[cia-drugs] Obama CIA Dark Shadowy Unholy Alliances? - multimedia

2010-08-23 Thread smacko9

audio of Joel Skousen: The Dark Side of America - Alex Jones 
August 19, 2010 (hour 3) 

Joel Skousen: The Dark Side of America - Alex Jones Tv 1/3 


Obama CIA creation ? 

Bombshell: Barack Obama conclusively outed as CIA creation 

audio - Wayne Madsen on A.Jones show - re: Obama CIA creation 
August 19, 2010 (hour 2) 



 From: Virginia Brooks 
 Part 1. 
 Part 2. 


'If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you; 
If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will 
destroy you' 


Transparent Accountability vastly more efficient than skulduggery ;-) 
Let's stop playing saps suckered into chasing the tales of the Beast! 

AccountabilityParty Please 


[cia-drugs] Fwd: [PEPIS] Fidel Castro comments on Estulin's Bilderberg book

2010-08-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Begin forwarded message:

 From: Tony Gosling t...@cultureshop.org.uk
 Date: August 22, 2010 6:21:08 PM PDT
 To: pe...@yahoogroups.com,pe...@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [PEPIS] Fidel Castro comments on Estulin's Bilderberg book
 Google News - all 223 news articles »
 Government - Time Magazine
 Why is the Bilderberg Group on Fidel Castro's Summer Reading List?
  I ran into the following news items today which you must see.
 Bilderberg hits mainstream news:
 Fidel Castro fascinated by book on Bilderberg Club - Yahoo! News
 Fidel Castro Fascinated By Book On Bilderberg Club - CBS News
 FOXNews.com - Castro fascinated with book on Bilderberg Club _ theory 
 propounded by far-left, far-right
 Old but interesting...
 Shadowy Bilderberg group meet in Greece — and here's their address:
 +44 (0)7786 952037
 Capitalism is institutionalised bribery.
 The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the 
 possessor from the community Carl Jung
 Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
 discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
 power they wield? 
 There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
 mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
 nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
 souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 PEPIS group. Please feel free to forward it to anyone who might be 
 interested particularly your political representatives, journalists and 
 spiritual leaders/dudes.
 To post to this group, send email to pe...@googlegroups.com
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
 For more options, visit this group at 

[cia-drugs] Iran Situation and WW3

2010-08-23 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
What say'st thee, Bob?


Sunday, August 22, 2010
Iran Situation and WW3 
Ok, there is alot of talk about a war with Iran right now. I think these 
concerns are legit. World War 3 (with China) has been scheduled for 2015 for 
over 20 years now. Due to economic factors, this agenda might be ramped up a 
bit. This will start with Iran, a major source of Chinese petroleum and spread 
from there. The whole idea of the Afghanistan conflict is to block the Chinese 
from putting oil pipelines through the region. That's the big factor, the opium 
production and vast untapped mineral wealth are important too, but secondarily 
Remember the Bosnian conflict of the 90s? Well that enabled the US to set up 
the Kosovo Liberation Army, the KLA. This was a forward base of operations 
supporting the Chenya conflict, aimed against Russia. (Yes, oil producing 
region.) The KLA are a mafia that funnels Afghan opium, transported by the 
Kurds, into Europe. The proceeds fund CIA black operations worldwide and may 
also be funneled through the Cayman Islands and other offshore locations to 
support Wall Street when necessary. When Jimmy Carter got into office, he 
appointed Stansfield Turner to direct the CIA. His job was to throw out Poppy 
Bush and The Boys. So they uh, privatized. The KLA traffic narcotics, 
weapons, women, children and terror. But they seem to specialize in Eastern 
European women and children. Along with Dyncorp.
This was serious business to Russia, as they view this region as part of their 
cultural sphere of influence. World War 3 almost broke out in '00 with the 
sinking of the Kursk. The Russians didn't like that at all. When the US went to 
war with Iraq 3 years later, thousands of Russian troops volunteered to fight 
in Iraq. Against us. What few weapons the Iraqi resistance did not obtain 
through Poppy Bush and Hillary Clinton's American LaFarge group, they got from 
Russia. Didn't you know the Clintons work for the Bushes? Ha ha ha. The Bushes 
work for the Harrimans. The Harrimans work for the Rockefellers.
When Bernanke talks about dropping money from helicopters to prevent 
deflation, what he really means is funneling money into the economy through 
establishment supported (and protected) organized criminal activity. (This 
activity is hardly limited to Kosovo. It goes back to WW2. And even farther to 
the Opium Wars. But I digress.)
As to Tarpley's analysis of US dollar hegemony, I must say I concur. You can 
see in my archives how I was tracking the fall of the Euro. (The trend is your 
friend, until it ends, because then, it bends!) Well, I had a total hardware 
crash and haven't recovered yet, so I haven't been following it lately, but I 
guess it's looking like the trend may be over. I still think the 
Anglo-Americans will win, though. LOL.
Here's one thing Tarpley doesn't bring up. Yeah, the Anglo-Americans want to 
maintain US Petrodollar hegemony. But I don't think they necessarily want to 
create demand for US dollars by increasing the price of oil. If they could get 
more for oil, they'd love that, but the price of oil (and gold) is an indicator 
of inflation. They want their currency to SEEM like it is worth more than it 
really is, so they can get more for it, even though they print it out of 
nothing. The whole point of the Militarization of the US (and the war on Iraq) 
is that we want to use our military to force other countries to take our losses 
for us. Saddam started selling oil in Euros. Bad, bad Saddam!
Here's the real issue, as far as I'm concerned. This is called Petrodollar 
recycling. Imagine you go to the store and you buy whatever you want. You 
write a check out to pay for it. Now instead of cashing that check, the store 
LENDS THE MONEY BACK TO YOU. Pretty good system, isn't it? Well, now imagine 
it's 40 years later, and they wanna start CASHING ALL THOSE CHECKS. Well, the 
Saudis have been taking all the money we spend on oil and investing it back 
into US dollar denominated assets. That's part of a secret agreement Kissinger 
made with them in the 70s. They even got their own plates to print out US 
dollar paper money. But if you hold trillions of dollars, and the dollar keeps 
being worth less and less, you're losing alot of wealth.
Here's what's going to happen. Israel will attack Iran. Sooner or later. Obama 
is against it. He's doing what he can, but he only has so much power. 
Brzezinski is his boss.
Brzezinski has been busy promoting Color Revolutions throughout Eastern 
Europe that past five years or so. George Soros and the National Endowment for 
Democracy are his boys. Anyway, the goal is to encircle China geopolitically. 
With military bases and shit.
Well Brzezinski's big thing is proxy war. Originally he wanted to use diplomacy 
to get Iran on our side. (I use the term our rather loosely. LOL. It refers 
to the Anglo-American Global Dominance Group.) Anyway, his original plan was 

[cia-drugs] Friedman’s case – Capturing the Friedmans - the victims' perspective

2010-08-23 Thread smartnews

many of the quotes in this section come from:
Capturing the  Friedmans: Annotated Bibliography 

describes  crimes

Many viewers leave the theater believing that they have seen  an  objective 
documentary presented by a director who entrusted audiences  to  draw their 
own conclusions on Arnold Friedman’s and Jesse  Friedman’s  guilt. A 
careful review of the original evidence, however,  shows that  the case against 
the Friedmans was much stronger than the film  revealed.

Geraldo Rivera’s interview with Jesse Friedman “Busting the  Kiddie Porn 
Underground” February 23, 1989 — Geraldo! 

Jesse’s attorney,  Peter Panera, is interviewed. He tells how he and  Jesse 
made a special  trip to Wisconsin to visit Arnold Friedman in  prison to 
convince him to  reveal where he had hidden the photos and  videos of the 
children. Arnold  refused to reveal what he had done with  them, despite the 
fact that it  would have helped gain lenacy for his  son. Jesse’s mother Ms. 
Friedman  also appears on the show.

Frances Galasso, the detective-sergeant who was  in charge of the  Friedman 
case, describes Jesse’s lack of remorse for his  victims and  describes how 
he and his brother harassed some of the victims’  parents  at court 
proceedings. She says that Jesse told the grandfather of  one  victim: “Well 
we are suffering now, but with what we’ve done  to  your children, they’ll 
suffer for the rest of their  lives.”

Geraldo Rivera’s interview with Jesse Friedman 

Geraldo:  “How many kids, Jesse, did you and your father actually 
physically abuse in your  home?” Jesse:  (long sigh, appears to be mentally 
“I guess  17.”….

Geraldo: “What did you do to the children?” Jesse:  “What did  I do to the 
children? I  fondled them. I was forced to pose in 100's of  photos for my 
father in  all sorts of sexual positions with the kids and  the kids 
likewise with  myself.

The Secret Life of Arnold Friedman  By Alvin E. Bessent – Newsday  — LI., 
NY May 28, 1989_  

Bessent  reports on the victims’ fear of the Friedmans:
“As the abuse escalated so did  the threats. Police said the children were 
extensively videotaped and  photographed. No pictures of the children have 
been recovered. But police said  Arnold Friedman told the children he would 
send pornographic pictures of them to  magazines and tell the publishers to 
print their names if they told what was  going on. He threatened to burn 
their houses down. He reportedly said he would  kill their parents. . . . Some 
of the children who testified before the grand  juries received threatening 
telephone calls warning them not to cooperate with  police.” “Some of them 
still wet their beds, take baseball bats to bed with them  or are unable to 
sleep.”_  http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/1/ctf/bib.html _ 

State of New York v.  Arnold Friedman.
Motion for order requiring return of property seized from 17  Picadilly  
Road, Great Neck, Nassau County, New York, seized pursuant to  search  warrant 
of November 25, 1987.  Motion #C-427, Indictment  #67104   67430.
September 14, 1990.
Judge Abbey L. Boklan  approved Arnold Friedmans’ request for the return  
of all property seized  at the Friedman home with the exception of  
pornographic materials listed  in this document.  Materials include such  items 
5  pornographic movies, assorted order forms for pornography,  assorted  
pornographic magazine cutouts, 2 partially nude photos of  children, 3  sheets 
advertising homosexuality with boys, 6 photos of  naked people, 3  battery 
operated sex aids, 1 hypodermic needle, 9  pornographic computer  games (with 
descriptions), list of names and phone  numbers of 9 victims, 2  
registration sheets with names of victims.

The People of the State of New  York , Respondent, v. Ross G., Appellant 
163 A.D.2d 529; 558 N.Y.S.2d 603; 1990  N.Y. App. Div. LEXIS 8786 June 28, 1990
The Supreme Court of New York  responds affirmatively to an appeal  by Ross 
Goldstein who asks the state  to reduce his sentence to the  terms 
recommended and agreed to by the  prosecution. Although he was not  mentioned 
in the 
film, Mr. Goldstein was  a third defendant who was  arrested along with 
Arnold and Jesse Friedman.  According to this  document, Goldstein, a former 
friend of Jesse’s who was  between 15 and  16 years old when he committed the 
crimes. He later became  repulsed by  the abuse, and six months before the 
Friedmans were arrested,  Goldstein  disassociated himself from Jesse 
Friedman and his