[Chat] Charles Village Community Foundation Meeting July 25

2006-06-04 Thread Emil Volcheck

The next meeting of the Charles Village Community Foundation Board of 
Directors will be on July 25, 6:45 pm, at 2301 North Charles Street.  
That portion of the meeting that addresses any business in connection 
to the Charles Village Community Benefits District will be open to the 
public, and will occur at the beginning of the foundation meeting.  The 
CVCF is a private foundation. The mission of the CVCF is to improve the 
visibility and promote the desirability of urban living in greater 
Charles Village. It supports the activities of the Charles Village 
Community Benefits District, the Charles Village Recreation League, the 
Charles Village Festival, and other grass-roots community efforts. 

Frank Jannuzi, President
Charles Village Community Foundation

Chat mailing list

[Chat] Radical Book Fair tomorrow (Sunday)

2006-07-01 Thread Emil Volcheck
Red Emma's is hosting the Mid-Atlantic Radical Book Fair
this weekend.  There is a full day of events tomorrow (Sunday)
at Center Stage.  For the program, visit:

http://redemmas.org/bookfair/2006/schedule  .

One speaker I don't want to miss is Richard Stallman,
founder of the Free Software movement, speaking on
"Copyright vs. Community" from 3-5 PM on the Pearlstone
Theater at Center Stage.


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] Balto. Restaurant Week

2006-07-24 Thread Emil Volcheck
I saw the banner over Pratt St. for Baltimore
Restaurant Week, July 24-28.  Here's the URL:

http://www.baltimorerestaurantweek.com/ .

Gertrude's is participating, including this weekend.

Kathleen and I recently ate at Sotto Sopra, one of
the participating restaurants.  I had the Foiade al cacao,
a pasta dish with wide noodles, the size of lasagna
noodles, with a brown sauce and small shrimps.  The
sauce had a chocolate flavor that made me think it
was the Italian twist on a Mexican mole sauce.
It was delicious.  The buffalo mozzarella and tomato
appetizer was quite tasty, flavorful, and artfully
presented in a high tower.


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] Rick Eisenmann

2006-08-13 Thread Emil Volcheck
At the Abell ice cream party this afternoon, I got to meet Amber
("Mother of the Feast") Eisenmann's father Rick.  He's a sculptor, and
here's his website:

http://www.rickeisenmann.com/  .

His portfolio is neat.  The pieces have names like "Straight Up",
"Shiny Lollipops", and "Nature's First Green is Gold".


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] CVCBDMA Executive Director/Administrator

2006-08-15 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, Neighbors,

The CVCBD Management Authority is searching to fill the position of
Executive Director/Administrator.  The job description is here:


Please circulate it to qualified individuals, or anywhere you think
might help us find good candidates.



Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] MVA Administrative Flag Fee

2006-08-16 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

I need to renew the registration on my car, and I got a notice from
the MVA telling me there was an "administrative flag fee" of $30 on my
account.  I called the MVA and asked what this was about.  They said
their records showed that I was late paying a ticket (back in 2004)
and that the City of Baltimore asked for my account to be flagged.
The ticket had been paid, their records showed, but I still owed the
MVA the $30 administrative fee.

I thought this was suspicious, because I didn't remember being late
paying a ticket.  I did remember going to court to contest a ticket,
which I won.  At first the MVA made it sound like there was nothing
I could do, but when I explained this, they said I would have to get a
letter from the City saying that the flag was in error, and then the
MVA would waive the fee.

This didn't sound very hopeful to me, but I decided to try.  I called
the Parking Fines number, waited on hold for half an hour this
morning, and finally talked to a person.  I asked why did I get the
flag, gave my vehicle information, and waited while they checked.  The
clerk came back and said that there was a mistake and that they would
issue a letter.  I was so surprised -- I was expecting to have to
argue, so I asked for clarification, and she confirmed it.  I had to
go down to 200 North Holliday to pick up the letter, because she said
it would take three (yes, 3) weeks to mail it to me.  I did go down
there, and the service was pretty efficient.  In and out in seven
minutes.  At first the clerk I talked said "We don't waive
administrative flag fees" but I gave him the name of the woman I
spoke to, and he came back with two letters: one saying I had paid
("parking fine release") and the other saying the fee was in error.

Here's what I think happened.  I got the ticket, asked for a Court
date, and didn't pay.  Because the Parking Division didn't get paid,
they automatically flagged my registration with the MVA.  When the
ticket was dismissed, nobody bothered to lift the flag, despite the
fact that I never owed the fine to begin with.

I heard another clerk tell another citizen that the MVA was now
flagging every ticket that wasn't paid within 30 days.  She said,
"They [MVA] just started doing that."  Makes me wonder what's actually
going on.  What if the City of Baltimore is not the party initiating
all the admin flag fees and this is just a handy way for the MVA to
raise some additional funds?

In any case, the moral of the story is that if you do get assessed
an admin flag fee unfairly, it's probably easier to get it lifted
than you might suspect at first.  The Parking Division clearly
does this a lot because they had a fill-in-the-blank form ready
for this action.

Another lesson is that if you get a ticket dismissed by a judge,
make a note to check your MVA registration record to see if you
got flagged for that ticket.  In my case, it was nearly two years
ago that my registration was flagged.  I was tempted to not
bother because there was a good chance I had just forgotten about
some $20 ticket, but I'm glad I did.

I would give the City a grade of "B" on this.  This mistake shouldn't
have happened, but the staff were courteous and efficient in
correcting the error.  I wish I hadn't had to spend 20 minutes on the
phone with the MVA, another 30 on the phone with the City, and make a
trip downtown (plus a trip to the MVA to make sure nothing gets
screwed up), but it was easier than I expected.


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] PSA Conference (Baltimore)

2006-08-30 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

I'm forwarding this from the mailing list for the local
chapter of the Photographic Society of America.  The national
PSA conference is going to be at the Hunt Valley Marriott
starting this Sunday.


- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Delivered-To: unknown
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 23:57:05 EDT
Subject: REMINDER!!!  PSA Conference (Baltimore) and Post-PSA Picnic (Deale,

Just a Reminder ...

The PSA Conference

You can still attend PSA’s 68th International Photographic Conference to be 
held at Marriott’s Hunt Valley Inn near Baltimore, Sept. 3-9.  If you can’t 
come for the entire week, take advantage of the daily registration option. In 
fact, all extra-cost tours, programs, classes, meals, etc. are on an à la carte 
basis: Register and pay only for those events you wish to attend. 

Schedules of all sessions and events are available online at 
http://www.psa-conference.org/, as are separate registration forms for the 
Conference and 
rooms at the Marriott (at reduced conference rates).  First-time PSA Conference 
registrants will want to be sure to attend the special “First Timers” 
orientation meeting to be held that Wednesday morning, Sept. 6.

- End forwarded message -

Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] satellite TV

2006-09-01 Thread Emil Volcheck
Kathleen and I are thinking about switching to satellite TV.

Has anybody done this, and do you know a good installer?

Paul Moscatt (of the Little Shop of Hardware) tells me it's
great and better than Comcast.

We can't wait for Verizon FiOS (if they ever bring it here)!
(FiOS is the new fiber optic system for voice/phone/TV.)



Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

Re: [Chat] satellite TV

2006-09-02 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hi, Mariann,

On Sat, Sep 02, 2006 at 10:31:16PM -0400, Mariann Millard wrote:
> One caveat to add re: DirecTV--make sure you are clear
> upfront on what color cable you want in your house.  Their
> standard is black and I discovered the hard way that they
> won't ask you for a choice. So if you want white, which to
> me is less ugly and obtrusive, make sure you speak up pronto
> before the installation.  They also take the path of least
> resistance when actually installing the cable inside your
> house, which may not be what you had in mind.  

Yes, I was worried about this problem -- can we find an installer who
will run a cable long enough to go up the side (like, through the
"keyhole" space between us and our neighbors on the north side) to the
roof and not up the front?  Maybe if Dish doesn't offer that, we'll
have to find a private installer or service reseller who would be
willing to do the additional work.

> And I totally agree about TIVO!

We chose ReplayTV over TiVo when we got our DVR a few years back.
It's a good product and works fine, but since we don't know
anybody else who has a ReplayTV, we can't use the feature that
lets us share programs!  (Two ReplayTV users can send each
other TV programs over a broadband connection.)



P.S. Kathleen and I just rented Deepa Mehta's film "Water" from
Video Americain.  It's a great movie.  We missed it when it played
at the MD Film Festival but heard how good it was.  It tells
the story of a young girl, widowed at age 7, who is forced to 
join a "convent" of widows living in poverty.  Although the
story takes place in 1938, the movie tries to raise awareness
of the 30+ million widows still living in poverty in India
today.  The film was so controversial that production was
halted by a mob of religious fundamentalists.  Production
was completed years later in Sri Lanka.

Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] Free contradancing at Abell Street Fair, Sun, Sept 17th

2006-09-06 Thread Emil Volcheck
This is from the Baltimore Folk Music Society mailing list!

Here's the website for the Abell Street Fair:



- Forwarded message from BFMS Publicity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2006 19:34:29 -0400
From: BFMS Publicity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Free contradancing at Abel Avenue Fair, Sun, Sept 17th

For your advance planning convenience:

Sunday, September 17th, 2006 from 12-1:30pm
Come show off your dancing skills at the Abel Avenue Fair.
Demonstrate contradancing to the folks of Charles Village while you
enjoy a free performance by the Baltimore Open Band! If you are
willing and "abel," please notify the Special Events Chair at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] so we have a sense of how many are coming. Then
just show up about 11:30 or so on Abel Avenue, ready to dance.  It's
just below University Parkway, fairly near Union Memorial Hospital.
The street will be blocked off for the day.  We need you!  It's a
great opportunity to attract some new dancers!

----- End forwarded message -

Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] Jennifer sold GaGa's!

2006-09-08 Thread Emil Volcheck
Jennifer Francis has sold GaGa's!

The new owner is Donna, and she's calling the business
Dominion Ice Cream.  They have a website:

http://www.eatyourvegsicecream.com/  .

We'll miss Jennifer.

Kathleen and I think that she may have sold out of concern for the
Cold Stone Creamery that Struever wants to bring in.  I think it's a
bad idea for Struever to solicit chains that compete with existing
neighborhood stores.  There are plenty of other kinds of businesses
that Struever could solicit.


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] VLP talk this Wednesday

2006-09-10 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

This Wednesday, 9/13, the Village Learning Place will host a talk on
the Baltimore school system as part of their Second Wednesdays Series,
organized by Phyllis Jaslow.

Speaking Truth to Power:
Gertrude Williams and the Baltimore School System

Jo Ann Robinson - Author of "Education As My Agenda"
Gertrude Williams - Retired Barclay School Principal

Wednesday, September 13, 7 - 9 PM
Village Learning Place, 2521 St. Paul Street
Phone: (410) 235-2210


Ms. Williams advocated for and led the use of the Calvert School
curriculum in Barclay Elementary.

Also note that the annual wine tasting benefit "Read Between the
Wines" will be held this Saturday 9/16 at the VLP.  See the
website for details.


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] Marie Annette Rosenfeld

2006-10-08 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Does anyone know where Marie Annette Rosenfeld hangs out these days?
She was a regular at Images, but now I rarely see her.  I heard that
her ex-husband passed away and I wanted to pass on condolences.  Some
time after they separated or divorced, her husband's health began to
fail, and she took care of him.  Alice used to say "You treat him
better than most wives treat their husbands!" (or words to that


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

Re: [Chat] Attempted break in

2006-10-14 Thread Emil Volcheck
Our neighbor Perry told us that she was robbed the same weekend that
we were nearly broken into.  The thief came through the second floor
window into her bedroom.  She lost a cellphone and laptop, which had
no critical data.  Perry also lives on the west side of Guilford
a few houses south of us.


On Fri, Oct 13, 2006 at 10:53:31AM -0400, Kathleen Wilsbach wrote:
> Sunday night someone attempted to break into our back second floor
> bedroom.  Emil was already in bed (about 2:30 AM) but I had gotten
> up to check a scheduling problem I thought I might have Monday and
> was on the computer in the front second floor room.  Emil called to
> me asking if I had heard something.  I called back that I hadn't.
> We chalked it up to noise from next door or out in the alley.

Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] Rolling Stone magazine on election machine hacking

2006-10-14 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

It's remarkable that Maryland has become a focus of national attention
with regard to the issue of electronic voting machines because we do
not have a voter-verified paper receipt or ballot with our Diebold
machines.  Should a serious problem develop with the voting machines,
we could not have an actual recount.

Marion pointed me to a good article in Rolling Stone magazine by 
RFK, Jr.  titled "Will the Next Election Be Hacked?".  

There's free access on the web here:


Here's another interesting link.  VotersUnite.org publishes "Daily
Voting News" here:


I'm looking forward to the elections with both hope and concern.  I'll
be the Election Technician at the Barclay School, so I have to set up
the machines (and keep them working?).  I'm a little concerned because we
have one training session the Saturday before the elections, so I hope
that covers everything.


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

Re: [Chat] Attempted break in

2006-10-15 Thread Emil Volcheck

On Sun, Oct 15, 2006 at 10:28:04AM -0400, Judy Berlin wrote:
> was she there?Judy

No, Perry was away that weekend.


> On Oct 14, 2006, at 2:12 PM, Emil Volcheck wrote:
> > Our neighbor Perry told us that she was robbed the same weekend that
> > we were nearly broken into.  The thief came through the second floor
> > window into her bedroom.  She lost a cellphone and laptop, which had
> > no critical data.  Perry also lives on the west side of Guilford
> > a few houses south of us.
> >
> > --Emil
> >

Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] need wood pallets?

2006-10-15 Thread Emil Volcheck
If anyone needs a wood pallet or two, let us know
because we have some and you're welcome to take them.

Kathleen gets rabbit supplies (pellets, paper litter, etc.)
delivered on wood pallets.  The pallets are usually pretty
clean since the company does most of their business shipping
to labs.  They are handy for keeping items in your basement
off the ground, say, in case your basement is leaky.


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] Quad Rep Election Results

2006-10-17 Thread Emil Volcheck
Dear neighbors,

Here are the results of the elections for Quad Reps at the
CVCBD Management Authority Fall Public Meeting this evening.

Quad 1

Rob Books ran unopposed.  The votes were 6 yes, zero no.

Quad 2

Erika McClammy ran unopposed.  The votes were 2 yes, zero no.

Quad 3

Winner: Ron Griffin

The votes were 15 for Ron Griffin and 14 for Doug Armstrong.

Quad 4

Winner: Stephen Gewirtz

The votes were 11 for Stephen Gewirtz and 7 for Michael Gervais.

At the meeting, we announced that there were four provisional
ballots in the Quad 3 election.  All four ballots were verified
using the State Department of Assessments and Taxation Real
Property Search utility on the web.

Let's all express our thanks and appreciation to all the candidates
who ran and to every citizen who participated!


Emil Volcheck

Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] Hazardous Waste tomorrow

2006-10-28 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Remember that Hazardous Waste drop-off is tomorrow (Sunday)
from 11 AM - 4 PM at Poly.


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] LWV Voter Guide

2006-10-28 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Yours truly will be serving as the Election Technician at the Barclay
School polling place.  I'll be doing my best to keep the incredibly
reliable Diebold Accuvote machines running smoothly.  Wish me luck.
I think I'll need it.

You might be interested in reading up on some of the
ballot questions.  The League of Women Voters has
a guide to them here:

http://www.lwvmd.org/vg/ballotQs.html  .

Also, there's one candidate for continuance on the Court of Special
Appeals, Ellen Hollander, whom I had never heard of.  
Her webpage is here:

http://www.mdarchives.state.md.us/msa/mdmanual/30sp/html/msa11683.html  .



Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] Today -- Meet David Hill at the VLP

2006-11-13 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Come to the Village Learning Place this evening to meet and greet
Mr. David Hill, who is the new E.D./Administrator of the CVCBD
Management Authority.

Refreshments will be served.  

When:  5:30 PM, Tuesday, November 14.
Where: The Village Learning Place, 2521 St. Paul Street.

This event will be followed by a CVCBDMA Board meeting
at 7:00 PM.  For details, see

http://www.charlesvillage.org/calendar_events/view.asp?id=10037948 .

Hope to see you there!


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] Elementary School Ordeal for the Weinsteins

2006-11-18 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

I got to chat with Matthew Weinstein at the AIA meeting Friday
evening.  He told me about a terrible situation, an ordeal, that led
to their daughter's preschool expelling her because her parents,
Matthew and Laura, expressed concern that the school decided to teach
"cosmetology".  This is stunning.  Teaching about makeup and nail
polish in preschool?  Matthew blogs about it here:

http://web.mac.com/weinsteinme  .

It's worth a read.


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] CVCA meeting reminder

2006-11-28 Thread Emil Volcheck

Charles Village Civic Association


WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2006, 7 pm
SS Philip and James

On the agenda:

Union Memorial Hospital: Heliport Proposal

Charles Village Safety Update

Introduction of David Hill, Executive Director of CVCBD

See http://www.charlesvillage.net/ for more information.


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] Thanks for the Holiday House Tour!

2006-12-18 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Kathleen and I had an enjoyable time on the Holiday House Tour.
Thanks to all those who helped make it happen (Dawna, Jenny, Val,
Sandy, and anyone else I've missed.)

We were particulary impressed by the Manzolillo household and all the
neat fixtures and art they have.

Did anyone notice the Coldwell-Banker sign several houses to the south
of the Manzolillo's that read "Drama Priced"?  What does that mean?

It was neat to meet Doreen Bolger, BMA Executive Director, who was
showing off her house, with its William Morris theme.

Incidentally, a week or so ago there was an open house at the Homewood
House.  They were hosting the JHU Press and had many authors on hand
for book signing.  They were serving Madeira in the basement, which I
read was a very popular beverage in the era of the original owners.
Wendy Brody, wife of the Hopkins President, was meeting and greeting
everybody who walked through the door, and it was a pleasure to meet
her.  I heard that there are occasional openings of Homewood House in
the evening by candlelight.  I think that would be quite pretty to


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] Solstice Celebration Thursday

2006-12-19 Thread Emil Volcheck

The Friends of the Wyman Park Dell

Invite you to a


Thursday, December 21st, 2006

In the Wyman Park Dell!

7 pm - 8:30 pm

Join your friends and neighbors

around the Solstice Bonfire

and enjoy an evening of community fun!

Mulled Cider

Holiday Cookies

Celtic Music with Jim Egan
of "O'Malley's March"

Stargazing with Hermann Heyn,
"The Streetcorner Astronomer"
(Weather Permitting)

If the weather is unsettled or for last minute info, 
call 410.366.5512 on the day of event

Sponsored by Gertrude's Restaurant at the BMA

[Submitted by Christine Gray]

Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] Holiday shopping in Waverly

2006-12-21 Thread Emil Volcheck
Here are some holiday shopping ideas, submitted by
John Lundquist.


Emil Volcheck

Description: Binary data
Chat mailing list

[Chat] Two Sisters Grille is a success!

2006-12-22 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Today the Two Sisters Grille opened at 27th and Howard.

Kathleen and I just returned from eating a late breakfast there, and
we were favorably impressed.  We had eggs, home fries, blueberry
pancakes, and a waffle.  They were all quite tasty and were just as
good as at Pete's Grille.  The home fries and blueberry pancakes were
excellent.  The service was also fast (probably because there were
only six customers total).

Two Sisters is open every day of the week from 7 to 7 Sunday
through Thursday, and 7 to 11 Friday and Saturday.
The phone number is (410) 467-0550.

Debbie and Cathy started the Two Sisters Grille.  They both worked at
Pete's for about twenty years.  A few years ago they had the idea of
starting their own place.  About four or five months ago is when they
learned that the Korean bar, 1.7th Generation, would be closing and
that the property would become available.  The place still very much
looks like a bar.  The restaurant has two levels: a wooden bar up
front, and tables on a raised area in the back.  The kitchen is
separate, so you don't get to see the cook working, but then there's
also less smoke.

The liquor license transferred over with no trouble.  They don't
have beer on tap yet but will soon.

Lou (former owner of Pete's) was there today, giving advice and
teasing them.

Dialogue overheard:

Lou: How much for one of your mugs?

Cathy: five dollars.

Lou: five dollars for a mug?

Cathy: It's five dollars for the memories, which are priceless.

Lou: Back at the other place, it was only two-fifty.  Oh, wait,
we jacked them up to five too!

Also overheard:

Lou (to a customer): Excuse me, you can't bus you your
own table.  We have waitresses for that.  (Looks at Cathy)

We have a great new restaurant in Charles Village.  I hope
you get to try it out.


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] special CVCBDMA Board event Saturday

2007-01-17 Thread Emil Volcheck
Dear neighbors,

The Board of Directors of the CVCBDMA will hold a day-long event this
Saturday, January 20th on the Johns Hopkins campus.  The event
consists of a retreat/orientation, public discussion, and a special
Board meeting.  See the announcement here:


Here is the schedule.

 9 AM - 11 AM:  Introductions and a review of the Board Manual

See http://www.charlesvillage.info/Board_Manual/ for the 2006 Board Manual.

11 AM -  3 PM:  Open discussion of CVCBDMA programs

We want your input as we begin the process of reorganizing our
programs and deciding how we can best serve Charles Village.

See the full description here:


 3 PM on:  Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

See the announcement here:


The event is open to the public, except for portions of the special
Board meeting.

A light lunch will be served, so if you plan to attend, please reply
by today (January 18), preferably by email at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or call Tonya at (410) 235-4411 x 11.

I hope you can attend.

Best regards,

Emil Volcheck

Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] Kumari restaurant

2007-01-25 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Earlier this week, Kathleen and I ate at the Kumari restaurant at 911
N. Charles.  This restaurant serves Indian and Nepalese food.  
I thought the food was quite tasty.  It's not a large place.  Our waiter
was attentive and service was pretty fast.  We asked for food that was
typically Nepalese rather than Indian, and our waiter was quite happy
to make recommendations.  Kathleen got a bamboo soup as an appetizer.
I liked it.  It was more like a broth with pleasant bamboo and tomato
flavors.  There was a Nepalese vegetable appetizer that was carrots
with a spicy ginger paste.  The main dish I liked the most was a noodle
dish called Chow Chow.  The sauce had great flavor, and tahini was one
ingredient.  The sauteed mushrooms in cream sauce were quite tasty.  
I tried the yellow lentils but thought them rather bland.

I'd recommend trying Kumari if you like Indian or Afghani food.

Another plus: it's right above Liam's Pint-sized Pub, which is
a small microbrew pub, started by a local.  Unfortunately, it was
closed the day we were there, so I haven't tried it out.


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

Re: [Chat] Board of Zoning Appeals

2007-02-01 Thread Emil Volcheck

I once represented the AIA at a BMZA hearing.  Sharon Guida, who is an
attorney, represented the CVCA there.  I don't have any specific
advice on making the case.  You should try to get an endorsement
from a community association.  Where does your friend live?
Does he know who his neighborhood association is?

I'm attaching a letter I brought to the hearing, signed by AIA
officers, by way of example for the kind of letter to submit.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Feb 01, 2007 at 01:58:51PM -0500, Rob Carlson wrote:
> Does anyone have experience with zoning hearings at the city Board of 
> Appeals?  A friend of mine is going in to oppose the conversion of some 
> houses on his street to multi-family (read college apartment) dwellings 
> because they are already being rented to multiple unrelated college 
> students against zone and are a regular disturbance to the neighborhood. 
> I want to help him and his neighbors be prepared to make the best case 
> against the zoning appeal.
> --
> Rob Carlson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://vees.net/

Emil Volcheck

Description: Adobe PDF document
Chat mailing list

[Chat] Tom Kiefaber on WCBM

2007-02-23 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

I was lucky and managed to catch part of an interview with Tom
Kiefaber, owner of the Senator theater, on WCBM's Tom Marr Show.  In
case you hadn't heard, the Senator is saved!  It got enough donations
to pull through and avoid the auction.

A caller asked why if the Senator is getting so many donations, why he
doesn't make it a nonprofit.  Kiefaber said he hears that suggestion a
lot.  He says there is a misunderstanding about nonprofit status.  If
the Senator were to become nonprofit, it could no longer show
first-run movies.  He says a number of old theaters that closed were
reopened by a "Friends of ..." nonprofit organization and show only
older movies.

I've heard that a nonprofit can't compete head-on with for-profit
businesses, because otherwise the tax benefits that a nonprofit
enjoys would make for unfair competition.  Kathleen tells me that's
one reason why her organization, the House Rabbit Society, can sell
discount supplies only to its members.  If the HRS were to sell
to the public, then it would be competing with for-profit retail
stores, which wouldn't be allowed under the HRS nonprofit status.

Kiefaber went on to say that the Senator does have nonprofit
educational activities, like showing movies to school children as part
of an educational program.  There either already is or soon will be a
nonprofit partner organization to the Senator to which you can make
deductible contributions that will go to support the educational
activities.  He said this will indirectly help the Senator's bottom
line by bringing in more viewers.

A caller asked about why the Senator doesn't have more arts films.
Kiefaber said that "clearance" contracts are part of the reason for
this.  A "clearance" is an agreement that one theater has with a
distributor to disallow other movies from being shown at another
theater within the same region.  Kiefaber said that for 12 years since
the General Cinema in Towson opened, the Senator could never show any
movie that was playing on any screen of the Towson GC.  He said he
knows that The Charles is a "sacred cow", but the fact is that The
Charles uses clearance agreements to ensure that only it can show the
arts films that it gets.  He says that a Landmark theater is going to
open in the Inner Harbor later this year, and that he suspects The
Charles will experience the problem of clearances from the other side.

This part of the discussion also went into how clearance agreements
are a major reason why the Senator has had a lot of difficulty over
the years.  Kiefaber says that clearance agreements are an
anti-competitive business practice that were developed by chain
cinemas to drive traditional single-screen theaters out of business by
depriving them of a variety of movies to screen.  He said that
when people saw the old cinemas going out of business, they assumed
that it was economic Darwinism, that the old cinemas just couldn't
compete.  In fact, it was death by asphyxiation.

A caller asked whether the Senator could get more movies by asking
further in advance.  Kiefaber said he asked to get Little Miss
Sunshine far in advance (I think he said two months before
distribution was announced) and that he still couldn't get it.

Kiefaber was asked if the Senator will still show old movies.  He said
that they missed doing it this year, because of the financial
difficulties.  But they will go back to running 1939-style movie
nights where you can see "Casablanca" or "It's a Wonderful Life" for a
quarter.  Kiefaber says the other night, they put a film can in the
lobby of the Senator to collect contributions for the SOS fund.  He
said he felt like George Bailey in "It's a Wonderful Life" because so
many people were throwing in money and checks.


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] Smoking ban passed!

2007-02-26 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

The Sun is reporting that the City Council approved
the smoking ban by a vote of 9-2 today, and the Mayor
Dixon says she will sign it.  The measure would take
effect January 1, 2008.



Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

Re: [Chat] Smoking ban passed!

2007-02-27 Thread Emil Volcheck

Kathleen and I went to The Haven for an event for Mary
and we rather enjoyed it, but the smoke was just awful.
It seemed there was more smoke the later it got.  I think
we would go back if there were not smoke.

One time my parents and sister visited us, and we thought
we'd take them duckpin bowling at the Seidel lanes.
But when we got there, my sister turned around and went
back out because of the smoke.  I guess we'd gotten used
to having to tolerate some smoke to go bowling.  It will
sure be nice not to have to put up with that again.
We went to a Duck and Roll ( http://www.rootscafe.org/ )
once and the smoke was pretty bad.

Maybe if we're lucky, some establishments will see the
writing on the wall and start going smoke-free before
January 1, 2008.

Is anybody else disappointed that Jack Young voted
against the ban?


On Tue, Feb 27, 2007 at 02:55:47PM -0500, Linda Forlifer wrote:
> I am so pleased!  Now my son (who runs the sound at the Ottobar) will be
> able to work without injuring his health.  And I, who have developed an
> allergy to cigarette smoke, will be able to enjoy, once again, going out
> for happy hour or to hear good live music at places like the Haven.  I'm
> looking forward to January 2008.
> Congratulations and a big THANK YOU to Council Members Curran and Mary
> Pat Clarke.
> Hip, hip, hooray!
> Linda

Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list

[Chat] List archives, was Re: Two Sisters

2007-03-01 Thread Emil Volcheck

If you are ever trying to remember something you saw on the Chat List,
it's easy to find it here in the archives:

  http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/  .

I will add this link to the footer of each mail sent to the Chat List
as a reminder.  This archive page is a free service of the Mail
Archive.  They display the postings in threaded format (which makes it
easy to browse), and they have a pretty good search feature.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Mar 01, 2007 at 09:22:59AM -0800, Greg Alexander wrote:
> I remember someone posting something about this a few weeks ago; has anyone 
> been?  We tried going
> there Sunday but they were closed (I guess due to the snow).  We peeked 
> inside - looks really cute
> and the menu looks quite inexpensive (yea!!)  I hope they do well; looks like 
> a nice addition to
> that area (and a mere four blocks from us!)
> Greg Alexander
> Freelance Writer/Editor
> Editor, Mason-Dixon Arrive
> 2629 Guilford Avenue
> Baltimore, MD 21218
> 410-243-3387
> www.gregoryjalexander.com

Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Charles North web links

2007-03-18 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

FYI: here are two links, 
One for the Charles North Community Association


and one for some art studio or artists group called Load of Fun:

  http://www.loadoffun.net/Welcome.html  .

This website looks kind of wacky.


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Congratulations, Josh!

2007-03-24 Thread Emil Volcheck
Let's all congratulate Josh on the thousandth post to his hit blog
"The Comics Curmudgeon", the long-awaited "Millenepost"!  
Here's the link:


and Josh has recently been guest blogging at Wonkette:

  http://wonkette.com .

Do take a look if you haven't already.  I think Josh has
the most hits of any blog from Charles Village.


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

Re: [Chat] Good tailor in the area!

2007-04-16 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, D',

Mr. Ott is a tailor who works out of Mr. Nifty Cleaners near 33rd and
Greenmount.  He used to make suits for the Haas company.  (Baltimore
used to have a significant clothing industry.)  I've had him tailor a
suit and a couple jackets for me, and I think he does pretty good
work.  He has hours at Mr. Nifty's a few days a week.  (I remember
Tuesday.)  I think his rate to tailor a rack suit is about $50-$60.
I think this is a fair price for quality work.

Mr. Nifty's website is 

  http://www.mrniftybaltimore.com/  .

Best wishes,


On Mon, Apr 16, 2007 at 02:44:40PM +, D. Williams wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am looking for a great tailor in the Charles Village area.  Can 
> anyone recommend someone?
> THanks again,
> D'

Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Wes Tolbert heads a nonprofit!

2007-06-03 Thread Emil Volcheck
Congratulations to Wes Tolbert!

He's the new Executive Director of the Howard County
affiliate of a mental health support and advocacy
nonprofit called "On Our Own":

  http://www.onourownmd.org  .

Until recently, Wes was the Director of Field Operations
for the CVCBD Management Authority.


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Seidel's has closed!

2007-06-05 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

I was at Zeke's Coffee this afternoon when I learned
that Seidel's Bowling Lanes have closed.  Visit


to see the announcement of "The Final Frame" event.

Kathleen and I liked Seidel's a lot.  We had two Duckpin bowling
birthday parties there.  Our first time there was for one stop on a
bus tour of sites from the making of "Homicide: Life on the Street".
They had a bowling competition for the fans.  Kathleen won first place
and got a souvenir duckpin!

I liked the Roots Cafe "Duck and Roll" events in principle, but the
one time we went there, the smoke was just too much.  I was looking
forward to returning in January 2008 when the City becomes smoke-free,
but now that will never happen.

Here's a City Paper article

  http://www.citypaper.com/news/story.asp?id=13691  .

In the City, that leaves just the Patterson Lanes.


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Hopi the cat is missing

2007-06-12 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

James Aguirre is looking for his cat Hopi, last
seen in the alley behind the 3000 block of Guilford.

If you see Hopi, please email James at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or email me and I'll pass word along.



Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

Re: [Chat] Hopi the cat is missing

2007-06-14 Thread Emil Volcheck

My mistake -- I thought I had forwarded James Aguirre's message
to the list, but I somehow missed that.

As it turns out, James found Hopi last night, but for what it's worth,
here's his original message, first sent to Chuck Bullamore, who then
forwarded it to me:

  Hi Chuck-Is there a central web site or email address I can use to
  send a message concrening my lost cat. He got out of the house on
  Saturday afternoon & I have beem combing the back alleys of Charles
  Village for him Saturday & Sunday. His name is Hopi & he is a 15 year
  old house cat that is unneutered. He is gray, white & black & cries a
  lot. Your help is appreciated.

Thanks, and sorry to everyone for the confusing posting.


On Wed, Jun 13, 2007 at 10:07:46AM -0700, Michael P Callan wrote:
> what does he look like ?
> light colored ? big ? tom cat ?

Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

Re: [Chat] [Discussion] HELP ! Primary Care Dr. ?

2007-06-15 Thread Emil Volcheck

I'm pretty happy with Dr. Samuel Westrick, who has his
practice next to Video Americain.  He takes some but
not all insurance, so you should inquire.


Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] LAST CALL Charles Village Cookbook--send your recipe by 8-15

2007-08-12 Thread Emil Volcheck
This message from Sandy Sparks.  --Emil

- Forwarded message from Sandra Sparks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

Delivered-To: unknown
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 15:34:59 -0400
From: Sandra Sparks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: LAST CALL Charles Village Cookbook--send your recipe by 8-15
To: "Sandra R. Sparks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Gil & Jan French <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.3138
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook, Build 10.0.6822
Importance: Normal
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
X-MSMail-priority: Normal
Thread-index: AcfbhYnJw5x8N3mHQ3mMN6JTJ0h4aA==
X-pstn-levels: (S:99.9/99.9 P:95.9108 )
X-pstn-settings: 3 (1.:1.) s gt3 gt2 gt1 p 
X-pstn-addresses: from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [db-null] 
X-Spambayes-Classification: ham; 0.00

It's not too late to submit a recipe or two for the 3rd CVCA Charles Village
Cookbook (1972 and1982), which I am designing and producing to print by
Graphic Imaging in September.  Attached is the cover with photos by Greg
Pease.  We are lucky indeed, as Greg is also contributing all the section
photos (in color, too) of Charles Village blocks including the Waverly
Farmers Market and Wyman Park Dell.  If you are a current or former
resident, please include the street where you lived.  Or include the
business/institution you are/were associated with.  


You will want to be included in this neighborhood keepsake.  Please send
your recipe/s as a Word attachment to me by next Wednesday, August 15.  

Thanks, Sandy    

----- End forwarded message -

Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Neighbor needs iron-spot bricks

2007-10-04 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

I'm forwarding this message from Dana who is helping our
new neighbor Andy Gorode (email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
look for some iron-spot bricks for a project he's doing.

Incidentally, a Google search turned up the book "The Baltimore
Rowhouse" by Mary Ellen Hayward, Charles Belfoure which explains that
iron-spot brick is particular to Baltimore.  They are made from high
iron content clay from Western PA and are tougher than ordinary red



Good afternoon everyone.  One of our new neighbors, Andy Gorode, is in
the process of restoring his Guilford Avenue home to its original
configuration.  He is ready to eliminate the second front door (the
home was divided into two apartments with separate entries) and is in
search of bricks to match the front façade.

Andy believes the bricks he is searching for are “Roman Style,
iron-spot bricks.  They are long and narrow with specks of iron
embedded in the brick”.

Any leads would be appreciated.  Contact Andy directly at the email
address above.  And, please copy me so that I can continue to add to
the CVCA’s growing treasure trove of contractors and other good things
for our very old homes!


Dana Moore

Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] More chat is better, was Re: chat needed

2007-10-08 Thread Emil Volcheck

On 10/8/07, Mariann Millard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Very sorry all, this was meant to go just to Dawna!  Didn't
> pay attention to the "To" when I replied (I rarely reply to
> ...

No need to apologize!  If people were not interested
in chat, they wouldn't have subscribed to this list!


Kathleen and I have an item for you.  In September,
we spent two weeks vacation in Ireland and had
a wonderful time.  We met two of Kathleen's cousins.
Her cousin Mary lives in Fenit, a village out on
the Western tip of Co. Kerry and the hometown
of Saint Brendan the Navigator.  She retired
from a career operating a bed and breakfast.
Her cousin James runs a small dairy farm with his
son on a small mountain in Co. Cavan.  They
sell the milk to make butter.  This butter is sold
under the brand name Kerrygold (used for all
Irish export butter, and you may have seen it
around -- I think Eddie's had it at some point).
We heard some great music
at the Tulla Traditional Music Festival ( http://www.tullatradfestival.com/ )
and at the "Piperlink" concert tour ( http://pipers.ie ), which is
devoted to the traditional Irish "Uilleann" bellows pipes.
Kathleen has a brother in Maine who is a noted Uilleann piper.
We visited the town of Baltimore in Co. Cork, which is the
southern most town in Ireland and has the nickname of the
"Irish Riviera".

Thanks for asking,


Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Radical Book Festival

2007-10-19 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

The 2007 Mid-Atlantic Radical Book Festival is taking place
this weekend at the VLP and Saint John's Methodist.
There's an amazing range of speakers on topics such as
prison reform, anti-war activism, radical publishing and
copyright, even the Baltimore Algebra Project.  The
program is here:

http://redemmas.org/bookfair/2007/section/schedule  .



Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Carpool Wanted

2007-11-01 Thread Emil Volcheck
[From Shelley Treadway. --Emil]

Carpool Wanted - Charles Village to Hyattsville/Cheverly/Bladensburg Area

M-F. Need to arrive in Hyattsville by 8 a.m. Depart for return to
Baltimore 4 p.m. Non-smokers only. Please contact Shelley Treadway  -
home: 410-467-0310, cell: 410-458-4138; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Holiday Artisan Market and crepes tonight at VLP

2007-11-14 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Just a reminder that tonight at 7 PM at the Village Learning Place,
there will be a Holiday Artisan Market.  They offer free admission,
food, and beverages.  If the crafts aren't enough to draw you,
my neighbor Shelley Treadway is making caramel apple crepes!

Alas, I won't be there as this conflicts with a meeting of the local
section of SIAM, the applied math society, at Hopkins.  If you
too might be interested in attending the lecture "Interactive
Search for Image Categories by Mental Matching," then I'll
see you at 8:30 PM in Krieger 205!

Best wishes,


Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Eddie's Market website

2007-11-19 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Eddie's Market now has a website:

http://www.eddiesmarket.com/  .

At the moment, the one item there is the lunch menu
and the number to call in lunch orders.  It's a good start.


Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Help win HGTV contest for Baltimore!: last day

2007-12-20 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Please vote today in the HGTV contest to provide funding
for Rebuilding Together Baltimore and the Community
Mediation Program.  I'm forwarding a mail from Bonnie Bessor.
Here's the URL to vote:

http://www.hgtv.com/changetheworld .

Look for the green link on the right that says "Vote".
You can vote once per day per machine.  The last
day to vote is tomorrow, 12/21.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Bonnie Bessor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Dec 20, 2007 12:20 PM
Subject: [AIA Members] Fwd: Bring HGTV to Baltimore

Hello neighbors! Just a reminder that we have two days left to vote to
bring HGTV to Baltimore.  Remember to go online and vote today and
tomorrow. Winning cities will be announced on January 1 during HGTV's
coverage of the Rose Parade.

Here is the link www.hgtv.com/changetheworld

Thanks for voting!!!

-- Forwarded message --
 From: Bonnie Bessor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Nov 19, 2007 2:50 PM
Subject: Bring HGTV to Baltimore

Hello AIA neighbors!  Many of you know that I am the Executive
Director of Rebuilding Together Baltimore (formerly known as Christmas
in April). We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free
home repairs for low-income homeowners and helping to revitalize
communities in Baltimore City and Baltimore County.

Rebuilding Together Baltimore is part of a nationwide contest to
receive funding and television coverage from HGTV (Home and Garden
Television) for three projects in the neighboring communities of
Waverly and Pen Lucy.  The way we win is by getting the most votes
online.  If we win, we will:

1) Provide much-needed home repairs for a low-income homeowner in Pen Lucy
2) Provide beautification of several empty lots along Old York Road in Pen Lucy
3) Provide a "facelift" for the Community Mediation Program building
near the corner of 33rd and Greenmount

Hundreds of volunteers from all over Baltimore will be involved in
providing the repairs and the beautification.

YOU can help us win by going to www.hgtv.com/changetheworld , click on
VOTE at the right of the screen, click on Baltimore, and then click
SUBMIT YOUR VOTE at the bottom. You can vote once a day, every day
through December 21st.  The website also has a summary of our proposed
projects and a short video.  I encourage you to read and watch.

I announced this at the AIA general membership meeting last Saturday
and received the blessing from those present to send this out to the
members list.

Thanks for your support! --Bonnie Bessor, 412 E. 31st Street
Bonnie Bessor
Executive Director
Rebuilding Together Baltimore

Did you vote today? Remember to vote to bring HGTV to Baltimore.  Go
to www.hgtv.com/changetheworld , click on VOTE and select Baltimore,
then click SUBMIT YOUR VOTE. Vote every day!

You can now donate to us online! Just go to our website
www.RTBaltimore.org and click on  "Donate" at the top of the screen.

Bonnie Bessor
Executive Director
Rebuilding Together Baltimore

Did you vote today? Remember to vote to bring HGTV to Baltimore.  Go
to www.hgtv.com/changetheworld , click on VOTE and select Baltimore,
then click SUBMIT YOUR VOTE. Vote every day!

You can now donate to us online! Just go to our website
www.RTBaltimore.org and click on  "Donate" at the top of the screen.
Members mailing list

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Baltimore wins HGTV contest!!!

2008-01-03 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, Neighbors,

Hurray!  Baltimore won!  We made it in the top four of about ten
competing cities in the HGTV Change the World campaign.

Here is a message that Bonnie Bessor sent to the AIA Members list.

Note the WBAL coverage tonight.

Best wishes,


-- Forwarded message --
From: Bonnie Bessor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jan 3, 2008 12:17 PM
Subject: [AIA Members] Baltimore wins HGTV contest!!!
To: Bonnie Bessor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello friends and supporters of Rebuilding Together Baltimore!  I have
fabulous news for everyone--Thanks to your voting efforts, Baltimore
has been selected as one of the winning cities in HGTV's Change the
World. Start at Home. campaign. The five winning cities were
officially announced during HGTV's coverage of the Rose Parade on New
Year's Day.

Now, with the support of HGTV plus local volunteers and businesses,
Rebuilding Together Baltimore will be able to complete three very
important projects in our community:

1) The home of Ethel Gaither, a retired grandmother who is raising her
grandchildren in her Pen Lucy home.

2) Beautification of empty lots in the Pen Lucy neighborhood.

3) Renovations and handicap accessibility improvements to the
Community Mediation Program, a non-profit organization in the Waverly

Channel 11 (WBAL-TV) will be airing a story on our work with the
Community Mediation Program tonight between 5:00pm and 6:30pm. Be sure
to tune in!

To see more details about the work we will be doing at each work site,
click here to view the Baltimore section of the HGTV Change the
World. Start at Home. site.

Many thanks to all of you who voted and spread the word with your
networks!  Your support made all the difference!

We now begin the process of recruiting volunteers for the projects
mentioned above. The work will occur in April 2008 and will coincide
with our annual Rebuilding Day, during which we will provide repairs
for up to 50 Baltimore-area low-income homeowners.  We are especially
in need of volunteers with plumbing, electrical, carpentry, and
landscaping skills.  If you or anyone you know is interested in
volunteering with us, please contact us at 410-889-2710 or

Thank you again!

Bonnie Bessor
Executive Director
 Rebuilding Together Baltimore
1014 W. 36th Street
Baltimore, MD 21211
f: 443-586-0785

You can now donate to us online! Just go to our website
www.RTBaltimore.org and click on "Donate" at the top of the screen.

Members mailing list

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Zagat survey for Baltimore is open!

2008-01-14 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

A few years ago when Zagat was just starting to cover Baltimore,
I remember a gentleman walking around the Farmer's Market
offering for people to enter the restaurant survey.  I just received
word that next year's survey is on.  Here's the message.



Emil Volcheck,

The Washington DC/Baltimore Restaurants & Shopping Surveys are now

Share your ratings and witty reviews on restaurants you've visited in
the past year in Washington DC & Baltimore.  Complete the online
survey by February 24, 2008 and receive a FREE copy of the 2009
Washington DC & Baltimore Restaurants guide when it's published.

Rate and review the top stores in the Washington DC area, and you'll
be entered in our sweepstakes for a chance to win your own shopping
spree with the grand prize of a $500 Visa gift card or one of five
$100 Visa gift cards.

Keep in mind that you can cast votes any time during the survey
period, but you must SUBMIT YOUR VOTES to get the guide.  You can
return to the ballot to update/add more votes once you have submitted

Thanks for sharing your opinions, and feel free to pass this along to
your friends.


Bon Appetit,
Zagat Survey

If you have any questions, please email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] New bus service to NYC

2008-01-15 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

I noticed that a new discount "luxury" bus service has opened an office
on Charles St.  It's called MVP Bus.  Here's their website:

http://mvpbus.com/  .

They are offering $35 round-trip to New York Penn Station.

The last such discount bus service I heard about, Baltimore
Trails, went defunct a year or so ago.  This seems to be
the same kind of service at the same price.

I'd be interested to hear if anyone tries this out!



Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Susanne Riveles to speak Sunday on Nazi War Resistance

2008-01-15 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

This Sunday morning, our neighbor Susanne Riveles will give an address
at the Baltimore Ethical Society on her research into Nazi war resistance.
I am really looking forward to this talk, and I hope you can attend.
Here is the announcement.


Title: Belated Justice for Nazi Resisters
Where: Baltimore Ethical Society,
   306 W. Franklin St. (in the old Congress Hotel)
When:  10:30 a.m., Sunday, Jan. 20th.

Susanne Riveles will report on contemporary research findings about
Nazi crimes against humanity.  Only since the fall of the Berlin Wall
are new Nazi justice records accessible to researchers in a unified
Germany.  She will describe the organization, work and persecution of
the largest Berlin-based resistance organization fighting the Nazi
regime on numerous fronts.  The members of the group were driven
underground and acted under the permanent threat of being arrested.
Over 200 members were caught, tried by the infamous Peoples Court, and
executed in the last months of World War II.

Susanne Riveles was born in Berlin, and her family suffered severely at
the hands of the Nazis.  Her father was executed for his role in
Resistance activities.  She later earned her Ph.D. in African studies
at Howard University.  Her studies relate the treatment of the people
of Namibia under German colonial rule to the Nazi racially
discriminatory treatment of Jews.  She has worked with Amnesty
International and led the Southern Africa Coordination Group in the
defense of prisoners of Apartheid.  She was Director of the Africa
desk for Lutheran World Relief and was Director of the Education and
Advocacy for International Justice and Human Rights Program for Church
World Service. In those roles she has traveled to Africa, and has
written, testified and advocated to improve conditions for development
and human rights.  She is currently on the Boards of the Abell
Improvement Association (AIA), the Charles Village Community Benefits
District Management Authority, and the International Alliance of Women
(IAW).  She is Regional Vice President for the Americas and Convenor
of the IAW's Commission on Women, Peace and Security.  She is
responsible for the Planning, Land Use, Sanitation and Housing committee
for the AIA.

For more information about the Baltimore Ethical Society, please visit

 http://www.baltimoreethicalsociety.org/  .

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Former CIA Director to speak next week

2008-01-16 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Here is an announcement from the Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs.
If you'd like to come, please let me know as Kathleen and I are members.



The Trustees of the


Cordially Invite You to an Address by




Reception: 5:15 p.m.  Address: 6:00 – 7:10 p.m.



Members: Free of Charge  - Guest of a Member: $10.00  -

Non-Members*: $15.00


The C.I.A.'s responsibility for intelligence to inform national
policy development and decision making is of constant interest to us;
as are, its covert operations which are especially important in an era
of dangerous substate actors.  Dilemmas inherent in its type of work
occasionally dramatically present themselves, as in two matters of the
moment: a national intelligence estimate publicly impacting policy and
the destruction of videotapes of prisoner interrogations which was
possibly a criminal act, perhaps in an attempt to avoid explosive
anti-American propaganda.  Intelligence dilemmas of the moment, covert
requirements, and the rational grounding of American strategy have our
attention.  We are fortunate to have these fundamental and pressing
matters addressed for us by a former Director of Central Intelligence,
R. James Woolsey.

Mr. Woolsey served in the U.S. Government on five different occasions:
Director of Central Intelligence from 1993 to 1995; Ambassador to the
Negotiation on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), Vienna,
1989-1991; Under Secretary of the Navy, 1977-1979; and General Counsel
to the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services, 1970-1973.  He was
also appointed by the President as Delegate at Large to the
U.S.-Soviet Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) and Nuclear and
Space Arms Talks (NST), and served in that capacity on a part-time
basis in Geneva, Switzerland, 1983-1986.  As an officer in the
U.S. Army he was an adviser on the U.S. Delegation to the Strategic
Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), Helsinki and Vienna, 1969-1970.

Mr. Woolsey is a Vice President and officer at Booz Allen Hamilton, is
a managing director of the Homeland Security Fund of Palatine Capital
Group, and has served on the Boards of major companies in the
technology and security fields. He is currently Co-Chairman (with
former Secretary of State George Shultz) of the committee on the
Present Danger and over the years has been a key member of numerous
policy advocacy groups.He has served on many Presidential commissions
including the Rumsfeld Commission (the Ballistic Missile threat), the
Packard Commission (Defense Management), and the Scowcroft Commission
(strategic forces).  He also has served as a trustee of major
educational institutions, including Stanford University and the
Smithsonian Institution. Mr. Woolsey is a frequent contributor of
articles to major publications.

A graduate of Stanford University (1963, with great distinction, Phi
Beta Kappa), an M.A. from Oxford University (Rhodes Scholar,
1963-1965), and an LLB from Yale Law School (1968, Managing Editor of
the Yale Law Journal), with 12 years in government and 22 years in the
practice of law, Mr. Woolsey remains extraordinarily engaged in the
nation's affairs.

It is a pleasure and honor to welcome, Mr. R. James Woolsey, to the Council.

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Liquor license transfer -- special meeting 1/23

2008-01-17 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

I'm forwarding this message that Bonnie Bessor sent to the AIA
membership about a special meeting to discuss a liquor license
transfer off Greenmount Ave.

The would-be owners of this restaurant came to the last AIA membership
meeting to make their case, and I thought I'd share some of my
impressions.  First, they want to put a nice restaurant where the
Antique Attic is.  The Antique Attic just looks like an eyesore to me
-- I've never been in it.  Adding an upscale restaurant would be good
for the Greenmount community.  Second, the owners were very
sympathetic.  They are recent immigrants (Ukrainian, I think?), have
experience in the business, and have some investment capital lined up.
It will take a lot to convert the Antique Attic.  I wish them a lot of

The downside is that they said they want to keep the full liquor
license because you can earn a pretty good profit running a package
store that is open until 2 AM.  AIA Members told the owners that they
didn't want to see another nuisance in the neighborhood.  The owners
said, well, why would we invest so much money turning this into a nice
restaurant if we just wanted to turn a quick buck selling liquor, and
we can't make the business plan work for a nice restaurant if we can't
sell liquor, because the area around Greenmount can't support an
upscale restaurant, just by itself.

I'm ambivalent about this.  It would be unfortunate if the owners are
genuinely responsible and end up not being able to get the loans or
investment they need to start the business because they can't make the
business plan work without liquor sales.  On the other hand, they may
have no clue what they're getting into, might make a mess of it, don't
know about the disaster that was Phaze III, and don't realize that
there's a "burden of proof" on them to earn the trust of the

I'm sending this to both Chat and Discussion.  This might be
sufficiently "political" that we should take further discussion to,
well, the Discussion List.



-- Forwarded message --
From: Bonnie Bessor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jan 16, 2008 10:59 PM
Subject: [AIA Members] Special General Membership Meeting
announcement--Meeting Jan 23 7:00pm
Cc: "Clarke, Mary Pat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Michelle

AIA members--there will be a special general membership meeting
Wednesday January 23, 7:00pm at Changing Directions-422 E. 31st
Street. The meeting has been called by a vote of the AIA Executive
Committee. This meeting is to discuss the transfer of a BD7 Liquor
License to the 415-421 E. 32nd Street and is a follow-up to the
presentation made at the November 2007 AIA general membership meeting
by the owners of the liquor license.

In short, the Liquor Board hearing for the transfer of the license is
scheduled for Thursday January 24th at 3:00pm at City Hall.  A BD7
license is defined as a "tavern" license and allows liquor sales 7
days/week, 6am to 2am, both on premises sales and package good sales.
There is no food service requirement with a BD7 license. The owners of
the license state they want to open a high-end seafood restaurant but
would have free reign to use the full BD7 license if no restrictions
were placed upon the license. The owners have clearly stated that they
want to retain the right to sell package goods.  AIA and the Charles
Village Civic Association have contracted with the Community Law
Center (CLC) to attempt to negotiate a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) with the owners that would place voluntary restrictions on the
license.  There is a chance that the owners will reject the MOU.  The
meeting on Jan 23 is to discuss AIA's general stance and what our
approach will be if the MOU is rejected.

As much of the membership knows, the residents in close proximity to
Greenmount Avenue (this includes me) already experience multiple
disturbances and trash/sanitation issues as a result of the current
liquor selling establishments in the 3100 and 3200 blocks of
Greenmount Avenue. The address where this license is proposed to be
transfered is just off Greenmount Avenue and there is the danger that
the problems will increase if another BD7 license is added to the mix
without restrictions.

We also need residents to attend the Liquor Board hearing on January
24th at 3:00pm if they are available.

Our City Council representative, Mary Pat Clarke, has been working
closely with the community on this issue.

If anyone has any questions about this issue, or the meeting, please
feel free to email me, or call me at 410-916-1062.

Bonnie Bessor
412 E. 31st Street

Members mailing list

Chat mailing list
archive: http:

[Chat] Liquor license will not be transferred!

2008-01-24 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Great news!  The Liquor Board rejected the license
transfer proposed for the Stella Mares restaurant.
Bonnie Bessor sent this to the AIA Members list.


Neighbors and Friends,

I am happy to announce that our community was victorious today at the
Baltimore City Liquor Board hearing!  Our attorney from the Community
Law Center argued that the BD7 license was prohibited in the community
based on the Urban Renewal Plan for the Waverly Business District.
Our attorney moved to dismiss the case and the Liquor Board accepted
the motion to dismiss.  The liquor license WILL NOT be transferred to
415 E. 32nd Street.  There is a slight chance that the other side will
appeal, but it is unlikely.

Many thanks to Michelle Pierce from the Community Law Center, our City
Council Representative Mary Pat Clarke, the Charles Village Civic
Association, the Better Waverly Community Organization, the Waverly
Improvement Association, Waverly Main Street, the Greater Homewood
Community Corporation, and all the community members who attended
meetings and signed petitions for their support in this effort!

Bonnie Bessor
412 E. 31st Street

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Marc Steiner's Blog

2008-02-04 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

I'm going to vent about Marc Steiner getting canned by WYPR on the
Discussion List, as that will not constitute friendly discussion, but
I thought I'd post the link to Marc's new blog here:


so you can get his side of the story.


Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] New owner of Eddie's Gourmet

2008-02-05 Thread Emil Volcheck
The liquor store on Saint Paul, Eddie's Gourmet,
is under new management.  It's being gutted today.
The new owner is Mr. Lucky, owner of the Hopkins
Deli up by University Parkway.  The new name
will be Lady G.

He promised me that he would stock Baltimore beer!


Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Robert Egger to speak at BES 2/17

2008-02-09 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

I want to call your attention to a provocative talk next Sunday at the
Baltimore Ethical Society.  The speaker is Robert Egger, author of the
book "Begging for Change : The Dollars and Sense of Making Nonprofits
Responsive, Efficient, and Rewarding for All".

Title:  "Food Donations Impede the Elimination of Hunger and Poverty"

Speaker:  Robert Egger, Founder & President of the DC Central Kitchen

Time:  Sunday, Feb. 17, 10:30 AM

We must rethink our devotion to food donation. Food programs have
sidetracked efforts to eradicate hunger and poverty; co-dependency
within the system is multifaceted and troubling. Food donors and
recipients are trapped in an ever-expanding web of immediate
gratification that offers the recipients no long-term hope of ever
achieving independence and self-reliance.

For more information, visit

  http://baltimoreethicalsociety.org/Calendar.php  .

Hope to see you there,


Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] "The Wire" podcast, was Fwd: 3/3 News from Marc Steiner and the Center for Emerging Media

2008-03-03 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

If you're a fan of The Wire, don't miss the series of podcast interviews
by Marc Steiner and the Center for Emerging Media.  Each day this
week, CEM is doing an interview with somebody from The Wire.
Kathleen and I just finished listening to Marc's interview with Ed Burns,


producer and writer for the show.  Ed talked about his own background.
He said that when he started working in the Western District, he regarded
it in much the same way as he did as a soldier in Vietnam.  Ed talked
about the message of the show.  Marc asked him why it was that so
often sympathetic characters on the show end up dead.  (Think Deangelo
Barksdale, or Stringer Bell after he tried to get Avon into real estate
and out of drugs.)  Ed replied "If you don't attend to the politics of the
institution you're in, what happens is that you get ground down."
Marc said "Amen to that" and laughed, because in some sense,
that's why he was fired, because he wouldn't go along with the
politics of the Station Manager and Board of Directors.

It's a good interview, about 15 minutes long, MP3 format.


-- Forwarded message --
From: MSteiner Blogger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 12:40 PM
Subject: 3/3 News from Marc Steiner and the Center for Emerging Media

Hello Friends!

We know we've seem quiet lately, but it is only because we've been so
hard at work on a new project!

The series finale of the hit HBO series The Wire is fast approaching.
We know we have a lot of fans in our audience, so we decided to do a
special podcast series about The Wire.  We've sat down with writers,
producers, actors and more in order to put together a special week of
podcasts, leading up to the series finale on March 9th.  Today, we
released the first installment in this podcast series.  It's an
interview with writer and co-producer Ed Burns.  Tomorrow, we'll
release an interview with series creator David Simon.  Later in the
week, you'll be able to hear interviews with some of the most popular
actors on the show, the guy who provided security while filming on
location, and more.
Go here to hear our interview with Ed Burns.

Also, Marc has a new blog post up today.  He's writing about how today
would have been the 15th anniversary of the Marc Steiner Show, and
about the upcoming primaries, the incarceration rate in America, and
more.  Read his thoughts and share your own by clicking the link

We're always eager to hear from you, whether via the blog or email.
Talk to you soon,
Producer, the Center for Emerging Media

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

Re: [Chat] HELP!chat needed

2008-03-18 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hi, Dawna,

I just want to make sure you know that you can access the
Chat List archives here:

http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/  .

This could be handy for doing a quick look at all postings
since your last column.


> Hi all: I just realized that I have a deadline for my current Chat column.  
> Please share any info as soon as you can! thanks, Dawna

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] SECTS & VIOLINS from Single Carrot Theatre

2008-03-18 Thread Emil Volcheck
Tickets are now on sale for Single Carrot Theatre's 4th production of 
the 2007/2008 season:

A Sketch Comedy Show

"The entire place was howling with laughter, and the contact between 
cast and audience was terrific... Tears rolled down my cheeks!"

Navigating through communication breakdowns, innuendos, and societal 
misinterpretations, this comedy-cocktail hits you in a series of short, 
hilarious bursts. Speaking of cocktails, SCT will be serving free beer 
and wine to audience members with a valid ID, ensuring your night with 
us will be a special one. And the best part is, when you're with us, you 
won't need to imagine anyone else.

Load of Fun (At Single Carrot's brand new, intimate theatre space)
120 W. North Ave
Baltimore, MD
loadoffun.net for directions and parking

March 13th-29th
Thursdays at 7:30
Fridays at 7:30
Saturdays at 2:30 and 7:30


$10 for Students, Artists, and Seniors
$12 for Adults
Free drinks with a valid ID


"Single Carrot Theatre, the group of recent college graduates who 
conducted a nationwide search before relocating its theater troupe to 
Charm City, has talent, verve, audacity and imagination."  -The 
Baltimore Sun

Single Carrot Theatre Media Relations

Brendan Ragan
Director of PR
Giti Lynn
Director of Audience Development


Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Lyceum Founder to speak at BES Sunday

2008-03-21 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

You may have seen flyers for the Village Lyceum, which
will be offering courses starting next month, in cooperation
with the Village Learning Place.  Their website is

   http://lyceumproject.com/BaltimoreLyceum/bmdMain.html  .

David O'Donaghue, founder of the Lyceum Project and neighbor
of ours, will be speaking this Sunday at the Baltimore Ethical
Society at 10:30 AM.  Here is the description for his talk:

American Idealism at its Best: The Lyceum Movement, 1830-1860

By David O'Donaghue, Psy.D.


The Democratic system requires both an educated populace and public
forums in which to grapple with issues. David O’Donaghue, the founder
and director of the Baltimore Lyceum, will explore how the Lyceum
Movement met these objectives through the establishment of local
educational centers, sponsoring such speakers as Ralph Waldo Emerson,
Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, and Nathaniel Hawthorne on
lecture circuits around the country. He will also tell us about his
experience in continuing this tradition by re-establishing lyceums in
the mountains of North Carolina, in New Orleans and now in Baltimore.

David O'Donaghue, Psy.D. spent the first 15 years of his working life
as a psychologist. He then chose to return to school to do doctoral
work in philosophy, concentrating on the influence of German
philosophy on transcendentalism and adult education. David is the
founder and director of the Baltimore Lyceum.

Where: Baltimore Ethical Society, 306 W. Franklin St.
in the Old Congress Hotel

When: Sunday, 3/23, 10:30 AM

I hope to see some of you there.



Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Book Thing needs our help

2008-03-23 Thread Emil Volcheck
I'm forwarding this note that Tweefie sent to the Discussion List,
and I heartily urge you to help!   --Emil

Please, all
Remember that  THE BOOK THING is currently in financial crisis -
Its wonderful to give volunteer time and unwanted books,
but the bank holding the balloon payment mortgage only wants cold hard cash.

Please consider giving even a small cash donation before the April
First (04/01/08 )

The BOOK THING is a treasure of our community, lets help it stay open !!!


Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Public Meeting to Save WYPR on 3/27

2008-03-26 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

I'm forwarding this announcement on behalf of Max Obuszewski
and Maria Allwine, who are working with the campaign to Save WYPR.



The Save WYPR Movement is hosting a public meeting on Thurs., March 27
at 7 PM at St. John’s, 27th & St. Paul Sts.  ARE YOU STILL OUTRAGED

Community backlash to the termination of THE MARC STEINER SHOW has
been significant and ongoing. The fundraising drive originally
scheduled for February was pushed back to April 2 due to public

We will discuss our alternative pledge drive (sign a pledge not to
contribute to WYPR), as well as ongoing efforts to take back WYPR from
the moneyed interests.  We need your input and ideas. Contact Maria
Allwine at 443-762-0892 or Max Obuszewski at 410-366-1637.

Go to www.savesteinershow.com, www.BringBackMarcSteiner.com or

Donations can be sent to the Baltimore Nonviolence Center,
325 E. 25th St., Baltimore, MD 21218.  Ph: 410-366-1637;
Email: mobuszewski [at] verizon.net

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Thir-tea First Street Tea Room closed!

2008-03-26 Thread Emil Volcheck
I was dismayed to see that the ThirTea First Street Tea Room
has closed!  Their website is still up:


But there is a sign out front saying that they are closed
for good and thanking their customers.

Does anyone know what happened?



Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

Re: [Chat] DSL

2008-03-29 Thread Emil Volcheck

I use Speakeasy DSL too.  When I did comparison shopping
years ago, Speakeasy gave a better deal than Verizon.  These days,
I hear Verizon's DSL has improved, and it is cheaper than Speakeasy.
However, Speakeasy has good service.  The few times I've called,
I've never struggled to reach a knowledgeable tech support person.

I just checked the Verizon DSL website, and I was annoyed to find
that they give only their discount rates for the first year of
service.  In the fine print below, it reads "Rate increases after
first year."  And you also have to get Verizon voice service.

I haven't tried to comparison shop lately, in part because
I'm reluctant to switch and have to talk to an idiot in
first line tech support.


jberlin wrote:
> *my provider on internet services, balto county pub library will no 
> longer offer the service. they are strictly dial up.
> i am finally forced to seek a DSL provider. any recommendations?
> thanks.
> judy
> *
> ___
> Chat mailing list
> Chat@charlesvillage.info
> http://charlesvillage.info/mailman/listinfo/chat_charlesvillage.info
> archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] CityLit Festival on 4/19

2008-04-07 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

The fifth annual CityLit festival is Saturday, April 19th,
at the Enoch Pratt main library.  If you leave the Mayor's
Cleanup early, you can hear Michael Olesker at noon speak
about the general decline of local TV broadcast news in
his talk titled: "Tonight at Six: A Daily Show Masquerading
as Local TV News".

At 1 PM, Laura Lippman will be on a panel titled
"Baltimore's Literati".

The program is here:


and the CityLit homepage is here:

http://www.citylitproject.org/  .



Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Beer History and Appreciation tomorrow 4/9

2008-04-10 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Tomorrow, April 9, from 7 to 9 PM, the Village Learning Place will
host a program on
"Beer History and Appreciation".

Discover the history of brewing & drinking, the geography of ales,
legends & lore,
plus beer & cheese pairings!  Presented by Nick Nichols, the
"Baltimore Beertrekker."

Bring a glass and a 6-pack of your favorite microbrew for sharing and tasting!

The VLP is at 2521 St. Paul Street, phone number: (410) 235-2210 .


Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Zipcars in Charles Village

2008-04-12 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Here is where you can apply to join Zipcar,
the car-sharing program:


*  Drive from $9/hr and $66/day
* $50 annual fee
* $25 one-time application fee

Any member of the public can sign up
for the JHU location, not necessarily
JHU Affiliates.

My neighbor Cheryl was in the JHU Flexcar
program before the merger with Zipcar,
and she confirms that the above rates listed on the
Zipcar website are current.


Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Neighborhood Walker training at 7 PM (4/17)

2008-04-16 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

The next training session for neighborhood walkers is
at 7 PM today Thursday (4/17) at the CVCBDMA office at 2434 Saint Paul St.

Here is a Google calendar link:


Best wishes,


Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Open house at Strand Theater this PM

2008-04-20 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

As I was driving up Charles St., I passed the new Strand Theater
and noticed a sign: they are having an open house this afternoon,
from 4 to 7 PM.  Here's the announcement from their website at

http://www.strandtheatercompany.org/  .

They are at 1823 N. Charles, close to North Ave., two doors
down from the Lo-Fi Social Club.


Open House

April 20th, 2008 from 4pm-7pm the Strand will host a coming out party
to the theater community, the neighborhood, and future patrons.

The event will include food and drink provided by the Club
Charles/Zodiac, performances by Single Carrot, BIG Improv, and Love
the Poet, music by Baby Aspirin, and free playwrighting and acting
class demonstrations.

The Strand will announce its 2008-2009 season at the event.

The event is completely free!


They were still busy getting the place ready, so I could only get a
peek inside, but it looks quite nice inside.  The wood floor looked
gorgeous, a rich dark brown, and it smelled newly coated with sealant.


Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] EcoFestival Saturday

2008-04-24 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

This Saturday is Baltimore's EcoFestival.  Here's
the website:


and I include some of that page below.


Baltimore Green Week kicks off with Baltimore's premier green event
EcoFestival on April 26th, 2008, as a celebration of our regional
environment. Attendees will find fun family events and resources that
promote sustainable living. Held in Druid Hill Park, near the
Woodberry light rail stop, bus lines and Jones Falls trail, the
EcoFestival will include workshops, demonstrations, vendors with
sustainable products, healthy food, music and art.

Location: Druid Hill Park by the Reservoir (DIRECTIONS)
Date:  Saturday, April 26th (raindate – Sunday April 27th)
Time: 11am – 5pm

NOTE: There will be limited parking.  We will have shuttles and marked
hiking/biking trails to and from the EcoFestival @ the Woodberry Light
Rail Station.

Highlights of EcoFestival 2008 day include:

* Exhibitors and Vendors– over a 100 exhibitors and Vendors are
  expected again for this year's EcoFestival with information on
  green businesses, products, issues and communities. The deadline
  to reserve EcoFestival vendor or exhibitor space is April 22nd!
  To register, complete the CONTACT US form and download the 2008
  ECOFESTIVAL PACKET. For specific EcoFestival information email

* Music- This year's line-up includes Caleb Stine and the
  Brakeman and many more local bands. Music starts at 11am and
  runs until the end of the Festival.

* Food – Local restaurants and natural food providers will be
  selling delicious food and refreshments.  These include
  Atwater's, Chipotle, Yabba Pot, Propa Falafel and Bluebird

* EcoKids – NEW FOR 2008! Children in Nature Area- Hooked on
  Nature has created an organic experience for youth and their
  parents!  Come, build a hut, play with water or build a
  butterfly or visit exhibitors such as the Carrie Murray Nature
  Center and the Irvine Nature Center to visit live animals and
  learn about your environment. The festival includes fun and
  educational programs for kids!

* Wellness Area – Baltimore's health and wellness community will
  be here including yoga studios, acupuncturist, message
  therapist, and others. Come start your day with a 108 Sun
  Salutations at 11am (printable flyer)!

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Clayton's Books is closing

2008-05-03 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Clayton's Fine Books on Charles St. is closing in November.
I spoke to the owner when I visited the store last week.
Their lease is up in December, and they just aren't doing
enough business to stay in Baltimore.  They're moving to
Shepherdstown, WV.  He'll continue to sell books online
through the Advanced Book Exchange:


It's a shame that such a nice shop in such a nice location
can't make it.  But this is a tough business, with so much
happening online.

So if you happen to want to buy any back issues of the
"American Mercury", you can do it at 317 N. Charles St.
by the end of November, in time for holiday shopping!


Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Strong deeds, gentle words

2008-05-05 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

I never realized that Maryland's State Motto is in Italian
and can be translated as "strong deeds, gentle words" or
"manly deeds, womanly words."

Wikipedia has a nice entry that includes a discussion of
disagreements over sexist translations:


I was in for jury duty last week, and it occurred to me
that I could Google the Italian words inscribed in the
wall of the courtroom.


Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] suspicious "security salesman" sighted

2008-05-09 Thread Emil Volcheck
[Tweefie asked me to forward this.  Steve Gewirtz also encountered
this character.  --Emil]

Earlier this evening, (Fri)  Judy Berlin encountered a young man with
a clip board
who identified himself as being from Honeywell, (and the name Apex was
mentioned also)
he claimed to be taking down addresses for the purpose of addressing
home security.

Later that same evening the same man came and knocked on my door - at 8:30 pm -
and showed me some kind of ID  - (it was too dark for me to see, and I
didnt open my storm door) He gave me the same line about
honeywell/apex security systems.
I told him I had everything I needed, and he wandered off down the street.

Judy and I called the police, who couldnt do much - but the officer
did set off to look for the gentleman.

The man in question is a clean cut caucasian, mid 20's or so - small
to medium build,
dark hair - He was wearing a tan windbreaker type jacket, and a blue
baseball cap.
He was wearing an ID on a chain around his neck.

Not sure what his game is, but it cant be good.  Even if he really is
trying to sell security systems, a reliable and reputable company isnt
going to send some guy out door to door
at night.  Be careful.

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Server outage last weekend

2008-06-05 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Last Friday, a fire broke out in the data center
where my websites are hosted.  All my sites
went completely down, including CharlesVillage.info,
and any mail sent to the Chat or Discussion
mailing lists would have been lost.  The sites
were back up on Tuesday.

I'm sorry for any inconvenience -- this was
a rare event.  If you tried to reach the lists
between Friday and Tuesday and have not
seen your message posted, please send
it again.



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archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Break-ins on 3000 block of Guilford

2008-06-08 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

There were three break-ins early Friday
morning into 3040, 3042, and 3046-48 Guilford,
in the wee hours between 3-6 AM.

The burglars seem like they were professionals.  They entered our
house through a third-story window in the rear, which we hadn't
locked.  They entered the Olson's through an 18-inch opening at the
top of their front window at about a height of 6 feet and jumped down
inside.  The window had locks to prevent it from being opened wider.
We think this means there was probably more than one person, that one
of the thieves was probably of small stature, and that they are pretty

Kathleen and I lost over $5000 worth, mostly electronics.  They
thieves came into our bedroom and took Kathleen's jewelry box while we
were sleeping.  We didn't hear a thing probably because we had fans
running, which are loud and make it difficult to hear much.  The
thieves also took some documents.  They took a pile of copies of
checks made out to the House Rabbit Society by people who bought
supplies or made donations.  About a hundred people are exposed to
potential identity theft, since the thieves have their names,
addresses, bank account, and routing numbers.

The thieves didn't break any glass or use much force to enter.  We
think we could have avoided being robbed if we had kept the
air-conditioning on and kept our windows locked.  That's what we're
doing now.

Please be careful everyone.


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archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Marc Steiner to speak at VLP Saturday

2008-06-11 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

At 3 PM this Saturday (6/14) at the Village Learning Place,
Marc Steiner will give a lecture titled

"Marc Steiner: The Rest of the Story"

The Village Learning Place is at 2521 Saint Paul St.,
and their website is

http://villagelearningplace.org/  .

A donation of $10 is requested.



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archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Report on security meeting on Guilford Ave.

2008-06-26 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Cheryl McDuffie sent me a report on the security meeting organized
by Dana Moore in the wake of the burglaries on the 3000 block
of Guilford.  I'd like to thank Cheryl for this detailed report.

On a lighter note: from 4:30 - 6:00 pm this afternoon (6/26),
there is a beer tasting at Lady G's (formerly Eddie's Gourmet Shoppe)
on the 3100 block of Saint Paul.  They are providing samples
of four beers from Fordham brewery of Annapolis and Dover, DE.
Think Global, Drink Local!




Northern District Officer O'Donnell met with us on Sunday, June 22nd
to discuss safety and security issues in our block.  During the
meeting, Officer O'Donnell gave us his cell phone number: 443-690-7144
and said that we could contact him at any time with any safety
concerns.  Officer O'Donnell is specifically assigned to our area and
is on patrol from 4 pm to 1 am.

Officer O'Donnell provided us with an update on the recent break-ins.
He believes they are the work of Jerome "The Fly" Owens, who is also a
neighborhood resident (but not close to our block).  The Fly was
arrested last year for burglaries in the 300 block of University
Parkway, was sentenced to 18 years, served 6 months and was released.
The police are currently looking for him.  Officer O'Donnell passed
around a photo of The Fly and asked us to call him if we see him.  The
Fly is known to be a drug user and burglarizes homes to support his
habit.  His M.O. is to enter through the 2nd and 3rd story windows
because they are usually unlocked.  As some of you are aware, he knows
how to be extremely quiet during the commission of his crimes.

We also discussed the young woman who approached several residents
last week, saying she was out of gas and needed money so she could get
home.  Officer O'Donnell stated that residents should never give money
to strangers or panhandlers.

Officer O'Donnell also stated that the police have an arrangement with
the gas stations in the area whereby stranded motorists can obtain one
gallon of gas in order to get home.  The motorist must present their
driver's license at the station and allow the attendant to copy their
information, they then will be provided with one gallon of gas, in a
can, if necessary.

He also recommended that we call the police to confront any suspicious
individuals or groups in the neighborhood.  He also gave us
information on the new Summer Curfew for children under 16.  If
children are seen on the streets after 11 pm, the police should be
called to detain them and return them to the custody of their parents.

Some residents stated a reluctance to call the police because they
were afraid of having to provide their names.  Office O'Donnell will
see that everyone listed on the meeting sign-up sheet receives a block
watchers number which will allow telephone calls to the police to be
made anonymously.

Mary Pat Clarke also attended the meeting and reiterated her concern
for the safety of our neighborhood.  Prior to the meeting, she had a
survey of the streets and alleys performed to assess the lighting
levels and need for trimming of trees and shrubbery to improve
visibility and security.  The survey results are attached to this
email.  Ms. Clarke also encouraged residents to purchase porch lights
for their homes.  Officer O'Donnell will make inquiries of local
hardware stores about the various types of porch lights available and
whether residents can purchase them at a discount.

The Citizens on Patrol program was also discussed.  Officer O'Donnell
says this program is very effective in reducing crime in the
neighborhoods.  He encouraged residents to join the program and passed
out flyers listing the weekly walks and contact information for those
wishing to participate.

Additional items discussed at the meeting included:

a) setting up a "court watch" for cases involving neighborhood
residents.  Updates on cases, as well as court dates, are posted
online through the "judicial information system".  Dana Moore is to
send out information on how to access this website in the near future.
Ms. Clarke stated that it would be helpful for a group of residents to
attend the proceedings of cases involving our neighborhood.

b) meetings held with security officials from Hopkins and Union
Memorial at the Charles Village Benefits District office on Fridays at
9 am.  Anyone interested is welcome to attend.


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archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Talking with Steiner, part I

2008-07-09 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

If you missed Marc Steiner's talk at the Village Learning Place,
you can catch up with some notes that I prepared with the
help of Gregg Mosson, webmaster for the Save WYPR blog:

http://savewypr.wordpress.com/  .

This appears in two parts, with the first focusing on objectivity
in the media.  Part 2 will appear next week.

Best wishes,


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archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Talking with Marc Steiner, part 2

2008-07-27 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Gregg Mosson, who runs the Save WYPR blog, has published
the second part of my notes on Marc Steiner's lecture at the VLP:



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Re: [Chat] Fwd: My lost pet Wally, a red/orange tabby cat

2008-08-14 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, all,

I've posted the announcement for Wally here:

  http://charlesvillage.info/Documents/2008/MISSING.wally.mdspca.doc .


P.S. Sorry for the delay.  Some folks still use dial-up, so I don't
want large attachments to interfere with them receiving mail.

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 4:31 PM, Kathleen Hruska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please post this message from one of my Abell neighbors.  Wally is quite the 
> sweetie, but shy.
> Thank you,
> Kathleen

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[Chat] Two Sisters Grille; Signatures

2008-08-19 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

I'm sorry to see two businesses in the neighborhood have folded.

Two Sisters Grille seems to have suddenly vanished.  There's
no sign posted, and their number is disconnected.  Does anybody
know what happened?  Kathleen and I had Sunday brunch there
several times, and business seemed good when we were there.

The stationery store Signatures, by the Village Lofts, has also closed.
I noticed a sign for a clearance sale, and then they were gone.
It was a nice little shop, and I did buy cards there a few times.
However, I wondered if stationery alone could sustain a business.
Some of you may remember the Shops at Homewood, run by
Marty Brock.  She had a combination store that had garden supplies,
gifts, as well as stationery.  That looked viable to me.  Marty always
said that the stationery sold pretty well.  It's too bad the fiasco
over the Olmstead means that she'll probably never get her
business back.  (When the Olmstead was built, she was supposed
to get affordable store rental space.)


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[Chat] lost wallets found on roof of garage

2008-08-19 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Some of you may have heard that Kathleen and I, as well
as some neighbors, were victims of a burglary in early June.
Last week, our neighbors the Olsons had some workers
doing repairs to the roof of their garage.  They discovered
our wallets on the roof!  The crew was not surprised.  They
said this happens "all the time".  Thieves commonly ditch
wallets, purses, etc. on top of a roof, they said.

I hope none of you readers ever need this information
for future reference.


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Re: [Chat] Two Sisters Grille; Signatures

2008-08-20 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, Andre,

Likewise the problem for Signatures.  Lisa Belman told me
"unfortunately the economics of it weren't coming together".

I wonder if these businesses are casualties of the recession,
except that it doesn't seem like there's any downturn in
Charles Village, apart from housing.


On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 11:08 AM, Andre Barnett
> Hi,
> I know the story of Two Sisters and it's not complicated, they just couldn't 
> financially make it.  Rising costs and too few customers.
> Andre
> _
> Get thousands of games on your PC, your mobile phone, and the web with 
> Windows(R).
> http://clk.atdmt.com/MRT/go/108588800/direct/01/

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Re: [Chat] This is Outrageous!

2008-08-20 Thread Emil Volcheck
At 2:25 AM, they are still jackhammering... I called 311
and they said they would send an officer.  A neighbor
told me that for a water line they should work during the
day, and only for a gas leak should they work at night.

Sleeplessly yours at 3040 Guilford,


2008/8/21 David O'Donaghue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> At 1:30am Wednesday night the Water Department of the City of Baltimore
> started jackhammering outside my window at 3045 Guilford. The leak in the
> water main had been observed and reported over 30 hours before this and no
> one came out. I called the non-emergency police and they would do nothing.
> They said it was an emergency. No one came when it was called in so it
> wasn't considered an emergency at the time and they had all day on Wednesday
> to address the problem during daylight hours and no one was here. A
> complaint tomorrow is not going to help me get any sleep tonight. Is there
> nothing we can do? Sleepless in Baltimore, David O'Donaghue

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[Chat] Defender's Day; September the 11th

2008-09-11 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

On this day, September the 11th, 231 years ago,
General George Washington was defeated by
General William Howe at the Battle of the Brandywine:


This was a crucial battle of the Revolutionary War
and this defeat led to the occupation of Philadelphia
by British forces.

On this day, 194 years ago, the British landed near
North Point and began an advance on Baltimore.
The Battle of North Point was fought the next day.
The British siege on Fort McHenry and the Battle
of Baltimore began on September 13th.

Tomorrow we celebrate Defender's Day to commemorate
the American victory.

And on this day, seven years ago, was the terrorist
attack that we all think of when we hear "9/11".

It's an interesting coincidence that our nation has had
at least three eventful 9/11's.


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Re: [Chat] [Discussion] Three words: Iggies for pizza!

2008-10-01 Thread Emil Volcheck

I agree!  Iggie's is now my favorite place for pizza.
I like the Pizza Alice, which is a pesto "white pizza".

They are BYOB.  They also devote some portion
of their sales to worthy causes.


On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 6:10 PM, Private Person <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good.  Clean.  Fun.
> www.iggiespizza.com
> Peace,
> Dorrie in Waverly

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[Chat] Planning Association names Charles Village as Great Neighborhood!

2008-10-08 Thread Emil Volcheck
The American Planning Association (APA) has named Charles Village as
one of their ten Great Neighborhoods of 2008.  The citation reads as follows:

  Given the neighborhood's strong and dedicated activist community,
  economic and social diversity, and memorable character enhanced
  by designs from the renowned Olmsted Brothers firm, APA has named
  Charles Village as one of 10 Great Neighborhoods in America for 2008.

You can read the full story here:

  http://www.planning.org/greatplaces/neighborhoods/2008/charlesvillage.htm  .

What great news!

(Thanks to Dana Moore and Salem Reiner for this news item.)


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[Chat] House Rabbit Society celebrates 20 years!

2008-10-08 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Many of you know that my wife Kathleen is involved in rabbit
rescue.  She founded the Maryland-DC-NoVA Chapter of
the House Rabbit Society fourteen years ago, right here in
Charles Village.  They have rescued close to 1000 rabbits.

You may not know that Kathleen serves as President
of the national House Rabbit Society.  The HRS has
headquarters in Richmond, CA, with over 20 chapters
in the US and international chapters in Canada and Italy.
(She does this on top of her day job at Hopkins as
a breast cancer research specialist.)

This year, the HRS celebrates its 20th anniversary.
They have rescued over 20,000 rabbits throughout
the US since they began.  This Sunday, the local
chapter is celebrating the national's 20th anniversary.
Check out their website:

http://www.rabbitsinthehouse.org/20anniver.html  .

If you see Kathleen, congratulate her on what her
organization has done to improve the lives of so
many rabbits, and of their people too!


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archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] LWV Voter Guide 2008

2008-10-22 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

If you'd like to educate yourself to prepare for elections,
check out the League of Women Voter's Voter Guide:

http://www.lwvmd.org/baltcity/VoterGuide2008General.pdf  .

It's non-partisan and has a good discussion of ballot issues,
esp. slot machines.


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Re: [Chat] moving our cars by 6Am tomorrow - what's going on?

2008-11-07 Thread Emil Volcheck

I don't know what's up.

It's a known problem that the City posts notices, and if you're
travelling, you're screwed.

Does anyone know about this?


On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 1:35 PM, David O'Donaghue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Emil, i walked out today and just happen to see a notice that all cars need
> to be removed from the block by 6am tomorrow or else they would be towed and
> it was by order the the Baltimore Police. I called the police and they had
> no record of this and could not tell me who issued the order. I pay for a
> permit to park in front of my house. I am very concerned that if I was
> traveling or just did not see this notice my care would end up being towed.
> I buy a parking permit to defend against such things. I have spoken to
> neighbors who had no idea what is going on and would not have moved their
> vehicles had I not told them about it. This is crazy. Do you know what is
> going on? Can you post this on the chat list? I think we need to complain
> about this to the mayor's office. David

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[Chat] Update on the Olmsted

2008-11-11 Thread Emil Volcheck
[Here's an update on the Olmsted apartments from Dana Moore. --Emil]

For those of you who continue to ponder whether the SBER work at
the Olmsted site will really get done, be advised that it is
being done RIGHT NOW!

For those of you who like to watch things get pushed around, walk
over to the intersection of 33rd and St. Paul Street to watch it
with your own eyes.

A number of you have written to say "thank you" for getting the
work done.  The thanks go to many good neighbors who care a
lot (no pun intended) about Charles Village.  I know a run a huge
risk when I start naming names but, here are a few folks whom I
know have been involved in making this change happen TODAY!

Councilwoman Mary Pat Clarke
Councilman Jack Young
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, City Council President
Andy Frank, Baltimore City Deputy Mayor
Salem Reiner, JHU
Sandy Sparks, CVCA Board Member, Charles Village PUD Member

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[Chat] Holiday Artisan Market

2008-11-11 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Tomorrow Wednesday Nov. 12th, from 7-9 PM,
the Village Learning Place will hold their annual
Holiday Artisan Market.  Arts and crafts will be
available for sale, including jewelry, wood, glass,
fiber, and clay.  A portion of all proceeds will go
to the VLP.

The VLP is at 2521 Saint Paul St.


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[Chat] Living a little greener

2008-11-15 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Kathleen and I did two things recently that are helping
us to heat our house more efficiently.  First, we had BGE Home
install a programmable digital thermostat.  We programmed
this to turn the heat down during the middle of the day and
much of the night.  Another advantage is that it's much easier
to read the display (large LCD digits with green illumination),
so we're less likely to push the temperature up as high
as we sometimes did when we felt cold and pushed the
pointer/lever on the old analog thermostat too high.
Second, we had security doors installed that insulate
like storm doors.  We had been thinking about getting storm
doors, but the price discouraged us.  Since our house is old,
the doors would have to be custom fit, and we were looking
at $700-$800 each for our back door and the door to our second
floor deck.  In June, a burglar stole a lot from us, and that pushed
us to act.  Officer O'Donnell recommended the company WEACO.
They installed security doors that cost about $1000 each.
This is not a lot more than plain storm doors, and they feel
like they are insulating about as well as I would have expected
storm doors to do.  WEACO also installed bars on our rear
second and third story windows.  They are tasteful, painted
white, with ornamentation.  It looks as good as I could have hoped,
given that they are bars on our windows.

We went to the Green Festival in DC last weekend and heard
a talk by Alisa Gravitz, Executive Director of Co-op America,
soon to be renamed "Green America".  She said that their
organization has been working closely with the Obama Transition
Team on a "massive deployment" of solar power.  This could
include new federal tax credits for residential solar power
installation.  There were two companies at the fair who install
solar arrays at residences: Chesapeake Solar and
Aurora Energy.  Chesapeake Solar has done a few installations
on rowhouses in Baltimore, and they described what they do.
Rowhouses are separated by brick walls that rise a foot or
two above the roofs.  They place an I-beam to support most
of the weight of the solar array on the brick walls, with supports
on the roof in-between.  They can do a 4 kilowatt photovoltaic (PV)
array, which generates just electricity (not to heat water).  They
need only cut a small hole in the roof to run down a power
cable.  In Maryland, you can buy from BGE a "smart meter"
which is reversible.  That means if you feed back power into
the grid, the meter counts down, effectively paying you for the
power you contribute at the same retail rate at which you buy
power.  This means you can sell power back to BGE during
the day when you're not using it.  The State of Maryland will
pay about a quarter of the cost, so about $10,000 on a $40,000
array.  We're hopeful that there will be a new federal tax
credit to make this even easier to buy.  By way of comparison,
the State of Massachusetts pays 2/3-rds the cost of a home
solar array.

Washington Gas and Electric had a table at the Green Festival
too.  You can switch to them from BGE and get 100 percent
of your household power generated from wind, at an additional
cost of about 2 to 2.5 cents per kilowatt-hour.

I find all this quite exciting!  Kathleen and I are seriously considering
taking advantage of low interest rates to buy a solar array
for our house.


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[Chat] Talk on Brown v. Board of Education, 54 years later

2008-11-28 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

This Sunday morning, the Baltimore Ethical Society will
host an address by a University of Baltimore professor
on school desegregation.

The history behind Brown v. Board of Education is truly
amazing.  I recently learned about one example that
helps demonstrate how Thurgood Marshall and
NAACP colleagues laid the groundwork for Brown v. Board
of Education very carefully.  For instance, they used
Plessy v. Ferguson ("separate but equal") to win
the admission of black students to Poly by arguing that
Baltimore had only one elite engineering high school
and that the city could afford only one.  Therefore,
in the absence of an equal alternative, blacks must
be admitted to Poly.  That was one of the cases
that led to Brown v. Board of Education.

This Sunday's talk should be a good one.  I've
appended the description below, and you can find
descriptions of other talks here:

http://baltimoreethicalsociety.org/Calendar.php  .




Brown at 54: New Challenges of the Hardening of the Categories

by Lenneal J. Henderson, Professor of Government and Public
Administration, University of Baltimore

A trail of cases led to Brown v Board of Education Supreme Court
Decision and to today's controversies in educational equity,
especially the recent Supreme Court school decisions in Louisville and
Seattle in 2007 that are radically redefining the Brown
landscape. This platform discusses the shift in demographic,
socioeconomic, and educational context and content of school
segregation; the shift from rights to resources and the problem of
equitable public school financing; and battles over curriculum and
tracking, including the disproportionate number of non-white students
in special education and learning disability tracks and the quality of
education about issues of multiculturalism and diversity.

Speaker bio:

Lenneal J. Henderson is Distinguished Professor of Government and
Public Administration and Senior Fellow at the William Donald Schaefer
Center for Public Policy and a Senior Fellow in the Hoffberger Center
for Professional Ethics at the University of Baltimore where he was
formerly a Henry C. Welcome Fellow. Dr. Henderson has been a
consultant to federal, state, and local government, the corporate
sector, and the nonprofit sector for more than thirty years in the
areas of housing, education policy, energy management, environmental
policy, and public management. He recently completed service as
Interim Provost and Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs at North
Carolina Central University in Durham. He is the author or editor of
four books and forty-two articles. He received his A.B., M.A., and
Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Berkeley.

10:30 AM, Sunday, November 30th

Baltimore Ethical Society,
306 W. Franklin St.
(The Old Congress Hotel)

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[Chat] Baltimore Car Share -- sign up!

2008-11-29 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

Today's Sun reports on an initiative by the City to create
a nonprofit car sharing service.  If you're interested, please
sign up for information here:


It asks for your street address.  We should pump their
site full of Charles Village addresses to make sure they
consider our neighborhoods when planning where to start.

Best wishes,


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archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] stolen packages from porch

2008-12-10 Thread Emil Volcheck
Hello, neighbors,

I had a package stolen off our porch last week.
It seems like this has been happening to others
as well.  I've appended a note from Dana Moore.
When I reorder the item, I'll ask for signature
delivery, or for it to be held somewhere.

The last time we had a package stolen from our
porch was a year ago December.  I guess it's
the holidays!

I really ought to make a police report as well.



Good morning everyone.

I received the following note last night from one of our neighbors.
Seems as though the old trick of following the mailman (or woman, or
FedEx guy/gal, or UPS gal/guy) and then picking packages placed
on porches has returned.  Please be aware of the potential for "lost"
packages delivered and left on your porch.

If you are expecting a package to be delivered to your home and know
that you will not be there to receive it, consider asking that it be
held at the post (UPS, FedEx) office for you to pick up.  Another
option might be to ask a neighbor to be on the lookout for deliveries
and to pick up your packages for you.  Though not convenient for most
of us who are working, it might make sense to arrange to be at home on
the day a delivery is expected.

As always, if you see suspicious persons on your porch or that of your
neighbor, especially somebody dressed as Santa Claus or Rudolph, do
not hesitate to call 911 to report a suspicious person.

If you have other ideas on how to reduce the risk of becoming a victim
to this type of crime please send it to me by email.  I'll share it
with the Charles Village email group.


Dana Moore

Emil Volcheck

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