Re: [c-nsp] can not configure modem by router

2012-11-17 Thread s m
thanks Juergen
what i've got from your words is: for connecting modem to cisco we should
reverse send and receive while for connecting cisco to PC it should be
straight. is it true or i  misunderstand what you mean?

this connection is so important for me therefore i want to buy a cable but
don't know what exactly cable i should buy. please help me to buy a correct

thanks for your attention

On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 6:04 PM, Juergen Marenda  wrote:

> On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 02:22:58PM +0330, s m wrote:
> > hello guys
> >
> > i wanna connect a modem to a 2800 router by AUX port. this is my
> > configuration:
> > modem InOut
> > modem autoconfigure discovery
> > transport input all
> > stopbits 1
> > speed 38400
> > flowcontrol hardware
> >
> > the speed value changes because "mode autoconfigure discovery" is set.
> >
> > i used blue console cable RJ45 to DB9 for connecting AUX port to modem.
> use the black cable or the supplied 9-to-25 CON-MODEM-adapter.
> the light-blue cable is to connect to a PC-AT Serial Port.
> Or crimp an RJ45 Plug reverse on the router's end of the cable .
> Or use a NULLmodemcable beetween Modem and DB9 "con" .
> You should be able to telnet ip-of-your-router 2001 ,
> authenticate at router, and then speak with the modem.
> If you connect PC with Hyperterm instead of the modem,
> and this works, then it will not work with the modem,
> and you need to get/build a fitting cable, see above.
> [...]
> > i read when the connection is correct, modem hardware stats should be CTS
> >  not noCTS. moreover i can not do reverse telnet to modem.
> YOur cabling is wrong, both sides SEND and RECIVE Lines are connected
> together
> (RS232 i must be shorit-ciruit proof, +-12 V...)
> >
> > please let me know how i should fix it and configure my modem by  AT
> > commands.
> Hope this helps,
> Juergen.
cisco-nsp mailing list
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Re: [c-nsp] Nexus 7K NX-OS Upgrade

2012-11-17 Thread Antonio Soares
Unbelievable, this is a 70k card, isn't it ?


Antonio Soares, CCIE #18473 (R&S/SP)

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Colin Whittaker
Sent: sábado, 17 de Novembro de 2012 18:22
Subject: Re: [c-nsp] Nexus 7K NX-OS Upgrade

On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 05:28:48PM -, Antonio Soares wrote:
> Another long night... The upgrade of one Nexus was completely clean, 
> the second one was a nightmare. One M1-32XP card remained in the state 
> "powered-up" forever... The reload didn't make it work, neither the 
> re-seat or even the NX-OS downgrade... Had to open a P1 TAC case and 
> then the engineer said it was a faulty card. Got the replacement but 
> had to delay the installation 48 hours.
> Anyone has have bad experiences with this M1 type of cards card lately ?
> It's the second one that gets faulty in less than a year. It seems the 
> MTBF is inversely proportional to the price :(

Upgrade cycles tend to flush out latent faults in the linecards.
When doing upgrades it is best to have spare cards on hand to handle those
that fail.

The failure rate on the M1 cards has gotten a lot better over the last two
years. Gone are the days of 20% of the cards being DOA.


Colin Whittaker +353 (0)86 8211 965
cisco-nsp mailing list
archive at

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archive at

Re: [c-nsp] Nexus 7K NX-OS Upgrade

2012-11-17 Thread Dirk Woellhaf

had about 6-7 faulty M1-32XP Linecards in the last 1.5 years.

I already asked Cisco about some known build-errors for that card but they 
never came back with a answer. 
As far as I know, they expect about 6% of the cards to be faulty. It is what 
is,... :(


Am 17.11.2012 um 18:28 schrieb "Antonio Soares" :

> Another long night... The upgrade of one Nexus was completely clean, the
> second one was a nightmare. One M1-32XP card remained in the state
> "powered-up" forever... The reload didn't make it work, neither the re-seat
> or even the NX-OS downgrade... Had to open a P1 TAC case and then the
> engineer said it was a faulty card. Got the replacement but had to delay the
> installation 48 hours.
> Anyone has have bad experiences with this M1 type of cards card lately ?
> It's the second one that gets faulty in less than a year. It seems the MTBF
> is inversely proportional to the price :(
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Antonio Soares, CCIE #18473 (R&S/SP)
> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Stevenson [] 
> Sent: quinta-feira, 8 de Novembro de 2012 18:21
> To: Antonio Soares; 'Dirk Woellhaf'
> Cc: 'cisco-nsp'; 'Charles Spurgeon'
> Subject: RE: [c-nsp] Nexus 7K NX-OS Upgrade
> At 09:36 AM 11/8/2012, Antonio Soares mused:
>> Thanks Tim, I will follow that procedure, it's the one that makes 
>> perfect sense.
>> The documentation should be more clear about this kind of situations, 
>> don't you think ?
>> There are important things that are omitted between steps 10 and 11:
> You mean specific to also upgrading the DRAM? 
> This particular procedure is not intended to cover also upgrading DRAM at
> the same time, that's not really something we assume you're doing every time
> you upgrade.
> BTW, Sukumar does make a good point about the install script - it will
> potentially make some changes to the config based on updated features, CoPP
> being a prominent example.
> An alternative in your case would be to just power off, upgrade DRAM,
> reboot, and then install all. Clearly that involves 2 reboots with a single
> sup.
> Tim
>> e/gui 
>> de/b_Cisco_Nexus_7000_Series_NX-OS_Software_Upgrade_and_Downgrade_Guide
>> __Rel
>> ease_5.x_chapter_00.html#task_304731
>> Regards,
>> Antonio Soares, CCIE #18473 (R&S/SP)
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Tim Stevenson []
>> Sent: quinta-feira, 8 de Novembro de 2012 15:51
>> To: Antonio Soares; 'Dirk Woellhaf'
>> Cc: 'cisco-nsp'; 'Charles Spurgeon'
>> Subject: Re: [c-nsp] Nexus 7K NX-OS Upgrade
>> At 07:18 AM 11/8/2012, Antonio Soares mused:
>>> I just have one SUP... You are talking about dual supervisors setup, 
>>> right
>> ?
>> Ah. In that case, clearly, the box is going to go offline when you upgrade.
>> You might want to consider buying another sup.
>> IMO, there is no huge benefit in using the install all script in a 
>> single sup system - in the end, all it will do for you is a little 
>> sanity checking and maybe save you from fat fingering a bootstring.
>> In your situation, I would copy over the new images you want; manually 
>> change the bootstrings & save to startup; power off the box, yank the 
>> sup & add the DRAM; and then power it all back on.
>> Tim
>>> Regards,
>>> Antonio Soares, CCIE #18473 (R&S/SP)
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Dirk Woellhaf []
>>> Sent: quinta-feira, 8 de Novembro de 2012 14:10
>>> To: Antonio Soares
>>> Cc: Charles Spurgeon; cisco-nsp
>>> Subject: Re: [c-nsp] Nexus 7K NX-OS Upgrade
>>> Hi Antonio,
>>> You should be able to do the memory-upgrade without rebooting the box.
>>> I've never done it on my I own but I know a few which did without any 
>>> problem. I believe they first upgraded the memory and then did the
> update!
>>> Dirk
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 08.11.2012, at 13:42, Antonio Soares  wrote:
 Thanks, I don't know if you noticed but somewhere in the thread 
 the bug was mentioned and it is resolved in 5.1.5 and later.
 Bug CSCtn61286 - Boot variables are not set up correctly on Sup-2 
 after ISSU
 So in my case, it should not give me problems (5.2.3a to 5.2.7).
 But since I also need to upgrade the SUP1 RAM from 4G to 8G, I 
 have no other option than doing the traditional upgrade. It's the 
 only way to just send the box down 1 time:
 - update the boot variables
 - power off and upgrade the RAM
 - power on
 The install all script has another limitation: it won't let us to 
 reboot when we chose to do it. This is what happened to me last 

Re: [c-nsp] Nexus 7K NX-OS Upgrade

2012-11-17 Thread Colin Whittaker
On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 05:28:48PM -, Antonio Soares wrote:
> Another long night... The upgrade of one Nexus was completely clean, the
> second one was a nightmare. One M1-32XP card remained in the state
> "powered-up" forever... The reload didn't make it work, neither the re-seat
> or even the NX-OS downgrade... Had to open a P1 TAC case and then the
> engineer said it was a faulty card. Got the replacement but had to delay the
> installation 48 hours.
> Anyone has have bad experiences with this M1 type of cards card lately ?
> It's the second one that gets faulty in less than a year. It seems the MTBF
> is inversely proportional to the price :(

Upgrade cycles tend to flush out latent faults in the linecards.
When doing upgrades it is best to have spare cards on hand to handle
those that fail.

The failure rate on the M1 cards has gotten a lot better over the last
two years. Gone are the days of 20% of the cards being DOA.


Colin Whittaker +353 (0)86 8211 965
cisco-nsp mailing list
archive at

Re: [c-nsp] Nexus 7K NX-OS Upgrade

2012-11-17 Thread Antonio Soares
Another long night... The upgrade of one Nexus was completely clean, the
second one was a nightmare. One M1-32XP card remained in the state
"powered-up" forever... The reload didn't make it work, neither the re-seat
or even the NX-OS downgrade... Had to open a P1 TAC case and then the
engineer said it was a faulty card. Got the replacement but had to delay the
installation 48 hours.

Anyone has have bad experiences with this M1 type of cards card lately ?
It's the second one that gets faulty in less than a year. It seems the MTBF
is inversely proportional to the price :(



Antonio Soares, CCIE #18473 (R&S/SP)

-Original Message-
From: Tim Stevenson [] 
Sent: quinta-feira, 8 de Novembro de 2012 18:21
To: Antonio Soares; 'Dirk Woellhaf'
Cc: 'cisco-nsp'; 'Charles Spurgeon'
Subject: RE: [c-nsp] Nexus 7K NX-OS Upgrade

At 09:36 AM 11/8/2012, Antonio Soares mused:
>Thanks Tim, I will follow that procedure, it's the one that makes 
>perfect sense.
>The documentation should be more clear about this kind of situations, 
>don't you think ?
>There are important things that are omitted between steps 10 and 11:

You mean specific to also upgrading the DRAM? 
This particular procedure is not intended to cover also upgrading DRAM at
the same time, that's not really something we assume you're doing every time
you upgrade.

BTW, Sukumar does make a good point about the install script - it will
potentially make some changes to the config based on updated features, CoPP
being a prominent example.

An alternative in your case would be to just power off, upgrade DRAM,
reboot, and then install all. Clearly that involves 2 reboots with a single


>Antonio Soares, CCIE #18473 (R&S/SP)
>-Original Message-
>From: Tim Stevenson []
>Sent: quinta-feira, 8 de Novembro de 2012 15:51
>To: Antonio Soares; 'Dirk Woellhaf'
>Cc: 'cisco-nsp'; 'Charles Spurgeon'
>Subject: Re: [c-nsp] Nexus 7K NX-OS Upgrade
>At 07:18 AM 11/8/2012, Antonio Soares mused:
> >I just have one SUP... You are talking about dual supervisors setup, 
> >right
>Ah. In that case, clearly, the box is going to go offline when you upgrade.
>You might want to consider buying another sup.
>IMO, there is no huge benefit in using the install all script in a 
>single sup system - in the end, all it will do for you is a little 
>sanity checking and maybe save you from fat fingering a bootstring.
>In your situation, I would copy over the new images you want; manually 
>change the bootstrings & save to startup; power off the box, yank the 
>sup & add the DRAM; and then power it all back on.
> >Regards,
> >
> >Antonio Soares, CCIE #18473 (R&S/SP)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Dirk Woellhaf []
> >Sent: quinta-feira, 8 de Novembro de 2012 14:10
> >To: Antonio Soares
> >Cc: Charles Spurgeon; cisco-nsp
> >Subject: Re: [c-nsp] Nexus 7K NX-OS Upgrade
> >
> >Hi Antonio,
> >
> >You should be able to do the memory-upgrade without rebooting the box.
> >I've never done it on my I own but I know a few which did without any 
> >problem. I believe they first upgraded the memory and then did the
> >
> >Dirk
> >
> >Sent from my iPhone
> >
> >On 08.11.2012, at 13:42, Antonio Soares  wrote:
> >
> > > Thanks, I don't know if you noticed but somewhere in the thread 
> > > the bug was mentioned and it is resolved in 5.1.5 and later.
> > >
> > > Bug CSCtn61286 - Boot variables are not set up correctly on Sup-2 
> > > after ISSU
> > >
> > > So in my case, it should not give me problems (5.2.3a to 5.2.7).
> > >
> > > But since I also need to upgrade the SUP1 RAM from 4G to 8G, I 
> > > have no other option than doing the traditional upgrade. It's the 
> > > only way to just send the box down 1 time:
> > >
> > > - update the boot variables
> > > - power off and upgrade the RAM
> > > - power on
> > >
> > > The install all script has another limitation: it won't let us to 
> > > reboot when we chose to do it. This is what happened to me last time:
> > >
> > > +
> > > Switch will be reloaded for disruptive upgrade.
> > > Do you want to continue with the installation (y/n)?  y
> > >
> > > Install is in progress, please wait.
> > >
> > > (..)
> > >
> > > A few minutes later:
> > >
> > > Finishing the upgrade, switch will reboot in 10 seconds.
> > > +
> > >
> > > I don't see how to upgrade the RAM and upgrade the NX-OS with the 
> > > install script in just one shot...
> > >
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > Antonio Soares, CCIE #18473 (R&S/SP

Re: [c-nsp] can not configure modem by router

2012-11-17 Thread Juergen Marenda
On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 02:22:58PM +0330, s m wrote:
> hello guys
> i wanna connect a modem to a 2800 router by AUX port. this is my
> configuration:
> modem InOut
> modem autoconfigure discovery
> transport input all
> stopbits 1
> speed 38400
> flowcontrol hardware
> the speed value changes because "mode autoconfigure discovery" is set.
> i used blue console cable RJ45 to DB9 for connecting AUX port to modem.

use the black cable or the supplied 9-to-25 CON-MODEM-adapter.
the light-blue cable is to connect to a PC-AT Serial Port.

Or crimp an RJ45 Plug reverse on the router's end of the cable .

Or use a NULLmodemcable beetween Modem and DB9 "con" .

You should be able to telnet ip-of-your-router 2001 ,
authenticate at router, and then speak with the modem.

If you connect PC with Hyperterm instead of the modem,
and this works, then it will not work with the modem,
and you need to get/build a fitting cable, see above.

> i read when the connection is correct, modem hardware stats should be CTS
>  not noCTS. moreover i can not do reverse telnet to modem.

YOur cabling is wrong, both sides SEND and RECIVE Lines are connected together
(RS232 i must be shorit-ciruit proof, +-12 V...)
> please let me know how i should fix it and configure my modem by  AT
> commands.

Hope this helps,


cisco-nsp mailing list
archive at

Re: [c-nsp] Slow 2008R2

2012-11-17 Thread Phil Mayers

On 11/17/2012 01:20 AM, Don Vliet wrote:

First post to list...

Hello, I am looking for information on possible fixes, changes to
configuration, etc for my Cisco devices (or Windows) that may be
applicable for tuning network performance when introducing Windows
2008R2.  I have found many things through Google but have not solved my
issue yet.  The network equipment involved is a Cisco router 1811 and a
few switches (Catalyst 3550-12T / 12G / 48 / 24).

Originally my network was only W2003R2 Ent or Std and my speed was very
good.  I upgraded most of my servers including the file server to
W2008R2 Ent and now I sometimes get huge lag times when connecting to or
copying from the file servers...

Someone else has already posted some links for actual throughput issues, 
but one other thing you might want to check - the presence of IPv6, and 
whether there is some brokenness or tunnelling going on.

Note: just because *you* haven't configured IPv6 doesn't mean it's not 
there; windows does 6to4 tunnelling by default, and will insert itself 
into dynamic DNS with those tunnelled IPs.

2008r2 comes with IPv6 enabled by default, which stood out at me when 
you described your symptoms, particularly slow connections.

Check for:

 1. IPv6 addresses in "ipconfig /all"
 2. If present, that those IPv6 addresses have working connectivity
 3.  records in your DNS (likely, if you are using MS DNS with 
dynamic updates)

 4. If present, that the addresses in those s are reachable
 5. My advice would be to disable ISATAP, 6to4 and Teredo by group 
policy and either deploy native IPv6, or ensure it's properly blocked 
including from leaked RAs (e.g. from hosts with Internet Connection Sharing)


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[c-nsp] can not configure modem by router

2012-11-17 Thread s m
hello guys

i wanna connect a modem to a 2800 router by AUX port. this is my
modem InOut
modem autoconfigure discovery
transport input all
stopbits 1
speed 38400
flowcontrol hardware

the speed value changes because "mode autoconfigure discovery" is set.

i used blue console cable RJ45 to DB9 for connecting AUX port to modem.

this is the output of "show line 1" command:
Tty Line Typ Tx/Rx A Modem Roty AccO AccI Uses Noise Overruns Int
1 1 AUX 9600/9600 - inout - - - 4 0 0/0 -

Line 1, Location: "", Type: ""
Length: 24 lines, Width: 80 columns
Baud rate (TX/RX) is 9600/9600, no parity, 1 stopbits, 8 databits
Status: No Exit Banner, Modem Speed Locked, Modem Signals Polled
Capabilities: Hardware Flowcontrol In, Hardware Flowcontrol Out
Modem Callout, Modem RI is CD, Modem Discovery
*Modem state: Idle*
*Modem hardware state: noCTS noDSR DTR RTS*

i read when the connection is correct, modem hardware stats should be CTS
not noCTS. moreover i can not do reverse telnet to modem.

please let me know how i should fix it and configure my modem by  AT

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Re: [c-nsp] looking for positive experiences with 8.3/8.4 on Cisco ASA5585X

2012-11-17 Thread Murat Kaipov

17.11.2012 11:59, Deny IP Any Any пишет:

Does anybody have operational experience with the 8.3 or 8.4 code base on
an ASA5585X, or any other SMP-enabled ASA? I've stuck with 8.2 so far and
been very happy; I'm aware of the NAT changes post-8.2. This setup would be
for a large e-commerce environment.

I have some experience with ASA5585 8.4. Our company is mobile carrier, 
so we use this firewalls to NATing gprs customers to internet.
What about difference with 8.2, for NATing 8.4 more suitable for our 

С Уважением
Каипов Мурат
тел: +7(940)9910142
Человек, который придумает, как бить людей в лицо через интернет, заработает 

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Re: [c-nsp] vlan limit hit...but havent?

2012-11-17 Thread Robert Williams
Hi - also check all your trunk ports and make sure you are specifying only 
active/valid VLANs individually, by using:

switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,2,101,102,etc.

If there are unrestricted trunk ports then again you may have resources tied up 
for VLANs which have since been removed but it's just not showing them to you.


Robert Williams
Backline / Operations Team
Custodian DataCentre
tel: +44 (0)1622 230382

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Robert Williams
Sent: 17 November 2012 08:39
To: 'CiscoNSP_list CiscoNSP_list';
Subject: Re: [c-nsp] vlan limit hit...but havent?


Just an idea, but have you tried "vtp pruning" in the config? If it is a bug 
then maybe it's a result of not clearing VLANs which were previously present 
but have been removed or re-numbered. Perhaps they are stuck in the VTP 
DB/cache pending a reload or similar event.

I know you are in transparent mode, but interestingly we have some 2960G units 
which show pruning as 'enabled' even though VTP is off globally:

#sh run | inc vtp
vtp mode off

#sh vtp stat
VTP Version capable : 1 to 3
VTP version running : 3
VTP Domain Name :
VTP Pruning Mode: Enabled
VTP Traps Generation: Disabled
Device ID   : x.x.x

Feature VLAN:
VTP Operating Mode: Off
Number of existing VLANs  : 42
Number of existing extended VLANs : 0
Maximum VLANs supported locally   : 255

Ours are running 15.0(2)

Maybe you can also check:

 sh vlan br | count act
 sh vlan | count enet

Just out of curiosity, cheers!

Robert Williams
Backline / Operations Team
Custodian DataCentre
tel: +44 (0)1622 230382

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of CiscoNSP_list 
Sent: 17 November 2012 06:32
Subject: [c-nsp] vlan limit hit...but havent?

Cisco 2960G - 255 vlans allowed, currently have 220 configured, but cant create 
any more?

#sh vtp status
VTP Version capable : 1 to 3
VTP version running : 1
VTP Domain Name :
VTP Pruning Mode: Disabled
VTP Traps Generation: Disabled
Device ID   : 0024.c3f0.9100
Configuration last modified by at 0-0-00 00:00:00

Feature VLAN:
VTP Operating Mode: Transparent
Maximum VLANs supported locally   : 255
Number of existing VLANs  : 220

Try and create new vlan:

(config)#vlan 300
(config-vlan)#name test
Proposed configuration exceeds the limit of 255 VLANs that can be supported on 
this platform. Reduce the number of VLANs proposed to be within this 
limit.APPLY VLAN changes failed.

Anyone seen this before? (I've upgraded IOS to latest, but still have the 

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Re: [c-nsp] vlan limit hit...but havent?

2012-11-17 Thread Alan Buxey
24 port with couple of SFP ports?

I've got a sneaking suspicion that this is one of those cases where resources 
are reserved for physical ports


cisco-nsp mailing list
archive at

Re: [c-nsp] vlan limit hit...but havent?

2012-11-17 Thread Robert Williams

Just an idea, but have you tried "vtp pruning" in the config? If it is a bug 
then maybe it's a result of not clearing VLANs which were previously present 
but have been removed or re-numbered. Perhaps they are stuck in the VTP 
DB/cache pending a reload or similar event.

I know you are in transparent mode, but interestingly we have some 2960G units 
which show pruning as 'enabled' even though VTP is off globally:

#sh run | inc vtp
vtp mode off

#sh vtp stat
VTP Version capable : 1 to 3
VTP version running : 3
VTP Domain Name :
VTP Pruning Mode: Enabled
VTP Traps Generation: Disabled
Device ID   : x.x.x

Feature VLAN:
VTP Operating Mode: Off
Number of existing VLANs  : 42
Number of existing extended VLANs : 0
Maximum VLANs supported locally   : 255

Ours are running 15.0(2)

Maybe you can also check:

 sh vlan br | count act
 sh vlan | count enet

Just out of curiosity, cheers!

Robert Williams
Backline / Operations Team
Custodian DataCentre
tel: +44 (0)1622 230382

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of CiscoNSP_list 
Sent: 17 November 2012 06:32
Subject: [c-nsp] vlan limit hit...but havent?

Cisco 2960G - 255 vlans allowed, currently have 220 configured, but cant create 
any more?

#sh vtp status
VTP Version capable : 1 to 3
VTP version running : 1
VTP Domain Name :
VTP Pruning Mode: Disabled
VTP Traps Generation: Disabled
Device ID   : 0024.c3f0.9100
Configuration last modified by at 0-0-00 00:00:00

Feature VLAN:
VTP Operating Mode: Transparent
Maximum VLANs supported locally   : 255
Number of existing VLANs  : 220

Try and create new vlan:

(config)#vlan 300
(config-vlan)#name test
Proposed configuration exceeds the limit of 255 VLANs that can be supported on 
this platform. Reduce the number of VLANs proposed to be within this 
limit.APPLY VLAN changes failed.

Anyone seen this before? (I've upgraded IOS to latest, but still have the 

cisco-nsp mailing list
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archive at

[c-nsp] looking for positive experiences with 8.3/8.4 on Cisco ASA5585X

2012-11-17 Thread Deny IP Any Any
Does anybody have operational experience with the 8.3 or 8.4 code base on
an ASA5585X, or any other SMP-enabled ASA? I've stuck with 8.2 so far and
been very happy; I'm aware of the NAT changes post-8.2. This setup would be
for a large e-commerce environment.

deny ip any any (4393649193 matches)
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