[cia-drugs] Accessories after the fact if no prosecutions of AWOL Bush et al

2009-12-08 Thread DickM

48. President Bush et al, need to be prosecuted for war crimes.

President Bush and all those Congress members who voted for this
resolution are guilty of the war crime, breach of the peace and the
Resolution Authorizing of Force Against Iraq was Unconstitutional.

  The US Supreme Court is also guilty of being an accessory after the
fact to a war crime because they failed to declare this resolution
unconstitutional.  This is the second time the US Supreme Court has been
an accessory after the fact, for failing to rule that the Vietnam war
was an undeclared war and therefore, unconstitutional, US v. Sisson,

On October 10, the House and Senate passed identical resolutions
authorizing the use of force against Iraq, H.J. Res. 114/S.J. Res. 45.
The final vote in the House was 296-133 for the resolution, and 77-23 in
favor in the Senate. The joint resolution provides broad authorization
for the President to wage unilateral, preemptive war against Iraq at his

Authorization for Use of Unilateral Force.

The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States
as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to 1.) defend
the national security of the United States against the continuing threat
posed by Iraq; and 2.) enforce all relevant United Nations Security
Council Resolutions regarding Iraq.

The resolution did not provide any standards by which the President
should make these determinations or any mechanism through which the
Congress could challenge the President's determinations.  Congress
surrendered its constitutional responsibilities for overseeing U.S.
foreign and military policies, to declare WAR.  It is a matter of
defining what WAR means, that is invading Iraq, defeating its army,
overthrowing the incumbent government, and followed by an occupation or
annexing Iraq as a US territory..
The UN Security Council-not the U.S.- is responsible for enforcing UN
Security Council resolutions. Although the congressional resolution
supported efforts to work cooperatively with the UN, ultimately it left
the enforcement of Security Council resolutions in the hands of the
President, usurping the UN role.
Under the UN Charter, attacks by individual states against other nations
are justified only in response to an actual attack or in cases of
imminent threat of attack, not a continuing threat.

The international community strongly supported the resumption and
completion of UN weapons inspections. Weapons inspectors were ready to
return to Iraq, and Iraq has signaled its willingness to admit them to
all sites covered by UN Security Council resolutions.  President Bush
refused to allow a reasonable time for UN weapons inspections and
disarmament efforts to be carried out successfully before pursuing other
actions.  The UN Security Council-not the President of the U.S. had the
authority to determine when inspections and other peaceful, diplomatic
efforts have failed.

The US Congressional resolution did not set limits on what constitutes
the necessary and appropriate use of force, for example the use of
depleted uranium armed weapons.
There was no date of expiration for the authorization of force in Iraq,
and the resolution did not address the possibility of long-term U.S.
occupation of Iraq and nation building.  The resolution to use force in
Afghanistan against terrorists - September 14, 2001.  That the President
is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those
nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized,
committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11,
2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any
future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such
nations, organizations or persons. This resolution authorizes the use of
military force in specified, limited circumstances.  The war against
Afghanistan is clearly illegal. It constitutes armed aggression against
any nation they US feels like invading.AWOL Bush et al, failed on
three separate occasions to get formal authority from the UN Security
The Montreal Sabotage Convention to which the United States was party.
It has an entire regime to deal with all issues in dispute here,
including access to the International Court of Justice to resolve
international disputes arising under the Treaty such as the extradition
of Bin Laden. The Bush administration completely ignored this treaty. 
They paid no attention any of the other 12 international treaties
dealing with acts of terrorism that could have been applied to handle
this manner in a peaceful, lawful way.

AWOL Bush went to the United National Security Council to get a
resolution authorizing the use of military force against Afghanistan and
Al Qaeda. He failed.  The first Security Council resolution refused to
call what happened on September 11 an armed attack - that is by one
state against another state. Rather they called it terrorist attacks. 

[cia-drugs] Obama's Afghanistan Insanity || Oliver Stone / Moyers

2009-12-08 Thread ruxpert

Obama's Afghanistan Insanity || Oliver Stone / Moyers

[cia-drugs] Copenhagen climate summit in disarray

2009-12-08 Thread ruxpert

Copenhagen climate summit in disarray after leaked documents show agreement 
that hands more power to rich countries
The UN Copenhagen climate talks are in disarray today after developing 
countries reacted furiously to leaked documents that show world leaders will 
next week be asked to sign an agreement that hands more power to rich 
countries and sidelines the UN's role in all future climate change 
negotiations. The document is also being interpreted by developing countries 
as setting unequal limits on per capita carbon emissions for developed and 
developing countries in 2050; meaning that people in rich countries would be 
permitted to emit nearly twice as m...


Copenhagen's Hidden Agenda: The Multibillion Trade in Carbon Derivatives 
Architect of Credit Default Swaps behind the Development of Carbon 
by Washington's Blog

more climategate info here:

[cia-drugs] Liberals Are Useless

2009-12-08 Thread ruxpert

Liberals Are Useless
Chris Hedges
Dec 7, 2009

[cia-drugs] CIA Heart Attack Gun?

2009-12-08 Thread ruxpert

Check Out the CIA Heart Attack Gun, De-Classified in 1975, Mentioned on the 
Show!  Click Here For the Story

CIA secret weapon of assassination


[cia-drugs] Conspiracy Theory HAARP Jesse Ventura - p1

2009-12-08 Thread ruxpert

Conspiracy Theory HAARP Jesse Ventura - p1

Re: [cia-drugs] CIA Heart Attack Gun?

2009-12-08 Thread michael1
Hit with ‘electronic LSD’ developed by Astronics.  In light amounts it is
like some pot.  In fact that amount tried by ‘Tip’ O’Neal in part of
demonstration.  In larger amounts it is freaky but only really upsets if
you are not prepared.
Naval Intel did this to me after interrogation the night of April 13th,
1984.  I gave three names, Pavlita, C.W. Cho, and Kozyrev.

I had paperwork on the first two but not on Kozyrev.  The way it works the
first time you relax you get major high.  Set and setting is everything so
I freaked big time.  It was turned up.   On either May 8th or 9th buried
in the back of the New York Times was an article on a Sergi Koslov, a
Soviet mathematician visiting Pasadena in some sort of exchange program.  
The same methods were used on him.  This was the guy who later also
freaked at Dullas claiming CIA was trying to mind control him.  Shrinks
brought in, etc.  The interrogation was taped by Navy with my knowledge
and permission.  Seems that I slur a bit and my spoken Kozyrev was
mistaken for Koslov.  I did not give a first name.

TASS had a fit.  First and only time, (not including ultrasound waves at
embassy deal), that I ever heard of wherein one major power accused
another of mind control.  We were obliged to print the accusation in our
major media.

There have been a number of times that I sensed this device was used in
jury tampering.  Once was in the Reagan Secretary of Labor RICO trial:
Raymond Donovan


Not upset anymore.  In fact under circumstances it was nice I was not
Michael Donovan


 Check Out the CIA Heart Attack Gun, De-Classified in 1975, Mentioned on
 the Show!  Click Here For the Story

 CIA secret weapon of assassination

[cia-drugs] Oliver Stone Says US Is Falling of Own Weight

2009-12-08 Thread muckblit
In Part One of Bill Moyers' interview of Oliver Stone, Stone says
http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/12042009/watch.html   that the US
will fall of its own weight like the Soviet Union did:


Oliver Stone gives one example of how we are falling of our own weight,
of offending the Pashtun tribe which lives in both Afghanistan and
and that then the Pashtuns and the other Afghans who are not Taliban
all join with Taliban against the foreign invader who offends them all.
US is buying off all parties, just like the real surge in Iraq was
only a cash
surge that bribed off those who had been inflicting casualties on US
Stone predicts that buying off all the warlords in Afghanistan while
killing 50 people at a wedding party will not win the hearts and minds.
A ridiculous proposition of winning hearts and minds by offending the
hearts and minds will only benefit the war merchants(mongers).
The people will take the US money and still send the empire packing.

At home and abroad, the empire is showing signs of falling under its own

First Venezuela shrugged off an old school CIA coup like a body
silly H1N1 swine flu without buying a vaccine from CIA or United Fruit.
Then Honduras threw off an old School of the Americas style coup.

Where does AFRICOM live? Stuttgart of the ice people. No African nation
wants CIA coups either. From where does CIA supply weapons to Liberian
enemies of Liberia's democratically elected government? Minnesota. An
African consensus parallels the Latin American consensus. CIA would
not allow democracy in any latin american country, so latin americans
came to the US and voted for Obama. Africa sent AFRICOM packing, to
Stuttgart. Liberia sent the warlords packing, to Minnesota. Oliver Stone
promises that the crusade to nowhere will collapse and return to the
US like School of the Americas returned from latin america, rejected
like AFRICOM was by every African nation.

Now I would like to show you the same thing happening at home. CIA
conned FBI suits into making pedophile blackmail videos with children
kidnapped by CIA. Franklin, Presidio, Boystown, Mae Hong San orphanage,
and FBI kidnapped the Lindbergh baby, figuratively, by making pedophile
videos with CIA kidnapped children at APEC conferences in Seattle and
FBI pedophile videomaking explains why FBI actively suppressed the
pedophile investigation(see The Franklin Scandal  http://trineday.com 
by Nick Bryant, published
by http://trineday.com )

First FBI makes pedo porn blackmail videos, then suppresses a pedophile
as a load of slimy filth oozes down hill of its own weight. Once upon a
time a hotel
owner called the suits and told them that John Dillenger was at the
hotel. The
suits showed up and killed the hotel owner and his wife but the bad guys
left already. At Waco, same story, save the women and children by
them all. Suits are as suits do, but it only gets worse.

CIA took over FBI, FBI pushes local law enforcement around, but the
suits do
not teach CIA grade tradecraft to their low levels. That is where things
collapse. When the CIA supports a repressive, corrupt government, they
so according to common sense. When the FBI suits chase amateurs to
locals who get out of line, the amateurs do whatever they want. Maybe
feel like assassinating a witness, but they don't really know how, so
they blow
that. Then what? Assassination was the last thing on CIA's list, but the
tried that first, and failed. How about discreditation? Sure, fail to
kill a witness,
then make the witness look crazy for crying conspiracy. So the amateurs
the police chief put on his swat tu-tu and go tell a carpenter that the
witness is a
hoe and a drunk. The carpenter looks at the tu-tu, looks at the ferrie,
why a carpenter should care if a paying client is a hoe or a drunk, but
there is a conspiracy if the police chief is dancing around in a swat
The chief showing up in person proves that there is a conspiracy,
crazier in his swat tutu than anybody he must have scared lately. The
chieftain might be a Franklin-FBI pedo pimp, and the febrile amateur
the first rule of psychological operations, that before you start with
propaganda, which should be based on the truth, that you should
establish your
game with white propaganda, which is the truth but only part of the
truth. So
the amateurs prove that there is a conspiracy, by sending out the police
chief, to lie nakedly, without a shred of truth. Amateurs! They were
supposed to start with bribery, then intimidation, then white
then black propaganda, then starting beating and killing. They got the
backwards. The police state is falling of its own weight, as CIA got

[cia-drugs] Re: CIA Blackwater

2009-12-08 Thread ruxpert

From: ruxpert  
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 12:58 PM
Subject: Re:  CIA Blackwater

cia is criminal cancer that must be rectified so/and to be more 
accountably/beneficially applied brainpower FOR America, instead of Cancer 
Against America! 

most nasty open-conspiracy / espionage against America's Dream Meme DNA Mandate 
of Transparent/Accountability is: 

Government Secrecy = National Security

Putrid Mega Intellectual Crime Against The Heart Soul of America! 


From: rob...@aol.com 
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 5:57 AM
Subject: Re: CIA Blackwater

If they are CIA then they have carte blanche to do whatever they like,
with no legal consequences. As a private company wouldn't they have to
follow the laws?

- Original Message - 
From: ruxpert 
Sent: Friday, 4 December 2009
Subject: CIA Blackwater

Tycoon, Contractor, Soldier, Spy
Blackwater founder reveals he was following orders of CIA throughout
his career, including participation in an assassination program.
Blackwater has not been an private-contractor army after all but a
CIA asset.
Vanity Fair, 2009 Dec 3