[cia-drugs] Emergency exercise planned locally

2006-08-03 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Emergency exercise 
planned locally 


State will be testing mass evacuation 

Governor Rod Blagojevich and Madison County officials 
announced that a major emergency exercise will be conducted in Edwardsville and 
surrounding areas to test the state's plans for large-scale evacuations and 
terrorism response. 



The exercises will begin on Friday and will, for the first time 
in Illinois history, test a mass evacuation and sheltering component. This 
exercise will be the second in the past three months for the state, but will be 
the largest ever conducted in the state. A three-day exercise was conducted in 
Chicago last May to respond to simultaneous major emergencies. The military will 
be located in Madison County for six days during the drill which begins Friday. 
The area of Edwardsville that holds mostly warehouses, Liberty Middle School as 
well as parts of Madison and Granite City will all be a part of the mock 
evacuation and terrorism events. 

"Much of the human suffering we saw last year following Hurricane 
Katrina was the result of inadequate evacuation planning," Blagojevich said. "We 
need to know before disaster strikes if our plans work and if they don't, we 
need to fix them and then test again. This exercise will also enable us to build 
on lessons learned during our successful pandemic flu and terrorism exercise in 
May and help us further strengthen Illinois' overall emergency preparedness." 

This exercise is designed to bring federal, state and local 
response departments and organizations together and to determine if the state's 
plans will work in an actual attack. 

On Friday, the events during the exercise will trigger a mock 
evacuation and sheltering situation in Edwardsville. "Evacuees" will be picked 
up from the site and transported to a mock shelter which will be located at 
Liberty Middle School. During the five days of events, there will also be 
intelligence gathering, response to terrorist attacks, distribution of materials 
from the Strategic National Stockpile, victim searches, rescues and field 
hospitals establishments. 

Edwardsville officials were notified of the drill last May. 
Edwardsville Fire Chief Brian Wilson said the county was the area picked by the 
National Guard and the Illinois Terrorism Task Force. 

"We were brought to the table last May," Wilson said. "They came 
to us." 

The Illinois National Guard planned the exercise, which is a part 
of the governors preparedness and antiterrorism program. 

Wilson said this drill has stemmed from Hurricane Katrina. 

"One of the main issues with Hurricane Katrina was the lack of 
evacuation and relocation efforts," Wilson said. "We want to make sure that if 
the need arises, we can do it." 

The cost of this drill is not cheap. Wilson estimated the total 
cost will be between $2 million and $3 million. 

Wilson said his area of planning has totaled over $150,000 so 

Lt. Scott Evers with the Edwardsville Police said each department 
will be reimbursed for their costs and efforts during the drill. 

Wilson and Evers both want the citizens of Edwardsville to know 
there will be military personnel, military vehicles and many emergency officers 
in the area. 

"The major venues of operation will take place in the warehouse 
district of Edwardsville," Wilson said. "We have arranged that to keep the 
impact on the core of Edwardsville at a minimum." 

Wilson said residents should know they are in no harm during 
these events and that if an actual emergency occurs during the mock terrorism 
drill, they will be notified. Otherwise, the military vehicles, military 
personnel and emergency officers are a part of the drill and there is no harm to 
the city or area. Area residents should not be alarmed and there is no threat to 

Those participating in the events are from Madison County, 
Edwardsville Fire Department, Edwardsville Police Department, city of Madison's 
fire and police departments and the Edwardsville Community Schools. 

Several state agencies will be taking part of the exercise. Those 
include: the Statewide Terrorism and Intelligence Center, Illinois Emergency 
Management Agency, Illinois National Guard, Illinois Department of 
Transportation, Illinois Department of Corrections, Illinois Department of Human 
Services, Illinois Department of Public Health, Illinois Environmental 
Protection Agency, Office of the State Fire Marshal, American Red Cross, State 
Weapons of Mass Destruction Teams, Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System, Mutual 
Aid Box Alarm System, Urban Search and Rescue Team and the Illinois Medical 
Emergency Response Team. 

Air mobilization will come from the Urban Search and Rescue team 
from Chicago. 

Wilson stressed these events may look scary, but residents will 
be notified if an

[cia-drugs] US scheming for "Great Central Asia" Strategy

2006-08-03 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


US scheming for "Great 
  Central Asia" Strategy



  "Students and professors from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan and Almaty, Kazakhstan can cooperate with their counterparts in 
  Karachi and Kabul and can learn from them. Benefiting from the modern 
  border controls mechanism, commodities can circulate legally and freely in 
  the areas between Astana and Islamabad. The regional power grid which is 
  supported by oil and gas resources in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan and the water resources in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan can transmit electricity from 
  Almaty to New Delhi¡­" - blueprint for the "Great Central Asia" by US 
  Assistant Secretary of State Richard Boucher. 
  For historical reasons, Central Asia and South Asia have been isolated 
  from each other and have belonged to different geopolitical plates for a 
  long time. Now, the two regions both appear on the chessboard of the United States for its Central Asian strategy, 
  referred to as the "Great Central Asia" strategy. 
  Piecing up new geopolitical plates
  It has always been a consistent goal of the United States to penetrate 
  Central Asia and then control this region. The "9/11" Incident actually 
  gave the United States a godsend chance. The anti-terrorism war in Afghanistan has achieved for the US a significant leap 
  in its relationship with Central Asian countries. As a result, the United 
  States rapidly gained a foothold in Central Asia. However, the US has been 
  so impatient that it made a policy mistake by promoting democratization in 
  the region in such a rush. It even tried to use the "color revolution" to 
  change the political system in Central Asian countries. Facts have proved 
  that the "color revolution" model is not suitable for this area. The US 
  interference in Central Asia has caused resentment by Central Asian 
  countries, and therefore cooled down the relations between the United 
  States and Central Asian countries. In 2005, Uzbek President Karimov 
  "requested" that the US withdraw all its armed forces stationed in Uzbekistan. 
  Meanwhile, Central Asian countries have reported a steady development 
  in their cooperation with Russia and China. The operation of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has been very 
  impressive and successful. This has made the Americans felt like sitting 
  on thorns. Thus, the United States attempts to "enter the SCO" as an 
  observer and attempts to use the "GUUAM (the acronym for Georgia, 
  Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova)" to smash up the SCO, both failed. 
  Seeing their policy being thwarted repeatedly in Central Asia, U.S. 
  scholars and policy makers have begun to examine themselves. In the summer 
  of 2005, Frederick Starr, chairman of the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute 
  at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies 
  published an article in the US Magazine "Foreign Affairs", in which he 
  clearly put forward the vision of the "Great Central Asia" strategy. 
  Starr proposed in a "Great Central Asia cooperative partnership for 
  development" which will have the US taking the lead, the five Central 
  Asian states and Afghanistan entering as the main members, and India and Pakistan participating in. The main idea of the proposal 
  is to take the US control of the situation in Afghanistan as an 
  opportunity, promote optional and flexible cooperation in security, 
  democracy, economy, transport and energy, and, make up a new region by 
  combining Central Asia with South Asia. The United States is to shoulder 
  the role of a midwife to promote the rebirth of the entire region." 
  The US government quickly accepted this concept. In October, the US 
  State Department reorganized its South Asia Division and included the 
  issues of the five Central Asian states into the jurisdiction of South 
  Asia Division. Between 25th and 26th of April, the US held a congressional 
  hearing, focusing on the "Great Central Asia" strategy. In June, just a 
  few days before the SCO Summit opened, the United States called together 
  Central Asian countries for an international conference entitled 
  "Electricity Beyond Borders" to discuss the energy cooperation between 
  Central Asia and South Asia in Istanbul, Turkey. Having come this far, the United States has got 
  a clear strategy to take energy as a breakthrough to set its "Great 
  Central Asia" vision into action. 
  Open the door of Central Asia
  The five Central Asian countries have long been a part of the territory 
  of the Soviet Union. Facing the long-time war in Afghanist

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Eleven (11) Questions Avoided by the Media in Recent Reporting of Department of Defense Violations of Law

2006-08-03 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: "Kyle F. Hence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: August 3, 2006 9:36:35 AM PDTTo: undisclosed-recipients:;Subject: Eleven (11) Questions Avoided by the Media in Recent Reporting of Department of Defense Violations of Law Recent articles in corporate media examine deception and lying by the Department of Defense relative to the attacks of September 11th 2001.  They shed light on an effective cover-up by the 9/11 Commission in its refusal to bring Government deception to the American people by way of their now discredited 9/11 Report. Links to these articles follow as do 11 questions which these revelations and NORAD tapes beg to be asked and which must be answered:/Washington Post/*9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon*Allegations Brought to Inspectors Generalhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/01/AR2006080101300_pf.html/Vanity Fair/*9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes*http://www.vanityfair.com/features/general/060801fege01/The New York Times/*New Tapes Disclose Confusion Within the Military on Sept. 11*http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/03/us/03norad.html===The real and problematic confusion and fog is one which is seemingly preventing the corporate media from grappling with any of the following pressing questions which have been advanced for years by the 9/11 families, advocates and independent researchers.Here are* Eleven Questions* that the corporate media have thus far refused to raise or attempt to answer in their examination of the NORAD tapes and related issues:*Who was responsible for scheduling multiple war games and terror exercises involving aircraft for Sept. 11thWho moved "Global Guardian" normally scheduled for October to September?Who designed the war games to involve 'hijackings'?Who planned and scheduled the movement of Airforce aircraft north to Canada, Alaska and Greenland?Who planned the terror exercise at the NSA involving an evacuation in response to threat from the air?Who was "hands-on" responsible for coordinating all the war games the morning of September 11th?Who would have been responsible for turning off the war games to enable a timely real world response to the attacks?How were as many as 21 false radar blips or possible targets (per Jane Garvey) inserted into FAA radar screens?Who was responsible for the identification of ghost flight 11 which allegedly continued to fly south past Manhattan and which may have caused NORAD's Langley intercept jets to vector North toward NYC rather than D.C.?*[NOTE: John Farmer of the 9/11 Commission said to me personally that the 9/11 Commission was never able to identify the individual for this information--to resolve this anomaly.]*Why was there no reference to the pattern of 9/11 Commission cover-up including that of Able Danger as revealed by Capt. Scott Philpott?=*The bottom line question that corporate media refuse to answer and which the 9/11 Commission ignored is who, specifically, would have been responsible for creating the circumstances that led to the confusion or fog the morning of 9/11 and who should have immediately ceased any and all war gaming activity and deceptive radar data?To begin to answer these questions journalists intent on getting answers to questions long asked by the families and others should visit:*Center for Cooperative Research: Essay -- "U.S. Military Exercises up to 9/11"*http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/timeline.jsp?timeline=complete_911_timeline&before_9/11=militaryExercises *Randi Rhodes interview with Complete 9/11 Timeline author, Paul Thompson on Air America*http://www.911podcasts.com/files/audio/RandiRhodes_PaulThompson_NORAD_080206.mp3Enough with excusing those responsible by pointing to 'confusion' or 'fog'.  The real and dangerous 'fog' here is that which prevents journalists from doing their jobs and asking and answering the hard questions about 9/11 including those posed above and those surrounding the growing evidence for controlled demolition of the World Trade Center towers and WTC #7. [Google Dr. Steven Jones & World Trade Center]Kyle F. HenceExecutive Director9/11 CitizensWatchhttp://www.911citizenswatch.org[EMAIL PROTECTED] 401-935-7715 

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[cia-drugs] Itching for Answers to a Mystery Condition

2006-08-03 Thread norgesen

Science & Health
Itching for Answers to a Mystery 
Fed up with doctors calling them delusional, a group suffering from 
nightmarish symptoms has pressured the CDC to look into their disease 
Posted Friday, Jul. 28, 
Dr. Gregory 
Smith wants people to know it's not all in his head. According to the 
Gainesville, Ga., pediatrician, white fibers have been burrowing into his skin 
for the past two years, making him feel like he's under constant bombardment 
from insects or cactus needles. Shine a black light on these fibers and they'll 
fluoresce blue, he says, just like something you'd see in The Twilight 
Zone. He describes looking into the mirror one night, only to see one burrow 
down into his eye. 
"Yes ma'am, I was a little bit distraught," recalls Smith, 58, who says he 
can no longer work because his mysterious ailment has also robbed him of his 
memory and neurological function. "I tried to grab a hold of it with tweezers 
and it would not come out. It was quite painful, so I threw up my hands and went 
to the Emergency Room with my wife." 
For Smith, and some 4,000 people across the nation who claim to suffer from 
similar symptoms, it's the reaching out that has been problematic. The disease, 
called Morgellons after a reference in a 1674 medical paper, isn't officially 
recognized by the medical community. Some have suggested that it is a hoax, even 
a viral marketing campaign for a sci-fi movie. But sufferers say it's real and 
that there have been a growing number of cases across the nation of people with 
these painful fibers, skin lesions, crippling fatigue and memory loss. No one 
knows what causes Morgellons and no one knows how to cure it. 
But Smith and his fellow sufferers are itching for answers. That's why 
they've pressured the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to assemble a team of 
scientists who will determine whether this disease is in fact for real. The 
13-member team is expected to share their findings within the next two months. 
"We're not ready to concede there's a new disease," says CDC spokesman Dan Rutz. 
"But the volume of concern has stepped up because a lot of people are writing or 
calling their congressmen about it because they're frustrated that there's been 
no organized way to deal with their suffering." 
But even with CDC involvement, Morgellons sufferers like Smith are still 
frustrated that they haven't been asked for their input. Smith, for his part, 
says he has offered to ship his own properly prepared Morgellons specimens to 
the CDC for review, but claims the agency "blew it off." And the South 
Carolina-based Morgellons Research Foundation volunteered to share research that 
an Oklahoma State University professor has done on the disease — some of it 
suggesting it could be contagious — but they say they were rebuffed as well. The 
CDC has said that it would conduct its own research first, then vet the findings 
with outside scientists. 
In the meantime, Smith says he's just trying to keep up with the simple 
things in life. Unable to practice medicine for the past year because of 
neurological and cognitive problems he believes are a result of the disease, he 
says he is overwhelmed by mundane tasks like housework or hobbies like working 
in the yard. "From day to day, I can't predict how I'll feel," he says. "It's 
understandable why many people are skeptical about this illness. The symptoms 
are so unusual that they just don't make any sense. I even question my own 
sanity from time to time. But if this is all psychiatric, please give me 
something to make it go away." 
Science has been toying with things best left 
The Problem being called Morgellons 
   Infection with whatever it is that 
causes this disorder, can only be described as horrible. It has ruined lives, 
relationships, families and has forced grown adults to end their own lives 
rather than live with it.  Children are being infected now at an alarming 
rate, as are the elderly.  This is an oversight that should alarm and 
enrage you.  If adults are killing themselves because of this, think about 
the children that are suffering.  
Today, the band plays on, and just like HIV was 
dismissed in the late 70's and early 80's, the relatively small number of people 
infected by morgellons are dismissed as delusional and not taken seriously. This 
is a crime in light of all the proof of this illnesses existence.
  Life with this disease is bad, real bad, and 
the only way to get the medical industry to start looking at this problem, is 
for the general public to begin discussing this without having to become 
infected themselves.  
The Not So Great News
A person affiliated with a university and hospital staff 
laboratory in Europe contacted me last October after they had viewed my old 
website,  Here is what they said.  For all communications with them 
follow this 

[cia-drugs] How RFIDs Obsolete Radar

2006-08-03 Thread muckblit
"If i am an Aborigine, then my ancestors were here already"

My father spent WW2 in New Guinea listening to the last Morse coded
words of 200 Australian volunteers dropped off by US submarine on
islands next to Japanese airfields. The volunteers reported to my father
when the Japanese bombers took off, then the Japanese hunted them down
and subjected them to Israeli hospitality.

Hezbollah does not have to walk five miles to school in the snow or send
forward observers into Israel to report when Bush Warco bombers take
off. Human Rights Watch is already there, noting the RFID serial numbers
of US cluster munitions as they are loaded on US-made airplanes. Then
when Bush Warco bombers reach Lebanon, Human Rights Watch tells
Hezbollah which RFID's are in inventory overhead. Then, when the RFID
stops reporting a serial number, Human Rights Watch tells Hezbollah
they've been hit with a cluster bomblet of whatever sub-RFID.

Sometimes the Lebanese who have been hit are not really Hezbollah, or
even "Shiite dogs" at all. But not to worry, they don't suffer for lack
of radar, either, thanks to Human Rights Watch and being able to read
Warmart RFID's anywhere in the store or parking lot.

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