[cia-drugs] Re: The Last Columbine Mystery

2010-02-27 Thread muckblit
Maybe Chesapeake and closing Bird's Nest PO were
covered up fallback scenario accreditizing looking
busy like doing work.

real leadership must simply go along with Cassius and
Brutus and the others of the senate league.  Or get whacked.
Bodies of Caesars will pile to the Nile til gunboats of
peasants get dressed up in style

Whack Gander whack while dressed like penguins.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

 Re: ...for a week, and arrested a carload of
 muslims in Chesapeake(I think) after they laundered their Boston
 car in Va Beach on their way to FL :
 Yes, in Chesapeake, there was something there covered up.  Virginia Pilot
 covered it and it disappeared.
 But what do we do about Cassius?  And the group?
 The real leadership must simply go along with Cassius and Brutus and the
 others of the senate league.  Or get whacked.  Bodies of Caesars will pile
 to the Nile til gunboats of peasants get dressed up in style.
 In a more serious tone:
 Sites like this and alternate media have begun to bring out horrors that
 were considered standard but not public.  Public is still in tv trance. 
 Brutus types and Cassius types are also still in a quandary.  What can be
 done?  Revolutions of all types set history back.  This is a slow plod to
 change.  Alas, it will pass, but boils on the ass.
 The only reason that the musical 'Kismet' has not been through a revival
 on Broadway is that in many respects little has changed in Baghdad. Or
 I don't know what time is ment to be
 If it's my friend or enemy
 or does it only run - Run to set and end
 Secrets are the crazy dream
 or just a bad Reality
 I don't know...
 'Sands of Time' from Kismet:
  son of Dwayne Fuselier the lead FBI investigator in  the  Columbine
  He founded the Trenchcoat mafia but graduated a year before and was a
  freshman in college.  FBI, (oddly), did not see  a conflict of interest
  in this
  Yes, that's the last Columbine mystery I'm interested in, if I can have
  NATO officer MK tour aspect before that. Dad wrote the trenchcoat
  son made the video; no conflict there that I can see. Just plain old
  mazzini gangers shaking us down every which way.
  The bully had also graduated the year before, so maybe bullying was not
  the reason why. Or if it was, the script was written the year before and
  the media kept to it!?
  The thing about the Fuselier kid graduating the year before is that his
  whereabouts still ought to be accounted for, like GHWB 11-22-63. The
  internet rumor I heard is that his whereabouts are unaccounted for,
  but, they initially would be, until questions were asked and...what?
  Maybe the NATO officers know what the new MK models can do,
  dollar for dollar, compared to the old Matrix gamegunboys.
  MK and Franklin/APEC/FBI anthem:
Rubber Dolly gets played every time
  FBI confiscated mail in Bird's Nest, Virginia, on the way down
  from NJ to Norfolk and FL, for a week, and arrested a carload of
  muslims in Chesapeake(I think) after they laundered their Boston
  car in Va Beach on their way to FL. Anthrax? We didn't hear about
  anthrax for a while. Car incident 9/11/2001. Week of no mail
  right about then too, way before anthrax arrived anywhere. Ives
  didn't do Russell Welch anthrax. Anthrax is at a lot of labs. It
  was in Walter Reed CIA-Detrick lab a few decades ago. It comes
  down to simple oligarchy scams and shakedowns, doesn't it?
  Who knows who these guys are:
  'The  gunmen drive in mainly four-wheel vehicles and quickly disappear
  from  the crime scene.' Silencer guns kill 67 in one day in Baghdad
  .htm  By Anwar Jumaa 23 Feb 2010 Last Sunday 67 corpses were  brought
  to Baghdad morgue all shot with silencer guns, medical sources  said.
  The sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said silencer  guns
  have instilled fear and terror in Baghdad and most of the victims  were
  civil servants, former Baathists and army officers. The latest
  [Blackwater] victim has been a university professor who was shot dead on
  Monday as he drove home. The sources named the victim as Dr. Thamer
  Kamel, head of  the human rights section at the Ministry of Higher
  Education and  Scientific research.
  Taliban strike at heart of Kabul, killing at least 16
  -kabul-killing-at-least-16-1912345.html  --Indians believed to be
  targets, but Italian secret  service officer and French film producer
  also dead 17 Feb 2010 With suicide bombs, grenades and gunfire,
  insurgents struck at the heart of Kabul yesterday, killing at 

[cia-drugs] Re: The Last Columbine Mystery

2010-02-26 Thread muckblit
Where was the FBI kid? That's the last mystery for me.

We almost had a Columbine here. A 12-year-old brought a bag of rifles
and shotguns to school. He rode with his mother, who worked at the
school. An assistant principal jumped him in the bathroom when the
ap heard a gun cocking or lock and load sound. The boy had pointed
a gun at people in another room, and been seen walking the hall with
a rifle. I spoke on cell phone with a student who was locked in a class
room, and with our CIA drug refugee who was off campus. I phoned
a parent to tell him to pick up his son at a nearby elementary school.
I had been alerted by a huddle of cops while a helicopter hovered
above the school, which said to me there was a hostage situation.

I think the mother did jail time.

Where was the Columbine FBI kid? If we're talking about how Eric
Harris and Dylan Kliebold got that way, they were in an FBI program
written by the lead investigator after the fact. Where was the FBI kid?


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Vigilius Haufniensis
thehatefuln...@... wrote:

 The Last Columbine Mystery
 by Dave Cullen

  AP Photo As another school shooting rocks Littleton, Colorado, Dave
Cullen reveals the secret meeting of Eric Harris' parents with his
victims' kin-offering a rare glimpse into how they saw their son.

 It's been nearly 11 years since the Columbine tragedy rocked the
nation, and the largest remaining questions center on the killers'
parents: Did they see it coming? Why do they think it happened? How did
the tragedy affect them? Do they feel remorse? Have they expressed it to
the victims?

 Sue Klebold finally addressed those questions last October in an essay
in O Magazine. But her son Dylan was the junior partner in the attack.
Eric Harris was the mastermind, and his parents have never spoken
publicly. But it turns out they secretly met with two victims' families,
who quietly but diligently pursued contact for years. The existence of
those meetings-one of which is recounted in detail here-has never before
been reported.

 Wayne and Kathy accepted that Eric was a psychopath. Where that came
from, they didn't know. But he fooled them, utterly.

 Tom and Linda Mauser's son Daniel was shot to death by Eric in the
Columbine library. Last summer, the couple finally met Eric's parents.
The meeting took years to arrange. It began in 2007, with an angry
letter from Tom Mauser. He and Linda had chosen not to take part in
lawsuits many of their peers leveled against the Harrises and Klebolds.
But they were just as hungry for answers. Eventually, Tom's frustration
boiled over. All those years and he still didn't know how the boys got
away with it. And resentment had set in: Why hadn't the parents reached
out more? So he set down some pointed questions. That approach failed.
The Harrises declined to meet, though their attorney provided some

 So then Tom Mauser wrote to Sue Klebold, who met with him. Sue was
very apologetic, but had no surprises. He didn't push too hard. Linda
stayed home. What an emotional undertaking. Looking those people in the
eye-was she ready for that? Would she offer forgiveness? Withhold it?
Linda wasn't prepared to wrestle with all that, especially with the
wrong family. It wasn't her kid that killed my son, she says. It was

  Columbine. By Dave Cullen. 464 Pages. Twelve. $15.99. Linda had been
struggling with grief since Daniel's murder, but recently made a
breakthrough in therapy: She began telling people what she really
thought. She channeled that new expressiveness toward a solution:
writing a followup to the Harrises in early 2009. She wrote warmly: no
demands, just how she felt. Honestly, she felt conflicted. She wasn't
sure what Wayne and Kathy had done. But she was decided on Eric. She
forgave him.

 Word came back slowly from the attorney: Would they like to meet? Yes.

 Approximately 10 years and four months after Eric Harris murdered
their child, Linda and Tom drove into Denver to greet his parents. The
Harrises declined to comment on the meeting. These are Linda's

 They met at the Quaker Meeting House, where their attorney was a
member. It was a sunny room with wooden floors and benches. The Harrises
greeted them with a basket of flowers. Wayne spoke first. Nice to meet
you. He smiled and reached for Linda's hand. Thanks for coming, she
said. They sat down in a quiet alcove.

 Wayne did most of the talking. He is a retired Air Force major and
sounded like one, careful and precise in his language. He was tall, but
slight and avuncular, like a friendly neighbor.

 Wayne was mystified by his son. Wayne and Kathy accepted that Eric was
a psychopath. Where that came from, they didn't know. But he fooled
them, utterly.

 He'd also fooled a slew of professionals. Wayne and Kathy clearly felt
misled by the psychologist they sent him to. The doctor had 

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: The Last Columbine Mystery

2010-02-26 Thread michael1
Re: Where was the FBI kid?...
I assume you mean the son of Dwayne Fuselier the lead FBI investigator in
the Columbine 'whatever'.  He founded the Trenchcoat mafia but graduated
a year before and was a freshman in college.  FBI, (oddly), did not see a
conflict of interest in this.  There should have been a
conflict-of-interest flag on that position in any case.  Here the son of
the lead FBI investigator has founded the same group and the same high
school that the 'shooters' belonged to.
I have one link on this:
The above has been well established and not even denied by FBI, (how could
they deny?).  The story was in one main stream media, Denver Post if my
memory holds.
Yetyet it gets buried anyway.
Former female head government medical doctor of Finland, (same as chief
surgeon here), had stated some years ago that mind control operations were
the biggest threat to democracy.

 Where was the FBI kid? That's the last mystery for me.

 We almost had a Columbine here. A 12-year-old brought a bag of rifles
 and shotguns to school. He rode with his mother, who worked at the
 school. An assistant principal jumped him in the bathroom when the
 ap heard a gun cocking or lock and load sound. The boy had pointed
 a gun at people in another room, and been seen walking the hall with
 a rifle. I spoke on cell phone with a student who was locked in a class
 room, and with our CIA drug refugee who was off campus. I phoned
 a parent to tell him to pick up his son at a nearby elementary school.
 I had been alerted by a huddle of cops while a helicopter hovered
 above the school, which said to me there was a hostage situation.

 I think the mother did jail time.

 Where was the Columbine FBI kid? If we're talking about how Eric
 Harris and Dylan Kliebold got that way, they were in an FBI program
 written by the lead investigator after the fact. Where was the FBI kid?


 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Vigilius Haufniensis
 thehatefuln...@... wrote:

 The Last Columbine Mystery
 by Dave Cullen

  AP Photo As another school shooting rocks Littleton, Colorado, Dave
 Cullen reveals the secret meeting of Eric Harris' parents with his
 victims' kin-offering a rare glimpse into how they saw their son.

 It's been nearly 11 years since the Columbine tragedy rocked the
 nation, and the largest remaining questions center on the killers'
 parents: Did they see it coming? Why do they think it happened? How did
 the tragedy affect them? Do they feel remorse? Have they expressed it to
 the victims?

 Sue Klebold finally addressed those questions last October in an essay
 in O Magazine. But her son Dylan was the junior partner in the attack.
 Eric Harris was the mastermind, and his parents have never spoken
 publicly. But it turns out they secretly met with two victims' families,
 who quietly but diligently pursued contact for years. The existence of
 those meetings-one of which is recounted in detail here-has never before
 been reported.

 Wayne and Kathy accepted that Eric was a psychopath. Where that came
 from, they didn't know. But he fooled them, utterly.

 Tom and Linda Mauser's son Daniel was shot to death by Eric in the
 Columbine library. Last summer, the couple finally met Eric's parents.
 The meeting took years to arrange. It began in 2007, with an angry
 letter from Tom Mauser. He and Linda had chosen not to take part in
 lawsuits many of their peers leveled against the Harrises and Klebolds.
 But they were just as hungry for answers. Eventually, Tom's frustration
 boiled over. All those years and he still didn't know how the boys got
 away with it. And resentment had set in: Why hadn't the parents reached
 out more? So he set down some pointed questions. That approach failed.
 The Harrises declined to meet, though their attorney provided some

 So then Tom Mauser wrote to Sue Klebold, who met with him. Sue was
 very apologetic, but had no surprises. He didn't push too hard. Linda
 stayed home. What an emotional undertaking. Looking those people in the
 eye-was she ready for that? Would she offer forgiveness? Withhold it?
 Linda wasn't prepared to wrestle with all that, especially with the
 wrong family. It wasn't her kid that killed my son, she says. It was

  Columbine. By Dave Cullen. 464 Pages. Twelve. $15.99. Linda had been
 struggling with grief since Daniel's murder, but recently made a
 breakthrough in therapy: She began telling people what she really
 thought. She channeled that new expressiveness toward a solution:
 writing a followup to the Harrises in early 2009. She wrote warmly: no
 demands, just how she felt. Honestly, she felt conflicted. She wasn't
 sure what Wayne and Kathy had done. But she was decided on Eric. She
 forgave him.

 Word came back slowly from the attorney: Would they like to meet? Yes.


[cia-drugs] Re: The Last Columbine Mystery

2010-02-26 Thread muckblit
son of Dwayne Fuselier the lead FBI investigator in  the  Columbine
He founded the Trenchcoat mafia but graduated a year before and was a
freshman in college.  FBI, (oddly), did not see  a conflict of interest
in this

Yes, that's the last Columbine mystery I'm interested in, if I can have
NATO officer MK tour aspect before that. Dad wrote the trenchcoat
son made the video; no conflict there that I can see. Just plain old
mazzini gangers shaking us down every which way.

The bully had also graduated the year before, so maybe bullying was not
the reason why. Or if it was, the script was written the year before and
the media kept to it!?

The thing about the Fuselier kid graduating the year before is that his
whereabouts still ought to be accounted for, like GHWB 11-22-63. The
internet rumor I heard is that his whereabouts are unaccounted for,
but, they initially would be, until questions were asked and...what?
Maybe the NATO officers know what the new MK models can do,
dollar for dollar, compared to the old Matrix gamegunboys.

MK and Franklin/APEC/FBI anthem:
  Rubber Dolly gets played every time


FBI confiscated mail in Bird's Nest, Virginia, on the way down
from NJ to Norfolk and FL, for a week, and arrested a carload of
muslims in Chesapeake(I think) after they laundered their Boston
car in Va Beach on their way to FL. Anthrax? We didn't hear about
anthrax for a while. Car incident 9/11/2001. Week of no mail
right about then too, way before anthrax arrived anywhere. Ives
didn't do Russell Welch anthrax. Anthrax is at a lot of labs. It
was in Walter Reed CIA-Detrick lab a few decades ago. It comes
down to simple oligarchy scams and shakedowns, doesn't it?

Who knows who these guys are:

'The  gunmen drive in mainly four-wheel vehicles and quickly disappear
from  the crime scene.' Silencer guns kill 67 in one day in Baghdad
.htm  By Anwar Jumaa 23 Feb 2010 Last Sunday 67 corpses were  brought
to Baghdad morgue all shot with silencer guns, medical sources  said.
The sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said silencer  guns
have instilled fear and terror in Baghdad and most of the victims  were
civil servants, former Baathists and army officers. The latest 
[Blackwater] victim has been a university professor who was shot dead on
Monday as he drove home. The sources named the victim as Dr. Thamer
Kamel, head of  the human rights section at the Ministry of Higher
Education and  Scientific research.

Taliban strike at heart of Kabul, killing at least 16
-kabul-killing-at-least-16-1912345.html  --Indians believed to be
targets, but Italian secret  service officer and French film producer
also dead 17 Feb 2010 With suicide bombs, grenades and gunfire, 
insurgents struck at the heart of Kabul yesterday, killing at least 16 
people in co-ordinated attacks that the Afghan President said were 
targeted at Indians, but which also claimed the life of a senior member 
of the Italian secret service and a French film producer. The targets of
the two-hour explosion of violence included two guesthouses used by 
foreigners and Kabul's first shopping mall.
Severin  Blanchet, a French documentary filmmaker who was training young
Afghans, died Friday during an attack by insurgents in a hotel for 
foreigners in Kabul where he was staying. He was 66.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

 Re: Where was the FBI kid?...
 I assume you mean the son of Dwayne Fuselier the lead FBI investigator
 the Columbine 'whatever'.  He founded the Trenchcoat mafia but
 a year before and was a freshman in college.  FBI, (oddly), did not
see a
 conflict of interest in this.  There should have been a
 conflict-of-interest flag on that position in any case.  Here the son
 the lead FBI investigator has founded the same group and the same high
 school that the 'shooters' belonged to.
 I have one link on this:
 The above has been well established and not even denied by FBI, (how
 they deny?).  The story was in one main stream media, Denver Post if
 memory holds.
 Yetyet it gets buried anyway.
 Former female head government medical doctor of Finland, (same as
 surgeon here), had stated some years ago that mind control operations
 the biggest threat to democracy.

  Where was the FBI kid? That's the last mystery for me.
  We almost had a Columbine here. A 12-year-old brought a bag of
  and shotguns to school. He rode with his mother, who worked at the

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: The Last Columbine Mystery

2010-02-26 Thread michael1
Re: ...for a week, and arrested a carload of
muslims in Chesapeake(I think) after they laundered their Boston
car in Va Beach on their way to FL :

Yes, in Chesapeake, there was something there covered up.  Virginia Pilot
covered it and it disappeared.
But what do we do about Cassius?  And the group?
The real leadership must simply go along with Cassius and Brutus and the
others of the senate league.  Or get whacked.  Bodies of Caesars will pile
to the Nile til gunboats of peasants get dressed up in style.

In a more serious tone:
Sites like this and alternate media have begun to bring out horrors that
were considered standard but not public.  Public is still in tv trance. 
Brutus types and Cassius types are also still in a quandary.  What can be
done?  Revolutions of all types set history back.  This is a slow plod to
change.  Alas, it will pass, but boils on the ass.

The only reason that the musical 'Kismet' has not been through a revival
on Broadway is that in many respects little has changed in Baghdad. Or

I don't know what time is ment to be
If it's my friend or enemy
or does it only run - Run to set and end
Secrets are the crazy dream
or just a bad Reality
I don't know...

'Sands of Time' from Kismet:

 son of Dwayne Fuselier the lead FBI investigator in  the  Columbine
 He founded the Trenchcoat mafia but graduated a year before and was a
 freshman in college.  FBI, (oddly), did not see  a conflict of interest
 in this

 Yes, that's the last Columbine mystery I'm interested in, if I can have
 NATO officer MK tour aspect before that. Dad wrote the trenchcoat
 son made the video; no conflict there that I can see. Just plain old
 mazzini gangers shaking us down every which way.

 The bully had also graduated the year before, so maybe bullying was not
 the reason why. Or if it was, the script was written the year before and
 the media kept to it!?

 The thing about the Fuselier kid graduating the year before is that his
 whereabouts still ought to be accounted for, like GHWB 11-22-63. The
 internet rumor I heard is that his whereabouts are unaccounted for,
 but, they initially would be, until questions were asked and...what?
 Maybe the NATO officers know what the new MK models can do,
 dollar for dollar, compared to the old Matrix gamegunboys.

 MK and Franklin/APEC/FBI anthem:
   Rubber Dolly gets played every time


 FBI confiscated mail in Bird's Nest, Virginia, on the way down
 from NJ to Norfolk and FL, for a week, and arrested a carload of
 muslims in Chesapeake(I think) after they laundered their Boston
 car in Va Beach on their way to FL. Anthrax? We didn't hear about
 anthrax for a while. Car incident 9/11/2001. Week of no mail
 right about then too, way before anthrax arrived anywhere. Ives
 didn't do Russell Welch anthrax. Anthrax is at a lot of labs. It
 was in Walter Reed CIA-Detrick lab a few decades ago. It comes
 down to simple oligarchy scams and shakedowns, doesn't it?

 Who knows who these guys are:

 'The  gunmen drive in mainly four-wheel vehicles and quickly disappear
 from  the crime scene.' Silencer guns kill 67 in one day in Baghdad
 .htm  By Anwar Jumaa 23 Feb 2010 Last Sunday 67 corpses were  brought
 to Baghdad morgue all shot with silencer guns, medical sources  said.
 The sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said silencer  guns
 have instilled fear and terror in Baghdad and most of the victims  were
 civil servants, former Baathists and army officers. The latest
 [Blackwater] victim has been a university professor who was shot dead on
 Monday as he drove home. The sources named the victim as Dr. Thamer
 Kamel, head of  the human rights section at the Ministry of Higher
 Education and  Scientific research.

 Taliban strike at heart of Kabul, killing at least 16
 -kabul-killing-at-least-16-1912345.html  --Indians believed to be
 targets, but Italian secret  service officer and French film producer
 also dead 17 Feb 2010 With suicide bombs, grenades and gunfire,
 insurgents struck at the heart of Kabul yesterday, killing at least 16
 people in co-ordinated attacks that the Afghan President said were
 targeted at Indians, but which also claimed the life of a senior member
 of the Italian secret service and a French film producer. The targets of
 the two-hour explosion of violence included two guesthouses used by
 foreigners and Kabul's first shopping mall.
 Severin  Blanchet, a French documentary filmmaker who was training young
 Afghans, died