[Chodosh] Bulletin from the Guide to Chodosh

2016-09-02 Thread Y Herman



A few weeks ago a very large amount of Gold Medal flour was recalled
because of salmonella contamination. As a result, the normal supply chain
of wheat to mills has been upset, as mills are trying to get wheat to make
up the shortfall. For the Yoshon consumer, this means that the rules that
have helped us for the past many years may not be relied on, at least
temporarily. This affects national brands such as Gold Medal flour from KC
and Heckers and Ceresota flours. It may also affect some of the Jewish
brands. Therefore, until further notice, any flour purchased in groceries
for home baking can NOT be assumed to be Yoshon unless (1) they have a
Yoshon label under hashgocho or (2) have a dating code to indicate that
they were packed before Jul 29 ’16. Some sample codes are given below.

WARNING ABOUT BARLEY: The O-U has warned that significant amount of worm
contamination has been found recently in pearled barley. We have been
warning in the Guide for years that barley must be checked for worms before
use, all year around. PLEASE NOTE that this is not a Yoshon-related
problem, since the worms have been reported even before the Chodosh season
has started and no barley has yet been stored for Yoshon use.

NOTE TO MASHGICHIM: The revised Chodosh packing date for the Bay State
flour mill in Clifton, NJ is Aug 22, not Aug 28.


Gold Medal (all mills) Feb 7 ’18.

Heckers and Ceresota Jan 29 ‘18

Pillsbury Jan 29 ‘18

Shoprite July 29 ‘17

Stop and Shop Jul 29 ‘18

For other brands and other types of flour, modify the code in last year’s
Guide as detailed below, or call the Hot Line.


In general, if you have last year’s Guide, you can use the package cutoff
code for any item given in last year’s Guide and modify the date to conform
to the packing dates given here for each type of grain, spring wheat, oats
or barley. Just change the date and the year. If you do not have last
year’s Guide, you may get it by sending email to chod...@moruda.com. To
change the date, change the year in last year’s Guide by adding 1. For oats
(except those listed below) subtract 6 from the date, for wheat (not
noodles and pasta) subtract 3 from the date, for pasta subtract 2 days, for
barley, add 7 days. Note that any package with a Yoshon label is Yoshon,
with the possible exception of some items where the hashgocho for kashrus
in the Volover Rav.


-Quaker oats (hot cereals) Chodosh  PACKAGING date Aug 31. Date on the
package Feb 22 18.

-General Mills cereals, including all Cheerios. Oats Chodosh PACKAGING date
Aug 31. Date on the package Sept 6 17. Wheat in all General Mills cereals
is Yoshon. (Note that the OU is working to arrange that all Cheerios sold
in Israel should be Yoshon till pesach. This is to be confirmed later.)

-Nature Valley Granola Chodosh PACKING date of Aug 31. Date on the bars
(the date on the individual bars, not on the outside box) Sept 6, ’17.

-Post cereals. Chodosh PACKAGING date for oats Aug 31, date on the package
for oats is Aug 31 17.

-Shoprite oats Jan 20 ‘18

-Village Farms, Sturms oats Jul 20 ‘18

-Kemach, Taanug oats Jul 20 ‘17

may continue to produce Yoshon after these dates by special arrangement.

-General Mills flour from Buffalo, NY may be Chodosh starting from Aug 29.

-Ardent Mills in Albany may be Chodosh starting Aug 12.

-Bay State Milling Clifton may be Chodosh Aug 22.




The Chodosh season has begun this year somewhat earlier than usual due to
the agricultural conditions in the growing areas. Our estimates of the
start of Chodosh for each crop are based on the reports from the US
Department of Agriculture. This year, this information is enhanced by
reports sent to me by several mashgichim, for which I thank these


1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Jul 29. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 12.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of Jul 29, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 12.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be

[Chodosh] Chodosh Bulletin Aug 15 16

2016-08-15 Thread Y Herman


In general, if you have last year’s Guide, you can use the package cutoff
code for any item given in last year’s Guide and modify the date to conform
to the packing dates given here for each type of grain, spring wheat, oats
or barley. Just change the date and the year. If you do not have last
year’s Guide, you may get it by sending email to chod...@moruda.com.


-Quaker oats (hot cereals) Jan 10 ‘18

-Cheerios (all types sold outside of Israel) Aug 6 ’17. Cheerios sold in
Israel, the OU is working to make that Yoshon.

-Nature Valley Granola Jul 26 ’17 (the date on the individual bars, not on
the outside box)

-Shoprite oats Jan 20 ‘18

-Village Farms, Sturms oats Jul 20 ‘18

-Kemach, Taanug oats Jul 20 ‘17




The Chodosh season has begun this year somewhat earlier than usual due to
the agricultural conditions in the growing areas. Our estimates of the
start of Chodosh for each crop are based on the reports from the US
Department of Agriculture. This year, this information is enhanced by
reports sent to me by several mashgichim, for which I thank these


1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Jul 29. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 12.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of Jul 29, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 12.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug
13 and the PURCHASE date of Aug 27.

4)   *Barley*, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING
date of Aug 9 and PURCHASE date of Aug 23.

5)   *Oats*: Oats in all products, including cereals, may be Chodosh
starting with a PACKING date of Jul 20, PURCHASE date of Aug 3. (The known
exception is for General Mills cereals including all Cheerios, for which
the Chodosh packing date is July 31 or later.)

6)   *Barley malt* (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be
Chodosh as of the *packing* date of *Dec 15*. Package codes should be
checked after the *purchase* date of *Dec 15* for *beer *made from barley
malt and *Mar 15* for malt in other products.

Even though pesach was late on the solar calendar this year, still almost
all of the 3 crops of interest were planted after pesach and are Chodosh.
The early harvest this year is due to weather conditions in the growing


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Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF provides
free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach organizations.
We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for allowing the public to
use E mail to request copies from their facilities of the Guides to Chodosh.

[Chodosh] Chodosh Bulletin: Will Oats Be Yoshon Next Season?

2016-05-08 Thread Y Herman

A short while ago, in an earlier Chodosh Bulletin, I suggested that this
coming Chodosh season perhaps most of the oats used in the USA may be
Yoshon, having been planted before the deadline before pesach, due to the
lateness of pesach on the solar calendar. It now seems that this prediction
was not accurate.

The raw data from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) indicated that
about 65% of the US oats crop was planted by 2 days before pesach (3 days
before “yom hanaf”, the second day of pesach). Since there are 2 opinions
in halacha of the deadline for planting in order for the crop to be
considered Yoshon, either 2 weeks or 3 days before the “yom hanaf”, it was
thought based on the USDA data that most of the oats used should be Yoshon
in the coming year, at least according to the second opinion. That
preliminary hope overlooked two vital facts: (1) much of the oats grown in
the US is used for animal feed and (2) much of the oats used for human
consumption is imported to the US from Canada. In Canada virtually all of
the oats are planted later than in the US, after pesach.

It is difficult to find hard data for how much of the oats planted in each
state in the US is used for animal feed. However, it is a general consensus
that this practice is common. Some data points of % planted for animal
feed: Texas almost 100% (Texas has the most area in the US planted with
oats), North Dakota=33% (2nd most area for oats), Nebraska=90%. With this
fact factored in, it appears that considerably less than 50% of the oats
planted in the US for human food consumption will be Yoshon this coming
season. Add to this the fact that it is common practice to use large
amounts of Canadian oats for cereals produced in the US, PLUS that very
little old oats are stored from earlier years. Therefore, my earlier
suggestion of hoping for most of the oats being Yoshon during the coming
year is not correct.

For spring wheat and barley, even the raw USDA data indicated that most of
the new crop was planted after pesach, making them “rov” Chodosh.

My thanks to Rabbi A. Schreiber for pointing out to me the animal feed
situation, and to Rabbi D. Gorelik for reminding me of the Canadian imports.

Yoseph Herman

[Chodosh] Chodosh Bulletin #2 for products in Israel

2016-01-19 Thread Y Herman
The following Yoshon under the O-U
1) Nature Valley granola bars made in Spain and sold in Israel are Yoshon
if with Hebrew writing on the package.

2) All General Mills cereals, including all Cheerios products sold in
Israel are Yoshon PROVIDED the label states that they are made in the USA
and that they are imported by Osem.

Yoseph Herman

[Chodosh] Chodosh Bulletin: Nature Valley Granola sold in Israel

2016-01-19 Thread Y Herman
The O-U had informed us that Nature Valley Granola bars sold in Israel and
made in Spain are all Yoshon provided that there is Hebrew writing on the

Yoseph Herman

[Chodosh] Urgent Chodosh Bulletin

2015-09-10 Thread Y Herman
The following urgent bulletin has just been received from the OU:

The oats used in General Mills cereals has been Chodosh from most factories
since the packaging date of Aug 3. (There is one factory that is later, Aug
15. We will issue a new bulletin when we find out the factory code for this
factory.) This means that all Cheerios and other General Mills cereals that
contain oats will have a Chodosh "Best if used by" date on the package of
Aug 10 2016. This development took the staff the OU and General Mills by
surprise since no one can remember having such an early Chodosh date from
General Mills.

We are still waiting for an update on the Chodosh starting date on Quaker
oat meal and other oats products. Meanwhile, the general starting date
estimate for oats being Chodosh in cereals  is being scaled back from Sept
1 to Aug 4.

More information will be posted as we receive it. Please note that it was
the fear of such unexpected developments has been holding up the
publication of the first issue of the Guide to Chodosh, which otherwise is
ready to go to print.

[Chodosh] Sorry, Corrected version of Chodosh Bulletin

2015-02-22 Thread Y Herman
 ד”סב CHODOSH BULLETIN-ADAR 5775 (Feb ’15)

Y. Herman and C. Rosskamm. Phone: Chodosh Hot Line 718-305-5133.

 Email: yher...@earthlink.net

Update of the Malt Problem

The Guide to Chodosh has a full treatment of the malt problem. It mentioned
that some poskim hold that malt added to baking flour, where it is used in
tiny amount for its chemical action, is botul. The Guide gave date codes
for some flours to serve those who want to be machmir on malt in baking
flour. However, in many other applications malt is used for coloring and/or
flavoring. In those cases there is more of a reason to be machmir and not
to hold that it is botul. Such applications include beer, cereals,
pretzels, candies and some baked products. When the ingredients list
“malt”, almost always that refers to malt made from barley. In past years,
all malt manufacturers agreed that the new, Chodosh barley crop is not used
to make malt before Dec. 15. This year, one major manufacturer of malt told
us that they are using new-crop barley as early as Oct. 15 to make malt.
This malt is used in cereals and maybe other applications. Even though
other manufacturers have still delayed the introduction of the new crop to
their malt to Dec 15 or later, to be safe, we have urged consumers to avoid
products containing malt if packed after Oct. 15, or purchased after Jan.

It is possible to make malt from other crops. Companies such as Great
Western sometimes produce malt from other crops such as rice. We do not
know how widespread is the use of non-barley malt. Nor do we know whether
the production of those malts does or does not involve using barley malt
during processing. We urge manufacturers and mashgichim of Yoshon products
that use malt to start looking now into the possibility of substituting
non-Chodosh ingredients next year for the barley malt now being used.

It is also possible to avoid malt in applications when it is unusually
used. One example of this are pretzels in which barley malt has been almost
universally used for both coloring and flavoring. Liebers has been
successful in having other non-Chodosh ingredients be substituted for
barley malt (see below).


For several years we have published a warning that some pizza shops and
restaurants use  frying oil for possibly Chodosh items such as spicy fries
and then use the same oil for food that is supposed to be Yoshon. We have
recently become aware of a similar potential problem. Pizza shops and some
other establishments sometimes heat Yoshon items such as pizza in the oven
at the same time as Chodosh items may be in the same oven. We have not yet
had a chance to investigate how common this practice is. We urge mashgichim
and consumers to look at this potential problem as it affects them.


*4.1 Cakes, cookies and  crackers*

ב *Liebers* cookies and crackers without oats are basically Yoshon. However
some items susch as crackers may have malt (check the ingredients). This
malt may be Chodosh at this time.

*4.2 Pretzels and Potato Chips*

*א Leiber’s Pretzels all varieties *are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi
Weissmandl. This includes the honey twists and multigrain products. All
these pretzels are produced without any malt.

*ד* *Herrs Pretzels* now have a code of November 24, 2014. This code is 14
weeks after packing.

*4.3 Rice cakes  *

*ס Blooms Rice Cakes *that contain spelt are made in Belgium. We have no
information as far as the Chodosh/Yoshon status of such products.

*5.1 Regular noodles, pasta, mandlen and croutons*

*ב Kemach Heimishe Egg Noodles *are Chodosh starting a code of 01-27-2016,
under the hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen N. Horowitz

*5.2 Chow mein noodles*

*ב Kemach Chow Mein Noodles *are Chodosh starting a code of 1714I (17=day
of the month, 14=year, I=September in alph.order). Exception: SPECIAL
YOSHON PRODUCTION ONLY with code: 0915B & 1015B. Only those 2 codes are
Yoshon after the code of 1614I. Under the Hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen N.

*6.2 Whole wheat flour   *

*ד Shoprite Whole Wheat Flour *has a Chodosh code of April 18, 2015 (8
months after packing)

*6.3 High gluten or bread flour  *

*ד Gold Medal Bread Flour and Bread Wheat Blend Flour *have a code of Feb.
27, 2016 (558 days after packing). Check the bag. If the best if used by
date is followed by a factory code of KC it is always Yoshon.  All other
factory codes use dates given above. The Better for Bread flour line has
been discontinued; however it is still being sold out. Any flour still on
the shelves is Yoshon.

*ד General Mills Flour *All flour manufactured in the Buffalo Mill is
Yoshon through a date code of August 31, 2014. It has a Chodosh code of 31
AUG 4 BF. Bakery flour only has a code of 1 SEP 4 BF.  This only applies to
flour with a factory code of BF after the date code. This has been verified
by the OU.

*7.2 Bread and corn flake crumbs and matzo meal*

*ד Taanug Corn Flake Crumbs *have a code of 1

[Chodosh] Bulletin from the Guide to Chodosh

2015-02-22 Thread Y Herman

Y. Herman and C. Rosskamm. Phone: Chodosh Hot Line 718-305-5133.

 Email: yher...@earthlink.net

Update of the Malt Problem

The Guide to Chodosh has a full treatment of the malt problem. It mentioned
that some poskim hold that malt added to baking flour, where it is used in
tiny amount for its chemical action, is botul. The Guide gave date codes
for some flours to serve those who want to be machmir on malt in baking
flour. However, in many other applications malt is used for coloring and/or
flavoring. In those cases there is more of a reason to be machmir and not
to hold that it is botul. Such applications include beer, cereals,
pretzels, candies and some baked products. When the ingredients list
“malt”, almost always that refers to malt made from barley. In past years,
all malt manufacturers agreed that the new, Chodosh barley crop is not used
to make malt before Dec. 15. This year, one major manufacturer of malt told
us that they are using new-crop barley as early as Oct. 15 to make malt.
This malt is used in cereals and maybe other applications. Even though
other manufacturers have still delayed the introduction of the new crop to
their malt to Dec 15 or later, to be safe, we have urged consumers to avoid
products containing malt if packed after Oct. 15, or purchased after Jan.

It is possible to make malt from other crops. Companies such as Great
Western sometimes produce malt from other crops such as rice. We do not
know how widespread is the use of non-barley malt. Nor do we know whether
the production of those malts does or does not involve using barley malt
during processing. We urge manufacturers and mashgichim of Yoshon products
that use malt to start looking now into the possibility of substituting
non-Chodosh ingredients next year for the barley malt now being used.

It is also possible to avoid malt in applications when it is unusually
used. One example of this are pretzels in which barley malt has been almost
universally used for both coloring and flavoring. Liebers has been
successful in having other non-Chodosh ingredients be substituted for
barley malt (see below).


For several years we have published a warning that some pizza shops and
restaurants use  frying oil for possibly Chodosh items such as spicy fries
and then use the same oil for food that is supposed to be Yoshon. We have
recently become aware of a similar potential problem. Pizza shops and some
other establishments sometimes heat Yoshon items such as pizza in the oven
at the same time as Chodosh items may be in the same oven. We have not yet
had a chance to investigate how common this practice is. We urge mashgichim
and consumers to look at this potential problem as it affects them.


*4.1 Cakes, cookies and  crackers*

*Liebers* cookies and crackers without oats are basically Yoshon. However
some items susch as crackers may have malt (check the ingredients). This
malt may be Chodosh at this time.

*4.2 Pretzels and Potato Chips*

*א Leiber’s Pretzels all varieties *are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi
Weissmandl. This includes the honey twists and multigrain products. All
these pretzels are produced without any malt.

*ד* *Herrs Pretzels* now have a code of November 24, 2014. This code is 14
weeks after packing.

*4.3 Rice cakes  *

*ס Blooms Rice Cakes *that contain spelt are made in Belgium. We have no
information as far as the Chodosh/Yoshon status of such products.

*5.1 Regular noodles, pasta, mandlen and croutons*

*ב Kemach Heimishe Egg Noodles *are Yoshon through a code of 01-26-2016,
under the hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen N. Horowitz

*5.2 Chow mein noodles*

*ב Kemach Chow Mein Noodles *are Yoshon through a code of 1614I (16=day of
the month, 14=year, I=September in alph.order). Exception: SPECIAL YOSHON
PRODUCTION ONLY with code: 0915B & 1015B. Only those 2 codes are Yoshon
after the code of 1614I. Under the Hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen N. Horowitz.

*6.2 Whole wheat flour   *

*ד Shoprite Whole Wheat Flour *has a Chodosh code of April 18, 2015 (8
months after packing)

*6.3 High gluten or bread flour  *

*ד Gold Medal Bread Flour and Bread Wheat Blend Flour *have a code of Feb.
27, 2016 (558 days after packing). Check the bag. If the best if used by
date is followed by a factory code of KC it is always Yoshon.  All other
factory codes use dates given above. The Better for Bread flour line has
been discontinued; however it is still being sold out. Any flour still on
the shelves is Yoshon.

*ד General Mills Flour *All flour manufactured in the Buffalo Mill is
Yoshon through a date code of August 31, 2014. It has a Chodosh code of 31
AUG 4 BF. Bakery flour only has a code of 1 SEP 4 BF.  This only applies to
flour with a factory code of BF after the date code. This has been verified
by the OU.

*7.2 Bread and corn flake crumbs and matzo meal*

*ד Taanug Corn Flake Crumbs *has a code of 14288 (14-year

[Chodosh] Bulletin from the Guide to Chodosh

2015-01-15 Thread Y Herman
Today is January 15. The Guide had recommended that all items that contain
malt,  for which the dating code is not known, may be purchased assuming
that the malt is Yoshon up to the purchase date of Jan.  15. Starting
today,  one should seek confirmation that the malt is Yoshon. (Note,  as
mentioned in the Guide, that malt in baking flour,  is not a problem
according to some poskim.)

Liebers pretzels may contain Chodosh malt.  We expect more details about
this within the next few days.

B'Gan/Eden breaded cauliflower is Yoshon.

Kineret brownies are Yoshon.

Pride of the Farm cookies and Cream ice cream is Yoshon.

Items produced under the hashgocho of Chug Chasam Sofer of Bnei Brak are
Yoshon,  even if produced outside  of Israel,  for example,  Turkey.
(Note,  this applies only to this hashgocho from Bnei Brak)

The Guide incorrectly stated that items from wheat or oats produced in
Canada are Yoshon at least up to Sept 22. This is not correct.

[Chodosh] Chodosh Bulletin-Oct 1 14

2014-10-01 Thread Y Herman

The following are corrections and additions to the Preliminary Guide to
Chodosh for 5775


*Section 4.1 Cakes, cookies and crackers*

*Streits* matzo and matzo product are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the
Kof-K and Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik.

*Section 5.1 Regular noodles*

*Streits* noodles are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Kof-K and Rabbi
Moshe Soloveichik.

*Section 5.2 Chow mein noodles*

*Streits* chow mein noodles are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Kof-K and
Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik.

*Section 8.1 Breakfast cereals*

*Quaker *oats cereals *manufactured in the USA* have a Chodosh PACKING date
of October 1. (For Quaker Quick Oats, Oatmeal, Instant Oats and other hot
oats cereals that are cooked, the package date is March 24 16-540 days
after packing.) For items *manufactured in Canada* and sold in the USA, the
Chodosh PACKING date is Aug 27 (package date for hot cereals is Feb. 18 16.)

*Paskesz* cereals with a Yoshon label are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the
O-U. For those without a Yoshon label, no information known yet.

*Section 9.1 Frozen and other packaged products*

*Mechel's Fine Frozen Pastry* Yoshon under the hashgochos of the CRC,
Star-K and the Vaad Hakashrus of New Square.

*Section 13.5 Chicago*

*Tel Aviv Bakery* is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the O-U.


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free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach organizations.
We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for allowing the public to
use E mail to request copies from their facilities of the Guides to Chodosh.

[Chodosh] Chodosh Bulletin as of 9 Sept 14

2014-09-09 Thread Y Herman

(My apologies, I send out an unfinished draft today by mistake.)


Over the past several decades the Guide to Chodosh has stated that barley
malt is Yoshon up to at least the manufacturing date of December 15. This
was based on information gathered from many malt producers and is still the
practice at some. Now at least one major producer of malt informed us that
they will start using Chodosh barley to produce their malt by October 15!
While products using this malt will not reach the consumers for some time,
this is a warning to manufacturers of Yoshon products and mashgichim.
MALT HAS CHANGED FROM DECEMBER 15 TO OCTOBER 15. This affects cereals and
other items using malt. It also affects beer from barley malt (most beers
are from barley malt.)


By now all products using spring wheat, oats or barley must be checked to
make sure that they are Yoshon. This includes freshly baked items from
bakeries, pizza shops and bagel shops that should have hashgocho for
Yoshon. It also includes packaged items. These should only be assumed to be
Yoshon if there is Yoshon hashgocho   on the package, or by confirming with
dating codes that the item was manufactured before the cutoff date.


We are still hoping to get the publication of the Guide completed by. Rosh
Hashanah. We will send out a new email bulletin when the Guide becomes
ready. Meanwhile, we recommend that you use last year's issue of the Guide
for dating code information. For most products, adding one year to the
dates and codes given should provide the correct code. To download last
year's Guide, send email to chod...@sefer.org.


We duplicate below the bulletin we sent out on 12 Aug 14. This should still
be valid. Note that for Cheerios cereals the oats will become Chodosh
starting a packing date of Oct 20. Those types of Cheerios that have WHEAT
GERM in the ingredients, may be Chodosh as of the packing date of Aug 18
(date on the box would be Aug 25 15.)


The latest report from the US Dep't of Agriculture confirms that the
harvest and spring wheat and barley have begun. That is allowing us to
formulate the recommended Chodosh cutoff dates for the forthcoming season.
These are given below. Note that dates given below for oats used in Quaker
and General Mills (such as Cheerios) cereals may still change.

FRESHLY BAKED ITEMS USING SPRING WHEAT including breads, challahs, bagels,
rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies. May be Chodosh in the mid-West
(such as Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Minneapolis) after a PURCHASE date of
Aug 18. Elsewhere in the US, Aug 25.

PACKAGED FOODS FROM SPRING WHEAT not including noodles and pasta may be
Chodosh starting a PACKING date of Aug 18, PURCHASE date of Sept 1.

NOODLES AND PASTA may be Chodosh starting a PACKING date of Aug 25,
PURCHASE date of Sept 8.

BARLEY such as pearled barley may be Chodosh starting a PACKING date of Aug
18, PURCHASE date of Sept 1.

OATS in non-cereal applications, such as oats flour in cookies, may be
Chodosh starting with a PACKING date of Aug 4, PURCHASE date of Aug 28. Oat
meal and other oats products from Quaker may be Chodosh with a PACKING date
of Aug 19, PURCHASE DATE OF Sept 3. Cheerios may be Chodosh starting a
PACKING date of Sept 15, PURCHASE date of Oct 1. Cereals from most other
manufacturers, the oats may be Chodosh with a PACKING date of Sept 1,
PURCHASE DATE of Sept 15. Remember, the oats dates for Quaker and Cheerios
will probably still be revised.


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[Chodosh] Chodosh Bulletin

2014-09-09 Thread Y Herman
Updates as of Sept 9 '14


URGENT Chodosh Bulletin regarding commercial Yoshon flour for the new season

2009-06-16 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@yahoo.com 

* *


*_regarding an important change in the supply of Yoshon flour to 
commercial establishments in the New York area for the forthcoming season._*

*_ _*

This bulletin is NOT intended for those who use flour for baking at 
home. It refers only to commercial flour used in bakeries and other 
producers of Yoshon products in the New York area. It does not affect 
Yoshon production in other parts of the country. As such, _flour 
distributors, users of commercial flour in the New York area and 
mashgichim_ please take note.

One of the prime suppliers of Yoshon flour to commercial establishments 
in the New York area has been General Mills, out of their Buffalo, NY 
plant. Their “All Trumps” and other flours have been very popular. Over 
the past years, General Mills has milled large quantities of Yoshon 
flour under the supervision of the O-U which made sure that all of the 
Yoshon flour was milled and stored before any Chodosh wheat would be 
received at the Buffalo plant. The large quantity of Yoshon flour was 
stored by General Mills in a manner that ascertained that the flour 
would remain free of insect infestation, an arrangement that was also 
monitored by the O-U.

From the commercial point of view, this arrangement had a built-in 
problem. Enough flour had to be milled and stored to cover the maximum 
anticipated needs of the Yoshon producers. This inevitably meant that 
some old flour would be left in storage at the end of the Yoshon season, 
by pesach. Possible losses in disposing of such old flour were until now 
shouldered by General Mills. In the current economic situation, General 
Mills is no longer able to accept such losses.

Yoshon flour will still be milled for those who order it. General Mills 
will guarantee that no Chodosh wheat will enter their Buffalo plant 
until August 1 (an arrangement that will be verified by the O-U.) 
General Mills will no longer print a Yoshon label of the flour bags. Any 
bag dated July 31 or earlier will be Yoshon. However the flour dealers 
or others in the flour distribution/use chain will now have to take over 
the commercial responsibility of dealing with storage and the flour left 
over at the end of the season.

This change can have major consequences:

1. 1) All bakeries and users of Yoshon flour must contact their flour 
suppliers urgently to make sure that the suppliers will continue to take 
orders for Yoshon flour if they and not General Mills will be 
responsible for storing the flour and dealing with unused flour left 
over after pesach. Under these circumstances, some flour suppliers have 
at this time stopped taking orders for Yoshon flour. We expect that this 
stoppage is only temporary, until they can adjust to this unexpected 
development. However, it is critical that those who were counting on 
using Yoshon General Mills flour as they have in the past should contact 
their flour distributors to check on the status of Yoshon flour for the 
upcoming season.

2. 2) Mashgichim will have to carefully check the manner in which the 
Yoshon flour will be stored at the new locations to make sure that the 
storage environment does not encourage the development of insect 
infestation. That responsibility was until now covered by General Mills 
under the O-U.

Your urgent attention to this matter is required to make sure that 
Yoshon food supplies continue for the forthcoming season in the manner 
that we have enjoyed in the past.

Yoseph Herman

Guide to Chodosh

* *


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Chodosh Bulletin for Mashgichim only

2009-06-15 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email yher...@yahoo.com 

* *


* *

The new Chodosh season will start with oats becoming Chodosh at the end 
of July or early August. Wheat and barley may be Chodosh shortly after 
the start of August. I would like to ask you to urgently forward to me a 
list of all products and establishments for which you provide Yoshon 
hashgocho for the upcoming season. I need this by mid July to make sure 
that up-to-date and accurate information is passed on to the Yoshon 
consumer in the first issue of the Guide to Chodosh.

You may forward this information to me in one of several ways:

- Email to yher...@yahoo.com <mailto:yher...@yahoo.com>

- Fax to 845-356-5999

- By US mail to Y. Herman, 20 Sylvan Road, Monsey, NY 10952

- By recording a message on the Chodosh Hot Line, 718-305-5133.

A few months ago, I sent out the revised issue of the Mashgiach’s Guide 
to Chodosh and Yoshon by mail to many mashgichim and hashgocho 
organizations. (See details about this Guide below.) If you did not 
receive it and want a printed copy (instead of the email version that is 
available), please contact me.

Thank you and tizku l’mitzvos

Yoseph Herman



The Mashgiach’s Guide to Chodosh and Yoshon has been updated and is now 
available by email or US surface mail. The regular Guide to Chodosh is 
aimed at consumers. It contains names of foods and establishments and 
tries to provide guidance about which are Yoshon and which are not. 
Conversely, the Mashgiach’s Guide contains almost no specific brand name 
information. Rather, it provides detailed technical information to help 
the mashgiach provide hashgochos for Yoshon. You are welcome to download 
a copy of the Mashgiach’s Guide by sending a blank email to ONE of the 
following addresses:


mashgi...@moruda.com <mailto:mashgi...@moruda.com>

Printed copies of this Guide are available. Rabbonim and mashgichim can 
request that a copy be mailed to them free of charge via US surface mail 
by providing their full mailing address by either (1) sending an email 
request, or (2) recording a message on the Chodosh Hot Line 
718-305-5133, or (3) sending a written request to Y. Herman 20 Sylvan 
Road, Monsey, NY 10952 (make sure that you include a note with your full 
address and the request for the Mashgiach’s Guide.)

Those who are not rabbonim or mashgichim may order a copy of this Guide 
by sending $1 plus their full name and address to Y. Herman, 20 Sylvan 
Road, Monsey, NY 10952

* *


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Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any 
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for 
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF provides 
free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach 
organizations. We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for 
allowing the public to use E mail to request copies from their 
facitlites of the Guides to Chodosh and the Mashgichim.

Preseason Chodosh Bulletin-Correction on the % Chodosh in planted crops

2008-06-20 Thread Y. Herman

Text Box: s"xc PRESEASON CHODOSH BULLETIN Guide to Chodosh, c/o Yoseph
Herman, 20 Sylvan Road, Monsey, NY 10952 Address all subscriptions to:
Project Chodosh Subscriptions, PO Box 150088, Kew Gardens, NY 11415 Hot
Line Phone: 718-305-5133. E mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] June 08


It is time to renew your subscription for the 3 issues of the Guider to
Chodosh that we will ??"? publish this upcoming season. Please note that
the cost of the three issues this year is increased from $17 to *$18*.
Please mail your check and the renewal form at the end of this Bulletin to

Project Chodosh Subscriptions

PO Box 150088

Kew Gardens, NY 11415

All other correspondence should be sent to the Monsey address, listed at
the top of this page.


Please fill out this form and return with your $18 check made out to
?Project Chodosh?, for the subscription to next season?s Guides. Mail
to: Project Chodosh Subscriptions, PO Box150088, Kew Gardens, NY 11415









*_THE PROBLEM: _*In the previous years, your local bakeries have been
using Yoshon spring wheat flour to produce their breads, challehs,
rolls, bagels, pizza, etc. This year, due to the unusual world-wide
wheat shortages, we are facing unprecedented shortages of spring wheat
that has usually been available this time of the year to be stored for
next season?s Yoshon. This is coupled with a corresponding unstable
price situation in the futures markets for spring wheat. As a result, it
is quite possible that methods used until now of producing Yoshon foods
from stored Yoshon spring wheat may be curtailed or be unavailable to
your bakeries this coming season.

*_A MEETING WAS HELD _*on Jun 16. This meeting, which was called by the
Guide to Chodosh, was held at the headquarters of the O-U. It was
attended by the mashgichim that give hashgocho on Yoshon and by
representatives of the flour mills, flour distributors, pasta makers and
others from the food production chain. Some of the conclusions were:

· The usual Yoshon spring wheat flour is thus far only being offered for
the entire season by one mill, and only to those who commit to purchase
this for the entire forthcoming season by June 23. It is not clear how
many bakeries are prepared to make this commitment so early is the season.

· A second mill can offer Yoshon spring wheat flour, but only until
early November.

· Even these 2 mills are only offering the Yoshon flour in the New York
area. It is not known if any Yoshon spring wheat flour will be available
elsewhere in the country.

· A second option has been proposed for producing Yoshon baked products
without the need to store spring wheat. This method would be applicable
anywhere in the county, at any time, without prior reservation or
commitment. This involves using a pure winter wheat flour (that is
always Yoshon) and enhancing it with added ?vital wheat gluten?. This
option has been used successfully by some bakers. However, it does
require some experimentation. Not every bakery may be willing to
experiment with such new methods. In addition, the price of this new
method will not be established until more of the winter wheat is
harvested, by mid July.

· Gefen expects to have Yoshon barley over the entire Chodosh season.

We will probably not know for sure what each individual bakery, pizza
shop, catering hall, etc will choose to do until around sukkos time,
around mid October, when the second issue of the Guide will be under
preparation. _Even bakeries and other facilities that have been
producing Yoshon for many years, may choose not to do so this
forthcoming season._ This means that the first issue of the Guide will
list only very few bakeries and similar establishments, only those that
already have made the commitments to use the new methods of Yoshon
production by early August. Even these may choose to change their minds
depending on their experiments. Therefore _this puts an extra, new task
on the shoulders of the Yoshon consumers. They must keep checking and
rechecking the Yoshon status at their bakeries, etc, until the situation
stabilizes. _We expect all facilities which will choose to discontinue
Yoshon, to post prominent signs to that effect. It also means that the
first issue of the Guide will become obsolete to a very large extent
when the second issue comes out, hopefully by early November. Between
the publication of the first and second issue of the 

Preseason Chodosh Bulletin

2008-06-20 Thread Y. Herman
Text Box: s"xc PRESEASON CHODOSH BULLETIN Guide to Chodosh, c/o Yoseph 
Herman, 20 Sylvan Road, Monsey, NY 10952 Address all subscriptions to: 
Project Chodosh Subscriptions, PO Box 150088, Kew Gardens, NY 11415 Hot 
Line Phone: 718-305-5133. E mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] June 08


It is time to renew your subscription for the 3 issues of the Guider to 
Chodosh that we will ??"? publish this upcoming season. Please note that 
the cost of the three issues this year is increased from $17 to *$18*. 
Please mail your check and the renewal form at the end of this Bulletin to

Project Chodosh Subscriptions

PO Box 150088

Kew Gardens, NY 11415

All other correspondence should be sent to the Monsey address, listed at 
the top of this page.


Please fill out this form and return with your $18 check made out to 
“Project Chodosh”, for the subscription to next season’s Guides. Mail 
to: Project Chodosh Subscriptions, PO Box150088, Kew Gardens, NY 11415








*_THE PROBLEM: _*In the previous years, your local bakeries have been 
using Yoshon spring wheat flour to produce their breads, challehs, 
rolls, bagels, pizza, etc. This year, due to the unusual world-wide 
wheat shortages, we are facing unprecedented shortages of spring wheat 
that has usually been available this time of the year to be stored for 
next season’s Yoshon. This is coupled with a corresponding unstable 
price situation in the futures markets for spring wheat. As a result, it 
is quite possible that methods used until now of producing Yoshon foods 
from stored Yoshon spring wheat may be curtailed or be unavailable to 
your bakeries this coming season.

*_A MEETING WAS HELD _*on Jun 16. This meeting, which was called by the 
Guide to Chodosh, was held at the headquarters of the O-U. It was 
attended by the mashgichim that give hashgocho on Yoshon and by 
representatives of the flour mills, flour distributors, pasta makers and 
others from the food production chain. Some of the conclusions were:

· The usual Yoshon spring wheat flour is thus far only being offered for 
the entire season by one mill, and only to those who commit to purchase 
this for the entire forthcoming season by June 23. It is not clear how 
many bakeries are prepared to make this commitment so early is the season.

· A second mill can offer Yoshon spring wheat flour, but only until 
early November.

· Even these 2 mills are only offering the Yoshon flour in the New York 
area. It is not known if any Yoshon spring wheat flour will be available 
elsewhere in the country.

· A second option has been proposed for producing Yoshon baked products 
without the need to store spring wheat. This method would be applicable 
anywhere in the county, at any time, without prior reservation or 
commitment. This involves using a pure winter wheat flour (that is 
always Yoshon) and enhancing it with added “vital wheat gluten”. This 
option has been used successfully by some bakers. However, it does 
require some experimentation. Not every bakery may be willing to 
experiment with such new methods. In addition, the price of this new 
method will not be established until more of the winter wheat is 
harvested, by mid July.

· Gefen expects to have Yoshon barley over the entire Chodosh season.

We will probably not know for sure what each individual bakery, pizza 
shop, catering hall, etc will choose to do until around sukkos time, 
around mid October, when the second issue of the Guide will be under 
preparation. _Even bakeries and other facilities that have been 
producing Yoshon for many years, may choose not to do so this 
forthcoming season._ This means that the first issue of the Guide will 
list only very few bakeries and similar establishments, only those that 
already have made the commitments to use the new methods of Yoshon 
production by early August. Even these may choose to change their minds 
depending on their experiments. Therefore _this puts an extra, new task 
on the shoulders of the Yoshon consumers. They must keep checking and 
rechecking the Yoshon status at their bakeries, etc, until the situation 
stabilizes. _We expect all facilities which will choose to discontinue 
Yoshon, to post prominent signs to that effect. It also means that the 
first issue of the Guide will become obsolete to a very large extent 
when the second issue comes out, hopefully by earl

Updates to the Post-Pesach Chodosh Bulletin

2008-05-13 Thread Y. Herman

* *

* *

* *


*13 May 08*

On 12 May 08 I sent out a lengthy Chodosh Bulletin, which is reproduced 
below. In there I stated that it is most likely that this coming season 
the bakeries would not be able to produced Yoshon products as was done 
over the previous years, using stored Yoshon spring wheat flour. 
Probably, those bakeries that will choose to continue making Yoshon will 
have to learn new baking formulas to produce Yoshon from winter wheat 
flour plus a protein enhancement called vital wheat gluten.

I was delighted to receive some feedback to my emailed bulletin. I hope 
this is a start of a dialog that will enhance the probability of 
continued Yoshon availability next season. Here I present some of the 
comments and questions that I received and my responses to them. Please 
keep the dialog going.

COMMENT: It now appears that next year’s Yoshon situation is much more 
complex than in the past. How can you hope to support such increased 
complexity as a one-man Guide to Chodosh operation? In particular, how 
will you be able to encourage bakeries in communities away from New York 
to switch to new methods of producing Yoshon? Should you not organize a 
committee to work with you?

ANSWER: I have stated for a long time that I can and do not carry the 
Yoshon scene in the US on my own. At best, the Guide can hope to 
maintain a background support role. That is one of the reasons that the 
Guide has been insisting on the participation of mashgichim to certify 
Yoshon. We have also been fortunate to have “local Yoshon contacts” (who 
are listed in the Guide) to help with the local scene. I am hoping that 
the impetus towards local adaption of new baking methods will be carried 
by the combination of the mashgichim and local askanim who will contact 
and work with the bakers. I hope to have the Guide continue in its 
principal task as a background information vehicle. I also intend to 
collect from experts professional advice to give to the bakers to help 
then adapt to new methods as needed.

QUESTION: Since pesach was late on the solar calendar this year, is it 
not true that most of the spring wheat was planded already before pesach 
and should be Yoshon?

ANSWER: Unfortunately this is not true. There are two halachic opinions 
about when a crop should be planted to be considered Yoshon. The more 
lenient opinion would require this planting to take place by 2 days 
before pesach, which would have been Apr 17 this year. I have been 
getting weekly reports from the US Department of Agriculture. According 
to these reports, by Apr 17 only 14% if the spring wheat had been 
planted. (Regarding the other crops of interest, 38% of the oats and 17% 
if the barley was planted by then.) That, coupled with the unusually low 
amount of Yoshon left from last year, assures that when the new harvest 
is complete, all three crops, spring wheat, oats and barley will be 
mostly Chodosh.

QUESTION: (Regarding the commodity markets and risks of storing Yoshon wheat.) 
They will not lose money if the price goes down if they hedge in the futures 
market.  They will lock in the current price.

ANSWER: I am quite ignorant of the technical workings of the commodity and futures markets. However, I was told by the mills and the distributors that putting away Yoshon wheat or flour as usual is out of the question this year because of the volatility of the wheat prices. Does it not make a difference that the mills would not take out contracts for future deliveries? In fact the actual Yoshon wheat or flour would have to be already delivered and under the control of a Yoshon mashgiach before the new spring wheat harvest is available. Would they not, in this case, have to pay the current price at the time of the delivery of the merchandise? Then, if the price drops significantly with the new harvest, they risk being stuck with possibly unneeded expensive stored wheat. 

* *

* *



* 12 May 08*

*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**

* *

With pesach behind us we should be in the relaxed time of the year 
regarding Chodosh, when everything is Yoshon until the new Chodosh 
harvest comes in starting in July and August. However this year is 
different. During this normally “off time”, we are focusing on potential 
future problems.

I issued an alert Bulletin in March 08 informing the public that due to 
a crisis in the world wheat markets there may not be any Yoshon flour 
for the bakeries in the forthcoming season starting in Aug 08. This 
current note is an update on this situation. The conclusions thus far 
indicate that BE”H we should have at least a limited supply of Yoshon 
bakery products in the forthcoming season. It is most probable that 

Addendum to yesterday's Chodosh Bulletin

2007-11-06 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**

* *

* *

* *

* *


* *

*CORRECTED LISTING: **? **Bagel Nosh* 380 Clifton Ave, Lakewood. Bagels 
and danishes only are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of the KCL. Donuts are 
not under hashgocho for Yoshon.

*? Twizzlers* and other licorice made by Hershey or the Y. S. brand are 
from winter wheat and are Yoshon.

* *


* *


* *


* *

Matzo meal has always been assumed to be Yoshon. We believe that this is 
still true for _real_ matzo meal. However, at least one brand of “fake” 
matzo meal is being sold under the brand name of Kerry. This product, 
which is under the kashrus hashgocho of the Kof-K, is really made from 
bread crumbs which may be Chodosh. We do not know at this time if there 
are other such “fake” matzo meals on the market. Neither do we have 
information yet on which products may use the Kerry “matzo meal”. We 
will publish any new information that we uncover via the usual email 
updates and Hot Line News recordings.

It has been pointed out to us that Bumble Bee prime filet albacore steak 
tuna has soy sauce with wheat flour. The Chodosh code for this item is 
Aug 9 2010 (3 years after packing.) Please notify the Guide if you find 
other tuna or fish products that may be Chodosh due to the use of soy 
sauce that contains wheat flour.


*/? /**Café Eilat* 12519 Burbank Blvd. Yoshon under the hashgocho of the 
Kehilla Kosher of Los Angeles.

*? Empire Bagel Shoppe, * 2234 Warrensville Center Rd., University 
Heights, OH, 216-382-5138. Yoshon under the hashgocho of Cleveland Kosher.

*/? /**Greenspun Bagels* made in Baltimore, Yoshon under the hashgocho 
of the Vaad Hakashrus of Baltimore (Star-K).

*/?/ Grill Point*, 69-54 Main St, Flushing, NY Yoshon under the 
hashgocho of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens.

*/? /** Love Bakery*, 17519 Burbank Blvd. Yoshon under the hashgocho of 
the Kehilla Kosher of Los Angeles.

*/? /** Rosendorff’s *bakery products made in Baltimore, Yoshon under 
the hashgocho of the Vaad Hakashrus of Baltimore (Star-K).

/?/* 15^th Ave Food Corp**, also sold under the names Sterns**, Kohen**, 
and New York Ko**sher *All items are even without a Yoshon label. The 
following are NOT Yoshon: the six grain breads, the bran muffins and the 
oatmeal cookies. There are retail bakeries in Brooklyn under the Korn 
name. These bakeries are not certified as being Yoshon.

*?** Adirim* pasta. The farfel only is Yoshon under the hashgocho of 
Rabbi Sholomo Gissinger. We have no information regarding other pasta 
from Adirim.

*/?/ Beigel’s Bakery*, 189-09 Union Tpk, Fresh Meadows. Queens. All 
cakes, danishes and challehs baked on premises are Yoshon. However 
Tibeca rolls are not Yoshon on Tuesday and Thursday. Under the hashgocho 
of the Vaad Harabbanim of Queens. (Note: This is different than the 
wholesale Beigel’s Bakery listed in the wholesale section above.)

*/?/ Benjy’s Pizza*, 78-72 Main St. Flushing, NY pizza only is Yoshon, 
under the hashgocho of the Vaad Harabbanim of Queens.

*?** Chai Pizza*, 94 Rt. 59, Monsey. Yoshon except fried potatoes and 
possibly other fried items. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Chaim Yaakov 

*/?/** Chuster and Landau pasta* products produced by the Chuster Co. 
which have a Yoshon label are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi 
Abraham Z. Glick. However, soup mandlen are NOT Yoshon.

*?** Dagim** *frozen products are Yoshon, if there is an O-U plus a 
Yoshon label on the package.

*? Eden Cafe* at Owings Mills JCC, 3506 Gwynbrook Ave. 410-356-0010. The 
following products are Yoshon: pizza and pita. Must inquire as to the 
Yoshon status of all other items.(Star-K)

*? Eden Cafe* at Park Heights JCC, 5700 Park Heights Ave., 410-542-5185. 
The following products are Yoshon: pizza and pita. Must inquire as to 
the Yoshon status of all other items. .(Star-K)

*/? /**Eilat Bakeries*, at 350 N. Faifax Ave, 9233 W. Pico Blvd, and 
12109 Santa Monica Blvd of Los Angeles are all Yoshon except muffins and 
pasta, under the hashgocho of the Kehilla Kosher of Los Angeles.

*/? /**Essex on Coney**, *1359 Coney Island Ave., Brooklyn, 
718-253-1002, The American side is Yoshon, including the noodles and 
pasta, but _excluding the egg rolls, hamburger and frankfurter buns, 
baguettes, fries, square knishes. _Also excluded are anything that is 
fried *or breaded*.

*? **European Homemade Kosher, *Rt. 59, Monsey. All items kosher except 
items with egg rolls. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Horowitz.

*/? /Hoffman & Co. *catering, made in Baltimore, Yoshon available on 
request under the hashgocho of the Vaad Hakashrus of Baltimore (Star-K).

*? J2 Pizza**, *1700 Madison Ave

Chodosh Bulletin addressed to those living far from New York

2006-06-05 Thread Y. Herman

Right before Shevuos I sent out the annual Pre-season Chodosh
Bulletin. This is reproduced below. In it I repeated the note that I had
printed in the last issue of the Guide to Chodosh of last seaon, namely
that the Guide for the forthcoming season will adhere to new standards
that will not list as Yoshon any food that is not under hashgocho for
Yoshon, or whose Yoshon status can not be independenly confirmed. This
change was decided after consultation with Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshiva and
mashgichim. It was motivated by the increasing evidence that food
producers have recognized the commercial value of the Yoshon market and
these producers can no longer be in the category of mashiach lefi
tumom(speaking in unbiased innocense). Such assumption was valid years
ago, but not any more.
I keep receiving expressions of concern from people living away from the
Metropolitan New York region. They do not have the heimishebrands of
packaged foods under hashgocho that are available in the New York area.
They have been able to keep Yoshon over the years by relying on national
brands with no hashgocho at all for Yoshon. Now they are concerned that
they may be unable to continue to observe Yoshon due to what they
anticipate will the greatly limited coverage of the new Guide. 
Firstly, I would like to refer you to the assurances that I printed in
the Preseason Bulleting that is attached below. Secondly, I would like to
ask the help of those living away from New York. Please send me a
short list of those Yoshon food items that you are relying on in your
routine menu which are not under hashgocho for Yoshon. This should be
only items that are truly very important to you (like flour). Send me the
full brand name of each item and a full sample package code for each,
including possible factory code. Please only include items that were
listed in the old Guides as being from winter wheat or otherwise assumed
Yoshon. (Those items that you used with cutoff dates given by dating
codes will continue to be listed in the new Guide, athough probably with
a somewhat earlier cutoff date than in the past. These you may have to
store a little longer.) I will do my best to try to get independent
confirmation of these important items so that I should be able to
continue these in the new Guide on a more reliable basis.
Send these requests to me by email to
US mail sent to Yoseph Herman, 20 Sylvan Road, Monsey, NY 10952. Please
do this a soon as possible to give me the needed time to investigate. I
will not be able respond to individual submissions, but will try to
include them in my research for the new Guide.
Y. Herman




The Guide project does not accept any donations. Even though this is a
volunteer project, there are expenses that need to be covered by the
sales of the Guides. For many years, the cost of the Guide had remained
at $15 for the three issues per season, or $5 per issue at the local
distributors. During these years the number of pages per booklet and the
cost of mailing have both increased significantly. Therefore we are
forced to increase the cost of the subscription from $15 to
$18 for the three issues. For those who buy individual copies
sold by local distributors, the first issue will cost $8 and the
remaining two will be $5 per issue. The $18 covers subscriptions to be
mailed within the USA. For Canadian addresses, the cost of the 3 issues
is $20. For Israel, Europe and other overseas locations the cost is $24.
To subscribe, please send your checks made out to Project Chodoshto the
Guide address given above.
Note the change of address for subscriptions from last year.
To have the three issues of the Guide mailed to your home send
your full name, address including apartment number (if any) and zip
code,  and phone number, together with the amount of money specified
above to:
Project Chodosh Subscriptions
PO Box 150088
Kew Gardens, NY 11415
All other correspondence should be sent to the Monsey address, listed at
the top of this page. 
As we noted in the last Guide of the previous season, major
changes are coming in next seasons Guide. We will no longer list in the
Guide an item as being Yoshon based solely on statements of companies
regarding the Yoshon status of their products. Only information provided
by hashgochos or from impartial sources such as the US Department of
Agriculture will be used, in combination with experience we have
accumulated over the years.
People living far from the Metropolitan New York area have contacted us
to register their fear that the lack of access to many of the heimishe
brands available in the New York area would deprive them of sources of
Yoshon. We will do our best to maintain useful Yoshon


2005-08-22 Thread Y. Herman

22 Aug 05
The new Chodosh season has come upon us unexpectedly early this
year.  Breads, chalehs and other freshly-baked products produced by
local bakeries in the New York area and at most other parts of the USA
may be Chodosh as early as August 22.  In the Midwest, Chodosh may
have started in such bakery products by August 15.  
The harvest of the Chodosh spring wheat crop has progressed unexpectedly
rapidly.  The Chodosh spring wheat has arrived at the flour Mills at
an unusually early date that surprised even the professionals at the
Mills.  The starting dates of August 22 for most of the US and
August 15 for the Midwest are estimated to be reasonable estimates. 
It is possible that some bakeries will start getting Chodosh flour at
some later date.  (However there is one flour mill, ConAgra at
Martin Creek PA. This mill supplies the New York Area. It started Chodosh
on Aug 15! The code on the ConAgra bakery flour bags would be MC081505.
Those bakeries which are using ConAgra flour should check the codes on
their flour bags.) It is important to check with your local Yoshon
bakeries to make sure that the flour that they are using is certified to
be Yoshon.  Many bakers may not yet be aware of the early starting
date for Chodosh.
Packaged foods sold in the groceries that are made from spring wheat are
not expected to have Chodosh problems until sometime early to mid
The Chodosh oats and barley crops are also now being harvested.  We
do not expect Chodosh barley to be a problem until sometime in early to
mid September.  Some oats products could be Chodosh soon. 
However no specific product information will be available for at least
one to two more weeks.  
The booklet, the Guide to Chodosh can not be published until sometime mid
September despite the early starting season of Chodosh.  This is
because many of the people that we need to contact for information for
that Guide are still away on vacation.  In addition many of the
people producing packaged foods will not yet have information about
exactly when Chodosh starts in their products.  Therefore we ask you
to frequently check the News section of the Chodosh Hot Line by calling
the telephone number 845-356-5743, and selecting number 1for Chodosh
news.  Those who have access to e-mail should check for any further
forthcoming e-mail bulletins.
Because of the unexpected nature of these developments we ask your
help to spread the news about this.  It would be helpful to many
people if you could post copies of this e-mail in locations where those
who are careful about Chodosh will see it.
Yoseph Herman
The Guide to Chodosh
To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to:
Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from
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CAUTION: Some new anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a
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Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF 
provides free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach
organizations. We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for
allowing the public to use E mail to request copies from their facitlites
of the Guides to Chodosh and the Mashgichim.

Chodosh Bulletin from the Guide to Chodosh

2005-03-18 Thread Y. Herman

18 Mar 05
Liebers brownies, oatmeal cookies, oats cereal and sandwich cookies with
oats, all under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl, are now
Kineret onion rings and challehs under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl,
are now Chodosh.
Gross cookies with oatmeal with a Yoshon label under the hashgocho of Rav
Weissmandl are Yoshon.
Dependable Food corporation whole wheat flour with code of AL 03/14/05 is
Yoshon. The following Alladin wraps with date of March0205 are Chodosh:
whole wheat 10 inch size, whole wheat 12 inch size and roasted pepper.
Both the whole wheat flour are available in commercial sizes
Kedem vodka is kosher for pesach and is therefore Yoshon.
Barilla pasta, the probably Chodosh code is Sept 15 06 (2 years after
10 Mar 05
REMINDER: The Guide has been recommending that items containing malt or
malted barley or barley malt should not be purchased after March 15
unless the codes indicated that the item was packed before Jan. 15. When
codes are not known, Mar 15 is the recommended purchase deadline. This
date is almost here. (By now it has passed.)
The latest Guide has the following errors:
Duncan Hines: The text on page 4 is correct, the text on page 34 is not.
The correct information is: Most mixes contain wheat starch. The probable
Chodosh packing date is Aug  20. For those Duncan Hines mixes that
have Best If Used bydates, the codes are as follows. All cake mixes have
a date that is 1 year after packing. In addition, brownies, muffins and
cookies which contain nuts or candies also have a 1 year code. All
brownies, muffins, and cookies without nuts or candies have an 18 month
code However some items, instead of dates have a different code system.
For these the Chodosh code for Aug 20 is 4233621 (4=year, 233=day of the
year, 621=not important.).
Kellogs corn flake crumbs, the Chodosh code is Jan 15, 2007 (2 years
after packing.)
4 Mar 05
WARNING: Nature Valley Granola bars sold in Israel: Page 13 of the
3rd issue of the Guide stated that Nature Valley Granola bars
sold in Israel with an O-U and Yoshon labels are Yoshon. However the
March 2005 issue of the Kashrus magazine reports that this is not true
for some of these bars. Apparently, those that are imported by S. O. G.
S. and are distributed by Eurofood of Rishon LZion have an unauthorized
hashgocho and may be Chodosh. The same granola bars are being marketed in
Israel by other sources and are Yoshon.

To get the latest Guide to Chodosh by E mail, in PDF format, send a blank
E mail message to either one of the following two addresses:
There is a Guide written especially for Rabbonim and Mashgichim. To get
this by E mail, here, too, send an E mail message to either on of the

To get the latest Update, such as this one, send an E mail message to:
In the message type:
get News.txt
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You can also download these files, without using E mail by using the
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E mail and the Internet completely. Instructions on how to do this are
given below.
You will need a computer with a dial-up modem (not DSL). We are also
assuming that your computer is using some fairly recent version of
Microsoft Windows (98, ME, 2000, XP). To access our BBS, do the following
one time preliminary setup steps.
1)  Activate the program Hyperterminal.
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13)  Keep hitting the Enter key until you reach the Bulletin Menu.
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Chodosh Bulletin-Addendum

2003-07-29 Thread yherman
I forgot to attach the following usual addendum to the Chodosh Bulletin I 
sent out today. That is attached below.

In addition, I would like to remind all of the following tentative Chodosh 
dates. These are based on last year's experience. More accurate dates will 
be sent out to this E mail list as they become known.

Freshly baked products in local bakeries such as breads, challehs, rolls, 
bagels probably Yoshon if purchased up to: Sept 7 in the East and Far West, 
Aug 25 in the Mid West.

Packaged foods containing wheat, other than pasta probably Yoshon if 
purchased up to Sept 15. After that package codes have to be used.

Packaged pasta probably safe if packed before Sept 30, probably safe to 
purchase up to Oct 15.

Foods containing oats may be Chodosh as early as the purchase date of Aug 
15. However, they are probably safe if packed up to Sept. 15, probably safe 
to purchase up to Oct 8. (The reason for this range of dates is that 
US-grown oats is harvested starting late July, but many large companies use 
Canadian oats that is harvested much later.)


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to: 

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from 
this list by sending a message to:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Then if you wish to resume receiving these 
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You can request several reports by sending an E-mail message to: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Then in the body of the message type the 
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you want. Type each request on a new line. Make sure that you copy the file 
name exactly as spelled including capital letters. These reports are now 

get Guidelines.txt

This gets a long report on Guidelines to Mashgichim on Chodosh. This has 
not been updated in the  last three years, but is still substantially valid.

get News.txt

This gives the latest news bulletin, such as this note.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any movement

or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for allowing us to use

their E mail distribution services. The JIF  provides free email

and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach organizations.

Chodosh Bulletin-Season is about to start

2003-07-29 Thread yherman
Chodosh Bulletin 29 Jul 03

The new Chodosh season has officially begun with the announcement from the 
U. S. Department  of Agriculture (USDA) that as of Jul 27 03, 20% of the 
US oats crop has been harvested. This means, that in theory, Chodosh oats 
could be entering our newly produced food at any time now. However, it is 
hard to gage the significance of this because only 1/3 of the oats used in 
the US is domestically grown. Most comes from Canada where the harvest is 
much later, mostly starting in September. In the past we have found that 
some US companies do use domestic oats. These do tend to have early Chodosh 
dates. However many major ones use Canadian oats with later Chodosh dates. 
Company specific information will not be available for at least an other 
2-4 weeks.

Based on crop progress reported by the USDA, we expect spring wheat and 
barley harvest to begin within the next 14 days.

Our updated estimates on the fraction of Chodosh in next years crops is a 

Hard red spring wheat (breads, chalehs, rolls, pizza, some cereals) 76% 

Oats 68% Chodosh. Barley 79% Chodosh. Durum spring wheat (noodles and other 
pasta) close to 100% Chodosh, the exact number can not be calculated 

We hope to publish the first issue of the Guide soon after the start of 
September. The Guide is undergoing a major format revision, in an attempt 
to make it more user friendly. As in the past, versions of the new Guide 
will be made available free of charge to be requested by E mail. However, 
with the significant format change, it is not clear now how the new format 
will affect the E mail distribution of the Guide.

To order printed copies of the Guide to be sent to you by US mail, send a 
check for $15 for the three issues per year. Make the check out to Project 
Chodosh. Mail it with your name, address including zip and apartment 
number, as well as your phone number to: Project Chodosh Subscriptions, PO 
Box 297279, Brooklyn, NY 11229-7279.

Chodosh Bulletin

2002-12-05 Thread Y. Herman

The second issue of this season's Guide to Chodosh went to the printer (see 
Dec 3 below). Attached here is a list of the changes and updates to the 
first issue of the Guide for your information. Many of these you have seen 
during periodic updates that I sent out as bulletins to this E mail list. 
Others are new.


WARNING: Benzy's, Martisco and Unger barley changes. We suggest that you 
consult your Rav or Posek before using these barleys as Yoshon. We do 
recommend these barleys as probably Yoshon if purchased before Oct 5. The 
company refused to release the dating code therefore we can not use package 
codes as a guide.

 The halachic question to ask is the following: The pearled barley 
production has two basic steps: (1) Storage of the harvested barley grain 
in a silo. (2) Packing the barley into the 1 pound packages sold in the 
groceries. Step (1) was completed. Arrangements were made to store a large 
amount of Yoshon barley in a silo under the supervision of a mashgiach. 
Enough barley was stored and sealed by the mashgiach to supply the needs of 
these two companies for the season. Meanwhile, regarding step (2) the 
packing of barley is continuing throughout the winter Chodosh season, 
WTIHOUT ANY JEWISH SUPERVISION. The company guarantees that this barley is 
Yoshon, relying on the assurances of the Gentile managers of Martisco. This 
defines the potential problem area that needs halachic decision: The 
company, located in New York State has available the Yoshon barley stored 
for it in Canada. It can also acquire Chodosh barley, perhaps more easily, 
from closer sources. The Gentile managers of the company claim that no 
Chodosh barley is ever brought into the company facilities. Can we rely on 
the guarantees of the managers without further supervision that no 
available Chodosh barley is used? Ask you Rov of Posek whether this is an 
acceptable arrangement. The change in our recommendation from the first 
issue of the Guide is due to the failure of the company to follow through 
on the promise of a reliable hashgocho for their packing operations as 
well. Rabbi Cohen from Canada was contracted to supervise the first part of 
the production of barley, the storage for Martisco and Unger. That was done 
satisfactorily. However, neither he nor any other mashgiach as of this 
printing, was given the opportunity to supervise the actual packing of the 
individual packages. If there are any changes in this situation, it will be 
announced via the Hot Line news and by E mail.


Amnon Kosher Pizza is Yoshon, without hashgocho for Yoshon. This refers 
both to the wholesale sold in groceries and the retail store at 4814 13th 
Ave. Brooklyn. 718-851-1758.
Barbara Cereals have a date on the package that is 8-9 months after packing.
CANADA: For a completely updated and expanded reproduction of the Toronto 
COR Yoshon Bulletin, see Section 4.13 of this Guide
Ceresota flour, see Heckers below.
Chopsie pizza is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star K of Baltimore. The 
kishke is probably not Yoshon at this time.
ConAgra, and Pathmark oats cereals, the revised packing date is Oct 14.
Eden Soy and other beverages, the new code is 1 year after packing. Use the 
Chodosh dates on page 21 of the Guide and add 1 year to get the package 
code. For other Eden products such as pasta, the code for the probable 
Chodosh date of Sept 15 is 2258 (2=year, 258=day of the year). For items 
made in Japan the code is not available.
Empire and Upscale frozen pizza (but NOT pizza bagels) are Yoshon under the 
hashgocho of the O-U.
Empire blintzes are all Yoshon as indicated on package, under the hashgocho 
of Rabbi Yehuda Shain of the Double U Kosher.
Gefen barley is is Yoshon with the package date of Sept 23 01 (note this 
date was supposed to have been the packing date of the Yoshon barley. The 
packer marked the year as 01 by mistake, instead of 02. This barley was 
packed fresh this year and is not held over from last year. It also uses a 
different coding system than barley packed earlier which is also Yoshon. 
That had a date code that was 1 year after packing.)  Soy Sauce and the 
Hoisen Sauce are both Yoshon without hashgocho for Yoshon. Seven Bean 
Soup  is Yoshon. Pancake and Waffle Mix Yoshon whole season. Whole wheat 
matzo, matzo ball mix and matzo meal Yoshon.  Gefen and La Jolla croutons 
are from Israel and are Yoshon. Also Gefen bread crumbs are from Israel and 
are Yoshon.
General Mills cereals come in a great variety. We are relying on you to 
check the ingredients to see if they contain oats, wheat GERM, barley, or 
barley malt. (Note that for General Mills cereals the wheat products other 
than wheat germ, such as wheat, whole wheat flour, wheat starch, wheat 
bran, etc are all Yoshon. The only wheat problem is added wheat germ.) Then 
choose the earliest of the follo

Preseason Chodosh Bulletin

2001-07-20 Thread Y. Herman


The new Chodosh season will start soon (see estimates below.) Now is the 
time to renew your subscription to have the three issues of the Guide 
mailed to your home. The Guide project does not accept any donations. All 
expenses are covered by the sales of the Guides. To cover some increasing 
costs, we are raising the cost of the subscriptions from $12 per year to 
$15 per year. (We apologize to those few people who already sent in their 
$12 for the new season, but we have to ask you to send in an additional $3 
at your convenience. This is required to avoid any problems of ribbis.) 
Individual copies sold by local distributors will remain at $5 per issue.

To subscribe, please send your checks made out to “Project Chodosh” to the 
Guide address given at top of the page.

We have had difficulties in the past because not everyone included their 
full mailing address. Please fill in the renewal form given below.

The progress of the new Chodosh crops is running about 2 weeks behind last 
year. That means that Chodosh should start later than last year (and the 
Guide will also come out later than last year, see below.) Even though 
pesach was somewhat late on the secular calendar this year, due to delayed 
crop progress, very little potentially Chodosh crops were planted before 
pesach. Specifically the amount planted before pesach was 3% of spring 
wheat, 6% of the barley and 3% of the oats. In terms of total crops 
available after the harvest, we anticipate that during the upcoming season, 
the majority of spring wheat, oats and barley will be Chodosh. 
Specifically, we estimate the percentage Chodosh will be 68% for spring 
wheat (used for breads, challehs, pizza), 67% for durum spring wheat (used 
for pasta), 68% for barley and 63% for oats. It is also noteworthy that 34% 
of all the oats in the USA will be imported, mostly from Canada. Canadian 
oats are also mostly Chodosh, however, the harvest is considerably later 
than in the US.  This means that those companies that use US-grown oats 
could start Chodosh as early as start of August. However many large 
companies import oats for their cereals. Their Chodosh starting date is 
usually in early October. Last year, several of the major companies that 
used Canadian oats in their cereals included General Mills, ConAgra and 
Ralston. We have not yet checked on the arrangements of these companies for 
the new season.

The following are preliminary estimates only. Corrections and updates to 
these will be posted  when available on the News section of the Chodosh Hot 
Line and by E mail to those who subscribe to the E mail list (see below.) 
The corrected dates will be published in the first edition of the Guide.

Freshly baked products in local bakeries such as breads, challehs, rolls, 
bagels probably Yoshon if purchased up to: Sept 15 in the East and Far 
West, Sept 1 in the Mid West.
Packaged foods containing wheat, other than pasta probably Yoshon if 
purchased up to Sept 15. After that package codes have to be used.
Packaged pasta probably safe if packed before Sept 30, probably safe to 
purchase up to Oct 15.
Foods containing oats may be Chodosh as early as the purchase date of Aug 
15. However, they are probably safe if packed up to Oct 1, probably safe to 
purchase up to Oct 15. (The reason for this range of dates is that US-grown 
oats is harvested starting late July, but many large companies use Canadian 
oats that is harvested much later, as explained above.)
Foods containing barley (other than malt) probably safe if packed up to Oct 
2, probably safe to purchase up to Oct 16.

If you are a producer of Yoshon foods, please note:
·   This year we will continue to have separate  sections in the Guide 
for foods with and without hashgocho for Yoshon. However we will 
specifically recommend that Yoshon consumers buy foods only if they are 
under a reliable hashgocho for Yoshon, whenever the choice is available. 
(The Guide to Chodosh does not give such hashgochos. You choose your own 
·   A few weeks ago, we sent a mailing to the stores and bakeries in 
last year’s Guide warning them, that we are no longer able to make detailed 
phone calls to each establishment. We want to list all sources of Yoshon 
that consumers can use. There is never a charge for this listing. However, 
starting this year each store and other establishment is asked to send a 
fax to the Guide (fax #845-356-5999) to let us know their name, address, 
phone, what is Yoshon and which hashgochos, if any they have for Yoshon. 
Those who have not sent us the applicable information can not be listed in 
the new Guide.
If you are a Yoshon consumer, you would do us all a service if you would 
alert your local Yoshon producing establishment to these points.
Those who have access