[cia-drugs] Fwd: From Rove to Rice to POTUS -- Bringin' Down the White House

2005-07-28 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

> http://www.counterpunch.org/morris07272005.html
> July 27, 2005, CounterPunch
> Condoleezza Rice
> is at the Center
> of the Plame Scandal
> The Source Beyond Rove
> Former NSC staffer
> "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud."
> The chronology will no doubt continue to expand in the days and  
> weeks ahead.
> There may well be a ticking time-bomb in the Grand Jury  
> investigation of the
> Plame leak that goes beyond anything we now envision. In earlier  
> findings in
> cases of reporters refusing to testify, DC Circuit Judge, David  
> Tatel, a
> distinguished jurist known for his devotion to civil liberties and  
> especially press
> freedoms, had stoutly maintained a federal privilege for the media,  
> shielding
> it from being compelled to testify except under the most exceptional
> conditions. But in then later joining his colleagues in ordering  
> Cooper and the New York
> Times' Judith Miller to testify, Tatel reviewed extensive secret  
> information
> from the prosecutor, devoted eight blacked-out pages of his  
> judgment to the
> material, and concluded that the privilege he had upheld throughout  
> his career
> as a lawyer and judge had to give way before "the gravity of the  
> suspected
> crime."  No other element of the scandal bodes so ill for the Bush  
> regime.
> There is also the intriguing relationship between John Bolton, the  
> regime's
> stymied appointee to the UN, and Judith Miller, the New York Times
> correspondent sent to jail for contempt in refusing to divulge her  
> sources on Plame even
> for a story she never wrote. Bolton's close relationship to Miller,  
> in which
> many suspect the right-wing lobbyist handed the reporter much of  
> the fraudulent
> accounts of Iraqi weaponry that ended up on the front page of the  
> Times, may
> well have encompassed as well the passing of information from the  
> INR memo on
> Plame, which Bolton saw before Powell or even Rice.
> Then, too, as the Progressive Review's Sam Smith and Counterpunch's  
> Alexander
> Cockburn have pointed out from their lonely perch of substance and
> perspective atop what's left of American journalism, there is, in  
> the end, much less to
> the whole story than meets the eye. In their too obvious relish of  
> celebrity,
> Wilson and Plame as heroes are as dubious as the Niger letters. The  
> CIA, and
> the Presidents who used it as a private mafia, account for a more than
> half-century history far more catastrophic than a legion of seedy  
> Roves and Libbys or
> even multiple Bush regimes. Relentlessly corrupt, inept,  
> anachronistic, if
> ever an institution deserved to be "outed" and prosecuted in its  
> numbers, it is
> our vastly bloodstained intelligence agency. But as so often in  
> politics, we
> are left with the lesser, still needed reckoning at hand.
> And in that, of course, the larger issue beyond Plame is the Bush  
> regime's
> Big Lie behind the invasion of Iraq, in which the phantom Nigerien  
> yellowcake
> was an important malignant element. No government since World War  
> II has more
> blatantly invented the pretext for waging a war of aggression. The  
> Rove and
> Libby collusion only begins to peel away the layers of the crime.  
> Rice is the next
> skein to be pulled.
> Her manifest failures in the fateful months before 9/11 in meeting the
> principal responsibilities of the National Security Advisor-the  
> sheer incompetence
> and shallowness that left so much intelligence uncoordinated, so  
> much neglected
> or misunderstood-should have been enough to have run her from  
> public office
> long ago, of course, were it not for her hold on this tragically  
> flawed
> president, and her deplorable immunity amid the chronic political  
> cowardice of both
> the Democrats and the media.
> Now, however, [Rice's] role in the Plame scandal cannot be ignored or
> excused. She alone among senior officials was knowing and  
> complicitous at every
> successive stage of the great half-baked yellow cake fraud. She  
> alone was the White
> House peer-and in national security matters the superior-to Rove  
> and Libby,
> who never could have acted without her collusion in peddling  
> Plame's identity.
> She as much as anyone had a stake in smearing Wilson by any and all  
> means at
> hand. If Rove and Libby are to be held criminally or at least  
> politically
> accountable for a breach of national security, our "mushroom cloud"  
> secretary of
> state should certainly be in the dock with them.
> ---1122609159
> Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>  html; cha=
> rset=3DUS-ASCII">
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> f">
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> ris07272005.html">http://www.counterpunch.org/morris07272005.html A>=
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> =3D-1>
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> tgoldenrodyellow;" margin-bottom: 2em; padding

[cia-drugs] Barcelona cannabis tradeshow. Oct. 10-17, 2005. 20,000 expected.

2005-07-28 Thread Eco Man

For much info in English: 
-forwarded email begins--
From: "MARIHUANA" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: sobre la marihuna, about marihuana, feria, tradeshowDate: 28 Jul 05 01:20:00 +0100

La feria del (cañamo cannabis marihuana) más grande del mundo.. Visitela y disfrute de una semana en Barcelonadel 10 al 17 de Octubre 2.005.
The biggest hemp tradeshow in the world. Come to visit it during one week in Barcelona from October the 10th to 17th 2005
--end of forwarded email-

Highlife BCN, apart from being just a trade show, is a festival where you can discover the newest product developments related to the world of cannabis while enjoying music, performances, interesting expositions, fashion shows, seminars and much more. 
The fair venue, La Farga de l'Hospitalet , is located in the heart of the city. Access is easy from the airport (10 minutes in taxi) or from Barcelona center in train, metro, bus, or taxi. Both pay and free parking is available close to the fair in an industrial zone. Those who wish to stay the weekend in Barcelona have at their disposition hotels of all categories situated in downtown Barcelona and in the city of Hospitalet . 
The most important Cannabis fair in the world, after the success of the 2004 event, is about to return to Barcelona the 14, 15, and 16 th of October this year. It will be an unmissable opportunity for anyone and everything that has anything to do with the world of marijuana, whether you're a professional or afficionado. 
After organizing the Highlife BCN fair in 2004 and more than eight years of experience in Highlife Utrecht, all of it's collaborators, prestige, and convocation capacity make the base which will convert Highlife BCN 2005 into an event of worldwide reference with a projected public count of over 20.000. If you add to all this the famous climate, food, hospitality, and easy living of the Mediterranean people, it should follow that the forecast for this year's fair is naturally perfect. 
If you have a business, are a wholesaler, or manage an association it is essential that you are represented in the largest cannabis festival in the world. The most important brands and wholesalers in the sector are already signed up. Don't hesitate to send us your application with your personal or company information by internet or post. You will find the registration forms on our website along with prices, offers, and availability. 
--end of web page excerpt--
Photo galleries. Cannabis events worldwide.http://gallery.marihemp.com/mmm MMM (Million Marijuana March). First Saturday in May, or that weekend, or thereabouts.Hundreds of different cities worldwide since 1999.2005 city list, links, world map:http://members.fortunecity.com/multi19/mmm2005map.htmYahoo Group:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cannabisaction__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

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[cia-drugs] Intelligence Brief: Islamist Terrorism in Europe

2005-07-28 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Intelligence Brief: Islamist Terrorism 
in Europe Drafted By: Erich Marquardt, 
Federico Bordonaro http://www.pinr.com The 
wave of terrorism that has swept through London in recent weeks is causing much 
concern in European capitals. Beginning with the deadly July 7, 2005 terror 
attacks on London's transportation system, and ending with the July 21, 2005 
attempted terror attacks on that same system, there is concern that extremist 
elements among the European Muslim community are attempting to further the 
interests of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network. [See: "The Threat of Al-Qaeda and the Islamic Revolutionary 
Movement"]The July 2005 attacks in London came more than a 
year after the last major terror attack in Europe, the deadly March 2004 train 
bombings in Madrid that had the intention of altering the upcoming Spanish 
presidential elections -- a strategy that was successful.While the 
attacks in London could very well be an isolated incident and not predictive of 
a future terrorism trend, there is growing concern throughout Europe since the 
July 7 attackers were raised in Great Britain and had British citizenship; this 
knowledge has caused other European governments to worry over their own 
potential "home-grown" Islamist terrorists. The coming months will answer the 
question as to whether what just occurred in London is the forefront of future 
conflict or whether it is another isolated incident of Islamic extremism against 
the interests of U.S. allies in the "war on terrorism." The London 
AttacksThe July 2005 London attacks were claimed by Abu Hafs 
al-Masri Brigades, an Islamist militant group that was formed in 2001. Their 
first attributed attack occurred on March 9, 2004, when two suicide bombers 
detonated themselves in Istanbul, killing one person and injuring five others. 
Then, on May 11, 2004, the group claimed responsibility for the terror attack on 
Madrid's transportation system, where 191 people were killed and over 600 
wounded when ten bombs were detonated on the train line. The brigades claimed 
that the attack was in response to Spain's military support of the U.S.-led 
occupation in Iraq.The relatively unknown group appears to be 
decentralized and it is unclear what organizational capacity it retains. For 
instance, the organization claimed responsibility for the August 5, 2005 bombing 
of the Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, in addition to the power blackout in August 
2003 that affected the northeast United States; both claims turned out to be 
false. Yet, because of some of the organization's past claims did bear fruit, 
the organization must be taken into account.Threats Levied at 
EuropeAfter the July attacks in London, the brigades reiterated its 
threats to Italy, Denmark and the Netherlands; the aforementioned countries, 
except for the Netherlands which withdrew its troop contingents in June 2005, 
currently have troops in Iraq supporting U.S.-led operations there. For 
instance, on July 25, the organization reportedly warned that, "After London, it 
is Rome's turn." The threat, released on the Internet, says that if Italian 
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi does not withdraw Italian troops immediately, 
he would be responsible for Rome turning into a "graveyard."But a 
complete Italian withdrawal from Iraq cannot realistically occur in August. 
Although before the July 7 London bombings Berlusconi hinted at the possibility 
of a gradual withdrawal to be initiated in Fall 2005, it is now clear that such 
a pull-out could become even more difficult to perform due to the recent wave of 
terrorist attacks. A complete withdrawal within the mid-August deadline would 
appear like a full retreat. The militants know this, and their Internet messages 
appear to be a form of psychological warfare aimed at destabilizing Washington's 
allies, making their citizens fearful of future attacks. [See: "Intelligence Brief: Italy"]Different 
InterpretationsThe new wave of terrorist attacks occurring in July 
2005 is modifying the security perception in European countries. The two London 
attacks and the Sharm el-Sheikh bombing on July 22 -- which struck tourist 
facilities known for its vacationers from the West, and an important source of 
income for the Egyptian economy – already changed the previously widespread 
belief that al-Qaeda-affiliated militants are rarely able to carry out 
high-impact attacks in the West. Henceforth, politicians and the 
populations in the E.U. now ask themselves whether the American and European 
anti-terrorist policy is bringing results. Those that support current U.S. 
strategy believe that the current wave of terrorist attacks is the result of 
radical Islamic ideology, hence denying any direct cause-effect relation between 
the Iraq war and the terrorist attacks against European countries aligned with 
Washington. On the contrary, many other observers and a growing number 
of citizens now believe that taking part in U.S.-led operations in Iraq 

[cia-drugs] New factions rise as old parties fall

2005-07-28 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

And as the old parties crumble, new factions -- 
often with populist, anti-U.S. agendas and so small that they call themselves 
``movements'' rather than parties -- are offering to meet voters' demands for 
more jobs, higher salaries and better education 

New factions rise as old parties fallSHIFT ACCOMPANIED BY VIOLENT PROTESTS, POLITICAL 
TURMOILBy Maxwell J. HamiltonKnight 
Their names are instantly recognizable as some of Latin America's longtime 
ruling political parties. Yet these days, they control no presidential palaces, 
no legislatures.
Across Latin America, voters are shunning traditional ruling parties that 
brought too little progress and too much corruption, and backing new factions 
that analysts fear may only add to the region's instability.
Venezuela's once-ruling COPEI, which held 58 congressional seats in 1988, now 
holds six. Peru's APRA had 107 seats in 1985 and 28 today. And Uruguay, 
dominated by only two parties for most of the 20th century, is now ruled by a 
coalition of leftist parties that never held power before.
And as the old parties crumble, new factions -- often with populist, 
anti-U.S. agendas and so small that they call themselves ``movements'' rather 
than parties -- are offering to meet voters' demands for more jobs, higher 
salaries and better education systems.
Traditional parties ``failed to deliver people's basic demands,'' said 
Christopher Sabatini, a Latin American expert with the National Endowment for 
Democracy, a U.S. group that seeks to strengthen democracy around the world.
Sergio Calderón, a former secretary-general of COPEI, which alternated in 
power in Venezuela with Democratic Action from 1958 to 1998, agreed. ``The 
majority of leaders run the party for themselves and not for the people,'' 
Calderón said.
The picture is not all negative for either traditional or new parties.
The Peronists still rule in Argentina, and in Mexico the Institutional 
Revolutionary Party, ousted in 2000 after 71 years in power, fared well in 
recent state elections. And former guerrilla factions in El Salvador and 
Colombia have morphed into political parties, adding to the stability there.
But the shift from the old to the new parties has been accompanied by much 
political instability, including violent street protests against the old order, 
high turnover of those in power and even breaks with the democratic system.
In Bolivia, street protests forced the resignation of two presidents in the 
past two years -- Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada in 2003 and Carlos Mesa in April, 
both members of the dominant party, the Nationalist Revolutionary Movement, 
since 1952.
The crisis appears to have given added strength to relative newcomers like 
the Movement Toward Socialism headed by Evo Morales, a leftist who leads a coca 
growers' union and finished second in the 2002 presidential elections.
Traditional parties ``had a good long run . . . but now they are not in 
control of Bolivia's grass-roots movement,'' said John Walsh, an analyst with 
the Washington Office on Latin America, a liberal think tank.
And in Venezuela, President Hugo Chávez and his Fifth Republic Movement, 
elected in 1998 on a vow to stop corruption by the COPEI and Democratic Action 
governments, has been accused of seizing control of the electoral and judicial 
systems and intimidating the media.
The small new political factions ``are creating an environment where 
elections are no longer the only legitimate route to power,'' said Howard 
Wiarda, a Latin American expert at the Center for Strategic and International 
Studies, a moderate think tank in Washington.
The decline of the traditional parties began during a debt crisis that swept 
Latin America in the 1980s and '90s, academics say, as voters punished 
governments that did not handle the crises effectively.
In Venezuela, for example, the right-of-center COPEI and left-of-center 
Democratic Action parties had alternated power since 1958 under a written 
agreement, the Pact of Punto Fijo, that offered political stability amid the oil 
boom of the 1970s but excluded other political factions.
But the country began a steep economic decline at the end of the oil boom in 
1979. And when then-President Carlos Andrés Pérez and his Democratic Action 
Party issued a draconian set of belt-tightening measures in 1989, massive street 
protests erupted and left an estimated 3,000 dead.
Chávez, then an army lieutenant colonel, led a failed coup attempt against 
Pérez in 1992, and since his election in 1998, both COPEI and Democratic Action 
have lost virtually all power through a combination of poor internal decisions 
and harsh pressures from the president.
``The Chávez government has created a scheme that does not consider political 
parties,'' said Pastor Heydra, a former information minister for Democratic 
The story is similar in Peru, where APRA, the country's most po

[cia-drugs] House OKs CAFTA by two-vote margin

2005-07-28 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

House OKs CAFTA by 
two-vote margin
Heavy lobbying by White House 
carries day
By Mary M. Shaffrey

The U.S. House of Representatives narrowly passed the Central American Free 
Trade Agreement late last night by a vote of 217-215.
CAFTA eliminates tariffs on American products going to Costa Rica, the 
Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Products 
from those countries exported to the United States are currently free of tariffs 
because of legislation passed in the 1980s to help assist them with democracy 
North Carolina's congressional delegation was almost unanimously opposed to 
the agreement.
"There were manufacturers in the 5th District who received certain assurances 
that allowed them to support CAFTA," said Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-5th. "I will 
work with them to do what I can to make sure the promises made are kept and 
these American companies are able to gain markets in Central America." She added 
that she was "disappointed" that CAFTA passed.
Rep. Mel Watt, D-12th, said that the deal was not strong enough and that he 
was concerned about intellectual property rights of local companies, such as 
Dell Inc. and FedEx Corp.
"If you set a low standard for this agreement you are always going to have a 
low standard. You need to have the high standard now," Watt said.
Of North Carolina's 13 congressional representatives, only U.S. Rep. Sue 
Myrick, R-9th, supported the agreement.
"The textile companies (in my district) are doing a lot of business with 
Central America," Myrick said earlier this month. She said that it was strictly 
"a district by district" concern and that if CAFTA did not pass, business in her 
district would "go to China."
Rep. Charles Taylor, R-11th, was present, but did not vote.
The Senate passed CAFTA earlier this summer, with both of North Carolina's 
senators supporting the deal.
President Bush had lobbied hard for the deal in recent weeks. Yesterday, he 
made a rare appearance on Capitol Hill to personally appeal to wavering members. 
Most Republicans supported the agreement, which they say will help increase 
trade opportunities and reduce barriers.
Numerous trade organizations agreed and had pressed hard for the deal. Under 
the deal, an estimated 80 percent of the duties now imposed on American products 
entering the six nations would be removed.
"CAFTA was a top legislative priority of ours for good reason - it means 
increased opportunities for all Americans and a chance for the countries in 
Central America and the Dominican Republic to grow and prosper," said Thomas J. 
Donohue, the president and chief executive of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
A sizable minority of Republicans from such textile-producing states as North 
Carolina spoke against the bill because their districts have been hurt by 
previous trade agreements, including the North American Free Trade Agreement, 
which was passed in the early 1990s.
Rep. Howard Coble, R-6th, said that his mother was a textile worker and that 
he listened with particular attention to what female textile workers in his 
district said. He said that they overwhelmingly oppose the deal because they are 
afraid they will lose their jobs.
Rep. Walter Jones, R-3rd, said he was speaking "on behalf of the 200,000 
North Carolinians who lost their jobs as a result of NAFTA" and that the bill 
was bad for all Americans.
Jones warned that in 15 years Americans would be ordering its tanks from 
China and burying its fallen veterans in Honduran-made American flags.
• Mary M. Shaffrey can be reached in Washington at (202) 662-7672 or at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[cia-drugs] Yuan float a move towards new currency zone

2005-07-28 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Yuan float a move towards new currency 


By Jude Wanniski Thursday 28 July 2005, 14:57 
Makka Time, 11:57 GMT  

To those 
of us who have followed the mysterious world of floating currencies and exchange 
rates since President Nixon cut the dollar loose from its gold anchor in 1971, 
the Bush administration’s pressure on China to break the yuan’s 11-year 
link to the dollar is one of the most interesting political issues of the 

After several months of increasingly shrill complaints from members of 
Congress about the flood of cheap imports from China and the US trade deficit, China has now 
taken a major step to complete control over the yuan (renminbi or RMB). 
Where it had no control of its national currency during the years it 
totally accepted the Federal Reserve’s management of the dollar through the 
link, at 8.28 to the dollar, it has now broken free. 
China’s first step was to appreciate the yuan to 8.11 to the 
dollar; but that from now on will move in one direction or another depending 
upon its relationship to a basket of currencies of its major trading partners. 

This tiny 2.1% appreciation against the dollar will actually benefit the 
Chinese economy, because the dollar is now in inflationary terrain, the price of 
gold being at $425 oz when it should be under $400. The move thus 
removes that much inflationary pressure from the yuan and reduces the cost of 
capital for all yuan transaction, foreign and domestic. It will not harm the US economy in the least, only benefit 
China. It is obvious from the 
shape of the new regime that the People's Bank of China has borrowed an idea 
from Singapore's central bank, which also 
manages its currency against an unspecified basket of other currencies - a 
mystery formula that permits it the greatest freedom in seeking the best "money" 
for domestic and export purposes. 
Mystery basket
In a real sense, where American politicians have been accusing 
China of "manipulating" its 
currency by rigidly fixing it to the dollar, China can now 
really "manipulate" behind the curtain of its own mystery basket. In the 27 July 
Wall Street Journal, the deputy director of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, 
Fang Xinghai, put it this way: 


  Several other Asian 
  countries have monetary policies that keep their currencies in line with 
could have implemented the new currency regime without any initial 
revaluation. But the decision to accompany it 
with a small revaluation was a clever move that responds to both 
China's growing external surpluses 
and American demands for an appreciation in value of the yuan. 

Since the new basket arrangement aims to 
keep China's nominal 
effective exchange rate relatively constant, it's quite impossible for the yuan 
to appreciate against the dollar by the much larger amount that many 
US politicians have demanded, unless 
the dollar declines dramatically relative to other major 
the other major central bankers at least keep an eye on the price of gold, for 
signs of incipient inflations or deflations, it would be "quite impossible" as 
Fang suggests, for the dollar to decline dramatically against other major 
currencies unless the dollar/gold price shot up, above $450 oz, heading toward 
Optimum currency area
This has been exactly the advice China has been getting from Canadian 
economist Robert Mundell, who spends much of his time in Beijing and has listed 
a dozen reasons why China should resist a "significant" revaluation of the RMB 
that have been well-publicized in the Chinese press. 

Because Mundell got his 1999 Nobel Prize in economics for work he did on 
"optimum currency areas" that led to the creation of the euro, his arguments 
carry great weight with the People's Bank of China. The fact he is Canadian also 
helps with the government, which is aware of the American advice to Moscow in 1989, the "shock 
therapy" that led to the great inflation of the rouble and the break-up of the 
Soviet federation. 
The idea of an "optimum currency area" or "zone" is that neighbouring 
countries or those that engage in significant trade with each other benefit 
enormously from using a common currency-which is the effect when China 
gives the RMB a value it keeps identical to the dollar. Several other Asian 
countries have monetary policies that keep their currencies in line with the 
dollar and, ipso facto the RMB, becoming part of this broad trading zone. 

Malaysia, for one, immediately joined China in 
revaluing its currency by 2.1%. In that sense, Malaysia clearly 
signalled that it was joining an RMB zone, moving away from a dollar zone. 

RMB zone
An RMB zone? Yes. Unless the United 
States ends its own dollar manipulations, which show up in 
the serious fluctuations in the dollar/gold price, the Asian economie

[cia-drugs] [Fwd: RE:Nico gets Gonzocon Bob blast]

2005-07-28 Thread Rosalee Grable

 Original Message 
Subject:RE: [911InsideJobbers] Nico gets Gonzocon Bob blast
Date:   Thu, 28 Jul 2005 16:04:21 +0200 (MEST)
From:   Nico Haupt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> --- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ---
> Von: "Gerard Holmgren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Betreff: RE: [911InsideJobbers] Nico gets Gonzocon Bob blast
> Datum: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 22:05:58 +1000
> The best laugh I've had for a while

...actually i like it too, LOL :)
Reads almost like satire to me.

I should send this "rabbi philo", my alltime NO.1 911 truth activist for me
and a jew. 
We both labelled each other OBERTRUPPENFUEHRER at the anti-war gatekeeper
protests in DC and had much fun, while we were giving out our
ShadowGovernment TV videos.

bob heil :)


> Is this a piece of Bob's brain that I just found on the floor ?
>   _  
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rosalee Grable
> Sent: Thursday, 28 July 2005 9:53 PM
> Subject: [911InsideJobbers] Nico gets Gonzocon Bob blast
>  Original Message 
> Subject:   [cia-drugs] Haupt and vonKleist: Not a bomb on German soil
> Date:   Thu, 28 Jul 2005 02:44:13 -0400
> From:   Bob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:   cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
> To:   undisclosed-recipients:;
> Herr Haupt and Herr vonKleist's perennial 'Zig Heil':
> "Not a Plane has fallen on American soil",
> ...911 plane witnesses "all Jews", says Goebbels
> German window flowerbox denialists compose the world's
> most dangerous extremist quasi-religious fundie cult
> because they believe Prescott Auschwitz Bush's WW2
> small plane Big Lie,"Not a bomb has fallen on German
> soil". They are incapable of believing a Jewish witness,
> Joel Sucherman, who saw a 757 fall on American soil,
> even though Haupt and vonKleist's Jewish strawman
> 757 witness stands among confirming witnesses who
> are **NOT** Jewish, while Goebbels-Holbo denialists
> disavow all other witnesses and facts, mobbing all
> witnesses and shouting them down, defiantly chanting
> their mantra, "not a bomb has fallen on German soil, not
> a plane has fallen on American buildings, not a Jewish
> witness will we hear, not a victim, not a crime, not a
> holocaust on German soil, Zig Heil, Zig Heil, Zig Heil!
> [and we hear the crowd roar as we huddle around our
> shortwave radios wondering if this can really be...martial
> music...on Herr vonKleist's dvd?! Yes, German martial
> music on Herr vonKleist's disingenuous small hole big
> lie dvd...this mob madness is a know-nothing dark age]".
> A German-sounding name on the lying Small Hole dvd
> telling us not a plane has fallen on American soil, while
> he hides the ninety-one foot wide wing hole and wider
> damage area in favor of telling us the upper fuselage
> hole on the second floor was the only hole, the only
> hole! Calculated deception!
> German-sounding names emulating WW2 German window
> flowerbox nazi-ho-in-denial syndrome, believing Goebbels'
> "not one bomb has fallen on German soil" big-lie mantra, now
> the American window flowerbox syndrome, Lt Col Art Holbo's
> small plane Big Lie,"not a plane has hit an American building".
> Also, the German name 911 people have as much faith
> in secret weapons winning their war, their war of
> words, as Goebbels' MK progeny. They reject Jewish
> witnesses, they deny that a single plane his fallen on
> American soil, and they believe secret weapons are going
> to turn the war for the minds around for Goebbels and
> Holbo and the Pentagon plane-less small plane Big
> Lie video. No Jewish witnesses or black child victims
> need apply, move to the back of the bus, Herrs Haupt
> and vonKleist are here.
> They don't like Jewish witnesses, and they don't like
> black straight-A students, either--they say Rodney
> Dickens and Asia Cottoms are vacationing in Tel
> Aviv or Jerusalem. More Haupty condescending insults
> >from Herr Haupt and Herr vonKleist, more zig heils and
> mantras to the dis-respect of real victims, witnesses,
> and their mothers.
> Over 99% of Pentagon witnesses saw AA77 fly near
> or into the Pentagon, no one person seeing even a
> quarter of the circular flight path because it was
> so many more miles in diameter than a "high-g
> turn". 99% of what witnesses say agrees, and
> less than 1% of serious disagreements have
> anything to do with the size of the plane or
> whether it flew into the Pentagon.
> Small hole hoax, high-g turn hoax, 14th St Bridge
> said to be on the wrong side of the Pentagon by
> Dick Eastman, lack of evidence hoax, small plane
> hoax, witness contradiction hoax, disqualifying
> of witness Joel Sucherman because he's Jewish,
> although confirmed by others not Jewish(all
> dismissed by Sucherman strawman device). One
> hoax after another from 911 holocaust deniers
> and affirmers of Goebb


2005-07-28 Thread Arlene Johnson

Good heads up Vig. One of my other supporters sent me this. Devvy is right on, but says she's too busy to read my work.
Read my work everyone. Participate in my international boycott. I'm doing this to save you. You need to meet me half way.
In peace and solidarity,
Arlene Johnson
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No password is needed to access the editions dated 2001 - 2004.
Be sure to click on the icon that says Boycotts We Support too. You'll be glad you did.-Original Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Jul 25, 2005 6:35 PM To: new patriots <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Cc: cia drugs , a political debate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, global humanity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, rm counsel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, evolving thought <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, jl rona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, vera in bucaresti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, cia tradecraft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [cia-drugs] AMERICANS ARE GOING TO BE ROUNDED UP! 


By: Devvy
July 25, 2005 
The other day I received an e-mail from a sincere man who is just getting the message about what's happening to our constitutional republic. (America is not a democracy!) Poor Leon said, "Americans are going to be rounded up!" I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but apparently Leon hasn't gotten the memo: Americans have already been rounded up. 
"Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws." Baron M.A. Rothschild. "Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is master of all its legislation and commerce." President James Garfield. If you don't know about the unconstitutional "Federal Reserve," please obtain a free copy of my booklet, Why A Bankrupt America, because starting in 1913, the banking cartel took over this country with the worst yet to come. The Federal Reserve has played the greatest role in the deliberate destruction of family owned farms in this country. See my column on this here. 
Since 1913, the American people and this republic have been under assault by the international banking cartel and all their tentacles, i.e., the treasonous Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and treasonous Trilateral Commission. 1913 was one of the most destructive years in the history of this republic as far as Congress is concerned. They passed the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Secretary of State, Philander Chase Knox, declared the non ratified Sixteenth Amendment ratified to make the American people believe there would now be a personal income tax. He committed fraud. And, the the same year, the final blow came with the announcement that the Seventeenth Amendment was ratified when it clearly was not. 
Once the banking cartel took control of our monetary system and created a feeding artery (IRS), they then made sure the mobs (democracy) would control the Senate, wiping out states rights. By having the mobs control the senate, those all important treaties would be ratified by senators who serve their foreign masters instead of we the people. 
As time went by and Americans were drawn into one war after another to enrich the coffers of the banking cartel, the agenda went into hyper drive beginning in 1994 with passage of the unconstitutional NAFTA and GATT. NAFTA has shut down over 6,000 factories, leaving once thriving communities little more than ghost towns. If we ever had to gear up for war on our own soil, we would be left naked because those all important factories are nothing but rusting buildings. By buying cheap foreign goods by the boat load, Americans have been part and parcel to destroying the job sectors in this country that made American the greatest and most prosperous nation on this earth. 
GATT has destroyed millions of jobs that are now held by people in Communist China, Communist Hong Kong, Communist Viet Nam, Communist Russia, India and our enemy, Mexico. It has undermined our sovereignty to such a degree that were Andy Jackson alive, he would live up to his famous words, "Tell them (the South Carolinians who wanted to nullify the Tariff Act of 1832) that I will hang the first man of them I can get my hands on to the first tree I can find." 
"Outsourcing" continues to destroy careers and force college educated Americans into retail jobs at minimum wage. Americans who don't seem to care about their fellow countrymen, continue to load up their homes with cheap garbage made in foreign countries to save a buck, putting millions of Americans out of work and further promoting the agenda of reducing America to third world levels, stifling wages and creating more despair. You can buy Made In America and I hope you will make the effort to support American workers first. 
The Senate has already sold us out and passed CAFTA; the House will do the same on July 27, 2005. Bush wants the FTAA signed an

[cia-drugs] tell me they're jewish too

2005-07-28 Thread Bob

Please tell me(embarrass me) Nico Haupt and Herr
vonKleist are Jewish, too.

They ignore Joel Sucherman's repeated insistence
all day September 11, 2001 on local DC and syndicated,
that he saw an American airlines 757, specifically and
explicitly and repeatedly a "757", fly into the Pentagon.

Joel Sucherman was saying 757 for TWO HOURS that Dan
Rather and channel 9 locally were insisting that AA77
crashed in New York. Was it not simply true that one
Jewish guy and a lot of non-Jewish guys saw AA77, a
757, fly into the Pentagon, said so on TV, and a couple of
German guys are taking the Goebbels line and dissing the
Jewish witness as their strawman to ignore all witnesses?

Two German guys say not a bomb has fallen on German
soil, not a plane has fallen on American buildings, and
these two German guys want to ignore a Jewish guy who
says he saw an American Airlines 757 crash into the
Pentagon? Are you with the two German guys dissing
a Jewish strawman who said "757"?

They want to dismiss all the others who saw AA77
near and crashing, on the basis that Joel is Jewish,
it seems to me. It looks like two German guys are
engaging in a strawman argument that one Jewish
guy taints the lot.

Two German guys take the government line, the Pentagon
small plane Big Lie, out of the mouth of USAF propaganda
officer Lt Col Art Holbo, who like Goebbels and his Big

They don't hear that Jewish guy saying "757"? He's their
strawman to ignore every witness who agrees with him?


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