[cia-drugs] Fwd: President Obama Finances Offshore Drilling in Brazil - WSJ.com [1 Attachment]

2010-01-27 Thread homepulse

- Original Message - 
From: A Friend 
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 3:55 PM 
Subject: President Obama Finances Offshore Drilling in Brazil - WSJ.com 

This article confirms that we now live in a FASCIST GLOBAL GOVERNANCE WORLD as 
evidenced by the treason just committed by our President. Note, he will NOT 
give the American people, the time of day worth anything and will steal from 
our seniors who paid into Soc Sec and GIVE THE MONEY TO PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL 
CORPORATIONS for their PROFIT making ventures. Just how long are we going to 
sit here and watch this BLATANT TREASON being committed against our country and 
our people while we get arrested from doing what our Constitution protects as 
inalienable right to protest and for free speech Do we now approve of and 
condone HIGH TREASON in this land 


AUGUST 18, 2009, 1:45 P.M. ET 

• The Wall Street Journal
Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling 
Too bad it's not in U.S. waters 
You read that headline correctly. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration is 
financing oil exploration off Brazil . 

The U.S. is going to lend billions of dollars to Brazil's state-owned oil 
company, Petrobras, to finance exploration of the huge offshore discovery in 
Brazil's Tupi oil field in the Santos Basin near Rio de Janeiro. Brazil's 
planning minister confirmed that White House National Security Adviser James 
Jones met this month with Brazilian officials to talk about the loan. 

The U.S. Export-Import Bank tells us it has issued a preliminary commitment 
letter to Petrobras in the amount of $2 billion and has discussed with Brazil 
the possibility of increasing that amount. Ex-Im Bank says it has not decided 
whether the money will come in the form of a direct loan or loan guarantees. 
Either way, this corporate foreign aid may strike some readers as odd, given 
that the U.S. Treasury seems desperate for cash and Petrobras is one of the 
largest corporations in the Americas. 

But look on the bright side. If President Obama has embraced offshore drilling 
in Brazil, why not in the old U.S.A.? The land of the sorta free and the home 
of the heavily indebted has enormous offshore oil deposits, and last year ahead 
of the November elections, with gasoline at $4 a gallon, Congress let a ban on 
offshore drilling expire. 

The Bush Administration's five-year plan (2007-2012) to open the outer 
continental shelf to oil exploration included new lease sales in the Gulf of 
Mexico. But in 2007 environmentalists went to court to block drilling in Alaska 
and in April a federal court ruled in their favor. In May, Interior Secretary 
Ken Salazar said his department was unsure whether that ruling applied only to 
Alaska or all offshore drilling. So it asked an appeals court for 
clarification. Late last month the court said the earlier decision applied only 
to Alaska, opening the way for the sale of leases in the Gulf. Mr. Salazar now 
says the sales will go forward on August 19. 

This is progress, however slow. But it still doesn't allow the U.S. to explore 
in Alaska or along the East and West Coasts, which could be our equivalent of 
the Tupi oil fields, which are set to make Brazil a leading oil exporter. 
Americans are right to wonder why Mr. Obama is underwriting in Brazil what he 
won't allow at home. 

Copyright 2009 Dow Jones  Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved 

Re: [cia-drugs] Sociopaths

2010-01-27 Thread Mary Hartman
When it became apparent that CIA HUMINT agent David Conway had deliberately 
sabotaged his own marriage and tried to cause his wife as much distress as 
possible so people would think she was nuts I had a discussion with a local 
Psychiatrist who suggested I read, The Sociopath Next Door.  I was confused, 
as was the psychiatrist, because I have retained all of the notes and emails 
from Conway, who was complaining about his wife, writing about how he wished 
she would pull the trigger on their marriage, complaining about being forced 
to see a marriage counselor when his wife was whoring around but the counselor 
seemed to side with her anyway and thought he needed to change who he 
was...and yet, when she decided to pull the trigger because her 
boyfriend's divorce had gone through and he was moving to Colorado to marry 
her, Conway concocted a lie so neither he nor his wife would be the bad guys in 
the scenario by saying I had for some reason called
 his wife and left a message, which was what prompted her to file for divorce.  
Phone records say something different, but psychopathic personalities do not 
care for facts but only care about manipulating people and events so they can 
avoid detection and accountability.  I still struggle with trying to comprehend 
why anyone would deliberately sabotage their marriage with emotional violence, 
especially when that violence was extended onto their children, but that is 
precisely what was done.   My confusion and subsequent intellectual 
understanding led me to have another conversation with the psychiatrist because 
this type of psychological and emotional violence seems to be part and parcel 
of what we see with CIA, FBI, and others in similar fields.  What I was told 
was not reassuring. 

She said that it is well known in psychiatric circles that law enforcement 
officials score higher than normal on tests for Narcissistic Personality 
Disorders and Psychopathy than average citizens.  Furthermore, she said most 
studies exclude data gathered from those individuals because it skews the 
results.  She drew a bell curve with Ghandi on one end and Jeffrey Dahmer on 
the other.  Most of us strive to live on the Ghandi side of life, but law 
enforcement and politicians tend to be on the Dahmer side, with Dahmer being 
the extreme example.   

 Our law enforcement officers take the MPPI test to ascertain who among them is 
sick, and she said it is not uncommon for them to have to take and retake the 
exam to manipulate their scores so they can be hired.  One man took the exam 
four times and did not pass, but asked her to write him a recommendation 
anyway.  She refused but he found another shrink to do what he wanted and he is 
now employed just south of the Twin Cities.  

David Conway was identified as having a narcissistic personality by my husband, 
who is a physician, but I did not believe him and have a tendency to see the 
good in people - forgiving the bad.  My husband gave me the warning after one 
10 minute telephone conversation with Conway.  Conway's sister, who is a law 
enforcement officer in Kansas City, was married four times before she was 40.  
She lived with her third husband for a dozen years, refusing to marry for 
reasons I did not know.  He died within a month of their marriage and within 
three weeks she was cleaning out his belongings to make room for her boyfriend, 
whom she married 12 weeks after she buried hubby #3.  David Conway stated that 
he believed his sister married him for his pension and then killed him because 
he had become disabled and she was lonely and tired of taking care of him.  

I didn't heed my husband's warning because at the time we were several years 
into fertility testing after I had had three miscarriages.  We were emotionally 
disconnected.  Conway decided to take advantage of this and used his charming 
ways to worm his way into my life and heart, and in November of 1999 sent off 
what I now know was a CIA profile questionaire, doctored up to appear to be 
harmless and fun.  In 2005, with his constant presence in my life and his 
appearance of support during the federal investigation into an organized 
criminal operation in Racine, MN, Conway finally succeeded in getting me to 
leave my husband to be with him.  I did not know that he was engaged at the 
time, but flew out to Colorado Springs to see him and to discuss our future.  
Conway filmed sex acts without my knowledge or consent and those recordings 
have made it to several individuals in SE Minnesota - as well as into the FBI 
HQ in Minneapolis.  

As information about Conway became available, some via a strange visit from a 
SA from the Office of Personnel Management, the facts about how sick and 
twisted the man is became clarified.  As disturbing as that is, what is more 
disturbing is the fact that the lead investigator in the OC case against 
Kraft's, SA Sheila O'Connor (USFWS), and the AUSA (Bill Koch) who came to my 
home under the 

[cia-drugs] Who Has the Best Intelligence Agency ?

2010-01-27 Thread Akif / Chulo / El Ecologista / The Green Wrangler
--- In africanintelligenceagenc...@yahoogroups.com, Akif / Chulo / El 
Ecologista / The Green Wrangler akif1...@... wrote:

Figuring out who the best intelligence service is can be 
difficult. The very nature of intelligence often means that the successes will 
not be public knowledge for years (for instance, World War II decryption 
efforts ? the key to the United States winning the battle of Midway in 1942 ? 
were not declassified until the 1970s), whereas failures or controversial 
operations will be taken to the press. It?s a thankless situation. Still, from 
what little has emerged, one can have an idea of some of the better 
intelligence services out there, with the understanding that this is based on 
incomplete data.

For instance, the CIA has had a few successes despite having a lot of its dirty 
laundry aired in the press. Just as he was about to depart, then-DCI George 
revealed that the CIA had played a huge part in destroying the nuclear 
proliferation network of Pakistani nuclear weapons scientist A.Q. Khan. A CIA 
Predator also killed the planner of the October 2000 attack on USS Cole in 
2002. In the 1980s, under Bill Casey, the CIA waged what was, for all intents 
and purposes, an economic war against the Soviet Union. Much of this story 
remains classified, but some outlines are already emerging.

One cannot discuss the CIA without discussing the Russians ? and this would 
include the SVR and its forerunner, the KGB. Unlike the CIA, the KGB and (to a 
lesser extent) the SVR, have not had to deal with things like politicians 
leaking to friendly reporters when they got upset about an operation. Russian 
successes can be described by just naming names: John Walker (who penetrated 
the U.S. Navy and American encryption secrets), Aldrich Ames (their mole inside 
the CIA), Robert Hanssen (their mole in the FBI), and Melita Norwood (a British 
civil servant). These moles delivered a great deal of information. A number of 
American sources were lost due to Ames and Hanssen, while the Russians used 
Walker?s information to read many secret American documents, and improve the 
design of Russian submarines.

The British have had a long public perception of an effective intelligence 
agency (due to the success of the unrealistic, yet entertaining, James Bond 
movies). This perception matches reality. MI6, the British equivalent to the 
CIA, has had two big advantages in staying effective: The British Official 
Secrets Act and ?D notices? can often prevent leaks (which have been the bane 
of the CIA?s existence). Some stories have emerged. In the Cold War, MI6 
recruited Oleg Penkovsky, who played a key part in the favorable resolution of 
the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Oleg Gordievski, who operated for a decade before 
MI6 extracted him via Finland. The British were even aware of Norwood?s 
activities, but made the decision not to tip their hand. MI6 also is rumored to 
have sabotaged the Tu-144 supersonic airliner program by altering documents and 
making sure they fell into the hands of the KGB.

The DGSE, France?s intelligence agency, has an even lower profile. Yet it was 
this agency that was the first to announce the Yom Kipper war in 1973, the 
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, and which also carried out a coup 
against the Central African Republic. A more recent success was the ?Nicobar? 
network, which not only got technical data on the T-72 main battle tank, but 
also enabled France to sell Mirage 2000 jets to India.

Finally, there is the Mossad. Israel?s intelligence agency is most famous for 
having taken out a number of PLO operatives in retaliation for the attack that 
killed eleven Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic games in Munich. However, 
agency has other success to its name, including the acquisition of a MiG-21 
prior to the Six-Day war of 1967 and the theft of the plans for the Mirage 5 
after the deal with France went sour. Mossad also assisted the United States in 
supporting Solidarity in Poland during the 1980s.

Which of these is the best? It is arguably a tie between MI6 and Mossad. Both 
agencies have had lengthy track records of success. The CIA has not done 
poorly, but it has been handicapped by a nearly unrestrained press which has 
often harmed the agency.

--- End forwarded message ---

[cia-drugs] Re: CIA's Gates Threatens Obama with US Military Coup?

2010-01-27 Thread homepulse

From: J. Glenn Evans 
Subject: Re: CIA's Gates Threatens Obama with US Military Coup? 

Why bother? Obama does everything they want. 


yeah, it's prolly just more 'left cover' MediaFare / propaganda, trying to 
sell that Obama's Different/Separate, Not 'Them' 

As Tarpley proffers, ObamaOp is a 'left cover' prop, covering for, by 
putting a new face on, the ongoing WarCrimesOp. 


Gates Threatens Obama with US Military Coup 
Sunday, 24 January 2010 
by Francis A. Boyle - professor of international law at the University of 

[cia-drugs] Michael Moore: Continual Historic Failure of the Democratic Party

2010-01-27 Thread homepulse


Michael Moore: Continual and Historic Failure of the Democratic Party 

@ 08:05, is M.Moore's 'incredulousness' expressed regarding ObamaCo 
'betrayel', credible, /or why hasn't he taken his own advice already 
regarding the 'cluelessness' he/Moore ridicules? ;-) 

The DemoRub Media SoapOpera Churns, 'As The World Burns' 


Re: CIA's Gates Threatens Obama with US Military Coup? 

Cognitive-Dissonance as the way of being, 
Welcome to the future now, 
Soylent Green 


[cia-drugs] Rep. Mica Encourages Geithner to Resign

2010-01-27 Thread homepulse

Rep. Mica Encourages Geithner to Resign 


Geithner Told To Quit After E Mails Reveal Involvement In AIG Cover-up 
John Mica slams Treasury Secretary’s “lame excuses” during fiery hearing 

[cia-drugs] Stewart to Banks: Give Us Back Our F-ing Money! [video]

2010-01-27 Thread homepulse

Daily Show - Stewart to Banks: Give Us Back Our F-ing Money! [video] 


It's all just a joke. Laugh it off. 
We'll keep the money 


Marc Faber @ 08:23 timemark 
January 26, 2010 (hour 1) 

FED 'buying' Govt Debt 
sold US out to benefit of emerging economies 
2001 - 2008 
monetary policy 
Bubble Set-Up 
over consumption 
trade deficits 
drove CHINA's industrial production / employment / capital spending 
all commodity prices higher 

So actually, the monetary policy of the us/FED, under Greenspan  Bernanke, 
have been a complete disaster for the United States, A Complete Disaster! 

But it has helped the rest of the World! The rest of the World; the emerging 
economies, and the producers of oil and copper and iron, should all send a 
thank you note to Mr. Bernanke  Mr. Greenspan for flooding the World with 
liquidity; and as a result of that, emerging economies, especially the 
resource producers, Benefited. 

The Hole Is So Big, WE ARE DOOMED! 

It's all just a joke. Laugh it off. 
We'll keep the money 

American Sucker 


[cia-drugs] Atomic Obsession

2010-01-27 Thread homepulse

Atomic Obsession 
video 09.11.11: 

John Mueller argues that our decades-long fear of a nuclear attack has been 
unwarranted and that the likelihood of a terrorist obtaining a nuclear 
device and using it against the U.S. is far smaller than most people think. 
Professor Mueller took up these topics in his latest book, Atomic Obsession. 
He spoke about the book at the University of Missouri in St. Louis. 

[cia-drugs] Fear the Boom and Bust a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem

2010-01-27 Thread homepulse

Fear the Boom and Bust a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem 

Part II 

Ron Paul on Larry King w/ Keynesian Robert Reich 01/25/2010 
($787 Billion Stimulus Robery a Failure? For Who?) 

1 of 2: Ron Paul and Glenn Beck talk CIA / Foreign Policy 01/25/2010 
2 of 2: 

=== The Architects of Destruction ? 


You can download the PDF version here: The Architects of Destruction 


video /text: 
Oliver Stone Says Banksters “Enabled” Hitler and the Nazis 
Kurt Nimmo | Jan 26, 2010 

Michael Lewis: The End of Wall Street 


Oliver Stone Says Banksters “Enabled” Hitler and the Nazis 
Kurt Nimmo | Jan 26, 2010 


Rep. Mica Encourages Geithner to Resign 

video / text: 
Geithner Told To Quit After E Mails Reveal Involvement In AIG Cover-up 
John Mica slams Treasury Secretary’s “lame excuses” during fiery hearing 


Geithner denies role in AIG payment disclosures 

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner flatly denied any role in 
counseling American International Group (AIG.N) to keep quiet about 
payments it made to leading banks during a 2008 rescue of the stricken 
insurer. Geithner faces a grilling on Wednesday before the U.S. House 
of Representatives Oversight and Reform Committee, whose chairman has 
complained that taxpayer funds were fed through AIG in what amounted 
to a 'backdoor bailout' of big banks. A committee member made 
Geithner's prepared testimony to the committee available on Tuesday 
night. (01/27/10) 



32) Block Bernanke, take back the Fed 
The Nation 
by John Nichols 

If the Democratic Party wants to lose -- or, to be more precise, 
wants to lose badly in 2010 and 2012, it need only maintain its 
current loyalty to the most powerful interests on Wall Street. The 
United States already has a party of Wall Street. It does not need 
two. Yet, despite an occasional populist turn (like his current bank 
bashing), President Obama has with his absurd nominations and even 
more absurd policies given every indication that he intends to 
position the Democratic Party closer to corporate interests than all 
but the most reprehensible Republicans. Forget about Obama's 
rhetorical flourishes. As a candidate and as a president, he has too 
frequently chosen to side with multinational corporations rather than 
working Americans. [editor's note: Has John Nichols been reading Ron 
Paul? - SAT] (01/26/10) 



47) Time for a change at the Fed 
TCS Daily 
by Larry Kudlow 

Sen. John McCain intends to vote 'no' on the Bernanke nomination, 
saying 'I believe that he must be held accountable for many of the 
decisions that contributed to our financial meltdown.' McCain is dead 
right. The Fed missed the boat in terms of monetary and regulatory 
policy. It is time for a change at the Fed. (01/26/10) 



*** Obama’s Bank Plan Is ‘Doomed to Failure’ 


Peter Schiff 


Once again, President Obama completely missed the mark on the causes of and 
solutions to the financial crisis. In his speech this morning, the President 
outlined a major initiative to increase regulation of banks. He claims the 
financial crisis was caused by reckless speculation by greedy bankers in 
search of quick profits. What he [...] 


Brasscheck TV: The Wall Street scam in three minutes 

CNBC's Mad Money Jim Kramer demonstrates 
the full scope of the Wall Street scam... 

Stocks can make you rich AND here's how we trick 
amateurs into buying junk. 
Brasscheck TV: The Wall Street scam in three minutes 


Elizabeth Warren On The Daily Show: 'The Chips Are All On The Table, We Are 
Going To Write What The American Economy Looks Like For 50 Years Going 



Rep. Brad Sherman Martial Law 


Re: [cia-drugs] Atomic Obsession

2010-01-27 Thread michael1
It has been admitted that real nuclear attack is becoming more probable
than ever before.  During most of the Cold War there were secret
Most 'terrorists' are major intel groups concocted.  'Rogue states' would
be dumped on in a heartbeat if they even thought of a nuke.  But real
terrorists who would be 1- smart enough not to identify with any
particular state, 2- would obtain the uranium themselves not try to buy on
black market (most common tool is the jackhammer and can be disguised in
simple projects like roads or bridge work, 3- the 'hard-to-process' bull
is just for the public i.e. a centrifuge is a centrifuge.
Notice as per first paragraph that Adm. Keeting called off terrorist nuke
exercise shortly after the letter (as it was posted on Rumor Mill News)
had 14,000 readers within a few days. Why?  He was giving away too much.
My understanding is that there was a 'terrorist nuke exercise' eventually
held but 99% under cover.

 Atomic Obsession
 video 09.11.11:

 John Mueller argues that our decades-long fear of a nuclear attack has
 unwarranted and that the likelihood of a terrorist obtaining a nuclear
 device and using it against the U.S. is far smaller than most people
 Professor Mueller took up these topics in his latest book, Atomic
 He spoke about the book at the University of Missouri in St. Louis.