[cia-drugs] The Inability of Republicans to Address Gay Rights Could Cost Them the White House

2006-12-18 Thread Bugs
Corey ,name me one republican who cares for anyone other then the very rich?
Republicans are twofaced ,most are liar,and they are all out for themselves 
or their Rich friends.
And If Mary Cheney baby is a male,I would bet she won't name it DICK

From: "Corey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Inability of Republicans to Address Gay Rights Could Cost Them the White 

>i am sure this mary cheney baby thing will split the repubs even more.
> there are social repubs, who care about people and the others...
> as we saw on nov 7th, pushing a intolerant religous agenda does not
> work anymore...

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [Fw: A CURRENCY IN DECLINE: How Dangerous is the Dollar Drop?]

2006-12-18 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: December 18, 2006 9:03:42 AM PST
Subject: Fwd: [Fw: A CURRENCY IN DECLINE: How Dangerous is the  
Dollar Drop?]

Experts have been predicting for some time that the dollar would
eventually go into a nosedive.  That time seems to have come. The
U.S. currency has lost five percent of its value against the euro  

late October, and 13 percent since the beginning of the year.
A sea change appears to be taking place on the international financial
markets. For years, global capital flowed in only one direction,  
with $2

billion going into the United States every day. Investors viewed the
world's largest economy not only as a bastion of stability, but  
also as
a place that promised the best deals, the most lucrative returns  
and the

highest growth rates.

By contrast the European economy is robust. Germany in particular has
surprised many with a stream of good economic news.  In the last  
quarter,   Germany --long considered the "sick  
man" of Europe-- transformed  
itself into an engine of  
economic growth. According to analysts at  
Postbank,this year Germany's  
annual growth will exceed that of the United States.

From: "Jim S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: December 18, 2006 1:12:36 AM PST
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [Fw: A CURRENCY IN DECLINE: How Dangerous is the Dollar  


A CURRENCY IN DECLINE: How Dangerous is the Dollar Drop?
By Christian Reiermann
December 12, 2006

Is an end of an era looming in the foreign exchange markets? The  
dollar has been depreciating against the euro for weeks. Currency  
experts and the German government don't yet see this as cause for  
alarm. The U.S. currency's role as a lead currency isn't as  
important as it used to be, they say.

Like most central bankers, Jean-Claude Trichet, the president of  
the European Central Bank (E.C.B.), has a penchant for cryptic  
comments. Injecting a certain degree of incomprehensibility is a  
signal to the professionals that he's competent. And when it comes  
to laymen, industry jargon has the desired effect of generating the  
necessary respect.

Last Thursday, the public was treated to yet another example of  
Trichet's convoluted speaking style. A number of risks, the E.C.B.  
president said, could jeopardize a generally favorable economic  
outlook in the euro zone. They included, according to Trichet,  
"concerns regarding possible uncontrolled developments triggered by  
global economic imbalances."

What Europe's most powerful protector of the currency was actually  
saying was this: The gradual decline of the dollar in the foreign  
currency markets in recent weeks could pose a threat to the  
economy. What Trichet was also trying to broadcast is that the  
E.C.B. has recognized and is aware of the threat.

Nevertheless, the European Central Bank in Frankfurt again  
increased its key interest rate on Thursday by a quarter percentage  
point to 3.5 percent, which makes the euro more attractive to  
international investors. The central bankers had no choice but to  
take the step, having already announced their intentions weeks ago.

Experts have been predicting for some time that the dollar would  
eventually go into a nosedive, and now that time seems to have  
come. The U.S. currency has lost five percent of its value against  
the euro since late October, and 13 percent since the beginning of  
the year. The euro is currently fluctuating around a value of  
$1.33, which is only 3 cents away from its all-time high in 2004.  
And yet Trichet's counterpart Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the  
U.S. Federal Reserve, has done nothing but look on as the dollar  

A sea change appears to be taking place on the international  
financial markets. For years, global capital flowed in only one  
direction, with $2 billion going into the United States every day.  
Investors viewed the world's largest economy not only as a bastion  
of stability, but also as a place that promised the best deals, the  
most lucrative returns and the highest growth rates.

The Americans, for their part, welcomed foreign investment. For  
them, it was almost a tradition to save very little and spend more  
than they earned -- essentially achieving affluence on credit.  
Foreigners financed the Americans' almost obsessive consumer  
spending, which spurred worldwide economic growth for years.

Because the U.S. government was unable to fall back on the savings  
of its citizens, it too was forced to finance its budget deficit  
with foreign capital. Both consumer spending and the federal  
deficit kept the dollar high, because the rest of the world was  
practically scrambling to invest in the United Stat

[cia-drugs] U.S. seeks to rein in its military spy teams

2006-12-18 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
U.S. seeks to rein in its military spy teams
Special Forces units work in allied countries and clash with the CIA.
By Greg Miller, Times Staff Writer
December 18, 2006 

WASHINGTON - U.S. Special Forces teams sent overseas on secret spying missions 
have clashed with the CIA and carried out operations in countries that are 
staunch U.S. allies, prompting a new effort by the agency and the Pentagon to 
tighten the rules for military units engaged in espionage, according to senior 
U.S. intelligence and military officials.

The spy missions are part of a highly classified program that officials say has 
better positioned the United States to track terrorist networks and capture or 
kill enemy operatives in regions such as the Horn of Africa, where weak 
governments are unable to respond to emerging threats.

But the initiative has also led to several embarrassing incidents for the 
United States, including a shootout in Paraguay and the exposure of a sensitive 
intelligence operation in East Africa, according to current and former 
officials familiar with the matter. And to date, the effort has not led to the 
capture of a significant terrorism suspect.

Some intelligence officials have complained that Special Forces teams have 
sometimes launched missions without informing the CIA, duplicating or even 
jeopardizing existing operations. And they questioned deploying military teams 
in friendly nations - including in Europe - at a time when combat units are in 
short supply in war zones.

The program was approved by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld in the 
aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks, and is expected to get close scrutiny by his 
successor, Robert M. Gates, who takes over today and has been critical of the 
expansion of the military's intelligence operations.

Senior officials at the CIA and the Pentagon defended the program and said they 
would urge Gates to support it. But they acknowledged risks for the United 
States in its growing reliance on Special Forces troops and other military 
units for espionage.

"We are at war out there and frankly we need all the help that we can get," 
said Marine Maj. Gen. Michael E. Ennis, who since February has served as a 
senior CIA official in charge of coordinating human intelligence operations 
with the military. "But at the same time we have to be very careful that we 
don't disrupt established relationships with other governments, with their 
liaison services, or [do] anything that would embarrass the United States."

Ennis acknowledged "really egregious mistakes" in the program, but said 
collaboration had improved between the CIA and the military.

"What we are seeing now, primarily, are coordination problems," Ennis said in 
an interview with The Times. "And really, they are fewer and fewer."

The issue underscores the sensitivity of using elite combat forces for 
espionage missions that have traditionally been the domain of the CIA.

After Sept. 11, the Bush administration gave expanded authority to the Special 
Operations Command, which oversees the Army Green Berets, Navy SEALs and other 
elite units, in the fight against terrorism. At the same time, Rumsfeld, who 
lacked confidence in the CIA, directed a major expansion of the military's 
involvement in intelligence gathering to make the Pentagon less dependent on 
the agency.

Officials said this led to the secret deployment of small teams of Special 
Forces troops, known as military liaison elements, or MLEs, to American 
embassies to serve as intelligence operatives. Members of the teams undergo 
special training in espionage at Ft. Bragg and other facilities, according to 
officials familiar with the program.

The troops typically work in civilian clothes and function much like CIA case 
officers, cultivating sources in other governments or Islamic organizations. 
One objective, officials said, is to generate information that could be used to 
plan clandestine operations such as capturing or killing terrorism suspects.

Ennis said MLE missions were "low level" compared with those of the CIA. "The 
MLEs may come and go," he said, "but the CIA presence is there for the long 

In a written response to questions from The Times, a spokesman for the Special 
Operations Command in Tampa, Fla., described MLEs as "individuals or small 
teams that deploy in support of (regional military commanders) in select 
countries, and always with the U.S. ambassador and country team's concurrence 
and support."

But critics point to a series of incidents in recent years that have caused 
diplomatic problems for the United States.

In 2004, members of an MLE team operating in Paraguay shot and killed an armed 
assailant who tried to rob them outside a bar, said former intelligence 
officials familiar with the incident. U.S. officials removed the members of the 
team from the country, the officials said. 

In another in

[cia-drugs] Fw: [GATA] Iran announces switch from dollars to euros

2006-12-18 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

- Original Message - 
From: Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee 
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 8:05 AM
Subject: [GATA] Iran announces switch from dollars to euros

  Iran announces switch from dollars to euros  

Submitted by cpowell on 06:05AM ET Monday, December 18, 2006. Section: Daily 
>From Agence France-Presse
Monday, December 18, 2006


Iran announced it has ordered the central bank to use euros for foreign 
transactions and transform the state's dollar-denominated assets held abroad 
into the single European currency.

"The government has ordered the central bank to replace the dollar with the 
euro to limit the problems of the executive organs in commercial transactions," 
government spokesman Gholam Hossein Elham told reporters Monday.

"We will also employ this change for Iranian assets (in dollars) held abroad."

Elham implied that the move would apply to oil revenues from the world's No. 4 
crude producer, although it remains to be seen how this would be received by 
the market.

"Foreign income sources and oil revenues will be calculated in euros and we 
will receive them in euros in order to put an end to our dependence on the 
dollar," Elham said.

The move comes amid mounting pressure from the United States for the UN 
Security Council to agree sanctions against Iran over its controversial nuclear 

Bankers in Iran have complained in recent weeks that it was becoming 
increasingly difficult to receive Iranian-held money denominated in dollars 
from European bank accounts.

They said that this was because of US pressure on European banking giants not 
to allow dollar-denominated funds to be sent into, or out of, the Islamic 

Elham added that Iran's budget would in future be calculated in euros.

"Until now the budget has been calculated according to revenues in dollars, but 
this calculation will now change," he said.

* * *

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2006-12-18 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Research the New World Order. There is a lot of stuff
on the internet, lot's of it disinformation I'm sure,
but read all you can and sort out what seems
reasonable to you. A great book to read is "Behold a
Pale Horse" by William Cooper. Take a class on the
Constitution and the Bill of Rights so you know what
is being stolen from you. Research the I.M.F. and the
world banks. Read up on the Rockefellers and the
Rothschilds, the Trilateral Commission and the Council
on Foreign Relations. See what you can find on the
Bilderberg Group and other secret organizations like
the Freemasons or Skull and Bones. Follow the voting
records of your representatives. Research S.W.A.T. and
military tactics. Search the web for Illuminati
related material. Just keep in mind you can only
believe a third of what you hear and about half of
what you see. 

Luck tends to favor the Prepared. That's just the way
it is. There's no way to tell what the future holds
but if you know history than you can make an educated
guess. Martial law is coming to America. One more
terrorist attacc (and it will happen) to top 9-11, and
we might as well kiss the "Bill of Rights" bye-bye. Be
prepared to defend it. Exercise your first and second
amendment rights. Speak what you feel and have the
means to bacc it up. Have plenty of ammunition, and
know how to get good use of it. Learn how to skin
animals and get yourself a good outdoors survival
pacc. Nothing excessive, just the bare minimum, what
ever you can carry that won't get in the way of your
gun. Reusable weapons like swords and bow and arrows
aren't a bad idea either. Get organized, band together
with likeminded people. There are a lot of us out
there and we need to start coming together as a
volatile force. "United we stand, divided we fall."
Find yourself, and learn how to use, a ham radio.
Communication is a necessity, and in times of
emergency, cell phones have time and time again proven
to be unreliable. Get used to camping, if you're not
already. I don't know if the people will revolt, but
we are Americans after all. When the U.N. sends in
Chinese troops (and they will) to police us, excuse
me, "keep us safe", some of us will not stand for it.
Those of us who haven't yet been sent off to the
F.E.M.A. camps that is. Whether it's revolutionary war
or just a loss of modern comforts, be prepared. 

Resist the chip. A microchip under your skin makes you
a servant of the beast. It matters not what your
religious beliefs are, R.F.I.D. is wrong. The digital
angel is nothing more than a backdoor for our
corporate ran government to have access to your every
action. Use cash. Credit cards, checks. And bank cards
allow "them" to tracc your spending. Do some research
on economical shock testing and you will see why this
is so important. Refuse any car upgrades like On-Star
or any other G.P.S. You are not an animal, don't allow
yourself to be treated like one. Leave your cell phone
at home whenever doing anything that you don't want
being monitored. All cell phones contain G.P.S. and
can also be used as a bug to listen to you
conversation even when not in use. Don't use your
shopping discount cards; your consumer privacy is
worth a dollar or two, isn't it? If you absolutely
have to have a bank account, use it only for paying
bills. The bank is your enemy, as mentioned in "Know
Your Enemy". Drive with your visor down and wear a
full-face helmet when riding on a Motorcycle. Wear
sunglasses and hats whenever possible. Big Brother has
eyes everywhere, cameras on every corner and such.
Protect your privacy at all cost. 

Your body is under constant attacc from the New World
Order. They own the F.D.A. and therefore have control
of what is passed off on the public as safe. One major
goal of the elite is population control, even
reduction, and this is being accomplished. Cancer
rates are on the rise. In the forties, less than one
percent of the population died of cancer, now,
however, one in three is expected to get one form of
cancer or another. The reason for this is simple, it's
all deliberate. The food and drug administration is
killing you as you read this. Aspartame, saccharine,
sodium luareth and laurel sulfates, partially
hydrogenated oils, the list goes on. All poisons,
approved for human use by your benevolent F.D.A.
Monosodium Glutamate is known to slow brain activity,
mercury is known to cause madness, and yet they are
both readily found in almost all inoculations. Along
with aborted fetal tissue, this is what you pump into
your developing children long before the have an
immune system of their own. Fluoride, a common water
additive, is a proven toxin. Communities with
fluoridated water have been found to have an average
I.Q. of 10 points lower than communities with

[cia-drugs] The Petrodollar Wars.

2006-12-18 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Monday, December 18, 2006
The Petrodollar Wars. 
On the day in which British news sources weill be leading on the arrest of a 
suspect for the murder of five women, it would be all too easy to overlook a 
piece of news that is bound to have major implications over the forthcoming 
weeks and months.

Iran is to start calculating its budget in Euros. I'll repeat that: Iran is to 
start calculating its budget in Euros. This is massive! Why? We...for 
years, the oil market has been conducted in US dollars. Indeed, some 70% of all 
currency reserves worldwide are held in dollars. What this means is that 
promissary notes are in circulation which far exceed the capacity of the 
Federal Reserve. If the holders of those notes were to all ask for payback, the 
US economy would be in freefall. Hence, the US is keen to ensure that the 
current convention remains in force in a large part of the world economy, ie 
the oil market.

Now, in 2003, Iraq announced that it would heneceforth like to receive payments 
from the UN for its 'Oil for Food' programme in Euros. This piqued the interest 
of Iran and Venezuela, both of whom made similar overtures. The ongoing result 
has been described by in Rob Newman video as "The biggest punishment beating in 

Now, we all know that America and Iran (ahem) 'have history'. Following the 
1953 US/British overthrow of Mossadegh and the instalalation of the brutal 
Pahlavi regime, the overthrow of that regime, and the ignominious failure of 
the military adventure to free US embassy hostages held by a Islamic Republican 
factions, believed to have included amongst them one Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. Then 
there was US use of Saddam Hussein as a proxy to contain Iran during the high 
casualty Iran/Iraq war. However, there have been attempts to thaw relations. It 
is widely rumoured that Iran made approaches through diplomatic back channels 
along the lines of "Look...we reckon we can sort out Hamas and Hizbollah*, but 
for god's sake please have a word with Israel." [Decent citation desperately 
sought for this story. Any ideas?] When these overtures were batted back by the 
Bush regime, the theocracy pulled the rug from the reformist Rafsanjani and put 
in the hawkish Ahmadinejad. Lately the focus has been on Iran's nuclear 
programme, and on proposals (presumably tested out via back channels) for 
seeking Iran's help in containing the Iraqi civil war.

One has to ask "What's going on with this latest move?" My guess is that the US 
has shown its weakness over Iraq. They've been trying to use their economic 
muscle to make it difficult to move dollars in or out of Iran from overseas 
accounts. The Iranians have seen their chance to break free. Most of their 
buisiness is with Europe anyway, plus they have another powerful trading 
partner who would be more than happy to trade with them in Euros...China. And 
China is also keen to trade in Euros with Venezuela.

Fascinating blighter, geopolitics, no? So...what happens next...?

* Contrary to some media opinion, Hizbollah is not a straightforward puppet of 
either Iran or Syria. In an Alice In Wonderland, both are sometimes held to be 
true, ignoring the likely differences in aims and objectives between Iran's 
Islamist theocracy and Syria's secularist regime. Hizbollah is a broadly-based 
federation, although admittedly some Hizbollah factions are closely associated 
with Iran...including that founded by current Iraqi PM, Nouria al-Maliki.

[cia-drugs] US special forces clash with CIA in war on terror: report

2006-12-18 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
US special forces clash with CIA in war on terror: report 
LOS ANGELES (AFP) - US special forces operating overseas on secret missions 
have clashed with the
CIA and carried out operations in countries that are staunch US allies, The Los 
Angeles Times reported on its website.

Citing unnamed senior intelligence and military officials, the newspaper 
reported that the clashes had prompted a push for tighter rules for military 
units engaged in espionage.

The spy missions are part of a highly classified program that officials say has 
better positioned the United States to track terrorist networks and capture or 
kill enemy operatives in regions such as the Horn of Africa, the report said.

But the initiative has also led to several embarrassing incidents for the 
United States, including a shootout in Paraguay and the exposure of a sensitive 
intelligence operation in East Africa, according to the paper.

In 2004, members of a special forces team operating in Paraguay shot and killed 
an armed assailant who tried to rob them outside a bar, The Times said.

US officials removed the members of the team from the country.

In another incident, members of a team in East Africa were arrested by the 
local government after their espionage activity was discovered.

"It was a compromised surveillance activity," the paper quotes a former senior 
CIA official as saying.

The official said members of the unit "got rolled up by locals, and we got them 
out." The former official declined to name the country or provide other details.

The paper said that some
Central Intelligence Agency officials have complained that special forces have 
sometimes launched missions without informing the CIA, duplicating or even 
jeopardizing existing operations.

And they questioned deploying military teams in friendly nations -- including 
in Europe -- at a time when combat units are in short supply in war zones, the 
report said.

When asked to comment on the matter, Marine Major General Michael Ennis 
acknowledged "really egregious mistakes" in the program, but said collaboration 
has improved between the CIA and the military, the report said.

Special forces troops typically work in civilian clothes and function much like 
CIA case officers, cultivating sources in other governments or terrorist 
organizations, The Times said.

One objective, officials said, is to generate information that could be used to 
plan clandestine operations such as capturing or killing terrorism suspects.

But it is not uncommon, said a former CIA official, for CIA station chiefs to 
learn of military intelligence operations only after they were under way, the 
paper reported.

[cia-drugs] Akha Journal: Take time to view Appeal to the Queen of Thailand

2006-12-18 Thread Matthew McDaniel
Dear Friends:
  I have made a direct VIDEO APPEAL to the Queen of Thailand, asking her to 
return the land of Hooh Yoh Akha.
  Our site:
  Please take time to view this video.
  Once you have viewed it, please take the time to send it to your friends 
everywhere you can think of, to UN members, Embassies, the Thai Consul, 
Indigenous Groups, Human Rights Organizations.  Post a link to it on your site.
  I apologize that the volume is not as high as needed, but I do not have the 
video editing software I need.
  Please make a donation to this work IF it is of ANY importance to you.
  Matthew McDaniel

The Akha Heritage Foundation.
http://www.akha.org Akha Heritage Site.
Discussion http://groups.yahoo.com/group/akha
Donate Via Credit Card Paypal: 

PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: It's Your Party, You Can Cry If You Want To

2006-12-18 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: December 18, 2006 9:18:40 AM PST
Subject: It's Your Party, You Can Cry If You Want To

Barr switches to Libertarian Party

The man who John Linder knocked out of politics during a Republican  
primary four years ago has now switched parties.

Bob Barr, who served in Congress for eight years before  
redistricting placed him in a battle with Linder, announced Friday  
that he has become a Libertarian.

‘‘It’s something that’s been bothering me for quite some time, the  
direction in which the (Republican) party has been going more and  
more toward big government and disregard toward privacy and civil  
liberties,’’ Barr said in an Associated Press interview. ‘‘In terms  
of where the country needs to be going to get back to our  
constitutional roots. ... I’ve come to the conclusion that the only  
way to do that is to work with a party that practices what it  
preaches, and that is the Libertarian Party.’’

Barr said he has no plans to run for future office. But in his new  
role as the Libertarian Party’s regional representative for the  
South, he will be active in promoting the party’s message and  
recruiting candidates.

‘‘Bob Barr’s willingness to serve as a leader of the Libertarian  
Party represents a significant and positive development for our  
organization,’’ said national party Chairman William Redpath. ‘‘The  
antiquated two-party system was dealt a blow today as we have  
welcomed a patriotic statesman.’’

[cia-drugs] response to hopsicker

2006-12-18 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
in my humble but always-forcefully stated opinion, it's EITHER/OR:
either 19 arab suicide hijackers struck one of the most successful
blows against a supposedly all-powerful adversary in the history of
warfare, OR somebody pushed a button somewhere, and everything went
this either/or premise seems especially true given that i know, as
the result of investigation, and not jerking off at my computer while
thinking out loud, that george w bush was the target of an
assassination attempt at 6 a.m on the morning of sept. 11 2001.

VMANN:  agreed, but what do you make of the "ANGEL IS NEXT" warning touted 
by webster tarpley, and which seems to explain bush's movements on that day? 
the assassination of the leader of the northern alliance the previous friday 
was accomplished in the same way that this attempt was made.  why, in your 
view, did they "pull" building 7?

it thus seems logical that it was the monumental stupidity,
arrogance, and incompetence of the administration of the worst
president in american history that is the cause of the successful
attack, and not an unproven plot.

VMANN:  what's your view of the alleged NORAD stand down?
and the numerous "drills" that were being conducted that day?  also, the FBI 
seems to have "spiked" numerous investigations BEFORE the attacks, to enable 
them to happen.  just as afterward, they seem to have been actively covering 
up.  is this because of the "saudi connection?"  bush did sign W199(EYE) to 
protect the bin ladins, who are saudis.  also, what is your response to the 
warnings recieved by the mayor of san francisco, and the seeming warning to 
ashcroft, who stopped flying commercial before the attacks.  and the general 
who begged off duty for that morning?

afterwards, these same individuals conspired to cover-up the
complicity of their administration's largest source of revenue and
succor, the SAUDIS, in the funding of the attack.
lost in all the 9/11 truth bullshit are a few simple facts. if the
attack was premeditated to facilitate and justifiy an invasion of
iraq, the desperately incompetent planning for securing that country
and its oil afterwards would have received far more attention than it

VMANN:  well, i think that the invasion of afghanistan was more pressing 
than iraq at the time.  many people seem to be of the opinion that the real 
goal in iraq is fragmentation and expen$ive "low intensity" conflict.

in contrast, THE biggest geopolitical result of the 9/11 attack has
been the removal of u.s. troops from saudi arabia, which was promised
before they arrived by the first pres bush, but which the u.s. never
quite got around to doing afterwards. in fact, this is the only
instance since ww2 when u.s. troops have left a country they

VMANN:  is that more significant than the military involvement (and 
subsequent poppy cultivation) in afghanistan and the enormous transfer of 
wealth into the coffers of the carlyle group, bechtel, halliburton, 
blackwater, etc for military expenditures?

finally, in addition to the eminently believable eyewitness testimony
about the pentangon being hit by a superbly-flown boeing aircraft
which i believe had a saudi military pilot at the controls,
a close watching of the two french brothers documentary on the wtc
attack reveals that those on the ground were actually surprised that
wt7 stood AS LONG AS IT DID!

VMANN:  the designers of the complex would disagree.  what is your take on 
the stephen jones analysis vis a vis thermite and thermate in the debris, 
and the reports of william rodriquez, who states that there were explosions 
in the towers even before the planes hit?

SURE, this eyewitness testimony may have been inserted after the
fact, but in the absence of any carcasses of passengers of the 4
planes (jettisioned over the ocean, except to those of us too blind
to see) begin lapping against the breakwaters of east coast ports, i
find that it too is eminently believable.
finally, several posters got it EXACTLY right: open televised hearing
that questioned under oath rudi dekkers, wally hilliard, and pascal
schreier is the only thing that will ever reveal the ultimate truth.

VMANN:  im all for that.

and that, again, in my humble opinion, is EXACTLY the outcome all of
the 9/11 scholarly mormons and idiots bullshit is designed to
thomas pynchon said it best: "if they can get you to ask the wrong
questions, they don't have to worry about the answers."

VMANN:  who's against getting these people before a "tribunal?"
thanks for taking time to address us.
vigilus haufniensis 

[cia-drugs] response to hopsicker (cont'd)

2006-12-18 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
what is your take on the series of terror attacks/coordinated with "terror 
drills" from the standpoint of including the oklahoma city bombing, yemen 
and embassy bombing, the madrid bombing and the london 7/7 attacks?
how does this all fit into a "big picture," against the background of nafeez 
mosadeq ammed's WAR ON TRUTH, which extensively documents the ties between 
"al qaida" and western intelligance agencies?
if i understand your thesis correctly, you say that "the terrorists" are in 
a drug war opposing the cia/bush crime family, is that correct?  (why 
wouldnt they just "expose" a bunch of the cia narcotics trafficking?)
you should do a book and/or video on your thesis, backing it all up with 
evidence and showing how all the parts fit into the big picture.  i'd buy 
them both.  heh.
the assassination of the leader of the northern alliance looks to me like 
they were preparing in advance, so that the northern alliance would side 
with "us" in the resulting "war on terror" 9/11 response.  the dudes then 
also went after bush on that morning, but i interpret this merely as them 
not being high on the "need to know" hierarchy.
anyway, thanks for taking the time.
vigilius haufniensis 

[cia-drugs] Re: response to hopsicker

2006-12-18 Thread mark urban
I guess William Rodriguez is just a big lying sack of shit! He was by 
no means some armchair jerkoff on a mission when he arrived at work 
on the morning of 911 and began his day trying to save the life of 
some maintenance worker who was blown up in the basement of the north 
tower about a minute before Atta's plane plowed into the 90th or so 

Is Webster Tarpley jerking off at his computer? My hat is off to him. 
I hope I have the desire and drive to do that when I'm his age.

And I guess the Silverstein statement is just one of those things.

As far as an attempt on Bush on the morning of 911 - if that were the 
case, then how the fuck could the secret service let him sit there 
like a bump on a log for a good half hour while planes were flying 
all over bumblefuck without a flight plan? Wouldn't they have rushed 
him off to safety? Wouldn't the attempt on his life come across as a 
very powerful propaganda tool for any and all future actions to be 
taken against Afghanistan and Al Qaida? There was zero media coverage 
of this. Why?

And I guess physicists like Steven Jones who have basically committed 
professional suicide in order to pursue the truth are just wasting 
their time and whacking their wickers in self flagellation!

If none of this makes sense. If I am completely off the wall, then I 
am going to sit down, shut the fuck up, and get out of the way. 

Good luck and happy hunting.  

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Vigilius Haufniensis" 
> in my humble but always-forcefully stated opinion, it's EITHER/OR:
> either 19 arab suicide hijackers struck one of the most successful
> blows against a supposedly all-powerful adversary in the history of
> warfare, OR somebody pushed a button somewhere, and everything went
> this either/or premise seems especially true given that i know, as
> the result of investigation, and not jerking off at my computer 
> thinking out loud, that george w bush was the target of an
> assassination attempt at 6 a.m on the morning of sept. 11 2001.
> VMANN:  agreed, but what do you make of the "ANGEL IS NEXT" warning 
> by webster tarpley, and which seems to explain bush's movements on 
that day? 
> the assassination of the leader of the northern alliance the 
previous friday 
> was accomplished in the same way that this attempt was made.  why, 
in your 
> view, did they "pull" building 7?
> it thus seems logical that it was the monumental stupidity,
> arrogance, and incompetence of the administration of the worst
> president in american history that is the cause of the successful
> attack, and not an unproven plot.
> VMANN:  what's your view of the alleged NORAD stand down?
> and the numerous "drills" that were being conducted that day?  
also, the FBI 
> seems to have "spiked" numerous investigations BEFORE the attacks, 
to enable 
> them to happen.  just as afterward, they seem to have been actively 
> up.  is this because of the "saudi connection?"  bush did sign W199
(EYE) to 
> protect the bin ladins, who are saudis.  also, what is your 
response to the 
> warnings recieved by the mayor of san francisco, and the seeming 
warning to 
> ashcroft, who stopped flying commercial before the attacks.  and 
the general 
> who begged off duty for that morning?
> afterwards, these same individuals conspired to cover-up the
> complicity of their administration's largest source of revenue and
> succor, the SAUDIS, in the funding of the attack.
> lost in all the 9/11 truth bullshit are a few simple facts. if the
> attack was premeditated to facilitate and justifiy an invasion of
> iraq, the desperately incompetent planning for securing that country
> and its oil afterwards would have received far more attention than 
> did.
> VMANN:  well, i think that the invasion of afghanistan was more 
> than iraq at the time.  many people seem to be of the opinion that 
the real 
> goal in iraq is fragmentation and expen$ive "low intensity" 
> in contrast, THE biggest geopolitical result of the 9/11 attack has
> been the removal of u.s. troops from saudi arabia, which was 
> before they arrived by the first pres bush, but which the u.s. never
> quite got around to doing afterwards. in fact, this is the only
> instance since ww2 when u.s. troops have left a country they
> occupied.
> VMANN:  is that more significant than the military involvement (and 
> subsequent poppy cultivation) in afghanistan and the enormous 
transfer of 
> wealth into the coffers of the carlyle group, bechtel, halliburton, 
> blackwater, etc for military expenditures?
> finally, in addition to the eminently believable eyewitness 
> about the pentangon being hit by a superbly-flown boeing aircraft
> which i believe had a saudi military pilot at the controls,
> a close watching of the two french brothers documentary on the wtc
> attack rev

[cia-drugs] SMU University turns down the Bush Legacy Library - see the link below for details

2006-12-18 Thread Quechick Barnyard
The Chairman of the Board at SMU University, Texas has written a letter to turn 
down the offer of having the Bush Legacy Library on their campus.  The Link 
below describes their thoughts on the matter.
  I am in agreement with them, since thery are one of our most respectable 
Universities in Texas.
  Thersa J. Steed

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[cia-drugs] Re: McVeigh Video Destroys OKC Bombing Official Story

2006-12-18 Thread mark urban
mcveigh corresponded extensively with gore vidal before 
his "execution".

does anybody have copies of that material?

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Vigilius Haufniensis" 
> - Original Message - 
> From: Paul Joseph Watson 
> Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 4:10 PM
> Subject: [infowarsnews] McVeigh Video Destroys OKC Bombing Official 
> McVeigh Video Destroys OKC Bombing Official Story
> Shows McVeigh was in military receiving instruction in "explosives 
and demolition" over a year after official story says he was 
discharged, whistleblower harassed for years while unknowingly in 
possession of bombshell tape 
> Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
> Prison Planet
> Monday, December 18, 2006
> A video that shows Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh at a U.S. 
military base that specializes in explosives and demolition training 
over a year after he supposedly left the army puts the official story 
of the April 19 1995 federal building bombing under serious doubt and 
mandates a re-opening of an investigation into the terror attack that 
killed 168 people.

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