[Chicken-users] salmonella + test egg failure

2019-01-28 Thread lundi


Trying to lint my work-in-progress egg with salmonella. Got a 
tests/run.scm set up with some tests, using Alex Shinn's test egg. I can 
run my test code in csi, but not with salmonella. From salmonella.log:

Error: (import) during expansion of (import ...) - cannot import from 
undefined module: test

I have (use my-module test) at the start of my run.scm. Using Chicken 4 
on Gentoo. How do I fix this?

Thanks in advance,

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] salmonella + test egg failure

2019-01-28 Thread lundi

Thanks Mario, that does indeed fix the issue.

Now I see that it's even mentioned in
My apologies for failing to rtfm.

Best wishes,

On 1/28/19 11:19 PM, Mario Domenech Goulart wrote:


On Mon, 28 Jan 2019 23:02:23 +0100 lundi wrote:

Trying to lint my work-in-progress egg with salmonella. Got a
tests/run.scm set up with some tests, using Alex Shinn's test egg. I
can run my test code in csi, but not with salmonella. From

Error: (import) during expansion of (import ...) - cannot import from
undefined module: test

I have (use my-module test) at the start of my run.scm. Using Chicken
4 on Gentoo. How do I fix this?

Salmonella builds eggs it tests on an initially empty local egg
repository to be able to detect missing dependencies in egg metadata

So, I'd guess you probably need

   (test-depends test)

in your .meta file.

All the best.

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] hahn/salmonella issues

2019-01-29 Thread lundi


A new day, some new questions. First up, Chicken version is 4.13.0.

For my wip egg, I'm trying to auto-generate docs with hahn.
This works fine as far as running hahn from command line is concerned. 
However, things fail when trying to invoke hahn through salmonella via 

My .meta contains (depends hahn) and my .setup looks pretty much like in 
the example given on the hahn eggref. Running salmonella generates no

.wiki file. Checking salmonella.log reveals:

Error: (require) cannot load extension: alist-lib
Call history:
bin/hahn.scm:3: ##sys#require <--
Warning: Documentation not generated: shell command failed with nonzero 
exit status 17920:

  hahn -o xmkit.wiki xmkit.scm
This may be because hahn-utils is not installed.

Obviously hahn-utils is installed, otherwise I couldn't run hahn from 
command line. So let's check that alist-lib. chicken-install alist-lib 
gives me:

The following installed extensions are outdated, because `alist-lib' 
requires later versions:

  hahn (0.5.3 -> 0.9.3)

Do you want to replace the existing extensions? (yes/no/abort) [no]

Uh, what? Ok, let's replace hahn. Afterwards I also need to reinstall 
hahn-utils because "updating" hahn appearantly removes it. Now, running 
salmonella again still results in the same error. And likewise, another 
chicken-install alist-lib will still complain about hahn being outdated.

Note that alist-lib is actually installed and usable from csi.

So, any way I can get out of this loop? Am I missing anything?

I'm not subscribed to hahn, in any case. But I do want to auto-generate 
pretty-looking wiki pages (with rainbow parens, yay!) from in-source 
documentation, if possible.

Also a slightly related question, is it possible to pass the 
salmonella's documentation step when linting locally, or does the 
documentation need to be available in the svn repo?

Thanks in advance,

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] hahn/salmonella issues

2019-01-30 Thread lundi


On 1/30/19 9:14 AM, Mario Domenech Goulart wrote:

I don't know how hahn/hahn-utils work, but both seem to be ok according
to you test system [1][2].  It seems that you are using hahn-utils, but
you have hahn in your dependency specification.  According to the
dependency graphs, hahn-utils depends on hahn, not the other way around
[3][4].  It's possible that hahn is documented using itself, and that it
would optionally use hahn-utils (that would be a circular dependency),
but I'm not sure about that.

I might have been a bit confused about things myself. Anyway, first of 
all there are two different things named hahn: 1) The hahn binary, which 
is provided by the hahn-utils egg; and 2) the hahn egg, which provides 
the run-hahn macro. From the hahn egg doc:

The hahn binary from hahn-utils generates the actual documentation; the hahn 
egg provides a convenience macro run-hahn so that installation does not fail 
for users who haven't installed hahn-utils.

There is a soft-dependency on the otherwise dependency-heavy egg hahn-utils: 
users don't have to have it unless they want to generate docs themselves, for 
some reason.

And from hahn-utils:

Hahn-utils is mainly interesting because it provides the hahn program that 
takes code documented with hahn and converts it into documentation.

Hahn-utils is a soft-dependency and shouldn't be included in depends.

As far as I can tell, hahn (the egg) is not documented using itself, but 
hahn-utils is.

In any case, the problem seems to be that run-hahn does not work, 
neither through salmonella nor through csi. From csi with hahn and 
hahn-utils loaded, the error looks like this:

(run-hahn -o xmkit.wiki xmkit.scm)

Warning: Documentation not generated: unbound variable

This may be because hahn-utils is not installed. Hahn-utils is an
optional egg for generating documentation and installation will
succeed without it.

Note: the following toplevel variables are referenced but unbound:


Uh-oh. Note the parsing of "run" and "hahn" as two different vars. 
Should this be considered a bug? I'd file an issue on Github in that 
case but I would like to make sure first that the problem is with 
hahn/hahn-utils and not Chicken.

So I guess for the time being I should just stick to running hahn from 
command line, and not use run-hahn in .setup. How would I provide local 
documentation with my egg then, though? Would it normally be fetched 
from the wiki svn by chicken-install?

On the other hand, I think ultimately hahn is maybe not an ideal 
solution. First of all it's not available in Chicken 5 yet... though of 
course the author is a very busy man, so chances are he'll port it at 
some point. What bugs me though is the docstring style. I think 
comment-style in-source documentation (like Doxygen) is much cleaner. So 
I'm looking at SchemeDoc now (http://people.cs.aau.dk/~normark/schemedoc/).
I'm afraid though I won't have time to make it work with Chicken any 
time soon though. Providing the LAML compat functions seems easy enough, 
but writing a SchemeDoc to snvwiki converter is quite a chunk of work 
imo. Also it seems Chicken once had a thing called Docscm, not sure what 
happened to that?

Best wishes,

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] hahn/salmonella issues

2019-02-05 Thread lundi
To answer my own question regarding possible alternatives to hahn: I 
found that simply writing documentation to source with a special comment 
prefix and then extracting that with some shell voodoo will be closest 
to what I want.

My main gripe with hahn is that IDEs will commonly not recognize the @() 
docstrings as such, so they will cause a lot of visual clutter in the 
source. So instead I'll just extract comments starting with a triple 
semicolon and write those to a wiki file.

$ cat file.scm | sed 's/^[ \t]+//' | grep -e "^;;;" | cut -b 5- > file.wiki

I considered writing documenting comments in Markdown and then pipe 
those through markdown-svnwiki, but I feel like there's little benefit 
over just writing comments directly in svnwiki syntax.

Obviously there's a lot of room for improvement here. For instance it 
would be great to have a way of automatically converting procedure 
definitions into (fn args) blocks. Also, support for 
multi-line comments and extracting info from .meta files would be nice 
to have.

Would anybody be interested in having an egg that provides this sort of 
functionality? I'm under the impression that hardly anybody uses hahn so 
I imagine nobody would use this either.

Best wishes,

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] hahn/salmonella issues

2019-02-06 Thread lundi

Evan Hanson wrote:

I hesitate to mention this since I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who
uses it, so it hasn't really been battle-tested (and it's not really
documented either), but the schematic egg might do what you're looking for.

In particular, the `schematic-wiki' program will generate svnwiki tags
for commented (toplevel) procedure definitions, with each tag followed
by the comment. So, if you use svnwiki syntax for the comments, the
result could be copied into a wiki page without any changes:

Ha, that is indeed pretty close to what I want. I remember looking at 
the description before and not being able to work out whether it'd be 
useful. Definately looks like it though.

Meanwhile I got impatient and hacked up my own little crap tool.


It's not using schematic at the moment, but I could imagine using it in 
the future. For now though I'm too lazy to make it into a proper egg, 
sorry. Needs a few more features before it's worth the effort.

Best wishes,

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Chicken/Tk

2019-02-13 Thread lundi


I'm planning on using Tk in a project, and was wondering what's the 
current status of Tk support in Chicken. So Chicken 4 has two eggs, pstk 
and tk. Of these, pstk is listed under "Unsupported or redundant". 
What's the reason for that? I thought pstk was essentially an enhanced 
version of Wolf-Dieter Busch's Chicken/Tk.

Also, is anybody working on porting either of these eggs to Chicken 5? 
I'll probably stick to Chicken 4 for my project for the time being, 
since a number of distros don't ship C5 yet. I'd volunteer to port the 
egg myself at some point in the future though, once I do transition to 5.

On a side note, a while ago I was in contact with Mr. Busch and asked if 
he would relicense the tk egg under BSD terms, to which he agreed. As 
far as I can tell he hasn't actually taken any steps to do so, however. 
In any case, afaik the "Bremer License" is not applicable here, because 
it specifically and exclusively covers the OSCI library, of which 
Chicken/Tk is not a component. So in it's current state, Chicken/Tk is 
not free software, strictly speaking.

Best wishes,

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Chicken/Tk

2019-02-13 Thread lundi
Thank you Vasilij for the quick and detailed reply. That's pretty much 
all I needed to know.

I was definately planning on using ttk widgets so pstk it is.

As I only started coding in Scheme a few months ago I don't feel up to 
the task of maintaining the pstk egg at this point either. The code 
doesn't look too complicated though so I'll probably volunteer to do it 
once I have a bit more experience.

Best wishes,

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Chicken/Tk

2019-02-13 Thread lundi
Afaik the port was done by Peter Lane, who still maintains the 
non-Chicken version of pstk. He doesn't seem to keen on providing 
Chicken support nowadays, though. Perhaps a port to Chicken 5 could 
actually be based on his r7rs version, though.

Your version is still available on Sourceforge:

As far as I can tell there are only minor differences between this, the 
Chicken egg version, and Peter Lane's version. All of them just had 
small tweaks post 2008.

Best wishes,

On 2/13/19 9:53 PM, Phil Bewig wrote:

I was once the maintainer of pstk. But I can tell you that I haven't
touched it in years, and it fell off of SourceForge in one of their
restructurings, so I have no intention of looking at it again.

Several years ago someone, I don't recall who, forked pstk for Chicken. I
was not involved in the fork, and I don't know what changes were made. I'm
pretty sure the Chicken version of pstk hasn't been maintained for a long
time, either.

I am not a regular user of Chicken and am not interested in being the
maintainer of Chicken pstk.

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] new egg: xmkit

2019-02-20 Thread lundi


I have completed a new egg:

It's for parsing XM (Fasttracker 2 music module) files. Probably not too 
useful for the majority of Chicken users, but hey, more is always good, 

Since it's my first egg, I would appreciate it if someone could have a 
quick look to see if there are any glaring errors, before I create the 
actual release. Specifically, I'm a bit unsure regarding to what I 
should (import) and what I should (use). Of course I'm also happy to 
receive any general code critique.

For now, the egg is for Chicken 4 only, for reasons mentioned earlier. I 
promise to add C5 support later on, though.

Many thanks,

Chicken-users mailing list