*

*والدار العربية  يسرها دعوتكم للمساهمة والمشاركة في أعمال الفاعليات من خلال
تجربة مميزة أو بالحضور والمناقشة، كذلك ترشيح من ترون من كوادر مؤسستكم
الموقرة وتمنح الدار العربية مقعدا خامس مجانا في حال ترشيح سيادتكم اربع
افراد من مؤسستكم الموقرة.*

*تأكيد المشاركة*

*يتم إرسال خطاب المشاركة الرسمى او تعبئة النموذج المرفق موضح بة أسماء
المرشحين – مناصبهم الإدارية -  اسم النشاط – طريقة سداد رسوم المشاركة ( كاش
اول أيام التدريب او بتحويل بنكى قبل بدء النشاط)وصورة من تذكرة الطيران **علماً
بأن رسوم الاشتراك 1400دولار أمريكى* *للفرد*

*علي فاكس رقم *0020237800573 او0020235866323 *اوعلي *

*بريدي الإلكتروني**saragw...@gmail.com* 

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الدورة التدريبية التسويق فى ظل الأزمات وركود الأسواق مقر الإنعقاد : تونس خلال الفترة من 21 الى 25 مايو 2017 م

2017-03-30 Thread sara arab
*الدار العربية للتنمية الإدارية*

*بالتعاون مع الإتحاد الدولى لمؤسسات التنمية البشرية*

*الدورة التدريبية *

*التسويق فى ظل الأزمات وركود الأسواق*

*مقر الإنعقاد :  تونس *

*خلال الفترة من 21 الى 25 مايو  2017 م*

*الأزمات الاقتصادية المحلية والعالمية من أخطر المؤثرات الخارجية على
المشروعات الاقتصادية ، حيث يسود الركود ويقل الشراء وتنخفض المبيعات ويتراكم
المخزون ، ويصبح مجرد استمرار المشروع تحدياً ضخماً ونجاحاً يحسب لأصحاب
المشروعات والقائمين عليها**.*

*إن الأزمات والركود الاقتصادي الذي يتبعها يعد بمثابة حقل ألغام لا يدري عنها
أحد شيئاً حتى من زرعوها مما يزيد من صعوبة مواجهتها .. لذا ينبغي التعامل
معها بحذر شديد ، حتى لا تنفجر الألغام وتطيح بالمشروع** .*

*مستهدفين في ذلك:*

*مدراء* *ونواب* *مدراء* *التسويق* *والمبيعات* *ورؤساء* *الأقسام* *في*
*المنظمات* *الهادفة* *وغير* *الهادفة* *للربح**.** وكافة* *المنظمات*
*الحكومية* *وشبه* *الحكومية* *وقطاع الأعمال* *والقطاع* *الخاص**.*

*والدار العربية  يسرها دعوتكم للمساهمة والمشاركة في أعمال الفاعليات من خلال
تجربة مميزة أو بالحضور والمناقشة، كذلك ترشيح من ترون من كوادر مؤسستكم
الموقرة وتمنح الدار العربية مقعدا خامس مجانا في حال ترشيح سيادتكم اربع
افراد من مؤسستكم الموقرة.*

*تأكيد المشاركة*

*يتم إرسال خطاب المشاركة الرسمى او تعبئة النموذج المرفق موضح بة أسماء
المرشحين – مناصبهم الإدارية -  اسم النشاط – طريقة سداد رسوم المشاركة ( كاش
اول أيام التدريب او بتحويل بنكى قبل بدء النشاط)وصورة من تذكرة الطيران **علماً
بأن رسوم الاشتراك 1400دولار أمريكى* *للفرد*

*علي فاكس رقم *0020237800573 او0020235866323 *اوعلي *

*بريدي الإلكتروني**saragw...@gmail.com* 

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الدورة التدريبية التسويق فى ظل الأزمات وركود الأسواق مقر الإنعقاد : تونس خلال الفترة من 21 الى 25 مايو 2017 م

2017-03-30 Thread Arab Sara
*الدار العربية للتنمية الإدارية*

*بالتعاون مع الإتحاد الدولى لمؤسسات التنمية البشرية*

*الدورة التدريبية *

*التسويق فى ظل الأزمات وركود الأسواق*

*مقر الإنعقاد :  تونس *

*خلال الفترة من 21 الى 25 مايو  2017 م*

*الأزمات الاقتصادية المحلية والعالمية من أخطر المؤثرات الخارجية على
المشروعات الاقتصادية ، حيث يسود الركود ويقل الشراء وتنخفض المبيعات ويتراكم
المخزون ، ويصبح مجرد استمرار المشروع تحدياً ضخماً ونجاحاً يحسب لأصحاب
المشروعات والقائمين عليها**.*

*إن الأزمات والركود الاقتصادي الذي يتبعها يعد بمثابة حقل ألغام لا يدري عنها
أحد شيئاً حتى من زرعوها مما يزيد من صعوبة مواجهتها .. لذا ينبغي التعامل
معها بحذر شديد ، حتى لا تنفجر الألغام وتطيح بالمشروع** .*

*مستهدفين في ذلك:*

*مدراء* *ونواب* *مدراء* *التسويق* *والمبيعات* *ورؤساء* *الأقسام* *في*
*المنظمات* *الهادفة* *وغير* *الهادفة* *للربح**.** وكافة* *المنظمات*
*الحكومية* *وشبه* *الحكومية* *وقطاع الأعمال* *والقطاع* *الخاص**.*

*والدار العربية  يسرها دعوتكم للمساهمة والمشاركة في أعمال الفاعليات من خلال
تجربة مميزة أو بالحضور والمناقشة، كذلك ترشيح من ترون من كوادر مؤسستكم
الموقرة وتمنح الدار العربية مقعدا خامس مجانا في حال ترشيح سيادتكم اربع
افراد من مؤسستكم الموقرة.*

*تأكيد المشاركة*

*يتم إرسال خطاب المشاركة الرسمى او تعبئة النموذج المرفق موضح بة أسماء
المرشحين – مناصبهم الإدارية -  اسم النشاط – طريقة سداد رسوم المشاركة ( كاش
اول أيام التدريب او بتحويل بنكى قبل بدء النشاط)وصورة من تذكرة الطيران **علماً
بأن رسوم الاشتراك 1400دولار أمريكى* *للفرد*

*علي فاكس رقم *0020237800573 او0020235866323 *اوعلي *

*بريدي الإلكتروني**saragw...@gmail.com* 

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Hotlist of Nitya , Inc – 1) ETL Developer 2)Oracle Apps functional 3)SQL Server Developer/ DBA 4) Devops Engineer 5) Business Intelligence with Tableau 6) Mule ESB Integration Developer 7) UI/UX desig

2017-03-30 Thread hr . nitya72

*Dear Partner,* 


This is Venkat from Nitya Inc and I would like to present our Hot-List of 
available Candidates for projects, please let me know if you would like to 
consider any of them for your Direct Client requirement's on C2C.


I would highly appreciate if you can add me ven...@nityainc.com / 
venkatnitya...@gmail.com  in your daily requirement mailing list and keep 
me posted with your daily requirements.










SQL Server Developer




DevOps Engineer




Oracle Apps Functional Consultant




ETL Developer




ETL Developer




Business Intelligence with Tableau




ETL Informatica Developer




Oracle Apps  Finance Functional Consultant








UI/UX designer



jay kumar

Senior Java Developer



shiva prasad

Java Developer








Java, Hadoop, Oracle ADF developer




Hadoop developer




Mule ESB Integration Developer



Alataf Asad

Oracle Apps Techno functional




 Oracle Technical Consultant



Kamaraj Sundar

Oracle SCM functional



Ahmad Saeed

Oracle Functional Consultant




Oracle Applications




Thanks & Regards


*Nitya Inc*

3100 Mowry Avenue, Suite # 205, Fremont, CA .

Phone: 801-895-4912

Email: ven...@nityainc.com* |*www.nityainc.com



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2017-03-30 Thread recruiter1 (UTIS, Inc)
Hello Friends,

Greeting from UTIS Inc.

Please find the below availability list of our consultants.

Please send your direct client requirements to *requireme...@utisinc.com*

Consultant name


Years of exp

Current location



Oracle DBA


Vienna, VA



PeopleSoft Consultant


Cincinnati, Ohio



Salesforce Developer





Oracle DBA





Lead Business Analyst/Project manager


Jersey City, NJ



Java/J2EE developer





Java Developer





QA Analyst





Pega Developer





Salesforce Developer





.Net Developer


Norwalk, CT​



Test Manager /Program Manager


Jersey City, NJ



Java Developer





Sybase Developer





Oracle SOA/ Hadoop







Chicago, IL



Performance test manager





SQL BI Developer











IT Consulting & Software Solutions

154 Stelton Rd, Suite#3 Piscataway, NJ-08854,USA.

E: requireme...@utisinc.com

W: www.utisinc.com

This email is not intended to be a solicitation. It is targeted to
recruiting and consulting professionals. If you have received this in
error, please accept our apologies and reply in the subject heading with
REMOVE to be removed from our mailing list.

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Multiple requirements with our direct client only locals to Columbus,OH

2017-03-30 Thread kalyan kumar

*Hope you are doing great*

*Posting ID:  46114 Columbus, OH - IT - TAX - Technical Specialist 1/TS1*

*Job Classification: Technical Specialist 1 - PeopleSoft and COGNOS

*Will Close to Submissions on: 4/5/17 at 11:00 am*

*Interview Process: 1st Round Phone Interview 2nd Round on-site interview*

Role   Provide PeopleSoft, Cognos and WebSphere support, work in
partnership with ODT staff and can assist execution of support activities,
day to day administration of WebSphere environment on IBM AIX running on P
Series Hardware platform.

Requirement Description:  short description on what they will be working
on, objectives, and tasks/deliverablesServices Overview

Day to day administration and operation support for Taxation Peoplesoft,
Cognos, WebSphere and document management system.

Provide technical services for Administering and supporting PeopleSoft,
Cognos, WebSphere environment on IBM AIX installed on P Series hardware
platform, also support and administer IBM Tivoli Directory Server:

• Act as a subject matter expert on PeopleSoft

• Act as a subject matter expert on COGNOS.

• Knowledge of WebSphere.

• Attend weekly meeting with server staff and supervisor.

Staff Augmentation Services

The Experienced PeopleSoft and COGNOS Administrator must have experience in
supporting large scale web and server environments hosting multiple
e-Commerce applications, and maintenance of the underlying infrastructure.
The resource must have knowledge in WAS application Server, WebServices,
IBM Tivoli Directory server and experience in configuring and support
application security. The resource must have experience and ability to use
tools to automate and provide recommendations

Develop detail documentation of current and new infrastructure
configurations for Peoplesoft, Cognos, WebSphere, document management
system and LDAP – IBM Directory Server.

Scripts for automating Installation, configuration and Maintenance of
Peoplesoft, Cognos, WebSphere and LDAP – IBM Directory Server

This is canned statement with hours, background check and interview
date/time During the interview process with the TAX staff, the
resource consultant must demonstrate competence/experience in their
specific area(s) of project assignment. The resource’s experience must also
be documented for review and verification. Offered resources not showing
technical or functional competence/experience will be sufficient reason to
reject the Offeror’s proposal.  It is the responsibility of the Offeror to
pre-screen their candidates to ensure compliance.

1.Strong communication/ leadership skills.

2.Strong influence, collaboration and negotiation experience.

3.Ability to collaborate with supporting resources across
business and/or functional lines.

4.Have excellent oral and written skills/possess strong meeting
and work session facilitation skills.

5.Have the ability to work independently and as part of a team,
the ability to manage time and resources to meet assigned deadlines.

6.Have strong understanding of prioritization stemming from the
elicitation of system and/or user requirements.

7.Have excellent organizational skills, proven analytical,
planning, problem solving, and decision-making skills.

8.Must be knowledgeable in the English language/speak clearly
and understandably use the English language.

*Mandatory Requirements/Time  *

1.Design, develop and support PeopleSoft

2.Design and develop Cognos

3.Knowledge of WebSphere, any document management system.

4.Knowledge of configuring application security using LDAP –
IBM Directory server.

*Implementation Skills:*

*1.PeopleSoft 8.5.3 (5 years of experience mandatory)*

*2.Cognos 10.2.2 (5 years of experience mandatory)*

*3.AIX 6.1, 7.0 (3 years of experience preferred)*

*4.Web services and Web services security (2 years of
experience preferred)*

*5.IBM Tivoli Directory server 6.0 and above. (2 years of
experience preferred)*

*6.Documentation (5 years of experience mandatory)*

*7.Performance tuning (2 years of experience mandatory)*

*8.SSL (2 years of experience preferred)*

*9.Ability to automate Installation, configuration, maintenance
activities of the products listed Implementation skills.*


*Hope you are doing great*

*Posting ID:  46116 Columbus, OH - IT - TAX - Technical Specialist 1/TS1*

*Job Classification: Technical Specialist 1 - ClearCase Administrator*

*Will close to submissions on: 4/5/17 at 1:00 pm*

*Interview Process: 1st round phone interview, 2nd round on-site interview*

Role   Provide Rational ClearCase, configuration management, rele

Sr. Mulesoft developer/Architect || Hadoop developer || UI/UX lead || Eloqua Developer ||

2017-03-30 Thread Star Baseer
*Hi Folks,*
We are looking for those candidates who can join immediately. Please check
the JD below and let us know your interest  for any of these positions.
send me your consultant profiles along with H1b copy.No OPT or EAD. on
*Linkedin is mandatory for this roles*

*Job title / location Sr. Mulesoft developer in SFO, CA*
*Job title / location. Mulesoft Architect in Dublin, OH *
*Duration: 6-12 months contra*ct

Overall 8+ for developer and 10+ years for architect role
Minimum 2 yrs experience on Mulesoft ESB.
Experience in designing and implementing integration services on Mulesoft
ESB platform.


*Job Description:-*

*Position Title: Hadoop developer*
*Location: Denver, CO*
*Duration : 6 - 12 Months *
*Exp : 8+ years of experience*

Provide technical knowledge and capabilities as a member of a project team.

Must-Have :-
1. Spark2. Scala3. Python4. Java - Development5. Hive Query Language with
performance aspects6. Pig, Sqoop, UDF’s7. Linux Shell Scripting

Good to have knowledge in the below
Skillset:1. Accumulo2. Kafka, Storm & Flume3. Data warehouse4. Telecom
understandingGood comms skills
*Position: UI/UX lead*
*Location: san francisco, CA*
*Duration: 12 Months - Contract*

We need good UI/UX lead

Below given is the JD.
UI / UX lead:-
8+ years of proven UI/UX experience
Collaborate with business and engineering to define and implement visuals
and experience
Exposure to interactive design and prototyping
Proficiency in visual design and wire-framing tools
Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks like Angular , JQuery
Execute visual design through to implementation
Up-to-date with the latest UI trends, techniques, and technologies
Experience working in an Agile/Scrum development process
Establish and promote design guidelines, best practices and standards

*Position: **Eloqua Developer*
*Location: **San Jose, CA*
*Duration: ** 12 Months - Contract*


We are looking for Eloqua developer who can work on enhancing and
supporting existing Eloqua environment. Primary duties include Eloqua
technical implementation and marketing automation assignments in Marketing
IT. Project involves working on Eloqua, Data/API integration, SFDC

Extensive knowledge of Eloqua and Salesforce/CRM integration
BULK and REST API’s development and implementation to connect multiple
marketing systems
Eloqua program builder and custom program development
Develop/create Elqoua AppCloud connector/feeder services
Bluekai or other DMP integration with Eloqua
Ability to direct the design of HTML based email creative and advanced
Javascript to customize Eloqua forms
Expertise on Java/J2EE JSP & Servlets technologies
Internal utilities development using PERL or similar scripting languages
Marketing Automation and integration with upstream and downstream
Excellent verbal and wrtitten communicate

*ir...@stcgusa.com *

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Need: RPG developer, TN

2017-03-30 Thread prabhakar Itstaffing
*Hi ,*

Hope you are doing well.

Please let me know your interest and availability for below project.

*Note: We need Minimum 8+Yrs total exp.*

*Note: OPT s are strictly Rejected even though they clear the interviews.*

*Note: We cannot submit without NCA and H1 copy.*

*Please don’t send resumes without these skills mentioned in resume** :*
RPG/embedded SQL, RPG ILE.

*Position: RPG developer*

Location: Knoxville, TN

Duration: 6 months

We are currently in need of a RPG resource for a 6 month engagement (maybe
up to a year) to do PII remediation on the IBM i.
We would prefer someone with a mid to high level RPG/embedded SQL skillset.
They should also have mid to high skills in RPG ILE.

Thanks and regards,

Prabhakar RL
Dimension Consulting, Inc
Tel: *703-445-7407*  | Fax: 703.935.4327 |
*prabha...@dimcon.com*   |  *www.dimcon.com*

Please add me on linkedin to stay in touch:

Gtalk: *prabhakar.itstaffi...@gmail.com*

YM:  Prabhakar_rl

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Sr Db2 DBA Consultant || Denver, Colorado || Contract

2017-03-30 Thread Akber Mohiuddin
Hi Associates,

Please share suitable profile on *amohiud...@radgov.com

*Sr Db2 DBA Consultant*
*Denver, Colorado 80203, USA  *
*4+ Month Contract*


   - Provides planning & design assistance for the interfacing or data
   exchange with other agency system or technologies.
   - Provide planning & design assistance and recommendations for the
   migration and conversion of legacy functions and data to new software,
   hardware, or computing platform environments.
   - Develop, modify, test, and update existing Legacy systems. This
   includes producing design, test, and user documentation as required, and
   interfacing with agency staff and/or other contractors in a collaborative
   - Program, code, load, install, backup, repair, debug, reverse engineer,
   document, test, advise, cross train, and present as needed.
   - Execute Legacy System conversion plans and activities required of such
   plans, such as, allowing for parallel operations, failsafe, rollback, and
   roll forward strategies as needed.
   - Provide mentoring, training, ad coaching to IT project teams as
   - Work directly with agency staff, as well as vendors and, when
   necessary, other state agencies in fulfilling and carrying out the
   requirements of assigned Legacy Systems projects.
   - Where documentation isn’t available, reverse engineer programs,
   functions, and system architectures, so as to reveal the source operation
   and document the I/O, data structures, and sequencing of operations within
   a Legacy environment.

Provide emergency Legacy System support during system failures or when
critical deadlines appear.

5-15 years of experience. Commercial and Custom Systems with some
Certifications required.

Thanks & Regards
Akber Mohiuddin
RadGov, Inc
6750 N. Andrews Ave., Suite 200
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Tel: 954-691-4588 Ext 857
Fax: 954-938-2004

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Network Engineer with heavy f5 load balancing in Irving, TX !

2017-03-30 Thread Abhishek ojha
*Network Engineer with heavy f5 load balancing*

*Irving, TX*

*3-5 month contract*

*Must be local to dallas/irving area*

*Onsite interview*

*Job Purpose*

Responsible for implementation of network services and technologies to meet
our client and enterprise requirements. Primary objective is to respond to
network change requests and identify optimal networking and communications
solutions that provide accurate resolution for the enterprise and clients
to successfully maintain and grow business and client operations.


· Mid-level role that involves understanding client and enterprise
technical requirements, and deploying optimal networking and connectivity
solutions that enable clients and the enterprise to achieve their
operational and business goals.

· Required to prepare recommendations and supporting details for
formal project proposals for network connectivity and configurations.

· Daily interaction with internal teams to understand network
requirements and prepare network changes for implementation.

· Regular interaction with telecom providers, equipment suppliers
and 3rd party network vendors, to engage their technical resources to
perform tasks.

· Role requires on-call support as well as scheduling and
attendance for maintenance windows.

· Resource can expect to routinely be called upon to analyze and
interpret traffic and utilization of services on network connections.

· Participation in disaster recovery exercises, pre-production
certification testing and troubleshooting events is expected.

· Coordinate internal operations to meet and exceed data
communications project expectations (including but not limited to
engineering/development, certifications testing, Network and IT Operations,
capacity planning and production readiness.

· Accountable for resolving all project level, cross-functional,
partnership issues and escalations.

· Manage client expectations for data communications connectivity
and related services to Epsilon products and applications, throughout
project(s) lifecycle. Client expectations include functionality, cost,
delivery schedule, support readiness and relationships (usually working
directly with senior level technical resources, project managers and
business decision makers).


· High organizational skills

· Ability to handle multi-tasks and meet deadlines

· Ability to work efficiently and productively with minimal
direction or guidance

· Capable of exercising extreme discretion and independent judgment

· Ability to handle extremely confidential information in a
professional manner

· Ability to communicate, both verbally and written, with a high
level of confidence

· Travel < 20% of the year

· MS Office skills with focus on Visio, Word and Excel


· College degree or comparable certification in IT,
telecommunications, computer science, or related field required.

· Minimum 3+ years of experience required in design, planning,
coordination and implementation of technology projects.

· Must be experienced in the troubleshooting of complex
multi-vendor geographically separated networks.

· Experience in administrating authentication controls (Radius,
RSA/SecureID and TACACS+) in the enterprise.

· Experience with implementing and maintaining encryption
techniques and standards (3DES, PKI, MD5, SSH, SSL), in a client and
site-to-site configuration.

· Must have operational level knowledge and experience in the
deployment and maintenance of service provider network routing
architectures using protocols such as OSPF, BGP, EIGRP, and RIP.

· Expert knowledge in implementing and supporting switched
networks, including (VTP, STP, HSRP, trunking, VLANs, port security and
monitoring) in a multi-vendor environment.

· Understanding of logical network design including: DMZs, WANs,
and client connectivity solutions.

· Requires an in-depth knowledge of TCP/IP and communication
protocols in LAN / MAN / WAN environments.

· Must be thoroughly proficient in the following
Route manipulation (Redistribution, Summarization, Route filtering and
Policy Routing), VPN (client and site-to-site), Ethernet Switching: (CatOS,
IOS, JunOS switch configurations, VLANs/Trunking, Spanning Tree,
HSRP/VRRP), IOS features: (PAT ,NAT, SNMP, NetFlow, QoS), Security server
protocols (SCP, SFTP, HTTPS, etc.), Traffic filtering, Access lists,
Radius, Tacacs+, IOS VPN, IPSec, Pix/ASA firewalls, CheckPoint firewalls,
IDS/IPS, VPN Concentrators, Solarwinds Orion & NCM, Cisco Routers(ASR,
2900,3900, …), Catalyst 6500, 4500, Nexus, and other model switches, Citrix
NetScaler and F5 load balancers/GTM, InfoBlox DNS, Juniper swi

Jira Admin/Developer

2017-03-30 Thread yaheeya ahmed

I have the following job openings to be closed immediately. Interviews
shall be completed within 24 hours from the time of submission. Please
submit only GENUINE candidates.

Position: *Jira Admin/Developer*

Locations: Portland / Phoenix/ Santa Clara /Folsom


Experience:5 to 6 years

Rate: Open but keep it competitive.

Client: Infosys.

*Start is immediate .*

*send profiles to yahe...@exatechinc.com *

Scope of work:

Report Designer

·   Figure out how to get the proposed CSIs out of Jira

·   Must be able to get all the way to PPT

·   Must document any dependencies on how data is captured

·   Must configure form validation rules in Jira where possible to make
sure indicators are accurateTechnical Writer

·   Create step by step documents with screen shots for a list of
processes that have come up as FAQ

·   Basically this person would be building out the 4A (Adaptive Agile
Adoption Atlas)Solution Pathfinder

·   How to clone an Epic (baseline flow) into programs and pull over
all the linked stories and tasks

·   How to do and upload that is stable and actually accepts links and

·   Review and suggest changes to hierarchy model

·   Define and configure workflow model in all projects.  Document
definitions and publish.


*Ahmed Exatech, Inc*
Phone: *5134335603*

4758 Forest Ridge Dr.
Mason OH 45040
Email: yahe...@exatechinc.com
Web: www.exatechinc.com

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UI Developer !! Alpharetta, GA !! F2F !! No OPT

2017-03-30 Thread Ankit Nagar

Hope you are doing well..

I have positions for *UI Developer *with our client. Kindly review the job
description below and see if itmight be an option worth considering.

*Role:* UI Developer

*Client: ADP*

*Location: Alpharetta, GA*

*Contract Length:*

*Mode of Interview: F2F is required*

*Required** Skills**: Angular or React, Strong Javascript, Java experience*

*Visa:* *Any except OPT EAD*


Computer Science or similar degree

8 years professional experience

AngularJS, React, Backbone or other client-side MVC experience

Experience with JavaScript build tools and dependency management (npm,
bower, grunt, gulp)

5 years of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript experience

Experience creating responsive designs (Bootstrap, mobile, etc.)

Experience with unit and automation testing (Jasmine, Protractor, JUnit)

Experience with Java 8 and Spring ecosystem

Knowledge of Java build tools and dependency management (gradle, maven)

REST API design and implementation

Knowledge of NoSQL data stores (MongoDB, Cassandra, Neo4J, CouchDB)

Strong collaboration and communication skills – must be willing to work in
an open-seating team environment.

Comfortable to operate in an agile, dynamic environment


Knowledge of web components, ES6 and typescript.

Experience with CSS preprocessors (less, sass)

Knowledge of Domain Driven Design concepts and microservices

Knowledge of virtualization approaches (VMs, containers, unikernels)

Knowledge of event sourcing and distributed message systems (Kafka,

*Job Responsibilities:*

Implement Software Requirements

Code, Design and Build AngularJS applications

Creating and consuming REST, JSON-based APIs

Experiment with new technologies and innovative ways to solve problems

Work with product owners, UX and other business partners to define work for
the team.

Facilitate code reviews, code quality checks, testing, automation, etc.


*Ankit Nagar*

*Talent Acquisition Manager*

*TEK Inspirations LLC*

Cowboys PKWY, #3074, Irving, TX 75063

E: ankit AT tekinspirations DOT com 

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2017-03-30 Thread recruiter2 (UTIS, Inc)
Hello Friends,

Greeting from UTIS Inc.

Please find the below availability list of our consultants.

Please send your direct client requirements to *requireme...@utisinc.com*

Consultant name


Years of exp

Current location



Oracle DBA


Vienna, VA



PeopleSoft Consultant


Cincinnati, Ohio



Salesforce Developer





Oracle DBA





Lead Business Analyst/Project manager


Jersey City, NJ



Java/J2EE developer





Java Developer





QA Analyst





Pega Developer





Salesforce Developer





.Net Developer


Norwalk, CT​



Test Manager /Program Manager


Jersey City, NJ



Java Developer





Sybase Developer





Oracle SOA/ Hadoop







Chicago, IL



Performance test manager





SQL BI Developer











IT Consulting & Software Solutions

154 Stelton Rd, Suite#3 Piscataway, NJ-08854,USA.

E: requireme...@utisinc.com

W: www.utisinc.com

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recruiting and consulting professionals. If you have received this in
error, please accept our apologies and reply in the subject heading with
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Web Developer !! NY, NY !! GC EAD, GC, USC !! Phone Hire

2017-03-30 Thread Ankit Nagar

Hope you are doing well..

I have positions for Web Developer with our client. Kindly review the job
description below and see if itmight be an option worth considering.

Client: NYC FISA

Job Title:  Web Developer

Location: NY, NY

Duration: 6+Months

Interview: Phone Hire

*Job Description:*
Our Client has a vacancy for a Web Developer who will provide support of
production and development environments for our city wide automated time
keeping system (CITYTIME). Primary Responsibilities include Perform
activities related to technical design, coding and unit testing of
enhancements and defect corrections for the City's time keeping system
CityTime. Work will require strong client-side programming skills, and will
be responsible for building out our front-end UI. We are looking for a
highly motivated individual.

*Required Skills:*

   - Strong knowledge of Javascript.
   - Basic knowledge in using SQL in Oracle.
   - Have strong written, verbal, and interpersonal skills.
   - Excellent communication skills.

*Preferred Skills:*

   - 5+ years of experience working with UI development framework -
   JavaScript, Java, Ext JS, JSON, XMLXSLXSLT, AJAX, HTML, CSS, jQuery .
   - 3+ years of experience with Junit, Jsunit or Selenium testing
   - Strong knowledge of Java Skills.
   - Basic knowledge of J2EE and EJBs.
   - Resolve complex performance issues for AJAX Applications.

   - 2 or more years working with at least one of the following application
   servers: JBoss, Tomcat, preferred I BM We bsphere.


*Ankit Nagar*

*Talent Acquisition Manager*

*TEK Inspirations LLC*

Cowboys PKWY, #3074, Irving, TX 75063

Phone: *713 234 6351* E: ankit AT tekinspirations DOT com

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Re: Excellent Opportunity as a SAP FI/CO Configurator in Miami, FL

2017-03-30 Thread Anshul Mehra
Hi Partner,

Hope you are doing great!

Please have a look at the given requirement and share relevant resumes.


*Job Title:- SAP FI/CO Configurator*

*Job Location:- Miami, FL*

*Job Type:- Contract*

*Job Description:-*

As an SAP FI/CO Configurator, the candidate will assist in the
configuration design and delivery of the SAP finance modules with plant
maintenance and SRM extended classic scenario and SRM procurement for
public sector Client.

*Required Skills:*

SAP ECC configuration experience in integrating the sap finance, cost
accounting, and funds management modules with plant maintenance and SRM
extended classic.

K-12 experience desirable

Good working knowledge of at least two core modules FI, CO, FM, GM
Documentation of experience in testing and implementation.


Assist with upgrading the SAP finance modules from ECC 6 EHP 3 to ECC 6 EHP

Configure the CO (Cost Accounting) module to work with Plant Maintenance
Configure, test and validate settlement (closure) of plant maintenance work
orders where the funding structures are actually debited for the expense.

Configure or write the functional spec to allow plant maintenance work
orders to encumber funding upon creation of the WO, to set WO limits and
allow updates to WO limits.

Configure or write the functional spec for the plant maintenance work order
approval chain.

Assist the HR resource with the integration of plant maintenance work order
time with the HR/payroll system.

Configure SAP Finance Modules with SRM Extended Classic and SRM Procurement
for Public Sector Configure SAP Finance Modules with Plant Maintenance.

[image: Description: cid:image001.png@01D2736C.061CF930]

*Anshul Mehra*

Cogent Infotech

1035 Boyce Road, Suite 108, Pittsburgh PA 15241

Tel:+1 412 212 1105

Email: anshul.me...@cogentinfo.com

cogentinfo.com  | [image: Image result for

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.Net Developer/Wayne, PA/F2F/6+Months

2017-03-30 Thread Sarthak Bhatia

Hope you are doing great.

Please find the requirement below , If you find yourself comfortable with
the requirement please reply back with your updated resume and I will get
back to you or I would really appreciate if you can give me a call back at
my contact number *609-378-1162*

*Job Title: .Net Developer*

*Job Location: Wayne, PA*

*Duration: 6+Months*

*Mode of Interview: Phone then Face To Face*

*VISA:USC, GC and EAD-GC Only*

*What You Will Be Doing *

· Collaborates with project stakeholders to identify product and
technical requirements. Conduct analysis to determine integration needs.

· Experience with large databases and deployments.

· Designs new software and web applications, supports applications
under development, and customizes current applications.

· Assists with the software update process for existing
applications, and roll-outs of software releases.

· Participates in training representatives and operations staff on
internally developed software applications.

· Researches, writes and edits documentation and technical
requirements, including software designs, evaluation plans, test results,
technical manuals and formal recommendations and reports.

· Experience using approaches such as code generation, metadata,
object-oriented design, ORM classes, and workflow automation.

· Develop new code, maintain existing code and refactor existing
code, managing code branches.

· Monitors and evaluates competitive applications and products.
Reviews literature, patents and current practices relevant to the solution
of assigned projects.

· Provides technical leadership throughout the design process and
guidance with regards to practices, procedures and techniques.

· Serves as a guide and mentor for junior-level Software
Development Engineers.


· 5-8 years of demonstrated Software Development experience in C#
and ASP.Net

· Mentoring experience

· Large scale (preferably enterprise) development experience

· Must have SQL Server

· Web Services (API’s/WCF)

· Agile

· Strong soft skills, must be a team player

*Bonus Skills:*

· TFS for Builds and automation

·  Javascript frameworks

*Thanks and Regards,*

*Sarthak Bhatia*

*Sr. Technical Recruiter*

*Nityo Infotech Corp.*

Email: sarthak.bha...@nityo.com

Phone: 609-378-1162

Gtalk: sarthak.r...@gmail.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarthak-bhatia-80a28aa5

666 Plainsboro Road, Suite 1285 Plainsboro, NJ 08536


USA | Canada | India | Singapore | Malaysia | Indonesia | Philippines |
Thailand  | UK | Australia / Zealand


Nityo Infotech has been rated as One of the top 500 Fastest growing
companies by INC 500


Disclaimer: http://www.nityo.com/Email_Disclaimer.html

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Informatica Power Exchange Developer - JM Family - Ft. Lauderdale, FL - 6-12Months - H1,EAD,GC,USC

2017-03-30 Thread Ankit Nagar

We are in need of a senior Informatica Power Exchange developer with
experience in Power Exchange 9.5 and 9.6. The ideal candidate would have
been involved in a migration to Power Exchange. This is a phone and Skype
to hire. The client is relying on us for rate information.

*Managers Notes*

Needs to have Informatica Power Exchange 9.5 and 9.6

Doing a migration to Power exchange.

Experience with Oracle and DB2

Unix scripting experience

* Functional Responsibilities:*

This individual will act as the ETL Developer for the CDR/IRDB project and
will be responsible for developing ETL application using Informatica for
high volume data.  This position requires demonstrated experience using the
Informatica Suite of tools including Power Center, B2B, and Power in an
Agile/Scrum environment. This position will develop Extract, Transformation
and Loading (ETL) procedures for implementing data integration and data
loading tasks in support of CDR Data Repository from IRS and non-IRS data
sources. The Database environment for the project is Oracle and for the
data sources, it will vary depending upon the data source (XML, flat file,
Relational Databases).  Prior experience with SQL on Oracle databases will
be required.


*Experience Requirements:*

·Demonstrated experience in designing ETL processes using
Informatica for high-volume, complex data environments in an Agile
environment– 10 years

·Demonstrated Strong experience using the Informatica Suite of
Tools - Power Center version 8 or higher, Power Exchange version 8 or
higher, B2B Data Transformation – 7 years

·Strong experience in the design and development of mappings,
transformations, sessions and workflows in PowerCenter – 7 years

·Strong experience in SQL in the Oracle environment – 10 years

·Data warehouse data modeling experience – 3 years


*Ankit Nagar*

*Talent Acquisition Manager*

*TEK Inspirations LLC*

Cowboys PKWY, #3074, Irving, TX 75063

Phone: *713 234 6351* E: ankit AT tekinspirations DOT com

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Locals Only ::::: ETL Developer in Scotts Valley, CA - Contract Position

2017-03-30 Thread pruthvi raju

Please find the Job Description. If interested, Please share your updated
resume*(Word Format) *along with expected *hourly rate *with tax terms*
C2C, W2?*

*Position: ETL Developer*

*Location* *Scotts Valley, CA (Locals Only)*

*Type: Contract Position (C2C or Corp to Corp)*

*Job Description:*


ü  Should have a minimum of 5 years of Experience in ETL/ELT process, data
modeling, problem solving and redesign.

ü  Exp in* healthcare* domain with exposure to Wherescape RED Tool, SQL
server & Microsoft Analytics Platform System is a huge plus.

*Details for submission:*

Name of the Candidate

Contact Number

Email ID

Skype ID

LinkedIn ID:

Current Location:

In Person Interview (Yes/No):

Availability to join the project if offered.

Last 4 Digit SSN

Visa Status

Rate $/hr on C2C / W2

Best Regards,

*Pruthvi Raj*

*Technical Recruiter*

*IDC Technologies, Inc Work: 408-648-0957*

*Mailto:* *prut...@idctechnologies.com* 


*Empowering Technologies Services*

*Remote Services | IT Services | BPO | *

*IT Consulting | Staffing Solutions |*


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NEED Oracle APCC Lead

2017-03-30 Thread rajesh gowd b v
*Note: Linkedin ID and cover letter is mandatory.*

*POSITION: Oracle APCC Lead*

*LOCATION: Charlotte, NC*

*DURATION: 4 Months*

* Job Description: *
Technical Analyst
6-10 years experience
*Advanced Planning Command Center (APCC) Lead* Determines the business
requirements for viewing all planning-related data and reports, enabling
global views of planning issues in demand, supply, inventory, product
development and finance.
Works closely with client management teams to determine key metrics
(revenue/cost, operating margins, sales, production, etc. for review and
decision-making, selecting either pre-seed or custom metrics.
Establishes the design blueprint for a single repository of all planning
data and the integration requirements. Develops requirements for any
customized user dashboards and KPIs. Establishes multiple scenarios to test
comprehensiveness of APCC functionality, especially for simulations and
alternative operating scenarios Manage APCC functional and technical
configuration and administration.
Provide guidance to technical resources if needed. Support Power Users
functionally. Manage enhancements and fixes in APCC application. Manage
technical execution of enhancement

*Thanks for your Time and Support*

*Rajesh | Technical Recruiter*

*Software Programming Group*

*15 Corporate Place South, Suite #421, Piscataway, NJ - 08854*

*Tel: **732-343-7688 x 3049*  *|| Fax: **732-343-7689*

*Email: **|raj...@spgamerica.com* <%7csamb...@spgamerica.com>* | URL : *


*IT Services ||  Consulting*


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2017-03-30 Thread rajesh gowd b v
*Note: Linkedin ID and cover letter is mandatory.*


*LOCATION: *Charlotte, NC

*DURATION: *4 Months

* Job Description:*
Technical Analyst III,
6-10 years experience
*Techno-Functional consultant in FCCS Hyperion HFM Techno-functional
consultant with experience of FCCS*. One implementation of financial
consolidation and close cloud services ( FCCS) Expert in *Oracle cloud
finance reportings, Essbase features and Oracle cloud EPM offerings
Hyperion Essbase, Hyperion Financial Reporting, Smart View for Office, and
Essbase Excel Add-in.*
Good communication and 4-5 years of client facing experience.
Experience in working through all phases of Software Development Life Cycle
(SLDC) including the design, development, implementation, and maintenance
of financial applications.

*Thanks for your Time and Support*

*Rajesh | Technical Recruiter*

*Software Programming Group*

*15 Corporate Place South, Suite #421, Piscataway, NJ - 08854*

*Tel: **732-343-7688 x 3049*  *|| Fax: **732-343-7689*

*Email: **|raj...@spgamerica.com* <%7csamb...@spgamerica.com>* | URL : *


*IT Services ||  Consulting*


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NEED UI Developer with Angular JS 2.(F2F required AND LOCAL TO MA)

2017-03-30 Thread rajesh gowd b v
*Position:: UI Developer with Angular JS 2.*

*Location :: Norwood MA 2062*

*Duration :: 12+Months*

*F2F required AND LOCAL TO MA*

*Must Have Skills (Top 3 technical skills only) **
1. react js
2. html5 css
3. web markup

*Nice to have skills (Top 2 only)*
1. UX design
2. cross browser compatability

*Detailed Job Description:*
Responsibilities Develop new userfacing features Build reusable code and
libraries for future use Ensure the technical feasibility of UIUX designs
Optimize application for maximum speed and scalability Collaborate with
other team members and stakeholders

Desired years of experience*:
Above 5 years

Education/ Certifications (Required):
Top 3 responsibilities you would expect the Subcon to shoulder and execute*:
1. Develop new user facing features
2. Build reusable code and libraries for future use
3. Ensure the technical feasibility of UIUX designs

*Thanks for your Time and Support*

*Rajesh | Technical Recruiter*

*Software Programming Group*

*15 Corporate Place South, Suite #421, Piscataway, NJ - 08854*

*Tel: **732-343-7688 x 3049*  *|| Fax: **732-343-7689*

*Email: **|raj...@spgamerica.com* <%7csamb...@spgamerica.com>* | URL : *


*IT Services ||  Consulting*


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Jr. Data Analyst - San Francisco, CA - 6+ Months Contract

2017-03-30 Thread Avisheak Singh
*Please respond back to avish...@allianceit.com *

*Must Be Local To CA Only, F2F Interview Required.!!*

*Job Title: Data Analyst*
*Location: San Francisco, CA*
*Duration: 6+ Months Contract*
*Rate: $30/Hr on C2C/1099*

*EAD/OPT Fine..*

*Description: *
We’re looking for someone who is comfortable working in a fast-paced
environment and can adapt to shifting conditions, priorities, or deadlines,
is meticulous and detail oriented, and is a self-starter.
This person will be responsible for gathering data in different SQL
databases and analyzing large sets of data to identify and benchmark
internet trends and for developing new ways to visualize and communicate
that data.
This person will also be responsible to organize and improve taxonomy and
metadata regarding websites in the database and develop processes to crowd
source website categorization.
This person will also need to contribute to organizing content releases,
including trend explanation and story lines for the public relations team.

BS/BA in marketing, economics, information systems, statistics or other
quantitative degree
1-3 years in an analyst or data science type role, working with large data
sets within varying industries preferred
Experience with data visualization software like Tableau required
Experience with R or Python preferred
Proficient in SQL, with a strong understand of relational databases;
passionate about data analysis
Love for Excel and data analysis and advanced understanding of SQL and
database querying
Comfortable with database and scripting languages accessing
Able to spot news-worthy trends and interesting anomalies
Passionate for translating data and trends into meaningful insights and
Excellent written communication skills
Knowledge and hands-on experience with our Marketing Cloud products (Adobe
Analytics, Media Optimizer) preferred

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Urgent Requirement: Verification & Validation Engineer (WI, $35)

2017-03-30 Thread Manish Gupta
Hi Folks,
Please share the suitable resource for this Position.
Please share the Visa Copy and Photo ID Proof of your consultants. at

*Role : Verification & Validation Engineer*

*Work Location : Milwaukee, WI*

*Duration of assignment (in Months) : 12+ months*

*Rate: $35/hr*

*Mandatory Technical Skills*

• Experience as a Verification and Validation Engineer for 5+ years

• XRAY product testing experience [System Testing experience mandatory]

• Strong knowledge of Microsoft Windows technologies

• Strong belief in quality compliance and following rules

• Strong working experience on setting up lab test equipment and setting up
PC and Servers and deploying software onto target systems

• Knowledge of testing medical products

• Knowledge of FDA regulations required to test medical products

• Expertise in quality reviews

*Desirable Technical Skills*

• Prepared, reviewed, executed and summarized validation protocols

• Served as a technical resource for assessing validation requirements,
solving test related problems, and developing strategies for problem

• Provided validation support for the review to ensure designs comply with
current validation standards and are able to be adequately validated and
maintained within validated control

•  Experienced in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Waterfall and
Agile methodologies, Manual Testing, White Box and Black Box Testing,
Validation and Verification testing.

• Experienced in testing Software, Web Applications, IVR, System
Components, and Database

• Experienced in System Performance, Unit, Functional, Regression,
Integration and User Acceptance Testing.

• Participated in writing and implementing Test Plans, Test Cases and Test
Scripts/Protocols and Traceability Matrix. Executed Test Scripts/Protocols
and documented Test Results. Edited and re-tested Test Scripts/ Protocols
and signed off (Pass/Fail)

• Participated in Requirements gathering, Code Reviews/ Walk Trough.

• Hands-on experienced in Automated Test Tool –Mercury Win Runner, Load
Runner and Test Director.

• Created defect tracking (manual repository), maintained and updated
defect statuses and timelines.

• Exposure in Risk Assessment and Testing Methodologies.

• Exposure to Protocol Creation, Execution –IQ, PQ

• Complaints Investigation for Medical Device  (CAPA)

• Exposure in FDA Regulations  – GMP, CGMP, GAMP, GXP, QSI, 21 CFR Part 11
and CFR Part 820, ISO 14971,  Risk Assessment for Medical Device, ISO
1345,  IEC 62304 – International Standards (Europe and US)

• and IEEE, SEI, Six Sigma and other ISO standards and regulations.

*Mandatory Functional Skills*

1. Create and revise Design Verification and Validation (V&V) Procedures

2. Participate in Design Verification and Validation Procedure Reviews

3. Setup and configure Test Equipment

4. Perform dry runs and formal Verification and Validation (V&V) activities
as required

5. Perform dry runs for formal Usability test activities as required

6. Perform remediations of V&V results as required

7. Record and close defects found during V&V activities

8.Computer Software Validation (CSV) Test/ Protocol execution for the
implementation of EtQ Symphony Reliance Quality Management System –Process
Validation (PQ)

9. Performed Dry run –Data Set Up (Role based), test script/ protocol
execution for CAPA and Investigations,  per  Business, Functional
Requirements and User Requirements and identify deviations (TDRs) – system,
design, logic/ workflow and documentations that complies with cGMP,GxP-FDA
compliance regulated computerized system that supports the Johnson &
Johnson Group of Consumer Companies (JJGCC), providing CD (Consent Decree)
computer validation technical consulting services for the implementation of
EtQ Symphony Reliance Quality Management System –Process Validation

10. Performed execution of approved test scripts to validate Test Results
conforms with Design, FRS, URS, SOPs,Traceability Matrix in compliance with
cGMP and GDP requirements.

Prepared, reviewed, executed and summarized validation protocols

• Served as a technical resource for assessing validation requirements,
solving test related problems, and developing strategies for problem

• Provided validation support for the review to ensure designs comply with
current validation standards and are able to be adequately validated and
maintained within validated control

*Desirable Functional Skills*

Understanding of healthcare environment .Experience in a medical device or
pharmaceutical industry testing. Quality reviewer in verification and

Thanks & Regards!
*Manish Gupta*
*Desk : **609-853-0818 **Ext. 2130*
*Email : manish.gu...@nityo.com *

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Locals Only :: IOS or Android Developer in Santa Clara, CA - Contract to Hire (C2H or CTH)

2017-03-30 Thread pruthvi raju

Please find the Job Description. If interested, Please share your updated
resume*(Word Format) *along with expected *hourly rate *with tax terms*
C2C, W2?*

*Position: IOS / Android Developer*

*Location: * *Santa Clara, California (Locals Only)*

*Type: Contract to Hire (C2H or CTH)*

*Job Description:*

*Consumer apps experience needed*

Telenav is transforming life on the go for people — before, during, and
after every drive. Leveraging our location platform, global brands such as
Ford, GM, Toyota, and AT&T deliver custom connected car and mobile
experiences. Additionally, advertisers such as Nissan, Denny's, Wal-Mart,
and Best Buy reach millions of users with our highly-targeted advertising
platform. To learn more about how Telenav's location platform powers
personalized navigation, mapping, big data intelligence, social driving,
and location-based ads.


ü  Senior developer to work on mobile applications on iPhone or/and Android

ü  Candidate should have prior track record of developing applications for
iPhone or Android phone with at least 1-3 years experience in mobile
application development.

ü  Nimble, quick, startup-style Android Engineer who want their product
used by millions of people daily around the world.

ü  You will work with small teams (5-10 people) working on incubation

ü  You'll own the design & launch of new features, and growing the

ü  We aren’t just developing an app; we are building a solution from the
ground up.

*Required Skills:*

· Deep understanding of latest Android or iOS SDK.

· Crazy stories about supporting multiple Android or iOS devices.

· Experience collaborating on software projects.

*Desired Skills:*

· Experience developing, releasing, and maintaining native
Java/Objective C/Swift Applications (best with Google Play/AppStore link).

· Insightful opinions about developing for mobile

· A Github account with some cool projects in it

· Scary ninja debugging skills

· Experience developing testing suites for mobile applications

· Familiar with web technologies (JavaScript, CSS, HTML5)

*Details for submission:*

Name of the Candidate

Contact Number

Email ID

Skype ID

LinkedIn ID:

Current Location:

In Person Interview (Yes/No):

Availability to join the project if offered.

Last 4 Digit SSN

Visa Status

Rate $/hr on C2C / W2

Best Regards,

*Pruthvi Raj*

*Technical Recruiter*

*IDC Technologies, Inc Work: 408-648-0957*

*Mailto: **prut...@idctechnologies.com *


*Empowering Technologies Services*

*Remote Services | IT Services | BPO | *

*IT Consulting | Staffing Solutions |*


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Need Locals ::: SAP Business Analyst in San Francisco, CA - Contract Position

2017-03-30 Thread pruthvi raju

Hope you are doing well,

Please find the Job Description. If interested, Please share your *updated
resume (Word Format)* along with expected *hourly rate* with Tax Terms *C2C
/ W2*?

*Role : SAP Business Analyst*

*Location: San Francisco , CA ( Need Locals )*

*Type : Contract Position (C2C / Corp to Corp) Duration: 4-6 Weeks*

*Rate : $55/hr on C2C*


*My needs are more in the Excel super user analyst if I can find a SAP
Business One 9.1 Hana super user (front end) that would be awesome*

*Job Description:*

*Responsibilities: *

· Take a strong ownership of *SAP reports, data uploading, and
manipulating files*.

· Other responsibilities may include – queries, tables, portals,
and cleanups

Ø  Knock-out reports in 2-4 hours.  This is more common for smaller-sized
companies where reports are going to management, and not the public.

Ø  Avoid “data dumps”

· Have knowledge of SAP Business 9.0 or above

· Apparently, SAP 9.0 has its own native Excel Plug-In function to
build reports.  The new direction may be to build reports mostly in this.

· Other reporting will be done with Crystal Reports.

· Work in an Agile environment

*Technical Skill sets*:

· SAP Business One 9.0 (above), HANA 9.0 (above)

· Excel, Crystal Reports, DPW tools – must be strong

*Nice to Haves:*

· Wholesales industry experience (it’s a partyware, gifts shop)

· Small-sized business experience

*Details for submission:*

Name of the Candidate

Contact Number

Email ID

Skype ID

LinkedIn ID:

Current Location:

In Person Interview (Yes/No):

Availability to join the project if offered.

Last 4 Digit SSN

Visa Status

Rate $/hr on C2C / W2

Best Regards,

*Pruthvi Raj*

*Technical Recruiter*

*IDC Technologies, Inc Work: 408-648-0957*

*Mailto:* prut...@idctechnologies.com


*Empowering Technologies Services*

*Remote Services | IT Services | BPO | *

*IT Consulting | Staffing Solutions |*


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UX/ Visual Designer !! Philadelphia, PA !! USC only

2017-03-30 Thread Ankit Nagar

Hope you are doing well..

I have positions for *UX/ Visual Designer* with our client. Kindly review
the job description below and see if itmight be an option worth considering.

*USC only !*

*Job Title: UX/ Visual  Designer *

*Location: Philadelphia, PA*

*Duration: long Term/ Full Time with Xavient*

*Client Comment: You have to look for UX/Visual Designer candidate who have
experience in digital applications. Good experience on Mobile application
either on IOS or Android.*

*Also **,**Expert-level proficiency in Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks,
Sketch, Keynote, and other industry standard design tools*

*Job Description:*

Responsible for design efforts of consumer-facing products by shaping
product benefits and user needs into engaging and intuitive user interfaces
for a wide range of digital products.

This position will involve collaboration with team Creative Directors as
well as daily partnership with product management and engineering leads.

*The successful candidate will bring experience in delivering digital
applications that feature outstanding user experience and elegant design
aesthetics. 0-3 years’ experience needed.*

*Additional Skills:*

Relevant UI and visual design experience within a digital agency or product

Relevant work experience doing production design for digital consumer

*Deep interactive and mobile production experience with expert knowledge of
best practices required (iOS and Android)  *

Extreme attention to detail with no tolerance for design

Expert-level proficiency in Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, Sketch,
Keynote, and other industry standard design tools

Hands-on experience working within Jira and other development tracking

Understanding and sensitivity to alignment, hierarchy, color theory,
metaphors, page layout, page composition and typography

Excellent organizational, planning, prioritization, and communication

Deep knowledge of cross-platform mobile usability standards and UI

Understanding of design and technical capabilities/limitations of leading
email and browser technology.

Ability to take a project from exploratory and conceptual version, through
to final production assets.

Strong ability to multitask and execute against multiple projects running
in parallel path.


*Ankit Nagar*

*Talent Acquisition Manager*

*TEK Inspirations LLC*

Cowboys PKWY, #3074, Irving, TX 75063

Phone: *713 234 6351* E: ankit AT tekinspirations DOT com

Disclaimer: To REMOVE permanently, reply with remove.

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need system admin at NJ.

2017-03-30 Thread yaheeya ahmed
hi friends

need system admin at NJ.

*min 9+ year consultant.*


Position: System Admin

Location: NJ

Locals preferred

Visa: Any – no OPT

6-8 years of experience.

·   Four plus years of experience in *Windows Server/Desktop

·   Experience working with Microsoft Windows Server,

·   Implement and support a fully virtualized VM Ware ESX

·   Basic skills in maintaining Oracle DB on Linux is preferred - If
not there, that’s fine

·   Work in shifts to cover 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM

·   Be available for off-hour systems maintenance tasks

·   Some travel to other locations of Clients data center

·   Be available on call during off hours and weekend


*Ahmed Exatech, Inc*
Phone: *5134335603*

4758 Forest Ridge Dr.
Mason OH 45040
Email: yahe...@exatechinc.com
Web: www.exatechinc.com

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SAP Developer /Memphis, TN/Skype/9+Months

2017-03-30 Thread Sarthak Bhatia

Hope you are doing great.

Please find the requirement below , If you find yourself comfortable with
the requirement please reply back with your updated resume and I will get
back to you or I would really appreciate if you can give me a call back at
my contact number *609-378-1162*

*Job Title: SAP Developer *

*Job Location: Memphis, TN*

*Duration: 9+Months*

*Mode of Interview: Phone then Skype*


SAP Developer with focus in Order Management.

This role required SD module and Object Oriented programming along with
Forms experience (Smartforms).

Workflow experience would be a plus.

*Thanks and Regards,*

*Sarthak Bhatia*

*Sr. Technical Recruiter*

*Nityo Infotech Corp.*

Email: sarthak.bha...@nityo.com

Phone: 609-378-1162

Gtalk: sarthak.r...@gmail.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarthak-bhatia-80a28aa5

666 Plainsboro Road, Suite 1285 Plainsboro, NJ 08536


USA | Canada | India | Singapore | Malaysia | Indonesia | Philippines |
Thailand  | UK | Australia / Zealand


Nityo Infotech has been rated as One of the top 500 Fastest growing
companies by INC 500


Disclaimer: http://www.nityo.com/Email_Disclaimer.html

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2017-03-30 Thread recruiter2 (UTIS, Inc)
Hello Friends,

Greeting from UTIS Inc.

Please find the below availability list of our consultants.

Please send your direct client requirements to *requireme...@utisinc.com*

Consultant name


Years of exp

Current location



Oracle DBA


Vienna, VA



PeopleSoft Consultant


Cincinnati, Ohio



Salesforce Developer





Oracle DBA





Lead Business Analyst/Project manager


Jersey City, NJ



Java/J2EE developer





Java Developer





QA Analyst





Pega Developer





Salesforce Developer





.Net Developer


Norwalk, CT​



Test Manager /Program Manager


Jersey City, NJ



Java Developer





Sybase Developer





Oracle SOA/ Hadoop







Chicago, IL



Performance test manager





SQL BI Developer











IT Consulting & Software Solutions

154 Stelton Rd, Suite#3 Piscataway, NJ-08854,USA.

E: requireme...@utisinc.com

W: www.utisinc.com

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2017-03-30 Thread recruiter1 (UTIS, Inc)
Hello Friends,

Greeting from UTIS Inc.

Please find the below availability list of our consultants.

Please send your direct client requirements to *requireme...@utisinc.com*

Consultant name


Years of exp

Current location



Oracle DBA


Vienna, VA



PeopleSoft Consultant


Cincinnati, Ohio



Salesforce Developer





Oracle DBA





Lead Business Analyst/Project manager


Jersey City, NJ



Java/J2EE developer





Java Developer





QA Analyst





Pega Developer





Salesforce Developer





.Net Developer


Norwalk, CT​



Test Manager /Program Manager


Jersey City, NJ



Java Developer





Sybase Developer





Oracle SOA/ Hadoop







Chicago, IL



Performance test manager





SQL BI Developer











IT Consulting & Software Solutions

154 Stelton Rd, Suite#3 Piscataway, NJ-08854,USA.

E: requireme...@utisinc.com

W: www.utisinc.com

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recruiting and consulting professionals. If you have received this in
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Java Developer !! Irving, TX !! H1B, GC, EAD-GC, USC !! Candidate is local for TX

2017-03-30 Thread Ankit Nagar

Hope you are doing well..

I have positions for *Java Developer *with our client. Kindly review the
job description below and see if itmight be an option worth considering.

*Job Title : Java Developer*

*Duration: Long Term*

*Location: Irving, TX*

Need local candidates only !

*Job Description:*


· Designing and developing high-volume, low-latency applications
for mission-critical systems and delivering high-availability and

· Contributing in all phases of the development lifecycle

· Writing well designed, testable, efficient code

*Java developer job description*

You will be part of a talented software team that works on mission-critical
applications. Java developer roles and responsibilities include managing
Java/Java EE application development while providing expertise in the full
software development lifecycle, from concept and design to testing.


· Java developer responsibilities include designing and developing
high-volume, low-latency applications for mission-critical systems and
delivering high-availability and performance

· Contribute in all phases of the development lifecycle

· Write well designed, testable, efficient code

· Ensure designs are in compliance with specifications

· Prepare and produce releases of software components

· Support continuous improvement by investigating alternatives and
technologies and presenting these for architectural review


· BS/MS degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related subject

· Proven hands-on Software Development experience

· Proven working experience in Java development

· Hands on experience in designing and developing applications
using Java EE platforms

· Object Oriented analysis and design using common design patterns.

· Profound insight of Java and JEE internals (Classloading, Memory
Management, Transaction management etc)

· Excellent knowledge of Relational Databases, SQL and ORM
technologies (JPA2, Hibernate)

· Experience in the Spring Framework

· Experience as a Sun Certified Java Developer

· Experience in developing web applications using at least one
popular web framework (JSF, Wicket, GWT, Spring MVC)

· Experience with test-driven development


*Ankit Nagar*

*Talent Acquisition Manager*

*TEK Inspirations LLC*

Cowboys PKWY, #3074, Irving, TX 75063

Phone: *713 234 6351* E: ankit AT tekinspirations DOT com

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Hiring Technical Writer in Sunnyvale, CA

2017-03-30 Thread anushka singh
Please share your resume a...@enormousenterprise.com

The Opportunity: Enormous Enterprise LLC is looking for our one of reputed

Job Title: Technical Writer

Location: Sunnyvale, CA

Face to Face interview is Must
For more detail visit http://enormousenterprise.com/blog/?p=369

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Hiring Java Back-end Engineering in Sunnyvale,CA

2017-03-30 Thread anushka singh
Please share your resume a...@enormousenterprise.com

The Opportunity: Enormous Enterprise LLC is looking for our one of reputed

Java Back-end Engineering

Sunnyvale, CA

Face to Face is must
For more detail visit http://enormousenterprise.com/blog/?p=371

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