[cia-drugs] I'm back in the (former) USSR. . . McCartney plays gig in Ukraine

2008-06-18 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

I'm back in the (former) USSR. . . McCartney
plays gig in Ukraine
 Paul McCartney holds a shirt given to him by
Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko in Kiev

 By Tony Halpin

Monday June 16 2008

It was the largest crowd to fill Kiev's famous
Independence Square since the heady days of the Orange Revolution, as Paul McCartney
played a concert intended to promote unity in Ukraine.
than 200,000 fans braved teeming rain for McCartney's first concert in
Ukraine, organised by the billionaire businessman Victor Pinchuk.
The same number again watched live broadcasts of the performance on
big screens in five cities around the country.
Many Ukrainians have grown tired of years of political squabbling
and Mr Pinchuk
-- the son-in-law of Leonid Kuchma,
the former Ukrainian president -- said that the free concert was a
"time to be together". 
The crowds who cheered McCartney as he sang 'Back in the USSR'
were happy to take up the invitation, but the respite was brief.
As the music faded, tensions within the former Soviet republic
quickly came to the fore. Hundreds of pro-Moscow activists in
defied a court ban yesterday to unveil a statue to the city's founder,
the Russian Empress Catherine the Great. There were scuffles as
Ukrainian nationalists tried to stop the unveiling of the 20ft monument
to what they see as a foreign occupier.
The city administration
had blocked an attempt over the weekend to unveil the statue to mark
Sevastopol's 225th anniversary. Instead, it erected one to a
17th-century Cossack leader, in what local media called a "monument
The conflict over Sevastopol's past is the latest chapter
in the continuing divide between Ukraine's largely pro-Russian south
and east and its pro-European west, which has been evident since the
2004 Orange Revolution. The city is also the focal point of rising
tensions between Kiev and Moscow over the fate of the Russian Black
Sea fleet, based in the city.
President Yushchenko insists that Russia
must leave the port in 2017 at the expiry of a 20-year lease signed
after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russia is increasingly
demanding the right to stay in Sevastopol in what some in Kiev suspect
is a campaign to destabilise Ukraine and thwart Mr Yushchenko's drive
to enter Nato. (© The Times, London) 
- Tony Halpin

[cia-drugs] Fwd: ECONOMY: RBS issues global stock and credit crash alert / Writedowns May Reach $1.3 Trillion

2008-06-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Begin forwarded message:

From: "don.stacey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 18, 2008 6:37:36 AM PDT
Subject: ECONOMY: RBS issues global stock and credit crash alert /  
Writedowns May Reach $1.3 Trillion

RBS issues global stock and credit crash alert

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor

The Royal Bank of Scotland has advised clients to brace for a full- 
fledged crash in global stock and credit markets over the next three  
months as inflation paralyses the major central banks.

"A very nasty period is soon to be upon us - be prepared," said Bob  
Janjuah, the bank's credit strategist.

A report by the bank's research team warns that the S&P 500 index of  
Wall Street equities is likely to fall by more than 300 points to  
around 1050 by September as "all the chickens come home to roost"  
from the excesses of the global boom, with contagion spreading  
across Europe and emerging markets.


Such a slide on world bourses would amount to one of the worst bear  
markets over the last century.

RBS said the iTraxx index of high-grade corporate bonds could soar  
to 130/150 while the "Crossover" index of lower grade corporate  
bonds could reach 650/700 in a renewed bout of panic on the debt  
"I do not think I can be much blunter. If you have to be in credit,  
focus on quality, short durations, non-cyclical defensive names.

"Cash is the key safe haven. This is about not losing your money,  
and not losing your job," said Mr Janjuah, who became a City star  
after his grim warnings last year about the credit crisis proved all  
too accurate.

RBS expects Wall Street to. 

Paulson & Co. Says Writedowns May Reach $1.3 Trillion

By Tom Cahill and Poppy Trowbridge

June 18 (Bloomberg) -- John Paulson, founder of hedge fund Paulson &  
Co., said global writedowns and losses from the credit crisis may  
reach $1.3 trillion, exceeding the International Monetary Fund's  
$945 billion estimate.

``We're only about a third of the way through the writedowns,''  
Paulson, 52, told the GAIM International hedge fund conference in  
Monaco today. ``There are a lot of problems out there and it will  
continue to be felt through the year. We don't see any signs of  

Paulson, whose company manages about $33 billion, shorted subprime- 
mortgage debt after he noticed ``bubble like'' prices that made a  
collapse ``inevitable.'' His Paulson Partners fund has risen about  
18 percent a year since it was founded in 1994, while one of his  
main funds for betting on declines in subprime debt rose 591 percent  
last year.

The U.S. is heading into a recession as falling home prices weigh on  
consumer spending, Paulson said. The second half of this year will  
be worse than the first as the economic slowdown continues into  
2009, he said. Signs of stress are ``accelerating'' in the housing  

``I don't consider myself a bull or a bear,'' he told the audience  
at Monaco's Grimaldi Forum. ``I'm a realist.''

Ambac Financial Group Inc., the second-biggest bond insurer, is... 

Re: [cia-drugs] Secret Bilderberg Agenda To Microchip Americans Leaked

2008-06-18 Thread Mary Hartman
This information came through a delegate to the Republican state/national 
convention.  A hotly debated issue at the state convention was the collection 
and preservation of DNA from all infants born in this state in the past 10 
years.  This collection of "data" was not done with the consent of the parents 
- which was why it became a heated issue when the practice was leaked.  
Currently, there is consideration for collection of the DNA with signed consent 
some time within 24 hours after the mother has given birth.  
Opinion: This is a gross violation of patient privacy and is a dangerous 
precedent to set.  (Information on the stated purpose for this practice is 
sketchy so I asked for clarification before I write about it.)  It is not only 
unnecessary for a state to keep sensitive information on newborn babies, and it 
is illegal to boot.

- Original Message 
From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 4:00:44 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Secret Bilderberg Agenda To Microchip Americans Leaked

Secret Bilderberg Agenda To Microchip Americans Leaked 
Elitists want to microchip Americans in name of fighting terrorism, Europeans 
universally opposed to attack on Iran, Globalists fear oil prices rising too 
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Sources from inside the 2008 Bilderberg meeting have leaked the details of what 
elitists were discussing in Chantilly Virginia last week and the talking points 
were ominous - a plan to microchip Americans under the pretext of fighting 
terrorist groups which will be identified as blonde haired, blue eyed 
Veteran Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker relies on sources who regularly attend 
Bilderberg as aides and assistants but who are not Bilderberg members 
themselves. The information they provided this year is bone-chilling for those 
who have tracked the development of the plan to make the general public 
consider implanted microchips as a convenience as routine as credit cards. 
"Under the heading of resisting terrorism there were points made about how the 
terrorist organizations are recruiting people who do not look like terrorists - 
blonde, blue eyed boys - they're searching hard for those types to become the 
new mad bombers," said Tucker. 
(Article continues below) 
As we have documented, the blue eyed blonde haired Al-Qaeda line is a familiar 
talking point that has been pushed on Fox News and within other Neo-Con circles 
in an attempt to turn the anti-terror apparatus around to target dissidents, 
protesters and the American people in general. 
Ominously, Tucker's source also told him that Bilderberg were discussing the 
microchipping of humans on a mass scale, which would be introduced under the 
pretext of fighting terrorism whereby the "good guys" would be allowed to 
travel freely from airports so long as their microchip could be scanned and the 
information stored in a database. 
Tucker said the idea was also sold on the basis that it would help hospital 
staff treat a patient in an emergency situation because a scan of the chip 
would provide instantaneous access to health details. 
Tucker underscored that Bilderberg were talking about subdermally implanted 
chips and not merely RFID chips contained in clothing. The discussion took 
place in a main conference hall and was part of the agenda, not an off-hand 
remark in the hotel bar. 
Such a bizarre concept may seem unbelievable to some, but over the last ten 
years there have been dozens of examples of people accepting implanted chips 
for a variety of different reasons. 
In 2004, Mexico's attorney general and 160 of his office staff were implanted 
with tracker chips to control access to to secure areas of their headquarters. 
The Baja Beach Club in Barcelona and other nightclubs around the world are 
already offering implantable chips to customers who want to pay for drinks with 
the wave of a hand and also get access to VIP areas of the club lounge. 
Bilderberg skeptical of attack on Iran 
Tucker's source told him that Secretary of Defense Robert Gates did attend 
Bilderberg despite him not appearing on the official list. 
Tucker said that his sources told him Gates was in attendance to present his 
case for war with Iran, but that the majority of Bilderberg members were 
against an attack at this time. 
"The Europeans were generally opposed to an invasion of Iran - Gates made the 
regular war propaganda drill about how Iran is a nuclear threat to everybody," 
said Tucker, adding that European Bilderbergers made snide comments about where 
such nuclear weapons actually were being kept and at one point joking that they 
were possibly "in Saddam Hussein's tomb". 
Despite Bilderberg opposition, Tucker said that the administration was still 
considering an attack before Bush leaves office in January. 
"At least 90 per cent of the Europeans oppose a war, probably closer to 100 per 
cent," said Tucker, adding, "m

Re: [cia-drugs] Government and Press/Media Cover-Ups

2008-06-18 Thread Mary Hartman
If anyone wants a first hand view of a paper/media controlled by "outside 
influence", I'll be happy to send you a copy of the Rochester Post Bulletin - 
our one and only paper, where after the Ron Paul appearance before a delegate 
convention a reporter admitted that the news is heavily censored. Our two 
television stations share a building - and share staff.  It's like living in a 

- Original Message 
From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 3:16:23 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Government and Press/Media Cover-Ups

It’s critical to the power elite’s plans for global control that the public be 
kept ignorant about important information.
By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
June 16, 2008

[Note: People are wondering why oil prices continue to rise, not appreciating 
how the global economy works. As Gary Dorsch (editor of GLOBAL MONEY TRENDS) 
explains, the Federal Reserve would like to inflate the money supply further 
and lower interest rates to cushion the U.S. housing market and help relieve 
pressure on the subprime credit crisis. However, if the Fed cuts interest 
rates, it risks sending the value of the dollar lower which leads to higher oil 
prices, which in turn lead to higher food, etc. prices (inflation). The 
situation has been exacerbated by Kuwait and Iran (and others to follow) 
breaking their peg to the U.S. dollar in terms of oil payments. And if Hugo 
Chavez in Venezuela does likewise, the dollar will become even weaker. With a 
weaker dollar, more and more foreign firms will be buying American companies. 
For example, on June 12, 2008 a Belgian firm made a takeover bid for American 
beer company Anheuser-Busch which began about 150
 years ago in St. Louis.] 
It’s critical to the power elite’s plans for global control that the public be 
kept ignorant about important information. For example, some years ago I filed 
a Freedom of Information request with the Department of Defense (DOD) regarding 
Pakistani intelligence chief General Mahmud Ahmed’s visit here just before 
9/11. General Ahmed had $100,000 wired to 9/11 ringleader Mohamed Atta, and 
just before 9/11 several high-level Pentagon officials suddenly cancelled their 
travel plans for the morning of 9/11. Finally, I received a partial DOD 
response dated May 20, 2008 which indicated Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul 
Wolfowitz had an office call with General Ahmed and others on September 10, 
2001. Blacked out was “U.S.-Pakistani Military and Intelligence Relations” and 
most other sections. Although the DOD response indicated General Ahmed met with 
National Security Council members September 5 and 6, 2001, blacked out is where 
General Ahmed was on
 September 4. The DOD response also indicated there was an office call between 
Assistant Secretary of Defense Peter Rodman and General Ahmed in which Rodman 
“recalled past personal experience working with Pakistan while on former 
Secretary of State Kissinger’s staff.” 
Another example involves Iraq. The Bush administration keeps telling us about 
the success of the military surge. However, it fails to inform the public that 
after five years in Iraq, there are still water shortages and electricity only 
2-5 hours a day. Garbage isn’t collected for days or weeks, and many Iraqi 
government employees want bribes to provide services.
The press/media are also important elements of the power elite’s control over 
the people, especially in choosing what not to report. For example, they report 
about Communist Chinese oppression in Tibet, but most don’t report about the 
persecution of Christians in China. Rutherford Institute president John 
Whitehead informs us that preparations for the 2008 Olympics in China have 
included “religious repression, torture, sexual abuse and arbitrary detention.” 
There’s a photo of house church member Sister Aizhen Miao being shocked by a 
policeman with an electric cattle prod. Other photos smuggled out of China 
include a pastor subjected to water torture, another Christian placed in a 
“tiger cage,” another policeman standing on a woman’s ankles and “rolling” 
them. Whitehead further commented, “Persecution of religious individuals has 
been common in China for more than half a century. The major corporate sponsors 
(of the Olympics) have
 been silent. The worst of all, though, has been the deafening silence from the 
evangelical church in America. Shame on American Christians….“
Why have American Christians, the U.S. government and the press/media been 
largely silent about the persecution of Christians in China? For one thing, 
they crave the cheap products they can buy made in China. Also, as Ian Williams 
wrote in the January 23, 2004 ASIA TIMES: “All Beijing has to do is to mention 
the possibility of a sell order going down the wires. It would devastate the 
U.S. economy more than any nuclear strike the Chinese could manage at the 
Within the U.S., 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [IPCUSA] U.S. banks may need $65 bln new capital: Goldman

2008-06-18 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Daniel Glover" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 17, 2008 11:39:47 PM PDT

Subject: [IPCUSA] U.S. banks may need $65 bln new capital: Goldman

U.S. banks may need $65 bln new capital: Goldman


By Jonathan Stempel Tue Jun 17, 3:35 PM ET

BANGALORE (Reuters) - U.S. banks may need to raise $65 billion of  
capital to cope with mounting losses from a global credit crisis  
that will
not peak until 2009, Goldman Sachs & Co (GS.N) analysts said on  


The new capital would be on top of $120 billion already raised by the
industry, analysts led by Richard Ramsden said.

"Banks will not turn until a peak in credit costs is in sight," the  
wrote. "Moreover, weaker banks are unlikely to benefit from  
consolidation as
bank deals always slow when credit is deteriorating and larger banks  
hamstrung by their own problem assets as well as accounting  

Goldman said it lowered its price targets for 14 banking companies  
and cut

its 2008 earnings-per-share forecasts for 11.

Among the banks for which Goldman cut both are BB&T Corp (BBT.N), PNC
Financial Services Group Inc (PNC.N), SunTrust Banks Inc (STI.N), U.S.
Bancorp (USB.N) and Wells Fargo & Co (WFC.N).

Goldman also lowered its price targets for Wachovia Corp (WB.N) and
Washington Mutual Inc (WM.N), and its earnings outlook for Bank of  

Corp (BAC.N).

In afternoon trading, the 24-member KBW Bank Index (.BKX) was down 3.2
percent, while the 50-member KBW Regional Bank Index (.KRX) dropped  
percent. These contributed to declines in broader market indexes as  

Zions Bancorp (ZION.O), a Salt Lake City-based bank, fell as much as  
percent after projecting higher nonperforming assets and saying  
weakness in

residential construction and land values in the U.S. Southwest should
persist into 2009. Goldman also cut Zions' price target and earnings

Lenders have raised capital to help combat a surge in problem loans.  

those to raise the most were Citigroup Inc (C.N), Wachovia, Washington
Mutual and National City Corp (NCC.N), which this year each raised  
at least

$7 billion.

Problem loans were once concentrated in subprime mortgages. They have,
however, been spreading to other types of lending, including prime
mortgages, home equity loans, commercial real estate and  
construction loans,

auto loans and credit cards.


The Goldman analysts estimated that U.S. banks and thrifts have set  
$86 billion for loan losses in the three quarters since the credit  


They said the weak housing market drove the deterioration and that  
prices will likely keep falling all year. It expects credit losses  
to peak
in the first quarter of 2009, when the rate of charge-offs may be 46  

higher than a year earlier.

Worries about credit losses have driven down banks' share prices.  
This has

caused paper losses for many investors who infused capital into the
industry, including many private equity firms and sovereign wealth  

Much of this capital has come from offerings of common stock or  
preferred shares. Goldman said further attempts to raise capital may  

even more costly for shareholders.

"Capital raising becomes harder," the analysts wrote. "Only four out  
of 42
deals we track are in-the-money so far. This will make the next  
round of

deals harder and more expensive."

Through Monday, the KBW bank and regional bank indexes were down a
respective 23.7 percent and 21 percent this year. The Standard &  
Poor's 500

index (.SPX) was down 7.4 percent.

(Editing by Andre Grenon, Phil Berlowitz)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Yahoo! Groups Links

[cia-drugs] Fwd: First at Airports, Now on LOCAL BUS LINES -- Random Searches of Commuters

2008-06-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 18, 2008 11:32:26 AM PDT
Subject: First at Airports, Now on LOCAL BUS LINES -- Random  
Searches of Commuters


'Random' searches of passengers on Metrolink

Random searches of passengers and their belongings will begin next  
week on [Los angeles] Metrolink commuter trains, the agency  
announced Thursday.

Passengers got the news via a flier left on train seats.

Sheriff's deputies will be setting up random screening stations at  
random times. "Access to the station platform will be restricted;  
passengers must pass through the checkpoint to gain access to the  
station platform," stated the flier.

The release goes on to say that some passengers will be selected  
from those lines and have their baggage searched.  Anyone who  
refuses to be searched won't be allowed to get on the train.   
Deputies are looking for "explosives" or other "dangerous items."

Metrolink spokeswoman Denise Tyrrell told me this morning that the  
searches are not in response to any threats that have been made  
against trains.

"It's more in response to what has become standard procedure at  
other commuter rail agencies across the country," she said. "We were  
one of the few who wasn't doing this, and we thought it would be a  
good idea to step up the security a little bit."

She said police are primarily looking for explosives, but won't turn  
a blind eye to other issues. "They are police officers," Tyrrell  
added. "If you have a half a pound of hash in your book bag, they  
are going to arrest you. I would suggest if that's the case you are  
one of the people that wants to walk away."

One reader already e-mailed me with a salient question: If the  
searches are random and skip from station to station, then couldn't  
a terrorist with a bomb simply get on the train at a station where  
random searches aren't being done?

Tyrrell said that there will also be more security officers on  
trains. "We have 55 stations so we can't be at every station" with a  
random search, she said. "What we're trying to do is make it  
uncomfortable for someone to harm our passengers by having a greater  
level of security."

As for the meaning of "dangerous items," Tyrrell said that means  
guns or items that are obvious threats -- large amounts of toxic  
materials, for example.

--Steve Hymon

Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient  
used cars.

Re: [cia-drugs] Government and Press/Media Cover-Ups

2008-06-18 Thread joseph abbott

please pass my words on to all law makers  the plan is to get as many oil 
leases as can an get amercas oils an put on world market not so much our 
countys market if we the pepole build own refiners an make oil companys use our 
refinerys than use porfits from refenrys to build this country renewables an 
porfits back in our land not big oils pockets
--- On Wed, 6/18/08, Mary Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Mary Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Government and Press/Media Cover-Ups
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2008, 1:06 AM

If anyone wants a first hand view of a paper/media controlled by "outside 
influence", I'll be happy to send you a copy of the Rochester Post Bulletin - 
our one and only paper, where after the Ron Paul appearance before a delegate 
convention a reporter admitted that the news is heavily censored. Our two 
television stations share a building - and share staff.  It's like living in a 

- Original Message 
From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
To: Global_Police_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] s.com
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 3:16:23 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Government and Press/Media Cover-Ups

It’s critical to the power elite’s plans for global control that the public be 
kept ignorant about important information.
By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
June 16, 2008

[Note: People are wondering why oil prices continue to rise, not appreciating 
how the global economy works. As Gary Dorsch (editor of GLOBAL MONEY TRENDS) 
explains, the Federal Reserve would like to inflate the money supply further 
and lower interest rates to cushion the U.S. housing market and help relieve 
pressure on the subprime credit crisis. However, if the Fed cuts interest 
rates, it risks sending the value of the dollar lower which leads to higher oil 
prices, which in turn lead to higher food, etc. prices (inflation). The 
situation has been exacerbated by Kuwait and Iran (and others to follow) 
breaking their peg to the U.S. dollar in terms of oil payments. And if Hugo 
Chavez in Venezuela does likewise, the dollar will become even weaker. With a 
weaker dollar, more and more foreign firms will be buying American companies. 
For example, on June 12, 2008 a Belgian firm made a takeover bid for American 
beer company Anheuser-Busch which began about 150
 years ago in St. Louis.] 
It’s critical to the power elite’s plans for global control that the public be 
kept ignorant about important information. For example, some years ago I filed 
a Freedom of Information request with the Department of Defense (DOD) regarding 
Pakistani intelligence chief General Mahmud Ahmed’s visit here just before 
9/11. General Ahmed had $100,000 wired to 9/11 ringleader Mohamed Atta, and 
just before 9/11 several high-level Pentagon officials suddenly cancelled their 
travel plans for the morning of 9/11. Finally, I received a partial DOD 
response dated May 20, 2008 which indicated Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul 
Wolfowitz had an office call with General Ahmed and others on September 10, 
2001. Blacked out was “U.S.-Pakistani Military and Intelligence Relations” and 
most other sections.. Although the DOD response indicated General Ahmed met 
with National Security Council members September 5 and 6, 2001, blacked out is 
where General Ahmed was on
 September 4. The DOD response also indicated there was an office call between 
Assistant Secretary of Defense Peter Rodman and General Ahmed in which Rodman 
“recalled past personal experience working with Pakistan while on former 
Secretary of State Kissinger’s staff.” 
Another example involves Iraq. The Bush administration keeps telling us about 
the success of the military surge. However, it fails to inform the public that 
after five years in Iraq, there are still water shortages and electricity only 
2-5 hours a day. Garbage isn’t collected for days or weeks, and many Iraqi 
government employees want bribes to provide services.
The press/media are also important elements of the power elite’s control over 
the people, especially in choosing what not to report. For example, they report 
about Communist Chinese oppression in Tibet, but most don’t report about the 
persecution of Christians in China. Rutherford Institute president John 
Whitehead informs us that preparations for the 2008 Olympics in China have 
included “religious repression, torture, sexual abuse and arbitrary detention.” 
There’s a photo of house church member Sister Aizhen Miao being shocked by a 
policeman with an electric cattle prod. Other photos smuggled out of China 
include a pastor subjected to water torture, another Christian placed in a 
“tiger cage,” another policeman standing on a woman’s ankles and “rolling” 
them. Whitehead further commented, “Persecution of religious individuals has 
been common in China for more than half a century. The major corporate sponsors 
(of the Olympics) have
 been silent

[cia-drugs] Soros' destabilization of the Balkans: Creating a haven for drug trafficking

2008-06-18 Thread RoadsEnd

June 3, 2008 -- Soros' destabilization of the Balkans: Creating a  
haven for drug trafficking
publication date: Jun 3, 2008
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June 3, 2008 -- Soros' destabilization of the Balkans: Creating a  
haven for drug trafficking

George Soros, the multi-billionaire funder of progressive causes, has  
made no secret of his desire for drug legalization. The wish has made  
Soros a darling for not only progressives but libertarians as well.  
However, according to FBI sources, Soros' support for the  
destabilization of the Balkans, particularly the cause of Kosovo's  
independence, has enabled drug trafficking in the region to increase  
exponentially. FBI intercepts of Turkish and Albanian intercepts have  
shown collusion between certain Western "pro-democracy" non- 
governmental organizations (NGOs) and the Kosovo drug trade.

Soros' Open Society Institute (OSI) and his stewardship of Radio Free  
Europe/Radio Liberty helped elevate, with the help of then-Secretary  
of State Madeleine Albright, Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) leader  
Hashim Thaci from terrorist thug and drug and arms smuggler to Prime  
Minister of an independent Kosovo. Kosovo, along with Israel and Greek  
Cyprus, now plays host to organized criminal syndicates from around  
the world, particularly elements of the Russian-Israeli mafia and its  

Independent Kosovo now serves as an important hub for the distribution  
of heroin from Afghanistan and cocaine from Colombia (mostly via  
Guinea-Bissau in West Africa). Afghanistan and Colombia are both  
surrogates of the United States and examples of the marquis  
"democratization" pushed by OSI and Freedom House and the  
International Crisis Group, other contrivances funded by Soros. The  
Albanian government, also enmeshed in drug smuggling, provides  
important diplomatic and political cover for the Kosovo criminal  

Kosovo-based narco-terrorists now threaten neighboring countries.  
Recent violence in Macedonia's election can be traced to Albanian  
Kosovo-based provocateurs who have been able to stir up Albanian  
minority passions thanks to Soros' insistence that Albanian be granted  
second official language status in largely Slavic Macedonia.  
Montenegro is similarly plagued by Kosovo Albanian smugglers who  
operate freely from the southern part of that nation.


2 tut anon (usa)
 If Soros supports "drug legalization", that's unusual for someone  
who's purportedly making money from the drug trade, which is usually  
thought to flourish only when drugs are illegal.

2 tut anon (usa)
 I've just skimmed through the previous posts and comments on the  
Soros story. Readers of this site might take a look at "A Brief  
History of Neoliberalism", by David Harvey. Neoliberalism is the  
theoretical under-pinning of a broad trend in capitalism over the last  
thirty years, which includes de-regulation of private business, trade  
and financial transactions, privatization of public resources,  
shrinking of government services and the social safety net, and many  
specific forms of "vulture capitalism", creative destruction,  
"disaster capitalism", etc. This global movement was a response to  
shrinking profits and markets that started in the seventies, was  
prompted by the squawks of individual business and financial  
interests, followed by the rationalizations of think tanks, and  
eventually melded together in an ideology which political figures  
could sell to their constituents (e.g., Thatcher and Reagan).

 As Kait and others point out, in this broad economic trend, Soros  
is simply one of many players (possibly an early one, an "innovator",  
or possibly just an opportunist, like Milken or the hedge-fund guys.)  
My point is, the phenomenon of neo-liberalism (or vulture capitalism)  
is a broad, economic one, not the creation of any individual.

Marlys (Seattle)
 and the rich get richer and somehow that means they know what's  
best for the rest of us.

nierika (San Diego, CA)

 George Soros on the US Greenback

 BBC - George Soros on the financial crisis March 2008

 Oil prices: George Soros warns that speculators could trigger  
stock market crash

 Guardian UK
 Graeme Wearden
 June 3 2008


 George Soros, the billionaire hedge fund manager, will warn later  
today that the oil price has become a bubble that could trigger a  
stock market crash

 The Financial Times reported today that Soros will tell the US  
Senate commerce committee that oil was pushed to its recent all-time  
peak of $135 a barrel by a new wave of speculators

 He believes that the doubling in the price over the last year is  
partly due to investment institutions, such as pension funds, who are  
pumping money into indexes that track the cost of crude

 According to the FT

[cia-drugs] Moveon(1)Impeachment(2)Report(3)AFL-CIO(4)Oil(5)USC(6)

2008-06-18 Thread Quechick Barnyard
TheDelcarationofPeaceinfo , 
newpeacesign <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, sho listic707 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Spirit 
Crossing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Spirit Voice Newsletter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
Spirit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Timothy Karr  Campaign Dir. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
UFPJ Action Alerts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Veteransforpeace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
Betsy Reznicek  VFP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, VotersForPeace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
InvestmentforpeaceandJustice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, t r u t h o u t <[EMAIL 
Thenewbushwhackerbrigade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Thenewbushwhackerbrigade2 <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>, georgeBushsucksin2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bushlied <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jews-And-Others- 
Against-Bush against bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, newworld_disorder <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>, newworldorderwhistleblowers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
newworldorderwhistleblowers3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  mcdemocrats <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>, Vikki Spruill  President and CEO  Ocean Conservancy <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>, NRDC Action Fund - Frances Beinecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ben 
Kroetz  TrueMajorityACTION <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, actionhouston <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>, actionhouston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Action- GROUP <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>, action <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Anthony & Caroline  ACLU <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>, DemVictory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, legality-of-income-tax <[EMAIL 
 legalityof IRS Taxes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, National Taxpayers Union <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>, National - Vanguard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, NationalClimateDataCenter 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, nationalparanormal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
NationalResourecesDefenceCouncil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, nationalreferendumforum 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, nationalenergylabs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]'lenergylabs.org>, 
ArtBell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, UndoBush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Glory4you <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>, Greatest1Commandment <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, HumaneRights Agenda 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, millions_march_to_save_ humanity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
ImpeachBush.org <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, say_no_to_the_NWO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,