Re: [cia-drugs] Re: FW: Police Being Trained to Shoot to Kill the Homeless, Jobless, and Food Rioters

2010-03-02 Thread John Stroebel

gun nuts.

Last year, the county sheriff up here sent 4 men to arrest one of my
neighbors. He was accused of domestic violence. The 4 deputies came with
M-16's and 2 had night vision scopes. They hid, commando style, iamong the
sage on the edge of the man's acerage. When he pulled up they all rushed him
screaming, swat style. They seemed very disappointed when the man knelt down
and surrendered. That could have turned into one bloody mess, all over an

Gun nuts. Give me my rights to own firearms ANY DAY. I want protection from
THOSE kinds of people. The ones who can get away with literal murder.

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 9:33 PM, muckblit wrote:

 There is a general conditioning of white people who do not listen
 to rap music and are not too deeply programmed by government work.


 A man parked on my street and talked to a mutual friend. Then he walked
 with a gun for a while. Police cordoned off the next road over. He gave
 himself up. I thank God for that, but it illustrates what happens when
 the gun nuts get up against it. They try to eat their guns, but hopefully
 learn to seek other weapons or tools for the real scenario at hand which
 is not the one they were conditioned to expect by GunsAmmo or vidgames.

 The anniversary week of the Tate-LaBianca killins, when Susan Adkins
 died, 2009, I heard a man talking about shooting everybody where he
 lives. He didn't. He knew George Rodan and David Koresh. He's more
 adaptable than the ones who are shooting themselves so far, around
 the CIA building. Winchester always had a high suicide rate and that's
 the fox hunter country a lot of these golfers come from, with their high
 expectations and low threshold of pain. I feel physical pain myself, and
 it's not angina.

 OK, then there are the violent videogamers, some of whom venture on
 into gun nut meditations:
 A new study published in the March issue of the American Psychological
 Association's Psychological Bulletin states that violent videogames (VVGs)
 increase aggression, desensitize gamers to violence, and create anti-social
 Roulette is important in 
 terms of programming as it is a mechanism used in
 suicide programming; which ties into the general aspect of this (and the
 overarching theme of the video) with Rihanna risking her life, willing to
 die for her boyfriend/handler. If we are using the whole Chris Brown
 domestic abuse example as a reference here; Russian roulette probably
 symbolizes the mental state of women who stay in abusive relationships
 (which is very much associated with and quite similar to mind control
 programming; it's obviously difficult for some people to comprehend but
 'mind control' extends to simple manipulation of a partner through verbal
 abuse as well as the extreme end of the scale in trauma-based mind control
 programming). In the room she is playing Russian roulette with her
 boyfriend (this another symbolic dissociative hallucination/dream scene,
 shown by how the video cuts from her in a dissociative state in the cell and
 the Russian roulette room) also note the spinning fan/air vent, which I
 believe is conscious symbolism if you take into account the revolver used in
 Russian roulette where you spin the chamber to play the game (more
 spinning/dissociation suggestions and confusion having no idea which exact
 chamber the bullet is in) before causing severe head trauma if it goes
 The song's lyrics also relate to this metaphorical (and more literal if
 it's related to suicide programming and/or willingly dying for your
 programmer) psychological theme:

 *Take a breath, take it deep
 Calm yourself, he says to me
 If you play, you play for keeps
 Take a gun, and count to three
 I'm sweating now, moving slow
 No time to think, my turn to go*

 *[Chorus ]
 And you can see my heart beating
 You can see it through my chest
 And I'm terrified but I'm not leaving
 Know that I must must pass this test
 So just pull the trigger*

 *Say a prayer to yourself
 He says close your eyes
 Sometimes it helps
 And then I get a scary thought
 That he's here means he's never lost*


 *As my life flashes before my eyes
 I'm wondering will I ever see another sunrise?
 So many won't get the chance to say goodbye
 But it's too late too pick up the value of my life*

 *(Chorus) *

 The Transhumanist and Police State Agenda in Pop Music

 --- In, Mary Hartman hartmanmar...@... wrote:
 When a CIA lackey was in training he was reading a book written by a
 military shrink that dealt with teaching soldiers to enjoy killing.  Clearly
 the technique they are using has flaws because 

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: FW: Police Being Trained to Shoot to Kill the Homeless, Jobless, and Food Rioters

2010-03-02 Thread John Stroebel
Very good post Michael.

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 9:16 PM, wrote:

 It is not necessary to teach killing enjoyment. It is programmed in. A
 good deal of PTSD (shell shock, battle fatigue) is the product of a
 'moral' person not being able to handle this feeling.
 It is rarely even addressed in literature. However, there are a few
 1- Mario Puzo's Godfather: Where Michael kills the police captain in the
 restaurant and almost forgets to drop the gun on the way to the get-away
 car. Before entering the car he exclaims to himself, My God, it is just
 like sex.
 2- Lawrence of Arabia. This is both in Seven Pillars of Wisdom and the
 movie. Lawrence complains to General Gordon that he does not wish to
 return to the desert, the killing bothers him. The general makes some
 remark about all hating it but it necessary. Lawrence then says, You
 don't understand, sir. I enjoy it. General Gordon does understand and
 there is nothing he can say. He must then order Lawrence.

 Serial murders are almost always the result of some angry action and the
 perpetrator suddenly getting an unexpected rush and that rush setting off
 an addictive pattern to try to repeat it.

 Law enforcement does always attract those who enjoy hurting others,
 lording over them. Good management needs spend much time weeding this
 out. If this 'natural sickness' goes to management level all hell can
 break loose in a covered way.
 Such is life.

  When a CIA lackey was in training he was reading a book written by a
  military shrink that dealt with teaching soldiers to enjoy killing.Â

  Clearly the technique they are using has flaws because suicide among our
  soldiers is at an all-time high; but given the psychological make-up of
  many who enter the law enforcement field, it may turn out to be an
  effective technique for use here at home.Â

  --- On Mon, 3/1/10, muckblit
  From: muckblit
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: FW: Police Being Trained to Shoot to Kill the
  Homeless, Jobless, and Food Rioters
  Date: Monday, March 1, 2010, 9:24 PM

  Although there are four crematoria around the CIA blue building in
  Westfield(Bilderber ger meeting site for Hillary Clinton and Obama)
  Chantilly, VA, the very first things that come to mind are Jena Six, the
  Southern Gun Nut Mentality, and let me see if I can find the clipping
  to show this is yet another degree of foolish brother Cain's denialism.
  Yes, He encouraged the officers to come up with a plausible story
  that would allow him to conclude that the shooting was justified
  http://www.nytimes. com/2010/ 02/25/us/ 25orleans. html
  Lieutenant Lohman, 42 and now retired, concluded shortly after arriving
  on the scene that the shooting was legally unjustified,  federal
  authorities said. He encouraged the officers to come up with a plausible
  story that would allow him to conclude that the shooting was justified,
  the authorities said...When another police investigator told Lieutenant
  Lohman that he was going to plant a gun under the bridge to bolster the
  story that the officers were being fired at, Lieutenant Lohman went
  and even asked if the gun was traceable, the authorities said...At the
  encouragement of Lieutenant Lohman, the officers who were involved made
  details, the authorities said, like a claim that one victim had reached
  for a shiny object in his waistband... At one point, according to the
  documents, Mr. Lohman was frustrated that the cover-up story in the
  report, which was drafted by a police sergeant, was not logical, so he
  drew up one of his own, which
  broadly changed details to fit the false story. The sergeant later
  replaced that report with a shorter one that was changed to fit the
  audiotaped statements of the police who were involved. 
  -- Forwarded Message
  From: dasg...@... dasg...@...
  Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 23:10:48 EST
  To: Robert Millegan ramille...@. ..
  Cc: ema...@..., j...@..., jim6...@..., christian.ream@ ...
  Subject: Police Being Trained to Shoot to Kill the Homeless, Jobless,
  and Food Rioters
  Louisiana Cops Plan for End of the World Scenario http://www.prisonpl louisiana- cops-plan- for-%e2%80% 9cend-of- the-world%
  scenario. html
  Kurt Nimmo, February 28, 2010
  Police in Louisiana's Bossier Parish are training for an end of the
  world scenario, according to the Shreveport Times http://www.shrevepo article/20100227 /NEWS01/2270314/ 1060/NEWS01 .
  Â http://www.shrevepo article/20100227 /NEWS01/2270314/

  The program is dubbed Operation Exodus, inspired in part from the Book
  of Exodus in the Bible.
  Parish Sheriff Larry Deen told the newspaper the buck stops with him.
  The liability stops with Larry Deen. 

[cia-drugs] FW: Chilcot Inquiry's Can of Worms: Bush's Wars Planned BEFORE 9/11 and 9/11 TOO?

2010-03-02 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 06:02:02 EST
 To: Robert Millegan
 Subject: Chilcot Inquiry's Can of Worms: Bush's Wars Planned BEFORE 9/11 and
 9/11 TOO? 

 Blair warned in 2000 Iraq war was illegal
 Secret papers withheld by Chilcot inquiry reveal Foreign Office fears over
 The Iraq strategy paper was commissioned by Sir William Patey, head of Middle
 East policy at the Foreign Office, in advance of the November 2000
 presidential election that brought George W. Bush into the White House
 By Michael Savage, Political Correspondent
 Tuesday, 2 March 2010
 An invasion of Iraq was discussed within the Government
 as-illegal-1914293.html#  more than two years before military action was
 taken ­ with Foreign Office mandarins warning that such an invasion would be
 illegal, that it would claim considerable casualties and could lead to the
 breakdown of Iraq, The Independent can reveal.
 The extent of Whitehall opposition to the policy eventually backed by Tony
 Blair emerges just three days before Gordon Brown will appear at the Iraq
 Inquiry, where he will be asked to explain his role in the Government's
 decision to invade.
 Secret Foreign Office strategy papers drawn up by senior civil servants at the
 end of 2000 have been obtained by this newspaper and are published for the
 first time today. The Iraq: future strategy document considers options for
 dealing with the belligerent Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. It is one of the key
 documents that Sir John Chilcot's Iraq Inquiry has declined to release.
 A policy of regime overthrow is proposed, but roundly condemned. In an
 eerily portentous assessment of the consequences of taking military
 as-illegal-1914293.html#  action, it states: Such a policy would command no
 useful international support. An overt attempt to be successful would require
 a massive military effort, probably including a land invasion: this would risk
 considerable casualties and, possibly, extreme last-ditch acts of deterrence
 or defiance by Saddam.
 The mandarins add: It would also be illegal. Covert attempts, on the other
 hand, seem very unlikely to succeed and run the risk of fragmenting Iraq,
 which runs clearly contrary to our wider interests in the region. Iraq
 descended into violence in the wake of the March 2003 invasion. Hundreds of
 thousands of Iraqis were killed in the aftermath, as well as more than 100
 British troops.
 The document also calls into question Mr Blair's claim that using troops to
 bring down Saddam Hussein was only discussed after the 9/11 terror attacks on
 New York
 as-illegal-1914293.html#  ­ and will increase pressure on the inquiry to call
 Mr Blair back to give further public evidence this summer.
 Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrats' leader, said it was yet more damning
 evidence against Mr Blair's decision to take Britain
 as-illegal-1914293.html#  to war in Iraq. He also warned that the fact that
 the document had not been published by the Chilcot inquiry raised serious
 questions about its powers to reveal sensitive material. The Government has
 retained the power to veto publication of classified documents. Protocols
 agreed between the Chilcot team and Whitehall hand the final say on
 publication of disputed documents to the head of the Civil Service, Sir Gus
 Requests to secure the document using the Freedom of Information Act were
 initially refused. However, the Foreign Office eventually agreed to release a
 redacted version ­ with the views of the United States blacked out ­ after The
 Independent demanded an internal review. Releasing the paper would make
 Government more accountable and increase trust, the Foreign Office conceded.
 There is public interest in being able to assess the quality of advice being
 given to ministers and subsequent decision-making.
 Critics of the decision to go to war pounced on the document. Days before
 Gordon Brown will try to defend his role at the heart of the Government that
 took us to war, this is yet more damning evidence against the attempt to
 justify the invasion of Iraq, Mr Clegg said. The Foreign Office was clearly
 advising against regime change as illegal and counter to our national
 The strategy paper was commissioned by Sir William Patey, then head of Middle
 East policy at the Foreign Office, ahead of the November 2000 presidential
 election which brought George Bush to 

[cia-drugs] FW: It's Government of the Rich, by the Rich, for the Rich, in Great Britain Too

2010-03-02 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 06:47:23 EST
 To: Robert Millegan
 Subject: It's Government of the Rich, by the Rich, for the Rich, in Great
 Britain Too

 In 2009, the Prime Minister of Belize  told its parliament:
   Ashcroft is an extremely powerful  man..  His net worth may well be equal
 to  Belize's entire GDP.   He is nobody to  cross. ²
 In 1981, Belize had gained independence from the UK.  Seeing the opportunity
 to build an off-shore operations base, in 1984 Ashcroft formed Belize Holdings
 (BHI), which became the vehicle for an acquisition spree during the 1980s ...
 By the late 1980s, BHI had become one of the largest holding companies in
 Belize, with direct interests in or holdings in a vast number of industries
 via its main operating company Stargate Ltd.  In 1987, BHI led the formation
 of Belize Bank Holdings (BBH), which took control of Belize Bank  from Royal Bank of Canada .  Belize Bank became the
 country's largest financial institution, controlling some 50 percent of the
 market.  BBH developed local and international interests in facilities
 services, employment outsourcing, finance, security, and tele-communications.
 Belize Bank itself held a majority stake in Belize Telemedia Limited , until it was nationalised by
 the Government of Belize.  The rapid nationalisation came after years of
 litigation wherein Ashcroft was accused of tax evasion as well as various
 abuses of corporate power ...,_Baron_Ashcroft,_Baron_Ashcroft
 Tory party has been bought like a 'banana republic', says Huhne
 By Andy McSmith and Nigel Morris, Deputy Political Editor
 The Independent (UK), 2 March 2010
 Michael Ashcroft, the billionaire Tory peer [=life-member of the House of
 Lords], has not paid any income tax on his vast overseas earnings for more
 than 10 years, it was revealed yesterday.
 The revelation of his non-dom tax status, dragged out through the Freedom of
 Information Act, is an acute embarrassment for the Tories. It proves the
 party's deputy chairman, who is playing a pivotal role in the election
 campaign, was passing laws in the House of Lords while avoiding tax on most of
 his fortune.  It also adds to the impression in voters' minds of the
 Conservatives as a party for the very rich.
 When he was awarded a peerage, 10 years ago, Lord Ashcroft gave a clear and
 unequivocal assurance that he would become a permanent UK resident. William
 Hague, the former Tory leader who nominated Lord Ashcroft for a peerage,
 hailed that assurance as being worth tens of millions to the British
 Treasury, as the peer started paying UK taxes on his vast wealth.
 But Lord Ashcroft has now disclosed that under a deal he brokered with the tax
 authorities he became a long-term resident of the UK, without being
 domiciled here. The distinction meant that he did not need to pay tax
 -a-banana-republic-says-huhne-1914290.html#  on the bulk of his fortune,
 which was made abroad, provided that he did not bring it into the country.
 In a statement posted on his website yesterday, Lord Ashcroft said that during
 his private negotiations with the UK tax authorities, it was officially
 confirmed that the interpretation in the first undertaking of the words
 'permanent residence' was to be that of 'a long-term resident' of the UK. I
 agreed to this and finally took up my seat in the House of Lords in October
 2000. Throughout the last 10 years, I have been declaring all my UK income to
 HM Revenue. My precise tax status therefore is that of a non-dom.
 He also published the text of the letter he wrote to Mr Hague in March 2000,
 in which he promised to take up permanent residence in the UK by the end of
 that calendar year. He added that he had given his backing to a plan by David
 Cameron which would prevent any peers or MPs from having non-dom status, and
 that he plans to remain in the House of Lords for many years to come.
 His statement was welcomed yesterday by Mr Cameron, who said: I am delighted
 that Lord Ashcroft has come out and said 'Right, you want to know the
 undertakings I gave ­ here they are, you want to know my tax status ­ here it
 Lord Ashcroft was first nominated for a peerage by Mr Hague in 1999, but he
 was rejected by the Honours Scrutiny Committee because he was a tax exile.  On
 his website, he refers to Belize, in Central America, as his home.

[cia-drugs] FW: The Young Have No Jobs but the Old Get Social Security, so .. MUG THE GEEZERS!

2010-03-02 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 08:10:13 EST
 To: Robert Millegan
 Subject: The Young Have No Jobs but the Old Get Social Security, so .. MUG THE

 Oh dear, oh dear, whatever shall we do?  Life would be GRAND if only we
 didn't have to waste our trillions in tax-free unearned income on the 'help.'
 Why are there SO MANY of them now?  What's the un-messiest way to 'thin the
 herd'?  What did we use on the bees that bothered our rosebuds?
 Greek crisis may store hidden benefits for Europe
 Brian Love; ,
 European Economics Correspondent - Analysis
 Mar 2, 2010
 PARIS (Reuters) - Greece's debt crisis may end up helping Europe in the long
 run if it pressures governments to start addressing the potentially colossal
 costs of pensions and healthcare in coming decades.
 During the boom years of the past decade, racy rates of economic growth and
 ultra-cheap credit gave governments less incentive to prepare for a looming
 surge in the retiree population, and they were under little if any financial
 market pressure to do so.
 But pension reforms being launched in Spain, France and Greece suggest the
 Greek crisis is now focusing governments' attention on those problems, and
 even giving them the political cover to act.
 Greece's woes have dragged everyone's longer-term fiscal prospects under the
 harsh lights of the interrogation room, and several countries have realized
 that in the longer term, they're all like Greece, said UniCredit economist
 Marco Annunziata.
 One quick look at the consequences seems to be enough to send them scrambling
 for remedial action. If that is the case, we should all be grateful to
 Politicians facing voters every few years tend to balk at reforms that
 compromise their hopes of a return to office but pension age increases would
 conceivably be harder to reverse than tax hikes. And the pressure is on right
 Indeed, the debts that the financial markets are so nervous about in Greece
 and several other European countries are dwarfed by estimates of the burden on
 governments if their commitment to future pensions is added to the mix.
 U.S. economist Jagadeesh Gokhale calculates that adding all such off balance
 sheet liabilities would leave Greece with a debt worth 875 percent of gross
 domestic product rather than the 120 percent of GDP officially forecast for
 this year.
 For the EU as a whole, the burden would have to be restated at more than 434
 percent of GDP, roughly five times the official count.  He estimates Spain's
 total burden at 244 percent of GDP, Germany's 418 percent, Britain's at 442
 percent and France's at 549 percent, versus a Greece-like U.S. figure of 890
 Gokhale, who wrote a report on the issue last year for the Cato Institute, a
 Washington think-tank, uses his figures to argue that governments should
 gradually withdraw and let the private sector handle pensions and healthcare.
 But that ignores another option; pension and healthcare benefits are a social
 contract any government can rewrite and that is what Greece, Spain and soon
 probably France are doing by raising the retirement age at which people are
 entitled to a pension.
 In Britain, the opposition Conservative party is promising to do something
 similar if it wins an election later this year and the Danish government spoke
 again of reforming the country's early retirement system when it said last
 week it would step up fiscal consolidation efforts in the years ahead.
 Street protests last week over plans to raise Spain's retirement age to 67
 from 65 show how fast the Socialist government there chose in the face of
 immediate pressures to take steps that will ease the longer-term financial
 strains of an aging population.
 Greece, desperate to convince debt investors that it can fix its ragged public
 finances, is also considering plans to raise average retirement age to 63 from
 61 along with tax reforms and a brief amnesty for tax evaders that may boost
 notoriously weak government revenues longer term.
 And in France, President Nicolas Sarkozy is working on more reforms of the
 pay-as-you-go pension system that could feasibly push retirement age beyond a
 current average of 60, in addition to other structural cost-cutting steps such
 as non-replacement of one in two retiring civil servants.
 The reasons for taking such painful measures have been clear for some time but
 are becoming more so as financial markets grow wiser to the extra debt
 governments are saddled with as they emerge from recession.
 For much of the time since it joined the monetary union in 2001, Greece
 enjoyed trouble-free access to relatively cheap 

[cia-drugs] FW: If We LET Them, They'll Work Us TO DEATH While Making Us PAY for the Privilege

2010-03-02 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 10:21:32 EST
 To: Robert Millegan
 Subject: If We LET Them, They'll Work Us TO DEATH While Making Us PAY for the

 Average age at death by Age at retirement
 Dr. Ephrem (Siao Chung) Cheng study ( )
 This is something we all would like to believe is true -- that there is an
 inverse relationship between the age we retire and the age that we expect to
 die. According to a study conducted by Dr. Ephrem, based on data of pensioners
 from Boeing Aerospace, the earlier we retire, the longer our life span is
 going to be.   For example, if we retire at around the age of 50, we would
 expect to live to age 86, another 36 years old.In contrast, if we retire
 later at age 65, we would expect to live only for another 2 years.  Normal
 retirement age is 65, and yet this study of Boeing employees supports only
 another 2 years of life span.   However, we need to understand the biases
 [reflected] by this result -- this experience is based on one particular group
 and may not apply to everybody in the broadest sense.  But it seems to make
 sense that if we do retire early, we could escape from the pressure of work
 and could expect to live longer. Just as with any other results of experience
 data, we have to be cautious.
 Study On Life Expectancy Based On Early Retirement
   Earlier it was believed that  people who took early retirement ended up
 having longer life  expectancy compared to people who retired at normal age of
 retirement. However, this belief has now been proven wrong after  researchers
 conducted a study on life expectancy based on early  retirement.
 The study on life expectancy based on early retirement was conducted in Texas
 over a period of 26 years. More than 3,500 employees of Shell Oil were studied
 during this period. The researchers studied the lives of employees who retired
 at the ages of 55, 60 and 65 and they also studied employees who continued
 working at the ages of 55 and 60. The employees came from all grades.
 During the course of the study, researchers found that early retirement was
 not at all connected to higher or increased life expectancy. In fact, it was
 discovered that employees who retired early, at age 55, were more likely to
 die before those who continued to work.  The study found that mortality rate
 was twice as high in the first ten years after retirement at the age of 55.
 Unfortunately the study could not calculate the average life expectancy of the
 workers ! because many of them were still alive [after retiring] when the
 study concluded. 
 Retirement Age vs Life Expectancy:
 Why Social Security Is Going Broke
 You can have healthcare, to keep you alive, or Social Security, to cover the
 bare-minimum cost of living, but NOT BOTH.  Take your choice.  Very soon all
 the bankers, insurers and accountants who like to call themselves your
 government will FORCE you to make a choice.  Object and you won't get EITHER!
 Their logic is as simple as the math.  If government is allowed to raise the
 age of retirement to the age of life expectancy --age 77 as of 2010-- that big
 chunk of cash they've taken out of every paycheck, picking your pocket in the
 guise of deductions for Social Security, is 100% profit for THEM -- not a
 single penny will ever return to YOU as promised.
 What the governmen will tell you, of course, is that (like any Ponzi scheme)
 the money you never got will go back into the System to replenish the
 general fund, in order to provide  Social Security for OTHERS when THEY
 retire.  However, keep in mind that NO ONE ELSE who waits until age 77 to
 retire will live long enough to see that money EITHER!
 So where does all the money you've *involuntarily* entrusted to the
 government to save for YOUR retirement GO?  To the government, who spends it
 as fast as you give it to them, for the sheer pleasure of it, without a care
 in the world, no thought of tomorrow.  And why not, when millions of Americans
 keep on giving them blank checks like this?
 In pure and simple terms, Social Security is not 'your' savings, it's your
 LOSS -- it's the old wolf of INCOME TAX in sheep's clothing, government's best
 Social Security is the GOVERNMENT's own retirement plan --
 it retired long ago on it, so why should it WORK for YOU?

[cia-drugs] FW: How 'unwitting' were the 'dual nationals' whose passports were used by Mossad?

2010-03-02 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2010 23:25:29 EST
 To: Robert Millegan
 Subject: How 'unwitting' were the 'dual nationals' whose passports were used
 by Mossad?
 Sayanim (plural; singular Sayan; Hebrew : helpers, assistants)
 refers to  [non-Israeli] Jews who provide assistance to the  Mossad .
 Generally-speaking, these Zionist volunteers are  asked to engage in
 technically legal activities that will not bring  them into trouble with
 the authorities.  There are exceptions, however  -- as for example in the
 case of Jonathan Pollard ,
 the U.S. Naval intelligence  employee who engaged in espionage on behalf of
 Israel's intelligence agencies  and whose exposure by the FBI  strained relations between the U.S. and
 Victor Ostrovsky , a former
 Mossad katsa  turned author, has written
 extensively  about the activities of  sayanim, as has Gordon Thomas.
 According to Ostrovsky and Thomas, sayanim provide [tactical  support
 services]  to Mossad officers operating abroad in  their countries.  This
 support can include facilitating medical  care, money, logistics, and even
 overt intelligence gathering.  They [are  usually chosen from among] Judges,
 Court Clerks, Expert Witnesses, Child  Protective Service Workers, Assistant
 District Attorneys, Police Officers, or  anyone with sufficient power [to
 intervene] in other people's  lives, and [in that role] they [are sworn to]
 do anything for the State of Israel  against its enemies or  those
 perceived to be unfavorable to Israeli policy.   Sayanim are supposedly not
 directly involved in intelligence  operations, and are only paid for their
 Sayanim must be 100% Jewish.  They live abroad  and are not Israeli citizens
 although granted dual citizenship, but  many are reached through their
 relatives in Israel.  Katsas  are [the
 case officers] in charge of the  sayanim, and most active sayanim will be
 visited by a katsa  once every three months or so, which for the katsa means
 two to four  face-to-face meetings a day, along with numerous conversations
 by  telephone.  
 The sayanim system allows the Mossad to work with a  skeleton crew.  That's
 why, for example, a CIA station would employ about  100 people while a
 comparable Mossad station would need only six or  seven.  The existence of so
 many 'volunteers' allows intelligence to be  gathered cheaply.
Hundreds of Thousands of 'Sayanim' in the United  States
 Israel has one million sayanim worldwide,  according to Gordon Thomas who
 wrote Gideon's Spies, The Secret History  of the Mossad (the Israeli
 intelligence service.)  Mr Thomas has also  written books on the CIA and MI5
 and MI6.  The word sayanim  comes from the Hebrew word to help.  In an
 interview Gordon Thomas said  these one million helpers were recruited by
 the Mossad primarily to gather  information around the world.  Mr Thomas said
 they feed information daily  to their nearest Israeli consulate.  Israel has
 an army of translators  who translate information which is then assembled by
 the Mossad.   
 The Mossad only has 1,500 agents, They  could not operate without their
 million sayanim or helpers.
 If  we assume that one-third of all Jews in the world live in America, we
 could  reasonably infer that there are approximately 350,000 sayanim, or
 Mossad agents, in the United States.
 In a previous interview  published at Jeff Rense's website Gordon Thomas said
 there were 15,000  sayanim in America with military training who were called
 upon by  former Mossad Operations Director Rafael (Rafi) Eitan during an
 alert on the  anniversary of 9-11 in 2003.  Mr Thomas said many of these men
 had  police duties and hence powers in either federal or local  agencies.   I
 would conclude that the 15,000  sayanim in America only refers to armed
 agents with military training. The  other 335,000, not part of the domestic
 Zionist paramilitary  force, are just SPIES.
 How 'unwitting' were the British Israelis?
 The dual nationals linked to Al Mabhouh's assassination aren't necessarily as
 innocent as people think they are ...
 * By Linda S. Heard
 * Gulf News, March 2, 2010
 At last, a team of detectives from Britain's Serious Organised Crimes Agency
 is in Israel 

Re: [cia-drugs] FW: If We LET Them, They'll Work Us TO DEATH While Making Us PAY for the Privilege

2010-03-02 Thread michael1
The good news:
One characteristic of longevity is (quote) ...keen interest in current
events...  This is from a study done by my grandfather, one of the
founders of psychiatry in the US, Dr. Stephen P. Jewett.
His studies are now being quoted by new age writer Deepak Chopra.
The links are funny on this, tested and did not work.
But if you google Deekpak Chopra and Jewett it comes up first.

 -- Forwarded Message
 Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 10:21:32 EST
 To: Robert Millegan
 Subject: If We LET Them, They'll Work Us TO DEATH While Making Us PAY
 for the

 Average age at death by Age at retirement

 Dr. Ephrem (Siao Chung) Cheng study ( )

 This is something we all would like to believe is true -- that there is
 inverse relationship between the age we retire and the age that we
 expect to
 die. According to a study conducted by Dr. Ephrem, based on data of
 from Boeing Aerospace, the earlier we retire, the longer our life span
 going to be.   For example, if we retire at around the age of 50, we
 expect to live to age 86, another 36 years old.In contrast, if we
 later at age 65, we would expect to live only for another 2 years.
 retirement age is 65, and yet this study of Boeing employees supports
 another 2 years of life span.   However, we need to understand the
 [reflected] by this result -- this experience is based on one particular
 and may not apply to everybody in the broadest sense.  But it seems to
 sense that if we do retire early, we could escape from the pressure of
 and could expect to live longer. Just as with any other results of
 data, we have to be cautious.


 Study On Life Expectancy Based On Early Retirement

   Earlier it was believed that  people who took early retirement ended
 having longer life  expectancy compared to people who retired at normal
 age of
 retirement. However, this belief has now been proven wrong after
 conducted a study on life expectancy based on early  retirement.

 The study on life expectancy based on early retirement was conducted in
 over a period of 26 years. More than 3,500 employees of Shell Oil were
 during this period. The researchers studied the lives of employees who
 at the ages of 55, 60 and 65 and they also studied employees who
 working at the ages of 55 and 60. The employees came from all grades.

 During the course of the study, researchers found that early retirement
 not at all connected to higher or increased life expectancy. In fact, it
 discovered that employees who retired early, at age 55, were more likely
 die before those who continued to work.  The study found that mortality
 was twice as high in the first ten years after retirement at the age of

 Unfortunately the study could not calculate the average life expectancy
 of the
 workers ! because many of them were still alive [after retiring] when
 study concluded.


 Retirement Age vs Life Expectancy:
 Why Social Security Is Going Broke


 You can have healthcare, to keep you alive, or Social Security, to cover
 bare-minimum cost of living, but NOT BOTH.  Take your choice.  Very soon
 the bankers, insurers and accountants who like to call themselves your
 government will FORCE you to make a choice.  Object and you won't get

 Their logic is as simple as the math.  If government is allowed to raise
 age of retirement to the age of life expectancy --age 77 as of 2010--
 that big
 chunk of cash they've taken out of every paycheck, picking your pocket
 in the
 guise of deductions for Social Security, is 100% profit for THEM -- not
 single penny will ever return to YOU as promised.

 What the governmen will tell you, of course, is that (like any Ponzi
 the money you never got will go back into the System to replenish
 general fund, in order to provide  Social Security for OTHERS when THEY
 retire.  However, keep in mind that NO ONE ELSE who waits until age 77
 retire will live long enough to see that money EITHER!

 So where does all the money you've *involuntarily* entrusted to the
 government to save for YOUR retirement GO?  To the government, who
 spends it
 as fast as you give it to them, for the sheer pleasure of it, without a
 in the world, no 

[cia-drugs] EXAMINER: UK releases past UFO reports, will destroy future UFO reports, avoids government ET/UFO “conspiracy ”

2010-03-02 Thread CAMPAIGN
UK releases past UFO reports, will destroy future UFO reports, avoids
government ET/UFO “conspiracy”
March 1, 11:00 PMSeattle Exopolitics
Lambremont Webre

U.K. MoD: Illustration of UFOs and EBEs, Heathrow Airport, 7/13/93

In a remarkable policy tour de force disclosed on February 18, 2010, a
purported year of “official extraterrestrial disclosure”, the U.K. Ministry
of Defence of Defence has engaged in yet another serial data
dump multiple UFO and
extraterrestrial files, without any accompanying
scientific, cosmological, exopolitical narrative or framework of analysis.

The U.K. Ministry of Defence also revealed in a secret
Nov. 11, 2009, and released Feb. 28, 2010 by freedom of information
(FOI) release to Dr. David Clarke, a U.K. UFO expert, that Reported
sightings received from other sources should be answered by a standard
letter and... should be retained for 30 days and then destroyed, largely
removing any future FOI liability and negating the need to release future
files post-November 30 2009.

Exhibiting an embattled mentality regarding the communications with other
governments on extraterrestrial and UFO issues and the exopolitical research
community, the U.K. Ministry of Defence secret
We have deliberately avoided formal approaches to other Governments
on this issue. Such approaches would become public when the relevant UFO
files are released, and would be viewed by 'ufologists' as evidence of
international collaboration and conspiracy.

The patent note of desperation and incoherence in the latest U.K. ministry
of defence public ET/UFO strategy (or lack thereof) demonstrates how the
extraterrestrial embargo jointly commenced by the U.S. and U.K. intelligence
forces with the 1953 U.S. CIA Robertson
Panel now deteriorating.

It is most plausible that the U.K. Ministry of Defence, like its counterpart
the U.S. Department of Defense, wants to concentrate on its secret
compartmentalized programs with extraterrestrial civilizations, while
shutting down all of its mechanisms for collecting public reports of UFOs.

Continues at: