[cia-drugs] Nuremberg Trials: Big Pharma's Crimes Against Humanity

2008-10-19 Thread norgesen
Nuremberg Trials: Big Pharma's Crimes Against Humanity 

Gabriel Donohoe
October 18, 2008

 After World War Two, scores of suspected Nazi war criminals were prosecuted by 
the Allies in the Palace of Justice in the city of Nuremberg, the birth-place 
of the Nazi Party. The defendants were drawn not just from the military, but 
also from medical, judicial, administrative, industrial, and other sectors of 
the German war machine.

Among the industrial prisoners charged with crimes against humanity were 24 
managers of IG Farben, an organization without whom, according to U.S. Chief 
Prosecutor Telford Taylor, the Second World War would not have been possible.

In 1925, IG Farben, Interessengemeinschaft Farben, (Association of Common 
Interests), became a powerful cartel of German chemical and pharmaceutical 
companies such as Bayer (the aspirin manufacturer), BASF, AGFA, and Hoechst 
(now known as Aventis.) By 1933, the IG Farben group had become the largest 
chemical and pharmaceutical corporation in the world. And even today, although 
it doesn't use the name IG Farben, its companies remain the most powerful 
transnationals on the planet in pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and agro-chemicals.

The IG Farben cartel was crucial to the Nazi war effort by supplying synthetic 
fuel, rubber, and other chemicals. They also manufactured Zyklon-B, the nerve 
gas used to kill millions at the concentration camps of Auschwitz, Birkenau and 
elsewhere. The cartel, later known as the Devil's Chemists, used unwilling 
inmates of the concentration camps as slave labourers and guinea pigs to test 
chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and vaccines. Tens of thousands died, and those who 
became too ill to be of any use were murdered in the gas chambers.

IG Farben worked closely with the Nazi regime and the SS and were perhaps the 
most important dynamic in driving the Nazi war machine, donating some 80 
million Reichsmarks in return for chemical, pharmaceutical and petrochemical 
industries seized from occupied countries. Yet they could not have gotten to a 
position of such power without huge investment from John D. Rockefeller and his 
Standard Oil Company. Together with Rockefeller they set up a company called 
Standard IG Farben.

Although he knew it would be used for war purposes, Rockefeller was able to 
organize a shipment of 500 tons of tetraethyl lead to IG Farben in 1938 which 
the Luftwaffe needed for aviation fuel. Amazingly, a year later, with war about 
to break out, he supplied them with up to 20 million dollars of tetraethyl lead 
which directly enabled Hitler to start the War by attacking Poland and France.

Even as late as 1942 he supplied the Nazis with oil diverted through 
Switzerland and refuelled German submarines in the Channel Islands. When 
charged under the Trading With The Enemy Act, Rockefeller got away with a 
'slap on the wrist' (5,000 dollar fine) when President Roosevelt abruptly 
halted the investigation at the behest of the War Department. (The unpatriotic 
Rockefeller had threatened to stop supplying the U.S. with crucial supplies of 
war-time oil.)

IG Farben went on to build the largest industrial complex in Europe at 
Auschwitz to manufacture chemicals and explosives for the German war effort. 
The venture was financed by Deutsche Bank to the tune of almost one billion 
Reichsmarks. This complex, known as IG Auschwitz, covered some 24 square 
kilometers including the Auschwitz concentration camp from which it drew on a 
huge pool of slave labour. IG Farben directors were instrumental in turning 
this huge complex into the largest extermination camp in human history.

On a number of occasions, when orders were given by the Allies to bomb the 
complex, Rockefeller used his influence through John J. McCloy, Assistant 
Secretary of War (who was a former legal counselor to IG Farben), to cancel the 
bombing raids, much to the chagrin of some of the Allied commanders. 
Furthermore, not one bomb fell on IG Farben's Headquarters back in Germany, at 
Frankfurt. Astounding, at a time when German industrial cities were widely 
bombed and pulverized, including Frankfurt itself.

At the Nuremberg Trials, 24 of the IG Farben directors and other industrialists 
were charged with genocide, slavery, and other crimes against humanity. Many of 
these unscrupulous villains would later play a key role in reinstating several 
IG Farben companies as huge players in the pharmaceutical/chemical industry not 
only in Germany but also throughout Europe and the United States. And several 
of these former Nazis would be pivotal in devising a pan-European trade 
association which has now evolved into the European Union.

Dr. Fritz ter Meer, a director of IG Farben who was directly involved in 
developing the nerve gas, Zyklon-B, which killed millions of Jews, was 
sentenced to seven years in prison but was released after four years through 
the intervention of Rockefeller and J.J. McCloy, then U.S. High Commissioner 

[cia-drugs] Propaganda Film from 1990

2008-10-19 Thread norgesen

- Original Message - 
From: Vicky Davis 
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 11:10 PM
Subject: Propaganda Film from 1990

  I did a search on George Shultz and 'free trade' because I found in a 
1973 telegram on the State Department website, in which Shultz suggested using 
the term 'equality in trade' rather than MFN (most-favored nation)  because MFN 
might be a problem passing the Congress.  The country at issue in the Telegram 
was Romania and Shultz and Hubert Humphrey were meeting with Ceausescu (wasn't 
he called the Butcher?)

  This is an image of the original telegram

  Here is a printed copy of it that is easier to read

  My search on Shultz turned up this PBS program that was done in 1990.  
George Shultz does the introduction to the program.   Pay close attention to 
the production of it.  In the beginning, they keep the images moving with a 
brief sound bite on freedom  in each one.   It's really fascinating from the 
perspective of viewing it as a propaganda film - which is what it was.  The 
nightmare we are living now is because of the fraud of 'free trade'  that the 
marxist sociopathic cretin, Milton Friedman - and his communist buddy, George 
Shultz were promoting.  


  Background on George Shultz

  A note about George Pratt Shultz- his father was Dr. Birl Earl Shultz, 
who from 1918-23 was Personnel Director of the American International 
Corporation in New York, which was located in the same building as the Federal 
Reserve Bank of New York. They had offered $1 million in credits to the 
Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution. Shultz was a close friend of Armand 
Hammer's father, Julius Hammer, co-founder of the U.S. Communist Party. George 
was a member of the Pratt family, who were related to the Rockefellers, and who 
donated the Pratt mansion to the CFR). According to The Oregonian(1/3/87), 
George Shultz was quoted as saying: The New Age has already dawned, and a new 
financial World Order is fast taking shape.


  Free trade means you give away your economy... your job, your wealth, 
your life .. for free to people in a foreign country.   'Free trade' was the 
bait in the trap for greedy fools.   

  In 1975, the UN passed the Lima Declaration calling for a 'New 
International Economic Order' - redistribution of wealth from the developed 
nations to the undeveloped nations. 

  Several years ago, when I sent out information on the Lima Declaration to 
the outsourcing group that I belong to, one of the engineers in the group, Bill 
Reed, sent me an article that he wrote for a publication called the 'American 
Engineer'.  It was titled, Losing Our Industrial Base.  


  How unfortunate it is for us that people like Milton Friedman were given 
center stage while people like Bill Reed were ignored.  


[cia-drugs] Re: Bush Generations

2008-10-19 Thread michael1
Forget first name, but a Bush family member, perhaps great grandfather of
Prescott Bush...:
At any rate he was first to step foot on defeated H.M.S. Gerrier.  U.S.S.
Constitution, (even with two tiers of guns), was still only a frigate. 
There were special boarding parties at time, (no Marines yet), and Bush,
(think then Lt.), swore he would be first to set foot on Gerrier.  He was.
Shot dead on the spot.

 I just thought of another fulfilment of It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad
 World, the Spencer Tracy flick: Four CROOKED bushes make a big W.


 Four mads.

 Four **CROOKED** Bush generations make a Big Dubya.

 One-bid treasure for military keynesianism under Big Dub.

 A walk in the park, meaning war is always falsely advertised.

 It's a mad, mad, mad, mad (4 generations) world, where four
 generations of crooked Bush make a big W (GWB). One-bid treasure is
 buried under Big Dubya. 190,000 mercs in Iraq outnumber 150,000
 troops, and who do they bring home from Iraq to help in New Orleans
 after Hurricane Katrina? Louisiana National Guard? No, Blackwater!
 Mad, mad, mad, mad!

 A walk in the park. No Man's Land WWI, every war forecast to be two
 weeks long, invaders supposed to be greeted with flowers and parades
 as liberators, don't bring your winter clothing. It's all been said
 before, but Iraqwar had to be called off after two weeks or the
 Pyrrhic victory would have been exposed as a defeat as US troops got
 too sick from DU not to be noticed.

 Four generations of Bush have profited off of both sides of trumped up
 wars. That form of colonialism is not about seizing resources
 overseas, it's about seizing taxpayer assets at home. That is not my
 opinion, that is their confession: If the American people knew what
 we are doing, they would chase us down the street and lynch us from
 the lamp posts...what we are doing is capital transfer to those who
 are higher, tighter, and righter...the velvet glove is off the iron