[cia-drugs] Iran Situation and WW3

2010-08-23 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
What say'st thee, Bob?


Sunday, August 22, 2010
Iran Situation and WW3 
Ok, there is alot of talk about a war with Iran right now. I think these 
concerns are legit. World War 3 (with China) has been scheduled for 2015 for 
over 20 years now. Due to economic factors, this agenda might be ramped up a 
bit. This will start with Iran, a major source of Chinese petroleum and spread 
from there. The whole idea of the Afghanistan conflict is to block the Chinese 
from putting oil pipelines through the region. That's the big factor, the opium 
production and vast untapped mineral wealth are important too, but secondarily 
Remember the Bosnian conflict of the 90s? Well that enabled the US to set up 
the Kosovo Liberation Army, the KLA. This was a forward base of operations 
supporting the Chenya conflict, aimed against Russia. (Yes, oil producing 
region.) The KLA are a mafia that funnels Afghan opium, transported by the 
Kurds, into Europe. The proceeds fund CIA black operations worldwide and may 
also be funneled through the Cayman Islands and other offshore locations to 
support Wall Street when necessary. When Jimmy Carter got into office, he 
appointed Stansfield Turner to direct the CIA. His job was to throw out Poppy 
Bush and "The Boys." So they uh, "privatized." The KLA traffic narcotics, 
weapons, women, children and terror. But they seem to specialize in Eastern 
European women and children. Along with Dyncorp.
This was serious business to Russia, as they view this region as part of their 
cultural sphere of influence. World War 3 almost broke out in '00 with the 
sinking of the Kursk. The Russians didn't like that at all. When the US went to 
war with Iraq 3 years later, thousands of Russian troops volunteered to fight 
in Iraq. Against us. What few weapons the Iraqi resistance did not obtain 
through Poppy Bush and Hillary Clinton's American LaFarge group, they got from 
Russia. Didn't you know the Clintons work for the Bushes? Ha ha ha. The Bushes 
work for the Harrimans. The Harrimans work for the Rockefellers.
When Bernanke talks about "dropping money from helicopters" to prevent 
deflation, what he really means is funneling money into the economy through 
establishment supported (and protected) organized criminal activity. (This 
activity is hardly limited to Kosovo. It goes back to WW2. And even farther to 
the Opium Wars. But I digress.)
As to Tarpley's analysis of US dollar hegemony, I must say I concur. You can 
see in my archives how I was tracking the fall of the Euro. (The trend is your 
friend, until it ends, because then, it bends!) Well, I had a total hardware 
crash and haven't recovered yet, so I haven't been following it lately, but I 
guess it's looking like the trend may be over. I still think the 
Anglo-Americans will win, though. LOL.
Here's one thing Tarpley doesn't bring up. Yeah, the Anglo-Americans want to 
maintain US Petrodollar hegemony. But I don't think they necessarily want to 
create demand for US dollars by increasing the price of oil. If they could get 
more for oil, they'd love that, but the price of oil (and gold) is an indicator 
of inflation. They want their currency to SEEM like it is worth more than it 
really is, so they can get more for it, even though they print it out of 
nothing. The whole point of the Militarization of the US (and the war on Iraq) 
is that we want to use our military to force other countries to take our losses 
for us. Saddam started selling oil in Euros. Bad, bad Saddam!
Here's the real issue, as far as I'm concerned. This is called "Petrodollar 
recycling." Imagine you go to the store and you buy whatever you want. You 
write a check out to pay for it. Now instead of cashing that check, the store 
LENDS THE MONEY BACK TO YOU. Pretty good system, isn't it? Well, now imagine 
it's 40 years later, and they wanna start CASHING ALL THOSE CHECKS. Well, the 
Saudis have been taking all the money we spend on oil and investing it back 
into US dollar denominated assets. That's part of a secret agreement Kissinger 
made with them in the 70s. They even got their own plates to print out US 
dollar paper money. But if you hold trillions of dollars, and the dollar keeps 
being worth less and less, you're losing alot of wealth.
Here's what's going to happen. Israel will attack Iran. Sooner or later. Obama 
is against it. He's doing what he can, but he only has so much power. 
Brzezinski is his boss.
Brzezinski has been busy promoting "Color Revolutions" throughout Eastern 
Europe that past five years or so. George Soros and the National Endowment for 
Democracy are his boys. Anyway, the goal is to encircle China geopolitically. 
With military bases and shit.
Well Brzezinski's big thing is proxy war. Originally he wanted to use diplomacy 
to get Iran on our side. (I use the term "our" rather loosely. LOL. It refers 
to the Anglo-American Global Dominance Group.) Anyway, his original

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Outspoken Drug Smuggler Reminisces About Hippie Trail -- Author Blasts the War on Drugs

2010-08-07 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Whats the name of the monk, and or paper?

- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2010 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Outspoken Drug Smuggler Reminisces About Hippie 
Trail -- Author Blasts the War on Drugs

> This was discussed and plans put forth for action many hundreds of years
> ago.  About 1000 AD a monk outside of Rome wrote a paper in Latin.  the
> paper, circulated everywhere, showed that the best way to control a
> population was through 'soft' addictions.  Sugar seems to be the biggest.
> Tea was the biggie then.  Our systems have changed and it effects us less.
> This paper spread around the known world.  It was the basis for the East
> India Trade Company.  East India Trade was formed over 100 years prior to
> building their first ship.  During that age many of the "Mayflower" type
> ships were lost.  Samuel Elliot Morrison estimated that for every
> 'Mayflower' 400 were lost at sea.
> In grade school you were taught that early seamen went to sea for the
> 'spice' trade.  Sure.  They went out and risked their lives for some
> stupid oregano.
> Michael Donovan
>> On Fri, Aug 06, 2010 at 07:35:41PM -, manzikertca wrote:
>>>Drug based cultures always seem to be unable to compete
>>>with non drug based ones.To much muddied thinking
>> The mainstream U.S. culture is based on the drugs alcohol,
>> fluoride, and tobacco.  Alcohol and fluoride inhibit, and
>> eventually destroy, the areas of the brain that enable
>> higher consciousness, empathy, morality, altruism, rational
>> intention, independent thinking, etc.  (Tobacco is a short-
>> acting and extremely addictive tranquilizer mixed with a very
>> potent carcinogen.)
>> Americans are programmed by their religions and educational
>> system to believe and obey authority, and are punished for
>> independent thinking.  The incessant flood of TV and radio
>> advertising damages our ability to think rationally and
>> make emotional contact with others.
>> This is why most Americans don't care that our government
>> (along with Israel's) perpetrated the 9/11 attacks,
>> subsequently murdered 2,000,000 people in Afghanistan and
>> Iraq, and is now poised (with Israel) to murder many millions
>> more in Iran, using nuclear weapons.
>> Cannabis and other psychedelics have the opposite effect
>> on the brain from alcohol and fluoride.  Used with proper
>> set, setting, and dosage, they can reawaken people's humanity
>> that has been suppressed by social programming, and enable us
>> to re-integrate our fractured personalities and recover the
>> true selves that we lost after childhood ("become as little
>> children").  They can help us question authority and think
>> for ourselves.  This is what happened in the 1960s, leading
>> to major opposition to the Vietnam War.  The murderous
>> psychopaths who control our government, media, and economy
>> were astounded and frightened when one of their mass-murder
>> operations ("wars") was actual stopped by the American people.
>> That's why the government banned these drugs with very harsh
>> penalties at that time.
>> These are the drugs that Kris Millegan and author Joseph Pietri
>> are talking about.  We would be much better off with easy access
>> to marijuana and hashish again.  Listen to the music of the
>> Jefferson Airplane and Starship.  We need that spirit today!
>>>--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Kris Millegan  wrote:


 Outspoken Drug Smuggler Reminisces About Hippie Trail --
 Author Blasts the War on Drugs

 Jimmy Buffet was one. The Eagles sang about them. The
 intrepid men (and sometimes women) who braved unpredictable
 associates, constant fear of apprehension and threats
 of violence in their daring exploits. Who were these
 people? Secret agents? Mercenaries? Even better. Drug

 The war on drugs is simply the war on some drugs, the ones
 they can't patent or control, the drugs that anyone can
 grow at home.

 Walterville, OR (Vocus) August 3, 2010

 During the freewheeling days of the Sixties, marijuana
 and hashish were in high demand, and a number of dealers
 were willing to risk everything to supply the goods. One
 of the most outspoken of these entrepreneurs is author
 Joseph R. Pietri, whose new memoir "The King of Nepal,
 Life Before the Drug Wars" goes into fascinating detail
 into the life of a smuggler.

 The book, mainly written while Pietri languished in a
 Laotian prison, paints a vivid picture of his life on the
 hippie trail that led from London to Amsterdam, with stops
 in India, Afghanistan and Laos. It details an exciting time
 of exotic locations, drug-fueled orgies, brushes with the
 law and meetings with colorful characters like Big Eddie,
 Sunshine James, Afghan Ted and the Birmingham Boys. He

Re: [cia-drugs] Somalia al-CIA-duh Rochester MN Saudi

2010-08-07 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Plenty of Somali drug lords here in Minneapolis.  They shot a kid in broad 
daylight a about four years ago.  Right in the head.  He was standing on the 
corner between his mom and his sister.  College kid.  Turned out to be a 
prominent member of Scholars for 911 Truth.  Just a coincidence I'm sure.  Do 
you think you could do a drive by like that and get away?  Not even a 
surveillence cam on the news?  Like I said, just a coincidence.
What's your take, Mary Hartmann?

  - Original Message - 
  From: muckblit 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2010 1:13 AM
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Somalia al-CIA-duh Rochester MN Saudi


  14 charged for supporting Somalia terrorist group

  The Associated Press
  Thursday, August 5, 2010; 8:13 PM 

  WASHINGTON -- The government announced Thursday that it has charged 14 people 
as participants in "a deadly pipeline" to Somalia that routed money and 
fighters from the United States to the terrorist group al-Shabab. 

  The indictments unsealed in Minneapolis, San Diego and Mobile, Ala., reflect 
"a disturbing trend" of recruitment efforts targeting U.S. residents to become 
terrorists, Attorney General Eric Holder told a news conference. In one case, 
two women pleaded for money "to support violent jihad in Somalia," according to 
an indictment. 

  The attorney general credited Muslim community leaders in the United States 
for regularly denouncing terrorists and for providing critical assistance to 
law enforcement to help disrupt terrorist plots and combat radicalization. "We 
must ... work to prevent this type of radicalization from ever taking hold," 
Holder said. 

  Of the 14 people charged at least half are U.S. citizens and 12 of them are 
out of the country, including 10 men from Minnesota who allegedly left to join 
al-Shabab. Seven of those 10 Minnesota men named in one of Thursday's 
indictments had been charged previously in the probe. 

  Al-Shabab is a Somali insurgent faction embracing a radical form of Islam 
similar to the harsh, conservative brand practiced by Afghanistan's former 
Taliban regime. Its fighters, numbering several thousand strong, are battling 
Somalia's weakened government and have been branded a terrorist group with ties 
to al-Qaida by the U.S. and other Western countries. 

  Terrorist organizations such as al-Shabab continue to radicalize and recruit 
U.S. citizens and others to train and fight with them, said Sean Joyce, the 
FBI's executive assistant director for the national security branch. 

  One of two indictments issued in Minnesota alleges that two Somali women who 
were among those charged, and others, went door to door in Minneapolis; 
Rochester, Minn., and elsewhere in the U.S. and Canada to raise funds for 
al-Shabab's operations in Somalia. The indictment says the women - the only two 
people indicted Thursday who remain in the United States - raised the money 
under false pretenses, claiming it would go to the poor and needy, and used 
phony names for recipients to conceal that the money was going to al-Shabab. 

  Omar Hammami, who is now known as Abu Mansour al-Amriki, or "the American," 
was charged in Mobile, Ala. He has become one of al-Shabab's most high-profile 
members. He appeared in a jihadist video in May 2009. 

  At the news conference, Holder said Hammami has appeared in several 
propaganda videos for al-Shabab and "has assumed an operational role in that 

  Hammami grew up in the middle-class town of Daphne, Ala., and attended the 
University of South Alabama in Mobile, where he was president of the Muslim 
Student Association nine years ago. Hammami, 26, enrolled at the university in 
2001 but left in 2002; school officials said they have been unaware of his 
whereabouts since then. 

  Hammami's father, Shafik, is an engineer with the state highway department 
who also has served as president of the Islamic Society of Mobile. Shafik 
Hammami confirmed his relationship to Omar Hammami in e-mail exchanges with The 
Associated Press earlier this year but declined further comment. 

  In San Diego, prosecutors unsealed an indictment charging Jehad Serwan 
Mostafa, 28, with conspiring to provide material support to al-Shabab. Mostafa 
is believed to be in Somalia. 

  One of the Minnesota indictments alleges that the two women, Amina Farah Ali, 
33, and Hawo Mohamed Hassan, 63, raised money by making direct appeals to 
people in teleconferences "in which they and other speakers encouraged 
financial contributions to support violent jihad in Somalia." 

  During one teleconference, the indictment says, Ali told others "to forget 
about the other charities" and focus on "the jihad." 

  The indictment says Ali and others sent the funds to al-Shabab through 
various hawalas, money transfer businesses that are a common source of 


2010-07-16 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Seemed to me like they were trying to "Jimmy Carter" his ass.

  - Original Message - 
  From: muckblit 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 10:39 PM
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: HORRIFIC GULF MEXICO PICTURES

  What companies installed this, sold it, manufactured it, and let's
  see that patent. Could have been done in first few days after an
  answer to a real president's 24 hour ultimatum to get it done in
  3 or he would insert a pipe bomb 5000 feet into the hole and
  blow it up to seal the hole.

  BP says cap has halted oil flow in Gulf: report; shares up 7% --U.S. shares 
of BP surged nearly 10% to $39.62 in recent activity. 15 Jul 2010 Oil has 
stopped leaking from the blown well in the Gulf of Mexico for the first time 
since April, The Associated Press reported Wednesday, citing BP PLC. Earlier in 
the day, BP said it started performing an integrity test on the well following 
the placement of a new containment cap on it over the weekend. The stoppage of 
the leak is a part of the integrity test, which could last from six to 48 
hours, and not a permanent fix to the blown well.


  --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "muckblit"  wrote:
  > Might be why the stock markets did not go up, tech either, or even
  > Intel on Intel's great earnings.
  > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs/message/49579



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[cia-drugs] Guest Post: Corporate Entities As Modern-Day Street Gangs

2010-06-20 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
The Times pressed the ICE because the woman happened to work for an advertising 
company which presumably did business with the Times. After being contacted by 
the Times, not only was the man not deported, he was released with promises to 
have his case "taken care of". 

Guest Post: Corporate Entities As Modern-Day Street Gangs

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/19/2010 12:21 -0500

Submitted by Gonzalo Lira

This past Monday, June 14, 2010, the Unites States Supreme Court let stand 
without comment or dissent the Second Circuit Appeals Court decision to dismiss 
Maher Arar's suit against the U.S. Government. (Arar v. Ashcroft, No. 09-923)

Mr. Arar was illegally detained by U.S. officials while in transit back to his 
home in Canada, and then handed over to Syrian intelligence officials using 
"extraordinary rendition". The Syrians kept Arar for ten months, interrogating 
him using torture, and finally releasing him when they concluded that Mr. Arar 
was neither a terrorist, nor in possession of any relevant intelligence. 

Once free, Mr. Arar sued both the Canadian government (which peripherally 
assisted in his kidnapping and torture) and the U.S. government. The Canadian 
government issued him an unequivocal apology, and $10 million Canadian in 
Mr. Arar did not get any similar justice from the U.S. government, though. The 
Second Circuit Appeals Court quashed his suit by stating that Congress had not 
authorized such suits as Mr. Arar's. (!)

By letting stand the Appeals Court decision to quash the suit Mr. Arar brought 
against the U.S. Government, the Supreme Court effectively ruled that the 
Government cannot be held accountable by private citizens for its actions. The 
Government can do as it pleases to any individual-including assassinating one 
of its own citizens-and there is no legal remedy. 

Now let's compare how the U.S. Government dealt with BP, regarding the oil 
spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico: President Obama met with BP officials, 
and as a product of that meeting, BP promised to set up a "compensation fund" 
of $20 billion over the next two years. 

Note how this was agreed to outside of the ordinary judicial process. There was 
no suit. Neither did this agreement follow the law. It was simply a deal the 
White House made with BP. A Republican politician is receiving a lot of grief 
over having characterised the meeting and subsequent deal as a "shake down" of 
BP by the Government. This politician is being censured because apparently he 
sided with BP, the party responsible for the oil spill disaster-clearly the guy 
is an idiot. 

Be that as it may, the politician's characterization is in fact accurate: The 
Government did "shake down" BP for the money, in a manner no different from a 
street gang shaking down a neighborhood grocery store. 

In the Arar case, one of the Government's arguments in favor of quashing the 
case was that the suit would bring under scrutiny "the motives and sincerity of 
the United States officials who concluded that petitioner [Mr. Arar] could be 
removed to Syria." In other words, the Government was deploying its full weight 
and power to protect the individuals who had actually ordered Mr. Arar's 
detention and deportation to Syria. 

Similarly, in the "compensation agreement" whereby BP acquiesced to pay $20 
billion, the company as a whole was acting to protect the executives and 
personnel responsible for the oil spill disaster. (I have yet to read the 
actual deal memo, but I wouldn't be surprised to learn that, as part of the 
deal, the Government agrees not to prosecute any BP executive or personnel, 
either in criminal or civil court. This is pure supposition on my part-but it 
ought to be the first thing scrutinized once the actual deal memo comes out.)

As a third example, during the financial crisis, when AIG, Fannie Mae and 
Freddie Mac were all bailed out, none of the executives actually responsible 
for the firms being in the position that they were in were indicted or punished 
in any way. The corporations assumed the responsibility of the individuals who 
had made the bad decisions. 

As a fourth example, the unions, in both the public sector and the private. 
GM's unions forced the company to assume pension and health care liabilities 
which any actuarian would have realized would eventually bring about GM's 
bankruptcy-which of course is exactly what happened. Teacher's unions across 
the U.S. refuse to implement basic competency tests on their members, 
threatening to strike if such tests are imposed, even going so far as to 
protect not merely incompetent teachers, but pedophiles-and these are the 
people who are supposed to be educating America's youth. 

A fifth example: The U.S. military. Soldiers routinely violate human rights of 
Iraqis and Afghans, in the most despicable, egregious manner imaginable. Yet 
they get away wi

[cia-drugs] LaRouche: The U.S. and Russia Should Launch a Sudden, Unexpected Hit Against the Afghan Dope Trade

2010-04-07 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
LaRouche: The U.S. and Russia Should Launch a Sudden, Unexpected Hit Against 
the Afghan Dope Trade
April 7, 2010 (LPAC)-In discussions with colleagues yesterday, Lyndon LaRouche 
emphasized that we have got to organize a strategic shock-effect intervention 
into the current strategic situation, and the ideal situation that lends itself 
to that, is a sudden, unexpected hit against the Afghanistan opium and heroin 

It's the kind of thing that can be done in a matter of several hours overnight, 
based on very good intelligence, LaRouche explained. You don't want to go 
around bombing peasants, but you want to deliver a deadly blow to the British 
Empire's dope capability. You want to hit the trafficking organizations, you 
want to knock out their opium fields, and you want to do it as a joint 
Russian-American operation. This will have the effect of causing a major shift 
in the strategic situation. 

Cooperate with the Russians, and screw the British by running an effective 
eradication operation against their opium war at its most vulnerable point, 
which is inside Afghanistan. 

We've got to move fast, LaRouche continued, and run an operation that catches 
the British off guard and preempts their ability to carry out any effective 
counter operation. 

One of the essential features of this is that we've got to bring Iran in on the 
operation. They have a very strong vested interest in defeating the opium trade 
out of Afghanistan - 20% of the population of Iran is now addicted to opium. 

Therefore, LaRouche said, we run a preemptive operation against the British. 
It's a Russian-American joint operation; we get the Iranians in, we get the 
Chinese giving their support for it, which will shore up Pakistani cooperation, 
and under those circumstances we've got India on board as well. The British are 
already hated in China, and, from the standpoint of the Anglo-Saudi operations 
out of Afghanistan, nobody likes the Saudis at all. 

This is a strategic operation, LaRouche reiterated. Keep the British on the 
defensive. We've scored a significant impact at the White House by the way 
LaRouche packaged the whole Afghanistan policy in the impeachment of Obama for 
his tantamount to treason collusion with the Taliban drug traffickers, by 
ordering a hands-off policy on the opium business. We've created a situation 
where the Obama factor itself has been thrown onto the defensive. 

Right now, in this immediate phase, we've got to keep Obama on the defensive, 
LaRouche explained, because we've got to get a green light from inside the US 
government for this joint US-Russia operation: a well-planned operation by 
Russia and the United States to break the back of the opium apparatus in 

If you do this, LaRouche noted, this will shift the dynamic inside of Iran as 
well. And if the Israelis figure out that LaRouche has a direct hand in this 
operation, then they will tend to get very careful, and will be contained from 
taking some kind of insane flight forward operation.

Re: please discontinue muckblit misdirection/harassment routine! Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America

2010-04-07 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Re: please discontinue muckblit misdirection/harassment routine! Re: 
[cia-drugs] Re: Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy 
AmericaNobody cares what you think.

  - Original Message - 
  From: homepu...@comcast.net 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 8:15 AM
  Subject: Re: please discontinue muckblit misdirection/harassment routine! Re: 
[cia-drugs] Re: Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy 

  dear Robert, 

  please don't be afraid, just try to info-processing more literally / 
accountably, please. 


  - Original Message -
  From: "Robert Millegan" 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, April 7, 2010 6:08:49 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
  Subject: Re: please discontinue muckblit misdirection/harassment routine! Re: 
[cia-drugs] Re: Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy 

  Ruxpert, I am afraid that you are delusional. This is just an email list for 
informational exchange and some dialogue.


--- On Tue, 4/6/10, homepu...@comcast.net  wrote:

  From: homepu...@comcast.net 
  Subject: Re: please discontinue muckblit misdirection/harassment routine! 
Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 3:59 PM

dear Kris, 

  If you don't like what Ruxpert says, you don't have to read. 
  Practice what you preach! 
  I find you post crony hypocrisy rather than honesty! 
  Think Please! 
  Bob did not 'sorta kinda; misdirect, Bob LITERALLY misdirected, continued 
  misdirect, and does such cogdis disinfo misdirection harassment routine 
on a 
  regular basis.
  Furthermore, please note, I did not initiate contact/dialogue 
  Bob's misdirection routine; Bob initiated Bob's misdirection racket 
  me/my info-post, that I posted to the group, generally.
  Also please note, how Bob's misdirection routine, that Bob initiated,  
  got you, via 'sentimental' crony hypocrisy/corruptio n ... defending / 
  supporting to spread such/Bob's info-misdirection/ corruption routine 

  please see:

  Literal Accountability VS hivemind hypocrisy entropy
  http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/cia- drugs/message/ 49180 

  perhaps IT would present more integrity, regarding info-processing 
  accountability, if you/Kris were to instead simply scold Bob's 
  routine, and tell Bob to simply no longer 'respond' to ruxpert's posts in 
  the future, please. 


  - Original Message -
  From: "Kris Millegan" 
  To: cia-dr...@yahoogrou ps.com
  Sent: Tuesday, April 6, 2010 7:31:24 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
  Subject: Re: please discontinue muckblit misdirection/ harassment 
routine! Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to 
destroy America

   Re: please discontinue muckblit misdirection/ harassment routine! Re: 
[cia-drugs] Re: Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy 


  If you don’t like what Bob says, you don’t have to read. 

  I find your post more harassing than anything Bob has ever posted. 


  On 4/5/10 8:44 PM, "ruxpert"  wrote:


Dear Bob, 

I asked you to Please stop misdirecting from subject video/speech 
and to instead Please deal with actual specific details expressed in 
subject video/speech

why try to apply more misdirection  as attempt to cover-up of previous 
misdirection routine, while so to continue misdirection routine?
(especially when I kindly ask you to stop such misdirection) 

and to make it worse, you attempt such via such blatant nonsense:

"Biographical background is not eligible for your usual ad hominem."

dear Bob, I am tired of tending to your bullshit misdirection 
harassment routines, 
Please Stop! 


Truth Please / rather than more Bullshit
On Bullshit || Jon Stewart on Crossfire 
http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/cia- drugs/message/ 48977 

why all the muckblit misdirection routines? ;-) 
Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Good-Bye. Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It
http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/cia- drugs/message/ 49098 

- Original Message -
From: "muckblit" 
To: cia-dr...@yahoogrou ps.com
Sent: Monday, April 5, 2010 8:16:04 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific

Re: please discontinue muckblit misdirection/harassment routine! Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America

2010-04-07 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Re: please discontinue muckblit misdirection/harassment routine! Re: 
[cia-drugs] Re: Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy 
AmericaAre they trying to do some weird cointelpro on Bob?  LOL.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert Millegan 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 6:08 AM
  Subject: Re: please discontinue muckblit misdirection/harassment routine! Re: 
[cia-drugs] Re: Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy 

  Ruxpert, I am afraid that you are delusional. This is just an email list for 
informational exchange and some dialogue.


--- On Tue, 4/6/10, homepu...@comcast.net  wrote:

  From: homepu...@comcast.net 
  Subject: Re: please discontinue muckblit misdirection/harassment routine! 
Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 3:59 PM

dear Kris, 

  If you don't like what Ruxpert says, you don't have to read. 
  Practice what you preach! 
  I find you post crony hypocrisy rather than honesty! 
  Think Please! 
  Bob did not 'sorta kinda; misdirect, Bob LITERALLY misdirected, continued 
  misdirect, and does such cogdis disinfo misdirection harassment routine 
on a 
  regular basis.
  Furthermore, please note, I did not initiate contact/dialogue 
  Bob's misdirection routine; Bob initiated Bob's misdirection racket 
  me/my info-post, that I posted to the group, generally.
  Also please note, how Bob's misdirection routine, that Bob initiated,  
  got you, via 'sentimental' crony hypocrisy/corruptio n ... defending / 
  supporting to spread such/Bob's info-misdirection/ corruption routine 

  please see:

  Literal Accountability VS hivemind hypocrisy entropy
  http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/cia- drugs/message/ 49180 

  perhaps IT would present more integrity, regarding info-processing 
  accountability, if you/Kris were to instead simply scold Bob's 
  routine, and tell Bob to simply no longer 'respond' to ruxpert's posts in 
  the future, please. 


  - Original Message -
  From: "Kris Millegan" 
  To: cia-dr...@yahoogrou ps.com
  Sent: Tuesday, April 6, 2010 7:31:24 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
  Subject: Re: please discontinue muckblit misdirection/ harassment 
routine! Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to 
destroy America

   Re: please discontinue muckblit misdirection/ harassment routine! Re: 
[cia-drugs] Re: Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy 


  If you don't like what Bob says, you don't have to read. 

  I find your post more harassing than anything Bob has ever posted. 


  On 4/5/10 8:44 PM, "ruxpert"  wrote:


Dear Bob, 

I asked you to Please stop misdirecting from subject video/speech 
and to instead Please deal with actual specific details expressed in 
subject video/speech

why try to apply more misdirection  as attempt to cover-up of previous 
misdirection routine, while so to continue misdirection routine?
(especially when I kindly ask you to stop such misdirection) 

and to make it worse, you attempt such via such blatant nonsense:

"Biographical background is not eligible for your usual ad hominem."

dear Bob, I am tired of tending to your bullshit misdirection 
harassment routines, 
Please Stop! 


Truth Please / rather than more Bullshit
On Bullshit || Jon Stewart on Crossfire 
http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/cia- drugs/message/ 48977 

why all the muckblit misdirection routines? ;-) 
Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Good-Bye. Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It
http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/cia- drugs/message/ 49098 

- Original Message -
From: "muckblit" 
To: cia-dr...@yahoogrou ps.com
Sent: Monday, April 5, 2010 8:16:04 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans 
to destroy America

Bio background is customary in many publications. Some still like to
the source" (in this case a 32nd degree mason as well as the rest).
Doing so is
not "ad hominem", ruxpert. I am not "forbidding the question", either,
but I
will not review the vid right now, ruxpert, since 

[cia-drugs] FOX Files: Convicted Serial Killer Was A Paid FBI Informant

2010-03-31 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
"Informant" of course is a polite euphemism for "provacateur."  Or in this 
case, "Phoenix Operative."  The Phoenix Program is a polite euphemism for 
"Civilian Assassination Program."  -Vmann

FOX Files: Convicted Serial Killer Was A Paid FBI Informant
By Chris Hayes FOX2now.com 

8:40 PM CDT, March 30, 2010

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI - FOX2now.com) - Victims' family members in St. Louis and 
Springfield Illinois, fought the Feds to get him locked up. Jennifer Marcum was 
talking to her Dad about opening up a coffee shop when she disappeared. She was 
living in Denver. Relatives put up billboards to find her. They learned she'd 
associated with an FBI drug informant who was linked to other missing people. 
He was a charismatic man named Scott Kimball.

Bob Marcum said, "We were waiting for a phone call... A couple days later the 
FBI called us It was terrible and I told them they needed to call down to 
her sister in St. Louis."

Jennifer's family was suspicious of Kimball. So they went to Colorado to meet 
him in person. Bob Marcum said Kimball made strange comments about the murder.

Marcum explained, "He was saying that the FBI knew where Jennifer was and he 
couldn't understand why they hadn't gone and claimed her body. They were 
waiting for a hiker to find her or something."

Marcum said the Feds still did not react. "That's exactly how we felt, that she 
was an insignificant person."

And it's not only Jennifer Marcum who was missing. At least three others linked 
to Kimball were missing as well. The killer's ex-wife thinks he may have killed 
them under the FBI's nose.

Lori McLeod said, "Nobody was watching Scott. They were just giving him money "

McLeod married Kimball in the midst of his killings. She too became suspicious 
and tried to warn Kimball's FBI handler..

McLeod said, "I told him Casey [McLeod] was missing. That was it. He didn't do 
anything. You know two girls are now missing around Scott."

Later, her ex-husband's dark side was confirmed. The Marcums, McLeods and a 
third family -- demanded the Feds press their "inside man." Kimball finally 
cracked. Last fall, he agreed to help investigators find Jennifer Marcum's body 
in exchange for a plea deal -- second degree murder on 4 counts.

Kimball, now in prison, sounds nonchalant about his killings.

He said, "I am a good guy. Even a good guy can have a bad side." He added, 
"Once you get yourself, you cross a line - there's no going back. You have to 
remember, I'm a criminal. Criminals are involved in bad things."

Kimball is amused the FBI paid him for information.

He said, "I keep referring to them as the most elite police force in the world 
because that's what they call themselves and it kind of reminds me of the 
keystone cops and the 3 stooges."

No comment from the Colorado FBI office.

Bob Marcum said, "You never really can get over something like this, no matter 
if they find her, it's the time that you lose that you'll never got to spend 
with her."

Jennifer Marcum was 25 years old. While her family hangs onto the the time they 
had together, they ask all law enforcement to be careful of the deals they cut 
with criminals.

Kimball's plea deal on four second degree murder counts means 70 years in 
prison, with a chance of parole in half that time. 

[cia-drugs] Adam Walsh murder revisited: The case against Jeffrey Dahmer

2010-03-28 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
But all four Dahmer witnesses say they contacted police in 1981, though police 
-- who admitted to shoddy record keeping in the initial weeks of the 
investigation -- have no record of their tips. Also, Warren wasn't shown 
Dahmer's picture in a lineup in 1996 and Santamassino was never contacted by 

And though police and the Walsh family say authorities thoroughly investigated 
Dahmer even after that interview over muffins, documents suggest otherwise. 

Adam Walsh murder revisited: The case against Jeffrey Dahmer
A Miami Herald investigation into the murder of Adam Walsh has found that in 
naming Ottis Toole as Adam's killer, authorities overlooked evidence and 
witnesses pointing toward Jeffrey Dahmer.

Investigating one of the nation's most prominent unsolved murders, a Hollywood 
detective pitched softball questions and homemade muffins to a serial killer.

He asked: Did you kidnap freckled 6-year-old Adam Walsh from a Sears in 1981?

``Nothing to do with it,'' Jeffrey Dahmer answered, taking another muffin. 

The word of Dahmer, a sociopath who stashed severed heads in his refrigerator, 
was instrumental in Hollywood police deciding he was not Adam's killer despite 
contradictory statements from two witnesses.

In December 2008, Chief Chadwick Wagner called a press conference to say 
deceased drifter Ottis Toole -- long suspected but never prosecuted -- killed 
Adam. Adam's parents believed it and Broward prosecutors said Toole was the 
only valid suspect. Case closed.

But had authorities fully explored Dahmer's time in South Florida, they would 
have found more evidence implicating him than Toole, The Miami Herald found.

The evidence includes two additional witnesses who said they saw him at the 
mall with Adam that day, another who placed Dahmer at the scene of an eerily 
similar abduction attempt two weeks earlier, and people who said he had access 
to a van fitting an early description of the getaway vehicle.

The 29-year-old murder remains among the most vexing unsolved crimes in 
America, and no one can say with certainty that Dahmer -- or any of the other 
myriad suspects to drift through the case -- snatched the child.

Yet by focusing so heavily on Toole despite layers of contradictions in his 
long twisted tale, Hollywood police may well have missed leads pointing to 
Dahmer, according to fresh interviews and a review of thousands of documents.


``Once I saw that picture of Dahmer, I said, `That's him,' '' Janice 
Santamassino remembered. ``That's who I saw.''

July 27, 1981 was the first day of Santamassino's vacation, and she drove her 
daughter and son to the Hollywood Mall on Hollywood Boulevard across from 
police headquarters. After nearly slamming into the back of a blue van parked 
illegally outside the west entrance of Sears, she parked, and went inside.

Santamassino wanted sandals for her daughter Lori, 4, but first the girl asked 
to play an arcade game. Lori approached a game next to a boy wearing an 
oversized hat, shorts and a striped shirt and played for 10 minutes, the mother 

On their way out of the toy department, Santamassino looked down an aisle and 
saw a disheveled man. She said their eyes met. She grabbed her daughter's hand 
and walked away. ``He just gave me a bad, uncomfortable feeling. It was 
spooky,'' she said.

She later heard an intercom call for Adam Walsh. A distraught woman and man 
were at the customer service desk, but the boy at the video games was gone. So 
was the creepy guy in the toy aisle.

A massive search ensued. Hundreds of volunteers scoured Hollywood's streets, 
and helicopters and boats filled the skies and waterways. Posters of Adam, clad 
in a little league uniform and flashing a gap-toothed grin, were plastered 

Watching the news that afternoon, Santamassino realized she had seen Adam. She 
called police and then again the next day but said she never received a return 
call. Not in 1981 nor in 1996, when she called America's Most Wanted after the 
show, hosted by Adam's father John Walsh, ran a piece on Adam. The show 
forwarded the tip to Hollywood police. 

Contacted by a writer in 2009 and shown a picture of Dahmer, she said he was 
the man she saw.


Others say they contacted police in the days after Adam's abduction without 

They include Jennie Warren, interviewed by state attorney's investigator Phil 
Mundy in 1996 after a media lawsuit prompted the release of the case file. She 
was dismissed after she said she didn't see Toole, she said.

Warren told The Miami Herald she saw Adam with his mother Reve that day. She 
also noticed a man at the video games wearing beige khakis ``like army 
fatigues.'' He stood next to Adam and stared at the screen.

Warren says she could have picked out the man in fatigues


2010-03-14 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
what documents did vreeland have?  who was he fellating?  are you referring to 
ruppert's alleged sexual harassment case?

- Original Message - 
From: muckblit 
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 9:58 PM

If he had those documents he should have published them instead
of blowing air, unless he liked muddy water then AND does so now
and pretty much for the duration of his life on earth and for the lives
of any descendants he may have.

I thought only normal heterosexuals wore leather jackets and
impressed Mike Ruppert as being macho but I could be wrong.
However, if I was a journalist I would have required the docs
before engaging in fellatio on the record at the house of the
rising son, known for being the ruin of many a poor boy.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, radar runner  wrote:

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Proof That The Greek Rioters Don't Even Know What They're Fighting For

2010-03-09 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
;s biggest electricity company and controlled by the 
state, also called a 24-hour strike today. 

  To contact the reporter on this story: Maria Petrakis in Athens at 
mpetra...@bloomberg.net; David Tweed in Athens at jtw...@bloomberg.net 

  Last Updated: March 5, 2010 12:03 EST 
  --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Vigilius Haufniensis"  
  > Are they accidentally attacking the wrong shit, or are they fake 
protestors? The Black Bloc strikes again! -Vmann
  > So are these pro-austerity protesters? Doubtful, it's far more likely 
they're just confused... but feel free to correct us if information comes out.


[cia-drugs] Proof That The Greek Rioters Don't Even Know What They're Fighting For

2010-03-07 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Are they accidentally attacking the wrong shit, or are they fake protestors?  
The Black Bloc strikes again!  -Vmann

So are these pro-austerity protesters? Doubtful, it's far more likely they're 
just confused... but feel free to correct us if information comes out.

Proof That The Greek Rioters Don't Even Know What They're Fighting For

Tags: Greece, Financial Crisis, Europe 

One has to wonder if Greek rioters even know what they are rioting against, or 
The Associated Press has reported that the leader of Greece's largest union has 
been assaulted by masked youths, as a huge surge of violence erupted across 


Demonstrators attacked the two military guards and their escorting officers, 
smashing windows and kicking the guard posts. Masked youths then attacked the 
head of Greece's largest trade union who was addressing the crowd.

GSEE [The union] head Yiannis Panagopoulos traded blows with the rioters before 
being whisked away bloodied and with torn clothes.

This is the same largest union that just held work stoppages to protest the 
austerity measures.

So are these pro-austerity protesters? Doubtful, it's far more likely they're 
just confused... but feel free to correct us if information comes out.

Regardless, latest violence is being billed as the worst since 2008. Thus 
things just got a lot worse in Athens.

[cia-drugs] How Obama Sold Out Paul Volker

2010-02-26 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
How Obama Sold Out Paul Volker 

Charlie Gasparino explains how Obama's investment banker friends killed Paul 
Volker's reform plan that Obama proudly announced last month. The fixers always 
seem to win in Washington -- one of the best arguments I know for limited 

The president needed the gravitas of the former Fed chairman to sell his bank 
reform to Wall Street. But when the big banks didn't buy it, Obama sold him 
Barack Obama owes Paul Volcker a lot, but he apparently owes the fat cats on 
Wall Street even more. That's the only reasonable conclusion that can be made 
from the president's timely and, in some ways, bizarre about-face on the former 
Fed chairman's plans to reform the financial industry and prevent another 

As first reported by the New York Post, Volcker's bank-reform idea-the one 
trotted out by the president with Volcker standing at his side just hours after 
Republican Scott Brown won Teddy Kennedy's seat and vowed to help crush Obama's 
economic agenda-has been nixed in favor of a watered-down version that bank 
chiefs like J.P. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon and other Obama supporters on Wall 
Street are advocating.

I am told that both Larry Summers and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, good 
friends of Wall Street, considered the 82-year-old Volcker little more than a 
crank who should be ignored. And so he was.

The Volcker Plan, as I have reported in The Daily Beast, certainly had its 
shortcomings; its main emphasis was to stop banks that are deemed Too Big to 
Fail from engaging in so-called proprietary trading, or engaging in risky 
trades with their own capital-the theory being that taxpayers would again have 
to bail out the banks if their bets turned sour, as they did in 2007 and 2008.

The problem with the proposal was that proprietary trading wasn't the major 
reason for all those big losses that led to the financial collapse and the 
taxpayer bailouts.

Yet for all its drawbacks, at least the Volcker Plan was the start of a 
conversation about whether taxpayers should be forced to subsidize the 
risk-taking activities of Wall Street. That debate, as we know now, is over. 
Sources tell me a coalition of Wall Street heavyweights from Dimon to people 
like Larry Fink, the head of money-management powerhouse BlackRock-Obama 
supporters all-made their opposition to the plan well-known to the 

The message was clear: Wall Street, which helped elect Barack Obama with an 
unprecedented support for a Democratic presidential candidate (Goldman Sachs 
was the second largest contributor to the president's campaign), was ready to 
start backing the opposition of the so-called Volcker Rule. The bottom line: 
Even as Main Street struggles with severe unemployment, Wall Street still wants 
its billions in bonuses.

And with that, Volcker, one of the nation's great economists, was thrown under 
the bus. Of course, the administration is still pushing for "reform" of the 
banking system to prevent another meltdown, but by all accounts, the measures 
floated so far will do nothing more than force the firms to hold a little more 
capital if they want to roll the dice in the markets. The main thrust of what 
Volcker wanted to do and needs to be done-prevent the American taxpayer from 
ever again having to subsidized banks' risk taking-appears nowhere to be found.

Of course, you don't have to be a political junkie to understand why the 
president did a 180 on Volcker and his plan; already, Wall Street has begun to 
hedge its bets by supporting some Republicans, and it isn't a good thing having 
someone as powerful as Jamie Dimon, a lifelong Democrat and Obama supporter, 
against you. (People close to Dimon say while he still supports the president, 
he's also angered by some of his agenda.)

Even so, there was something particularly smarmy about how the former Fed 
chairman was used. Volcker's greatest achievement was defeating an economic 
calamity known as stagflation-the combination of high unemployment and high 
inflation-that scorched the American economy in the late 1970s, and threatened 
the country's status as the world's pre-eminent superpower.

Volcker left the Fed in the mid-1980s and since then has been sounding the 
alarm bells on all those financial "innovations" that blew up in 2008 and still 
haunt the banking system. He hated one of the greatest of these "innovations": 
the creation of the financial supermarket model of banking that combined 
risk-taking trading activities with federally insured deposits. If Volcker had 
his way, there would have been no Citigroup, one of the most costly of the 
bailed-out banks, and we would have been all better off for it.

In 2007, Volcker became an early supporter of then-candidate Obama. I am told 
Volcker believed Obama had the temperament to tackle the massive spend

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Economic Warfare Conspiracy Theory.

2010-02-16 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Leo Strauss's hero Machiavelli says that the ONLY way to break an oligarchy is 
to cause infighting amongst the oligarchs.

  - Original Message - 
  From: muckblit 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 8:26 PM
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Economic Warfare Conspiracy Theory.

  Amazing. Let us hope that staphylococcus and pseudomonas on the
  cow udder will kill each other and then the milk will last longer
  than pasteurized. That's the way it was back in the day.

  Volcker, what a fossil, how old is he now? 

  Date of Birth: September 5, 1927
  83 years old. Wow, only a year younger than Alan Greenspan.


  --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Vigilius Haufniensis"  
  > http://fcreview.blogspot.com/2010/02/economic-warfare-conspiracy-theory.html


  Tuesday, February 16, 2010
  Economic Warfare Conspiracy Theory. 
  Ok, I haven't been paying much attention to the news lately. But now here's a 
story about a bomb going off at a Greek J.P. Morgan building. So let's see:
  1: Greece is on the brink of "defaulting." The EU countries don't want to 
bail them out. However the EURO as a pan-European currency could be in jeopardy.
  2: How Goldman Sachs Helped Greece to Mask its True Debt
  3: Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan are historical rivals.
  4: The Fed is stocked with former (and future) Goldman dudes. Obama's new 
"economic advisor" (Paul Volcker) is a J.P. Morgan dude.
  5: The Goldman dudes wanna hyperinflate to repudiate debt. Volcker has a 
history of being radically anti-inflationary. 

  Feel free to connect the dots for yourselves. 


[cia-drugs] Economic Warfare Conspiracy Theory.

2010-02-16 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Economic Warfare Conspiracy Theory. 
Ok, I haven't been paying much attention to the news lately. But now here's a 
story about a bomb going off at a Greek J.P. Morgan building. So let's see:
1: Greece is on the brink of "defaulting." The EU countries don't want to bail 
them out. However the EURO as a pan-European currency could be in jeopardy.
2: How Goldman Sachs Helped Greece to Mask its True Debt
3: Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan are historical rivals.
4: The Fed is stocked with former (and future) Goldman dudes. Obama's new 
"economic advisor" (Paul Volcker) is a J.P. Morgan dude.
5: The Goldman dudes wanna hyperinflate to repudiate debt. Volcker has a 
history of being radically anti-inflationary. 

Feel free to connect the dots for yourselves. 

[cia-drugs] 'World's unluckiest tourists' witness three separate terrorist attacks

2010-02-10 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
'World's unluckiest tourists' witness three separate terrorist attacks 
A couple have been labelled the world's unluckiest tourists after being caught 
up in three separate terror attacks during their holidays. 
By Chris Irvine 
Published: 7:30PM GMT 21 Dec 2008
Jason and Jenny Cairns-Lawrence, from Dudley, West Midlands, were in central 
Mumbai last month when the Indian city came under siege from Islamic militants.

They were also in New York during September 11 2001 when terrorists flew two 
passenger planes into the World Trade Centre, bringing down the twin towers and 
killing almost 3,000 people.

And four years later they were in London on July 7, when terrorists blew up 
three London Underground trains and a double decker bus, resulting in the 
deaths of 52 commuters.

Dental laboratory worker Mrs Cairns-Lawrence, 26, said: "It's a strange 
coincidence. The terror attacks just happened when we were in the cities."

The couple praised Mumbai for the city's speedy recovery, adding that it had 
been somewhat of an inspiration.

She added: "As I looked around, it was impossible to tell that such a ghastly 
thing had happened. 

"In New York people carried the look of terror in their eyes for weeks after 
the carnage. 

"In London, the police appeared more scared than the people."

The couple refused to cut short their holiday following the Mumbai attack, 
which saw 164 people killed in coordinated attacks on hotels, a restaurant, a 
Jewish centre and a train station.

Mr Cairns-Lawrence, a sales manager, 42, said: "I would say that Mumbai sprang 
back to its feet faster than New York or London. 

"New York took almost a week to come back to normal. But Mumbai was back to its 
usual business from day three. "It was just amazing.

[cia-drugs] Eustace Mullins dies

2010-02-02 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Can anyone confirm?


[cia-drugs] Volcker: Obama pissing off the Oligarchs?

2010-01-23 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
I'm going to write an article on this.  What says't all of thee?
Ok, so after World War One, the Allies forced reparations on Germany. Germany 
was basically forced to pay about 100 times the amount of money that actually 
existed in the entire world at that time. LOL. So what did they do? They 
printed it up out of nothing and said, HERE YOU GO BITCHES. DON'T SPEND IT ALL 
IN ONE PLACE. This was called the Weimar Hyperinflation. 
Hitler brought in Hjalmar Schacht to knock about 8 zeros off the Deutch Mark 
and called the new currency a Reich Mark.
So, what does this have to do with Obama? Simple.
The Wall Street/City of London Finance Oligarchy want to repudiate our ("our") 
foreign debt with China (and foreign debt in general) through this very same 
hyperinflationary method. The dollar would be destroyed, the debt would be 
"paid off" via the printing press, and they would bring in the new Euro-style 
regional currency, the Amero. 
But Volcker will NOT do that. LOL. Volcker is the guy who was Fed Chair before 
Greenspan. Carter stuck him in there, and the dude promptly HALTED the 
excessive monetary creation of the 70s. I mean it was radical. Rates went WAY 
the fuck up. 
Well guess what. We're right back to doing that same type of shit, and Obama 
(who is very similar to Carter in many ways, even works for the same people, 
the Trilateralists under Brzezinski) is bringing in Volcker as an economic 
Bernanke said, "If all else fails, we can print out money and drop it from 
helicopters." Seriously. Google "Helicopter Ben." What he meant was that they 
can use their organized criminal connections to siphon money into the economy. 
But the bottom line is that Greenspan and Bernanke were HYPERINFLATIONISTS. 
Volcker is the diametric opposite of that. LOL. Holy shit dude. KEEP AN EYE ON 

The Volcker Revolution - Providing Some Much Needed Answers
Just who is this Paul Volcker who will now be the President's seemingly primary 
economic advisor, and more importantly, what will his policies be like? 
Luckily, an extensive blueprint already exists, and Zero Hedge readers should 
be quite familiar with it by now.

[cia-drugs] Google's Mysterious Threat To Pull Out Of China - Is A Cov ert War Brewing Between The U.S. And China?

2010-01-13 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Guest Post: Google's Mysterious Threat To Pull Out Of China - Is A Covert War 
Brewing Between The U.S. And China?
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/13/2010 19:10 -0500
Submitted by the Firecracker Report

In an extremely intriguing development today Google threatened to close down 
its China operations after unearthing a highly sophisticated attack aimed at 
accessing gmail accounts of Chinese human-rights activists. According to Google 
the attacks originated in China and included accounts of U.S. and E.U. based 
activists. Google made the announcement today in its blog-post titled "A New 
Approach to China".
  In mid-December, we detected a highly sophisticated and targeted attack on 
our corporate infrastructure originating from China that resulted in the theft 
of intellectual property from Google. This attack was not just on Google. As 
part of our investigation we have discovered that at least twenty other large 
companies from a wide range of businesses--including the Internet, finance, 
technology, media and chemical sectors--have been similarly targeted. We are 
currently in the process of notifying those companies, and we are also working 
with the relevant U.S. authorities.
By labeling these attacks as "highly sophisticated" Google is essentially 
pointing a finger at the Chinese government/intelligence agencies. That the 
cyber attack has been elevated to a U.S. national security threat level, is 
evidenced by the State Department's involvement, and a statement by Secretary 
Hillary Clinton in which she asked Beijing to respond to Google's allegations. 
A report in the Telegraph offered further details:
  The State department said that Mrs Clinton had met with executives from 
Google and Microsoft, as well as with Cisco Systems, which provides much of 
China's internet infrastructure, to discuss how to stop countries from 
"stifling" access to information.
Most interestingly, the Telegraph went on to point out that:

  Next week the US is to launch a new technology policy to help citizens in 
other countries to gain access to an uncensored internet.
Returning to Google's announcement, Google's blog outlined the reasons why 
Google has decided to potentially pull out of China completely:
  We have taken the unusual step of sharing information about these attacks 
with a broad audience not just because of the security and human rights 
implications of what we have unearthed, but also because this information goes 
to the heart of a much bigger global debate about freedom of speech.
  We launched Google.cn in January 2006 in the belief that the benefits of 
increased access to information for people in China and a more open Internet 
outweighed our discomfort in agreeing to censor some results. At the time we 
made clear that "we will carefully monitor conditions in China. These attacks 
and the surveillance they have uncovered--combined with the attempts over the 
past year to further limit free speech on the web--have led us to conclude that 
we should review the feasibility of our business operations in China. We have 
decided we are no longer willing to continue censoring our results on 
Google.cn, and so over the next few weeks we will be discussing with the 
Chinese government the basis on which we could operate an unfiltered search 
engine within the law, if at all. We recognize that this may well mean having 
to shut down Google.cn, and potentially our offices in China.
We do not doubt the veracity of Google's claims. Cyber warfare is the covert 
game nations play, and these attacks are nothing new. Several U.S. military and 
scientific institutions such as NASA - with far more sensitive national 
security information have been the target of hacking from China. In November 
2008, a bipartisan U.S. Commission to analyze economic and national security 
relationship with China concluded that, "China has stepped up its capacity to 
penetrate U.S. computer networks to extract sensitive government and private 
However, what we question is the following:

  1.. Why is Google threatening to close operations at this juncture - i.e. 
four years after they entered China knowing full well that they will have to 
censor information to comply with Chinese government regulations. In 2006, 
Google seemed to completely disregard the human rights and freedom of speech 
considerations arguing that "the benefits of providing increased access to 
information to Chinese citizens outweighed the discomfort of censorship". Then 
why the sudden about face and embracing of altruistic values such as "freedom 
of speech" now? 
  2.. If the U.S. Government has not stopped doing business with China, despite 
its Communist status, countless cyber attacks, stealing of state secrets, human 
rights abuses and lack of freedom of speech and democracy, then why the about 
face by Goo

[cia-drugs] Economist: Health Care Bill "Is Just Another Bailout Of The Financial System"

2009-12-30 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Economist: Health Care Bill "Is Just Another Bailout Of The Financial System"

Submitted by George Washington on 12/30/2009 14:16 -0500

It is obvious that many republicans oppose the proposed health care bill. But 
many liberals and progressives oppose it as well.

For example, economist L. Randall Wray writes: 

  Here's the opportunity, Wall Street's newest and bestest gamble: there is a 
huge untapped market of some 50 million people who are not paying insurance 
premiums-and the number grows every year because employers drop coverage and 
people can't afford premiums. Solution? Health insurance "reform" that requires 
everyone to turn over their pay to Wall Street. Can't afford the premiums? That 
is OK-Uncle Sam will kick in a few hundred billion to help out the insurers. Of 
course, do not expect more health care or better health outcomes because that 
has nothing to do with "reform" ... Wall Street's insurers... see a missed 
opportunity. They'll collect the extra premiums and deny the claims. This is 
just another bailout of the financial system, because the tens of trillions of 
dollars already committed are not nearly enough.

Wray points out that - with the repeal of Glass Steagall - the financial sector 
and the insurance businesses (the "f" and "i" in the "fire" sector) are 
somewhat merged.

Wray is no conservative. He is Ph.D. is Professor of Economics at the 
University of Missouri-Kansas City, Research Director with the Center for Full 
Employment and Price Stability and Senior Research Scholar at The Levy 
Economics Institute - which focuses on inequality in the distribution of 
earnings, income, and wealth.

Dr. Andrew Coates describes the bill as "a guarantee of insurance industry 
dominance and the continued privatization of health care in every arena."

Dr. Coates is no conservative. He is a medical doctor, a member of the Public 
Employees Federation, AFL-CIO, secretary of the Capital District chapter of 
Physicians for a National Health Program, and teaches at Albany Medical 

And - as I have previously pointed out - progressives such as law school 
professor Sheldon Laskin, anti-war activist David Swanson, and Miles Mogulescu 
are calling the bill authoritarian and unconstitutional because the government 
cannot legally force people to buy private health insurance.

Indeed, given Wray's point that this is just another bailout in disguise, the 
bill should more properly be called a "wealth reform" bill than health reform 

[cia-drugs] In Hunt for Louisiana Serial Killer, Jefferson Davis Parish Police Forced to Give DNA Samples

2009-12-28 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
"In every serial type case, in every type of prolonged investigation, those 
rumors come up in every case, so it puts the burden on law enforcement to show 
that it's not." 


December 28, 2009 11:34 AM 
In Hunt for Louisiana Serial Killer, Jefferson Davis Parish Police Forced to 
Give DNA Samples
Posted by Edecio Martinez 
LAFAYETTE, La. (CBS/AP) In Louisanna, the hunt for a serial killer believed to 
have murdered eight women, has turned to an unexpected place - the police 

In order to quell rumors that a law enforcement officer might be behind the 
killings that left partially nude victims in strange locations across Jefferson 
Davis Parish, 60 miles west of Baton Rouge, officers that work for agencies 
investigating the deaths are having their DNA tested against evidence in the 

Those being tested include members of the Jefferson Davis Parish Sheriff's 
Office, the Jennings Police Department and other official agencies. 

Jefferson Davis Sheriff Ricky Edwards said the testing is being done to "clear 
up some of the gossip and rumors that it may be a law enforcement officer 

"It is easy to point the finger at law enforcement," he said. "In every serial 
type case, in every type of prolonged investigation, those rumors come up in 
every case, so it puts the burden on law enforcement to show that it's not." 

The murders of the eight young women since 2005 have baffled residents and 
overwhelmed law enforcement. 

Officials have said the deaths are the work of a serial killer. The victims 
were found in fields and canals usually without trauma and partially nude. Most 
had elevated levels of drugs and alcohol in their bodies. The victims likely 
knew one another and were all known to live or hang out on the crime-ridden 
south side of Jennings, population 12,000. 

There is mistrust among some residents when it comes to law enforcement in the 
area. Scandal has riddled the Jefferson Davis Sheriff's Office before. 

In 2007, Chief Detective Warren Gary was pulled from the investigation after it 
was found he purchased a vehicle from a potential murder witness and a current 
inmate of the parish jail. 

He was later fined $10,000 by the Louisiana Board of Ethics. 

Another detective, Paula Guillory, lost evidence against one of the murder 
suspects who was later cleared. She was fired. 

"They've had their share of problems," private investigator Kirk Menard said. 

Menard was hired by some of the victims' families to investigate the deaths. 

He said he is pleased with the most recent development from Edwards. 

"That's something positive," he said. "That's showing that no one is being 
singled out." 

Menard added that he has also been swabbed. Edwards would neither confirm nor 
deny that. 

[cia-drugs] The Real Reason Newspapers Are Losing Money, And Why Bailing Out Failing Newspapers Would Create Moral Hazard in the Media

2009-12-22 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
The Real Reason Newspapers Are Losing Money, And Why Bailing Out Failing 
Newspapers Would Create Moral Hazard in the Media
Submitted by George Washington on 12/22/2009 16:56 -0500

Conventional wisdom is that the Internet is responsible for destroying the 
profits of traditional print media like newspapers.

But Michael Moore and Sean Paul Kelley are blaming the demise of newspapers on 
simple greed. 

Michael Moore said in September:

  It's not the Internet that has killed newspapers ...

  Instead, he said, it's corporate greed. "These newspapers have slit their own 
throats," he said. "Good riddance."

  Moore said that newspapers, bought up by corporations in the last generation, 
have pursued profits at the expense of news gathering. By basing their 
businesses on advertising over circulation, newspaper owners have neglected 
their true economic base and core constituency, he said...

  And Moore cited newspapers like those in Baltimore or Detroit, his home town, 
with firing reporters that cover subjects that affect the community.

  Ultimately, he said, this was self-defeating. It would be like GM deciding to 
discourage people from learning how to drive, he said.

  "It's their own greed, their own stupidity," he said...

Similarly, Sean Paul Kelley writes:

  I don't buy all the hype that the internet is even the primary culprit of the 
demise of journalism. The primary culprit is the same as it is all over the 
country, in every industry and in government: equity extraction. 

  Let me explain, in short: when executives expect unrealistic profits of 20% 
and higher per annum on businesses something has got to give. It's an unnatural 
and unsustainable growth rate. For the first ten or so years of a small to 
medium size company's life? Sure. But when you are 3M, or GE? Unrealistic and 
ultimately impossible. 

  So, when such rates cannot be achieved by organic growth in the business, 
executives start shaving off perceived fat and before they know it they're 
cutting off the muscle and then shaving off bone chips. And when they've gotten 
to the bone chips they borrow other people's money to buy new companies, load 
up those companies with debt and extract equity form them and then because it 
looks like the parent is still growing award themselves huge bonuses. It's a 
shell game.

  That is what has happened to the news industry in America. The excessive 
obsession with unnaturally high profits has led to a vicious circle of cutting 
budgets, providing less services, which is then followed by even more drastic 
cuts. The local San Antonio paper is a great example of this. Twenty years ago 
there were two large dailies in my hometown. Both competed with each other for 
real scoops. Both had book reviews by local writers, providing local jobs. Both 
covered the local arts and sports scene. Both covered local politics in depth 
and local and state news in depth. Both had vigorous investigative teams. Both 
had bureaus in Mexico and both had offices and reporters on the ground in DC. 

  And then corner offices of Gannet and Harte-Hanks were populated with 
Kinsey-esque managers and the rout was on ... So, today, San Antonio has one 
daily that is as flimsy and tiny as the local alternative ... And 80% of this 
happened before ... the internet. All in the name of higher industry 
profits--not some overwhelming fear of the world wide inter-tubes. So, who's 
profiting? Certainly not the intellectual vigor of the locals? And certainly 
not the writers who are all now 'journalism entreprenuers.' The only people who 
profited are the executives who obsessed over profits, to lard up their own 
bonus pool ... 

  You can provide a public service with small profits for a long, long time, 
but if you demand large ones you will destroy it. Just ask the big banks.

Moral Hazard for Newspapers

There has been talk of bailing out newspapers for months.

But the newspapers have largely driven themselves into the ground with their 
never-ending drive for higher profits, which led to a reduction in news 
bureaus, investigation and real reporting, and an increase in reliance on 
government and corporate press releases.

The newspapers made a speculative gamble that reducing real reporting and 
replacing it with puff pieces would increase its profits, just as the giant 
banks made speculative gambles on subprime mortgages, derivatives, and other 
junk, and largely abandoned the boring, traditional business of depository 

Bailing out these newspapers would be a form of moral hazard equivalent to 
bailing out the giant banks. Instead, we should let the bad gamblers lose, and 
make room for companies that will actually serve a public need.

The banking industry has become more and more consolidated, which has decreased 
financial stability. 

Likewise, Dan Rath

[cia-drugs] Adopted Son Goes Looking for His Biological Parents - Finds Out His Father is Infamous Serial Killer Charles Manson

2009-11-23 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Adopted Son Goes Looking for His Biological Parents - Finds Out His Father is 
Infamous Serial Killer Charles Manson
41-year-old adoptee Matthew Roberts' quest to find his birth parents has ended 
in a shock after his biological mother finally relented and revealed that his 
father is serial killer Charles Manson. His mother was raped by Manson and he 
was the result.

Manson remembered his mother, telling him, "The truth is the truth. The truth 
hurts." Roberts was initially quite depressed by the surprise revelation and 
struggled with not wanting to hate his father yet not wanting to love his 
mother's rapist.

"It's like finding out that Adolf Hitler is your father... I'm not nuts but 
I've got a little bit of it... My hero is Gandhi. I'm an extremely non-violent, 
peaceful person and a vegetarian," said Roberts.

Source: www.news.com.au

[cia-drugs] Corruption Behind the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize

2009-10-23 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Corruption Behind the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize 
by Thierry Meyssan/voltairenet.org

While the Nobel Peace Prize award has led to a chorus of praise from the 
Atlantic alliance leaders, it has also raised skepticism around the world. 
Rather than discuss the reasons that might after the fact justify this 
surprising choice, Thierry Meyssan exposes the corruption of the Nobel 
Committee and the ties between its chairman, Thorbjørn Jagland, and Obama's 
19 October 2009

Madeleine Albright and Thorbjørn Jagland, during a meeting at NATO headquarters 

"This morning, after listening to the news, my daughter came and told me:" 
Daddy, you won the Nobel Peace Prize" [1]. This is the touching story that the 
United States President told complacent reporters to attest that he had never 
wanted this distinction and was most surprised. Without any further inquiry, 
newspapers ran front pages on the "humility" of the most powerful man in the 

Indeed, it is hard to say what is the most surprising: the awarding of such a 
prestigious distinction to Barack Obama, the grotesque staging that went with 
it, or the method used to bribe the jury and divert the prize from its original 

First, let us recall that, according to the Nobel Committee rules, nominations 
are to be submitted by institutions (national parliaments and political 
academies) and by qualified persons, mainly judges and former recipients. In 
theory, a nomination may be submitted without the candidate having been 
notified. However, when the jury makes its decision, it establishes a direct 
link with the grantee to ensure that he is informed an hour before the press 
conference. This would be the first time in its history that the Nobel 
Committee failed to this courtesy. According to the Committee spokesman, he did 
not dare to wake the United States President in the middle of the night. 
Perhaps did he not know that counselors take turns at the White House to 
receive emergency calls and wake the president if necessary? Moreover, the 
Nobel Committee had at least informed the journalist Gerhard Helsok who 
announced the news a day earlier on the Norwegian channel TV2.

The lovely scene of the little girl announcing the Nobel Prize to her daddy 
does not allay the discomfort caused by this distinction. According to Alfred 
Nobel's will, the prize should be awarded to "the person who [during the 
previous year] shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between 
nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding 
and promotion of peace congresses."

In the founder's spirit, the purpose was to support militant action and not to 
issue a certificate of good intentions to a head of state. The winners having 
sometimes flouted international law after receiving the prize, the Nobel 
Committee decided four years ago not to reward a particular act, but only to 
honor persons having dedicated their lives to peace. Thus, Barack Obama was the 
most deserving of all peace activists in 2008 and did not commit any major 
infringement of international law in 2009. Without even mentioning those still 
held at Guantanamo and Bagram, or Afghans and Iraqis facing a foreign 
occupation, what do Hondurans crushed by a military dictatorship have to say 
about this, or Pakistanis, whose country has become the new target of the 

Now to the heart of the matter that White House public relation officials and 
Anglo-Saxon media want to hide from the public: the despicable relationship 
between Barack Obama and the Nobel Committee.

In 2006, the European Command (i.e. the regional command of U.S. troops whose 
authority then covered both Europe and most of Africa) solicited Barack Obama, 
a Senator of Kenyan origin, to participate in a secret inter-agency 
(CIA-NED-USAID-NSA). The goal was to use his status as a parliamentarian to 
conduct a tour of Africa that would allow both to defend the interests of 
pharmaceutical companies (against off-patent productions) and to counter 
Chinese influence in Kenya and Sudan [2]. We shall only examine the Kenyan 
episode here.

The destabilization of Kenya

Barack Obama and his family, accompanied by a press officer (Robert Gibbs) and 
a political and military advisor (Mark Lippert), arrived in Nairobi on a 
special plane chartered by Congress. Their plane was followed by a second one, 
chartered by the U.S. Army and carrying a team of specialists in psychological 
warfare led by the supposedly retired General J. Scott Gration. Kenya was then 
experiencing a booming economy. Since the beginning of the presidency of Mwai 
Kibaki, the growth rate had increased from 3.9 to 7.1% of GDP and poverty had 
declined from 56 to 46%. These exceptional results were achieved by reducing 
economic ties with post-colonial Anglo-Saxon partners and replacin

[cia-drugs] CIA/Media War Against 9/11 & CIA Assassination "Conspiracy Theorists": The BBC, Amazing Pederast James Randi and CIA Mind Control

2009-10-07 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
CIA/Media War Against 9/11 & CIA Assassination "Conspiracy Theorists": The BBC, 
Amazing Pederast James Randi and CIA Mind Control 
From: BBC Attack Piece Promotes Cottage Industry Of Debunkers

Steve Watson 
Tuesday, Oct 6, 2009

... In a feature article today, the [BBC] is promoting a group of "scientists 
and skeptics" whose declared mission is to vigorously debunk those who are 
questioning the "accepted versions" of [9/11]. 

"While many people find them harmless fun, others believe there is a darker 
truth - that conspiracy theories are rewriting history, warping the present and 
altering the future. Enough is enough they say - it's time to fight back." the 
report reads. 

The article centres around the "non profit" James Randi Educational Foundation 
(JREF), which charges £175 a ticket to its conferences, events that equate to 
little more than rabid debunking fests on everything from 9/11 truth to 
research claiming mercury containing vaccinations are harmful. ... 


Randi, CSICOP and CIA Mind Control

CSICOP is the original skeptic organisation from which all other skeptic groups 
have flowed over the last thirty years. It was founded originally as a Marxist 
/atheist organisation that poured its academic energy into disputing everything 
spiritual, religious and other-worldy. For much of its early years, while the 
CIA searched for psychic weaponry, CSICOP was on hand to publicly dispute the 
possibility of such Psycho-technology, ensuring that if it was viable it didn't 
fall into the wrong hands. However, in the eighties with the cold war coming to 
an end and the CIA turning its interests to the protection of corporate rather 
than cold war America, CSICOP became more and more involved in the defence of 
pharmaceutical company competitiveness.

The British branch of CSICOP also played a part in setting up the Campaign 
Against Health Fraud, which later became HealthWatch. The 'only Professor of 
alternative medicine in Britain' (very sic) Edzard Ernst, is a CSICOP fellow 
traveller and spoke deridingly of all forms of CAM at their 11th International 
Conference in London. [Jan 2008] Shaking Hands With Monsanto and Big Pharma: 
The Guardian and Observer's ongoing war against alternative medicine. A review 
of Suckers by Rose Shapiro By Martin J Walker

Government Thought-Control of Scientists and Professionals: 

This is a two-pronged, "divide-and-conquer" strategy carried out through two 
teams of covert propaganda agents, which I call the "Pseudo-Skeptics" and the 
"Pseudo-Paranormalists". The Pseudo-Skeptics pose as members and leaders of the 
intelligentsia, while the Pseudo-Paranormalists pose as members and leaders of 
the public's grass-roots "alternative" community. The message of the 
Pseudo-Skeptics also coincides with the government's "official, public" 
position on science, while the message of the Pseudo-Paranormalists is intended 
to represent irrationality, mixed with things like the worst kind of religious 
superstition and paranoia-to make the government's position seem more rational 
by comparison-and things the government wishes to discourage though ridicule 
heaped upon them by the Dupe-Intelligentsia (unwitting or useful educated 

...What we are presented with as "skeptical opinion", in those magazines on 
the book stands-such as The Skeptic, The Skeptical Inquirer, or Skeptical 
Opinion-is more like covert government propaganda ... 

...What the government's reign of thought-terror has done, is reduce the 
ranks of true skeptics to a small few, who have little or nothing to do with 
groups or their magazines. I can be confident that these magazines will not 
respond directly to my accusations, in obedience to a covert policy to never 
mention or cite anyone who is not a part of the "official" two-pronged 
thought-control loop. This avoidance is another badge of their conscious fraud. 
[pdf] Occult Science Dictatorship: The Official State Science Religion and How 
to Get Excommunicated by William Lyne 

The so-called "sceptics" of CSICOP (Committee for the Scientific Investigation 
of Claims of the Paranormal, headed by Klass) are not true sceptics, but rather 
a clandestinely controlled false propaganda operation of the OSI (Office of 
Scientific Intelligence, a branch of the CIA's Science Directorate, under its 
Clandestine Services, Operations Division). Their operations within the 
continental U.S. are illegal under the U.S. constitution, but if you read the 
so-called "national security" laws, you'll see that Congress has betrayed 'We 
the People' by agreeing to the passage of legislation which permits this 
betrayal, by allowing pretty much anything the "spooks" want to do. These laws 
are completely VOID, because Congress has absolutely NO JURISDICTION to pass 
any law

[cia-drugs] Caesars Escalator Death

2009-09-28 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Caesars Escalator Death
Second Death From Fall At Ceasars
Updated: Monday, 28 Sep 2009, 8:12 AM EDT
Published : Monday, 28 Sep 2009, 6:44 AM EDT

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. - A hedge fund executive fell to his death from an 
escalator at the Pier Shops at Caesars.

James Vellanti died early Sunday morning and police continue to investigate.

Police were called to the mall, which is connected to the casino by a sky 
bridge, at 12:01 a.m. Sunday.

Vellanti lived in Clinton and was chief operating officer for the hedge fund 
JNF Asset Management LLC in New York. His age was not available.

It is the second time someone has died in a fall from the escalator.

In the first death, Frank Gilbert Jr, 25, of Galloway Township, fell about 40 
feet after witnesses said the 25-year-old sat on the escalator's handrail on 
Aug. 9, 2008. He died of head injuries later that day.

The mall features more than 75 stores and seven restaurants.  There are three 
levels to the mall that are open and a fourth is planned.

[cia-drugs] After several tries, U.S. officials finally nab Roman Polanski in 1970s rape case [Updated]

2009-09-27 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
After several tries, U.S. officials finally nab Roman Polanski in 1970s rape 
case [Updated]
September 27, 2009 |  1:00 pm


Three decades after he fled the United States following his arrest for unlawful 
sex with a 13-year-old girl, Roman Polanski was taken into custody in Zurich 
this morning and faces extradition to Los Angeles.

Polanski, the famed film director whose career continued to flourish even after 
fleeing for Europe, was arrested as he arrived in the Swiss city to accept an 
award at the Zurich Film Festival.

The Los Angeles County district attorney's office learned last week that 
Polanski had plans to travel to Zurich this weekend, said Sandi Gibbons, 
spokeswoman for the district attorney's office. 

Prosecutors sent a provisional arrest warrant to the U.S. Justice Department, 
which presented it to  Swiss authorities. On at least two previous occasions, 
the district attorney's office has received reports that Polanski had travel 
arrangements to countries with extradition treaties with the U.S. and prepared 
paperwork for his arrest, Gibbons said. 

"But in the end, he apparently found out about it and didn't go," she said. 
A source familiar with the investigation told The Times that the U.S. Marshals 
Service had come close to arresting Polanski half a dozen times or so over the 
past few decades -- though several of those opportunities presented themselves 
in the last two years. 

"For one reason or another, it just didn't work out," said the source, who 
spoke on condition of anonymity because the case was ongoing. "There are so 
many variables."

The source said Polanski always was very careful about when and where he 
traveled. But as new questions arose in recent years about the fairness of his 
case, the source said Polanski appeared to become more at ease about travel. 

Thomas Hession, head of the Marshals Service's  Los Angeles office, would not 
comment on specifics of the case but said authorities moved quickly on each 
lead. "Any time information was developed, the L.A. County district attorney's 
office and the Marshals Service immediately acted on it." 

Asked if prosecutors would ask that Polanski be sentenced to time behind bars 
if he were returned to the U.S., Gibbons said, "We've always maintained this is 
a matter between Polanski and the court. . We initially recommended prison time 
for him, but I can't see into the future."

An attorney for Polanski, Chad Hummel, declined to comment. "Right now, we're 
not in a position to say anything," he said. 

[Updated 1:00 p.m. : In a statement, three Los Angeles attorneys representing 
Polanski  indicated the arrest came as a surprise. The lawyers have been 
representing him in an ongoing attempt to have the case against Polanski 
dismissed on the grounds of prosecutorial and judicial misconduct.

"We were unaware of any extradition being sought and separate counsel will be 
retained for those proceedings," wrote attorneys Douglas Dalton, Chad Hummel 
and Bart Dalton. Their request to have the 1977 charges against Polanski 
dismissed is currently pending before the state Court of Appeal.

The organizers of the Zurich Film Festival expressed "great consternation and 
shock" over Polanski's arrest and said the program honoring his films would go 
on in his absence.

 A spokeswoman for the event, Nikki Parker, wrote in an e-mail that neither 
Polanski nor the organizers considered his legal status in the U.S. an issue in 
attending the festival because he often traveled to Switzerland and even owned 
a home there.

"There was no concern whatsoever," Parker wrote.]

Polanski, now 76 and a married father of two, asked the court to throw out the 
entire case based on new allegations of prosecutorial and judicial misconduct 
detailed in an HBO documentary last year. The L.A. district attorney's office 
argued that he could not make such a request while a fugitive, and an L.A. 
judge earlier this year agreed. A 1997 attempt at settling the case also 

Polanski was arrested 31 years ago at a Beverly Hills hotel after a 13-year-old 
girl accused him of sexually assaulting her during a photo shoot at actor Jack 
Nicholson's house.

A 1978 arrest warrant, issued after he failed to appear at his sentencing on 
the statutory-rape conviction, is still in effect, and he would be taken into 
custody upon arrival on U.S. soil. The director of "Chinatown" and "Rosemary's 
Baby" has not returned to the U.S. since then but continues to work as a 
director, winning an Oscar for "The Pianist."

Polanski's stay in Switzerland could be brief if he opts to return to Los 

"If he agrees with an extradition, he could be sent to the U.S. in the next 
days," said Guido Ballmer, a spokesman for the Swiss Federal Department of 
Justice and Police.

But if Polanski declines to come back without a fight

[cia-drugs] I have been abducted by aliens, says Japan's first lady

2009-09-04 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
"While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and 
went to Venus," she explains in the tome she published last year. "It was a 
very beautiful place, and it was very green." 


I have been abducted by aliens, says Japan's first lady
(Oh, and she also knew Tom Cruise in a previous life)

By Peter Popham



Japan's new Prime Minister, Yukio Hatoyama, with his wife, Miyuki, in the early 
days of their marriage

  a..  enlarge 

Move over Michelle, watch your backs, Carla and Sarah. There's a new kid on the 
first lady block, and she looks like upstaging the lot of you. 

Miyuki Hatoyama, wife of Japan's Prime Minister-elect, Yukio Hatoyama, is a 
lifestyle guru, a macrobiotics enthusiast, an author of cookery books, a 
retired actress, a divorcee, and a fearless clothes horse for garments of her 
own creation, including a skirt made from Hawaiian coffee sacks. But there is 
more, much more. She has travelled to the planet Venus. And she was once 
abducted by aliens. 

The 62-year-old also knew Tom Cruise in a former incarnation - when he was 
Japanese - and is now looking forward to making a Hollywood movie with him. "I 
believe he'd get it if I said to him, 'Long time no see', when we meet," she 
said in a recent interview. But it is her claim in a book entitled "Very 
Strange Things I've Encountered" that she was abducted by aliens while she 
slept one night 20 years ago, that has suddenly drawn attention following last 
Sunday's poll. 

"While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and 
went to Venus," she explains in the tome she published last year. "It was a 
very beautiful place, and it was very green." 

When the new Japanese first lady related her adventures to her then husband, he 
told her flatteningly that it was probably just a dream. But she is confident 
that Yukio, the man now entrusted with the task of hauling Japan out of its 
deepest recession, would have reacted very differently. "My current husband has 
a different way of thinking. He would surely say, 'Oh, that's great'," she 
wrote. Mrs Hatoyama's self-confidence in projecting her personality, and 
shattering the traditional expectations of a political wife, probably derives 
from her early years as a dancer in Japan's legendary all-female Takarazuka 
theatrical troupe. 

Founded in 1913, Takarazuka has long enjoyed cult status in Japan. The star 
players in its glitzy, saccharine, ferociously camp productions of US classics 
like Gone with the Wind enjoy superstar status among the armies of women that 
flock to the shows. Takarazuka's actresses are picked from thousands of teenage 
hopefuls in a stringent selection process and subjected to a quasi-monastic 
training regimen. While a handful become household names, the great majority, 
like Mrs Hatoyama, retire after a few years. But the aura of belonging to this 
exclusive sorority clings to them for ever. 

After six years Mrs Hatoyama quit the troupe and went to the United States. It 
was there, while working in a Japanese restaurant in San Francisco, that she 
met Yukio, then a graduate student at Stanford University. Miyuki was still 
married to her first husband. "The average man chooses his mate from among 
unmarried women," Mr Hatoyama boasted years later. "I chose mine from among all 

Rejecting the reticence that is customary in Japan, Mr Hatoyama makes no secret 
of his devotion to his multi-talented wife. His website has a photo of the pair 
of them in an affectionate pose, and he admits happily to being what the 
Japanese call a "my-home-papa". "I feel relieved when I get home," he says. 
"She is like an energy refuelling base." 

Though Mr Hatoyama is a multi-millionaire and the fourth generation of his 
family to rise to the top of the Japanese political world, his appearance is 
unconventional by rigid Japanese standards: his hair is unruly and he rejects 
the navy uniform of the political world in favour of suits of brown and moss 

It is this refusal to bow to convention, as well as his tendency to drop 
conversation-stopping remarks - like his call, during the election campaign, 
for a "politics full of love" - that long ago led other Japanese politicians to 
dismiss him as an uchujin, an alien. Though not, presumably, the one who took 
Miyuki to Venus. 

[cia-drugs] Dollar Manipulation as an Economic Strategy

2009-08-19 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Dollar Manipulation as an Economic Strategy
by: TradingHelpDesk 
August 19, 2009 | about: UDN / UUP 
As the dollar headed south over the last 6 months, many wondered if it was 
about to collapse. Hedge funds, mutual fund managers, individual traders and 
investors had and are still short the dollar. The rally since March has 
coincided directly with the fall in the dollar. The yearly highs on the dollar 
were made in the first week of March and sure enough, the low of 666 on the S&P 
was also hit in the first week of March. Clearly, the rally has been a 
re-inflation rally but there are other factors at work. The Federal Reserve has 
been a direct culprit of weakening the dollar. Believe it or not the dollar's 
drop was an obvious method of the Federal Reserve and possibly the PPT (Plunge 
Protection Team) to stop the markets from collapsing.

While technical analysis provides us with almost every major and minor move of 
the markets, oil, gold and the US Dollar, common analysis of motives of the 
Federal Reserve must also be analyzed. This adds a new dimension to confirm and 
solidify the technicals. We all know the Federal Reserve has been printing 
money, trillions in fact. Money to buy bonds, bailout banks, stimulus packages 
and more. However, it goes even deeper. Ever since the run up in the markets 
dating back to 2006 to 2007, oil stocks and other commodities have been added 
to the S&P 500. The weighting has increased more and more. This has made it so 
the market's overall are tied extremely tightly to the price of oil and other 
commodities. Therefore, the price of commodities is directly related to the 
levels of the S&P and other indexes. To manipulate the price of commodities 
higher would have a direct bailout effect on the markets. When oil is higher, 
the markets are higher.

Knowing this, it is no wonder that when the dollar topped out in March, the 
markets also bottomed. The Federal Reserve has a direct impact on the dollar. 
They are the printers or the money tree of the markets and the United States. 
This, alongside the bailouts and stimulus packages (which are both dilutive and 
cause the markets to drop) were bullets in their gun to help the markets regain 
their strength.

The problem is, it is a double-edged sword. While causing the dollar to fall in 
the near term has helped the markets regain their mojo, it can have very 
detrimental effects. Our country is financed by other countries as they buy our 
debt. This is seen in the form of bond auctions where the interest paid is on 
the rise. If the dollar is losing value rapidly, other countries do not want to 
buy our debt. This is mainly due to the fact that in 10 years, 20 years or 30 
years, these countries expect the dollar to be valued much lower based on the 
current drop priced out over those longer time periods. The only way they will 
buy the debt is if a higher interest rate is paid making up for the dollar's 
drop plus a profit. So, while a dropping dollar is great for the markets in the 
near term, if the money flow is turned off, we could spiral into a new 
liquidity problem even worse than what we saw in late 2008 and early 2009.

Now looking closely at the dollar recently, InTheMoneyStocks Chief Market 
Strategists saw a major technical support level on the dollar. On the UUP 
(dollar ETF) it was at $23.00-$23.05. This happened to be a major pivot from 
2008. Closer calculations revealed it was a monstrous support level and cycle 
level as well. While this was a dead on indicator that the dollar was about to 
bounce, the Manipulation Factor confirmed it. What was this manipulation 
factor? As the dollar approached the major 2008 support level, Chief Market 
Strategists also realized that in the coming days there was a 3 year, 10 year 
and 30 year auction. There was no way the Federal Reserve was going to let the 
dollar continue to collapse into this auction. Why not? Because foreign 
countries, our debt buyers would be less inclined to bid on it in a free fall. 
In other words, push the dollar higher into the auctions to increase the 
likelihood of buyers willing to purchase the bonds for a lower interest rate.

Sure enough the dollar rallied on the InTheMoneyStocks call. This new factor, 
the Manipulation Factor must be used in conjunction with technical analysis. It 
is a great confirming indicator and can truly help one make profits. Look at 
the bigger picture; it was clear as a bell in this case.

Learn the game. Nothing is as it seems but a well educated investor can be 
aware and avoid the traps even profiting from the Manipulation Indicator.
  Related Articles
a.. Commercial Real Estate Index: It's No Case-Shiller Aug 19, 2009 
b.. Dollar's Slide Leading Turnaround in Stocks Aug 19, 2009 
c.. The Gap Between the VIX and Realized Volatility Aug 19, 2009 
d.. Closing Update for Wednesday

Re: [cia-drugs] Grace Slick

2009-08-13 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Whew, investment banking!


 Her father was an investment banker, and her mother was a singer in the early 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Vigilius Haufniensis 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 4:05 PM
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Grace Slick

  What's in Evanston?  And what do they mean by her father was "tranferred 
several times?"


  Grace Slick was born in Evanston, Illinois to Ivan W. Wing (of 
Norwegian-Swedish extraction) and his wife Virginia Barnett (a direct 
descendant of Mayflower passengers).[2] In 1949, a month before her tenth 
birthday, her brother Chris Wing was born. Her father was transferred several 
times when she was a child and, in addition to the Chicago area, she lived in 
Los Angeles and San Francisco before her family finally settled in Palo Alto, 
California, south of San Francisco, in the early fifties. She attended Palo 
Alto Senior High School before switching to Castilleja High School, a private, 
all-girls school in Palo Alto. Following graduation, she attended Finch College 
in New York from 1956-1957 and the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida 
from 1957-1958.


[cia-drugs] Grace Slick

2009-08-13 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
What's in Evanston?  And what do they mean by her father was "tranferred 
several times?"


Grace Slick was born in Evanston, Illinois to Ivan W. Wing (of 
Norwegian-Swedish extraction) and his wife Virginia Barnett (a direct 
descendant of Mayflower passengers).[2] In 1949, a month before her tenth 
birthday, her brother Chris Wing was born. Her father was transferred several 
times when she was a child and, in addition to the Chicago area, she lived in 
Los Angeles and San Francisco before her family finally settled in Palo Alto, 
California, south of San Francisco, in the early fifties. She attended Palo 
Alto Senior High School before switching to Castilleja High School, a private, 
all-girls school in Palo Alto. Following graduation, she attended Finch College 
in New York from 1956-1957 and the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida 
from 1957-1958.

[cia-drugs] Sergey strikes back

2009-08-10 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
"...there doesn't appear to be a high-frequency smoking gun in this document 

Sergey strikes back
Post a comment (3)
Posted by: Matthew Goldstein
Tags: Commentaries, Goldman Sachs, High-Frequency Trading, Sergey Aleynikov, 
The case of Sergey Aleynikov, the former Goldman Sachs programmer charged with 
stealing some of the top secret code to the investment bank's high-frequency 
trading program, is going on the offensive.

Aleynikov has filed a subpoena on his former employer, seeking access to some 
information-mainly his personnel file. And Goldman has responded by filing a 
motion in federal court to quash the subpoena. Goldman filed its motion on Aug. 
6, a source familiar with the matter says.

A hearing on Goldman's motion to put the kibosh on Aleynikov's request for 
documents will be heard Monday afternoon beofre Judge Paul Crotty.

The hearing on Aleynikov's motion comes as the attorney for the former Goldman 
employee and federal prosecutors continue to work towards trying to reach a 
potential plea deal in the case.

I'm trying to a copy of Goldman's motion. At this point, we don't know what 
information Aleynikov is seeking. But this could be a hot hearing.

UPDATE: Just got a copy of Goldman's motion and it appears much of what 
Aleynikov wants are personnel records regarding "performance reviews by peers 
and superiors, complaints, employee progress reports, training history records" 

Goldman says Aleynikov's request should be denied because the "crux of the 
complaint is an allegation of theft, not an employment or wage dispute."

Maybe the most interesting thing in Goldman's filing is that it has chosen 
David Boies' law firm to represent it. The attorney handling the matter is 
Matthew Friedrich, a former federal prosecutor and member of the Enron task 
force. Friedrich, who joined the law firm in late July, most recently was 
deputy chief of staff to former US Attorney General Michael Mukasey.

That's a pretty hire powered legal team for what appears to be a rather routine 
motion. Then again, Goldman can certainly afford to hire the best.

Meanwhile, Aleynikov's lawyer counters Goldman's  argument by arguing that the 
personnel file is necessary to show prosecutors that Aleynikov is a good person 
and was a valued employee'.' 

My take is that Aleynikov's legal team is trying to get as much ammunition as 
they can to negotiate a favorable deal for their client. That makes sense for 
Aleynikov. But there doesn't appear to be a high-frequency smoking gun in this 
document request

[cia-drugs] Sergey Aleynikov Strikes Back, Files Goldman Subpoena

2009-08-10 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Sergey Aleynikov Strikes Back, Files Goldman Subpoena

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/10/2009 10:54 -0500

Sergey's alleged Goldman code-theft case, which seemed to be on the fast track 
to being promptly settled out of court, just took an odd turn. Matt Goldstein 
over at Reuters reports that instead of keeping quiet, Sergey has taken the 
offensive and has filed a subpoena on Goldman Sachs, "seeking access to some 
information." Goldman's response is a not very surprising motion in federal 
court to quash the subpoena. Either this is a red herring by Sergey, trying to 
make his plea deal case stronger, or there is indeed something

Re: [cia-drugs] (unknown)

2009-08-04 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
This spambot his cia-drugs listed twice in it's database.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Theresa J. Steed 
  To: open-your-eyes ; opend freedom ; openmindopencodenews ; 
learnandtellthetruth ; Ourrealnewsplace ; Phil Angelides The Apollo Alliance ; 
TheGavel ; NortheastDemocrat ; The Northeast Democrat ; ConsciousOneness ; 
CIA-drugs ; Buddha-direct ; circle2012dreams ; 
TheAdultRoundTableModerator-owner ; UndoBush ; Pale Horse 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 11:15 PM
  Subject: [cia-drugs] (unknown)

Keith Oberman of MSNBC hit the ball out of the ballpark tonight! Rachel 
is also opening the truth before everyone.
Comes on at 7:00 P.M. Eastern Time. Then Rachel comes on at 8:00 P.M. 
How refreshing it is to see news people who practice
truth in Journalism.  They both are telling it like it is. They are 
taking names and naming 
people who are "secretly" against the American People as a whole.  
Those who only serve Lobbyist from Corporations, ie,
Healthcare Insurance Corporations.  Last week, every day, they spent 
1.4 M$ everysingle day.
INMO these corporate Lobbyist may be breaking the Rico Law, (Criminals 
working to gether just like organiZed crime.  I believe that the
Corporate Lobbyist have no place in the Congress and trying to buy 
them.  These Lobbyist are really running a Rico Crime, as
is other groups who are conspiring to commit a crime by attempting to 
take down the Middle Class America.  Stop and think about this.  I am not a 
lawyer, I have told you forums before, but
I am a Democratic Grass Roots of America, and I am proud of the groups 
of people who tell the truth and operate in a truthful manner. So if any of you 
Senators, or congresspeople are lying to the people back home,
they should not do that.  They swore a lot of oath when installed as a 
Congress person who represents all of the American People.
Somewhere dowen the road, those Congresspeople who take huge bribes to 
vote their way.  This is nothing more than organized crime and I believe that 
the Attourney General and some of the
investigators should look into this and find out if this is indeed a 
crime under the Rico Law..
being organized crime, by bribery. quechick...@yahoo.com.people who may 
be taking the Corporatate Lobbyist, some even run 
people in the congress has taken up to a million $ already...I believe 
there should be an investigation on this activity which could well come under 
the heading of the Rico Bill.   Que*
This should be investigated and action should be the denominator.

DennisKucinich, utube  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwrhT7QEks8  


[cia-drugs] Corrupt Prosecutor Seeks to Strike Deal With Sergey Aleynikov

2009-08-03 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Aleynikov will be given a super-sweet plea bargain. If his case proceeds 
towards trial, the world will learn about Goldman Sach's high frequency trading 
program. Sure, AUSA Joseph Facciponti will try to keep the case under seal. Too 
many people are paying attention. Reporters and judges want to know what is up 
with Goldman Sachs

Corrupt Prosecutor Seeks to Strike Deal With Sergey Aleynikov
Matthew Goldstein, the Reuters blogger who broke the Aleynikov story, is 

  It looks like federal prosecutors may be trying to cut a deal with alleged 
Goldman Sachs high-frequency trading code stealer Sergey Aleynikov.Today was 
the day for prosecutors to indict Aleynikov, who was arrested on July 3 on the 
theft charges. 

  But in a court filing, prosecutors told the presiding magistrate judge that 
they need another 14 days to continue discussions with Aleynikov's lawyer about 
a "possible disposition."

  In the legal world, a "possible disposition" means a deal.

After exposing federal prosecutor Joseph Facciponti's fraud upon the court in 
his prosecution of Aleynikov, we wrote on July 23, 2009:

  Aleynikov will be given a super-sweet plea bargain. If his case proceeds 
towards trial, the world will learn about Goldman Sach's high frequency trading 
program. Sure, AUSA Joseph Facciponti will try to keep the case under seal. Too 
many people are paying attention. Reporters and judges want to know what is up 
with Goldman Sachs

  The case against Aleynikov needs to go away. Quietly. Keep an eye on PACER.

We at Crime & Federalism will not remain quiet.  Nor will Mr. Goldstein.  
Please read more about Facciponti's and Goldman's efforts to cover-up Aleynikov 
case here.

[cia-drugs] Job Title: Corrections Officer - Internment/Resettlement S pecialist

2009-08-02 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Job Title: Corrections Officer - Internment/Resettlement Specialist
  a.. Company:  Army National Guard
  b.. Location:  Multiple locations
  c.. Job Status:  Part Time
  a.. Job Category:  Security/Protective Services
  b.. Career Level:  Student (High School)
  c.. Experience:  Less than 1 Year
  d.. Occupations:  Correctional Officer
  Military Combat
  General/Other: Security/Protective Services
Job Description

As an Internment/Resettlement Specialist for the Army National Guard, you will 
ensure the smooth running of military confinement/correctional facility or 
detention/internment facility, similar to those duties conducted by civilian 
Corrections Officers. This will require you to know proper procedures and 
military law; and have the ability to think quickly in high-stress situations. 
Specific duties may include assisting with supervision and management 
operations; providing facility security; providing custody, control, 
supervision, and escort; and counseling individual prisoners in rehabilitative 

By joining this specialty, you will develop the skills that will prepare you 
for a rewarding career with law enforcement agencies or in the private security 

Earn while you learn 

Get paid to learn! In the Army National Guard, you will learn valuable job 
skills while earning a regular paycheck and qualifying for tuition assistance. 

Job training for an Internment/Resettlement Specialist requires approximately 
19 weeks of One Station Unit Training, which includes Basic Training and 
Advanced Individual Training. Part of the training is spent in the classroom 
and part in the field. Some of the skills you'll learn include military laws 
and jurisdictions; level of force procedures; unarmed self-defense techniques; 
police ethics procedures; interpersonal communications skills; close 
confinement operations; search and restraint procedures; use of firearms; 
custody and control procedures.


·   Paid training

·   A monthly paycheck

·   Montgomery G.I. Bill

·   Up to 100 percent Tuition Assistance for college or 
vocational training (up to $4,500 per fiscal year, 1 October - 30 September)

·   Retirement benefits for part-time service

·   Low-cost life insurance (up to $400,000 in coverage)

·   401(k)-type savings plan

·   Student Loan Repayment Program (up to $50,000, for existing 


·   High School Diploma or GED (If you do not have a diploma or 
GED, you may still apply - ask a recruiter about how the Army National Guard 
can help you earn your GED.)

·   Must be between the ages of 17 and 35

·   Must be able to pass a physical exam and meet legal and 
moral standards

·   Must meet citizenship requirements (see 
http://www.nationalguard.com/monster /  for details)

Boasting more than 370 years of service, the Army National Guard is the largest 
reserve component, as well as the oldest branch of the military. In the Guard, 
you get the training from us, serve in your own community, and enhance your 
marketability for the higher paying jobs you are now seeking. We provide our 
members with college tuition assistance and offer attractive enlistment bonuses 
on top of paid training in all of our career fields. The Army National Guard 
has career opportunities in every State and U.S Territory, more than 3,600 
training locations and more than 359,000 members. <>

[cia-drugs] Ed and Elaine Brown Doomed

2009-07-14 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Friday, July 10, 2009
Sad Echo for a Tax Protestor 
I've mentioned before how pathetic, in the literal sense, the lot of a tax 
protestor can be: the government may not only throw you in jail, but it can 
seize and sell your possessions to pay your tax bill. But wait, it gets worse.

Ed and Elaine Brown, the sadly confused tax protestors who were sentenced in 
absentia to five years imprisonment after declining to attend their own trial, 
and who then held off the government for about eight months in a bizarre 
standoff in which they were holed up in their home before finally being 
captured and incarcerated, now face even more legal trouble. 

During the standoff, Ed and Elaine threatened an apocalyptic ending -- they 
foresaw themselves leaving their home either free, or in body bags. They 
gathered up many weapons to defend themselves against the Feds and suggested 
that they wouldn't be the only ones ending up dead.

Well, you can't do that. It's against the law. And yesterday Ed and Elaine were 
convicted of a smorgasbord of offenses relating to the standoff -- Conspiracy 
to Prevent Officers of the US from Discharging Their Duties, Carrying & 
Possessing a Firearm in Connection with a Crime of Violence, that kind of thing 
-- that will add a minimum of thirty years to their existing sentences. Given 
that both of them are in their 60s, it seems likely that neither of them will 
ever leave prison alive.

What a sad, sad outcome for mixed-up people. It just shows how much people can 
suffer from tax protestor arguments, especially when it appears (in my lay 
estimation) that they suffer from some kind of mental illness that exacerbates 
their inability to distinguish law from hooey. But even they have to learn a 
modicum of self-control. It's one thing to dislike taxes -- everybody does 
that. And you can entertain yourself with crazy beliefs about the invalidity of 
taxes, and even government generally, as much as you want. But failure to pay 
is a crime, and gathering up guns and bombs and threatening the Feds with death 
is a crime too. Stay away from it.

Re: [cia-drugs] FW: Cele Castillo ordered to report to federal prison

2009-07-13 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
I guess maybe he shouldn't have done that radio show...

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Millegan" 
To: ; 
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 10:23 AM
Subject: [cia-drugs] FW: Cele Castillo ordered to report to federal prison

> -- Forwarded Message
> From: Sardar 
> Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 15:57:55 -0700
> To: Sardar 
> Subject: Cele Castillo ordered to report to federal prison
> Cele Castillo ordered to report to federal prison
>  a.. Text size
>  b..
>  c..
> Bill Conroy
> The Narcosphere
> July 12, 2009
> Iran/Contra whistleblower Celerino Castillo is being sent directly to jail
> in the aftermath of his encounter with the buzz saw of Texas justice.
> Despite being represented by an attorney, Robert E. De La Garza, who has
> been  suspended by the State Bar of Texas for misapplying clients' funds,
> the federal judge in Castillo's case, at the urging of the government
> prosecutor, determined that there is no evidence of Castillo's defense 
> being
> tainted by the stink of ineffective assistance of counsel.
> Celerino Castillo
> The fact that the same attorney's son is facing federal gun charges, 
> similar
> to those brought against Castillo, also has been deemed by the judge to be
> little more than an "inference" of a conflict of interest on the part
> Castillo's attorney. Hence, the judge, at a hearing held Friday, July 10,
> 2009, in federal court in San Antonio, Texas, ruled that Castillo is not
> likely to succeed in the appeal of his conviction now pending before the
> Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.
> As a result, the judge - after extending in mid-February Castillo's
> report-to-prison date by some four months due to the very same ethical
> concerns raised about his attorney - did an about face at the July 10
> hearing and ordered that Castillo report to prison on July 30 - to begin
> serving a 37-month sentence for violating federal firearm regulations, a
> sentence enhanced due to the judge's apparent belief that Castillo sold
> weapons in Mexico.
> Castillo, a self-proclaimed gun enthusiast who frequents gun shows, 
> concedes
> he did sell some legally purchased guns absent the proper federal 
> paperwork.
> However, he stresses none of those weapons were sold to prohibited
> purchasers (i.e., convicted felons) and he vehemently denies that any of
> those guns were sold in Mexico - nor is there any convincing evidence to 
> the
> contrary, beyond prosecutorial inference, that has been produced by the
> state.
> Castillo, as well as other law enforcers who spoke with Narco News, 
> contend
> the federal prosecutor in the case turned Castillo's paperwork violation
> (selling legally purchased weapons without a firearms-dealer permit) into 
> a
> federal arms-trafficking case as payback for his whistleblowing activity -
> for exposing the CIA and White House's complicity in arms- and
> narco-trafficking as part of the Iran/Contra scandal that played out 
> during
> the administration of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.
> The key to the severity of the prison sentence meted out to Castillo - who
> is a former DEA agent and decorated Vietnam veteran with no prior criminal
> record - is that the prosecutor in his case argued, and the judge seemed
> convinced, that Castillo was likely trafficking weapons in Mexico - and by
> implication to members of narco-trafficking cells.
> But Narco News recently obtained documents (letters now filed with the
> Department of Justice) that allege the judge in Castillo's case was 
> mislead
> about the trafficking charges by the prosecutor in the case - which was
> initiated under the reign of U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton (a "dear friend" 
> of
> former president George W. Bush), who recently left the post to take a job
> in the private sector.
> Those documents also show that after the federal judge, W. Royal Furgeson
> Jr., was made aware of that allegation, he chose to chastise Castillo for
> bringing those charges to his attention outside the proper channels.
> Subsequently, Furgeson then revoked Castillo's bail at the July 10 hearing
> and ordered him to report to prison to serve out an extreme sentence based
> on the allegedly misleading - possibly perjured - statements advanced by 
> the
> federal prosecutor, Mark T. Roomberg.
> The Allegations
> On Oct. 22, 2008, Judge Furgeson sentenced Castillo to 37 months in prison
> after Castillo accepted his second plea deal with the prosecutor, 
> Roomberg.
> The first set of charges against Castillo had to be dismissed because the
> government determined after the fact that they had  applied the law
> improperly .
> Castillo says he agreed to plead out a second time (to dealing firearms
> without a license) under the threat of multiple additional counts being
> brought against him by the government if he did not sign on the dotted 
> line,
> and because his attorney, De La Garza, assured him that under the new plea
> deal he would retain his DEA and o

[cia-drugs] The Aleynikov Code Dump Uncovered

2009-07-12 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The Aleynikov Code Dump Uncovered 
Posted by Tyler Durden at 7:06 AM 
Sergey Aleynikov's code dump page has been uncovered, courtesy of the Sergey 
Aleynikov Fan Club on Facebook. The site can be found here. Intrepid hackers, 
nascent program traders, Goldman lawyers and DHS lackeys should be all over 
this. As Zero Hedge will be out of pocket for the next few hours, it might make 
sense for a reader to create a mirror of the content as I have a sinking 
suspicion this Google page will be taken down faster than Tila Tequila's 
modesty.The Google Code linked wiki page is already responding with a 502 
Server Error and it is odd that this page has not also been removed. 

Among the projects on the Code site include: 

  The Erlang Plus Interface library (EPI) is a tool set of C++ classes to 
easily build applications in C++ what comunicates with Erlang. The intention of 
the library is to cover the holes that EI library offers: 

a.. An object oriented implementation 
b.. A simple API 
c.. Extensibility 
d.. Abstraction of comunication mechanism
e.. Simplified management of incoming messages (mailboxes)
The Which Sergey was allegedly putting together in conjunction with user 
There is also a sole sourced, undescribed project called Svnarchive, which 
links to a dead-end command line access viewer. 
The biggest project is Erlocaml, described as a tight bridge between Erlang and 
OCaml. Listed project owners in addition to Sergey are Ulf.Wiger, Cyril.romain, 
Joelr1, and Chris.romain. 
I hope some of our enterprising readers take the time to make some sense of all 
this code in my immediate absence. While the probability of a smoking gun 
contained here is marginal at best, strangers things have happened. 

[cia-drugs] Citadel Joins The Program Trading Industrial Espionage Fray, Sues Malyshev And Teza

2009-07-09 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Citadel Joins The Program Trading Industrial Espionage Fray, Sues Malyshev And 
Posted by Tyler Durden at 3:15 PM 
The gloves are now completely off in the escalating program trading fiasco that 
was started by Goldman's former Sergey Aleynikov. Oddly, while Zero Hedge was 
fully expecting the Teza injunction to come from Goldman, it seems Griffin was 
more than happy to burden himself with that task. Hopefully Citadel is not 
faced with a case of reverse discovery and forced to document the 40% returns 
that it generated compliments of Malyshev when all its other groups on average 
lost around 50% in 2008. From Bloomberg:

  Citadel Investment Group LLC, the $12 billion hedge fund firm founded by Ken 
Griffin, sued three former executives and the firm they founded, Teza 
Technologies LLC, claiming violation of non-competition agreements.

  "This is a case of industrial espionage," Citadel said today in a 25-page 
complaint. The firm seeks a court order barring the individual defendants from 
conducting any business through Teza or related entities that compete with 
Citadel, for the duration of the agreements.

  Teza described itself in a July 6 e-mail as a "formative" firm that is 
neither trading nor investing. Named after a river in western Russia, the 
Chicago-based firm was co-founded by Misha Malyshev, Jace Kohlmeier and Matt 
Hinerfeld. All were named in the complaint.

  "We didn't violate any non-competes," their attorney Chris Gair said today in 
a telephone interview. He said his clients took no trade secrets from Citadel.

  Malyshev worked at Citadel for almos six years and until February was its 
head of high-frequency trading.

  He was on the team that ran a $1.8 billion tactical trading fund that uses 
computer model to make trades every few seconds. The fund climbed 40 percent 
last year, while its main funds tumbled 55 percent.

  U.S. agents arrested ex-Goldman Sachs Group Inc. computer programmer Sergey 
Aleynikov on July 3, one day after he started working for Teza, on charges he 
stole trading software from Goldman.

  Teza said in the July 6 statement it suspended Aleynikov without pay after 
the arrest. The firm said it learned of the allegations on July 5.

  "It had nothing to do with us," Gair said of the Aleynikov matter. 
  The case is Citadel Investment Group LLC v. Teza Technologies LLC., 09CH22478,
  Chancery Division, Cook County, Illinois, Circuit Court, (Chicago). 
Zero Hedge is currently going through Chancery Court filings and will present 
when and if it discovers anything perticularly juicy. 

[cia-drugs] **FLASH** Goldman Code Theft BOMBSHELL?

2009-07-09 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
**FLASH** Goldman Code Theft BOMBSHELL?
Something really ugly popped up on Daily Kos yesterday late in the 

  ...GS, through access to the system as a result of their special gov't perks, 
was/is able to read the data on trades before it's committed, and place their 
own buys or sells accordingly in that brief moment, thus allowing them to 
essentially steal buttloads of money every day from the rest of the punters 

  Two things come out of this:

1. If true, this should be highly illegal, and would, in any sane country 
result in something like what happened to Arthur Andersen...

   (2. ... is way off point) 

God help Goldman if this is true and the government goes after them.  This 
would constitute massive unlawful activity.  Indeed, the allegation is that 
Goldman alone was given this access!

God help our capital markets if this is true and is ignored by our government 
and regulatory agencies, or generates nothing more than a "handslap."  Nobody 
in their right mind would ever trade on our markets again if this occurred and 
does not result in severe criminal and civil penalties.

There apparently is reason to believe that Sergey might have been involved in 
exactly this sort of coding implementation.  Specifically, look at the patent 
claims cited on DailyKos; his expertise was in fact in this general area of 
knowledge in the telecommunications world..

This is precisely the sort of thing that a Unix machine, sitting on a network 
cable where it can "see" traffic potentially not intended for it, could have an 
interface put into what is called "promiscuous mode" and SILENTLY sniff that 


Folks, I have no way to know what the code in question does, but if there's 
anything to this - anything at all - there is a major, as in biggest scam of 
the century - scandal here - something much, much bigger than Madoff or 

What would this mean, if it was all to prove up?

It would mean that Goldman was able to "see" transaction order flow - bid, 
offer, and execute messages - before they were committed in the transaction 
stream.  Such a "SNIFF" would be COMPLETELY UNDETECTABLE by the sender or 
recipient of the message.

The implication of this would be that they would be able to front-run any 
transaction where the data was visible to them, thereby effectively "stealing 
pennies" from each transaction they were able to front-run.

Again: I have absolutely nothing on the content of the allegedly-stolen code 
nor can I validate the claim made that Goldman had "special network access."  
Nothing.  All I have to go on with regards to "market manipulation" (which such 
a program would be, writ large!) is the statement of the US Attorney that I 
cited in my earlier Ticker.

This may be nothing more than a crazy conspiracy theory put out by someone at 
Daily Kos.  But consider the following:

  The last few days the the market has traded "organically."  I and many other 
market participants have noted that prior to the week before July 4th the 
market had been acting "very odd" - normal correlations between interest rate, 
foreign exchange the the stock markets had been on "tilt" for the previous 
couple of months, with the amount of "tiltage" increasing dramatically in the 
last three or four weeks.  In fact, many of my usual indicators that I use for 
daytrading had become completely useless.  Suddenly, just before the July 4the 
weekend, everything started correlating normally again.  I have no explanation 
for this "light-switch" change but it aligned almost exactly with the day the 
NYSE had "computer problems" and extended trading by 15 minutes.  Was there a 
configuration change made to their networking infrastructure, one asks?

  Zerohedge's information, if you believe it, seems to point toward some sort 
of distortion.  The cite above claims statistically "as likely as an asteroid 
hitting earth it is not true" proof of distortion in the market.  I have not 
analyzed the data to independently validate that conclusion, but even if the 
odds of these "effects" in the market being random chance are only as good as 
getting hit by a tornado this afternoon..

Every market participant deserves answers on this point.   Specifically to the 
NYSE and all other markets where colocation connections are made and allowed:

  a.. Was it possible for message traffic to be "seen" by computers on your 
network and colocated into your infrastructure by other than the originator and 
recipient?  That is, was it physically possible for anyone to "sniff" messages 
to and from other market participants.
  b.. If it was possible, is it no longer possible, and if so, wh

[cia-drugs] Goldman Sachs Algorithms Stolen By Sergey Aleynikov Now Leaked On The Internet

2009-07-08 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Goldman Sachs Algorithms Stolen By Sergey Aleynikov Now Leaked On The Internet
Amit Chowdhry | Wednesday July 8, 2009 | 84 views 

Last week, the FBI arrested Sergey Aleynikov, a former VP at Goldman Sachs.  
Aleynikov uploaded secret algorithms used by Goldman Sachs that run automated 
stock and commodities trading.  The data was uploaded to a server in Europe. 
Shortly after the deed was done, Aleynikov resigned from his $400,000 per year 
job at Goldman.

Unfortunately the code has leaked on to the Internet and could do some damage 
to the stock market.  "The bank has raised the possibility that there is a 
danger that somebody who knew how to use this program could use it to 
manipulate markets in unfair ways," stated U.S. Attorney Joseph Facciponti. 
"The copy in Germany is still out there, and we at this time do not know who 
else has access to it."

Aleynikov is being held on a $750,000 bail as of right now and he told FBI 
officials that he only intended to download open source files from the server 
but ended up downloading more than he had intended.

When Aleynikov posted his resignation, he was intending to join Teza 
Technologies LLC.  Aleynikov became an employee of Teza on July 2nd  and then 
was arrested on July 3rd.  Teza stated that they learned about the arrest on 
July 5th and suspend Aleyniko's employment without pay pending an investigation.

Goldman uses algorithms and a high frequency trading platform software to buy 
stock within a few milliseconds of company news being released and then selling 
a few moments later when other financial companies receive the company news.

At the beginning of June, Aleynikov ran scripts using a bash shell to copy and 
compress a large amount of source code.  After the compression , he sent it to 
the servers through a secure server protocol to a server in Germany.  He sent 
about 32MB in ASCII code about four times.

Aleynikov tried to have his script erase the bash history, but Goldman keeps a 
backup of everyone's bash history.  This is how he was caught.  Aleynikov is 
now waiting for his trial. Perhaps while Sergey is waiting on his trial, he may 
be thinking of new ballroom dancing moves.


[cia-drugs] Is this Mike Ruppert?

2009-07-08 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

[cia-drugs] Alleged Goldman Spy Sergey Aleynikov's Dancing Career, Home Videos (VIDEO)

2009-07-07 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Alleged Goldman Spy Sergey Aleynikov's Dancing Career, Home Videos (VIDEO)

[cia-drugs] Gold Anti Trust Action Committee Urges SEC, CFTC To Probe Goldman Trading Program

2009-07-07 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Gold Anti Trust Action Committee Urges SEC, CFTC To Probe Goldman Trading 
Posted by Tyler Durden at 6:39 PM 
And so it develops. From the GATA press release:

  Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

  GATA today urged the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. 
Commodity Futures Trading Commission to investigate the Goldman Sachs Group 
Inc. computer trading program that, according to a federal prosecutor, the bank 
acknowledges can be used to manipulate markets.

  GATA's complaint referred to the Bloomberg News story dispatched to you 
yesterday --


  -- reporting the arraignment in U.S. District Court in New York of a former 
Goldman Sachs employee accused of stealing the program. The prosecutor, 
Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Facciponti, was quoted as telling the court: 
"The bank has raised the possibility that there is a danger that somebody who 
knew how to use this program could use it to manipulate markets in unfair ways."

  In letters to the SEC and CFTC, GATA wrote: "The assistant U.S. attorney's 
comment can be construed to suggest Goldman Sachs considers its own 
manipulation of markets to be fair, while such manipulation by others would be 
unfair. The court proceeding described in the Bloomberg News story would seem 
to impugn all markets in which Goldman Sachs trades."

  GATA asked each commission "to investigate Goldman Sachs' trading program 
urgently and report its findings publicly."

  The text of GATA's letters is appended.

  CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
  Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

  * * *

  7 Villa Louisa Road, Manchester, Connecticut 06043-7541

  July 7, 2009

  Gary Gensler, Chairman
  U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission
  3 Lafayette Centre
  1155 21st St., N.W.
  Washington, D.C. 20581

  Mary L. Schapiro, Chairman
  U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
  100 F St. N.E.
  Washington, D.C. 20549

  Dear Chairman Gensler / Dear Chairman Schapiro:

  I'm enclosing a copy of a report distributed July 6 by Bloomberg News Service 
about the U.S. government's prosecution of a former employee of Goldman Sachs 
Group Inc. involving the purported theft of a Goldman Sachs computer trading 
program. The report quotes Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Faccipointi as saying 
in U.S. District Court in New York City: "The bank has raised the possibility 
that there is a danger that somebody who knew how to use this program could use 
it to manipulate markets in unfair ways."

  If the report quotes the assistant U.S. attorney correctly, and if he was 
characterizing Goldman Sachs' position correctly, then Goldman Sachs claims to 
have possession of a computer trading program that can manipulate markets. The 
assistant U.S. attorney's comment can be construed to suggest Goldman Sachs 
considers its own manipulation of markets to be fair, while such manipulation 
by others would be unfair.

  The court proceeding described in the Bloomberg News story would seem to 
impugn all markets in which Goldman Sachs trades. On behalf of the Gold 
Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc., I ask your commission to investigate Goldman 
Sachs' trading program urgently and report its findings publicly.

  Thanks for your consideration.

  With good wishes. 


hat tip Jeff

[cia-drugs] GATA urges SEC, CFTC to probe Goldman trading program

2009-07-07 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Holy SHIT.  Looks like there could actually be something to this!?  Can you 
imagine hacking the PPT!?  WTF!  Good way to wake up dead.  -Vmann

GATA urges SEC, CFTC to probe Goldman trading program
Submitted by cpowell on Tue, 2009-07-07 20:35. Section: Daily Dispatches 
4:37p ET Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GATA today urged the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. 
Commodity Futures Trading Commission to investigate the Goldman Sachs Group 
Inc. computer trading program that, according to a federal prosecutor, the bank 
acknowledges can be used to manipulate markets.

GATA's complaint referred to the Bloomberg News story dispatched to you 
yesterday --


-- reporting the arraignment in U.S. District Court in New York of a former 
Goldman Sachs employee accused of stealing the program. The prosecutor, 
Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Facciponti, was quoted as telling the court: 
"The bank has raised the possibility that there is a danger that somebody who 
knew how to use this program could use it to manipulate markets in unfair ways."

In letters to the SEC and CFTC, GATA wrote: "The assistant U.S. attorney's 
comment can be construed to suggest Goldman Sachs considers its own 
manipulation of markets to be fair, while such manipulation by others would be 
unfair. The court proceeding described in the Bloomberg News story would seem 
to impugn all markets in which Goldman Sachs trades."

GATA asked each commission "to investigate Goldman Sachs' trading program 
urgently and report its findings publicly."

The text of GATA's letters is appended.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

7 Villa Louisa Road, Manchester, Connecticut 06043-7541

July 7, 2009

Gary Gensler, Chairman
U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission
3 Lafayette Centre
1155 21st St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20581

Mary L. Schapiro, Chairman
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F St. N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549

Dear Chairman Gensler / Dear Chairman Schapiro:

I'm enclosing a copy of a report distributed July 6 by Bloomberg News Service 
about the U.S. government's prosecution of a former employee of Goldman Sachs 
Group Inc. involving the purported theft of a Goldman Sachs computer trading 
program. The report quotes Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Faccipointi as saying 
in U.S. District Court in New York City: "The bank has raised the possibility 
that there is a danger that somebody who knew how to use this program could use 
it to manipulate markets in unfair ways."

If the report quotes the assistant U.S. attorney correctly, and if he was 
characterizing Goldman Sachs' position correctly, then Goldman Sachs claims to 
have possession of a computer trading program that can manipulate markets. The 
assistant U.S. attorney's comment can be construed to suggest Goldman Sachs 
considers its own manipulation of markets to be fair, while such manipulation 
by others would be unfair.

The court proceeding described in the Bloomberg News story would seem to impugn 
all markets in which Goldman Sachs trades. On behalf of the Gold Anti-Trust 
Action Committee Inc., I ask your commission to investigate Goldman Sachs' 
trading program urgently and report its findings publicly.

Thanks for your consideration.

With good wishes. 


[cia-drugs] Breaking: FBI Arrest Opens Goldman-Sachs' Pandora's Box

2009-07-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Caveat Lector.  -vmann

Get your tinfoil hats on and go checkout ZeroHedge's reader comments on this 
story, tonight. They're fascinating, running the gamut from one conspiratorial 
option ('...Aleynikov is a patsy...') to another ('...the proprietary source 
code for the government's Plunge Protection Team will be available for the 
public to view at any moment...').

Breaking: FBI Arrest Opens Goldman-Sachs' Pandora's Box 
by bobswern 

Up until about two weeks ago, Matt Taibbi's favorite Goldman Sachs' market 
observers, the folks over at the Zero Hedge blog, had been continually 
commenting over the past six-plus months about how Goldman had all but cornered 
the market on program trading within the NY Stock Exchange. (Program trading is 
the automated stock trading via computers by firms specially authorized by the 
NYSE to facilitate same.) Clearly, according to Zero Hedge publisher Tyler 
Durden, something was up. 

A couple of months ago, we also learned through Zero Hedge that Goldman had 
profited greatly from a sweetheart deal with the federal government concerning 
a new program instituted by the Feds known as "The Supplemental Liquidity 
Provider" Program ("SLP"), launched this past  Thanksgiving, which was supposed 
to provide "market liquidity" (i.e.: an ongoing, active market) for selected 
groups of 500 different NYSE stocks per SLP participant.  As Durden pointed out 
to all who were interested, it certainly appeared to him that Goldman was the 
only active participant in the program.

  a.. bobswern's diary :: :: 
In April, we also learned that Goldman-Sachs had reaped the benefits of more  
$100 million-plus days of trading revenue than it had in the history of its 
business! (Yes, you read that correctly, $100 million dollars per day in gross 
income from its trading business.) 

This past week, according to Durden tonight, things starting going downright 
stranger than strange when Goldman's name went completely missing from the 
NYSE's Weekly Program Trading report. The firm that, by far and away (jn most 
instances accounting for anywhere from third to more than one-half of all 
program trades throughout Wall Street), had maintained the top position in 
program trading on Wall Street for practically every week for the past six-plus 
months, all of the sudden was nowhere in sight.

  ...This week's NYSE Program Trading report was very odd: not only because 
program trading hit 48.6% of all NYSE trading, a record high at least since the 
NYSE keep tabs of this data, and a data point which in itself was startling 
enough to cause some serious red flags as I jaunt from village to village in 
what little is left of Europe's bison country, but what was shocking was the 
disappearance of the #1 mainstay of complete trading domination (i.e., Goldman 
Sachs) from not just the aforementioned #1 spot, but the entire complete list. 
In other words: Goldman went from 1st to N/A in one week.

Tonight, thanks to Matthew Goldstein over at Reuters, we now know this: "COLUMN 
A: A Goldman Trading Scandal?"

  COLUMN A: A Goldman Trading Scandal?
  By Matthew Goldstein 

  NEW YORK, July 5 (Reuters) - Did someone try to steal Goldman Sachs' secret 

  While most in the United States were celebrating the Fourth of July holiday, 
a Russian immigrant living in New Jersey was being held on federal charges of 
stealing secret computer trading codes from a major New York-based financial 
institution. Authorities did not identify the firm, but sources say that 
institution is none other than Goldman Sachs.

  The charges, if proven, are significant because the codes that the accused, 
Sergey Aleynikov, tried to steal are the secret sauce to Goldman's automated 
stock and commodities trading business. Federal authorities contend the 
computer codes and related-trading files that Aleynikov uploaded to a 
German-based website help this major financial institution generate millions of 
dollars in profits each year.

  The platform is one of the things that gives Goldman an advantage over the 
competition when it comes to the rapid-fire trading of stocks and commodities. 
Federal authorities say the platform quickly processes rapid developments in 
the markets and using secret mathematical formulas, allows the firm to make 
highly-profitable automated trades.

As we also learned from the article, the criminal case "...has the potential to 
shed a light on the inner workings of an important profit center for Goldman..."

  The case against Aleynikov may explain why the New York Stock Exchange moved 
quickly last week to stop reporting program stock trading for its most active 
firms. Goldman was often at the top of the chart -- far ahead of its 
competitors. It's possible Goldman had asked the NYSE to stop reporting the 
number after it discovered that someone may have infiltrated the pr

[cia-drugs] Palin Resigns: Exit stage right

2009-07-03 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Palin Resigns: Exit stage right

  Goodbye Governor!

July 3, 2009: In what can only be called a devastating week of press coverage 
for Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin ended today by the stunning announcement that she 
will resign her office with sixteen months still remaining in her first term as 

In a hastily called press conference this morning at her Wasilla home, Palin 
announced she will be stepping down in less than three weeks and that Lt. Gov. 
Sean Parnell will be sworn in during the July 25 Governor's Picnic in Fairbanks.


While many including myself have openly predicted that she would not seek a 
second term in order to cash in on her national ambitions, no one ever 
invisioned her resigning in such haste.

Over the last few weeks there has been growing criticism on both the state and 
national level about Palin. In addition, local bloggers have raised 
speculations about damaging information about Palin that was coming down the 

A few weeks ago, Dennis Zaki posted on his popular website 
(http://www.alaskareport.com/)  a cryptic message about a pending bombshell 
that had to do with an investigation into Palin's finances.

Last week, local blogger Linda Kellen-Biegal (http://divasblueoasis.com/) 
successfully raised roughly $6,000 to pay the cost associated with a freedom of 
information request of emails between the Palin administration and local talk 
show host and close friend of Palins, Eddie Burke. The emails were due to be 
released in a few days.

  In addition, Palin has come under intense criticism from various groups for 
everything from ignoring state business to hiding state business. 

In rural Alaska, native leaders have been furious at Palin's inability to focus 
on their challenges. Meanwhile, last Sunday, Juneau Economist and reporter 
Gregg Erickson wrote a scathing op/ed about how the Palin administration had 
become the most secretive administration in his twenty nine years of watching 
state government. 

All of this combined with the brutal press this week probably pushed Palin over 
the edge. 

A ten thousand word article written by Todd Purdham in Vanity Fair, outlining 
Palin's behavior on the campaign trail with John McCain set political toungues 
wagging and launched a fierce debate inside the Republican Party.

On the front page of this morning's Anchorage Daily News was an article 
detailing how Palin forced out one of her top health officials because the 
official found it difficult to publicly represent Palin's belief on social 
policies when the science and data clearly showed the governor to be wrong.

While negative press and administrative disagreements are common and don't 
typically make politicians resign, Palin must see something coming on the 
horizon that is far more threatening.  

In a statement released by her office, Palin said "Once I decided not to run 
for re-election, I also felt that to embrace the conventional Lame Duck status 
in this particular climate would just be another dose of politics as usual, 
something I campaigned against and will always oppose." 

"It is my duty to always protect our great state. With that in mind, my family 
and I determined that it is best to make a difference this summer, and I am 
willing to change things, so that this administration, with its positive 
agenda, its accomplishments, and its successful road to an incredible future, 
can continue without interruption and with great administrative and legislative 
success," she said.

However with sixteen months still remaining in her terms and much of her agenda 
still unfinished, including getting a deal to build the Alaska Natural Gas 
Pipeline, this is hard to believe.

In addition, Palin's resignation means that the new Lt. Governor will be the 
commissioner of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. This again 
shows either Palin's move is one driven by necessity to get the hell out of 
Dodge or a self serving move without considering the consequences to her 

  The bottom line is that there has to be something major that forced Palin to 
bail out with sixteen months left in her term. 

  Something so big and so damaging that she feared dealing with it in the 
public arena.

There is no question that since her return to Alaska from the national stage 
Palin has been distracted. From her press statements to her tweets, everything 
has been targeted towards a national audience far beyond the boundaries of 

But politics being politics, you don't quit mid-term if you hope to have a 
future at a higher and more pressure filled level (i.e. running for president).

Good luck and God bless.


[cia-drugs] PALIN RESIGNS

2009-07-03 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Yes, it's true.  Governor Sarah Palin, at a hastily called press conference 
this morning, has announced that she will be stepping down from office on July 
25, and turning the reins over to Lt. Governor Sean Parnell "for the good of 
Alaska."  She's turning the state over to the guy she didn't even trust to run 
things during her failed VP campaign.  She chose to govern by Blackberry, while 
simultaneously speed reading "Politics for Dummies," making rhetoric-filled 
speeches to hopped up conservatives, and being a full-time mom on the campaign 
trail.  And still she didn't leave the state to Sean Parnell.  But now, 
apparently, something is different.

The media is all in a tizzy trying to figure out what's going on. 

Eddie Burke is busy talking to Sean Hannity telling him that Palin's 
resignation is a brilliant tactical move cleverly hatched to thwart her 
enemies.  Clearly this demonstrates her political smarts.  "Now what will they 
do?" he wonders.  "They won't have anything to complain about!"   Yes, 
brilliant.  She's really thwarted them now.  Why didn't George Bush use that 
strategy, we wonder?

Of course, those who have been follwing the Alaska blogosphere closely are 
aware of the rumors bubbling up that there's something big.something really big 
that's headed her way;  the iceberg that's headed for the S.S. Palin.  We'll 

Meanwhile what we do know is that Palin has littered her bizarre resignation 
speech with references to ethics complaints, Photoshopping bloggers, the 
military, Alaska history, a recap of the administration and a hodge podge of 
other topics.  She delivered the speech with the same adrenaline-filled jaw 
clenching intensity that she had when she returned from the campaign trail and 
settled back in to the governor's office.

And we know that she delivered this speech from her own home, a few hours 
before the start of a holiday weekend.  Not the time to announce something you 
want the media to focus on.

The news will be breaking for a while, and she will by no means fade out of the 
media spotlight.  And as for Eddie Burke's concern that those who oppose Palin 
will have nothing to do?  I'm about to go enjoy a barbeque!

Leave comments here, and I'll check back in as more news becomes available.

Apologies for server issues.  The Mudflats was swamped!

>Clink<  (that was my glass)

Idependence Day came a day early.

For a transcript of the speech, click HERE

  Okay, I've now been able to get independent information from multiple sources 
that all of this precedes what are said to be possible federal indictments 
against Palin, concerning an embezzlement scandal related to the building of 
Palin's house and the Wasilla Sports Complex built during her tenure. Both 
structures, it is said, feature the "same windows, same wood, same products." 
Federal investigators have been looking into this for some time, and 
indictments could be imminent, according to the Alaska sources.   From Brad Blog

  "I don't think this is buckling to pressure," said Ayers. "I think this is 
her coming to the realization that the legislature in Alaska and that some 
bloggers and activists in Alaska are going to do everything they can to stymie 
her progress. This is a governor who didn't run for the office because she 
wanted a title. She wanted to make significant change in the state. She 
realized that that was no longer going to be able to happen, because things had 
become so partisan there."  From HuffPo

[cia-drugs] Liberty Dollar prosecution update

2009-07-02 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Liberty Dollar prosecution update
Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2009-07-01 14:48. Section: Daily Dispatches 
10:50a ET Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):

Bernard von NotHaus, founder of the Liberty Dollar, has provided an update on 
the legal situation of himself and the other Liberty Dollar people being 
prosecuted by the federal government on counterfeiting charges. Von NotHaus 
reports that a long slog through the courts is ahead and that he and his people 
will be grateful for any assistance. You can read von NotHaus' update toward 
the bottom of the Liberty Dollar dispatch here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

Help keep GATA going

GATA is a civil rights and educational organization based in the United States 
and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Its e-mail dispatches are 
free, and you can subscribe at:


To contribute to GATA, please visit:


[cia-drugs] Jackson 'wrote chilling story about child abuser, serial killer starring his own kids'

2009-06-28 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Erik Rees, a graphologist who has been observing the star's writing for 30 
years is of the opinion that the play suggests that the legends dealt with 
"split personality". 
Jackson may have read the play to his children before they slept at night. 


  Jackson 'wrote chilling story about child abuser, serial killer starring 
his own kids'
  LONDON: Among the documents found after Michael Jackson's tragic death is 
a controversial play written by him about a child-abuser and serial killer that 
stars his own children as victims. 

  The play, called 'Kids on Swings', envisions a nightmare of Prince 
Michael II and Jacko's daughter Paris, who are captured by a beast who 
slaughters children with a 'sling blade', the News of the World reports. 

  The King of Pop wrote it when he visited the UK in 2006, a year after 
being acquitted of child abuse charges. 

  The story is etched in black and blue pens on the back of letters and 
pictures of an Irish Georgian Castle. 

  The play starts with Jacko's son Prince Michael II and daughter, Paris, 
playing on the swing before the 'disinterested' boy runs off. 

  "He runs to the brook skipping past rocks silhouetted against a crystal 
lake," Jacko wrote. 

  A pack of wild dogs then hunt the pair as Paris screams for her 'DAD.' 

  In the next scene, the children find a man working in a field with a 
sling blade. 

  "We see him working but we can't see his face," Jackson wrote. 

  The identity of the evil man is soon revealed. 

  Prince's character tells his sister: "He murdered his wife and no one 
ever sees his kids cause he keeps them tied to the bed like his wife, before he 
murdered her. He starves them FIRST then he murdered them, Paris." 

  The following scene shows Prince and Paris in bed scared to sleep and the 
description of the monstrous man. 

  It reads: "He starved a man for 2 weeks. Just before killing him they had 
a fight. The guy he was trying to kill grabbed the knife to attack him. And he 
cut him over the eyes. 

  "He then got scared and ran into what they call the endless BLACK FOREST 
. . . he was never found again. Because they say there is no way out of the 
endless Black Forest." 

  Shaking with fear, the children peer through the window of his cottage 
before a creepy scene in which he comes up behind them. 

  The monster then hunts them down in the forest before Prince apparently 
dies with his sister's head on his 'lifeless chest.'  

In a twist in the tail, the man carries Prince back to the cottage and holds 
hands with Paris. She is described as feeling 'safe and loved by him.' 

The man then "carries Prince to his bed and puts the cover over the sick boy." 

When her brother finally wakes up, Paris calms the traumatised boy as she tells 
him the man "won't hurt you". 

The bizarre closing lines read: "He pulls the Toys from his jacket. What was 
broken is now mended, Fixed Paris. He didn't steal our toys Prince he fixed 
them. KIDS are happy to see their fixed toys again. 

"Man gets up, walks to the door right before he exits Prince says thank you 
they exchange smiles and we see him." 

The 13-page read was supposedly penned down when the 'Thriller' singer was 
doped up on a cocktail of powerful narcotic painkillers. 

Erik Rees, a graphologist who has been observing the star's writing for 30 
years is of the opinion that the play suggests that the legends dealt with 
"split personality". 
Jackson may have read the play to his children before they slept at night. 

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Dave McGowan Pentagon Pod Person

2009-06-27 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Well it was kind of funny how he went off on Mike Ruppert, though.  LOL.

- Original Message - 
From: "muckblit" 
Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 9:38 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Dave McGowan Pentagon Pod Person

> http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr68b.html
> "it has to be aircraft debris, you see, because it's green. Such is the 
> level of investigative analysis employed by at least one 'debunker.'"
> Strawman debunker papers over all, then. Care to mention lime green 
> anti-oxidative paint, Dave? No, green is greenbunked, well then how about 
> which ubiquitous Pentagon office furniture is lime-green? None cited, but 
> there's always Scottie's green rapture beam. A mind is a terrible thing to 
> waste.
> http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr68c.html
> http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/debris3.jpeg
> "have no clue what it is supposed to be. Some kind of manifold or 
> something. And it was discovered ... uhmm, somewhere in the Pentagon, I 
> suppose"
> How about a link to a "clue" what it is then, Dave?
> http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jpdesm/pentagon/pages-en/wr-eng.html
> Once Dave accepts the government small plane line voiced by USAF career 
> propaganda and psyop officer Lt Col Art Holbo, then Dave overlooks that 
> the same government with-holds the Citgo and Sheraton Hotel security cam 
> video, while the same government gives us the proven to be forged Pentagon 
> "fuzzy bin Laden" security cam video for pod people. Nothing to see here 
> on Citgo and Sheraton Hotel videos, move along with the government small 
> plane line, pod people.
> If 911 WTC plane pods are nothing but landing gear housings present on all 
> such planes, Dave, why play pod at the Pentagon instead of looking at the 
> landing gear at the Pentagon? Clue: it's not a pod, Dave, it's a Boeing 
> turbofan part.
> People in cars around the Pentagon, and people outside of their cars 
> walking around the Pentagon and nearby, were swarming like ANTS during the 
> time Dave and other pod people prefer to think that invisible spooks were 
> distributing many tons of invisible debris including light poles, which 
> then became visible, but, the spooks never uncloaked themselves. Pod 
> people are trekkies, too. Beam them up, Scottie. We have a little thing 
> here called "rush hour", Dave, and it's real. Nobody beams up or down 
> during rush hour. We just swarm like ants, and gridlock like people, no 
> cloaking, no beaming, no rapture boots with springs, in fact no pod debris 
> dispersion ever happened at all. Live with rush hour and gridlock without 
> beaming, Dave. Small plane is government line, be liberated, think again, 
> it's refreshing to leave pods and Scottie's green rapture beam behind with 
> childish things. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. No beaming.
> -Bob
> --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "muckblit"  wrote:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs/message/47223
> Complete archives at http://www.sitbot.net/
> Please let us stay on topic and be civil.
> OM
> Yahoo! Groups Links

[cia-drugs] Micheal Jackson

2009-06-26 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
So, did he really hire a voodoo priest to kill Steven Speilberg and David 
Did he REALLY buy a bunch of sacred cows from India and have them shipped over 
so that he could bathe in their blood for "purification?"  Weirdness!

[cia-drugs] [Fwd: Re: the death of Boyd Graves]

2009-06-20 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
 Forwarded Message 
From: Rasa Von Werder 
Reply-to: "Rasa Von Werder" 
To: Rasa Von Werder 
Subject: Re: the death of Boyd Graves
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 14:34:38 -0400

- Original Message - 
From: ed maupin 
To: Rasa Von Werder 
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 2:35 AM
Subject: the death of Boyd Graves


Miraculously, things have come to an end with Boyd Graves.

In March his suit against the government for disclosure of its
role in the development of AIDS was accepted.  The Justice
Department is engaged, and lawyers have been assigned to the

Soon after, his health began to deteriorate.  

The other thrust of Dr. Graves work was his interest in having a
certain AIDS cure tested clinically.  This was Tetracyl, a
silver oxide, patented by Dr. Marvin Adelman as a cure for the
HIV virus.  The efficiency of this treatment  has not been
researched.  Some patients have reported eradication of the
virus, other, usually more advanced, cases have not responded.

After March Graves continued to lose ground.  He tried another
injection of Tetracyl, but the results were not positive.  He
had a bone infection and his T-cells were down to 20.  Valiently
putting his life on the line for what he believed, he elected
for one more Tetracyl before he resorted to retrovirus

Last Monday night he had severe chest pains and his excellent
caretaker-boys took him to the hospital.  Next morning he was
intubated, comatose, and incommunicado.  Thursday morning his
sister called and said he had an intractable lung infection.  He
was to be put on "comfort care" at 2:30, meaning life support
would be withdrawn and more morphine would be applied.

He died that afternoon. 

Rasa, it's incredibly perfect!  His lease would have run out at
the end of the month.  Last year your $5000 gift was the
down-payment on his lease which allowed the remaining monthly
payments to be within his monthly pension.  He completed his
work: he successfully filed his suit.  The work has been done;
now others can take over.

Fortunate is the man or woman who lives with a sense of destiny.
Boyd had no doubt about the importance of his work or his
destiny to do it.  For all his complaining, he was a fortunate

And you and I, Rasa, were able to contribute to his remarkable
life and work.


Ed Maupin

P. S.  If any of your readers is interested in continuing Boyd
Graves' lawsuit against the government, please let me know.

[cia-drugs] italian police seized 134 billions $ in US bonds to two japanese

2009-06-10 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Thanks, I'll check it out.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Tom Bacco 
  To: gold_and_currency_warf...@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 1:58 AM
  Subject: [gold_and_currency_warfare] italian police seized 134 billions $ in 
US bonds to two japanese

  Strangely, I did not find this news on any english language source.
  Here is the official communication from the italian financial police

  Google translation here

  More about it (in italian only) on Google news



[cia-drugs] Liberty Dollar indictment alleges counterfeiting

2009-06-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Liberty Dollar indictment alleges counterfeiting
Submitted by cpowell on Sat, 2009-06-06 07:11. Section: Daily Dispatches 
12:03a Saturday, June 6, 2009

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The Justice Department's press release on the indictments of the Liberty Dollar 
people alleges counterfeiting, which seems pretty lame, insofar as the Liberty 
Dollar medallions -- mustn't say "coins" -- have far more intrinsic value than 
any of the coins they supposedly are impersonating. You can read the Justice 
Department's statement about the indictments here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

[cia-drugs] LIBERTY DOLLAR ALERT: FBI Arrests Bernard, Kevin, Sarah & Rachelle

2009-06-05 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

June 2009 Vol. 11 No. 06-A 
Urgent News for All Liberty Dollar Supporters! 

FBI Arrests Bernard, Kevin, Sarah & Rachelle 
The battle for a value based currency has began!

The last two days have been amazing! Just shortly after midnight on Tuesday, 
the phone started ringing and I let the answering machine take the call. But 
very soon there was another call. with an even more urgent message! Very 
quickly, a friend of Kevin Innes, explained to me that Kevin had been 
"detained" by the local sheriff and was being held for the FBI to arrest him! 
Holy Cow!! The #2 supporter for the Liberty Dollar and co-instructor at the 
Liberty Dollar University training sessions was in deep trouble with the Feds! 
I was sure to be next. But would they arrive in a few minutes or would it be a 
pre-dawn Nazi style assault? 

Finally, I got up at 4:00 AM. I was very concerned for Kevin and wondered when 
the FBI would hit me. Fortunately the morning was quickly filled with a flurry 
of calls from Kevin's friend, other interested parties, the usual business 
calls and making preparations for the inevitable knock on the door. But nobody 
came. Then just after noon, Niles, who's wife, Rachelle, manages the Liberty 
Dollar Fulfillment Office, called to tell me that Rachelle had been picked up 
by the FBI at the LD Office and was due to be arraigned in just a few hours! 
The FBI strikes again!

Luckily, I was able to talk to Rachelle via her cell phone while the FBI was 
holding her. I was pleased that the FBI agents were the friendly professional 
types and afforded Rachelle and I quite a few minutes of private conversation. 
Under the circumstances, Rachelle's demeanor and resolve was right on target. 
And very quickly, I learned that a warrant had been issued for my arrest. And 
just a quickly, Rachelle was off to court to be arraigned. 

Much later in the afternoon, I learned to my surprise that three big FBI agents 
had arrested Sarah at work. She and Rachelle were arraigned together and 
quickly released to on their own recognizance (OR) before the sun set on a very 
eventful day for the Liberty Dollar. The quick, professional effort with Sarah 
and Rachelle were gratifying and encouraging. Unfortunately, I was to learn 
that Sarah lost her job because of this event. 

By last afternoon it was clear that the Liberty Dollar would be best served by 
my turning myself in to the to the US Marshals, otherwise know as 'self 
reporting.' After a few calls, I found myself talking to Agent Andy (aka Agent 
F) who was his usual friendly, chatty self. He even recognized my voice 
although we had only spoken twice and that was over 18 months ago. Sure enough 
he confirmed that a federal arrest warrant for my arrest had been issued. And 
after a bit of gamesmanship with Agent Andy, I agreed to report to the US 
Marshal's office in Fort Myers, Florida at 9:00 AM on Thursday morning as it 
was too late to be arraigned, plus an overnight in jail would have wrinkled by 
clothes :)

The following morning, Thursday, June 3, 2009, I actually arrived at the 
Marshal's office at 8:30 due to light traffic. As the saying goes, "If you 
gotta do time, do federal time." Quite simply, the federal boys are better 
educated, better trained and have better manners. I was immediately escorted to 
a holding cell. After an hour or less, I met with the Pre-Trila Service rep and 
made it to court at 11:00 in chains and handcuffs. The female judge was 
businesslike and granted my request to attend my son's graduation in Physics 
from UCLA next week. After fingerprinting, signing a $50,000 Appearance Bond, 
one final meeting with the Pre-Indictment Service rep, I was free. 

In general, the arraignment was a pleasant affair. The US Marshals did their 
job with very little attitude, as they should. After all, I am self reporting, 
and it is for anything violent, I just want to prove that I have a right to 
issue my own currency and if any body chooses to use it then it is a "private 
contract." It is certainly not a crime.

And so it came to pass, 2009 years after the birth of Christ, that four regular 
Americans have taken a stand to defend the People's right to protect themselves 
from a government currency that has a long and unforgiving history of stealing 
the people's purchasing power. This is a test of individual rights, as 
protected by the Tenth Amendment. It is the deciding moment that a private 
voluntary barter currency (PVBC) is legal in the great United States of 
America. This is a test that the Liberty Dollar must and will pass, for that I 
have no doubt. But it will not be easy or cheap. Please, if you support our 
efforts, support us with any kind of money you have, including pro bono 
services. Now that the Liberty Dollar faces a federal criminal trial, it is the 
US Government v Liberty Dollar ala Bernard, Kevin, Sarah & Rachelle. Please 
help us win. Please help y

[cia-drugs] Facebook

2009-05-25 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Any of you on Facebook?  There's about 5 Kris Millegans, about 20 Bob Doddses, 
about 50 Mary Hartmans.  
I'm the Vigilius Haufniensis with the sketch of Kierkegaard for a pic.  If 
anyone wants to start an online "conspiracy" network on there.

[cia-drugs] Latest Freaky Bioweapon.

2009-05-21 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
First it was ticks and lymes disease.  Then Avian  Flu.  Yadda yadda 


'Alien Species' of Ants Spreads in Texas


(May 20) -- Destructive Crazy Rasberry ants are headed for San Antonio, 

Crazy Rasberry ants crawl on the arm of exterminator Tim Rasberry, who 
discovered them in Texas in 2002. The destructive ants, which invade 
homes and wreak havoc on electrical systems, are spreading and heading 
toward San Antonio.

First found in Houston in 2002 by exterminator Tom Rasberry (yes, that's 
how he spells it), the pests swarm in the billions. They destroy 
electrical systems and attack beneficial insects and wildlife, according 
to The Tribune in Texas.

And, no one knows how to control them well.

"This is an alien species," Dr. Jerry Cook, an entomologist at Sam 
Houston State University, told KENS5-TV. "This is in higher densities 
than any other insects I've ever seen. They number in the billions and 
cover everything around them."

"They form a carpet of ants over acres that is several inches thick," he 
The ants are even more destructive than the feared fire ants because of 
their huge numbers and the speed with which they are able to reproduce.

"If we don't do something, they could actually devastate the entire 
coastline of the Southern U.S.," Rasberry, the ants' namesake, told KENS5.
Experts believe the ants entered the U.S. by way of a cargo shipment in 
the port of Houston in 2002 and started multiplying. They could reach 
San Antonio this year

Re: [cia-drugs] Can't Kill A Dead Person

2009-04-26 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Any relations to Wolfgang Boehringer?  Or am I getting the spelling wrong?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Mary Hartman 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2009 10:05 AM
  Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Can't Kill A Dead Person

Dead people can get jobs, sell biotech firms and testify in US District 
Court!  Dead people can do amazing things!  Mr. Cecil Connelly = Court Garloff, 
a man who did research with SWINE and had a small biotech company called Noble 
Laboratories.  He sold that small company to Boehringer-Ingelheim, which got 
into trouble with the FDA for selling Roxycontin, otherwise known as poor man's 
heroine, along with 7 other biotech firms out there working on vaccines to keep 
us all safe.  

Dead people can do amazing things!

muckblit  wrote:

  From: muckblit 
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Can't Kill A Dead Person
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Sunday, April 26, 2009, 3:24 PM

  Ha ha ha. Before we went out on the street she assured me she was not 
wearing the chemical noose of hematoxic HIV drugs. If they don't break your 
neck, it takes three months to strangle. No amount of transfusions can save 
you, they only make you suffer longer, as long as you are wearing that chemical 
noose. It kills red blood cells and bone marrow and then you ran the whole 
gauntlet of opportunistic infections for nothing! So close, yet so far away 
from kicking Dr. Mengele's test at his house.

  HIV+, sentenced to die by chemical noose. How about dead according to 
SSA? Advantage always goes to the dead person:

  From: Bob D 
  To: F... 
  Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2009 11:07:19 AM
  Subject: Re: falsely deceased mom

  You can't kill a dead person, either. The drug gang shot the truck of 
a friend of hers because they think she called the police, but they did not 
shoot my truck last night. They came out though. She was scared for me like 
other times she recalled, but I was laughing and having a great time. She was 
scared for me because they shot that other truck, didn't they? My horse isn't 
sick though--the dealer pronounced it dead years ago. I don't have a paper 
saying I'm dead, but I gave her one I printed off the internet. I had fun with 
the gang boys last night on the street. I must have been to the mountaintop, 
because I was flying. I never felt so good in the pompous valley of the shadow 
of Russell Opium Trust(ROT) m*** s. If the boys on the corner are still 
living with their mothers, it's over for those liars with their own crib. Mama 
runs the stoop now. Better plant some greens in that rose garden, because 
pigeons always know where the ocean is.


  From: F 
  To: Bob D 
  Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 2:09:54 PM
  Subject: Re: falsely deceased mom

  I'd use it to the max.
  maybe dead people can smuggle things into the country w. impunity
  maybe dead people dont have to pay taxes.

  On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 6:14 AM, Bob D  wrote:

  I just verified online that Jerome's mom has been reported deceased 
at Social Sec since May 2004.

  I can guarantee that has been very hard on me, too, as well as on her.

  I know she has been telling me that SSA wouldn't do anything about it.





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[cia-drugs] pirates detained, allowed to go free after questioning

2009-04-20 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Sounds like they're working for "us."
Remember how many times they "captured," killed, accidentally released, etc 
"Chemical Ali?"

- Original Message - 
From: "Zee Source" 
Cc: "Zee Source" 
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 2:34 AM
Subject: [RM-COUNSEL] pirates detained, allowed to go free after questioning

> "The pirates were captured at 1 a.m. Sunday after they threw weapons,
> ladders and scaling equipment overboard, Davies said. Several rounds
> of ammunition were found on the pirates' boat.
> The pirates were detained, but allowed to go free after questioning.
> There is currently no formal procedure for NATO personnel to follow
> once they have apprehended pirates, Davies noted. Their weapons are
> confiscated and they are then typically given provisions and 
> released."http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/africa/04/19/pirate.attack.foiled/index.html?iref=mpstoryview
>  Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc
> http://pr.thinkprogress.org/ The Torture Memos
> http://www.greenwood.com/books/printFlyer.aspx?sku=C36499
> comment? ALSO let the ones ordering, doing TORTURE go free - what the
> http://www.commondreams.org/ War Crimes Must Be Investigated, no?
> http://www.commondreams.org/view/2009/04/18-2  NO justice for
> victims? ... nope
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> - please
> ASK FRIENDS TO subscribe- anyone sends a blank message to:
> rm-counsel-subscr...@yahoogroups.com   or ask
> Listowner: Harold Helm  TX USA  phone 
> 713-529-2333Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Symposium to Whitewash CIA's Secretive Air America Heroin Smuggling Operation

2009-04-15 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
The Hmongs were genocided?  I thought they were all air lifted to Wisconsin?

- Original Message - 
From: "muckblit" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 10:02 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Symposium to Whitewash CIA's Secretive Air America 
Heroin Smuggling Operation

> Attempting to answer the obvious question, why was there such a great 
> airport in Laos when Thailand was so close.
> Taking the two movies together, Air America with Mel Gibson and American 
> Gangster with Denzel Washington, AA shows what was up the river farther 
> than AG's Frank Lucas ever went. In AG, we are shown black men in uniform, 
> lots of them. Lots of black men are smuggling heroin to Harlem, so forget 
> the uniform. Forget that the movie shows many, many men, albeit black men, 
> smuggling heroin to the US, albeit Harlem for black twice. Shouldn't we 
> look upstream of all of those uniforms, and go up the river farther than 
> Frank Lucas? If we do, we wind up at that amazing airport in Laos, "please 
> don't call what you do (Ed Lansdale and Lucien Conein CIA and Air America 
> Heroin INC) American intelligence", Mel's great line. Why such a great 
> airport in Laos, when Thailand would do? Oh, rescuing downed pilots, 
> forget heroin labs and poppy fields, but then we forget our own history 
> and that of our CIA Dixie Cups, the Hmongs, who were genocided for 
> guarding Air American poppy fields and heroin lab and airport in Laos. 
> Everyone who forgets is guilty, and owes Hmongs forty acres and a mule, at 
> least.
> -Bob
> --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Vigilius Haufniensis" 
>  wrote:
>> http://aconstantineblacklist.blogspot.com/2009/04/symposium-to-shine-light-on-cias.html
>> Wednesday, April 15, 2009
>> Symposium to Whitewash CIA's Secretive Air America Heroin Smuggling 
>> Operation
>> www.newschannel10.com
>> April 14, 2009
>> DALLAS (AP) - A retired rear admiral isn't too proud to say he was 
>> "scared out of my wits" in 1965 in Laos when he dangled by one arm from a 
>> helicopter while enemy soldiers took aim below.
>> Don Boecker (BEK'-er) had spent the night in the thick jungle -- evading 
>> capture.
>> The Navy aviator had ejected after a bomb he intended to drop on the Ho 
>> Chi Minh trail exploded prematurely.
>> His rescuers weren't from the American military.
>> The Associated Press reports they were civilian employees of Air America, 
>> an ostensibly private airline essentially owned and operated by the CIA.
>> Boecker plans to tell the story of Air America's heroics on Saturday at a 
>> symposium to be held at the University of Texas at Dallas.
>> It coincides with the CIA's release of about 10,000 previously classified 
>> Air America records, which will be turned over to the UT-Dallas aviation 
>> collection.
>> http://www.newschannel10.com/Global/story.asp?s=10182356&clienttype=printable
>> Posted by Alex Constantine at 5:12 PM
> Complete archives at http://www.sitbot.net/
> Please let us stay on topic and be civil.
> OM
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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[cia-drugs] Symposium to Whitewash CIA's Secretive Air America Heroin Smuggling Operation

2009-04-15 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Symposium to Whitewash CIA's Secretive Air America Heroin Smuggling Operation 
April 14, 2009

DALLAS (AP) - A retired rear admiral isn't too proud to say he was "scared out 
of my wits" in 1965 in Laos when he dangled by one arm from a helicopter while 
enemy soldiers took aim below.

Don Boecker (BEK'-er) had spent the night in the thick jungle -- evading 

The Navy aviator had ejected after a bomb he intended to drop on the Ho Chi 
Minh trail exploded prematurely.

His rescuers weren't from the American military.

The Associated Press reports they were civilian employees of Air America, an 
ostensibly private airline essentially owned and operated by the CIA.

Boecker plans to tell the story of Air America's heroics on Saturday at a 
symposium to be held at the University of Texas at Dallas.

It coincides with the CIA's release of about 10,000 previously classified Air 
America records, which will be turned over to the UT-Dallas aviation collection.

Posted by Alex Constantine at 5:12 PM <<51JPKMPD7ZL._SL500_AA240_.jpg>>

[cia-drugs] Chinese 'Kill Weapon' Gives U.S. Navy Cause for Concern

2009-04-04 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Chinese 'Kill Weapon' Gives U.S. Navy Cause for Concern
Tuesday, March 31, 2009  Details are emerging about a Chinese-developed "kill 
weapon" that potentially could target and destroy a U.S. aircraft carrier in a 
single strike.

The U.S. Naval Institute, a pro-military organization, notes that a post on a 
Chinese blog considered credible by military analysts provides a description of 
an anti-ship ballistic missile that could hit U.S. ships from about 1,240 miles.

A senior U.S. Navy official at the Pentagon confirmed to FOX News that such a 
weapon is a tangible threat from China, but it isn't a new threat. And the U.S. 
Navy has systems, such as the Aegis missile defense system, that can counter 
the threat posed by the Chinese missile.

The size of the missile, according to the U.S. Naval Institute, allows a 
warhead large enough to inflict significant damage on an American super carrier 
in a single strike, and it raises the chances of evading tracking systems and 
reaching its moving target unscathed in less than 12 minutes.

In recent months, the U.S. Navy's strategy has shifted toward improving the 
capabilities of its deep-sea fleet and developing anti-ballistic defenses, the 
U.S. Naval Institute reports.

Click here to read the full report from the U.S. Naval Institute.


2009-04-02 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Hopsicker is on Rense tonight, I believe.
www.americanfreedomradio.com is Rense's new network at 9pm central.  
The show is replayed at midnight central on www.themicroeffect.com
Hopsicker has a new story up at www.madcowprod.com
Looks like he's gonna be on in the third hour, which would be 11pm central, to 
repeat at 2am central.  Thanks.

[cia-drugs] Alex Jones fires Jeff Rense

2009-03-27 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Has anyone heard anything about this?  Is this why Hopsicker wasn't on 
yesterday?  Whats up with that?  -Vmann


  Alex Jones fires Jeff Rense

  Yesterday Jeff Rense ran an article titled "Is Alex Jones a zionist 
agent?' by Brother Nathaniel.

  A few hours later Jeff Rense was fired from his show The Jeff Rense Show 
by the owner of GCN. GCN also carries the Alex Jones show.

  Rense was fired for posting an article on his very good site. This sounds 
like censorship to me. Is this the kind of world that Alex Jones wants? Where 
someone can put up an article and they are fired for doing this? 

  Alex Jones can sure dish it out but he cannot take it. The man needs to 
grow a pair.

  Makes you wonder if he isn't an agent of some type. 

Re: [cia-drugs] FW: Daniel Hopsicker on Jeff Rense Radio Show Tonight

2009-03-26 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
FW: Daniel Hopsicker on Jeff Rense Radio Show TonightThey're playing an encore 
program.  Rense did this last night too.  Is he all right?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert Millegan 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 7:04 PM
  Subject: [cia-drugs] FW: Daniel Hopsicker on Jeff Rense Radio Show Tonight

  -- Forwarded Message

From: MadCow Morning News 
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 20:30:25 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Daniel Hopsicker on Jeff Rense Radio Show Tonight

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 Hopsicker on Rense Tonight   

Listen to Daniel Hopsicker tonight (Thursday, March 26) between 9-10 pm 
Pacific time on the Jeff Rense Show:
Radio Feed Link 


Rense Website 


discussing the latest on the investigation of the new owner of the Venice 
'terror' flight school,' Art Nadel,  recently caught in a huge $300 million 
Ponzi scheme.

Mob Connections

Both Nadel and previous Huffman owner Wally Hilliard, whose Lear jet was 
busted with 43 lbs. of heroin onboard at the same time Mohamed Atta attended 
his flight school, have unexamined ties to international organized crime. 
See Hopsicker' recent article:
Bernie Madoff, Mini-M, & Mohamed Atta 


Support Daniel Hopsicker 
& MadCow Press

Make a donation 


Donations to Daniel Hopsicker & MadCow Press of $125 and up will receive a 
signed copy of one of the remaining Barry & 'the boys.' $75 donations will 
receive signed copies of Welcome To Terrorland and $25 donations will receive a 
choice of two DVD's.

Visit our webstore 

for Daniel Hopsicker's  books & DVDs.

Spread the word 

Forward this email to a friend.



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Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Rewiring the Brain: Inside the New Science of Neuroengineering

2009-03-04 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
By "criminally insane," do you mean Delgado himself and his peers?

- Original Message - 
From: "muckblit" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 10:49 AM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Rewiring the Brain: Inside the New Science of 

> More Delgado. They used wires, chemical shunts, and now fiber optic. Same 
> old same old.
> What you will find on Delgado is experiments to lobotomize the criminally 
> insane. When I stopped in New Orleans about 1977, Delgado's brain 
> surgeon's anesthesiologist tapped me on the shoulder at an outdoor concert 
> on Bourbon Street to ask if we needed a place to stay, at the good 
> doctor's house Uptown. The neuro-surgeon said that they were wiring 
> convicts in prison to a box on their belt. He said that they did nothing 
> but press their pleasure button on that box. I drew no conclusions about 
> human nature, since obviously they were all obssessive-compulsives in the 
> first place.
> -Bob
> --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "norgesen"  wrote:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs/message/46691
> Complete archives at http://www.sitbot.net/
> Please let us stay on topic and be civil.
> OM
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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[cia-drugs] Chandra Levy's family finally close to closure? - break in cold case

2009-02-21 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Chandra Levy's family finally close to closure? - break in cold case 
 February 21, 10:10 AM 
by Trina Hoaks, Everyday People 

The case of Chandra Levy is perhaps on of the most 
famous unsolved murders in DC. Chandra Levy disappeared back in April, 2001. 
For a year her family lamented. Their daughter was gone, but there were no 
answers as to where she went.

A year later, the skeletal remains of Chandra was found in DC's Rock Creek 
Park. Suddenly, the family had an answer, though, of course, it wasn't the 
answer they wanted. Chandra had been murdered.

As police began their investigation into the death of Chandra Levy, the family 
was thrust into the limelight once again. They had to deal with their grief 
amid gawking media types. Everyone was curious. After all, the disappearance of 
Chandra a year earlier had pulled at the heart strings of people across the 

Police were unable to find Chandra's murderer. The case went cold. It became 
DC's most famous and scandalous cold case killing ever.

Today, MSNBC reported something that will certainly bring the grief of 
Chandra's family back to the forefront. It seems that police may be close to 
making an arrest for the murder of Chandra.

According to the report, the suspect is currently serving time in jail. He was 
put there for assaulting two women. Officers considered him in the case before 
but there was only circumstantial evidence at the time and he could not be 
directly connected with the case.

But now, supposedly, a fellow inmate of the man told officials that the man 
confessed to killing Chandra all those years ago.

The story is still developing. An arrest has not yet been made. But, if it 
turns out that this man did kill Chandra and he is made to face his crime, 
perhaps Chandra's family will finally get some much deserved peace. Of course, 
they will never forget... but at least now they will know. And sometimes, 
knowing can help people heal.

Related story: Arrest Close: A warrant has been issued for an arrest in the 
Chandra Levy Case<><>


2009-02-12 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Ok, I'm certain these are all just mad coincidences, but a piece of Russian 
space garbage has just impacted a profitable NEOcon sattellite, which is 
operational for tsunami warnings.  Coincidentally, a tsunami warning was called 
today, then cancelled.  Fox News has deleted their story on this tsunami, which 
I have included below in full.  -Vmann


U.S. and Russian satellites collide sending a cloud of hazardous debris 
hurtling around Earth at 25,000mph

If the bin Laden family is, indeed, still involved in Iridium, a company that 
was recently reorganized after its unsuccessful debut on the telecommunications 
scene, it would not be the first time the bin Laden family has materially 
benefited directly from "black sheep" Osama bin Laden's acts of terrorism. 

Remember those 'Iridium's going to fail' jokes? Prepare to eat your hat
In an odd twist, the new Iridium is 24% owned by an investment firm controlled 
by Prince Khalid bin Abdullah bin Abdulrahman of Saudi Arabia.
The prince used to own a minority chunk of the old Iridium in partnership with 
the Saudi Binladen Group, the company run by Osama bin Laden's family.

While the Russian communications array was 'non-operational', the Irridium 
device was one of 66 low Earth orbiting satellites providing mobile phone 
communications across the globe.
Some types of buoys, such as those used for the tsunami warning system, use 
Iridium satellites to communicate with their base. 

JAKARTA, Feb. 12 (Xinhua) -- A strong earthquake measuring 7.4 on the Richter 
scale struck Melongane in Indonesia's North Sulawesi province early Thursday, 
but there was no immediate report of casualties or material damage, according 
to the country's Meteorology Agency. 
The quake struck at 00:34 a.m. Jakarta time (1734 GMT, Wednesday) with its 
epicenter near Talaud Sea, about 320 kilometers north-northeast of Manado. It 
truck at a depth of 10 kilometers. 
The local Meteorology Agency has sent tsunami warning after the quake, a 
leading website Detik quoted an official of the agency Tifar Triwandono as 

Ha ha, ok this article has been DELETED!  Click on the link to prove it to 
yourself.  A piece of Russian spacejunk crashes a profitable NEOcon (Iridium) 
sattellite, which is used for tsunami warnings.  At roughly a time when a 
tsunami warning is issued.  Coincidence?  -Vmann

Indonesia Lifts Tsunami Warning Issued After Massive 7.0-Magnitude Quake
Wednesday, February 11, 2009  

  a.. Print 
  b.. ShareThis

7.0-magnitude quake was centered 195 miles from Manado, the northernmost city 
on Sulawesi island.

A powerful earthquake struck waters off eastern Indonesia early Thursday, 
briefly triggering fears of a tsunami, the local geological agency said. It was 
not immediately clear if there were injuries or damage.

The U.S. Geological Survey said the 7.0-magnitude quake was centered 195 miles 
from Manado, the northernmost city on Sulawesi island. It said it had a depth 
of about 20 miles beneath the ocean floor.

The quake was followed by two aftershocks, one measuring magnitude 5.9 and the 
other 5.6, the USGS said.

One Manado resident, Grace Wakary, said she did not feel anything and there 
were no visible signs of panic.

The country's local geological agency initially told reporters that the quake 
had the power to trigger a tsunami, but lifted the alert about an hour later.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said that a pacific-wide tsunami that would 
threaten Hawaii was not expected.

Earthquakes of this size can generate local tsunamis that could be destructive 
along coasts located within 62 miles of the epicenter.

Indonesia is prone to seismic upheaval due to its location on the so-called 
Pacific "Ring of Fire," an arc of volcanos and fault lines encircling the 
Pacific Basin.

In December 2004, a massive earthquake off the country's western island of 
Sumatra triggered a tsunami that battered much of the Indian Ocean coastline 
and killed more than 230,000 people - more than half of them in Indonesia's 
Aceh province alone. A tsunami off Java island in 2007 killed nearly 5,000.

[cia-drugs] Indonesia Lifts Tsunami Warning Issued After Massive 7.0-Magnitude Quake

2009-02-12 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Ha ha, ok this article has been DELETED!  Click on the link to prove it to 
yourself.  A piece of Russian spacejunk crashes a profitable NEOcon (Iridium) 
sattellite, which is used for tsunami warnings.  At roughly a time when a 
tsunami warning is issued.  Coincidence?  -Vmann

Indonesia Lifts Tsunami Warning Issued After Massive 7.0-Magnitude Quake
Wednesday, February 11, 2009  

  a.. Print 
  b.. ShareThis

7.0-magnitude quake was centered 195 miles from Manado, the northernmost city 
on Sulawesi island.

A powerful earthquake struck waters off eastern Indonesia early Thursday, 
briefly triggering fears of a tsunami, the local geological agency said. It was 
not immediately clear if there were injuries or damage.

The U.S. Geological Survey said the 7.0-magnitude quake was centered 195 miles 
from Manado, the northernmost city on Sulawesi island. It said it had a depth 
of about 20 miles beneath the ocean floor.

The quake was followed by two aftershocks, one measuring magnitude 5.9 and the 
other 5.6, the USGS said.

One Manado resident, Grace Wakary, said she did not feel anything and there 
were no visible signs of panic.

The country's local geological agency initially told reporters that the quake 
had the power to trigger a tsunami, but lifted the alert about an hour later.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said that a pacific-wide tsunami that would 
threaten Hawaii was not expected.

Earthquakes of this size can generate local tsunamis that could be destructive 
along coasts located within 62 miles of the epicenter.

Indonesia is prone to seismic upheaval due to its location on the so-called 
Pacific "Ring of Fire," an arc of volcanos and fault lines encircling the 
Pacific Basin.

In December 2004, a massive earthquake off the country's western island of 
Sumatra triggered a tsunami that battered much of the Indian Ocean coastline 
and killed more than 230,000 people - more than half of them in Indonesia's 
Aceh province alone. A tsunami off Java island in 2007 killed nearly 5,000.


2009-02-11 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


I mentioned this was coming. I have a ton of critical legal stuff to do, along 
with work on the new book. It's necessary, and it's all stuff that's been 
needing attention for a while. Now is the time to deal with it. I'll be a very 
happy guy when it's fiished. I'll stick my head up as I can. In the meantime I 
leave you in Jenna's capable and magnificent hands.


[cia-drugs] Michael A Aquino - Psychological Operations - The Ethical Dimension

2009-01-20 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Ha ha ha! -Vmann


Michael A Aquino - Psychological Operations - The Ethical Dimension 


2009-01-17 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Ok, I'm not tech expert, but my buddy who is says that this thing is 
exponentially more sophistocated and widespread than anything he's ever heard 
of before.  The worst botnets previously have gotten like 350,000 computers 
under their control.  The last estimate of this one was apparently 8.9 million, 
and I was told the level of sophistocation is off the charts.  Dude called it 
"alien technology."  LOL.  Uses artificial intelligence.  Could be some big 
stuff coming down.  Coincidental with Obama's inauguration.

Proof of Concept run:
Most analysts agree that criminal botnets were used by Russian hackers to shut 
down Estonian government and banking Web sites after the tiny Baltic republic 
angered Russians by moving a Soviet war memorial from downtown Tallinn in 2007.

Worm Warning: New Would-be Botnet Growing Explosively
Posted by Keith Ferrell Friday, Jan 16, 2009, 10:53 AM ET


Confickr spreading quickly, new botnet feared

[cia-drugs] US Airways Flight 1549 Descent Photo: Airbus Above Hudson River

2009-01-17 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
It was an AIRBUS!  -Vmann


  Published: Jan 16, 2009   

US Airways Flight 1549 Descent Photo: Airbus Above Hudson River
by Jack Ryan
US Airways Flight 1549 holding 155 was forced to ditch in the Hudson River 
yesterday - and all the passengers and crew were rescued from the sinking plane.

The Airbus A320, bound for Charlotte, N.C., struck a flock of birds just after 
takeoff minutes earlier at LaGuardia Airport, apparently disabling both engines.

The pilot maneuvered the crippled jetliner and ditched it in the frigid Hudson 

As many as eight ferries and local water taxi services rushed to rescue 
passengers, some of whom lined up on the half-submerged plane's wings, some 
wearing yellow life vests, before police boats arrived.

FOX News has a larger photo here as well as others from the scene.

[cia-drugs] Is Gaza a testing ground for experimental weapons? by Jonathan Cook + video

2009-01-13 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Is Gaza a testing ground for experimental weapons? by Jonathan Cook + video
Posted on January 13, 2009 by dandelionsalad 
Dandelion Salad

by Jonathan Cook
Global Research, January 13, 2009

Concerns about Israel's use of non-conventional and experimental weapons in the 
Gaza Strip are growing, with evasive comments from spokesmen and reluctance to 
allow independent journalists inside the tiny enclave only fuelling speculation.

The most prominent controversy is over the use of shells containing white 
phosphorus, which causes horrific burns when it comes into contact with skin. 
Under international law, phosphorus is allowed as a smokescreen to protect 
soldiers but treated as a chemical weapon when used against civilians.

The Israeli army maintains that it is using only weapons authorised in 
international law, though human rights groups have severely criticised Israel 
for firing phosphorus shells over densely populated areas of Gaza.

But there might be other unconventional weapons Israel is using out of sight of 
the watching world.

One such munition may be Dime, or dense inert metal explosive, a weapon 
recently developed by the US army to create a powerful and lethal blast over a 
small area.

The munition is supposed to still be in the development stage and is not yet 
regulated. There are fears, however, that Israel may have received a green 
light from the US military to treat Gaza as a testing ground.

"We have seen Gaza used as a laboratory for testing what I call weapons from 
hell," said David Halpin, a retired British surgeon and trauma specialist who 
has visited Gaza on several occasions to investigate unusual injuries suffered 
by Gazans.

"I fear the thinking in Israel is that it is in its interests to create as much 
mutilation as possible to terrorise the civilian population in the hope they 
will turn against Hamas."

Gaza's doctors, including one of the few foreigners there, Mads Gilbert, a 
Norwegian specialist in emergency medicine working at Al Shifa hospital in Gaza 
City, report that many of the injuries they see are consistent with the use of 

Wounds from the weapon are said to be distinctive. Those exposed to the blast 
have severed or melted limbs, or internal ruptures, especially to soft tissue 
such as the abdomen, that often lead to death.

There is said to be no shrapnel apart from a fine "dusting" of minute metal 
particles on damaged organs visible when autopsies are carried out.

Survivors of a Dime blast are at increased risk of developing cancer, according 
to research carried out in the United States.

Traditional munitions, by contrast, cause large wounds wherever shrapnel 
penetrates the body.

"The power of the explosion dissipates very quickly and the strength does not 
travel long, maybe 10 metres, but those humans who are hit by this explosion, 
this pressure wave, are cut in pieces," Dr Gilbert said in a recent interview.

This is not the first time concerns about Israel's use of Dime have surfaced in 
Gaza. Doctors there reported strange injuries they could not treat, and from 
which patients died unexpectedly days later, during a prolonged wave of Israeli 
air strikes in 2006.

A subsequent Italian investigation found Israel was using a prototype weapon 
similar to Dime. Samples from victims in Gaza showed concentrations of unusual 
metals in their bodies.

Yitzhak Ben-Israel, the former head of the Israeli military's weapons 
development programme, appeared familiar with the weapon, telling Italian TV 
that the short radius of the explosion helped avoid injuries to bystanders, 
allowing "the striking of very small targets".

Israeli denials about using weapons banned by international law would not cover 
Dime because it is not yet officially licensed.

It will be difficult to investigate claims that non-conventional weapons have 
been used in Gaza until a ceasefire is agreed, but previous inquiries have 
shown that Israel resorts to such munitions.

The Israeli human rights group B'Tselem has recorded numerous occasions when 
the Israeli army has fired flechette shells, both in Lebanon and Gaza. The 
shell releases thousands of tiny metal darts that cause horrible injuries to 
anyone out in the open.

A Reuters cameraman, Fadel Shana, filmed the firing of such a shell from an 
Israeli tank in Gaza in April, moments before its flechettes killed him.

Miri Weingarten, a spokeswoman for Physicians for Human Rights, said they were 
watching out for use of a new flechette-type weapon the Israeli army has 
developed called kalanit (anemone). An anti-personnel munition, the shell sends 
out hundreds of small discs.

Israel appears to have used a range of controversial weapons during its attack 
on Lebanon in 2006. After initial denials, an Israeli government minister 
admitted that the army had fired phosphorus shells, and the Israeli medi

[cia-drugs] Blagojevich was a Bookie with Mafia Connections, According to Former Lawyer and FBI Agent

2009-01-03 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Still doesn't tell us why he was outed.  -Vigilius

"I predicted five years ago, when he ran (for governor) the first time, that he 
was a hands-on person who would be selling every position in the state of 
Illinois," Mr Cooley said. "That is exactly what happened." ...

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Blagojevich was a Bookie with Mafia Connections, According to Former Lawyer and 
FBI Agent 
The Australian
December 19, 2008

ILLINOIS Governor Rod Blagojevich was a mob-connected bookie in Chicago before 
he went into politics, according to former lawyer Robert Cooley, who worked 
undercover for the FBI in the 1980s and helped convict 24 crooked police, 
judges and politicians.

Mr Cooley, who spent years in a witness protection program, said he observed Mr 
Blagojevich running a sports gambling operation in Chicago and reported it to 
his FBI controllers. In an online interview reported by Chicago's ABC7 news, Mr 
Cooley said Mr Blagojevich was paying "street tax" to Robert "Bobby the Boxer" 
Abbinanti, an enforcer and gambling collector for West Side mob boss Marco 
D'Amico, a leading Chicago underworld figure. Abbinanti was involved in illegal 
gambling with Daniel Stefanski, a boyhood friend of Mr Blagojevich, who landed 
a job with a six-figure salary in the Illinois Department of Transportation in 
2003, courtesy of the Governor.

Mr Cooley, the author of When Corruption Was King: How I Helped the Mob Rule 
Chicago, Then Brought the Outfit Down, said the potential for corruption was 
clear when Mr Blagojevich went into politics.

"I predicted five years ago, when he ran (for governor) the first time, that he 
was a hands-on person who would be selling every position in the state of 
Illinois," Mr Cooley said. "That is exactly what happened." ...

He went for a jog in his neighbourhood yesterday as his lawyer, Ed Genson, 
branded the impeachment efforts an "Alice in Wonderland" process that prevented 
him from calling witnesses such as US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald.

"Everybody's in a rush to judgment," Mr Genson said. "This is a real witch 

Mr Genson said Mr Blagojevich would not be making a Senate appointment after 
Senate Democrats voted unanimously not to recognise anybody chosen by the 
Governor. Mr Genson said Mr Blagojevich wanted a special election to fill the 
vacancy, a solution Democrats oppose because it could see the seat turned over 
to the Republicans.

The re-emergence of the controversial Mr Cooley will not help the issue go away.

The former Chicago policeman turned corrupt mob lawyer once paid $10,000 to a 
judge for the acquittal of hit man Harry Aleman, who murdered a Teamsters 
official in Chicago in 1977. The judge later committed suicide and in a 
controversial 1997 retrial, when Mr Cooley testified as a government witness, 
Aleman was sentenced to 100-300 years.

Mr Cooley spent more than three years wearing an FBI wire, secretly recording 
conversations of crooked cops, politicians and other government officials at 
restaurants near City Hall.

"The biggest problem you have now and the reason for what is happening is that 
the people in power have money and ability to silence the media so it will 
never be reported," he said. "As long as you have that going on, you will never 
stop it."

A spokesman said the Governor could not comment on Mr Cooley, the bookmaking 
claims or the mob payoffs.

http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,24820384-2703,00.html <>

Re: [cia-drugs] Jesse Ventura: "CIA Embedded in Every State Government"

2008-12-20 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Are you announcing your campaign?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Mary Hartman 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 1:38 PM
  Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Jesse Ventura: "CIA Embedded in Every State 

I know.  It's too bad the Governor's can't get together, call a press 
conference and do one big, happy outing.   

    --- On Sat, 12/20/08, Vigilius Haufniensis  

  From: Vigilius Haufniensis 
  Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Jesse Ventura: "CIA Embedded in Every State 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 10:08 PM

  Yeah, Jesse's got a family, though.

- Original Message - 
From: Mary Hartman 
To: cia-dr...@yahoogrou ps.com 
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Jesse Ventura: "CIA Embedded in Every 
State Government"

  Jesse and the rest of the governors who want to save this 
country need to start naming names.  The reason we have lost our rights and 
liberties here is because these people are embedded in places like the 
Department of Public Safety.  The attorney for the MN DPS who handles 
corruption complaints re:cops, lawyers, etc. represents the DPS.  This isn't 
told to the caller/complainant.  Additionally, the Bureau of Criminal 
Apprehension - the law enforcement that supposedly investigates other law 
enforcement. ...they get dispatched by the DPS.

  The mob taught the corrupt FBI, CIA, NSA that the way to take 
over a city and state government is to start with the corruption of the traffic 
cop and move on up from there.  Once you get the state you can move people 
laterally from the AG's office into the US Attorney's Office, so the person who 
covered butt for the DPS on the state level is now in the Criminal Division or 
White Collar Division of the US Attorney's Office.  We had that here with Tim 
Rank.  And up and in and before you know it, you have someone like the US 
Attorney General calling your state "the poison spot of the nation".  Minnesota 
was given that lovely distinction back in the 1940's and nothing has changed. 

  This state is vital strategically for the CIA's dope and arms 
trafficking operations because we have the headwaters to the Mississippi and 
because we are the most inland harbor on the St. Lawrence Seaway.  The Red Lake 
Reservation has land in both Canada and the US.  

  Jesse needs to out the CIA agents who are undermining our 
national security - undermining our democracy, and the sooner he does so, the 

  --- On Sat, 12/20/08, Ken  wrote:

From: Ken 
Subject: [cia-drugs] Jesse Ventura: "CIA Embedded in Every 
State Government"
To: "Recipient List Suppressed (E-mail)" 
Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 5:44 AM

CIA Embedded in Every State Government
Jesse Ventura speaks about his personal experiences and 
knowledge of such
<http://tinyurl. com/66aq5q>

http://52.thelastou tpost.com/ video-4/police- state/cia- 
embedded- in-every- stat
e-government. html


Internal Virus Database is out of date.
Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com 
Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.17/1844 - Release Date: 
12/11/2008 8:58 PM



  Internal Virus Database is out of date.
  Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com 
  Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.17/1844 - Release Date: 12/11/2008 
8:58 PM

Re: [cia-drugs] FBI over-billing/porn watching in Iraq

2008-12-20 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Sounds like the CIA and FBI are just their "sheep dip."  They're actually 
working for someone or thing higher up.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Mary Hartman 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 1:33 PM
  Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] FBI over-billing/porn watching in Iraq

The FBI goes all over.  My understanding, from Colleen Rowley, is that 
there are agents who take foreign service exams which enable them to operate 
overseas.  She said that many of them are in the "black ops centers" (i.e. 
torture camps) around the world.  A team of FBI agents were dispatched to India 
the night of the recent terrorist attacks - to "help" with the investigation.   

CIA is here, FBI is there.  Neither one is where they're supposed to be 
and they're all doing things they are not supposed to be doing.  Jurisdiction 
is just a word.  The Patriot Act lets these guys do whatever they want whenever 
they want. 


    --- On Sat, 12/20/08, Vigilius Haufniensis  

  From: Vigilius Haufniensis 
  Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] FBI over-billing/porn watching in Iraq
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 10:09 PM

  What's the FBI doing in Iraq?
  Isn't their jurisdiction "inside" the US?  Whereas the CIA was, until 
2001, "outside" the US?

- Original Message - 
From: Mary Hartman 
To: cia-dr...@yahoogrou ps.com 
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 8:13 AM
Subject: [cia-drugs] FBI over-billing/ porn watching in Iraq

  There was a radio news story about FBI agents in Iraq 
wrongfully billing a minimum of $45,000.00 each for overtime - with no work 
performed.  It was also said that things were so quiet in Baghdad they spent 
most of their "working" hours watching pornographic videos.  I can't find 
anything on the mainstream news about this.  Has anyone else heard about this?

  So much for the "War on Terror".  

Internal Virus Database is out of date.
Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com 
Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.17/1844 - Release Date: 
12/11/2008 8:58 PM



  Internal Virus Database is out of date.
  Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com 
  Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.17/1844 - Release Date: 12/11/2008 
8:58 PM

[cia-drugs] MSNBC co-host mugged outside D.C. hotel

2008-12-20 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Somebody trying to send her dad a message?  -Vmann

MSNBC co-host mugged outside D.C. hotel
December 18, 2008 - 11:11am

WASHINGTON - MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski was headed to an interview with D.C. Mayor 
Adrian Fenty Thursday morning when she was mugged outside a Washington hotel. 
Without naming the hotel, Brzezinski's co-host Joe Scarborough blasted D.C. on 
their show, "Morning Joe." 

Brzezinski says the incident happened as she waited for a car to pick her up 
for the 6 a.m. broadcast. She says she was embarrassed by what happened and 
complained the bell desk should have been paying attention. 

Brzezinski gave the mugger the $6 in cash she had on her, although he asked for 

Fenty, who was on the show to talk about the inauguration, assured her the 
matter would be investigated. 

"The police department is not aware of a mugging occurring. I spoke with patrol 
and the detectives, and we're not aware of a mugging," Traci Hughes, 
spokeswoman Metropolitan Police Department, tells WTOP. 

D.C. Fire and Rescue says no ambulance was ever requested. 

(Copyright 2008 by WTOP. All Rights Reserved.) 

  also on the web
  a.. Rush Limbaugh Jokes About Mika Brzezinski's Mugging 
  b.. Mayor Meets Mugged Anchor 
  c.. MSNBC host mugged near D.C. hotel 
  d.. MSNBC host Brzezinski mugged in D.C. 
  e.. Man sprays 'toilet-papering' teens with fox pee 

WASHINGTON - MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski was headed to an interview with D.C. Mayor 
Adrian Fenty Thursday morning when she was mugged outside a Washington hotel. 
Without naming the hotel, Brzezinski's co-host Joe Scarborough blasted D.C. on 
their show, "Morning Joe." 

Brzezinski says the incident happened as she waited for a car to pick her up 
for the 6 a.m. broadcast. She says she was embarrassed by what happened and 
complained the bell desk should have been paying attention. 

Brzezinski gave the mugger the $6 in cash she had on her, although he asked for 

Fenty, who was on the show to talk about the inauguration, assured her the 
matter would be investigated. 

"The police department is not aware of a mugging occurring. I spoke with patrol 
and the detectives, and we're not aware of a mugging," Traci Hughes, 
spokeswoman Metropolitan Police Department, tells WTOP. 

D.C. Fire and Rescue says no ambulance was ever requested. 

Re: [cia-drugs] FBI over-billing/porn watching in Iraq

2008-12-20 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
What's the FBI doing in Iraq?
Isn't their jurisdiction "inside" the US?  Whereas the CIA was, until 2001, 
"outside" the US?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Mary Hartman 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 8:13 AM
  Subject: [cia-drugs] FBI over-billing/porn watching in Iraq

There was a radio news story about FBI agents in Iraq wrongfully 
billing a minimum of $45,000.00 each for overtime - with no work performed.  It 
was also said that things were so quiet in Baghdad they spent most of their 
"working" hours watching pornographic videos.  I can't find anything on the 
mainstream news about this.  Has anyone else heard about this?

So much for the "War on Terror".  



  Internal Virus Database is out of date.
  Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com 
  Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.17/1844 - Release Date: 12/11/2008 
8:58 PM

Re: [cia-drugs] Jesse Ventura: "CIA Embedded in Every State Government"

2008-12-20 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Yeah, Jesse's got a family, though.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Mary Hartman 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 8:09 AM
  Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Jesse Ventura: "CIA Embedded in Every State 

Jesse and the rest of the governors who want to save this country need 
to start naming names.  The reason we have lost our rights and liberties here 
is because these people are embedded in places like the Department of Public 
Safety.  The attorney for the MN DPS who handles corruption complaints re:cops, 
lawyers, etc. represents the DPS.  This isn't told to the caller/complainant.  
Additionally, the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension - the law enforcement that 
supposedly investigates other law enforcementthey get dispatched by the DPS.

The mob taught the corrupt FBI, CIA, NSA that the way to take over a 
city and state government is to start with the corruption of the traffic cop 
and move on up from there.  Once you get the state you can move people 
laterally from the AG's office into the US Attorney's Office, so the person who 
covered butt for the DPS on the state level is now in the Criminal Division or 
White Collar Division of the US Attorney's Office.  We had that here with Tim 
Rank.  And up and in and before you know it, you have someone like the US 
Attorney General calling your state "the poison spot of the nation".  Minnesota 
was given that lovely distinction back in the 1940's and nothing has changed. 

This state is vital strategically for the CIA's dope and arms 
trafficking operations because we have the headwaters to the Mississippi and 
because we are the most inland harbor on the St. Lawrence Seaway.  The Red Lake 
Reservation has land in both Canada and the US.  

Jesse needs to out the CIA agents who are undermining our national 
security - undermining our democracy, and the sooner he does so, the better.  

--- On Sat, 12/20/08, Ken  wrote:

  From: Ken 
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Jesse Ventura: "CIA Embedded in Every State 
  To: "Recipient List Suppressed (E-mail)" 
  Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 5:44 AM

  CIA Embedded in Every State Government
  Jesse Ventura speaks about his personal experiences and knowledge of 

  http://52.thelastou tpost.com/ video-4/police- state/cia- embedded- 
in-every- stat
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[cia-drugs] Juarez Murders Shine Light on an Emerging 'Military Cartel'

2008-12-11 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Is Juarez a city in the grips of a death-squad campaign being carried out by 
paramilitary operatives of a corrupt Mexican military seeking to corner the
narco-trafficking business, with the acquiescence, maybe even
complicity, of the Mexican government - and with our own government
now set to support this bloodshed through its funding of Plan Mexico?"

- Original Message - 
From: "ddbriones" 
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 7:25 PM
Subject: [narconews] Juarez Murders Shine Light on an Emerging 'Military 

December 11, 2008
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleague,

Narco News keeps digging beneath the surface of the drug war in Juarez
and finding new twists in the plot that fall outside the mainstream
media's predictable narrative of rival drug "cartels" fighting over
turf. The carnage in the Mexican border town of some 1.2 million
people is extreme, with more than 1,400 murder victims this year - a
figure that is increasing daily. The causes of the bloodshed are
complex, an intricate web spun by the allure of a multi-billion dollar
illegal drug trade that does not respect borders.

Correspondent Bill Conroy illuminates a few more strands of that web
in his most recent report examining the militarization of the drug
business. His report is based on documents leaked to Narco News by law
enforcement sources - including a detailed accounting of the murders
in Juarez as well as a DEA analysis of the sources of the violence.

Conroy writes:

"Since Calderon sent the military into Juarez in late March 2008, the
murder toll in the city has jumped dramatically. The data obtained by
Narco News shows the death toll on a steady climb from 18 in January -
and after a slight lull in April - to 119 in June (see chart). The
murder figure for November, according to Mexican news reports, hit 192.

". We are asked to ignore the fact that these internecine battles
between rival cartels are playing out under the watch of thousands of
Mexican troops . with the drug trade continuing largely unabated as
the murder count rises and the "cartel" leadership remains -- other
than the occasional sacrificial lamb to appease the U.S. -- still in
place operating the business.

"DEA agent and Iran/Contra whistleblower Celerino Castillo, who spent
years working in Latin America, claims a good share of the violence in
Juarez can be attributed directly to the Mexican military and elements
of the Mexican government, including President Felipe Calderon,
according to Conroy's report. Castillo contends the military itself
has been corrupted by the narco-trafficking business."

More from Conroy's report:

". Several other federal law enforcers who spoke with Narco News, on
the condition their names not be used, don't find [Castillo's]
analysis to be far-fetched."

'The Mexican military and government are corrupt,' one law enforcer
says. 'The military escorts smugglers to the border. It's a daily
occurrence. The video cameras at the El Paso Intelligence Center have
it all on video, filed away. If we report the suspicious activity to
our superiors, nothing ever happens. It's just covered up.'

'The Mexican military cartel has taken over Juarez. Our government
knows it; they're not stupid, but they've made some backroom deal with
the Mexican government.'"

Conroy puts a dark question into play based on his analysis of the
leaked documents, the inside information provided by multiple law
enforcement sources and Mexican media reports of corruption within the
Mexican government:

Conroy writes:

"So if this is not as the media script depicts it, a turf war between
the Juarez and Sinaloa "cartels' alone, then who is responsible for
all the killing? Could Castillo be right? Is Juarez a city in the
grips of a death-squad campaign being carried out by paramilitary
operatives of a corrupt Mexican military seeking to corner the
narco-trafficking business, with the acquiescence, maybe even
complicity, of the Mexican government - and with our own government
now set to support this bloodshed through its funding of Plan Mexico?"

Read all of Conroy's report, along with other new from Latin America,
online at Narco News:


>From somewhere in a country called América,

David B. Briones
The Narco News Bulletin

Narco News is supported by:

The Fund for Authentic Journalism P.O. Box 241 Natick, MA 01760

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[cia-drugs] Bricker: Why Plan Mexico will Crash and Burn

2008-12-11 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

- Original Message - 
From: David B. Briones 
To: narcon...@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 9:25 AM
Subject: [narconews] Bricker: Why Plan Mexico will Crash and Burn

December 11, 2008
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleague,

Narco News continues to provide our readers with coverage of Plan Mexico, or 
the Merida Initiative as it is formally known. Now, Kristin Bricker brings us 
an extensive review demonstrating how and why Plan Mexico will fail at its 
goals of reducing crime and violence, while doing even more damage in the 
process to human rights and the quality of peoples’ lives.

Bricker vets the current state of the “War on Drugs” and how it has worsened 
the consequences of drug policy inside the United States while increasing 
government and police corruption in Mexico – and violent harm to its citizens - 
to a new high. She narrows down to five the most likely reasons that Plan 
Mexico is doomed to fail - all of which involve corruption in law enforcement 
agencies (and on both sides of the border) – and reviews the major recent 
events and cases that the current drug war model has exacerbated South of the 

Bricker writes:

“…Plan Mexico, officially known as the Merida Initiative, has a number of 
striking similarities to Plan Colombia.  So far, the US has sunk nearly $5 
billion in US personnel, armament, aid, pesticides, and training to Colombia’s 
military and police in order to continue the drug war in that country.  The 
results: Plan Colombia has exacerbated violence in the region, has been 
implicated in massacres of indigenous communities in resistance, and has failed 
to meet its own benchmarks.

“…Every time the government has found networks of informants in its agencies 
and has subsequently purged the corrupt agents, more step up to take their 
place.  While ten government agents on the cartel payrolls were caught in 2001, 
Operation Clean-up has swept up at least thirty-five so far…and the arrests are 
still coming.  These networks of corruption stretch across government agencies 
and seem to have better inter-agency coordination and communication than the 
agencies themselves.  They are sophisticated, well-organized, involve some of 
the highest-ranking government officials, and—most importantly—are easily 

Read all of Bricker’s report, along with other new from Latin America, online 
at Narco News:


>From somewhere in a country called América,

David B. Briones
The Narco News Bulletin

Narco News is supported by:

The Fund for Authentic Journalism P.O. Box 241 Natick, MA 01760

The Fund receives online donations at this web page:


Apply for your co-publisher's account, here:


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[cia-drugs] Retired cop suspected as serial killer of 13 gay men in Brazil

2008-12-10 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Wednesday, December 10
Report: Retired cop suspected as serial killer of 13 gay men in Brazil
Source: O Globo, ABC News (Australia), Associated Press, Made In Brazil 
A retired sergeant from Brazil's military police may be linked to the murders 
of 13 men who were killed at a gay cruising spot at a park in Carapicuíba in 
greater Sao Paulo, according to an uncorroborated report from Brazil's O Globo 

Police announced Monday that a suspected serial killer might be on the loose.

O Globo reported a day later that the suspect had been identified.

According to Associated Press, Paulo Fernando Fortunato, lead investigator for 
the case, told the O Globo newspaper Monday that 13 gay men had been killed at 
Parque dos Paturis between February 2007 and August 2008. 

The 13 murders had not been linked previously, but a team of 15 detectives 
began re-examining them in light of the serial killer theory, Australia's ABC 
News reports. 

Fortunato said Monday that he went public with the investigation to help warn 
people of the danger, according to AP. 

Undercover agents are now patrolling the park where the murders took place.

The sergeant is suspected of killing a transvestite at a hotel in Osasco, São 
Paulo, in October, according to Made In Brazil's summary of O Globo's report. 
The caliber of the gun used to kill the transvestite matches the caliber of the 
gun used to kill the last victim found at the park in Carapicuíba in August. 

The sergeant was the last person seen at the hotel with the transvestite, and 
is reported to hang out at Parque dos Paturis, where the 13 men were murdered, 
according to O Globo and Made In Brazil.

Police have dubbed the possible killer the "Rainbow Maniac" as a reference to 
the multicolored gay and lesbian logo, ABC News reports.

Although the Fortunato said Monday that investigators were not certain that 
only one person is responsible for the deaths, there are marked similarities in 
each case, according to ABC News. All of the victims were killed at the same 
gay meeting place in Paturo Park. All of the victims were men, most aged 
between 20 and 40, according to ABC News. 

All the killings took place at night. All of the victims were found with their 
pants down, according to Made In Brazil blog. 

All but one of the victims was shot either in the head or the neck. Ballistics 
tests are underway to see if the same gun was used in each case, according to 
ABC News. 

Meanwhile, O Globo reports that the family of one of the men killed at the park 
is disputing the theory of the crime put forward by police. 

Adílson Jose Pereira, whose body was found in the park July 8, 2007, was the 
second victim to be killed there.

His widow insisted that the 58-year-old married father of six children with 18 
grandchildren would never be involved with homosexuals, according to O Globo.

His body was found next to his car near the park, but his widow explained that 
he often parked it there. "I thought he was going to a bar nearby. He played 
guitar there from time to time, and parked the car in park," said Maria Odília 
Alves Pereira.

A friend of the Pereira's, who did not want to be identified, told O Globo he 
was "womanizer".

Source: Police hunt suspected serial killer in Brazil | ABC News (Australia)  
Police hunt suspected serial killer in Brazil | Associated Press 
Sargento reformado da PM é suspeito de mortes de homossexuais em parque da 
Grande SP | O Globo 
Police Looking For Suspect Of Killing 13 Gay Men | Made In Brazil

[cia-drugs] Camille: What do the Clintons have on Obama?

2008-12-09 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
What do the Clintons have on Obama?

[cia-drugs] Mexico City police commander killed outside home

2008-12-09 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Seems like something's going down.  -Vmann

Mexico City police commander killed outside home
By E. EDUARDO CASTILLO - 1 hour ago 

MEXICO CITY (AP) - A senior Mexico City police commander who oversaw raids in 
the capital's gang-filled Tepito neighborhood was slain in a drive-by shooting 
outside his home, officials said Tuesday.

Victor Hugo Moneda, who led the city's investigative police, was killed as he 
was getting out of his car Monday night, the Mexico City prosecutor's office 
said in a statement.

Prosecutor Miguel Angel Mancera said the killing may have been a reprisal by 
criminals. No arrests have been made.

"We believe that it could have been some type of reaction against the actions 
that are being carried out by police," he told local media.

Moneda oversaw raids in Mexico City's notorious Tepito neighborhood and the 
2006 capture of serial killer Juana Barraza, known as "The Little Old Lady 
Killer" because of the age of her victims.

Scores of police, soldiers and judicial officials in Mexico have been killed 
since the government launched a crackdown on organized crime two years ago.

Also Tuesday in the Gulf coast state of Tabasco, soldiers detained 11 police 
officers from four towns for questioning on suspicion of aiding the Gulf drug 
cartel, the Attorney General's Office said in a press statement.

The officers' names were found on "payrolls" or other written records seized 
from suspected cartel safe houses, according to the statement.

Tabasco, which borders Guatemala, is considered a key trafficking area for 
U.S.-bound drugs from Central America.

Army Gen. Jaime Rufino Hernandez said the arrests were part of the government's 
"Operation Clean House," which has led to the arrest of more than a dozen 
high-ranking police and prosecution officials for allegedly passing information 
to the cartels.

In the northern city of Tijuana, across the border from San Diego, officials 
said four bodies were found early Tuesday. 

[cia-drugs] Milwaukee neighborhoods could print own money

2008-12-05 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
"They can't spend it at the Wal-Mart or the Home Depot, but they can spend it 
at their local hardware store or their local grocery store."

Milwaukee neighborhoods could print own money
2 neighborhoods consider printing own currency for exclusive use in local stores
  By Erika Slife | Tribune reporter 
  December 3, 2008 
They may be talking funny money, but it's not funny business.

Residents from the Milwaukee neighborhoods of Riverwest and East Side are 
scheduled to meet Wednesday to discuss printing their own money. The idea is 
that the local cash could be used at neighborhood stores and businesses, thus 
encouraging local spending. The result, supporters hope, would be a bustling 
local economy, even as the rest of the nation deals with a recession.

"You have all these people who have local currency, and they're going to spend 
it at local stores," said Sura Faraj, a community organizer who is helping 
spearhead the plan. "They can't spend it at the Wal-Mart or the Home Depot, but 
they can spend it at their local hardware store or their local grocery store."

Incentives could be used to entice consumers into using the new money. For 
example, perhaps they could trade $100 U.S. for $110 local, essentially netting 
them a 10 percent discount at participating stores.

It's not a new concept-experts estimate there are at least 2,000 local 
currencies all over the world-but it is a practice that tends to burgeon during 
economic downturns. During the Great Depression, scores of communities relied 
on their own currencies.

And it's completely legal.

As long as communities don't create coins, or print bills that resemble federal 
dollars, organizations are free to produce their own greenbacks-and they'd 
don't even have to be green.

In Wisconsin, could that mean dough that looks like cheese?


[cia-drugs] VEON ON RENSE!

2008-11-25 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Joan Veon's on Rense tonight.
Show starts at 9pm, looks like she's gonna be on for the second hour, following 
Geopolitical Financial Analysis by Tim Rifat, who's pretty good too.

[cia-drugs] Citigroup: A Case of British Financial Warfare

2008-11-24 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

  Citigroup: A Case of British Financial Warfare
  Nov. 24 (EIRNS)-This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche 
Political Action Committee (LPAC).

  Late last night, the Federal government moved to bail out Citigroup, 
agreeing to give the bank a $20 billion capital injection, and guarantee $306 
billion of securities, loans and commitments backed by residential and 
commercial real estate and other assets. Citigroup will take the first $29 
billion in losses on the guaranteed assets, and take 10% of the subsequent 
losses, with the government taking the remaining 90%. In addition, the Federal 
Reserve will "backstop residual risk" through a non-recourse loan.

  There is no question that Citigroup badly needs the money, but so do all 
its peers. The more interesting aspect of the case is that Citigroup, as the 
flagship American bank internationally, has been targetted by the British, who 
wish to eliminate it as a rival.

  The essential facts are these:

a.. All of the big international banks are hopelessly bankrupt, holding 
hundreds of trillions of dollars of worthless assets and quadrillions of 
dollars of uncollectible derivatives bets. The illusion of solvency in these 
banks is nothing but an accounting trick. Citigroup is no more bankrupt than 
J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, HSBC or the Royal Bank of Scotland. Thus 
the singling out of one bank, as has happened to Citigroup, is political 
b.. Citigroup is the flagship American bank internationally, active in 
more nations than any other bank in the world. It has operations in 106 
nations, compared to 85 for HSBC, the flagship British Empire bank. Citigroup's 
chief rival in the United States, JP Morgan Chase, has been a British bank from 
its inception (J.P. Morgan & Co. started as the U.S. arm of a London bank, J.S. 
Morgan). Anything which weakens Citigroup, improves the British position. 
c.. The bailout of Citigroup was triggered by a 50% drop in the value 
of its stock last week, as a result of an assault on its stock orchestrated by 
the Brits. This assault began a year ago, with the release of a report by 
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce analyst Meredith Whitney, which said that 
Citigroup faced billions of dollars of losses and should be broken up into 
pieces. This report was played up in a big way by Rupert Murdoch'sWall Street 
Journal, providing the cover for the initial British assault on Citigroup. Then 
HSBC put pressure on Citigroup by taking $45 billion of its own SIV assets back 
onto its balance sheet, highlighting Citigroup's own substantial SIV 
vulnerabilities. The pressure led to the resignation of Citigroup CEO Charles 
Prince. The most recent move was the attempt by the Plunge Protection Team to 
save Citigroup by arranging for Citigroup to buy the deposit base and selected 
assets of Wachovia; an agreement was reached, but then Wells Fargo swooped in 
to buy Wachovia. The result was renewed speculation in theUrinaland other 
places that Citigroup would not survive. This is a classic British operation. 
  The final point which must be made is that this bailout of Citigroup will 
not work, nor will the bailout process in general, for reasons we have 
repeatedly stated. The only way to save Citigroup would be to put it, and the 
rest of the system, through bankruptcy, writing off its bad assets and 
reconstituting it as a highly regulated institution engaging in traditional 
banking activities-no more derivatives or other speculation. Anything else, is 
a waste of time and money. 

[cia-drugs] End the Fed, End Wall Street Bankster Rule, End the Derivatives Depression

2008-11-23 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

  End the Fed, End Wall Street Bankster Rule, End the Derivatives Depression

  by Webster G. Tarpley
  Global Research, November 23, 2008 

  The November 22 End the Fed rallies raise a vital issue: it is past time 
to abolish the unconstitutional, illegal, and failed institution known as the 
Federal Reserve System, the privately owned central bank which has been looting 
and wrecking the US economy for almost a hundred years. We must end a system 
where unelected, unaccountable cliques of bankers and financiers loyal to names 
like Morgan, Rockefeller, and Mellon set interest rates and money supply behind 
closed doors, leading to de-industrialization, mass impoverishment, and a world 
economic and financial depression of incalculable severity. The Fed helped 
cause the crash of 1929, did nothing to stop the banking panic of 1932-33, and 
is the main cause of the $1.5 QUADRILLION derivatives crisis which is 
devastating the world. The Federal Reserve System is Wall Street's murder 
weapon against the United States, and the Fed must be stopped.

  The purpose of abolishing the Fed is to get re-industrialization, 
economic modernization, full employment, and rising standards of living for all 
the people. Contrary to monetarist fetishes, the value and soundness of 
currency in the modern world are determined by the ability of a national 
economy to produce physical commodities that the rest of the world wants to 
buy. The decline of the dollar has its roots in the wanton destruction of the 
US industrial base initiated by the Trilateral administration of Jimmy Carter 
and Feds boss Paul Adolph Volcker with his 22% prime rate. Over the past forty 
years, the US standard of living has declined by two thirds, and the country 
has become a post-industrial rubble field, a moonscape monument to the folly of 
a post-industrial service economy. If you want to go back to sound money, you 
must gear up modern industrial production so that the world will need dollars 
to buy goods manufactured in this country. No amount of gold will do the trick. 
Gold has a critical role to play in a new international currency system, but 
returning to a gold coin standard would create the most ferocious deflation of 
all time. Got any credit card debt? If you do, a gold coin standard would make 
it infinitely harder to ever pay it off. You would be slaving for the rest of 
your life to pay off a $5,000 credit card balance, or less.

  The United States is blessed by the world's greatest tradition of 
economics, the American System of political and national economy. Contrary to 
monetarist mythology, the American System never had anything to do with free 
trade or "free markets." It is a tradition of protectionism, mercantilism, and 
dirigism. It starts with Governor Winthrop of Massachusetts Bay in the 1600s, 
who promoted industry and launched a sovereign currency. Benjamin Franklin, the 
founder of the post office, was another dirigist. George Washington was always 
devoted to infrastructure projects, and Alexander Hamilton created the First 
Bank of the United States, without which the new nation would have collapsed 
into poverty, chaos, and a return of British monetarist rule. The Second BUS 
was created by James Madison, again to ward off chaos. Henry Clay coined the 
term of The American System, and it meant a national bank, a protective tariff, 
and national infrastructure financed by the federal government. Daniel Webster 
tried to create a third BUS, and when he fell short the slide into slave power 
and civil war resulted. Friedrich List, Matthew Carey, Henry Carey, and Justin 
Morrill were American System economists who influenced or advised Lincoln. The 
rise of the US as the world's greatest industrial power came thanks to a 
protective tariff and a controlled currency, the greenbacks. When Wall Street 
imposed the Cross of Gold, the American System tradition was continued by the 
Populist Party. The New Deal, the fruit of mass struggles and the rise of the 
labor movement, provided a way out of the Herbert Hoover depression by forcing 
the Morgancontrolled Fed to knuckle under to the FDR presidency. JFK tried to 
revive the New Deal and break the power of the Fed, and was assassinated by the 
financiers with the help of the CIA.

  Monetarists pretend that this history does not exist. Their hero is 
Andrew Jackson, whose hare-brained meddling caused the Panic of 1837 and shut 
down US economic development, putting the country firmly on course for the 
Civil War two decades later. When they talk about the Constitution, monetarists 
seem to be working off the Confederate constitution of 1861, which eliminated 
the General Welfare clause, and ruled out a protective tariff. During the 19th 
century, the free trade party was the pro-British slavery party. Monetarist 
dogma is a mix of Herbert 

Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Bug-Sized Spies: U.S. Develops Tiny Flying Robots

2008-11-22 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Wasn't it a year or two ago when they had those fake metallic dragonflies 
buzzing around protestors in DC?

  - Original Message - 
  From: RoadsEnd 
  To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs 
  Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 10:23 AM
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Bug-Sized Spies: U.S. Develops Tiny 
Flying Robots

  Begin forwarded message:

  From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: November 22, 2008 4:22:53 AM PST
  Subject: [SPY NEWS] Bug-Sized Spies: U.S. Develops Tiny Flying Robots


  Bug-Sized Spies: U.S. Develops Tiny Flying Robots
  Friday, November 21, 2008


  Nov. 21: This photo taken from computer animation video shows the next 
generation of drones, called Micro Aerial Vehicles.

  DAYTON, Ohio —  If only we could be a fly on the wall when our enemies are 
plotting to attack us. Better yet, what if that fly could record voices, 
transmit video and even fire tiny weapons?

  That kind of James Bond-style fantasy is actually on the drawing board. U.S. 
military engineers are trying to design flying robots disguised as insects that 
could one day spy on enemies and conduct dangerous missions without risking 

  "The way we envision it is, there would be a bunch of these sent out in a 
swarm," said Greg Parker, who helps lead the research project at 
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton. "If we know there's a possibility of 
bad guys in a certain building, how do we find out? We think this would fill 
that void."

  In essence, the research seeks to miniaturize the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 
drones used in Iraq and Afghanistan for surveillance and reconnaissance.

  The next generation of drones, called Micro Aerial Vehicles, or MAVs, could 
be as tiny as bumblebees and capable of flying undetected into buildings, where 
they could photograph, record, and even attack insurgents and terrorists.

  By identifying and assaulting adversaries more precisely, the robots would 
also help reduce or avoid civilian casualties, the military says.

  Parker and his colleagues plan to start by developing a bird-sized robot as 
soon as 2015, followed by the insect-sized models by 2030.

  The vehicles could be useful on battlefields where the biggest challenge is 
collecting reliable intelligence about enemies.

  "If we could get inside the buildings and inside the rooms where their 
activities are unfolding, we would be able to get the kind of intelligence we 
need to shut them down," said Loren Thompson, a defense analyst with the 
Lexington Institute in Arlington, Va.

  Philip Coyle, senior adviser with the Center for Defense Information in 
Washington D.C., said a major hurdle would be enabling the vehicles to carry 
the weight of cameras and microphones.

  "If you make the robot so small that it's like a bumblebee and then you ask 
the bumblebee to carry a video camera and everything else, it may not be able 
to get off the ground," Coyle said.

  Parker envisions the bird-sized vehicles as being able to spy on adversaries 
by flying into cities and perching on building ledges or power lines. The 
vehicles would have flappable wings as a disguise but use a separate propulsion 
system to fly.

  "We think the flapping is more so people don't notice it," he said. "They 
think it's a bird."

  Unlike the bird-sized vehicles, the insect-sized ones would actually use 
flappable wings to fly, Parker said.

  He said engineers want to build a vehicle with a 1-inch wingspan, possibly 
made of an elastic material. The vehicle would have sensors to help avoid 
slamming into buildings or other objects.

  Existing airborne robots are flown by a ground-based pilot, but the smaller 
versions would fly independently, relying on preprogrammed instructions.

  Parker said the tiny vehicles should also be able to withstand bumps.

  "If you look at insects, they can bounce off of walls and keep flying," he 
said. "You can't do that with a big airplane, but I don't see any reason we 
can't do that with a small one."

  An Air Force video describing the vehicles said they could possibly carry 
chemicals or explosives for use in attacks.

  Once prototypes are developed, they will be flight-tested in a new building 
at Wright-Patterson dubbed the "micro aviary" forMicro Air Vehicle Integration 
Application Research Institute.

  "This type of technology is really the wave of the future," Thompson said. 
"More and more military research is going into things that are small, that are 
precise and that are extremely focused on particular types of missions or 



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[cia-drugs] Mukasey Collapses During Speech

2008-11-20 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Mukasey, 67, began slurring his words, slumped at the lectern and fell to the 
floor as he neared the end of a speech to the Federalist Society. 


U.S. Attorney General Mukasey Collapses During Speech (Update3) 

By Jeff Bliss

 Nov. 20 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey collapsed while 
giving a speech in Washington tonight and was taken to a hospital. 

Mukasey, 67, began slurring his words, slumped at the lectern and fell to the 
floor as he neared the end of a speech to the Federalist Society. Several 
people gathered around him to offer aid and emergency workers arrived. He was 
taken to George Washington University Hospital, where Justice Department 
officials awaited word on his condition. 

Members of the audience at his speech, including former Attorney General John 
Ashcroft, formed a human wall so people could not view Mukasey as he was taken 
away. A member of the audience offered a prayer for Mukasey from the lectern 
and told everyone to go home. 

Mukasey, a retired federal judge from New York, became attorney general in 
November 2007, replacing Alberto Gonzales, who resigned after a congressional 
investigation into allegations he politicized the department. Mukasey is 
President George W. Bush's third attorney general, following Ashcroft and 

In his speech, the attorney general defended the Bush administration's 
anti-terrorism strategy against what he termed ``relentless criticism.'' 

During his Senate confirmation hearings, Mukasey drew praise from lawmakers 
from both political parties when he pledged to keep politics out of criminal 
prosecution and vowed to resign if Bush were to ignore his advice that an 
important initiative would be unconstitutional. 

Statements on Torture 

Mukasey was confirmed on a 53-40 Senate vote after his statements on torture 
and interrogation of suspected terrorists touched off a partisan fight. Mukasey 
refused to say whether waterboarding, an interrogation technique that simulates 
drowning, was illegal torture. 

``If waterboarding is torture, torture is unconstitutional,'' he said at the 
confirmation hearing. In a written response to a letter by senators seeking a 
fuller explanation, Mukasey refused to give a legal opinion based on 
``hypotheticals'' instead of ``the actual facts and circumstances.'' 

Last September, Mukasey named a special prosecutor to investigate possible 
crimes arising from the Bush administration's firing of nine U.S. attorneys in 
2006. The firings led to Gonzales's resignation. 

To contact the reporter on this story: Jeff Bliss in Washington [EMAIL 

Last Updated: November 20, 2008 23:19 EST 

Description: Binary data

[cia-drugs] BREAKING NEWS: Judge removes Guerra as prosecutor for 5 of 9 criminal cases involving Vice President Cheney and Texas State Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr.

2008-11-20 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
What's all this?  -Vmann

The Texas Rangers will likely wait for Guerra to cross the international bridge 
near Reynosa or catch him driving on U.S. 77 southbound from Houston; either 
tonight or early tomorrow. He will then be taken into protective custody and 
escorted to court in Raymondville tomorrow morning.

LATE BREAKING NEWS: Judge removes Guerra as prosecutor for 5 of 9 criminal 
cases involving Vice President Cheney and Texas State Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr.

Texas Rangers to escort Guerra to court Friday morning after having been found 
in Mexico

ROBERT WILCOX Editor/Reporter

After being AWOL from the job and violating sections of the Texas Disciplinary 
Rules of Professional Conduct - Willacy County District Attorney Juan Angel 
"Johnny Guerra" has been replaced in five (5) of the nine (9) criminal cases he 
convinced a grand jury to file against Vice President Dick Cheney, former 
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, former U.S. Attorney Mervyn Mosbacker, state 
Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr., District Judges Migdalia Lopez and Janet Leal, former 
Willacy D.A. Gustavo "Gus" Garza, and District Clerk Gilbert Lozano, along with 
GEO Corp., and former warden David Forrest.

Presiding District Judge J.Manuel Banales has appointed Asst. Cameron County to 
Alfredo Padilla to handle the cases for Mosbacker, Lopez, Leal, Garza, and 
Lozano due to Guerra being absent from court.

The judge found Guerra violated Section 3.08 of the rules of professional 
conduct, in that a victim (Guerra) can't prosecute five of the cases, where he 
could be called as a wtiness.

Guerra has telephoned in from Mexico and Houston to selected Texas media 
outlets claiming he did not know he was supposed to be in court yesterday 

The Texas Rangers will likely wait for Guerra to cross the international bridge 
near Reynosa or catch him driving on U.S. 77 southbound from Houston; either 
tonight or early tomorrow. He will then be taken into protective custody and 
escorted to court in Raymondville tomorrow morning.

Assuming he is not AWOL again; Guerra could continue as prosecutor for Vice 
President Cheney, Gonzales, Sen. Lucio, GEO Corp., and Forrest.

Attorney Michael Cowen, who is representing Sen. Lucio, got the court to agree 
to a trial date of Dec. 8th, as Lucio wants Guerra to personally try the case 
he lodged against him.

Updated -- Thursday, Nov. 20 at 9:15 p.m.

[cia-drugs] Is this suspicious?

2008-11-19 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
He was allegedly "fine," when he was picked up on "minor traffic warrants."  
When he arrived at the "police supstation," he needed emergency care, and in 
fact was in the ICU when he was finally hospitalized.  This is the same PD that 
arrested Johnny Jolly due to the "odor of codiene," (which apparently "has no 
odor,") and who "defied procedure" (and where subsequently reprimanded) to gun 
down possible "CIA Agent" Roland Carnaby.  Is it normal to 
"pick people up" for "minor traffic violations?"  I've had minor traffic 
violations, and I've never been picked up.  But I'm you know, WHITE, and don't 
live in Houston.  -Vmann

NFL player's dad says he was beaten by Houston police officers

06:22 PM CST on Wednesday, November 19, 2008

By Wendell Edwards / 11 News 


NFL player's dad says Houston cops beat him 
November 19, 2008 

HOUSTON -- The father of an NFL star is in a Houston hospital, claiming he was 
beaten by HPD officers. Marvin Driver is the father of Donald Driver, a wide 
receiver for the Green Bay Packers. 

Police arrested Marvin Driver for outstanding traffic warrants early Monday in 
the driveway of his mother's house. 

When the family went to bail him out of jail, they couldn't find him. It took 
them a whole day to track him down in a local hospital. 

Exactly what happened after Marvin Driver was picked up remains a mystery, 
depending on who you believe. 

Winston Driver said his brother was fine when the police cruiser pulled away on 


Marvin Driver hasn't been able to speak since he was hospitalized. 

"He left here in perfect condition, you know," Winston Driver said. "I could 
tell by the way the police officers-- the way they was grabbing him and pulling 
him and snatching him, you know -- that he was in trouble." 

A statement from HPD said Driver was unresponsive when they arrived at the 
Mykawa Substation in southeast Houston. 

A doctor at the jail determined Driver needed medical help. Paramedics 
transported him to Memorial Hermann Hospital. 

At a news conference Wednesday, family members provided photos of Marvin Driver 
in his hospital bed. 

He couldn't speak, but relatives said he wrote down on paper towels what 
happened to him. 


Marvin Driver has been communicating by writing on paper towels. 

Driver wrote that the officers, whom he said he knew personally, took him to a 
Valero station, kicked him in the stomach, elbowed him in the neck and forced 
something down his throat. 

"Told him to 'swallow this and you're going to see Jesus,'" community activist 
Quanell X said at the news conference. 

The activist, who spoke on behalf of the family, is asking for an investigation 
by HPD's internal affairs division. 

"We're asking Chief Harold Hurtt to remove all of the officers involved in the 
beating of Marvin Driver -- remove them and put them on desk duty or 
administrative leave. Suspend them from patrolling the streets," he said. 

"We take allegations such as these very seriously and will begin a thorough 
investigation into the matter," HPD said in a statement released late 
Wednesday. "The two officers remain on duty pending further investigation." 

Family members said the arresting officers also made disparaging remarks about 
Donald Driver, the NFL player. 

"It could be somebody he knew, or something," said Michael Driver, the player's 
brother. "Once again, in his papers he [Marvin] mentioned he does know this 
officer personally." 

Donald Driver is reportedly on his way to Houston to be with his father. 

[cia-drugs] Re-killed Ayman al-Zawahiri is back in 'audio message,' taunting Obama

2008-11-19 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Re-killed Ayman al-Zawahiri is back in 'audio message,' taunting Obama By Lori 
Price 19 Nov 2008 

The elusive, whack-a-mole al-Qaeda #2 is back again (from the dead)! Ayman 
al-Zawahiri criticized U.S. President-elect Barack Obama in an 'audio message' 
posted on the Internet, calling him dishonorable and a servant of whites, the 
Associated Press reported. The second-in-command of Islamic militant network 
al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] has called on Muslims to harm "criminal" America. You just 
can't keep a good terrorist down (or dead) for long, especially when Bush needs 
a terror attack/martial law before January 20. 

Al-Qaeda Second-in-Command Criticizes Obama in Message, AP Says 19 Nov 2008 
Al-Qaeda's second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, criticized U.S. 
President-elect Barack Obama in an audio message posted on the Internet, 
calling him dishonorable and a servant of whites, the Associated Press 
reported. Al-Zawahiri said Obama is "the direct opposite of honorable black 
Americans" such as Malcolm X, AP said. He also uses a derogatory racial term to 
imply Obama is a black American who does the bidding of whites, AP says. The 
recording, if its authenticity is confirmed, will be the first comment issued 
by al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] on the Democratic Party's election victory. 

Al-Qaida No. 2 insults Obama with racial epithet 19 Nov 2008 Al-Qaida's No. 2 
leader used a racial epithet to insult Barack Obama in a message posted 
Wednesday, using a demeaning racial term implying that the president-elect is a 
black American who does the bidding of whites. Ayman al-Zawahri said in the 
message, which appeared on militant Web sites, that Obama is "the direct 
opposite of honorable black Americans" like Malcolm X, the 1960s 
African-American rights leader. In al-Qaida's first response to Obama's 
victory, al-Zawahri also called the president-elect -- along with secretaries 
of state Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice -- "house negroes." Speaking in 
Arabic, al-Zawahri uses the term "abeed al-beit," which literally translates as 
"house slaves." But al-Qaida supplied English subtitles of his speech [LOL!] 
that included the translation as "house negroes." 

Al-Qaeda message condemns Obama 19 Nov 2008 The second-in-command of Islamic 
militant network al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] has called on Muslims to harm "criminal" 
America. In a message purportedly from Ayman al-Zawahiri, the al-Qaeda deputy 
accused US President-elect Barack Obama of betraying his Muslim roots. He 
likened him to a "house slave" - who had chosen to align himself with the 
"enemies" of Islam. 

Injured, re-killed Ayman al-Zawahri is back! By Lori Price 29 Sep 2008 

The elusive, whack-a-mole al-Qaeda #2 is 'visiting' a main operating base for 
al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Pakistan. You just can't keep a good terrorist down 
(or dead) for long, especially during the run-up to a US 'election!' 

Taliban show no let up despite 8,000 soldiers in FATA 28 Sep 2008 Taliban 
hostilities show no sign of abating despite the deployment of 8,000 troops in 
the Federally Administered Tribal Areas and the army's claim of killing 1,000 
Taliban, according to The Times. The newspaper said in a report on Saturday 
that a constant supply of fresh fighters from inside the country and across the 
border in Afghanistan is helping the Taliban to stay in the fight. Bajaur 
Agency is a main operating base for Al Qaeda [al-CIAduh] and the Taliban. 
Pakistani intelligence believes that Ayman al-Zawahri, the second-in-command of 
Al Qaeda, has been a visitor. 

Al-Qaeda No. 2 May be Injured, Possibly Re-killed--But Still Cranking Out 
Videotapes By Lori Price 08 Sep 2008

Al-Qaeda No. 2, Ayman al-Zawahri, was 'killed,' then wounded, then 
re-killed--but through all of his deaths and injuries, he is still able to 
produce videotapes. Whenever the GOP hits a bump in the road -- say, for 
example, the imminent implosion of Caribou Barbie -- al-Zawahri is reborn and 
healed and a busy little bee! 

Al-Qaida accuses Iran of co-operating with U.S. 08 Sep 2008 Al-Qaida 
[al-CIAduh] marked the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks with a 90-minute 
video message Monday summarizing the state of jihad, or holy war, around the 
world and slamming Iran for collaborating with the United States. Short 
excerpts of the message were aired on the Arab satellite news channel 
Al-Jazeera. In them, al-Qaida Number 2, Ayman al-Zawahri, accused Iran of 
working with U.S. forces. Al-Zawahri said Tehran was "co-operating with the 
Americans in occupying Iraq and Afghanistan" and slammed Iran for recognizing 
the two governments. He also criticized the Shiites for not calling for a jihad 
in Iraq against the "Crusader occupier." In militant postings, "crusaders" is 
shorthand for U.S. troops in Iraq.

Timeline-Messages attributed to al Qaeda's Zawahri 08 Sep 2008 'Al Qaeda' has 
issued a video marking the September 11 attacks, in which deputy 

[cia-drugs] Roland Carnaby Update: On-Scene Police Supervisor has a Record of Prior Disciplinary Actions

2008-11-19 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Roland Carnaby Update: On-Scene Police Supervisor has a Record of Prior 
Disciplinary Actions 
Also see: "Roland Carnaby Update: The Officers who Shot him have Criminal 
Records," and "Houston Chronicle: FBI Agent Confirmed in 2003 that Roland 
Carnaby Worked for Bureau - New Video of the Shooting Released"

From: "HPD disciplines officers involved in shooting of phony 'CIA agent'"
November 18, 2008

... When Carnaby exited the SUV, one of officers opened fire. He later claimed 
he saw something shiny in the vehicle that he believed was a gun.

In a sworn deposition, that officer blamed the City of Houston for poor 
training in high-risk vehicle approaches. The on-scene supervisor also 
criticized HPD's training process.

The disciplined supervisor has had previous actions taken against him by the 
department, including a suspension from duty for the violent striking of a 
prisoner, failure to abide by laws, insubordination and speeding.


[cia-drugs] California Fires=Cointelpro

2008-11-19 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
California fire Blackwater conspiracy


The California wild fire scam


Blackwater to California: Hire us to Put Out Your Fires

Updated: Blackwater and the California Fires 

  Fox blames terrorists. When that happens it isn't too far fetched to 
assume it was a government (related) psy-op. Check out these stories for the 
very very coincidental events that preceeded the san diego fire which just 
happens to be at the very site where blackwater is fighting a community that 
wants the hired killers to go away. 

Monday, November 17, 2008
California Arson Update - Montecito Fire Human Caused 
Investigators: Santa Barbara-area fire human caused
Associated Press

Doug Lannon, a spokesman with the California Department of Forestry and Fire 
Protection, said Sunday that investigators have eliminated all accidental 
causes of the fire.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

[cia-drugs] Rahm Emmanuel

2008-11-17 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Let's face it.  This dude might be "Mossad," but he AIN'T NEOcon.  
He had the office closest to President Clinton's, did he not?  Please.  Bill 
wasn't NEOconservative.  This is a Trilateralist/Bill Clinton/Jimmy 
Carter/(Dare I say Poppy Bush?) regime.

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