Has anyone on this group ever tried Forth?

2009-04-10 Thread CuppoJava

Hi everyone,
I was browsing through webpages and the language Forth caught my eye.
Reading through it's supposed advantages it sounded very interesting,
and I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with it, and can

I'm asking on the Clojure forum instead of the Forth forum because I
agree with the programming values that Clojure emphasizes, and would
like to hear opinions from people with similar values to myself.

I'm most interested in it's productivity aspect. (ie. how quick can I
get real work done)

Thanks for your opinions
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Re: Has anyone on this group ever tried Forth?

2009-04-10 Thread Antony Blakey

On 10/04/2009, at 4:43 PM, CuppoJava wrote:

 Hi everyone,
 I was browsing through webpages and the language Forth caught my eye.
 Reading through it's supposed advantages it sounded very interesting,
 and I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with it, and can

 I'm asking on the Clojure forum instead of the Forth forum because I
 agree with the programming values that Clojure emphasizes, and would
 like to hear opinions from people with similar values to myself.

 I'm most interested in it's productivity aspect. (ie. how quick can I
 get real work done)

If you are interested in Forth you should probably check Factor at 

Antony Blakey
CTO, Linkuistics Pty Ltd
Ph: 0438 840 787

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick  
   -- Jiddu Krishnamurti

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Re: DISCUSS: clojure.contrib.java-utils/as-str

2009-04-10 Thread Eric Tschetter

Sure enough, I get the same results

user= (defn as-str
 [ args]
 (apply str (map #(if (instance? clojure.lang.Named %) (name %) %) args)))
user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str :a)))
Elapsed time: 416.497348 msecs
user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str :a 1)))
Elapsed time: 1023.526175 msecs


(defmacro as-str3 [ args]
  (cons 'str (map #(if (instance? clojure.lang.Named %) (name %) %) args)))

runs as fast (or minusculy faster) than the original version that you posted:

user= (defn as-str2
 With no args, returns the empty string. With one arg, returns its name
 or string representation. (as-str nil) returns the empty string. With
 more than one arg, returns the concatenation of the as-str values of the
 {:tag String}
 ([] )
(if (instance? clojure.lang.Named x)
  (name x)
  (str x)))
 ([x  ys]
(let [sb (StringBuilder. #^String (as-str x))]
  (doseq [y ys]
(.append sb (as-str y)))
  (.toString sb
user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str2 :a)))
Elapsed time: 29.844296 msecs
user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str2 :a 1)))
Elapsed time: 1046.465682 msecs

user=  (defmacro as-str3 [ args]
  (cons 'str (map #(if (instance? clojure.lang.Named %) (name %) %) args)))
user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str3 :a)))
Elapsed time: 28.533794 msecs
user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str3 :a 1)))
Elapsed time: 260.311017 msecs

Which sees to indicate that apply is actually what is slow...

Sure enough, if we do

user= (defmacro apply2 [fn args] (cons fn 'args))
user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (apply2 str (map #(if (instance?
clojure.lang.Named %) (name %) %) '(:a)
Elapsed time: 28.215038 msecs
user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (apply2 str (map #(if (instance?
clojure.lang.Named %) (name %) %) '(:a 1)
Elapsed time: 262.348148 msecs

I tried a couple times to use apply2 in a defn or defmacro for as-str,
but kept on getting weird exceptions.  I'm probably just tired and
doing something wrong, so I'll just leave it at that for now...

Perhaps apply needs to be revisited?

--Eric Tschetter

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 6:49 AM, Stephen C. Gilardi squee...@mac.com wrote:

 On Apr 9, 2009, at 2:57 AM, Eric Tschetter wrote:

 Might I suggest

 (defn as-str
  ([] )
  ([ args]
   (apply str (map #(if (instance? clojure.lang.Named %) (name %) %)

 I like it for its simplicity. It can actually be a little simpler yet as the
 general case gives the same result when passed no arguments as the special
 case does:

 (defn as-str
  [ args]
  (apply str (map #(if (instance? clojure.lang.Named %) (name %) %) args)))

 This code works well, but performs much less well than the code I posted.
 Just by code inspection, we can see that it's doing a lot more work,
 invoking a lot more machinery, especially in the one-argument case.

 We can run some micro-benchmarks to get some idea how that affects its

 For a one argument case:

        ; as-str using apply
        user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str :a)))
        Elapsed time: 496.361 msecs

        ; as-str not using apply
        user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str :a)))
        Elapsed time: 22.178 msecs

 The non-apply version is 22 times as fast.

 For a two argument case:

        ; as-str using apply
        user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str :a 1)))
        Elapsed time: 1057.922 msecs

        ; as-str not using apply
        user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str :a 1)))
        Elapsed time: 317.483 msecs

 The non-apply version is 3.3 times as fast.

 From looking at this difference, my conclusion is that the version I posted
 is simple enough to be preferred over the apply version given that its
 performance, especially in the one argument case, is so much better.

 Criticisms of that conclusion:

        - These are micro-benchmarks, they tell us little about how either
 version will really perform when the processor is doing more than just
 repeating the same operation over and over.

        - This is premature optimization, there's no evidence that this
 difference will matter in practice.

        - The apply version is simple, functional, and pretty. In the long
 run that matters more than performance.

 Thoughts on the criticisms:

        micro-benchmark: that's right, although, combined with thinking about
 how the code works, it does give some indication of the performance
 difference which is not 10%, or 60%, but 2100%. This is library code that
 should run well in a large variety of circumstances. A factor of 22 in
 performance is hard to ignore in that scenario.

        premature: that's right. It's only the this is a low-level operation
 that may be used heavily in circumstances we don't yet imagine argument
 that pushes me to consider this optimization in the absence of a real
 performance test that shows it matters.

        simple: The apply version is certainly pretty. The version I posted,
 though, is also 

Suggestion - change doc string of rand-int

2009-04-10 Thread hjlee


(doc rand-int) says

  Returns a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and n (exclusive).

I think the word integer may cause some confusion, because it can be
interpreted as clojure integer - including int, long and BigInteger.

But the reality is with long or BigInteger n, rand-int does not work

How about changing doc string to clarify effective range of n?

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Re: clojure dependency management and build

2009-04-10 Thread ronen

Iv been using gant which has built in support for Ivy  Ant (for
example http://tiny.cc/tRGKB), since the build scripts are code they
make it easier to keep build scripts DRY.

On Apr 9, 9:40 pm, Bradford Cross bradford.n.cr...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 11:34 AM, Stuart Sierra

  I keep a Clojure stuff dir with the latest revisions of all the
  projects I track -- Clojure, contrib, swank, slime, etc. -- and update
  them all with a shell script that runs the various svn update and
  git pull commands.  So I always have access to the latest version of
  everything.  But I don't automatically use the latest releases in my

  Each project that I work on has a lib dir for JARs, including
  Clojure.  I manage the JARs manually, but they're part of my source
  control repository.  I update the the JARs only when some new
  functionality or bug fix that I depend on comes out.  That way I know
  that a project won't suddenly break just because I've updated to the
  latest Clojure SVN.

  I use Ant for build management, with separate build dirs for compiled
  Java code and AOT-compiled Clojure code.  Here's my build.xml:

 Cool, thanks, I will look over this stuff today.  Sounds like more or less
 what I have been doing.  What are you doing about building up the classpath
 for your projects in slime/swan? Where does the rake come into play?

  Multi-version dependency tracking is HARD.  I've never seen a system
  that does it perfectly -- Rubygems, CPAN, Maven, you name it.

 Yea, I don't imagine will solve things beautifully at first, but we should
 be able to at least streamline things a bit.

  -Stuart S

  On Apr 8, 3:31 pm, Bradford Cross bradford.n.cr...@gmail.com wrote:
    When you are building something real with Clojure and Emacs/Slime/Swank
   things can get a bit hairy with dependency management.

   I have scoured the inter-tubes in the past couple days to see what I

   I found Lancet, for builds:

   I haven't tried it yet.

   I found some people doing things with Maven:

   Creating a clojurue app with maven:


   I heard some chatter yesterday on #clojure about using Ivy with Clojure.

   So there is a flurry of activity.  Please let me know if there are other
   things that I am missing.

   What I am doing now from my emacs / slime-repl is hacking things in
   to my  swank-clojure-extra-classpaths.  This doesn't scale for working
   multiple clojure projects in emacs.

   I will probably create a script to make things a bit nicer.  But I'd like
   something fundamentally better.

   Here are the issues:

   -I download lots of little projects things from github and i want to
   them all together for my app. This means I need to build jars (some with
   ant, otehrs with maven, etc.)  and in other cases I want to depend
   on the .clj files using clojures namespace-to-dir-structure conventions.
   there are a couple different ways to build of the classpath - one for
   and one for .jar.
   -Many projects also have their own lib foler - with both jars and cljs,
  so I
   need to pick those deps up transatively.
   -The work in the Clojure community is proceeding very fast, so I'd like
   updating all the projects from git to be automated as well.

   So what is a good solution to these problems?  Perhaps it would be cool
   build some git/maven/lancet aware infrastructure to do this refreshing of
   deps, building the deps, and building up the classpath.  It may also be
   to configure .emacs to be able to load projects and rebuild the classpath
   dynamically based on lancet build files - much in the way that intelliJ
   eclipse load projects from ant .builds or maven poms.

   Is all this too much, am I missing something that already exists?
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Behaviour of clojure.core/print and clojure.core/println

2009-04-10 Thread Laurent PETIT


While trying to create a very small Hello world demonstration to a
friend, I saw that (print) and (println) are concatenating their
arguments with spaces interposed.

I thought at first (println a) was a shorter variant of (.println
*out* a) and (println a b c) of (doseq [str [a b c]]
(.println *out* str)) but it's not the case.

Maybe this could be pointed out in the docs ( that print and println
interpose a space between their arguments) ?



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Re: DISCUSS: clojure.contrib.java-utils/as-str

2009-04-10 Thread Stephen C. Gilardi

On Apr 10, 2009, at 3:55 AM, Eric Tschetter wrote:

Sure enough, I get the same results

user= (defn as-str
[ args]
(apply str (map #(if (instance? clojure.lang.Named %) (name %) %)  

user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str :a)))
Elapsed time: 416.497348 msecs
user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str :a 1)))
Elapsed time: 1023.526175 msecs

Right, I get numbers in the same ballpark on my machine.


(defmacro as-str3 [ args]
 (cons 'str (map #(if (instance? clojure.lang.Named %) (name %) %)  

runs as fast (or minusculy faster) than the original version that  
you posted:

user= (defn as-str2
With no args, returns the empty string. With one arg, returns its  

or string representation. (as-str nil) returns the empty string. With
more than one arg, returns the concatenation of the as-str values of  

{:tag String}
([] )
   (if (instance? clojure.lang.Named x)
 (name x)
 (str x)))
([x  ys]
   (let [sb (StringBuilder. #^String (as-str x))]
 (doseq [y ys]
   (.append sb (as-str y)))
 (.toString sb
user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str2 :a)))
Elapsed time: 29.844296 msecs
user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str2 :a 1)))
Elapsed time: 1046.465682 msecs

The occurrences of as-str near the bottom of the the definition of  
as-str2 should be as-str2 instead.

Also it seems to take a few repetitions of the dotimes call for the  
time to settle down and become fairly consistent. In all my timings,  
I've given what appears to be a representative run, not the first run.

With the corrected as-str2, I'm getting numbers like these on my  

user=  (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str2 :a)))
Elapsed time: 28.319 msecs
user=  (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str2 :a 1)))
Elapsed time: 325.617 msecs

user=  (defmacro as-str3 [ args]
 (cons 'str (map #(if (instance? clojure.lang.Named %) (name %) %)  

user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str3 :a)))
Elapsed time: 28.533794 msecs
user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str3 :a 1)))
Elapsed time: 260.311017 msecs

That turns out not to be the same test. The macro as-str3 gets fully  
expanded at macro expansion time. At runtime, what you're iterating is  
the expansion:

user= (as-str3 :a)
user= (macroexpand '(as-str3 :a))
(str a)

For literal arguments to as-str3 (as we've used in the micro- 
benchmark), doing the operation at macro expansion time is a win. In  
the general case, though, we need the as-str facility to evaluate its  

user= (def i :a)
user= (as-str2 i)
user= (as-str3 i)

Mapping across the arguments needs to be done at runtime (which in  
this case means it will be done a million times), not macro expansion  
time (which in this case means it will be done once).

Which seems to indicate that apply is actually what is slow...

Using apply appears to be a somewhat slower than a direct call:

user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (str a b c d)))
Elapsed time: 437.493 msecs

user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (apply str [a b c d])))
Elapsed time: 731.039 msecs

user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (apply str a b [c d])))
Elapsed time: 1061.53 msecs

user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (apply str a b c d [])))
Elapsed time: 1301.953 msecs

However, the big difference you saw was the macro difference described  


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Question about metadata on map keys

2009-04-10 Thread Stuart Sierra

On Apr 10, 12:14 am, Jason Wolfe jawo...@berkeley.edu wrote:
 Namely, if a map already contains a given key, when you attempt to
 assoc in a version of the key with new metadata this is not recorded.
 It seems that the map always retains the original key:
 Is this desired behavior?  If so, is there a better way to change the
 metadata on a key than first dissoc-ing it out and then assoc-ing it
 back in again with new metadata?

Probably this is expected, since metadata is defined not to affect
equality, and maps rely on equality semantics.  I would recommend
against storing metadata on map keys.  In general, if the metadata
matters for the value of an object, then it shouldn't be metadata.

Some alternatives: 1) put the information directly in the map values;
2) store metadata on the map values; 3) use maps as keys.

-Stuart Sierra
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Re: set-system-properties

2009-04-10 Thread Stuart Sierra

On Apr 9, 10:48 pm, Stuart Halloway stuart.hallo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yes to almost all of this (r662). I am not totally comfortable with  
 the false/false conversion.

Cool. I'm not crazy about false/false either, since it's not
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Re: Has anyone on this group ever tried Forth?

2009-04-10 Thread Martial Boniou


I confirm. Factor deserves a look: it's a genuine combination of the
Common Lisp world (homoiconic, macros, CLOS) and the Smalltalk RAD
created by mixing Self and Forth. Plus there's concurrency support and
native code compilation.
I always liked concatenative programming I discovered 15 years ago
with HP RPN calculator and PostScript (on NeXT). I think the data
first design of stack-based languages is good for XP. For altaic
languages' speakers (korean, japanese, turkish), it's near their way
to construct sentences (like Smalltalk for SVO group). Writing
R.E.P.L. is more beautiful than writing (L (P (E (R because you
don't have to look at the whole code to find out the data (near the R
here) but you start with it (you know what? before knowing how?).
(I say that but I am a bit addict to prefix ASTs by force of habit
with SBCL or Clojure.)


At Fri, 10 Apr 2009 17:05:21 +0930,
Antony Blakey wrote:
 On 10/04/2009, at 4:43 PM, CuppoJava wrote:
  Hi everyone, I was browsing through webpages and the language Forth
  caught my eye.  Reading through it's supposed advantages it sounded
  very interesting, and I was wondering if anyone here has any
  experience with it, and can comment.
  I'm asking on the Clojure forum instead of the Forth forum because I
  agree with the programming values that Clojure emphasizes, and would
  like to hear opinions from people with similar values to myself.
  I'm most interested in it's productivity aspect. (ie. how quick can
  I get real work done)
 If you are interested in Forth you should probably check Factor at
 Antony Blakey - CTO, Linkuistics Pty Ltd Ph: 0438 840 787
 It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick
-- Jiddu Krishnamurti

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Re: Question about metadata on map keys

2009-04-10 Thread Kevin Downey

I think you misunderstand, I don't think he is expecting to being able
to use :foo as a key twice with different metadata.

I think he wants something like:

(def x {[:a] 1 [:b] 2})


(meta (first (keys (assoc x (with-meta [:a] {:x 1}) 2
;(- (assoc x (with-meta [:a] {:x 1})) keys first meta)

would be {:x 1}, instead of nil

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 7:09 AM, Stuart Sierra
the.stuart.sie...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Apr 10, 12:14 am, Jason Wolfe jawo...@berkeley.edu wrote:
 Namely, if a map already contains a given key, when you attempt to
 assoc in a version of the key with new metadata this is not recorded.
 It seems that the map always retains the original key:
 Is this desired behavior?  If so, is there a better way to change the
 metadata on a key than first dissoc-ing it out and then assoc-ing it
 back in again with new metadata?

 Probably this is expected, since metadata is defined not to affect
 equality, and maps rely on equality semantics.  I would recommend
 against storing metadata on map keys.  In general, if the metadata
 matters for the value of an object, then it shouldn't be metadata.

 Some alternatives: 1) put the information directly in the map values;
 2) store metadata on the map values; 3) use maps as keys.

 -Stuart Sierra

And what is good, Phaedrus,
And what is not good—
Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?

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Re: Enlive questions

2009-04-10 Thread David Nolen
This is great.  I had thought that supporting some kind of partial template
thing would be interesting, but that's actually just my poor logic at work
It seems like with the new version of Enlive I could do something like this:

(deftemplate pageA-template path
  [[:div (attr? :tiptree:replace)]] (fn [xml-node]

(deftemplate pageB-template path
  [[:div (attr? :tiptree:replace)]] (fn [xml-node]

(def pageAPartial (pageA-template))
(def pageBPartial (pageB-template))

;; the following would work only if templates allowed passing html as
strings and not just as files

(deftemplate widgetsPageA pageAPartial
  [[:div (attr? :tiptree:widget)]] (fn [xml]

(deftemplate widgetsPageB pageBPartial
  [[:div (attr? :tiptree:widget)]] (fn [xml]

(def pageA (widgetsPageA someMap))
(def pageB (widgetsPageA someMap))

Considering the above, I'm left wondering if it's possible to further
eliminate these redundancies and make templates more reusable. I'm not sure
if this is what you had in mind for Enlive, but allowing templates to be
created without references to files would make it possible to build very,
very composable interfaces.

Of course it's quite possible that you can already do this with Enlive and
I'm just unclear about how to accomplish it.


On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 8:06 PM, Christophe Grand christo...@cgrand.netwrote:

 Hi Tom,

 I'm sorry for this misfeature and, rejoice, it's gone from the ongoing
 redesign, there's now an explicit 'content function.
 The tildes are gone too!


 Tom Hickey a écrit :
  Hi Christophe,
  I keep running into the same problem with elements getting replaced.
  I'm trying to set the content of an element with raw html (from a
  snippet) and  unable to avoid both 1) the html getting escaped and 2)
  the element getting replaced. I can avoid one or the other, via
  escaped or text, just not both.
  I'm looking forward to see what you've got planned for the redesign,
  as I'd really like to see this feature go away.
  On Mar 20, 3:59 am, Christophe Grand christo...@cgrand.net wrote:
  Phil Hagelberg a écrit :
  But I did notice you have the use test-is line commented out in the
  implementation; it seems a bit unfortunate to have to uncomment that to
  run the tests and hope you remember to re-comment it before you commit.
  The last commit was during the transition to lazy-seq and test-is was
  I'll fix that.
  On Clojure:http://clj-me.blogspot.com/(en)

 Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
 On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)


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Re: Enlive questions

2009-04-10 Thread David Nolen
Real quick thought:
(deftemplate-generator template-generator
  rule-vector transform-fn)

Would produce a template generator.

(def template-name (template-generator path-to-xml-or-file-or-xml-string))

Would produce a real template.

(apply str (template-name arg1 arg2 arg3))

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Re: Has anyone on this group ever tried Forth?

2009-04-10 Thread Rayne

Factor is a positively amazing language that I've checked out in the
past. It has virtually no step-by-step tutorial-like information to
teach you the language so you are forced to read source code and raw
documentation. While it's documented thoroughly I can't bring myself
to try to learn it to any decent extent without some kind of tutorial
or something.

On Apr 10, 4:32 am, Martial Boniou hond...@gmx.com wrote:

 I confirm. Factor deserves a look: it's a genuine combination of the
 Common Lisp world (homoiconic, macros, CLOS) and the Smalltalk RAD
 created by mixing Self and Forth. Plus there's concurrency support and
 native code compilation.
 I always liked concatenative programming I discovered 15 years ago
 with HP RPN calculator and PostScript (on NeXT). I think the data
 first design of stack-based languages is good for XP. For altaic
 languages' speakers (korean, japanese, turkish), it's near their way
 to construct sentences (like Smalltalk for SVO group). Writing
 R.E.P.L. is more beautiful than writing (L (P (E (R because you
 don't have to look at the whole code to find out the data (near the R
 here) but you start with it (you know what? before knowing how?).
 (I say that but I am a bit addict to prefix ASTs by force of habit
 with SBCL or Clojure.)


 At Fri, 10 Apr 2009 17:05:21 +0930,

 Antony Blakey wrote:

  On 10/04/2009, at 4:43 PM, CuppoJava wrote:

   Hi everyone, I was browsing through webpages and the language Forth
   caught my eye.  Reading through it's supposed advantages it sounded
   very interesting, and I was wondering if anyone here has any
   experience with it, and can comment.

   I'm asking on the Clojure forum instead of the Forth forum because I
   agree with the programming values that Clojure emphasizes, and would
   like to hear opinions from people with similar values to myself.

   I'm most interested in it's productivity aspect. (ie. how quick can
   I get real work done)

  If you are interested in Forth you should probably check Factor at

  Antony Blakey - CTO, Linkuistics Pty Ltd Ph: 0438 840 787

  It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick
     -- Jiddu Krishnamurti
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Re: Got a Clojure library?

2009-04-10 Thread Tom Faulhaber


Since cl-format/pprint has now moved into contrib, we should remove
the existing cl-format entry and replace it with this:

Name: pprint
URL :http://code.google.com/p/clojure-contrib/
Author: Tom Faulhaber
Tags: pretty printing, formatted output, Common Lisp compatibility
License: EPL
Dependencies: none (outside of contrib)

Two parts:

1) A flexible, customizable pretty printer for displaying clojure code
and data (and potentially other structured data as well).

2) A fully functional implementation of Common Lisp's crazy powerful
format function. cl-format provides a way of producing formatted
output in the lisp style in which the format string itself can
perform destructuring on the the input arguments rather than having
complex iterations and conditionals in your code to do output.


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update-in wildcards?

2009-04-10 Thread Ozzi Lee

I have a structure of nested Maps and Vectors as follows:

(def document
[{:quantity 1}
 {:quantity 2}]}
[{:quantity 3}
 {:quantity 4}]}]})

The document has a vector of sections (one, in this case), each
section has a vector of items (two, here).

I want to increment the quantity of every item in every section. The
cleanest solution I've found this far is as follows:

(defn update-item [item]
  (update-in item [:quantity] inc))

(defn update-section [section]
  (update-in section [:items] (partial map update-item)))

(update-in document [:sections]
(partial map update-section))

I'm not concerned about map turning vectors into seqs.

If update-in supported some kind of wildcard, I could write this:

 (update-in document [:sections * :items * :quantity] inc)

Where * is a wildcard, meaning any key.

Does the wildcard idea have any merit? Is there a better way to go
about this?
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Re: Question about metadata on map keys

2009-04-10 Thread Jason Wolfe

 Probably this is expected, since metadata is defined not to affect
 equality, and maps rely on equality semantics.  I would recommend
 against storing metadata on map keys.  In general, if the metadata
 matters for the value of an object, then it shouldn't be metadata.

 Some alternatives: 1) put the information directly in the map values;
 2) store metadata on the map values; 3) use maps as keys.

Thanks.  I know that maps rely on equality semantics, etc.  As Kevin
mentioned, I expect the keys with different metadata to be compared
equal, and point to the same value; my question is about replacing the
metadata on the key for a particular map entry.

In case this helps, my use case is as follows.  I'm working on search
algorithms that manage maps from keys representing reachable states to
values representing the cost of reaching those states.  When I union
two such maps, I retain the minimum value (cost) for each key (state),
associng in the new key and its (lower) cost.  Now, states have
metadata describing the path taken to reach them.  I think this is a
proper use of metadata, since two states reached by different paths
should be considered equal.  Then, after unioning some maps, I'd like
to be able to retrieve the best path associated with a state by just
reading the metadata off the key.

The only alternative I can see would be to store the path with the
cost in a second map, but this ends up being considerably less
elegant.  Any other ideas/suggestions?  Does this seem like a perverse
use of metadata to you?

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Re: Got a Clojure library?

2009-04-10 Thread Laurent PETIT

Beware there's a repetition of the this word in the definition of
cl-format :

2009/4/10 Tom Faulhaber tomfaulha...@gmail.com

 perform destructuring on the the input arguments rather than having

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Re: Has anyone on this group ever tried Forth?

2009-04-10 Thread Dave Rothlisberger

I can't speak for getting real work done, but out of academic /
enlightening-in-its-simplicity interest, I think everyone should read
Leo Brodie's Starting Forth:


On Apr 10, 2:13 am, CuppoJava patrickli_2...@hotmail.com wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I was browsing through webpages and the language Forth caught my eye.
 Reading through it's supposed advantages it sounded very interesting,
 and I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with it, and can

 I'm asking on the Clojure forum instead of the Forth forum because I
 agree with the programming values that Clojure emphasizes, and would
 like to hear opinions from people with similar values to myself.

 I'm most interested in it's productivity aspect. (ie. how quick can I
 get real work done)

 Thanks for your opinions

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Re: Got a Clojure library?

2009-04-10 Thread Rich Hickey

On Apr 10, 2:07 pm, Tom Faulhaber tomfaulha...@gmail.com wrote:

 Since cl-format/pprint has now moved into contrib, we should remove
 the existing cl-format entry and replace it with this:

 Name: pprint
 URL :http://code.google.com/p/clojure-contrib/
 Author: Tom Faulhaber
 Tags: pretty printing, formatted output, Common Lisp compatibility
 License: EPL
 Dependencies: none (outside of contrib)

 Two parts:

 1) A flexible, customizable pretty printer for displaying clojure code
 and data (and potentially other structured data as well).

 2) A fully functional implementation of Common Lisp's crazy powerful
 format function. cl-format provides a way of producing formatted
 output in the lisp style in which the format string itself can
 perform destructuring on the the input arguments rather than having
 complex iterations and conditionals in your code to do output.


Done - thanks for this contribution!


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Re: Has anyone on this group ever tried Forth?

2009-04-10 Thread Rayne

It has libraries for freakin' everything.

On Apr 10, 1:47 pm, CuppoJava patrickli_2...@hotmail.com wrote:
 Factor sounds very interesting. But I'm concerned about Slava's
 decision to run it off his own VM and write his own set of standard
 libraries. Have you guys ever run into any problems with the lack of
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Re: DISCUSS: clojure.contrib.java-utils/as-str

2009-04-10 Thread Eric Tschetter

That makes sense.

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 6:16 AM, Stephen C. Gilardi squee...@mac.com wrote:

 On Apr 10, 2009, at 3:55 AM, Eric Tschetter wrote:

 Sure enough, I get the same results

 user= (defn as-str
 [ args]
 (apply str (map #(if (instance? clojure.lang.Named %) (name %) %) args)))
 user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str :a)))
 Elapsed time: 416.497348 msecs
 user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str :a 1)))
 Elapsed time: 1023.526175 msecs

 Right, I get numbers in the same ballpark on my machine.


 (defmacro as-str3 [ args]
  (cons 'str (map #(if (instance? clojure.lang.Named %) (name %) %) args)))

 runs as fast (or minusculy faster) than the original version that you

 user= (defn as-str2
 With no args, returns the empty string. With one arg, returns its name
 or string representation. (as-str nil) returns the empty string. With
 more than one arg, returns the concatenation of the as-str values of the
 {:tag String}
 ([] )
   (if (instance? clojure.lang.Named x)
     (name x)
     (str x)))
 ([x  ys]
   (let [sb (StringBuilder. #^String (as-str x))]
     (doseq [y ys]
       (.append sb (as-str y)))
     (.toString sb
 user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str2 :a)))
 Elapsed time: 29.844296 msecs
 user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str2 :a 1)))
 Elapsed time: 1046.465682 msecs

 The occurrences of as-str near the bottom of the the definition of as-str2
 should be as-str2 instead.

 Also it seems to take a few repetitions of the dotimes call for the time
 to settle down and become fairly consistent. In all my timings, I've given
 what appears to be a representative run, not the first run.

 With the corrected as-str2, I'm getting numbers like these on my machine:

 user=  (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str2 :a)))
 Elapsed time: 28.319 msecs
 user=  (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str2 :a 1)))
 Elapsed time: 325.617 msecs

 user=  (defmacro as-str3 [ args]
  (cons 'str (map #(if (instance? clojure.lang.Named %) (name %) %) args)))
 user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str3 :a)))
 Elapsed time: 28.533794 msecs
 user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (as-str3 :a 1)))
 Elapsed time: 260.311017 msecs

 That turns out not to be the same test. The macro as-str3 gets fully
 expanded at macro expansion time. At runtime, what you're iterating is the

 user= (as-str3 :a)
 user= (macroexpand '(as-str3 :a))
 (str a)

 For literal arguments to as-str3 (as we've used in the micro-benchmark),
 doing the operation at macro expansion time is a win. In the general case,
 though, we need the as-str facility to evaluate its arguments:

 user= (def i :a)
 user= (as-str2 i)
 user= (as-str3 i)

 Mapping across the arguments needs to be done at runtime (which in this case
 means it will be done a million times), not macro expansion time (which in
 this case means it will be done once).

 Which seems to indicate that apply is actually what is slow...

 Using apply appears to be a somewhat slower than a direct call:

 user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (str a b c d)))
 Elapsed time: 437.493 msecs

 user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (apply str [a b c d])))
 Elapsed time: 731.039 msecs

 user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (apply str a b [c d])))
 Elapsed time: 1061.53 msecs

 user= (time (dotimes [i 100] (apply str a b c d [])))
 Elapsed time: 1301.953 msecs

 However, the big difference you saw was the macro difference described


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Re: Has anyone on this group ever tried Forth?

2009-04-10 Thread e
J seems cool, and, from what I understand, is a descendant of forth.  How
does Factor compare to J?

Rayne, what is it forth or Factor?

I know J has awesome documentation . . . but I still haven't taken the time
for it.  Lotta languages on the list, but I need one from that category.

I guess it's two categories, really: stack-based, and array-processing

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 10:12 PM, Rayne disciplera...@gmail.com wrote:

 It has libraries for freakin' everything.

 On Apr 10, 1:47 pm, CuppoJava patrickli_2...@hotmail.com wrote:
  Factor sounds very interesting. But I'm concerned about Slava's
  decision to run it off his own VM and write his own set of standard
  libraries. Have you guys ever run into any problems with the lack of

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Re: Question about metadata on map keys

2009-04-10 Thread Stuart Sierra

On Apr 10, 3:54 pm, Jason Wolfe jawo...@berkeley.edu wrote:
 In case this helps, my use case is as follows.  I'm working on search
 algorithms that manage maps from keys representing reachable states to
 values representing the cost of reaching those states.  When I union
 two such maps, I retain the minimum value (cost) for each key (state),
 associng in the new key and its (lower) cost.  Now, states have
 metadata describing the path taken to reach them.  I think this is a
 proper use of metadata, since two states reached by different paths
 should be considered equal.  Then, after unioning some maps, I'd like
 to be able to retrieve the best path associated with a state by just
 reading the metadata off the key.

 The only alternative I can see would be to store the path with the
 cost in a second map, but this ends up being considerably less
 elegant.  Any other ideas/suggestions?  Does this seem like a perverse
 use of metadata to you?

Not necessarily perverse, but perhaps a little twisted. :)
I'd probably do it using two maps, or one map with composite values
{:path ..., :cost ...}.

Or... the cost will be entirely dependent on the path, right?  So make
cost a function, memoize it, and you only need to store the paths.

-Stuart Sierra
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