Re: [Clamav-users] Newbie question

2004-10-05 Thread Timo Schöler
I have installed Clamav 0.75-1 with enabled milter for sendmail on my 
RH8 box. I have read the install paper which comes with clamav source 
but I don't know how to start clamd before sendmail and also do I have 
to start it or do I need to start only clamav-milter as daemon.
I allready have configured mc file for sendmail to scan messages for 

Sasa Stupar
name your rc scripts accordingly.
:x! |

Re: [Clamav-users] a beginner's question

2004-10-05 Thread Timo Schöler
Thank you so much for your response, but boy, now I am confused. Are 
saying I should be using amavis not clamav? This is the 2nd response
with an amavis url in it.
amavis/amavisd-new is used as kind of 'glue' between your MTA and 
clamav (e.g.).


Re: [Clamav-users] GMP-Devel - Where?

2004-10-04 Thread Timo Schöler
On Jim's suggestion, I went looking for GMP-Devel. It does not appear 
be available anywhere in non-RPM format. I also searched the list
archives and didn't see any clear answers. If I built GMP from source,
is -devel included?
Yes, when building from source, the header files are saved so that you
can compile other things with the same library.  The load the -devel
answer applies to RPM based Linux distributions.  I don't know what the
solution is for FreeBSD.
mit vorzüglichster Hochachtung/best regards,
Timo Schöler
//macfinity -- finest IT services | Triftstrasse 39 | 13353 Berlin | 
Fon ++49 30 25 20 30 20 | Fax ++49 30 25 20 30 19
PGP data

Re: [Clamav-users] clamav 0.8 rc2 installation tentative on Mac OS X

2004-09-24 Thread Timo Schöler
Hi there.
I'm trying to install clamav on an Apple XServer with Mac OS X 10.3.5 
(and all updates today).

My first try is with september 2003 dev tools installer. A second try 
with XCode Tools 1.5 gave the same result. The third gave better 
result but...

Here are the results for my 2 first tries. When I
somewhere in the log I get the following warning;
I have had the best luck with clamav by installing it via Fink; while 
not necessarily the most cutting edge release, it does tend to stay 
somewhat close to the latest release and the installation is largely 
automated (and updates are largely automated as well).  Bonus: Fink 
has lots and lot and lots of other ported software to install and use 
too :-)

an even better solution would be -- this is the package 
source code collection of NetBSD.

i) it's oriented on the BSD way of life
ii) it's surely much more up-to-date
iii) works like a charm for me on NetBSD, Darwin/Mac OS X, Solaris, and 

NB: you'll need an UFS partition as HFS+ doesn't support 
differenciating upper/lower case the way needed.

mit vorzueglichster Hochachtung/best regards,
Timo Schöler
//macfinity -- finest IT services | Triftstrasse 39 | 13353 Berlin | 
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Re: [Clamav-users] stats

2004-09-22 Thread Timo Schöler
hi there
im keen to start a web based stats page on virus es caught etc ... i 
seem to remember a thread where one of you guys were developing such 
a thing can you please advise
Hi, ??
It uses qsla as the backend to write to a mysql database, but any 
backend could be written.
nice tool -- but you forgot the URL:

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Re: [Clamav-users] Clamav and pictures

2004-09-16 Thread Timo Schöler
Every day I have received about 30 email's with  pictures which have 
names( for example sevwqwso.gif, iwhfetsn.gif, qfwecqtf.jpg) and
nonexistent's senders ([EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Clamav 
find any viruses in this email's .
Can Clamav find viruses in pictures?
It is possible that these pictures are linked to URLs so that if you 
click on them
from you are taken to a site which downloads a virus. ClamAV has 
code to handle this called FOLLOWURLS.
Being experimental it is only in the test version available from 
snapshot and CVS,
and is not compiled in or enabled by default. To enable it you need to 
in mbox.c (about line 447) and either run clamscan with 
--mail-follow-urls or
if you're using clamd you will need to enable MailFollowURLs.

it's clearly a big advantage using a MUA that features disabling of 
parsing HTML-formatted emails (if you don't discard them at the MTA 
;)... make use of it! ClamAV would be nice as kind of 'backup 
security', but this doesn't make an unsensible user (his/her MTA) 
harmless in any way...


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Re: [Clamav-users] kernel: Out of Memory:Killed process xxxxx (clamd).

2004-09-14 Thread Timo Schöler
A few people (out of the thousands who run ClamAV) have reported 
leaks in stable versions of clamd.
However, none of those people have submitted a report from a memory
debugging tool to show where the leak occurs on their systems, 
being asked to by the development team. None of the development team
have seen such a leak.

I tried to help out with valgrind as you suggested - but within 10 
mins it
took 1.5Gb of RAM on my workstation (I wasn't going to put it up on
production now was I? :-) and - well - I turned it off. I really 
don't have
the equipment to handle running 1.5Gb debugging processes...
One of the downsides of valgrind - it doesn't free any memory at 
runtime (to check for double-free()s). I've not seen tools where one 
can switch this off yet (but I've only used valgrind on Linux and 
purify on Solaris machines).
Until one of the people complaining produces a useful report, nothing
can be done. It is just as likely a leak in a system library than in
Could be: but I've seen it on Rh8 and Fedora-Core2 - quite different 
systems as far as libraries/etc go.
From the different posts here I bet there are library issues in BSD, 
as that OS is number one when it comes to leakage complains. I don't 
know current Solaris releases, but Sol7 actually was a PITA.
With Linux being my development platform, I see no runtime leaks there.
I hope someone else can help out - there is a problem that needs 
All of the team members are aware of that. But as trog already wrote: 
Until someone comes up with either a mail that triggers the leak or 
some mem debugger's output, we're stuck.

Running valgrind on a production server is a no-no, as you already 

For quite a while (6 weeks) I collected each and every mail on one of 
my MXes. I checked them offline for leaks using a shell wrapper, 
which checked clams memory usage between each feeded mail, but found 
really nothing.
I'll start that grabber again once I upgraded disk space on another MX 

running NetBSD 2.0 BETA (as of 20040909) i have not the smallest 
problem (clamd w/amavisd-new, SA, dspam, and razor) regarding to 
'extraordinary memory usage'. neither on a i386 MP system (uptime 
approx. 30 days, 50k messages/day) nor on my private mail-gw (Sun Ultra 
1, same OS).

mit vorzueglichster Hochachtung/best regards,
Timo Schoeler
//macfinity -- finest IT services | Triftstrasse 39 | 13353 Berlin | 
Fon ++49 30 25 20 30 20 | Fax ++49 30 25 20 30 19
PGP data

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Re: [Clamav-users] freshclam unable to notify clamd in chroot

2004-09-14 Thread Timo Schöler
I've chrooted both freshclam and clamd to the same root and user.
Everything is working well except freshclam complains it is unable to
notify clamd of updates.  I've been trying different things, and have
been unable to get this resolved.  This is the message from the logs:
ERROR: Clamd was NOT notified: Can't connect to clamd through
The /var/run/clamav is within the chrooted environment.  I've checked,
double checked, and triple checked the permissions (since they are the
same user, it should not be a problem).  I've checked /proc/pid of
both freshclam and clamd to make sure they are in the same root.  I've
tried running freshclam from the cron (chrooting in the cron) and as a
I am running Debian/Woody, and clam 0.75-1.  Again, the only thing that
does not work are the notifications.  The databases are updating
normally, etc...  I suppose clamd rechecks the database at at a preset
interval anyways...
I'd appreciate any feedback.
which OS are you running (uname etc.)?
Auf zum großen Sternmarsch auf Berlin am 3. Oktober 2004! |

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OT: Linux/Sun (was: Re: [Clamav-users] SuSE 9.1 RPM of ClamAV 0.75.1)

2004-09-12 Thread Timo Schöler
Hi @all,
I do not want to bring up the discussion whether it's needed or not...
But for those who need/want it, there's a RPM available for SuSE 9.1 at (contains
v0.75.1 built for i386). Worked fine for me - so feel free to grab and
install ;)
Itzchak Rehberg
We have joy, we have fun, we boot Linux on our SUN...
A wanna-be-OS that is too stupid to use my Sun's (P)MMU?

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Re: [Clamav-users] Clamav under an SMP environment

2004-09-11 Thread Timo Schöler
Anyone running ClamAv in an SMP server?
yes. Sun Ultra 80 Dual CPU/Solaris 9 in testing environment,  
NetBSD-2.0_BETA/i386 Dual PIII in production use.

runs fine :)
Any exploits (good news) that you can share about running it under
such a system?
I have an SMP box, and I am running ClamAv devel, but I can see that
it's one of the highest CPU hogs ;)
no problem. the NetBSD box has very low load even processing large  
amount of email (approx. 50k messages a day).

   - wash
Odhiambo Washington . WANANCHI ONLINE LTD  
(Nairobi, KE)  |
wash at wananchi dot com  . 1ere Etage, Loita Hse, Loita  
St.,  |
GSM: (+254) 722 743 223 . # 10286, 00100 NAIROBI
GSM: (+254) 733 744 121 . (+254) 020 313 985 - 9
Oh My God! They killed init! You Bastards!
		 --from a /. post

mit vorzueglichster Hochachtung/best regards,
Timo Schoeler
//macfinity -- finest IT services | Triftstrasse 39 | 13353 Berlin |  
Fon ++49 30 25 20 30 20 | Fax ++49 30 25 20 30 19
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Re: [Clamav-users] Memory

2004-09-09 Thread Timo Schöler
I am using freebsd, postfix, amavisd-new, spamassassin and clamav (all 
latest version)in a server pentium iv with 512 RAM.

 Top shows that I have only 41M free and I think that 221M inact is 
very high
Mem: 119M Active, 221M Inact, 93M Wired, 19M Cache, 60M Buf, 41M Free

Is it normal?
can you give a 'uname -a' of that machine?
also, maybe a post from matt dillon (FreeBSD) [1] could be informative 
on this (depends on the release you use ;).

[1] --
mit vorzueglichster Hochachtung/best regards,
Timo Schoeler
//macfinity -- finest IT services | Triftstrasse 39 | 13353 Berlin | 
Fon ++49 30 25 20 30 20 | Fax ++49 30 25 20 30 19
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Deadline: Sept. 13. Go here:
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Re: RES: [Clamav-users] Memory

2004-09-09 Thread Timo Schöler
Uname -a
FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE #0:  
Mon Feb 23 20:45:55 GMT 2004  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386

-Mensagem original-
De: Timo Schöler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2004 13:47
Para: Erick Dantas Rotole
Assunto: Re: [Clamav-users] Memory

 I am using freebsd, postfix, amavisd-new, spamassassin and clamav  
 latest version)in a server pentium iv with 512 RAM.

  Top shows that I have only 41M free and I think that 221M inact is
 very high
 Mem: 119M Active, 221M Inact, 93M Wired, 19M Cache, 60M Buf, 41M Free

 Is it normal?

can you give a 'uname -a' of that machine?
also, maybe a post from matt dillon (FreeBSD) [1] could be informative
on this (depends on the release you use ;).
[1] --
(please avoid top-posting -- thx! ;)
i have (unfortunately ;) a x86 machine running NetBSD 2.0_BETA (i'm a  
SPARCy boy mosty); it gives me

load averages:  0.09,  0.16,  0.16  
57 processes:  1 runnable, 55 sleeping, 1 on processor
CPU0 states:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.3% system,  0.0% interrupt,  
99.7% idle
CPU1 states:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,   
100% idle
Memory: 130M Act, 63M Inact, 3928K Wired, 11M Exec, 89M File, 6208K Free
Swap: 129M Total, 129M Used, 5K Free

uname -a: NetBSD 2.0_BETA NetBSD  
2.0_BETA (GENERIC.MP) #0: Mon Aug 16 05:58:45 UTC 2004   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/autobuild/netbsd-2-0/i386/OBJ/autobuild/ 
netbsd-2-0/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC.MP i386

this machine runs nearly the same apps like yours, additionaly it's my  
main build machine (i.e. it builds NetBSD-current every night, the  
machine has a higher load for a few hours and even swaps a lot as can  
seen above).

the '63M inact' is surely used for i/o buffers -- you may turn a few  
knobs via sysctl variables. i'd recommend to contact the appropriate  
FreeBSD mailing list because it's OS related, not ClamAV related.

mit vorzueglichster Hochachtung/best regards,
Timo Schoeler
//macfinity -- finest IT services | Triftstrasse 39 | 13353 Berlin |  
Fon ++49 30 25 20 30 20 | Fax ++49 30 25 20 30 19
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Deadline: Sept. 13. Go here:
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Re: [Clamav-users] Virus Distribution

2004-09-08 Thread Timo Schöler
Doug Hardie wrote:
I have a cron job that scans the clamd.log file every day and counts 
the specific virusus found.  While the numbers tend to vary a bit from 
day to day the relative ratios between the various viruses found tend 
to stay the same - except for Worm.Zafi.B.  One day it will find 1100 
of them and the next day 8.  It is never consistent.  I am not seeing 
any significant number of viruses slipping through.  It seems to be 
some sort of distribution issue with that virus itself.  The others 
all seemed to come on strong at first and then die down to residual 
annoyances.  But not this one.  It keeps coming back in volume 
periodically.  Any ideas what makes this one so different from the 
perhaps this may be interesting stuff for you:
mit vorzueglichster Hochachtung/best regards,
Timo Schoeler
//macfinity -- finest IT services | Triftstrasse 39 | 13353 Berlin | 
Fon ++49 30 25 20 30 20 | Fax ++49 30 25 20 30 19
PGP data

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Clamav-users mailing list

Re: [Clamav-users] Virus Distribution

2004-09-08 Thread Timo Schöler
Thus spake Doug Hardie sometime Today...
On Sep 8, 2004, at 12:16, Timo Schöler wrote:
Doug Hardie wrote:
I have a cron job that scans the clamd.log file every day and counts 
the specific virusus found.  While the numbers tend to vary a bit 
from day to day the relative ratios between the various viruses 
found tend to stay the same - except for Worm.Zafi.B.  One day it 
will find 1100 of them and the next day 8.  It is never consistent.  
I am not seeing any significant number of viruses slipping through.  
It seems to be some sort of distribution issue with that virus 
itself.  The others all seemed to come on strong at first and then 
die down to residual annoyances.  But not this one.  It keeps coming 
back in volume periodically.  Any ideas what makes this one so 
different from the rest?
perhaps this may be interesting stuff for you:
Thanks but I would expect from that that the worm activity would tend 
to die down to a relatively constant nuisance level.  However, its not 
doing that every couple days I get another flood of them.
there may be several reasons:
i) changing network behaviour (route flaps, etc.)
ii) changing effectiveness of virus filters et al.
iii) built-in automatisms in worm/virus itself
NB: it is not always best to spread a virus/worm at the highest 
available speed (depends on number of infected hosts, bandwidth 
available to the hosts, etc.).

i'm sure i missed another point i didn't think of now ;)
mit vorzueglichster Hochachtung/best regards,
Timo Schoeler
//macfinity -- finest IT services | Triftstrasse 39 | 13353 Berlin | 
Fon ++49 30 25 20 30 20 | Fax ++49 30 25 20 30 19
PGP data

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Clamav-users mailing list

Re: AW: [Clamav-users] uncompressing/scanning Mac archives (i.e. .sit, .sitx, and .hqx)

2004-06-19 Thread Timo Schöler
after having clamav up and running for a while -- it's great! thanks 
all who develop || support it -- there's still another topic in status
'wip': how to uncompress .sit, .sitx, and .hqx files (usually
sent/received by Mac users)?

Seems that amavisd-new (an interface between MTA and virus
scanner/content filters) supports .hqx files.
I don't know about .sit and .sitx though - maybe not.
thanks for your fast reply; i didn't state it here, but i do have clamd 
running glued together with amavisd-new. afaik amavisd-new doesn't 
support native hqx expansion, furthermore it relies on external apps 
regarding unpackung archives of server types either. thus, a dedicated 
hqx (sit/sitx) would be necessary to scan those files (AFAICS)...

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Clamav-users mailing list

[Clamav-users] uncompressing/scanning Mac archives (i.e. .sit, .sitx, and .hqx)

2004-06-18 Thread Timo Schöler
Hash: SHA1
after having clamav up and running for a while -- it's great! thanks to 
all who develop || support it -- there's still another topic in status 
'wip': how to uncompress .sit, .sitx, and .hqx files (usually 
sent/received by Mac users)?

i asked google, but it doesn't get an answer :(
any hints? tia  regards,
Timo 'eCLIpser' Schöler
This life is a test.  It is only a test.  Had this been an actual life,
you would have received further instructions as to what to do and where
to go.
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