[cia-drugs] Joe Stack’s 9/11, NSA, and Homeland Sec urity Related Defense Contractor Clients

2010-02-22 Thread homepulse

Of Goats and Men 
February 20, 2010 
Joe Stack’s 9/11, NSA, and Homeland Security Related Defense Contractor Clients 


Being a Witness 
Butler Shaffer on Texas tax suicide and peaceful resistance. 

Joe Stack and the Tax Police 
A Christian libertarian response, from Norman Horn. 

Crazy Goats & The Men Who Stare At'em 


Trying to Avoid Pain, 
Americans Have Only Delayed the Invevitable and Allowed the Cancer to Spread 

The withholding of information encourages misinformation 

[cia-drugs] Brasscheck TV: The weird world of Alexander Haig

2010-02-22 Thread homepulse

- Forwarded Message - 
From: "Brasscheck TV" 
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2010 
Subject: Brasscheck TV: The weird world of Alexander Haig 

Unless you're over 50, you probably don't 
know who General Alexander Haig was. 

He was functionally the president between the time 
Nixon melted down and Ford stepped in. 

He also, inaccurately, claimed to be running 
the country, until the arrival of Vice President 
George Bush after Ronald Reagan was shot. 

If you don't think there are coups in America, 
think again. 


(Ignore the Fox fluff, there are some real gems 
in this interview.): 


- Brasscheck 

[cia-drugs] BAT BOMB !

2010-02-22 Thread Akif / Chulo / El Ecologista / The Green Wrangler
It's official name was project X-ray. It was a US funded research project, with
military personnel assigned to it, to produce a bomb which would carry bats
laded with small incendary devices attached. The bomb would open over an enemy
city, the bats would fly out and find a nice building to roost in for the day.
The incendary would go off, incinerating the bat, and hopefully setting fires
all over the city. "

A Choice of Bats

The largest bat found was the mastiff, which has a twenty-inch wingspan and
could carry a one-pound stick of dynamite. However, the team found there weren't
sufficient numbers available. The more common mule-eared, or , bat could carry
three ounces, but naturalists determined it wasn't hardy enough for the project.

Finally, the team selected the free-tailed bat. Though it weighed but one third
of an ounce, it could fly fairly well with a one-ounce bomb. The largest colony
of freetailed bats found by, some twenty to thirty million

How the bomb worked

Newly recruited bats were placed in ice cube trays and cooled to force them into
hibernation. By cooling them down to this state they were very easy to work with
and transport. This is how a small incendiary bomb was attached to the bats.
They were oblong, nitrocellulose cases filled with thickened kerosene. A small
time-delay igniter.

A special hollow bomb case was created to house a thousand or so chilled bats.
Which would have been released from bomber aircraft above the target city. The
bomb would release a parachute and slowly glide to the warmer air below.This
would bring the bats out of hibernation and at a pre set height the bomb would
open releasing waves of tiny bat bombers.

The bats would seek shelter in buildings , warehouse, factories. Then the fire
bombs would go off setting fire to the city.

Test Runs

In May 1943, five drops with bats outfitted with dummy bombs were made from a
B-25 flying at 5,000 feet. Early test had many complications, Many bats didn't
wake up in time for the drops. The surgical clips proved difficult to attach to
the bats without tearing the delicate skin.

When these problems were somewhat resolved, new bats were taken up for drop
tests with dummy bombs attached. These runs were alot more promising.Bats
returned in a few minutes to the building where they were working. One flew
underneath, one landed on the roof, and one attached itself to the wall. The
next day an examination of the grounds around a ranch house about two miles away
from the point of release disclosed two dummies inside the porch, one beside the
house, and one inside the barn.

Armed Test Problems

After some good result military brass wanted to see a armed test of the bat
bomb. This lead to a chain of events that would shape the future of the Bat
Bomb. A small number of bats in hibernation were armed with live fire bombs.
These bats were set up to have a photos taken of them. But the flashes from the
cameras helped awake the little bats before the were ready. This combined with a
careless handler that had left a door open allowed some bats escaped with live

These renegade bats set fire and burned down most of the Airbase even the
general's car.Records do not reflect the general's reaction, I doubt he was
pleased.The end result an entire brand-new military airfield burned to the

This helped mark the end of the Army Bat Bomb. The Navy took over but the weapon
was never put into use. In 1944 the Navy abruptly canceled the operation.By that
time, Project X-Ray had cost an estimated $2 million.

The funding was diverted to another project, something code named "The Manhatten

Thats the story of a interesting and little known secret weapon of WW2. Even
after it was cancled the head of the project maintained that fires generated by
bomber bats could have been more destructive than the atomic bombs that leveled
Hiroshima and Nagasaki and ended the war. He found that bats scattered up to
twenty miles from the point where they were released. "Think of thousands of
fires breaking out simultaneously over a circle of forty miles in diameter for
every bomb dropped," he said. "Japan could have been devastated, yet with small
loss of life."

[cia-drugs] FW: Dubai assassination squad carried European diplomatic passports

2010-02-22 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" 
> Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 23:52:47 EST
> To: Robert Millegan 
> Cc: , , 
> Subject: Dubai assassination squad carried European diplomatic passports

> "One of the assassins applied in person for a German passport  by claiming to
> be the descendant of Holocaust survivors"
> It's time for America to add Israel to the list of countries "sponsoring
> terrorism,"  and treat everybody holding US-Israeli "dual citizenship" as a
> potential terrorist
> Dubai assassination squad carried diplomatic passports
> Police in Dubai said that some of the assassins involved in last month’s
> killing of a Hamas commander entered the emirate carrying diplomatic
> passports.  The disclosure is certain to increase diplomatic tensions between
> Israel and European countries, but Israel's deputy foreign minister, Danny
> Ayalon, says he foresees no diplomatic fallout since there is no "irrefutable
> evidence" that can link Mossad to the killing
> By Adrian Blomfield in Jerusalem and Richard Spencer in Dubai
> Published: 8:22PM GMT 21 Feb 2010
> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/dubai/7287207/Dubai-assas
> sination-squad-carried-diplomatic-passports.html
> Suspects wanted in connection with the killing of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh,
> clockwise from top left: Michael Lawrence Barney, James Leonard Clarke,
> Stephen Daniel Hodes, Paul John Keeley, Melvyn Adam Mildiner Photo: AP
> The claim will intensify the pressure on Israel, whose foreign minister is due
> to meet David Miliband and other European envoys in Brussels today. Avigdor
> Lieberman will face questions about allegations that Mossad agents posing as
> Europeans and travelling on false passports were behind the killing.
> Providing fresh details yesterday about the identity of a second group
> involved in the assassination of Mahmoud al-Mahbhouh, Dubai’s police chief
> disclosed that up to three of the killers carried documents identifying
> themselves as foreign diplomats.
> Related Articles
> *  
> * Mossad: the elite women who work for  'the family’
>  ork-for-the-family.html>
> *  
> *  
> * Dubai police chief: arrest head of  Mossad
>  se-of-fake-British-passports-in-Dubai-hit-is-an-outrage.html>
> “There is information that the Dubai police will not make public for the
> moment, especially regarding diplomatic passports,” Lt Gen Dahi Khalfan told a
> local newspaper. 
> Although he did not elaborate, the disclosure is certain to increase
> diplomatic tensions between Israel and European countries, including Britain.
> Any fraudulent use of diplomatic passports would be considered a grave
> security breach by the country, or countries, that issued them.
> David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, will once again raise Britain’s
> concerns when he meets Mr Lieberman on the sidelines of a European Union
> foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels. Israel has so far shown little
> willingness to co-operate with Britain as it investigates how the doctored
> passports of six of its nationals, all residents in the Jewish state, came to
> be used by some of the assassins. Last week, Dubai disclosed that 11 members
> of the 18-strong assassination squad carried European passports ­ six British,
> three Irish, one German and one French.
> Two Palestinians alleged to have provided logistical support to the operation
> are in custody in Dubai, but police in the Gulf state have largely remained
> silent about the identities of the remaining five individuals.
> Officials in Dubai yesterday confirmed speculation that two of the five held
> Irish passports, suggesting that at least one of the other three carried
> diplomatic documentation.
> European states seeking answers from Israel seem unlikely to get them. Last
> week, Ron Prossor, the Israeli ambassador to London, said he was “unable to
> assist” and similar messages have been relayed by envoys to Ireland and
> Germany. 
> Israel is convinced it has averted a diplomatic crisis.
> At the weekend, the country’s deputy foreign minister, Danny Ayalon, said he
> foresaw no dip­lomatic fallout because there was no irrefutable evidence
> linking Israel to the killing.
> It emerged yesterday that one of the assassins allegedly applied in person for
> a German passport by passing himself of as the descendant of Holocaust
> survivors. According to Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine, the man was given a
> passport in the name of Michael Bodenheimer by authorities in Cologne after
> providing documents showing that he was of German lineage and that his
> grandparents had been persecuted by the Nazis.
> Police also disclosed that several of the assassins visited Dubai on
> reconnaissance missions in the year leading up the killing of Mr Mabhouh,
> suggesting that the plot was plan

[cia-drugs] FW: Blair Admits Israel Collaborated in Bush Decision to Invade Iraq (Before 9/11?)

2010-02-22 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" 
> Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 21:38:25 EST
> To: Robert Millegan 
> Cc: , , 
> Subject: Blair Admits Israel Collaborated in Bush Decision to Invade Iraq
> (Before 9/11?)

> British Prime Minister: Israeli officials were part of decision to invade Iraq
> February 20, 2010 12:02
> by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC News
> http://www.imemc.org/index.php?obj_id=53&story_id=58012
> Tony Blair (photo from WEF)
> In his recent testimony to the UK Committee investigating the Iraq war,
> British Prime Minister Tony Blair admitted that Israeli officials influenced
> and participated in the decision by the US and UK governments to attack Iraq
> in 2003. 
> During testimony regarding his meetings in Texas with then-US President George
> W. Bush in 2002, Blair stated, ³As I recall that discussion, it was less to do
> with specifics about what we were going to do on Iraq or, indeed, the Middle
> East, because the Israel issue was a big, big issue at the time. I think, in
> fact, I remember, actually, there may have been conversations that we had even
> with Israelis, the two of us, whilst we were there. So that was a major part
> of all this." 
> Professor Steven Walt, co-author of the book 'The Israel Lobby', wrote an
> op-ed following Blair's admission describing how he and co-author John
> Mearsheimer were attacked by the US media and by right-wing lobbyists for
> Israel when they made that claim in 2003. Now, Walt says, he feels vindicated
> because Tony Blair himself has had to admit publicly the extent to which the
> invasion of Iraq by the US, the UK, and other armies, was influenced by
> Israel's strategic interests in the region, and Israeli officials themselves.
> Walt stated, ³ Professor Mearsheimer and I made it clear in our article and
> especially in our book that the idea of invading Iraq originated in the United
> States with the neoconservatives, and not with the Israeli governmentWe
> also pointed out that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and other Israeli officials
> were initially skeptical of this scheme, because they wanted the U.S. to focus
> on Iran, not Iraq. However, they became enthusiastic supporters of the idea of
> invading Iraq once the Bush administration made it clear to them that Iraq was
> just the first step in a broader campaign of 'regional
> transformation' that would eventually include Iran.²
> The two Harvard professors were vehemently attacked at the time by many
> prominent Jewish leaders in the US, who accused Mearsheimer and Walt of
> anti-Semitism for their 'preposterous' claim that Israeli officials had any
> impact at all on the US and UK governments' decision to attack Iraq.
> In his recent op-ed, Professor Walt also noted that the attacks against him
> and Professor Mearsheimer were made despite many articles and statements by
> prominent Jewish organizations and writers in the US. In one example, he
> referred to an editorial in the Jewish newspaper Forward, published in 2004,
> which stated, ³As President Bush attempted to sell the war .. in Iraq,
> America's most important
> Jewish organizations rallied as one to his defense. In statement after
> statement community leaders stressed the need to rid the world of Saddam
> Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction. Some groups went even further,
> arguing that that the removal of the Iraqi leaders would represent a
> significant step toward bringing peace to the Middle East and winning
> America's war on terrorism".
> The editorial also noted that "concern for Israel's safety rightfully factored
> into the deliberations of the main Jewish groups."
> No apologies have been made to Professors Walt and Mearsheimer by any of the
> groups or individuals who attacked them, even after British Prime Minister
> Tony Blair recently admitted that Walt and Mearsheimer's claims were true.

-- End of Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] FW: Under US "Relief" Effort, Private Contractors Descend on Haiti "Like Vultures"

2010-02-22 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" 
> Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 21:47:33 EST
> To: Robert Millegan 
> Cc: , , 
> Subject: Under US "Relief" Effort, Private Contractors Descend on Haiti "Like
> Vultures"

> HAITI: Private Contractors 'Like Vultures Coming to Grab the Loot'
> By Anthony Fenton
> http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=50396
> VANCOUVER, Canada, Feb 19, 2010 (IPS) - Critics are concerned that private
> military contractors are positioning themselves at the centre of an emerging
> "shock doctrine" for earthquake-ravaged Haiti.
> Next month, a prominent umbrella organisation for private military and
> logistic corporations, the International Peace Operations Association (IPOA),
> is co-organising a "Haiti summit" which aims to bring together "leading
> officials" for "private consultations with attending contractors and
> investors" in Miami, Florida.
> Dubbed the "mercenary trade association" by journalist Jeremy Scahill, author
> of "Blackwater: the Rise of the World' Most Powerful Mercenary Army", the IPOA
> wasted no time setting up a "Haiti Earthquake Support" page on its website
> following the Jan. 12 earthquake that devastated the Caribbean country.
> IPOA's director Doug Brooks says, "The first contacts we got were journalists
> looking for security when they went in." The website of IPOA member company,
> Hart Security, says they are currently in Haiti "supporting clients from the
> fields of media, consultancy and medical in their disaster recovery efforts."
> Several other IPOA members have either bid on or received contracts for work
> in Haiti. 
> Likewise, the private military contractor, Raidon Tactics, has at least 30
> former U.S. Special Operations soldiers on the ground, where they have been
> guarding aid convoys and providing security for "news agencies," according to
> a Raidon employee who told IPS his company received over 1,000 phone calls in
> response to an ad posting "for open positions for Static Security Positions
> and Mobile Security Positions" in Haiti.
> Just over a week following the earthquake, the IPOA teamed up with Global
> Investment Summits (GIS), a UK-based private company that specialises in
> bringing private contractors and government officials from "emerging
> post-conflict countries" together, to host an "Afghanistan Reconstruction
> Summit", in Istanbul, Turkey. It was there, says IPOA's director Doug Brooks,
> that the idea for the Haiti summit was hatched "over beers".
> GIS's CEO, Kevin Lumb, told IPS that the key feature of the Haiti summit will
> be "what we call roundtables, [where] we put the ministers and their
> procurement people, and arrange appointments with contractors." Lumb added
> that his company "specialise[s] in putting governments together [with private
> contractors]." 
> IPOA was "so pleased" with the Afghanistan summit, says Lumb, they asked GIS
> to do "all the organising, all the selling" for the Haiti summit. Lumb pointed
> out that all of the profits from the event will be donated to the Clinton-Bush
> Haiti relief fund.
> While acknowledging that there will be a "a commercial angle" to the event and
> that "major companies, major players in the world" have committed to attend,
> Lumb declined to name most of the participants.
> One of the companies Lumb did mention is DACC Associates, a private contractor
> that specialises in management and security consulting with contracts
> providing "advice and counsel" to governments in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
> DACC President Douglas Melvin, a former Special Forces commander, State
> Department official and director of Security and Administrative Services for
> President George W. Bush, acknowledged that "from a revenue perspective, yes
> there's wonderful opportunities at these events."
> Melvin added that he believes most attendees will be "coming together for the
> right reasons," a genuine concern for Haiti, are "not coming to exploit" the
> dire situation there, and does not expect his company to profit off of their
> potential contracts there.
> Naomi Klein, author of "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism",
> is concerned that the thesis of her best-selling book will once again be
> tested in Haiti. She told IPS in an e-mail, "Haiti doesn't need cookie cutter
> one-size fits all reconstruction, designed by the same gang that made same
> such a hash of Iraq, Afghanistan and New Orleans - and indeed the same people
> responsible for the decimation of Haiti's own economy in the name of 'aid.'"
> Unhappy with critics' characterisation of the IPOA, Brooks said, "If Scahill
> and Klein have the resources, the capabilities, the equipment, to go in and do
> it themselves then more power to them."
> University of California at Los Angeles professor Nandini Gunewardena,
> co-editor of "Capitalizing on Catastrophe: Neoliberal Strategies in Disaster
> Reconstruction," told IPS that "priv

[cia-drugs] Who were the Knights of the Golden Circle?

2010-02-22 Thread cccalco
Who were the Knights of the Golden Circle?


[cia-drugs] Texas Ethnic Cleansing US-Born Tex-Mex

2010-02-22 Thread muckblit
Trailerpark Trash's Latest Round of Terminator Capitalism

FEMA employees are forbidden by policy from enterring terminator
capitalism's toxic FEMA trailers, just as German nazi SS guards were
forbidden to enter Zyklon-B(Phosmet  madcow Creutzfeldt-Jacob) trailers
back in Prescott Bush's day. FEMA trailers are another example of
Prescott Bush's terminator capitalism being brought back to the US like
Zyklon-B and CIA sour dough starter.

Greg Palast writes of different ways that Republicans have of taking
hispanic-populated streets off the map, indian reservations votes
discarded somehow, false felon accusations to disqualify black Florida
voters in 2000, etc.

Naomi Klein writes about Disaster Capitalism. Matthew McDaniel has
discovered Terminator Capitalism in Texas, as he was riding a horse from
Oregon to DC/NYC. I spoke with Matthew in Manassas, Virginia, last
night. He should be in DC tomorrow. He got to Culpeper three days ago
but James Baldwin's intellectual masturbators were not eager to send out
an emissary to greet him. Yesterday an AA/NA participant who had
recently gotten a job gave me a twenty dollar bill for gas. At night I
was able to run past four or five cop cars with expired inspection
sticker, driving on tires that wobble from side to side, an artifact of
having their first layer of belts cut by wear. I did not have any diesel
money for Matthew. He had soda and apple sauce for me.

Matthew explained that in Texas now the (free masonic, KKK, Christian
Identity, Texas Ranger) Baptist citadel churches are organizing
Guatemala Rios Montt and Rev. Pat Robertson style counter-insurgency
religious-economic monopoly so that the Tex-Mex areas around Roman
Catholic churches have no businesses and then they are depopulated as
Tex-Mex US citizens have to move to northern cities like DC.

If readers remember, after the Manhattan(NYC) Island had been levelled
using black slaves, and then a certain amount of building construction
completed, a stage was reached where the work had been done and black
labor was competing with white labor. Eventually there was an influx of
Irish labor which further obsoleted African labor, similar to the
surplusing of Palestinian labor in the 1990's as Russian labor pushed
the Palestinians into Israeli concentration camps. US-born black slaves
in New York city were dumped in South Carolina as African, and forbidden
to speak fluent American english with an accent that put southern whites
to shame.

When Tex-Mex US citizens get pushed to Virginia by Texas trailerpark
trash free masonic Baptist KKK and Christian Identity mongrels
contaminated with Indian blood, as Christian Identity looks at that, the
Tex-Mex legals are speaking good english like New York city blacks sold
as African in South Carolina. Counter-insurgency's answer is to arrest
them, Jim Crow style, for sleeping in cars. In Virginia it is illegal to
fall asleep in your car. Jim Nanny Crow is such a nuisance.

[cia-drugs] Afghanistan's war on children, sex cult leader's release

2010-02-22 Thread smartnews

articles describe graphic crimes

The Warlord's Tune:  Afghanistan's war on children By Mark Bannerman for 
Four Corners  2/22/10  

Sexual slavery involving boys as young as 10 is being condoned and in  many 
cases protected by authorities in northern Afghanistan. In a story to be  
broadcast on Four Corners tonight, the practice of bacha bazi or "boy play", 
as  well as other allegations of child abuse, are explored. Afghan 
journalist  Najibullah Quraishi has filmed police attending a party where a 
young boy 
is the  "entertainment". The police shown on the video include one officer 
from the  youth crime squad. Such parties are illegal under Afghanistan law 
and with good  reason. The "dancing boys" are in effect sex slaves. They are 
lured off the  streets by pimps. They are taught to dance and sing, to wear 
make-up and to  dress like girls. Then they are made to perform before 
large groups of men. All  of them are sexually abused.

Dancing boys are a lucrative business.  Powerful former warlords and 
businessmen love to watch them and will pay a lot  of money to have their own 
for bacha bazi. Some of the boys are traded like  swap cards among the rich 
and powerful, and if they disobey their owners they  are killed or 
brutalised. The trade in boys is well known to the United Nations.  According 
Nazir Alimy, who compiled a report on the issue for the UN, there  is no doubt 
who is funding this practice and why the police refuse to stop  itThere 
is also evidence this type of abuse is spreading throughout  Afghanistan. Mr 
Alimy says his research shows it is happening in the south and  even in the 
Afghan capital, Kabul.

Terms of sex cult leader's release anger community  8/15/08 (CNN) -  The 
leader of a religious group that authorities believe preys on children was  
released from a Pennsylvania prison Friday but won't be required to register 
as  a sex offender, triggering outrage in the community where he plans to  
liveGeorge Feigley, now 68, was convicted in 1975 on charges including  
statutory rape, indecent assault and corrupting the morals of minors.  

Because Feigley's 1975 conviction predated the passage of Megan's Law,  he 
will not be required to register as a sex offender. And, having served his  
maximum sentence, he was not put on parole upon his release

The  church's manifesto says, "We hold that the changes called creation and 
 procreation are divine and that human sexuality is to humans the most 
available  expression of that function of divinity," according to community 
activist Scott  Portzline, who has researched Feigley's history and that of the 
group. "Sexual  activity is the greatest act a human can do."

describes graphic crimes
This is George Feigley FRIDAY, HE'S FREE  Sunday, August 10, 2008 BY CARRIE 
CASSIDY Of The Patriot-News She lived in a  world where parents willingly 
gave up their children to a man who declared  himself "The Light of the 

A world where children were beaten for  letting anyone but fellow cult 
members see them, and their genitals were pierced  with a lock to be controlled 
by this so-called prophet. It was a world  unimaginable to most people, but 
it was her reality for seven years, from the  time she was 5 until her 
mother broke free of George Feigley's grip.
Three  decades later, that world still haunts her through dreams 
occasionally featuring  Feigley and his flock of followers. She was shocked to 
from a reporter  that the man who beat her, made her call him "Master," and 
photographed her in  graphic sexual poses would be released from prison this 


2010-02-22 Thread homepulse

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Click here to view larger image


Audio Books : Action : MP3/192Kbps : English 
17: The Ordeal 

Humanity nearly killed itself once. Can John Rourke stop it from 
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Run Time: 5 Hrs 
Release Date: Dec 2009 



Size: 357.28 MB 


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[cia-drugs] Gen. Petraeus Firewalls Greater US Casualties Afghanistan

2010-02-22 Thread muckblit
General David Petraeus firewalled a predicted increase in US casualties
plus increasingly obvious almost daily slaughter of Afghan and Pakistani
civilians by blaming Afghanistan instead of Florida and Porter Goss for
providing sanctuary to the 9/11/2001 or 911 hijackers, Mohamed Atta et
al(see Daniel Hopsicker's book Welcome To Terrorland at trineday.com).

Petraeus sounded like Richard Perle, who kept insisting for years that
weapons of mass destruction or WMD were going to be discovered in Iraq
to justify the US invasion, despite that being the domain of Scott
Ritter, Blum, and Ambassador Joseph Wilson and they were unanimous in
concluding that Iraq had no WMD.

Everybody who knows says that Afghan Taliban were localized to
Afghanistan, and had nothing to do with 911. Pak Taliban are a different
matter, controlled by Pak intelligence (ISI), MIb, and CIA, and Saudi
intel including Osama bin Laden and the Wahabi madrassa patsy factory.

CIA missile drones and US bombing are killing ten to a hundred civilians
for each racist global thought police clay pigeon victim of terminator
capitalism. Petraeus predicts that like in Iraq when the world was
really feeling sorry for the Iraqi resistance, who were getting
slaughtered by global thought police irrespective of any 911 issue or
threat to the US, that likewise now in Afghanistan the US is
slaughtering so many hundreds of civilians that the Pentagon is going to
bloody its bully image like it did in Iraq with IED roadside bombs. In
Iraq, US airborne troops released 380 tons of super high explosive
WMD-rated HMX explosive to  a hundred waiting trucks of the Iraqi
secular nationalist resistance. Immediately roadside bombs began
flipping fifty ton US main battle tanks like pet turtles, bloodying the
bully image for the better of global racist terminator capitalism.

Petraeus predicts greater casualties, which would mean bloodying the US
bully to fix the current image problem as US bombs and missiles keep
straying into wedding parties. Petraeus did not himself go to Karzai to
apologize for the most recent round of US slaughters of civilians, but
instead Petraeus dispatched his lieutenant, McChrystal, to Karzai, while
Petraeus predicted an image adjustment would soon be made to bloody the
bully like HMX accomplished in Iraq.

US forces also seized white phosphorus victims in hospitals in Faluja
and Hit, Iraq. Crusaders ziptized the burn victims and threw them on the
floor where they lay in their own excrement and urine for days. The
stink kept US media in their five star hotels, preventing an image
problem from resulting from dropping white phosphorus with its three
hundred yard kill radius which inevitably bakes a lot of civilians to
death instantly and drowns some in their own blood.

Image is everything. Massage is the media, if you are a Sophist of
Empire, versus a Socrates of Democracy.

WashPost 20100222 A4

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Misprision - Bloom Box - fuel cell breakthrough -

2010-02-22 Thread homepulse

- Forwarded Message - 
From: "Jonathan Mark"  
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2010 
Subject: Misprision - Bloom Box - fuel cell breakthrough - 

Flyby News - www.FlybyNews.com 
Editor - Jonathan Mark 
February 23, 2010 - 

Notes: The following contains some updated links now at Flyby News. Make sure 
you check out the Misprision of treason campaign text. We hope to launch this 
campaign later this week. Also, brand new, FN is linking to last Sunday's 60 
Minutes program on a major new clean energy device now in operation at major 
companies. Also some important upcoming events are listed. By the end of this 
week we will learn from Vermont legislatures if Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power 
Plant will get re-licensed. Based on Obama's push for nuclear-coal power, I 
wonder if the Bloom Box will survive the game of dirty politics gone mad. 


Space for Peace and September 11 
Connecting dots to democracy or to genocide 

1,049 Architects and Engineers 
Call for New 9/11 Investigation 
Friday, February 19, 2010 
Major Milestone Press Conference 

Truth Jihad Radio - 13 February 2010 - Misprision of Treason 
Richard Gage, AIA and Jonathan Mark 
Interview by Kevin Barrett - 2nd hour - Dr. Leonard Horowitz 
On staying healthy in a false-flag terrorized world. 
Listen here or link from Archives ~ Truth Jihad Radio 

22 February 2010 - 911blogger - Jonathan Mark 
Working Draft 
Misprision of Treason 9/11 Peace Action 

15 February 2010 - 911blogger - Elizabeth Woodworth 
The Media Response to the Growing Influence 
of the 9/11 Truth Movement. Part II: A Survey 
of Attitude Change in 2009-2010 

14 February 2010 - 911blogger 
10 NH Towns to VOTE for New 9/11 Investigation 

Monadnock 9/11 Truth Alliance 
Daniel Sunjata 
Addressing 9/11 and the state of our nation 
February 27, 2010; 7:00 PM 
Keene High School Auditorium, Keene, NH 

March 6-7, 2010 * CONFERENCE * Prussia, PA 
"Treason in America: 911, the Wars 
and Our Broken U.S. Constitution" 

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust 
from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe 

The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7 , 
Why the Final Official Report about 9/11 is Unscientific and False 
By David Ray Griffin 
For an audio of Dr. Griffin presenting about this book : 
Guns and Butter- The Mysterious Collapse of WTC-7 
For a review of this book by Jerry Mazza: 
"Just Say No to Nist.." 

New 9/11 Investigation vs New World Order 
P e r s p e c t i v e - R e s o u r c e s - A r c h i v e s 

18 February 2010 - Democracy Now! 
"A Bad Day for America": 
Anti-Nuclear Activist Harvey Wasserman 
Criticizes Obama Plan to Fund Nuclear Reactors 

Nuclear Information And Resource Service 
Help Stop A Taxpayer Bailout 
of the Nuclear Power Industry! 

21 February 2010 - 60 Minutes - CBS News 
Large corporations have been testing a new device that can generate 
power on the spot, without being connected to the electric grid. 
Will we have one in every home someday? 
The Bloom Box 
An Energy Breakthrough? 
A new kind of fuel cell, which is like a very skinny battery that always runs. 
By feeding oxygen to it on one side, and fuel on the other. The two combine 
within the cell to create a chemical reaction that produces electricity. 
No need for burning or combustion, and no need for power lines. 
Program Transcript 
No Nukes - No Coal 

Financial Analysis - World Reports - Christopher Story 
12 February 2010 
They May Be Stealing $4.3 TRILLION Of Tax Monies 
07 February 2010 
Legal Moves To Sue Those Blocking The Settlements 
U.S. Press Is Ignoring The World's Biggest-Ever Fraud Case 
29 January 2010 
Biggest Lawsuit In World History: $3.87 Trillion Suit VS. SEC 

07 February 2010 
The Bush family's Project Hammer 
By Deanna Spingola 

"The Guantánamo 'Suicides' 
A Camp Delta sergeant blows the whistle " 
20 January 2010 * Interview * Democracy Now! 
Casting Doubt on US Claims of Suicide, Attorney Scott Horton 
Reveals 3 Gitmo Prisoners Died After Torture at Secret Site . 
19 January 2010 * Harpers Magazine * Scott Horton 
The Official Response Begins 
21 January 2010 
Time for a Special Prosecutor 
29 January 2010 * Harpers Magazine * Scott Horton 
Obama's Secret Afghan Prisons 

International Law Professor Launches 
World BUSH TO HAGUE Campaign 
26 January 2010 * Pravda * 911blogger 
Hague acknowledges Professor of International Law, 
Francis A. Boyle, on his filing against Bush et al 
for the war-crime "Extraordinary Rendition" 

Merton­The Value of Essential Works 

Do not depend on the hope of results. 
When you are doing the sort of work 
you have taken on, essentially an 
apostolic work, you may have to face 
the fact that your work will be apparently 
worthless and even achieve no result at all, 
if not perhaps results opposite to what you expect. 
As you get used to this idea, you start more and more 
to concentrate not on the results but on the value, 
the rightness, the truth of the work itself.

Re: [cia-drugs] Gen. Petraeus Firewalls Greater US Casualties Afghanistan

2010-02-22 Thread michael1
Do you have a date for Gen. Petraeus' firewall?  There has been a general
firescreen, filtered news.  It would be telling if related to current
northern actions.
And source?
Tried Wash Post, but can't navigate.
Trying to separate 'normal' screen from 'other'.  You indicate this is
'other' but when is question.
Thank you,