[cia-drugs] ST313 Salmonella and CIA-Bilderberger Human Ecology

2009-12-13 Thread muckblit
If you look up ST313 Salmonella Typhimurium, search results
return essentially the same story sliced and diced.

The party line is that ST313 emerged about ten years ago,
having certain amazing characteristics.

Some versions tell us that America and Britain released the
story. That would be Ft. Detrick and Porton Down, and the
Human Ecology Fund, if we would be honest. ST313 loose in
Africa is human ecology at its neo-darwinian racist genocidal

Most versions tell us that Britain and Africa released the
story, but it turns out that all the sources are variants
of Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.

Two ideas are key to packaging this offensive biological
weapon as a naturally emergent disease. In emerging is
quite often a euphemism for offensive bioweapons(WMD).

The first idea is that it should not be considered odd or
remarkable(literally remark-able) that ST313 excretes a
lot more toxin than it did before it coindicentally also
acquired the twin remark-able abilities of resisting drugs
and passing from human host to human host like the common
cold and flu. Why should we overlook the fact that ST313
suddenly acquired a magnitudes greater ability to excrete

In the same way that an early genmodder made a primitive
effort to make yeast excrete more alcohol than usual, it
was found by researchers at Fort Detrick's offensive
bioweapon program(see A Terrible Mistake, the Frank Olson
book at trineday.com) that deadly bacteria could be
modified genetically in order to make them produce a far
greater amount of their already deadly toxins.

At the Detrick CIA program at Walter Reed Hospital, hopped
up biowar bacteria were cultivated and great amounts of
their genetically accelerated toxin production were then
harvested for dipping umbrella cane tips and poison darts.

Due to outrageously enhanced levels of toxin production,
ST313 biowar salmonella does not just cause diarrhea. It
causes bleeding at both ends. A researcher at Detrick's
Walter Reed poison collection lab merely touched a
counter top with ST313 toxin on it and vomitted blood
for three days in a semi-comatose state. His supervisor
said the contract employee was lucky not to have contracted
the infection, in which the organism is present so that it
keeps on producing more toxin. The supervisor, an Army
captain and phd, had previously been sick for six months.
He took penicillin by iv for those six months.

Now that brings us to the second idea we are supposed to
learn from these current ST313 stories. We are horrified
to learn that one out of four victims dies. If the dread
disease was any worse, we might ask if it was an offensive
biological weapon on the loose. But it is worse, far worse,
precisely because it is a genetically modified bioweapon.

One out of four? Not exactly. ST313 is presently killing
ONLY one out of four victims who go to a hospital, receive
a correct diagnosis, and then are able to afford the drugs
which ST313 is not genetically resistant to. ST313 could be
wiping out whole villages of people who bleed at both ends
until dead, but who receive an obligatory post-mortem diagnosis
of having died of HIV, without a test for either HIV or for

There are many diseases in Africa which cause death to
undernourished people full of parasites and toxins from
dirty drinking and cooking water. Resulting deaths are
very often chalked up as HIV deaths, without HIV testing.
HIV tests do not prove that HIV exists or is present in
anyone, according to PCR test inventor Kelly McGillis.
At any rate HIV tests are rarely given to Africans who
are dying of poor man's disease(s), or AIDS. ST313 is a
poor man's disease, too, since it mostly kills people
who cannot afford to go to a hospital and then it still
kills one out of four of those who do go for treatment.

Fort Detrick and Porton Down took a lot of CIA offensive
biological warfare bacteria, toxins, and viruses into
Africa for testing. Human Ecology (Fund) was the main
euphemism and front name for combatting race treason(see
Vanity of the Philosopher by Levy and Peart), and(see
trineday.com the Olson book in ref to Human Ecology Fund).
The Bavarian Illuminati were already taking a Platonic
Darwinistic racist genocideal utopian view against
race treason by means of Human Ecology, in their
policy documents at the turn of the 18th to 19th century,
according to The Perfectiblists trineday.com with regard
to nordic-aryan master race at war with common folk.

Human Ecology only tested psycho-chemical warfare agent
LSD on Afro-American subjects at its Lexington, Kentucky,
prison lab, although blacks only represented 10-30% of
the prison population during the course of experiments.
Of course the experiments were a failure. We always fail,
said William Colby, CIA director, in his famous admission
to Ralph McGehee.

If CIA did not have enough umbrella cane tips to coat with
all of the toxins accumulated at Fort Detrick's scattered 
sub-contractor labs, then why are offensive bioweapon labs

[cia-drugs] Re: Colla’ Walla or drug smug?

2009-12-13 Thread muckblit
With over-production of licit opium by Turkey and Australia (which is 
technically not permitted to grow poppy under international conventions), India 
reduced its licensed acreage from 63,000 to 11,000 hectares.
(June 25 stoned wallabies story)
Australia is arguing that it should be given better access to the U.S. 
market...Australia, which started its commercial opium poppy industry in 1970, 
is already the world's largest legal producer
for 20 years was the world's biggest poppy producer until 2004 when it was 
overtaken by France
We're investigating a very exciting crop for us which is called Papaver 
bracteatum. So the normal poppy that is grown around the world is called 
Papaver somniferum and that's an annual crop. With this crop we're doing some 
trial work on is a perennial crop. So we plant this once and we expect to get 
three to four years out of the crop. It has benefits to farmers in that it's a 
more robust poppy species and you don't have the risk of germination each year 
once it's established.

The other key difference between this poppy and the normal poppy is whilst the 
normal poppy Papaver somniferum is very high in morphine. This poppy does not 
have any morphine at all in it. It is high in a different alkaloid called 
thebane. And since the early 90s, thebane has been commercially of interest as 
it's used for a lot of the other products for pain relief such as Oxicodone.

But also interestingly, a lot of the products that are actually used for opiate 
substitution treatments, such as Bupremorphine, Naloxone and Naltrexone are 
other products that are obtained from thebane. And this poppy is a very 
high-yielding thebane, much higher than the standard poppies which are either 
genetically altered or they are sprayed with treatments to change them, from 
producing morphine to producing thebane. These plants do it naturally so we're 
very excited about this and think there is enormous potential for us and also 
the farmers that grow with this.
A mystery solved « Waterloo Idler
6 hours ago by Gavin
Anyway, what the Australian farmers on Tasmania have found is that wallabies 
occasionally get in to the opium fields and eat the poppies. Apparently after a 
while they begin to act strangely and hop around in circles before falling down 
Mystery Solved: Blame trippy Skippy « Randomness and Waffle
14 hours ago by Ali
Australian wallabies are eating opium poppies and creating crop circles as they 
hop around as high as a kite, a government official has said. Lara Giddings, 
the attorney general for the island state of Tasmania, said the kangaroo-like 
Deepen the Conversation: Black Opium Symposium
12-3-2009 by i...@qtix.com.au (qtix Box Office)
Black Opium Symposium A groundbreaking book inspired one of Australia's most 
distinguished indigenous artists, Fiona Foley, to create a complex, powerful 
and immersive public artwork: Black Opium. After reading Rosalind Kidd's.
Sustaining opium reduction in Southeast Asia | Australian Policy ...
8-16-2009 by paitken
17 August 2009Since 1998 opium production in Southeast Asia has declined by 
some 67% from 1437 tons in 1998 to 469 tons in 2007. The area under cultivation 
has also declined by over 80% from 158230 hectares to 29200 hectares during the 
'Stoned wallabies make crop circles' — My Blog
6 hours ago by admin
-like marsupials were getting into poppy fields grown for medicine. She was 
reporting to a parliamentary hearing on security for poppy crops. Australia 
supplies about 50% of the world's legally-grown opium used to make morphine ...

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

 Colla' Walla or drug smug?
 …Australian wallabies are eating opium poppies and creating crop circles
 as they hop around as high as a kite, a government official has said.
 Lara Giddings, the attorney general for the island state of Tasmania, said
 the kangaroo-like marsupials were getting into poppy fields grown for
 medicine….  This is from BBC `'Stoned wallabies make crop circles' at:
 This article is a repeat of a similar one.  Though it is listed on hottest
 of BBC's read-list it is not even listed on the Internet drop list and
 buried on the Asian-Pacific area page.  Why so hot?  Why so hot even when
 so buried?  Is it the funny part or the not so funny?
 Now this in New York Times.  Was on front page:
 (quote) …Poor Children Likelier to Get Antipsychotics
 New federally financed drug research reveals 

Re: [cia-drugs] ST313 Salmonella and CIA-Bilderberger Human Ecology

2009-12-13 Thread Mary Hartman
Thank you for the education, again, Bob.  There are many gems of information in 
here, but one of the things that leaped off the page is that Merck managed Ft. 
Detrick.  That puts GHWB back into the picture because he was on the Board for 
many, many years.  He also sat on the Board of Eli Lilly...which is where his 
friend Frank Prendergast now sits, as well as at Mayo.  

CIA HUMINT whore David Conway had me read a series of books, in this order.  

Spy vs. Spy magazine by Mad. 
Seven Pillars of Wisdom.  Gay soldier TE Lawrence lived with/among the enemy.
The Long Grey Line.  Vietnam.
? Some ridiculous and offensive book about LA PD/SD and corruption.  I didn't 
keep the book because it's more suited to dismantling and lining a birdcage. 
Johnny Got His Gun, by Dalton Trumbo.  On war profiteers and humans as 
expendable trash. 
The Theory of Evolution by Darwin.
Poisonwood Bible - CIA and slaughter in Africa.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley - biological modifications of everything, 
including people.  

I wasn't supposed to sneak a peek at the paperwork held by SA Daniel Christian, 
sent to my home to do a fake security clearance review on David Conway, but I 
did sneak a peek and it was from that peek that I know he was a CIA whore.  
Conway's paperwork also exposed the identity of a CIA ass(et) in the MN 
government, Kurt Markham, who is the Marketing Director for the MN Dept. of 
Agriculture.   Marketing = propoganda.  Reporting around here also - 

This is the Iran-Contra crowd, which includes neocons and neolibs, who are 
essentially different sides of the same cookie, with the CIA and organized 
crime acting as the creamy filling that holds the poisonous treat together.  
This is why I keep finding both Republicans and Democrats, and in particular, 
Bush Republicans and Clinton Democrats who have been working together for 
decades.  Mayo Clinic has groomed an apolitical image and works both sides of 
the equation.  

My father-in-law started Mayo Medical ventures, which is where the money making 
arm of the clinic got it's start.  He died before the first product came out: 
the Healthcare Book.  He HATED Mayo when he died and told Dorothy not to give 
them any money.ever.  He didn't say why.  I suspect that my father-in-law 
was introduced to this part of the clinic and because a very good man, he was 
pissed.  He did not; however, have time to effect any sort change. 

Need to read Naomi Klein's book, and Kris's other books.  


To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, December 13, 2009, 8:41 AM



  If you look up ST313 Salmonella Typhimurium, search results

return essentially the same story sliced and diced.

The party line is that ST313 emerged about ten years ago,

having certain amazing characteristics.

Some versions tell us that America and Britain released the

story. That would be Ft. Detrick and Porton Down, and the

Human Ecology Fund, if we would be honest. ST313 loose in

Africa is human ecology at its neo-darwinian racist genocidal


Most versions tell us that Britain and Africa released the

story, but it turns out that all the sources are variants

of Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.

Two ideas are key to packaging this offensive biological

weapon as a naturally emergent disease. In emerging is

quite often a euphemism for offensive bioweapons(WMD) .

The first idea is that it should not be considered odd or

remarkable(literall y remark-able) that ST313 excretes a

lot more toxin than it did before it coindicentally also

acquired the twin remark-able abilities of resisting drugs

and passing from human host to human host like the common

cold and flu. Why should we overlook the fact that ST313

suddenly acquired a magnitudes greater ability to excrete


In the same way that an early genmodder made a primitive

effort to make yeast excrete more alcohol than usual, it

was found by researchers at Fort Detrick's offensive

bioweapon program(see A Terrible Mistake, the Frank Olson

book at trineday.com) that deadly bacteria could be

modified genetically in order to make them produce a far

greater amount of their already deadly toxins.

At the Detrick CIA program at Walter Reed Hospital, hopped

up biowar bacteria were cultivated and great amounts of

their genetically accelerated toxin production were then

harvested for dipping umbrella cane tips and poison darts.

Due to outrageously enhanced levels of toxin production,

ST313 biowar salmonella does not just cause diarrhea. It

causes bleeding at both ends. A researcher at Detrick's

Walter Reed poison collection lab merely touched a

counter top with ST313 toxin on it and vomitted blood

for three days in a semi-comatose state. His supervisor

said the contract employee was lucky not to have contracted

the infection, in which the organism is present so that it

keeps on producing more toxin. The supervisor, an Army

captain and phd, had 

[cia-drugs] EXAMINER: Two researchers attribute Norway light to HAARP, anti-ET space-based weapon of mass destruction

2009-12-13 Thread CAMPAIGN
Two researchers attribute Norway light to HAARP, anti-ET space-based weapon
of mass destruction
December 12, 7:34 PMSeattle Exopolitics
Lambremont Webre

AP: Nov. 9, 09 spiral light at Tromso, Norway
Following a cross-volley of interpretations of the Dec. 9, 2009 blue-green
light vortex over Norway on the eve of Barack Obama’s Nobel Prize acceptance
speech (Russian
ETs destroying Russian
two researchers have independently posited that HAARP, a space-based weapon
of mass destruction one of whose antenna fields is close to the site of the
Norwegian spiral light.

According to one of the researchers, David Wilcox
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFWI0kbsiK8(see below), one of his
confidential sources stated the Norway spiral light was part of Project Blue
Beam http://educate-yourself.org/cn/projectbluebeam25jul05.shtml.

One of the alleged purposes of Project Blue Beam is the use of advanced
electromagnetic imaging such as that produced by HAARP and exhibited in the
Norway spiral light as a psychological mass conditioning device in aid of
the implementation of a global corporate new world order.

If this analysis is accurate, the Norwegian light may have been a
HAARP-induced effect attempting to anchor an extraterrestrial-like or
“transcendent” aura around U.S. President Barack Obama’s Nobel
Prizehttp://nobelpeaceprize.org/acceptance speech in Oslo the
following day, Nov. 10.

Continues at:

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Colla’ Walla or drug smug?

2009-12-13 Thread michael1

Muckbit, Thank you ever so much!!!
So 'Hillbilly Heroin' is heroin- just some tricky botany and some good
lawyers.  Wow.  This needs to be passed around.

 With over-production of licit opium by Turkey and Australia (which is
 technically not permitted to grow poppy under international conventions),
 India reduced its licensed acreage from 63,000 to 11,000 hectares.
 (June 25 stoned wallabies story)
 Australia is arguing that it should be given better access to the U.S.
 market...Australia, which started its commercial opium poppy industry in
 1970, is already the world's largest legal producer
 for 20 years was the world's biggest poppy producer until 2004 when it
 was overtaken by France
 We're investigating a very exciting crop for us which is called Papaver
 bracteatum. So the normal poppy that is grown around the world is called
 Papaver somniferum and that's an annual crop. With this crop we're doing
 some trial work on is a perennial crop. So we plant this once and we
 expect to get three to four years out of the crop. It has benefits to
 farmers in that it's a more robust poppy species and you don't have the
 risk of germination each year once it's established.

 The other key difference between this poppy and the normal poppy is whilst
 the normal poppy Papaver somniferum is very high in morphine. This poppy
 does not have any morphine at all in it. It is high in a different
 alkaloid called thebane. And since the early 90s, thebane has been
 commercially of interest as it's used for a lot of the other products for
 pain relief such as Oxicodone.

 But also interestingly, a lot of the products that are actually used for
 opiate substitution treatments, such as Bupremorphine, Naloxone and
 Naltrexone are other products that are obtained from thebane. And this
 poppy is a very high-yielding thebane, much higher than the standard
 poppies which are either genetically altered or they are sprayed with
 treatments to change them, from producing morphine to producing thebane.
 These plants do it naturally so we're very excited about this and think
 there is enormous potential for us and also the farmers that grow with
 A mystery solved « Waterloo Idler
 6 hours ago by Gavin
 Anyway, what the Australian farmers on Tasmania have found is that
 wallabies occasionally get in to the opium fields and eat the poppies.
 Apparently after a while they begin to act strangely and hop around in
 circles before falling down ...
 Mystery Solved: Blame trippy Skippy « Randomness and Waffle
 14 hours ago by Ali
 Australian wallabies are eating opium poppies and creating crop circles as
 they hop around as high as a kite, a government official has said. Lara
 Giddings, the attorney general for the island state of Tasmania, said the
 kangaroo-like ...
 Deepen the Conversation: Black Opium Symposium
 12-3-2009 by i...@qtix.com.au (qtix Box Office)
 Black Opium Symposium A groundbreaking book inspired one of Australia's
 most distinguished indigenous artists, Fiona Foley, to create a complex,
 powerful and immersive public artwork: Black Opium. After reading Rosalind
 Sustaining opium reduction in Southeast Asia | Australian Policy ...
 8-16-2009 by paitken
 17 August 2009Since 1998 opium production in Southeast Asia has declined
 by some 67% from 1437 tons in 1998 to 469 tons in 2007. The area under
 cultivation has also declined by over 80% from 158230 hectares to 29200
 hectares during the ...
 'Stoned wallabies make crop circles' — My Blog
 6 hours ago by admin
 -like marsupials were getting into poppy fields grown for medicine. She
 was reporting to a parliamentary hearing on security for poppy crops.
 Australia supplies about 50% of the world's legally-grown opium used to
 make morphine ...

 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

 Colla' Walla or drug smug?
 …Australian wallabies are eating opium poppies and creating crop
 as they hop around as high as a kite, a government official has said.
 Lara Giddings, the attorney general for the island state of Tasmania,
 the kangaroo-like marsupials were getting into poppy fields grown for
 medicine….  This is from BBC `'Stoned wallabies make crop circles' at:

 This article is a repeat of a similar one.  Though it is listed on
 of BBC's read-list it is not even listed on the Internet drop list and
 buried on the Asian-Pacific area page.  Why so hot?  Why so hot even
 so buried?  Is it the funny part or the not so funny?

 Now this in 

[cia-drugs] 911Truth Gatekeepers || Worse Than Useless?

2009-12-13 Thread ruxpert

911Truth Gatekeepers || Worse Than Useless?

Subject: Zinn on investigating 9/11 Re: History Channel To Present Howard Zinn 
as 9/11 Truther?

[cia-drugs] West Memphis 3 confession, witness corroboration and physical evidence

2009-12-13 Thread smartnews

These articles describe graphic crimes of abuse

Death  Penalty Recommended for Teen-Ager March 20, 1994 ...Prosecutors 
presented  evidence suggesting Mr. Echols was a devil worshipper and the 
teen-ager  his loyal follower. 

Youth Is Convicted In Slaying of 3 Boys In an Arkansas City CORNING,  Ark., 
Feb. 4 The teen-ager, Jessie Lloyd Misskelley Jr., 18, was found guilty of  
first-degree murder in the death of a boy whom he had admitted chasing 
down. He  was convicted of second-degree murder in the deaths of the other two 
boysMr.  Misskelley told the police in two tape-recorded interviews that 
he had watched  as his two friends beat the boys, raped two of them and 
castrated one. The  prosecution said the slayings might have been part of a 
Satanic ritual. 

Jessie Lloyd MISSKELLEY, Jr. v. STATE of Arkansas CR 94-848 S.W.2d  Supreme 
Court of Arkansas Opinion delivered February 19, 1996  

On  June 3, 1993, the crime having remained unsolved, Detective Sergeant 
Mike Allen  sought the appellant out for questioning. The appellant was not 
considered a  suspect, but it was thought he might have knowledge about Damien 
Echols, who was  a suspect. Detective Allen located the appellant and 
brought him back to the  station, arriving at approximately 10:00 a.m. Later in 
this opinion, we will  address in detail the circumstances surrounding the 
appellant's interrogation.  For now, it is sufficient to say that the 
appellant was questioned off and on  over a period from 10:00 a.m. until 2:30 
At 2:44 p.m. and again at  approximately 5:00 p.m., he gave statements to 
police in which he confessed his  involvement in the murders. Both statements 
were tape-recorded

In the  early morning hours of May 5, 1993, the appellant received a phone 
call from  Jason Baldwin. Baldwin asked the appellant to accompany him and 
Damien Echols to  the Robin Hood area. The appellant agreed to go. They went 
to the area, which  has a creek, and were in the creek when the victims rode 
up on their bicycles.  Baldwin and Echols called to the boys, who came to 
the creek. The boys were  severely beaten by Baldwin and Echols. At least two 
of the boys were raped and  forced to perform oral sex on Baldwin and 
Echols. According to appellant, he was  merely an observer.

While these events were taking place, Michael Moore  tried to escape and 
began running. The appellant chased him down and returned  him to Baldwin and 
Echols. The appellant also stated that Baldwin had used a  knife to cut the 
boys in the facial area and that the Byers boy was cut on his  penis. Echols 
used a large stick to hit one of the boys. All three boys had  their 
clothes taken off and were tied up
The appellant was asked about  his involvement in a cult. He said he had 
been involved for about three months.  The participants would typically meet 
in the woods. They engaged in orgies and,  as an initiation rite, killing and 
eating dogs. He noted that at one cult  meeting, he saw a picture that 
Echols had taken of the three boys. He stated  that Echols had been watching 

Damien Echols was observed  near the crime scene at 9:30 p.m. on May 5. He 
was wearing black pants and a  black shirt and his clothes were muddy. A 
witness testified that she had  attended a satanic cult meeting with Echols and 
the appellanta witness from  the State Crime Lab testified that she 
found fibers on the victims' clothing  which were microscopically similar to 
items in the Baldwin and Echols  residences.  

Damien Wayne ECHOLS and Charles Jason Baldwin v. STATE of Arkansas CR  
94-928 S.W.2d  Supreme Court of ArkansasOpinion  delivered December 23, 1996

Where two witnesses testified that they  overheard appellant Echols state 
that he killed the three boys, this was direct  evidence; a confession is 
sufficient to sustain a conviction if it is  accompanied by other proof that 
the offense was committed by  someone

There was substantial evidence of the guilt of appellant  Echols where, 
among other things, the testimony of witnesses placed him in dirty  clothes 
near the crime scene at a time close to the murders; where two  independent 
witnesses reported Echols's statement that he had killed the three  boys and 
was direct evidence of the statement;