[cia-drugs] North American Union Already Starting to Replace USA

2006-06-10 Thread Jim Rarey


North American Union Already Starting to Replace 
by Jerome R. CorsiPosted May 30, 2006
In March 2005 at their summit meeting in Waco, Tex., 
President Bush, President Fox and Prime Minister Martin issued a joint statement 
announced the creation of the “Security and Prosperity Partnership of North 
America” (SPP). The creation of this new agreement was never submitted to 
Congress for debate and decision. Instead, the U.S. Department of Commerce 
merely created a new division under the same 
title to implement working groups to advance a North American Union working 
agenda in a wide range of areas, including: manufactured goods, movement of 
goods, energy, environment, e-commerce, financial services, business 
facilitation, food and agriculture, transportation, and health.
SPP is headed by three top cabinet level officers of each 
country. Representing the United 
States are Secretary of Commerce Carlos 
Gutierrez, Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, and Secretary of 
State Condoleezza Rice. Representing Mexico are 
Secretario de Economía Fernando Canales, Secretario de Gobernación Carlos 
Abascal, and Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores, Luis Ernesto Derbéz. 
Representing Canada are Minister of Industry David 
L. Emerson, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety, Anne McLellan, 
and Minister of Foreign Affairs Pierre Stewart Pettigrew.
Reporting in June 2005 to the heads of state of the three 
countries, the trilateral SPP emphasized the extensive working group structure 
that had been established to pursue an ambitious 
In carrying out your instructions, 
we established working groups under both agendas of the Partnership – Security 
and Prosperity. We held roundtables with stakeholders, meetings with 
business groups and briefing sessions with Legislatures, as well as with other 
relevant political jurisdictions. The result is a detailed series of 
actions and recommendations designed to increase the competitiveness of 
North America and the security of our 
This is not a theoretical exercise being prepared so it can 
be submitted for review. Instead, SPP is producing an action agreement to 
be implemented directly by regulations, without any envisioned direct 
Congressional oversight.
Upon your review and approval, we 
will once again meet with stakeholders and work with them to implement the 
workplans that we have developed.
And again, the June 2005 SPP report stresses:
The success of our efforts will be 
defined less by the contents of the work plans than by the actual implementation 
of initiatives and strategies that will make North 
America more prosperous and more secure.
Reviewing the specific working agenda initiatives, the goal 
to implement directly is apparent. Nearly every work plan is characterized 
by action steps described variously as “our three countries signed a Framework 
of Common Principles …” or “we have signed a Memorandum of Understanding …,” or 
“we have signed a declaration of intent …” etc. Once again, none of the 30 
or so working agendas makes any mention of submitting decisions to the U.S. 
Congress for review and approval. No new U.S. laws are 
contemplated for the Bush administration to submit to Congress. Instead, 
the plan is obviously to knit together the North American Union completely under 
the radar, through a process of regulations and directives issued by various 
U.S. government agencies. 
What we have here is an executive branch plan being 
implemented by the Bush administration to construct a new super-regional 
structure completely by fiat. Yet, we can find no single speech in which 
President Bush has ever openly expressed to the American people his intention to 
create a North American Union by evolving NAFTA into this NAFTA-Plus as a first, 
implementing step.
Anyone who has wondered why President Bush has not bothered 
to secure our borders is advised to spend some time examining the SPP working 
groups’ agenda. In every area of activity, the SPP agenda stresses free 
and open movement of people, trade, and capital within the North American 
Union. Once the SPP agenda is implemented with appropriate departmental 
regulations, there will be no area of immigration policy, trade rules, 
environmental regulations, capital flows, public health, plus dozens of other 
key policy areas countries that the U.S. government will be able to 
decide alone, or without first consulting with some appropriate North American 
Union regulatory body. At best, our border with Mexico will 
become a speed bump, largely erased, with little remaining to restrict the 
essentially free movement of people, trade, and capital.
Canada has established an SPP working 
group within their Foreign Affairs department. Mexico has placed 
the SPP within the office of the Secretaria de Economia and created and 
extensive website for the Alianza Para La Securidad y La 

[cia-drugs] Fw: [JBirch] How they vote in the United Nations

2006-06-10 Thread Jim Rarey

- Original Message - 
From: John 
Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2006 10:39 AM
Subject: [JBirch] How they vote in the United Nations

How they vote in the 
United Nations
How they vote in the 
United Nations:

Below are the actual 
voting records of various Arabic/Islamic States which are recorded in both the 
US State Department and United Nations records:

against the United 
States 67% of the time

against the United 
States 67% of the time

against the United 
States 70% of the time

against the U. S. 
70% of the time.

against the United 
States 71% of the time.

against the United 
States 71% of the time.

Saudi Arabia 
against the United 
States 73% of the time.

against the United 
States 74% of the time.

against the United 
States 74% of the time.

against the United 
States 74% of the time.

against the United 
States 75% of the time.

against the United 
States 75% of the time.

against the United 
States 76% of the time.

votes against 
United States 79% of the time.

against the United 
States 80% of the time.

against the United 
States 81% of the time.

against the United 
States 84% of the time.

against the United 
States 87% of the time.
U S Foreign Aid to 
those that hate us:
Egypt, for 
example, after voting 79% of the time against the United States, still 
receives $2 billion 
annually in US 
Foreign Aid.

Jordan votes 71% 
against the United States

And receives 
$192,814,000 annually in US 
Foreign Aid.

Pakistan votes 75% 
against the United States

$6,721,000 annually 
in US Foreign Aid.

votes 81% 
against the United States


Perhaps it is time 
to get out of the UN and give the tax savings back to the American workers who 
are having to skimp and sacrifice to pay the taxes 
(and gasoline).

Pass this along to 
every taxpaying citizen you know. 

Disgusting isn't 
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[cia-drugs] Journalists Applaud Al-Zarqawi's Death

2006-06-09 Thread Jim Rarey


Applaud Al-Zarqawi's Death By Sharon Hughes | June 9, 2006 
The days that follow I'm sure will find more liberal 
'reasoning' to why catching this mass murderer of the Iraqi people and our 
troops is no big deal. Just watch.  

Having vowed loyalty to Osama bin Laden in 2004 and orchestrating what the 
Washington Post calls the bloodiest suicide bombings of the insurgency, beheading 
hostages and slaughtering thousands if Iraqis in order to incite a civil war 
with the goal of driving America's presence out of Iraq, al-Zarqawi was 
killed in a U.S. air strike along with his spiritual advisor, Sheik Abdul 
Rahman, on Wednesday.
Iraqis provided the intelligence and U.S. forces conducted 17 raids 
culminating in a target hit on the most-wanted militant terrorist leader, who 
had the same U.S. bounty on his head as Osama bin Laden - $25 million.
His identity was confirmed by fingerprints, and when Iraq's Prime Minister 
Nouri al-Maliki announced al-Zarqawi's death loud applause broke from Iraqi 
What? Journalist applauding the news? Think about it. Iraqi journalists broke 
out in loud applause at the news of al-Zarqawi's death! Did American journalists do the same when President Bush announced 
the news? Or in another venue? Nope.
The Left's talk show hosts were off the chart on the news. As pointed out by 
Tim Graham at Newsbusters:
"I caught some of the opening minutes of the Stephanie Miller show today (on 
Air America). They were playing clips of the Rose Garden Bush remarks and just 
mocking his accent. "He's extra-twangy today," mocked Miller. The show's 
impressionist started doing Bush in a William Buckley-esque Connecticut accent, 
implying the Texas talk is all phony. Then they began joking "we're auditioning 
for a new boogey-man," as if Zarqawi was a phantom in a closet."
And on his way home from work he caught Randi Rhodes on the same channel, who 
clearly is in the running for the most biased, blind, complete 
spin-off-the-planet comments!
"Hoo boy. She was saying Zarqawi was our boy, someone we protected in the 
no-fly zone from Saddam Hussein, and then used as an excuse for war. A few 
minutes later, she complained it was a "sick, psychotic" day for news, and said 
the rulers of America were "imperialistic, hegemonisticdictators."
Unbelievable! The days that follow I'm sure will find more liberal 
'reasoning' to why catching this mass murderer of the Iraqi people and our 
troops is no big deal. Just watch.


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[cia-drugs] Snow wary of 'splashy' stories on these pages

2006-06-05 Thread Jim Rarey


Alas,tony. We had such high hopes for you but that 
job is no place for a person with rabbit ears.

By giving yu own peronal view in respnse to the 
invasion question, You injected thn preident into another controversy he doesm't 
need. He may vary well agree with you but there are over 30 million (including 
myself) who don't. 

This is not the "Tony Snow Show) Do your homework 
on the border situation and get over it.
Jim Rarey


  Monday, June 5, 2006

WND AT THE WHITE HOUSESnow wary of 'splashy' stories on these pagesDidn't appreciate article 'about what I did or did not 
  Posted: June 5, 20065:00 p.m. Eastern
  By Les 
  Presidential press secretary Tony Snow ended his press briefing today 
  by refusing to answer a WND question about immigration reform, saying a 
  previous answer to the newssite had been turned into "this big splashy 
  thing on WorldNetDaily." 
  After asking two questions earlier in the briefing, WND got Snow's 
  attention for the final question of the day. 
  "In Michigan, the Lansing State Journal said that U.S. Senators 
  Stabenow and Levin 'voted in favor of illegality, in favor of border 
  insecurity,'" stated WND. "And my question, does the president believe 
  that the Lansing –" 
  Interjected Snow: "Lester, last time you asked a question like this, 
  there was this big splashy thing on WorldNetDaily about what I did or did 
  not believe. I'm not going to bite on an editorial in the Lansing state 

  Snow apparently was referring to a story 
  on Friday in which WND reported that the spokesman rejected the 
  characterization of the constant flow of illegal aliens over the U.S. 
  border as an "invasion." 
  At Friday's White House press briefing, WorldNetDaily asked the 
  spokesman: "Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution says, 'The United 
  States shall guarantee to every state in the Union a republican form of 
  government and shall protect each of them from foreign invasion.' My 
  question is, does the president believe this foreign invasion means only 
  armed invasion, or doesn't this also mean the invasion of millions of 
  illegal immigrants?" 
  Responded Snow: "I think what you are doing is you're attaching a 
  martial connotation to something that does not have martial consequences. 
  "What the president has said – if you were talking about an invasion, 
  he's made it clear that Mexico is not the enemy." 

  Related special offer: 
  Rep. Tom Tancredo's "In Mortal Danger"

  Les Kinsolving is 
  WorldNetDaily's White House correspondent and a talk-show host for WCBM in 
  Baltimore. His show can be heard on the 
  Internet 8-10 p.m. Eastern each weekday. 

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[cia-drugs] Canada KOs 'Qaeda' thugs

2006-06-04 Thread Jim Rarey


New York Daily News - http://www.nydailynews.com
Canada KOs 'Qaeda' thugs BY JAMES 
  GORDON MEEK in Washingtonand ANDRA VARIN in New 
  YorkDAILY NEWS STAFF WRITERS Sunday, June 4th, 2006 
  Canadian police busted an "Al Qaeda-inspired" terror group, 
  arresting 17 people who had amassed enough explosives to build massive 
  bombs and were planning to blow up targets in southern Ontario, just a 
  short drive from the New York state line, authorities said yesterday. 
  "This group took steps to acquire 3 [metric] tons of ammonium nitrate 
  and other components necessary to create explosive devices," said Mike 
  McDonell, assistant commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 
  "To put this in context, the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal 
  Building in Oklahoma City that killed 168 people took 1 [metric] ton of 
  ammonium nitrate," he said. 
  Police said they had arrested 12 men and five minors in coordinated 
  raids. The adults were from Toronto, its western suburb of Mississauga and 
  from Kingston, Ontario, on the eastern edge of Lake Ontario - not far from 
  the U.S. border. 
  "This group posed a real and serious threat," McDonell said. "It had 
  the capacity and intent to carry out attacks." 
  Investigators said the suspects, all Canadian residents and many of 
  them citizens, had trained together at a camp north of Toronto. 
  A Canadian security official in Washington told the Daily News the 
  group appears to be a homegrown terror cell and was not targeting the U.S. 

  "Their motive was Al Qaeda-inspired but not linked," the Canadian 
  security official said. 
  Most of the suspects were in their teens or 20s. The FBI said the group 
  posed no threat to the U.S., but may have connected at some point with two 
  suspects nabbed earlier in the United States. 
  "There is preliminary indication that some of the Canadian subjects may 
  have had limited contact with the two people recently arrested from 
  Georgia," Special Agent Richard Kolko said in a statement. 
  He was referring to Syed Ahmed, a 21-year-old Georgia Institute of 
  Technology student, and 19-year-old Ehsanul Sadequee, a Bangladeshi 
  Federal investigators said the two men traveled from Atlanta to Canada 
  in March 2005. In Canada, they allegedly met with Islamic extremists about 
  possible attacks against U.S. oil refineries and military bases. 
  "As always, we will work with our international partners to review any 
  intelligence gathered and will conduct any appropriate investigation," 
  Kolko said. "There is no imminent threat to the U.S. from these current 
  law enforcement operations." 
  Investigators did not specify the alleged plotters' targets, but the 
  Toronto Sun said they planned to attack the Canadian spy agency's downtown 
  Toronto office. Other reports said they planned to attack popular tourist 
  sites in Ontario. 
  There have been no Al Qaeda-style attacks in Canada, although the U.S. 
  has called for more vigilance on the border the two countries share. 
  The so-called Millennium Bomber, Algerian-born Ahmed Ressam, was 
  arrested in December 1999 as he crossed into the United States from Canada 
  in a car laden with explosives. 
  Ressam is serving a 22-year prison term for plotting to set off a bomb 
  at Los Angeles airport on Dec. 31, 1999. 
  With News Wire 

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[cia-drugs] Christians to battle Feds on 'million-dollar' tracts

2006-06-04 Thread Jim Rarey


And these guys (SS) are supposed to be protecting 
the president? They should be hassling the idiot who tried to deposit the 
"bill". JR


  Saturday, June 3, 2006

YOUR GOVERNMENT AT WORKChristians to battle Feds on 'million-dollar' tracts 
  Lawyers advise evangelists not to turn over more 
  'counterfeit evidence' without warrant
  Posted: June 3, 20061:28 p.m. Eastern
  By Joseph 
  WASHINGTON – If and when the Secret Service visits the offices of Living Waters Ministry in Southern 
  California to collect more "counterfeiting evidence" in the form of gospel 
  tracts disguised as $1 million bills, agents better be armed with a 

  Ray Comfort, the world-renowned evangelist and head of the ministry, 
  says he is not inclined to turn over any more copies of one of his most 
  effective tools for witnessing his faith just because some Treasury agents 
  demand them. 
  Comfort was advised by his attorneys not to hand over the same gospel 
  tracts seized Thursday in a raid on Living Waters' partner ministry in 
  Denton, Texas. 
  "The thinking is that if agents show a judge a copy of the $1 million 
  tract, he would laugh till he cried and then, after catching his breath, 
  he would thank the agents for a good laugh and then ask them to stop 
  wasting his time," explained Comfort. 
  The controversy began Thursday about 1 p.m. when Secret Service agents 
  visited the Great News Network in 
  Texas and threatened with arrest Tim Crawford for hiding evidence in a 
  counterfeiting investigation and seized 8,300 gospel tracts designed as 
  "million-dollar bills." 

  Three Secret Service agents asked Crawford if he was responsible for 
  printing "the million-dollar bills," gospel tracts that appear on one side 
  to be a $1 million dollar bill and present the Christian salvation message 
  on the opposite side. 
  Crawford suggested they talk to his boss, Darrel Rudus, the founder of 
  the organization that trains evangelists from around the country in the 
  techniques of witnessing their faith. 
  By telephone with the agents, Rudus offered his opinion that it was 
  impossible to counterfeit something that wasn't real – a $1 million bill. 
  But the agents explained that someone in North Carolina had attempted 
  to deposit one of the million-dollar bills in a bank account. The address 
  of the Great News Network was on the back, and the Secret Service went 
  into action. 
  Though Rudus' group distributes thousands of the tracts, it did not 
  originate them. They are the work of Comfort’s Living Waters Ministry, 
  which distributes millions of them a year. 
  Before he got off the phone, Rudus was convinced the agents were going 
  to drop their demand for the Great News Network's tracts. 
  But later, he reports, the agents again demanded them from Crawford, 
  threatening him with arrest for "concealing evidence." Rather than face 
  arrest, Crawford turned over the approximately 8,300 million-dollar tracts 
  the group had stored. The agents left a receipt and their business cards. 
  Comfort told WND he was stunned by the action of the Secret Service and 
  expects agents to visit his offices soon. He said he has no plans to 
  abandon the use of the tracts, which are among the most popular of the 
  many his organization distributes. Living Waters is known for its 
  television program, "The Way of the Master," and an association with actor 
  Kirk Cameron. 
  "I'm not going to stop printing them," Comfort said. "How can you 
  possibly counterfeit something that is not real – a $1 million bill?" 

  Comfort's group is being represented by the American Family Association 
  Center for Law and Policy in the case. 
  "I am more than a little amazed that the Secret Service has chosen to 
  harass Ray Comfort because of his $1 million gospel tracts," said Brian 
  Fahling, senior trial attorney for the group. "It is abundantly clear to 
  anyone with a modicum of common sense that the 'bills' are not made with 
  an intent to defraud, but rather, they are distributed with the intent to 
  reveal the Truth. No thinking person could believe the bills are real. If 
  the Secret Service does not cease from this intrusion upon the free speech 
  rights and free exercise rights of Ray Comfort and others, that agency 
  will be explaining its outrageous conduct to a federal judge." 
  The tract also includes this message: "The million 

[cia-drugs] DNA: The Tiny Code That's Toppling Evolutio

2006-06-04 Thread Jim Rarey


The facts about DNA demand answers to the questions 
how, and why?

"The evidence 
certainly points to a resounding checkmate for  

Darwin doesn't have the answers.

he only credible answer is 
- Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2006 2:36 
PMSubject: DNA: The Tiny Code That's Toppling Evolution For 
those scientists who refuse to acknowledge the existence of God, they  
now use the euphemism of "intelligent design". DNA: The 
Tiny Code That's Toppling Evolution http://www.gnmagazine.org/issues/gn58/tinycode.htm 
As scientists explore a new universe-the universe inside the cell-they 
are making startling discoveries of information systems more complex 
than  anything ever devised by humanity's best minds. How did 
they get there, and what  does it mean for the theory of 
evolution? by Mario Seiglie Two great 
achievements occurred in 1953, more than half a century ago. The 
first was the successful ascent of Mt. Everest, the highest mountain  in 
the world. Sir Edmund Hillary and his guide, Tenzing Norgay, reached the 
 summit that year, an accomplishment that's still considered the 
ultimate feat for  mountain climbers. Since then, more than a 
thousand mountaineers have made it to  the top, and each year 
hundreds more attempt it. Yet the second great achievement of 
1953 has had a greater impact on the  world. Each year, many 
thousands join the ranks of those participating in this accomplishment, 
hoping to ascend to fame and fortune. It was in 1953 that James 
Watson and Francis Crick achieved what appeared impossible-discovering 
the genetic structure deep inside the nucleus of  our cells. We 
call this genetic material DNA, an abbreviation for  
deoxyribonucleic acid. The discovery of the double-helix 
structure of the DNA molecule opened the floodgates for scientists to 
examine the code embedded within it. Now,  more than half a 
century after the initial discovery, the DNA code has been 
deciphered-although many of its elements are still not well 
understood. What has been found has profound implications 
regarding Darwinian  evolution, the theory taught in schools all 
over the world that all living beings have  evolved by natural 
processes through mutation and natural selection. Amazing 
revelations about DNA As scientists began to decode the human 
DNA molecule, they found something  quite unexpected-an 
exquisite 'language' composed of some 3 billion genetic  
letters. "One of the most extraordinary discoveries of the twentieth 
century," says  Dr. Stephen Meyer, director of the Center for 
Science and Culture at the  Discovery Institute in Seattle, 
Wash., "was that DNA actually stores information-the detailed 
instructions for assembling proteins-in the form of a  
four-character digital code" (quoted by Lee Strobel, The Case for a 
Creator, 2004, p.  224). It is hard to fathom, but the 
amount of information in human DNA is  roughly equivalent to 12 
sets of The Encyclopaedia Britannica-an incredible 384  volumes" 
worth of detailed information that would fill 48 feet of library 
shelves! Yet in their actual size-which is only two millionths 
of a millimeter  thick-a teaspoon of DNA, according to molecular 
biologist Michael Denton, could  contain all the information 
needed to build the proteins for all the species of organisms that have 
ever lived on the earth, and "there would still be  enough room 
left for all the information in every book ever written" (Evolution:  
A Theory in Crisis, 1996, p. 334). Who or what could 
miniaturize such information and place this enormous  number of 
'letters' in their proper sequence as a genetic instruction manual? 
Could evolution have gradually come up with a system like 
this? DNA contains a genetic language Let's 
first consider some of the characteristics of this genetic  'language.' 
For it to be rightly called a language, it must contain the following 
 elements: an alphabet or coding system, correct spelling, 
grammar (a proper arrangement  of the words), meaning 
(semantics) and an intended purpose. Scientists have found the 
genetic code has all of these key elements. "The coding regions of DNA," 
explains Dr. Stephen Meyer, "have exactly the same relevant properties 
as a computer code or language" (quoted by Strobel, p.  237, 
emphasis in original). The only other codes found to be true 
languages are all of human origin. Although we do find that dogs bark 
when they perceive danger, bees dance  to point other bees to a 
source and whales emit sounds, to name a few  examples of other 
species" communication, none of these have the composition of a  
language. They are only considered low-level communication 
signals. The only types of communication considered high-level 
are human languages, artificial languages such as computer and Morse 
codes and the genetic  code. No other communication system has 
been found to contain the basic  

[cia-drugs] Giving Up On Israel

2006-06-01 Thread Jim Rarey






Giving Up On Israel 
Olmert losing U.S. conservatives if West Bank 
  goes Gaza. 
Jonathan Mark - Associate 
  Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s plans for withdrawal from much 
  of the West Bank is leading to erosion of political support 
  within the one American group — the conservative, primarily 
  Christian right —that had been most supportive of Israel, and 
  reportedly the root of President Bush’s support, as 
  well.Those conservatives who most cheered Israel’s 
  history of defying Islamic terrorists are now the most 
  disappointed by what they’re calling Israel’s “appeasement,” 
  as exemplified by its policy of unilateral withdrawal; giving 
  guns to a Palestinian security unit under PA President Mahmoud 
  Abbas, even though such weapons were used in the past against 
  Israel; and giving millions of dollars in medical assistance 
  to Palestinian hospitals to thwart what is being called a 
  “humanitarian crisis,” even though Olmert told the New York 
  Times (May 19) that the “humanitarian crisis” was nothing but 
  “total propaganda.”Several writers pointed out that 
  Olmert was once again living up to his doctrine spoken at the 
  time of the Gaza disengagement: “We are tired of fighting, we 
  are tired of being courageous, we are tired of winning, we are 
  tired of defeating our enemies.” Joseph Farah, editor of World 
  Net Daily and once as enthusiastic a defender of Israel as 
  anyone in the media, finally threw in the towel, writing, “I 
  Give Up On Israel.”World Net Daily is something like 
  NASCAR, unknown to most New Yorkers but wildly popular in the 
  heartland. Alexa, the Internet tracking service, ranks WND 
  (worldnetdaily.com) as the No. 1 Internet site for 
  conservative news, with more online readers than either 
  National Review or The Weekly Standard. The site has 
  considerable Christian advertising and readership and, since 
  its 1997 founding by Farah, a Christian of Arab-American 
  heritage, WND has offered a drumbeat for Israel that 
  previously earned Farah a journalism award from the right-wing 
  Zionist Organization of America. Farah also writes a 
  syndicated column for the Jerusalem Post, among others, and 
  has co-authored a book with Rush Limbaugh. His Zionist and 
  conservative credentials are impeccable.So hundreds of 
  thousands of readers took notice when Farah wrote in WND (May 
  15), “I am through defending Israel — at least the regime 
  currently in power in Jerusalem, this useless coalition 
  seemingly hell-bent on committing national 
  suicide.”Farah said Olmert’s plans for a unilateral 
  West Bank withdrawal is nothing but “retreat” and 
  “appeasement.” Olmert, said Farah, “does this fully knowing 
  that last summer’s evacuation of the Gaza Strip has been an 
  unmitigated disaster for the Jewish people, Western 
  Civilization and freedom in general,” with Hamas wanting 
  nothing more than to “establish a Taliban-like state” in 
  “territories ethnically cleansed of Jews.”The West 
  Bank, writes Farah, will become, like Gaza, a terrorist base 
  threatening not only Israel but also Jordan and Lebanon. If 
  that is Israel’s choice, “I’m through making excuses for 
  Israel. I’m through trying to understand the incomprehensible 
  moves of a self-flagellating nation. I’m through trying to 
  point out the moral rightness of a state and a people who 
  themselves fail to discern right from wrong.”Farah 
  added, “I know I speak for many Jews and Christians throughout 
  the world who see Israel’s surrender as a cowardly betrayal, a 
  sign that the Jewish state puts more faith in Washington and 
  ‘international diplomacy’ than in the 

[cia-drugs] Hamas looking to fly planes into buildings

2006-05-25 Thread Jim Rarey


GLOBAL JIHADHamas looking to fly planes into buildingsTerror leader details goal to carry out 9-11-style attacks, 'possibly 

Posted: May 25, 20061:00 a.m. Eastern
By Aaron 

JERUSALEM – Hamas is seeking the ability to attack Israel using small 
airplanes laden with explosives to be flown 9-11-style into important targets, 
possibly Tel Aviv skyscrapers, Abu Abdullah, a leader of Hamas' so-called 
military wing, told WorldNetDaily yesterday. 
Abdullah is considered one of the most important operational members of 
Hamas' Izzedine al-Qassam Martyrs Brigades, Hamas' declared "resistance" 
department. He said his group would not immediately carry out airplane attacks, 
but that Hamas is preparing for the possibility should a long-term truce it 
claims to abide by falls apart. 

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[cia-drugs] FDA Approves Novel Medication for Smoking Cessation

2006-05-15 Thread Jim Rarey


FDA News


  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEP06-67May 11, 2006 

  Media Inquiries: Laura Alvey, 
  301-827-6242Consumer Inquiries: 888-INFO-FDA 
FDA Approves Novel Medication for 
Smoking Cessation
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced today the approval of 
Chantix (varenicline tartrate) tablets, to help cigarette smokers stop smoking. 
The active ingredient in Chantix, varenicline tartrate, is a new molecular 
entity that received a priority FDA review because of its significant potential 
benefit to public health. 
Chantix acts at sites in the brain affected by nicotine and may help those 
who wish to give up smoking in two ways: by providing some nicotine effects to 
ease the withdrawal symptoms and by blocking the effects of nicotine from 
cigarettes if they resume smoking.
"Tobacco use, particularly cigarette smoking, is the single most preventable 
cause of death in the United States and is responsible for a growing list of 
cancers as well as chronic diseases including those of the lung and heart," said 
Scott Gottlieb, MD, Deputy Commissioner for Medical and Scientific Affairs. "The 
agency is committed to helping facilitate the development of products to help 
people quit smoking and improve their overall quality of life."
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an 
estimated 44.5 million adults in the United States smoke cigarettes and more 
than 8.6 million of them have at least one serious illness caused by smoking. 

"Cigarette smoking is a very difficult habit to break due in large part to 
nicotine dependence or addiction" said Dr. Steven Galson, Director of FDA's 
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. "Chantix therapy has proven to be 
effective in smokers motivated to quit and will provide another tool for 
physicians to use for the millions of smokers who want to quit."
The effectiveness of Chantix in smoking cessation was demonstrated in six 
clinical trials, which included a total of 3659 chronic cigarette smokers who 
were treated with varenicline. Five of the six studies were randomized, 
controlled clinical trials in which Chantix was shown to be superior to placebo 
in helping people quit smoking. These smokers had previously averaged 21 
cigarettes a day for approximately 25 years. In two of the five 
placebo-controlled studies, Chantix-treated patients were also more successful 
in giving up smoking than patients treated with Zyban (bupropion).
The approved course of Chantix treatment is 12 weeks. Patients who 
successfully quit smoking during Chantix treatment may continue with an 
additional 12 weeks of Chantix treatment to further increase the likelihood of 
long-term smoking cessation.
In clinical trials, the most common adverse effects of Chantix were nausea, 
headache, vomiting, flatulence (gas), insomnia, abnormal dreams, and dysgeusia 
(change in taste perception).
Chantix is manufactured and distributed by Pfizer, Inc., New York, NY.

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[cia-drugs] Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy

2006-05-14 Thread Jim Rarey

Former Reagan economist exposes the Bush administration's 
radical departure from fundamental conservative principles
And explains why it may cost the GOP the presidency and 
its congressional majority
Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan 
by Bruce Bartlett
George W. Bush is widely considered -- by 
liberals -- to be one of the most politically conservative presidents in 
history. But many on the right have a different perspective. Among the latter 
are Bruce Bartlett, a highly respected Republican economist and an alumnus of 
the Reagan White House, who in 2000 was an eager supporter of George W. Bush 
(and even helped to craft the President's early tax cuts) but has since become 
disillusioned by his big-spending, government-expanding ways. Now, in 
Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan 
Legacy, Bartlett attacks the Bush administration's economic performance root 
and branch -- showing how Bush has made no effort to restrain the growth of 
government, greatly increased domestic spending, created a new entitlement 
program for prescription drugs, failed to veto a single bill, and expanded both 
the size and scope of government in many ways quite apart from national defense 
and homeland security. Bartlett also explains why the Bush policies will have 
serious economic consequences for the country - and possibly fatal political 
consequences for the GOP.

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[cia-drugs] Gang attacks on Brazilian police leave 30 dead

2006-05-14 Thread Jim Rarey

These are the kind of gang members infiltrating the 
U.S. illegally and hooking up with Al Queda and Mexican gangs.
Feeling safer? jr







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  Gang attacks on Brazilian police leave 30 dead
  SAO PAULO, Brazil (Reuters) -- Overnight 
  gang attacks on Brazilian police in Sao Paulo left 30 people dead by 
  Saturday morning, and in a related occurrence the number of prison 
  rebellions is growing in the worst outbreak of violence in the state in 
  "This attack is an attempt to show force and principally to mess with 
  the sense of safety among the population," Saulo de Abreu, the secretary 
  of security of Sao Paulo state, said. "The police will not retreat from 
  these attacks."
  He said 16 people had been arrested for alleged participation in the 
  attacks. (Watch why the gangs and police are 
  fighting -- 1:52)
  A spokesman at the secretariat said the roughly 12 hours of attacks 
  with machine guns and grenades were believed to be related to a transfer 
  in the jails of organized crime leaders of the First Command of the 
  Capital gang, known as the PCC in Portuguese.
  The gang leaders were being transferred in an attempt to head off a 
  coordinated rebellion in the Sao Paulo state prison system planned for 
  Mothers Day weekend.
  Two prison rebellions in the cities of Iaras and Avare broke out on 
  Friday in Sao Paulo state with over 25 hostages between them, the 
  secretariat of penitentiary administration said. They are ongoing.
  The secretariat said there were also signs that rebellions were 
  breaking out in 20 other prisons across the state, including Araraquara 
  and Ribeirao Preto, but it was waiting for more details.
  "Evidently these rebellions are occurring as a response from the 
  criminals," Secretary of Penitentiary Administration Nagashi Furukawa 
  said. The secretariat said prisoners had made no demands at this 
  In February of 2001, 29 prisons in the state of Sao Paulo 
  simultaneously broke out into revolt, leaving 19 dead.
  Officials said there were 55 separate attacks on police, firemen, 
  penitentiary staff and their families since Friday evening and several 
  other potentially related incidences of violence in the state were being 
  By midday Saturday, 16 police, three civil guards, four off-duty 
  penitentiary agents, two civilians and five bandits had been killed in the 
  attacks. The state secretary of security had said earlier on Saturday that 
  32 people were wounded in the shootouts.
  Local TV footage showed scenes of shattered glass, bullet-hole-riddled 
  police cars and stations with puddles of blood in seats and on the 
  Copyright 2006 Reuters. All rights 
  reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or 






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[cia-drugs] U.S. alerting Mexico to Minuteman patrols

2006-05-09 Thread Jim Rarey


What do we call this, official 
treason? What else have Bush and Fox agreed to circumvent our laws? JR We need to coin a new word for 


  Tuesday, May 9, 2006
  USAU.S. alerting Mexicoto Minuteman 
  patrols'Unbelievable that our own government 
  …is sending intelligence to another country'
  Posted: May 9, 200611:37 a.m. Eastern

volunteerThe U.S. Border Patrol is 
  tipping off Mexican authorities on the positions of members of the Minuteman 
  civilian patrols. 
  U.S. officials have agreed to the notification process to reassure the 
  Mexican government that the illegal immigrants' rights are being observed, 
  the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin of Ontario, Calif., reports. 
  When the Minuteman and other civilian border patrol groups help 
  apprehend illegal immigrants, the Mexican government must be notified, 
  according to three documents on the Mexican 
  Secretary of Foreign Relations website. 

  A U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman confirmed to the Daily 
  Bulletin the notification process, describing it as a standard procedure. 
  "It's not a secret where the Minuteman volunteers are going to be," 
  Mario Martinez said. 
  "This ... simply makes two basic statements – that we will not allow 
  any lawlessness of any type, and that if an alien is encountered by a 
  Minuteman or arrested by the Minuteman, then we will allow that government 
  to interview the person." 
  But angered Minuteman members say the reporting virtually nullifies 
  their effectiveness and could endanger lives. 
  "Now we know why it seemed like Mexican officials knew where we were 
  all the time," Chris Simcox, founder of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, 
  told the Ontario paper. 
  "It's unbelievable that our own government agency is sending 
  intelligence to another country," he said. "They are sending intelligence 
  to a nation where corruption runs rampant, and that could be getting into 
  the hands of criminal cartels. 
  "They just basically endangered the lives of American people." 
  Martinez said any illegal alien 
  apprehended has the right to request counsel. 
  "We have to give their counsel the information about their 
  apprehension, and that includes where they are apprehended, whether a 
  Minuteman volunteer spotted them or a citizen," he said. 
  The spokesman said by entering into the cooperative agreement, the 
  Border Patrol hoped to change Mexico's perception of the group as 
  One of the documents on the website, "Actions of the Mexican Government 
  in Relation to the Activities of Vigilante Groups," describes a meeting 
  with San Diego Border Patrol sector chief Darryl Griffen. 
  According to the document, Griffen "said that the Border Patrol will 
  not permit any violence or any actions contrary to the law by the groups, 
  and he is continuously aware of (the volunteer organizations') 
  The document continues: "Mr. Griffen reiterated to the undersecretary 
  his promise to notify the General Consul right away when the vigilantes 
  detain or participate in the detention of any undocumented Mexicans." 
  The documents name the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps and the Chino, 
  Calif.-based Friends of the Border Patrol. 
  TJ Bonner, president of the 10,000-member union National Border Patrol 
  Council, told the Daily Bulletin his member agents have complained for 
  years about the Mexican government "unduly influencing our enforcement 
  "That's not a legitimate role for any foreign nation," he said. 
  The Minuteman 
  weblog said the Daily Bulletin's story "does not report information 
  told to the [Minuteman] media offices that the Border Patrol chiefs have 
  also been passing along intelligence reports to the government of Mexico 
  on the activities of Minutemen not only at the borders, but in locations 
  such as Utah, Nevada, Illinois, Massachusetts and Tennessee." 
  The weblog said one report contained estimated chapter membership 
  numbers of Minutemen in Illinois and a statement on activities. The report 
  noted the group didn't seem to know any politicians there, indicating the 
  Illinois Minutemen had not acquired political clout. 
  The Minuteman blog commented: "That is not a report on the location of 
  Minutemen at the border, but political intelligence from our government to 
  a foreign nation about the activities of American citizens petitioning our 
  own government for redress of 

[cia-drugs] Fw: Passing On As Received

2006-05-06 Thread Jim Rarey
Title: Message

- Original Message - 
From: Dorothy 

Subject: Fw: Passing On As Received

like to add, "amen" and well worded.
Me too, Jim
Subject: Thoughts on 
Immigration from a Teacher's Husband 

Passing on as 
Something You Won't Read About In the Papers During the Immigration 

As you all listen to 
the news about the student protests over illegal immigration there are some 
things that you should be aware of.
My wife is in charge 
of the English-as-a-second-language department at large southern California high school 
which is designated a Title 1 school, meaning that its students average lower 
socio-economic and income levels. Most of the schools you are hearing about 
South Gate High, Bell Gardens, Huntington Park, etc., 
where these students are protesting are also Title 1 schools.
My wife tells me that 
100% of the students in her school and other Title 1 schools are on the free 
breakfast, free lunch program. When I say free breakfast I' m not talking a 
glass of milk and roll... but a full breakfast and cereal bar with fruits and 
juices that would make a Marriott proud. The waste of this food is monumental, 
with trays and trays of it being dumped in the trash uneaten. She estimates that 
well over 50% of these students are obese or at least moderately overweight. 
About 75% or more DO have cell phones.
The school also 
provides day care centers for the unwed teenage pregnant girls (some as young as 
13) so they can attend class without the inconvenience of having to arrange for 
babysitters or having family watch their kids.
She was ordered to 
spend $700,000 on her department or risk losing funding for the upcoming year 
even though there was little need for anything; her budget was already 
substantial. She ended up buying new computers for their computer learning 
center. Half of which, one month later, have been carved with graffiti by the 
appreciative students who obviously feel humbled and grateful to have a free 
education in America.
She has had to 
intervene several times for young and substitute teachers whose classes consist 
of many illegal immigrant students here in the country less then 3 months who 
raised so much hell with the female teachers, calling them "Putas"--whores--and 
throwing things that the teachers were in tears.
Free medical, free 
education, free food, day care etc.. etc.. etc.. Is itany wonder they feel 
entitled to not only be in this country but to demand rights, privileges and 
To my 
bleeding-heart liberal friends who want to point out how much these 
illegal immigrants contribute to our society because they LIKE their gardener 
and housekeeper and they like to pay less for tomatoes: spend some time in the 
real world of illegal immigration and see the TRUE costs. Higher insurance, 
Medical facilities closing, higher medical , more crime , lower standards of 
education in our schools , overcrowding, new diseases etc.. etc.. etc.. For 
me--- I 'll pay more for tomatoes.
We need to wake up. 
The guest worker program will be a disaster because we won't have the guts to 
enforce it. Does anyone in their right mind eally 
think they will leave and return voluntarily?
There are many 
hardworking Hispanic/American citizens that contribute to our country and many 
that I consider my true friends. We should encourage and accept those Hispanics 
who have done it the right and legal way. It does, however, have everything to 
do with culture. A third-world culture that does not value education, that 
accepts children getting pregnant and dropping out of school by 15 and that 
refuses to assimilate... and an American culture that has become so weak and 
politically correct that we don't have the will to do anything about 

If this makes your 
blood boil, as it did mine, forward this to everyone you 

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[cia-drugs] CDC Says 300,000 Children Have Autism

2006-05-06 Thread Jim Rarey

CDC Says 300,000 Children Have Autism
Number May Be Higher, and Cause Is Not Known (or not wiling to be 
admitted jr)

May 4, 2006 — - Three hundred thousand children. That's how 
many the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports suffer from autism. 
It has remained a baffling and often devastating disorder, and the new numbers 
show how widespread it is.
The CDC reported that 5.7 children out of every thousand -- one in 175 -- 
have the problem. And the total may be higher because many doctors do not 
recognize the early warning signs.
"Many children are not diagnosed with autism until they reach school age. And 
we need to change that," said Dr. Jose Cordero, director of the CDC's National 
Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities.
In two CDC surveys, boys outnumbered girls by four to one. Hispanic children 
seemed to have slightly lower rates of the disorder, though researchers say they 
may have less access to health care and are therefore reported less often.
Babies and toddlers with autism may seem healthy, playing and pointing and 
babbling. Then they may begin to withdraw, sometimes losing what speech they 
have learned, sometimes making repetitive motions, often losing the ability to 
respond to common social cues.
But the first signs can be subtle and easily overlooked by parents.
"Children with autism do show affectionate behavior," said Wendy Stone, a 
child psychologist at Vanderbilt University and the author of "Does My Child 
Have Autism?"
"They can show attachments," she said. "Social behavior is not a pervasive, 
all-or-nothing thing. It's a matter of degree."
That's a critical matter, because specialists say that while there is no 
cure, there are types of behavioral therapy that work best if you start early -- 
and you cannot start early unless you realize there is a problem.
"We do know that early intervention really does make remarkable differences 
in the outcomes for these children," Stone said.
The new report could not say whether autism rates are going up, but many 
doctors and parents believe they are. By the end of the year, researchers hope 
to complete an Atlanta-based study, showing whether there has been an upward 
The CDC, at least for now, did not address the question of what 
causes autism. Researchers generally believe there is a genetic factor -- autism 
does run in families -- but there may be more at work as well. Some advocacy 
groups believe certain preservatives (i.e. mercury jr)in childhood vaccines may 
play a role, and the issue has become highly controversial.
In 2005, a combating autism bill was introduced by members of the Senate and 
House. It would mandate expenditures of $110 million a year for the next five 
years to advance research, screening and treatment. But it has been stalled in 
committee for a year.
"For eight years I've had parents and clinicians coming to me, saying we have 
an epidemic of autism, and many people in government are reluctant to accept 
that," said Rep. Dave Weldon, a Florida Republican who has worked on the issue. 
"I think the prospects for its passing are better, now that the CDC has really, 
finally admitted that we have an epidemic." 

Copyright © 2006 ABC News Internet Ventures

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[cia-drugs] Dateline's Sting Backfires

2006-05-01 Thread Jim Rarey


Sting Backfires By Roger Aronoff | May 1, 2006 
Witnessing is one thing; staging is another.  

It looks like Katie Couric cut her ties with NBC just in time. The day she 
ended the suspense for what she called the "worst kept secret"-that she was 
moving to CBS to become the evening news anchor and 60 Minutes contributor-NBC 
was exposed for deceitful "investigative" reporting. What happened sounds like a 
treatment for a new show called, perhaps, "Candid Camera: Fear Factor 
Columnist and blogger Michelle Malkin broke this 
story when she was forwarded an email from someone who had been asked by 
NBC's Dateline to help them find people who "look like Muslims" to participate 
in a little sting operation against what NBC considered white crackers. They 
brought a crew and some Muslim men to Martinsville Speedway in Virginia to see 
how NASCAR fans would react.
When challenged by NASCAR officials about their story, Dateline defended its 
actions: "Dateline is not planning a story about NASCAR. We are following up on 
a recent poll and other articles indicating an increase in anti-Muslim sentiment 
in the United States. We are curious about whether that is true. The NASCAR race 
at Martinsville was a stop we have made in our research on this story."
NASCAR officials were angry when they found out that Dateline had brought in 
some Muslims to attend the race in Virginia. A spokesman for NASCAR said the 
group walked around outside the track, but got no reaction from the fans.
"It's outrageous that a news organization like NBC would seek to create the 
news instead of reporting the news," said the spokesman.
NBC replied that "There is nothing new about the technique of witnessing the 
experience of someone who might be discriminated against in a public 
Witnessing is one thing; staging is another. You would think they would have 
learned that after Dateline's most famous fiasco, the 1992 incident in which they rigged a 
test to demonstrate that GM pickup trucks with side fuel-tanks were "firebombs 
waiting to explode" in a side-impact collision. They had attached 
remote-controlled devices designed to set off the explosions. They ended up 
apologizing and firing several producers responsible for the actions.
Interestingly, NBC, along with TNT, spent over a billion dollars for the 
rights to broadcast NASCAR races for the past six years. This is the final year 
of the contract.
I recently attended my first NASCAR event, the Daytona 500. A friend of mine 
was part of the TV crew, and invited me down with a "backstage pass." It was 
described affectionately to me as "The Redneck Woodstock," a "cultural" event 
not to be missed. I found the massive crowd of some 300,000 people to be a broad 
cross-section of society, and very friendly.
Clearly, NBC was hoping to find some dramatic footage of the NASCAR nation, 
regularly identified as a core constituency for George W. Bush and conservatives 
in general, exhibiting a bigoted hostility toward innocent Muslims minding their 
own business.
The blogosphere has had a field day with this. One suggested that they hire 
several white-looking Americans to wear George Bush T-shirts and mingle at a 
Cindy Sheehan rally and see how the crowd treated them. But don't count on it. 
That's not the kind of "profiling" that appeals to Dateline's producers.

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[cia-drugs] PA 7: Weldon Alleges Challenger Has Improper CIA Ties

2006-05-01 Thread Jim Rarey


The Clinton national security team are frantcally 
fighting allowing Able Danger veterans from testifying in a public hearing. They 
hope they can stall until the November elections and defeat of Weldon would 
remove a threat to expose their criminal handling of terrorists' 911 plan named 
"Bojinka" which most of them knew about a couple of years beore 

PA 7: Weldon Alleges Challenger Has Improper CIA 
By Shawn Zeller  |  7:01 PM; Apr. 28, 2006 

Veteran Rep. Curt Weldon has a proclivity for calling out shady government 
doings that have him in mind as a principal target. A year ago, for example, 
after the No. 2 Republican on the House Armed Services Committee published 
“Countdown to Terror,” a frontal assault on the CIA’s track record before Sept. 
11, he claimed that Clinton administration veterans with ties to the agency were 
out to get him.
So it’s not surprising that as Weldon girds for the most difficult 
re-election bid during his two decades representing the Philadelphia suburbs, 
his campaign is alleging that the CIA is probably abetting the opposition. Last 
month, his campaign manager Michael Puppio Jr. announced that Weldon’s expected 
Democratic opponent, Joe Sestak, a former Navy vice admiral, had taken campaign 
contributions from Mary McCarthy, the CIA operative recently fired for allegedly 
leaking secret information to the media. McCarthy, who was specifically accused 
of being a source for The Washington Post’s Pulitzer Prize-winning story on 
secret CIA prisons overseas, has denied that charge through her lawyer.

The media also has raised suspicions in the Weldon camp. The reporter on the 
Post article, Dana Priest, wrote a piece last year about Weldon’s book that the 
congressman viewed as critical.
It’s just a question of following the money, says Puppio. “What’s a CIA 
analyst doing giving money to a partisan political candidate?” he asks. “I’m not 
sure she violated any laws, but then when that analyst is alleged to have leaked 
information to a reporter who in turn is extremely critical of Curt Weldon, that 
raises some big questions.”
So far Sestak is mounting one of the stronger challenges among the military 
veterans recruited by the Democrats this year.
Clinton-era officials, including onetime National Security Advisor Sandy 
Berger and CIA Director John Deutch, have lent fundraising assistance to Sestak, 
who had worked with them when he did a tour on the National Security Council 
The race is off to a nasty start. Last month, Weldon tried to make an issue 
of the medical treatment for the challenger’s 4-year-old daughter, Alexandra 
Sestak, who suffers from brain cancer. Her dad should have taken her to a 
Pennsylvania or Delaware hospital instead of one in Washington, Weldon said. 
Puppio says the comment was misinterpreted.
Sestak spokeswoman Allison Price says her candidate just wants to get back to 
issues important to the voters. “We have repeatedly urged Curt to address the 
issues of the campaign,” she says. “We don’t get the conspiracy issues with him. 
We don’t understand what goes on in Curt’s mind.”
This story is scheduled to appear in the May 1 issue of CQ Weekly. For more 
information about CQ Weekly, please visit CQ.com.

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[cia-drugs] Clinton Nat'l Security Team Targets Curt Weldon

2006-04-27 Thread Jim Rarey


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:13 a.m. 
Clinton Nat'l Security Team Targets Curt 

High-ranking members of Bill Clinton's national security team have joined 
together to defeat Pennsylvania Republican Curt Weldon's House re-election bid 
this November - in what looks like retaliation for Weldon's efforts in exposing 
the Clinton administration's Able Danger scandal. 
In June 2005, Weldon went public with news that Clinton administration 
lawyers prevented the Defense Intelligence Agency's Able Danger group from 
blowing the whistle on two al-Qaida terrorists who would later pilot the planes 
that destroyed the World Trade Center. 
Though the media downplayed Weldon's bombshell, a number of high ranking 
Clinton officials apparently haven't forgotten - and they're pouring money into 
the campaign of Weldon's opponent, Joe Sestak. 
According to the Philadelphia Inquirer: 

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has given $500 to Sestak. 

Disgraced former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger has given Weldon's 
opponent $1,000. 

Disgraced ex-Clinton CIA director John Deutch gave $500. 

Former Clinton Navy secretary John Dalton ponied up $500 to defeat Weldon. 

Former White House Chief of Staff John Podesta - $300. 

Berger's predecessor as national security adviser, Anthony Lake - $500. 

Even Hillary Clinton has gotten into the act, contributing $2,500 to defeat 
Curt Weldon. 


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[cia-drugs] Fw: [Power Hour II] Great Set Of Immigration Laws

2006-04-26 Thread Jim Rarey

Guess what country has the laws.

 Subject: Great Set Of Immigration Laws

 Please read all the way to the bottom.

1. If you migrate to this county, you must speak the native language.
 2. You have to be a professional or an investor. No unskilled workers
 3. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no
 ballots for elections, all government business will be conducted in our
 4. Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they
 5. Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political office.
 6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no 
 stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs.
 7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount 
 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.
 8. If foreigners do come and want to buy land that will be okay, BUT
 will be restricted. You are not allowed waterfront property. That is
 for citizens naturally born into this country.
 9. Foreigners may not protest; no demonstrations, no waving a foreign
 flag, no
 political organizing, no bad-mouthing our president or his policies, if
 you do
 you will be sent home.
 10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be hunted down 
 straight to jail.

 Harsh, you say? The above laws happen to be the immigration laws of

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[cia-drugs] Fw: [Power Hour II] There IS a problem with global warming?... it stopped in 1998

2006-04-26 Thread Jim Rarey

Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 9:34 PM
Subject: There IS a problem with global warming... it stopped 
in 1998
There IS a problem with global warming... it stopped in 
1998By Bob Carter(Filed: 09/04/2006)For many years now, 
human-caused climate change has been viewed as a large and urgent problem. 
In truth, however, the biggest part of the problem is neither environmental 
nor scientific, but a self-created political fiasco. Consider the simple 
fact, drawn from the official temperature records of the Climate Research 
Unit at the University of East Anglia, that for the years 1998-2005 global 
average temperature did not increase (there was actually a slight 
decrease, though not at a rate that differs significantly from 
zero).Yes, you did read that right. And also, yes, this 
eight-year period of temperature stasis did coincide with society's 
continued power station and SUV-inspired pumping of yet more carbon dioxide 
into the atmosphere.In response to these facts, a global warming 
devotee will chuckle and say "how silly to judge climate change over such a 
short period". Yet in the next breath, the same person will assure you 
that the 28-year-long period of warming which occurred between 1970 and 1998 
constitutes a dangerous (and man-made) warming. Tosh. Our devotee will also 
pass by the curious additional facts that a period of similar warming 
occurred between 1918 and 1940, well prior to the greatest phase of world 
industrialisation, and that cooling occurred between 1940 and 1965, at 
precisely the time that human emissions were increasing at their greatest 
rate.Does something not strike you as odd here? That industrial 
carbon dioxide is not the primary cause of earth's recent decadal-scale 
temperature changes doesn't seem at all odd to many thousands of independent 
scientists. They have long appreciated - ever since the early 1990s, when 
the global warming bandwagon first started to roll behind the gravy train of 
the UN Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - that such 
short-term climate fluctuations are chiefly of natural origin. Yet the 
public appears to be largely convinced otherwise. How is this 
possible?Since the early 1990s, the columns of many leading 
newspapers and magazines, worldwide, have carried an increasing stream of 
alarmist letters and articles on hypothetical, human-caused climate 
change. Each such alarmist article is larded with words such as "if", 
"might", "could", "probably", "perhaps", "expected", "projected" or 
"modelled" - and many involve such deep dreaming, or ignorance of scientific 
facts and principles, that they are akin to nonsense.The problem 
here is not that of climate change per se, but rather that of the 
sophisticated scientific brainwashing that has been inflicted on the public, 
bureaucrats and politicians alike. Governments generally choose not to 
receive policy advice on climate from independent scientists. Rather, they 
seek guidance from their own self-interested science bureaucracies and 
senior advisers, or from the IPCC itself. No matter how accurate it may 
be, cautious and politically non-correct science advice is not welcomed 
in Westminster, and nor is it widely reported.Marketed under the 
imprimatur of the IPCC, the bladder-trembling and now infamous hockey-stick 
diagram that shows accelerating warming during the 20th century - a 
statistical construct by scientist Michael Mann and co-workers from mostly 
tree ring records - has been a seminal image of the climate scaremongering 
campaign. Thanks to the work of a Canadian statistician, Stephen McIntyre, 
and others, this graph is now known to be deeply flawed.There 
are other reasons, too, why the public hears so little in detail from those 
scientists who approach climate change issues rationally, the so-called 
climate sceptics. Most are to do with intimidation against speaking out, 
which operates intensely on several parallel fronts.First, most 
government scientists are gagged from making public comment on contentious 
issues, their employing organisations instead making use of public relations 
experts to craft carefully tailored, frisbee-science press releases. Second, 
scientists are under intense pressure to conform with the prevailing 
paradigm of climate alarmism if they wish to receive funding for their 
research. Third, members of the Establishment have spoken declamatory 
words on the issue, and the kingdom's subjects are expected to 
listen.On the alarmist campaign trail, the UK's Chief Scientific 
Adviser, Sir David King, is thus reported as saying that global warming 
is so bad that Antarctica is likely to be the world's only habitable 
continent by the end of this century. Warming devotee and former Chairman of 
Shell, Lord [Ron] Oxburgh, reportedly agrees with another rash statement of 
King's, that climate change is a bigger threat than terrorism. And goodly 
Archbishop Rowan Williams, who self-evidently understands little about the 

[cia-drugs] The Post and the Phony AIDS Crisis

2006-04-25 Thread Jim Rarey


The Post 
and the Phony AIDS Crisis By Cliff Kincaid | April 25, 2006 
What the Post didn't acknowledge is the role it played in 
this fiasco.  

It came almost two years after the Boston Globe exposed it, but the 
Washington Post on April 6 acknowledged that the number of HIV/AIDS cases in 
Africa has been grossly exaggerated by the United Nations in order to generate 
money through the world body to spend on the disease. In an April 10 editorial, 
the Post admitted, "The United Nations' credibility on AIDS will now suffer." So 
should the credibility of the media for taking the world organization 
The Post editorial declared, "It's been clear for a while that UNAIDS, the 
agency responsible for these statistics, was reluctant to contemplate good 
strategies for fighting AIDS lest these undermine global support for expanded 
funding." The Post found the U.N. guilty of publishing "dubious AIDS data."
The FAIR Foundation, which stands for Fair Allocations in 
Research, had known about and exposed the dubious data. On its website, it 
highlighted how the UN AIDS office, the World Health Organization (WHO), the 
National Institutes of Health, and AIDS activists "continually speak of AIDS 
decimating the world and use that argument to argue for more research funding." 
It had posted the John Donnelly Boston Globe article of June 20, 2004, 
explaining how the figures had been exaggerated.
"Recent studies in Kenya have confirmed millions of Africans previously 
thought to have AIDS are disease free," noted the FAIR Foundation. In Kenya, as the BCC 
reported on January 9, 2004, estimates had put the figure at 15 percent, 
when a subsequent survey found only 6.7 percent infected.
That's January 9, 2004—more than two years before the Post published its 
correction of the record.
What the Post didn't acknowledge is the role it played in this fiasco. But 
writing in Human Events, Tom Bethell commented, "Back in 2000, the Washington Post was one of the 
main sources of hype about AIDS in Africa."
He explains: "The wildly exaggerated claims promoted by the mainstream media 
created an atmosphere of crisis. Guided by U.N. Ambassador Richard Holbrooke and 
Secretary of State Albright, the Clinton Administration took the issue of 
impending population collapse to the U.N. Security Council. African countries 
weren't going to be able to field armies or defend themselves because so many 
young men would soon be on their death beds."
Bethell says his new book, the Politically Incorrect Guide to Science, 
deals with this manufactured "crisis" over AIDS.

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[cia-drugs] Dana Priest Needs A Priest

2006-04-25 Thread Jim Rarey


Move over Dan Rather. Make room for Dana Priest in 
journalism's hall of shame. jr

Dana Priest 
Needs A Priest By Cliff Kincaid | April 25, 2006 
So the best defense of the Priest story is that, despite 
the evidence to the contrary, it may someday turn out to be true. Is this enough 
to justify a Pulitzer?  

Dana Priest of the Washington Post won her Pulitzer Prize, but then the roof 
fell in on her. With the allegation that a key source for her "secret prisons" 
story was a partisan anti-Bush political operative in the agency, Mary O. 
McCarthy, the Sweetness 
 Light website has led the way in highlighting information about 
Priest's husband, left-wing activist William Goodfellow. He is the executive 
director of the Center for International Policy (CIP), which is dedicated to 
advancing a "liberal internationalist agenda." The CIP boasts that Goodfellow 
"took up the fight" against President Bush's nomination of John Bolton as 
ambassador to the United Nations. The group's' summer 2005 newsletter urges 
freedom of travel to communist Cuba, a "pragmatic approach" to communist North 
Korea, and the defeat of a plan to assist the government of Colombia in its war 
with Marxist terrorists. Goodfellow, of course, is not the issue. 
Whether she agrees with her husband or not, the main point is that there's no 
reason to believe the essence of Priest's "secret prisons" story was true. And 
that's why her prize ought to be returned.The Post is desperate to avoid 
discussing this. Howard Kurtz, media reporter for the Post, declared during an 
on-line discussion of the controversy on April 24 that "…the 
thing that some critics [of Priest] are missing is that the story was true." 
He's taking the party line. This has to remain the party line because if the 
story is not true, there's absolutely no justification for Priest retaining the 
Pulitzer. The Post fears that it may have to give back the award, in the same 
way it returned the Pulitzer awarded to reporter Janet Cooke for a story about a 
child heroin addict who turned out not to exist. Kurtz, being someone who is 
supposed to cover his own paper objectively, ignores the evidence and should 
know better. His cover-up suggests a major crisis is enveloping the paper, on 
the eve of the Post's May 11 annual shareholders meeting. The evidence 
is that Dick Marty, on behalf of the Council of Europe, after a major 
investigation, declared that "At this stage of the investigations, there is 
no formal, irrefutable evidence of the existence of secret CIA detention 
centers" in Europe. Gijs de Vries, the counterterrorism chief of the European 
Union, has said that he had not been able to prove that secret CIA prisons 
existed in Europe. "We've heard all kinds of allegations," he said. "It does not 
appear to be proven beyond reasonable doubt." I could find no reference to the 
Vries findings in the Post.So the best defense of the Priest story is 
that, despite the evidence to the contrary, it may someday turn out to be true. 
Is this enough to justify a Pulitzer? If so, the standards of journalism have 
declined dramatically.In light of the McCarthy firing, however, the 
common sense question becomes: how could such a story, reportedly provided by a 
CIA source with access to classified information, be false? The answer is that 
the story was embellished, either by Priest or her "sources." McCarthy, even if 
she was a source, had no control over the final product. The bold but misleading 
headline over the Priest article was "CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret 
Prisons," but the names of particular countries allegedly assisting the U.S. 
were withheld because of official concern over the damage that could be done to 
U.S. foreign policy. However, some countries were subsequently named by certain 
U.S. liberal "human rights" groups—the kinds of groups on the same side of the 
political spectrum as William Goodfellow's Center for International 
Policy.Using various sensational rhetorical formulations, Priest's 
tabloid treatment of the controversy included calling it a "covert prison 
system," a "hidden global internment network," and a "secret detention system." 
Later in the article, she did use the phrase, "secret prisons," to refer to 
where terrorists may have been held. She also referred to the CIA using "a 
Soviet-era compound in Eastern Europe," a clear attempt to imply that the U.S. 
had established a system of gulags.The sensationalist nature of the 
piece may help explain why McCarthy is denying through intermediaries that she 
was the source of the story. Perhaps she does not want to be associated with a 
flawed product. Being the alleged source of the story would not only expose her 
to criminal prosecution over illegally disclosing classified information, it 
would make it look as if she was dispensing disinformation, since the "secret 
prisons" have not been proven to exist. McCarthy made the 


2006-04-19 Thread Jim Rarey

It's about time the stockholders remind their hired 
hands who owhs the company.


April 19, 2006 -- Wachovia shareholders 
voted yesterday to cap future severance payments for top executives 
of the No. 4 U.S. bank, ignoring management's protests. 
The measure, proposed by the Trowel Trades SP 500 Index Fund 
of Detroit, will limit benefits paid to departing executives at 2.99 
times their base salary plus bonus. 
Cutting severance packages could help in "insulating the board of 
directors from manipulation" when senior execs are fired, Trowel 
Trades wrote in the submission for its proposal before Wachovia's 
general meeting in Charlotte, N.C. 

  NEW YORK POST is a registered trademark of NYP 
  trademarks of NYP Holdings, Inc. Copyright 2006 NYP Holdings, Inc. All 
  rights reserved. 

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[cia-drugs] Lie down with strippers, wake up with pleas

2006-04-19 Thread Jim Rarey



  Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Lie down with strippers, wake up with 
  Posted: April 19, 20066:30 p.m. Eastern
  By Ann 
©2006Ann Coulter 
  However the Duke lacrosse rape case turns out, one lesson that 
  absolutely will not be learned is this: You can severely reduce your 
  chances of having a false accusation of rape leveled against you if you 
  don't hire strange women to come to your house and take their clothes off 
  for money. 
  Also, you can severely reduce your chances of being raped if you do not 
  go to strange men's houses and take your clothes off for money. (Does 
  anyone else detect a common thread here?) 

  And if you are a girl in Aruba or New York City, among the best ways to 
  avoid being the victim of a horrible crime is to not get drunk in public 
  or go off in a car with men you just met. While we're on the subject of 
  things every 5-year-old should know, I also recommend against dousing 
  yourself in gasoline and striking a match. 
  Everyone makes mistakes, especially young people, but the outpouring of 
  support for the victims and their families is obscuring what ought to be a 
  flashing neon warning for potential future victims. 
  Whenever a gun is used in a crime, there are never-ending news stories 
  about how dangerous guns are. But these girls go out alone, late at night, 
  drunk off their butts, and there's nary a peep about the dangers of drunk 
  women on their own in public. It's their "right." 
  Yes, of course no one "deserves" to die for a mistake. Or to be raped 
  or falsely accused of rape for a mistake. I have always been unabashedly 
  anti-murder, anti-rape and anti-false accusation – and I don't care who 
  knows about it! 
  But these statements would roll off the tongue more easily in a world 
  that so much as tacitly acknowledged that all these messy turns of fate 
  followed behavior that your mother could have told you was tacky. 
  Not very long ago, all the precursor behavior in these cases would have 
  been recognized as vulgar – whether or not anyone ended up dead, raped or 
  falsely accused of rape. But in a nation of people in constant terror of 
  being perceived as "judgmental," I'm not sure most people do recognize 
  that anymore. 
  It shouldn't be necessary to point out that girls shouldn't be 
  bar-hopping alone or taking their clothes off in front of strangers, and 
  that young men shouldn't be hiring strippers. But we live in a world of 
  Bill Clinton, Paris Hilton, Howard Stern, Julia Roberts in "Pretty Woman," 
  Democratic fund-raisers at the Playboy Mansion and tax deductions for 
  entertaining clients at strip clubs. 
  This is an age in which the _expression_ "girls gone wild" is becoming a 
  redundancy. So even as the bodies pile up, I don't think the message about 
  integrity is getting through. 
  The liberal charge of "hypocrisy" has so permeated the public 
  consciousness that no one is willing to condemn any behavior anymore, no 
  matter how seedy. The unstated rule is: If you've done it, you can't ever 
  criticize it – a standard that would seem to repudiate the good works of 
  the Rev. Franklin Graham, Malcolm X, Whittaker Chambers and St. Paul, 
  among others. 
  Every woman who has had an abortion feels compelled to defend abortion 
  for all women; every man who's ever been at a party with strippers thinks 
  he has to defend all men who watch strippers; and every Democrat who voted 
  for Bill Clinton feels the need to defend duplicity, adultery, lying about 
  adultery, sexual harassment, rape, perjury, obstruction of justice, 
  kicking the can of global Islamo-fascism down the road for eight years and 
  so on. 
  This is crazy. (I can say that because I've never been diagnosed with a 
  psychiatric disorder. Although I did test positive for "Olympic fever" 
  In no area except morality would a sane person believe he can't 
  criticize something stupid because he's done it. How about: If you've ever 
  forgotten to fill up your car and run out of gas, you must forevermore 
  defend a person's right to ignore the gas gauge. Or if you've ever 
  forgotten to wear a coat in cold weather and caught a cold, henceforth you 
  are obliged to encourage others not to dress appropriately in the winter. 
  This deep-seated societal fear of being accused of "hypocrisy" applies 
  only to behavior touching on morals. 
  But we're all rotten sinners, incapable of redemption on our own. The 
  liberal answer to sin is to say: I can never 

[cia-drugs] Reform's Knockout Act, Kept Out of the Ring

2006-04-18 Thread Jim Rarey


Did they realy mean to use it or was it just for 
show? jr

Reform's Knockout Act, Kept Out of the 

By Cindy SkrzyckiTuesday, April 18, 2006; D01

In the regulatory "reform" fervor that accompanied Republicans taking over 
Congress, the Congressional Review Act was supposed to be the ultimate weapon 
for curbing big government, the knockout punch for eliminating bad rules. But a 
recent review of the first 10 years of the law shows it often sits in a corner 
unused -- and even when unleashed, it misses more regulations than it hits.
The worry was that Congress delegated too much power to federal agencies to 
write rules to go along with the laws it passed. The CRA was designed to be a 
powerful oversight tool to get rid of rules that turned out substantially 
different than lawmakers anticipated.
The procedure allows nullification of a rule if both houses of Congress and 
the president disapprove of an agency action. A final rule's effective date is 
delayed for 60 days while Congress makes up its mind. But it has been used 
successfully only once, to kill a controversial ergonomics rule issued by the 
Clinton administration Labor Department to deal with repetitive-motion 
Since the law passed in 1996, 37 joint resolutions of disapproval relating to 
28 rules have been introduced, according to the Government Accountability 
Office . Only the ergonomic rule was voted on by both houses.
For example, the Senate disapproved a Federal Communications 
Commission rule concerning broadcast media ownership, but the House did not 
act on it. The Senate also went after a 2005 mad cow disease rule, but the House 
did not follow suit.
"The expectation was that Congress, through the CRA, would again become a 
major player influencing agency decision-making," said Morton Rosenberg , 
a specialist in American public law at the Congressional Research Service 
The main sponsor, former representative David M. McIntosh (R-Ind.), a 
champion of deregulation, envisioned the law as wresting back power from the 
agencies and the executive branch, which had become increasingly involved in 
regulatory policy and review. Former senator Don Nickles (R-Okla.) took 
charge of the legislation in the Senate.
The CRA has likely been kept out of the ring because the GOP gained control 
of the executive branch as well, starting in 2001, and because of the increased 
role the Office of Management and Budget has taken in reviewing rules 
under regulations czar John Graham .
The House Judiciary subcommittee on commercial and administrative law 
recently took a look at the history of the law, examining its usefulness -- or 
lack thereof -- and whether it needs to be changed to be more effective.
Rep. Chris Cannon (R-Utah), chairman of the subcommittee, said he saw 
the advantages and limitation of the law. "It was a good idea but very hard to 
execute. We haven't set up the proper procedures to make it work," he said in an 
Instead of eliminating rules, the law has generated a mountain of paperwork. 
Some 41,218 non-major rules and 610 major rules have been reported to Congress 
in the past decade. This means that copies of those rules had to be submitted to 
both houses of Congress and the GAO.
John V. Sullivan , the House parliamentarian, told the subcommittee 
that the flow of paper has tripled the "executive communications" with 
There are other ways to deal with unpopular rules. Members of Congress 
opposed to a regulatory initiative can seek to get its funding cut. Because 
there is no mechanism screening which rules go to Congress for review, the 
result is a deluge of rules tough for congressional staffers to digest and 
review. There is talk of creating a joint committee to recommend rules for 
disapproval or an office of independent regulatory analysis.
Peter Strauss , a law professor at Columbia University Law 
School , said he is not convinced the benefits outweigh the paper-pushing 
He particularly dislikes the aspect of the law that prevents an agency from 
adopting a similar rule after Congress disapproves the original rule. "What if a 
Labor secretary wants a rule now? What kind of risks will you run in doing that, 
and how will a court interpret that?" asked Strauss, referring to the ergonomic 
Gary Bass , executive director of OMB Watch , a public-interest 
group that monitors federal regulation, says there is simply no need for the 
review law. "If Congress was doing oversight effectively, you wouldn't need a 
CRA," Bass said.
The congressional staffers who worked on the legislation got together 
recently for a CRA lunch and reunion. Some of them conceded that Congress has 
lacked the will to use the mechanism.
"I expected it to be used more forcefully, and so did the sponsors," said 
Todd F. Gaziano , one of the principal drafters of the legislation and 
now a senior fellow 

[cia-drugs] Ethics Lapses by Federal Judges Persist, Review Finds

2006-04-18 Thread Jim Rarey


The findings show that new laws are needed to prevent abuse, said Douglas 
T. Kendall, executive director of Community Rights Counsel,




Ethics Lapses by Federal 
Judges Persist, Review FindsViolations Involve Stock Holdings And 
Free Trips
By Joe StephensWashington Post Staff WriterTuesday, 
April 18, 2006; A17

A number of federal judges have violated ethics rules in recent years by 
presiding over lawsuits while having a financial conflict. Others have failed to 
disclose that they traveled to resorts on expense-paid trips.
Interviews and documents reviewed by The Washington Post identified about a 
dozen such ethical lapses in recent years.
One category of problems involves stock holdings. In 2003, records show, 
federal appeals court judges issued rulings in at least seven lawsuits while 
they or their spouses owned stock in a company involved in the case or had other 
financial ties to a party in the disputes. The problem stock holdings ranged in 
value from a few thousand dollars to as much as $50,000. Federal law requires 
that judges remove themselves from any case in which they know they have any 
financial interest.
A second set of ethical lapses involves seminars held at resorts by a 
Montana-based group, the Foundation for Research on Economics and the 
Environment (FREE).
On at least six occasions from 2002 to 2004, federal judges accepted air 
travel, food and lodging from the libertarian foundation but did not list the 
gifts on their annual disclosure reports, as required by law, documents and 
interviews show. The seminars dealt with economics and the environment, but also 
offered the judges time for fishing, hiking and horseback riding.
The review found that some judges were repeat offenders: Previous 
investigations by The Post identified nearly identical ethical lapses involving 
two of the judges.
It is impossible to determine just how frequently judges violate ethics laws 
because public records are limited. A 1998 law allows judges to black out some 
or all information on disclosure reports before releasing them to the public. 
Also, many organizations keep confidential the names of judges who accept 
expense-paid trips, frustrating attempts to verify disclosure reports.
Ethics experts expressed surprise that such transgressions persist because 
court authorities reacted to earlier revelations of ethical violations with 
promises of reform.
"It seems to be a very blatant violation of the code of judicial ethics," 
said Jeffrey M. Shaman, a judicial ethicist at DePaul University.
Stephen Gillers, a specialist in legal ethics at New York University, said 
the study "goes to the heart of what a judge is understood to be."
"Congress says you cannot sit [on a case] if you or your spouse owns even one 
share" of stock, Gillers said. "It's the law, and judges have to obey it."
The findings show that new laws are needed to prevent abuse, said 
Douglas T. Kendall, executive director of Community Rights Counsel, 
a nonprofit Washington law firm that supplied The Post with documents outlining 
the problems.
"These problems are getting worse, not better, and it's because the judiciary 
hasn't taken some simple steps to make them go away," Kendall said.
Thomas F. Hogan, chief judge for the District of Columbia and chairman of the 
executive committee of the U.S. Judicial Conference, which oversees ethics 
issues, said in a statement that the lapses, while regrettable, are the 
exception, not the rule.
"The judiciary will continue its already widespread efforts to educate judges 
on their financial disclosure requirements and will develop additional tools to 
assist judges in identifying potential conflicts," Hogan said.
Earlier this year, Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (Vt.), ranking Democrat on the 
Judiciary Committee, introduced legislation to ban privately financed trips for 
federal judges and make it easier for the public to identify stock conflicts. A 
Leahy spokeswoman said the senator raised the issue last month with the Judicial 
In a statement, Leahy said, "Our judges must be beyond reproach -- in 
appearance and otherwise."Stock Conflicts
The stock conflicts found involved federal appeals judges; the study did not 
look at conflicts involving the much larger pool of trial-level judges.
Some of the judges said they missed conflicts involving subsidiaries of 
companies in their portfolios. Others said they were confused by cases with 
multiple players or unaware of a spouse's assets. Federal law directs judges to 
know their financial interests so they can quickly resolve conflicts.
Judge Bruce Selya of the 1st Circuit in Rhode Island held up to $15,000 in 
stock in the Federal National Mortgage Association in 2003 while participating 
in a lawsuit against the company. Selya sold the stock 

[cia-drugs] Skyscraper Safety Campaign calls on Pres. Bush to intervene at Ground Zero

2006-04-16 Thread Jim Rarey
Title: Skyscraper Safety Campaign calls on Pres. Bush to intervene at Ground Zero

- Original Message - 
From: monicagabrielle 
To: Monica Gabrielle 
Cc: Sally Regenhard ; Rosaleen Tallon 
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 12:34 PM
Subject: Skyscraper Safety Campaign calls on Pres. Bush to intervene 
at Ground Zero
For Immediate Release: April 14, 
2006Contact: Sally Regenhard 646-266-1987Jim 
McCaffrey 914-776-5737Rosaleen Tallon 
914-714-5515Monica Gabrielle 917-923-0556 
The Skyscraper Safety 
Campaign Responds to the 300 human remains found at Ground 
ZeroCondemns the LMDC for gross mishandling of 
remainsCalls on President George W. Bush to intervene  

The Skyscraper Safety Campaign, joined by 
other 9/11 family groups, was shocked and horrified to learn, not from the LMDC, 
but from sympathetic members of the NY media on Thursday evening, that 
after nearly five years, 300 human remains have been found at Ground Zero! 
As a result of the startling find of 74 human remains at the 
Deutsche bank building on April 1, and the delayed announcement by the 
LMDC, several family group leaders were deeply concerned. Rather than utilizing 
well meaning construction workers to look for remains, we insisted upon a 
professional approach consisting of forensic anthropologists, and 
full time teams from the office of the Medical Examiner to conduct the 
searches. We issued a press release calling for a complete investigation of not 
only the Deutsche bank, but all of the surrounding buildings which surely still 
contain remains. As usual, the LMDC ignored our initial 
pleas and requests, contacted only selected family members, 
misrepresented the statements of some group leaders,  ignored the 
public demands of other family members. The LMDC in all this time, has 
still not provided the type of staffing  OCME involvment we requested, has 
not issued the type of comprehensive policies, procedures, and written protocol 
that we insisted upon, and had issued no information to the families 
regarding the 300 remains until nearly two hours after the AP broke this 
horrendous story on April 13th..Therefore, the SSC and 
accompanying groups call for the LMDC to relinquish control of Ground Zero. 
We also call upon the federal government to immediately intervene at Ground 
Zero. The LMDC has not adequately consulted with family members, and maintains a 
hostile environment towards the interests and rights of the families. It is time 
for the federal government to step in, and we will call on President George W. 
Bush to assist the families of the victims regarding the human remains of their 
loved ones .We will initially call on President Bush to assist 
us by assigning The Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command's Central 
Identification Laboratory ( JPAC) to help the families of the victims of 
9/11 find and identify their loved ones. JPAC contains the largest 
forensic anthropology laboratory in the world and we hope that they may aid in 
identifying over 9.000 remains in the Medical Examiner's office plus the 
potential thousands of additional remains yet to be found in the buildings 
surrounding Ground Zero.A description of the protocol of the 
JPAC Central Identification Laboratory from the 
www.jpac.pacom.mil http://www.jpac.pacom.mil web 
site states: "...At a recovery site, the anthropologist directs the 
excavation much like a detective oversees a crime scene. Each mission is unique, 
but there are certain things that each recovery has in common. The first step is 
for the anthropologist to define the site or determine the site perimeter. Once 
that has been defined, a grid system is established. Careful excavation occurs 
using that grid system. Every inch of soil that comes out of the site is 
screened for any potential remains, any life support equipment or personal 
effects. Initial analysis occurs at the site, and the material is then brought 
back to the lab for further examination..." This is hardly the approach that 
the LMDC has taken over the past five years - and it is now time for 
professionalism at GZ.It has been said that our First Responders and 
loved ones were the first soldiers in the war on terror. Now it is 
time for the federal government to come to the aid of our valiant lost loved 
# # #  

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[cia-drugs] The Corrupt U.N. Press Corps

2006-04-12 Thread Jim Rarey


The Corrupt 
U.N. Press Corps By Cliff Kincaid | April 12, 2006 
None of this should be a great surprise to readers of AIM. 

We noted the other day that John Gizzi of Human Events had criticized David 
Gregory of NBC News as a classless guy with bad manners. Gregory's obnoxious 
behavior was a national scandal, and he eventually apologized for acting up at a 
White House briefing and calling spokesman Scott McClellan a "jerk." But it took 
guts for Gizzi, who attends those briefings and has a White House press pass, to 
attack Gregory publicly.
Another form of courage was recently demonstrated by Eric Shawn, the Fox News 
reporter covering the U.N., who blew the whistle on the U.N. Correspondents 
Association (UNCA) considering giving a global citizen award to the man they 
cover-U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan. In the end, Bill Gates won, and another 
candidate was Bill Clinton. But Shawn made the point that the simple idea of 
UNCA giving Annan consideration for such an award was a blatant conflict of 
Masood Haider, UNCA president, told Fox that Annan's name had been offered up 
by members of UNCA, and that the process of selecting an award winner was 
dictated by UNCA members. In effect, he was washing his hands of the sorry 
spectacle. Shawn said that he and his producer, both UNCA members, were 
abstaining during the vote.
None of this should be a great surprise to readers of AIM. We published 
a major 
investigative report into the cozy relationship between UNCA and the 
U.N. A former UNCA president has been on the U.N. payroll. The surprise in 
this case is that an UNCA member, Eric Shawn of Fox, would do a full-blown story 
about the organization's ethical problems. Fox 
News does do stories ignored by the rest of the media, but this kind of 
story-examining the questionable operations of a major press group-is definitely 
unique. It took guts.
Shawn also featured some video clips of Annan attacking U.N. reporters who 
had dared to ask some tough questions. They were James Bone of the Times of 
London and Benny Avni of the New York Sun. You can read about Bone's 
exchange with Annan at Opinionjournal.com. Annan called Bone an "overgrown schoolboy" 
for asking some embarrassing questions about how Annan's son Kojo had obtained 
an expensive Mercedes car and how he avoided paying taxes on it. The son used 
his father's name to get a diplomatic discount.
Annan ridiculed Avni, who also asked questions about this matter, saying his 
answers wouldn't make any difference. Annan implied that the Sun was determined 
to make him look bad no matter what. 
Claudia Rosett, who covers U.N. corruption issues, took a detailed look at this whole matter in a story headlined "The 
Mercedes Monologues." It seems that no one can locate the Mercedes.
Annan does look bad. But that didn't stop most members of UNCA from 
considering giving him its citizen of the world award. 
Thanks to Eric Shawn of Fox News for exposing this scandal. Wait until the 
rest of the U.N. press corps reads his forthcoming book.

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[cia-drugs] McCain Backs Immigration Opponent in Ohio (straddles thed fence)

2006-04-12 Thread Jim Rarey

McCain, the chameleon.






  Tuesday, April 
11, 2006 


McCain Backs Immigration Opponent in Ohio
By DAN SEWELL Associated Press Writer 
(AP) - CINCINNATI-Republican Sen. John McCain campaigned on 
Tuesday for a conservative congressman who publicly disagreed with 
the potential 2008 presidential candidate on how to deal with 
illegal immigration.
Six-term Rep. Steve Chabot made it clear that while he welcomed 
McCain's appearance at a breakfast fundraiser, the two are on 
opposite sides on how to deal with the nation's estimated 11 million 
illegal immigrants.


"This happens to be an area where the senator and I don't agree," 
Chabot said after McCain attended the fundraiser for the Ohio 
congressman's re-election campaign. Chabot said they do agree on 
some issues.
Last year, Chabot voted for a House bill that would make all 
illegal immigrants felons and make offering them non-emergency aid 
or assistance a federal crime. The bill also calls for building a 
fence along 700 miles of the border with Mexico.
McCain favors legislation that seeks better border security, 
regulations on the future entry of foreign workers and allows most 
of the nation's illegal immigrants to eventually qualify for 
citizenship through a series of steps, including paying any back 
taxes and passing criminal background checks.
"I support the House bill," Chabot said. "I think it's a mistake 
for us to even consider anything like a temporary worker program, or 
some people call it amnesty, until we have border control."
The public disagreement between Chabot and McCain reflect the 
deep divisions within the Republican Party over immigration. It also 
highlighted the political reality that McCain, in weighing another 
White House bid, is reaching out to all factions of the GOP.
The Arizona senator is spending the first week of the 
congressional recess campaigning for House and gubernatorial 
candidates in New Hampshire, Arkansas, Ohio, Minnesota and Iowa.
A day after massive demonstrations around the country for 
immigration rights, McCain said he was hopeful about the prospects 
for the Senate bill that he favors, arguing that the show of force 
underscores the need for urgent action.
"I am confident that over time we will prevail with a 
comprehensive approach to this issue," McCain told reporters.
The bill stalled in the Senate last week.
McCain told some 300 people at the fundraiser that immigration is 
a critical political issue, especially for Hispanic voters. In 
recent presidential elections, Republicans have made gains among 
Hispanic voters.
"So we better treat this issue with care, we better treat it with 
sensitivity, better treat it with humanity," McCain said.
Later in the day, McCain planned to travel to Cleveland to join 
Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, a gubernatorial candidate in a 
GOP primary fight with Attorney General Jim Petro.
"It bolsters him with conservatives by being with Blackwell," 
Robert Rousseau, the Republican chairman in Lorain County, said of 
Associated Press Writer Thomas J. Sheeran in Cleveland 
contributed to this report.2006-04-12T00:00:13Z 


  Copyright 2006 The 
Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be 
published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. 


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[cia-drugs] Fw: Cherokee Wisdom

2006-04-10 Thread Jim Rarey

- Original Message - 
From: Dorothy 


  What a great story to pass on toour kids and a lesson to be learned 
  by us all. 


evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about abattle that goes on inside people. 
said, "My son, the battle is between two"wolves" inside us 
all.One is 
Evil! . It is 
anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret,greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, 
resentment, inferiority, lies, falsepride, superiority, and 
ego.The other is 
Good. It is 
joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility,kindness, benevolence, empathy, 
generosity, truth, compassion and faith."The grandson thought about it for a 
minute and then asked his grandfather:"Which wolf wins?"The old Cherokee simply replied, 
"The one you 







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[cia-drugs] Total Chief Says World 'Cannot Meet Oil Demand'

2006-04-09 Thread Jim Rarey


Total Chief Says World 'Cannot Meet Oil Demand'OPEC 
Minister Says 'Fundamentally There Is Nothing We Can Do'www.btinternet.com/~nlpwessex/Documents/TotalOpec.htm 

8 April 



  UAE Oil MinisterMohammed bin 
  Dhaen al-Hamli


  Not Possible 
  ToDenyThe Situation 
"The world lacks the means to produce enough oil to 
meet rising projections of demand for fuel over the next decade, according to 
Christophe de Margerie, head of exploration for Total and heir presumptive to 
the leadership of the French energy multinational. The world 
is mistakenly focusing on oil reserves when the problem is capacity to 
produce oil, M de Margerie said in an interview with The 
Times."World 'cannot meet oil demand'London 
Times, 8 April 2006
"Gold hit $600 for the first 
time in 25 years on futures markets as the commodities boom continued, and 
a top Opec official admitted there was nothing the oil cartel could do about soaring crude oil 
prices."Oil worries 
fuelling gold's 25-year highDaily 
Telegraph, 7 April 2006
"Opec is powerless to bring down oil prices that are 
closing in on their record $70 a barrel high, United Arab Emirates’ oil minister 
Mohammed bin Dhaen al-Hamli said on Thursday. 'Fundamentally 
there is nothing we can do,' Hamli told reporters when asked how Opec 
might tame oil costs that are at their highest for a quarter of a century in 
real terms Opec, which accounts for over half the world’s oil exports, has 
been pumping almost flat out for months Hamli, in Paris for a major oil 
conference on Friday, expressed some concern at last week’s steep drop in US 
gasoline stocks. The United States, consumer of more than 40% of the world’s 
gasoline, is starting to gear up for the summer driving season when motor fuel 
demand peaks. 'The United States is a big and important market. When there is a 
drawdown we are a little bit concerned,' he said. OPEC still has some spare 
production capacity, primarily in Saudi Arabia, but Hamli noted this oil was the 
sort of heavy, high sulphur crude that refiners find difficult to 
process."Opec toothless to tame high oil prices : 
UAE Reuters, 
7 April 2006


"High oil prices have helped to spur investment 
needed to calm world markets, but soaring project development costs could stifle 
production activity, Opec ministers warned on Friday. 'Cost is a problem,' said 
Qatari energy minister Abdullah al-Attiyah. 'Costs can sometimes kill the 
project. I am concerned about that. You see the contractors trying to increase 
the cost very dramatically. Costs may triple from estimate costs,' Attiyah told 
a conference in Paris. While US crude is trading at around $67, within sight of 
the record of $70.85 a barrel hit in August last year, other raw materials, 
including metals have also soared, driving up the price of projects in the oil 
industry."High costs threaten oil projects: Opec 
Express, 7 April 2006


world was told that the Russians would save us. The Soviet Union and its 
pathetic 14 million barrels a day was dead. When they upgraded their extraction 
techniques, oil was going to be around $10 a barrel, we would be swimming in it. 
In 2004, Russian production grew by 675,000 barrels a day, in 2005 by 222,000 
barrels a day and this year the Russian government told us it was going to put 
on another 240,000 barrels a day. So far they have put on 170,000 barrels a day. 
It is about 9.4 million barrels a day and it is not 
enough."Peak Oil Passnotes: Oil Prepares to Push OnResource Investor, 
7 April 2006
"My view is that 'easy' oil has probably passed its 
peak."Jeroen van 
der Veer, CEO ofRoyal Dutch ShellFinancial 
Times, 24 January 2006
"We have entered the post-oil era. I want to 
draw all the consequences of this and give a real impulse to energy 
savings and to the use of renewable energies."Dominque de Villepin, French Prime MinisterFrance promises aid to households over oil 
1 September 2005
"As old wells become depleted 
their pressure drops So although there may be 
plenty of oil left in a reserve, its later production 
can only be extracted more slowly. For example, the biggest field in Saudi Arabia already has to be 
pumped with large quantities of seawater to maintain pressure and daily 
production levels What forecasters want to know is when global daily 
production capacity will peak and at what level. At the point that oil (and 
later gas) demand exceeds the daily capacity to 
pump, major adverse dynamics will come into play such 
as large increases in prices and supply tensions, which will have a major impact 
on all economies. The most pessimistic scenarios from credible analysts put the 
advent of global peak oil as early as 2008, with a maximum daily production 
level of not much 

[cia-drugs] Joint Task Forces Created In 10 Cities to Combat Document and Benefit Fraud

2006-04-09 Thread Jim Rarey






Joint Task Forces Created In 10 Cities to Combat 
Document and Benefit Fraud 
For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary Contact: ICE 
Public Affairs, 202-514-2648 April 5, 2006
Officials from the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice, 
Department of Labor, Department of State and other agencies today announced the 
creation of task forces in 10 major U.S. cities to combat the growing problems 
of document fraud and immigration benefits fraud.
The new “Document and Benefit Fraud Task Forces” will be located in Atlanta, 
GA; Boston, MA; Dallas, TX; Denver, CO; Detroit, MI; Los Angeles, CA; New York, 
NY; Newark, NJ; Philadelphia, PA; and St. Paul, MN. The ten new task forces 
build upon the success of an existing document and benefit fraud task force in 
the Washington, D.C. / northern Virginia area. 
Led by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the task forces build 
on existing partnerships to bring investigators together from a variety of 
agencies with expertise in different aspects of document and benefit fraud. 
These agents will partner with U.S. Attorney’s Offices to formulate a 
comprehensive approach in targeting criminal organizations behind these schemes 
as well as the ineligible beneficiaries of such fraud. Any case where a 
sufficient nexus to terrorism is discovered will be referred to the Joint 
Terrorism Task Forces.
Participants in the task forces include ICE, the Department of Justice, U.S. 
Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Department of Labor Office of 
Inspector General, Social Security Administration Office of Inspector General, 
State Department Office of Inspector General, State Department Bureau of 
Diplomatic Security, U.S. Postal Inspection Service, U.S. Secret Service and 
numerous state and local law enforcement agencies. The task forces will 
primarily target two types of crimes: 
Document fraud 
This crime refers to the manufacture, sale, or use of counterfeit identity 
documents – such as fake driver’s licenses, birth certificates, social security 
cards, or passports – for immigration fraud or other criminal activity. Document 
fraud also involves efforts to obtain genuine identity documents through 
fraudulent means. These activities have helped illegal aliens, criminals and 
even terrorists evade detection and embed themselves in our society. Document 
fraud often supports the crime of benefit fraud.
The threat posed by document fraud is exemplified by the fact that at least 
seven of the 9/11 hijackers obtained genuine Virginia identity documents by 
submitting fraudulent Virginia residency certificates. Using these ID cards, the 
hijackers were able to clear airport security and board aircraft for the 
Benefit fraud 
This crime refers to the misrepresentation or omission of material fact on an 
application to obtain an immigration benefit one is not entitled to – such as 
U.S. citizenship, political asylum, or a valid visa. Because these benefits give 
one the ability to freely enter, work, or reside in this country, they are 
prized by illegal aliens, criminals, and terrorists who may be willing to pay 
substantial fees for them. As a result, the criminal organizations that help 
individuals fraudulently obtain immigration benefits reap enormous profits.
Among those who have benefited from this type of fraud is Ramzi Yousef, the 
mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing who engaged in asylum fraud to 
enter this country. Every year, tens of thousands of applications for 
immigration benefits are denied because of fraud. One recent audit estimated 
that as many as 33 percent of applications for one particular category of visa 
were fraudulent.
“One of lessons from 9/11 is that false identities and fraudulent documents 
present serious risks to national security,” said Homeland Security Secretary 
Michael Chertoff. “President Bush has directed the creation of these task forces 
to play a vital role in the fight against terrorists, human traffickers, and 
immigration violators. We must deny criminals the identification tools they need 
to threaten our country, cross our borders illegally and violate our immigration 
laws without detection.”
ICE Assistant Secretary Myers stated, “These new task forces are badly needed 
to help combat the significant threats posed by document and benefit fraud 
schemes. By harnessing the expertise of numerous agencies in coordinated task 
forces across the country, we believe we can reverse the alarming growth and 
sophistication of these crimes.”
Deputy Attorney General McNulty said, “Document fraud is a serious problem 
and is the common element of many different crimes. The Task Forces announced 
today will help restore the integrity of our immigration system and will help 
close the loopholes that terrorists and other criminals exploit to enter and 

[cia-drugs] Fw: BASEBALL JOKE

2006-04-09 Thread Jim Rarey

- Original Message - 
From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick Subject: Fw: BASEBALL JOKE

 - Original Message - 
 From: Jeanie Daine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bill and Hillary are at a Yankees home game sitting in

the first row.  With the Secret Service people

directly behind them. One of the Secret Service guys

leans forward and whispers something to Bill.

At first, Clinton stares at the guy, looks at Hillary,

looks back at the agent, and shakes his head no.

The agent then says, Mr. President, it was a

unanimous request of  the entire team, from the owner

of the team down to the bat boy.

Bill hesitates ~ but begins to change his mind when

the agent tells him The fans would love it!

Bill shrugs his shoulders and says, Oooh - KAY!!  If

that is what the people want.  C'mere Hilly baby.

With that, Bill gets up, grabs Hillary by her collar

and the seat of her pants, lifts her up, and tosses

her right over the wall onto the field.

She gets up kicking, swearing, screaming, Bill  you

!^$#@!. The crowd goes absolutely wild.  Fans are

jumping up  down, cheering, hooting and hollering,

and high-fiving.

Bill is bowing, smiling and waving to the crowd.  He

leans over to the agent and says, How about that!  I

would have never believed how much everyone would

enjoy that!

Noticing the agent has gone totally pale, he asks What

is wrong?

The agent replies, Sir, I SAID they want you to throw

out the first pitch!


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[cia-drugs] Something You Won't See on CNN

2006-04-07 Thread Jim Rarey


This is one way the "elite" influence Congress and 
other politicians without "lobbying". JR

You Won't See on CNN By Cliff Kincaid | April 7, 2006 
Do you think Senator John McCain will try to inhibit Aspen 
influence operations as part of his lobbying reform initiative? Not likely.  

An AP story carried on the CBS news website noted that Dick Clark, "a former 
senator from Iowa who established the Aspen Institute program for Congress," had 
testified against "a total ban on privately funded travel" for members of 
Congress. The story failed to note that the Aspen Institute is the number one sponsor of privately funded travel for members 
of Congress, having spent $3.4 million on Congress from 2000-2005. Aspen is one 
vehicle whereby left-wing billionaires like George Soros work to influence 
politicians on Capitol Hill by bringing them to luxurious places, hotels and 
resorts, and listening to mostly liberal and left-wing speakers.
Aspen is headed by Walter Isaacson, the former Chairman and CEO of CNN and 
the Managing Editor of Time Magazine. Aspen participates in something called the 
Ethical Globalization Initiative (EGI), headed by former U.N. official Mary 
Robinson, who calls the International Criminal Court, which could prosecute and 
imprison U.S. citizens, a "great legal enterprise." Isaacson serves on the EGI 
board, along with global tax supporter Jeffrey Sachs, an adviser to U.N. 
Secretary-General Kofi Annan.
The AP story did note that Aspen "arranges seminars both inside the country 
and around the world where members of Congress are required (by whom?) to attend conferences that last six 
hours a day over four days. It does not pay for recreational activities." But 
you don't have to pay for the weather. Some of the locations for Aspen 
congressional seminars include Naples, Florida; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and the 
Grand Cayman Island in the British West Indies.
Clark testified that his "Congressional program," designed to expose members 
of congress to academic "expertise" on "complex" issues, is funded by 
"established independent foundations such as 
Ford, MacArthur, Carnegie, and Kellog." He neglected to 
mention the Open Society Institute of George 
Soros, listed in Aspen's 2004 annual report as a major 
foundation supporter.
But that's not the only Soros connection. Others include:

  Aspen's director of communications is Jim Spiegelman, a former "special 
  assistant" to Soros.
  Soros has been a featured speaker at the Aspen Summer Benefit dinner at the 
  Hotel Jerome in Aspen, Colorado. The Hotel Jerome is Aspen's "crown jewel." Rooms go 
  for anywhere from $636 -$1390 a night.
  Arjun Gupta, a member of the Aspen board of overseers, serves as a Vice 
  President at The Chatterjee Group, an investment advisor to Soros and his 
  Soros Fund Management group.
  In 2004, Aspen hosted "America's Role in the Fight Against Global Poverty," 
  a seminar featuring Al Gore and George 
Do you think Senator John McCain will try to inhibit Aspen influence 
operations as part of his lobbying reform initiative? Not likely. McCain was a 
speaker at an Aspen event, where he and Senator Joe Lieberman said "they would have voted to approve China's attempted 
purchase of Unocal, a midsized American oil company, and if the question came 
up, they would back the sale of General Motors to a Chinese company." 
This seems like a big story, especially in light of what happened with the 
UAE/Ports deal.
But it is doubtful that we'll see any stories on this from CNN, which 
Isaacson used to run. CNN host Paula Zahn hosted Aspen's 2002 Summer Benefit 
dinner at the Hotel Jerome.

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[cia-drugs] VaxGen ordered to stop exaggerating anthrax vaccine claims

2006-04-04 Thread Jim Rarey










  Posted on Tue, Apr. 04, 2006


VaxGen ordered to 
stop exaggerating anthrax vaccine claimsPAUL 
SAN FRANCISCO - Federal regulators have 
ordered VaxGen Inc. officials to stop exaggerating the benefits of 
the company's experimental anthrax vaccine, which the government 
wants for a national stockpile.
On March 24, the Food and Drug Administrations sent the troubled 
company a warning letter complaining that VaxGen sales material 
handed out at a government biodefense research meeting in October 
contained "false and misleading statements" about the experimental 
vaccine and how it compares to competitor Michigan-based BioPort 
Corp.'s vaccine.
In particular, the sales brochure claimed VaxGen's vaccine is "at 
nearly 100 percent purity - significantly higher than what can be 
obtained using older technologies such as BioPort's."
The FDA said that statement and two others were false or 
misleading because Brisbane-based VaxGen is only in the early stages 
of development and such claims are premature.
In fact, VaxGen said it will fail to deliver the first 25 million 
doses of its anthrax vaccine to the Health and Human Services 
Department by November as promised under a $877.5 million contract 
the company signed with HHS in November.
The contract was the first awarded under Project BioShield, a law 
President Bush signed in 2004 that promises $5.6 billion to develop 
remedies against possible bioweapons.
VaxGen's vaccine will be added to U.S. reserves to protect 
against a terrorist attack using anthrax spores. The small 
biotechnology company has been trying to refashion itself as 
biodefense specialist since a closely watched human experiment 
testing its experimental AIDS vaccine flopped in 2003.
Company spokesman Paul Laland said the company has asked HHS to 
amend the contract to allow it to complete delivery of the first 25 
million doses sometime next year.
Laland also said the company would respond to the FDA warning 
letter and that the company is no longer using the sales brochure 
touting the experimental vaccine, which uses a piece of the anthrax 
virus genetically engineered to provoke an immune response.
HHS spokesman Bill Hall declined to comment because he said the 
department doesn't discuss details of active contracts.
The Nasdaq Stock Market dropped VaxGen from its exchange after 
the company failed to file two quarterly reports in 2004. VaxGen's 
stock is trading over the counter and it share price fell 75 cents, 
or 8 percent, to $8.30 as news of the FDA letter was made 

© 2006 AP Wire and wire service sources. All Rights 

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[cia-drugs] Security Council Defies Bolton

2006-04-04 Thread Jim Rarey











April 4, 2006
Security Council Defies Bolton
by Gordon Prather

  Under a Safeguards Agreement concluded by 
  Iran with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) – as required by 
  the Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) – Iran agreed to 
  allow IAEA inspectors to satisfy themselves that no "source or special 
  nuclear materials" are being used or have been used in furtherance of a 
  nuclear weapons program.
  Last month, Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei made yet another report 
  that – as best he can tell – no proscribed materials are being or have 
  been so used.
  However, in his most recent report, ElBaradei made the gratuitous remark to the 
  effect that "the agency is not at this point in time in a position to 
  conclude that there are no undeclared nuclear materials or activities in 
  According to Condi, that gratuitous remark raises "questions that are 
  within the competence of the Security Council, as the organ bearing the 
  main responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and 
  How could ElBaradei's possible incompetence translate into Iran's 
  nuclear programs constituting a threat to international peace and 
  Well, there's more to it than that. Quoth Condi:
  "Perhaps one of the biggest challenges that we face is the policy of 
  the Iranian regime, which is a policy of destabilization of the world's 
  most volatile and vulnerable region. And it's not just Iran's nuclear 
  program but also their support for terrorism around the world. They are, 
  in effect, the central banker for terrorism around the world."
  Aha! So it's not "just Iran's nuclear program."
  No. According to Bonkers Bolton, 
  it's the "mullahs in charge" of those programs.
  "When you see the risk of a government led by a president like 
  [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad, a man who has denied the 
  existence of the Holocaust, who has said Israel ought to be wiped off the 
  map – imagining somebody like that with his finger on a nuclear button 
  means that you can't take any option off the table if you believe, as 
  President Bush does, that it's unacceptable for Iran to have nuclear 
  weapons. …
  "They're determined to acquire nuclear weapons, unless we can find a 
  way to stop them. And what we're trying to do through peaceful and 
  diplomatic means in the Security Council is put heat on it.
  "As long as the hard-lined mullahs are in charge, we think they're 
  determined to get them and we're determined to stop them."
  Hence, Bush-Cheney-Rice got the IAEA Board to report the entire Iranian 
  dossier to the Security Council because the "mullahs are in charge."
  Unfortunately, that dossier not only documents (a) Iran's 
  voluntary cooperation with IAEA inspectors that far exceeds 
  anything required by their Safeguards Agreement (beyond even that required 
  by an Additional Protocol), but also documents (b) numerous serious 
  violations by the Board itself of Iran's "inalienable" rights, guaranteed 
  under the IAEA Statute.
  According to Bolton:
  "This is a real test for the Security Council. There's just no doubt 
  that for close to 20 years, the Iranians have been pursuing nuclear 
  weapons through a clandestine program that we've uncovered.
  "If the UN Security Council can't deal with the proliferation of 
  nuclear weapons, can't deal with the greatest threat we have with a 
  country like Iran – that's one of the leading state sponsors of terrorism 
  – if the Security Council can't deal with that, you have a real question 
  of what it can deal with."
  Well, after three weeks of acrimonious debate about it, this week the 
  Security Council issued a Presidential Statement, which begins as 
  "The Security Council reaffirms its commitment to the Treaty on the 
  Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons and recalls the right of States Party, 
  in conformity with articles I and II of that Treaty, to develop research, 
  production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without 
  Iran – even under the mullahs – is guaranteed the right to enrich 
  uranium for peaceful purposes?
  Without discrimination?
  But what about Condi's questions?
  Well, the Council did note "with serious concern" that "the IAEA is 
  unable to conclude that there are no undeclared nuclear materials or 
  activities in Iran."
  Nevertheless, the Council essentially remanded 

[cia-drugs] City official charters flight to Lansing

2006-04-03 Thread Jim Rarey


Who did charter the plane and how much did he pay for the seat and to 
whom did he pay it? JR

Detroit BriefsApril 2, 2006
City official charters flight to Lansing
Detroit Deputy Mayor Anthony Adams was so strapped for time Thursday, he 
charted a plane to fly from Detroit to Lansing and back so he could appear 
before state lawmakers debating border crossings between Detroit and Windsor and 
still attend to city business. "Today, I traveled to Lansing to testify on 
behalf of border crossing, border security and to fight for the economic 
vitality of Detroit," Adams said in a statement. "As a result of my compact, 
busy schedule, I decided to pay for a seat on a 
charted flight with my own personal funds." Adams emphasized 
the plane was not paid for by Matty 
Moroun, the owner of the Ambassador Bridge. The city has been negotiating with his company to buy Detroit's 
lease for the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel.
Reserve Belle Isle picnic shelter now
The Detroit Recreation Department starts taking reservations for Belle Isle 
picnic shelters Monday at the Belle Isle Casino. Reservations can be made for 
July from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday; reservations for August can be made from 7 
a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday; and reservations for May, June and September can be made 
from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday. For information, call (313) 852-4075.
Detroit starts spring cleaning blitz
Last week, the Motor City began its annual spring cleanup effort in 390 
parks. During the blitz, crews will start to paint and repair play equipment and 
picnic tables, cut grass and remove weeds and pick up fallen leaves and 
branches. And workers will plant 30,000 spring bulbs across the city.


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2006-03-31 Thread Jim Rarey

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  War on 
  TerrorU.S. has big gaps in cargo container 
  security, Senate study finds. In view of these findigs, it is sheer 
  insanity to give control of US ports to the management of countries like 
  Dubai which have a history of cooperation with terrorist 
  is even more inexplicable why screening cargo containers for nukes 
  and nuclear material has been given to the Chinese army (Huchisen 
  Whampoa). JR
  By Toby 
  March 30, 2006 
  WASHINGTON – The number 
  of high-risk cargo containers inspected before entering the United States 
  is “staggeringly low,” and government efforts to keep terrorists from 
  exploiting the system are riddled with blind spots, congressional 
  investigators say in a report that will be released today. 
  The study, by a Senate Homeland Security subcommittee, is the latest to 
  raise questions about whether the Bush administration and Congress have 
  done enough to improve security at seaports, border crossings and other 
  transportation hubs since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Experts 
  say the system is vulnerable to the smuggling of a nuclear, chemical or 
  biological weapon, or a direct attack by terrorists intent on crippling 
  the U.S. economy.
  If an attack shut down the Los Angeles-Long Beach port complex, it 
  would take $150 million a day out of the economy, the Congressional Budget 
  Office concluded in a separate report.
  Most of the concern is focused on the millions of boxcar-size cargo 
  containers that flow into U.S. seaports and across land borders each year. 
  Despite efforts to inspect more of the containers before they reach the 
  United States, only a minuscule number are examined abroad; the system 
  used to identify potentially troublesome cargo is unreliable; and a 
  program that allows shippers to avoid some inspections is not closely 
  monitored, the three-year subcommittee investigation concluded.
  “If we think that the terrorists are going to ignore our 
  vulnerabilities and not find the kinks in our supply chain, we are 
  mistaken,” said Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., the panel's chairman.
  Earlier this week, the subcommittee revealed that undercover 
  investigators had brought enough radioactive material across the Mexican 
  and Canadian borders to make two radiation-spewing “dirty bombs.” It also 
  criticized the slow pace of installing radiation detectors at U.S. 
  seaports and initiatives to thwart the smuggling of nuclear materials 
  “We do not yet have a maximum effort on what everyone agrees is the 
  biggest threat to the American public,” former New Jersey Gov. Thomas 
  Keane, who headed the federal commission that investigated the Sept. 11 
  attacks, told the subcommittee Tuesday.
  Coleman and other lawmakers want the Department of Homeland Security to 
  embrace technology being used at the port of Hong Kong that scans every 
  container passing through two gates there. While the Bush administration 
  has been skeptical of the program, which involves technology developed by 
  San Diego-based SAIC, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff is 
  traveling to Hong Kong this weekend for a demonstration.
  The study that will be released today took a firsthand look at 
  operations at 18 ports and border crossings in the United States and 
  abroad, including the San Ysidro entry point and the Port of Los Angeles. 
  It follows up on a similar report by the subcommittee last year.
  While the investigators noted some improvements, they called their 
  overall findings “troubling.”
  A central goal of the Homeland Security Department's strategy is to 
  intercept dangerous cargo before it reaches U.S. shores, but the probe 
  found major flaws in the effort. The Container Security Initiative, which 
  has placed U.S. personnel at 44 international ports, is inspecting a 
  “disturbingly low” number of containers identified as high-risk, the study 
  Slightly more than 37 percent of high-risk shipments were examined 
  abroad, the investigators found. They attributed the low rate to “mission 
  fatigue,” given the large number of containers; lack of time and 
  resources; and uncooperative foreign-port operators.






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[cia-drugs] Former U.S. Attorney Richard Convertino indicted

2006-03-31 Thread Jim Rarey





Former U.S. Attorney Richard Convertino indicted
March 29, 2006
The former lead prosecutor in Detroit’s ill-fated 2003 terrorism trial was 
indicted Wednesday along with a State Department official on charges that they 
conspired to mislead the jury about evidence in the case.The indictment 
said former U.S. Attorney Richard Convertino, 44, and Harry Raymond Smith, 
former security official assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Amman, Jordan, misled 
the jury about the existence of photographs that would contradicted so-called 
targeting sketches of the Queen Alia Military Hospital in Jordan.The men 
were charged with conspiracy to obstruct justice, obstructing justice and making 
materially false declarations before a court.The photographs, had they 
been presented at trial, would have shown that a dead tree said to be depicted 
in the sketch in the day planner didn’t show up in the photographs.Two 
men were found guilty in June 2003 of conspiring to aid terrorists at the trial. 
But the charges were thrown out in September 2004 at the request of the U.S. 
Attorney’s Office, which said Convertino had withheld key evidence from the 
defendants and allowed witnesses to mislead the jury.Contact DAVID 
Copyright © 2006 Detroit Free Press Inc.


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[cia-drugs] Mexico's Weapon (5th column of students and their professors)JR

2006-03-31 Thread Jim Rarey

Mexico's WeaponBy William R. 
HawkinsFrontPageMagazine.com | March 31, 
2006Prominent on display at demonstrations 
around the country supporting illegal immigration has been the flag of Mexico. 
The last time demonstrators waved the flag of a foreign government in American 
streets on such a scale was during the Vietnam War when New Leftists were 
championing the cause of North Vietnam against the United States. Those street 
people were mainly mush-brained college students whose ignorance of world 
affairs allowed them to be manipulated by their Marxist professors. This time is 
different. The protesters are not just advocating a foreign cause, they are part 
of it. Most of the Latino students boycotting classes in California and 
elsewhere should not be in those classes to begin with, since they have no legal 
right to even be in the United States. Indeed, their enrollment has generated a 
financial drain on state and local budgets across the country. When the 
demonstrations started, I was in England. Media coverage there combined the 
marches in the U.S. with the student protests in France over labor reform. 
Again, the symbolism harkened back to the chaos of May 1968 when student and 
labor union violence almost collapsed the government of Charles DeGaulle. Aging 
radicals on both sides of the Atlantic wish to recapture the dark chaos of the 
1960s. The United Kingdom has its own illegal immigration problems. On 
March 25, a Chinese gang leader was found guilty of the manslaughter of 21 
Chinese illegal immigrants who drowned in Morecambe Bay two years ago while 
harvesting shellfish at night. I watched with a mixture of amusement and outrage 
as a self-styled spokesman for the Chinese community claimed that the British 
Home Secretary should have been the one indicted because immigration laws 
"forced" illegals to work under hazardous condition because they cannot work in 
the open. A dapper British businessman then argued for dropping the term 
"illegal" in favor of "economic immigrant" so that firms could have a ready 
supply of cheap labor. These arguments are heard here too. But what may 
be "cheap" for a company can be very expensive for the larger society. Some 40 
percent of the inmates in California prisons are illegal aliens, who saw America 
as the land of opportunity for criminal pursuits. Our de facto "open borders" 
policy cannot discriminate between those whose ambitions are honest or 
dishonest. And no new system can solve this problem if it is still possible to 
get into America and survive outside the parameters of the law. Truly effective 
border security is the pre-requisite for any system of legal 
immigration.It is the prevention of border security that motivates both 
the street protests and the Mexican government which is helping to orchestrate 
them. The timing of the protests is not just connected with legislation in the 
U.S. Congress, whose deliberations are long and convoluted. The more direct link 
is to the summit between President George W. Bush, Mexican President Vincente 
Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in Cancun March 30-31. Mr. Fox 
has activated his fifth column in America as a diplomatic weapon. He has been 
aided by a network of Spanish-language radio stations and newspapers, elements 
in the Catholic Church and the usual variety of left-wing "civil rights" groups 
like the National Lawyers Guild and the ACLU. This movement poses a threat to 
U.S. security and sovereignty that makes even the risk of terrorist infiltration 
across the southern border pale in significance. Mexican Foreign 
Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez said March 27 that border security could not be 
the only topic at Cancun. He said all "must share responsibility so that those 
forced to migrate be regulated by plans that include respecting their dignity." 
But what has "forced" Mexicans to become illegal immigrants? The answer is the 
sad fact that Mexico has become a failed state, which hopes to push costs onto 
its northern neighbor so its corrupt elites can continue in power without having 
to risk domestic reform.In a series of newspaper ads in U.S. papers, the 
Mexican government claimed it could do more to control its side of the border, 
but would only do so if the U.S. adopts "a far-reaching guest workers scheme" 
and that "Mexico should participate in its design, management, supervision and 
evaluation." In other words, Mexico wants a role in writing American laws for 
its benefit, and will use the pressure of mass migration and fifth column 
political warfare to pressure Washington into accepting its demands. The 
proper response is to tell Mexico that if it is purposely refusing to act as a 
responsible neighbor along the border, then it will be held accountable for its 
actions and sanctions will be imposed. In the aftermath of 9/11, the Bush 
administration declared in its 2002 National Security Strategy a policy of 
"convincing or compelling states to accept 

[cia-drugs] Senate Approves Lobbying Limits by Wide Margin

2006-03-31 Thread Jim Rarey




March 30, 2006

Senate Approves Lobbying Limits by Wide 

WASHINGTON, March 29 — The Senate on Wednesday overwhelmingly passed the 
first major restrictions on lobbying in more than a decade, banning lobbyists 
from giving gifts and meals to lawmakers and tightening rules for pet projects 
known as earmarks. 
But critics called the bipartisan measure weak, and some lawmakers who led 
the effort for tighter restrictions voted against it. 
The bill would require lobbyists to file more public reports about their 
activities in a searchable Internet database, would demand that lawmakers 
receive advance approval for trips paid with private money and would bar former 
lawmakers and senior aides from lobbying Congress for two years.
The vote, 90 to 8, was taken hours after Jack Abramoff, whose lobbying activities prompted a 
federal criminal investigation into corruption here and calls for a crackdown on 
influence peddling, was sentenced in Miami to nearly six years in prison for his 
role in the fraudulent purchase of a cruise line.
Mr. Abramoff, who said in a brief court appearance Wednesday that he was 
"profoundly remorseful," is cooperating in a broader investigation that is 
scrutinizing members of Congress, among others, and has provided Democrats an 
opening to attack Republicans on ethics grounds.
Mr. Abramoff's wining and dining, featuring tales of lavish meals at his 
restaurant here and laundered money that paid for golf trips to Scotland, have 
helped sour the public on Congress, driving lawmakers' approval ratings to 
historic lows in this election year. 
When Mr. Abramoff pleaded guilty to charges of corruption in January and 
agreed to tell what he knows to federal prosecutors, Republicans and Democrats 
called for broad changes in the way the thousands of registered lobbyists do 
"There's a sign that's now up in front of the Capitol," Senator Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut, a chief Democratic 
author of the measure, said after the vote. "It says 'Not for Sale.' "
But Senator John McCain, the Arizona Republican who has long 
pressed for tougher laws on lobbying, called the bill "very, very weak."
The measure would not ban private travel, as some members have urged. Nor 
would it rein in lawmakers' ability to fly on corporate jets at heavily 
discounted rates, a practice that gives precious access to lobbyists, who often 
go along for the trip. 
The measure would not do away with earmarks, though it would make it more 
difficult for lawmakers to insert the pet projects quietly into bills at 
lobbyists' behest. And the Senate overwhelmingly rejected, 30 to 67, a move to 
create an independent ethics office to investigate accusations of abuse.
The lobbying debate now moves to the House, where Republican leaders are 
backing a proposal that would temporarily ban privately financed trips. Their 
approach would also require lobbyists to disclose meals and gifts to lawmakers, 
and it would require members of Congress to disclose when they earmark money for 
the specific projects that critics deride as pork-barrel spending. 
House Republicans are split over the plan, and it is not clear whether the 
House and Senate will be able to agree on a measure this year.
Leaders of both parties, as well as the architects of the Senate bill, hailed 
its bipartisan passage at a time Republicans and Democrats rarely work 
"Congress stepped up in a big way," the Republicans' point man on lobbying 
changes, Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, said. "This is a much 
tougher bill than anyone would have anticipated when we started this 
Some of the most highly visible advocates of overhauling laws on lobbying 
disagreed. Senators McCain and Barack Obama, Democrat of Illinois, who joined 
forces in the lobbying debate and then had a public dispute over it, were among 
those voting against the bill, as was Senator Russell D. Feingold, Democrat of Wisconsin.
Mr. McCain predicted that there would be more indictments in the Abramoff 
case, and added, "I think we will be revisiting this issue."
Another senator who voted against the bill, Tom Coburn, Republican of 
Oklahoma, said his colleagues would suffer at the polls for failing to cut back 
on lobbyists' influence by eliminating the earmarks. 
"You can wash the outside of the cup all you want," Mr. Coburn said. "If the 
inside is still unclean, you're going to have the same problems." 
The other senators who voted against the bill were John Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts; and three 
Republicans, James Inhofe of Oklahoma and Jim DeMint and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. Senators Robert C. Byrd and John D. Rockefeller IV, both 
Democrats of West Virginia, did not vote.
The bill does little to break the link between lobbyists and lawmakers' 
money-raising machines, because senators decided that those issues related to 
campaign finance, not lobbying. As a result, 

[cia-drugs] 'Mean machine' at Justice won't tolerate honest critic Local comment

2006-03-31 Thread Jim Rarey



'Mean machine' at Justice won't tolerate honest criticL: Local comment
March 31, 2006


What a shame the administration of President George W. Bush isn't as tough on 
terrorism as it is about exacting revenge upon honest citizens who speak out 
against its policies.
Take the witch-hunt against my husband, former U.S. Attorney Richard 
Convertino, who successfully prosecuted a Detroit terrorism sleeper cell. He 
then voiced his frustrations with the ineffectiveness of the U.S. Justice 
Department's handling of terrorism cases and has endured almost three years of 
retaliation at a cost to American taxpayers of several million dollars.
The "mean machine" is out of control and refuses to admit it, especially when 
there is a whistleblower lawsuit still pending that Rick filed against members 
of the Justice Department, including former Attorney General John Ashcroft. 
Regardless of his years as a star prosecutor with the Justice Department, the 
government has subpoenaed Rick's high school, college and law school 
What's next? Will they subpoena a list of books he has checked out from the 
library or the movies we rent for family movie night?
The government refuses to issue subpoenas to look into the billions of 
dollars that are unaccounted for in the Iraq war, but it will subpoena Rick's 
high school records. Apparently, you can steal from the government but you can't 
speak out against its policies.
Distinguished career diplomat Joe Wilson would agree with that assessment 
since his wife was "outed" as a CIA operative after he publicly disagreed with 
the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Due to the government's ability to extend indefinitely the claim of an 
"ongoing investigation," the DOJ has successfully blocked Rick's lawsuit as well 
as the investigation conducted by the Office of Special Council. The final step 
-- I hope -- is the current grand jury investigation that led to Wednesday's 
Most people don't realize that during grand jury proceedings the prosecutor 
gets to present one-sided information and opinions with no obligation to present 
any information that may exonerate the person under investigation. With such 
power, it would be unethical and malicious to use the grand jury system to 
indict someone just to destroy his reputation.
Knowing Rick as I have for more than 27 years, his sense of honor would never 
have allowed him to remain silent when there is incompetence or injustice, 
especially when the circumstances have grave consequences for our entire 
country. I also know they are wasting time and taxpayers' money that should be 
directed to fighting terrorism.
The Justice Department has forgotten that Rick was the go-to guy when the 
department or the FBI had a tough case. He would take it out of a sense of duty, 
even though it sometimes meant being six months away from his young family; and 
his record of outstanding evaluations, number of awards and commendation letters 
support all of this. He has undergone at least three extensive background checks 
and had a high-level security clearance when he left Justice. In addition to his 
cases, Rick represented the United States at law enforcement seminars in 
Kazakhstan and Bulgaria.
Although Rick was subpoenaed to testify in front of the U.S. Senate about his 
case, he was reluctant at that time to discuss all of the difficulties and 
problems within the Justice Department. However, Rick must air the Justice Department's dirty laundry to protect 
I have to keep reminding myself that it isn't our country that is persecuting 
us; it is the people who happen to be in power right now, and that can 
VALERIE CONVERTINO is a registered nurse who has been married to 
Rick Convertino for 19 years. Write to her in care of the Free Press Editorial 
Page, 600 W. Fort St., Detroit 48226 or [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Copyright © 2006 Detroit Free Press Inc.


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[cia-drugs] Bulldozing Churches for Mini-malls

2006-03-31 Thread Jim Rarey


Bulldozing Churches for Mini-malls
Any Houses of Worship Could Be Destroyed Under “Jobs  Taxes” 
PRESS RELEASE: March 21, 2006
CONTACT:John KramerLisa Knepper(703) 682-9320 

Arlington, Va.—Since the U.S. Supreme Court decided the Kelo v. 
City of New London eminent domain case last summer, City officials have new 
power to file condemnation actions against churches to make way for private 
commercial development. Throughout the nation, more and more religious 
leaders are finding the government and its wrecking ball at their 
doorsteps. Tax-hungry governments teaming up with land-hungry developers 
are capitalizing on the fact that churches (and all not-for-profits) are 
tax-exempt, using Kelo to justify taking religious buildings on the 
grounds that the land can generate more tax revenue or amplify job growth as 
businesses or homes for the wealthy.
Bob Edgar, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches, 
said, “After the Kelo decision, local governments apparently are free to 
take private property on the theory that generating higher tax revenue is a 
valid ‘public use’ of property. This certainly is a substantial threat not 
only to churches and nonprofit organizations, but to every homeowner whose 
property could be taken and put to a higher commercial use. This is bad 
public policy which cannot be permitted to stand.
Some examples include:

  Sand Springs, Okla., is attempting to seize and demolish 
  the Centennial Baptist Church—home to a large black congregation—by eminent 
  domain. The City plans to hand the land over to a private developer to 
  attract major retailers and other stores. “The Lord didn’t send me here to 
  build a mini-mall,” the Rev. Roosevelt Gildon told the New York Times. 
  “I guess saving souls isn’t as important as raking in money for politicians to 
  spend,” said Gildon on National Review Online. 
  In March 2006, Long Beach, Calif., began condemnation 
  proceedings against the Filipino Baptist Fellowship, a vibrant congregation in 
  the heart of Southern California, to make way for condominiums. The City 
  recently designated the building as “blighted” under California’s vague blight 
  statutes, giving redevelopment officials the power to take the church by 
  eminent domain. “Every day, the young kids pray that this church would 
  not fall,” said congregation member Jovine Agustine in the Baptist 
  Press. Pastor Roem Agustine added, “We’re just resting on the 
  promise of the Lord that he will not leave us nor forsake us.” 
  Boynton Beach, Fla., which has already cleared out 
  long-time small businesses and homeowners in the name of redevelopment, voted 
  in October 2005 to take two churches by eminent domain so a private developer 
  can build apartments, stores and parking facilities. The Jesus House of 
  Worship, which caters specifically to needy families during the holidays, and 
  Triumph the Church  Kingdom of God were included in the City’s 
  redevelopment area, leaving them subject to condemnation at the City’s whim. 

  Scituate, Mass., has wavered since 2004 on whether to 
  take 25 acres belonging to St. Frances X Cabrini Catholic Church for private 
  development. The Church continues to own its land under the threat of 
  eminent domain. 
  Restoration, a non-denominational church in Visalia, Calif., 
  made a deal with the Main Street Theater to purchase its downtown building 
  for a new worship center in 2004. While in escrow, the City condemned 
  the property by eminent domain, prohibiting the Church from acquiring the 
  property. The reasons cited were that the City preferred a private arts 
  center to a place of worship. 
  In 2003, Biloxi, Miss., condemned the parking lot of the 
  Living Waters Ministries, a church on Caillavet Street, to make way for a 
  proposed casino that was never built. 
  Alabaster, Ala., voted to condemn a church in August 2003 
  for the benefit of Colonial Properties Trust, which planned to build a 
  400-acre retail development anchored by Wal-Mart. 
  After years of meeting in a rental basement and saving up money, 
  St. Luke’s Pentecostal Church in North Hempstead, N.Y., purchased a 
  permanent home, but it was taken from the church by the North Hempstead 
  Community Development Agency for private retail development. Six years 
  later, the lot is still empty. 
“This is a clear-cut violation the Fifth Amendment’s public use clause,” said 
IJ Senior Attorney Scott Bullock, who argued Kelo before the Supreme 
Court. “When the government can take somebody’s land based on promises of 
taxes and jobs, churches are especially at risk because they don’t pay 
Steven Anderson, coordinator of the Castle Coalition, warned, “We’re seeing 
more and more minority churches disproportionately affected by eminent domain 
Since Kelo, legislators in 47 states have passed or are considering 


2006-03-30 Thread Jim Rarey


  Thursday, March 30, 2006

OKC BOMBING FALLOUTFederal judge rules: McVeigh had helpBolsters 
  claims government had informant inside conspiracy to attack federal 
  Posted: March 30, 20064:41 a.m. Eastern
  By J.D 
  .Cash, Roger Charles
©2006McCurtain Daily Gazette 
  A U.S. District Court judge in Salt Lake City, Utah, has issued a 
  stunning decision that appears to bolster claims that executed bomber 
  Timothy McVeigh was supported by various militia groups, and that the 
  government had an informant inside the bombing conspiracy. 
  The case in Utah grew out of a dispute between civil attorney Jesse 
  Trentadue and the Oklahoma City FBI over documents requested under the 
  Freedom of Information Act. 

  For over a decade, Trentadue has been searching for documents that 
  might shed light on the death of his brother at the Federal Transfer 
  Center in Oklahoma City, in August of 1995. 
  The federal government maintains that Kenneth Trentadue killed himself 
  in a suicide-proof cell at the Oklahoma City federal installation, where 
  he was being held on a purported parole violation for failing to report to 
  his parole officer. 
  In the course of this investigation, Trentadue received "tips" from 
  various sources, including one allegedly from a source close to McVeigh, 
  before McVeigh's execution. 
  That source said that McVeigh told him that Kenneth Trentadue was 
  beaten, tortured and murdered because the FBI mistakenly believed he was 
  linked to a group of bank bandits that considerable evidence now suggests, 
  assisted McVeigh in the plot to bomb the Oklahoma federal building. 
  The FOIA suit began after heavily redacted documents obtained by this 
  newspaper, from an FBI whistleblower, confirmed McVeigh's links to Elohim 
  City and informants working for the Southern Poverty Law Center who were 
  present at the paramilitary compound on April 17, 1995, when McVeigh 
  called the camp looking for German-national Andreas Strassmeir and 
  additional help in the bombing. 
  While heavily redacted, that Jan. 4, 1996, teletype from then-FBI 
  director Louis Freeh to a select group of FBI offices contained 
  information appearing to link Strassmeir to McVeigh and the FBI's 
  knowledge that Strassmeir was planning to flee the country soon. 
  Inexplicably, the FBI did not go to the residence where the memo said 
  Strassmeir was living in Black Mountain, N.C., and detain the individual 
  for questioning about the bombing. Instead, Strassmeir – with the help on 
  his Black Mountain, N.C. attorney, Kirk Lyons, and former CIA pilot Dave 
  Holloway – was able to slip across the Mexican border a few days after the 
  teletype was issued. 
  Since the discovery of this heavily redacted document linking the SPLC, 
  Elohim City and Strassmeir to McVeigh and the bombing conspiracy, the FBI 
  has since produced 17 additional documents for Trentadue. However, key 
  sections of those documents were also heavily redacted. 
  Seeking to have the FBI provide unredacted copies of these additional 
  documents, Trentadue has claimed the FBI has a duty to make a full 
  disclosure of who their informants and suspects in the bombing were, 
  because the national interest in the Oklahoma City bombing, far outweighs 
  any privacy interests those informants and suspects may have had. 
  In order to determine the validity of the claims made by both sides, 
  the FBI was ordered in November to turn over unredacted copies of all the 
  documents at issue for the judge to examine "in chambers." 
  Considering Trentadue's allegations about his brother's mysterious and 
  violent death, the judge early in his opinion observed: "While officials 
  ruled the death a suicide, the Plaintiff unearthed significant evidence of 
  foul play. Plaintiff's theory is that his brother apparently looked very 
  similar to Richard Lee Guthrie, who allegedly was one of Timothy McVeigh's 
  accomplices in the Oklahoma City bombing and a member of the Mid-West Bank 
  Robbery Gang. Plaintiff believes that his brother was killed during an 
  overly aggressive interrogation by federal agents – who believed Kenneth 
  Trentadue was Richard Lee Guthrie. 
  Later his summary of the facts, Judge Dale Kimball also noted that 
  Guthrie was later apprehended by authorities and he, too, is said to have 
  committed suicide his jail cell while in federal custody. 
  After reviewing the unredacted documents provided by the FBI, Kimball 
  singled out a teletype issued by the FBI, only six days after the blast. 
  "Plaintiff points out the fact that this 


2006-03-29 Thread Jim Rarey

-Original Message-From: James, Doug 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:35 
TH IS IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY: Sheriff Joe Arpaio (in Arizona) 
who created the "tent city jail": He has jail meals down to 40 cents a 
serving and charges the inmates for them. He stopped smoking and porno 
magazines in the jails. Took away their weights. Cut off all but "G" movies. 
He started chain gangs so the inmates could do free work on county and 
city projects. Then he started chain gangs for women so he wouldn't get 
sued for discrimination. He took away cable TV until he found out there 
was a federal court order that required cable TV for jails. So he hooked up the 
cable TV again only let in the Disney channel and the weather channel. 
When asked why the weather channel he replied, so they will know how hot 
it's gonna be while they are working on my chain gangs. He cut off 
coffee since it has zero nutritional value. When the inmates complained, 
he told them, "This isn't the Ritz/Carlton. If you don't like it, don't come 
back." He bought Newt Gingrich' lecture series on videotape that he 
pipes into the jails. When asked by a reporter if he had any lecture 
series by a Democrat, he replied that a democratic lecture series might explain 
why a lot of the inmates were in his jails in the first place.  More on the Arizona Sheriff: With temperatures being even hotter than 
usual in Phoenix (116 degrees just set a new record), the Associat ed Press 
reports: About 2,000 inmates living in a barbed-wire-surrounded tent encampment 
at the Maricopa County Jail have been given permission to strip down to their 
government-issued pink boxer shorts. On Wednesday, hundreds of men 
wearing boxers were either curled up on their bunk beds or chatted in the tents, 
which reached 138 degrees inside the week before. Many were also swathed 
in wet, pink towels as sweat collected on their chests and dripped down to their 
pink socks. "It feels like we are in a furnace," said James Zanzot, an 
inmate who has lived in the tents for 1 year. "It's inhumane." Joe 
Arpaio, the tough-guy sheriff who created the tent city and long ago started 
making his prisoners wear pink, and eat bologna sandwiches, is not one bit 
sympathetic He said Wednesday that he told all of the inmates: "It's 120 degrees 
in Iraq and our soldiers are living in tents too, and they have to wear full 
battle gear, but they didn't commit any crimes, so shut your damned mouths!" 
Way to go, Sheriff! Maybe if all prisons were like this one there would 
be a lot less crime and/or repeat offenders. Criminals should be punished for 
their crimes - not live in luxury until it's time for their parole, only to go 
out and commit another crime so they can get back in to live on taxpayers money 
and enjoy things taxpayers can't afford to have for themselves. 
If you agree, 
pass this on. If not, just delete it. Sheriff Joe was just reelected Sheriff 
in Maricopa County, Arizona. 

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[cia-drugs] Saudi Prince Strikes Again

2006-03-27 Thread Jim Rarey


Prince Strikes Again By Cliff Kincaid | March 27, 2006 
It might look hypocritical for the media to highlight his 
manipulation of academia while staying mum about his expanding press operations. 

A national uproar over an Arab company buying some U.S. port operations 
forced cancellation of the deal. But when a controversial Saudi Prince spends 
$40 million to promote himself and his views through two major U.S. universities 
and takes out a two-page ad in the Washington Post highlighting his efforts, 
hardly anyone in the media bats an eyelid. Perhaps that's because the Saudi 
Prince, Alwaleed Bin Talal, is an investor in U.S. media companies like Time 
Warner and News Corporation. 
It might look hypocritical for the media to highlight his manipulation of 
academia while staying mum about his expanding press operations. Perhaps many of 
our Big Media companies are anxious for giant infusions of Arab oil dollars. 

Alwaleed is expanding in the media field, having announced the launch of an 
Islamic satellite channel "to project Islam as a religion of 
moderation and tolerance."
The two-page ad in the Post carried the headline, "We share the same world" 
and promoted the "Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Islamic Studies Program" at Harvard 
University and the "Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian 
Understanding" at Georgetown University. He gave them the money. They named the 
places after him. 
But was there a hidden message in part of the ad?
The ad caught the attention of Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, 
who noted that it "shows one of Georgetown's beautiful Gothic buildings, topped 
by a stone cross. In the night sky, above Georgetown, is a crescent moon and 
star-the symbols of Islam. How better to show the kind of 'understanding' we 
will have? Christianity is to be subordinated, Islam is raised high-at a 
Christian university."
But there's another matter. Perkins asked, "There is no reciprocity here. All 
the talk on this side of the ocean is about 'understanding.' Where are the study 
centers at Saudi universities? Does anyone there present courses on James 
Madison's views of religious liberty? Does anyone there even suggest that feudal 
monarchies that deny their people fundamental human rights need to reform 
themselves? Saudi Arabia is one of the worst violators of human rights on earth. 
No Christian can even carry a Bible on any street in Saudi Arabia. Converts 
there are beheaded."
Meanwhile, in France, Alwaleed spent $20 million to create a special 
exhibition space for the new department of Islamic arts at the Musée du Louvre 
in Paris. On March 1 he was bestowed the medal of "Legion of Honor," with the 
rank of Commander, by French President Jacques Chirac in an official ceremony. 
His biography, published by Harper Collins (a News Corp. company) and simply 
titled Alwaleed, is written by Riz Khan, who also wrote and produced a 
flattering documentary DVD about the prince that is included with the book. A 
former CNN journalist, Kahn is now with Al-Jazeera International, the new 
English-language arm of the Qatar-based channel that has documented links to 
Al-Qaeda and previously served as a mouthpiece for the Saddam Hussein regime in 
In the book, Alwaleed says he gave $500,000 to the Council on American 
Islamic Relations, the group that specializes in getting conservatives kicked 
off the radio if they criticize Islam. Michael Graham was fired from WMAL in 
Washington, D.C. for offending CAIR.
Now how "understanding" is that?

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2006-03-26 Thread Jim Rarey

- Original Message - 
From: Rolland Brengle 

Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2006 3:25 AM

Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 19:19:49 -0600 (Central Standard Time)

  INCOMPETENCE Now here's a story you 
  aren't going to read in many of our nations top newspapers. And why 
  not? Because it makes our New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin to be a 
  complete idiot, that's why not.Here's the story, fresh from last 
  night's Special Report with Brit Hume. Read this and you will know 
  why Democrats and liberals just flat-out don't like Brit Hume or Fox News 
  Channel. Texas based car crushing company. Offered to remove all abandoned and flooded vehicles from 
  New Orleans and dispose of them. KL Auto Crushers said it 
  would take 15 weeks to finish the job. This offer was made last 
  October. KL also offered to pay the city of New Orleans $100 
  for each car that they removed. How many cars needed removing, you 
  ask? About 50,000. At $100 each, that adds up to a payment to the city 
  of $5 million. Not bad. So ... Did Ray Nagin take the deal? 
  Nope. Instead of taking the offer from KL, Ray Nagin is 
  pursuing a car removal plan that will take six months to complete, not 15 
  weeks, and will 
  cost the city of New Orleans -- make that the taxpayers of New Orleans -- 
  $23 million. 
  Nagin balked at the KL offer because he wasn't sure that the city had 
  the legal right to accept the offer although there was a clear city 
  ordinance that allowed just such a thing. So, add it up. Take 
  the $5 million New Orleans could have had from KL Auto Crushers and 
  add it to the $23 million the city will spend to get rid of the cars, and 
  you have a total cost to the taxpayers of $28 million. Last 
  night Hume also reminded us that 
  Ray Nagin failed to 
  order a full mandatory evacuation of New Orleans as Katrina was bearing 
  down because he 
  feared that the hospitality industry would sue the city if the people all 
  left and the hurricane didn't hit. If there is one certainty in life 
  it is that if Ray Nagin were a Republican mayor the media in this country 
  would be clamoring for his head. Nagin gets a relative pass. 
  There will be no 60 Minutes documentary profiling his 
  incompetence.By the way, Ray Nagin thinks he should be 
  reelected.  I would place a bet that his 'constituents' 
  will re-elect him no matter how inept, just like Barry was. Any 



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[cia-drugs] Fw Weather Bulletin - North Dakota

2006-03-24 Thread Jim Rarey

Subject: Fw: Weather Bulletin - North Dakota

Weather Bulletin - 
MOMENTNorth Dakota NewsThis text 
is from a county emergency manager out in the western part of North Dakota state after the recent snow 
storm.WEATHER BULLETINUp here in the Northern Plains we just 
recovered from a Historic event--- may I even say a "Weather Event" of "Biblical 
Proportions" --- with a historic blizzard of up to 44" inches of snow and winds 
to 90 MPH that broke trees in half, knocked down utility poles, stranded 
hundreds of motorists in lethal snow banks, closed ALL roads, isolated scores of 
communities and cut power to 10's of thousands.FYI:George Bush 
did not come.FEMA did nothing.No one howled for the 
government.No one blamed the government.No one even uttered an 
expletive on TV.Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton did not visit.Our 
Mayor's did not blame Bush or anyone else. Our Governor did not 
blame Bush or anyone else either CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX, or NBC did not 
visit - or report on this category 5 snow storm nobody demanded $2,000 debit 
cards.No one asked for a FEMA Trailer House.No one 
looted.Nobody - I mean Nobody demanded the government do 
something.Nobody expected the government to do anything 
either.No Larry King, No Bill O'Rielly, No Oprah, No Chris Mathews and 
No Geraldo Rivera.No Shaun Penn, No Barbara Striesand, No Hollywood 
types to be found.AndNope, we just melted the snow for 
water.Sent out caravans of SUV's to pluck people out of snow engulfed 
cars.The truck drivers pulled people out of snow banks and didn't ask 
for a penny.Local restaurants made food, and the police and fire 
departments delivered it to the snow bound families.Families took in the 
stranded people - total strangers.We Fired up wood stoves, broke out 
coal oil lanterns or Coleman lanterns.We put on an extra layers of 
clothes because up here it is "Work or Die".We did not wait for some 
affirmative action government to get us out of a mess created by being 
immobilized by a welfare program that trades votes for 'sittin at home' 
checks.Even though a Category "5" blizzard of this scale has never 
fallen this early, we know it can happen and how to deal with it 
ourselves."In my many travels, I have noticed that once one gets north 
of about 48 degrees North Latitude, 90% of the world's social problems 
evaporate."It does seem that way, at least to me.I hope this 
gets passed on.. Maybe ... SOME people will get the message .. The world 
does Not owe you a living.

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[cia-drugs] A Voice in the Wilderness

2006-03-23 Thread Jim Rarey


Hypocrisy, thy name is Hillary and Charles 

A Voice in 
the Wilderness By Cliff Kincaid | March 23, 2006 
Such questions might suggest that Mrs. Clinton is a 
politically motivated hypocrite.  

Liberal politicians, led by Senator Charles Schumer and Hillary Clinton, were 
rushing to the microphones to denounce the proposed deal turning over some U.S. 
port operations to a firm owned by the United Arab Emirates. Justifiable public 
outrage forced cancellation of the deal. But the issue is an old one, and 
conservative Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma has been trying for 
years to reform the process under which foreign takeovers in the U.S. are 
rejected or approved. Inhofe is the Senator who should be getting the press 
attention on this matter. He was saying the right things before it was 
politically popular.
Inhofe, no Johnny-come-lately to the issue, is the Senator who worked to 
block the Clinton Administration deal to turn over management of a 144-acre 
terminal at the former U.S. Naval Station in Long Beach to the China Ocean 
Shipping Company (COSCO), a subsidiary of the People's Liberation 
Isn't it interesting that our media failed to ask Senator Hillary Clinton 
about this when she joined efforts to block the UAE deal? Such questions might 
suggest that Mrs. Clinton is a politically motivated hypocrite.
On the House side, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) led the opposition to the 
COSCO and UAE deals. He has been entirely consistent.
In opposing the sale of port operations to the UAE firm, Sen. Inhofe points 
out, "If any of you hear Democrats exploiting this issue like it is something 
new, their historical hypocrisy is obvious." He points out that, under the 
Clinton Administration, "the UAE could do no wrong" and that Clinton sold $8 
billion worth of F-16s, anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles, and other advanced 
weapons to the regime. He said this was one year after the Clinton 
Administration had located Osama bin 
Laden in a camp in Afghanistan but called off an air strike against him because he was in the 
company of high UAE officials.
Inhofe delivered several speeches in April 2005 protesting the process under 
which the Committee on Foreign Investments of the U.S. (CFIUS) had approved 
China buying the U.S. company Magnequench, Inc., and moving it back to China.
We had discussed this dangerous acquisition in our February 28, 2005, AIM 
Report on "The China Threat."
Inhofe noted that because of the Magnequench deal, 
the U.S. now has no domestic supplier of rare earth 
metals that are critical in making precision-guided 
In 2005 Inhofe introduced the Foreign Investment Security Act to reform the process. 
He's the Senator the media should be paying attention to. He saw the problem early on and has a 

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[cia-drugs] http://www.aim.org/media_monitor_print/4421_0_2_0/

2006-03-22 Thread Jim Rarey


Finances Media Empire By Cliff Kincaid | March 22, 2006 
Lately, Soros has been talking down the American economy, 
saying the U.S. dollar is weak and that we could slide into recession in 2007. 
Of course, he could help bring that about through his global financial 

Billionaire and convicted inside trader George Soros has proposed what he 
calls "an annual issue of Special Drawing Rights (SDR) that rich countries would 
donate for international assistance." The SDR idea is a variation of a global 
tax to finance more foreign aid. SDRs, 
created by the International Monetary Fund, have been defined as a form of 
international reserve currency intended to "supplement the existing official 
reserves of member countries" in transactions with the IMF. What Soros proposes 
would greatly alter and expand their use. As someone who has developed a 
reputation for practicing financial and economic warfare against the nations of 
the world, he seems determined to drain more wealth away from the United 
What is also fascinating is that a column in which Soros makes this proposal 
is available on the website of "Project Syndicate," an emerging Soros-supported 
media empire.
Project Syndicate claims to consist of 257 
newspapers in 113 countries, with a total circulation of 
39,323,478. It is funded by "member papers in developed 
countries," as well as the Open Society Institute of George Soros, Politiken 
Foundation, based in Sweden, and the Die Zeit Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius 
Foundation, based in Germany.
In another column distributed by the Project Syndicate, Soros declared, 
"I consider using an issue of SDRs preferable to the Tobin tax (a proposed tax 
on international currency transactions) for a number of reasons, the most 
important of which is that a special SDR issue was already authorized in 1997 
and ratified by 71% of IMF members. It could be used for international 
assistance immediately, if the US Congress also ratified it, and developed 
countries pledged their allocations for that purpose."
Lately, Soros has been talking down the American economy, saying the U.S. 
dollar is weak and that we could slide into recession in 2007. Of course, he 
could help bring that about through his global financial manipulations.
In a related matter, a Soros-funded group, the Open Society Policy Center, 
which organized opposition to John Bolton as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., has 
been caught paying money to a political consultant who has pleaded guilty to 
bank fraud and a failure to pay federal income taxes. My new report 
examines this in the context of the smear of Bolton that prevented his 
confirmation and eventually resulted in his recess appointment to the post.

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[cia-drugs] Agencies deny they bungled investigation of dog's death

2006-03-22 Thread Jim Rarey


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 12:00 AM
Agencies deny they bungled investigation of dog's 

By Christine ClarridgeSeattle Times staff reporter
King County animal-control officers and Federal Way police — who have been 
slammed with angry e-mail and phone calls claiming they've done nothing to catch 
the person who doused a puppy with acid — insist they are working hard to solve 
the animal-cruelty case.
"It is horrific and it is heart-wrenching, and if there is a case to be made, 
we want to make it," said Federal Way Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick. But 
animal-rights activists say the two agencies have passed the buck between each 
other, have not done enough and have destroyed irreplaceable evidence by 
cremating the dog after it was euthanized.
Mooie, a 4-month-old female pit bull, was found critically injured in the 
fenced yard of a Federal Way woman March 10.
"The woman looked through her window and saw her granddaughter trying to play 
with the puppy and she thought that the puppy had been hit by a car and 
dragged," said Larry Brothers, an investigator with Pasado's Safe Haven, a 
nonprofit animal-rescue organization.
A friend of the Federal Way woman took the puppy to Valley Animal Hospital of 
Auburn, where it was determined that the puppy had likely been dipped in a 
caustic material such as acid that ate through more than 90 percent of her 
The caustic material that burned the puppy was so strong it caused workers in 
the veterinarian's office to become ill.
The woman who took the dog to the animal hospital also called 911.
The dog was euthanized after veterinarians determined there was no way to 
save her.
Veterinarian Ivy Engstrom called the injury "one of the worst things" she had 
She eventually contacted Pasado's because she believed 
that neither the police nor King County Animal Services and Programs were taking 
the case seriously enough.
Engstrom and Pasado's officials said they were later infuriated when it 
appeared that Federal Way police and King County Animal Services each thought 
the other agency was responsible for investigating the incident.
Federal Way police said Monday the incident initially was investigated by an 
Animal Services officer. But an Animal Services official said Federal Way 
officers wrote the initial report on the incident.
Federal Way police said animal-cruelty cases must be investigated by animal 
services. Animal Services officials, however, said police have the right to 
investigate any crime that occurs in their jurisdiction.
Animal Services authorized the cremation, an act that also angered animal 
"They didn't take tissue samples even though animal cruelty is a class C 
felony," said Brothers, the Pasado's investigator. "Now there is no way to 
determine what kind of caustic material scalded the puppy. They've blown it."
Al Dams, assistant manager for King County Animal Services, said his agency 
has preserved all the evidence that will be needed to prove the puppy suffered 
inhumane treatment.
"To say that we don't care about animal cruelty because we authorized 
cremation is completely unfair," Dams said.
"We have photographs that make obvious the pain and the suffering. We have 
witness statements. We have the dog's collar."
Dams and police said that the dog's owner is being questioned by Animal 
Services and that the case is being investigated aggressively. The dog's owner 
lives near the home where the dog was found.
More than $15,000 has been offered as a reward to anyone with information 
leading to a cruelty conviction.
Pasado's Safe Haven has been receiving more than 80,000 hits an hour on its 
Web site since posting photos of the puppy, according to co-founder Susan 
Police and Animal Services said they've been bombarded with e-mail 
criticizing their response.
Christine Clarridge: 206-464-8983 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Copyright © 2006 The Seattle Times 

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[cia-drugs] F.B.I. Agent Testifies Superiors Didn't Pursue Moussaoui Case

2006-03-21 Thread Jim Rarey


It looks like Jamie had them all 
buffaloed. JR




March 21, 2006

F.B.I. Agent Testifies Superiors Didn't 
Pursue Moussaoui Case 

ALEXANDRIA, Va., March 20 — The F.B.I. agent who arrested and interrogated Zacarias Moussaoui just weeks before the Sept. 11, 
2001, attacks told a jury on Monday how he had tried repeatedly to get his 
superiors in Washington to help confirm his certainty that Mr. Moussaoui was 
involved in an imminent terrorist airline hijacking plot. 
But, said the agent, Harry 
Samit, he was regularly thwarted by senior bureau officials 
whose obstructionism he later described to Justice Department investigators as 
"criminally negligent" and who were, he believed, motivated principally by a 
need to protect their careers.
Mr. Samit's testimony added a wealth of detail to the notion that officials 
at the Federal Bureau of Investigation played down, ignored and purposely 
mischaracterized the increasingly dire warnings from field agents in the 
Minneapolis office that they had a terrorist on their hands in Mr. Moussaoui. 

"I accused the people in F.B.I. headquarters of criminal negligence" in an 
interview after Sept. 11, Mr. Samit acknowledged under intense questioning by 
Edward B. MacMahon Jr., Mr. 
Moussaoui's chief court-appointed lawyer. 
Mr. Samit confirmed that he had told Justice Department investigators that 
the senior agents in Washington "took a calculated risk not to advance the 
investigation" by refusing to seek search warrants for Mr. Moussaoui's 
belongings and computer. He testified that he had come to believe that "the 
wager was a national tragedy." 
Mr. Samit was a witness for the prosecution, which is trying to have Mr. 
Moussaoui executed for the deaths that occurred on Sept. 11. In his direct 
testimony more than a week ago, he bolstered the prosecutors' case by saying 
that had Mr. Moussaoui answered his questions honestly when he arrested him for 
immigration violations, it would have set off a chain of inquiries that could 
have foiled the Sept. 11 plot.
But under Mr. MacMahon's questions, Mr. Samit provided much new evidence and 
testimony suggesting strongly that the more significant factors in the failure 
to learn of the plot from Mr. Moussaoui involved 
the decisions of senior F.B.I. officials.
Mr. Samit's testimony paralleled the complaints of Coleen Rowley, an agent and lawyer in the 
Minneapolis office who sent a letter on May 21, 2002, to the bureau director, Robert S. Mueller III, bitterly criticizing the performance of F.B.I. 
headquarters agents in handling the Moussaoui case.
But unlike Ms. Rowley, who has since left the bureau, Mr. Samit remains an 
agent and tried on Monday to adopt a defensive posture on its behalf. 
Nonetheless, his testimony provided a vivid condemnation of the bureau, as he 
was obliged to confirm how he had told investigators of his belief that his 
superiors had tried to sidestep their responsibilities.
Mr. Samit said two senior agents had declined to provide help in obtaining a 
search warrant, either through a special panel of judges that considers 
applications for foreign intelligence cases or through a normal application to 
any federal court for a criminal investigation.
As a field agent in Minnesota, he said, he required help and approval from 
headquarters to continue his investigation. He acknowledged that he had asserted 
that Michael Maltbie, a supervisor in the 
bureau's Radical Fundamentalist Unit, had told him that applications for the 
special intelligence court warrants had proved troublesome for the bureau and 
that seeking one "was just the kind of thing that would get F.B.I. agents in 
trouble." ( with Jamie 
Mr. Samit wrote that Mr. Maltbie had told him that "he was not about to let 
that happen to him." During that period, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance 
Court had complained about improper applications from the bureau.
Mr. Samit also acknowledged that he had asserted to investigators that 
David Frasca, Mr. Maltbie's 
superior, had similarly blocked him from seeking a search warrant under the more 
common route, a criminal investigation. Some of the special court's complaints 
dealt with the idea that law-enforcement officials were sometimes exploiting the 
lower standard required for warrants in intelligence investigations and then 
using the information that they obtained in criminal cases.
Mr. Frasca, Mr. Samit explained, believed that once the Moussaoui 
investigation was opened as an intelligence inquiry, it would arouse suspicion 
that agents had been trying to abuse the intelligence law to get information for 
a case they now believed was a criminal one.
Mr. Samit's comments, which were made to investigators for the Justice 
Department's inspector general and in a subsequent memorandum to the F.B.I., had 
not been made 

[cia-drugs] Dog advocates seek answers for burned pup

2006-03-21 Thread Jim Rarey


This is sick. The person who did this is probably 
the area's next serial killer.

As usual, the police were less than helpful. They 
may be guilty of obstruction of justice by allowing the destruction of evidence 
by cremating the victim.


Tacoma, WA -
   Tuesday, March 21, 2006 
  to Regular Story 


  Dog advocates seek answers for burned 
  ADAM LYNN; The News TribuneLast updated: 
  March 21st, 2006 01:21 AM (PST)The case of a 
  Federal Way puppy horribly burned with acid has inflamed the passions of 
  animal welfare advocates across the globe and pitted them against the two 
  local law enforcement agencies investigating what happened to Mooie. 
  The 4-month-old pit bull was euphemized March 10 after being taken to 
  an Auburn veterinary hospital with chemical burns over most of its 
  Officials with Sultan-based Pasado’s Safe Haven, a private nonprofit 
  animal rescue shelter, are convinced the dog was doused with acid 
  intentionally and have accused the Federal Way Police Department and King 
  County Animal Services of bungling the investigation – a charge 
  representatives from both agencies vehemently deny.
  “It appears they’re not really doing anything,” Pasado representative 
  Larry Brothers said Monday.
  Officials from both agencies said they can’t prove someone 
  intentionally hurt the dog, not yet anyway, and it’s possible the dog got 
  into the acid on its own.
  Al Dams, assistant manager for King County Animal Services, said he 
  hopes a witness comes forward with information that can help his officers 
  determine the truth.
  Dams said he also resents the attacks directed at his organization by 
  Pasado and its supporters.
  “Animal cruelty gets us more fired up than anything,” he said. “Felony 
  animal cruelty is the highest offense we investigate, and we take it very 
  Unsatisfied Pasado officials have launched a campaign to bombard both 
  agencies and Puget Sound-area media outlets with letters and e-mails 
  demanding action. The News Tribune alone has received several dozen 
  e-mails from outraged dog lovers, some from as far away as Texas and Iowa, 
  and Pasado’s Safe Haven has been contacted by people from Europe and 
  In addition, private contributors have kicked in $5,000 in recent days 
  to increase a reward for information offered by Pasado from $10,000 to 
  $15,000, Brothers said.
  “This is a particularly heinous case because of the way this little 
  puppy suffered,” he said.
  A passer-by found the dog in the yard of a house in the vicinity of the 
  28900 28th Place South. Mooie belonged to someone who lives down the 
  street. Federal Way police spokeswoman Stacey Flores said Mooie’s owner 
  didn’t know the dog – which had been Valentine’s Day present – was missing 
  until later contacted by authorities.
  The passer-by who found Mooie took the dog to the animal hospital in 
  Auburn, where the pit bull was humanely killed after a veterinarian 
  determined it could not be saved.
  Federal Way police were called but passed the case onto King County 
  Animal Services, Flores said.
  “They’re the experts in such cases,” Flores said. “We don’t have anyone 
  who saw what happened. Right now, there’s no one to investigate. We’re 
  left with nothing.” 
  Contacted by the animal hospital, Pasado launched its own investigation 
  – which included fishing through private trash cans – and concluded the 
  official query was lacking, Brothers said.
  Pasado investigators contend authorities cremated the dog’s carcass 
  before performing a necropsy on it and have been slow to obtain a warrant 
  to search what animal welfare advocates believe to be the home of a 
  potential suspect.
  A necropsy – an autopsy on an animal – could have provided significant 
  clues to what kind of substance burned the dog, Brothers said. That 
  information then could be used to identify a possible suspect, he 
  Dams said his agency is conducting a thorough investigation and that a 
  sergeant and another officer are assigned to the case.
  Investigators have pictures of Mooie’s body, her collar – which was 
  exposed to the acid – and statements from those involved in the case, Dams 
  “We didn’t need a necropsy. We know how she died. She was euthanized,” 
  he said. “We have plenty of evidence. What we need now is for a witness to 
  come forward and tell us what they saw. Or we need a suspect to come 
  forward and confess.” 
  Call with tips
  Anyone with information on what 

[cia-drugs] Countdown to Terror ticks on

2006-03-20 Thread Jim Rarey


Countdown to Terror ticks onBy Judi McLeodMonday, March 20, 2006 
Congressman Curt Weldon is keeping me up nights. It's the 
intrigues like Able Danger and the so-called "Toronto 19".
I received a personal telephone call from Weldon on Wednesday 
asking me if I had followed up on whatever was available through research on 
suspected terrorists in the "Toronto 19". Canada Free Press Associate Editor 
Arthur Weinreb, office manager Dan Carrier and myself had met with Weldon in his 
office on Feb. 15.
Both Weinreb and I tried to find more details about the fate of 
the group on our return to Toronto, but could come up with no more information 
than what Weldon already revealed in his book, Countdown to Terror.
However, I suggested to Weldon during Wednesday’s phone call 
that he should try Canada's new Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day. "He's a 
sort of Curt Weldon of Canada," I told him. One of those politicians who comes 
with the courage of his convictions and one ready to rid this country of 
With the help of contact Brian McAdam, there was an attempt by 
Weldon's office to reach Day's. I don't know if it was successful. But I do know 
that two days later Weldon told the Philadelphia Inquirer that Osama bin Laden 
had died.
"Weldon cited as his source an Iranian exile code-named Ali, 
telling the paper: "Ali's told me that Osama bin Laden is dead. He died in 
Iran." (NewsMax.com. March 17, 2006).
"The Pennsylvania Republican has long alleged that bin Laden 
has been using Iran for sanctuary.
"In June last year, Weldon said in a TV interview: "I'm 
confident that I know for sure that (bin Laden) has been in and out of Iran…Two 
years ago, he was in the southern town of Ladis, 10 kilometers inside the 
Pakistan border, I also know that earlier this year, he had a meeting with 
al-Zarqawi in Tehran…
"If you look at the recent comments coming out of both the CIA 
and some of our military generals in theatre, they're now acknowledging the same 
thing that I've been saying--that in fact, he's been in and out of Iran.
"(But) no one can prove it exactly until we capture him."
When it comes to Intelligence, Weldon is an off the screen 
The first mention of Able Danger, the military intelligence 
team that had identified Mohammad Atta as a terrorist threat before the 9/11 
attacks, came in Weldon’s book, Countdown to Terror.
Back in February, Weldon ruefully told me in his office that 
the Democrats did not want to hear about Able Danger and that the same could be 
aid for his fellow Republicans.
"But I have no intention of closing the books on Able Danger," 
he said.
Now he’s back on the hunt to unearth the final fate of "Toronto 
19" members.
Like most, I learned about the group only in snippets and bits 
in the mainstream media. In Countdown to Terror, Weldon strings the 
snippets together.
"Members of the "Toronto 19" were all single Muslim males 
eighteeen to thirty-three old from Pakistan, with the exception of one Indian," 
he wrote. Significantly, Ali told us the terrorist cell in Canada plotting to 
attack the Seabrook Nuclear Reactor would be mostly Pakistani or Saudi, not 
Iranian, as the Committee of Nine did not want the plot traced back to 
"Most of the "Toronto 19" were from, or had connections to, 
Pakistan’s Punjab province, noted for Sunni extremism, and had studied at the 
same madrassa, a school notorious for teaching militant Islam.
"All were in Canada illegally, on fake student visas obtained 
with phony documents from the Ottawa Business College, a front operation 
supporting illegal immigration into Canada. All entered Canada before September 
11, 2001, the last just six days before al Qaeda’s attack on the World Trade 
Center and the Pentagon.
"Like the September 11 terrorists, the "Toronto 19" lived 
together in groups, kept to themselves, did not attend classes, pursued no other 
occupations, and lacked visible means of support. Yet, with no identifiable 
source of income, one of them had over $40,000 in the bank.
"One member of the "Toronto 19" was associated with the Global 
Relief Organization, identified by the FBI and the United Nations as a terrorist 
front operation that raises funds for al Qaeda and other terrorist groups.
"The fire department made repeated emergency calls to one of 
the apartments used by the group, where it is suspected they were mixing and 
testing explosives, similar to a terrorist cell discovered in England, which was 
caught because of their repeated apartment fires. 
"Members of the "Toronto 19" traveled from Canada to the United 
States, apparently to reconnoiter targets. Members of the group collected 
schematics of airliners, firearms, and important buildings.
"Members of the "Toronto 19" were highly curious about nuclear 
matters. They cultivated associates known to have access to nuclear gauges and 
are suspected of stealing a nuclear gauge in Toronto. These 

[cia-drugs] Bush senior lobbies China for Citigroup banking

2006-03-20 Thread Jim Rarey


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[cia-drugs] Fw: Chuck Baldwin's March 17 Food for Thought: America's Leaders Selling Our Country Out From Under Us

2006-03-19 Thread Jim Rarey
This is a must read. The port deal with UAE is but the tip of a gigantic ice 
berg. JR
- Original Message - 
From: Chuck Baldwin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 00chuck-wagon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 12:06 PM
Subject: Chuck Baldwin's March 17 Food for Thought: America's Leaders 
Selling Our Country Out From Under Us

 America's Leaders Selling Our Country Out From Under Us
 By Chuck Baldwin
 March 17, 2006

 The recent attempt by the Bush administration to turn at least six
 U.S. sea ports over to the control of the United Arab Emirates is
 only the latest example of how America's leaders are selling our
 country right out from under us.

 According to the March 8, 2006 edition of The Washington Times,
 Homeland Security officials, who initially said there are about
 850 terminals nationwide, now say there are 3,200 terminals, up to
 80 percent of which are operated by foreign companies and

 When pressed, Homeland Security officials admit that they do not
 even know exactly who controls our ports. As one Homeland
 Security officer put it, It's as clear as mud.

 The Times report goes on to say, Countries operating U.S.
 terminals include China and Singapore. Foreign businesses include
 companies from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, London and

 By the way, readers need to be alert to the fact that the Dubai deal
 is anything but nixed. Newsday recently reported Senate Majority
 Leader Bill Frist as acknowledging that if an American buyer is
 not found, and the Bush administration determines there are no
 security risks, a deal for DP World to manage and operate major
 U.S. ports still could go through.

 Frist told ABC's This Week, If everything that the president, the
 administration has said, and that is that there is absolutely no
 threatening or jeopardy to our security and safety of the American
 people, I don't see how the deal would have to be canceled.

 Remember, too, as I reported in this column
 (http://www.chuckbaldwinlive.com/cwarchive_031006.html), the
 Bush administration is proceeding with plans to turn over at least
 nine military facilities to the United Arab Emirates. Interestingly
 enough, Congress has made absolutely no attempts to block this
 deal, and with the exception of a few newspapers, the major media
 has not even bothered to cover this story.

 Furthermore, let's not forget that the Communist Chinese Army
 now controls the Panama Canal and also controls port terminals in
 Seattle, Washington, and Long Beach, California.

 America's leaders are willfully and deliberately outsourcing every
 viable asset we have to foreign countries. Ever since President Bill
 Clinton and Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole collaborated to ram
 NAFTA and GATT down our throats, the rush to outsource
 America's jobs, industries, and even our security has been in full
 swing (and FTAA is just around the corner).

 Coincidentally, according to Human Events, Bob Dole and former
 Secretary of State Madeleine Albright have both been agents for
 UAE government-owned Dubai Ports World. Dole as a
 Washington lobbyist and Albright on a recent trip to the People's
 Republic of China.

 Furthermore, Bush administration officials also have financial ties
 to Dubai Ports World. [Treasury Secretary John] Snow was
 chairman of the CSX rail firm that sold its own international port
 operations to DP World for $1.5 billion in 2004, the year after
 Snow left for President Bush's cabinet. (Source: New York Daily
 News, Tuesday, Feb. 21st, 2006)

 Snow is not alone. New York Daily News also reports that David
 Sanborn, who was tapped by Bush to lead the U.S. Maritime
 Administration also runs DP World's European and Latin
 American operations.

 American industries are vanishing as are American jobs. Our
 public education system is so bad we cannot supply needed
 demands in our medical and science sectors. Even worse, we
 cannot even meet the recruiting demands of our military.

 One recent news report said that of all young people between the
 ages of 17 and 24 (who would be eligible for military recruitment)
 at least 75% were determined to be unqualified. They are either too
 fat, too dumb, or too undisciplined. The Army doesn't want them!
 Therefore, along with doctors, engineers, scientists, teachers, and
 laborers, we are importing soldiers!

 Speaking of our military, you do know that U.S. soldiers have now
 been put under foreign commanders in Afghanistan, don't you?
 Well, it's true. Just read the AP news wire dated Tuesday, March

 Also, think about this: according to government statistics,
 foreigners own 65% or our metal ore mining industry, 65% of our
 database publishers, 62% of our cement, concrete, lime, and
 gypsum products, 57% of our engine, turbine, and power
 transmission equipment,  53% of our rubber products,  53% of our
 nonmetallic mineral products manufacturing, 52% of our plastics
 manufacturing, 50% of our oiler, tank, and shipping containers,

[cia-drugs] Carlyle Group explores acquisition of port operations

2006-03-18 Thread Jim Rarey


Gee. What a surprise! Who could have guessed? 

Carlyle Group explores 
acquisition of port operations 10 Mar 2006 Private equity firm 
[Bush bin Laden terrorism facilitator] The Carlyle Group established a team to 
acquire public-purpose facilities such as ports a day after a United Arab 
Emirates company said it would transfer newly acquired operations at American 
ports to a U.S. organization. D.C.-based Carlyle Group announced an eight-person 
team would invest in public-purpose infrastructure projects such as ports, 
transportation and water facilities, airports, bridges and stadiums. 

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[cia-drugs] Dubai Firm to Sell U.S. Port Operations

2006-03-17 Thread Jim Rarey




Dubai Firm to Sell U.S. 
Port OperationsMove to End Three-Week Dispute Comes After GOP 
Lawmakers, Defying Bush, Vowed to Kill Deal
By Jonathan Weisman and Bradley GrahamWashington Post Staff 
WritersFriday, March 10, 2006; A01

A United Arab Emirates-based maritime company at the center of a furious 
controversy over port security bowed to pressure from Congress yesterday and 
announced that it will sell off its U.S. operations to an American owner.
The announcement, issued by Dubai Ports World Chief Operating Officer Edward 
H. Bilkey, came hours after House and Senate GOP leaders bluntly told President 
Bush that Congress would kill the U.S. portions of the company's $6.8 billion 
acquisition of London-based Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. 
(PO), which has operations at six major U.S. ports, including New York and 
The company's decision climaxed a three-week furor that pitted both 
Republicans and Democrats in Congress against Bush on a volatile national 
security issue in a midterm-election year. Fueled by fear of terrorism in a 
post-Sept. 11 world, opposition to the port deal mushroomed to the point at 
which even Bush's veto threat proved ineffective and, if anything, further 
aggravated even GOP allies.
The White House praised the UAE-based company for its decision and reaffirmed 
the "strong relationship" between the two nations. "This decision provides a way 
forward and will allow us to continue working on other issues," White House 
press secretary Scott McClellan said in an interview.
Although the demise of the U.S. port deal is sure to leave badly bruised 
feelings in the UAE, of which Dubai is a part, analysts predicted that the 
United States will be able to preserve its extensive security and economic ties 
with the tiny country, given the strong mutual interests at stake. The bigger 
problem, they said, will be the new damage done to the U.S. image in the Muslim 
Even before the deal fell through, Arab media had been portraying U.S. 
opposition as an anti-Arab slur, contrasting that resistance to the acceptance 
generally accorded in the United States to investments from Asian and European 
"This can only make the already-damaged image worse," said Youssef M. 
Ibrahim, managing director of Dubai-based Strategic Energy Investment Group. 
"The problem is, for four or five years, we haven't found a way to repair that 
damaged image."
It is not clear which American company is willing to buy DP World's U.S. 
operations. About 75 percent of containers that enter U.S. ports go through 
terminals that are operated by foreign-owned firms.
Officials at Seattle-based SSA Marine, the largest U.S.-owned terminal 
operator, said they have not been contacted. Some potential bidders may seek to 
join forces with firms that already have operations at U.S. ports. But the 
process is in the early stages, and DP World appears to be determined to avoid a 
fire sale.
One potential private-equity buyer is Washington's Carlyle Group, which 
bought the U.S. container-shipping business of CSX Corp. in 2002 for $300 
million, selling it two years later for $650 million. Also, the Dubai government 
has been an investor in Carlyle's investment funds and put $100 million into its 
latest, $7.85 billion buyout fund.
A source at Carlyle, however, said the firm will probably not be interested 
in PO's port operations, given the political scrutiny such a deal would 
Another potential private-equity buyer is the Blackstone Group of New York. 
Though not ruling out an offer for the business, a source at the firm said it is 
too early to tell whether PO's U.S. operations are even worth seeking.
The administration quietly approved the sale of British-owned PO to DP 
World on Jan. 17 after a review by its secretive Committee on Foreign 
Investments in the United States. But stung by the public and political outcry 
once the decision became widely known last month, the White House and the 
company owned by the Dubai government tried to placate critics by agreeing to a 
45-day review of the deal's national security implications.
Congress began acting this week to revoke the sale, driven by constituent 
fears that Arab state ownership of U.S. port operations would compromise 
security. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) and Senate Armed Services 
Committee Chairman John W. Warner (R-Va.) warned company officials Wednesday 
that they would be prudent to cut a deal allowing them to sell off their newly 
acquired U.S. operations through normal business channels.
"Because of the strong relationship between the United Arab Emirates and the 
United States and to preserve this relationship, DP World has decided to 
transfer fully the U.S. operations of PO Ports North America, Inc. to a 
United States entity," Bilkey announced in a statement. "This decision is 

[cia-drugs] Curt Weldon: Bin Laden Is Dead

2006-03-17 Thread Jim Rarey

Reprinted from NewsMax.com
Friday, March 17, 2006 6:40 a.m. EST 

Curt Weldon: Bin Laden Is Dead 

Rep. Curt Weldon, who broke the Able Danger story last year revealing that 
military intelligence had identified lead hijacker Mohamed Atta as a terrorist 
threat before the 9/11 attacks, now says that Osama bin Laden has died. 
Weldon made the stunning claim during an interview Wednesday with the 
Philadelphia Inquirer, which reported: "Weldon is making explosive new 
allegations. He says a high-level source has told him that terrorist leader 
Osama bin Laden has died in Iran, where he has been in hiding." 
Weldon cited as his source an Iranian exile code-named Ali, telling the 
paper: "Ali's told me that Osama bin Laden is dead. He died in Iran." 

Weldon said he last spoke to Ali three weeks ago. The Iranian exile was a 
prominent source for his 2005 book, "Countdown to Terror." The book also 
contained the first mention of the Able Danger data mining operation. 
The Pennsylvania Republican has long alleged that bin Laden has been using 
Iran for sanctuary. 

In June last year, Weldon said in a TV interview: "I'm confident that I know 
for sure that [bin Laden] has been in and out of Iran ... Two years ago, he was 
in the southern town of Ladis, 10 kilometers inside the Pakistan border. I also 
know that earlier this year, he had a meeting with al-Zarqawi in Tehran ... 

"If you look at the recent comments coming out of both the CIA and some of 
our military generals in theater, they're now acknowledging the same thing that 
I've been saying - that in fact, he's been in and out of Iran. 
"[But] no one can prove it exactly until we capture him." 

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[cia-drugs] UAE ports

2006-03-17 Thread Jim Rarey

These are the ports the UAE 
acquired when it bought the British company P O.





Source - PO 
exhibit on its website

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[cia-drugs] Dubai company to sell port operations in 4-6 months

2006-03-15 Thread Jim Rarey

Dubai company to sell port operations in 4-6 
A Dubai-owned company today said it plans to sell all its U.S. port 
operations within four to six months to an unrelated American buyer and laid out 
new details about how it plans to pursue the sale under pressure from 
DP World said that until the sale is finalized, its U.S. businesses 
will be operated independently. The announcement was the first time DP World 
described its plans for the U.S. operations as a “sale” and indicated it would 
retain no stake in them.
“An expedited sale process is under way and with the cooperation of the port 
authorities and joint venture partners, it is expected that a sale can be agreed 
within four to six months,” the company said in a statement.
DP World said it will provide information about its business to “interested 
parties,” which it did not identify, and said it will assess offers based on 
what it described as “value, deliverability and the continuity of management, 
employees and customers.”
The new disclosures by DP World responded to questions raised since its 
announcement last week about how it intends to transfer to an unspecified 
American company all the U.S. operations it acquired when it bought London-based 
Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. for $6.8 billion.
The British company handles significant operations at ports in New Jersey, 
New York, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia — plus lesser dockside activities at 16 other ports in this 
DP World has said those U.S. operations are worth roughly $700 million.
DP World said until the sale is complete, its U.S. operations will be managed 
independently by PO Ports North America Inc., the wholly owned U.S. 
subsidiary of the British company it bought.
Since DP World’s announcement last week, Republicans and Democrats alike in 
Congress have questioned whether the company planned a full divestiture or 
whether it would retain some stake in the U.S. operations.

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[cia-drugs] Bush Official Calls Reviews for Deals Adequate

2006-03-15 Thread Jim Rarey

This is an important article. The New York Times 
takes the lead in setting forth the propaganda line to be followed by the left 
(including the left in the media) and the useful idiots in Congress whose only 
concern is getting reelected.

Henceforth, those who put national security ahead 
of foreign "Investment" will be denigrated as "isolationists" who are putting 
the national economy at risk. JR




March 15, 2006

Bush Official Calls Reviews for Deals 

WASHINGTON, March 14 — The Bush administration pushed back Tuesday against 
Republican lawmakers' plans to change the review process for foreign 
acquisitions, saying national security was already the top concern of the 
committee that approved a Dubai-owned company's aborted takeover of several port 
terminals in the United States. 
Treasury Secretary John W. Snow, speaking to a bankers' trade group, said 
the administration supported some revisions to the review process for such 
foreign acquisitions, but he also warned against changes that might discourage 
foreign investment.
"This is not a question of a trade-off between investment and security," Mr. 
Snow said. "We have never made that trade-off. It is vital that we 
avoid taking steps in the name of national security that instead are 
, isolationist having the effect of 
choking off vital investments in America."
Mr. Snow's comments countered the arguments of many in Congress that the 
approval of the Dubai ports deal exposed deep flaws in the review process, which 
lawmakers in both parties have said weights commercial considerations too 
heavily and domestic security not heavily enough. 
He spoke as Republican lawmakers were preparing conflicting proposals to 
expand the roles of the Department of Homeland Security, intelligence agencies 
and members of Congress in the review process. Reviews are currently conducted 
in secret by a panel within the executive branch that is headed by the treasury 
secretary and known as the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United 
On Monday, Senator Susan Collins, Republican of Maine and chairwoman of 
the Senate homeland security committee, and Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, the ranking 
Democrat on the committee, introduced legislation to replace the existing review 
committee with a new committee that would be headed by the secretary of homeland 
security and include a special role for the director of national intelligence. 

Their bill would require the new committee to brief members of Congress on 
its work and would mandate closer scrutiny of acquirers owned by foreign 
governments. DP World, the company that had sought to acquire port terminals in 
the United States, is owned by the ruler of Dubai, in the United Arab 
Other Republican proposals adopt similar approaches. The Senate banking 
committee has jurisdiction over the existing review panel, which is led by the 
treasury, and the banking committee's chairman, Senator Richard C. Shelby of Alabama, is working on a proposal 
that would make the defense secretary co-chairman of the existing review panel 
and give Congress the chance to vote down any deals. 
Mr. Snow, however, said Tuesday that national security was already the "top 
priority" and "only consideration" for the current review panel. The 
administration favored "further integration of national and homeland security 
interests" and expanding "notification of decisions" to Congress. But he 
stressed the importance of preserving the independence of the committee and 
protecting the confidentiality of proprietary information that companies share 
during the review.
Uncertainty "could chill investment," Mr. Snow said. "Clearly economic isolationism is not the way 
to go, as it would threaten opportunity and prosperity for Americans and 
billions of people all over the world."
Separately, former President Bill Clinton, at a news conference in Harlem, answered 
questions about his role in the ports deal. He said news reports that he had 
worked to support approval of the deal were "not true," and said that he shared 
the views of his wife, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, that the United States should 
block the takeover. 
Mrs. Clinton co-sponsored legislation that would prevent the acquisition of 
any port operations by companies that are owned by foreign governments. She also 
called for a more thorough review of the DP World deal and repeatedly inveighed 
against the security threat that the takeover might represent.
But Mr. Clinton also confirmed that he had advised Dubai on the modernization 
of its economy and that he had given some advice to the country about how to 
respond to the uproar over the deal.
"I had one phone conversation with them, in which I said I thought there 
would be enormous public opposition and I couldn't understand why 

Re: [cia-drugs] Barry and the Boys

2006-03-15 Thread Jim Rarey
Read Clinton, Bush and the CIA by Terry Reed..

Terry was a pilot for the CIA and spent some time with Barry Seal.

- Original Message - 
From: jemabri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 4:41 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Barry and the Boys

I recently read Barry and the boy's and was trully astonished my some
 of the implications in the book, by no stretch of the imagination do I
 find  some of the info completely unlikely. However I am a complete
 novice when it comes to this subject and I wanted to read up on some
 of the specifics in this book. I understand the suggestions that he is
 alluding to but wanted to check some of the facts. Does anyone have
 any suggestions on where to find refrence material about details in
 the book?
 The help would mean alot to me some of the insinuations hit very close
 to home!
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[cia-drugs] Dubai Firm Verifies Plan On U.S. Ports

2006-03-15 Thread Jim Rarey

" the most 
likely bidders are expected to be private equity 
firms" Can you say Carlyle Group? 




March 16, 2006

Dubai Firm Verifies Plan On U.S. Ports 


WASHINGTON, March 15 — The Dubai-owned company that acquired several port 
terminals in major East Coast cities confirmed Wednesday that it would sell 
those operations to an unrelated American buyer, ending speculation about the 
ambiguity in its previous statements that it would "transfer" the terminals to a 
"U.S. entity."
Congressional critics of the acquisition said the company's statement 
appeared to end the matter.
"It now seems clear that this deal has finally been scuttled," said Senator 
Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, who helped 
lead the charge against the deal. "This announcement, once it is fulfilled, is 
exactly what we've been asking for." 
The company, DP World, said in a statement that it expected to complete the 
sale in four to six months. The company said it has begun preparing financial 
information about the terminals and soliciting bids. The North American 
operations are valued at about $700 million. 
DP World last week closed its acquisition of the British company P  O 
Group, which ran some of the terminal operations in in New York, Newark, 
Baltimore, Philadelphia, Miami and New Orleans. DP World said it would operate 
the United States terminals through a special independent holding company until 
it spun them off to a new owner.
The company, which is owned by the ruler of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, made its announcement as the 
House of Representatives voted 377 to 38 to retain a block on the American part 
of the P  O acquisition in a bill expected to be approved by the chamber on 
Critics of the planned operation of the terminals by DP World had continued 
to attack it even after the company announced a "transfer." They argued that the 
company's initial wording left open the possibility that it might seek to 
transfer the terminals to a related entity or an American subsidiary rather than 
divest fully. 
DP World said it had retained Deutsche 
Bank and the law firm Sullivan  Cromwell to handle the 
sale. The Washington law firm Alston  Bird will handle any lobbying and 
regulatory matters. 
Because there are few major terminal operators based in the United States, 
the most likely bidders are expected to be 
private equity firms who would 
seek to profit by reselling the terminals within a few 

  Copyright 2006The New York Times Company 

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[cia-drugs] Dubai firm accused of breaking pledge to divest itself of U.S. port operations

2006-03-14 Thread Jim Rarey

Prediction. No buyer can be found and 
nosecurity risks identified. Should we be surprised?Of course this only 
applies to the six ports originally identified. No one is talking about the 
other 21 ports (a total of 27) Dubai manages in the U.S.




Dubai firm 
accused of breaking pledge to divest itself of U.S. port operations 
By Doreen HemlockSouth Florida 
Sun-SentinelMarch 14, 
The weeks-long saga of Dubai Ports World's purchase of operations 
in Miami and five other U.S. seaports took another turn Monday, when the 
company's Fort Lauderdale nemesis publicized a private e-mail and charged the 
note shows the Arab company has no intention of selling its U.S. 
assets.Eller  Co., now a partner with DP World in a Miami operation 
after DP bought out a British firm last week, shared an e-mail that said the 
Arab company's sale of U.S. assets "would probably take a while."The 
e-mail from Robert Scavone, a vice president for the port company now owned by 
DP World, also told managers in Miami to assume 
for now "ownership … is not going to change."Eller's 
lawyer Michael N. Kreitzer said Monday the e-mail proves the Arab company has no 
plans to meet Thursday's pledge to transfer U.S. assets to a U.S. entity. The 
move aims to quell political furor -- much of it stirred up by Eller on Capitol 
Hill."We're making this public because we think Congress should do what 
it planned last week -- to pass a bill to specifically disavow the Dubai company 
from owning a U.S. port operation," Kreitzer said by phone.But Scavone 
told The Associated Press that the e-mail instead was intended to reassure 
officials at the Miami unit that uncertainty surrounding ownership would not 
affect their work and operations.Eller has been fighting for years 
against the British company that was its partner in the Miami ports venture and 
now has a lawsuit against DP World seeking $100 million in damages. It alleges 
both companies violated contract terms by buying and selling stakes without its 
consent. It also claims Dubai's ownership will hurt its operations.The 
company has been pressing its case with fervor to Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y. 
Schumer claimed the purchase of port operations by a United Arab Emirates 
government-owned company would compromise U.S. security."It is the 
American people's understanding that Dubai Ports World promised to relinquish 
control of all U.S. ports," Schumer told the AP on Monday. "If that is not the 
case, we will move our legislation immediately and force them to do just 
that."His comments came a day after Senate Majority Leader 
Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said a 
Dubai purchase could still go through. If a U.S. buyer is 
not found, and a 45-day review finds no security risks, "I don't see how the 
deal would have to be canceled," Frist said on ABC's This 
Week.Information from The Associated Press was used in this 
report.Doreen Hemlock can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 
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[cia-drugs] Monroe Doctrine

2006-03-13 Thread Jim Rarey

Is this a dead letter? Neither the European 
countries nor the United States has lived up to the spirit and intent. 


Monroe Doctrine

December 2, 1823
The Monroe Doctrine was expressed during President Monroe's seventh annual 
message to Congress
. . . At the proposal of the Russian Imperial Government, made through the 
minister of the Emperor residing here, a full power and instructions have been 
transmitted to the minister of the United States at St. Petersburg to arrange by 
amicable negotiation the respective rights and interests of the two nations on 
the northwest coast of this continent. A similar proposal has been made by His 
Imperial Majesty to the Government of Great Britain, which has likewise been 
acceded to. The Government of the United States has been desirous by this 
friendly proceeding of manifesting the great value which they have invariably 
attached to the friendship of the Emperor and their solicitude to cultivate the 
best understanding with his Government. In the discussions to which this 
interest has given rise and in the arrangements by which they may terminate the 
occasion has been judged proper for asserting, as a principle in which the 
rights and interests of the United States are involved, that the American 
continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and 
maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future 
colonization by any European powers. . .
It was stated at the commencement of the last session that a great effort was 
then making in Spain and Portugal to improve the condition of the people of 
those countries, and that it appeared to be conducted with extraordinary 
moderation. It need scarcely be remarked that the results have been so far very 
different from what was then anticipated. Of events in that quarter of the 
globe, with which we have so much intercourse and from which we derive our 
origin, we have always been anxious and interested spectators. The citizens of 
the United States cherish sentiments the most friendly in favor of the liberty 
and happiness of their fellow-men on that side of the Atlantic. In the wars of 
the European powers in matters relating to themselves we have never taken any 
part, nor does it comport with our policy to do so. It is only when our rights 
are invaded or seriously menaced that we resent injuries or make preparation for 
our defense. With the movements in this hemisphere we are of necessity more 
immediately connected, and by causes which must be obvious to all enlightened 
and impartial observers. The political system of the allied powers is 
essentially different in this respect from that of America. This difference 
proceeds from that which exists in their respective Governments; and to the 
defense of our own, which has been achieved by the loss of so much blood and 
treasure, and matured by the wisdom of their most enlightened citizens, and 
under which we have enjoyed unexampled felicity, this whole nation is devoted. 
We owe it, therefore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between 
the United States and those powers to declare that we should consider any 
attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere 
as dangerous to our peace and safety. With the existing colonies or dependencies 
of any European power we have not interfered and shall not interfere. But with 
the Governments who have declared their independence and maintain it, and whose 
independence we have, on great consideration and on just principles, 
acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing 
them, or controlling in any other manner their destiny, by any European power in 
any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward 
the United States. In the war between those new Governments and Spain we 
declared our neutrality at the time of their recognition, and to this we have 
adhered, and shall continue to adhere, provided no change shall occur which, in 
the judgement of the competent authorities of this Government, shall make a 
corresponding change on the part of the United States indispensable to their 
The late events in Spain and Portugal shew that Europe is still unsettled. Of 
this important fact no stronger proof can be adduced than that the allied powers 
should have thought it proper, on any principle satisfactory to themselves, to 
have interposed by force in the internal concerns of Spain. To what extent such 
interposition may be carried, on the same principle, is a question in which all 
independent powers whose governments differ from theirs are interested, even 
those most remote, and surely none of them more so than the United States. Our 
policy in regard to Europe, which was adopted at an early stage of the wars 
which have so long agitated that quarter of the globe, nevertheless remains the 
same, which is, not 

[cia-drugs] Governors endorse guest worker plan

2006-03-03 Thread Jim Rarey









  Posted on Wed, Mar. 01, 2006


Governors endorse 
guest worker planBUT WESTERNERS DON'T 
Erica WernerAssociated 
WASHINGTON - The Western Governors 
Association called on Congress Tuesday to pass comprehensive 
immigration reform, including a temporary guest worker program.
The group that represents 18 Western states passed the policy 
resolution unanimously while meeting at the National Governors 
Association annual conference. The vote came as the Senate prepares 
to take up immigration legislation this spring.
``When you think about issues that impact the West, this 
immigration issue is really the top issue right now,'' said Arizona 
Gov. Janet Napolitano, a Democrat, who chairs the Western governors 
``We believe that some of the rhetoric coming out of our nation's 
capitol vis-a-vis illegal immigration is unfounded and unwise, and 
what we really need is a very comprehensive approach to this 
issue,'' she said.
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who in the past has said 
he supports a guest worker program that would require the worker to 
leave the United States after some years, said immigration policies 
are outdated and the federal government must deal with them.
``Ideally we have a perfect situation where you have people that 
want to work and you have companies that need workers, so you have 
supply and demand, but how do you make that work is really the big 
challenge,'' Schwarzenegger said.
There's strong disagreement on Capitol Hill over immigration 
The Republican-controlled House passed an immigration bill in 
December that tightened border controls, authorized fencing portions 
of the border and made illegal presence in the United States a 
felony. The House measure did not include a guest worker plan. 
Democrats criticized the bill as too punitive.
The Senate Judiciary Committee will take up legislation Thursday 
by Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., that includes a guest worker 
program and creates a new ``conditional non-immigrant work 
authorization'' status for illegal immigrants already in the United 
States. The immigrants could gain temporary legal status by paying 
back taxes and getting an employer to pay a fee.
Specter's guest worker proposal is similar to a plan advanced by 
President Bush, and to a bill by Republican Sens. John Cornyn of 
Texas and Jon Kyl of Arizona. Those proposals would allow immigrants 
to stay in the United States for up to six years before returning to 
their home countries.
The Western Governors Association's resolution -- the group's 
first attempt to tackle the immigration issue -- did not offer 
details on how the temporary guest worker program would work. It 
also did not offer ideas on what to do about the estimated 11 
million illegal immigrants now in the country.
The resolution called for building regional federal prisons to 
house illegal immigrants who commit crimes, and increasing the 
numbers of available green cards for general workers and H-1B visas 
for high-tech and other skilled workers.

© 2006 MercuryNews.com and wire service sources. All 
Rights Reserved.http://www.mercurynews.com 

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[cia-drugs] HHS Buys Additional Antiviral Medication

2006-03-03 Thread Jim Rarey






  News Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, March 1, 2006
Contact: HHS Press Office(202) 


  News Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, March 1, 2006
Contact: HHS Press Office(202) 
  HHS Buys Additional Antiviral Medication As Preparations for Potential 
  Influenza Pandemic Continue
  HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt today announced the purchase of additional 
  antiviral drugs that could be used in the event of a potential influenza 
  pandemic. The department has ordered 1.75 million treatment courses of 
  antiviral drug zanamivir (Relenza®) from GlaxoSmithKline and 12.4 million 
  treatment courses of oseltamivir phosphate (Tamiflu®) from Roche. These 
  drugs will be added to the already purchased 5.5 million treatment courses 
  of antiviral drugs for the Strategic National Stockpile and be provided to 
  the states when an influenza pandemic is deemed to be imminent.
  "Having a stockpile of antiviral drugs is an important part of our 
  pandemic influenza preparedness plan," Secretary Leavitt said. "These 
  purchases are a continuation of our aggressive multi-pronged approach to a 
  potentially critical public health challenge."
  The HHS Pandemic Plan calls for the department, in concert with the 
  Congress and in collaboration with the states, to ultimately acquire 
  sufficient quantities of antiviral drugs to treat 25 percent of the U.S. 
  population. An added goal of these purchases is to stimulate development 
  of expanded domestic production capacity sufficient to accommodate 
  subsequent needs through normal commercial transactions. 
  Today's acquisition announcement builds on the Administration's overall 
  planning to increase pandemic preparedness. President Bush has outlined a 
  coordinated government strategy that includes the establishing the new 
  International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza, stockpiling 
  antiviral medications, enhancing domestic capacity to develop and 
  manufacture influenza vaccines and dose-sparing technology, expanding 
  early-warning systems domestically and abroad and new funding and 
  initiatives for local and state level preparedness.
  In December 2005, Secretary Leavitt met with senior officials from all 
  50 states and launched a series of preparedness summits to be held in 
  every state over the next several months with the goal of enhancing state 
  and local preparedness. To date, pandemic preparedness summits have been 
  held in 18 states including Alabama, Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, 
  Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, 
  Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, Ohio, Rhode Island, Vermont and West 
  More information on pandemic preparedness is available at www.pandemicflu.gov.

  Note: All HHS press releases, fact sheets and other press materials are 
  available at http://www.hhs.gov/news.
  Last revised: March 1, 2006




  U.S. Department of Health  Human Services · 200 
  Independence Avenue, S.W. · Washington, D.C. 20201 

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[cia-drugs] Snow: The U.S. must uphold the sale of facilities at six ports to a Dubai company

2006-03-03 Thread Jim Rarey


The U.S. must uphold the sale of facilities at six ports to a Dubai company 
or risk damaging its position as an advocate of free trade, U.S. Treasury 
Secretary John Snow said.
“It’s awfully important that we come out the right way on this,” Snow told 
reporters Thursday in Santa Clara, Calif. “Anything that we do that diminishes 
our role as a leader on trade liberalization and open markets undercuts our 
moral authority in the world to push for those very things in other places.”
Snow has focused on convincing trade partners from China to Brazil to open up 
capital markets, liberalize currency systems and modernize their financial 
markets to allow more trade and direct investment. Snow visited all three 
countries in the second half of last year.
U.S. lawmakers are considering legislation to slow or block the $6.8 billion 
sale of Peninsular  Oriental Steam Navigation Co., which has 
operations at the U.S. ports, to DP World, a company controlled by the 
royal family of Dubai. Any such move could make it harder to the U.S. to 
convince reluctant nations to open up to investment, Snow said.
“American business needs access to the rest of the world,” Snow said in an 
interview. “If we’re going to have access to the rest of the world on good 
terms, we’ve got to keep the U.S. open.”
U.S. company to take ports case to British 
appeals court
A Miami company objecting to the takeover of British shipping company PO 
by Dubai’s state-owned DP World said today it has been granted the right to take 
the case to Britain’s Court of Appeal — a move that puts the deal on 
Miami-based Eller  Co., which says its business could be harmed 
by U.S. concerns over a United Arab Emirates company controlling significant 
operations at six major U.S. seaports, said Britain’s Court of Appeal would hear 
its petition for an appeal on Monday.
If the right to appeal is granted, the higher court will immediately hear the 
Both PO and DP World will incur hefty costs while the case drags on and 
lawyers have said they intend to pursue Eller for the High Court costs when the 
appeal is decided.

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[cia-drugs] House subcommittee questions administration review of foreign deals

2006-03-02 Thread Jim Rarey







March 1, 2006 


House subcommittee questions administration review of foreign 
By DAVID HAMMER Associated Press Writer 
(AP) - WASHINGTON-As questions continued about a Dubai-based 
company's plans to take over some U.S. port operations, a House 
subcommittee on Wednesday questioned the secretive process for 
reviewing foreign investments in U.S. assets.
The executive branch review panel, the Committee on Foreign 
Investment in the United States, has been quietly approving hundreds 
of investment deals for more than 30 years, only reporting their 
findings to Congress after the transactions were complete.


Lawmakers on a House Financial Services subcommittee that 
oversees the review panel asked to be included more readily in a 
process that raised no red flags when United Arab Emirates-based DP 
World moved to buy the British company now in charge of 27 terminals 
at six U.S. seaports.
"Perhaps it's time to bring the process into a new decade with 
more transparency," said Republican lawmaker Deborah Pryce, the 
subcommittee chairwoman and generally a staunch supporter of 
President George W. Bush's administration.
"Clearly, the administration's approval process reflects a 
pre-9/11 mentality," said Carolyn Maloney, the ranking Democrat on 
the subcommittee.
Deputy Treasury Secretary Robert Kimmitt said more involvement by 
higher-ranking agency officials and better, earlier briefings of 
congressional oversight committees would be warranted.
"Let's notify the Congress," Kimmitt said. "It would have given 
us a better chance to present the facts" of the Dubai deal before 
the controversy erupted.
Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Michael Jackson said his 
department has already made internal changes to make sure "front 
office" officials are notified of such deals during the initial 
Lawmakers in both parties have complained the review of the Dubai 
deal was "casual and cursory," and the deputy-level officials 
acknowledged Wednesday that lower-level employees made the decision 
in January to approve the deal without notifying them until 
The Bush administration has agreed to conduct a full 45-day 
investigation, although the top Democrat on the House Financial 
Services Committee, Barney Frank, doubted it could be objective. 
Other lawmakers on the subcommittee challenged the administration's 
claims that the United Arab Emirites is a full ally in the war on 


  Copyright 2006 The 
Associated Press. All rights 


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[cia-drugs] Able Danger Whistleblowers File Suit Against Defense Agencies

2006-03-02 Thread Jim Rarey

March 02, 2006

Able Danger Whistleblowers File Suit Against Defense 
Men Were Not Allowed Counsel During Closed Hearings
Danger whistleblowers Anthony Shaffer and J.D. Smith have filed a lawsuit 
against the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, the 
Department of the Army, and against George Peirce, Robert H. Berry, Jr., William 
J. Haynes, II, Esq., and Tom Taylor - acting both as individuals and as counsels 
for the DIA, the DoD, and the Department of the Army.
Attorney for the plaintiffs Mark Zaid, with whom I participated in a conference 
call regarding Able Danger, has released a PDF file of the filing. The basis 
of the complaint (Civil Action No. 06-271 (GK)) is that Shaffer and Smith were 
denied their First Amendment right to counsel by the defendants during closed, 
classified Congressional hearings about the Able Danger program. Shaffer and 
Smith were not compelled to testify, but "...it was made clear that were Shaffer 
or Smith to decline to appear voluntarily they would be compelled to do so."
The suit seeks that the court direct the defendants to allow the plaintiffs' 
attorneys be granted access to classified material, through expedited clearance 
procedures, if necessary. the suit also alleges that the defendants violated 
their own internal rules regarding right to counsel, and seeks recovery of court 
and attorney fees.
The PDF file can be downloaded at the Able 
Danger Blog.

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[cia-drugs] Whistleblower Charged With Three Felonies for Exposing Diebold's Crimes

2006-03-02 Thread Jim Rarey

- Original Message - 
From: arthur 

Cc: Power Hour 
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 9:26 PM
Subject: [Power Hour II] Whistleblower Charged With Three Felonies 
for Exposing Diebold's Crimes
No good deed goesunpunished 

  Whistleblower Charged With Three Felonies for Exposing 
  Diebold's Crimes 
Peter Soby, Jr.
York Times, George W. Bush 
A whistleblower in Los Angeles is in legal trouble and needs our help. 
Stephen Heller is alleged to have exposed documents in Jan.  Feb. 2004 
which provided smoking gun evidence that Diebold was using illegal, uncertified 
software in California voting machines. The docs also showed that Diebold's 
California attorneys (the powerful international law firm Jones Day) had told 
them they were in breach of the law for using uncertified software, but Diebold 
continued to use the uncertified software anyway.
Heller is alleged to have come across these docs while temping as a word 
processor at Jones Day, and he is further alleged to have taken the docs and 
exposed them to the bright light of day. Now, after sitting on this for 2 years, 
the Los Angeles District Attorney, under pressure from Jones Day, is going after 
this whistleblower with 3 felony charges, each of which carries the potential of 
time in state prison. Here 
is a story in the LA Times. Heller's lawyer believes the 2 year wait to file 
charges was due to the then-impending 2004 election, and that Diebold and their 
attorneys didn't want the information to be made public in the lead up to the 

The documents also look bad for Diebold's California lawyers, Jones Day. 
According to Bev Harris, author of the book Black Box Voting, the docs 
"provided evidence that the Jones Day law firm was helping Diebold to cover up 
the fact that they were installing uncertified software which, as it turns out, 
caused thousands of voters to be unable to vote just weeks later."
Bev Harris continues, "Jim March, another investigator for Black Box Voting, 
and I immediately took the documents to both the California Attorney General's 
office and to Kevin Shelley, who was then the California Secretary of State. 
Just days later, the secretary of state decertified Diebold." At the time, 
Shelley called the company's conduct "reprehensible" 
and said "their 
performance, their behavior, is despicable," and that "if that's the kind of 
deceitful behavior they're going to engage in, they can't do business in 
California." In an interview, Shelly 
said "We will not tolerate the deceitful conduct of Diebold, and we must send a 
clear message to the rest of the industry: Don't try to pull a fast one on the 
voters of California." Shelley then requested Cal. Attorney General Bill Lockyer 
to investigate taking criminal and civil actions against the company based on 
what he called "fraudulent actions by 
Diebold." Lockyer eventually dropped the criminal probe of Diebold but he sued 
the company on behalf of California, and Diebold settled out of 
court for $2.6 million.
Let's make this clear, folks. The docs Heller is accused of exposing were 
important evidence. First, they show that Diebold and their attorneys, Jones 
Day, conspired to mislead the California secretary of state, and that the lie 
they told was material, and resulted directly in the disenfranchisement of 
voters. Second, another document demonstrates that Diebold lied to the secretary 
of state when it represented that certain problems with its software were 
"fixed." This document, the release notes for the new software, showed that the 
problems were not fixed. Third, the documents showed that Diebold had been 
advised by Jones Day that what it had been doing with its uncertified software 
was illegal. Fourth, the documents show that Jones Day advised Diebold that it 
was subject to criminal prosecution. So in a nutshell, Diebold was defrauding 
the state government and taxpayers of California, and disenfranchising the 
voters of California. And the documents PROVE it.
And for allegedly exposing Diebold's felonious behavior (which led directly 
to Diebold being de-certified in California), for allegedly helping protect the 
taxpayers and voters of California, for allegedly helping to keep elections 
clean and fair, what happens? Diebold, the true criminal in this case, and their 
powerful international law firm Jones Day, press the L.A. District Attorney's 
office to hammer Heller, a whistleblower. Three felonies! Diebold was (and 
probably still is) screwing California voters, Heller is alleged to have seen 
the smoking gun evidence of Diebold's crimes, and, like a true patriot and 
whistleblower, allegedly exposed that smoking gun evidence, and now HE'S the one 
facing jail time. Only in Bush's America!
And the irony is, if Heller is convicted of a felony for exposing Diebold's 
crimes against the California voters, he'll lose his right to vote. Diebold will 
win. We can't 

[cia-drugs] Rathergate Pays for Fired CBS Producer

2006-03-01 Thread Jim Rarey


Pays for Fired CBS Producer By Cliff Kincaid | November 17, 2005 
This means that Mapes had the evidence exonerating Bush of 
the malicious charge of going into the National Guard to avoid Vietnam. 

Fired CBS News producer Mary Mapes claims that the panel that investigated 
her use of forged documents to damage President Bush wasn't able to figure out 
whether the documents were real. But the panel didn't take the time to do so. We 
have heard this claim from other defenders of Mapes and CBS.
It's worth repeating, since the Mapes book on the scandal has been released, 
why we had concluded with good reason that the documents CBS used on the air 
were forged. We noted at the time-and will repeat here-that we consulted Herbert 
Romerstein, a retired government expert on anti-American and communist 
propaganda activities who specialized in uncovering and exposing Soviet 
forgeries used against the U.S. in the Cold War. 
"Documents cannot stand on their own two feet," he told us. "There has to be 
a provenance for them-tracing them to their origin or the personal possession of 
someone. The fact that the CBS documents had no provenance makes them suspicious 
in the first place. In this case, somebody gave the documents to CBS and lied 
about where he got them. That should have been enough evidence that they were 
Romerstein said that document examiners "also have to look at the content of 
the documents. In the case of the CBS documents, they had the wrong type face. 
The type-face didn't exist when the documents were supposedly typed. When you're 
dealing with an inaccurate or suspect document, then you can only conclude that 
it was a forgery."
There is something else that we should set straight.
The Thornburgh/Boccardi report into the scandal did reveal on page 130 
that Mapes had documented information in her 
possession before the controversial broadcast that George W. Bush, while in the 
Texas Air National Guard, "did volunteer for service in Vietnam but was turned 
down in favor of more experienced pilots." This information is 
critical because Rather, in the broadcast, insinuated that Bush was among the 
"many well-connected young men [who tried to] pull strings and avoid service in 
This means that Mapes had the evidence exonerating Bush of the malicious 
charge of going into the National Guard to avoid Vietnam. The report shows that 
there were multiple credible sources to prove that he was in fact willing to go 
to Vietnam as a pilot. However, CBS News deliberately kept this information from 
its viewers.
The Mapes book is titled, Truth and Duty: The Press, the President and 
the Privilege of Power. She abused her power and concealed the truth. For 
this, she was reportedly paid in the high six figures.

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[cia-drugs] Will it Become Portgate?

2006-02-28 Thread Jim Rarey


Will it 
Become "Portgate?" By Cliff Kincaid | February 27, 2006 
Some of the negative reaction to the deal stems not from 
racism or Arab-bashing but the fact that initial federal approval of the deal 
sidestepped a legally authorized 45-day investigation.  

The initial outcry from the conservative blogs and talk radio over an Arab 
state-owned company taking over terminals at some U.S. ports seems to have 
subsided, as the Bush Administration, the Arab/Muslim lobby and their 
representatives and lobbyists have moved quickly to dominate the media debate. 

The firm, Dubai Ports World, is 
owned by the United Arab Emirates, an Islamic regime that is now being regularly 
described in the media as a U.S. ally. But the democracy we're fighting for in 
Iraq does not exist in the UAE. Inside the UAE, according to the 
State Department, there is no freedom of the press and Internet access is 
Sunni Islam is the official religion and the International Religious Freedom 
Report of 2004 says that while non-Muslims in the country are free to practice 
their religion, "they are subject to criminal prosecution, imprisonment, and 
deportation if found proselytizing or distributing religious literature to 
In addition to the expensive lobbyists who have been deployed on Capitol Hill 
in support of the deal, Ibrahim Hooper of the Council on American-Islamic 
Relations (CAIR) has been appearing on cable television to insist that 
opposition is based on anti-Arab racism. But the media have failed to note that 
CAIR has strong financial ties to the UAE.
Paul Sperry, author of the blockbuster book Infiltration, points out 
that CAIR entered into a "Deed of Trust" contract with the Al-Maktoum Foundation 
of the UAE, which put up the nearly $1 million for its property in Washington, 
D.C. Sperry called the UAE government CAIR's "benefactor." CAIR specializes in 
driving critics of Islam off talk radio. Michael Graham was fired from WMAL- 
radio in Washington, D.C. for offending CAIR.
Some of the negative reaction to the deal stems not from racism or 
Arab-bashing but the fact that initial federal approval of the deal sidestepped 
a legally authorized 45-day investigation. The law requires such a probe when 
"the acquirer is controlled by or acting on behalf of a foreign government" and 
when the acquisition "could result in control of a person engaged in interstate 
commerce in the U.S. that could affect the national security of the U.S." By 
reluctantly agreeing to have a 45-day investigation, Dubai Ports World only 
recognized what the law required. 
The skirting of the law has enabled critics of the deal, such as Lou Dobbs of 
CNN, to suggest that Bush family ties to the UAE are involved. CNN reporter 
Christine Romans did a report on Dobbs' show alleging that the President's 
brother, Neil Bush, has reportedly received funding for his educational software 
company from UAE investors. Neil Bush, however, is a loose cannon in the Bush 
family, and recently showed up on a tour with 
controversial Korean cult leader Sun Myung Moon after going through a messy divorce. It's hard to believe that this black sheep of 
the Bush family would have that much influence. If there is a connection between 
Neil Bush and the deal, the controversy could quickly turn into "Portgate." 
One curious fact that emerges in the controversy is that a Dubai Ports World 
executive, David Sanborn, was nominated by President Bush to serve as U.S. 
Maritime Administrator in late January-before the ports deal was revealed. It 
seems like strange timing, to say the least. 
Despite claims that the UAE is a U.S. ally in the war on terrorism, the 
director of the Institute for Gulf Affairs, Ali Al-Ahmed, told the New York Sun 
that in addition to being a staging point for the 9/11 terrorists and a country 
where Al Qaeda laundered money, the UAE "has been fueling the insurgency in 
Iraq. They have hosted a lot of the Sunni insurgent supporters and Sunni 
insurgents." Equally ominous, a captured al-Qaeda document released 
by the Center for Combating Terrorism at West Point shows that the terrorist 
organization has boasted that it has "infiltrated" the security apparatus and 
other agencies of the UAE regime. 
Dubai is also home to the Arab satellite channel al-Arabiya, which is not as 
well known as Al-Jazeera but was temporarily ordered out of Baghdad in 2003 by 
the post-Saddam government after it was accused of inciting violence against 
innocent citizens and American military personnel. 
In terms of the media war being waged here at home, one blogger, Glenn 
Reynolds of Instapundit.com, said on CNN's Reliable Sources show that while he 
was initially critical of the deal, "…I am now reasonably comfortable with it." 
He said he reacted negatively after reading one article about the deal in the 
New York Post but then talked to some other people who allayed his concern. "At 

[cia-drugs] In Medicare Maze, Some Find They're Tangled in Two Drug Plans

2006-02-28 Thread Jim Rarey





March 1, 2006

In Medicare Maze, Some Find They're 
Tangled in Two Drug Plans 

KITTANNING, Pa., Feb. 21 — Having struggled to fathom Medicare's new drug 
coverage, tens of thousands of beneficiaries are perplexed to find themselves 
actively enrolled in two prescription drug plans at the same time.
Shirley D. Beer, who lives in a mobile home here in western Pennsylvania, 
illustrates the predicament. Mrs. Beer was assigned to one insurance plan by the 
federal government, then exercised her right to choose another plan and now 
seems deeply embedded in both.
The first plan still carries her on its rolls and pays for some of her 
prescriptions, even though she declared four months ago that she wanted to drop 
out and had joined the second plan, which covers most of the 12 medications she 
takes for heart problems, high blood pressure and other chronic conditions.
Many Medicare beneficiaries like Mrs. Beer are entangled in two live plans — 
two "hot plans," in the lingo of pharmacists. The situation leaves patients at 
risk of being charged two premiums or incorrect co-payments.
The Bush administration acknowledged the problem in a recent memorandum to 
"Numerous beneficiaries have switched plans," the memorandum said. "Our 
processing systems have not always sent the enrollment and disenrollment 
information to the appropriate plans." As a result, it said, "many (possibly 
all) of the beneficiaries who switched plans are active on enrollment files at 
multiple plans." 
The situation illustrates the "computer glitches" that officials say have 
bedeviled the program since enrollment began in November.
The Medicare agency said it was working with insurers to resolve the 
"enrollment discrepancies." But it is proceeding with caution because, it said, 
a sudden, unexpected mass disenrollment could provoke a flood of inquiries and 
complaints to insurers and the government from puzzled beneficiaries.
Mrs. Beer, a 78-year-old widow who lives here outside Pittsburgh on a 
government check of $603 a month, said that her first plan, Gateway, "did not 
want to let me go," and that the second plan, offered by WellCare, had yet to 
send her an insurance card. 
Medicare records show that Mrs. Beer is now enrolled in WellCare's Signature 
plan. But she continues to receive mail from Gateway certifying that she is a 
member. And Gateway's automated telephone information system verifies that she 
still has coverage.
"This is enough to drive any sane person crazy," Mrs. Beer said, expressing 
frustration at the uncertainty of her situation. 
Pharmacists and beneficiaries around the country report similar experiences. 
Christopher J. Decker, executive vice president of the Pharmacy Society of 
Wisconsin, said "it happens fairly routinely" that pharmacists find patients 
enrolled in two drug plans. 
"The plans are often willing to cover the same prescription for the same 
beneficiary, but charge different co-payments," Mr. Decker said. "This creates 
confusion and problems for patients and pharmacists alike." 
James M. Maister, a pharmacist in Lutz, Fla., north of Tampa, said that in 
some cases involving Medicare patients enrolled in two plans, "both plans have 
automatic deductions scheduled from the patient's Social Security check." 
Health care providers in Florida said they had alerted federal officials 
because they worried that unscrupulous pharmacists might submit duplicate claims 
for the same prescription. In an e-mail response, Marisa B. Duarte, an employee 
in the Atlanta regional office of the federal Medicare agency, said, "We are 
still working out systems glitches, so having someone enrolled in two plans is 
common." Federal caseworkers can "verify the exact plan," Ms. Duarte added.
[In his radio address on Saturday, President Bush defended the drug benefit. 
"This new coverage is saving seniors money on their drug premiums," Mr. Bush 
said. "The typical senior will end up spending about half of what they used to 
spend on prescription drugs each year."]
Under the Medicare drug program, millions of low-income people are entitled 
to extra help that eliminates their premiums and deductibles and sharply reduces 
their co-payments. 
But when a beneficiary switches plans, Medicare typically provides 
information on the person's low-income status to only one of the two plans. The 
other may still be providing coverage without realizing that the person is 
entitled to a low-income subsidy. This helps explain why some low-income 
beneficiaries have received bills for premiums they do not owe — $25 or $35 a 
month — while others have been charged $40 for a drug at the pharmacy, when 
their co-payments are not supposed to exceed $5.
Jane-ellen A. Weidanz, the Medicare project manager at the Oregon Department 
of Human Services, said: "There appears to be a 

[cia-drugs] Chertoff unaware of ports deal until after OK

2006-02-24 Thread Jim Rarey


Subordinates took it upon themselves to approve the 
UAE deal without telling their bosses or the President?

That should result in the firing of 
several officials including Snow,Chertoff. Condi Rice and Rumsfeld. The CFIUS 
shold be abolished or reconstituted. JR

Where is the 


  The Washington Times

  unaware of ports deal until after OKBy Rowan ScarboroughTHE 
  WASHINGTON TIMESPublished February 24, 
  2006Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff was not aware 
  a Dubai-owned company was seeking to operate terminals in six U.S. ports 
  and that his agency was leading the review until after the deal's 
  approval, an administration official said yesterday. 
  Mr. Chertoff's spokesman, Russ Knocke, told 
  The Washington Times the issue rose no higher than the department's 
  assistant secretary for policy, Stewart Baker. 
  "[Chertoff] was not briefed up to this until 
  after this story started appearing in the newspapers," Mr. Knocke said. 
  Mr. Chertoff is the third Cabinet official to 
  acknowledge he did not know his agency had signed off on the plan as a 
  member of the interagency Committee on Foreign Investments in the United 
  States (CFIUS). Both Defense Secretary 
  Donald H. Rumsfeld and Treasury Secretary John W. Snow have publicly said 
  they were unaware of the deal. 
  But Mr. Chertoff's 
  exclusion is more noteworthy because his department headed the CFIUS 
  review and is in charge of security at all U.S. ports. 
  Mr. Knocke said the reason Mr. Chertoff was 
  not informed was because CFIUS canvassed scores of government agencies and 
  none objected to Dubai Ports World's (DPW) bid to buy terminal operations 
  on national security grounds. If there had 
  been an objection, the committee would have conducted a more extensive 
  45-day investigation and notified Cabinet secretaries. The 12-member 
  committee, which includes six Cabinet secretaries, on Jan. 17 approved the 
  company buying a British firm that runs terminals at the ports. 
  The exclusion of top Cabinet secretaries such 
  as Mr. Chertoff in the DPW review and the failure to notify President Bush 
  of its approval has helped fuel a firestorm of protest from Republicans 
  and Democrats. Legislators say the Bush administration failed to 
  adequately investigate the company. DPW is 
  owned by the United Arab Emirates, which today is a strong U.S. ally in 
  the war on terror, but which in the past had ties to Osama bin Laden and 
  the Taliban, and whose banks were used by the September 11 hijackers. 
  A defense official said at the Pentagon the 
  issue rose no higher than Beth McCormick, who heads the Defense Technology 
  Security Administration. She coordinated a review with 17 separate offices 
  and agencies, and then signed off as the secretary's representative to 
  CFIUS, the source said. The fact the issue did 
  not reach Mr. Rumsfeld until after the fact has some policy-makers 
  rethinking the process. The official said the decision-making needs to be 
  opened up to public-affairs specialists who might have detected a 
  political firestorm ahead. "We need to bring 
  people in with a broader perspective," said the defense official, who 
  asked not to be named. "The best decisions, if you can't communicate it, 
  you can be stopped from doing things that are right. No one is 
  second-guessing the decision." Treasury 
  spokesman Tony Fratto said the review of DPW at Treasury went no higher 
  than Clay Lowery, assistant secretary for international affairs. 
  A State Department official told The Times 
  that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice likewise was not briefed on the 
  ports issue until after the fact. A spokesman in Washington did not reply 
  to a request to supply the name of the State official who approved the 
  sale. "This is a 
  fairly routine matter," said the State Department official. "It wasn't a 
  contentious process. Secretaries get involved at an earlier stage only if 
  there is a divergence of opinion." 
  CFIUS conducted just one meeting on the 
  DPW question last fall. Mr. Lowery could not recall yesterday who attended 
  the meeting. He told the Senate Armed Services Committee that Mr. Chertoff 
  did not attend. Mr. Lowery also said he did 
  not know if National Security Adviser Stephen J. Hadley was notified of 
  the review. He said a notification e-mail was sent to the White House 
  CFIUS is made up of 12 senior government 
  officials. Six are Cabinet secretaries: Treasury, State, Defense, Homeland 

[cia-drugs] Port of Entry

2006-02-21 Thread Jim Rarey




to free Military Insider Newsletter
This smells like a Certoff 
power move.He is virtually the only one in Homeland Security that 
favors the UAE deal. Dubai's number two manhas been put 
in place in charge of the Maritime Division in the Department of 
Transportation. The wife of his chief of staff (Julie Meyers) will 
be in charge of enforcement

All he needs is an alliance 
with the big ground transportation companies to control all goods 
exported and imported. It would only require coordination to bring 
into the U.S. large room=size containers of any goods (including 
narcotics, weapons, and even human cargo (illegal 

What can the government be 

Jim Rarey

Port of 
Frank Gaffney | 
February 13, 2006How 
would you feel if, in the aftermath of 9/11, the U.S. government had 
decided to contract out airport security to the United Arab Emirates 
(UAE), the country where most of the operational planning and 
financing of the attacks occurred? My guess is you, like most 
Americans, would think it a lunatic idea, one that could clear the 
way for still more terror in this country. You probably would 
want to know who on earth approved such a plan -- and be determined 
to prevent it from happening. 

Of course, no such thing occurred after September 11, 2001 
. In fact, the job of keeping our planes and the flying public 
secure was deemed to be so important that the government itself took 
it over from private contractors seen as insufficiently rigorous in 
executing that responsibility. 
Now, however, four-and-a-half years later, a secretive government 
committee has decided to turn over the management of six of the 
Nation's most important ports -- in New York, New Jersey, 
Philadelphia, Miami, Baltimore and New Orleans -- to Dubai Ports 
World following the UAE company's purchase of London-based 
Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., which previously had 
the contract. 
This is not the first time this interagency panel -- called the 
Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) -- has 
made an astounding call about the transfer of control of 
strategically sensitive U.S. assets to questionable 
purchasers. In fact, as of last summer, CFIUS had, since its 
creation in 1988, formally rejected only one of 1,530 
transactions submitted for its review. 
Such a record is hardly surprising given that the committee is 
chaired by the Treasury Department, whose institutional 
responsibilities include promoting foreign investment in the United 
States. Treasury has rarely seen a foreign purchase of 
American assets that it did not like. And this bias on the 
part of the chairman of CFIUS has consistently skewed the results of 
the panel's deliberations in favor of approving deals, even those 
opposed by other, more national security-minded departments. 
Thanks to the secrecy with which CFIUS operates, it is not clear 
at this writing whether any such objection was heard with respect to 
the idea of contracting out management of six of our country's most 
important ports to a UAE company. There would certainly appear 
to be a number of grounds for rejecting this initiative, however: 

1) America 's seaports have long been recognized by homeland 
security experts as among our most vulnerable targets. Huge 
quantities of cargo move through them every day, much of it of 
uncertain character and provenance, nearly all of it inadequately 
monitored. Matters can only be made worse 
by port managers who might conspire to bring in dangerous 
containers, or simply look the other way when they arrive. 

2) Entrusting information about key U.S. ports -- including, 
presumably, government-approved plans for securing them, to say 
nothing of the responsibility for controlling physical

[cia-drugs] The Case for Fewer but Stronger Currencies

2006-02-19 Thread Jim Rarey


Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly. 




February 19, 2006
Economic View
The Case for Fewer but Stronger 

OUTSOURCING isn't just a one-way street on which rich countries shift jobs 
overseas. In recent years, some developing countries have contracted out the 
work of setting monetary policy to the United States. Ecuador and El Salvador, 
in 2000 and 2001, respectively, abandoned their own currencies, adopted the 
dollar and placed their monetary policy in the capable hands of Alan Greenspan, then the chairman of the Federal 
When outsourcing involves manufacturing and software programming it is often 
endorsed by economists and condemned by populist political leaders. So, too, is 
the tactic of outsourcing of monetary policy — known as dollarization, or 
euro-ization. After all, noted Robert E. Litan, senior fellow at the Brookings 
Institute, "currencies are symbols of national sovereignty, and countries are 
reluctant to give them up."
And yet nations can impose enormous costs on their citizens when they take 
extraordinary efforts to maintain independent currencies. "Devaluations of 
currencies cost people their savings and bring on rapid inflation," said Benn 
Steil, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and co-author with 
Mr. Litan of "Financial Statecraft" (Yale University Press, 2006). The two argue 
that the globe's mélange of 200-plus currencies, backed only by the faith of 
investors, is inefficient and dangerous. Many emerging economies, they say, 
would be well advised to swap their currencies for strong, stable, widely used 
ones like the dollar or euro.
Steve H. Hanke, professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University, 
has examined economic development in 32 countries that adopted foreign 
currencies from 1950 and 1993. He found that they had faster rates of G.D.P. 
growth, lower inflation and greater fiscal discipline than their counterparts 
who hung onto their sovereign currencies. Professor Hanke has been an adviser to 
Ecuador, which in 2004 was among the best-performing economies in Latin America, 
growing at a 6.6 percent rate with inflation at 2.7 percent. 
"Dollarization tends to deliver low inflation, and relatively low and stable 
interest rates," said Ricardo Hausman, a former chief economist of the 
Inter-American Development Bank who now teaches at the Kennedy School of 
Government at Harvard.
So what's not to like? "It's not like dollarization is a magic drug," Mr. 
Steil said. It certainly doesn't end the risk that countries will default on 
dollar-denominated debt. Panama has been using the dollar since 1904 and has 
repeatedly run into difficulties. And El Salvador's economic performance hasn't 
outpaced those of its Central American neighbors. 
Some Latin American countries, notably Mexico, have tamed inflation without 
abandoning their own currencies. "If you have sound economic policies in a 
country, you don't need dollarization," said Nouriel Roubini, professor of 
economics at New York University's Stern School of Business. "And if you follow 
poor policies, I don't think dollarization will solve your problems."
But economists say that smaller countries can encourage investment by lashing 
their monetary fortunes to larger regional powers. In Latin America, companies 
that need to make long-term investments — like utilities — are forced to borrow 
in dollars while they operate in local currencies, leaving them exposed to 
currency risk. Now that El Salvador has adopted the dollar, companies there can 
borrow or engage in hedging transactions in dollars with relative ease. 
And when small monetary boats tie themselves together or link themselves to 
larger ones, it encourages stability. "European financial markets were able to 
navigate problems of 9/11 and the Madrid and London bombings without too much 
instability, because they didn't have the extra layer of exchange-rate 
problems," said Barry Eichengreen, professor of economics and political science 
at the University of California, Berkeley.
But one economist's reassuring stability can be another's troubling rigidity. 
If the price of coffee plummets or the price for textiles falls because of 
competition from China, a Latin American country that has dollarized won't have 
the option of cutting interest rates to stimulate growth. "Dollarization takes 
away the option of depreciation," Professor Hausman said. 
Dollarization advocates say that this is all to the good. Mr. Steil notes 
that the Dominican Republic, where a currency crisis in 2004 wiped out the 
savings of a significant chunk of the population, conducts about 85 percent of 
its trade with the United States. "Why on earth would they need their own 
currency?" he asks.
Large countries like the United States have to tread lightly in advocating 

[cia-drugs] Another Times Reporter to Prison?

2006-02-16 Thread Jim Rarey

The editor and publisher should be charged. 


Times Reporter to Prison? By Cliff Kincaid | February 16, 2006 
A 22-year veteran of the Air Force noted that top secret 
information is defined as material whose release could cause grave damage to the 
United States.  

Our readers have reacted with outrage to the disclosure by James Risen and 
the New York Times of a secret NSA spying program into al-Qaeda operations on 
U.S. soil. A 22-year veteran of the Air Force noted that top secret information 
is defined as material whose release could cause grave damage to the United 
States. He asked, "What would you call information that allows Osama bin Laden 
to avoid capture or allow his plans to proceed?"
He added, "Somebody blabbed some secrets that were way above anything I ever 
had access to. If there is Justice, those some bodies will get to do some hard 
time in North East Kansas-meaning Leavenworth."
Meantime, NewsMax broke the storyof how Italian authorities, using 
wiretaps, arrested three Algerians connected to al-Qaeda planning a 9/11-type 
attack on the U.S. The story got little attention in the U.S. "My impression is 
that the major media want to use the NSA story to try and impeach the 
President," I told NewsMax.
Erick Stakelbeck of CBN followed up with an excellent piece. Why are the media so 
intent on playing down the ongoing threats to our country and our people? 
I told Stakelbeck: "Because if they remind us that the threat exists, then that 
tends to support the position of the President, that he has to have the power to 
stop and monitor and thwart these al-Qaeda operations on American soil."
Richard Miniter said, "I think the news judgment of the news directors and 
editors at major broadcast outlets and newspapers is profoundly blinkered by 
politics. They think of this war on terror as Bush's war, not America's 
On the matter of the NSA monitoring international calls without recourse to 
the FISA court, Roger W. Barnett, Professor Emeritus at the Naval War College in 
Newport, Rhode Island, tells us:
"Why has no one mentioned the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1998? 
This legislation was specifically designed to permit employees of the 
intelligence community to contact the Congress to report perceived 
irregularities, but because of the sensitivity of the information-the concern 
that national security would be jeopardized-the route for contact was designated 
to be through the Intelligence Committees of the Congress only. So, there 
is a legal, established route for whomever went to the New York Times to divulge 
his or her information, avoiding thereby the attendant compromise of classified 
"Indeed, it is a crime to divulge classified information so, by 
publishing the information, does that not make the New York Times an 
accessory to the crime? A fence receives stolen property, and thus 
is an accessory to the larceny; why, then, is the NYT not an accessory in the 
same sense and liable for criminal sanctions. Moreover, should not the 
Times have properly advised the whistleblower of the Act, and to proceed in the 
manner provided for in the legislation? Can one assume that both the 
whistleblower and the Times were ignorant of the Act? (The Times, we're 
told, sat on the story for a year, so it had plenty of time to get smart on the 
legislation; and the employee should certainly have been aware of the Act.) The 
Times and the leaker should be prosecuted both for revelation of classified 
information, and for failure to comply with the Whistleblower Protection 

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[cia-drugs] Fw: Be careful what you ask for.

2006-02-16 Thread Jim Rarey

Subject: Be careful what you ask for.

Is the hard left just angry or in the true meaning 
of the word, mad?Alternatively, they are either 
illiterate or have not read the Constitution.

If they succeed in forcing Cheney out by 
impeachment or however (very unlikely) then Bush could appoint a new vice 
president which only requires a simple majorityin both houses. This would 
give the new VP a leg up on the Republican
nomination for president in 2008. In other 
words, Bush could pick his successor.

If both Bush and Cheney were removed at the same 
time. You get President Dennis Hastert and whoever hepicks as 

If only Bush were removed. Then you would have 
President Cheney and his pick for VP.

Be careful what you ask for, you may get 

Jim Rarey aka "Medium Rare"
Romulus, Michigan.

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[cia-drugs] Congressional Probe of NSA Spying Is in Doubt

2006-02-15 Thread Jim Rarey




Congressional Probe of 
NSA Spying Is in DoubtWhite House Sways Some GOP Lawmakers
By Charles BabingtonWashington Post Staff 
WriterWednesday, February 15, 2006; A03

Congress appeared ready to launch an investigation into the Bush 
administration's warrantless domestic surveillance program last week, but an 
all-out White House lobbying campaign has dramatically slowed the effort and may 
kill it, key Republican and Democratic sources said yesterday.
The Senate intelligence committee is scheduled to vote tomorrow on a 
Democratic-sponsored motion to start an inquiry into the recently revealed 
program in which the National Security Agency eavesdrops on an undisclosed 
number of phone calls and e-mails involving U.S. residents without obtaining 
warrants from a secret court. Two committee Democrats said the panel -- made up 
of eight Republicans and seven Democrats -- was clearly leaning in favor of the 
motion last week but now is closely divided and possibly inclined against 
They attributed the shift to last week's closed briefings given by top 
administration officials to the full House and Senate intelligence committees, 
and to private appeals to wavering GOP senators by officials, including Vice 
President Cheney. "It's been a full-court press," said a top Senate Republican 
aide who asked to speak only on background -- as did several others for this 
story -- because of the classified nature of the intelligence committees' 
Lawmakers cite senators such as Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine) to illustrate the 
administration's success in cooling congressional zeal for an investigation. On 
Dec. 20, she was among two Republicans and two Democrats who signed a letter 
expressing "our profound concern about recent revelations that the United States 
Government may have engaged in domestic electronic surveillance without 
appropriate legal authority." The letter urged the Senate's intelligence and 
judiciary committees to "jointly undertake an inquiry into the facts and law 
surrounding these allegations."
In an interview yesterday, Snowe said, "I'm not sure it's going to be 
essential or necessary" to conduct an inquiry "if we can address the legislative 
standpoint" that would provide oversight of the surveillance program. "We're 
learning a lot and we're going to learn more," she said.
She cited last week's briefings before the full House and Senate intelligence 
committees by Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and former NSA director 
Michael V. Hayden.
"The administration has obviously gotten the message that they need to be 
more forthcoming," Snowe said.
Before the New York Times disclosed the NSA program in mid-December, 
administration briefings regarding it were highly secret and limited to eight 
lawmakers: the top Republican and Democratic leader of the House and Senate, 
respectively, and the top Republican and Democrat on the House and Senate 
intelligence committees.
The White House characterized last week's closed-door briefings to the full 
committees as a significant concession and a sign of the administration's 
respect for Congress and its oversight responsibilities. Many Democrats 
dismissed the briefings as virtually useless, but senators said yesterday they 
appear to have played a big role in slowing momentum for an inquiry.
John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.), the Senate intelligence committee's vice 
chairman, has drafted a motion calling for a wide-ranging inquiry into the 
surveillance program, according to congressional sources who have seen it. 
Rockefeller declined to be interviewed yesterday.
Sources close to Rockefeller say he is frustrated by what he sees as 
heavy-handed White House efforts to dissuade Republicans from supporting his 
measure. They noted that Cheney conducted a Republicans-only meeting on 
intelligence matters in the Capitol yesterday.
Senate intelligence committee member Mike DeWine (R-Ohio) said in an 
interview that he supports the NSA program and would oppose a congressional 
investigation. He said he is drafting legislation that would "specifically 
authorize this program" by excluding it from the 1978 Foreign Intelligence 
Surveillance Act, which established a secret court to consider government 
requests for wiretap warrants in anti-terrorist investigations.
The administration would be required to brief regularly a small, bipartisan 
panel drawn from the House and Senate intelligence committees, DeWine said, and 
the surveillance program would require congressional reauthorization after five 
years to remain in place.
Snowe said she is inclined to support DeWine's plan. Sen. Chuck Hagel 
(R-Neb.), who also signed the Dec. 20 letter seeking an inquiry, said yesterday 
that the FISA law should be amended to include the NSA program and to provide 
for congressional oversight.
As for Rockefeller's bid, Hagel said: "If some kind of 

[cia-drugs] Ticking Saudi Time Bomb in the U.S.?

2006-02-15 Thread Jim Rarey

This article by one of the best reporters on 
intelligence matters will not be reassuring. JR

Ticking Saudi Time Bomb in the 
U.S.?By Paul 
SperryFrontPageMagazine.com | February 15, 
A former top Homeland Security 
official reveals in a forthcoming book that the FBI failed to examine "stacks of 
boxes" of potential evidence containing the applications of thousands of young 
Saudi men who had applied for and received visas to travel to the U.S. around 
the same time as the 15 Saudi hijackers.While the FBI says it can find 
no evidence of al-Qaida cells here, the agency has not looked at all the 
Saudi-based evidence since 9/11, warns former Homeland Security Department 
Inspector General Clark Kent Ervin.Ervin, who resigned early last year, 
says he discovered several unexamined boxes of Saudi visa applications in a 
storage room at the U.S. Embassy during a trip two years ago to Riyadh, the 
Saudi capital. He was told by consular officers there that FBI agents neglected 
to go through the boxes and pull the files to see if there might have been any 
connections -- tribes, families, villages, occupations, addresses, phone numbers 
and so on -- between those applicants and the hijackers.Even in the 
aftermath of 9/11, "predictably, the FBI fell woefully behind in vetting these 
applications," Ervin says in the galley proof of his soon-to-be-released book, 
"Open Target: Where America Is Vulnerable To Attack" (Palgrave MacMillan). 
The FBI missed clues to the first World Trade Center 
terror plot in 1993 because they were buried in boxes of unexamined evidence 
from an earlier terror case. Ervin says a team of FBI agents 
did visit the embassy in the months after the 9/11 attacks and asked the 
consular section to pull some of the files.But for some unexplained 
reason, he says the agents left the embassy in Riyadh without examining the 
thousands of other applications stored in the stacks of boxes, even though Saudi 
Arabia is a known al-Qaida hotbed."As I write these words today," Ervin 
says on page 45 of the galley copy I've obtained, "these applications have yet to be examined, 
and the more time goes by, the less potentially useful any intelligence they 
might contain will be."Even when the FBI has screened visa applicants, 
it hasn't done it fast enough to weed out terrorist suspects and prevent them 
from entering the U.S.For example, in the months after 9/11, the FBI and 
CIA scoured the visa applications of all males between the ages of 16 and 45 
from predominantly Arab and Muslim countries for any terrorist connections, 
Ervin says. They found some 200 applicants with 
terrorist ties.But by the 
time they made the connections, the State Department had already issued the men 
their visas, he says. The department duly revoked the visas, 
but it was too late -- the men had already entered the U.S."Our government had no idea whether any of these terrorists were 
still in the country, and if so, where," Ervin says. 
"It is possible that all 200 of them are in 
America somewhere today, waiting for just the right moment to launch another 
attack."Osama bin Laden recently warned that 
al-Qaida is making final preparations for another massive attack on America. 
Assuming the terrorist kingpin isn't bluffing, experts say, he could have 
terrorist cells secreted inside American cities.While the FBI says it's 
found no evidence of such terror cells here, it also said much the same thing 
before the 9/11 attacks. And Ervin points out that the bureau nonetheless 
figures there are at least 1,000 al-Qaida sympathizers in the U.S. today -- a 
number that he calls "low." It's possible there are thousands of sympathizers 
supporting and facilitating hundreds of terrorist operatives inside the U.S., he 
fears, and the FBI has yet to make the connections."It's safe to say, 
then, that a not insignificant number of suspected terrorists are known to be in 
the country today," he says.Ervin speculates that the FBI chose not to 
examine the other Saudi visa applications because "doing so was too much trouble."Asked 
about it, FBI spokesman Bill Carter says it's the first he's heard of any 
unexamined boxes of Saudi visa applications. He says generally it's the State 
Department's duty to check out visa applicants, and the FBI plays only a minor 
supporting role in the process."The State Department is usually 
responsible for the processing of visa applications. And generally what happens 
in that regard is there's a name-check process," Carter says. "In other words, 
they would send the names over to the FBI, and we run it through our case files 
to determine if there's anything in the FBI databases that would preclude or 
prevent that individual from coming into the United States.""But," he 
adds, "I'm not familiar with the fact that there are boxes that remain 
unreviewed."Carter says the FBI's legal attache office in Riyadh -- 
which has come under fire recently -- may have been involved initially in 

[cia-drugs] NPR Blows It

2006-02-15 Thread Jim Rarey

NPR Blows 
It By Cliff Kincaid 
| February 15, 2006 
Dvorkin seems to be just as "brilliant and perceptive" as 
his flawed hero.  

If you can't trust the ombudsman for a news organization, can you trust the 
news organization?
Jeffrey A. Dvorkin, the ombudsman or consumer advocate for National Public 
Radio, has written a column about examples of "questioned and questionable 
journalism." But he then proceeded to commit a journalistic gaffe of his own, 
casting his own credibility in doubt.
Discussing the George Clooney movie, Good Night and Good Luck, about 
CBS newsman Edward R. Murrow, Dvorkin said that Murrow "fought for high 
standards and fearless reporting even in the face of political and economic 
pressures that worked to tame and intimidate journalists and their news 
In fact, as Wes Vernon notes in our AIM Report, 
Murrow had a vendetta against anti-communist Senator Joseph McCarthy because one 
of Murrow's close friends had been questioned about his communist ties and 
committed suicide. But that friend, Laurence Duggan, turned out to be a Soviet 
spy in the State Department. Murrow also mangled the case of Annie Lee Moss, an 
alleged innocent victim of McCarthy who turned out to be a Communist Party 
Dvorkin's column on Murrow demonstrates how modern-day journalists accept a 
prevailing myth about a journalistic icon and fail to examine the facts of the 
case. This is not a good trait in an ombudsman—or a journalist.
In her review of the Clooney film, Ann Coulter noted, sarcastically, that "The brilliant and perceptive 
journalist Murrow was not only unaware of the hundreds of Soviet spies running 
loose in the U.S. government, he was also unaware that his own dear friend 
Duggan was a Soviet spy…"
Dvorkin seems to be just as "brilliant and perceptive" as his flawed 
According to NPR, Dvorkin is supposed to be "the public's representative to 
National Public Radio, serving as an independent source of information, 
explanation, amplification and analysis for the public regarding NPR's 
programming." But if he can't get the facts correct about Murrow's career, which 
dates back 55 years, what good is he?
Tragically, the U.S. State Department, as we noted in a recent 
column, doesn't care for the truth, either. It has launched an Edward R. 
Murrow Journalism Program in honor of the Murrow myth, designed to influence 
foreign journalists.
So now foreign journalists will be as misinformed as our own.
This is progress?

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[cia-drugs] Popular Ohio Democrat Drops Out of Race, and Perhaps Politics

2006-02-14 Thread Jim Rarey


Shumer and Reid are slimy backstabbers whose word cannot be 
trusted. They realized they couldn't control Hackett if he won. JR

February 14, 2006

Popular Ohio Democrat Drops Out of 
Race, and Perhaps Politics 

Paul Hackett, an Iraq war veteran and popular Democratic candidate in Ohio's closely watched Senate contest, said yesterday 
that he was dropping out of the race and leaving politics altogether as a result 
of pressure from party leaders.
Mr. Hackett said Senators Charles E. Schumer of New York and Harry Reid of Nevada, the 
same party leaders who he said persuaded him last August to enter the Senate 
race, had pushed him to step aside so that Representative Sherrod Brown, a 
longtime member of Congress, could take on Senator Mike DeWine, the Republican 
Mr. Hackett staged a surprisingly strong Congressional run last year in an 
overwhelmingly Republican district and gained national prominence for his 
scathing criticism of the Bush administration's handling of the Iraq War. It was 
his performance in the Congressional race that led party leaders to recruit him 
for the Senate race.
But for the last two weeks, he said, state and national Democratic Party 
leaders have urged him to drop his Senate campaign and again run for 
"This is an extremely disappointing decision that I feel has been forced on 
me," said Mr. Hackett, whose announcement comes two days before the state's 
filing deadline for candidates. He said he was 
outraged to learn that party leaders were calling his donors and asking them to 
stop giving and said he would not enter the Second District 
Congressional race. 
"For me, this is a second betrayal," Mr. Hackett said. "First, my government 
misused and mismanaged the military in Iraq, and now my own party is afraid to 
support candidates like me." 
Mr. Hackett was the first Iraq war veteran to seek national office, and the 
decision to steer him away from the Senate race has surprised those who see him 
as a symbol for Democrats who oppose the war but want to appear strong on 
national security.
"Alienating Hackett is not just a bad idea for the party, but it also sends a 
chill through the rest of the 56 or so veterans that we've worked to run for 
Congress," said Mike Lyon, executive director for the Band of Brothers, a group 
dedicated to electing Democratic veterans to national office. "Now is a time for 
Democrats to be courting, not blocking, veterans who want to run."
But Democratic leaders say Representative Brown, a seven-term incumbent from 
Avon, has a far better chance of toppling Senator DeWine.
"It boils down to who we think can pull the most votes in November against 
DeWine," said Chris Redfern, chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party. "And in 
Ohio, Brown's name is golden. It's just that simple."
Mr. Fern added that Mr. Brown's fund-raising abilities made him the better 
Senate candidate. By the end of last year, Mr. Brown had already amassed $2.37 
million, 10 times what Mr. Hackett had raised.
Senator Reid did not reply to repeated requests for comment.
Asked about Mr. Hackett's contention that he had been pressed to leave the 
Senate race, a spokesman for Mr. Schumer, Phil Singer, said, "We've told both 
Sherrod Brown and Paul Hackett that avoiding a primary will make it easier to 
win the Ohio Senate seat, " but he added, "Obviously, the decision to run is Mr. 
Hackett's and Mr. Hackett's alone."
Mr. Brown declined to comment on Mr. Hackett's candidacy, saying that he was 
strictly focused on building his own campaign.
Democrats wanted to avoid a drawn-out primary, especially one that could get 
bruising with a tough-talking outsider like Mr. Hackett.
The Ohio Senate race is regarded as critical to Democratic aspirations to 
take back Congress in the fall. Aside from focusing on Senator DeWine, the 
Democrats also hope to win as many as eight House seats in Ohio and the 
governorship from the Republicans. 
Ohio Democrats are hoping to exploit the larger problems plaguing the 
Republicans. State Republicans have struggled to distance themselves from Gov. 
Bob Taft, a Republican who cannot run again because of term limits and who was 
found guilty last summer of four misdemeanor ethics violations. Representative 
Bob Ney's still-unfolding role in the scandal over the lobbyist Jack Abramoff also looms over the state's Republicans. 

Mr. Hackett said he was unwilling to run for the Congressional seat because 
he had given his word to three Democratic candidates that he would not enter 
that race. 
"The party keeps saying for me not to worry about those promises because in 
politics they are broken all the time," said Mr. Hackett, who plans to return to 
his practice as a lawyer in the Cincinnati area. "I don't work that 
way. My word is my bond."
Jennifer Duffy, who analyzes Senate races for the Cook Political Report, said 
that part of what made 

[cia-drugs] 2 Will Leave A.I.G. Board

2006-02-14 Thread Jim Rarey


Leaving a sinking ship or just one jump ahead of 
the sheriff? JR



February 14, 2006

2 Will Leave A.I.G. Board 


By Reuters
The American International Group, the insurance giant, said 
yesterday that two directors, William S. Cohen and Carla Hills, would not stand for 
re-election to its board. 
Mr. Cohen, the former senator from Maine and defense secretary, had been a 
director since 2004 and is a member of the board's public policy and social 
responsibility committee. 
Ms. Hills, a former United States trade representative, has served on the 
board since 1993 and is a member of its audit committee and its nominating and 
corporate governance committee. 
It was not immediately clear why Mr. Cohen, who is chief executive of the 
Cohen Group, and Ms. Hills, the chief executive of Hills  Company, are 
leaving the board. 
An A.I.G. spokesman, Joe Norton, declined to comment on the reasons for their 
departures. Calls to the two directors were not returned. 

  Copyright 2006The New York Times Company 

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[cia-drugs] Biotech's Sparse Harvest

2006-02-14 Thread Jim Rarey

It'''s a question of who do you trust? 




February 14, 2006

Biotech's Sparse Harvest 


At the dawn of the era of genetically engineered crops, scientists were 
envisioning all sorts of healthier and tastier foods, including cancer-fighting 
tomatoes, rot-resistant fruits, potatoes that would produce healthier French 
fries and even beans that would not cause flatulence. 
But so far, most of the genetically modified crops have provided benefits 
mainly to farmers, by making it easier for them to control weeds and insects. 

Now, millions of dollars later, the next generation of biotech crops — the 
first with direct benefits for consumers — is finally on the horizon. But the 
list does not include many of the products once envisioned.
Developing such crops has proved to be far from easy. Resistance to 
genetically modified foods, technical difficulties, legal and business obstacles 
and the ability to develop improved foods without genetic engineering have 
winnowed the pipeline. 
"A lot of companies went into shell shock, I would say, in the past three, 
four years," said C. S. Prakash, director of plant biotechnology research at 
Tuskegee University. "Because of so much opposition, they've had to put a lot of 
projects on the shelf."
Developing nonallergenic products and other healthful crops has also proved 
to be difficult technically. "Changing the food composition is going to be far 
trickier than just introducing one gene to provide insect resistance," said Mr. 
Prakash, who has promoted agricultural biotechnology on behalf of the industry 
and the United States government. 
In 2002, Eliot Herman and his colleagues got some attention when they 
engineered a soybean to make it less likely to cause an allergic reaction. But 
the soybean project was put aside because baby food companies, which he thought 
would want the soybeans for infant formula, instead are avoiding biotech crops, 
said Mr. Herman, a scientist with the Department of Agriculture. 
In addition, he said, food companies feared lawsuits if some consumers 
developed allergic reactions to a product labeled as nonallergenic. 
The next generation of these crops — particularly those that provide 
healthier or tastier food — could be important for gaining consumer acceptance 
of genetic engineering. The industry won a victory last week when a panel of the 
World Trade Organization ruled that the European Union had violated trade rules 
by halting approvals of new biotech crops. But the ruling is not expected to 
overcome the wariness of European consumers over biotech foods. 
New crops are also important for the industry, which has been peddling the 
same two advantages — herbicide tolerance and insect resistance — for 10 years. 
"We haven't seen any fundamentally new traits in a while," said Michael 
Fernandez, executive director of the Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology, a 
nonprofit group. 
Now, some new types of crops are appearing. Monsanto just won federal 
approval for a type of genetically engineered corn promoted as having greater 
nutritional value — albeit only for pigs and poultry. The corn, possessing a 
bacterial gene, contains increased levels of lysine, an amino acid that is often 
provided to farm animals as a supplement. 
Coming next, industry executives say, are soybean oils intended to yield 
healthier baked goods and fried foods. To keep soybean oil from turning rancid, 
the oil typically undergoes a process called hydrogenation. The process produces 
trans fatty acids, which are harmful and must be disclosed in food labels under 
new regulations. 
Both Monsanto and DuPont, which owns the Pioneer Hi-Bred seed company, 
have developed soybeans with altered oil composition that, in some cases, do not 
require hydrogenation. Kellogg said in December that it would use the 
products, particularly Monsanto's, to remove trans fats from some of its 
Monsanto's product, Vistive, and DuPont's, which is called Nutrium, were 
developed by conventional breeding. They are genetically engineered only in the 
sense that they have the gene that allows them to grow even when sprayed with 
the widely used herbicide Roundup. 
But Monsanto and DuPont say the next generation of soybean, which would be 
able to eliminate trans fats in more foods, would probably require genetic 
engineering. Those products are expected in three to six years. 
Beyond that, both companies said, would be soybeans high in omega-3 fatty 
acids, which are good for the heart and the brain. These are now derived largely 
from eating fish, which in turn get them by eating algae. Putting algae genes 
into soybeans could allow for soy oil that is rich in the fatty acids. 
"Our hope is it is easier to formulate into food without it smelling or 
tasting fishy," said David M. Stark, vice president for consumer traits at 

[cia-drugs] Deaths Halt Enrollments in a Drug Trial

2006-02-14 Thread Jim Rarey



February 14, 2006

Deaths Halt Enrollments in a Drug Trial 


By The Associated Press The biotechnology giant Genentech and its majority stockholder, Roche Holding, said yesterday that they had temporarily 
stopped recruiting volunteers for a large test of the cancer drug Avastin after more patients than expected 
The deaths occurred among colon cancer patients taking Avastin with a chemotherapy regimen called Xelox. Since the test began 
in December 2004, seven patients taking that combination died, four of them 
suddenly, Roche said in a press release.
"An occurrence of sudden deaths, especially in three younger patients, was 
noted," Roche said, adding that the temporary suspension would allow "a full 
safety assessment."
Those seven deaths compare with four deaths in another arm of the study that 
combined Avastin with a different chemotherapy called Folfox.
About 2,000 of the 3,450 patients planned for the test who are already 
receiving one of three combinations of Avastin and the chemotherapy regimens 
will continue to receive their drugs. The rest of the volunteers will not be 
enrolled for at least 60 days while the companies try to determine what caused 
the deaths.
The test is an effort to see if Avastin can safely be used to prevent colon 
cancer from recurring in patients in remission. 
The Food and Drug Administration approved Avastin for patients with advanced 
colon cancer in 2004, and the drug accounted for $1.1 billion in sales for 
Genentech last year. Roche, which is based in Basel, Switzerland, owns sales 
rights to Avastin in Europe, where it was approved last year. Genentech is based 
in San Francisco.
Wall Street analysts said they were optimistic that the deaths would not 
immediately affect the companies' finances because it was too early to know if 
Avastin, the combination of Avastin and Xelox or something unrelated to the 
drugs caused the deaths.
"There is no information here to condemn Avastin," said Jason Kantor, an 
analyst with RBC Capital Markets.
Denise Anderson, an analyst at Kepler Equities, wrote in a note to investors 
that the facts that patients in the trial would stay on Avastin and that only 
one drug combination was at issue seemed to indicate that "the problem may not 
ultimately be that serious."
Avastin chokes the blood supply that feeds tumors; it is the first drug of its kind to be approved 
by the Food and Drug Administration. 
When used with chemotherapy, it extends the life of the sickest patients by 
an average of about five months.

  Copyright 2006The New York Times Company 
  land, owns sales rights to 
  Avastin in Europe, where it was approved last year. Genentech is based in San 

Wall Street analysts said they were optimistic that the deaths would not 
immediately affect the companies' finances because it was too early to know if 
Avastin, the combination of Avastin and Xelox or something unrelated to the 
drugs caused the deaths.
"There is no information here to condemn Avastin," said Jason Kantor, an 
analyst with RBC Capital Markets.
Denise Anderson, an analyst at Kepler Equities, wrote in a note to investors 
that the facts that patients in the trial would stay on Avastin and that only 
one drug combination was at issue seemed to indicate that "the problem may not 
ultimately be that serious."
Avastin chokes the blood supply that feeds tumors; it is the first drug of its kind to be approved 
by the Food and Drug Administration. 
When used with chemotherapy, it extends the life of the sickest patients by 
an average of about five months.

  Copyright 2006The New York Times Company 

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[cia-drugs] Wal-Mart Must Stock 'Morning After' Pill in Mass.

2006-02-14 Thread Jim Rarey

only in Taxachussets where judges and bureaucrats are God. JR
Reprinted from NewsMax.com
Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2006 12:50 a.m. EST 
Wal-Mart Must Stock 'Morning After' Pill in 

The state board that oversees pharmacies voted Tuesday to require Wal-Mart to 
stock emergency contraception pills at its Massachusetts pharmacies, a 
spokeswoman at the Department of Public Health said. 
The unanimous decision by the Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy comes two weeks 
after three women sued Wal-Mart in state court for failing to carry the so 
called "morning after" pill in its Wal-Mart and Sam's Club stores in the state. 
The women argue state policy requires pharmacies to provide all "commonly 
prescribed medicines." 
The board has sent a letter to Wal-Mart lawyers informing them of the 
decision, said health department spokeswoman Donna Rheaume. Wal-Mart has until 
Thursday to provide written compliance. 

Dan Fogleman, a 
spokesman for Bentonville, Ark.-based Wal-Mart, said the company hadn't heard 
about the decision, but would comply with any order. 
Wal-Mart carries the pill in Illinois only, where it is required under state 
law. The company has said it "chooses not to carry many products for business 
reasons," but declined to elaborate. 

© 2006 Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be 
published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. 


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[cia-drugs] Syria switches to euro

2006-02-13 Thread Jim Rarey





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Syria switches to euro amid 
  confrontation with USMon Feb 13, 2006 10:31 AM 
  DAMASCUS (Reuters) - Syria has switched all of the state's foreign 
  currency transactions to euros from dollars amid a political confrontation 
  with the United States, the head of state-owned Commercial Bank of Syria 
  said on Monday.
  "This is a precaution. We are talking about billions of dollars," 
  Duraid Durgham told Reuters.
  The bank, which still dominates the Syrian market although private 
  banks have been allowed to set up in the last few years, has also stopped 
  dealing with dollars in the international foreign exchange flows of 
  private clients.
  The United States has been at the forefront of international pressure 
  on Syria for its alleged role in the assassination of former Lebanese 
  Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri a year ago. Damascus denies involvement in 
  the killing.
  "It looks like a kind of pre-emptive action aimed at making their 
  foreign assets safer, preventing them from getting frozen in case of any 
  conflict," said a Middle East economist who requested anonymity.



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[cia-drugs] CIA chief sacked for opposing torture

2006-02-13 Thread Jim Rarey











  The Sunday 
  February 12, 
  CIA chief sacked for opposing tortureSarah Baxter and Michael Smith, 







  The CIA’s top counter-terrorism official was fired last 
  week because he opposed detaining Al-Qaeda suspects in secret 
  prisons abroad, sending them to other countries for 
  interrogation and using forms of torture such as “water 
  boarding”, intelligence sources have claimed. 
  Robert Grenier, head of the CIA counter-terrorism centre, 
  was relieved of his post after a year in the job. One 
  intelligence official said he was “not quite as aggressive as 
  he might have been” in pursuing Al-Qaeda leaders and networks. 

  Vincent Cannistraro, a former head of counter-terrorism at 
  the agency, said: “It is not that Grenier wasn’t aggressive 
  enough, it is that he wasn’t ‘with the programme’. He expressed 
  misgivings about the secret prisons in Europe and the 
  rendition of terrorists.” 
  Grenier also opposed “excessive” interrogation, such as 
  strapping suspects to boards and dunking them in water, 
  according to Cannistraro. 
  Porter Goss, who was appointed head of the CIA in August 
  2004 with a mission to “clean house”, has been angered by a 
  series of leaks from CIA insiders, including revelations about 
  “black sites” in Europe where top Al-Qaeda detainees were said 
  to have been held. 
  In last Friday’s New York Times, Goss wrote that leakers 
  within the CIA were damaging the agency’s ability to fight 
  terrorism and causing foreign intelligence organisations to 
  lose confidence. “Too many of my counterparts from other 
  countries have told me, ‘You Americans can’t keep a secret’.” 
  Goss is believed to have blamed Grenier for allowing leaks 
  to occur on his watch. 
  Since the appointment of Goss, the CIA has lost almost all 
  its high-level directors amid considerable turmoil. 
  AB “Buzzy” Krongard, a former executive director of the CIA 
  who resigned shortly after Goss’s arrival, said the leaks were 
  unlikely to stop soon, despite proposals to subject officers 
  to more lie detector tests. 
  Krongard said it was up to President George Bush to stop 
  the rot. “The agency has only one client: the president of the 
  United States,” he said. “The reorganisation is the way this 
  president wanted it. If he is unwilling to reform it, the 
  agency will go on as it is.” 
  “History will judge how good an idea it was to destroy the 
  teams and the programmes that were in 












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[cia-drugs] U.S. Cites Rise in Violence Along Border With Mexico

2006-02-11 Thread Jim Rarey





February 11, 2006

U.S. Cites Rise in Violence Along 
Border With Mexico 

WASHINGTON, Feb. 10 — Mexican criminal syndicates are stepping up their 
attacks on American agents patrolling the border as officials of the Homeland 
Security Department intensify efforts to stem the flow of immigrants and drugs 
into the United States, American officials said this week. 
In recent months, scores of Border Patrol agents have been fired upon or 
pelted with large stones as well as with cloth-covered stones that have been 
doused with flammable liquid and set ablaze. Since October, agents have been 
attacked in more than 190 cases, officials said on Thursday.
Most of the attacks have occurred along the Mexican border near San Diego, 
but shootings have also been reported along the border in Texas near the cities 
of Laredo and McAllen. In the fiscal year that ended on Sept. 30, there were 778 
attacks on agents, up from 374 in the previous fiscal year, Homeland Security 
Department officials said.
One stone struck an agent in the eye; a gunshot hit an agent in the leg. The 
officials could not say precisely how many officers had been injured in the 
attacks, which have originated from both sides of the border.
"This is what we're facing," said David V. Aguilar, the Border Patrol chief, 
who played a videotape at a news conference on Thursday that featured a patrol 
car riddled with bullets and agents scrambling for cover as stones rained down 
on them. "This is a very serious type of situation." 
The homeland security secretary, Michael Chertoff, who led the news 
conference, said officials planned to continue their efforts at securing the 
United States-Mexico border.
This week President Bush asked Congress to increase the Homeland Security 
Department's budget by nearly 6 percent. The Border Patrol would receive an 
extra $459 million to hire 1,500 new agents, bringing the total force to about 
14,000. An additional $410 million would be allocated to add 6,700 beds for 
detainees so fewer illegal immigrants would have to be released before being 
deported. Another $100 million would be spent on cameras, sensors and other 
detection technology.
Mr. Chertoff said the department planned to focus on illegal immigrants from 
countries other than Mexico, who have typically been released after apprehension 
because of shortages of beds. Last fall, he expanded the use of summary 
deportations, a process known as expedited removal, in which illegal immigrants 
from countries other than Mexico are detained and then deported without seeing 
an immigration judge.
But officials have struggled to find space for family groups and remain 
unable to process illegal immigrants from El Salvador because of a court ruling 
from the 1980's, when civil war wracked that country, that requires officials to 
allow Salvadorans to see judges before deportation. 
Nationwide, 18,207 illegal immigrants from countries other than Mexico, 
nearly 60 percent of the total apprehended, were released on their own 
recognizance in the first three months of this fiscal year. 
Officials of the Homeland Security Department said they were making headway 
in detaining and deporting these illegal immigrants. They are also working on 
finding more space for families and battling to change the rule regarding 
As for the violence on the border, the officials said Mexico had deployed 300 
federal officers along its side of the border to help out. But many of the 
Mexican gangs remain entrenched.
Last week, immigration officials announced that they had seized a cache of 
weapons, including materials for 33 explosive devices, assault weapons and 
machine gun assembly kits, in Laredo. Officials believe the weapons were 
intended for criminals in Mexico.
"These are very sophisticated, hardened criminals who will use violence to 
protect their criminal businesses," Mr. Chertoff said. "We've got to be prepared 
to deal very decisively with any violence directed at our Border Patrol 

  Copyright 2006The New York Times Company 

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[cia-drugs] 21 Injured in Border Chase

2006-02-11 Thread Jim Rarey





February 11, 2006

21 Injured in Border Chase 


SAN DIEGO, Feb. 10 (AP) — A van carrying suspected illegal immigrants crashed 
near the border with Mexico on Friday as it was being chased by the Border 
Patrol, injuring 21 people, 8 critically.
Twenty-eight people were in the van when it flipped while trying to avoid a 
strip of spikes agents had placed in its path. Eight people suffered 
life-threatening injuries, said Maurice Luque, a spokesman for the San Diego 
Fire-Rescue Department. 
The Border Patrol said agents stopped two other vans, taking about 60 people 
into custody.

  Copyright 2006The New York Times Company 

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[cia-drugs] Blair Blasted As Carlyle Sees QinetiQ Windfall

2006-02-11 Thread Jim Rarey


Faces In The 
News Blair Blasted 
As Carlyle Sees QinetiQ Windfall Parmy Olson, 02.10.06, 3:10 PM ET It 
was reportedly the inspiration behind Q in the James Bond movies, and seems to 
have become a venerated British institution ever since word hit the street that 
a large chunk of its flotation capital would go to a U.S. private equity firm. 
Critics of the 2003 sale of the U.K. defense company QinetiQ to The 
Carlyle Group knew today's listing was inevitable--but as numbers are now 
put on the amount of cash set to be raked in by the U.S. firm, bitter reactions 
are rising again to the surface. Opponents of U.K. Prime Minister 
Tony Blair have long felt that at $74 million, his government had sold 
its 30.5% stake in QinetiQ to the Carlyle Group too cheaply. They say that the 
$395 million that Carlyle has made today should have gone to the U.K. taxpayer. 
The knives have duly re-emerged in force. "It is very much akin to Boris Yeltsin 
handing out the assets of the old Soviet Union to his chums at knockdown 
prices," one of Blair's former ministers Lord Gilbert postulated to the BBC. 
Blair's current defense minister tried to parry the cut and thrust by insisting 
the government had been right to sell off a "wasting asset." Meanwhile 
there's been outcry that the sale was directed at institutional investors at the 
expense of would-be private shareholders. QinetiQ, however, has since allocating 
6% shares to smaller stockbrokers--a combined stake worth nearly $140 million. 
With the float, U.K. government has cut its stake to 23.7% while Carlyle 
whittled down its holding to 12.%. In what was the first privatization 
of a government-controlled company under Blair, today's stock exchange debut has 
given QinetiQ a market cap of about 1.3 billion pounds, or $2.3 billion. QinetiQ 
reportedly now plans to focus on its core customers within Britain's defense 
ministry and tap into overseas markets in areas such as security and 
counterterrorism. The Carlyle Group meanwhile has kept quiet about the whole 
affair. More... 
Faces In The News  



Faces In The 
News Blair Blasted 
As Carlyle Sees QinetiQ Windfall Parmy Olson, 02.10.06, 3:10 PM ET It 
was reportedly the inspiration behind Q in the James Bond movies, and seems to 
have become a venerated British institution ever since word hit the street that 
a large chunk of its flotation capital would go to a U.S. private equity firm. 
Critics of the 2003 sale of the U.K. defense company QinetiQ to The 
Carlyle Group knew today's listing was inevitable--but as numbers are now 
put on the amount of cash set to be raked in by the U.S. firm, bitter reactions 
are rising again to the surface. Opponents of U.K. Prime Minister 
Tony Blair have long felt that at $74 million, his government had sold 
its 30.5% stake in QinetiQ to the Carlyle Group too cheaply. They say that the 
$395 million that Carlyle has made today should have gone to the U.K. taxpayer. 
The knives have duly re-emerged in force. "It is very much akin to Boris Yeltsin 
handing out the assets of the old Soviet Union to his chums at knockdown 
prices," one of Blair's former ministers Lord Gilbert postulated to the BBC. 
Blair's current defense minister tried to parry the cut and thrust by insisting 
the government had been right to sell off a "wasting asset." Meanwhile 
there's been outcry that the sale was directed at institutional investors at the 
expense of would-be private shareholders. QinetiQ, however, has since allocating 
6% shares to smaller stockbrokers--a combined stake worth nearly $140 million. 
With the float, U.K. government has cut its stake to 23.7% while Carlyle 
whittled down its holding to 12.%. In what was the first privatization 
of a government-controlled company under Blair, today's stock exchange debut has 
given QinetiQ a market cap of about 1.3 billion pounds, or $2.3 billion. QinetiQ 
reportedly now plans to focus on its core customers within Britain's defense 
ministry and tap into overseas markets in areas such as security and 
counterterrorism. The Carlyle Group meanwhile has kept quiet about the whole 
affair. More... 


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[cia-drugs] NBC News Accused of Treason

2006-02-09 Thread Jim Rarey


NBC News 
Accused of Treason By Cliff Kincaid | February 9, 2006 
What's next? Exclusive footage of American troops being 
massacred while NBC News and Commander Ismail look on and film it for the 
evening news?  

A former freelance producer/correspondent for CNN, Reuters Television and CBN 
News says that she is disgusted by how the U.S. television networks are 
facilitating terrorist military and propaganda operations. Theresia Whitfield 
says that "one has to question the loyalty of our own American owned networks, 
including and specifically NBC."
Whitfield (Yetman was her maiden name) explains, "I find it interesting that 
Lisa Myers, Senior Investigative Correspondent [for NBC News], was recently able 
to do an exclusive interview with a senior Taliban commander who calls himself 
'Commander Ismail.' Granted, the network didn't actually send her but rather 
some poor underpaid producer and photographer working in the region risking 
their lives for the glory that will never come. I know-I've been that 
producer…while they were probably taken on a ride miles out of the way, probably 
blind-folded; you can't tell me that these people couldn't have been tracked by 
the CIA, the FBI, the NSA or someone else with some other acronym and authority. 
You can't convince me that these news people could get in good with this top 
secret terrorist and NOT tell the United States government that they were having 
a top secret meeting."
She adds, "It's OK for them to spill the beans about everything the White 
House does, but Heaven forbid they should tell the Bush Administration where 
some of the terrorists are or that they're having tea and a casual chat? Come 
on. Now who's bordering on treason? Al-Jazeera [is our friend] compared to what 
our own media will do to the United States with our backs turned. It's a 
travesty. They should be charged with treason when they do these types of 
stories and don't report their sources to the proper officials."
The December 27 report in question about "Commander Ismail" was narrated 
by Myers, who said that "In his first interviews with Western media, Ismail 
brags about killing three Navy Seals this summer, then downing a Chinook 
helicopter that came to rescue them, killing another 16 Americans." Myers 
explained, "NBC News interviewed Ismail in August and again this month. Both 
times, the Taliban made sure we could not provide their location to the U.S. 
military. An NBC producer was taken on a confusing seven hour odyssey to an 
unknown location, where Ismail then appeared." Myers said that NBC News 
"provided details of the interview to U.S. intelligence." But this was not done 
so that U.S. officials could apprehend the terrorist. Instead, this was 
done so that senior officials could say that "his claims are consistent with 
what they know about the battle, and they have no reason to believe that the man 
is not Commander Ismail."
So NBC News obtained an interview with a terrorist killer of American 
military personnel. That's just great, isn't it? What a scoop!
What's next? Exclusive footage of American troops being massacred while NBC 
News and Commander Ismail look on and film it for the evening news?

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[cia-drugs] Enron revisited

2006-02-08 Thread Jim Rarey

(As the fraud trial of former Enron 
head, Ken Lay, unfolds it is clear that the prosecutor and the media are not 
going to tell the full story.,but will shield as much as possible the 
large investment banks, government officials and the Congress who played a large 
role in one of the largest ever scams.
I am reissuing an article I wrote in February of 
2002 to remind what the media "missed" the first time around and continues to 

RareyFebruary 27, 2002 
What at first was thought to be just the outrageous illegal 
excesses of one company (Enron) is now found to be an outbreak threatening to 
become an epidemic. In the Enron case, over $80 billion in value has disappeared 
from investment portfolios including pension funds, private 401K’s, IRA’s and 
other institutional and private investors. And that’s just the stock effect. 
Still to come are disclosures of the impact of loans from investment banks and 
bonds issued by Enron subsidiaries and "partnerships" which will be in the 
billions of dollars.Before tracing the contagion of the "Enron Syndrome" 
we should try to clarify just exactly what Enron was doing. About the only 
consistent explanation in most of the media is that the company was hiding its 
true debt on the balance sheets of the partnerships. It was doing much more than 
that. Enron set up more than 3,000 private "partnerships" with the aid 
of investment bankers who rounded up the investors to give the appearance of 
independent companies. With the connivance of the bankers, bond rating services and Wall Street 
analysts, bonds were then issued by the partnerships. The 
bonds were backed, not by the (non-existent) assets of the partnerships, but by 
Enron stock. Enron stock at that time was the darling of Wall Street trading in 
$60-$80 dollar range. Given investment grade ratings by the ratings services and 
buy recommendations from Wall Street analysts, the bankers had no problem 
touting the investments to unsuspecting investors. Of course Enron is now a 
penny stock and the bonds have virtually no backing. This stratagem 
worked so well the bankers began to recommend the structure to other clients. 
Chief among the investment houses were CitiGroup, 
Credit Suisse First Boston and Deutche Bank Alex Brown 
according to a 2/14/02 New York Times article. The practice 
became so lucrative that some of the banks began buying the bonds themselves and 
then peddled them to investors. Two of the companies named in the Times 
article as adopting the Enron model are the Williams Companies and the El Paso 
Corporation. Both are also big players in the energy (oil and gas) markets. The 
major selling point of the model was that it would shield the bond liabilities 
from. investors’ view by keeping them on the partnerships’ balance sheets. 
J.P Morgan Chase also 
had a "arrangement" with Enron where large sums of money were prepaid to Enron 
supposedly for future delivery of oil and gas commodities. These transactions 
were run through one of the partnerships and an entity called Mahonia Ltd., a 
subsidiary of Morgan Chase set up in Jersey in the (English) Channel Islands. 
No commodities were never delivered and the prepayment was returned to 
Morgan Chase plus about 3.4% of the contract. The transactions are being 
investigated, as they appear to be nothing but private loans to Enron outside of 
normal reporting requirements.Morgan Chase required Enron to obtain 
performance bonds from insurance companies for the transactions with themselves 
as the beneficiary. Since the bankrupt Enron now cannot make good on the 
repayments, Morgan Chase has claimed payment from the insurance companies. The 
insurance companies are refusing to pay saying the transactions were 
misrepresented as commodity trades. Morgan Chase has sued and, according 
to Standard  Poors, stands to lose over $5 billion if unsuccessful. One of 
the companies involved is Travelers Insurance, a subsidiary of CitiGroup. 
Ironically, and perhaps even poetically, this has the effect of the 
Rockerfellers suing themselves since they control both Morgan Chase and 
CitiGroup.Are all these goings on legal? Where were the accountants and 
lawyers while this was happening? There is some confusion as to whether the 
partnership scheme was the brainchild of Enron management or of the consulting 
arm of Enron’s auditors, Arthur 
Anderson. It may be irrelevant since both embraced the 
concept wholeheartedly. Arthur Anderson is said to have passed the model on to 
some of its other big clients of which Global Crossings is one of the more 
notable. Global Crossings, of course, is much in the news as it tries to 
sell its core business (a strategic fiber optic network) to a company with close 
ties to the government of Communist China. It also has gained notoriety for its 
chairman’s reaping of over $700 million in stock sales before the company went 
into Chapter 11 bankruptcy. (This dwarfs 

[cia-drugs] Alleged terrorist's trial moves ahead

2006-02-05 Thread Jim Rarey










  Posted on Sun, Feb. 05, 


Alleged terrorist's trial moves aheadBy Matthew Barakat and 
Michael J. SniffenASSOCIATED 
Va. - More than four 
years ago, Zacarias Moussaoui was arrested by the FBI while taking 
pilot training in Minnesota.
He was still in custody when 
al-Qaida hijackers attacked on Sept. 11, 
After a tortuous trip through the 
legal system, the 37-year-old Frenchman admitted last April that 
Osama bin Laden ordered him to train to fly a jetliner into the 
White House.
He pleaded guilty to conspiring 
with the Sept. 11 hijackers but claimed not to know their 
On Monday, a federal court begins 
picking a jury to decide whether Moussaoui, the only person charged 
by the United States in the nation's most deadly terrorist attack, 
will be executed or spend life in prison.
Whatever the jury decides, 
Moussaoui's impact has been both unexpected and 
•Once thought to be a missing 20th 
hijacker, he generated only a false alarm: The nation's 3,500 
crop-dusters were temporarily grounded based partly on what FBI 
agents found on his computer. But Moussaoui is no longer believed to 
be a 20th hijacker, and the government deleted references to his 
interest in crop-dusters from its 
•His case was central to the 
finger pointing, investigations and reforms that followed the 
attacks. An obscure FBI lawyer in Minneapolis made the cover of Time 
magazine as a person of the year for her whistleblowing complaint 
that the bureau dropped the ball in investigating Moussaoui.
•One of the nation's most 
efficient federal courthouses, proud to be nicknamed the "Rocket 
Docket," has been slowed to a crawl by a defendant with no legal 
training serving largely as his own lawyer.
The pace picks up Monday when 500 potential jurors show up at the 
courthouse in Alexandria to fill out detailed questionnaires about 
their knowledge of the case and feelings about the death 
Opening statements in the sentencing trial are set for March 6, 
and the trial is expected to last one to three months.
Prosecutors contend Moussaoui could have prevented the Sept. 11 
attack by telling investigators what he knew when arrested.
The defense argues that Moussaoui knew less about Sept. 11 than 
the government, citing investigations that turned up multiple missed 
opportunities to possibly prevent the attacks.
Those investigations were fueled in part by FBI agent Coleen 
Rowley's public complaint that the FBI failed to aggressively 
investigate Moussaoui after his August 2001 arrest.
Selected as a Time Person of the Year in 2002, Rowley is now 
running for Congress.
The defense has subpoenaed Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa., the House 
Armed Services Committee vice chairman, who in a House speech on 
pre-Sept. 11 intelligence failures revealed that a secret military 
data-mining operation code-named Able Danger had identified four of 
the 19 hijackers, including leader Mohammed Atta, as al-Qaida 
operatives a year and half before the attacks.
"The congressman is inclined to cooperate and is consulting his 
attorney and the House general counsel," Weldon's spokesman, John 
Tomaszewski, said Friday.
Defense lawyers have indicated they will introduce testimony 
about Moussaoui's difficult personal life in hopes of persuading a 
jury to show leniency.
Moussaoui was part of a broken family of Moroccan descent with a 
history of mental illness, Moussaoui's lawyers said in court papers. 
The Moussaouis maintained only a superficial connection to Islam 
when Zacarias was growing up.
His turn toward militant Islam came in the 1990s when he moved to 
London and fell under the influence of radical clerics at a time 
when his personal life was in 

[cia-drugs] Fw: AWESOME: The Old Man in the Parking Lot pls read

2006-02-05 Thread Jim Rarey

Subject: AWESOME: The Old Man in the Parking Lot

Subject: Greatest Generation

  The elderly 
  parking lot attendant wasn't in a good mood!
  Neither was Sam 
  Bierstock. It was around 1 am, and Bierstock, a Delray Beach, FL, eye 
  doctor, business consultant, corporate speaker and musician, was bone tired 
  after appearing at an event.
  He pulled up in 
  his car, and the parking attendant began to speak. "I took two bullets 
  for this country and look what I'm doing," he said 
  At first, 
  Bierstock didn't know what to say to the World War II veteran. But he 
  rolled down his window and told the man, "Really, from the bottom of my heart, 
  I want to thank you." Then the old soldier began to cry. "That 
  really got to me," Bierstock says. Cut to today. Bierstock, 
  58, and John Melnick, 54, of Pompano Beach - a member of Bierstock's band, 
  "Dr. Sam and the Managed Care Band" - have written a song inspired by that old 
  soldier in the airport parking lot. The mournful "Before You Go" does 
  more than salute those who fought in WW II. It encourages people to go 
  out of their way to thank the aging warriors before they die. "If we had 
  lost that particular war, our whole way of life would have been shot," says 
  Bierstock, who plays harmonica. "The WW II soldiers are now dying at the 
  rate of about 2,000 every day. I thought we needed to thank them." 
  The song is striking a chord.
  Within four days 
  of Bierstock placing it on the Web the song and accompanying photo essay have 
  bounced around nine countries, producing tears and heartfelt thanks from 
  veterans, their sons and daughters and grandchildren. "It made me cry," 
  wrote one veteran's son. Another sent an e-mail saying that only after 
  his father consumed several glasses of wine would he discuss "the unspeakable 
  horrors" he and other soldiers had witnessed in places such as Anzio, Iwo 
  Jima, Bataan and Omaha Beach. "I can never thank them enough," the son 
  wrote. "Thank you for thinking about them."
  Bierstock and 
  Melnick thought about shipping it off to a professional singer, maybe a Lee 
  Greenwood type, but because time was running out for so many veterans, they 
  decided it was best to release it quickly, for free, on the Web. They've 
  sent the song to Sen. John McCain and others in Washington. Already they 
  have been invited to perform it in Houston for a Veterans Day tribute - this 
  after just a few days on the Web. They hope every veteran in America 
  gets a chance to hear it.
  Please turn up your sound, then click on 
  the site below!

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[cia-drugs] Grenades, bombs found at border

2006-02-04 Thread Jim Rarey

This is a 
  WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows. 
  To view this item online, visit 
  Saturday, February 4, 2006

  bombs found at borderFeds say Laredo cache belonged to 
  drug cartel
  Posted: February 4, 20061:00 a.m. Eastern
  A federal task force yesterday seized weapons, grenades and homemade 
  bombs in Laredo, Texas, the scene of deadly border violence in the last 
  It was the second stash of weapons and explosives found by the team in 
  the last week – a sign, Customs agents say, of a war between drug cartels 
  vying for control of the U.S.-Mexico border. 

  Laredo law enforcement officials called the weapons' discovery – which 
  apparently marks the first time such explosives have been found in the 
  city – a worrisome development. 
  The feds captured more than 30 homemade bombs, grenade components, 
  assault weapons, silencers, machine gun assembly kits, bulletproof vests, 
  police scanners and cash, Julie Myers, assistant secretary of U.S. 
  Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said in a statement. 
  Two of the bombs had been completed and others were under assembly, 
  said officials from the task force that involved Immigration and Customs 
  Enforcement, FBI, local authorities and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, 
  Firearms and Explosives. 
  Officials said they also found the weapons in homes during January 12, 
  26 and 27 searches. 
  U.S. authorities have said they increasingly fear violence in Mexico 
  will spill over into the United States. 
  About 170 deaths have been attributed to the cartel battles in Nuevo 
  Laredo, Mexico, in the past year, officials said. Nuevo Laredo is across 
  the Rio Grande from Laredo. 

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[cia-drugs] Fw: Red Skelton's Pledge Of Allegiance

2006-02-03 Thread Jim Rarey

Forwarded from a friend.

I hope that all of you enjoy this as much as I 
do. It may take a couple minutes to come in, turn 
your speakers on. 

- Original MessagePledge Of Allegiance

Red Skelton 
's Pledge of Allegiance 

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[cia-drugs] Able Danger and Moussaoui

2006-02-02 Thread Jim Rarey




to free Military Insider Newsletter

Able Danger and 
Rory O'Connor | 
January 31, 
2006This article 
first appeared on NavySEALs.com and MediaChannel.org 

Lawyers for Zacarias Moussaoui, the admitted terrorist 
conspirator who pleaded guilty to six conspiracy charges but 
insisted he was not part of the Sept. 11 plot, are making moves to 
inject the Able Danger intelligence controversy into Moussaoui's 
forthcoming sentencing trial in an attempt to stave off a death 
sentence for their client. 
Last week, Representative Curt 
Weldon, the crusading conservative Republican 
from Pennsylvania who has been a leading voice in pushing for open 
hearings about Able Danger, received 
a subpoena to testify at the sentencing trial, 
now scheduled to begin next month. Weldon's communications director 
John G. Tomaszewski noted that "The Congressman has been pushing 
aggressively over the last six months to bring this story to the 
public, and he continues to push for the public's right to know all 
the facts about what United States government officials knew about 
the 9/11 attacks - and when they knew it." 
Others connected with the Able Danger program, including defense 
analysts such as Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer and Captain Mark 
Phillpott, are also expected to be called to testify. Both longtime 
military analysts, along with several others involved in the Able 
Danger program, say their operation identified Mohamed Atta and 
three other 9/11 hijackers a year before the terror attacks. They 
were slated to speak at open hearings before the Senate Judiciary 
Committee September 21, but at the last minute the Defense 
Department abruptly refused permission for their stories to be told 
and the hearings were postponed indefinitely. 
The Moussaoui defense moves came just after a federal judge 
ordered the government to turn over documents describing what 
officials knew about Al 
Qaeda threats and some of its hijackers before September 11, 
In granting part of a January 20 defense motion for documents, 
Judge Leonie M. Brinkema of Federal District Court acted without 
even waiting for the government's response. 
"Several of the categories of information are so critical to the 
issues in this case," Judge Brinkema wrote, "That the court can 
address some of the requests without a response." 
Judge Brinkema ordered the government to turn over any threat 
assessments immediately, especially those (like Able Danger) 
completed in the year before the 2001 attacks. Her order was 
released after government censors blacked out about five lines of 
Prosecutors plan to argue in the first part of the court 
proceeding that the F.B.I. could have prevented the attacks if Mr. 
Moussaoui had told agents what he knew about Al Qaeda's desire to 
fly planes into American buildings. 
Moussaoui's attorney Edward B. McMahon Jr. was unavailable for 
comment. But another attorney familiar with the case speculated that 
the defense move to subpoena Weldon and other Able Danger 
participants might counter the prosecution's argument. "This could 
dissociate Moussaoui from the 9/11 attacks," he explained. "The 
defense will argue that Able Danger found evidence of four hijackers 
-- but Moussaoui was not one of them, even though he was in the 
United States at the time. This would buttress the claim that he had 
no involvement in the 9/11 attacks, and help exonerate him." 
The defense may also argue that agents already had more 
information about the plot than Moussaoui could have provided. 
"Their second argument could be that the authorities could have 
prevented the 9/11 attacks without apprehending Moussaoui ahead of 
time," the attorney reasoned, "Since there is nothing Moussaoui 
could have told them that they couldn't have learned about from Able 
If the jury 

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