Re: [Clamav-users] feature request?

2008-05-10 Thread Török Edwin
Dennis Peterson wrote:
> Chuck Swiger wrote:
>> On May 8, 2008, at 5:43 PM, Dennis Peterson wrote:
 Can't you do this via something like:

 % ls -1 > /tmp/filelist_to_scan
 % xargs clamdscan < /tmp/filelist_to_scan
>>> The clamd user would need to be root for this to always work. That is
>>> probably not a good idea when scanning user space.
>> If clamd doesn't have permissions to read some of the files you want  
>> to check, use clamscan as root instead, although any potential  
>> security risk from a maliciously crafted input file would likely  
>> affect clamscan in such circumstances as well.
>> Add salt and season to taste.
> If permissions on home dirs or (dev dirs) are set correctly clamd would 
> be locked out of all of them. But there's no reason to assume that would 
> be the case in the OP's world. If it is the case he could always pipe 
> files as root to the clamd socket. There's a clamd-stream client on 
> sourceforge from a couple years ago that may do the trick.

clamdscan can do the streaming (although you can't scan anything larger
than StreamMaxLength):
$ clamdscan  -

Re: [Clamav-users] Clamd 0.93 100%CPU during startup for 2 Minutes

2008-05-10 Thread reiner otto
100% CPU also happens after update of db using freshclam. However, it does not 
happen immediately, but during first usage of clamd after the update.
I am using clamd together with dansguardian, so dansguardian is waiting for 
about 2-3 minutes for clamd to complete after usage of freshclam.

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Re: [Clamav-users] feature request?

2008-05-10 Thread Rekrutacja
Chuck Swiger wrote:
> On May 8, 2008, at 4:08 PM, Rekrutacja wrote:
>> is it possible that developers will add option to clamscan, to load  
>> file
>> list to be scanned, from other file?
> Can't you do this via something like:
> % ls -1 > /tmp/filelist_to_scan
> % xargs clamdscan < /tmp/filelist_to_scan
> ...?

i didn't know i can give more than 1 argument to clamscan... by the way
- any idea how to scan files encoded in base64 ? there are PHP.shells on
my server, that are easly found by clamscan when in normal text, but
when encoded in base64 , clam doesn't detect anything.

i thought base64 was added already?

also, any way to add daemon but not for mails, but one that will scan
files added to some directory in the background automatically?

>> the problem is i have many users uploading files, and i log it. i want
>> clamscan to run like every minute or less, and scan these files from  
>> the
>> list, but it takes a lot of time for clamscan to load into memory
>> (viruses databases)
> Right, so use clamdscan rather than normal clamscan.
>> wouldn't that be easier to just be able to add like --load-from-file
>> option, where i can tell clamscan which files should be scanned?
> I don't see anything wrong with the notion of having explicit support  
> for loading filenames from a file, but you can use xargs to place such  
> files onto the command-line arguments and get the same results

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Re: [Clamav-users] Upgraded freshclam not updating

2008-05-10 Thread Jim Preston

> This box doesn't have a browser, it's a server. That's why I was trying 
> to use wget. If I do that, I get:
> # wget
> --16:52:08--
> => `main.cvd.2'
> Resolving,, 
>, ...
> Connecting to||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
> Length: 13,050,207 (12M) [text/plain]
>   0% [ ] 0 --.--K/s
> and it hangs there, never downloading anything.
OK. The wget command indicates that you are establishing a connection 
but the download just is not happening.
Some of the next questions are:
Are you able to wget any files on this server?
What directory were you in when running wget command?
What OS?


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Re: [Clamav-users] Clamd 0.93 100%CPU during startup for 2 Minutes

2008-05-10 Thread Jim Preston
reiner otto wrote:
> 100% CPU also happens after update of db using freshclam. However, it does 
> not happen immediately, but during first usage of clamd after the update.
> I am using clamd together with dansguardian, so dansguardian is waiting for 
> about 2-3 minutes for clamd to complete after usage of freshclam
Can you post excerpts the clamav and freshclam logs for the period 
associated with the above?

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