[cia-drugs] On Congressional Emergency Protection and Reorganization of the Auto Industry

2006-03-11 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


On Congressional Emergency Protection and Reorganization of the Auto 
by Lyndon H. 
LaRouche, Jr.
By Act of 
Congress, the Automobile Manufacturing Industry, as broadly so defined, is taken 
under the temporary protection of the Federal Government of the U.S.A., as a 
matter of most crucial strategic significance for enabling the resurrection and 
further development of the national economy of the U.S.A., as a measure deemed 
essential to the general welfare of the nation for its present population and 
posterity. The included economic and social requirement is that the productive 
capacity so preserved must be maintained in those states and local communities 
in which the automotive industry and its principal suppliers have been situated 
during the recent decade and a half.
qualitative upgrading of the technologies used in the design of automobiles and 
related products, will be a continuing, included feature. A targeted level of 
one-quarter to one-third of present levels of manufacture by U.S. enterprises 
operating under this temporary protection will continue to produce for the auto 
industry. The remainder of the capacity of the industry and its principal 
supporting elements should be devoted to a functionally integrated development 
of the national space-exploration and development initiative, as associated with 
NASA, and with missions centered in, and compatible with the function of power, 
mass transportation. and related matters of national, regional, and local 
It should be 
the intention of such prime legislation, that the concentration of 
Federally-created credit, as capital of investment, in this large, and rapidly 
expanding section of the national economy as a whole, shall be an economic 
driver for many leading sectors of the economy. The impact of this must be a 
reversal of the preceding decline of the U.S. economy from an agro-industrial 
power, to a so-called, "cheap-labor"- based "services economy."
combined intentions, must envisage the restoration of the Hamiltonian conception 
of national economic development, a shift accomplished by the establishment of a 
well-defined capital budget, as distinct from an annual operating budget, of the 
Federal Government. Federally created lines of medium- to long-term credit for 
capital improvements in matters of national economic and related strategic 
importance, should be made either directly by Act of Congress, or controlled 
through a special lending authority created by Act of Congress. The private 
banks would be encouraged to participate in approved loans to private 
enterprises for this purpose.
In the course 
of time, the effects of this program must be sorted out, such that either some 
elements are retained as instruments of government ownership and operation, or 
established as enterprises operating within the private sector.
further elaboration, see LaRouche's 2005 memoranda on Strategic Bankruptcy, and 
his Open Letter to Bill Ford, both available on www.larouchepac.com 

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[cia-drugs] Slobodan Milosevic found dead in cell

2006-03-11 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Slobodan Milosevic found dead in 


Stephanie van den 
Former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic, the "Butcher of the Balkans" 
being tried for war crimes and genocide over the Balkans conflicts that killed 
more than 200 000 people, was found dead in his cell-room bed on 
Saturday."Today, Saturday March 11, Slobodan Milosevic was found 
lifeless on his bed in his cell at the United Nations detention unit in 
Scheveningen," said a statement by the court in The Hague."The guard 
immediately alerted the detention unit officer in command and the medical 
officer. The latter confirmed that Slobodan Milosevic was dead," the court said 
in a statement.The news provoked widespread fury because the burly 
64-year-old Milosevic had for ever escaped justice and prompted questions about 
the responsibility of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former 
Yugoslavia.The court launched an inquiry into the death. A full autopsy 
and a toxicological report have been ordered, it said. Milosevic's family were 
informed of his death, it added.Russia's Interfax news agency quoted the 
brother of Milosevic, Borislav Milosevic, as saying the tribunal in The Hague 
"carries full responsibility" for the death.The judges had denied a 
request from Milosevic, who was suffering from high blood pressure and heart 
problems, to undergo medical treatment in Moscow, saying they saw no reason why 
Russian doctors could not treat him in The Netherlands."The tribunal has 
nothing to be blamed for," tribunal spokesperson Christian Chartier said. "The 
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia takes the utmost care 
of its indictees and of [Milosevic] in particular. We cannot be blamed for 
negligence."Milosevic's death was announced just six days after the 
suicide in the same prison of his former ally, 50-year-old Croatian Serb 
ex-leader Milan Babic, who pleaded guilty to crimes against humanity perpetrated 
during the 1991-1995 war in Croatia.'Not fair'In the streets 
of Belgrade, Serbs reacted with a mixture of shock, anger and deep 
suspicion."It is not fair that the bastard died in a dream while others 
died in pain," said 43-year-old Belgrade resident Duska, who asked not to give 
her full name."Now Sloba's supporters will make him a martyr, saying he 
would rather die than betray his country," said 35-year-old Janko Petrovic, 
referring to Milosevic by his nickname."Nobody will have guts now to say 
that the UN tribunal is not biased against the Serbs. Not now, in a week that 
started with the death of Milan Babic and ended with Milosevic's death," 
Petrovic said.Milosevic had been on trial before the UN court since 
February 2002 on more than 60 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity 
for his role in the 1990s Balkan wars. He was facing separate genocide 
charges related to the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia, where Serb military strategies 
devised to depopulate non-Serb areas became known as "ethnic 
cleansing".Milosevic, who defended himself, never recognised the court's 
legitimacy and refused to even to make written submissions.Europe 
reacted with hope that his death might lead to reconciliation in the 
region."I hope very much this event, the death of Milosevic will help 
Serbia to look definitely to the future," said European Union foreign policy 
chief Javier Solana, in Salzburg for EU talks with Balkans 
policymakers."I hope very much that his passing will enable the people 
of Serbia better to come to terms with their past, which is the only way in 
which they can properly face their future," British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw 
told reporters at the same meeting.DefiantMilosevic defied 
international sanctions and Nato bombs over nearly a decade of strife in the 
former Yugoslavia and was unmoved by the accusations against him.The 
Serb nationalist stoked conflicts that left more than 200 000 people dead, 
up to three million homeless and the Serbian economy in ruins.But the 
burly firebrand made no apologies for his actions in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo, 
where his drive for a Greater Serbia "cleansed" of Croats and Muslims sparked a 
rash of massacres and finally a showdown with the West."I'm proud for 
everything I did in defending my country and my people," he told United States 
television network Fox News in a phone interview in 2001 from his jail outside 
The Hague while he was awaiting trial."All my decisions are legitimate 
and legal, based on the constitution of Yugoslavia and based on the rights to 
self-defence."Milosevic was the first former head of state to appear 
before an international criminal court and faced life in jail if convicted. But 
he portrayed himself as a besieged statesman who struggled to keep the crumbling 
Yugoslav federation intact against separatists and "terrorists".The wily 
Serb matched bluff and

[cia-drugs] Perils Of A Strategic Alliance

2006-03-11 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Perils Of A 
Strategic Alliance 

 Prakash Karat 

INDIA has become a strategic ally of the United States. This is the 
message that president Bush’s visit to India has underlined. In one sense, the 
outcome of the visit was expected given the fact that last year in July, during 
the prime minister’s visit to Washington a strategic partnership was forged as 
set out in the joint statement issued on July 18, 2005. 

Embedded in this strategic alliance is the US nuclear 
cooperation deal which was first mooted in the July 18 statement. The steps 
taken to concretise the nuclear deal during the Bush visit have been hailed as 
“historic”. The big business media in the country have launched an euphoric 
campaign using the terminology which became familiar during the period of the 
BJP-led government when the pro-US orientation began. If one were to believe the 
headlines, India has acquired “great power” status and the India-US partnership 
is being touted as the greatest event in this country since it acquired 
independence. The cue has been taken from US secretary of state, Condoleezza 
Rice’s remark last year that the Untied States will “help” India become a “great 
power”. Such toadying up to the United States is typical of the English language 
print and electronic media. 
What is not stated in this orchestrated campaign is 
that the UPA government has by this strategic 
alliance with the United States eroded India’s independent foreign policy and 
severely restricted its strategic autonomy. This is evident from the 
nature of the strategic compact arrived at which has political, economic, 
military and strategic elements involved. 
All talk of “enlightened national interests” 
is exposed when the political and ideological underpinnings of this strategic 
alliance with the United States are examined. 

That the United States is the leader of this alliance 
is clear from the way the political terms of the alliance have been framed.  In the July 18 statement, India agreed 
to promote democracy and fight terrorism globally jointly with the United 
States. If the July 18 statement talked about the Global Democracy Initiative, 
the current joint statement talks of India designating a representative to the 
advisory board of “International Centre for Democratic Transition” (ICDT) 
located in Budapest. In between, India had contributed $10 million to the UN 
Democracy Fund along with the United States. The pro-US media and the ruling 
circles have kept the Indian people in the dark about the nature of 
organisations like the ICDT. This is nothing but a US-sponsored platform to 
promote “regime change” under the garb of democracy in all those countries which 
oppose US hegemony or have a socialist system. What was being done by the US 
through its organisations like the National Endowment for Democracy is now being 
carried forward by the Community of Democracies, the Democracy Fund and the 
ICDT. What the Manmohan Singh government has agreed to is to join the US 
sponsored global crusade against socialist countries like Cuba and countries 
targeted by the United States like Iran, Venezuela, Syria and Zimbabwe. It is 
significant and disturbing that the government of India has kept silent about 
Bush’s infamous remarks about the need to promote democracy and regime change in 
countries like Iran, Cuba, Zimbabwe and others in his Purana Qila speech. 


The joint statement issued during the visit has welcomed the report of 
the US-India CEO Forum and agrees to consider its recommendations. Both the CEO 
Forum and the Trade Policy Forum have submitted reports which are a blueprint 
for American capital and corporations to penetrate the economy and capture the 
Indian market. Among the recommendations of the CEO Forum are steps to 
facilitate US banks taking over Indian private banks; increasing FDI in the 
insurance sector to 49 per cent, opening up retail trade further to FDI and 
setting up of a $5 billion Infrastructure Development Fund which can act as a 
vehicle for US investment in infrastructure. It is stated clearly that the Fund 
should only have minority Indian government participation and should leverage 
the expertise of the World Bank and other financial institutions for selection 
and monitoring of investments. The deputy chairman of the Planning Commission, 
Dr Montek Singh Ahluwalia has promptly and not surprisingly, announced that 
there will be 24 committees set up, one for each recommendation made by the CEO 
Forum. It is not clear whether the Planning Commission itself would set up such 
committees whose sole purpose would be to facilitate American private investment 
in the country. 
Another agreement being given concrete shape is the 
“Indo-US Knowledge Initiative  on 
Agriculture, Research and Education”. The board s

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [THS] !!!! Mike Whitney: The 48 Hour Media-blitz for War with Iran

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The 48 Hour Media-blitz for War with Iran

By Mike Whitney

03/10/06 "ICH" -- -- In the last 48 hours all the major players in the Bush 
administration have issued statements warning of the impending danger of Iran.

Cheney blasted the Islamic regime saying there would be “meaningful 
consequences” if it refuses to comply with international demands to stop 
its nuclear program.

Condoleezza Rice said, “We face no greater challenge from a single country 
than Iran… This is a country that seems determined, it seems, to develop a 
nuclear weapon in defiance of the international community that is 
determined that they should not get one.”

Donald Rumsfeld warned at a press conference on Wednesday, “I will say this 
about Iran. They are currently putting people into Iraq to do things that 
are harmful to the future of Iraq. We know it, and it is something that 
they, I think, will look back on as having been an error in judgment.”

Bush chimed in too, “Iran must not have a nuclear weapon. The most 
destabilizing thing that can happen in this region and in the world is for 
Iran to have a nuclear weapon.”

And then there was Bolton, the most vehement of all, saying that the 
Security Council should issue a “vigorous response” to Iran’s nuclear 
ambitions or the United States might have to consider other steps.

Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns said, “It’s going to be incumbent on 
our allies around the world to show that they are willing to act.”

Congress also added their support led by Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA) “Iran’s 
quest for nuclear arms requires us to do two things: squeeze Iran’s economy 
as much as possible and do so without delay.” Lantos claims that more than 
300 lawmakers will support sanctions.

Israel’s Defense Minister joined the chorus as well,” If the UN Security 
Council is incapable of taking action to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear 
weapons, Israel will have no choice but to defend itself.”

Bush, Cheney, Bolton, Rice, Rumsfeld, Burns, Congress, and Israel.

Whoa! That’s quite a line-up.

All in the last 48 hours!

Was it spontaneous or a calculated public-relations campaign?

Beyond the political speechmaking are literally hundreds of articles, full 
of the same predictable fictions and demagoguery which have 
mischaracterized Iran’s nuclear program from the get-go; fueling the 
hysteria for another preemptive war.

Did Iran become nuclear superpower overnight?

Apparently, so. But, just for the sake of argument, let’s remember that 
according to the IAEA there is “no evidence of a nuclear weapons program or 
any diversion of nuclear material.”

That is the judgment of the Nobel Prize-wining chief of the UN nuclear 
watchdog agency, Mohammad ElBaradei. ElBaradei warned that there were no 
nuclear weapons programs in Iraq and he has drawn the very same conclusion 
in Iran.

“No evidence” still means “no evidence” except in Washington, DC, where it 
is a mere stumbling block for a massive media-blitz to manipulate public 
perceptions and whip the masses into war-fever.

It’s hard not to be impressed by the sudden ratcheting-up of inflammatory 
statements and spurious claims that blast from every media-soapbox across 
the country. Who could have imagined 4 years ago how utterly corrupted our 
media really is?

Try this: do a Google search through the 2,400 articles on Iran right now 
on and see what you find.

You’ll find that all 2,400 articles reiterate the same bland deceptions and 
wearisome lies as all the others. You’ll see that the forth estate provides 
neither facts, nor context, nor analysis, just the endless, repetitive 
fear-mongering of administration officials.

That’s it; just manipulation through state-sponsored demagoguery 24-7.

You won’t find anything about the IAEA inspection team that rummaged 
through Iran’s nuclear sites for the passed two years in the most thorough 
examination of any country in the history of the Nuclear Nonproliferation 
Treaty (NPT) You won’t hear anything about the “go anywhere, see anything” 
inspections that allowed officials from the IAEA to investigate any 
location or facility they felt was suspicious. You won’t hear that the 
National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) predicted that it would take 10 years 
for Iran to build a nuclear weapon. (If, in fact, that is even their 
intention) You won’t hear that Iran temporarily sacrificed its legal right 
to enrich uranium and accepted “additional protocols” because it trusted 
the EU-3 (Germany, France and England) who, it turns out, were simply 
acting as Washingt

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [THS] !!! Harvard in the Sky With Diamonds

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Pubdate: Thu, 09 Mar 2006
Source: Harvard Independent (MA Edu)
Page: Cover Article
Copyright: 2006 The Harvard Independent, Inc.
Website: http://www.harvardindependent.com/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/3984
Authors: Shane Wilson and Jon Liu
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/topics/LSD (LSD)
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/hallucinogens.htm (Hallucinogens)


Of veritas and LSD.

When news broke a fortnight ago that two undergraduates had been
arrested in connection with a nude, acid-fueled spectacle in the
corridors of Quincy House's C-entry, one could have been forgiven for
checking the calendar. Yes, it was 2006, not 1966 -- yet once again,
the banks of the Charles were playing host to psychedelic excess.

Thirty-eight hits' worth of excess, to be precise -- the number that
the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) allegedly found in
the room of Soren J. Siebach '08, as first reported in a February 25
article on the Crimson's website. The other arrestee, whom HUPD has
not yet named, was hospitalized for drug treatment after assaulting
two officers; naked and "acting in an aggressive and threatening
manner," in the words of police logs, he initially eluded capture
because his skin was too sweaty to seize.

Siebach, a Utah native, came to college with a perfect ACT score and
an avowed interest in "disco skating," according to his high-school
newspaper. Now he faces a mandatory minimum sentence of two years'
imprisonment, thanks to Massachusetts school-zone provisions. (Quincy
House is across the street from the Radcliffe Child Care Center, a
"private accredited preschool" under the law.)

Siebach's cohort will face arraignment next week on one count of
marijuana possession and two counts of assault and battery against a
police officer, said HUPD spokesperson Steven G. Catalano. The former
charge has a maximum sentence of six months; the latter, two and a half years.

The incident came as a surprise, wrote Quincy C resident Kevin J.
Feeney '08 in an e-mail. "A lot of people are confused about what did
happen that night, and I suppose worried about what will happen."
Nonetheless, Feeney said, "the talk has stayed relatively quiet.
Nothing on the open list, no official statement." He described the
Quincy community overall as "sympathetic toward everyone involved. We
haven't gone Salem, yet."

Catalano, the HUPD spokesperson, characterized the incident as
unusual -- especially in light of the hallucinogen involved. "We
weren't necessarily surprised," he said, "but it was something new.
Most of our drug arrests involve marijuana." He could not recall
another specific LSD-related arrest from his six years with the Department.

In all likelihood, Catalano said, the event does not signal a
resurgence of LSD use at Harvard -- though one wonders who was on the
receiving end of Siebach's alleged "intent to distribute" the 38
hits. Regardless, the Quincy House sideshow represents just the
latest chapter in Harvard's long and storied history with D-lysergic
acid diethylamide -- a history that has seen the hallucinogen
flirting with both sides of the countercultural divide.

American Pioneers

Today, the Massachusetts Mental Health Center, described on its
website as "a unique collaboration between the Massachusetts
Department of Health and Harvard Medical School," serves as a premier
teaching hospital for psychologists, psychiatrists, and other
mental-health professionals. In a less genteel time, however, the
Harvard-affiliated Center was called the Boston Psychopathic Hospital
-- and in 1949, it witnessed the American arrival of a European immigrant: LSD.

Six years earlier, the Swiss scientist Albert Hoffman had discovered
first-hand the hallucinogenic powers of the compound, which he had
originally synthesized in 1938. But according to John D. Marks' 1979
book The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate" (Time Books),
Hoffman's substance received little attention in the States until a
Viennese psychiatry professor named Otto Kauders extolled its virtues

[cia-drugs] Fwd: From the Bench

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Breaking: Sandra Day O'Connor rips into GOP, DeLay, Cornyn, and warns of the "beginnings" of dictatorship
NPR's Nina Totenberg aired an amazing story this morning about a talk that just-resigned Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor gave at Georgetown University. The first woman to serve on the High Court wouldn't allow her actual words to be broadcast, and that's a shame, because -- based on Totenberg's report -- every American needs to hear what she said. The Reagan appointee who became a moderate and an American icon -- Bush v. Gore notwithstanding -- all but named names in thinly veiled attacks on former House majority leader Tom DeLay and Texas Sen. John Cornyn, and ended with a stunning warning.
We transcribed some of the report, which you can listen to here. (UPDATE: Here's a full transcript from Raw Story.)
O'Connor told her Georgetown audience that judges can make presidents, Congress and governors "really really mad," and that if judges don't make people angry, they aren't doing their job. But she said judicial effectiveness is "premised on the notion that we won't be subject to retaliation for our judicial acts." While hailing the American system of rights and privileges, she noted that these don't protect the judiciary, that "people do":
Then, she took aim at former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. She didn’t name him, but she quoted his attacks on the courts at a meeting of the conservative Christian group Justice Sunday last year, when DeLay took out after the courts for its rulings on abortion, prayer, and the Terry Schiavo case. This, said O’Connor, was after the federal courts had applied Congress' one-time-only statute about Schiavo as it was written, not, said O'Connor, as the Congressman might have wished it were written. The response to this flagrant display of judicial restraint, said O'Conner, her voice dripping with sarcasm, was that the congressman blasted the courts. 
It gets worse, she said, noting that death threats against judges are increasing. It doesn’t help, she said, when a high-profile senator suggests there may be a connection between violence against judges and decisions that the senator disagrees with. She didn’t name him, but it was Texas Sen. John Cornyn who made that statement after a Georgia judge was murdered in court and the family of a federal judge in Illinois murdered in the judge's home.Now, the kicker:
O’Connor observed that there have been a lot of suggestions lately for so-called judicial reforms -- recommendations for the massive impeachment of judges stripping the courts of jurisdictions and cutting judicial budgets to punish offending judges. Any of these might be debatable, she said, as long as they are not retaliation for decision that political leaders disagree with
I, said O’ Connor, am against judicial reforms driven by nakedly partisan reasoning. Pointing to the experiences of developing countries and formerly Communist countries, where interference with an independent judiciary has allowed dictatorship to flourish, O’Connor said we must be ever vigilant against those who would strong-arm the judiciary into adopting their preferred policies. It takes a lot of degeneration before a country falls into dictatorship she said, but we should avoid these ends by avoiding these beginnings.
If Georgetown or anyone else has an audiotape or videotape of the retired justice's words, we would strongly urge them to release it (with her permission). If the NPR report accurately reflects what she said, this rises to the level of President Dwight Eisenhower's 1961 warning about the "military-industrial complex" -- and should be heard by all. 
--- End Message ---

[cia-drugs] A more "black magic" side definitely would use DNA knowledge for eugenics or bioweaponry or social control though.

2006-03-11 Thread RAMillegan


Anonymous said...

 to 'thoughtographer' once more:

As for my opinion on Wallace's public statement and political inclement, I can't see him personally being interested in Nazi eugenics or genocides of the 'unfit.' (i.e., his statements on how he disliked the U.S. response to race riots in 1943 Detriot and his whole social context improvement drive around humans on the outside (instead of human improvement). If good would be defined as working on the outside, evil I would feel would be attempting to simply change the inside out from under people.

However, that being said, if some of these elite people do have split personalities, then nothing they say can be trusted as evidence of who they are.

Point two, that hardly precludes someone building on Wallace's genetic techniques and transferring them over to other once left-wing and then labelled "Nazi" eugenic projects that only went underground after WWII instead of died out. The PNAC even gives a polite tip of the hat of recognition to eugenics in smiling on recent inventions of gene-recognizing biological weapons that they claim could be used a ethnic based weapons that turns bioweaponry "from a mere terror device into a politically useful tool." I've rarely felt as sick at heart when I saw that for the first time.

If Wallace was not a multiple--or even if he was--he seems more as someone working on the "outside perfectionist" groups and likely not really Mr. Big himself since he could be so easily thrown away in 1940.

Wallace seems rather "white magic innocent" in his approach of perfecting material reality as he sees fit that has been going on from the Elizabethan occultists around Bacon in England, Rosicrucians, Christian Kabbalists, Christian Unionists and all those people of the early decades of the 1600s.

Wallace of course, since the whole discipline of ecology didn't exist until after WWII, seems completely ignorat that his "material perfection" program for higher yields as the only purpose of crops (i.e., he could have bred them to be more nutritious for instance). As the past 60 years has shown, this whole breeding program is an ecological dead end because of diminishing returns: it self-destructs ecologially by concentrating only on high yielding things which consolidate agriculture, it impoverish farmers he claimed to want to help, and led to large scale pesticides to maintain such scaled industrial agricultulre he contributed to inventing it seems, and reduced nutritional content of food.

Wallace seems like a latter day Rosicrucian. I'd have to know much more about him though a lot of well intentioned scientists are innocent like that to the sociological ramifications of "their pretty neat ideas".

A more "black magic" side definitely would use DNA knowledge for eugenics or bioweaponry or social control though. Fleshing that out, with the whole DNA issue strand (pun not intended) in mind and many readers of this thread pondering how to apply it to morality, I would offer that opening up and protecting "soul choice" would be a good use of their DNA knowledge. Perhaps allowing for expanding psychic opening per se. A "white magic" occult side here for lack of another term want material perfections as they see it for humans as well as opening up DNA capacities.

The darker side would be for crushing this capacity, and using such DNA knowledge for further perfecting or inbreeding internal locks against human consciousness and 'enlightenment'.

Playing devil's advocate to myself, I don't really think that there is a useful separation though with most of these people whatever side of the political game they are playing because they are both OTO style elitists who want to control others souls, its just that some convince themselves it is a benevolent dictatorship with white painted pretty U.N. tanks firing the DU weaponry and "reeducating people" away from their own expressed interests, while the others know and revel in the visciousness of dictatorship, both mental and physical and feed off the self-destruction and misery.

As I said in practice, there is no difference I think between the two groups in terms of their politics.

The former might simply be a romantic historical relic of how European hermeticism ideologies developed--where the occult, the kabala, and alchemy was an individual personal transformation tool, instead of something to be applied socially to control. The Krisnamurta info at your Wallace links show that he rejected the whole social control element leadership that the theosophists wanted to see him fulfill for them. Another really scary development along these lines I think is the really NWO Ba'hai faith that is all about social control and perfecting international religious institutions and disciplinary frameworks, etc.

Back to the hsitorical relic issue of these occultists wanting individual freedom: perhaps they had once a taboo on ap