[cia-drugs] Facebook a CIA Front? Re: Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook

2010-05-06 Thread Scott Munson
Facebook a CIA Front? Re: Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook
To: crowdpo...@yahoogroups.com
Cc: boyc...@yahoogroups.com

Subject: Re: Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook

 Yeah, still the alleged second-round funding from
* (Accelerating Innovation for the Intelligence Community) is hardly a *
wild* conspiracy theory.

*In-Q-Tel* — Central Intelligence
The origins of the concept that has become *In-Q-Tel* are traceable to Dr.
Ruth David, a former CIA Deputy Director for Science and Technology. *...*
www.cia.gov › ... ›
*In-Q-Tel* of Arlington, Virginia, United States is a not-for-profit venture
capital firm that invests in high-tech companies for the sole purpose of
keeping *...*


 Facebook a CIA Front?, page
20 posts - 15 authors - Last post: 15 Jul 2007
In 2004 (the same year *Facebook* was created) Gilman Louie, the CEO of *
In-Q*-*TEL*, jumped onboard with BBN Technologies with a one Doctor Anita *
www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread291893/pg1 -

 Facebook, the CIA, and You. //
6 Jul 2007 *...* Is *Facebook* a CIA front, devoted to identifying, tracking
and crushing ** *In-Q*-*Tel's* entrepreneurial strategic investment and
technology *...*
www.brainsturbator.com/articles/*facebook*_the_cia_and_you/ -

 Yellow Pages: Facebook and its CIA
29 Jan 2008 *...* At the present rate of growth, *Facebook* will have more
than 200 million *...* What's *In-Q*-*Tel*? Well, believe it or not (and
check out their *...*
yellow_pages.blogspot.com/.../*facebook*-and-its-cia-connections.html -

 In-Q-Tel | Privacy Digest http://www.privacydigest.com/tag/company/inqtel
20 Oct 2009 *...* *In-Q*-*Tel*, the investment arm of the CIA and the wider
*...* (It doesn't touch closed social networks, like *Facebook*, at the
moment. *...*
www.privacydigest.com/tag/company/*inqtel* -

 With friends like these ... Tom Hodgkinson on the politics of the
14 Jan 2008 *...* *Facebook* has 59 million users - and 2 million new ones
join each week. *...* *In-Q*-*Tel's* first chairman was Gilman Louie, who
served on the *...*
www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/jan/14/*facebook* -

 CIA Invests in Open Source Lucene, Solr

[cia-drugs] BP pp

2010-05-06 Thread michael1
dis da pi**

Maritime Professional weekly update
Networking, News  Opinion

Too Big to Fail?
The scope of the U.S. Gulf oil spill continues to expand, testing the
limits of
public and private response capabilities. We can't afford to fail. Can BP
afford to
Magic Pipe Murkiness Surfaces Again
Time to stop loading the dice against masters
Indian shipping tonnage at record level
Recent vessel acquisition spree by Indian ship owners has helped to
bolster the
national shipping tonnage.
Propulsion Shaft Failures
The University of Gdansk, Poland published a paper quoting ABS figures for
propulsion shaft failures and Offshore Supply Vessels and tugs amounted to 66
percent of the total failures in the report.
Suez Canal
The vital waterway between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea
First Free Trade Warehouse Zone likely by SKIL
Free Trade Warehousing zones are the latest creation of the container
trade of
Jawaharlal Nehru Port

[cia-drugs] new FLDS Polgamy book, PTSD epigenetic immune system changes

2010-05-06 Thread smartnews

Wikipedia – Bomis and online pornography

Excerpt:  'Triumph' by Carolyn Jessop - Jessop Writes About Life After the 
Polygamist Sect  
May 6, 2010 In Triumph, Carolyn Jessop writes about growing up in a  
polygamist sect and her April 2003 escape from the Fundamentalist Church of  
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Carolyn Jessop reflects on her life in  a polygamist sect and how it 
changed her. Jessop, 42, begins her story on April  3, 2008, when the church's 
Texas ranch was raided by law enforcement officials  and she watched hundreds 
of children, some her own stepchildren, involved in a  case that would unfold 
in the spotlight of the national media
Kathy  Mankin and her husband, Randy, publish The Eldorado Success, the 
local newspaper  in Eldorado, Texas, the town nearest to the Yearning for Zion 
Ranch, a $20  million compound spread across seventeen hundred acres in West 
Texas. The YFZ  Ranch is owned and operated by the Fundamentalist Church of 
Jesus Christ of  Latter-Day Saints, the polygamous Mormon cult in which I'd 
spent my entire life  until fleeing in April 2003. My ex-husband, Merril 
Jessop, had been running the  ranch since becoming one of the highest- ranking 
men in the FLDS in  2006.

Kathy and Randy had been covering the FLDS since 2003, when the  ranch was 
bought under false pretenses as a corporate retreat and lodge. On  March 24, 
2004, with the headline Corporate Retreat or Prophet's Refuge? the  
Mankins broke the news to the residents of Eldorado—a town of roughly two  
thousand residents, thirteen churches, three restaurants, and an aging  
their new neighbors were members of an extreme polygamous  sect

The Texas Supreme Court decision that was reached six weeks  later 
described the reception CPS got at the ranch: When the Department arrived  at 
YFZ Ranch, it was treated cordially and allowed access to children, but  
those children repeatedly 'pled the Fifth' in response to questions about their 
identity, would not identify their birth dates or parentage, refused to 
answer  questions about who lived in their homes and lied about their names—
sometimes  several times. Answers from parents were similarly inconsistent: One 
mother  first claimed that four children were hers, and then later avowed 
that they were  not. Furthermore, the Department arrived to discover that a 
shredder had been  used to destroy documents just before its arrival.Law 
enforcement officers  who accompanied CPS onto the ranch noticed pregnant 
young girls being herded  from one house to another on the compound. A lawyer 
involved with the case later  told me that the state always suspected that 
it never got all the children from  the ranch because some had been whisked 

As for CPS, along with  not being equipped to handle all the children who 
were removed from the ranch,  it never found the Sarah Barlow who'd made the 
call. Suspicion was building that  the call was a hoax. All the same, 
evidence suggested that the YFZ Ranch was a  hotbed of child abuse. As this 
evidence was presented to Judge Walther, she  ordered more and more children 

By Monday, April 7, Judge Walther  had ordered 401 children into temporary 
protective custody based on a  determination of significant risk of harm. In 
addition, 133 women had now left  the compound. The men, meanwhile, were 
told to remain on the ranch while the  investigation continued.  

One of the  major reasons I fled the FLDS was because fourteen-year-old 
girls were routinely  forced to marry and my daughter Betty was thirteen at 
the time
With  Warren Jeffs's 2006 arrest and conviction (he's now serving two five  
years-to-life sentences for being an accomplice to rape), his followers 
became  more convinced than ever that he was being persecuted like Jesus 
Christ, just as  he'd predicted. 

Trauma-Induced Changes to Genes May Lead to Post-Traumatic Stress  Disorder
ScienceDaily (May 5, 2010) — A study by researchers at Columbia  
University's Mailman School of Public Health suggests that traumatic 
biologically embed themselves in select genes, altering their functions and  
leading to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder  (PTSD)
Previous studies have found that lifetime experiences may alter  the 
activity of specific genes by changing their methylation patterns.  Methylated 
genes are generally inactive, while unmethylated genes are generally  active

The analysis found that participants with PTSD had six to  seven times more 