[cia-drugs] Greg Palast. Why Democrats Don't Count. USA versus Mexico.

2006-07-15 Thread Eco Man

  Quotes from the article farther down:  "Right now in Mexico’s capitol, nearly a million ballots sit in tied bundles uncounted. That’s four times the “official” margin of victory of the ruling party over Lopez Obrador. Supposedly, they’re 'votos nulos' — null votes, unreadable. But, not surprisingly, when a few packets were opened, the majority of these supposedly unreadable votes were Lopez Obrador’s  "Here’s a nasty little fact about voting in the Land of the Free not reported in your newspapers: 3,600,380 ballots were cast in the November 2004 presidential election that were never counted. In 2000, the uncounted ballots totaled just under two million."  Please forward widely. Start--  http://www.gregpalast.com/why-democrats-dont-count#more-1452  WHY DEMOCRATS DON’T COUNTPublished by Greg Palast July 14th, 2006 in Articles   Lessons from the Un-Gore of Mexico[Watch “Florida con Salsa,” Palast’s 15-minute investigative report from Mexico City for Democracy Now!]  The Exit polls said he won, but the “official” tally took his victory away. His supporters found they were scrubbed off voter rolls. Violence and intimidation kept even more of his voters away from the polls. Hundreds of thousands of ballots supposedly showed no choice for president — like ballots with hanging chads.And the officials in charge of this suspect election refused to
 re-count those votes in public. Everyone knew full well a fair count would certainly change the outcome.You’ve heard this story before: Gore 2000. Kerry 2004.  But Lopez Obrador 2006 is made out of very different stuff than the scarecrow candidates who, oddly, call themselves “Democrats.”For six years now, I’ve had this crazy fantasy in my head. In it, an election is stolen and the guy who’s declared the loser stands up in front of the White House and says three magic words: “Count the votes.”This past Saturday, my dream came true. Unfortunately, it was in Spanish — but I’ll take what I can get. There was Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, presidential challenger, standing in the “Zocalo” —
 the square in front of Mexico’s White House, telling the ruling clique inside, “Count the votes!“Most important, his simple demand was echoed by half a million pissed-off, activated voters chanting with him, “Vota por vota!” — vote by vote.And you know what? I think they are going to have to listen. I suspect that the rulers of Mexico, a vicious, puffed-up, arrogant elite, may well have to count those votes. But, for that to happen, someone had to ask them to do it — in no uncertain terms.Traveling the USA, I’m asked again and again ‘Why don’t Democrats stand up when their elections are stolen?’  The answer: for the same reason jellyfish don’t stand up… they’re invertebrates.I’m beginning to find that answer a bit too glib (though darn funny). Because it’s not about electoral cojones; it’s about a devotion to democracy deep in the bone. Yet weirdly, candidates that call themselves “Democrats” seem kind of, well, indifferent to democracy.Why? Elections are the radical tool of the working class — the great leveler of the powerless against the too-powerful. But the candidates themselves, both Republican and Democrat, tend to come from the privileged and pampered class. Votes are just the surfboards on which their ambitions ride.Right now in Mexico’s capitol, nearly a million ballots sit in tied bundles uncounted. That’s four times the “official” margin of victory of the ruling party over Lopez Obrador. Supposedly, they’re “votos nulos” — null votes, unreadable. But, not surprisingly, when a few packets were opened, the majority of these supposedly unreadable votes were Lopez Obrador’s.If you think that’s a Mexican game, think again. Because that’s exactly what happened in Florida and Ohio.  In Florida, 179,855 ballots supposedly showed no vote for President. A closer look by the US Civil Rights Commission statisticians showed that 54% of those Florida “votos nulos” were cast by African-Americans. Did Black folk forget to vote for President, couldn’t make up their minds or, as one TV network implied, were too dumb to figure out the ballot? Not at all. Machines can’t count some ballots.
 But people can. For example, several voters wrote in, “Al Gore,” which the machines rejected as his name was already printed on the ballot. The write-in could fool a machine but a human has no problem figuring out that voter’s intent.The National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago reviewed all 179,855 “uncountable” votes and found the majority attempted to choose Gore. And they would have been counted — but Florida’s Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, ordered a halt.So Bush was elected not by counting the votes but by preventing their count. And he was reelected the same way in 2004 when a quarter million votes were nullified in Ohio.But why fixate on Florida
 and Ohio? Here’s a nasty little 

[cia-drugs] I am crying as I post this

2006-07-15 Thread MA PA

I am crying as I post this  By Marc Parent 'A Light Unto the Nations'   http://mparent.livejournal.com/10276321.html  Enough.  Crimes and Corruptions of the New World Order NewsJul 15, 2006 -- 02:08:46 PM EST  http://tinyurl.com/h98nc  MARC PARENT   CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS  http://mparent.livejournal.com/  http://www.tpmcafe.com/blog/14409  http://www.dailykos.com/user/ccnwon   

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[cia-drugs] Official heroin production versus official heroin usuage

2006-07-15 Thread RoadsEnd
  Kris Millegan said...

 Well, we will try again, Someday I may take a typing class.

 And here are the changes according to populatin and ages. The  
CIA World Fact book is where the population numbers come from.

 Kris Millegan said...

 I find very little reality in official drug stats or officially  
related history. Much mis and dis-information.

 I have found that the most reliable information comes from much  
earlier and untainted information.

 One may read at: http://www.rand.org/commentary/050405UPI.html  
that The Islamic Revolution in 1979 in Iran used some of the same  
police-state tactics as China to eliminate the large production and  
consumption of opium that had prevailed under the rule of the shah of  

 A canard if I ever heard one. We have all been told that in all  
aspects that Red China and Islamist fundie Iran are or have been evil.
 And then we are also told that that have both eradicated their  
opium crops and do not use heroin as historical documented by most  
major countries to facilitate black ops and other agendas.

 According to: www.usdoj.gov/ndic/pubs11/13846/heroin.htm  
Worldwide heroin production was estimated at 426.9 metric tons in  
2003. 472 tonnes in 2005 according to UN http://www.unodc.org/unodc/ 
en/world_drug_report.html .

 A metric tonne equals 2,204.622 pounds

 According to the UN, ( http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/ 
world_drug_report.html ) Russia has the highest heroin usage rate  
2.0% of the population aged 15 to 65 or about 2,000,000 folks. Let us  
round down to 1,800,000 daily addicts. Well, that is over 1.8 metric  
tonnes a day and over 665 tonnes a year.

 The USA's figures are all over the map most US official figures  
are from 600,000 to 1,000,000 users. The UN says 0.6% of the  
population or around 1,200,000 users. Again rounded down to 1,000,000  
daily users is over 1 tonnes a day, around 369 tonnes a year.

 These numbers are figured with average use at a gram per day,  
which is supported by most research and anecdotal reports.

 So as you see there seems to be a supply problem … Now one may  
say that well, maybe most users are just casual. That has not been my  
personal observation of users.

 And even if you cut my figures in half, just those two countries  
would still consume more than the official figures of production.

 It behooves those running the shit to keep the official  
numbers down and untrue. I mean who can check. It is an illegal and  
unregulated industry. And considering that they generally run or at  
the very least have big influence on interference and bean counting,  
its a rigged play.

 If you will notice many of the heroin production records will  
put a big NA in the columns for Iran and China and then follow  
conventional wisdom of saying both countries used ruthless methods  
to eradicate, etc.

 I find the contention unconvincing.

 Opium became the largest commodity on earth in the 1830s and has  
been there ever since.

 A very good book on the dynamics

 From Carl A Trocki’s excellent book, Opium, Empire and the  
Global Economy(1999):

 The trade in such drugs usually results in some form of  
monopoly which not only centralizes the drug traffic, but also  
restructures much of the affiliated social and economic terrain in  
the process. In particular two major effects are the creation of mass  
markets and the generation of enormous, in fact unprecedented, cash  
flows. The existence of monopoly results in the concentrated  
accumulation of vast pools of wealth. The accumulations of wealth  
created by a succession of historic drug trades have been among the  
primary foundations of global capitalism and the modern nation-state  
itself. Indeed, it may be argued that the entire rise of the west,  
from 1500 to 1900, depended on a series of drug trades.
 . . . the image of the opium empire, a metaphor first offered  
by Joseph Conrad. It takes up the early history of opium and other  
traditional drugs such as tobacco and sugar and develops the  
paradigm of commercialized drug trades and ties that to the growth of  
European colonialism in the Americas and Asia . . .
 . . . links between drug trades, European colonial expansion,  
the creation of the global capitalist system and the creation of the  
modern state. Drug trades destabilized existing societies not merely  
because they destroyed individual human beings but also, and perhaps  
more importantly, because they have the power to undercut the  
existing political economy of any state. They have created new forms  
of capital; and they have redistributed wealth in radically new ways.
 Opium thus created a succession of new political and economic  
orders in Asia during the past two centuries. These included the  
state of the East India 

[cia-drugs] More on official production versus consumption of opiates

2006-07-15 Thread RoadsEnd


 In refering back to my source material, let me correct, refine  
Iran's position in worldwide opium production.

 Again refering to the CIA World Fact book and the 2006 UN World  
Drug Report.

 Iran has the highest percentage of it's adult (15-65) population  
as opiate users, 2.8% (that's where that number floating 'round my  
head came from).

 Now with an adult population of 47,379,174 gives us around  
1,300,000 users, rounding down to a million again about 370 tonnes a  
year. Now this is figuring heroin and so the model must be refined  
some more because much of the use in Pakistan is strictly opium use.  
But there is also a heroin using population in Pakistan.

 If one looks at the figures of usage versus production one sees  
that there is a disconnect.

 With one tonne of heroin production requiring about ten tonnes  
of opium. Which is reflected in the UN figures of 4620 tonnes of  
opium and 472 potential production in 2005.

 So let us say Iran has 250,000 heroin addicts and 750,000 opium  
addicts, each figuring a gram a day of their substance a day yeilds:
 Heroin about .25 tonnes of heroin a day and 93 tonnes of heroin  
a year.

 For the 750,000 opium addicts, they need ,75 tonnes of opium a  
day or 277 tonnes of opium a year.

 So taking the ten percent rule of thumb.

 Iran uses 930 plus 277 or around 1200 tonnes of opium just to  
take care of its, according to official UN report, internal opiated  

 So where does it come from?

 In looking at a Dutch report from 1935 here is the listing of  
opium production leaders 1931-1935. With limited information on  
Afghanistan and none at all from French Indo-Chiina.

 1. China
 2. India (Reported production dropping fast)
 3. Iran
 4. Asia Minor
 5. USSR
 6. Yugoslavia
 7. Japan
 8. Korea
 9. Bulgaria

 If Afghanistan kept up with the one year reported it would be  

 According to this report in 1931 the production was 2291 metric  
tonnes and that is without reporting. China, Afghanistan and French  
 That year Iran produced 890 metric tonnes

 So, again just going back to the current usage and production  
 There does seem to be a disconnect that would benefit the  
illegal drug trade.
 6:36 PM

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[cia-drugs] Venezuela would welcome Gazprom role in pipeline to Argentina - ambassador

2006-07-15 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Venezuela would 
welcome Gazprom role in pipeline to Argentina - ambassador
MOSCOW. June 21 (Interfax) - The Venezuelan authorities attach 
great importance to plans by the Russian gas giant Gazprom to help build an 
8,000-kilometer gas pipeline from Venezuela to Argentina, Venezuelan Ambassador 
to Russia Navarro Alexis Rojas told a news conference in Moscow on Wednesday. 

"Russia is the best partner for Venezuela. No other country in the 
world has better pipes," he said. 

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[cia-drugs] National Drug Threat Assessment 2005 Summary Report - heroin

2006-07-15 Thread RoadsEnd

Skip navigation.  To Contents To Previous Page To Next  
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To Home Page.   National Drug Intelligence Center
National Drug Threat Assessment 2005 Summary Report
February 2005

 Key Findings
 Trends and Developments

While the demand for heroin is significantly lower than for other  
drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamine, and marijuana, the  
consequences of heroin abuse are such that its abuse poses a  
significant drug threat. Slightly more than 310,000 persons aged 12  
or older report past year heroin use in 2003, considerably lower than  
the number of individuals who report past year use of marijuana (25.2  
million), cocaine (5.9 million), and methamphetamine (1.3 million).

Figure 8. Numbers of Persons Aged 12 or Older
Reporting Past Year Use in Millions, 2003
Chart showing the number of persons aged 12 or older who reported  
past year use of illicit drugs.
Source: National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
Key Findings


   The availability of Southwest Asian heroin appears to have  
increased slightly in 2003, attributable partly to participation by  
certain groups (for example, Nigerian and Russian traffickers) in  
heroin transportation and wholesale distribution. However, compared  
with other types of heroin available in domestic markets, relatively  
little Southwest Asian heroin is destined for the United States, and   
preliminary 2004 data indicate that availability of Southwest Asian  
heroin may be declining to pre-2003 levels.

   Despite stable demand for heroin in the United States, the  
number of primary heroin treatment admissions continues to increase.  
Because heroin abusers typically abuse the drug for several years  
before seeking treatment, the increase likely is due to individuals  
seeking treatment who began abusing the drug in the mid- to late  
1990s, when the demand for heroin increased significantly in the  
United States.

   In 2003 potential worldwide opium production and heroin  
production increased significantly, attributable overwhelmingly to  
increases in production in Afghanistan. Potential worldwide illicit  
opium production in 2003 was estimated at 3,757 metric tons, compared  
with 2,237 metric tons in 2002. Worldwide heroin production was  
estimated at 426.9 metric tons in 2003, compared with 244.7 metric  
tons in 2002. Moreover, 2004 estimates indicate a significant  
increase in illicit opium production and potential heroin production.  
(See Table 8.)

Figure 9. Heroin Admissions to Publicly Funded Treatment Facilities,  
Graph showing number of heroin-related admissions to publicly funded  
treatment facilities for the years 1992-2002.
Source: Treatment Episode Data Set.

  To Top  To Contents

Table 8. Potential Worldwide Heroin Production, in Metric Tons,  
Mexico  8.8 4.5 10.76.8 11.9NA*
Colombia8.7  8.711.48.5 7.8 NA*
Afghanistan 218.0   365.0   7.0 150.0   337.0   582.0
Burma   104.0   103.0
Pakistan4.0 19.00.5 0.5 5.2 NA*
Thailand0.6 0.6 0.6 0.9 NA  NA*
Vietnam 1.0 1.4 1.4 1.0 NA  NA*
Total   358.1   522.2   132.6   244.7   426.9   NA*

  Source: Crime and Narcotics Center.
 * Estimates for 2004 are not completed.


   The smuggling of South American heroin across the Southwest  
Border--particularly through Texas--increased significantly in 2003.  
According to EPIC data, the amount of South American heroin seized in  
the U.S. Arrival Zone in Texas surpassed the amount seized in New  
Jersey, historically the state reporting the third highest amount of  
South American heroin seized, after New York and Florida.

   Heroin use in Chicago suburban areas has increased, resulting  
in a rise in the consequences of heroin abuse in Chicago, a PMA for  
multiple types of heroin. This increase is most evident among  
suburban users, particularly those under 25 years of age, who are  
experimenting with and  becoming addicted to heroin.

To Top  To Contents

Trends and Developments


 The availability of Southwest Asian heroin in the United States  
appears to have increased slightly in 2003. According to EPIC,  
wholesale Southwest Asian heroin seizures in the U.S. Arrival Zone in  
FY2003 exceeded the amount of Mexican heroin seizures, making  
Southwest Asian heroin second only to South American heroin in the  
amount seized within the U.S. Arrival Zone--an indication of the  
increased availability of Southwest Asian heroin. However, anecdotal  

[cia-drugs] Suspicious Bush Admin Death

2006-07-15 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


July 15/16, 2006 -- William H. Lash III is the second high-ranking 
former African-American official and Harvard alum in the George W. Bush 
administration to die under suspicious circumstances within the last year. 
Thursday night, Fairfax, Virginia police responded to an domestic incident at 
the McLean, Virginia residence of Lash, who served as Assistant Secretary of 
Commerce for Market Access and Compliance. He served in the position from 2001 
to 2005 and was responsible for a special task force that assisted companies in 
securing contracts in U.S.-occupied Iraq. 
Lash, who was 45 and a New Jersey native, was a high-powered Washington 
attorney who served a counsel to the U.S. International Trade Commission during 
the Reagan administration. Before and after leaving the Bush administration, he 
taught law at George Mason University. According to today's Washington 
Post, police were called a little before 10 p.m. by Lash's wife, Sharon 
Zackula. She claimed she and Lash had a dispute and she ran from their home. The 
story claims that sometime between "shortly before 10 p.m." and 9:55 p.m., 
police obtained a warrant for the arrest of Lash for domestic assault. Police 
arrived at 9:55 p.m. at Lash's front door. The police then knocked on the door 
for ten minutes before they heard two gunshot wounds from inside the home. 
Police then used bullhorns to ask Lash to phone them. Police also instructed 
neighbors to turn off all their lights and go to their basements. That decision 
prevented any witnesses from noticing anyone fleeing the scene of the shooting. 

At 1:00 a.m., Friday morning, police sent a robot unit into the home. It was 
not until 3:50 a.m., almost six hours after the shooting was heard, that police 
discovered the bodies of Lash and his 12-year old autistic son dead in a first 
floor bedroom from gunshot wounds to the upper body. Police claimed that Lash 
shot his son and then himself. Neighbors and colleagues expressed shock at the 
news, all saying that Lash showed no signs of tension or depression and that was 
very devoted to his son. 
Lash was also an adviser to the corporate public relations firm Brunswick 
Group, LLC, a U.K.-based firm that once employed Clinton State Department 
spokesman Jamie Rubin as a director of its political affairs unit. Brunswick has 
been known by a number of names, including Lincoln Research Ltd. Its holding 
company is based in the Channel Islands. Brunswick represents the Royal Bank of 
Scotland and paid 5,000 pounds to the Labor Party in return for its clients to 
receive tickets to dine with top Labor politicians. Two recent incidents involve 
Brunswick's Royal Bank of Scotland client and the cash payments to the Labor 
Party. On July 12, Neil Coulbeck, a Royal Bank of Scotland officer and a witness 
in the Enron case, allegedly committed suicide in an East London park. Also, 
Tony Blair's chief Labor Party fundraiser, Lord Michael Levy, was arrested in a 
police investigation of the sale of peerages and royal honors in return for 
political donations.
Sharon Zackula is an attorney with the National Association of Securities 
Dealers (NASD). Last September 7, Eric Miller, a prominent African-American 
attorney who had served as Assistant Chief of Litigation for the Securities and 
Exchange Commission (SEC), was found partially burned and beaten to death in his 
automobile parked in a seedy neighborhood in Washington. Colonel Ted Westhusing, 
the U.S. Army's top ethics expert and West Point professor, was found dead in a 
Baghdad trailer of a supposed self-inflicted gunshot wound while investigating 
contract fraud by U.S. Investigations Services. Last month, Phillip Merrill, 
Dick Cheney's handpicked head of the U.S. Export-Import Bank at the time of 
dubious loans to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq supposedly 
committed suicide with a shotgun and threw himself into the Chesapeake Bay with 
an anchor tied around his legs.
Editorial note: How many more suspicious deaths will it take before 
Americans wake up to the fact that their country has been taken over by a 
criminal syndicate that involves the Bushes and Cheneys and their close friends 
and business partners?

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